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* And shall go out (5695 ) to deceive (5658 ) the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth , Gog and Magog , to gather them together (5629 ) to battle : the number of whom is as the sand of the sea . * And they went up (5627 ) on the breadth of the earth , and compassed the camp of the saints about (5656 ), and the beloved (5772 ) city : and fire came down (5627 ) from God out of heaven , and devoured (5627 ) them . * And the devil that deceived (5723 ) them was cast (5681 ) into the lake of fire and brimstone , where the beast and the false prophet are , and shall be tormented (5701 ) day and night for ever and ever . * And I saw (5627 ) a great white throne , and him that sat (5740 ) on it , from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away (5627 ); and there was found (5681 ) no place for them . * And I saw (5627 ) the dead , small and great , stand (5761 ) before God ; and the books were opened (5681 ): and another book was opened (5681 ), which is (5748 ) the book of life : and the dead were judged (5681 ) out of those things which were written (5772 ) in the books , according to their works . * And the sea gave up (5656 ) the dead which were in it ; and death and hell delivered up (5656 ) the dead which were in them : and they were judged (5681 ) every man according to their works . * And death and hell were cast (5681 ) into the lake of fire . This is (5748 ) the second death . * And whosoever was not found (5681 ) written (5772 ) in the book of life was cast (5681 ) into the lake of fire .

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