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gltv@Genesis:2:19 @ And Jehovah God formed every animal of the field, and every bird of the heavens out of the ground. And He brought them to the man, to see what he would call it. And all which the man might call it, each living soul, that was its name.

gltv@Genesis:6:20 @ from the birds according to its kind, and from the cattle according to its kind, from every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind. Two from each shall come in to you to keep alive.

gltv@Genesis:10:5 @ The coasts of the nations were divided by these in their lands each by his tongue, by their families, in their nations.

gltv@Genesis:11:3 @ And each one said to his neighbor, Come, let us make brick, and burning burn them. And they had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar.

gltv@Genesis:13:11 @ Then Lot chose all the circuit of Jordan for himself. And Lot pulled up toward the east. And they were separated, each one from his brother.

gltv@Genesis:15:10 @ And he took all these for Him, and he divided them in the middle; and he laid each piece against one another, but he did not divide the bird.

gltv@Genesis:26:31 @ And they started up early at dawn, and each swore to his brother. And Isaac sent them away, and they left him in peace.

gltv@Genesis:28:12 @ And he dreamed. And, behold, a ladder was placed on the earth, its top reaching to the heavens. And, behold, the angels of God were going up and going down on it!

gltv@Genesis:31:49 @ also, Watchtower; for he said, May Jehovah watch between you and me, for we are hidden, when we are out of sight, each from his neighbor.

gltv@Genesis:34:25 @ And it happened on the third day, they being pained, that the two sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, each took his sword. And they came on the city in its security, and killed every male.

gltv@Genesis:37:3 @ And Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons, because he was a son of old age to him. And he made a tunic reaching to the soles of his feet.

gltv@Genesis:37:19 @ And they said, each to his brother, Behold, this master of dreams is coming.

gltv@Genesis:37:23 @ And it happened when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped his tunic which was on him, from Joseph, the tunic reaching to the soles of his feet.

gltv@Genesis:37:32 @ And they sent the tunic reaching to the soles of his feet, and they took it to their father, and said, We have found this. Now look, is it your son's tunic?

gltv@Genesis:40:5 @ And they dreamed a dream, both of them, each his dream in one night, each according to the interpretation of his dream, the cupbearer and the baker who belonged to the king of Egypt, who were bound in the prison house.

gltv@Genesis:41:11 @ And we dreamed a dream in one night, he and I; we each dreamed according to the interpretation of his dream.

gltv@Genesis:41:12 @ And a Hebrew youth was with us, a slave to the chief of the executioners. And we told him, and he interpreted our dreams to us; he interpreted to each according to his dream.

gltv@Genesis:42:1 @ And Jacob saw that grain was in Egypt. And Jacob said to his sons, Why do you look at each other?

gltv@Genesis:42:21 @ And they said each to his brother, We are truly guilty because of our brother whom we saw in distress of his soul, when he begged us, and we did not hear. So this pain has come to us.

gltv@Genesis:42:25 @ And Joseph commanded, and they filled their vessels with grain and returned their silver, each into his sack, and gave to them food for the way; and he did so to them.

gltv@Genesis:42:28 @ And he said to his brothers, My silver has been put back, and also look in my sack. And their hearts went, and they were each terrified, saying to his brother, What is this God has done to us?

gltv@Genesis:42:35 @ And it happened. They were emptying their sacks, and, behold, each one's bundle of silver was in his sack; and they saw the bundles of their silver, and they were afraid.

gltv@Genesis:43:21 @ And it happened, when we came to the camp and opened our sacks, behold, the silver of each one was in the mouth of his sack; our silver in its weight. And we bring it back in our hand.

gltv@Genesis:43:33 @ And they sat before him, the first born according to his birthright, and the younger according to his youth. And the men were astonished, each to his neighbor.

gltv@Genesis:44:1 @ And he commanded the one over his house, saying, Fill the sacks of the men with food, as much as they are able to carry; and put the silver of each one in the mouth of his sack.

gltv@Genesis:44:11 @ And they hurried, and each one brought down his sack to the earth. And each one opened his sack.

gltv@Genesis:44:13 @ And they tore their clothes; and they each one loaded his ass and returned to the city.

gltv@Genesis:45:22 @ He gave to all of them, to each one, changes of clothing. And he gave to Benjamin three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of clothing.

gltv@Genesis:47:9 @ And Jacob said to Pharaoh, The days of the years of my camps are a hundred and thirty years. Few and evil have been the days of the years of my life and they have not reached the days of the years of the life of my fathers, in the days of their camps.

gltv@Genesis:47:20 @ And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh, because each one in Egypt sold his field, because this famine was severe on them; and the land became Pharaoh's.

gltv@Genesis:49:28 @ All these were the tribes of Israel, two and ten. And this is what their father spoke to them. And he blessed them, each one with what was according to his blessing, he blessed them.

gltv@Exodus:1:1 @ And these were the names of the sons of Israel who came into Egypt with Jacob; they each one came in with his house:

gltv@Exodus:3:22 @ And each woman shall ask of her neighbor, and from the stranger in her house, articles of silver, and articles of gold, and garments; and you shall put these on your sons and on your daughters And you shall plunder Egypt.

gltv@Exodus:4:12 @ And now go, and I will be with your mouth, and will teach you what you shall speak.

gltv@Exodus:4:15 @ And you shall speak to him, and you shall put the words in his mouth. And I will be with your mouth, and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you shall do.

gltv@Exodus:7:12 @ And they each one threw down his staff, and they became snakes. But Aaron's staff swallowed their staffs.

gltv@Exodus:10:23 @ They did not see each one his brother, and they did not rise up, each one from his place for three days. Yet to all the sons of Israel there was light in their dwellings.

gltv@Exodus:11:2 @ Now speak in the ears of the people, and let them ask, each man from his neighbor, articles of silver and articles of gold.

gltv@Exodus:12:3 @ Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month, they shall each take for themselves an animal of the flock for a father's house, a flock animal for a house.

gltv@Exodus:12:4 @ And if the house is too small for a flock animal, he and his neighbor next to his house shall take according to the number of souls, each one according to the mouth of his eating, you shall count concerning the flock animal.

gltv@Exodus:16:15 @ And the sons of Israel looked. And they said, each one to his brother, What is that? For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, That is the bread which Jehovah has given to you for food.

gltv@Exodus:16:16 @ This is the thing which Jehovah commanded. Gather from it, each one according to the mouth of his eating; an omer for a head. By the number of your souls you shall take for each man who is in your tent.

gltv@Exodus:16:18 @ And they measured with an omer. And the one gathering much did not have too much. And the one gathering little did not have any need. Each one gathered according to the mouth of his eating.

gltv@Exodus:16:21 @ And they gathered it in the morning, each one in the morning according to the mouth of his eating. And it melted in the heat of the sun.

gltv@Exodus:16:29 @ Behold! Because Jehovah has given the sabbath to you, therefore He is giving to you two days of bread on the sixth day. Each one of you remain in his place. Do not let anyone go out from his place on the seventh day.

gltv@Exodus:18:7 @ And Moses went out to meet his father-in-law, and bowed, and kissed him. And they asked each to his neighbor, as to their welfare. And they came into the tent.

gltv@Exodus:24:12 @ And Jehovah said to Moses, Come up to Me to the mountain, and be there. And I will give to you the tablets of stone, and the law, and the commandments which I have written, to teach them.

gltv@Exodus:25:20 @ And the cherubs shall be spreading out wings above, covering the mercyseat with their wings, and their faces each toward its brother; the faces of the cherubs shall be toward the mercyseat.

gltv@Exodus:25:34 @ And on the lampstand shall be four almond like calyxes, each with its knobs and its blossoms;

gltv@Exodus:26:3 @ Five curtains shall be joined together, each to her sister And five curtains joined each to her sister.

gltv@Exodus:26:5 @ You shall make fifty loops on the one curtain; and you shall make fifty loops in the end of the curtain at the second juncture; the corresponding loops each to her sister.

gltv@Exodus:26:6 @ And you shall make fifty hooks of gold. And you shall join the curtains, each to her sister, by the hooks. And it shall become one tabernacle.

gltv@Exodus:26:17 @ Two pins shall be in one board, each connected to her sister. So you shall do to all the boards of the tabernacle.

gltv@Exodus:26:36 @ And you shall make a screen for the door of the tent of blue, and of purple and crimson, and twined bleached linen, the work of an embroiderer.

gltv@Exodus:28:5 @ And they shall take the gold, and the blue, and the purple, and the crimson, and the bleached linen.

gltv@Exodus:28:6 @ And they shall make the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, crimson and bleached, twined linen, skilled work.

gltv@Exodus:28:8 @ And the band of the ephod which is on it, like its work, shall be of it, gold, blue, and purple, and crimson, and bleached, twined linen.

gltv@Exodus:28:15 @ And you shall make a breast pocket of judgment, skilled work, like the work of the ephod you shall make it: gold, blue, and purple, and crimson, and bleached, twined linen you shall make it.

gltv@Exodus:28:21 @ And the stones shall be according to the names of the sons of Israel, twelve according to their names, the engraving of a signet; they shall be each according to his name for the twelve tribes.

gltv@Exodus:28:39 @ And you shall weave the tunic of bleached linen, and you shall make a miter of bleached linen, and you shall make a girdle, the work of an embroiderer.

gltv@Exodus:30:12 @ When you lift up the head of the sons of Israel, of those numbered, each one shall give the ransom of his soul to Jehovah when numbering them; and there shall not be a plague among them when numbering them.

gltv@Exodus:32:27 @ And he said to them, So says Jehovah, God of Israel, each one put his sword on his thigh; pass to and fro from gate to gate in the camp, and each one kill his brother, and each one his neighbor, and each one his kindred.

gltv@Exodus:32:29 @ And Moses said, Fill your hand today for Jehovah, since each one has been against his son and against his brother, and in order to give you a blessing today.

gltv@Exodus:33:8 @ And it happened as Moses went to the tabernacle, the people all rose and stood, each one at the door of his tent. And they looked after Moses until he had gone into the tabernacle.

gltv@Exodus:33:10 @ And all the people would see the pillar of the cloud standing at the door of the tabernacle. And all the people rose and bowed themselves, each one at the door of his tent.

gltv@Exodus:35:6 @ and blue, and purple, and crimson, and bleached linen, and goats' hair,

gltv@Exodus:35:23 @ And everyone with whom blue was found, and purple, and crimson, and bleached linen, and goats' hair, and rams' skins dyed red, and dugong skins, they brought.

gltv@Exodus:35:25 @ And every wise-hearted woman spun with her hands; and they brought spun yarn, blue, and purple, and crimson and bleached linen.

gltv@Exodus:35:34 @ And He has put in his heart to teach, he and Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan,

gltv@Exodus:35:35 @ He has filled them with wisdom of heart, to do every work of a smith, and an artisan, and an embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and in crimson, and in bleached linen, and a weaver; doers of every work and devisers of designs.

gltv@Exodus:36:4 @ And all the wise men came, those doing every kind of work for the sanctuary, each one from his work they were doing.

gltv@Exodus:36:8 @ And every wise-hearted one among the doers of the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains, twined, bleached linen, and blue, and purple, and crimson; he made them with cherubs, the work of an artisan.

gltv@Exodus:36:35 @ And he made a veil of blue, and purple, and crimson, and twined, bleached linen. He made it the work of an artisan, with cherubs

gltv@Exodus:36:37 @ And he made a screen for the door of the tabernacle, blue, and purple, and crimson, and twined, bleached linen, the work of an embroiderer;

gltv@Exodus:37:9 @ And the cherubs were spreading out wings above, covering the mercy-seat with their wings, their faces each toward the other; the faces of the cherubs were toward the mercyseat.

gltv@Exodus:38:9 @ And he made the court. To the side of the Negeb, to the south, the curtains of the court were twined bleached linen, a hundred by the cubit.

gltv@Exodus:38:16 @ All the curtains of the court all around were twined bleached linen.

gltv@Exodus:38:18 @ And the screen of the opening of the court was an embroiderer's work, blue and purple and crimson, and bleached twined linen, and twenty cubits long, and the height was five cubits in width; the curtains of the court joining.

gltv@Exodus:38:23 @ And with him Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver and a craftsman, and an embroiderer in blue and in purple and in crimson and in bleached linen.

gltv@Exodus:39:2 @ And he made the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, and crimson, and twined bleached linen.

gltv@Exodus:39:3 @ And they beat out sheets of gold, and cut threads to work into the midst of the blue, and into the midst of the purple, and into the midst of the crimson, and into the midst of the bleached linen, the work of an artisan.

gltv@Exodus:39:5 @ And its fastening band was on it; it was of it, like its work, gold, blue, and purple, and crimson, and twined bleached linen, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Exodus:39:8 @ And he made the breast pocket, a work of an artisan, like the work of the ephod: gold, blue, purple, and crimson, and twined bleached linen;

gltv@Exodus:39:14 @ And the stones were according to the names of the sons of Israel; they were twelve according to their names, the engravings of a signet, each according to his name, for the twelve tribes.

gltv@Exodus:39:24 @ And they made on the hems of the robe pomegranates of blue, and purple, and crimson, bleached, twined linen.

gltv@Exodus:39:27 @ And they made the tunics of bleached linen, skilled work, for Aaron and for his sons;

gltv@Exodus:39:28 @ also the miter was of bleached linen, and the headdress of the caps of bleached linen, and the breeches of bleached, twined linen.

gltv@Exodus:39:29 @ And the girdle was of twined bleached linen, and blue, and purple, and crimson, the work of an embroiderer, even as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Leviticus:5:7 @ And if his hand does not reach to a lamb, then he shall bring his guilt offering, he who has sinned, two turtledoves, or two offspring of a dove, to Jehovah; one for a sin offering, and one for a burnt offering.

gltv@Leviticus:5:11 @ And if his hand cannot reach to two turtledoves, or two offspring of a dove, then he who sinned shall bring his offering, a tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall not put oil on it, nor put frankincense on it; for it is a sin offering.

gltv@Leviticus:6:2 @ If any person sins and is slyly treacherous against Jehovah, and deals falsely with his neighbor concerning a deposit, or concerning security, or by robbery, or has extorted his neighbor,

gltv@Leviticus:10:1 @ And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in them; and they put incense on it and brought strange fire before Jehovah, which He had not commanded them.

gltv@Leviticus:10:11 @ and to teach the sons of Israel all the statutes which Jehovah has spoken to them by the hand of Moses.

gltv@Leviticus:14:21 @ And if he is poor, and his hand is not able to reach these things, then he shall take one lamb as a guilt offering, for a wave offering, to atone for himself, and one tenth part of flour mixed with oil for a food offering, and a log of oil,

gltv@Leviticus:14:22 @ and two turtledoves, or two young doves, which his hand can reach; and one shall be a sin offering, and the other a burnt offering.

gltv@Leviticus:14:30 @ And he shall offer one of the turtledoves, or of the young doves, from that which he is able to reach;

gltv@Leviticus:14:31 @ that which his hand has reached out to, the one a sin offering, and the other a burnt offering, besides the food offering. And the priest shall make atonement for him who is to be cleansed before Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:14:32 @ This is the law of him in whom is a plague of leprosy whose hand could not reach to his cleansing.

gltv@Leviticus:14:57 @ to teach when it is unclean and when it is clean; this is the law of leprosy.

gltv@Leviticus:19:3 @ Each man of you shall revere his mother and his father, and keep My sabbaths; I am Jehovah your God.

gltv@Leviticus:24:8 @ On each sabbath day he shall arrange it before Jehovah continually, from the sons of Israel, a never ending covenant.

gltv@Leviticus:25:10 @ and you shall make the fiftieth year holy, a year. And you shall proclaim liberty in the land to all its inhabitants; it shall be a jubilee to you. And you shall return every man to his possession; yea, you shall turn back each to his family.

gltv@Leviticus:25:13 @ In the year of jubilee you shall return each one to his possession.

gltv@Leviticus:25:14 @ And if you sell anything to your neighbor, or buy from the hand of your neighbor, you shall not each man oppress his brother.

gltv@Leviticus:25:17 @ And you shall not oppress each man his neighbor, and you shall fear your God, for I am Jehovah your God.

gltv@Leviticus:25:26 @ But when a man has no redeemer, and his own hand has reached out, and he has enough for its redemption,

gltv@Leviticus:25:49 @ or his uncle, or a son of his uncle, may redeem him, or any of his fleshly relations of his family may redeem him. Or, if his own hand has reached out to gain, then he may be redeemed.

gltv@Leviticus:26:5 @ and your threshing shall reach to the vintage, and the vintage shall reach to the sowing time; and you shall eat your bread to satisfaction, and live in your land securely.

gltv@Leviticus:27:8 @ but if he is too poor for your evaluation, then he shall be made to stand before the priest, and the priest shall value him; the priest shall value him according to the reach of him who vowed.

gltv@Numbers:1:44 @ These were numbered, whom Moses and Aaron numbered, and the rulers of Israel being twelve men; they were each one of his fathers' house.

gltv@Numbers:1:52 @ And the sons of Israel shall encamp their tents, each man with his own camp, and each man with his own standard, according to their armies.

gltv@Numbers:2:17 @ And the camp of the Levites, with the tabernacle of the congregation shall pull out in the middle of the camps. As they encamp, so they shall pull out, each man in his place, by their standards.

gltv@Numbers:2:34 @ And the sons of Israel did according to all that Jehovah had commanded Moses, so they encamped by their standards, and so they pulled out, each one according to his family, and according to the house of his father.

gltv@Numbers:4:19 @ But do this to them, and they shall live and not die as they draw near the Holy of Holies. Aaron and his sons shall go in, and shall appoint them each man to his service, and to his burden.

gltv@Numbers:4:49 @ one numbered them by the mouth of Jehovah, by the hand of Moses, each man according to his service, and according to his burden, even they were numbered by him, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Numbers:7:3 @ And they brought their offerings before Jehovah, six covered wagons and twelve oxen; a wagon for every two of the rulers, for each one an ox. And they presented them before the tabernacle.

gltv@Numbers:7:5 @ Take it from them, that they may be used to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. And you shall give them to the Levites, to each man according to his service.

gltv@Numbers:7:85 @ each silver dish a hundred and thirty in weight, and each basin seventy; all the silver of the vessels was two thousand and four hundred shekels by the sanctuary shekel;

gltv@Numbers:11:10 @ And Moses heard the people weeping by its families, each at the door of his tent; and the anger of Jehovah glowed exceedingly, and in the eyes of Moses it was evil.

gltv@Numbers:14:4 @ And they said each to his brother, Let us appoint a leader and return to Egypt.

gltv@Numbers:15:38 @ Speak to the sons of Israel and you shall say to them that they shall make themselves fringes on the corners of their garments, for their generations. And they shall put with the fringe of each corner thread of blue.

gltv@Numbers:16:17 @ And each one take his fire-pan, and you shall put incense on them, and shall offer before Jehovah, each his fire-pan, two hundred and fifty fire-pans; even you and Aaron, each his fire-pan.

gltv@Numbers:16:18 @ And they each took his fire-pan, and put fire on them, and lay incense on them, and they stood at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, with Moses and Aaron.

gltv@Numbers:17:2 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, and take from each of them a rod, for a father's house, from all their rulers, for the house of their fathers, twelve rods. You shall write the name of each on his rod.

gltv@Numbers:17:6 @ And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, and all their rulers gave to him one rod for each ruler, one rod for a ruler, for their fathers' house, twelve rods, and the rod of Aaron was among the rods.

gltv@Numbers:17:9 @ And Moses brought out all the rods from before Jehovah to all the sons of Israel. And they looked, and each one took his rod.

gltv@Numbers:25:5 @ And Moses said to the judges of Israel, Each one of you kill his men, those who joined to Baal-peor.

gltv@Numbers:26:54 @ To the many you shall increase their inheritance; and to the few you shall diminish their inheritance; each according to the mouth of his numbered ones shall be given his inheritance.

gltv@Numbers:29:4 @ and one tenth part for each of the seven lambs;

gltv@Numbers:29:14 @ and their food offerings, flour mixed with oil, three tenths parts to the one bullock, for the thirteen bullocks; two tenths parts to each of the two rams;

gltv@Numbers:29:15 @ and one tenth part to each of the fourteen lambs;

gltv@Numbers:31:16 @ Behold, these through the counsel of Balaam caused the sons of Israel a deliverance of treachery against Jehovah in the matter of Peor; and the plague was on the company of Jehovah.

gltv@Numbers:31:50 @ And we bring near Jehovah's offering, each what he has found, vessels of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, earrings, and jewels, to atone for ourselves before Jehovah.

gltv@Numbers:31:53 @ men of the army who had each taken spoil for himself.

gltv@Numbers:32:18 @ We will not return to our houses until each man of the sons of Israel has inherited his inheritance.

gltv@Numbers:32:29 @ even Moses said to them, If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben pass over the Jordan with you each armed for battle before Jehovah, and the land shall be subdued before you, then you shall give to them the land of Gilead for a possession.

gltv@Numbers:33:19 @ And they pulled up from Rithmah and camped in The Pomegranate Breach.

gltv@Numbers:33:20 @ And they pulled up from The Pomegranate Breach and camped in Libnah.

gltv@Numbers:34:11 @ And the border shall go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain; and the border shall go down and shall reach on the shoulder of the Sea of Chinnereth eastward.

gltv@Numbers:35:8 @ And you shall give the cities from the possession of the sons of Israel. From the many you shall increase, and take away from the few. According to its inheritance which it inherits each tribe shall give of its cities to the Levites.

gltv@Numbers:36:7 @ so no inheritance of the sons of Israel shall turn from tribe to tribe, for each one of the sons of Israel shall cling to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.

gltv@Numbers:36:8 @ And any daughter that possesses an inheritance from any tribe of the sons of Israel to one of the family of the tribe of her father is to become a wife of the family of the tribe of her father, so that the sons of Israel may each possess the inheritance of his father.

gltv@Numbers:36:9 @ And the inheritance shall not turn from one tribe to another tribe. For the tribes of the sons of Israel shall each one cling to its own inheritance,

gltv@Deuteronomy:1:23 @ And the thing was good in my eyes, and I took twelve men of you, one man for each tribe.

gltv@Deuteronomy:1:41 @ And you answered and said to me, We have sinned against Jehovah; we shall go up, and we shall fight, according to all that which Jehovah our God has commanded us. And you each one girded on his weapons of war, and you thought it easy to go up to the hill country.

gltv@Deuteronomy:3:20 @ It shall be until Jehovah shall give rest to your brothers like yourselves, and they, too, have possessed the land which Jehovah your God is giving to them beyond the Jordan. Then you shall each man return to his possession which I have given to you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:1 @ And now, Israel, listen to the statutes and to the judgments which I am teaching you to do, so that you may live and go in, and possess the land which Jehovah the God of your fathers is giving to you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:10 @ The day that you stood before Jehovah your God in Horeb, when Jehovah said to me, Gather the people to Me, and I will make them hear My words, that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they live on the earth; and that they may teach their sons.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:14 @ And Jehovah commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and ordinances, for you to do them in the land which you shall pass over to possess it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:5:31 @ But as for you, you stand here by Me, and I will speak to you all the commandments and the statutes and the ordinances which you shall teach them, that they may do them in the land which I am giving to them, to possess it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:6:1 @ And this is the commandment, the statute and the judgments which Jehovah your God commanded to teach you, to do them in the land to which you are crossing over, to possess it,

gltv@Deuteronomy:6:7 @ And you shall teach them to your sons, and shall speak of them as you sit in your house, and as you walk in the way, and as you are lying down, and as you are rising up.

gltv@Deuteronomy:11:19 @ And you shall teach them to your sons by speaking of them as you sit in your house, and as you go in the way, and as you lie down, and as you rise up.

gltv@Deuteronomy:12:8 @ You shall not do according to all that we are doing here today, each doing all that is right in his own eyes.

gltv@Deuteronomy:16:17 @ but each with his gift of his hand, according to the blessing of Jehovah your God, which He has given you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:20:18 @ so that they may not teach you to do according to all their filthy deeds which they have done for their gods; and you would sin against Jehovah your God.

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:8 @ Be on guard in the plague of leprosy, that you watch closely and do according to all that the Levitical priests shall teach you. As I commanded them, so you shall be careful to do.

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:16 @ The fathers shall not be put to death for sons, and sons are not to be put to death for fathers; they each shall be put to death for his own sin.

gltv@Deuteronomy:31:19 @ Now, then, write this song for you, and teach it to the sons of Israel. Put it in their mouths, so that this song shall be for a witness to Me against the sons of Israel.

gltv@Deuteronomy:33:3 @ Yes, He loves the peoples; all His holy ones are in Your hand; and they sit down at Your feet; He lifts up each at Your words.

gltv@Deuteronomy:33:10 @ They shall teach Your ordinances to Jacob, and Your law to Israel. They shall put incense at Your nostrils, and whole burnt offering on Your altar.

gltv@Joshua:3:12 @ And now, take for yourselves twelve men out of the tribes of Israel one man for each tribe.

gltv@Joshua:4:2 @ Take twelve men for you out of the people, one man of each tribe.

gltv@Joshua:4:4 @ And called to the twelve men whom he had readied from the sons of Israel, one man out of each tribe.

gltv@Joshua:4:5 @ And said to them, Cross over before the ark of Jehovah your God to the middle of the Jordan, and each man of you lift up one stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel,

gltv@Joshua:6:5 @ And it shall be, when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when you hear the sound of the ram's horn, all the people shall shout with a great shout. And the wall of the city shall fall down flat; and the people shall go up, each man in front of him.

gltv@Joshua:6:20 @ And the people shouted, and blew with the ram's horns, and it happened, when the people heard the sound of the ram's horn, the people shouted a great shout. And the wall fell under it; and the people went up into the city, each man in front of him; and they captured the city.

gltv@Joshua:19:11 @ And their border went up toward the sea, and Maralah, and reached to Dabbasheth, and reached to the torrent in front of Jokneam,

gltv@Joshua:19:22 @ And the border reaches to Tabor, and Shahazimah, and Beth-shemesh. And the outer limits of their border were at Jordan; sixteen cities and their villages.

gltv@Joshua:19:26 @ and Alammelech, and Amad, and Misheal, and reaches to Carmel westward, and to Shihor-libnath.

gltv@Joshua:19:27 @ And it turns toward the rising of the sun to Beth-dagon, and it reaches to Zebulun, and to the valley of Jiphthahel toward the north side of Beth-emek, and Neiel, and goes out to Cabul on the left hand,

gltv@Joshua:19:34 @ And the border turns west toward Aznoth-tabor, and goes out from there to Hukkok, and reached to Zebulun on the south side, and reaches to Asher on the west side, and to Judah on Jordan toward the rising of the sun;

gltv@Joshua:22:14 @ and ten rulers with him, one ruler each for the house of a father, for all the tribes of Israel, and each of them a head of the house of their fathers, for the thousands of Israel.

gltv@Joshua:22:16 @ So says all the company of Jehovah, What is this treachery with which the God of Israel was betrayed, to turn back today from after Jehovah, in that you built for yourself an altar so that you might rebel today against Jehovah?

gltv@Joshua:22:22 @ Jehovah is the God of gods; Jehovah is the God of gods! He knows, and Israel shall know, if it is in rebellion, and if it is in treachery against Jehovah, you shall not save us alive today.

gltv@Joshua:22:31 @ And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest said to the sons of Reuben, and to the sons of Gad, and to the sons of Manasseh, Today we have known that Jehovah is among us, because you have not betrayed this treachery against Jehovah. Now you have delivered the sons of Israel out of the hand of Jehovah.

gltv@Joshua:24:28 @ And sent the people away, each to his inheritance.

gltv@Judges:2:6 @ And Joshua sent the people away, and the sons of Israel each went to his inheritance, to possess the land.

gltv@Judges:3:2 @ only that the generations of the sons of Israel might know, to teach them war, only those who did not before know them:

gltv@Judges:5:30 @ Do they not find and divide the plunder? A womb, two wombs to each man's head; a plunder of dyed garments to Sisera, a plunder of embroidered dyed garments, two embroidered dyed garments for the necks of the plunder?

gltv@Judges:6:29 @ And they each said to his neighbor, Who has done this thing? And they asked and sought. And they said, Gideon the son of Joash has done this thing.

gltv@Judges:7:7 @ And Jehovah said to Gideon, I will deliver you by the three hundred men who lapped, and shall give Midian into your hand. And all the people shall go, each to his place.

gltv@Judges:7:8 @ And the people took the food in their hand, and their rams' horns; and he sent away every man of Israel, each to his tent. But he kept hold on the three hundred men. And the camp of Midian was below him in the valley.

gltv@Judges:7:21 @ And they each one stood in his place, all around the army. And all the army ran, and they shouted, and they fled.

gltv@Judges:8:18 @ And he said to Zebah and to Zalmunna, How were the men whom you killed in Tabor? And they said, As you are, so they; each one as a king's son in appearance.

gltv@Judges:8:24 @ And Gideon said to them, Let me ask of you a request, that each man give to me a ring from his plunder; for they had gold rings, because they were Ishmaelites.

gltv@Judges:8:25 @ And they said, We will certainly give. And they spread out a garment and each threw a ring from their plunder there.

gltv@Judges:9:23 @ And God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the leaders of Shechem. And the leaders of Shechem dealt treacherously with Abimelech;

gltv@Judges:9:49 @ And all the people also, each man, cut down his bough, and went after Abimelech, and set them at the stronghold, and kindled the stronghold with fire over them. And all the men of the tower of Shechem also died, about a thousand men and women.

gltv@Judges:9:55 @ And when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, then each one went to his place.

gltv@Judges:10:18 @ And the people said, The chief men of Gilead, each man to his neighbor, Who will be the man who will begin to fight against the sons of Ammon? He shall be head over all the people of Gilead.

gltv@Judges:16:5 @ And the Philistine rulers came to her and said to her, Entice him, and see in what lies his great strength, and by what we may prevail against him, so that we may bind him, to afflict him. And we will surely each give to you eleven hundred of silver.

gltv@Judges:17:6 @ And in those days there was no king in Israel; each man did the right in his own eyes.

gltv@Judges:20:16 @ Among all this people were seven hundred chosen men who were impeded in the right hand, each of these able to sling a stone at a hair. And he did not miss!

gltv@Judges:20:17 @ And the men of Israel numbered themselves, besides Benjamin, four hundred thousand men drawing sword, each of these a man of war.

gltv@Judges:21:15 @ And the people repented as to Benjamin, for Jehovah had made a breach among the tribes of Israel.

gltv@Judges:21:21 @ And you shall watch. And, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then you shall go out from the vineyards and each of you catch his wife from the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.

gltv@Judges:21:22 @ And it shall be, when their fathers or their brothers come to strive with us, we shall say to them, Favor us with them, for we did not take for each man of them a wife in battle, for if you did not give to them as at this time, you would be guilty.

gltv@Judges:21:24 @ And the sons of Israel went up and down from there at that time, each to his tribe, and to his family. And they departed from there, every man to his inheritance.

gltv@Judges:21:25 @ In those days there was no king in Israel. Each man did that which was right in his own eyes.

gltv@Ruth:1:8 @ And Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, Go, each return to the house of her mother. May Jehovah deal kindly with you, as you have done with the dead, and with me.

gltv@Ruth:1:9 @ May Jehovah grant to you that you find rest, each in the house of her husband. And she kissed them, and they lifted up their voice and wept.

gltv@Ruth:2:14 @ And Boaz said to her, At mealtime come here, and you shall eat of the bread and dip your morsel in the vinegar. And she sat at the side of the reapers, and he reached out roasted grain to her. And she ate and was satisfied, and had some left over.

gltv@1Samuel:4:10 @ And the Philistines fought, and Israel was beaten. And they each one fled to his tent. And the blow was very great, and thirty thousand footmen of Israel fell.

gltv@1Samuel:8:22 @ And Jehovah said to Samuel, Listen to their voice, and you shall cause a king to reign over them. And Samuel said to the men of Israel, Each of you go to his city.

gltv@1Samuel:10:11 @ And it happened, all who knew him from yesterday and the third day, and saw him even behold, he prophesied with prophets. And the people said, each one to his neighbor, What is this happening to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?

gltv@1Samuel:10:25 @ And Samuel spoke to the people the duties of the kingdom, and wrote in the book, and placed it before Jehovah. And Samuel sent all the people away, each to his house.

gltv@1Samuel:13:2 @ And Saul chose for himself three thousand out of Israel. And two thousand were with Saul in Michmash, and in the hills of Bethel. And a thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin. And he sent the rest of the people each to his tent.

gltv@1Samuel:13:20 @ And all Israel went down to the Philistines, each man to sharpen his plowshare, and his mattock, and his axe, and his plowshare.

gltv@1Samuel:14:9 @ If they say this to us, Stand still until we reach you, then we will stand in our place and not go up to them.

gltv@1Samuel:14:12 @ And the men of the fort answered Jonathan and his armorbearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will teach you a thing. And Jonathan said to his armorbearer, Come up after me, for Jehovah has given them into the hand of Israel.

gltv@1Samuel:14:33 @ And they told Saul, saying, Behold, the people are sinning against Jehovah, to eat with the blood. And he said, You have acted treacherously. Now roll me a great stone today.

gltv@1Samuel:14:34 @ And Saul said, Disperse yourselves among the people and say to them, Each one bring his ox near to me, and each his sheep, and you slaughter here, and eat; and you shall not sin against Jehovah, to eat with the blood. And each of all the people brought near his ox in his hand that night, and they slaughtered there.

gltv@1Samuel:20:15 @ but you shall not cut off your kindness from my house forever, not even when Jehovah cuts off the enemies of David, each one from off the face of the earth.

gltv@1Samuel:20:41 @ The boy left, and David rose up from the south side. And he fell on his face to the ground. And he bowed three times. And they each one kissed his friend. And they each wept on his friend, until David exceeded.

gltv@1Samuel:22:7 @ And Saul said to his servants who were standing by him, Now hear, Benjamites. Will the son of Jesse also give to any of you fields and vineyards? Will he make each of you commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds,

gltv@1Samuel:25:13 @ And David said to his men, Each man gird on his sword. And David also girded on his sword. And about four hundred men went up after David and two hundred stayed by the baggage.

gltv@1Samuel:26:23 @ And Jehovah will return to each his righteousness and his faithfulness, in that Jehovah has delivered you into my hand, and I have not been willing to put forth my hand against the anointed of Jehovah.

gltv@1Samuel:27:3 @ And David lived with Achish in Gath, he and his men, each one and his household: David and his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel, and Abigail the former wife of Nabal of Carmel.

gltv@1Samuel:30:6 @ And David was greatly distressed, for the people said to stone him. For the soul of the people was bitter, each for his sons and for his daughters. And David made himself strong in Jehovah his God.

gltv@1Samuel:30:22 @ And every evil and worthless man of the men who had gone with David answered, and they said, Because they did not go with me, we will not give to them from the plunder which we have delivered, except to each man his wife and his sons. And let them take them and go.

gltv@2Samuel:1:18 @ and he said to teach the sons of Judah The Song of the Bow. Behold, it is written in the Book of Jashar:

gltv@2Samuel:2:3 @ And David brought up his men of who were with him, each man and his household. And they lived in the cities of Hebron.

gltv@2Samuel:2:16 @ And each one lay hold on the head of his companion, and thrust his sword into the side of his companion. And they fell together. And one called that place The Field of Rocks, which is in Gibeon.

gltv@2Samuel:2:27 @ And Joab said, As God lives, for if you had not spoken, surely then in the morning the people would have gone up, each one from following his brother.

gltv@2Samuel:6:6 @ And when they came to the threshing floor of Nachon, and Uzzah reached out to the ark of God, and took hold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it,

gltv@2Samuel:6:19 @ And he shared out to all the people, to all the multitude of Israel, from man even to woman, to each one cake of bread and one date cake and one raisin cake. And all the people left, each one to his house.

gltv@2Samuel:13:29 @ And the young men of Absalom did to Amnon as Absalom commanded. And all the king's sons rose up, and they each rode on his mule, and fled.

gltv@2Samuel:15:30 @ And David was going up in the ascent of the olives, going up and weeping. And his head was covered, and he was going barefooted. And all the people who were with him each had covered his head, and had gone up, going up and weeping.

gltv@2Samuel:18:17 @ And they took Absalom and threw him into a great pit in the forest, and set up a very great heap of stones over him. And all Israel fled, each one to his tent.

gltv@2Samuel:19:8 @ And the king rose up and sat in the gate. And they announced it to all the people, saying, Behold, the king is sitting in the gate. And all the people came in before the king. And Israel had fled, each one to his tents.

gltv@2Samuel:20:1 @ And a man of worthlessness happened to be there, and his name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a man of Benjamin. And he blew the ram's horn and said, We have no part in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. Each man to his tents, O Israel.

gltv@2Samuel:20:22 @ And the woman came to all the people in her wisdom. And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri and threw it to Joab. And he blew the ram's horn, and they were dispersed from the city, each man to his tents. And Joab went back to Jerusalem to the king.

gltv@2Samuel:22:35 @ teaching my hands for battle, so that my hands may bend a bow of bronze.

gltv@1Kings:1:49 @ And they trembled and rose up, all those who were invited by Adonijah, and left, each to his way.

gltv@1Kings:4:7 @ And Solomon had twelve officers over all Israel. And they sustained the king and his household. Each man had one month in the year to provide.

gltv@1Kings:4:28 @ They also brought barley and straw for the horses and mules to the place where the officers were, each man according to his charge.

gltv@1Kings:6:10 @ And he built the side-stories on all the house, each five cubits in height; and they held to the house with timbers of cedar.

gltv@1Kings:7:30 @ And the one base had four wheels of bronze, and axles of bronze. And its four feet were supports to them; under the basin were casted supports with wreaths at each side.

gltv@1Kings:7:36 @ And he engraved cherubs, lions, and palm trees on the plates of its sides, and on its borders, as the place of each, with wreaths all around.

gltv@1Kings:7:42 @ and the four hundred pomegranates for the two gratings, two rows of pomegranates for each grating, to cover the two bowls of the capitals that were on the pillars;

gltv@1Kings:8:36 @ then You shall hear in Heaven, and shall forgive the sin of Your servants, and of Your people Israel, for You shall teach them the good way in which they shall go, and shall give rain on Your land which You have given to Your people for an inheritance.

gltv@1Kings:8:38 @ any prayer, any supplication that shall come from any man of all of Your people Israel, who shall each know the plague of his own heart, and shall spread his palms toward this house,

gltv@1Kings:8:39 @ then You shall hear in Heaven Your dwellingplace and shall forgive and shall act, and shall give to each according to all his ways, whose heart You know (for You have known, You alone, the heart of all the sons of Adam),

gltv@1Kings:8:59 @ and these words of mine which I have prayed before Jehovah be near to Jehovah our God by day and by night, to maintain the cause of His servant, and the cause of His people Israel, the matter of each day in its day;

gltv@1Kings:10:25 @ and they were each one bringing his present, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and garments, and armor, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate year by year.

gltv@1Kings:12:24 @ So says Jehovah, You shall not go up nor fight with your brothers the sons of Israel. Each turn back to his house, for this thing has been from Me. And they heard the word of Jehovah, and turned to go back, according to the word of Jehovah.

gltv@1Kings:20:20 @ And each struck his man, and Syria fled, and Israel pursued them; and Ben-hadad the king of Syria escaped on a horse, also the horsemen.

gltv@1Kings:20:24 @ And do this thing: take away the kings, each out of his place, and set commanders in their place.

gltv@1Kings:22:10 @ And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah each was sitting on his throne having put on their robes, in a grain-floor in the entrance of the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets prophesied before them.

gltv@1Kings:22:17 @ And he said, I have seen all Israel scattered on the hills like sheep that have no shepherd. And Jehovah said, These have no ruler; they shall each return to his house in peace.

gltv@1Kings:22:36 @ And the cry passed through the camp when the sun went, saying, Each to his city, and each to his land.

gltv@2Kings:3:23 @ And they said, This is blood. The kings surely have fought one another, and they each man struck his neighbor. And now to the plunder, Moab!

gltv@2Kings:3:25 @ And they broke down the cities; and they each man cast his stone on every good piece of land, and filled it. And they stopped every fountain of water. And they felled every good tree, until there was left only Kirharaseth with its stones. But the slingers surrounded it and struck it.

gltv@2Kings:6:2 @ Please let us go to the Jordan, and we each one shall take a beam from there. And we shall make for ourselves a place there, to live there. And he said, Go.

gltv@2Kings:9:13 @ And they hurried, and each man took his garment and put it under him on the bare steps, and blew with the ram's horn, and said, Jehu reigns!

gltv@2Kings:9:21 @ And Jehoram said, Harness up! And his chariot was harnessed. And Jehoram the king of Israel and Ahaziah the king of Judah went out, each in his chariot. And they went out to meet Jehu, and found him in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite.

gltv@2Kings:9:23 @ And Jehoram turned his hands and fled, and said to Ahaziah, Treachery, O Ahaziah!

gltv@2Kings:11:8 @ And you shall fully surround the king, each with his weapons in his hand. And he that comes within the ranks shall be put to death. And they shall be with the king as he goes in and comes out.

gltv@2Kings:11:9 @ And the rulers of the hundreds did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded. And each man took his men, going in on the sabbath, with those going out on the sabbath, and came in to Jehoiada the priest.

gltv@2Kings:11:11 @ And the runners stood, each with his weapons in his hand, from the right side of the house to the left side of the house, beside the altar and beside the house, by the king all around.

gltv@2Kings:12:4 @ And Joash said to the priests, All the silver of the devoted things that is brought into the house of Jehovah, the silver coming over, each man the silver of his valuation, all the silver that comes upon any man's heart to bring into the house of Jehovah,

gltv@2Kings:12:5 @ even the priests shall take to themselves, each man from his friend; and they shall repair the breach of the house, in all places where a breach may be found.

gltv@2Kings:12:6 @ And it happened, in the twenty third year of King Joash, that the priests had not repaired the breach of the house.

gltv@2Kings:12:7 @ And king Joash called to Jehoiada the priest, and the priests, and said to them, Why have you not repaired the breach of the house? And now, do not receive any silver from your friends, but give it for the breach of the house.

gltv@2Kings:12:8 @ And the priests consented not to receive silver from the people, nor to strengthen the breach of the house.

gltv@2Kings:12:12 @ and to the masons, and the stone cutters, and to buy wood and cut stone to strengthen the breach of the house of Jehovah; and for all that went out on the house, to make it strong.

gltv@2Kings:14:6 @ But he did not put to death the sons of those who struck him, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses that Jehovah commanded, saying, The fathers are not to be put to death for the sons, and the sons are not to be put to death for the fathers, but each shall be put to death for his own sin.

gltv@2Kings:14:12 @ And Judah was stricken before Israel, and they each fled to his tent.

gltv@2Kings:15:20 @ And Menahem brought out the silver from Israel, on all the mighty men of wealth, to give to the king of Assyria, fifty shekels of silver for each one; and the king of Assyria turned back and did not stay there in the land.

gltv@2Kings:17:27 @ And the king of Assyria commanded, saying, Cause one of the priests whom you removed from there to go there, and they shall go and live there; and he shall teach them the custom of the God of the land.

gltv@2Kings:18:31 @ Do not listen to Hezekiah, for so says the king of Assyria, Make with me a blessing and come out to me; and you each shall eat of his vine, and each of his fig tree, and you each shall drink of the waters of his own well,

gltv@2Kings:18:33 @ Have the gods of the nations at all delivered each his land out of the hand of the king of Assyria?

gltv@2Kings:23:35 @ And Jehoiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but he taxed the land to give the silver by the mouth of Pharaoh. From each, according to his valuation, he exacted the silver and gold from the people of the land, to give to Pharaoh-necho.

gltv@1Chronicles:13:11 @ And it burned to David, for Jehovah had broken a breach against Uzza; and he called that place, The Breach of Uzza to this day.

gltv@1Chronicles:16:3 @ even he passed out to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to each a loaf of bread, a portion, and a raisin cake.

gltv@1Chronicles:16:43 @ And all the people departed, each to his house; and David returned to bless his house.

gltv@1Chronicles:25:8 @ And they made fall lots for duty, as in the rule, as the small, so the great, the teacher with the pupil.

gltv@1Chronicles:28:15 @ and by weight, for the lampstands of gold, and their lamps of gold, with the weight of each lampstand and its lamps. Also for the lampstands of silver by weight, with the weight of each lampstand, and its lamps, according to the service of each lampstand.

gltv@2Chronicles:6:29 @ Whatever prayer, whatever supplication shall be made for any man, and for all Your people Israel, when they know each one his own plague, and his own grief, and he shall spread out his palms toward this house;

gltv@2Chronicles:6:30 @ then You shall hear from Heaven, Your dwelling place, and shall forgive, and shall give to each according to all his ways, because You know his heart; for You, You only, have known the heart of the sons of men;

gltv@2Chronicles:9:24 @ And they were each bringing his present, vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and garments, weapons, and spices, horses and mules, a rate year by year.

gltv@2Chronicles:10:16 @ And all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, and the people sent back to the king, saying, What part do we have in David? Yea, there is no inheritance in the son of Jesse. Each to your tents, O Israel! Now see to your house, David! And all Israel went to their tents.

gltv@2Chronicles:11:4 @ So says Jehovah, You shall not go up, nor fight with your brothers. Each return to his house, for this thing has come from Me. And they heard the words of Jehovah, and turned back from going against Jeroboam.

gltv@2Chronicles:15:3 @ Yea, Israel has been without a true God many days, and without a teaching priest, and without law.

gltv@2Chronicles:17:7 @ And in the third year of his reign, he sent for his leaders, for Benhail, and for Obadiah, and for Zechariah, and for Nethaneel, and for Michaiah, in order to teach in the cities of Judah.

gltv@2Chronicles:18:9 @ And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah were sitting, each on his throne, clothed with robes. And they were sitting in a grain floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria. And all the prophets were prophesying before them.

gltv@2Chronicles:18:16 @ And he said, I have seen all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep with no shepherd for them; and Jehovah said, For these, no master. Let them return, each man to his own house in peace.

gltv@2Chronicles:20:23 @ And the sons of Ammon stood up, and Moab, against the people of Mount Seir, to devote and destroy; and when they finished with the inhabitants of Seir, they helped, each man against his neighbor, to destroy.

gltv@2Chronicles:23:7 @ And the Levites shall surround the king, each with his weapon in his hand; and he who goes into the house shall be put to death; and you be with the king in his coming in and in his going out.

gltv@2Chronicles:23:10 @ And he stationed all of the people, and each had his weapon in his hand, from the right side of the house to the left side of the house, at the altar, and by the king at the house all around.

gltv@2Chronicles:25:4 @ But he did not kill their sons, but did as is written in the law, in the Book of Moses, whom Jehovah commanded, saying, The fathers shall not die for the sons, and the sons shall not die for the fathers; but they each shall die for his own sin.

gltv@2Chronicles:25:22 @ And Judah was stricken before Israel; and they fled, each to his tent.

gltv@2Chronicles:28:19 @ For Jehovah had humbled Judah because of Ahaz the king of Israel, for he loosed immorality in Judah, and dealt treacherously against Jehovah.

gltv@2Chronicles:29:19 @ and all the utensils that king Ahaz cast aside in his reign, in his treachery, we have prepared and sanctified; and behold, they are before the altar of Jehovah.

gltv@2Chronicles:30:7 @ And do not be like your fathers, and like your brothers, who acted treacherously against Jehovah the God of their fathers; and He made them for a horror, as you see.

gltv@2Chronicles:31:1 @ And when all this was finished, all Israel who were found went out to the cities of Judah and smashed the standing pillars, and cut down the Asherahs, and broke down the high places and the altars out of all Judah, and Benjamin, and in Ephraim, and Manasseh, even to the end. And all the sons of Israel returned, each to his possession, to their cities.

gltv@2Chronicles:31:2 @ And Hezekiah made stand the courses of the priests and of the Levites, by their divisions, each according to his service, of the priests and of the Levites, for burnt offerings, and for peace offerings, to serve and to give thanks, and to give praise in the gates of the camps of Jehovah.

gltv@2Chronicles:34:13 @ and over the load carriers and overseers of everyone doing work for each separate service; and of the Levites were scribes and superintendents and gatekeepers.

gltv@2Chronicles:35:3 @ and said to the Levites who were teaching all Israel, who were sanctified to Jehovah, Put the holy ark in the house that Solomon the son of David the king of Israel built; it shall not be a burden on your shoulders. Now serve Jehovah your God, and His people Israel,

gltv@2Chronicles:35:15 @ And the singers, the sons of Asaph, were in their place, according to David's command, and Asaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun the seer of the king; and the gatekeepers were at each gate; it was not for them to depart from their service, for their brothers the Levites prepared for them.

gltv@2Chronicles:36:14 @ Also, all the heads of the priests, and the people were continually acting treacherously according to all the abominable idols of the nations; and they defiled the house of Jehovah that He had sanctified in Jerusalem.

gltv@Ezra:2:1 @ Now these are the sons of the province who went up out of the captivity, of those who had been exiled, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had exiled to Babylon. And they came again to Jerusalem and Judah, each one to his own city;

gltv@Ezra:7:10 @ For had prepared his heart to seek the law of Jehovah, and to do it, and to teach statutes and judgments in Israel.

gltv@Ezra:9:2 @ For they have taken from their daughters for themselves, and for their sons. So the holy seed have mixed themselves with the people of the lands. Yes, the hand of the leaders and the overseers has been foremost in this treachery.

gltv@Nehemiah:3:28 @ The priests repaired from above the Horse Gate, each before his house.

gltv@Nehemiah:4:15 @ And it happened, when our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that God had broken their counsel, all of us returned to the wall, each one to his work.

gltv@Nehemiah:4:18 @ For each man of the builders had his sword tied by his side, and built. And he who sounded the ram's horn was beside me.

gltv@Nehemiah:4:22 @ Likewise at the same time I said to the people, Let each man with his servant stay inside Jerusalem, so that in the night they may be a guard to us, and labor in the day.

gltv@Nehemiah:4:23 @ So neither I, nor my brothers, nor my servants, nor the men of the guard who followed me, none of us put off our clothes, though each had his vessel of water.

gltv@Nehemiah:5:7 @ Then my heart ruled within myself, and I contended with the nobles and the magistrates. And I said to them, You are each man lending at interest, from his brother. And I held a great assembly against them.

gltv@Nehemiah:6:7 @ And you have also set up prophets to preach about you at Jerusalem, saying, A king in Judah! And now it shall be reported to the king according to these words. Therefore, come now and let us talk it over together.

gltv@Nehemiah:7:3 @ And I said to them, Do not let the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is hot. And while they are standing, let them shut and bar the doors. And make stand guards from the people of Jerusalem, each one in his watch, and each one to be across from his house.

gltv@Nehemiah:7:6 @ These are the sons of the province who went up of the exiles, of the captivity, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had removed. And they came again to Jerusalem and to Judah, each man to his city.

gltv@Nehemiah:8:16 @ And the people went out and brought in, and made booths for themselves, each man on his roof and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the plaza of the Water Gate, and in the plaza of the Ephraim Gate.

gltv@Nehemiah:9:20 @ You also gave Your good Spirit to teach them, and did not withhold Your manna from their mouth, and gave them water for their thirst.

gltv@Nehemiah:11:20 @ And the rest of Israel, of the priests, the Levites, were in all the cities of Judah, each one in his inheritance.

gltv@Nehemiah:13:10 @ And I was aware that the portions of the Levites had not been given, for the Levites and the singers who did the work had each one fled to his field.

gltv@Nehemiah:13:24 @ And their children spoke half in the speech of Ashdod, and to them there was no respecting to speak Jewish, but according to the language of each people.

gltv@Nehemiah:13:30 @ And I cleansed them from all aliens, and appointed watches to the priests and the Levites, each one in his business,

gltv@Esther:2:12 @ And when the turn of each young woman had come to go in to king Ahasuerus, at the end of her being purified twelve months according to the law of the women, for so were fulfilled the days of their cleansings; six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with fragrances and with perfumes of the women.

gltv@Esther:3:6 @ And it was light in his eyes to reach forth a hand against Mordecai alone; for they had revealed to him Mordecai's people. And Haman sought to destroy all the Jews in all the kingdom of Ahasuerus, the people of Mordecai.

gltv@Job:1:4 @ And his sons feasted in the house of each one on his day. And they sent and called their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

gltv@Job:2:11 @ And three friends of heard of all this evil that had come on him. And they each one came from his own place: Eliphaz the Temanite; Bildad the Shuhite; and Zophar the Naamathite. And they had met together to come to lament with him, and to comfort him.

gltv@Job:2:12 @ And when they lifted up their eyes from a distance and did not recognize him, they lifted up their voice and wept then. And each one tore his robe. And they sprinkled dust on their heads toward the heavens.

gltv@Job:6:24 @ Teach me, and I will be silent; and cause me to understand in what I have erred.

gltv@Job:8:10 @ Shall they not teach you, and tell you, and bring words out of their heart?

gltv@Job:12:7 @ But now please ask the animals, and they will teach you; and the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;

gltv@Job:12:8 @ or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will recount to you;

gltv@Job:15:5 @ For your iniquity teaches your mouth; and you choose the tongue of the crafty.

gltv@Job:21:22 @ Shall any teach God knowledge, since He shall judge the exalted?

gltv@Job:21:34 @ How then do you comfort me with vanity? Yea, in your answers remains treachery.

gltv@Job:27:11 @ I will teach you by the hand of God; that which is with the Almighty I will not hide.

gltv@Job:33:33 @ If not, you listen to me; be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.

gltv@Job:34:32 @ Besides what I see, You teach me; if I have done iniquity, I will not do it again.

gltv@Job:35:11 @ teaching us more than the animals of the earth, and makes us wiser than the birds of the heavens?

gltv@Job:36:22 @ Behold, God is exalted in His power. Who is a teacher like Him?

gltv@Job:38:3 @ Now gird up your loins like a man, for I will question you; and you teach Me.

gltv@Job:40:7 @ Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will question you; and you teach Me.

gltv@Job:41:17 @ they are joined to one another; they clasp each other, so that they cannot be separated.

gltv@Job:42:11 @ And all his brothers and all his sisters came to him; and all knowing him before. And they ate bread with him in his house and consoled him and comforted him as to all the evil that Jehovah had brought on him. And they each gave him a piece of money, and each one ring of gold.

gltv@Psalms:12:2 @ They speak vanity, each man with his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak.

gltv@Psalms:16:7 @ I will bless Jehovah, who counseled me. My reins also teach me in the nights.

gltv@Psalms:18:34 @ teaching my hands to war, so that a bow of bronze is bent by my arms.

gltv@Psalms:25:4 @ Make me know Your ways, O Jehovah; teach me Your paths;

gltv@Psalms:25:5 @ lead me in Your truth, and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long.

gltv@Psalms:25:8 @ Good and upright is Jehovah; therefore He will teach sinners in the way.

gltv@Psalms:25:9 @ He will guide the meek in justice; and He will teach the meek His way.

gltv@Psalms:25:12 @ What man is he who fears Jehovah? He teaches him the way he should choose.

gltv@Psalms:27:11 @ Teach me Your way, O Jehovah, and lead me in a level path, because of those who watch me.

gltv@Psalms:32:6 @ On account of this let every godly one pray to You; at a time of finding, surely, when great floods come, they will not reach him.

gltv@Psalms:32:8 @ I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you, My eye shall be on you.

gltv@Psalms:34:11 @ Come, listen to me, my sons, I will teach you the fear of Jehovah.

gltv@Psalms:45:4 @ And ride prosperously in Your majesty, on the matter of truth and meekness and right, and Your right hand shall teach You fearful things.

gltv@Psalms:51:6 @ Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden parts You teach me wisdom.

gltv@Psalms:51:13 @ Then I will teach transgressors Your ways; and sinners will turn back to You.

gltv@Psalms:60:1 @ To the chief musician. On the Lily of Testimony. A secret treasure of David, to teach; when he struggled with Aram-naharaim, and with Aram-zobah; when Joab returned, and struck twelve thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt. O God! You cast us off; You broke us; You who were angry; take us back.

gltv@Psalms:78:5 @ For he raised a testimony in Jacob, and set a law in Israel; which he commanded our fathers, to teach them to their sons;

gltv@Psalms:85:10 @ Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace kissed each other.

gltv@Psalms:86:11 @ Teach me Your way, O Jehovah; I will walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.

gltv@Psalms:90:12 @ So teach us to number our days, so that we may bring a heart of wisdom.

gltv@Psalms:94:10 @ He who chastises the nations, shall He not punish, He who teaches man knowledge?

gltv@Psalms:94:12 @ Blessed is the man You chasten, O Jehovah, You teach him out of Your law;

gltv@Psalms:105:22 @ to bind his leaders at his will, and to teach his elders wisdom.

gltv@Psalms:106:23 @ And He said to destroy them; except Moses His chosen one had stood before Him in the breach, to turn away His wrath from destroying them.

gltv@Psalms:108:4 @ For Your mercy is great above the heavens; and Your truth reaches to the clouds.

gltv@Psalms:119:12 @ Blessed are you, O Jehovah; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:26 @ I have declared my ways, and You answered me; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:33 @ He. O Jehovah, teach me the way of Your statutes, and I will keep it to the end.

gltv@Psalms:119:64 @ O Jehovah, the earth is full of Your mercy; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:66 @ Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I have believed Your commands.

gltv@Psalms:119:68 @ You are good and do good; teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:99 @ I have more wisdom than all my teachers; for Your testimonies are a meditation to me.

gltv@Psalms:119:108 @ Please, O Jehovah, accept the free offering of my mouth, and teach me Your judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:124 @ Deal with Your servant by Your mercy; and teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:119:135 @ Make Your face shine on Your servant, and teach me Your statutes.

gltv@Psalms:132:12 @ If your sons will keep My covenant and My testimonies which I will teach them, their sons shall also sit on your throne till forever.

gltv@Psalms:139:6 @ Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is set on high; I am not able to reach it.

gltv@Psalms:143:10 @ Teach me to do Your will; for You are my God; Your Spirit is good; lead me into the land of justice.

gltv@Psalms:144:1 @ A Psalm of David. Blessed be Jehovah my Rock, who teaches my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

gltv@Proverbs:1:8 @ My son, hear your father's instruction, and do not forsake the teaching of your mother;

gltv@Proverbs:2:19 @ All going in to her do not return, nor do they reach the ways of life.

gltv@Proverbs:4:2 @ For I give you good teaching, do not forsake my law.

gltv@Proverbs:5:13 @ and I have not bowed to the voice of my teachers, nor bowed my ears to those instructing me.

gltv@Proverbs:6:13 @ winking with his eyes, speaking with his feet, teaching with his fingers.

gltv@Proverbs:9:9 @ Give to a wise one, and he will be more wise; teach a just one, and he will increase in learning.

gltv@Proverbs:16:10 @ A godly decision is on the lips of the king, his mouth is not treacherous in judgment.

gltv@Proverbs:16:22 @ Prudence is a fountain of life to those who own it, but the teaching of fools is folly.

gltv@Proverbs:20:1 @ Wine is a mocker, strong drink is stirring, and each one straying by it is not wise.

gltv@Proverbs:20:6 @ Most men will proclaim each his own kindness, but who can find a faithful man?

gltv@Proverbs:21:18 @ The wicked shall be a ransom for the just, and the treacherous in the place of the upright.

gltv@Proverbs:22:12 @ The eyes of Jehovah keep knowledge, and He overthrows the words of the treacherous.

gltv@Proverbs:23:28 @ Surely she lies in wait, as for prey, and she increases the treacherous among men.

gltv@Proverbs:24:29 @ Do not say, I will do to him as he has done to me; I will repay each according to his work.

gltv@Proverbs:25:19 @ Confidence in a treacherous man in time of distress is like a bad tooth and a slipping foot.

gltv@Proverbs:29:26 @ Many seek the face of the ruler, but the judgment of each man is from Jehovah.

gltv@Proverbs:31:20 @ She spreads out her palms to the poor, yea, she reaches out her hands to the needy.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:1:1 @ The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem:

gltv@Ecclesiastes:1:2 @ Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity!

gltv@Ecclesiastes:1:12 @ I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:7:27 @ Behold, I have found this, says the Preacher, counting one by one to find out the sum,

gltv@Ecclesiastes:12:8 @ Vanity of vanities, says the preacher, all is vanity.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:12:9 @ And more than that, the Preacher was wise; he still taught the people knowledge. Yes, he listened, and looked, and set in order many proverbs.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:12:10 @ The Preacher sought to find out pleasing words; and words of truth written on uprightness.

gltv@Songs:3:8 @ They all hold the sword, instructed in war; each man has his sword on his thigh from dread in the night.

gltv@Songs:8:2 @ I would lead You; I would bring You into my mother's house, that You might teach me; I would cause You to drink the spiced wine from the juice of my pomegranate.

gltv@Isaiah:2:3 @ And many people shall go and say, Come and let us go up to the mount of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob. And He will teach from His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For out of Zion the law will go forth, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem.

gltv@Isaiah:5:5 @ And now I will make known to you what I will do then to My vineyard. I will take away its hedge, and it will be burned. I will breach its wall, and it will become a trampling ground.

gltv@Isaiah:6:2 @ Above it stood the seraphs. Each one had six wings; with two he covered his face; and with two he covered his feet; and with two he flew.

gltv@Isaiah:8:8 @ And he shall pass through Judah. He shall overflow and go over. He shall reach to the neck; and his wings will be stretching out, filling the breadth of your land, O Immanuel.

gltv@Isaiah:9:15 @ The elder and the exalted of face; he is the head. And the prophet who teaches lies; he is the tail.

gltv@Isaiah:9:20 @ And he shall cut off on the right hand, yet be hungry. And he shall eat on the left, but not be satisfied. Each man shall eat the flesh of his own arm;

gltv@Isaiah:13:8 @ and they shall be afraid. Pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain like a woman bearing; they shall be amazed, each man to his neighbor; faces of flames shall be their faces.

gltv@Isaiah:13:14 @ And it shall be as a gazelle driven away, and as a sheep no one gathers; each man shall look to his own people, and each one shall flee to his land.

gltv@Isaiah:14:18 @ All kings of nations, all of them lie in glory, each man in his house.

gltv@Isaiah:19:2 @ And I will stir up Egyptians against Egyptians; and they each man shall fight against his brother; and each against his neighbor; city against city, kingdom against kingdom.

gltv@Isaiah:28:9 @ Whom shall He teach knowledge? And to whom shall He explain the message? Those weaned from milk, those moving from breasts?

gltv@Isaiah:28:26 @ And He instructs him for the right; his God teaches him.

gltv@Isaiah:29:24 @ Those who erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and those who murmured shall learn the teaching.

gltv@Isaiah:30:4 @ For his rulers were in Zoan, and his ambassadors reached to Hanes.

gltv@Isaiah:30:20 @ And the Lord gives you the bread of adversity, and the water of affliction; but your teachers shall not be hidden any more; but your eyes shall be to see your teachers.

gltv@Isaiah:31:7 @ For in that day each shall despise his silver idols and his golden idols, which your hands have made for you; a sin.

gltv@Isaiah:34:15 @ The snake shall nest there, and shall lay, and hatch, and shall gather in her shadow. Vultures shall also be gathered together, each with its mate.

gltv@Isaiah:34:16 @ Search and read from the Book of Jehovah; not one of these misses, each not lacking her mate; for He has commanded my mouth, and by His Spirit He has assembled them.

gltv@Isaiah:35:10 @ And the ransomed of Jehovah shall return and enter Zion, with singing and everlasting joy on their head; gladness and joy shall reach them; and sorrow and sighing shall flee.

gltv@Isaiah:36:16 @ Do not listen to Hezekiah. For the king of Assyria says this, Make peace with me and come out to me. Then let each eat of his own vine, and each of his own fig tree, and each drink the waters of his own well,

gltv@Isaiah:37:3 @ And they said to him, So says Hezekiah, This day is a day of trouble, and reproach, and contempt. For sons have come to the breach and there is no strength to give birth.

gltv@Isaiah:41:6 @ Each man helps his neighbor, and says to his brother, Be strong.

gltv@Isaiah:47:15 @ So they are to you with whom you have labored, your traders from your youth; each one wanders to his own way; no one saves you.

gltv@Isaiah:48:17 @ So says Jehovah, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am Jehovah your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go.

gltv@Isaiah:53:6 @ All we like sheep have gone astray; we have each one turned to his own way; and Jehovah made meet in Him the iniquity of all of us.

gltv@Isaiah:56:11 @ yea, dogs greedy of soul; they do not know satisfaction. And they are shepherds; they know not discernment; they all look to their own way, each one for his own gain, from his own end, saying:

gltv@Isaiah:58:12 @ And those who come of you shall build the old ruins; you shall rear the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called, The repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to live in.

gltv@Isaiah:61:1 @ The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is on Me, because Jehovah has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the meek. He has sent Me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and complete opening to the bound ones;

gltv@Isaiah:66:17 @ Those who sanctify themselves, and purify themselves to the gardens, each one in the midst, eaters of swine's flesh, and the hateful thing, and the mouse, these are cut off together, says Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:1:15 @ For, behold, I will call all the families of the kingdoms of the north, declares Jehovah. And they shall come, and they shall each one set his throne at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, and all against its walls all around, and against the cities of Judah.

gltv@Jeremiah:3:7 @ And after she had done all these, I said, She will return to Me; but she did not return. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.

gltv@Jeremiah:3:8 @ And I watched. When for all the causes for which the apostate Israel committed adultery, I put her away and gave her a bill of her divorce to her. Yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but she also went and fornicated.

gltv@Jeremiah:3:10 @ And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but with falsehood, says Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:3:11 @ And Jehovah said to me, The apostate Israel has justified herself more than treacherous Judah.

gltv@Jeremiah:3:20 @ Surely as a wife treacherously departs from her lover, so you have dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel, declares Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:4:10 @ Then I said, Ah, Lord Jehovah! Surely You have greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, You shall have peace, but the sword reaches to the soul.

gltv@Jeremiah:4:18 @ Your way and your doings have done these things to you; this is your evil, because it is bitter, because it reaches to your heart.

gltv@Jeremiah:5:27 @ Like a cage full of birds, so their houses are full of treachery. On account of this they have become great and grown rich.

gltv@Jeremiah:6:3 @ The shepherds with their flocks shall come to her; they shall pitch tents on her all around. They shall each one feed in his hand.

gltv@Jeremiah:9:2 @ Oh, that I had a lodging place for travelers in the wilderness, that I might leave my people and go away from them! For they are all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous ones.

gltv@Jeremiah:9:20 @ Yet hear the word of Jehovah, women. And let your ear receive the word of His mouth, and teach your daughters a lament, and each one her neighbor a dirge.

gltv@Jeremiah:11:8 @ Yet they did not obey nor bow down their ear, but each one walked in the stubbornness of their evil heart. And I will bring on them all the words of this covenant which I commanded them to do, but they did not do.

gltv@Jeremiah:12:1 @ Righteous are You, O Jehovah, when I might complain to You, yet let me speak with You of Your judgments. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are all those who deal treacherously at ease?

gltv@Jeremiah:12:6 @ For even your brothers and the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you; even they have fully called after you. Do not believe them, though they speak good things to you.

gltv@Jeremiah:12:15 @ And it shall be, after I have torn them out, I will return and have pity on them and will bring them again, each man to his inheritance and each man to his land.

gltv@Jeremiah:16:12 @ And you have done more evil than your fathers. For, behold, you each one walk after the stubbornness of his evil heart, without listening to Me.

gltv@Jeremiah:17:10 @ I, Jehovah, search the heart, I try the reins, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.

gltv@Jeremiah:18:11 @ Now then, please speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, So says Jehovah, Behold, I am forming evil against you, and devising a plan against you. Now each one turn from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good.

gltv@Jeremiah:18:12 @ And they say, It is hopeless. For we will walk after our own thoughts, and we will each one do according to the stubbornness of his evil heart.

gltv@Jeremiah:19:9 @ And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters. And they shall each one eat the flesh of his friend in the siege and distress with which their enemies and those who seek their life shall distress them.

gltv@Jeremiah:22:7 @ And I will consecrate destroyers against you, each one with his weapons; and they will cut down your choice cedars and make them fall into the fire.

gltv@Jeremiah:22:8 @ And many nations shall pass by this city, and they shall each say to one another, why has Jehovah done this to this great city?

gltv@Jeremiah:23:27 @ They plot to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell, each one to his neighbor, even as their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal.

gltv@Jeremiah:23:30 @ Then, Jehovah says, Behold, I am against the prophets who steal My words, each one from his neighbor.

gltv@Jeremiah:23:35 @ And you shall say each one to his neighbor, and each one to his brother, What has Jehovah answered? And what has Jehovah spoken?

gltv@Jeremiah:23:36 @ And you shall not mention the burden of Jehovah again, for each man's word shall be his burden. For you have perverted the words of the living God, of Jehovah of Hosts, our God.

gltv@Jeremiah:25:5 @ saying, Now turn each one from his evil way and from the evil of your doings, and live on the land which Jehovah has given to you and to your fathers from forever even to forever.

gltv@Jeremiah:25:26 @ and all the kings of the north, far and near, each one to his brother, and all the kingdoms of the world which are on the face of the earth; and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them.

gltv@Jeremiah:26:3 @ It may be that they will listen, and each man turn from his evil way, that I may repent of the evil which I plan to do to them because of the evil of their doings.

gltv@Jeremiah:31:34 @ And they shall no longer each man teach his neighbor, and each man his brother, saying, Know Jehovah. For they shall all know Me, from the least of them even to the greatest of them, declares Jehovah. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more.

gltv@Jeremiah:32:19 @ He is great in counsel and mighty in work. For Your eyes are open on all the ways of the sons of men, to give to each man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

gltv@Jeremiah:32:33 @ And they have turned the back to Me, and not the face; though I taught them, rising up early and teaching, yet they have not listened to receive instruction.

gltv@Jeremiah:34:9 @ that each man should release his male slave, and each man his female slave, if a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, to go free, that not any should enslave a Jew, a man, his brother among them.

gltv@Jeremiah:34:10 @ And all the rulers obeyed, and all the people who had entered into the covenant allowed them to go free, each man his male slave, and each man his female slave; so that not any should enslave among them any more; and they obeyed and let them go.

gltv@Jeremiah:34:14 @ At the end of seven years each man should let go his brother who is a Hebrew, who has been sold to him. When he has served you six years, you shall let him go free from you. But your fathers did not listen to Me nor bow down their ear.

gltv@Jeremiah:34:15 @ And you had turned today, and you did right in My eyes, to call for liberty, each man to his neighbor. And you cut a covenant before Me in the house on which is called My name.

gltv@Jeremiah:34:16 @ But you turned and profaned My name, and each man caused his male slave, and each man his female slave, to return whom you had sent away according to their desire. And you subjected them to be slaves and female slaves to you.

gltv@Jeremiah:34:17 @ So Jehovah says this: You have not listened to Me, to call for liberty, each man to his brother, and each man to his neighbor. Behold, I call for freedom to you, says Jehovah: to the sword, to the plague, and to the famine. And I will cause you to be a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.

gltv@Jeremiah:35:15 @ I have also sent to you all My servants the prophets, rising up early and sending, saying, Each man now return from his evil way, and amend your doings, and do not go after other gods to serve them, and you shall live in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers. But you have not bowed your ear, nor listened to Me.

gltv@Jeremiah:36:3 @ It may be the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I plan to do to them, that they may each man turn from his evil way, and I may forgive their iniquity and their sin.

gltv@Jeremiah:36:7 @ Perhaps their pleading will fall before Jehovah, and each man will turn from his evil way. For great is the anger and the wrath that Jehovah has spoken against this people.

gltv@Jeremiah:36:16 @ And it happened, when they had heard all the words, they turned each man to his companion in fear. And they said to Baruch, We will surely tell all these words to the king.

gltv@Jeremiah:37:10 @ For though you had stricken the entire army of the Chaldeans who fight against you, and only wounded men remained among them, yet they would rise up, each man in his tent, and burn this city with fire.

gltv@Jeremiah:39:2 @ In the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth of the month, the city was breached.

gltv@Jeremiah:48:32 @ O vine of Sibmah, I will weep for you more than the weeping of Jazer. Your plants have crossed the sea; they reach to the sea of Jazer. A ravager has fallen on your harvest, and on your grape crop.

gltv@Jeremiah:49:5 @ Behold, I will bring a dread on you, declares Jehovah of Hosts, from all those who are around you. And you shall be driven out, each man before him. And there shall be none to gather up the runaways.

gltv@Jeremiah:50:16 @ Cut off the sower from Babylon, and the one handling the sickle in the time of harvest. They shall turn from a sword of the oppressor, each one to his people. And they shall flee, each one to his own land.

gltv@Jeremiah:51:6 @ Flee out of the middle of Babylon; yea, each man deliver his soul. Do not be silenced in her iniquity, for the time of the vengeance of Jehovah is here; He will give her a just reward.

gltv@Jeremiah:51:9 @ We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed. Forsake her, and let us go, each one into his own country. For her judgment reaches to the heavens, and is lifted up to the skies.

gltv@Jeremiah:51:45 @ My people, go out of her midst, and each man deliver his soul from the fierce anger of Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:52:7 @ Then the city was breached, and all the men of war fled, and went out of the city by night by the way of the gate between the two walls, which was by the king's garden. And the Chaldeans lay all around the city. And they went by the way of the Arabah.

gltv@Ezekiel:1:6 @ and four faces were to each, and four wings to each of them,

gltv@Ezekiel:1:9 @ joining each one to the other by their wings. They did not turn in their going, each one went toward the front of their face.

gltv@Ezekiel:1:11 @ So their faces were. And their wings were spread upward, to each, the two wings were joined, and two wings of each covering their bodies.

gltv@Ezekiel:1:12 @ And each went toward the front of their faces. To where the spirit was to go, there they went; they did not turn in their going.

gltv@Ezekiel:1:23 @ And under the expanse their wings were straight, the one toward the other, to each, two wings covering on this side, and to each two covering on that side of their bodies.

gltv@Ezekiel:3:13 @ And there was the sound of the wings of the living creatures touching each one to the other, and the sound of the wheels along with them, and the sound of a great tumult.

gltv@Ezekiel:4:17 @ because they will lack bread and water, and each one be appalled with his brother. And they will waste away in their iniquity.

gltv@Ezekiel:7:16 @ But if their fugitives shall escape, then they shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, each for his iniquity.

gltv@Ezekiel:8:11 @ And seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel, and Jaazaniah, the son of Shaphan, were standing among them. These were standing among them, and each man with his censer in his hand, and the odor of the cloud of incense was rising.

gltv@Ezekiel:8:12 @ And He said to me, Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the dark, each man in the rooms of his image? For they are saying, Jehovah does not see us, Jehovah has forsaken the earth.

gltv@Ezekiel:9:1 @ And He cried in my ears with a loud voice, saying, Let the overseers of the city draw near, even each with his destroying weapon in his hand.

gltv@Ezekiel:9:2 @ And, behold, six men were coming from the way of the Upper Gate, which faces north. And each had his shattering weapon in his hand. And one man among them was clothed in linen, and an ink horn of a scribe at his loins. And they went in and stood beside the bronze altar.

gltv@Ezekiel:10:14 @ And four faces were to each. The first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

gltv@Ezekiel:10:21 @ Four, even four faces are to each, and four wings to each. And the form of a man's hands was under their wings.

gltv@Ezekiel:10:22 @ And the form of their faces, they are the faces that I saw by the river Chebar, their appearances, even theirs. They each went straight forward.

gltv@Ezekiel:15:8 @ And I will give the land to be desolate because they have done a treacherous act, declares the Lord Jehovah.

gltv@Ezekiel:18:30 @ I will judge you, each man by his ways, O house of Israel, declares the Lord Jehovah. Turn and be made to turn from all your transgressions, and iniquity shall not be a stumbling-block to you.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:7 @ Then I said to them, Let each man cast away the filthy idols of his eyes, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt; I am Jehovah your God.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:8 @ But they rebelled against Me and would not listen to Me. They did not each man throw away the filthy idols of their eyes, and they did not forsake the idols of Egypt. Then I said, I will pour out My fury against them, to fulfill My anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

gltv@Ezekiel:22:6 @ Behold, the rulers of Israel, each man by his might, have been in you in order to shed blood.

gltv@Ezekiel:22:30 @ And I sought among them a man to wall up a wall and stand in the breach before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.

gltv@Ezekiel:24:23 @ And your turbans shall be on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You shall not wail nor weep, but you shall rot away in your iniquities, and each man groan to his brother.

gltv@Ezekiel:26:10 @ From the multitude of his horses their dust shall cover you. from the sound of the horsemen, and the wheels, and the chariots, your walls shall shake when he goes into your gates, as they enter a city that is breached.

gltv@Ezekiel:32:10 @ And I will make many people appalled at you, and their kings will be horribly afraid at you, when I make My sword fly before their faces. And they shall quake at every moment, each man for his own life, in the day of your fall.

gltv@Ezekiel:33:20 @ Yet you say, The way of the Lord is not fair. I shall judge you, each man by his ways, O house of Israel.

gltv@Ezekiel:33:26 @ You stand on your sword, and you each do abominations, defiling his neighbor's wife. And shall you possess the land?

gltv@Ezekiel:33:30 @ And you, son of man, the sons of your people are talking about you beside the walls, and in the doors of the houses. And one speaks to another, each man with his brother, saying, Come now and hear what the word coming from Jehovah is.

gltv@Ezekiel:38:21 @ And I shall call a sword against him on all My mountains, declares the Lord Jehovah. Each man's sword shall be against his brother.

gltv@Ezekiel:39:26 @ And also after they have borne their shame, and all their treachery which they have done against Me, when they dwell on their land securely, and no one terrifies;

gltv@Ezekiel:40:48 @ And he brought me to the porch of the house and measured each pillar of the porch, five cubits from here, and five cubits from there. And the gate was three cubits wide from here, and three cubits from there.

gltv@Ezekiel:41:5 @ And he measured the wall of the house, six cubits, and the width of each side room was four cubits all around the house.

gltv@Ezekiel:41:24 @ And two doors were to each of the doors, two turning doors, two for the one door, and two for the other door.

gltv@Ezekiel:44:17 @ And it shall be when they enter in the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with bleached linen garments. And wool shall not come up on them while they minister in the gates of the inner court, and in the house.

gltv@Ezekiel:44:18 @ Turbans of bleached linen shall be on their heads, and bleached linen undergarments shall be on their loins. They shall not gird with sweat.

gltv@Ezekiel:44:23 @ And they shall teach My people between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, to make them known.

gltv@Ezekiel:45:20 @ And so you shall do on the seventh of the month for each man who goes astray, and for the simple. And you shall atone for the house.

gltv@Ezekiel:46:7 @ and an ephah for a bull and an ephah for a ram he shall prepare as a food offering; and for the lambs as his hand can reach; and a hin of oil to an ephah.

gltv@Ezekiel:46:18 @ And the prince shall not take of the people's inheritance, oppressing them from their possession. He shall bequeath to his sons from his possession, so that My people shall not be dispersed, each man from his possession.

gltv@Ezekiel:46:21 @ And he led me out to the outer court. And he made me pass by the four corners of the court. And, behold, a court in each corner of the court, a court in each corner of the court.

gltv@Ezekiel:47:14 @ And you shall inherit it, each man like his brother, that I lifted up My hand to give it to your fathers, even this land shall fall to you for an inheritance.

gltv@Daniel:1:4 @ young men in whom was no blemish, but who were of good appearance and having understanding in all wisdom, having knowledge and understanding learning, even those with strength in them to stand in the king's palace, and to teach them the writing and the language of the Chaldeans.

gltv@Daniel:4:11 @ The tree became great and strong, and its height reached to the sky, and its appearance to the end of all the earth.

gltv@Daniel:4:20 @ The tree that you saw, which became great and strong, whose height reached to the heaven and its appearance to all the earth,

gltv@Daniel:4:22 @ It was you, O king, for you have become great and strong. For your greatness has grown and reaches to the heavens, and your rule is to the end of the earth.

gltv@Daniel:6:24 @ And the king commanded, and they brought those men who had accused Daniel. And they threw them into the lions' den, them, their sons and their wives. And the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones before they reached to the bottom of the den.

gltv@Hosea:5:7 @ They have acted treacherously against Jehovah, for they have brought forth strange sons. Now a new moon shall devour them with their portions.

gltv@Hosea:7:16 @ They return, but not to the Most High. They are like a treacherous bow. Their rulers shall fall by the sword, from the rage of the tongue. This shall be their scorn in the land of Egypt.

gltv@Joel:2:7 @ They shall run as mighty ones; they shall go up the wall as men of war. And they each go on his way, and they do not change their paths.

gltv@Joel:2:8 @ And each does not press his brother; they each go in his paths. And if they fall behind their weapon, they shall not be cut off.

gltv@Amos:4:3 @ And you shall go out at the breaches, each woman before her. And you shall throw down the high place, declares Jehovah.

gltv@Obadiah:1:9 @ And your mighty ones, Teman, shall be afraid, so that each man from the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter.

gltv@Jonah:1:5 @ And the sailors were afraid, and each man cried to his god. And they threw out the ship's articles into the sea, to lighten it off of them. But had gone down into the hold of the ship; and he lay down, and was sound asleep.

gltv@Jonah:1:7 @ And they said, each man to his companion, Come and let us cast lots, that we may know on whose account this evil occurred to us. And they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah.

gltv@Jonah:3:8 @ But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth. And let them call with strength to God. And let them each one turn from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their palms.

gltv@Micah:1:9 @ For her wounds are incurable; for it has come to Judah; it has reached to the gate of my people, to Jerusalem.

gltv@Micah:3:11 @ Her leaders judge for a bribe, and her priests teach for pay, and her prophets divine for silver; yet they will lean on Jehovah, saying, is not Jehovah among us? No evil shall come on us!

gltv@Micah:4:2 @ And many nations shall come and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, and to the house of the God of Jacob. And He will teach us from His ways, and we will walk in His paths. For the law shall go forth out of Zion, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem.

gltv@Micah:4:4 @ But they shall each one sit under his vine and under his fig tree, and there shall be no trembling. For the mouth of Jehovah of hosts has spoken.

gltv@Micah:4:5 @ For all the peoples walk, each one in the name of his god; but we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God forever and ever.

gltv@Micah:7:2 @ The pious has perished from the earth, and the upright is not among mankind. All of them lie in wait for blood; each one hunts his brother with a net.

gltv@Habakkuk:2:18 @ What does an image profit, for its maker has carved it; a molten image, and a teacher of falsehood? For does the maker trust in his work on it, to make mute idols?

gltv@Habakkuk:2:19 @ Woe to him who says to the wood, Awake! To a mute stone, Rise up, it shall teach! Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, but no breath is in its midst.

gltv@Zephaniah:2:11 @ Jehovah will be frightening to them, for He will make lean all the gods of the earth. Each man from his place and all the coastlands of the nations will bow to Him.

gltv@Haggai:1:9 @ You looked for much, and, behold, little! And when you brought it home, then I blew on it. Why, declares Jehovah of hosts? Because of My house that is ruined, and you, each man, run to his own house.

gltv@Haggai:2:22 @ And I will overthrow the throne of the kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations. And I will overthrow the chariots and their riders, and the horses and their riders will come down, each one by the sword of his brother.

gltv@Zechariah:3:10 @ In that day, says Jehovah of hosts, you shall invite each man to his neighbor to sit under the vine and under the fig tree.

gltv@Zechariah:4:2 @ And he said to me, What do you see? And I said, I see, and behold, a lampstand, all of it gold, and a bowl on its top, and its seven lamps on it, and seven spouts each to the seven lamps on its top;

gltv@Zechariah:7:9 @ So says Jehovah of hosts, saying, Judge true judgment, and practice kindness and pity, each man with his brother.

gltv@Zechariah:8:4 @ So says Jehovah of hosts: There shall yet be old men and old women sitting in the streets of Jerusalem; and each man with his staff in his hand because of their many days.

gltv@Zechariah:8:16 @ These are the things that you shall do. Let each man speak the truth with his neighbor. Judge with truth and justice for peace in your gates,

gltv@Zechariah:8:17 @ and let each devise no evil in your heart against his neighbor, and do not love a false oath. For all these I hate, says Jehovah.

gltv@Zechariah:11:6 @ For I will never again pity the inhabitants of the land, says Jehovah. But, lo, I will make the men fall, each one into his neighbor's hand, and into his king's hand. And they shall strike the land, and I will not deliver out of their hand.

gltv@Zechariah:11:9 @ Then I said, I will not feed you; that which dies, let it die; and that which is to be cut off, let it be cut off. And let the rest eat, each woman the flesh of her neighbor.

gltv@Zechariah:12:12 @ And the land shall mourn, each family apart: the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;

gltv@Zechariah:12:14 @ all the families who remain, each family apart, and their wives apart.

gltv@Zechariah:13:4 @ And it shall be in that day, the prophets shall be ashamed, each one of his vision when he prophesies, and they shall not wear a hairy garment to deceive.

gltv@Zechariah:14:5 @ And you shall flee to the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reach to Azal. And you shall flee as you fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah. And Jehovah my God shall come, and all the saints with You.

gltv@Zechariah:14:13 @ And it shall be in that day, a great panic of Jehovah shall be among them; and they shall each one lay hold of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor.

gltv@Malachi:2:10 @ Is there not one father to us all? Has not one God created us? Why do we act deceitfully, each man with his brother, to profane the covenant of our fathers?

gltv@Malachi:2:11 @ Judah has dealt treacherously, and has done an abomination in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah has profaned the holy place of Jehovah, which He loves and has married a daughter of a foreign god.

gltv@Malachi:2:14 @ Yet you say, On what cause? Because Jehovah has been witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously; and she is your companion and your covenant wife.

gltv@Malachi:2:15 @ And has He not made you one? Yet the vestige of the Spirit is in him. And what of the one? He was seeking a seed of God. Then guard your spirit, and do not deal treacherously with the wife of your youth.

gltv@Malachi:2:16 @ Jehovah, the God of Israel, says, He hates sending away, and to cover with violence on his garment, says Jehovah of hosts. Then guard your spirit and do not act treacherously.

gltv@Malachi:3:16 @ Then those fearing Jehovah spoke together, each man to his neighbor. And Jehovah gave attention and heard. And a Book of Remembrance was written before Him for those who feared Jehovah, and for those esteeming His name.

gltv@Matthew:3:1 @ Now in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea,

gltv@Matthew:4:17 @ From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent! For the kingdom of Heaven has drawn near.

gltv@Matthew:4:23 @ And Jesus went around all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every one of the illnesses among the people.

gltv@Matthew:5:19 @ Therefore, whoever relaxes one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of Heaven. But whoever does and teaches them, this one shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.

gltv@Matthew:6:34 @ Then do not be anxious for tomorrow. For the morrow will be anxious of itself. Sufficient to each day is its own trouble.

gltv@Matthew:7:8 @ For each one that asks receives, and the one that seeks finds; and to the one knocking, it will be opened.

gltv@Matthew:7:29 @ For He was teaching them as having authority, and not as the scribes.

gltv@Matthew:8:19 @ And one, a scribe, coming near, said to Him, Teacher, I will follow You wherever you may go.

gltv@Matthew:9:11 @ And seeing, the Pharisees said to His disciples, Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?

gltv@Matthew:9:35 @ And Jesus went about all the cities and the villages teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every weakness of body among the people.

gltv@Matthew:10:24 @ A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a slave above his lord.

gltv@Matthew:10:25 @ It is enough for the disciple to become as his teacher, and the slave as his lord. If they called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more those of his household?

gltv@Matthew:11:1 @ And it happened when Jesus finished commanding His twelve disciples, He left there to teach and to proclaim in their cities.

gltv@Matthew:12:38 @ Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, Teacher, we desire to see a sign from you.

gltv@Matthew:12:41 @ Men, Ninevites, will stand up in the Judgment with this generation and will condemn it. For they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and, behold, a Greater-than-Jonah is here.

gltv@Matthew:15:9 @ But in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the ordinances of men." Isaiah. strkjv@29:13

gltv@Matthew:16:27 @ For the Son of man is about to come with His angels in the glory of His Father. And then "He will give reward to each according to his actions." LXX-Psa. strkjv@61:13; Pro. strkjv@24:12; MT-Psa. strkjv@62:12

gltv@Matthew:17:24 @ And they coming into Capernaum, those receiving the didrachmas came to Peter and said, Does your teacher not pay the didrachmas?

gltv@Matthew:18:35 @ So also My heavenly Father will do to you unless each of you from your hearts forgive his brother their trespasses.

gltv@Matthew:19:16 @ And, behold, coming near, one said to Him, Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?

gltv@Matthew:20:9 @ And the ones coming the eleventh hour each received a denarius.

gltv@Matthew:20:10 @ And coming, the first supposed that they would receive more. And they also each received a denarius.

gltv@Matthew:21:23 @ And He, coming into the temple, the chief priests and elders of the people came near to Him as He was teaching, saying, By what authority do you do these things? And who gave this authority to you?

gltv@Matthew:22:16 @ And they sent to Him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Teacher, we know that you are true, and teach the way of God in truth, and it does not concern you about anyone, for you do not look to the face of men.

gltv@Matthew:22:24 @ saying, Teacher, Moses said, If any should die not having children, his brother shall marry his wife, and shall raise up seed to his brother. Deuteronomy. strkjv@25:5

gltv@Matthew:22:36 @ Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?

gltv@Matthew:24:14 @ And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end.

gltv@Matthew:25:15 @ And to one indeed he gave five talents, and to another, two, and to another, one, to each according to his ability. And he went abroad at once.

gltv@Matthew:25:29 @ For to each who has, more will be given, and he will abound. But from him who does not have, even that which he has will be taken from him.

gltv@Matthew:26:18 @ And He said, Go into the city to a certain one and say to him, The Teacher says, My time is near; to you I will prepare the Passover with My disciples.

gltv@Matthew:26:22 @ And grieving exceedingly, they began to say to Him, each of them, Lord, not I am the one?

gltv@Matthew:26:55 @ In that hour, Jesus said to the crowds, Have you come out to take Me with swords and clubs, as against a robber? I sat with you daily teaching in the temple, and you did not lay hands on Me.

gltv@Matthew:28:20 @ teaching them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you. And, behold, I am with you all the days until the completion of the age. Amen.

gltv@Mark:1:22 @ And they were astonished at His doctrine, for He was teaching them as having authority, and not as the scribes.

gltv@Mark:1:27 @ And all were astonished, so as to discuss to themselves, saying, What is this? What new teaching is this, that He commands even the unclean spirits with authority, and they obey Him?

gltv@Mark:1:41 @ And being moved with pity, reaching out the hand, Jesus touched him, and said to him, I am willing. Be made clean!

gltv@Mark:4:1 @ And again He began to teach by the sea. And a large crowd was gathered to Him, so that He entered into the boat in order to sit in the sea. And all the crowd were on the land toward the sea.

gltv@Mark:4:2 @ And He taught them many things in parables, and said to them in His teaching:

gltv@Mark:4:38 @ And He was on the stern, sleeping on the headrest. And they awakened Him, and said to Him, Teacher, does it not matter to You that we are perishing?

gltv@Mark:5:35 @ As He was speaking, they came from the synagogue ruler saying, Your daughter has died. Why do you still trouble the Teacher?

gltv@Mark:6:2 @ And a sabbath occurring, He began to teach in the synagogue. And hearing, many were amazed, saying, From where came these things to this one? And what is the wisdom given to him, that even such works of power come about through his hands?

gltv@Mark:6:6 @ And He marveled because of their unbelief. And He went around the villages in a circuit, teaching.

gltv@Mark:6:34 @ And going out, Jesus saw a large crowd, and had pity on them, because "they were as sheep having no shepherd." And He began to teach them many things. Numbers. strkjv@27:17; Eze. strkjv@34:5

gltv@Mark:7:7 @ and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." Isaiah. strkjv@29:13

gltv@Mark:8:31 @ And He began to teach them that it is necessary for the Son of man to suffer many things and to be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and to be killed, and after three days to rise again.

gltv@Mark:9:17 @ And one answered out of the crowd, saying, Teacher, I brought my son to You, having a dumb spirit.

gltv@Mark:9:38 @ And John answered Him, saying, Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, who does not follow us. And we forbade him, because he does not follow us.

gltv@Mark:10:17 @ And He having gone out into the highway, running up and kneeling down to Him, one questioned Him, Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

gltv@Mark:10:20 @ And answering, he said to Him, Teacher, I observed all these from my youth.

gltv@Mark:10:35 @ And coming up to Him, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, said, Teacher, we desire that whatever we may ask You would do for us.

gltv@Mark:12:14 @ And coming, they said to Him, Teacher, we know that you are true, and there is not a care to you about anyone, for you do not look to the face of men, but teach on the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

gltv@Mark:12:19 @ Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a brother of anyone should die and leave behind a wife, and leave no children, that his brother should take his wife and raise up seed to his brother. Deuteronomy. strkjv@25:5

gltv@Mark:12:32 @ And the scribe said to Him, You say well, Teacher. You have spoken according to truth, "that God is one," Deuteronomy. strkjv@6:4, 5 and "there is no other besides Him;" Deut. strkjv@4:35

gltv@Mark:12:35 @ And teaching in the temple, answering Jesus said, How do the scribes say that Christ is the son of David?

gltv@Mark:12:38 @ And He said to them in His teaching, Be careful of the scribes, those desiring to walk about in robes, and greetings in the markets,

gltv@Mark:13:1 @ And as He was going out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, Teacher, Behold! What kind of stones and what kind of buildings!

gltv@Mark:13:34 @ As a man going away, leaving his house, and giving his slaves authority, and to each his work (and he commanded the doorkeeper, that he watch),

gltv@Mark:14:14 @ And wherever he goes in, say to the housemaster, The Teacher says, Where is the guest room where I may eat the passover with My disciples?

gltv@Mark:14:49 @ I was with you daily teaching in the temple, and you did not seize Me. But it is that the Scriptures may be fulfilled.

gltv@Mark:15:24 @ And crucifying Him, they divided His garments, casting a lot on them, who and what each should take. Psa. strkjv@22:18

gltv@Mark:16:15 @ And He said to them, Going into all the world, preach the gospel to all the creation.

gltv@Mark:16:20 @ And going out, they preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the signs following. Amen.

gltv@Luke:2:3 @ And all went to be registered, each to his own city.

gltv@Luke:2:46 @ And it happened after three days they found Him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers, even hearing them and questioning them.

gltv@Luke:3:12 @ And tax collectors also came to be baptized. And they said to him, Teacher, what shall we do?

gltv@Luke:3:18 @ And then indeed exhorting many different things, he preached the gospel to the people.

gltv@Luke:4:18 @ " The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me. Because of this He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me" to heal the brokenhearted, "to preach remission to captives and new sight to the blind," to send away the ones having been crushed in deliverance,

gltv@Luke:4:19 @ "to preach an acceptable year of the Lord." Isaiah. strkjv@61:1, 2

gltv@Luke:4:31 @ And He went down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee. And He was teaching them on the sabbaths.

gltv@Luke:4:40 @ And the sun sinking, all, as many as had sick ones with various diseases, brought them to Him. And laying hands on each one of them, He healed them.

gltv@Luke:4:43 @ But He said to them, It is right for Me to preach the gospel, the kingdom of God, to the other cities, because I was sent on this mission.

gltv@Luke:5:17 @ And it happened on one of the days, even He was teaching. And Pharisees and teachers of the Law were sitting by, who were coming out of every village of Galilee and Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was there, for the curing of them.

gltv@Luke:6:6 @ And it also happened on another sabbath, He going into the synagogue and teaching. And a man was there, and his right hand was withered.

gltv@Luke:6:40 @ A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who has been perfected will be like his teacher.

gltv@Luke:6:44 @ For each tree is known from its own fruit. For they do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.

gltv@Luke:7:40 @ And answering, Jesus said to the man, Simon, I have a thing to say to you. And he said, Teacher, say it.

gltv@Luke:8:1 @ And it happened afterwards, even He traveled in every city and village, preaching and announcing the gospel of the kingdom of God. And the Twelve were with Him;

gltv@Luke:8:4 @ And a great crowd coming together, and those in each city coming to Him, He spoke through a parable:

gltv@Luke:8:49 @ As He was yet speaking, someone came from the synagogue ruler, saying to him, Your daughter has expired. Do not trouble the Teacher.

gltv@Luke:9:3 @ And He said to them, Take nothing for the way, neither staffs, nor moneybags, nor bread, nor silver, nor each to have two tunics.

gltv@Luke:9:38 @ And, behold, a man called aloud from the crowd, saying, Teacher, I beg You to look at my son, because he is my only born.

gltv@Luke:10:25 @ And behold, a certain lawyer stood up, testing Him and saying, Teacher, What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

gltv@Luke:11:1 @ And it happened as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him, Lord teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

gltv@Luke:11:32 @ Men, Ninevites will rise up in the Judgment with this generation, and will condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah. And, behold, a Greater-than-Jonah is here.

gltv@Luke:11:45 @ And answering, one of the lawyers said to Him, Teacher, saying these things you also insult us.

gltv@Luke:12:12 @ for the Holy Spirit will teach you in the same hour what you ought to say.

gltv@Luke:12:13 @ And one from the crowd said to Him, Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.

gltv@Luke:13:10 @ And He was teaching in one of the synagogues on one of the sabbaths.

gltv@Luke:13:15 @ Then the Lord answered him and said, Hypocrite! Each one of you on the sabbath, does he not untie his ox or ass from the manger, and leading it away, give it drink?

gltv@Luke:13:22 @ And He went through by cities and villages, teaching and making progress toward Jerusalem.

gltv@Luke:16:5 @ And calling to him each one of the debtors of his lord, he said to the first, How much do you owe my lord?

gltv@Luke:16:16 @ The Law and the Prophets were until John; from then the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is pressing into it.

gltv@Luke:18:1 @ And He also spoke a parable to them to teach it is always right to pray, and not to faint,

gltv@Luke:18:18 @ And a certain ruler asked Him saying, Good Teacher, what may I do to inherit eternal life?

gltv@Luke:19:15 @ And it happened as he returned, having received the kingdom, he even said for those slaves to be called to him, those to whom he gave the silver, that he might know what each had gained by trading.

gltv@Luke:19:39 @ And some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Him, Teacher, rebuke your disciples.

gltv@Luke:19:47 @ And He was teaching day by day in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief men of the people sought to kill Him.

gltv@Luke:20:1 @ And it happened on one of those days, as He was teaching the people and announcing the gospel in the temple, the chief priests and the scribes came up, along with the elders,

gltv@Luke:20:21 @ And they questioned Him, saying, Teacher, we know that you say and teach rightly, and do not receive a face, but you teach the way of God with truth.

gltv@Luke:20:28 @ saying, Teacher, Moses wrote to us, If anyone's brother dies having a wife, and this one should die childless, that his brother should take the wife and raise up seed to his brother. Deuteronomy. strkjv@25:5

gltv@Luke:20:39 @ And answering, some of the scribes said, Teacher, you speak well.

gltv@Luke:21:7 @ And they asked Him, saying, Teacher, then when will these things be? And what will be the sign when these things are about to happen?

gltv@Luke:21:37 @ And in the days, He was teaching in the temple. And going out in the nights, He lodged in the Mount of Olives.

gltv@Luke:22:11 @ And you will say to the housemaster of that house, The Teacher says to you, Where is the guest room where I may eat the passover with My disciples?

gltv@Luke:23:5 @ But they insisted, saying, He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee to here.

gltv@Luke:23:12 @ And on that same day, both Pilate and Herod became friends with each other, for before they were at enmity between themselves.

gltv@Luke:24:14 @ And they talked to each other about all these things taking place.

gltv@Luke:24:17 @ And He said to them, What words are these which you exchange with each other while walking, and are sad of face?

gltv@Luke:24:47 @ And repentance and remission of sins must be preached on His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

gltv@John:1:38 @ But having seen them following, Jesus said to them, What do you seek? And they said to Him, Rabbi (which being translated is called Teacher), where do You stay?

gltv@John:2:6 @ And there were six stone waterpots standing, according to the purification of the Jews, each containing two or three measures.

gltv@John:3:2 @ This one came to Jesus by night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know that You have come as a teacher from God. For no one is able to do these miracles which You do, except God be with Him.

gltv@John:3:10 @ Jesus answered and said to him, You are the teacher of Israel, and you do not know these things?

gltv@John:3:26 @ And they came to and said to him, Teacher, the one who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have witnessed, behold, this one baptizes, and all are coming to Him.

gltv@John:6:7 @ Philip answered Him, Loaves for two hundred denarii are not enough for them, that each of them may receive a little.

gltv@John:6:59 @ He said these things teaching in a synagogue in Capernaum.

gltv@John:7:28 @ Then teaching, Jesus cried out in the temple, even saying, You both know Me, and you know from where I am. And I have not come from Myself, but He sending Me is true, whom you do not know.

gltv@John:7:35 @ Then the Jews said amongst themselves, Where is this one about to go that we will not find him? Is he about to go to the Dispersion of the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks?

gltv@John:7:53 @ And they each one went to his house.

gltv@John:8:4 @ they said to Him, Teacher, this woman was taken in the very act, committing adultery.

gltv@John:8:20 @ Jesus spoke these words in the treasury, teaching in the temple; and no one seized Him, for His hour had not yet come.

gltv@John:9:2 @ And His disciples asked Him, saying, Teacher, who sinned, this one, or his parents, that he was born blind?

gltv@John:9:34 @ They answered and said to him, You were born wholly in sins, and do you teach us? And they threw him outside.

gltv@John:11:28 @ And saying these things, she went away and called her sister Mary secretly, saying, The Teacher is here and calls you.

gltv@John:13:13 @ You call Me the Teacher, and, the Lord. And you say well, for I AM.

gltv@John:13:14 @ If then I washed your feet, the Lord and the Teacher, you also ought to wash the feet of one another.

gltv@John:14:26 @ but the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and shall remind you of all things that I said to you.

gltv@John:15:2 @ Every branch in Me not bearing fruit, He takes it away; and each one bearing fruit, He prunes, so that it may bear more fruit.

gltv@John:16:32 @ Behold, an hour is coming, and now has come, that you are scattered, each one to his own things, and you will leave Me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.

gltv@John:19:23 @ Then when they crucified Jesus, the soldiers took His garments and made four parts, a part to each soldier, also the tunic. And the tunic was seamless, woven from the top throughout.

gltv@John:20:16 @ Jesus said to her, Mary! Turning around, she said to Him, Rabboni! (that is to say, Teacher).

gltv@Acts:1:1 @ Indeed, O Theophilus, I made the first report concerning all things which Jesus began both to do and to teach,

gltv@Acts:2:3 @ And tongues as of fire appeared to them, being distributed, and it sat on each one of them.

gltv@Acts:2:6 @ But this sound occurring, the multitude came together and were confounded, because they each heard them speaking in his own dialect.

gltv@Acts:2:8 @ And how do we hear each in our own dialect in which we were born,

gltv@Acts:2:38 @ And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized, each of you on the name of Jesus Christ to remission of sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

gltv@Acts:3:26 @ Having raised up His child Jesus, God sent Him first to you, blessing you in turning away each one from your iniquities.

gltv@Acts:4:18 @ And calling them, they ordered them not to speak at all, nor to teach on the name of Jesus.

gltv@Acts:4:35 @ and laid them at the feet of the apostles. And it was distributed to each according as any had need.

gltv@Acts:5:25 @ But having come, one reported to them, saying, Behold, the men whom you put in the prison are in the temple, standing and teaching the people.

gltv@Acts:5:28 @ saying, Did we not command you by a command that you not teach in this name? And, behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and intend to bring on us the blood of this man.

gltv@Acts:5:34 @ But one standing up in the sanhedrin, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the Law honored by all the people, commanded the apostles to be put outside a little while.

gltv@Acts:5:42 @ And every day they did not cease teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus the Christ in the temple, and house to house.

gltv@Acts:6:6 @ each of whom they made stand before the apostles. And having prayed, they placed their hands on them.

gltv@Acts:8:4 @ Then, indeed, the ones who had been scattered passed through, preaching the gospel, the Word.

gltv@Acts:8:12 @ But when they believed Philip preaching the gospel, the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

gltv@Acts:8:40 @ And Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through he preached the gospel to all the cities until he came to Caesarea.

gltv@Acts:10:36 @ The Word which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching the gospel of peace through Jesus Christ, this One is Lord of all.

gltv@Acts:11:29 @ And according as any was prospered, the disciples, each of them, determined to send for ministry to those brothers living in Judea,

gltv@Acts:13:1 @ And in Antioch some among the existing church were prophets and teachers: both Barnabas and Simeon, he being called Niger, and Lucius the Cyrenian, and Manaen the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

gltv@Acts:13:32 @ And we preach the gospel to you, the promise made to the fathers,

gltv@Acts:15:35 @ And Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and announcing the gospel, the Word of the Lord, with many others also.

gltv@Acts:15:39 @ Then there was sharp feeling, so as to separate them from each other. And taking Mark, Barnabas sailed away to Cyprus.

gltv@Acts:17:27 @ to seek the Lord, if perhaps they might feel after Him and might find Him, though indeed He not being far from each one of us.

gltv@Acts:18:11 @ And he remained a year and six months teaching the Word of God among them.

gltv@Acts:19:13 @ But certain from the strolling Jews, exorcists, undertook to name the name of the Lord Jesus over those having evil spirits, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.

gltv@Acts:20:20 @ as I kept nothing back of what is profitable, so as not to tell you, and to teach you publicly, and from house to house,

gltv@Acts:20:31 @ Because of this watch, remembering that I did not cease admonishing each one with tears night and day for three years.

gltv@Acts:21:21 @ And they were informed about you, that you teach falling away from Moses, telling all the Jews throughout the nations not to circumcise their children, nor to walk in the customs.

gltv@Acts:21:26 @ Then taking the men on the next day, being purified with them, Paul went into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification, until the offering should be offered for each one of them.

gltv@Acts:21:28 @ crying out, Men, Israelites, help! This is the man who teaches all everywhere against the people and the Law and this place. And even more, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.

gltv@Acts:28:31 @ proclaiming the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all freedom and without hindrance.

gltv@Romans:1:15 @ so as far as in me lies, I am eager to preach the gospel to you in Rome also.

gltv@Romans:2:6 @ He "will give to each according to his works:" LXX-Psa. strkjv@61:13; MT-Psa. strkjv@62:12

gltv@Romans:2:20 @ an instructor of foolish ones, a teacher of infants, having the form of knowledge and of the truth in the Law.

gltv@Romans:2:21 @ Then the one teaching another, do you not teach yourself? The one preaching not to steal, do you steal?

gltv@Romans:10:14 @ How then may they call on One in whom they have not believed? And how may they believe One of whom they have not heard? And how may they hear without preaching?

gltv@Romans:10:15 @ And how may they preach if they are not sent? Even as it has been written, "How beautiful" "the feet of those announcing the gospel of peace, of those announcing the gospel of good things." Isaiah. strkjv@52:7

gltv@Romans:12:3 @ For through the grace which is given to me, I say to everyone being among you, not to have high thoughts beyond what is right to think. But set your mind to be right-minded, even as God divided a measure of faith to each.

gltv@Romans:12:5 @ so we the many are one body in Christ, and each one members of one another,

gltv@Romans:12:7 @ or ministry, in the ministry; or the one teaching, in the teaching;

gltv@Romans:14:5 @ One indeed judges a day above another day; and another one judges every day alike. Let each one be fully assured in his own mind.

gltv@Romans:14:12 @ So then each one of us will give account concerning himself to God.

gltv@Romans:15:2 @ For let each one of us please his neighbor for good, to building up.

gltv@Romans:15:19 @ in power of miracles and wonders, in power of the Spirit of God, so as for me to have fulfilled the preaching of the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem and in a circle as far as Illyricum.

gltv@Romans:15:20 @ And so eagerly striving to preach the gospel where Christ was not named, so that I should not build on another's foundation,

gltv@Romans:16:19 @ For your obedience reached to all; therefore, I rejoice over you. But I desire you to be truly wise as to good, but simple toward evil.

gltv@1Corinthians:1:12 @ But I say this, that each of you says, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ.

gltv@1Corinthians:1:21 @ For since in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom did not know God, God was pleased through the foolishness of preaching to save the ones believing.

gltv@1Corinthians:1:23 @ we on the other hand preach Christ crucified (truly an offense to Jews, and foolishness to Greeks),

gltv@1Corinthians:2:4 @ And my word and my preaching was not in moving words of human wisdom, but in proof of the Spirit and of power,

gltv@1Corinthians:2:16 @ For "who has known the mind of the Lord?" "Who will teach Him?" But we have the mind of Christ. Isaiah. strkjv@40:13

gltv@1Corinthians:3:5 @ What then is Paul? And what Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, and to each as the Lord gave?

gltv@1Corinthians:3:8 @ So he planting and he watering are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.

gltv@1Corinthians:3:10 @ According to God's grace given to me, as a wise master builder, I laid a foundation, but another builds on it. But let each one be careful how he builds.

gltv@1Corinthians:3:13 @ the work of each will be revealed; for the Day will make it known, because it is revealed in fire; and the fire will prove the work of each, what sort it is.

gltv@1Corinthians:4:5 @ Then do not judge anything before time, until the Lord comes, who will both shed light on the hidden things of darkness and will reveal the counsels of the hearts. And then praise will be to each one from God.

gltv@1Corinthians:4:15 @ For if you should have myriads of teachers in Christ, yet not many fathers; for I fathered you in Christ Jesus through the gospel.

gltv@1Corinthians:4:17 @ Because of this I sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved child, and faithful in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, even as I teach everywhere in every church.

gltv@1Corinthians:7:2 @ but because of fornication, let each have his own wife, and let each have her own husband.

gltv@1Corinthians:7:7 @ But I desire all men also to be as myself. But each has his own gift from God, one this way, and one that way.

gltv@1Corinthians:7:17 @ Only as God has divided to each, each as the Lord has called, so let him walk. So I command in the churches.

gltv@1Corinthians:7:20 @ Each one in the calling in which he was called, in this remain.

gltv@1Corinthians:7:24 @ Each in whatever state called, brothers, in this remain with God.

gltv@1Corinthians:10:24 @ Let no one seek the things of himself, but each one that of the other.

gltv@1Corinthians:11:14 @ Or does not nature herself teach you that if a man indeed wears long hair, it is a dishonor to him?

gltv@1Corinthians:11:21 @ For each one takes his own supper first in the eating; and one is hungry, and another drunken.

gltv@1Corinthians:12:7 @ And to each one is given the showing forth of the Spirit to our profit.

gltv@1Corinthians:12:11 @ But the one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing separately to each as He wills.

gltv@1Corinthians:12:18 @ But now God set the members, each one of them, in the body, even as He desired.

gltv@1Corinthians:12:28 @ And God placed some in the church: firstly apostles; secondly, prophets; thirdly, teachers; then works of power; then gifts of healing, helps, governings, kinds of languages.

gltv@1Corinthians:12:29 @ Are all apostles? All prophets? All teachers? All workers of power?

gltv@1Corinthians:14:6 @ But now, brothers, if I come to you speaking in tongues, what will I profit you, except I speak to you either in revelation, or in knowledge, or in prophecy, or in teaching?

gltv@1Corinthians:14:26 @ Then what is it, brothers? When you come together, each one of you has a psalm, he has a teaching, he has a language, he has a revelation, he has an interpretation. Let all things be for building up.

gltv@1Corinthians:14:36 @ Or did the Word of God go out from you? Or did it reach only to you?

gltv@1Corinthians:15:1 @ But, brothers, I reveal to you the gospel which I preached to you, which you also received, in which you also stand,

gltv@1Corinthians:15:2 @ by which you also are being kept safe, if you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.

gltv@1Corinthians:15:11 @ Then whether they or I, so we preach, and so you believed.

gltv@1Corinthians:15:23 @ But each in his own order: Christ, the firstfruit, afterward those of Christ at His coming.

gltv@1Corinthians:15:38 @ and God gives it a body according as He willed, and to each of the seeds its own body.

gltv@1Corinthians:16:2 @ On the first of a week, let each of you put by himself, storing up whatever he is prospered, that there not be collections then when I come.

gltv@2Corinthians:2:11 @ so that we should not be overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his devices.

gltv@2Corinthians:5:10 @ For we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive the things done through the body, according to what he did, whether good or bad.

gltv@2Corinthians:7:2 @ Make room for us. We wronged no one, we corrupted no one, we overreached no one.

gltv@2Corinthians:9:7 @ Each one as he purposes in his heart, not out of grief or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. Proverbs. strkjv@22:8

gltv@2Corinthians:10:13 @ But we will not boast beyond measure, but according to measure of the rule which the God of measure distributed to us, to reach even to you.

gltv@2Corinthians:10:14 @ For we do not overstretch ourselves as if not reaching to you, for we also came to you in the gospel of Christ,

gltv@2Corinthians:10:16 @ in order to preach the gospel to that beyond you, not to boast in another's rule in things ready.

gltv@2Corinthians:11:7 @ Or did I commit sin, humbling myself that you might be exalted, because I preached the gospel of God to you without charge?

gltv@2Corinthians:12:17 @ By any whom I have sent to you, did I overreach you by him?

gltv@2Corinthians:12:18 @ I begged Titus and sent the brother with him. Did Titus overreach you? Did we not walk in the same spirit? Did we not walk in the same steps?

gltv@Galatians:1:8 @ But even if we, or an angel out of Heaven, should announce a gospel to you beside what we preached to you, let him be accursed.

gltv@Galatians:1:11 @ And, brothers, I make known to you the gospel preached by me, that it is not according to man.

gltv@Galatians:1:16 @ to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the nations, immediately I did not confer with flesh and blood,

gltv@Galatians:3:8 @ And the Scripture foreseeing that God would justify the nations by faith, preached the gospel before to Abraham: "All the nations will be blessed" "in you." Genesis. strkjv@12:3

gltv@Galatians:6:4 @ But let each one prove his work, and then he alone will have a boast in himself and not as to another.

gltv@Galatians:6:5 @ For each one will bear his own load.

gltv@Galatians:6:6 @ But let the one being taught in the word share with the one teaching, in all good things.

gltv@Ephesians:4:7 @ But to each one of us was given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

gltv@Ephesians:4:11 @ And indeed He gave some to be apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers;

gltv@Ephesians:4:16 @ from whom all the body, having been fitted and compacted together through every assisting bond, according to the effectual working of one measure in each part, produces the growth of the body to the building up of itself in love.

gltv@Ephesians:4:25 @ Therefore, putting off the false," speak truth each with his neighbor," because we are members of one another. Zechariah. strkjv@8:16

gltv@Ephesians:5:33 @ However, you also, everyone, let each love his wife as himself, and the wife, that she give deference to the husband.

gltv@Ephesians:6:8 @ each one knowing that whatever good thing he does, this he shall receive from the Lord, whether a slave or a freeman.

gltv@Philippians:2:4 @ each not looking at their own things, but each also at the things of others.

gltv@Colossians:1:28 @ whom we announce, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man full-grown in Christ Jesus,

gltv@Colossians:2:22 @ These things are all to rot away in the using, according to the "injunctions and teachings of men." Isaiah. strkjv@29:13

gltv@Colossians:3:16 @ Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom teaching and exhorting yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

gltv@Colossians:4:6 @ Let your word be always with grace, having been seasoned with salt, to know how you ought to answer each one.

gltv@1Thessalonians:2:11 @ even as you know how I was to each one of you, as a father to his children, exhorting and consoling you,

gltv@1Thessalonians:4:4 @ each one of you to know to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor,

gltv@1Thessalonians:4:6 @ not to go beyond and to overreach his brother in the matter, because the avenger concerning all these is the Lord, even as we told you before, and solemnly testified.

gltv@1Thessalonians:4:18 @ So, then, comfort each other with these words.

gltv@2Thessalonians:1:3 @ Brothers, we are bound to give thanks to God always concerning you, even as it is right, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of each one of you multiplies toward one another,

gltv@2Thessalonians:2:15 @ So, then, brothers, stand firm and strongly hold the teachings you were taught, whether by word or by our letter.

gltv@2Thessalonians:3:6 @ And we charge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to draw yourselves back from every brother walking in a disorderly way, and not according to the teaching which you received from us.

gltv@1Timothy:1:3 @ Even as I called on you to remain in Ephesus, (I going to Macedonia), that you might charge some not to teach other doctrines,

gltv@1Timothy:1:7 @ wishing to be teachers of law, neither understanding what they say, nor about that which they confidently affirm.

gltv@1Timothy:2:7 @ to which I was appointed a herald and apostle (I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie), a teacher of the nations, in faith and truth.

gltv@1Timothy:2:12 @ And I do not allow a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence.

gltv@1Timothy:3:1 @ Faithful is the Word: If anyone reaches out to overseership, he desires a good work.

gltv@1Timothy:3:2 @ Then it behooves the overseer to be blameless, husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, well-ordered, hospitable, apt at teaching;

gltv@1Timothy:4:1 @ But the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, cleaving to deceiving spirits and teachings of demons,

gltv@1Timothy:4:11 @ Enjoin and teach these things.

gltv@1Timothy:4:13 @ Until I come, attend to reading, to exhortation, to teaching.

gltv@1Timothy:5:17 @ Let the elders who take the lead well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those laboring in word and teaching.

gltv@1Timothy:6:1 @ Let as many as are slaves under a yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, that the name and teaching of God may not be blasphemed.

gltv@1Timothy:6:2 @ And those having believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brothers, but rather let them serve as slaves, because they are believing and beloved ones, those receiving of the good service in return. Teach and exhort these things.

gltv@1Timothy:6:3 @ If anyone teaches differently, and does not consent to sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine according to godliness,

gltv@2Timothy:1:11 @ for which I was appointed a herald and apostle and a teacher of nations.

gltv@2Timothy:2:2 @ And what things you heard from me through many witnesses, commit these things to faithful men, such as will be competent also to teach others.

gltv@2Timothy:2:24 @ But a slave of the Lord ought not to quarrel, but to be gentle towards all, apt to teach, forbearing,

gltv@2Timothy:2:25 @ in meekness teaching those who have opposed, if perhaps God may give them repentance for a full knowledge of the truth,

gltv@2Timothy:4:2 @ preach the Word, be urgent in season, out of season, convict, warn, encourage with all long-suffering and teaching.

gltv@2Timothy:4:3 @ For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own lusts, they will heap up to themselves teachers tickling the ear;

gltv@2Timothy:4:17 @ But the Lord stood with me and gave me power, that through me the preaching might be fulfilled, and all the nations might hear. And I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.

gltv@Titus:1:9 @ clinging to the faithful word according to the teaching, that he may be able both to encourage by sound doctrine and to convict the ones contradicting.

gltv@Titus:1:11 @ whose mouth you must stop, who overturn whole houses, teaching things which they ought not for the sake of ill gain.

gltv@Titus:2:3 @ aged women likewise in reverent behavior, not slanderers, not having been enslaved by much wine, teachers of good,

gltv@Hebrews:3:13 @ But exhort yourselves each day, as long as it is being called today, that not any of you be hardened by the deceit of sin.

gltv@Hebrews:4:2 @ For, indeed, we have had the gospel preached to us, even as they also; but the word did not profit those hearing it, not having been mixed with faith in the ones who heard.

gltv@Hebrews:4:6 @ Therefore, since it remains for some to enter into it, and those who formerly had the gospel preached did not enter in on account of disobedience,

gltv@Hebrews:5:12 @ For indeed because of the time you are due to be teachers, yet you need to have someone to teach you again the rudiments of the beginning of the oracles of God, and you have become in need of milk, and not of solid food;

gltv@Hebrews:6:11 @ But we desire each of you to show the same eagerness, to the full assurance of the hope to the end;

gltv@Hebrews:8:11 @ "And they shall no more teach each one his neighbor, and each one his brother, saying, Know the Lord; because all shall know Me, from the least of them to their great ones.

gltv@Hebrews:11:21 @ By faith dying Jacob blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and "worshiped on the top of his staff." LXX-47:31

gltv@James:1:14 @ But each one is tempted by his own lusts, having been drawn out and having been seduced by them.

gltv@James:3:1 @ My brothers do not be many teachers, knowing that we will receive greater judgment.

gltv@1Peter:1:12 @ To whom it was revealed that not to themselves, but to us they ministered the same things, which now were announced to you by those having preached the gospel to you in the Holy Spirit sent from Heaven; into which things angels long to bow to look.

gltv@1Peter:1:17 @ And if you call on the Father, the One judging according to the work of each one without respect to persons, pass the time of your sojourning in fear,

gltv@1Peter:4:6 @ For to this end also the gospel was preached to the dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but might live according to God in the Spirit.

gltv@1Peter:4:10 @ each one as he received a gift, ministering it to yourselves as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

gltv@2Peter:2:1 @ But false prophets were also among the people, as also false teachers will be among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, and denying the Master who has bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.

gltv@1John:2:27 @ And the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone teach you. But as His anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and as He taught you, abide in Him.

gltv@Revelation:2:14 @ But I have a few things against you, that you have there those holding the teachings of Balaam, who taught Balak to throw a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel, to eat idol sacrifices, and to commit fornication.

gltv@Revelation:2:15 @ So you also have those holding the teaching of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

gltv@Revelation:2:20 @ But I have a few things against you, that you allow the woman Jezebel to teach, she saying herself to be a prophetess, and to cause My slaves to go astray, and to commit fornication, and to eat idol sacrifices.

gltv@Revelation:2:23 @ And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches will know that I am the One searching the inner parts and hearts. And I will give to each of you according to your works.

gltv@Revelation:2:24 @ But I say to you and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this teaching, and who did not know the deep things of Satan, as they say: I am not casting another burden on you;

gltv@Revelation:4:8 @ And the four living creatures each one had six wings around, and within being full of eyes. And they had no rest day and night, saying, "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty," the One who was, and is, and is coming! Isaiah. strkjv@6:3

gltv@Revelation:5:8 @ And when He took the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having harps, and golden bowls full of incenses, which are the prayers of the saints.

gltv@Revelation:6:11 @ And there was given to each one a white robe. And it was said to them that they should rest yet a little time, until might be fulfilled also the number of their fellow-slaves and their brothers, those being about to be killed, even as they.

gltv@Revelation:10:7 @ but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, whenever he is about to trumpet, was even ended the mystery of God, as He preached to His slaves, the prophets.

gltv@Revelation:20:13 @ And the sea gave up the dead in it. And death and Hades gave up the dead in them. And they were each judged according to their works.

gltv@Revelation:21:21 @ And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; respectively each one of the gates was of one pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, as transparent glass.

gltv@Revelation:22:2 @ In the midst of its street and of the river, from here and from there, was a tree of life producing twelve fruits: according to one month each yielding its fruit. And the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations.

gltv@Revelation:22:12 @ And, behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to each as his work is.