pBiblx2 Field Wise - User Settings



| StorylinesOT | StorylinesNT
rotherham@1Samuel:1:1-20 The Birth of Samuel
rotherham@1Samuel:1:21-28 Hannah Dedicates Samuel
rotherham@1Samuel:2:1-11 Hannah's Prayer
rotherham@1Samuel:2:12-26 Eli's Wicked Sons
rotherham@1Samuel:2:27-36 Prophecy Against the House of Eli
rotherham@1Samuel:3 The LORD Calls Samuel
rotherham@1Samuel:4:1-11 The Philistines Capture the Ark
rotherham@1Samuel:4:12-22 Death of Eli
rotherham@1Samuel:5 The Ark in Ashdod and Ekron
rotherham@1Samuel:6:1-7:1 The Ark Returned to Israel
rotherham@1Samuel:7:2-17 Samuel Subdues the Philistines at Mizpah
rotherham@1Samuel:8 Israel Asks for a King
rotherham@1Samuel:9 Samuel Anoints Saul
rotherham@1Samuel:10:1-8 Samuel Anoints Saul
rotherham@1Samuel:10:9-27 Saul Made King
rotherham@1Samuel:11:1-11 Saul Rescues the City of Jabesh
rotherham@1Samuel:11:12-15 Saul Confirmed as King
rotherham@1Samuel:12 Samuel's Farewell Speech
rotherham@1Samuel:13:1-15 Samuel Rebukes Saul
rotherham@1Samuel:13:16-22 Israel Without Weapons
rotherham@1Samuel:13:23-14:14 Jonathan Attacks the Philistines
rotherham@1Samuel:14:15-23 Israel Routs the Philistines
rotherham@1Samuel:14:24-48 Jonathan Eats Honey
rotherham@1Samuel:14:49-52 Saul's Family
rotherham@1Samuel:15 The LORD Rejects Saul as King
rotherham@1Samuel:16:1-13 Samuel Anoints David
rotherham@1Samuel:16:14-23 David in Saul's Service
rotherham@1Samuel:17 David and Goliath
rotherham@1Samuel:18 Saul's Jealousy of David
rotherham@1Samuel:19 Saul Tries to Kill David
rotherham@1Samuel:20 David and Jonathan
rotherham@1Samuel:21:1-9 David at Nob
rotherham@1Samuel:21:10-15 David at Gath
rotherham@1Samuel:22:1-5 David at Adullam and Mizpah
rotherham@1Samuel:22:6-23 Saul Kills the Priest of Nob
rotherham@1Samuel:23:1-6 David Saves Keilah
rotherham@1Samuel:23:7-29 Saul Pursues David
rotherham@1Samuel:24 David Spares Saul's Life
rotherham@1Samuel:25 David, Nabal and Abigail
rotherham@1Samuel:26 David Again Spares Saul's Life
rotherham@1Samuel:27 David Among the Philistines
rotherham@1Samuel:28 Saul and the Witch of Endor
rotherham@1Samuel:29 Achish Sends David Back to Ziklag
rotherham@1Samuel:30 David Destroys the Amalekites
rotherham@1Samuel:31 Saul Takes His Life

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