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* I AM speaking the truth in Christ ; I am saying nothing false ; my conscience bears witness with me in the Holy Spirit * that I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart . * For I could wish myself to be accursed and cast away from Christ for the sake of my brethren , my kinsmen according to the flesh , * who are Israelites , whose is the sonship and the glory and the covenants and the reception of the law and the worship and the promises ; * whose are the fathers and from whom by physical descent the Christ came . God who is over all be blessed through the ages ! Amen . * Not that God 's word has failed . For not all who are of Israel are Israel ; * nor because they are descendants of Abraham are they all children ; but "through Isaac shall your descendants be named ." * That is , not the physical descendants are children , but the children of the promise are counted for descendants . * For the wording of the promise was , "At this time next year I will come and Sarah shall have a son ." * And not only so , but when Rebecca was about to bear children to our father Isaac , * though the same man was father of both children and they were not yet born and had done nothing good or bad , in order that the purpose of God according to his choice might stand , not according to their works , but according to his call , * it was said to her , "The older shall serve the younger ." * In the same way it is written , "Jacob I loved , but Esau I hated ." * What shall we say then ? Is there unrighteousness on God 's part ? Never . * For he says to Moses , "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion ." * So then it is not a question of the man who wills or who runs , but of God who shows mercy . * For the Scripture says to Pharaoh , "For this very purpose I raised you up in order to show my power upon you and to have my name proclaimed in all the earth ." * So then he has mercy on whom he chooses and he hardens whom he chooses . * You will say to me then , "Why does he still find fault ? For who has opposed his will ?" * But who are you , O man , who are answering back to God ? Does the thing that is moulded say to the moulder , "Why have you made me so ?" * Has not the potter the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for honor and another for dishonor ? * What if God , choosing to exhibit his wrath and to make known what he can do , bore in long patience the vessels of wrath made for destruction , * and in order to make known the richness of his glory upon the vessels of mercy which he had prepared for glory * called us not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles ? * As also he says in Hosea , "Those who are not my people I will call my people , and her who has not been beloved I will call beloved , * and in the place where it was said to them , 'You are not my people ,' there they shall be called sons of the living God ." * Isaiah cried aloud regarding Israel , "Though the number of the sons of Israel is as the sand of the sea , only a remnant will be saved . * For the Lord will execute his sentence on the earth completely and speedily ." * Even as Isaiah predicted , "Unless the Lord of armies had left us some descendants , we should have become like Sodom and should have been made to resemble Gomorrah ."

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