
rwp@Romans:5:1 @{Being therefore justified by faith} (\dikai“thentes oun ek piste“s\). First aorist passive participle of \dikaio“\, to set right and expressing antecedent action to the verb \ech“men\. The \oun\ refers to the preceding conclusive argument (chapters 1 to 4) that this is done by faith. {Let us have peace with God} (\eirˆnˆn ech“men pros ton theon\). This is the correct text beyond a doubt, the present active subjunctive, not \echomen\ (present active indicative) of the Textus Receptus which even the American Standard Bible accepts. It is curious how perverse many real scholars have been on this word and phrase here. Godet, for instance. Vincent says that "it is difficult if not impossible to explain it." One has only to observe the force of the _tense_ to see Paul's meaning clearly. The mode is the volitive subjunctive and the present tense expresses linear action and so does not mean "make peace" as the ingressive aorist subjunctive \eirˆnˆn sch“men\ would mean. A good example of \sch“men\ occurs in strkjv@Matthew:21:38| (\sch“men tˆn klˆronomian autou\) where it means: "Let us get hold of his inheritance." Here \eirˆnˆn ech“men\ can only mean: "Let us enjoy peace with God" or "Let us retain peace with God." We have in strkjv@Acts:9:31| \eichen eirˆnˆn\ (imperfect and so linear), the church "enjoyed peace," not "made peace." The preceding justification (\dikai“thentes\) "made peace with God." Observe \pros\ (face to face) with \ton theon\ and \dia\ (intermediate agent) with \tou kuriou\.

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