
rwp@Romans:13:13 @{Honestly} (\euschˆmon“s\). Paul is fond of the metaphor "walk" (\peripate“\), 33 times though not in the Pastoral Epistles. This old adverb (from \euschˆm“n\, graceful) occurs also in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:12; strkjv@1Corinthians:14:40|. The English word "honest" means honourable (Latin _honor_) and so decent. Wycliff translates strkjv@1Corinthians:12:32| by "unhonest," "honesty," "honest" for "less honourable, honour, honourable." {Not in revelling} (\mˆ k“mois\). Plural "revellings." See on ¯Galatians:5:21|. {Drunkenness} (\methais\). Plural again, "drunkennesses." See on ¯Galatians:5:21|. {In chambering} (\koitais\). Plural also. See on ¯Romans:9:10|. {Wantonness} (\aselgeiais\). Plural likewise. See on ¯2Corinthians:12:21; strkjv@Galatians:5:19|. {Not in strife and jealousy} (\mˆ eridi kai zˆl“i\). Singular here, but some MSS. have the plural like the previous words. Quarrelling and jealousy go with the other vices (Shedd).

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