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* And I saw (5627 ), and behold (5628 ) a white horse : and he that sat (5740 ) on him had (5723 ) a bow ; and a crown was given (5681 ) unto him : and he went forth (5627 ) conquering (5723 ), and to conquer (5661 ). * And when he had opened (5656 ) the second seal , I heard (5656 ) the second beast say (5723 ), Come (5736 ) and see (5720 ). * And there went out (5627 ) another horse that was red : and power was given (5681 ) to him that sat (5740 ) thereon to take (5629 ) peace from the earth , and that they should kill (5661 ) one another : and there was given (5681 ) unto him a great sword . * And when he had opened (5656 ) the third seal , I heard (5656 ) the third beast say (5723 ), Come (5736 ) and see (5720 ). And I beheld (5627 ), and lo (5628 ) a black horse ; and he that sat (5740 ) on him had (5723 ) a pair of balances in his hand . * And I heard (5656 ) a voice in the midst of the four beasts say (5723 ), A measure of wheat for a penny , and three measures of barley for a penny ; and see thou hurt (5661 ) not the oil and the wine . * And when he had opened (5656 ) the fourth seal , I heard (5656 ) the voice of the fourth beast say (5723 ), Come (5736 ) and see (5720 ). * And I looked (5627 ), and behold (5628 ) a pale horse : and his name that sat (5740 ) on him was Death , and Hell followed (5719 ) with him . And power was given (5681 ) unto them over the fourth part of the earth , to kill (5658 ) with sword , and with hunger , and with death , and with the beasts of the earth . * And when he had opened (5656 ) the fifth seal , I saw (5627 ) under the altar the souls of them that were slain (5772 ) for the word of God , and for the testimony which they held (5707 ): * And they cried (5707 ) with a loud voice , saying (5723 ), How long , O Lord , holy and true , dost thou not judge (5719 ) and avenge (5719 ) our blood on them that dwell (5723 ) on the earth ? * And white robes were given (5681 ) unto every one of them ; and it was said (5681 ) unto them , that they should rest (5672 ) yet for a little season , until their fellowservants also and their brethren , that should (5723 ) be killed (5745 ) as they were , should be fulfilled (5695 ). * And I beheld (5627 ) when he had opened (5656 ) the sixth seal , and , lo (5628 ), there was (5633 ) a great earthquake ; and the sun became (5633 ) black as sackcloth of hair , and the moon became (5633 ) as blood ;

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