


| StorylinesOT | StorylinesNT
jub@2Chronicles:1 Solomon Asks for Wisdom
jub@2Chronicles:2 Preparations for Building the Temple
jub@2Chronicles:3 Solomon Builds the Temple
jub@2Chronicles:4:1-5:1 The Temple's Furnishings
jub@2Chronicles:5:2-6:11 The Ark Brought to the Temple
jub@2Chronicles:6:12-42 Solomon's Prayer of Dedication
jub@2Chronicles:7:1-10 the Dedication to the Temple
jub@2Chronicles:7:11-22 The LORD Appears to Solomon
jub@2Chronicles:8 Solomon's Other Activities
jub@2Chronicles:9:1-12 The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
jub@2Chronicles:9:13-28 Solomon's Splendor
jub@2Chronicles:9:29-31 Solomon's Death
jub@2Chronicles:10:1-11:4 Israel Rebels Against Rehoboam
jub@2Chronicles:11:5-17 Rehoboam Fortifies Judah
jub@2Chronicles:11:18-23 Rehoboam's Family
jub@2Chronicles:12 Shishak Attacks Jerusalem
jub@2Chronicles:13:1-14:1 Abijah King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:14:2-15 Asa King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:15 Asa's Reform
jub@2Chronicles:16 Asa's Last Years
jub@2Chronicles:17 Jehoshaphat King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:18:1-27 Micaiah Prophesies Against Ahab
jub@2Chronicles:18:28-19:3 Ahab Killed at Ramoth Gilead
jub@2Chronicles:19:4-11 Jehoshaphat Appoints Judges:
jub@2Chronicles:20:1-30 Jehoshaphat Defeats Moab and Ammon
jub@2Chronicles:20:31-21:3 The End of Jehoshaphat's Reign
jub@2Chronicles:21:4-20 Jehoram King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:22:1-9 Ahaziah King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:22:10-23:21 Athaliah and Joash
jub@2Chronicles:24:1-16 Joash Repairs the Temple
jub@2Chronicles:24:17-27 The Wickedness of Joash
jub@2Chronicles:25 Amaziah King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:26 Uzziah King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:27 Jotham King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:28 Ahaz King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:29 Hezekiah Purifies the Temple
jub@2Chronicles:30:1-31:1 Hezekiah Celebrates the Passover
jub@2Chronicles:31:2-21 Contributions for Worship
jub@2Chronicles:32:1-23 Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem
jub@2Chronicles:32:24-33 Hezekiah's Pride, Success and Death
jub@2Chronicles:33:1-20 Manasseh King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:33:21-25 Amon King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:34:1-13 Josiah's Reforms
jub@2Chronicles:34:14-33 The Book of the Law Found
jub@2Chronicles:35:1-19 Josiah Celebrates the Passover
jub@2Chronicles:35:20-36:1 The Death of Josiah
jub@2Chronicles:36:2-4 Jehoahaz King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:36:5-8 Jehoiakim King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:36:9-10 Jehoiachin King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:36:11-14 Zedekiah King of Judah
jub@2Chronicles:36:15-23 The Fall of Jerusalem

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