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* And he laid hold on (5656 ) the dragon , that old serpent , which is (5748 ) the Devil , and Satan , and bound (5656 ) him a thousand years , * And cast (5627 ) him into the bottomless pit , and shut him up (5656 ), and set a seal (5656 ) upon him , that he should deceive (5661 ) the nations no more , till the thousand years should be fulfilled (5686 ): and after that he must (5748 ) be loosed (5683 ) a little season . * And I saw (5627 ) thrones , and they sat (5656 ) upon them , and judgment was given (5681 ) unto them : and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded (5772 ) for the witness of Jesus , and for the word of God , and which had not worshipped (5656 ) the beast , neither his image , neither had received (5627 ) his mark upon their foreheads , or in their hands ; and they lived (5656 ) and reigned (5656 ) with Christ a thousand years . * But the rest of the dead lived not again (5656 ) until the thousand years were finished (5686 ). This is the first resurrection . * Blessed and holy is he that hath (5723 ) part in the first resurrection : on such the second death hath (5719 ) no power , but they shall be (5704 ) priests of God and of Christ , and shall reign (5692 ) with him a thousand years .

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