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* And I saw a new heaven , and a new earth ; for the former heaven and the former earth were passed away : and the sea was no more . * And I , John , saw the holy city , the New Jerusalem , descending from God , out of heaven , prepared like a bride adorned for her husband . * And I heard a great voice out of heaven , saying , Behold , the tabernacle of God is with men , and he shall pitch his tent among them , and they shall be his people , and God himself shall be among them-their God . * And he shall away wipe every tear from their eyes ; and death shall be no more , nor grief , nor crying ; nor shall there be any more pain : for the former things are passed away . * And he that sat upon the throne , said , Behold , I make all things new . And he said , Write , for these are true and faithful words . * And he said to me , It is done . I am the Alpha and the Omega , the Beginning and the End : I will give to him that is athirst , of the fountain of the water of life freely . * The conqueror shall inherit all things : and I will be to him a God , and he shall be to me my son . * But , as for the cowards , and unbelieving , and the abominable , and murderers , and prostitutes , and sorcerers , and idolaters , and all liars-their part shall be in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone , which is the second death . * And there came one of the seven angels , who had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues ; and spoke with me , saying , Come , and I will show you the bride , the Lamb 's wife . * And he brought me , in the Spirit , to a great and high mountain ; and he showed me the city , the holy Jerusalem , coming down out of heaven from God , * having the glory of God ; (its luster was like that of a precious gem , even as a jasper stone , clear as crystal ,) * having a great and high wall ; having also twelve gates , and over the gates twelve angels , and names written upon them , which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel : * on the east , three gates ; on the north , three gates ; and on the south , three gates ; and on the west , three gates . * And the wall of the city had twelve foundations ; and on them the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb . * And he that spoke with me , had a golden reed , that he might measure the city , and its gates and wall . * And the city is square , and its length is equal to its breadth : and he measured the city with the reed , twelve thousand furlongs : and its length and its breadth , and its height are equal . * And he measured its wall , one hundred and forty-four cubits , according to the measure of a man , that is , of an angel . * And the wall was built of jasper , and the city was pure gold , like refined glass . * And the foundations of the walls of the city , were adorned with every precious stone . The first foundation is jasper ; the second , sapphire ; the third , chalcedony ; the fourth , emerald ; * the fifth , sardonyx ; the sixth , sardius ; the seventh , chrysolite ; the eighth , beryl ; the ninth , topaz ; the tenth , chrysoprasus ; the eleventh , hyacinth ; and the twelfth , amethyst . * And the twelve gates were twelve pearls : each of the gates was of one pearl . And the street of the city was pure gold , like transparent glass . * And I saw no temple in it , for the Lord God Almighty , and the Lamb , are the temple of it .

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