
rwp@Revelation:9:20 @{Repented not} (\ou metenoˆsan\). First aorist active indicative of \metanoe“\. The two-thirds of mankind still spared did not change their creed or their conduct. {Of the works} (\ek t“n erg“n\). For this use of \ek\ after \metanoe“\ see strkjv@2:21; strkjv@9:21; strkjv@16:11|. By "works" (\erg“n\) here idolatries are meant, as the next verse shows. {That they should not worship} (\hina mˆ proskunˆsousin\). Negative purpose clause with \hina mˆ\ and the future active of \proskune“\ as in strkjv@9:5|. {Devils} (\ta daimonia\). Both in the O.T. (Deuteronomy:32:17; strkjv@Psalms:96:5; strkjv@106:37|) and in the N.T. (1Corinthians:10:21|) the worship of idols is called the worship of unclean spirits. Perhaps this is one explanation of the hideous faces given these images. "The idols" (\ta eid“la\ strkjv@1John:5:21|, from \eidos\, form, appearance) represented "demons," whether made of gold (\ta chrusƒ\) or of silver (\ta argurƒ\) or of brass (\ta chalkƒ\) or of stone (\ta lithina\) or of wood (\ta xulina\). See strkjv@Daniel:5:23| for this picture of heathen idols. The helplessness of these idols, "which can neither see nor hear nor walk" (\ha oute blepein dunantai oute akouein oute peripatein\), is often presented in the O.T. (Psalms:113:12ff.; strkjv@115:4|).

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