
Dict: all - Mar


MARAH @ (bitter)- kjv@Exodus:15:23

MARBLE @ kjv@1Chronicles:29:2; kjv@Esther:1:6; kjv@Revelation:18:12

MARESHAH @ a city of Judah- kjv@Joshua:15:44; kjv@2Chronicles:11:8; kjv@2Chronicles:14:9; kjv@2Chronicles:20:37

MARINERS @ kjv@1Kings:9:27; kjv@1Kings:22:49; kjv@Psalms:107:23; kjv@Isaiah:42:10; kjv@Ezekiel:27:29; kjv@Jonah:1:5

MARKETPLACES @ kjv@Matthew:20:3; kjv@Matthew:23:7; kjv@Mark:7:4; kjv@Luke:7:32; kjv@Acts:16:19; kjv@Acts:17:17

MARK, JOHN @ (Marcus) son of Mary, "The Young Man who Recovered himself"- kjv@Acts:12:12,25; kjv@Acts:13:5,13; kjv@Acts:15:37; kjv@Colossians:4:10; kjv@2Timothy:4:11; kjv@Philemon:1:24; kjv@1Peter:5:13
- Facts Concerning Had Godly Mother- kjv@Acts:12:12 Related to Barnabas- kjv@Colossians:4:10 Helper of Paul and Barnabas- kjv@Acts:12:25 Early years apparently vacillating- kjv@Acts:13:13; kjv@Acts:15:38 Later years became a faithful co-worker with Paul- kjv@Colossians:4:10; kjv@2Timothy:4:11 Companion of Peter- kjv@1Peter:5:13


(1) Commended. SEE Home, HOME

(2) Obligations of. SEE Home, HOME

(3) Of the Israelites with the Heathen Forbidden- kjv@Genesis:24:3; kjv@Genesis:28:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3; kjv@Joshua:23:12; kjv@Ezra:9:12; kjv@Nehemiah:13:25 Separation


(4) Figurative of God's Union with the Church- kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Isaiah:62:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Hosea:2:19; kjv@Matthew:22:2; kjv@Matthew:25:10; kjv@Revelation:19:7 Bride, CHURCH, THE Christ, Bridegroom, CHURCH, THE

(5) Of the Kinsman's Widow- kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5; kjv@Ruth:3:9; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Matthew:22:24

MARTHA OF BETHANY @ sister of Lazarus and Mary- kjv@Luke:10:40; kjv@John:11:1,20,39; kjv@John:12:2 - "The Worried Housekeeper" Characteristics of - Hospitality- kjv@Luke:10:38 - Energy- kjv@Luke:10:40; kjv@John:11:20 - Anxious care- kjv@Luke:10:40 - Spiritual Knowledge- kjv@John:11:24 - Faith- kjv@John:11:27 Notable Women, WOMEN

MARY @ (a) Mother of Jesus, General References to- kjv@Matthew:1:16; kjv@Luke:1:27,38,46,56; kjv@Luke:2:5,16,19,34; kjv@Matthew:2:11 kjv@Luke:2:43,48; kjv@Matthew:12:46; kjv@Matthew:13:55; kjv@John:2:1,5,12; kjv@John:19:25 - Characteristics of - Submission- kjv@Luke:1:38 - Faith and piety- Luke:1:46-55 - Spiritual mindedness- kjv@Luke:2:51 - Maternal confidence- John:2:3-5 - Maternal love- kjv@John:19:25 Notable Women, WOMEN (b) Magdalene- kjv@Matthew:27:56; kjv@Matthew:28:1; kjv@Mark:15:47; kjv@Mark:16:9; kjv@Luke:8:2; kjv@John:20:18 - Life Summarized Recipient of a great salvation- kjv@Luke:8:2 Showed her gratitude By ministering to Christ- Mark:15:40-41 By her presence at the cross- kjv@John:19:25 By her presence at the sepulchre- kjv@Matthew:27:61; kjv@Matthew:28:1 Was the first person to whom Christ appeared after his resurrection- kjv@Mark:16:9 Given a wonderful revelation- John:20:11-18 (c) Of Bethany- kjv@Luke:10:39; kjv@John:11:1,20,32; kjv@John:12:3 "The Women Immortalized by Christ" Characteristics of - Spiritual Receptivity- kjv@Luke:10:39 - Spiritual Insight- kjv@Luke:10:42 - Quiet Resignation- kjv@John:11:20 - Three times at Christ's feet for Instruction- kjv@Luke:10:39 for Comfort- kjv@John:11:32 for Service- kjv@John:12:3 (d) Mother of James- kjv@Mark:15:40,47; kjv@Mark:16:1; kjv@Luke:24:10 (e) Mother of Mark- kjv@Acts:12:12; kjv@Colossians:4:10 (f) A Roman disciple- kjv@Romans:16:6


MARA - M>@ - (sad, bitter), the name which Naomi adopted in the exclamation forced from her by the recognition of her fellow citizens at Bethlehem. kjv@Ruth:1:20)

MARAH - M>@ - (bitterness), a place which lay in the wilderness of Shur or Etham, three days journey distant, kjv@Exodus:15:23; kjv@Numbers:33:8) from the place at which the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, and where was a spring of bitter water, sweetened subsequently by the casting in of a tree which "the Lord showed" to Moses. Howarah , distant 16 1/2 hours (47 miles) from Ayoun Mousa , the Israelites’ first encampment, has been by many identified with it, apparently because it is the bitterest water in the neighborhood.

MARALAH - M>@ - (trembling) one of the land marks on the boundary of the tribe of Zebulun. kjv@Joshua:19:11)

MARANATHA - M>@ - an Aramaic or Syriac expression used by St. Paul at the conclusion of his first Epistle to the Corinthians, ch. ( kjv@1Corinthians:16:22) signifying "our Lord cometh."

MARBLE - M>@ - The Hebrew shesh , the generic term for marble, may probably be taken to mean almost any shining stone. The so-called marble of Solomon’s architectural works may thus have been limestone. There can be no doubt that Herod both in the temple and elsewhere employed Parian or other marble. The marble pillars and tesserae of various colors of the palace at Susa came doubtless from Persia. kjv@Esther:1:8)


MARCUS - M>@ - the evangelist Mark. kjv@Colossians:4:10); Phle kjv@1:24; 1Pet 5:13 MARK

MARESHAH, OR MARESHAH - M>@ - (crest of a hill), one of the cities of Judah in the low country. kjv@Joshua:15:44) It was one of the cities fortified and garrisoned by Rehoboam after the rupture with the northern kingdom. ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:8) Near it was fought the great battle between Asa and Zerah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:14:9-12) It is mentioned once or twice in the history of the Maccabaean war of independence. 2 Macc. 12:35. About 110 B.C. it was taken from the Idumaeans by John Hyrcanus. It was in ruins in the fourth century, when Eusebius and Jerome describe it as in the second mile from Eleutheropolis. South-southwest of Beitjibrin
in all probability Eleutheropolis-and it little over a Roman mile therefrom is a site called Marash , which is possibly the representative of the ancient Mareshah.

MARK - M>@ - one of the evangelists, and probable author of the Gospel bearing his name. (Marcus was his Latin surname. His Jewish name was John, which is the same as Johanan (the grace of God). We can almost trace the steps whereby the former became his prevalent name in the Church. "John, whose surname was Mark" in kjv@Acts:12:12 kjv@Acts:12:25 kjv@Acts:15:37) becomes "John" alone in kjv@Acts:13:5 kjv@Acts:13:13) "Mark" in kjv@Acts:15:39) and thenceforward there is no change. kjv@Colossians:4:10); Phlm kjv@1:24; 2Timothy:4:11 The evangelist was the son of a certain Mary, a Jewish matron of some position who dwelt in Jerusalem, kjv@Acts:12:12) and was probably born of a Hellenistic family in that city. Of his father we know nothing; but we do know that the future evangelist was cousin of Barnabas of Cyprus, the great friend of St. Paul. His mother would seem to have been intimately acquainted with St. Peter, and it was to her house, as to a familiar home, that the apostle repaired, A.D. 44, after his deliverance from prison kjv@Acts:12:12) This fact accounts for St. Mark’s intimate acquaintance with that apostle, to whom also he probably owed his conversion, for St. Peter calls him his son. ( kjv@1Peter:5:13) We hear Of him for the first time in kjv@Acts:15:25 where we find him accompanying and Barnabas on their return from Jerusalem to Antioch, A.D. 45. He next comes before us on the occasion of the earliest missionary journey of the same apostles, A.D. 48, when he joined them as their "minister." kjv@Acts:13:8) With them he visited Cyprus; but at Perga in Pamphylia, kjv@Acts:13:13) when they were about to enter upon the more arduous part of their mission, he left them, and, for some unexplained reason, returned to Jerusalem to his mother and his home. Notwithstanding this, we find him at Paul’s side during that apostle’s first imprisonment at Rome, A.D. 61-63, and he Is acknowledged by him as one of his few fellow laborers who had been a "comfort" to him during the weary hours of his imprisonment. kjv@Colossians:4:10-11); Phle 1:24 We next have traces of him in ( kjv@1Peter:5:13) "The church that is in Babylon ... saluteth you, and so doth Marcus my son." From this we infer that he joined his spiritual father, the great friend of his mother, at Babylon, then and for same hundred years afterward one of the chief seats of Jewish culture. From Babylon he would seem to have returned to Asia Minor; for during his second imprisonment A.D. 68 St. Paul, writing to Timothy charges him to bring Mark with him to me, on the ground that he was "profitable to him For the ministry." ( kjv@2Timothy:4:11) From this point we gain no further information from the New Testament respecting the evangelist. It is most probable, however that he did join the apostle at Rome whither also St. Peter would seem to have proceeded, and suffered martyrdom with St. Paul. After the death of these two great pillars of the Church; ecclesiastical tradition affirms that St. Mark visited Egypt, founded the church of Alexandria, and died by martyrdom.
Condensed from Cambridge Bible for Schools.

MARK, GOSPEL OF - M>@ - By whom written.
The author of this Gospel has been universally believed to be Mark or Marcus, designated in kjv@Acts:12:12 kjv@Acts:12:25 kjv@Acts:15:37) as John Mark, and in ch. 5,13 as John. When is was written.
Upon this point nothing absolutely certain can be affirmed, and the Gospel itself affords us no information. The most direct testimony is that of Irenaeus, who says it was after the death of the apostles Peter and Paul. We may conclude, therefore, that this Gospel was not written before A.D. 63. Again we may as certainly conclude that it was not written after the destruction of Jerusalem, for it is not likely that he would have omitted to record so remarkable a fulfillment of our Lord’s predictions. Hence A.D. 63-70 becomes our limit, but nearer than this we cannot go.
Farrar. Where it was written .
As to the place, the weight of testimony is uniformly in favor of the belief that the Gospel was written and published at Rome. In this Clement, Eusebius, Jerome, Epiphanius, all agree. Chrysostom, indeed, asserts that it was published at Alexandria; but his statement receives no confirmation, as otherwise it could not fail to have done, from any Alexandrine writer.
Farrar. In what language.
As to the language in which it was written, there never has been any reasonable doubt that it was written in Greek. Sources of information .
Mark was not one of the twelve; and there is no reason to believe that he was an eye and ear witness of the events which he has recorded but an almost unanimous testimony of the early fathers indicates Peter as the source of his information. The most important of these testimonies is that of Papias, who says, "He, the Presbyter (John), said, Mark, being the Interpreter of Peter, wrote exactly whatever he remembered but he did not write in order the things which were spoken or done by Christ. For he was neither a hearer nor a follower of the Lord, but, as I said, afterward followed Peter, who made his discourses to suit what was required, without the view of giving a connected digest of the discourses of our Lord. Mark, therefore, made no mistakes when he wrote down circumstances as he recollected them; for he was very careful of one thing, to omit nothing of what he heard, and to say nothing false in what he related." Thus Papias writes of Mark. This testimony is confirmed by other witnesses.
Abbott. For whom it was written.
The traditional statement is that it was intended primarily for Gentiles, and especially for those at Rome. A review of the Gospel itself confirms this view. Characteristics .

(1) Mark’s Gospel is occupied almost entirely with the ministry in Galilee and the events of the passion week. It is the shortest of the four Gospels, and contains almost no incident or teaching which is not contained in one of the other two synoptists; but

(2) it is by far the most vivid and dramatic in its narratives, and their pictorial character indicates not only that they were derived from an eye and ear witness, but also from one who possessed the observation and the graphic artistic power of a natural orator such as Peter emphatically was.

(3) One peculiarity strikes us the moment we open it,
the absence of any genealogy of our Lord. This is the key to much that follows. It is not the design of the evangelist to present our Lord to us, like St. Matthew as the Messiah, "the son of David and Abraham," ch. kjv@1:1, or, like St. Luke, as the universal Redeemer, "the son of Adam, which was the son of God." ch. kjv@3:38.

(4) His design is to present him to us as the incarnate and wonder-working Son of God, living and acting among men; to portray him in the fullness of his living energy.
Cambridge Bible for Schools.

MARKETPLACES - M>@ - kjv@Matthew:20:3; kjv@Mark:12:38; kjv@Luke:7:35; kjv@Acts:16:19) (any open place of public resort in cities or towns where public trials and assemblies were held and goods were exposed for sale. "The market-places or bazaars of the East were, and are at this day, the constant resort of unoccupied people, the idle, the news-mongers."
Hackett s Ill. S.S.

MARKET OF APPIUS - M>@ - kjv@Acts:28:15) In the Revised Version for Appii Forum of the Authorized Version, which see.

MAROTH - M>@ - (bitterness), one of the towns of the western lowland of Judah. kjv@Micah:1:12)

MARRIAGE - M>@ - Its origin and history .
The institution of marriage dates from the time of man’s original creation. kjv@Genesis:2:18-25) From kjv@Genesis:2:24) we may evolve the following principles:

(1) The unity of man and wife, as implied in her being formed out of man.

(2) The indissolubleness of the marriage bond, except on; the strongest grounds, Comp. kjv@Matthew:19:9)

(3) Monogamy, as the original law of marriage

(4) The social equality of man and wife.

(5) The subordination of the wife to the husband. ( kjv@1Corinthians:11:8-9; kjv@1Timothy:2:13)

(6) The respective duties of man and wife. In the patriarchal age polygamy prevailed, kjv@Genesis:16:4 kjv@Genesis:25:1 kjv@Genesis:25:8 kjv@Genesis:28:9 ; 29:23,26; kjv@1Chronicles:7:14) but to a great extent divested of the degradation which in modern times attaches to that practice. Divorce also prevailed in the patriarchal age, though but one instance of it is recorded. kjv@Genesis:21:14) The Mosaic law discouraged polygamy, restricted divorce, and aimed to enforce purity of life. It was the best civil law possible at the time, and sought to bring the people up to the pure standard of the moral law. In the Post
- Babylonian period monogamy appears to have become more prevalent than at any previous time. The practice of polygamy nevertheless still existed; Herod the Great had no less than nine wives at one time. The abuse of divorce continued unabated. Our Lord and his apostles re-established the integrity and sanctity of the marriage bond by the following measures: (a) By the confirmation of the original charter of marriage as the basis on which all regulations were to be framed. kjv@Matthew:19:4-5) (b) By the restriction of divorce to the case of fornication, and the prohibition of remarriage in all persons divorced on improper grounds. kjv@Matthew:5:32 kjv@Matthew:19:9; kjv@Romans:7:3; kjv@1Corinthians:7:10-11) (c) By the enforcement of moral purity generally kjv@Hebrews:13:4) etc., and especial formal condemnation of fornication. kjv@Acts:15:20) The conditions of legal marriage .
In the Hebrew commonwealth marriage was prohibited (a) between an Israelite and a non
- Israelite. There were three grades of prohibition: total in regard to the Canaanites on either side; total on the side of the males in regard to the Ammonites and Moabites; and temporary on the side of the males in regard to the Edomites and Egyptians, marriages with females in the two latter instances being regarded as legal. The progeny of illegal marriages between Israelites and non
- Israelites was described as "bastard." (23:2) (b) between an Israelite and one of his own community. The regulations relative to marriage between Israelites and Israelites were based on considerations of relationship. The most important passage relating to these is contained in kjv@Leviticus:18:6-18) wherein we have in the first place a general prohibition against marriage between a man and the "flesh of his flesh," and in the second place special prohibitions against marriage with a mother, stepmother, sister or half-sister, whether "born at home or abroad," granddaughter, aunt, whether by consanguinity on either side or by marriage on the father’s side, daughter in-law, brother’s wife, stepdaughter, wife’s mother, stepgranddaughter, or wife’s sister during the lifetime of the wife. An exception is subsequently made, (26:5-9) in favor of marriage with a brother’s wife in the event of his having died childless. The law which regulates this has been named the "levirate," from the Latin levir , "brother-in-law." The modes by which marriage was effected .
The choice of the bride devolved not on the bridegroom himself, but on his relations or on a friend deputed by the bridegroom for this purpose. The consent of the maiden was sometimes asked kjv@Genesis:24:58) but this appears to have been subordinate to the previous consent of the father and the adult brothers. kjv@Genesis:24:51 kjv@Genesis:34:11) Occasionally the whole business of selecting the wife was left in the hands of a friend. The selection of the bride was followed by the espousal, which was a formal proceeding undertaken by a friend or legal representative on the part of the bridegroom and by the parents on the part of the bride; it was confirmed by oaths, and accompanied with presents to the bride. The act of betrothal was celebrated by a feast, and among the more modern Jews it is the custom in some parts for the bride. groom to place a ring on the bride’s finger. The ring was regarded among the Hebrews as a token of fidelity kjv@Genesis:41:42) and of adoption into a family. kjv@Luke:15:25) Between the betrothal sad the marriage so interval elapsed, varying from a few days in the patriarchal age, kjv@Genesis:24:55) to a full year for virgins and a month for widows in later times. During this period the bride-elect lived with her friends, and all communication between herself and her future husband was carried on through the medium of a friend deputed for the purpose, termed the "friend of the bridegroom." kjv@John:3:29) She was now virtually regarded as the wife of her future husband; hence faithlessness on her part was punishable with death, (22:23-24) the husband having, however, the option of "putting her away." (24:1; kjv@Matthew:1:19) The essence of the marriage ceremony consisted in the removal of the bride from her father’s house to that of the bridegroom or his father. The bridegroom prepared himself for the occasion by putting on a festive dress, and especially by placing on his head a handsome nuptial turban. kjv@Psalms:45:8; Solomon kjv@4:10-11) The bride was veiled. Her robes were white, kjv@Revelation:19:8) and sometimes embroidered with gold thread, kjv@Psalms:45:13-14) and covered with perfumes! kjv@Psalms:45:8) she was further decked out with jewels. kjv@Isaiah:49:18 kjv@Isaiah:61:10; kjv@Revelation:21:2) When the fixed hour arrived, which was, generally late in the evening, the bridegroom set forth from his house, attended by his groomsmen (Authorized Version "companions," kjv@Judges:14:11) "children of the bride-chamber," kjv@Matthew:9:15) preceded by a band of musicians or singers, kjv@Genesis:31:27; kjv@Jeremiah:7:34 kjv@Jeremiah:16:9) and accompanied by persons hearing flambeaux, kjv@Jeremiah:25:10) 2 Esdr. 10:2; kjv@Matthew:25:7; kjv@Revelation:18:23) and took the bride with the friends to his own house. At the house a feast was prepared, to which all the friends and neighbors were invited, kjv@Genesis:29:22; kjv@Matthew:22:1-10; kjv@Luke:14:8; kjv@John:2:2) and the festivities were protracted for seven or even fourteen days. kjv@Judges:14:12; kjv@Job:8:19) The guests were provided by the host with fitting robes, kjv@Matthew:22:11) and the feast was enlivened with riddles, kjv@Judges:14:12) and other amusements. The last act in the ceremonial was the conducting of the bride to the bridal chamber, kjv@Judges:15:1; kjv@Joel:2:16) where a canopy was prepared. kjv@Psalms:19:5; kjv@Joel:2:16) The bride was still completely veiled, so that the deception practiced on Jacob, kjv@Genesis:29:23) was not difficult. A newly married man was exempt from military service, or from any public business which might draw him away from his home, for the space of a year, (24:5) a similar privilege was granted to him who was ’betrothed. (20:7) The social and domestic conditions of married life .
The wife must have exercised an important influence in her own home. She appears to have taken her part in family affairs, and even to have enjoyed a considerable amount of independence. kjv@Judges:4:18; kjv@1Samuel:25:14; kjv@2Kings:4:8) etc. In the New Testament the mutual relations of husband and wife are a subject of frequent exhortation. kjv@Ephesians:5:22-33; kjv@Colossians:3:18-19; kjv@Titus:2:4-5; kjv@1Peter:3:1-7) The duties of the wife in the Hebrew household were multifarious; in addition to the general superintendence of the domestic arrangements, such as cooking, from which even women of rank were not exempt. kjv@Genesis:18:8; 2 Samuel 13:5) and the distribution of food at meal times, kjv@Proverbs:31:13) the manufacture of the clothing and of the various fabrics required in her home devolved upon her, kjv@Proverbs:31:13 kjv@Proverbs:31:21-22) and if she were a model of activity and skill, she produced a surplus of fine linen shirts and girdles, which she sold and so, like a well-freighted merchant ship, brought in wealth to her husband from afar. kjv@Proverbs:31:14 kjv@Proverbs:31:24) The legal rights of the wife are noticed in kjv@Exodus:21:10) under the three heads of food, raiment, and duty of marriage or conjugal right. The allegorical and typical allusions to marriage have exclusive reference to one object, viz., to exhibit the spiritual relationship between God and his people. In the Old Testament kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Hosea:2:19) In the New Testament the image of the bridegroom is transferred from Jehovah to Christ, kjv@Matthew:9:15; kjv@John:3:29) and that of the bride to the Church, ( kjv@2Corinthians:11:2; kjv@Revelation:19:7 kjv@Revelation:21:2 kjv@Revelation:21:9)

MARS HILL - M>@ - the hill of Mars or Ares, better known by the name of Areopagus, of which hill of Mars or Ares is a translation. The Areopagus was a rocky height in Athens, opposite the western end of the Acropolis. It rises gradually from the northern end, and terminates abruptly on the south, over against the Acropolis, at which point it is about fifty or sixty feet above the valley. The spot is memorable as the place of meeting of the Council of Areopagus. This body existed as a criminal tribunal before the time of Solon, and was the most ancient and venerable of all the Athenian courts. It consisted of all persons who had held the office of archon, and who were members of the council for life unless expelled for misconduct. Before the time of Solon the court tried only cases of willful murder, wounding, poison, and arson: but he gave it extensive powers of a censorial and political nature. The council continued to exist even under the Roman emperors. Its meetings were held on the southeastern summit of the rock. The Areopagus possesses peculiar interest to the Christian as the spot from which St. Paul delivered his memorable address to the men of Athens. kjv@Acts:17:22-31) St. Paul "disputed daily" in the "market" or agora, kjv@Acts:17:17) which was situated south of the Areopagus in the valley lying between this and the hills of the Acropolis, the Pnyx and the Museum. Attracting more and more attention, "certain philosophers of the Epicureans and Stoics" brought him up from the valley, probably by the stone steps, to the Areopagus above, that they might listen to him more conveniently.

MARSENA - M>@ - (worthy), one of the seven of Persia, "wise men which knew the times," which saw the king’s face and sat first in the kingdom. kjv@Esther:1:14)

MARTHA - M>@ - (a lady), the sister of Lazarus and Mary. LAZARUS The facts recorded in Luke:10 and John:11 indicate a character devout after the customary Jewish type of devotion, sharing in Messianic hopes and accepting Jesus as the Christ. When she first comes before us, kjv@Luke:10:38) her spirit is "cumbered with much serving," is "careful and troubled about many things." Her love, though imperfect in its form, is yet recognized as true, and she has the distinction of being one whom Jesus loved. kjv@John:11:5) Her position is obviously that of the elder sister the head and manager of the household. In the supper at Bethany kjv@John:12:2) the old character shows itself still, but it has been freed from evil. She is no longer "cumbered," no longer impatient. Activity has been calmed by trust.

MARY - M>@ - (a tear) of Cle’ophas. So in Authorized Version, but accurately "of Clopas," i.e. the wife of Clopas (or Alphaeus). She is brought before us for the first time on the day of the crucifixion, standing by the cross. kjv@John:19:25) In the evening of the same day we find her sitting desolate at the tomb with Mary Magdalene, kjv@Matthew:27:61; kjv@Mark:15:47) and at the dawn of Easter morning she was again there with sweet spices, which she had prepared on the Friday night, kjv@Matthew:28:1; kjv@Mark:16:1; kjv@Luke:23:56) and was one of those who had "a vision of angels, which said that he was alive." kjv@Luke:24:23) She had four sons and at least three daughters. The names of the daughters are unknown to us; those of the sons are, James, Joses, Jude and Simon, two of whom became enrolled among the twelve apostles JAMES THE LESS, and a third SIMON may have succeeded his brother ill charge of the church of Jerusalem. By many she is thought to have been the sister of the Virgin Mary.

MARY MAGDALENE - M>@ - Different explanations have been given of this name; but the most natural is that she came from the town of Magdala. She appears before us for the first time in kjv@Luke:8:2) among the women who "ministered unto him of their substance." All appear to have occupied a position of comparative wealth. With all the chief motive was that of gratitude for their deliverance from "evil spirits and infirmities." Of Mary it is said specially that "seven devils went out of her," and the number indicates a possession of more than ordinary malignity. She was present during the closing hours of the agony on the cross. kjv@John:19:25) She remained by the cross till all was over, and waited till the body was taken down and placed in the garden sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathaea, kjv@Matthew:27:61; kjv@Mark:15:47; kjv@Luke:23:55) when she, with Salome and Mary the mother of James, "bought sweet spices that they might come and anoint" the body. kjv@Mark:16:1) The next morning accordingly. in the earliest dawn, kjv@Matthew:28:1; kjv@Mark:16:2) they came with Mary the mother of James to the sepulchre. Mary Magdalene had been to the tomb and had found it empty, and had seen the "vision of angels." kjv@Matthew:28:5; kjv@Mark:16:6) To her first of all Jesus appeared after his resurrection. kjv@John:20:14-15) Mary Magdalene has become the type of a class of repentant sinners; but there is no authority for identifying her with the "sinner" who anointed the feet of Jesus in kjv@Luke:7:36-50) neither is there any authority for the supposition that Mary Magdalene is the same as the sister of Lazarus. Neither of these theories has the slightest foundation in fact.

MARY, MOTHER OF MARK - M>@ - kjv@Colossians:4:10) was sister to Barnabas. kjv@Acts:4:36 kjv@Acts:12:15) She was among the earliest disciples, and lived at Jerusalem. She gave up her house to be used as one of the chief places of meeting. The fact that Peter went to that house on his release from prison indicates that there was some special intimacy, kjv@Acts:12:12) between them. (There is a tradition that the place of meeting of the disciples, and hence Mary’s house, was on the upper slope of Zion, and that it was here that the Holy Ghost came upon the disciples with tongues of flame on the day of Pentecost.

MARY, SISTER OF LAZARUS - M>@ - She and her sister Martha appear in kjv@Luke:10:40) as receiving Christ in their house. Mary sat listening eagerly for every word that fell from the divine Teacher. She had chosen that good part, the "one thing needful." The same character shows itself in the history of kjv@John:11:1) ... Her grief was deeper, but less active. Her first thought, when she saw the Teacher in whose power and love she that trusted, was one of complaint. But the great joy and love which her brother’s return to life called up in her poured themselves out in larger measure than had been seen before. The treasured alabaster box of ointment was brought forth at the final feast of Bethany. kjv@John:12:3)

MARY THE VIRGIN - M>@ - the mother of our Lord. There is no person perhaps in sacred or profane history around whom so many legends have been grouped a the Virgin Mary; and there are few whose authentic history is more concise. She was, like Joseph, of the tribe of Judah and of the lineage of David. kjv@Psalms:132:11; kjv@Luke:1:32; kjv@Romans:1:3) She had a sister, named, like herself, kjv@John:19:25) and she was connected by marriage, kjv@Luke:1:36) with Elizabeth, who was of the tribe of Levi and of the lineage of Aaron. This is all that we know of her antecedents. She was betrothed to Joseph of Nazareth; but before her marriage she became with child by the Holy Ghost, and became the mother of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Her history at this time, her residence at Bethlehem, flight to Egypt, and return to her early home st Nazareth, are well known. Four times only does she appear after the commencement of Christ’s ministry. These four occasions are
The marriage at Cana in Galilee took place in the three months which intervened between the baptism of Christ and the passover of the year 27. Mary was present, and witnessed the first miracle performed by Christ, when he turned the water into wine. She had probably become a widow before this time. Capernaum, kjv@John:2:12) and Nazareth, kjv@Matthew:4:13 kjv@Matthew:13:54; kjv@Mark:6:1) appear to have been the residence of Mary for a considerable period. The next time that she is brought before us we find her at Capernaum, where she, with other relatives, had gone to inquire about the strange stories they had heard of her son Jesus. They sought an audience with our Lord, which was not granted, as he refused to admit any authority on the part of his relatives, or any privilege on account of their relationship. The next scene in Mary’s life brings us to the foot of the cross. With almost his last words Christ commended his mother to the care of him who had borne the name of the disciple whom Jesus loved: "Woman, behold thy son." And front that hour St. John assures us that he took her to his own abode. So far as Mary is portrayed to us in Scripture, she is, as we should have expected the most tender, the most faithful humble, patient and loving of women, but a woman still. In the days succeeding the ascension of Christ Mary met with the disciples in the upper room, kjv@Acts:1:14) waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit with power.

MARY - M>@ - a Roman Christian who is greeted by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, ch. kjv@Romans:16:6) as having toiled hard for him.


Mara @ bitter; sad, a symbolical name which Naomi gave to herself because of her misfortunes kjv@Ruth:1:20).

Marah @ bitterness, a fountain at the sixth station of the Israelites kjv@Exodus:15:23-24; kjv@Numbers:33:8) whose waters were so bitter that they could not drink them. On this account they murmured against Moses, who, under divine direction, cast into the fountain "a certain tree" which took away its bitterness, so that the people drank of it. This was probably the 'Ain Hawarah, where there are still several springs of water that are very "bitter," distant some 47 miles from 'Ayun Mousa.

Maralah @ trembling, a place on the southern boundary of Zebulun kjv@Joshua:19:11). It has been identified with the modern M'alul, about 4 miles south-west of Nazareth.

Maranatha @ ( kjv@1Corinthians:16:22) consists of two Aramean words, Maran'athah, meaning, "our Lord comes," or is "coming." If the latter interpretation is adopted, the meaning of the phrase is, "Our Lord is coming, and he will judge those who have set him at nought." (Comp. kjv@Philippians:4:5; kjv@James:5:8-9.)

Marble @ as a mineral, consists of carbonate of lime, its texture varying from the highly crystalline to the compact. In kjv@Esther:1:6 there are four Hebrew words which are rendered marble:,

(1.) Shesh, "pillars of marble." But this word probably designates dark-blue limestone rather than marble.

(2.) Dar, some regard as Parian marble. It is here rendered "white marble." But nothing is certainly known of it.

(3.) Bahat, "red marble," probably the verd-antique or half-porphyry of Egypt.

(4.) Sohareth, "black marble," probably some spotted variety of marble. "The marble pillars and tesserae of various colours of the palace at Susa came doubtless from Persia itself, where marble of various colours is found, especially in the province of Hamadan Susiana." The marble of Solomon's architectural works may have been limestone from near Jerusalem, or from Lebanon, or possibly white marble from Arabia. Herod employed Parian marble in the temple, and marble columns still exist in great abundance at Jerusalem.

Marcheshvan @ the post-biblical name of the month which was the eighth of the sacred and the second of the civil year of the Jews. It began with the new moon of our November. It is once called Bul (kjvKings:6:38). Assyrian, Arah Samna, "eighth month,"

Marcus @Colossians:4:10; kjv@Philemon:1:24; kjv@1Peter:5:13; R.V., "Mark" (q.v.).

Mareshah @ possession, a city in the plain of Judah kjv@John:15:44). Here Asa defeated Zerah the Ethiopian ( kjv@2Chronicals:14:9-10). It is identified with the ruin el
- Mer'ash, about 1 1/2 mile south of Beit Jibrin.

Mark @ the evangelist; "John whose surname was Mark" kjv@Acts:12:12 kjv@Acts:12:25). Mark (Marcus, kjv@Colossians:4:10, etc.) was his Roman name, which gradually came to supersede his Jewish name John. He is called John in kjv@Acts:13:5 kjv@Acts:13:13, and Mark in 15:39, kjv@2Timothy:4:11, etc. He was the son of Mary, a woman apparently of some means and influence, and was probably born in Jerusalem, where his mother resided kjv@Acts:12:12). Of his father we know nothing. He was cousin of Barnabas kjv@Colossians:4:10). It was in his mother's house that Peter found "many gathered together praying" when he was released from prison; and it is probable that it was here that he was converted by Peter, who calls him his "son" ( kjv@1Peter:5:13). It is probable that the "young man" spoken of in kjv@Mark:14:51-52 was Mark himself. He is first mentioned in kjv@Acts:12:25. He went with Paul and Barnabas on their first journey (about A.D. 47) as their "minister," but from some cause turned back when they reached Perga in Pamphylia kjv@Acts:12:25 kjv@Acts:13:13). Three years afterwards a "sharp contention" arose between Paul and Barnabas (15:36-40), because Paul would not take Mark with him. He, however, was evidently at length reconciled to the apostle, for he was with him in his first imprisonment at Rome kjv@Colossians:4:10; kjv@Philemon:1:24). At a later period he was with Peter in Babylon ( kjv@1Peter:5:13), then, and for some centuries afterwards, one of the chief seats of Jewish learning; and he was with Timothy in Ephesus when Paul wrote him during his second imprisonment ( kjv@2Timothy:4:11). He then disappears from view.

Mark, Gospel according to @ It is the current and apparently well-founded tradition that Mark derived his information mainly from the discourses of Peter. In his mother's house he would have abundant opportunities of obtaining information from the other apostles and their coadjutors, yet he was "the disciple and interpreter of Peter" specially. As to the time when it was written, the Gospel furnishes us with no definite information. Mark makes no mention of the destruction of Jerusalem, hence it must have been written before that event, and probably about A.D. 63. The place where it was written was probably Rome. Some have supposed Antioch (comp. kjv@Mark:15:21 with kjv@Acts:11:20). It was intended primarily for Romans. This appears probable when it is considered that it makes no reference to the Jewish law, and that the writer takes care to interpret words which a Gentile would be likely to misunderstand, such as, "Boanerges" (3:17); "Talitha cumi" (5:41); "Corban" (7:11); "Bartimaeus" (10:46); "Abba" (14:36); "Eloi," etc. (15:34). Jewish usages are also explained (7:3; 14:3; 14:12; 15:42). Mark also uses certain Latin words not found in any of the other Gospels, as "speculator" (6:27, rendered, A.V., "executioner;" R.V., "soldier of his guard"), "xestes" (a corruption of sextarius, rendered "pots," 7:4,8), "quadrans" (12:42, rendered "a farthing"), "centurion" (15:39,44, 45). He only twice quotes from the Old Testament (1:2; 15:28). The characteristics of this Gospel are,

(1) the absence of the genealogy of our Lord,

(2) whom he represents as clothed with power, the "lion of the tribe of Judah."

(3.) Mark also records with wonderful minuteness the very words (3:17; kjv@5:41; 7:11-34; 14:36) as well as the position (9:35) and gestures (3:5,34; kjv@5:32; 9:36; 10:16) of our Lord.

(4.) He is also careful to record particulars of person (1:29,36; 3:6,22, etc.), number (5:13; kjv@6:7, etc.), place (2:13; kjv@4:1; 7:31, etc.), and time (1:35; kjv@2:1; 4:35, etc.), which the other evangelists omit.

(5.) The phrase "and straightway" occurs nearly forty times in this Gospel; while in Luke's Gospel, which is much longer, it is used only seven times, and in John only four times. "The Gospel of Mark," says Westcott, "is essentially a transcript from life. The course and issue of facts are imaged in it with the clearest outline." "In Mark we have no attempt to draw up a continuous narrative. His Gospel is a rapid succession of vivid pictures loosely strung together without much attempt to bind them into a whole or give the events in their natural sequence. This pictorial power is that which specially characterizes this evangelist, so that 'if any one desires to know an evangelical fact, not only in its main features and grand results, but also in its most minute and so to speak more graphic delineation, he must betake himself to Mark.'" The leading principle running through this Gospel may be expressed in the motto: "Jesus came...preaching the gospel of the kingdom" kjv@Mark:1:14). "Out of a total of 662 verses, Mark has 406 in common with Matthew and Luke:145 with Matthew:60 with Luke, and at most 51 peculiar to itself." (

Market-place @ any place of public resort, and hence a public place or broad street kjv@Matthew:11:16 kjv@Matthew:20:3), as well as a forum or market-place proper, where goods were exposed for sale, and where public assemblies and trials were held kjv@Acts:16:19 kjv@Acts:17:17). This word occurs in the Old Testament only in kjv@Ezekiel:27:13. In early times markets were held at the gates of cities, where commodities were exposed for sale ( kjv@2Kings:7:18). In large towns the sale of particular articles seems to have been confined to certain streets, as we may infer from such expressions as "the bakers' street" kjv@Jeremiah:37:21), and from the circumstance that in the time of Josephus the valley between Mounts Zion and Moriah was called the Tyropoeon or the "valley of the cheesemakers."

Maroth @ bitterness; i.e., "perfect grief", a place not far from Jerusalem; mentioned in connection with the invasion of the Assyrian army kjv@Micah:1:12).

Marriage @ was instituted in Paradise when man was in innocence kjv@Genesis:2:18-24). Here we have its original charter, which was confirmed by our Lord, as the basis on which all regulations are to be framed kjv@Matthew:19:4-5). It is evident that monogamy was the original law of marriage kjv@Matthew:19:5; kjv@1Corinthians:6:16). This law was violated in after times, when corrupt usages began to be introduced kjv@Genesis:4:19 kjv@Genesis:6:2). We meet with the prevalence of polygamy and concubinage in the patriarchal age kjv@Genesis:16:1-4 kjv@Genesis:22:21-24 kjv@Genesis:28:8 -9; 29:23-30, etc.). Polygamy was acknowledged in the Mosaic law and made the basis of legislation, and continued to be practised all down through the period of Jewish histroy to the Captivity, after which there is no instance of it on record. It seems to have been the practice from the beginning for fathers to select wives for their sons kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:38:6). Sometimes also proposals were initiated by the father of the maiden kjv@Exodus:2:21). The brothers of the maiden were also sometimes consulted kjv@Genesis:24:51 kjv@Genesis:34:11), but her own consent was not required. The young man was bound to give a price to the father of the maiden (31:15; 34:12; kjv@Exodus:22:16-17; kjv@1Samuel:18:23-25; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Hosea:3:2) On these patriarchal customs the Mosaic law made no change. In the pre
- Mosaic times, when the proposals were accepted and the marriage price given, the bridegroom could come at once and take away his bride to his own house kjv@Genesis:24:63-67). But in general the marriage was celebrated by a feast in the house of the bride's parents, to which all friends were invited (29:22,27); and on the day of the marriage the bride, concealed under a thick veil, was conducted to her future husband's home. Our Lord corrected many false notions then existing on the subject of marriage kjv@Matthew:22:23-30), and placed it as a divine institution on the highest grounds. The apostles state clearly and enforce the nuptial duties of husband and wife kjv@Ephesians:5:22-33; kjv@Colossians:3:18-19; kjv@1Peter:3:1-7). Marriage is said to be "honourable" kjv@Hebrews:13:4), and the prohibition of it is noted as one of the marks of degenerate times ( kjv@1Timothy:4:3). The marriage relation is used to represent the union between God and his people kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:1-14; kjv@Hosea:2:9 kjv@Hosea:2:20). In the New Testament the same figure is employed in representing the love of Christ to his saints kjv@Ephesians:5:25-27). The Church of the redeemed is the "Bride, the Lamb's wife" kjv@Revelation:19:7-9).

Marriage-feasts @ kjv@John:2:1-11) "lasted usually for a whole week; but the cost of such prolonged rejoicing is very small in the East. The guests sit round the great bowl or bowls on the floor, the meal usually consisting of a lamb or kid stewed in rice or barley. The most honoured guests sit nearest, others behind; and all in eating dip their hand into the one smoking mound, pieces of the thin bread, bent together, serving for spoons when necessary. After the first circle have satisfied themselves, those lower in honour sit down to the rest, the whole company being men, for women are never seen at a feast. Water is poured on the hands before eating; and this is repeated when the meal closes, the fingers having first been wiped on pieces of bread, which, after serving the same purpose as table-napkins with us, are thrown on the ground to be eaten by any dog that may have stolen in from the streets through the ever-open door, or picked up by those outside when gathered and tossed out to them kjv@Matthew:15:27; kjv@Mark:7:28). Rising from the ground and retiring to the seats round the walls, the guests then sit down cross-legged and gossip, or listen to recitals, or puzzle over riddles, light being scantily supplied by a small lamp or two, or if the night be chilly, by a smouldering fire of weeds kindled in the middle of the room, perhaps in a brazier, often in a hole in the floor. As to the smoke, it escapes as it best may; but indeed there is little of it, though enough to blacken the water or wine or milk skins hung up on pegs on the wall. (Comp. kjv@Psalms:119:83.) To some such marriage-feast Jesus and his five disciples were invited at Cana of Galilee." Geikie's Life of Christ. (
See CANA.)

Mars Hill @ the Areopagus or rocky hill in Athens, north-west of the Acropolis, where the Athenian supreme tribunal and court of morals was held. From some part of this hill Paul delivered the address recorded in kjv@Acts:17:22-31. (

Martha @ bitterness, the sister of Lazarus and Mary, and probably the eldest of the family, who all resided at Bethany kjv@Luke:10:38-40, 41; kjv@John:11:1-39). From the residence being called "her house," some have supposed that she was a widow, and that her brother and sister lodged with her. She seems to have been of an anxious, bustling spirit, anxious to be helpful in providing the best things for the Master's use, in contrast to the quiet earnestness of Mary, who was more concerned to avail herself of the opportunity of sitting at his feet and learning of him. Afterwards at a supper given to Christ and his disciples in her house "Martha served." Nothing further is known of her. "Mary and Martha are representatives of two orders of human character. One was absorbed, preoccupied, abstracted; the other was concentrated and single-hearted. Her own world was the all of Martha; Christ was the first thought with Mary. To Martha life was 'a succession of particular businesses;' to Mary life 'was rather the flow of one spirit.' Martha was Petrine, Mary was Johannine. The one was a well-meaning, bustling busybody; the other was a reverent disciple, a wistful listener." Paul had such a picture as that of Martha in his mind when he spoke of serving the Lord "without distraction" ( kjv@1Corinthians:7:35).

Martyr @ one who bears witness of the truth, and suffers death in the cause of Christ kjv@Acts:22:20; kjv@Revelation:2:13 kjv@Revelation:17:6). In this sense Stephen was the first martyr. The Greek word so rendered in all other cases is translated "witness."

(1.) In a court of justice kjv@Matthew:18:16 kjv@Matthew:26:65; kjv@Acts:6:13 kjv@Acts:7:58; kjv@Hebrews:10:28; kjv@1Timothy:5:19).

(2.) As of one bearing testimony to the truth of what he has seen or known kjv@Luke:24:48; kjv@Acts:1:8 kjv@Acts:1:22 kjv@Romans:1:9; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:5 kjv@1Thessalonians:2:10 kjv@1John:1:2).

Mary @ Hebrew Miriam.

(1.) The wife of Joseph, the mother of Jesus, called the "Virgin Mary," though never so designated in Scripture kjv@Matthew:2:11; kjv@Acts:1:14). Little is known of her personal history. Her genealogy is given in kjv@Luke:3. She was of the tribe of Judah and the lineage of David kjv@Psalms:132:11; kjv@Luke:1:32). She was connected by marriage with Elisabeth, who was of the lineage of Aaron kjv@Luke:1:36). While she resided at Nazareth with her parents, before she became the wife of Joseph, the angel Gabriel announced to her that she was to be the mother of the promised Messiah kjv@Luke:1:35). After this she went to visit her cousin Elisabeth, who was living with her husband Zacharias (probably at Juttah, kjv@Joshua:15:55 kjv@Joshua:21:16, in the neighbourhood of Maon), at a considerable distance, about 100 miles, from Nazareth. Immediately on entering the house she was saluted by Elisabeth as the mother of her Lord, and then forthwith gave utterance to her hymn of thanksgiving kjv@Luke:1:46-56; comp. kjv@1Samuel:2:1-10). After three months Mary returned to Nazareth to her own home. Joseph was supernaturally made aware kjv@Matthew:1:18-25) of her condition, and took her to his own home. Soon after this the decree of Augustus kjv@Luke:2:1) required that they should proceed to Bethlehem kjv@Micah:5:2), some 80 or 90 miles from Nazareth; and while they were there they found shelter in the inn or khan provided for strangers kjv@Luke:2:6-7). But as the inn was crowded, Mary had to retire to a place among the cattle, and there she brought forth her son, who was called Jesus kjv@Matthew:1:21), because he was to save his people from their sins. This was followed by the presentation in the temple, the flight into Egypt, and their return in the following year and residence at Nazareth Matthew:2). There for thirty years Mary, the wife of Joseph the carpenter, resides, filling her own humble sphere, and pondering over the strange things that had happened to her. During these years only one event in the history of Jesus is recorded, viz., his going up to Jerusalem when twelve years of age, and his being found among the doctors in the temple kjv@Luke:2:41-52). Probably also during this period Joseph died, for he is not again mentioned. After the commencement of our Lord's public ministry little notice is taken of Mary. She was present at the marriage in Cana. A year and a half after this we find her at Capernaum kjv@Matthew:12:46-48, 49), where Christ uttered the memorable words, "Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!" The next time we find her is at the cross along with her sister Mary, and Mary Magdalene, and Salome, and other women kjv@John:19:26). From that hour John took her to his own abode. She was with the little company in the upper room after the Ascension kjv@Acts:1:14). From this time she wholly disappears from public notice. The time and manner of her death are unknown.

(2.) Mary Magdalene, i.e., Mary of Magdala, a town on the western shore of the Lake of Tiberias. She is for the first time noticed in kjv@Luke:8:3 as one of the women who "ministered to Christ of their substance." Their motive was that of gratitude for deliverances he had wrought for them. Out of Mary were cast seven demons. Gratitude to her great Deliverer prompted her to become his follower. These women accompanied him also on his last journey to Jerusalem kjv@Matthew:27:55; kjv@Mark:15:41; kjv@Luke:23:55). They stood near the cross. There Mary remained till all was over, and the body was taken down and laid in Joseph's tomb. Again, in the earliest dawn of the first day of the week she, with Salome and Mary the mother of James kjv@Matthew:28:1; kjv@Mark:16:2), came to the sepulchre, bringing with them sweet spices, that they might anoint the body of Jesus. They found the sepulchre empty, but saw the "vision of angels" kjv@Matthew:28:5). She hastens to tell Peter and John, who were probably living together at this time kjv@John:20:1-2), and again immediately returns to the sepulchre. There she lingers thoughtfully, weeping at the door of the tomb. The risen Lord appears to her, but at first she knows him not. His utterance of her name "Mary" recalls her to consciousness, and she utters the joyful, reverent cry, "Rabboni." She would fain cling to him, but he forbids her, saying, "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father." This is the last record regarding Mary of Magdala, who now returned to Jerusalem. The idea that this Mary was "the woman who was a sinner," or that she was unchaste, is altogether groundless.

(3.) Mary the sister of Lazarus is brought to our notice in connection with the visits of our Lord to Bethany. She is contrasted with her sister Martha, who was "cumbered about many things" while Jesus was their guest, while Mary had chosen "the good part." Her character also appears in connection with the death of her brother kjv@John:11:20 kjv@John:11:31-33). On the occasion of our Lord's last visit to Bethany, Mary brought "a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus" as he reclined at table in the house of one Simon, who had been a leper kjv@Matthew:26:6; kjv@Mark:14:3; kjv@John:12:2-3). This was an evidence of her overflowing love to the Lord. Nothing is known of her subsequent history. It would appear from this act of Mary's, and from the circumstance that they possessed a family vault (11:38), and that a large number of Jews from Jerusalem came to condole with them on the death of Lazarus (11:19), that this family at Bethany belonged to the wealthier class of the people. (

(4.) Mary the wife of Cleopas is mentioned kjv@John:19:25) as standing at the cross in company with Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of Jesus. By comparing kjv@Matthew:27:56 and kjv@Mark:15:40, we find that this Mary and "Mary the mother of James the little" are on and the same person, and that she was the sister of our Lord's mother. She was that "other Mary" who was present with Mary of Magdala at the burial of our Lord kjv@Matthew:27:61; kjv@Mark:15:47); and she was one of those who went early in the morning of the first day of the week to anoint the body, and thus became one of the first witnesses of the resurrection kjv@Matthew:28:1; kjv@Mark:16:1; kjv@Luke:24:1).

(5.) Mary the mother of John Mark was one of the earliest of our Lord's disciples. She was the sister of Barnabas kjv@Colossians:4:10), and joined with him in disposing of their land and giving the proceeds of the sale into the treasury of the Church kjv@Acts:4:37 kjv@Acts:12:12). Her house in Jerusalem was the common meeting-place for the disciples there.

(6.) A Christian at Rome who treated Paul with special kindness kjv@Romans:16:6).



Marriage @ Divinely instituted kjv@Genesis:2:24
A covenant relationship kjv@Malachi:2:4
Designed for
The happiness of man kjv@Genesis:2:18
Increasing the human population kjv@Genesis:1:28 kjv@Genesis:9:1
Raising up godly seed kjv@Malachi:2:15
Preventing fornication kjv@1Corinthians:7:2
Alliance and Society with the Enemies of God kjv@Genesis:3:15 kjv@Genesis:4:1
Lawful in all kjv@1Corinthians:7:2 kjv@1Corinthians:7:28 kjv@1Timothy:5:14
Honourable for all kjv@Hebrews:13:4
Should be only in the Lord kjv@1Corinthians:7:39
Expressed by
Joining together kjv@Matthew:19:6
Making affinity kjv@1Kings:3:1
Taking to wife kjv@Exodus:2:1
Giving daughters to sons, and sons to daughters kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3 kjv@Ezra:9:12
Indissoluble during the joint lives of the parties kjv@Matthew:19:6 kjv@Romans:7:2 kjv@Romans:7:3 kjv@1Corinthians:7:39
Early introduction of polygamy kjv@Genesis:4:19
Contracted in patriarchal age with near relations kjv@Genesis:20:12 kjv@Genesis:24:24 kjv@Genesis:28:2
Often contracted by parents for children kjv@Genesis:24:49-51 kjv@Genesis:34:6 kjv@Genesis:34:8
Should be with consent of parents kjv@Genesis:28:8 kjv@Judges:14:2 kjv@Judges:14:3
Consent of the parties necessary to kjv@Genesis:24:57 kjv@Genesis:24:58 kjv@1Samuel:18:20 kjv@1Samuel:25:41
Parents might refuse to give their children in kjv@Exodus:22:17 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3
The Jews
Forbidden to contract, with their near relations kjv@Leviticus:18:6
Forbidden to contract with idolaters kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:4 kjv@Joshua:23:12 kjv@Ezra:9:11 kjv@Ezra:9:12
Often contracted with foreigners kjv@1Kings:11:1 kjv@Nehemiah:13:23
Sometimes guilty of polygamy kjv@1Kings:11:1 kjv@1Kings:11:3
Careful in contracting for their children kjv@Genesis:24:2 kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:28:1 kjv@Genesis:28:2
Betrothed themselves some time before kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7 kjv@Judges:14:5 kjv@Judges:14:7 kjv@Judges:14:8 kjv@Matthew:1:18
Contracted when young kjv@Proverbs:2:17 kjv@Joel:1:8
Often contracted, in their own tribe kjv@Exodus:2:1 kjv@Numbers:36:6-13 kjv@Luke:1:5 kjv@Luke:1:27
Obliged to contract with a brother's wife who died without seed kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5 kjv@Matthew:22:24
Considered being debarred from, a reproach kjv@Isaiah:4:1
Considered being debarred from, a cause of grief kjv@Judges:11:38
Often punished by being debarred from kjv@Jeremiah:7:34 kjv@Jeremiah:16:9 kjv@Jeremiah:25:10
Were allowed divorce from, because of hardness of their hearts kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1 kjv@Matthew:19:7 kjv@Matthew:19:8
Exempted from going to war immediately after kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7
Priest not to contract, with divorced or improper persons kjv@Leviticus:21:7
The high priest not to contract, with a widow or a divorced or profane person kjv@Leviticus:21:14
Contracted at the gate and before witnesses kjv@Ruth:4:1 kjv@Ruth:4:10 kjv@Ruth:4:11
Modes of demanding women in kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:24:4 kjv@Genesis:34:6 kjv@Genesis:34:8 kjv@1Samuel:25:39 kjv@1Samuel:25:40
Elder daughters usually given in, before the younger kjv@Genesis:29:26
A dowry given to the woman's parents before kjv@Genesis:29:18 kjv@Genesis:34:12 kjv@1Samuel:18:27 kjv@1Samuel:18:28 kjv@Hosea:3:2
With great rejoicing kjv@Jeremiah:33:11 kjv@John:3:29
With feasting kjv@Genesis:29:22 kjv@Judges:14:10 kjv@Matthew:22:2 kjv@Matthew:22:3 kjv@John:2:1-10
For seven days kjv@Judges:14:12
A benediction pronounced after kjv@Genesis:24:60 kjv@Ruth:4:11 kjv@Ruth:4:12
The bride
Received presents before kjv@Genesis:24:53
Given a handmaid at kjv@Genesis:24:59 kjv@Genesis:29:24 kjv@Genesis:29:29
Adorned with jewels for kjv@Isaiah:49:18 kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Gorgeously apparelled kjv@Psalms:45:13 kjv@Psalms:45:14
Attended by bridesmaids kjv@Psalms:45:9
Stood on the right of bridegroom kjv@Psalms:45:9
Called to forget her father's house kjv@Psalms:45:10
The bridegroom
Adorned with ornaments kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Attended by many friends kjv@Judges:14:11 kjv@John:3:29
Presented with gifts kjv@Psalms:45:12
Crowned with garlands kjv@Songs:3:11
Rejoiced over the bride kjv@Isaiah:62:5
Returned with the bride to his house at night kjv@Matthew:25:1-6
Garments provided for guests at kjv@Matthew:22:12
Infidelity of those contracted in, punished as if married kjv@Deuteronomy:22:23 kjv@Deuteronomy:22:24 kjv@Matthew:1:19
Illustrative of
God's union with the Jewish nation kjv@Isaiah:54:5 kjv@Jeremiah:3:14 kjv@Hosea:2:19 kjv@Hosea:2:20
Christ's union with his church kjv@Ephesians:5:23 kjv@Ephesians:5:24 kjv@Ephesians:5:32

Martyrdom @ Is death endured for the word of God, and testimony of Christ kjv@Revelation:6:9 kjv@Revelation:20:4
Forewarned of kjv@Matthew:10:21 kjv@Matthew:24:9 kjv@John:16:2
Should not fear kjv@Matthew:10:28 kjv@Revelation:2:10
Should be prepared for kjv@Matthew:16:24 kjv@Matthew:16:25 kjv@Acts:21:13
Should resist sin to kjv@Hebrews:12:4
Reward of kjv@Revelation:2:10 kjv@Revelation:6:11
Inflicted at the instigation of the devil kjv@Revelation:2:10 kjv@Revelation:2:13
The Apostasy guilty of inflicting kjv@Revelation:17:6 kjv@Revelation:18:24
Of saints, shall be avenged kjv@Luke:11:50 kjv@Luke:11:51 kjv@Revelation:18:20-24
Abel kjv@Genesis:4:8 kjv@1John:3:12
Ahimelech and his fellow priests kjv@1Samuel:22:18 kjv@1Samuel:22:19
Prophets and Saints of old kjv@1Kings:18:4 kjv@1Kings:19:10 kjv@Luke:11:50 kjv@Luke:11:51 kjv@Hebrews:11:37
Urijah kjv@Jeremiah:26:23
John the Baptist kjv@Mark:6:27
Peter kjv@John:21:18 kjv@John:21:19
Stephen kjv@Acts:7:58
Christians kjv@Acts:9:1 kjv@Acts:22:4 kjv@Acts:26:10
James kjv@Acts:12:2
Antipas kjv@Revelation:2:13



- The first station of the Israelites, where Moses made the bitter waters sweet kjv@Exodus:15:22-25; kjv@Numbers:33:8-9

- A landmark on the boundary of the tribe of Zebulun kjv@Joshua:19:11

- In the temple kjv@1Chronicles:29:2
- Pillars of kjv@Esther:1:6; kjv@Songs:5:15
- Merchandise of kjv@Revelation:18:12
- Mosaics of kjv@Esther:1:6


-1. A city of the tribe of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:44; kjv@2Chronicles:11:8; kjv@2Chronicles:14:9-10 .Birthplace of Eliezer the prophet kjv@2Chronicles:20:37 .Prophecy concerning kjv@Micah:1:15

-2. Father of Hebron kjv@1Chronicles:2:42

-3. A son of (or possibly a city) founded by, Laadah kjv@1Chronicles:4:21

- General scriptures concerning kjv@1Kings:9:27; kjv@2Chronicles:8:18; kjv@Isaiah:42:10; kjv@Ezekiel:27:27
- Perils of kjv@Psalms:107:23-30; kjv@Jonah:1:5; kjv@Acts:27:17-44
- Cowardice of kjv@Acts:27:30

- A nephew of Barnabas kjv@Colossians:4:10
- A disciple of Jesus kjv@Acts:12:12 kjv@Acts:12:25 kjv@Acts:13:5 kjv@Acts:13:13
- Paul and Barnabas contend concerning kjv@Acts:15:36-39
- A convert of Peter kjv@1Peter:5:13
- Fellow-worker with Paul at Rome kjv@Colossians:4:10-11; kjv@2Timothy:4:11; kjv@Philemon:1:24

MARKET @ -(A place for general merchandise)
- Held at gates
- Judgment seat at kjv@Acts:16:19
- Traffic of, in Tyre .Consisted of horses, horsemen, horns, ivory, and ebony, emeralds, purple, embroidered wares, linen, coral, agate, honey, balm, wine, wool, oil, cassia, calamus, lambs, rams, goats, precious stones, and gold, spices, and costly apparel kjv@Ezekiel:27:13-25

- A city of the tribe of Judah kjv@Micah:1:12

- Consanguinous, Abraham and Sarah kjv@Genesis:11:29; kjv@Genesis:12:13; kjv@Genesis:20:3 kjv@Genesis:20:9-16
- Isaac and Rebekah kjv@Genesis:24:3-4 kjv@Genesis:24:67; kjv@Genesis:28:2
- Jacob and his wives kjv@Genesis:29:15-30
See below, in the elaborated text
- Levirate (the brother required to marry a brother's widow) kjv@Genesis:38:8 kjv@Genesis:38:11 kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5-10; kjv@Ruth:4:5; kjv@Matthew:22:24; kjv@Mark:12:19-23; kjv@Luke:20:28
- Parents contract for their children .Hagar selects a wife for Ishmael kjv@Genesis:21:21 .Abraham for Isaac Genesis:24 .Laban arranges for his daughters' marriage Genesis:29 .Samson asks his parents to procure him a wife kjv@Judges:14:2
- Parents' consent requires in the Mosaic law kjv@Exodus:22:17
- Presents given to parents to secure their favor kjv@Genesis:24:53; kjv@Genesis:34:12; kjv@Deuteronomy:22:29; kjv@1Samuel:18:25; kjv@Hosea:3:2
- Nuptial feasts kjv@Genesis:29:22; kjv@Judges:14:12; kjv@Esther:2:18; kjv@Matthew:22:11-12
- Jesus present at kjv@John:2:1-5
- Ceremony attested by witnesses kjv@Ruth:4:1-11; kjv@Isaiah:8:1-3
- The groom exempt one year from military duty kjv@Deuteronomy:24:5
- Bridal ornaments kjv@Isaiah:49:18; kjv@Jeremiah:2:32
- Bridal presents kjv@Genesis:24:53; kjv@Psalms:45:12
- A herald preceded the bridegroom kjv@Matthew:25:6
- Wedding robes adorned with jewels kjv@Isaiah:61:10
- Wives obtained .By purchase kjv@Genesis:29:20; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Hosea:3:2; kjv@Hosea:12:12 .By kidnapping kjv@Judges:21:21-23
- Given by Kings kjv@1Samuel:17:25; kjv@1Samuel:18:17 kjv@1Samuel:18:21
- Daughters given in, as rewards of valor kjv@Judges:1:12; kjv@1Samuel:17:25; kjv@1Samuel:18:27
- Wives taken by edict kjv@Esther:2:2-4 kjv@Esther:2:8-14
- David gave one hundred Philistine foreskins for a wife kjv@2Samuel:3:14
- Wives among the Israelites must be Israelites kjv@Exodus:34:16; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3-4; kjv@Ezra:9:1 kjv@Ezra:9:1Chronicles:23:22; 2, 12; kjv@Nehemiah:10:30; kjv@Nehemiah:13:26-27; kjv@Malachi:2:11; kjv@1Corinthians:7:39; kjv@2Corinthians:6:14
- Betrothal a quasi-marriage kjv@Matthew:1:18; kjv@Luke:1:27
- Betrothal made with the spirit kjv@Ezekiel:16:8
- Celibacy deplored kjv@Judges:11:38; kjv@Isaiah:4:1; kjv@Jeremiah:16:9
- Advised kjv@1Corinthians:7:7-8 kjv@1Corinthians:7:24-40
- Obligations under, inferior to duty to God kjv@Deuteronomy:13:6-10; kjv@Matthew:19:29; kjv@Luke:14:26
- Not binding after death kjv@Matthew:22:29-30; kjv@Mark:12:24-25

- UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO kjv@Genesis:2:23-24; kjv@Exodus:22:16-17; kjv@Exodus:20:14 kjv@Exodus:20:Leviticus:18:6-18; 17, 19-21; kjv@Leviticus:21:1 kjv@Leviticus:21:7, 13-15; kjv@Numbers:36:8; kjv@Deuteronomy:21:10-14; kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1-5; kjv@Proverbs:18:22; kjv@Proverbs:21:9 kjv@Proverbs:21:19 kjv@Jeremiah:29:6; kjv@Hosea:2:19-20; kjv@Malachi:2:13-16; kjv@Matthew:5:31-32; kjv@Mark:6:17-18; kjv@Mark:10:2-12; kjv@Matthew:19:2-9; kjv@Luke:16:18; kjv@Romans:7:1-3; kjv@1Corinthians:6:16; kjv@1Corinthians:7:1-40; kjv@1Corinthians:9:5; kjv@1Corinthians:11:11-12; kjv@1Timothy:3:2 kjv@1Timothy:3:12 kjv@1Timothy:4:1-3; kjv@1Timothy:5:14; kjv@Hebrews:13:4

- FIGURATIVE kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Isaiah:62:4-5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Jeremiah:31:32; kjv@Hosea:1:2; kjv@Hosea:2:19-20; kjv@Ephesians:5:30-32; kjv@Revelation:19:7-9 .Parables from kjv@Matthew:22:2; kjv@Matthew:25:1-10 .

MARS' HILL @ -(The same as Areopagus)
- A hill in Athens kjv@Acts:17:19-34

- Sister of Mary and Lazarus kjv@John:11:1
- Ministers to Jesus kjv@Luke:10:38-42; kjv@John:12:2
- Beloved by Jesus kjv@John:11:5

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Matthew:10:21 kjv@Matthew:10:Psalms:44:22; 22, 39; kjv@Psalms:16:25; kjv@Psalms:23:34-35; kjv@Psalms:24:9; kjv@Mark:13:12; kjv@Luke:9:24; kjv@Luke:11:50; kjv@Luke:21:16-17; kjv@John:12:25; kjv@Romans:8:36; kjv@1Corinthians:13:3; kjv@Revelation:6:9-11; kjv@Revelation:11:7-12; kjv@Revelation:12:11; kjv@Revelation:16:6; kjv@Revelation:17:6

- INSTANCES OF .Abel kjv@Genesis:4:3-8 .Prophets killed by Jezebel kjv@1Kings:18:4 kjv@1Kings:18:13 Zechariah:2Chronicles:24:21-22 .John the Baptist kjv@Mark:6:18-28 .Jesus .
See JESUS .Stephen kjv@Acts:7:58-60 .James the apostle kjv@Acts:12:2 .The prophets kjv@Matthew:22:6; kjv@Matthew:23:35; kjv@Romans:11:3; kjv@1Thessalonians:2:15; kjv@Hebrews:11:32-37


-1. The mother of Jesus kjv@Matthew:1:16; kjv@Luke:1:26-38; kjv@Luke:2:5-19 .Visits her cousin, Elisabeth kjv@Luke:1:39-56 .Attends the feast at Jerusalem with her husband and her son, starts back on the return, misses Jesus, seeks and finds him in the temple area kjv@Luke:2:48-51 .Is present with Jesus at a marriage feast in Cana of Galilee kjv@John:2:1-10 .Seeks Jesus when he is teaching in a house kjv@Matthew:12:46-47; kjv@Mark:3:31; kjv@Luke:8:19 .Present at the cross kjv@John:19:25-27 .Is committed to the care of John kjv@John:19:27 .Lives with the disciples in Jerusalem kjv@Acts:1:14 .Prophecies concerning kjv@Isaiah:7:14; kjv@Luke:2:35

-2. Magdalene .Possessed of devils, delivered by Jesus kjv@Mark:16:9; kjv@Luke:8:2-3 .Present at the crucifixion kjv@Matthew:27:56; kjv@Mark:15:40; kjv@John:20:1 kjv@John:20:11-13 .Recognizes Jesus after the resurrection kjv@Matthew:28:8-10; kjv@Mark:16:9; kjv@John:20:14-18

-3. Sister of Mary the mother of Jesus, and wife of Cleophas kjv@John:19:25 .Mother of James and Joses kjv@Matthew:27:56; kjv@Mark:15:40; kjv@John:19:25 .At the gravesite of Jesus kjv@Matthew:27:61; kjv@Mark:15:47 .Assists in preparing the corpse of Jesus for burial kjv@Matthew:28:1; kjv@Mark:16:1 .A witness of the resurrection kjv@Luke:24:10

-4. Sister of Lazarus .Sits at Jesus' feet for instruction kjv@Luke:10:38-42 .Beloved of Jesus kjv@John:11:1 kjv@John:11:5 .Anoints Jesus kjv@Matthew:26:7-13; kjv@Mark:14:3-9; kjv@John:11:2; kjv@John:12:3

-5. Mother of Mark and sister of Barnabas kjv@Acts:12:12; kjv@Colossians:4:10

-6. A Christian woman in Rome kjv@Romans:16:6



kjv@STRING:Amariah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord says; the integrity of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Areopagus <HITCHCOCK>@ the hill of Mars - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aroer <HITCHCOCK>@ heath; tamarisk - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Baal-tamar <HITCHCOCK>@ master of the palm-tree - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beth-marcaboth <HITCHCOCK>@ house of bitterness wiped out - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beulah <HITCHCOCK>@ married - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Chemarims <HITCHCOCK>@ black ones - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Damaris <HITCHCOCK>@ a little woman - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Gemariah <HITCHCOCK>@ accomplishment or perfection of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Hazezon-tamar <HITCHCOCK>@ drawing near to bitterness - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Ishma <HITCHCOCK>@ named; marveling; desolation - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Ithamar <HITCHCOCK>@ island of the palm-tree - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Mahavites <HITCHCOCK>@ declaring a message; marrow - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Maralah <HITCHCOCK>@ sleep; a sacrifice of myrrh; ascension - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Maranatha <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord is coming - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Marcus <HITCHCOCK>@ polite; shining - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mareshah <HITCHCOCK>@ from the beginning; an inheritance - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mark <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Marcus - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Maroth <HITCHCOCK>@ bitterness - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Marsena <HITCHCOCK>@ bitterness of a bramble - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Martha <HITCHCOCK>@ who becomes bitter; provoking - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mary <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Miriam - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Omar <HITCHCOCK>@ he that speaks; bitter - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Pallu <HITCHCOCK>@ marvelous; hidden - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pontius <HITCHCOCK>@ marine; belonging to the sea - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Samaria <HITCHCOCK>@ watch-mountain - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shamariah <HITCHCOCK>@ throne or keeping of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shisha <HITCHCOCK>@ of marble; pleasant - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Tamar <HITCHCOCK>@ palm; palm-tree - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Zemaraim <HITCHCOCK>@ wool; pith - HITCHCOCK-Z


MARAH @ (bitter)- kjv@Exodus:15:23

MARBLE @ kjv@1Chronicles:29:2; kjv@Esther:1:6; kjv@Revelation:18:12

MARESHAH @ a city of Judah- kjv@Joshua:15:44; kjv@2Chronicles:11:8; kjv@2Chronicles:14:9; kjv@2Chronicles:20:37

MARINERS @ kjv@1Kings:9:27; kjv@1Kings:22:49; kjv@Psalms:107:23; kjv@Isaiah:42:10; kjv@Ezekiel:27:29; kjv@Jonah:1:5

MARKETPLACES @ kjv@Matthew:20:3; kjv@Matthew:23:7; kjv@Mark:7:4; kjv@Luke:7:32; kjv@Acts:16:19; kjv@Acts:17:17

MARK, JOHN @ (Marcus) son of Mary, "The Young Man who Recovered himself"- kjv@Acts:12:12,25; kjv@Acts:13:5,13; kjv@Acts:15:37; kjv@Colossians:4:10; kjv@2Timothy:4:11; kjv@Philemon:1:24; kjv@1Peter:5:13 Facts Concerning Had Godly Mother kjv@Acts:12:12 Related to Barnabas- kjv@Colossians:4:10 Helper of Paul and Barnabas- kjv@Acts:12:25 Early years apparently vacillating- kjv@Acts:13:13; kjv@Acts:15:38 Later years became a faithful coworker with Paul kjv@Colossians:4:10; kjv@2Timothy:4:11 Companion of Peter- kjv@1Peter:5:13


(1) Commended. SEE Home, HOME

(2) Obligations of. SEE Home, HOME

(3) Of the Israelites with the Heathen Forbidden- kjv@Genesis:24:3; kjv@Genesis:28:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3; kjv@Joshua:23:12; kjv@Ezra:9:12; kjv@Nehemiah:13:25 Separation


(4) Figurative of God's Union with the Church- kjv@Isaiah:54:5; kjv@Isaiah:62:5; kjv@Jeremiah:3:14; kjv@Hosea:2:19; kjv@Matthew:22:2; kjv@Matthew:25:10; kjv@Revelation:19:7 Bride, CHURCH, THE Christ, Bridegroom, CHURCH, THE

(5) Of the Kinsman's Widow- kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5; kjv@Ruth:3:9; kjv@Ruth:4:10; kjv@Matthew:22:24

MARTHA OF BETHANY @ sister of Lazarus and Mary- kjv@Luke:10:40; kjv@John:11:1,20,39; kjv@John:12:2 - "The Worried Housekeeper" Characteristics of - Hospitality- kjv@Luke:10:38 - Energy- kjv@Luke:10:40; kjv@John:11:20 - Anxious care- kjv@Luke:10:40 - Spiritual Knowledge- kjv@John:11:24 - Faith- kjv@John:11:27 Notable Women, WOMEN

MARY @ (a) Mother of Jesus, General References to- kjv@Matthew:1:16; kjv@Luke:1:27,38,46,56; kjv@Luke:2:5,16,19,34; kjv@Matthew:2:11 kjv@Luke:2:43,48; kjv@Matthew:12:46; kjv@Matthew:13:55; kjv@John:2:1,5,12; kjv@John:19:25 - Characteristics of - Submission- kjv@Luke:1:38 - Faith and piety- Luke:1:46-55 - Spiritual mindedness- kjv@Luke:2:51 - Maternal confidence- John:2:3-5 - Maternal love- kjv@John:19:25 Notable Women, WOMEN (b) Magdalene- kjv@Matthew:27:56; kjv@Matthew:28:1; kjv@Mark:15:47; kjv@Mark:16:9; kjv@Luke:8:2; kjv@John:20:18 - Life Summarized Recipient of a great salvation- kjv@Luke:8:2 Showed her gratitude By ministering to Christ- Mark:15:4041 By her presence at the cross kjv@John:19:25 By her presence at the sepulchre- kjv@Matthew:27:61; kjv@Matthew:28:1 Was the first person to whom Christ appeared after his resurrection- kjv@Mark:16:9 Given a wonderful revelation- John:20:11-18 (c) Of Bethany- kjv@Luke:10:39; kjv@John:11:1,20,32; kjv@John:12:3 "The Women Immortalized by Christ" Characteristics of - Spiritual Receptivity- kjv@Luke:10:39 - Spiritual Insight- kjv@Luke:10:42 - Quiet Resignation- kjv@John:11:20 - Three times at Christ's feet for Instruction- kjv@Luke:10:39 for Comfort- kjv@John:11:32 for Service- kjv@John:12:3 (d) Mother of James- kjv@Mark:15:40,47; kjv@Mark:16:1; kjv@Luke:24:10 (e) Mother of Mark- kjv@Acts:12:12; kjv@Colossians:4:10 (f) A Roman disciple- kjv@Romans:16:6


H98 <STRHEB>@ אגם 'ăgam ag-am' From an unused root (meaning to collect as water); a marsh; hence a rush (as growing in swamps); hence a stockade of reeds: - {pond} {pool} standing [water].

H100 <STRHEB>@ אגמון 'agmôn ag-mone' From the same as H98; a marshy pool (others from a different {root} a kettle); by implication a rush (as growing there); collectively a rope of rushes: - {bulrush} {caldron} {hook} rush.

H1024 <STRHEB>@ בּית מרכּבות בּית המּרכּבות bêyth hammarkâbôth bêyth markâbôth bayth {ham-mar-kaw-both'} mar-kaw-both' From H1004 and the plural of H4818 (with or without the article interposed); place of (the chariots; Beth-ham-Markaboth or {Beth-Markaboth} a place in Palestine: - Beth-marcaboth.

H1166 <STRHEB>@ בּעל bâ‛al baw-al' A primitive root; to be master; hence (as denominative from H1167) to marry: - Beulah have dominion ({over}) be {husband} marry ({-ried} X wife).

H1167 <STRHEB>@ בּעל baal bah'-al From H1166; a master; hence a {husband} or (figuratively) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense: - + {archer} + {babbler} + {bird} {captain} chief {man} + {confederate} + have to {do} + {dreamer} those to whom it is {due} + {furious} those that are given to {it} {great} + {hairy} he that hath {it} {have} + {horseman} {husband} {lord} {man} + {married} {master} {person} + {sworn} they of.

H1193 <STRHEB>@ בּעל תּמר baal tâmâr bah'-al taw-mawr' From H1167 and H8558; possessor of (the) palm tree; Baal {Tamar} a place in Palestine: - Baal-tamar.

H1269 <STRHEB>@ בּרזותo birzôth beer-zoth' Probably feminine plural from an unused root (apparently meaning to pierce); holes; {Birzoth} an Israelite: - Birzavith [from the margin].

H1350 <STRHEB>@ גּאל gâ'al gaw-al' A primitive {root} to redeem (according to the Oriental law of {kinship}) that {is} to be the next of kin (and as such to buy back a relative´ s {property} marry his {widow} etc.): - X in any {wise} X at {all} {avenger} {deliver} ({do} perform the part of {near} next) kinsfolk ({-man}) {purchase} {ransom} redeem ({-er}) revenger.

H1360 <STRHEB>@ גּבא gebe' geh'-beh From an unused root meaning probably to collect; a reservoir; by analogy a marsh: - {marsh} pit.

H1366 <STRHEB>@ גּבל גּבוּל gebûl gebûl {gheb-ool'} gheb-ool' From H1379; properly a cord (as {twisted}) that {is} (by implication) a boundary; by extension the territory inclosed: - {border} {bound} {coast} X {great} {landmark} {limit} {quarter} space.

H1367 <STRHEB>@ גּבלה גּבוּלה gebûlâh gebûlâh {gheb-oo-law'} gheb-oo-law' Feminine of H1366; a {boundary} region: - {border} {bound} {coast} {landmark} place.

H1584 <STRHEB>@ גּמר gâmar gaw-mar' A primitive root; to end (in the sense of completion or failure): - {cease} come to an {end} {fail} {perfect} perform.

H1585 <STRHEB>@ גּמר gemar ghem-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1584: - perfect.

H1587 <STRHEB>@ גּמריהוּ גּמריה gemaryâh gemaryâhû {ghem-ar-yaw'} ghem-ar-yaw'-hoo From H1584 and H3050; Jah has perfected; {Gemarjah} the name of two Israelites: - Gemariah.

H1632 <STRHEB>@ גּרלo gârôl gaw-role' From the same as H1486; harsh: - man of great [as in the margin which reads H1419].

H1723 <STRHEB>@ דּהואo dahăvâ' dah-hav-aw' (Chaldee); of uncertain derivation; {Dahava} a people colonized in Samaria: - Dehavites.

H1979 <STRHEB>@ הליכה hălîykâh hal-ee-kaw' Feminine of H1978; a walking; by implication a procession or {march} a caravan: - {company} {going} {walk} way.

H1980 <STRHEB>@ הלך hâlak haw-lak' Akin to H3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of {applications} literally and figuratively): - (all) {along} {apace} behave ({self}) {come} (on) {continually} be {conversant} {depart} + be {eased} {enter} exercise ({self}) + {follow} {forth} {forward} {get} go ({about} {abroad} {along} {away} {forward} {on} {out} up and {down}) + {greater} {grow} be wont to {haunt} {lead} {march} X more and {more} move ({self}) {needs} {on} pass ({away}) be at the {point} {quite} run ({along}) + {send} {speedily} {spread} {still} {surely} + {tale-bearer} + travel ({-ler}) walk ({abroad} {on} to and {fro} up and {down} to {places}) {wander} {wax} [way-] faring {man} X be {weak} whirl.

H1984 <STRHEB>@ הלל hâlal haw-lal' A primitive root; to be clear (originally of {sound} but usually of color); to shine; hence to make a show; to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causatively to celebrate; also to stultify: - (make) boast ({self}) {celebrate} {commend} ({deal} {make}) fool ({-ish} {-ly}) {glory} give {[light]} be ({make} feign self) mad ({against}) give in {marriage} {[sing} be worthy of] {praise} {rage} {renowned} shine.

H170 <STRHEB>@ אהלהּ אהלה 'ohŏlâh 'ohŏlâhh {o-hol-aw'} o-hol-aw' The first form is in form a feminine of {H168} but is in fact for the second form; from H168; her tent (that {is} idolatrous sanctuary); {Oholah} a symbolic name for Samaria: - Aholah.

H184 <STRHEB>@ אוה 'âvâh aw-vaw' A primitive root; to extend or mark out: - point out.

H2142 <STRHEB>@ זכר zâkar zaw-kar' A primitive root; properly to mark (so as to be {recognized}) that {is} to remember; by implication to mention; also (as denominative from H2145) to be male: - X burn {[incense]} X {earnestly} be {male} (make) mention ({of}) be {mindful} {recount} record ({-er}) {remember} make to be {remembered} bring ({call} {come} {keep} put) to (in) {remembrance} X {still} think {on} X well.

H2167 <STRHEB>@ זמר zâmar zaw-mar' A primitive root (perhaps identical with H2168 through the idea of striking with the fingers); properly to touch the strings or parts of a musical {instrument} that {is} play upon it; to make {music} accompanied by the voice; hence to celebrate in song and music: - give {praise} sing forth {praises} psalms.

H2168 <STRHEB>@ זמר zâmar zaw-mar' A primitive root (compare {H2167} {H5568} H6785); to trim (a vine): - prune.

H2250 <STRHEB>@ חברה חבּרה חבּוּרה chabbûrâh chabbûrâh chăbûrâh (1,2) {khab-boo-raw'} (3) khab-oo-raw' From H2266; properly bound (with {stripes}) that {is} a weal (or black and blue mark itself): - {blueness} {bruise} {hurt} {stripe} wound.

H2287 <STRHEB>@ חגג châgag khaw-gag' A primitive root (compare {H2283} H2328); properly to move in a {circle} that {is} (specifically) to march in a sacred {procession} to observe a festival; by implication to be giddy: - {celebrate} {dance} ({keep} hold) a (solemn) feast ({holiday}) reel to and fro.

H2459 <STRHEB>@ חלב חלב cheleb chêleb {kheh'-leb} khay'-leb From an unused root meaning to be fat; {fat} whether literally or figuratively; hence the richest or choice part: - X {best} fat ({-ness}) X {finest} {grease} marrow.

H2560 <STRHEB>@ חמר châmar khaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to boil up; hence to ferment (with scum); to glow (with redness); as denominative (from H2564) to smear with pitch: - {daub} {foul} be {red} trouble.

H2562 <STRHEB>@ חמר chămar kham-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H2561; wine: - wine.

H2688 <STRHEB>@ חצצן תּמר חצצון תּמר chatstsôn tâmâr chatsătsôn tâmâr khats-ets-one' {taw-mawr'} khats-ats-one' From H2686 and H8558; division (that {is} perhaps row) of (the palm tree; Chatsetson {tamar} a place in Palestine: - Hazezon-tamar.

H2856 <STRHEB>@ חתם châtham khaw-tham' A primitive root; to close up; especially to seal: - make an {end} {mark} seal ({up}) stop.

H2859 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthan khaw-than' A primitive root; to give (a daughter) away in marriage; hence (generally) to contract affinity by marriage: - join in {affinity} father in {law} make {marriages} mother in {law} son in law.

H2860 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthân khaw-thawn' From H2859; a relative by marriage (especially through the bride); figuratively a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal): - {bridegroom} {husband} son in law.

H2900 <STRHEB>@ טוביּהוּ טוביּה ţôbîyâh ţôbîyâhû {to-bee-yaw'} to-bee-yaw'-hoo From H2896 and H3050; goodness of Jehovah; {Tobijah} the name of three Israelites and of one Samaritan: - {Tobiah} Tobijah.

H2992 <STRHEB>@ יבם yâbam yaw-bam' A primitive root of doubtful meaning; used only as a denominative from H2993; to marry a (deceased) brother´ s widow: - perform the duty of a husband´ s {brother} marry.

H201 <STRHEB>@ אומר 'ômâr o-mawr' From H559; talkative; {Omar} a grandson of Esau: - Omar.

H226 <STRHEB>@ אות 'ôth oth Probably from H225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (literally or {figuratively}) as a {flag} beacon6 {monument} omen6 {prodigy} {evidence} etc.: - {mark} {miracle} (en-) {sign} token.

H260 <STRHEB>@ אחוּ 'âchû aw'-khoo Of uncertain (perhaps Egyptian) derivation; a bulrush or any marshy grass (particularly that along the Nile): - {flag} meadow.

H3045 <STRHEB>@ ידע yâdayaw-dah' A primitive root; to know (properly to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of {senses} {figuratively} {literally} euphemistically and inferentially (including {observation} care6 recognition; and causatively {instruction} designation6 {punishment} etc.): - {acknowledge} acquaintance (-ted {with}) {advise} {answer} {appoint} {assuredly} be {aware} [un-] {awares} can {[-not]} {certainly} for a {certainty} {comprehend} {consider} X could {they} {cunning} {declare} be {diligent} ({can} cause to) {discern} {discover} endued {with} familiar {friend} {famous} {feel} can {have} be [ig-] {norant} {instruct} {kinsfolk} {kinsman} (cause {to} {let} make) {know} (come to {give} {have} take) {knowledge} have {[knowledge]} ({be} {make} make to {be} make self) {known} + be {learned} + lie by {man} {mark} {perceive} privy {to} X {prognosticator} {regard} have {respect} {skilful} {shew} can (man of) {skill} be {sure} of a {surety} {teach} (can) {tell} {understand} have {[understanding]} X will {be} {wist} {wit} wot.

H3149 <STRHEB>@ יזואלo yezavl yez-av-ale' From an unused root (meaning to sprinkle) and H410; sprinkled of God; {Jezavel} an Israelite: - Jeziel [from the margin].

H3212 <STRHEB>@ ילך yâlak yaw-lak' A primitive root (compare H1980); to walk (literally or figuratively); causatively to carry (in various senses): - X {again} {away} {bear} {bring} carry ({away}) come ({away}) {depart} {flow} + follow ({-ing}) get ({away} {hence} {him}) (cause {to} make) go ({away} {-ing} {-ne} one´ s {way} {out}) {grow} lead ({forth}) let {down} {march} {prosper} + {pursue} cause to {run} {spread} take away ({[-journey]}) {vanish} (cause to) walk ({-ing}) {wax} X be weak.

H3235 <STRHEB>@ ימר yâmar yaw-mar' A primitive root; to exchange; by implication to change places: - boast {selves} change.

H3240 <STRHEB>@ ינח yânach yaw-nakh' A primitive root; to deposit; by implication to allow to stay. (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred {to} in accordance with the older grammarians; but if any distinction of the kind is to be {made} these should rather be referred to {H5117} and the others here): - {bestow} cast {down} lay ({down} {up}) leave ({off}) let alone ({remain}) {pacify} {place} {put} set ({down}) {suffer} {withdraw} withhold. (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred {to} in accordance with the older grammarians; but if any distinction of the kind is to be {made} these should rather be referred to {H5117} and the others here.)

H3241 <STRHEB>@ יניםo yânîym yaw-neem' From H5123; asleep; {Janim} a place in Palestine: - Janum [from the margin].

H3259 <STRHEB>@ יעד yâ‛ad yaw-ad' A primitive root; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment); by implication to meet (at a stated {time}) to summon (to {trial}) to direct (in a certain quarter or {position}) to engage (for marriage): - {agree} (make an) appoint ({-ment} a {time}) assemble ({selves}) {betroth} gather ({selves} {together}) meet ({together}) set (a time).

H3260 <STRHEB>@ יעדּי yedîy yed-ee' From H3259; appointed; {Jedi} an Israelite: - Iddo [from the margin] See H3035.

H3265 <STRHEB>@ יעוּר yâ‛ûr yaw-oor' Apparently passive participle of the same as H3293; wooded; {Jaur} an Israelite: - Jair [from the margin].

H3274 <STRHEB>@ יעישׁ ye‛îysh yeh-eesh' From H5789; hasty; {Jeish} the name of an Edomite and of an Israelite: - Jeush [from the margin]. Compare H3266.

H3328 <STRHEB>@ יצחר yitschar yits-khar' From the same as H6713; he will shine; {Jitschar} an Israelite: - and Zehoar [from the margin].

H3406 <STRHEB>@ ירמות ירימות ירימות yerîymôth yerêymôth yerêmôth (1) {yer-ee-mohth'} (2,3) yer-ay-mohth' Feminine plural from H7311; elevations; Jerimoth or {Jeremoth} the name of twelve Israelites: - {Jeremoth} {Jerimoth} and Ramoth [from the margin].

H3427 <STRHEB>@ ישׁב yâshab yaw-shab' A primitive root; properly to sit down (specifically as {judge} in {ambush} in quiet); by implication to {dwell} to remain; causatively to {settle} to marry: - (make to) abide ({-ing}) {continue} (cause {to} make to) dwell ({-ing}) ease {self} {endure} {establish} X {fail} {habitation} {haunt} (make to) inhabit ({-ant}) make to keep {[house]} {lurking} X marry ({-ing}) (bring again to) {place} {remain} {return} {seat} set ({-tle}) (down-) sit ({-down} {still} -ting {down} -ting [place] {-uate}) {take} tarry.

H3430 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבּו בּנב yishbô benôb yish-bo' beh-nobe' From H3427 and {H5011} with a pronominal suffix and a preposition interposed; his dwelling (is) in Nob; {Jishbo-be-Nob} a Philistine: - Ishbi-benob [from the margin].

H3451 <STRHEB>@ ישׁימה yeshîymâh yesh-ee-maw' From H3456; desolation: - let death seize [from the margin].

H3510 <STRHEB>@ כּאב kâ'ab kaw-ab' A primitive root; properly to feel pain; by implication to grieve; figuratively to spoil: - {grieving} {mar} have {pain} make sad ({sore}) (be) sorrowful.

H3554 <STRHEB>@ כּוה kâvâh kaw-vaw' A primitive root; properly to prick or penetrate; hence to blister (as smarting or eating into): - burn.

H3648 <STRHEB>@ כּמר kâmar kaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to intertwine or {contract} that {is} (by implication) to shrivel (as with heat); figuratively to be deeply affected with passion (love or pity): - be {black} be {kindled} yearn.

H3649 <STRHEB>@ כּמר kâmâr kaw-mawr' From H3648; properly an ascetic (as if shrunk with self {maceration}) that {is} an idolatrous priest (only in plural): - {Chemarims} (idolatrous) priests.

H3746 <STRHEB>@ כּרי kârîy kaw-ree' Perhaps an abridged plural of H3733 in the sense of leader (of the flock); a life guardsman: - {captains} Cherethites [from the margin].

H3749 <STRHEB>@ כּרכּב karkôb kar-kobe' Expanded from the same as H3522; a rim or top margin: - compassive

H3782 <STRHEB>@ כּשׁל kâshal kaw-shal' A primitive root; to totter or waver (through weakness of the {legs} especially the ankle); by implication to {falter} {stumble} faint or fall: - bereave [from the {margin]} cast {down} be {decayed} (cause to) {fail} ({cause} make to) fall ({down} {-ing}) {feeble} be (the) ruin ({-ed} {of}) (be) {overthrown} (cause to) {stumble} X {utterly} be weak.

H3793 <STRHEB>@ כּתבת kethôbeth keth-o'-beth From H3789; a letter or other mark branded on the skin: - X any [mark].

H3799 <STRHEB>@ כּתם kâtham kaw-tham' A primitive root; properly to carve or {engrave} that {is} (by implication) to inscribe indelibly: - mark.

H3889 <STRHEB>@ לוּשׁo lûsh loosh From H3888; kneading; {Lush} a place in Palestine: - Laish [from the margin]. Compare H3919.

H3982 <STRHEB>@ מאמר mamar mah-am-ar' From H559; something (authoritatively) {said} that {is} an edict: - {commandment} decree.

H3983 <STRHEB>@ מאמר mê'mar may-mar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H3982: - {appointment} word.

H385 <STRHEB>@ איתמר 'îythâmâr eeth-aw-mawr' From H339 and H8558; coast of the palm tree; {Ithamar} a son of Aaron: - Ithamar.

H4054 <STRHEB>@ מגרשׁה מגרשׁ migrâsh migrâshâh {mig-rawsh'} mig-raw-shaw' From H1644; a suburb (that {is} open country whither flocks are driven for pasture); hence the area around a {building} or the margin of the sea: - cast {out} suburb.

H4221 <STRHEB>@ מח môach mo'-akh From the same as H4220; {fat} that {is} marrow: - marrow.

H4229 <STRHEB>@ מחה mâchâh maw-khaw' A primitive root; properly to stroke or rub; by implication to erase; also to smooth (as if with {oil}) that {is} grease or make fat; also to {touch} that {is} reach to: - {abolish} blot {out} {destroy} full of {marrow} put {out} reach {unto} X {utterly} wipe ({away} out).

H4230 <STRHEB>@ מחוּגה mechûgâh mekh-oo-gaw' From H2328; an instrument for marking a {circle} that {is} compasses: - compassive

H4307 <STRHEB>@ מטּרה מטּרא maţţârâ' maţţârâh {mat-taw-raw'} mat-taw-raw' From H5201; a jail (as a guard house); also an aim (as being closely watched): - {mark} prison.

H4376 <STRHEB>@ מכר mâkar maw-kar' A primitive root; to {sell} literally (as {merchandise} a daughter in {marriage} into {slavery}) or figuratively (to surrender): - X at {all} sell ({away} {-er} self).

H4409 <STRHEB>@ מלּוּכי מלּוּךo mallûk malûkîy {mal-luke} mal-loo-kee' From H4427; regnant; {Malluk} the name of five Israelites: - {Malluch} Melichu [from the margin].

H4419 <STRHEB>@ מלּח mallâch mal-lawkh' From H4414 in its secondary sense; a sailor (as followingthe salt´ ): - mariner.

H4526 <STRHEB>@ מסגּרת misgereth mis-gheh'-reth From H5462; something {enclosing} that {is} a margin (of a {region} of a panel); concretely a stronghold: - {border} close {place} hole.

H4548 <STRHEB>@ מסמרה מסמרה מסמר מסמר masmêr mismêr masmerâh mismerâh mas-mare' mis-mare' mas (mis) -mer-aw' From H5568; a peg (as bristling from the surface): - nail.

H4550 <STRHEB>@ מסּע massamas-sah From H5265; a departure (from striking the {tents}) that {is} march (not necessarily a single day´ s travel); by implication a station (or point of departure): - journey (-ing).

H4609 <STRHEB>@ מעלה ma‛ălâh mah-al-aw' Feminine of H4608; {elevation} that {is} the act (literally a journey to a higher {place} figuratively a thought {arising}) or (concretely) the condition (literally a step or grade {mark} figuratively a superiority of station); specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms): - things that come {up} (high) {degree} {deal} go {up} {stair} {step} story.

H4627 <STRHEB>@ מערב ma‛ărâb mah-ar-awb' From {H6148} in the sense of trading; traffic; by implication mercantile goods: - {market} merchandise.

H4630 <STRHEB>@ מערהo ma‛ărâh mah-ar-aw' Feminine of H4629; an open spot: - army [from the margin].

H4645 <STRHEB>@ מפגּע miphgâ‛ mif-gaw' From H6293; an object of attack: - mark.

H4751 <STRHEB>@ מרה מר mar mârâh {mar} maw-raw' From H4843; bitter (literally or figuratively); also (as noun) {bitterness} or (adverbially) bitterly: - + {angry} bitter ({-ly} {-ness}) {chafed} {discontented} X {great} heavy.

H4752 <STRHEB>@ מר mar mar From H4843 in its original sense of distillation; a drop: - drop.

H4755 <STRHEB>@ מרא mârâ' maw-raw' For H4751 feminine; bitter; {Mara} a symbolical name of Naomi: - Mara.

H4758 <STRHEB>@ מראה mar'eh mar-eh' From H7200; a view (the act of seeing); also an appearance (the thing {seen}) whether (real) a shape (especially if {handsome} comeliness; often plural the {looks}) or (mental) a vision: - X {apparently} appearance ({-reth}) X as soon as beautiful ({-ly}) {countenance} {fair} {favoured} {form} {goodly} to look (up) on ({to}) look {[-eth]} {pattern} to {see} {seem} {sight} {visage} vision.

H4759 <STRHEB>@ מראה marh mar-aw' Feminine of H4758; a vision; also (causatively) a mirror: - looking {glass} vision.

H4761 <STRHEB>@ מראשׁה marshâh mar-aw-shaw' Denominative from H7218; properly {headship} that {is} (plural for collective) dominion: - principality.

H4762 <STRHEB>@ מרשׁה מראשׁה marshâh marêshâh {mar-ay-shaw'} mar-ay-shaw' Formed like H4761; summit; {Mareshah} the name of two Israelites and of a place in Palestine: - Mareshah.

H4765 <STRHEB>@ מרבד marbad mar-bad' From H7234; a coverlet: - covering of tapestry.

H4766 <STRHEB>@ מרבה marbeh mar-beh' From H7235; properly increasing; as {noun} {greatness} or (adverbially) greatly: - {great} increase.

H4768 <STRHEB>@ מרבּית marbîyth mar-beeth' From H7235; a multitude; also offspring; specifically interest (on capital): - greatest {part} {greatness} {increase} multitude.

H4769 <STRHEB>@ מרבּץ marbêts mar-bates' From H7257; a reclining {place} that {is} fold (for flocks): - couching {place} place to lie down.

H4770 <STRHEB>@ מרבּק marbêq mar-bake' From an unused root meaning to tie up; a stall (for cattle): - X fat ({-ted}) stall.

H4771 <STRHEB>@ מרגּוע margôamar-go'-ah From H7280; a resting place: - rest.

H4772 <STRHEB>@ מרגּלה margelâh mar-ghel-aw' Denominative from H7272; (plural for collective) a foot {piece} that {is} (adverbially) at the {foot} or (directly) the foot itself: - feet. Compare H4763.

H4773 <STRHEB>@ מרגּמה margêmâh mar-gay-maw' From H7275; a stone heap: - sling.

H4774 <STRHEB>@ מרגּעה margê‛âh mar-gay-aw' From H7280; rest: - refreshing.

H4780 <STRHEB>@ מרדּוּת mardûth mar-dooth' From H4775; rebelliousness: - X rebellious.

H4785 <STRHEB>@ מרה mârâh maw-raw' The same as H4751 feminine; bitter; {Marah} a place in the Desert: - Marah.

H4796 <STRHEB>@ מרות mârôth maw-rohth' Plural of H4751 feminine; bitter springs; {Maroth} a place in Palestine: - Maroth.

H4798 <STRHEB>@ מרזח marzêach mar-zay'-akh Formed like H4797; a {cry} that {is} (of grief) a lamentation: - mourning.

H4802 <STRHEB>@ מרחשׁת marchesheth mar-kheh'-sheth From H7370; a stew pan: - fryingpan.

H4819 <STRHEB>@ מרכּלת markôleth mar-ko'-leth From H7402; a mart: - merchandise.

H4826 <STRHEB>@ מרסנא marsenâ' mar-sen-aw' Of foreign derivation; {Marsena} a Persian: - Marsena.

H4831 <STRHEB>@ מרעלה mar‛ălâh mar-al-aw' From H7477; perhaps earthquake; {Maralah} a place in Palestine: - Maralah.

H4832 <STRHEB>@ מרפּא marpê' mar-pay' From H7495; properly {curative} that {is} literally (concretely) a {medicine} or (abstractly) a cure; figuratively (concretely) {deliverance} or (abstractly) placidity: - ([in-]) cure ({-able}) healing ({-lth}) {remedy} {sound} {wholesome} yielding.

H4836 <STRHEB>@ מרצע martsêamar-tsay'-ah From H7527; an awl: - aul.

H4837 <STRHEB>@ מרצפת martsepheth mar-tseh'-feth From H7528; a pavement: - pavement.

H4893 <STRHEB>@ משׁחת משׁחת mishchâth moshchâth {mish-khawth'} mosh-khawth' From H7843; disfigurement: - {corruption} marred.

H4900 <STRHEB>@ משׁך mâshak maw-shak' A primitive root; to {draw} used in a great variety of applications (including to {sow} to {sound} to {prolong} to {develop} to {march} to {remove} to {delay} to be {tall} etc.): - draw ({along} {out}) {continue} {defer} {extend} {forbear} X {give} {handle} make ({pro-} sound) {long} X {sow} {scatter} stretch out.

H4941 <STRHEB>@ משׁפּט mishpâţ mish-pawt' From H8199; properly a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced {judicially} especially a sentence or formal decree (human or (particularly) divine {law} individual or {collectively}) including the {act} the {place} the {suit} the {crime} and the penalty; abstractly {justice} including a particular {right} or privilege (statutory or {customary}) or even a style: - + {adversary} {ceremony} {charge} X {crime} {custom} {desert} {determination} {discretion} {disposing} {due} {fashion} {form} to be {judged} {judgment} just ({-ice} {-ly}) (manner of) law ({-ful}) {manner} {measure} (due) {order} {ordinance} {right} {sentence} {usest} X {worthy} + wrong.

H5109 <STRHEB>@ נוביo nôbay no-bah'ee From H5108; fruitful; {Nobai} an Israelite: - Nebai [from the margin].

H5121 <STRHEB>@ נויתo nâvîyth naw-veeth' From H5115; residence; {Navith} a place in Palestine: - Naioth [from the margin].

H5245 <STRHEB>@ נמר nemar nem-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5246: - leopard.

H5246 <STRHEB>@ נמר nâmêr naw-mare' From an unused root meaning properly to {filtrate} that {is} be limpid (compare H5247 and H5249); and thus to spot or stain as if by dripping; a leopard (from its stripes): - leopard.

H5265 <STRHEB>@ נסע nâsanaw-sah' A primitive root; properly to pull {up} especially the tent {pins} that {is} start on a journey: - cause to {blow} {bring} {get} (make to) go ({away} {forth} {forward} {onward} {out}) (take) {journey} {march} {remove} set aside ({forward}) X {still} be on his (go their) way.

H5275 <STRHEB>@ נעלה נעל naal na‛ălâh {nah'-al} nah-al-aw' From H5274; properly a sandal tongue; by extension a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of {occupancy} a refusal to {marry} or of something valueless): - {dryshod} (pair of) shoe ({[-latchet]} -s).

H5288 <STRHEB>@ נער naar nah'-ar From H5287; (concretely) a boy (as {active}) from the age of infancy to adolescence; by implication a servant; also (by interchange of {sex}) a girl (of similar latitude in age): - {babe} {boy} {child} damsel [from the {margin]} {lad} {servant} young (man).

H5300 <STRHEB>@ נפוּשׁסיםo nephûshsîym nef-oo-shes-eem' For H5304; {Nephushesim} a Temple Servant: - Nephisesim [from the margin].

H5304 <STRHEB>@ נפיסיםo nephîysîym nef-ee-seem' Plural from an unused root meaning to scatter; expansions; {Nephisim} a Temple Servant: - Nephusim [from the margin].

H5348 <STRHEB>@ נקד nâqôd naw-kode' From an unused root meaning to mark (by puncturing or branding); spotted: - speckled.

H5349 <STRHEB>@ נקד nôqêd no-kade' Active participle from the same as H5348; a spotter (of sheep or {cattle}) that {is} the owner or tender (who thus marks them): - {herdman} sheepmaster.

H5353 <STRHEB>@ נקודא neqôdâ' nek-o-daw' Feminine of H5348 (in the figuratively sense of marked); distinction; {Nekoda} a Temple Servant: - Nekoda.

H5375 <STRHEB>@ נסה נשׂא nâώâ' nâsâh {naw-saw'} naw-saw' A primitive root; to {lift} in a great variety of {applications} literally and {figuratively} absolutely and relatively: - {accept} {advance} {arise} (able {to} {[armour]} suffer to) bear ({-er} {up}) bring ({forth}) {burn} carry ({away}) {cast} {contain} {desire} {ease} {exact} exalt ({self}) {extol} {fetch} {forgive} {furnish} {further} {give} go {on} {help} {high} hold {up} honourable (+ {man}) {lade} {lay} lift (self) {up} {lofty} {marry} {magnify} X {needs} {obtain} {pardon} raise ({up}) {receive} {regard} {respect} set ({up}) {spare} stir {up} + {swear} take ({away} {up}) X {utterly} {wear} yield.

H5420 <STRHEB>@ נתס nâthas naw-thas' A primitive root; to tear up: - mar.

H5484 <STRHEB>@ סוּסה sûsâh soo-saw' Feminine of H5483; a mare: - company of horses.

H5505 <STRHEB>@ סחר sâchar saw-khar' From H5503; an emporium; abstractly profit (from trade): - {mart} merchandise.

H5508 <STRHEB>@ סחרת sôchereth so-kheh'-reth Similar to H5507; probably a (black) tile (or tessara) for laying borders with: - black marble.

H5532 <STRHEB>@ סכן sâkan saw-kan' A primitive root; to be familiar with; by implication to minister {to} be serviceable {to} be customary: - acquaint ({self}) be {advantage} X {ever} ({be} [un-]) profit ({-able}) {treasure} be wont.

H5568 <STRHEB>@ סמר sâmar saw-mar' A primitive root; to be {erect} that {is} bristle as hair: - stand {up} tremble.

H5571 <STRHEB>@ סנבלּט sanballaţ san-bal-lat' Of foreign origin; {Sanballat} a Persian satrap of Samaria: - Sanballat.

H5608 <STRHEB>@ ספר sâphar saw-far' A primitive root; properly to score with a mark as a tally or {record} that {is} (by implication) to {inscribe} and also to enumerate; intensively to {recount} that {is} celebrate: - {commune} (ac-) {count} {declare} {number} + {penknife} {reckon} {scribe} shew {forth} {speak} {talk} tell ({out}) writer.

H5647 <STRHEB>@ עבד ‛âbad aw-bad' A primitive root; to work (in any sense); by implication to {serve} {till} (causatively) {enslave} etc.: - X {be} keep in {bondage} be {bondmen} {bond-service} {compel} {do} {dress} {ear} {execute} + {husbandman} {keep} labour (-ing {man}) bring to {pass} (cause {to} make to) serve ({-ing} {self}) ({be} become) servant ({-s}) do (use) {service} till ({-er}) transgress [from {margin]} (set a) {work} be {wrought} worshipper.

H5679 <STRHEB>@ עברה ‛ăbârâh ab-aw-raw' From H5674; a crossing place: - {ferry} plain [from the margin].

H5702 <STRHEB>@ עגן ‛âgan aw-gan' A primitive root; to {debar} that {is} from marriage: - stay.

H5772 <STRHEB>@ עונה ‛ônâh o-naw' From an unused root apparently meaning to dwell together; (sexual) cohabitation: - duty of marriage.

H5778 <STRHEB>@ עופיo ‛ôphay o-fah'-ee From H5775; birdlike; {Ephai} an Israelite: - Ephai [from margin].

H5801 <STRHEB>@ עזּבון ‛izzâbôn iz-zaw-bone' From H5800 in the sense of letting go (for a {price} that {is} selling); {trade} that {is} the palce (mart) or the payment (revenue): - {fair} ware.

H5842 <STRHEB>@ עט ‛êţ ate From H5860 (contracted) in the sense of {swooping} that {is} side long stroke; a stylus or marking stick: - pen.

H5869 <STRHEB>@ עין ‛ayin ah'-yin Probably a primitive word; an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy a fountain (as the eye of the landscape): - {affliction} outward {appearance} + {before} + think {best} {colour} {conceit} + be {content} {countenance} + {displease} eye ({[-brow]} {[-d]} {-sight}) {face} + {favour} {fountain} furrow [from the {margin]} X {him} + {humble} {knowledge} {look} (+ {well}) X {me} open ({-ly}) + (not) {please} {presence} + {regard} {resemblance} {sight} X {thee} X {them} + {think} X {us} {well} X you (-rselves).

H5892 <STRHEB>@ עיר ער עיר ‛îyr ‛âr ‛âyar {eer} {awr} aw-yar' From H5782 a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post): - Ai [from {margin]} {city} court [from {margin]} town.

H5899 <STRHEB>@ עיר התּמרים ‛îyr hattemârîym err hat-tem-aw-reem' From H5892 and the plural of H8558 with the article interposed; city of the palmtrees; {Ir-hat-Temarim} a place in Palestine: - the city of palmtrees.

H5927 <STRHEB>@ עלה ‛âlâh aw-law' A primitive root; to {ascend} intransitively (be high) or active (mount); used in a great variety of {senses} primary and {secondary} literally and figuratively: - arise (up). (cause to) ascend {up} at {once} break [the day] ({up}) bring ({up}) (cause to) {burn} carry {up} cast {up} + {shew} climb ({up}) (cause {to} make to) come ({up}) cut {off} {dawn} {depart} {exalt} {excel} {fall} fetch {up} get {up} (make to) go ({away} {up}) grow ({over}) {increase} {lay} {leap} {levy} lift (self) {up} {light} [make] {up} X {mention} mount {up} {offer} make to {pay} + {perfect} {prefer} put ({on}) {raise} {recover} {restore} (make to) rise ({up}) {scale} set ({up}) shoot forth ({up}) (begin to) spring ({up}) stir {up} take away ({up}) work.

H5991 <STRHEB>@ עמּיחוּרoammîychûr am-mee-khoor' From H5971 and H2353; people of nobility; {Ammichur} a Syrian prince: - Ammihud [from the margin].

H559 <STRHEB>@ אמר 'âmar aw-mar' A primitive root; to say (used with great latitude): - {answer} {appoint} {avouch} {bid} boast {self} {call} {certify} {challenge} {charge} + (at {the} give) command ({ment}) {commune} {consider} {declare} {demand} X {desire} {determine} X {expressly} X {indeed} X {intend} {name} X {plainly} {promise} {publish} {report} {require} {say} speak ({against} {of}) X {still} X {suppose} {talk} {tell} {term} X that {is} X {think} use {[speech]} {utter} X {verily} X yet.

H560 <STRHEB>@ אמר 'ămar am-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H559: - {command} {declare} {say} {speak} tell.

H563 <STRHEB>@ אמּר 'immar im-mar' (Chaldee); perhaps from H560 (in the sense of bringing forth); a lamb: - lamb.

H564 <STRHEB>@ אמּר 'immêr im-mare' From H559; talkative; {Immer} the name of five Israelites: - Immer.

H568 <STRHEB>@ אמריהוּ אמריה 'ămaryâhmaryâhû {am-ar-yaw'} am-ar-yaw'-hoo From H559 and H3050; Jah has said (that {is} promised); {Amarjah} the name of nine Israelites: - Amariah.

H6014 <STRHEB>@ עמר ‛âmar aw-mar' A primitive root; properly apparently to heap; figuratively to chastise (as if piling blows); specifically (as denominative from H6016) to gather grain: - bind {sheaves} make merchandise of.

H6015 <STRHEB>@ עמר ‛ămar am-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6785; wool: - wool.

H6085 <STRHEB>@ עפרון ‛ephrôn ef-rone' From the same as H6081; fawn like; {Ephron} the name of a Canaanite and of two places in Palestine: - {Ephron} Ephrain [from the margin].

H6112 <STRHEB>@ עצן ‛êtsen ay'-tsen From an unused root meaning to be sharp or strong; a spear: - Eznite [from the margin].

H6238 <STRHEB>@ עשׁר ‛âshar aw-shar' A primitive root; properly to accumulate; chiefly (specifically) to grow (causatively make) rich: - be ({-come} {en-} {make} make {self} wax) {rich} make [H1 Kings H22 : H48 margin]. See H6240.

H6381 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pâlâ' paw-law' A primitive root; properly perhaps to {separate} that {is} distinguish (literally or figuratively); by implication to be (causatively make) {great} {difficult} wonderful: - {accomplish} (arise . . . {too} be too) {hard} {hidden} things too {high} ({be} {do} do {a} shew) marvelous ({-ly} {-els} {things} {work}) {miracles} {perform} {separate} make {singular} ({be} {great} make) wonderful ({-ers} {-ly} {things} {works}) wondrous ({things} {works} -ly).

H6382 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pele' peh'-leh From H6381; a miracle: - marvellous {thing} wonder ({-ful} -fully).

H6383 <STRHEB>@ פּליא פּלאי pily pâlîy' {pil-ee'} paw-lee' From H6381; remarkable: - {secret} wonderful.

H6395 <STRHEB>@ פּלה pâlâh paw-law' A primitive root; to distinguish (literally or figuratively): - put a {difference} show {marvellous} {separate} set {apart} {sever} make wonderfully.

H6437 <STRHEB>@ פּנה pânâh paw-naw' A primitive root; to turn; by implication to {face} that {is} appear6 {look} etc.: - {appear} at [even-] {tide} {behold} cast {out} come {on} X {corner} {dawning} {empty} go {away} {lie} {look} {mark} pass {away} {prepare} {regard} (have) respect ({to}) (re-) turn ({aside} {away} {back} {face} {self}) X right [early].

H6675 <STRHEB>@ צאה צואה tsô'âh tsô'âh {tso-aw'} tso-aw' Feminine of H6674; excrement; generally dirt; figuratively pollution: - {dung} filth (-iness). Marg. for H2716.

H6725 <STRHEB>@ ציוּן tsîyûn tsee-yoon' From the same as H6723 in the sense of conspicuousness (compare H5329); a monumental or guiding pillar: - {sign} {title} waymark.

H6786 <STRHEB>@ צמרי tsemârîy tsem-aw-ree' Patrial from an unused name of a place in Palestine; a Tsemarite or branch of the Canaanites: - Zemarite.

H6787 <STRHEB>@ צמרים tsemârayim tsem-aw-rah'-yim Dual of H6785; double fleece; {Tsemarajim} a place in Palestine: - Zemaraim.

H6805 <STRHEB>@ צעד tsâ‛ad tsaw-ad' A primitive root; to {pace} that {is} step regularly; (upward) to mount; (along) to march; (down and causatively) to hurl: - {bring} {go} march ({through}) run over.

H6807 <STRHEB>@ צעדה tse‛âdâh tseh-aw-daw' Feminine of H6806; a march; (concretely) an (ornamental) ankle chain: - {going} ornament of the legs.

H6854 <STRHEB>@ צפרדּע tsephardêatsef-ar-day'-ah From H6852 and a word elsewhere unused meaning a swamp; a marsh {leaper} that {is} frog: - frog.

H679 <STRHEB>@ אצּיל 'atstsîyl ats-tseel' From H680 (in its primary sense of uniting); a joint of the hand (that {is} knuckle); also (according to some) a partywall (): - [arm] {hole} great.

H7085 <STRHEB>@ קעקע qa‛ăqakah-ak-ah' From the same as H6970; an incision or gash: - + mark.

H7119 <STRHEB>@ קר qar kar Contracted from an unused root meaning to chill; cool; figuratively quiet: - {cold} excellent [from the margin].

H7181 <STRHEB>@ קשׁב qâshab kaw-shab' A primitive root; to prick up the {ears} that {is} hearken: - {attend} (cause to) hear ({-ken}) give {heed} {incline} mark ({well}) regard.

H7200 <STRHEB>@ ראה râ'âh raw-aw' A primitive root; to {see} literally or figuratively (in numerous {applications} direct and {implied} {transitively} intransitively and causatively): - advise {self} {appear} {approve} {behold} X {certainly} {consider} {discern} (make to) {enjoy} have {experience} {gaze} take {heed} X {indeed} X {joyfully} {lo} look ({on} one {another} one on {another} one upon {another} {out} {up} {upon}) {mark} {meet} X be {near} {perceive} {present} {provide} {regard} (have) {respect} ({fore-} cause {to} let) see ({-r} {-m} one {another}) shew ({self}) X sight of {others} (e-) {spy} {stare} X {surely} X {think} {view} visions.

H7321 <STRHEB>@ רוּע rûaroo-ah' A primitive root; to mar (especially by breaking); figuratively to split the ears (with {sound}) that {is} shout (for alarm or joy): - blow an {alarm} cry ({alarm} {aloud} {out}) {destroy} make a joyful {noise} {smart} shout (for {joy}) sound an {alarm} triumph.

H7379 <STRHEB>@ רב ריב rîyb rib {reeb} reeb From H7378; a contest (personal or legal): - + {adversary} {cause} {chiding} contend ({-tion}) {controversy} multitude [from the {margin]} {pleading} {strife} strive ({-ing}) suit.

H7393 <STRHEB>@ רכב rekeb reh'-keb From H7392; a vehicle; by implication a team; by extension cavalry; by analogy a {rider} that {is} the upper millstone: - {chariot} (upper) {millstone} multitude [from the {margin]} wagon.

H7417 <STRHEB>@ רמּונו רמּן רמּון rimmôn rimmôn rimmônô 1,2 {rim-mone'} rim-mo-no' The same as H7416; {Rimmon} the name of a Syrian {deity} also of five places in Palestine. The additon of -methoar (the fourth form) is a passive participle of H8388 with the article; the (one) marked {off} that {is} which pertains; mistaken for part of the name: - {Remmon} Rimmon. The addition -methoar () is המּתאר {hammethô'âr} ham-meth-o-awr; passive participle of H8388 with the article the (one) marked {off} That is6which pertains; mistaken for part of the name.

H7424 <STRHEB>@ רמּך rammâk ram-mawk' Of foreign origin; a brood mare: - dromedary.

H7451 <STRHEB>@ רעה רע rarâ‛âh {rah} raw-aw' From H7489; bad or (as noun) evil (naturally or morally). This includes the second (feminine) form; as adjective or noun: - {adversity} {affliction} {bad} {calamity} + displease ({-ure}) {distress} evil ({[-favouredness]} {man} {thing}) + {exceedingly} X {great} grief ({-vous}) {harm} {heavy} hurt ({-ful}) ill ({favoured}) + {mark} {mischief} ({-vous}) {misery} naught ({-ty}) {noisome} + not {please} sad ({-ly}) {sore} {sorrow} {trouble} {vex} wicked ({-ly} {-ness} {one}) worse (-st) {wretchedness} wrong. [Including feminine ra´ ah; as adjective or noun.]

H7455 <STRHEB>@ רע rôaro'-ah From H7489; badness (as {marring}) physically or morally: - X be so {bad} {badness} (X be so) {evil} {naughtiness} {sadness} {sorrow} wickedness.

H7634 <STRHEB>@ שׁביה shobyâh shob-yaw' Feminine of the same as H7629; captivation; {Shobjah} an Israelite: - Shachia [from the margin].

H7726 <STRHEB>@ שׁובב shôbâb sho-bawb' From H7725; {apostate} that {is} idolatrous: - {backsliding} {frowardly} turn away [from margin].

H7738 <STRHEB>@ שׁוהo shâvâh shaw-vaw' A primitive root; to destroy: - X substance [from the margin].

H7751 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּט shûţ shoot A primitive root; properly to push forth; (but used only figuratively) to {lash} that {is} (the sea with oars) to row; by implication to travel: - go ({about} {through} to and {fro}) {mariner} {rower} run to and fro.

H7760 <STRHEB>@ שׂים שׂוּם ώûm ώîym {soom} seem A primitive root; to put (used in a great variety of {applications} {literally} {figuratively} inferentially and elliptically): - X any {wise} {appoint} {bring} call [a {name]} {care} cast {in} {change} {charge} {commit} {consider} {convey} {determine} + {disguise} {dispose} {do} {get} {give} heap {up} {hold} {impute} lay ({down} {up}) {leave} {look} make ({out}) {mark} + {name} X {on} {ordain} {order} + {paint} {place} {preserve} {purpose} put ({on}) + {regard} {rehearse} {reward} (cause to) set ({on} {up}) {shew} + {stedfastly} {take} X {tell} + tread {down} ([over-]) {turn} X {wholly} work.

H7763 <STRHEB>@ שׁמר שׁומר shômêr shômêr {sho-mare'} sho-mare' Active participle of H8104; keeper; {Shomer} the name of two Israelites: - Shomer.

H7831 <STRHEB>@ שׁחצוםo shachătsôm shakh-ats-ome' From the same as H7830; proudly; {Shachatsom} a place in Palestine: - Shahazimah [from the margin].

H7843 <STRHEB>@ שׁחת shâchath shaw-khath' A primitive root; to {decay} that {is} (causatively) ruin (literally or figuratively): - {batter} cast {off} corrupt ({-er} {thing}) destroy ({-er} {-uction}) {lose} {mar} {perish} {spill} {spoiler} X {utterly} waste (-r).

H7864 <STRHEB>@ שׁיאo sheyâ' sheh-yaw' For H7724; {Sheja} an Israelite: - Sheva [from the margin].

H7893 <STRHEB>@ שׁישׁ shayish shah'-yish From an unused root meaning to {bleach} that {is} whiten; {white} that {is} marble: - marble. See H8336.

H7896 <STRHEB>@ שׁית shîyth sheeth A primitive root; to place (in a very wide application): - {apply} {appoint} {array} {bring} {consider} lay ({up}) let {alone} X {look} {make} {mark} put ({on}) + {regard} {set} {shew} be {stayed} X take.

H7991 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁ שׁלושׁ שׁלישׁo shâlîysh shâlôsh shâlôsh {shaw-leesh'} {shaw-loshe'} shaw-loshe' (The second form used in ; the third form used in ); from H7969; a {triple} that {is} (as a musical instrument) a triangle (or perhaps rather three stringed lute); also (as an indefinitely great quantity) a three fold measure (perhaps a treble ephah); also (as an officer) a general of the third rank ({upward} that {is} the highest): - {captain} instrument of {musick} (great) {lord} (great) {measure} {prince} three [from the margin].

H738 <STRHEB>@ אריה ארי 'ărîy 'aryêh {ar-ee'} ar-yay' From H717 (in the sense of violence); a lion: - (young) {lion} + pierce [from the margin].

H8013 <STRHEB>@ שׁלמות shelômôth shel-o-moth' Feminine plural of H7965; pacifications; {Shelomoth} the name of two Israelites: - Shelomith [from the {margin]} Shelomoth. Compare H8019.

H8032 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁם שׁלשׁום shilshôm shilshôm {shil-shome'} shil-shome' From the same as H8028; {trebly} that {is} (in time) day before yesterday: - + before (that {time} {-time}) excellent things [from the {margin]} + {heretofore} three {days} + time past.

H8034 <STRHEB>@ שׁם shêm shame A primitive word (perhaps rather from H7760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; compare H8064); an {appellation} as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication {honor} {authority} character: - + {base} [in-] fame {[-ous]} name ({-d}) {renown} report.

H8053 <STRHEB>@ שׁמוּרo shâmûr shaw-moor' Passive participle of H8103; observed; {Shamur} an Israelite: - Shamir [from the margin].

H8073 <STRHEB>@ שׁמליo shamlay sham-lah'ee From H8014; {Shamlai} one of the Nethinim: - Shalmai [from the margin].

H8096 <STRHEB>@ שׁמעי shim‛îy shim-ee' From H8088; famous; {Shimi} the name of twenty Israelites: - Shimeah [from the {margin]} {Shimei} {Shimhi} Shimi.

H8104 <STRHEB>@ שׁמר shâmar shaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to hedge about (as with {thorns}) that {is} guard; generally to {protect} attend {to} etc.: - {beware} be {circumspect} take heed (to {self}) keep ({-er} {self}) {mark} look {narrowly} {observe} {preserve} {regard} {reserve} save ({self}) {sure} (that lay) wait ({for}) watch (-man).

H8111 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרון shômerôn sho-mer-one' From the active participle of H8104; watch station; {Shomeron} a place in Palestine: - Samaria.

H8114 <STRHEB>@ שׁמריהוּ שׁמריה shemaryâh shemaryâhû {shem-ar-yaw'} shem-ar-yaw'-hoo From H8104 and H3050; Jah has guarded; {Shemarjah} the name of four Israelites: - {Shamariah} Shemariah.

H8115 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרין shomrayin shom-rah'-yin (Chaldee); corresponding to H8111; {Shomrain} a place in Palestine: - Samaria.

H8118 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרני shômerônîy sho-mer-o-nee' Patrial from H8111; a Shomeronite (collectively) or inhabitant of Shomeron: - Samaritans.

H8124 <STRHEB>@ שׁמשׁי shimshay shim-shah'ee (Chaldee); from H8122; sunny; {Shimshai} a Samaritan: - Shimshai.

H8193 <STRHEB>@ שׂפת שׂפה ώâphâh ώepheth {saw-faw'} sef-eth' (The second form is in dual and plural); Probably from H5595 or H8192 through the idea of termination (compare H5490); the lip (as a natural boundary); by implication language; by analogy a margin (of a {vessel} {water} {cloth} etc.): - {band} {bank} {binding} {border} {brim} {brink} {edge} {language} {lip} {prating} ([sea-]) {shore} {side} {speech} {talk} [vain] words.

H8219 <STRHEB>@ שׁפלה shephêlâh shef-ay-law' From H8213; {Lowland} that {is} (with the article) the maritime slope of Palestine: - low {country} (low) {plain} vale (-ley).

H8250 <STRHEB>@ שׁקּוּי shiqqûy shik-koo'ee From H8248; a beverage; {moisture} that {is} (figuratively) refreshment: - {drink} marrow.

H8336 <STRHEB>@ שׁשׁי שׁשׁ shêsh sheshîy {shaysh} shesh-ee' (The second form for alliteration with H4897); for H7893; bleached {stuff} that {is} white linen or (by analogy) marble: - X {blue} fine [(twined]) {linen} {marble} silk.

H8376 <STRHEB>@ תּאה tâ'âh taw-aw' A primitive root; to mark {off} that {is} (intensively) designate: - point out.

H8388 <STRHEB>@ תּאר tâ'ar taw-ar' A primitive root; to delineate; reflexively to extend. (Rimmon methoar by union with H7417.): - be {drawn} mark {out} [Rimmon-] methoar [by union with H7417].

H8420 <STRHEB>@ תּו tâv tawv From H8427; a mark; by implication a signature: - {desire} mark.

H8427 <STRHEB>@ תּוה tâvâh taw-vaw' A primitive root; to mark {out} that {is} (primitive) scratch or (definitely) imprint: - {scrabble} set [a mark].

H8436 <STRHEB>@ תּוּלוןo tûlôn too-lone' From H8524; suspension; {Tulon} an Israelite: - Tilon [from the margin].

H8539 <STRHEB>@ תּמהּ tâmahh taw-mah' A primitive root; to be in consternation: - be {amazed} be {astonished} marvel ({-lously}) wonder.

H8559 <STRHEB>@ תּמר tâmâr taw-mawr' The same as H8558; {Tamar} the name of three women and a place: - Tamar.

H8565 <STRHEB>@ תּן tan tan From an unused root probably meaning to elongate; a monster (as preternaturally {formed}) that {is} a sea serpent (or other huge marine animal); also a jackal (or other hideous land animal): - {dragon} whale. Compare H8577.

H8577 <STRHEB>@ תּנּים תּנּין tannîyn tannîym {tan-neen'} tan-neem' (The second form used in ); intensive from the same as H8565; a marine or land {monster} that {is} sea serpent or jackal: - {dragon} {sea-monster} {serpent} whale.

H815 <STRHEB>@ אשׁל 'êshel ay'-shel From a root of uncertain signification; a tamarisk tree; by extension a grove of any kind: - {grove} tree.

H831 <STRHEB>@ אשׁקלון 'ashqelôn ash-kel-one' Probably from H8254 in the sense of weighing place (that {is} mart); {Ashkelon} a place in Palestine: - {Ashkelon} Askalon.

H897 <STRHEB>@ בּג bag bag A Persian word; food. For H957: - spoil [from the margin for H957.]

H923 <STRHEB>@ בּהט bahaţ bah'-hat From an unused root (probably meaning to glisten); white marble or perhaps alabaster: - red [marble].

H973 <STRHEB>@ בּחל bâchal baw-khal' A primitive root; to loathe. For H926: - {abhor} get hastily [from the margin for H926].

H995 <STRHEB>@ בּין bîyn bene A primitive root; to separate mentally (or {distinguish}) that {is} (generally) understand: - {attend} {consider} be {cunning} {diligently} {direct} {discern} {eloquent} {feel} {inform} {instruct} have {intelligence} {know} look well {to} {mark} {perceive} be {prudent} {regard} (can) skill ({-ful}) {teach} {think} ({cause} make {to} {get} {give} have) understand ({-ing}) {view} (deal) wise ({-ly} man).

G18 <STRGRK>@ ἀγαθός agathos ag-ath-os' A primary word; good (in any sense often as noun): - benefit good (-s things) well. Compare G2570.

G22 <STRGRK>@ ἄγαμος agamos ag'-am-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1062; unmarried: - unmarried.

G58 <STRGRK>@ ἀγορά agora ag-or-ah' From ἀγείρω ageiro (to gather; probably akin to G1453); properly the town square (as a place of public resort); by implication a market or thoroughfare: - market (-place) street.

G59 <STRGRK>@ ἀγοράζω agorazō ag-or-ad'-zo From G58; properly to go to market that is (by implication) to purchase; specifically to redeem: - buy redeem.

G60 <STRGRK>@ ἀγοραῖος agoraios ag-or-ah'-yos From G58; relating to the market place that is forensic (times); by implication vulgar: - baser sort low.

G71 <STRGRK>@ ἄγω agō ag'-o A primary verb; properly to lead; by implication to bring drive (reflexively) go (specifically) pass (time) or (figuratively) induce: - be bring (forth) carry (let) go keep lead away be open.

G1006 <STRGRK>@ βόσκω boskō bos'-ko A prolonged form of a primary verb (compare G977 and G1016); to pasture; by extension to fodder; reflexively to graze: - feed keep.

G1014 <STRGRK>@ βούλομαι boulomai boo'-lom-ahee Middle voice of a primary verb; to will that is (reflexively) be willing: - be disposed minded intend list (be of own) will (-ing). Compare G2309.

G1026 <STRGRK>@ βρέχω brechō brekh'-o A primary verb; to moisten (especially by a shower): - (send) rain wash.

G1031 <STRGRK>@ βρύχω bruchō broo'-kho A primary verb; to grate the teeth (in pain or rage): - gnash.

G1032 <STRGRK>@ βρύω bruō broo'-o A primary verb; to swell out that is (by implication) to gush: - send forth.

G1060 <STRGRK>@ γαμέω gameō gam-eh'-o From G1062; to wed (of either sex): - marry (a wife).

G1061 <STRGRK>@ γαμίσκω gamiskō gam-is'-ko From G1062; to espouse (a daughter to a husband): - give in marriage.

G1062 <STRGRK>@ γάμος gamos gam'-os Of uncertain affinity; nuptials: - marriage wedding.

G1063 <STRGRK>@ γάρ gar gar A primary particle; properly assigning a reason (used in argument explanation or intensification; often with other particles): - and as because (that) but even for indeed no doubt seeing then therefore verily what why yet.

G1065 <STRGRK>@ γέ ge gheh A primary particle of emphasis or qualification (often used with other particles prefixed): - and besides doubtless at least yet.

G1071 <STRGRK>@ γέλως gelōs ghel'-oce From G1070; laughter (as a mark of gratification): - laughter.

G1073 <STRGRK>@ γέμω gemō ghem'-o A primary verb; to swell out that is be full: - be full.

G1089 <STRGRK>@ γεύομαι geuomai ghyoo'-om-ahee A primary verb; to taste; by implication to eat; figuratively to experience (good or ill): - eat taste.

G1093 <STRGRK>@ γῆ gē ghay Contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application): - country earth (-ly) ground land world.

G1096 <STRGRK>@ γίνομαι ginomai ghin'-om-ahee A prolonged and middle form of a primary verb; to cause to be (gen -erate) that is (reflexively) to become (come into being) used with great latitude (literally figuratively intensively etc.): - arise be assembled be (come -fall -have self) be brought (to pass) (be) come (to pass) continue be divided be done draw be ended fall be finished follow be found be fulfilled + God forbid grow happen have be kept be made be married be ordained to be partake pass be performed be published require seem be showed X soon as it was sound be taken be turned use wax will would be wrought.

G1097 <STRGRK>@ γινώσκω ginōskō ghin-oce'-ko A prolonged form of a primary verb; to know (absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications (as shown at left with others not thus clearly expressed): - allow be aware (of) feel (have) known (-ledge) perceive be resolved can speak be sure understand.

G1125 <STRGRK>@ γράφω graphō graf'-o A primary verb; to grave especially to write; figuratively to describe: - describe write (-ing -ten).

G1143 <STRGRK>@ δάκνω daknō dak'-no A prolonged form of a primary root; to bite that is (figuratively) thwart: - bite.

G1150 <STRGRK>@ δαμάζω damazō dam-ad'-zo A variation of an obsolete primary of the same meaning; to tame: - tame.

G1152 <STRGRK>@ Δάμαρις Damaris dam'-ar-is Probably from the base of G1150; perhaps gentle; Damaris an Athenian woman: - Damaris.

G1161 <STRGRK>@ δέ de deh A primary particle (adversative or continuative); but and etc.: - also and but moreover now [often unexpressed in English].

G1166 <STRGRK>@ δεικνύω deiknuō dike-noo'-o A prolonged form of an obsolete primary of the same meaning; to show (literally or figuratively): - shew.

G1176 <STRGRK>@ δέκα deka dek'-ah A primary number; ten: - [eight-] een ten.

G1194 <STRGRK>@ δέρω derō der'-o A primary verb; properly to flay that is (by implication) to scourge or (by analogy) to thrash: - beat smite.

G1209 <STRGRK>@ δέχομαι dechomai dekh'-om-ahee Middle voice of a primary verb; to receive (in various applications literally or figuratively): - accept receive take. Compare G2983.

G1210 <STRGRK>@ δέω deō deh'-o A primary verb; to bind (in various applications literally or figuratively): - bind be in bonds knit tie wind. See also G1163 G1189.

G1223 <STRGRK>@ διά dia dee-ah' A primary preposition denoting the channel of an act; through (in very wide applications local causal or occasional). In composition it retains the same general import: - after always among at to avoid because of (that) briefly by for (cause) . . . fore from in by occasion of of by reason of for sake that thereby therefore X though through (-out) to wherefore with (-in). In composition it retains the same general import.

G1263 <STRGRK>@ διαμαρτύρομαι diamarturomai dee-am-ar-too'-rom-ahee From G1223 and G3140; to attest or protest earnestly or (by implication) hortatively: - charge testify (unto) witness.

G1321 <STRGRK>@ διδάσκω didaskō did-as'-ko A prolonged (causative) form of a primary verb δάω daō (to learn); to teach (in the same broad application): - teach.

G1325 <STRGRK>@ δίδωμι didōmi did'-o-mee A prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternate in most of the tenses); to give (used in a very wide application properly or by implication literally or figuratively; greatly modified by the connection): - adventure bestow bring forth commit deliver (up) give grant hinder make minister number offer have power put receive set shew smite (+ with the hand) strike (+ with the palm of the hand) suffer take utter yield.

G1350 <STRGRK>@ δίκτυον diktuon dik'-too-on Probably from a primary verb δίκω dikō (to cast); a seine (for fishing): - net.

G1377 <STRGRK>@ διώκω diōkō dee-o'-ko A prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb δίω diō (to flee; compare the base of G1169 and G1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication to persecute: - ensue follow (after) given to (suffer) persecute (-ion) press toward.

G1380 <STRGRK>@ δοκέω dokeō dok-eh'-o A prolonged form of a primary verb δόκω dokō (used only as an alternate in certain tenses; compare the base of G1166); of the same meaning; to think; by implication to seem (truthfully or uncertainly): - be accounted (of own) please (-ure) be of reputation seem (good) suppose think trow.

G1388 <STRGRK>@ δόλος dolos dol'-os From δέλλω dellō (an obsolete primary probably meaning to decoy; compare G1185); a trick (bait) that is (figuratively) wile: - craft deceit guile subtilty.

G1416 <STRGRK>@ δύνω δῦμι dunō dumi doo'-no doo'-mee Prolonged forms of an obsolete primary word δύω duō (to sink); to go down: - set.

G1417 <STRGRK>@ δύο duo doo'-o A primary numeral; two: - both twain two.

G1418 <STRGRK>@ δυς dus doos A primary inseparable particle of uncertain derivation; used only in composition as a prefix; hard that is with difficulty: - + hard + grievous etc.

G1451 <STRGRK>@ ἐγγύς eggus eng-goos' From a primary verb ἄγχω agchō (to squeeze or throttle; akin to the base of G43); near (literally or figuratively of place or time): - from at hand near nigh (at hand unto) ready.

G1473 <STRGRK>@ ἐγώ egō eg-o' A primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic): - I me. For the other cases and the plural see G1691 G1698 G1700 G2248 G2249 G2254 G2257 etc.

G1480 <STRGRK>@ ἐθίζω ethizō eth-id'-zo From G1485; to accustom that is (neuter passive participle) customary: - custom.

G1486 <STRGRK>@ ἔθω ethō eth'-o A primary verb; to be used (by habit or conventionality); neuter perfect participle usage: - be custom (manner wont).

G1487 <STRGRK>@ εἰ ei i A primary particle of conditionality; if whether6 that etc.: - forasmuch as if that ([al-]) though whether. Often used in connection or composition with other particles especially as in G1489 G1490 G1499 G1508 G1509 G1512 G1513 G1536 and G1537. See also G1437.

G1492 <STRGRK>@ εἴδω eidō i'-do A primary verb; used only in certain past tenses the others being borrowed from the equivalent G3700 and G3708; properly to see (literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perfect only) to know: - be aware behold X can (+ not tell) consider (have) known (-ledge) look (on) perceive see be sure tell understand wist wot. Compare G3700.

G1502 <STRGRK>@ εἴκω eikō i'-ko Apparently a primary verb; properly to be weak that is yield: - give place.

G1503 <STRGRK>@ εἴκω eikō i'-ko Apparently a primary verb (perhaps akin to G1502 through the idea of faintness as a copy); to resemble: - be like.

G1507 <STRGRK>@ εἱλίσσω heilissō hi-lis'-so A prolonged form of a primary but defective verb εἵλω heilō (of the same meaning); to coil or wrap: - roll together. See also G1667.

G1510 <STRGRK>@ εἰμί eimi i-mee' First person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist (used only when emphatic): - am have been X it is I was. See also G1488 G1498 G1511 G1527 G2258 G2071 G2070 G2075 G2076 G2771 G2468 G5600.

G1515 <STRGRK>@ εἰρήνη eirēnē i-rah'-nay Probably from a primary verb εἴρω eirō (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication prosperity: - one peace quietness rest + set at one again.

G1519 <STRGRK>@ εἰς eis ice A primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered) of place time or (figuratively) purpose (result etc.); also in adverbial phrases.: - [abundant-] ly against among as at [back-] ward before by concerning + continual + far more exceeding for [intent purpose] fore + forth in (among at unto -so much that -to) to the intent that + of one mind + never of (up-) on + perish + set at one again (so) that therefore (-unto) throughout till to (be the end -ward) (here-) until (-to) . . . ward [where-] fore with. Often used in composition with the same general import but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literallyor figuratively.

G1520 <STRGRK>@ εἷς heis hice (Including the neuter [etc.] ἕν hen); a primary numeral; one: - a (-n -ny certain) + abundantly man one (another) only other some. See also G1527 G3367 G3391 G3762.

G1537 <STRGRK>@ ἐκ ἐξ ek ex ek ex A primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence motion or action proceeds) from6 out (of place time or cause; literally or figuratively; direct or remote): - after among X are at betwixt (-yond) by (the means of) exceedingly (+ abundantly above) for (-th) from (among forth up) + grudgingly + heartily X heavenly X hereby + very highly in . . . ly (because by reason) of off (from) on out among (from of) over since X thenceforth through X unto X vehemently with (-out). Often used in composition with the same general import; often of completion.

G1547 <STRGRK>@ ἐκγαμίζω ekgamizō ek-gam-id'-zo From G1537 and a form of G1061 (compare G1548); to marry off a daughter: - give in marriage.

G1548 <STRGRK>@ ἐκγαμίσκω ekgamiskō ek-gam-is'-ko From G1537 and G1061; the same as G1547: - give in marriage.

G1586 <STRGRK>@ ἐκλέγομαι eklegomai ek-leg'-om-ahee Middle voice from G1537 and G3004 (in its primary sense); to select: - make choice choose (out) chosen.

G1636 <STRGRK>@ ἐλαία elaia el-ah'-yah Feminine of a presumed derivative from an obsolete primary; an olive (the tree or the fruit): - olive (berry tree).

G1643 <STRGRK>@ ἐλαύνω elaunō el-ow'-no A prolonged form of a primary verb (obsolete except in certain tenses as an alternate of this) of uncertain affinity; to push (as wind oars or daemoniacal power): - carry drive row.

G1680 <STRGRK>@ ἐλπίς elpis el-pece' Fromἔλπω elpō which is a primary word (to anticipate usually with pleasure); expectation (abstract or concrete) or confidence: - faith hope.

G1712 <STRGRK>@ ἐμπόριον emporion em-por'-ee-on Neuter from G1713; a mart (emporium): - merchandise.

G1722 <STRGRK>@ ἐν en en A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place time or state) and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively) that is a relation of rest (intermediate between G1519 and G1537); in at (up-) on by etc.: - about after against + almost X altogether among X as at before between (here-) by (+ all means) for (. . . sake of) + give self wholly to (here-) in (-to -wardly) X mightily (because) of (up-) on [open-] ly X outwardly one X quickly X shortly [speedi-] ly X that X there (-in -on) through (-out) (un-) to(-ward) under when where (-with) while with (-in). Often used in compounds with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion and then not to indicate direction except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) prep.

G1724 <STRGRK>@ ἐνάλιος enalios en-al'-ee-os From G1722 and G251; in the sea that is marine: - thing in the sea.

G1763 <STRGRK>@ ἐνιαυτός eniautos en-ee-ow-tos' Prolonged from a primary word ἔνος enos (a year); a year: - year.

G1767 <STRGRK>@ ἐννέα ennea en-neh'-ah A primary number; nine: - nine.

G1803 <STRGRK>@ ἕξ hex hex A primary numeral; six: - six.

G1907 <STRGRK>@ ἐπέχω epechō ep-ekh'-o From G1909 and G2192; to hold upon that is (by implication) to retain; (by extension) to detain; (with implication of G3563) to pay attention to: - give (take) heed unto hold forth mark stay.

G1909 <STRGRK>@ ἐπί epi ep-ee' A primary preposition properly meaning superimposition (of time place order etc.) as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case] that is over6 upon etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at on etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards upon etc.: - about (the times) above after against among as long as (touching) at beside X have charge of (be- [where-]) fore in (a place as much as the time of -to) (because) of (up-) on (behalf of) over (by for) the space of through (-out) (un-) to (-ward) with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import at6 upon etc. (literally or figuratively).

G1918 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιγαμβρεύω epigambreuō ep-ee-gam-bryoo'-o From G1909 and a derivative of G1062; to form affinity with that is (specifically) in a levirate way: - marry.

G1921 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιγινώσκω epiginōskō ep-ig-in-oce'-ko From G1909 and G1097; to know upon some mark that is recognise; by implication to become fully acquainted with to acknowledge: - (ac- have take) know (-ledge well) perceive.

G1957 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιμαρτυρέω epimartureō ep-ee-mar-too-reh'-o From G1909 and G3140; to attest further that is corroborate: - testify.

G1978 <STRGRK>@ ἐπίσημος episēmos ep-is'-ay-mos From G1909 and some form of the base of G4591; remarkable that is (figuratively) eminent: - notable of note.

G1986 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισπάομαι epispaomai ep-ee-spah'-om-ahee From G1909 and G4685; to draw over that is (with G203 implied) efface the mark of circumcision (by recovering with the foreskin): - become uncircumcised.

G103 <STRGRK>@ ᾄδω adō ad'-o A primary verb; to sing: - sing.

G104 <STRGRK>@ ἀεί aei ah-eye' From an obsolete primary noun (apparently meaning continued duration); ever; by qualification regularly; by implication earnestly: - always ever.

G135 <STRGRK>@ αἴνιγμα ainigma ah'ee-nig-ma From a derivative of G136 (in its primary sense); an obscure saying (enigma) that is (abstractly) obscureness: - X darkly.

G136 <STRGRK>@ αἶνος ainos ah'ee-nos Apparently a primary word; properly a story but used in the sense of G1868; praise (of God): - praise.

G142 <STRGRK>@ αἴρω airō ah'ee-ro A primary verb; to lift; by implication to take up or away; figuratively to raise (the voice) keep in suspense (the mind); specifically to sail away (that is weigh anchor); by Hebraism (compare [H5375]) to expiate sin: - away with bear (up) carry lift up loose make to doubt put away remove take (away up).

G191 <STRGRK>@ ἀκούω akouō ak-oo'-o A primary verb; to hear (in various senses): - give (in the) audience (of) come (to the ears) ([shall]) hear (-er -ken) be noised be reported understand.

G2033 <STRGRK>@ ἑπτά hepta hep-tah' A primary number; seven: - seven.

G2036 <STRGRK>@ ἔπω epō ep'-o A primary verb (used only in the definite past tense the others being borrowed from G2046 G4483 and G5346); to speak or say (by word or writting): - answer bid bring word call command grant say (on) speak tell. Compare G3004.

G2041 <STRGRK>@ ἔργον ergon er'-gon From ἔργω ergō (a primary but obsolete word; to work); toil (as an effort or occupation); by implication an act: - deed doing labour work.

G2064 <STRGRK>@ ἔρχομαι erchomai er'-khom-ahee Middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses the others being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] word ἐλεύθομαι eleuthomai or ἔλθω elthō; which do not otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications literally and figuratively): - accompany appear bring come enter fall out go grow X light X next pass resort be set.

G2068 <STRGRK>@ ἐσθίω esthiō es-thee'-o Strengthened for a primary word ἔδω edō (to eat); used only in certain tenses the rest being supplied by G5315; to eat (usually literally): - devour eat live.

G2094 <STRGRK>@ ἔτος etos et'-os Apparently a primary word; a year: - year.

G2095 <STRGRK>@ εὖ eu yoo Neuter of a primary word εὖς eus (good); (adverbially) well: - good well (done).

G2134 <STRGRK>@ εὐνουχίζω eunouchizō yoo-noo-khid'-zo From G2135; to castrate (figuratively live unmarried): - make . . . eunuch.

G2135 <STRGRK>@ εὐνοῦχος eunouchos yoo-noo'-khos From εὐνή eunē (a bed) and G2192; a castrated person (such being employed in Oriental bed chambers); by extension an impotent or unmarried man; by implication a chamberlain (state officer): - eunuch.

G2147 <STRGRK>@ εὑρίσκω heuriskō hyoo-ris'-ko A prolonged form of a primary word εὕρω heurō; which (together with another cognate form εὑρέω heureō) is used for it in all the tenses except the present and imperfect; to find (literally or figuratively): - find get obtain perceive see.

G2172 <STRGRK>@ εὔχομαι euchomai yoo'-khom-ahee Middle voice of a primary verb; to wish; by implication to pray to God: - pray will wish.

G2190 <STRGRK>@ ἐχθρός echthros ekh-thros' From a primary word ἔχθω echthō (to hate); hateful (passively odious or actively hostile); usually as a noun an adversary (especially Satan): - enemy foe.

G2192 <STRGRK>@ ἔχω echō ekh'-o A primary verb (including an alternate form σχέω scheō skheh'-o used in certain tenses only); to hold (used in very various applications literally or figuratively direct or remote; such as possession ability6 contiguity relation or condition): - be (able X hold possessed with) accompany + begin to amend can (+ -not) X conceive count diseased do + eat + enjoy + fear following have hold keep + lack + go to law lie + must needs + of necessity + need next + recover + reign + rest return X sick take for + tremble + uncircumcised use.

G2198 <STRGRK>@ ζάω zaō dzah'-o A primary verb; to live (literally or figuratively): - life (-time) (a-) live (-ly) quick.

G2204 <STRGRK>@ ζέω zeō dzeh'-o A primary verb; to be hot (boil of liquids; or glow of solids) that is (figuratively) be fervid (earnest): - be fervent.

G2228 <STRGRK>@ ἤ ē ay A primary particle of distinction between two connected terms; disjunctive or; comparative than: - and but (either) (n-) either except it be (n-) or (else) rather save than that what yea. Often used in connection with other particles. Compare especially G2235 G2260 G2273.

G2240 <STRGRK>@ ἥκω hēkō hay'-ko A primary verb; to arrive that is be present (literally or figuratively): - come.

G2283 <STRGRK>@ Θάμαρ Thamar tham'-ar Of Hebrew origin [H8559]; Thamar (that is Tamar) an Israelitess: - Thamar.

G2290 <STRGRK>@ θάπτω thaptō thap'-to A primary verb; to celebrate funeral rites that is inter: - bury.

G2296 <STRGRK>@ θαυμάζω thaumazō thou-mad'-zo From G2295; to wonder; by implication to admire: - admire have in admiration marvel wonder.

G2298 <STRGRK>@ θαυμαστός thaumastos thow-mas-tos' From G2296; wondered at that is (by implication) wonderful: - marvel (-lous).

G2300 <STRGRK>@ θεάομαι theaomai theh-ah'-om-ahee A prolonged form of a primary verb; to look closely at that is (by implication) to perceive (literally or figuratively); by extension to visit: - behold look (upon) see. Compare G3700.

G2330 <STRGRK>@ θέρος theros ther'-os From a primary word θέρω therō (to heat); properly heat that is summer: - summer.

G2345 <STRGRK>@ θιγγάνω thigganō thing-gan'-o A prolonged form of an obsolete primary word θίγω thigō (to finger); to manipulate that is have to do with; by implication to injure: - handle touch.

G2348 <STRGRK>@ θνήσκω thnēskō thnay'-sko A strengthened form of a simpler primary word θάνω thanō (which is used for it only in certain tenses); to die (literally or figuratively): - be dead die.

G2352 <STRGRK>@ θραύω thrauō throw'-o A primary verb; to crush: - bruise. Compare G4486.

G2364 <STRGRK>@ θυγάτηρ thugatēr thoo-gat'-air Apparently a primary word (compare daughter); a female child or (by Hebraism) descendant (or inhabitant): - daughter.

G2374 <STRGRK>@ θύρα thura thoo'-rah Apparently a primary word (compare door); a portal or entrance (the opening or the closure literally or figuratively): - door gate.

G2380 <STRGRK>@ θύω thuō thoo'-o A primary verb; properly to rush (breathe hard blow6 smoke) that is (by implication) to sacrifice (properly by fire but generally); by extension to immolate (slaughter for any purpose): - kill (do) sacrifice slay.

G2390 <STRGRK>@ ἰάομαι iaomai ee-ah'-om-ahee Middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to cure (literally or figuratively): - heal make whole.

G2402 <STRGRK>@ ἱδρός hidros hid-roce' A strengthened form of a primary word ἴδος idos (sweat); perspiration: - sweat.

G2476 <STRGRK>@ ἵστημι histēmi his'-tay-mee A prolonged form of a primary word στάω staō (of the same meaning and used for it in certain tenses); to stand (transitively or intransitively) used in various applications (literally or figuratively): - abide appoint bring continue covenant establish hold up lay present set (up) stanch stand (by forth still up). Compare G5087.

G2532 <STRGRK>@ καί kai kahee Apparently a primary particle having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and also6 even so6 then too etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words: - and also both but even for if indeed likewise moreover or so that then therefore when yea yet.

G2545 <STRGRK>@ καίω kaiō kah'-yo Apparently a primary verb; to set on fire that is kindle or (by implication) consume: - burn light.

G2556 <STRGRK>@ κακός kakos kak-os' Apparently a primary word; worthless (intrinsically such; whereas G4190 properly refers to effects) that is (subjectively) depraved or (objectively) injurious: - bad evil harm ill noisome wicked.

G2577 <STRGRK>@ κάμνω kamnō kam'-no Apparently a primary verb; properly to toil that is (by implication) to tire (figuratively faint sicken): - faint sicken be wearied.

G2578 <STRGRK>@ κάμπτω kamptō kamp'-to Apparently a primary verb; to bend: - bow.

G2588 <STRGRK>@ καρδία kardia kar-dee'-ah Prolonged from a primary κάρ kar (Latin cor heart); the heart that is (figuratively) the thoughts or feelings (mind); also (by analogy) the middle: - (+ broken-) heart (-ed).

G2596 <STRGRK>@ κατά kata kat-ah' A primary particle; (preposition) down (in place or time) in varied relations (according to the case [genitive dative or accusative] with which it is joined): - about according as (to) after against (when they were) X alone among and X apart (even like) as (concerning pertaining to touching) X aside at before beyond by to the charge of [charita-] bly concerning + covered [dai-] ly down every (+ far more) exceeding X more excellent for from . . . to godly in (-asmuch divers every -to respect of) . . . by after the manner of + by any means beyond (out of) measure X mightily more X natural of (up-) on (X part) out (of every) over against (+ your) X own + particularly so through (-oughout -oughout every) thus (un-) to (-gether -ward) X uttermost where (-by) with. In composition it retains many of these applications and frequently denotes opposition distribution or intensity.

G2649 <STRGRK>@ καταμαρτυρέω katamartureō kat-am-ar-too-reh'-o From G2596 and G3140; to testify against: - witness against.

G2749 <STRGRK>@ κεῖμαι keimai ki'-mahee Middle voice of a primary verb; to lie outstretched (literally or figuratively): - be (appointed laid up made set) lay lie. Compare G5087.

G2751 <STRGRK>@ κείρω keirō ki'-ro A primary verb; to shear: - shear (-er).

G2753 <STRGRK>@ κελεύω keleuō kel-yoo'-o From a primary word κέλλω kellō (to urge on); hail; to incite by word that is order: - bid (at give) command (-ment).

G2756 <STRGRK>@ κενός kenos ken-os' Apparently a primary word; empty (literally or figuratively): - empty (in) vain.

G2767 <STRGRK>@ κεράννυμι kerannumi ker-an'-noo-mee A prolonged form of a more primary word κεράω keraō (which is used in certain tenses); to mingle that is (by implication) to pour out (for drinking): - fill pour out. Compare G3396.

G2768 <STRGRK>@ κέρας keras ker'-as From a primary word κάρ kar (the hair of the head); a horn (literally or figuratively): - horn.

G2776 <STRGRK>@ κεφαλή kephalē kef-al-ay' Probably from the primary wordκάπτω kaptō (in the sense of seizing); the head (as the part most readily taken hold of) literally or figuratively: - head.

G2806 <STRGRK>@ κλάω klaō klah'-o A primary verb; to break (specifically of bread): - break.

G2808 <STRGRK>@ κλείω kleiō kli'-o A primary verb; to close (literally or figuratively): - shut (up).

G2813 <STRGRK>@ κλέπτω kleptō klep'-to A primary verb; to filch: - steal.

G2827 <STRGRK>@ κλίνω klinō klee'-no A primary verb; to slant or slope that is incline or recline (literally or figuratively): - bow (down) be far spent lay turn to flight wear away.

G2833 <STRGRK>@ κνήθω knēthō knay'-tho From a primary word κνάω knaō (to scrape); to scratch that is (by implication) to tickle: - X itching.

G2848 <STRGRK>@ κόκκος kokkos kok'-kos Apparently a primary word; a kernel of seed: - corn grain.

G2859 <STRGRK>@ κόλπος kolpos kol'-pos Apparently a primary word; the bosom; by analogy a bay: - bosom creek.

G2865 <STRGRK>@ κολυμβάω kolumbaō kom-id'-zo From a primary word κολυμβος kolumbos (to tend that is take care of); properly to provide for that is (by implication) to carry off (as if from harm; generally obtain): - bring receive.

G2875 <STRGRK>@ κόπτω koptō kop'-to A primary verb; to chop; specifically to beat the breast in grief: - cut down lament mourn (be-) wail. Compare the base of G5114.

G2880 <STRGRK>@ κορέννυμι korennumi kor-en'-noo-mee A primary verb; to cram that is glut or sate: - eat enough full.

G2887 <STRGRK>@ κόσμιος kosmios kos'-mee-os From G2889 (in its primary sense); orderly that is decorous: - of good behaviour modest.

G2896 <STRGRK>@ κράζω krazō krad'-zo A primary verb; properly to croak (as a raven) or scream that is (generally) to call aloud (shriek exclaim intreat): - cry (out).

G2899 <STRGRK>@ κράσπεδον kraspedon kras'-ped-on Of uncertain derivation; a margin that is (specifically) a fringe or tassel: - border hem.

G2904 <STRGRK>@ κράτος kratos krat'-os Perhaps a primary word; vigor [great] (literally or figuratively): - dominion might [-ily] power strength.

G2907 <STRGRK>@ κρέας kreas kreh'-as Perhaps a primary word; (butcher´ s) meat: - flesh.

G2910 <STRGRK>@ κρεμάννυμι kremannumi krem-an'-noo-mee A prolonged form of a primary verb; to hang: - hang.

G2918 <STRGRK>@ κρίνον krinon kree'-non Perhaps a primary word; a lily: - lily.

G2925 <STRGRK>@ κρούω krouō kroo'-o Apparently a primary verb; to rap: - knock.

G2928 <STRGRK>@ κρύπτω kruptō kroop'-to A primary verb; to conceal (properly by covering): - hide (self) keep secret secret [-ly].

G2932 <STRGRK>@ κτάομαι ktaomai ktah'-om-ahee A primary verb; to get that is acquire (by any means; own): - obtain possess provide purchase.

G2965 <STRGRK>@ κύων kuōn koo'-ohn A primary word; a dog (hound) (literally or figuratively): - dog.

G2975 <STRGRK>@ λαγχάνω lagchanō lang-khan'-o A prolonged form of a primary verb which is only used as an alternate in certain tenses; to lot that is determine (by implication receive) especially by lot: - his lot be cast lots obtain.

G2983 <STRGRK>@ λαμβάνω lambanō lam-ban'-o A prolonged form of a primary verb which is used only as an alternate in certain tenses; to take (in very many applications literally and figuratively [probably objective or active to get hold of; whereas G1209 is rather subjective or passive to have offered to one; while G138 is more violent to seize or remove]): - accept + be amazed assay attain bring X when I call catch come on (X unto) + forget have hold obtain receive (X after) take (away up).

G2989 <STRGRK>@ λάμπω lampō lam'-po A primary verb; to beam that is radiate brilliancy (literally or figuratively): - give light shine.

G2990 <STRGRK>@ λανθάνω lanthanō lan-than'-o A prolonged form of a primary verb which is used only as an alternate in certain tenses; to lie hid (literally or figuratively); often used adverbially unwittingly: - be hid be ignorant of unawares.

G2992 <STRGRK>@ λαός laos lah-os' Apparently a primary word; a people (in general; thus differing from G1218 which denotes one´ s own populace): - people.

G2997 <STRGRK>@ λάσχω laschō las'-kho A strengthened form of a primary verb which only occurs in this and another prolonged form as an alternate in certain tenses; to crack open (from a fall): - burst asunder.

G242 <STRGRK>@ ἅλλομαι hallomai hal'-lom-ahee Middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to jump; figuratively to gush: - leap spring up.

G243 <STRGRK>@ ἄλλος allos al'-los A primary word; else that is different (in many applications): - more one (another) (an- some an-) other (-s -wise).

G251 <STRGRK>@ ἅλς hals halce A primary word; salt: - salt.

G260 <STRGRK>@ ἅμα hama ham'-ah A primary particle; properly at the same time but freely used as a preposition or adverb denoting close association: - also and together with (-al).

G262 <STRGRK>@ ἀμαράντινος amarantinos am-ar-an'-tee-nos From G263; amaranthine that is (by implication) fadeless: - that fadeth not away.

G263 <STRGRK>@ ἀμάραντος amarantos am-ar'-an-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G3133; unfading that is (by implication) perpetual: - that fadeth not away.

G264 <STRGRK>@ ἁμαρτάνω hamartanō ham-ar-tan'-o Perhaps from G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G3313; properly to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize) that is (figuratively) to err especially (morally) to sin: - for your faults offend sin trespass.

G265 <STRGRK>@ ἁμάρτημα hamartēma ham-ar'-tay-mah From G264; a sin (properly concrete): - sin.

G266 <STRGRK>@ ἁμαρτία hamartia ham-ar-tee'-ah From G264; sin (properly abstract): - offence sin (-ful).

G267 <STRGRK>@ ἀμάρτυρος amarturos am-ar'-too-ros From G1 (as a negative particle) and a form of G3144; unattested: - without witness.

G268 <STRGRK>@ ἁμαρτωλός hamartōlos ham-ar-to-los' From G264; sinful that is a sinner: - sinful sinner.

G286 <STRGRK>@ ἀμνός amnos am-nos' Apparently a primary word; a lamb: - lamb.

G292 <STRGRK>@ ἀμύνομαι amunomai am-oo'-nom-ahee Middle voice of a primary verb; to ward off (for oneself) that is protect: - defend.

G3004 <STRGRK>@ λέγω legō leg'-o A primary verb; properly to lay forth that is (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 and G5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while G4483 is properly to break silence merely and G2980 means an extended or random harangue]); by implication to mean: - ask bid boast call describe give out name put forth say (-ing on) shew speak tell utter.

G3006 <STRGRK>@ λεῖος leios li'-os Apparently a primary word; smooth that is level: - smooth.

G3007 <STRGRK>@ λείπω leipō li'-po A primary verb; to leave that is (intransitive or passive) to fail or be absent: - be destitute (wanting) lack.

G3023 <STRGRK>@ λεών leōn leh-ohn' A primary word; a lion: - lion.

G3025 <STRGRK>@ ληνός lēnos lay-nos' Apparently a primary word; a trough that is wine vat: - winepress.

G3026 <STRGRK>@ λῆρος lēros lay'-ros Apparently a primary word; twaddle that is an incredible story: - idle tale.

G3037 <STRGRK>@ λίθος lithos lee'-thos Apparently a primary word; a stone (literally or figuratively): - (mill- stumbling-) stone.

G3040 <STRGRK>@ λιμήν limēn lee-mane' Apparently a primary word; a harbor: - haven. Compare G2568.

G3043 <STRGRK>@ λίνον linon lee'-non Probably a primary word; flax that is (by implication) linen: - linen.

G3057 <STRGRK>@ λόγχη logchē long'-khay Perhaps a primary word; a lance: - spear.

G3068 <STRGRK>@ λούω louō loo'-o A primary verb; to bathe (the whole person; whereas G3538 means to wet a part only and G4150 to wash cleanse garments exclusively): - wash.

G3077 <STRGRK>@ λύπη lupē loo'-pay Apparently a primary word; sadness: - grief grievous + grudgingly heaviness sorrow.

G3089 <STRGRK>@ λύω luō loo'-o A primary verb; to loosen (literally or figuratively): - break (up) destroy dissolve (un-) loose melt put off. Compare G4486.

G3105 <STRGRK>@ μαίνομαι mainomai mah'ee-nom-ahee Middle voice from a primary word μάω maō (to long for; through the idea of insensate craving); to rave as a maniac: - be beside self (mad).

G3111 <STRGRK>@ μάκελλον makellon mak'-el-lon Of Latin origin [macellum]; a butcher's stall meat market or provision shop: - shambles.

G3122 <STRGRK>@ μάλιστα malista mal'-is-tah Neuter plural of the superlative of an apparently primary adverb μάλα mala (very); (adverb) most (in the greatest degree) or particularly: - chiefly most of all (e-) specially.

G3129 <STRGRK>@ μανθάνω manthanō man-than'-o Prolonged from a primary verb another form of which μαθέω matheō is used as an alternate in certain tenses; to learn (in any way): - learn understand.

G3133 <STRGRK>@ μαραίνω marainō mar-ah'ee-no Of uncertain affinity; to extinguish (as fire) that is (figuratively and passively) to pass away: - fade away.

G3134 <STRGRK>@ μαρὰν ἀθά maran atha mar'-an ath'-ah Of Chaldee origin (meaning our Lord has come); maranatha that is an exclamation of the approaching divine judgment: - Maran-atha.

G3135 <STRGRK>@ μαργαρίτης margaritēs mar-gar-ee'-tace From μάργαρος margaros (a pearl oyster); a pearl: - pearl.

G3136 <STRGRK>@ Μάρθα Martha mar'-thah Probably of Chaldee origin (meaning mistress); Martha a Christian woman: - Martha.

G3137 <STRGRK>@ Μαρία Μαριάμ Maria Mariam mar-ee'-ah mar-ee-am' Of Hebrew origin [H4813]; Maria or Mariam (that is Mirjam) the name of six Christian females: - Mary.

G3138 <STRGRK>@ Μάρκος Markos mar'-kos Of Latin origin; Marcus a Christian: - Marcus Mark.

G3139 <STRGRK>@ μάρμαρος marmaros mar'-mar-os From μαρμαίρω marmairō (to glisten); marble (as sparkling white): - marble.

G3140 <STRGRK>@ μαρτυρέω martureō mar-too-reh'-o From G3144; to be a witness that is testify (literally or figuratively): - charge give [evidence] bear record have (obtain of) good (honest) report be well reported of testify give (have) testimony (be bear give obtain) witness.

G3141 <STRGRK>@ μαρτυρία marturia mar-too-ree'-ah From G3144; evidence given (judicially or generally): - record report testimony witness.

G3142 <STRGRK>@ μαρτύριον marturion mar-too'-ree-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G3144; something evidential that is (generally) evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue (in the sacred Tabernacle): - to be testified testimony witness.

G3143 <STRGRK>@ μαρτύρομαι marturomai mar-too'-rom-ahee Middle voice from G3144; to be adduced as a witness that is (figuratively) to obtest (in affirmation or exhortation): - take to record testify.

G3144 <STRGRK>@ μάρτυς martus mar'-toos Of uncertain affinity; a witness (literally [judicially] or figuratively [generally]); by analogy a martyr: - martyr record witness.

G3145 <STRGRK>@ μασσάομαι massaomai mas-sah'-om-ahee From a primary word μάσσω massō (to handle or squeeze); to chew: - gnaw.

G3164 <STRGRK>@ μάχομαι machomai makh'-om-ahee Middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to war that is (figuratively) to quarrel dispute: - fight strive.

G3178 <STRGRK>@ μέθη methē meth'-ay Apparently a primary word; an intoxicant that is (by implication) intoxication: - drunkenness.

G3189 <STRGRK>@ μέλας melas mel'-as Apparently a primary word; black: - black.

G3192 <STRGRK>@ μέλι meli mel'-ee Apparently a primary word; honey: - honey.

G3199 <STRGRK>@ μέλω melō mel'-o A primary verb; to be of interest to that is to concern (only third person singular present indicative used impersonally it matters): - (take) care.

G3201 <STRGRK>@ μέμφομαι memphomai mem'-fom-ahee Middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to blame: - find fault.

G3303 <STRGRK>@ μέν men men A primary particle; properly indicative of affirmation or concession (in fact); usually followed by a contrasted clause with G1161 (this one the former etc.: - even indeed so some truly verily. Often compounded with other particles in an intensive or asseverative sense.

G3306 <STRGRK>@ μένω menō men'-o A primary verb; to stay (in a given place state relation or expectancy): - abide continue dwell endure be present remain stand tarry (for) X thine own.

G3313 <STRGRK>@ μέρος meros mer'-os From an obsolete but more primary form of μείρομαι meiromai (to get as a section or allotment); a division or share (literally or figuratively in a wide application): - behalf coast course craft particular (+ -ly) part (+ -ly) piece portion respect side some sort (-what).

G3326 <STRGRK>@ μετά meta met-ah' A primary preposition (often used adverbially); properly denoting accompaniment; amid (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case association or accusative case succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between G575 or G1537 and G1519 or G4314; less intimate than G1722 and less close than G4862): - after (-ward)6X that he again against among X and + follow hence hereafter in of (up-) on + our X and setting since (un-) to + together when with (+ -out). Often used in composition in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity and transfer or sequence.

G3358 <STRGRK>@ μέτρον metron met'-ron An apparently primary word; a measure (metre) literally or figuratively; by implication a limited portion (degree): - measure.

G3361 <STRGRK>@ μή mē may A primary particle of qualified negation (whereas G3756 expresses an absolute denial); (adverbially) not (conjugationally) lest; also (as interrogitive implying a negative answer [whereas G3756 expects an affirmative one]); whether: - any but (that) X forbear + God forbid + lack lest neither never no (X wise in) none nor [can-] not nothing that not un [-taken] without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also G3362 G3363 G3364 G3372 G3373 G3375 G3378.

G3376 <STRGRK>@ μήν mēn mane A primary word; a month: - month.

G3382 <STRGRK>@ μηρός mēros may-ros' Perhaps a primary word; a thigh: - thigh.

G3384 <STRGRK>@ μήτηρ mētēr may'-tare Apparently a primary word; a mother (literally or figuratively immediate or remote): - mother.

G3392 <STRGRK>@ μιαίνω miainō me-ah'ee-no Perhaps a primary verb; to sully or taint that is contaminate (ceremonially or morally): - defile.

G3396 <STRGRK>@ μίγνυμι mignumi mig'-noo-mee A primary verb; to mix: - mingle.

G3398 <STRGRK>@ μικρός μικρότερος mikros mikroteros mik-ros' mik-rot'-er-os Apparently a primary word including the comparative (second form); small (in size quantity number or (figuratively) dignity): - least less little small.

G3404 <STRGRK>@ μισέω miseō mis-eh'-o From a primary word μῖσος misos (hatred); to detest (especially to persecute); by extension to love less: - hate (-ful).

G3408 <STRGRK>@ μισθός misthos mis-thos' Apparently a primary word; pay for service (literally or figuratively) good or bad: - hire reward wages.

G3425 <STRGRK>@ μόγις mogis mog'-is Adverb from a primary word μόγος mogos (toil); with difficulty: - hardly.

G3432 <STRGRK>@ μοιχός moichos moy-khos' Perhaps a primary word; a (male) paramour; figuratively apostate: - adulterer.

G3452 <STRGRK>@ μυελός muelos moo-el-os' Perhaps a primary word; the marrow: - marrow.

G3463 <STRGRK>@ μύριοι murioi moo'-ree-oi Plural of an apparently primary word (properly meaning very many); ten thousand; by extension innumerably many: - ten thousand.

G3468 <STRGRK>@ μώλωψ mōlōps mo'-lopes From μῶλος mōlos (moil; probably akin to the base of G3433) and probably ὤψ ōps (the face; from G3700); a mole (black eye) or blow mark: - stripe.

G3483 <STRGRK>@ ναί nai nahee A primary particle of strong affirmation; yes: - even so surely truth verily yea yes.

G3485 <STRGRK>@ ναός naos nah-os' From a primary word ναίω naiō (to dwell); a fane shrine temple: - shrine temple. Compare G2411.

G3498 <STRGRK>@ νεκρός nekros nek-ros' From an apparently primary word νέκυς nekus (a corpse); dead (literally or figuratively; also as noun): - dead.

G3501 <STRGRK>@ νέος νεώτερος neos neōteros neh'-os neh-o'-ter-os A primary word including the comparative (second form); new that is (of persons) youthful or (of things) fresh; figuratively regenerate: - new young.

G3506 <STRGRK>@ νεύω neuō nyoo'-o Apparently a primary verb; to nod that is (by analogy) to signal: - beckon.

G3509 <STRGRK>@ νέφος nephos nef'-os Apparently a primary word; a cloud: - cloud.

G3529 <STRGRK>@ νίκη nikē nee'-kay Apparently a primary word; conquest (abstractly) that is (figuratively) the means of success: - victory.

G3551 <STRGRK>@ νόμος nomos nom'-os From a primary word νέμω nemō (to parcel out especially food or grazing to animals); law (through the idea of prescriptive usage) generally (regulation) specifically (of Moses [including the volume]; also of the Gospel) or figuratively (a principle): - law.

G3565 <STRGRK>@ νύμφη numphē noom-fay' From a primary but obsolete verb νύπτω nuptō (to veil as a bride; compare the Latin nupto to marry); a young married woman (as veiled) including a betrothed girl; by implication a son's wife: - bride daughter in law.

G3568 <STRGRK>@ νῦν nun noon A primary particle of present time; now (as adverb of date a transition or emphasis); also as noun or adjective present or immediate: - henceforth + hereafter of late soon present this (time). See also G3569 G3570.

G3571 <STRGRK>@ νύξ nux noox A primary word; night (literally or figuratively): - (mid-) night.

G3572 <STRGRK>@ νύσσω nussō noos'-so Apparently a primary word; to prick (nudge): - pierce.

G3581 <STRGRK>@ ξένος xenos xen'-os Apparently a primary word; foreign (literally alien or figuratively novel); by implication a guest or (vice-versa) entertainer: - host strange (-r).

G3598 <STRGRK>@ ὁδός hodos hod-os' Apparently a primary word; a road; by implication a progress (the route act or distance); figuratively a mode or means: - journey (high-) way.

G3605 <STRGRK>@ ὄζω ozō od'-zo A primary verb (in a strengthened form); to scent (usually an ill oder): - stink.

G3631 <STRGRK>@ οἶνος oinos oy'-nos A primary word (or perhaps of Hebrew origin [H3196]); wine (literally or figuratively): - wine.

G3638 <STRGRK>@ ὀκτώ oktō ok-to' A primary numeral; eight: - eight.

G3639 <STRGRK>@ ὄλεθρος olethros ol'-eth-ros From ὄλλυμι ollumi a primary word (to destroy; a prolonged form); ruin that is death punishment: - destruction.

G3649 <STRGRK>@ ὀλολύζω ololuzō ol-ol-ood'-zo A reduplicated primary verb; to howl or halloo that is shriek: - howl.

G3650 <STRGRK>@ ὅλος holos hol'-os A primary word; whole or all that is complete (in extent amount time or degree) especially (neuter) as noun or adverb: - all altogether every whit + throughout whole.

G3660 <STRGRK>@ ὀμνύω omnuō om-noo'-o A prolonged form of a primary but obsolete word ὄμω omō for which another prolonged form (ὀμόω omoō om-o'-o) is used in certain tenses. To swear that is take (or declare on) oath: - swear.

G3685 <STRGRK>@ ὀνίνημι oninēmi on-in'-ay-mee A prolonged form of an apparent primary verb ὄνομαι onomai; for which another prolonged form ὀνάω onaō is used as an alternate in some tenses (unless indeed it be identical with the base of G3686 through the idea of notoriety); to gratify that is (middle voice) to derive pleasure or advantage from: - have joy.

G3688 <STRGRK>@ ὄνος onos on'-os Apparently a primary word; a donkey: - ass.

G3696 <STRGRK>@ ὅπλον hoplon hop'-lon Probably from the primary word ἕπω hepō(to be busy about); an implement or utensil or tool (literally or figuratively especially offensive for war): - armour instrument weapon.

G3700 <STRGRK>@ ὀπτάνομαι ὄπτομαι optanomai optomai op-tan'-om-ahee op'-tom-ahee The first a (middle voice) prolonged form of the second (primary) which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alternates of G3708; to gaze (that is with wide open eyes as at something remarkable; and thus differing from G991 which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from G1492 which expresses merely mechanical passive or casual vision; while G2300 and still more emphatically its intensive G2334 signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and G4648 a watching from a distance): - appear look see shew self.

G3713 <STRGRK>@ ὀρέγομαι oregomai or-eg'-om-ahee Middle voice of apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary (compare G3735); to stretch oneself that is reach out after (long for): - covet after desire.

G3724 <STRGRK>@ ὁρίζω horizō hor-id'-zo From G3725; to mark out or bound (horizon) that is (figuratively) to appoint decree specify: - declare determine limit ordain.

G3725 <STRGRK>@ ὅριον horion hor'-ee-on Neuter of a derivative of an apparently primary word ὅρος horos (a bound or limit); a boundary line that is (by implication) a frontier (region): - border coast.

G3736 <STRGRK>@ ὀρύσσω orussō or-oos'-so Apparently a primary verb; to burrow in the ground that is dig: - dig.

G3739 <STRGRK>@ ὅς ἥ ὅ hos hē ho hos hay ho Probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article G3588); the relative (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun who6 which what that: - one (an- the) other some that what which who (-m -se) etc. See also G3757.

G3756 <STRGRK>@ οὐ ou oo Also οὐκ ouk ook used before a vowel and οὐχ ouch ookh before an aspirate. A primary word; the absolutely negative (compare G3361) adverb; no or not: - + long nay neither never no (X man) none [can-] not + nothing + special un ([-worthy]) when + without + yet but. See also G3364 G3372.

G3758 <STRGRK>@ οὐά oua oo-ah' A primary exclamation of surprise; ah: - ah.

G3759 <STRGRK>@ οὐαί ouai oo-ah'ee A primary excamation of grief; woe: - alas woe.

G3767 <STRGRK>@ οὖν oun oon Apparently a primary word; (adverbially) certainly or (conjugationally) accordingly: - and (so truly) but now (then) so (likewise then) then therefore verily wherefore.

G3769 <STRGRK>@ οὐρά oura oo-rah' Apparently a primary word; a tail: - tail.

G3775 <STRGRK>@ οὖς ous ooce Apparently a primary word; the ear (physically or mentally): - ear.

G3817 <STRGRK>@ παίω paiō pah'-yo A primary verb; to hit (as if by a single blow and less violently than G5180); specifically to sting (as a scorpion): - smite strike.

G3844 <STRGRK>@ παρά para par-ah' A primary preposition; properly near that is (with genitive case) from beside (literally or figuratively) (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of (objectively or subjectively) (with accusative case) to the proximity with (local [especially beyond or opposed to] or causal [on account of]). In compounds it retains the same variety of application: - above against among at before by contrary to X friend from + give [such things as they] + that [she] had X his in more than nigh unto (out) of past save side . . . by in the sight of than [there-] fore with. In compounds it retains the same variety of application.

G3864 <STRGRK>@ παραθαλάσσιος parathalassios par-ath-al-as'-see-os From G3844 and G2281; along the sea that is maritime (lacustrine): - upon the sea coast.

G3882 <STRGRK>@ παράλιος paralios par-al'-ee-os From G3844 and G251; beside the salt (sea) that is maritime: - sea coast.

G3902 <STRGRK>@ παράσημος parasēmos par-as'-ay-mos From G3844 and the base of G4591; side marked that is labelled (with a badge [figure head] of a ship): - sign.

G3933 <STRGRK>@ παρθένος parthenos par-then'-os Of unknown origin; a maiden; by implication an unmarried daughter: - virgin.

G3956 <STRGRK>@ πᾶς pas pas Including all the forms of declension; apparently a primary word; all any6 every the whole: - all (manner of means) alway (-s) any (one) X daily + ever every (one way) as many as + no (-thing) X throughly whatsoever whole whosoever.

G3958 <STRGRK>@ πάσχω πάθω πένθω paschō pathō penthō pas'-kho path'-o pen'-tho Apparently a primary verb (the third form used only in certain tenses for it); to experience a sensation or impression (usually painful): - feel passion suffer vex.

G3962 <STRGRK>@ πατήρ patēr pat-ayr' Apparently a primary word; a father (literally or figuratively near or more remote): - father parent.

G3982 <STRGRK>@ πείθω peithō pi'-tho A primary verb; to convince (by argument true or false); by analogy to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively to assent (to evidence or authority) to rely (by inward certainty): - agree assure believe have confidence be (wax) content make friend obey persuade trust yield.

G3992 <STRGRK>@ πέμπω pempō pem'-po Apparently a primary verb; to dispatch (from the subjective view or point of departure whereas ἵημι hiēmi [as a stronger form of εἶμι eimi] refers rather to the objective point or terminus ad quem and G4724 denotes properly the orderly motion involved) especially on a temporary errand; also to transmit bestow or wield: - send thrust in.

G3993 <STRGRK>@ πένης penēs pen'-ace From a primary peno (to toil for daily subsistence); starving that is indigent: - poor. Compare G4434.

G302 <STRGRK>@ ἄν an an A primary particle denoting a supposition wish6 possibility or uncertainty: - [what- where- whither- who-]soever. Usually unexpressed except by the subjunctive or potential mood. Also contraction for G1437.

G303 <STRGRK>@ ἀνά ana an-ah' A primary preposition and adverb; properly up; but (by extension) used (distributively) severally or (locally) at (etc.): - and apiece by each every (man) in through. In compounds (as a prefix) it often means (by implication) repetition intensity6 reversal etc.

G361 <STRGRK>@ ἀναμάρτητος anamartētos an-am-ar'-tay-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G264; sinless: - that is without sin.

G4002 <STRGRK>@ πέντε pente pen'-teh A primary number; five: - five.

G4072 <STRGRK>@ πέτομαι πετάομαι πτάομαι petomai petaomai ptaomai pet'-om-ahee pet-ah'-om-ahee ptah'-om-ahee Including the prolonged form (second form) and contraction (third form) of the middle voice of a primary verb; to fly: - fly (-ing).

G4074 <STRGRK>@ Πέτρος Petros pet'-ros Apparently a primary word; a (piece of) rock (larger than G3037); as a name Petrus an apostle: - Peter rock. Compare G2786.

G4078 <STRGRK>@ πήγνυμι pēgnumi payg'-noo-mee A prolonged form of a primary verb (which in its simpler form occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to fix (peg) that is (specifically) to set up (a tent): - pitch.

G4081 <STRGRK>@ πηλός pēlos pay-los' Perhaps a primary word; clay: - clay.

G4092 <STRGRK>@ πίμπρημι pimprēmi pim'-pray-mee A reduplicated and prolonged form of a primary word πρέω preō (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to fire that is burn (figuratively and passively become inflamed with fever): - be (X should have) swollen.

G4111 <STRGRK>@ πλάσσω plassō plas'-so A primary verb; to mould that is shape or fabricate: - form.

G4120 <STRGRK>@ πλέκω plekō plek'-o A primary word; to twine or braid: - plait.

G4130 <STRGRK>@ πλήθω plēthō play'-tho pleh'-o A prolonged form of a primary word πλέω pleō (which appears only as an alternate in certain tenses and in the reduplicated form of πίμπλημι pimplēmi to fill (literally or figuratively [imbue influence6 supply]); specifically to fulfil (time): - accomplish full (. . . come) furnish.

G4154 <STRGRK>@ πνέω pneō pneh'-o A primary word; to breathe hard that is breeze: - blow. Compare G5594.

G4160 <STRGRK>@ ποιέω poieō poy-eh'-o Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application more or less direct): - abide + agree appoint X avenge + band together be bear + bewray bring (forth) cast out cause commit + content continue deal + without any delay (would) do (-ing) execute exercise fulfil gain give have hold X journeying keep + lay wait + lighten the ship make X mean + none of these things move me observe ordain perform provide + have purged purpose put + raising up X secure shew X shoot out spend take tarry + transgress the law work yield. Compare G4238.

G4228 <STRGRK>@ πούς pous pooce A primary word; a foot (figuratively or literally): - foot (-stool).

G4238 <STRGRK>@ πράσσω prassō pras'-so A primary verb; to practise that is perform repeatedly or habitually (thus differing from G4160 which properly refers to a single act); by implication to execute accomplish etc.; specifically to collect (dues) fare (personally): - commit deeds do exact keep require use arts.

G4239 <STRGRK>@ πραΰ́ς praus prah-ooce' Apparently a primary word; mild that is (by implication) humble: - meek. See also G4235.

G4241 <STRGRK>@ πρέπω prepō prep'-o Apparently a primary verb; to tower up (be conspicuous) that is (by implication) to be suitable or proper (third person singular present indicative often used impersonally it is fit or right): - become comely.

G4249 <STRGRK>@ πρίζω prizō prid'-zo A strengthened form of a primary word πρίω priō (to saw); to saw in two: - saw asunder.

G4253 <STRGRK>@ πρό pro pro A primary preposition; fore that is in front of prior (figuratively superior) to. In compounds it retains the same significations: - above ago before or ever. In compounds it retains the same significations.

G4258 <STRGRK>@ προαμαρτάνω proamartanō pro-am-ar-tan'-o From G4253 and G264; to sin previously (to conversion): - sin already heretofore sin.

G4262 <STRGRK>@ προβατικος probatikos prob-at-ik-os' From G4263; relating to sheep that is (a gate) through which they were led into Jerusalem: - sheep (market).

G4303 <STRGRK>@ προμαρτύρομαι promarturomai prom-ar-too'-rom-ahee From G4253 and G3143; to be a witness in advance that is predict: - testify beforehand.

G4429 <STRGRK>@ πτύω ptuō ptoo'-o A primary verb (compare G4428); to spit: - spit.

G4435 <STRGRK>@ πυγμή pugmē poog-may' From a primary word πύζ pux (the fist as a weapon); the clenched hand that is (only in the dative case as adverb) with the fist (hard scrubbing): - oft.

G4439 <STRGRK>@ πύλη pulē poo'-lay Apparently a primary word; a gate that is the leaf or wing of a folding entrance (literally or figuratively): - gate.

G4441 <STRGRK>@ πυνθάνομαι punthanomai poon-than'-om-ahee Middle voice prolonged from πύθω puthō a primary word (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to question that is ascertain by inquiry (as a matter of information merely; and thus differing from G2065 which properly means a request as a favor; and from G154 which is strictly a demand of something due; as well as from G2212 which implies a search for something hidden; and from G1189 which involves the idea of urgent need); by implication to learn (by casual intelligence): - ask demand enquire understand.

G4442 <STRGRK>@ πῦρ pur poor A primary word; fire (literally or figuratively specifically lightning): - fiery fire.

G4444 <STRGRK>@ πύργος purgos poor'-gos Apparently a primary word (burgh); a tower or castle: - tower.

G4454 <STRGRK>@ πῶλος pōlos po'-los Apparently a primary word; a foal or filly that is (specifically) a young ass: - colt.

G4474 <STRGRK>@ ῥαπίζω rhapizō hrap-id'-zo From a derivative of ῥέπω rhepō a primary word (to let fall rap); to slap (with the palm of the hand): - smite (with the palm of the hand). Compare G5180.

G4476 <STRGRK>@ ῥαφίς rhaphis hraf-ece' From ῥάπτω rhaptō a primary word (to sew; perhaps rather akin to the base of G4474 through the idea of puncturing); a needle: - needle.

G4482 <STRGRK>@ ῥέω rheō hreh'-o A primary verb; for some tenses of which a prolonged form (ῥεύω rheuō) is used; to flow (run as water): - flow.

G4491 <STRGRK>@ ῥίζα rhiza hrid'-zah Apparently a primary word; a root (literally or figuratively): - root.

G4496 <STRGRK>@ ῥίπτω rhiptō̄ hrip'-to A primary verb (perhaps rather akin to the base of G4474 through the idea of sudden motion); to fling (properly with a quick toss thus differing from G906 which denotes a deliberate hurl; and from τείνω teinō (see in G1614) which indicates an extended projection); by qualification to deposit (as if a load); by extension to disperse: - cast (down out) scatter abroad throw.

G4540 <STRGRK>@ Σαμάρεια Samareia sam-ar'-i-ah Of Hebrew origin [H8111]; Samaria (that is Shomeron) a city and region of Palestine: - Samaria.

G4541 <STRGRK>@ Σαμαρείτης Samareitēs sam-ar-i'-tace From G4540; a Samarite that is inhabitants of Samaria: - Samaritan.

G4542 <STRGRK>@ Σαμαρεῖτις Samareitis sam-ar-i'-tis Feminine of G4541; a Samaritess that is woman of Samaria: - of Samaria.

G4570 <STRGRK>@ σβέννυμι sbennumi sben'-noo-mee A prolonged form of an apparently primary verb; to extinguish (literally or figuratively): - go out quench.

G4576 <STRGRK>@ σέβομαι sebomai seb'-om-ahee Middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to revere that is adore: - devout religious worship.

G4579 <STRGRK>@ σείω seiō si'-o Apparently a primary verb; to rock (vibrate properly sideways or to and fro) that is (generally) to agitate (in any direction; cause to tremble); figuratively to throw into a tremor (of fear or concern): - move quake shake.

G4591 <STRGRK>@ σημαίνω sēmainō say-mah'ee-no From σῆμα sēma (a mark; of uncertain derivation); to indicate: - signify.

G4593 <STRGRK>@ σημειόω sēmeioō say-mi-o'-o From G4592; to distinguish that is mark (for avoidance): - note.

G4595 <STRGRK>@ σήπω sēpō say'-po Apparently a primary verb; to putrefy that is (figuratively) perish: - be corrupted.

G4626 <STRGRK>@ σκάπτω skaptō skap'-to Apparently a primary verb; to dig: - dig.

G4639 <STRGRK>@ σκία skia skee'-ah Apparently a primary word; shade or a shadow (literally or figuratively [darkness of error or an adumbration]): - shadow.

G4648 <STRGRK>@ σκοπέω skopeō skop-eh'-o From G4649; to take aim at (spy) that is (figuratively) regard: - consider take heed look at (on) mark. Compare G3700.

G4649 <STRGRK>@ σκοπός skopos skop-os' (scope); From σκέπτομαι skeptomai (to peer about [skeptic]; perhaps akin to G4626 through the idea of concealment; compare G4629); a watch (sentry or scout) that is (by implication) a goal: - mark.

G4660 <STRGRK>@ σκύλλω skullō skool'-lo Apparently a primary verb; to flay that is (figuratively) to harass: - trouble (self).

G4664 <STRGRK>@ σμαράγδινος smaragdinos smar-ag'-dee-nos From G4665; consisting of emerald: - emerald.

G4665 <STRGRK>@ σμάραγδος smaragdos smar'-ag-dos Of uncertain derivation; the emerald or green gem so called: - emerald.

G4685 <STRGRK>@ σπάω spaō spah'-o A primary verb; to draw: - draw (out).

G4689 <STRGRK>@ σπένδω spendō spen'-do Apparently a primary verb; to pour out as a libation that is (figuratively) to devote (one´ s life or blood as a sacrifice) (spend): - (be ready to) be offered.

G4721 <STRGRK>@ στέγη stegē steg'-ay Strengthened from a primary word τέγος tegos (a thatch or deck of building); a roof: - roof.

G4735 <STRGRK>@ στέφανος stephanos stef'-an-os From an apparently primary stepho (to twine or wreathe); a chaplet (as a badge of royalty a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor generally; but more conspicuous and elaborate than the simple fillet G1238) literally or figuratively: - crown.

G4742 <STRGRK>@ στίγμα stigma stig'-mah From a primary word στίζω stizō (to stick that is prick); a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership) that is (figuratively) scar of service: - mark.

G4744 <STRGRK>@ στίλβω stilbō stil'-bo Apparently a primary verb; to gleam that is flash intensely: - shining.

G4746 <STRGRK>@ στοιβάς stoibas stoy-bas' From a primary word στείβω steibō (to step or stamp); a spread (as if tramped flat) of loose materials for a couch that is (by implication) a bough of a tree so employed: - branch.

G4748 <STRGRK>@ στοιχέω stoicheō stoy-kheh'-o From a derivative of στείχω steichō̄ (to range in regular line); to march in (military) rank (keep step) that is (figuratively) to conform to virtue and piety: - walk (orderly).

G4749 <STRGRK>@ στολή stolē stol-ay' From G4724; equipment that is (specifically) a stole or long fitting gown (as a mark of dignity): - long clothing (garment) (long) robe.

G4767 <STRGRK>@ στυγνητός stugnētos stoog-nay-tos' From a derivative of an obsolete apparently primary word στύγω stugō (to hate); hated that is odious: - hateful.

G4801 <STRGRK>@ συζεύγνυμι suzeugnumi sood-zyoog'-noo-mee From G4862 and the base of G2201; to yoke together that is (figuratively) conjoin (in marriage): - join together.

G4810 <STRGRK>@ σῦκον sukon soo'-kon Apparently a primary word; a fig: - fig.

G4828 <STRGRK>@ συμμαρτυρέω summartureō soom-mar-too-reh'-o From G4862 and G3140; to testify jointly that is corroborate by (concurrent) evidence: - testify unto (also) bear witness (with).

G4862 <STRGRK>@ σύν sun soon A primary preposition denoting union; with or together (but much closer than G3326 or G3844) that is by association companionship process resemblance possession instrumentality addition etc.: - beside with. In compounds it has similar applications including completeness.

G4894 <STRGRK>@ συνείδω suneidō soon-i'-do From G4862 and G1492; to see completely; used (like its primary) only in two past tenses respectively meaning to understand or become aware and to be conscious or (clandestinely) informed of: - consider know be privy be ware of.

G4901 <STRGRK>@ συνεπιμαρτυρέω sunepimartureō soon-ep-ee-mar-too-reh'-o From G4862 and G1957; to testify further jointly that is unite in adding evidence: - also bear witness.

G4902 <STRGRK>@ συνέπομαι sunepomai soon-ep'-om-ahee Middle voice from G4862 and a primary word ἕπω hepō (to follow); to attend (travel) in company with: - accompany.

G4969 <STRGRK>@ σφάζω sphazō sfad'-zo A primary verb; to butcher (especially an animal for food or in sacrifice) or (generally) to slaughter or (specifically) to maim (violently): - kill slay wound.

G4972 <STRGRK>@ σφραγίζω sphragizō sfrag-id'-zo From G4973; to stamp (with a signet or private mark) for security or preservation (literally or figuratively); by implication to keep secret to attest: - (set a set to) seal up stop.

G4973 <STRGRK>@ σφραγίς sphragis sfrag-ece' Probably strengthened from G5420; a signet (as fencing in or protecting from misappropriation); by implication the stamp impressed (as a mark of privacy or genuineness) literally or figuratively: - seal.

G4977 <STRGRK>@ σχίζω schizō skhid'-zo Apparently a primary verb; to split or sever (literally or figuratively): - break divide open rend make a rent.

G4982 <STRGRK>@ σώζω sōzō sode'-zo From a primary word σῶς sōs̄ (contraction for the obsolete σάος saos safe); to save that is deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): - heal preserve save (self) do well be (make) whole.

G427 <STRGRK>@ ἄνευ aneu an'-yoo A primary particle; without: - without. Compare G1.

G435 <STRGRK>@ ἀνήρ anēr an'-ayr A primary word (compare G444); a man (properly as an individual male): - fellow husband man sir.

G438 <STRGRK>@ ἄνθος anthos anth'-os A primary word; a blossom: - flower.

G473 <STRGRK>@ ἀντί anti an-tee' A primary particle; opposite that is instead or because of (rarely in addition to): - for in the room of. Often used in composition to denote contrast requital6 substitution correspondence etc.

G5021 <STRGRK>@ τάσσω tassō tas'-so A prolonged form of a primary verb (which latter appears only in certain tenses); to arrange in an orderly manner that is assign or dispose (to a certain position or lot): - addict appoint determine ordain set.

G5022 <STRGRK>@ ταῦρος tauros tow'-ros Apparently a primary word (compare [H8450] steer); a bullock: - bull ox.

G5037 <STRGRK>@ τε te teh A primary particle (enclitic) of connection or addition; both or also (properly as a correlation of G2532): - also and both even then whether. Often used in compounds usually as the latter part.

G5039 <STRGRK>@ τεκμήριον tekmērion tek-may'-ree-on; Neuter of a presumed derivative of τεκμάρ tekmar (a goal or fixed limit); a token (as defining a fact) that is criterion of certainty: - infallible proof.

G5056 <STRGRK>@ τέλος telos tel'-os From a primary word τέλλω tellō (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly the point aimed at as a limit that is (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination [literally figuratively or indefinitely] result [immediate ultimate or prophetic] purpose); specifically an impost or levy (as paid): - + continual custom end (-ing) finally uttermost. Compare G5411.

G5080 <STRGRK>@ τήκω tēkō tay'-ko Apparently a primary verb; to liquefy: - melt.

G5083 <STRGRK>@ τηρέω tēreō tay-reh'-o From τηρός teros (a watch; perhaps akin to G2334); to guard (from loss or injury properly by keeping the eye upon; and thus differing from G5442 which is properly to prevent escaping; and from G2892 which implies a fortress or full military lines of apparatus) that is to note (a prophecy; figuratively to fulfil a command); by implication to detain (in custody; figuratively to maintain); by extension to withhold (for personal ends; figuratively to keep unmarried): - hold fast keep (-er) (ob- pre- re) serve watch.

G5087 <STRGRK>@ τίθημι tithēmi tith'-ay-mee A prolonged form of a primary word θέω theō (which is used only as an alternate in certain tenses); to place (in the widest application literally and figuratively; properly in a passive or horizontal posture and thus different from G2476 which properly denotes an upright and active position while G2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate): - + advise appoint bow commit conceive give X kneel down lay (aside down up) make ordain purpose put set (forth) settle sink down.

G5088 <STRGRK>@ τίκτω tiktō tik'-to A strengthened from of a primary word τέκω tekō (which is used only as an alternate in certain tenses); to produce (from seed as a mother a plant the earth etc.) literal or figurative: - bear be born bring forth be delivered be in travail.

G5099 <STRGRK>@ τίνω tinō tee'-no Strengthened for a primary word τίω tiō (which is only used as an alternate in certain tenses); to pay a price that is as a penalty: - be punished with.

G5114 <STRGRK>@ τομώτερος tomōteros tom-o'-ter-os Compound of a derivative of the primary word τέμνω temnō (to cut; more comprehensive or decisive than G2875 as if by a single stroke; whereas that implies repeated blows like hacking); more keen: - sharper.

G5117 <STRGRK>@ τόπος topos top'-os Apparently a primary word; a spot (generally in space but limited by occupancy; whereas G5561 is a larger but particular locality) that is location (as a position home tract etc.); figuratively condition opportunity; specifically a scabbard: - coast licence place X plain quarter + rock room where.

G5140 <STRGRK>@ τρεῖς τρία treis tria trice tree'-ah A primary (plural) number; three: - three.

G5141 <STRGRK>@ τρέμω tremō trem'-o Strengthened from a primary word τρέω treō (to dread terrify); to tremble or fear: - be afraid trembling.

G5142 <STRGRK>@ τρέφω trephō tref'-o A primary verb (properly θρέφω threphō; but perhaps strengthened from the base of G5157 through the idea of convolution); properly to stiffen that is fatten (by implication to cherish [with food etc.]6 pamper rear): - bring up feed nourish.

G5143 <STRGRK>@ τρέχω trechō trekh'-o Apparently a primary verb (properly θρέχω threchō; compare G2359); which uses δρέμω dremō drem'-o (the base of G1408) as an alternate in certain tenses; to run or walk hastily (literally or figuratively): - have course run.

G5149 <STRGRK>@ τρίζο trizo trid'-zo Apparently a primary verb; to creak (squeak) that is (by analogy) to grate the teeth (in frenzy): - gnash.

G5157 <STRGRK>@ τροπή tropē trop-ay' From an apparently primary word τρέπω trepō (to turn); a turn (trope) that is revolution (figuratively variation): - turning.

G5177 <STRGRK>@ τυγχάνω tugchanō toong-khan'-o Probably for an obsolete τύχω tuchō (for which the middle voice of another alternate τεύχω teuchō [to make ready or bring to pass] is used in certain tenses; akin to the base of G5088 through the idea of effecting; properly to affect; or (specifically) to hit or light upon (as a mark to be reached) that is (transitively) to attain or secure an object or end or (intransitively) to happen (as if meeting with); but in the latter application only impersonally (with G1487) that is perchance; or (present participle) as adjective usual (as if commonly met with with G3756 extraordinary) neuter (as adverb) perhaps; or (with another verb) as adverb by accident (as it were): - be chance enjoy little obtain X refresh . . . self + special. Compare G5180.

G5180 <STRGRK>@ τύπτω tuptō toop'-to A primary verb (in a strengthened form); to thump that is cudgel or pummel (properly with a stick or bastinado) but in any case by repeated blows; thus differing from G3817 and G3960 which denote a [usually single] blow with the hand or any instrument or G4141 with the fist [or a hammer] or G4474 with the palm; as well as from G5177 an accidental collision); by implication to punish; figuratively to offend (the conscience): - beat smite strike wound.

G5188 <STRGRK>@ τυφώ tuphō too'-fo Apparently a primary verb; to make a smoke that is slowly consume without flame: - smoke.

G5205 <STRGRK>@ ὑετός huetos hoo-et-os' From a primary word ὕω huō (to rain); rain especially a shower: - rain.

G5207 <STRGRK>@ υἱός uihos hwee-os' Apparently a primary word; a son (sometimes of animals) used very widely of immediate remote or figurative kinship: - child foal son.

G5220 <STRGRK>@ ὕπανδρος hupandros hoop'-an-dros From G5259 and G435; in subjection under a man that is a married woman: - which hath an husband.

G5228 <STRGRK>@ ὑπέρ huper hoop-er' A primary preposition; over that is (with the genitive case) of place above6 beyond across or causal for the sake of instead6 regarding; with the accusative case superior to more than. In compounds it retains many of the listed applications: - (+ exceeding abundantly) above in (on) behalf of beyond by + very chiefest concerning exceeding (above -ly) for + very highly more (than) of over on the part of for sake of in stead than to (-ward) very. In compounds it retains many of the above applications.

G5235 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερβάλλω huperballō hoop-er-bal'-lo From G5228 and G906; to throw beyond the usual mark that is (figuratively) to surpass (only active participle supereminent): - exceeding excel pass.

G5258 <STRGRK>@ ὕπνος hupnos hoop'-nos From an obsolete primary (perhaps akin to G5259 through the idea of subsilience); sleep that is (figuratively) spiritual torpor: - sleep.

G5259 <STRGRK>@ ὑπό hupo hoop-o' A primary preposition; under that is (with the genitive) of place (beneath) or with verbs (the agency or means through); (with the accusative) of place (whither [underneath] or where [below]) or time (when [at]): - among by from in of under with. In compounds it retains the same genitive applications especially of inferior position or condition and specifically covertly or moderately.

G5300 <STRGRK>@ ὗς us hoos Apparently a primary word; a hog (swine): - sow.

G5315 <STRGRK>@ φάγω phagō fag'-o A primary verb (used as an alternate of G2068 in certain tenses); to eat (literally or figuratively): - eat meat.

G5337 <STRGRK>@ φαῦλος phaulos fow'-los Apparently a primary word; foul or flawy that is (figuratively) wicked: - evil.

G5342 <STRGRK>@ φέρω pherō̄ fer'-o A primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely οἴω oiō̄̄ and ἐνέγκω enegkō̄ to bear or carry (in a very wide application literally and figuratively: - be bear bring (forth) carry come + let her drive be driven endure go on lay lead move reach rushing uphold.

G5343 <STRGRK>@ φεύγω pheugō fyoo'-go Apparently a primary verb; to run away (literally or figuratively); by implication to shun; by analogy to vanish: - escape flee (away).

G5348 <STRGRK>@ φθάνω phthanō fthan'-o Apparently a primary verb; to be beforehand that is anticipate or precede; by extension to have arrived at: - (already) attain come prevent.

G5368 <STRGRK>@ φιλέω phileō fil-eh'-o From G5384; to be a friend to (fond of [an individual or an object]) that is have affection for (denoting personal attachment as a matter of sentiment or feeling; while G25 is wider embracing especially the judgment and the deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle duty and propriety: the two thus stand related very much as G2309 and G1014 or as G2372 and G3563 respectively; the former being chiefly of the heart and the latter of the head); specifically to kiss (as a mark of tenderness): - kiss love.

G5395 <STRGRK>@ φλόξ phlox flox From a primary φλέγω phlegō (to flash or flame); a blaze: - flame (-ing).

G5401 <STRGRK>@ φόβος phobos fob'-os From a primary φέβομαι phebomai (to be put in fear); alarm or fright: - be afraid + exceedingly fear terror.

G5408 <STRGRK>@ φόνος phonos fon'-os From an obsolete primary φένω phenō (to slay); murder: - murder + be slain with slaughter.

G5410 <STRGRK>@ Φόρον Phoron for'-on Of Latin origin; a forum or market place; only in compounds with G675; a station on the Appian road: - forum.

G5425 <STRGRK>@ φρίσσω phrissō fris'-so Apparently a primary verb; to bristle or chill that is shudder (fear): - tremble.

G5448 <STRGRK>@ φυσιόω phusioō foo-see-o'-o From G5449 in the primary sense of blowing; to inflate that is (figuratively) make proud (haughty): - puff up.

G5453 <STRGRK>@ φύω phuō foo'-o A primary verb; probably originally to puff or blow that is to swell up; but only used in the implied sense to germinate or grow (sprout produce) literally or figuratively: - spring (up).

G5463 <STRGRK>@ χαίρω chairō khah'ee-ro A primary verb; to be full of cheer that is calmly happy or well off; impersonal especially as a salutation (on meeting or parting) be well: - farewell be glad God speed greeting hail joy (-fully) rejoice.

G5480 <STRGRK>@ χάραγμα charagma khar'-ag-mah From the same as G5482; a scratch or etching that is stamp (as a badge of servitude) or sculptured figure (statue): - graven mark.

G5490 <STRGRK>@ χάσμα chasma khas'-mah From a form of an obsolete primary chao (to gape or yawn); a chasm or vacancy (impassable interval): - gulf.

G5491 <STRGRK>@ χεῖλος cheilos khi'-los From a form of the same as G5490; a lip (as a pouring place); figuratively a margin (of water): - lip shore.

G5493 <STRGRK>@ χείμαῤῥος cheimarrhos khi'-mar-hros From the base of G5494 and G4482; a storm runlet that is winter torrent: - brook.

G5514 <STRGRK>@ Χλόη Chloē khlo'-ay Feminine of apparently a primary word; green; Chloe a Christian female: - Chloe.

G5528 <STRGRK>@ χόρτος chortos khor'-tos Apparently a primary word; a court or garden that is (by implication of pasture) herbage or vegetation: - blade grass hay.

G5530 <STRGRK>@ χράομαι chraomai khrah'-om-ahee Middle voice of a primary verb (perhaps rather from G5495 to handle); to furnish what is needed; (give an oracle graze [touch slightly] light upon etc.) that is (by implication) to employ or (by extension) to act towards one in a given manner: - entreat use. Compare G5531 G5534.

G5560 <STRGRK>@ χωλός chōlos kho-los' Apparently a primary word; halt that is limping: - cripple halt lame.

G5574 <STRGRK>@ ψεύδομαι pseudomai psyoo'-dom-ahee Middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to utter an untruth or attempt to deceive by falsehood: - falsely lie.

G5575 <STRGRK>@ ψευδομάρτυρ pseudomartur psyoo-dom-ar'-toor From G5571 and a kindred form of G3144; a spurious witness that is bearer of untrue testimony: - false witness.

G5576 <STRGRK>@ ψευδομαρτυρέω pseudomartureō psyoo-dom-ar-too-reh'-o From G5575; to be an untrue testifier that is offer falsehood in evidence: - be a false witness.

G5577 <STRGRK>@ ψευδομαρτυρία pseudomarturia psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah From G5575; untrue testimony: - false witness.

G5594 <STRGRK>@ ψύχω psuchō psoo'-kho A primary verb; to breathe (voluntarily but gently; thus differing on the one hand from G4154 which denotes properly a forcible respiration; and on the other from the base of G109 which refers properly to an inanimate breeze) that is (by implication of reduction of temperature by evaporation) to chill (figuratively): - wax cold.

G5608 <STRGRK>@ ὠνέομαι ōneomai o-neh'-om-ahee Middle voice from an apparently primary word ὦνος ōnos (a sum or price); to purchase (synonymous with the earlier G4092): - buy.

G5609 <STRGRK>@ ὠόν ōon o-on' Apparently a primary word; an egg: - egg.

G5610 <STRGRK>@ ὥρα hōra ho'-rah Apparently a primary word; an hour (literally or figuratively): - day hour instant season X short [even-] tide (high) time.

G5612 <STRGRK>@ ὠρύομαι ōruomai o-roo'-om-ahee Middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to roar: - roar.

G524 <STRGRK>@ ἀπαλγέω apalgeō ap-alg-eh'-o From G575 and ἀλγέω algeō (to smart); to grieve out that is become apathetic: - be past feeling.

G575 <STRGRK>@ ἀπό apo apo' A primary particle; off that is away (from something near) in various senses (of place time or relation; literally or figuratively): - (X here-) after ago at because of before by (the space of) for (-th) from in (out) of off (up-) on (-ce) since with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation departure6 cessation completion6 reversal etc.

G622 <STRGRK>@ ἀπόλλυμι apollumi ap-ol'-loo-mee From G575 and the base of G3639; to destroy fully (reflexively to perish or lose) literally or figuratively: - destroy die lose mar perish.

G681 <STRGRK>@ ἅπτω haptō hap'-to A primary verb; properly to fasten to that is (specifically) to set on fire: - kindle light.

G697 <STRGRK>@ Ἄρειος Πάγος Areios Pagos ar'-i-os pag'-os From Ἄρης Arēs (the name of the Greek deity of war) and a derivative of G4078; rock of Ares a place in Athens: - Areopagus Mars´ Hill.

G698 <STRGRK>@ Ἀρεοπαγίτης Areopagitēs ar-eh-op-ag-ee'-tace From G697; an Areopagite or member of the court held on Mars´ Hill: - Areopagite.

G714 <STRGRK>@ ἀρκέω arkeō ar-keh'-o Apparently a primary verb (but probably akin to G142 through the idea of raising a barrier); properly to ward off that is (by implication) to avail (figuratively be satisfactory): - be content be enough suffice be sufficient.

G757 <STRGRK>@ ἄρχω archō ar'-kho A primary verb; to be first (in political rank or power): - reign (rule) over.

G767 <STRGRK>@ ἄσημος asēmos as'-ay-mos From G1 (as a negative particle) and the base of G4591; unmarked that is (figuratively) ignoble: - mean.

G795 <STRGRK>@ ἀστοχέω astocheō as-tokh-eh'-o From a compound of G1 (as a negative particle) and στόιχος stoichos (an aim); to miss the mark that is (figuratively) deviate from truth: - err swerve.

G837 <STRGRK>@ αὐξάνω auxanō owx-an'-o A prolonged form of a primary verb; to grow (wax) that is enlarge (literally or figuratively actively or passively): - grow (up) (give the) increase.

G876 <STRGRK>@ ἀφρός aphros af-ros' Apparently a primary word; froth that is slaver: - foaming.

G906 <STRGRK>@ βάλλω ballō bal'-lo A primary verb; to throw (in various applications more or less violent or intense): - arise cast (out) X dung lay lie pour put (up) send strike throw (down) thrust. Compare G4496.

G911 <STRGRK>@ βάπτω baptō bap'-to A primary verb; to whelm that is cover wholly with a fluid; in the New Testament only in a qualified or specific sense that is (literally) to moisten (a part of one´ s person) or (by implication) to stain (as with dye): - dip.

G977 <STRGRK>@ βιβρώσκω bibrōskō bib-ro'-sko A reduplicated and prolonged form of an obsolete primary verb (perhaps causative of G1006); to eat: - eat.

G979 <STRGRK>@ βίος bios bee'-os A primary word; life that is (literally) the present state of existence; by implication the means of livelihood: - good life living.

G984 <STRGRK>@ βλάπτω blaptō blap'-to A primary verb; properly to hinder that is (by implication) to injure: - hurt.

G991 <STRGRK>@ βλέπω blepō blep'-o A primary verb; to look at (literally or figuratively): - behold beware lie look (on to) perceive regard see sight take heed. Compare G3700.

G994 <STRGRK>@ βοάω boaō bo-ah'-o Apparently a prolonged form of a primary verb; to halloo that is shout (for help or in a tumultuous way): - cry.