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* And I saw another malach flying midair in Shomayim , having the eternal Besuras HaGeulah to proclaim to the ones sitting on ha 'aretz and to every goy and shevet and lashon and am , * saying in a kol gadol , "Have yirat Shomayim toward Hashem and give him kavod (note :)glory (:note ), because the hour of the Yom HaMishpat of him has come . And worship him , HaBoreh HaShomayim and HaAretz the creator of Heaven and Earth and Yam and ma 'ayanot springs , sources of mayim . [Tehillim strkjv @34:9 ] * And another malach , Sheyni (note :)a Second one (:note ), followed , saying , "NAFLAH , NAFLAH BABEL "Fallen , fallen is Babylon the Great ", Yeshayah strkjv @21:9 , who of the yayin of the ta 'avah of her zenunim has made all the goyim to drink . [Yirmeyah strkjv @51:8 ] * And another malach , Shlishi (note :)a Third one (:note ), followed them saying , in a kol gadol , "If anyone worships the Chayyah [Anti-Moshiach ] and the Etzev idol , image , PESEL , graven image , tzelem , Yeshayah strkjv @21:9 of it and receives a mark on the metsakh forehead of him or on the yad of him , * such will drink of the yayin of the Chori Af of Hashem , having been mixed undiluted in the kos (note :)cup (:note ) of his Chori Af , and such will be tormented by aish fire and gofrit sulfur before malachim hakedoshim and before the Seh Lamb , Yeshayah strkjv @53:7 . [Yeshayah strkjv @51:17 ; Yirmeyah strkjv @25:15 ; strkjv @51:7 ] * And the smoke of their torment ascends l 'Olmei Olamim , and for them there is no menuchah yomam valailah , none for the ones worshiping the Chayyah and the Etzev of it nor for anyone who receives the mark of the name of it ! [Yeshayah strkjv @34:10 ] * Here is the savlanut (note :)patient endurance (:note ) of the kedoshim , the ones being shomer over the mitzvot of Hashem , who hold fast to the [orthodox Jewish ] emunah of Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach . * And I heard a kol out of Shomayim saying , "Write : Ashrey are the Mesim , the ones dying in Adoneinu , from now on ." "Ken ," says the Ruach Hakodesh , "so that they will rest from the ma 'asim of them , for the ma 'asim of them are accompanying them ." THE KATZIR HA 'ARETZ

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