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ylt@Genesis:35:3 @and we rise, and go up to Bethel, and I make there an altar to God, who is answering me in the day of my distress, and is with me in the way that I have gone.'

ylt@Judges:19:28 @and he saith unto her, 'Rise, and we go;' and there is none answering, and he taketh her on the ass, and the man riseth and goeth to his place,

ylt@1Samuel:14:39 @for, Jehovah liveth, who is saving Israel: surely if it be in Jonathan my son, surely he doth certainly die;' and none is answering him out of all the people.

ylt@1Kings:18:26 @And they take the bullock that [one] gave to them, and prepare, and call in the name of Baal from the morning even till the noon, saying, 'O Baal, answer us!' and there is no voice, and there is none answering; and they leap on the altar that one had made.

ylt@1Kings:18:29 @and it cometh to pass, at the passing by of the noon, that they feign themselves prophets till the going up of the present, and there is no voice, and there is none answering, and there is none attending.

ylt@Job:32:1 @And these three men cease from answering Job, for he [is] righteous in his own eyes,

ylt@Proverbs:18:13 @Whoso is answering a matter before he heareth, Folly it is to him and shame.

ylt@Proverbs:29:19 @By words a servant is not instructed though he understand, And there is nothing answering.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:20 @For he doth not much remember the days of his life, for God is answering through the joy of his heart.

ylt@Isaiah:50:2 @Wherefore have I come, and there is no one? I called, and there is none answering, Hath My hand been at all short of redemption? And is there not in me power to deliver? Lo, by My rebuke I dry up a sea, I make rivers a wilderness, Their fish stinketh, for there is no water, And dieth with thirst.

ylt@Isaiah:66:4 @I also -- I fix on their vexations, And their fears I bring in to them, Because I have called, and there is none answering, I spake, and they have not hearkened, And they do the evil things in Mine eyes, And on that which I desired not -- fixed.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:20 @And Jeremiah saith unto all the people, concerning the men and concerning the women, and concerning all the people who are answering him, saying:

ylt@Matthew:3:15 @But Jesus answering said to him, 'Suffer now, for thus it is becoming to us to fulfill all righteousness,' then he doth suffer him.

ylt@Matthew:4:4 @But he answering said, 'It hath been written, Not upon bread alone doth man live, but upon every word coming forth from the mouth of God.'

ylt@Matthew:8:8 @And the centurion answering said, 'Sir, I am not worthy that thou mayest enter under my roof, but only say a word, and my servant shall be healed;

ylt@Matthew:11:4 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Having gone, declare to John the things that ye hear and see,

ylt@Matthew:11:25 @At that time Jesus answering said, 'I do confess to Thee, Father, Lord of the heavens and of the earth, that thou didst hide these things from wise and understanding ones, and didst reveal them to babes.

ylt@Matthew:12:39 @And he answering said to them, 'A generation, evil and adulterous, doth seek a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet;

ylt@Matthew:12:48 @And he answering said to him who spake to him, 'Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?'

ylt@Matthew:13:11 @And he answering said to them that -- 'To you it hath been given to know the secrets of the reign of the heavens, and to these it hath not been given,

ylt@Matthew:13:37 @And he answering said to them, 'He who is sowing the good seed is the Son of Man,

ylt@Matthew:14:28 @And Peter answering him said, 'Sir, if it is thou, bid me come to thee upon the waters;'

ylt@Matthew:15:3 @And he answering said to them, 'Wherefore also do ye transgress the command of God because of your tradition?

ylt@Matthew:15:13 @And he answering said, 'Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant shall be rooted up;

ylt@Matthew:15:15 @And Peter answering said to him, 'Explain to us this simile.'

ylt@Matthew:15:24 @and he answering said, 'I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.'

ylt@Matthew:15:26 @and he answering said, 'It is not good to take the children's bread, and to cast to the little dogs.'

ylt@Matthew:15:28 @then answering, Jesus said to her, 'O woman, great [is] thy faith, let it be to thee as thou wilt;' and her daughter was healed from that hour.

ylt@Matthew:16:2 @and he answering said to them, 'Evening having come, ye say, Fair weather, for the heaven is red,

ylt@Matthew:16:16 @and Simon Peter answering said, 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.'

ylt@Matthew:16:17 @And Jesus answering said to him, 'Happy art thou, Simon Bar-Jona, because flesh and blood did not reveal [it] to thee, but my Father who is in the heavens.

ylt@Matthew:17:4 @And Peter answering said to Jesus, 'Sir, it is good to us to be here; if thou wilt, we may make here three booths -- for thee one, and for Moses one, and one for Elijah.'

ylt@Matthew:17:11 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Elijah doth indeed come first, and shall restore all things,

ylt@Matthew:17:17 @And Jesus answering said, 'O generation, unstedfast and perverse, till when shall I be with you? till when shall I bear you? bring him to me hither;'

ylt@Matthew:19:4 @And he answering said to them, 'Did ye not read, that He who made [them], from the beginning a male and a female made them,

ylt@Matthew:19:27 @Then Peter answering said to him, 'Lo, we did leave all, and follow thee, what then shall we have?'

ylt@Matthew:20:13 @'And he answering said to one of them, Comrade, I do no unrighteousness to thee; for a denary didst not thou agree with me?

ylt@Matthew:20:22 @And Jesus answering said, 'Ye have not known what ye ask for yourselves; are ye able to drink of the cup that I am about to drink? and with the baptism that I am baptized with, to be baptized?' They say to him, 'We are able.'

ylt@Matthew:21:21 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Verily I say to you, If ye may have faith, and may not doubt, not only this of the fig-tree shall ye do, but even if to this mount ye may say, Be lifted up and be cast into the sea, it shall come to pass;

ylt@Matthew:21:24 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'I will ask you -- I also -- one word, which if ye may tell me, I also will tell you by what authority I do these things;

ylt@Matthew:21:27 @And answering Jesus they said, 'We have not known.' He said to them -- he also -- 'Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

ylt@Matthew:21:29 @And he answering said, 'I will not,' but at last, having repented, he went.

ylt@Matthew:21:30 @'And having come to the second, he said in the same manner, and he answering said, I [go], sir, and went not;

ylt@Matthew:22:1 @And Jesus answering, again spake to them in similes, saying,

ylt@Matthew:22:29 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Ye go astray, not knowing the Writings, nor the power of God;

ylt@Matthew:24:4 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Take heed that no one may lead you astray,

ylt@Matthew:25:12 @and he answering said, Verily I say to you, I have not known you.

ylt@Matthew:25:26 @'And his lord answering said to him, Evil servant, and slothful, thou hadst known that I reap where I did not sow, and I gather whence I did not scatter!

ylt@Matthew:25:40 @'And the king answering, shall say to them, Verily I say to you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] to one of these my brethren -- the least -- to me ye did [it].

ylt@Matthew:26:23 @And he answering said, 'He who did dip with me the hand in the dish, he will deliver me up;

ylt@Matthew:26:25 @And Judas -- he who delivered him up -- answering said, 'Is it I, Rabbi?' He saith to him, 'Thou hast said.'

ylt@Matthew:26:33 @And Peter answering said to him, 'Even if all shall be stumbled at thee, I will never be stumbled.'

ylt@Matthew:26:63 @and Jesus was silent. And the chief priest answering said to him, 'I adjure thee, by the living God, that thou mayest say to us, if thou art the Christ -- the Son of God.'

ylt@Matthew:26:66 @what think ye?' and they answering said, 'He is worthy of death.'

ylt@Matthew:27:21 @and the governor answering said to them, 'Which of the two will ye [that] I shall release to you?' And they said, 'Barabbas.'

ylt@Matthew:27:25 @and all the people answering said, 'His blood [is] upon us, and upon our children!'

ylt@Matthew:28:5 @And the messenger answering said to the women, 'Fear not ye, for I have known that Jesus, who hath been crucified, ye seek;

ylt@Mark:6:37 @And he answering said to them, 'Give ye them to eat,' and they say to him, 'Having gone away, may we buy two hundred denaries' worth of loaves, and give to them to eat?'

ylt@Mark:7:6 @and he answering said to them -- 'Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you, hypocrites, as it hath been written, This people with the lips doth honor Me, and their heart is far from Me;

ylt@Mark:8:29 @And he saith to them, 'And ye -- who do ye say me to be?' and Peter answering saith to him, 'Thou art the Christ.'

ylt@Mark:9:5 @And Peter answering saith to Jesus, 'Rabbi, it is good to us to be here; and we may make three booths, for thee one, and for Moses one, and for Elijah one:'

ylt@Mark:9:12 @And he answering said to them, 'Elijah indeed, having come first, doth restore all things; and how hath it been written concerning the Son of Man, that many things he may suffer, and be set at nought?

ylt@Mark:9:17 @and one out of the multitude answering said, 'Teacher, I brought my son unto thee, having a dumb spirit;

ylt@Mark:9:19 @And he answering him, said, 'O generation unbelieving, till when shall I be with you? till when shall I suffer you? bring him unto me;'

ylt@Mark:10:3 @and he answering said to them, 'What did Moses command you?'

ylt@Mark:10:5 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'For the stiffness of your heart he wrote you this command,

ylt@Mark:10:20 @And he answering said to him, 'Teacher, all these did I keep from my youth.'

ylt@Mark:10:24 @And the disciples were astonished at his words, and Jesus again answering saith to them, 'Children, how hard is it to those trusting on the riches to enter into the reign of God!

ylt@Mark:10:29 @And Jesus answering said, 'Verily I say to you, there is no one who left house, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, for my sake, and for the good news',

ylt@Mark:10:51 @And answering, Jesus saith to him, 'What wilt thou I may do to thee?' and the blind man said to him, 'Rabboni, that I may see again;'

ylt@Mark:11:14 @and Jesus answering said to it, 'No more from thee -- to the age -- may any eat fruit;' and his disciples were hearing.

ylt@Mark:11:22 @And Jesus answering saith to them, 'Have faith of God;

ylt@Mark:11:29 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'I will question you -- I also -- one word; and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things;

ylt@Mark:11:33 @and answering they say to Jesus, 'We have not known;' and Jesus answering saith to them, 'Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.'

ylt@Mark:12:17 @and Jesus answering said to them, 'Give back the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God;' and they did wonder at him.

ylt@Mark:12:24 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Do ye not because of this go astray, not knowing the Writings, nor the power of God?

ylt@Mark:12:35 @And Jesus answering said, teaching in the temple, 'How say the scribes that the Christ is son of David?

ylt@Mark:13:2 @and Jesus answering said to him, 'Seest thou these great buildings? there may not be left a stone upon a stone, that may not be thrown down.'

ylt@Mark:13:5 @And Jesus answering them, began to say, 'Take heed lest any one may lead you astray,

ylt@Mark:14:20 @And he answering said to them, 'One of the twelve who is dipping with me in the dish;

ylt@Mark:14:48 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'As against a robber ye came out, with swords and sticks, to take me!

ylt@Mark:15:2 @and Pilate questioned him, 'Art thou the king of the Jews?' and he answering said to him, 'Thou dost say [it].'

ylt@Mark:15:12 @And Pilate answering, again said to them, 'What, then, will ye [that] I shall do to him whom ye call king of the Jews?'

ylt@Luke:1:19 @And the messenger answering said to him, 'I am Gabriel, who have been standing near before God, and I was sent to speak unto thee, and to proclaim these good news to thee,

ylt@Luke:1:35 @And the messenger answering said to her, 'The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, therefore also the holy-begotten thing shall be called Son of God;

ylt@Luke:1:60 @and his mother answering said, 'No, but he shall be called John.'

ylt@Luke:3:11 @and he answering saith to them, 'He having two coats -- let him impart to him having none, and he having victuals -- in like manner let him do.'

ylt@Luke:4:8 @And Jesus answering him said, 'Get thee behind me, Adversary, for it hath been written, Thou shalt bow before the Lord thy God, and Him only thou shalt serve.'

ylt@Luke:4:12 @And Jesus answering said to him -- 'It hath been said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.'

ylt@Luke:5:5 @and Simon answering said to him, 'Master, through the whole night, having laboured, we have taken nothing, but at thy saying I will let down the net.'

ylt@Luke:5:22 @And Jesus having known their reasonings, answering, said unto them, 'What reason ye in your hearts?

ylt@Luke:5:31 @And Jesus answering said unto them, 'They who are well have no need of a physician, but they that are ill:

ylt@Luke:6:3 @And Jesus answering said unto them, 'Did ye not read even this that David did, when he hungered, himself and those who are with him,

ylt@Luke:7:22 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Having gone on, report to John what ye saw and heard, that blind men do see again, lame do walk, lepers are cleansed, deaf do hear, dead are raised, poor have good news proclaimed;

ylt@Luke:7:40 @And Jesus answering said unto him, 'Simon, I have something to say to thee;' and he saith, 'Teacher, say on.'

ylt@Luke:7:43 @And Simon answering said, 'I suppose that to whom he forgave the more;' and he said to him, 'Rightly thou didst judge.'

ylt@Luke:8:21 @and he answering said unto them, 'My mother and my brethren! they are those who the word of God are hearing, and doing.'

ylt@Luke:9:19 @And they answering said, 'John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and others, that a prophet, one of the ancients, was risen;'

ylt@Luke:9:20 @and he said to them, 'And ye -- who do ye say me to be?' and Peter answering said, 'The Christ of God.'

ylt@Luke:9:41 @And Jesus answering said, 'O generation, unstedfast and perverse, till when shall I be with you, and suffer you? bring near hither thy son;'

ylt@Luke:9:49 @And John answering said, 'Master, we saw a certain one in thy name casting forth the demons, and we forbade him, because he doth not follow with us;'

ylt@Luke:10:27 @And he answering said, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God out of all thy heart, and out of all thy soul, and out of all thy strength, and out of all thy understanding, and thy neighbour as thyself.'

ylt@Luke:10:41 @And Jesus answering said to her, 'Martha, Martha, thou art anxious and disquieted about many things,

ylt@Luke:11:7 @and he from within answering may say, Do not give me trouble, already the door hath been shut, and my children with me are in the bed, I am not able, having risen, to give to thee.

ylt@Luke:11:45 @And one of the lawyers answering, saith to him, 'Teacher, these things saying, us also thou dost insult;'

ylt@Luke:13:2 @and Jesus answering said to them, 'Think ye that these Galileans became sinners beyond all the Galileans, because they have suffered such things?

ylt@Luke:13:8 @'And he answering saith to him, Sir, suffer it also this year, till that I may dig about it, and cast in dung;

ylt@Luke:13:14 @And the chief of the synagogue answering -- much displeased that on the sabbath Jesus healed -- said to the multitude, 'Six days there are in which it behoveth [us] to be working; in these, then, coming, be healed, and not on the sabbath-day.'

ylt@Luke:13:25 @from the time the master of the house may have risen up, and may have shut the door, and ye may begin without to stand, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, lord, open to us, and he answering shall say to you, I have not known you whence ye are,

ylt@Luke:14:3 @and Jesus answering spake to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, 'Is it lawful on the sabbath-day to heal?'

ylt@Luke:14:5 @and answering them he said, 'Of which of you shall an ass or ox fall into a pit, and he will not immediately draw it up on the sabbath-day?'

ylt@Luke:15:29 @and he answering said to the father, Lo, so many years I do serve thee, and never thy command did I transgress, and to me thou didst never give a kid, that with my friends I might make merry;

ylt@Luke:17:17 @And Jesus answering said, 'Were not the ten cleansed, and the nine -- where?

ylt@Luke:17:37 @And they answering say to him, 'Where, sir?' and he said to them, 'Where the body [is], there will the eagles be gathered together.'

ylt@Luke:19:40 @and he answering said to them, 'I say to you, that, if these shall be silent, the stones will cry out!'

ylt@Luke:20:3 @And he answering said unto them, 'I will question you -- I also -- one thing, and tell me:

ylt@Luke:20:24 @shew me a denary; of whom hath it an image and superscription?' and they answering said, 'Of Caesar:'

ylt@Luke:20:34 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'The sons of this age do marry and are given in marriage,

ylt@Luke:20:39 @And certain of the scribes answering said, 'Teacher, thou didst say well;'

ylt@Luke:22:51 @and Jesus answering said, 'Suffer ye thus far,' and having touched his ear, he healed him.

ylt@Luke:23:3 @And Pilate questioned him, saying, 'Thou art the king of the Jews?' and he answering him, said, 'Thou dost say [it].'

ylt@Luke:23:40 @And the other answering, was rebuking him, saying, 'Dost thou not even fear God, that thou art in the same judgment?

ylt@Luke:24:18 @And the one, whose name was Cleopas, answering, said unto him, 'Art thou alone such a stranger in Jerusalem, that thou hast not known the things that came to pass in it in these days?'

ylt@Acts:4:19 @and Peter and John answering unto them said, 'Whether it is righteous before God to hearken to you rather than to God, judge ye;

ylt@Acts:5:29 @And Peter and the apostles answering, said, 'To obey God it behoveth, rather than men;

ylt@Acts:8:24 @And Simon answering, said, 'Beseech ye for me unto the Lord, that nothing may come upon me of the things ye have spoken.'

ylt@Acts:8:34 @And the eunuch answering Philip said, 'I pray thee, about whom doth the prophet say this? about himself, or about some other one?'

ylt@Acts:8:37 @[And Philip said, 'If thou dost believe out of all the heart, it is lawful;' and he answering said, 'I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God;']

ylt@Acts:19:15 @and the evil spirit, answering, said, 'Jesus I know, and Paul I am acquainted with; and ye -- who are ye?'

ylt@Acts:25:9 @And Festus willing to lay on the Jews a favour, answering Paul, said, 'Art thou willing, to Jerusalem having gone up, there concerning these things to be judged before me?'

ylt@Romans:9:20 @nay, but, O man, who art thou that art answering again to God? shall the thing formed say to Him who did form [it], Why me didst thou make thus?