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* And he was clothed (5772 ) with a vesture dipped (5772 ) in blood : and his name is called (5743 ) The Word of God . * And the armies which were in heaven followed (5707 ) him upon white horses , clothed (5765 ) in fine linen , white and clean . * And out of his mouth goeth (5736 ) a sharp sword , that with it he should smite (5661 ) the nations : and he shall rule (5692 ) them with a rod of iron : and he treadeth (5719 ) the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God . * And he hath (5719 ) on his vesture and on his thigh a name written (5772 ), KING OF KINGS , AND LORD OF LORDS . * And I saw (5627 ) an angel standing (5761 ) in the sun ; and he cried (5656 ) with a loud voice , saying (5723 ) to all the fowls that fly (5740 ) in the midst of heaven , Come (5773 ) and gather yourselves together (5744 ) unto the supper of the great God ;

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