
rwp@Romans:8:3 @{That the law could not do} (\to adunaton tou nomou\). Literally, "the impossibility of the law" as shown in strkjv@7:7-24|, either nominative absolute or accusative of general reference. No syntactical connection with the rest of the sentence. {In that} (\en h“i\). "Wherein." {It was weak} (\ˆsthenei\). Imperfect active, continued weak as already shown. {In the likeness of sinful flesh} (\en homoi“mati sarkos hamartias\). For "likeness" see strkjv@Phillipians:2:7|, a real man, but more than man for God's "own Son." Two genitives "of flesh of sin" (marked by sin), that is the flesh of man is, but not the flesh of Jesus. {And for sin} (\kai peri hamartias\). Condensed phrase, God sent his Son also concerning sin (our sin). {Condemned sin in the flesh} (\katekrine tˆn hamartian en tˆi sarki\). First aorist active indicative of \katakrin“\. He condemned the sin of men and the condemnation took place in the flesh of Jesus. If the article \tˆn\ had been repeated before \en tˆi sarki\ Paul would have affirmed sin in the flesh of Jesus, but he carefully avoided that (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 784).

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