
rwp@Revelation:2:20 @{Thou sufferest} (\apheis\). Late vernacular present active indicative second person singular as if from a form \aphe“\ instead of the usual \aphiˆmi\ forms. {The woman Jezebel} (\tˆn gunaika Iezabel\). Symbolical name for some prominent woman in the church in Thyatira, like the infamous wife of Ahab who was guilty of whoredom and witchcraft (1Kings:16:31; strkjv@2Kings:9:22|) and who sought to drive out the worship of God from Israel. Some MSS. here (A Q 40 min.s) have \sou\ (thy wife, thy woman Ramsay makes it), but surely Aleph C P rightly reject \sou\. Otherwise she is the pastor's wife! {Which calleth herself a prophetess} (\hˆ legousa heautˆn prophˆtin\). Nominative articular participle of \leg“\ in apposition with the accusative \gunaika\ like \ho martus\ in apposition with \Antipas\ in strkjv@2:13|. \Prophˆtis\ is an old word, feminine form for \prophˆtˆs\, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Luke:2:36| (Anna), two extremes surely. See strkjv@Acts:21:9| for the daughters of Philip who prophesied. {And she teacheth and seduceth} (\kai didaskei kai planƒi\). A resolution of the participles (\didaskousa kai plan“sa\) into finite verbs (present active indicatives) as in strkjv@1:5f|. This woman was not a real prophetess, but a false one with loud claims and loose living. One is puzzled to know how such a woman had so much shrewdness and sex-appeal as to lead astray the servants of God in that church. The church tolerated the Nicolaitans and this leader whose primary object was sexual immorality (Charles) and became too much involved with her to handle the heresy.

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