
rwp@Revelation:22:17 @{The Spirit and the bride} (\to pneuma kai hˆ numphˆ\). The Holy Spirit, speaking through the prophets or the Spirit of prophecy (2:7; strkjv@16:4; strkjv@18:24|), joins with the bride (21:2|), the people of God, in a response to the voice of Jesus just heard. After the picture of heaven in strkjv@22:1-5| there is intense longing (19:7|) of God's people for the consummation of the marriage of the Lamb and the Bride. Songs:now "the prophets and the saints" (Swete) make a common plea to the Lord Jesus to "come" (\Erchou\, present middle imperative of \erchomai\, Come on) as he has just said twice that he would do (22:1,12|). The call for Christ is to be repeated by every hearer (\ho akou“n\) as in strkjv@1:3|. {Let him come} (\erchesth“\). Change of person and this verb applied not to Christ as just before, but to the one who wishes to greet Christ. The thirsty man is bidden to come himself before it is too late. See strkjv@5:6| for \dipsa“\, used for spiritual thirst, and in particular strkjv@John:6:35; strkjv@7:37| for one thirsting for the water of life (21:6; strkjv@22:1|). Cf. strkjv@Isaiah:55:1|. {He that will} (\ho thel“n\). Even if not yet eagerly thirsting. This one is welcome also. For this use of \thel“\ see strkjv@Phillipians:2:13|. {Let him take} (\labet“\). Second ingressive aorist active imperative of \lamban“\. In accordance with the free promise in strkjv@21:6|, "freely" (\d“rean\) here as there. This gracious and wide invitation is cheering after the gloomy picture of the doomed and the damned. The warnings against the dragon and the two beasts with all their dreadful consequences are meant to deter men from falling victims to all the devil's devices then and now. The door of mercy still stands wide open today, for the end has not yet come. The series of panoramas is over, with the consummation pictured as a reality. Now we drop back to the standpoint before we saw the visions through John's eyes. In verse 17| we hear the voice of the Spirit of God inviting all who hear and see to heed and to come and drink of the water of life freely offered by the Lamb of God.

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