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ylt @Romans:5:12 @because of this , even as through one man the sin did enter into the world , and through the sin the death ; and thus to all men the death did pass through , for that all did sin ; ylt @Romans:5:13 @for till law sin was in the world : and sin is not reckoned when there is not law ; ylt @Romans:5:14 @but the death did reign from Adam till Moses , even upon those not having sinned in the likeness of Adam 's transgression , who is a type of him who is coming . ylt @Romans:5:15 @But , not as the offence so also [is ] the free gift ; for if by the offence of the one the many did die , much more did the grace of God , and the free gift in grace of the one man Jesus Christ , abound to the many ; ylt @Romans:5:16 @and not as through one who did sin [is ] the free gift , for the judgment indeed [is ] of one to condemnation , but the gift [is ] of many offences to a declaration of 'Righteous ,' ylt @Romans:5:17 @for if by the offence of the one the death did reign through the one , much more those , who the abundance of the grace and of the free gift of the righteousness are receiving , in life shall reign through the one -- Jesus Christ . ylt @Romans:5:18 @So , then , as through one offence to all men [it is ] to condemnation , so also through one declaration of 'Righteous ' [it is ] to all men to justification of life ; ylt @Romans:5:19 @for as through the disobedience of the one man , the many were constituted sinners : so also through the obedience of the one , shall the many be constituted righteous . ylt @Romans:5:20 @And law came in , that the offence might abound , and where the sin did abound , the grace did overabound , ylt @Romans:5:21 @that even as the sin did reign in the death , so also the grace may reign , through righteousness , to life age-during , through Jesus Christ our Lord .

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