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ylt@Exodus:5:4 @And the king of Egypt saith unto them, 'Why, Moses and Aaron, do ye free the people from its works? go to your burdens.'

ylt@Exodus:21:2 @'When thou buyest a Hebrew servant -- six years he doth serve, and in the seventh he goeth out as a freeman for nought;

ylt@Exodus:21:5 @'And if the servant really say: I have loved my lord, my wife, and my sons -- I do not go out free;

ylt@Exodus:21:26 @'And when a man smiteth the eye of his man-servant, or the eye of his handmaid, and hath destroyed it, as a freeman he doth send him away for his eye;

ylt@Exodus:21:27 @and if a tooth of his man-servant or a tooth of his handmaid he knock out, as a freeman he doth send him away for his tooth.

ylt@Leviticus:7:16 @'And if the sacrifice of his offering [is] a vow or free-will offering, in the day of his bringing near his sacrifice it is eaten; and on the morrow also the remnant of it is eaten;

ylt@Leviticus:19:20 @'And when a man lieth with a woman with seed of copulation, and she a maid-servant, betrothed to a man, and not really ransomed, or freedom hath not been given to her, an investigation there is; they are not put to death, for she [is] not free.

ylt@Numbers:5:19 @'And the priest hath caused her to swear, and hath said unto the woman, If no man hath lain with thee, and if thou hast not turned aside [to] uncleanness under thy husband, be free from these bitter waters which cause the curse;

ylt@Numbers:15:3 @then ye have prepared a fire-offering to Jehovah, a burnt-offering, or a sacrifice, at separating a vow or free-will-offering, or in your appointed things, to make a sweet fragrance to Jehovah, out of the herd, or out of the flock.

ylt@Numbers:29:39 @'These ye prepare to Jehovah in your appointed seasons, apart from your vows, and your free-will offerings, for your burnt-offerings, and for your presents, and for your libations, and for your peace-offerings.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:6 @and hast brought in thither your burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the heave-offering of your hand, and your vows, and your free-will offerings, and the firstlings of your herd and of your flock;

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:17 @thou art not able to eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, and of thy new wine, and thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herd and of thy flock, and any of thy vows which thou vowest, and thy free-will offerings, and heave-offering of thy hand;

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:12 @'When thy brother is sold to thee, a Hebrew or a Hebrewess, and he hath served thee six years -- then in the seventh year thou dost send him away free from thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:13 @And when thou dost send him away free from thee, thou dost not send him away empty;

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:18 @'It is not hard in thine eyes, in thy sending him away free from thee; for the double of the hire of an hireling he hath served thee six years, and Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee in all that thou dost.

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:10 @and thou hast made the feast of weeks to Jehovah thy God, a tribute of a free-will offering of thy hand, which thou dost give, as Jehovah thy God doth bless thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:23 @The produce of thy lips thou dost keep, and hast done [it], as thou hast vowed to Jehovah thy God; a free-will-offering, which thou hast spoken with thy mouth.

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:5 @'When a man taketh a new wife, he doth not go out into the host, and [one] doth not pass over unto him for anything; free he is at his own house one year, and hath rejoiced his wife whom he hath taken.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:42 @I make drunk Mine arrows with blood, And My sword devoureth flesh, From the blood of the pierced and captive, From the head of the freemen of the enemy.

ylt@Judges:5:2 @'For freeing freemen in Israel, For a people willingly offering themselves Bless ye Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:17:25 @And the men of Israel say, 'Have ye seen this man who is coming up? for, to reproach Israel he is coming up, and it hath been -- the man who smiteth him, the king doth enrich him with great riches, and his daughter he doth give to him, and his father's house doth make free in Israel.'

ylt@1Samuel:19:10 @and Saul seeketh to smite with the javelin through David, and through the wall, and he freeth himself from the presence of Saul, and he smiteth the javelin through the wall; and David hath fled and escapeth during that night.

ylt@1Kings:21:8 @And she writeth letters in the name of Ahab, and sealeth with his seal, and sendeth the letters unto the elders, and unto the freemen, who are in his city, those dwelling with Naboth,

ylt@1Kings:21:11 @And the men of his city, the elders and the freemen who are dwelling in his city, do as Jezebel hath sent unto them, as written in the letters that she sent unto them,

ylt@1Chronicles:9:33 @And these who sing, heads of fathers of the Levites, in the chambers, [are] free, for by day and by night [they are] over them in the work.

ylt@2Chronicles:28:19 @for Jehovah hath humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he made free with Judah, even to commit a trespass against Jehovah.

ylt@Ezra:1:4 @'And every one who is left, of any of the places where he [is] a sojourner, assist him do the men of his place with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, along with a free-will offering for the house of God, that [is] in Jerusalem.'

ylt@Ezra:7:16 @and all the silver and gold that thou findest in all the province of Babylon, with the free-will offerings of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly, for the house of their God that [is] in Jerusalem,

ylt@Nehemiah:2:16 @And the prefects have not known whither I have gone, and what I am doing; and to the Jews, and to the priests, and to the freemen, and to the prefects, and to the rest of those doing the work, hitherto I have not declared [it];

ylt@Nehemiah:4:14 @And I see, and rise up, and say unto the freemen, and unto the prefects, and unto the rest of the people, 'Be not afraid of them; the Lord, the great and the fearful, remember ye, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.'

ylt@Nehemiah:4:19 @And I say unto the freemen, and unto the prefects, and unto the rest of the people, 'The work is abundant, and large, and we are separated on the wall, far off one from another;

ylt@Nehemiah:5:7 @and my heart reigneth over me, and I strive with the freemen, and with the prefects, and say to them, 'Usury one upon another ye are exacting;' and I set against them a great assembly,

ylt@Nehemiah:6:17 @Also, in those days the freemen of Judah are multiplying their letters going unto Tobiah, and those of Tobiah are coming in unto them;

ylt@Nehemiah:7:5 @and my God putteth it unto my heart, and I gather the freeman, and the prefects, and the people, for the genealogy, and I find a book of the genealogy of those coming up at the beginning, and I find written in it: --

ylt@Nehemiah:13:17 @And I strive with the freemen of Judah, and say to them, 'What [is] this evil thing that ye are doing, and polluting the sabbath-day?

ylt@Job:3:19 @Small and great [are] there the same. And a servant [is] free from his lord.

ylt@Job:39:5 @Who hath sent forth the wild ass free? Yea, the bands of the wild ass who opened?

ylt@Job:41:25 @From his rising are the mighty afraid, From breakings they keep themselves free.

ylt@Psalms:22:7 @All beholding me do mock at me, They make free with the lip -- shake the head,

ylt@Psalms:54:6 @With a free will-offering I sacrifice to Thee, I thank Thy name, O Jehovah, for [it is] good,

ylt@Psalms:68:9 @A shower of free-will gifts thou shakest out, O God. Thine inheritance, when it hath been weary, Thou hast established it.

ylt@Psalms:88:5 @Among the dead -- free, As pierced ones lying in the grave, Whom Thou hast not remembered any more, Yea, they by Thy hand have been cut off.

ylt@Psalms:110:3 @Thy people [are] free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength, in the honours of holiness, From the womb, from the morning, Thou hast the dew of thy youth.

ylt@Psalms:119:108 @Free-will-offerings of my mouth, Accept, I pray Thee, O Jehovah, And Thy judgments teach Thou me.

ylt@Psalms:144:7 @Send forth Thy hand from on high, Free me, and deliver me from many waters, From the hand of sons of a stranger,

ylt@Psalms:144:10 @Who is giving deliverance to kings, Who is freeing David His servant from the sword of evil.

ylt@Psalms:144:11 @Free me, and deliver me From the hand of sons of a stranger, Because their mouth hath spoken vanity, And their right hand [is] a right hand of falsehood,

ylt@Proverbs:4:9 @She giveth to thy head a wreath of grace, A crown of beauty she doth give thee freely.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:10:17 @Happy art thou, O land, When thy king [is] a son of freemen, And thy princes do eat in due season, For might, and not for drunkenness.

ylt@Isaiah:34:12 @[To] the kingdom her freemen they call, But there are none there, And all her princes are at an end.

ylt@Isaiah:58:6 @Is not this the fast that I chose -- To loose the bands of wickedness, To shake off the burdens of the yoke, And to send out the oppressed free, And every yoke ye draw off?

ylt@Jeremiah:27:20 @That Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon hath not taken, in his removing Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim king of Judah from Jerusalem to Babylon with all the freemen of Judah and Jerusalem,

ylt@Jeremiah:34:9 @to send out each his man-servant, and each his maid-servant -- the Hebrew and the Hebrewess -- free, so as not to lay service on them, any on a Jew his brother;

ylt@Jeremiah:34:10 @and hearken do all the heads, and all the people who have come in to the covenant to send forth each his man-servant and each his maid-servant free, so as not to lay service on them any more, yea, they hearken, and send them away;

ylt@Jeremiah:34:11 @and they turn afterwards, and cause the men-servants and the maid-servants to return, whom they had sent forth free, and they subdue them for men-servants and for maid-servants.

ylt@Jeremiah:34:14 @At the end of seven years ye do send forth each his brother, the Hebrew, who is sold to thee, and hath served thee six years, yea, thou hast sent him forth free from thee: and your fathers hearkened not unto Me, nor inclined their ear.

ylt@Jeremiah:34:16 @And -- ye turn back, and pollute My name, and ye cause each his man-servant and each his maid-servant, whom he had sent forth free, (at their pleasure,) to return, and ye subdue them to be to you for men-servants and for maid-servants.

ylt@Jeremiah:34:17 @'Therefore, thus said Jehovah: Ye have not hearkened unto Me to proclaim freedom, each to his brother, and each to his neighbour; lo, I am proclaiming to you liberty -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- unto the sword, unto the pestilence, and unto the famine, and I have given you for a trembling to all kingdoms of the earth.

ylt@Jeremiah:39:6 @And the king of Babylon slaughtereth the sons of Zedekiah, in Riblah, before his eyes, yea, all the freemen of Judah hath the king of Babylon slaughtered.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:14 @I, Jehovah, hath spoken, It hath come, and I have done [it], I do not free, nor do I spare, nor do I repent, According to thy ways, and according to thine acts, they have judged thee, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'

ylt@Ezekiel:27:20 @Dedan [is] thy merchant, For clothes of freedom for riding.

ylt@Ezekiel:46:12 @And when the prince maketh a free-will burnt-offering, or free-will peace-offerings, to Jehovah, then he hath opened for himself the gate that is looking eastward, and he hath made his burnt-offering and his peace-offerings as he doth in the day of rest, and he hath gone out, and he hath shut the gate after his going out.

ylt@Ezekiel:46:17 @And when he giveth a gift out of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it hath been to him till the year of freedom, and it hath turned back to the prince, only the inheritance of his sons is theirs.

ylt@Hosea:14:4 @I heal their backsliding, I love them freely, For turned back hath Mine anger from him.

ylt@Matthew:10:8 @infirm ones be healing, lepers be cleansing, dead be raising, demons be casting out -- freely ye did receive, freely give.

ylt@Matthew:17:26 @Peter saith to him, 'From the strangers.' Jesus said to him, 'Then are the sons free;

ylt@Matthew:28:14 @and if this be heard by the governor, we will persuade him, and you keep free from anxiety.'

ylt@John:2:10 @and saith to him, 'Every man, at first, the good wine doth set forth; and when they may have drunk freely, then the inferior; thou didst keep the good wine till now.'

ylt@John:7:13 @no one, however, was speaking freely about him, through fear of the Jews.

ylt@John:7:26 @and, lo, he doth speak freely, and they say nothing to him; did the rulers at all know truly that this is truly the Christ?

ylt@John:8:32 @and the truth shall make you free.'

ylt@John:8:33 @They answered him, 'Seed of Abraham we are; and to no one have we been servants at any time; how dost thou say -- Ye shall become free?'

ylt@John:8:36 @if then the son may make you free, in reality ye shall be free.

ylt@John:10:24 @the Jews, therefore, came round about him, and said to him, 'Till when our soul dost thou hold in suspense? if thou art the Christ, tell us freely.'

ylt@John:11:14 @Then, therefore, Jesus said to them freely, 'Lazarus hath died;

ylt@John:11:54 @Jesus, therefore, was no more freely walking among the Jews, but went away thence to the region nigh the wilderness, to a city called Ephraim, and there he tarried with his disciples.

ylt@John:16:25 @'These things in similitudes I have spoken to you, but there cometh an hour when no more in similitudes will I speak to you, but freely of the Father, will tell you.

ylt@John:16:29 @His disciples say to him, 'Lo, now freely thou dost speak, and no similitude speakest thou;

ylt@John:18:20 @Jesus answered him, 'I spake freely to the world, I did always teach in a synagogue, and in the temple, where the Jews do always come together; and in secret I spake nothing;

ylt@Acts:2:29 @'Men, brethren! it is permitted to speak with freedom unto you concerning the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is among us unto this day;

ylt@Acts:4:29 @'And now, Lord, look upon their threatenings, and grant to Thy servants with all freedom to speak Thy word,

ylt@Acts:4:31 @And they having prayed, the place was shaken in which they were gathered together, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and were speaking the word of God with freedom,

ylt@Romans:3:24 @being declared righteous freely by His grace through the redemption that [is] in Christ Jesus,

ylt@Romans:5:15 @But, not as the offence so also [is] the free gift; for if by the offence of the one the many did die, much more did the grace of God, and the free gift in grace of the one man Jesus Christ, abound to the many;

ylt@Romans:5:16 @and not as through one who did sin [is] the free gift, for the judgment indeed [is] of one to condemnation, but the gift [is] of many offences to a declaration of 'Righteous,'

ylt@Romans:5:17 @for if by the offence of the one the death did reign through the one, much more those, who the abundance of the grace and of the free gift of the righteousness are receiving, in life shall reign through the one -- Jesus Christ.

ylt@Romans:6:7 @for he who hath died hath been set free from the sin.

ylt@Romans:6:18 @and having been freed from the sin, ye became servants to the righteousness.

ylt@Romans:6:20 @for when ye were servants of the sin, ye were free from the righteousness,

ylt@Romans:6:22 @And now, having been freed from the sin, and having become servants to God, ye have your fruit -- to sanctification, and the end life age-during;

ylt@Romans:7:2 @for the married woman to the living husband hath been bound by law, and if the husband may die, she hath been free from the law of the husband;

ylt@Romans:7:3 @so, then, the husband being alive, an adulteress she shall be called if she may become another man's; and if the husband may die, she is free from the law, so as not to be an adulteress, having become another man's.

ylt@Romans:8:2 @for the law of the Spirit of the life in Christ Jesus did set me free from the law of the sin and of the death;

ylt@Romans:8:21 @that also the creation itself shall be set free from the servitude of the corruption to the liberty of the glory of the children of God;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:5 @Defraud not one another, except by consent for a time, that ye may be free for fasting and prayer, and again may come together, that the Adversary may not tempt you because of your incontinence;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:21 @a servant -- wast thou called? be not anxious; but if also thou art able to become free -- use [it] rather;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:22 @for he who [is] in the Lord -- having been called a servant -- is the Lord's freedman: in like manner also he the freeman, having been called, is servant of Christ:

ylt@1Corinthians:7:39 @A wife hath been bound by law as long time as her husband may live, and if her husband may sleep, she is free to be married to whom she will -- only in the Lord;

ylt@1Corinthians:9:1 @Am not I an apostle? am not I free? Jesus Christ our Lord have I not seen? my work are not ye in the Lord?

ylt@1Corinthians:9:19 @for being free from all men, to all men I made myself servant, that the more I might gain;

ylt@1Corinthians:12:13 @for also in one Spirit we all to one body were baptized, whether Jews or Greeks, whether servants or freemen, and all into one Spirit were made to drink,

ylt@2Corinthians:3:12 @Having, then, such hope, we use much freedom of speech,

ylt@2Corinthians:7:4 @great [is] my freedom of speech unto you, great my glory on your behalf; I have been filled with the comfort, I overabound with the joy on all our tribulation,

ylt@2Corinthians:11:7 @The sin did I do -- myself humbling that ye might be exalted, because freely the good news of God I did proclaim to you?

ylt@Galatians:3:28 @there is not here Jew or Greek, there is not here servant nor freeman, there is not here male and female, for all ye are one in Christ Jesus;

ylt@Galatians:4:22 @for it hath been written, that Abraham had two sons, one by the maid-servant, and one by the free-woman,

ylt@Galatians:4:23 @but he who [is] of the maid-servant, according to flesh hath been, and he who [is] of the free-woman, through the promise;

ylt@Galatians:4:26 @and the Jerusalem above is the free-woman, which is mother of us all,

ylt@Galatians:4:30 @but what saith the Writing? 'Cast forth the maid-servant and her son, for the son of the maid-servant may not be heir with the son of the free-woman;'

ylt@Galatians:4:31 @then, brethren, we are not a maid-servant's children, but the free-woman's.

ylt@Galatians:5:1 @In the freedom, then, with which Christ did make you free -- stand ye, and be not held fast again by a yoke of servitude;

ylt@Galatians:5:4 @ye were freed from the Christ, ye who in law are declared righteous; from the grace ye fell away;

ylt@Galatians:5:13 @For ye -- to freedom ye were called, brethren, only not the freedom for an occasion to the flesh, but through the love serve ye one another,

ylt@Ephesians:3:12 @in whom we have the freedom and the access in confidence through the faith of him,

ylt@Ephesians:6:8 @having known that whatever good thing each one may do, this he shall receive from the Lord, whether servant or freeman.

ylt@Ephesians:6:19 @and in behalf of me, that to me may be given a word in the opening of my mouth, in freedom, to make known the secret of the good news,

ylt@Ephesians:6:20 @for which I am an ambassador in a chain, that in it I may speak freely -- as it behoveth me to speak.

ylt@Philippians:1:20 @according to my earnest expectation and hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, and in all freedom, as always, also now Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death,

ylt@Colossians:3:11 @where there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythian, servant, freeman -- but the all and in all -- Christ.

ylt@2Timothy:4:17 @and the Lord stood by me, and did strengthen me, that through me the preaching might be fully assured, and all the nations might hear, and I was freed out of the mouth of a lion,

ylt@2Timothy:4:18 @and the Lord shall free me from every evil work, and shall save [me] -- to his heavenly kingdom; to whom [is] the glory to the ages of the ages! Amen.

ylt@Hebrews:4:16 @we may come near, then, with freedom, to the throne of the grace, that we may receive kindness, and find grace -- for seasonable help.

ylt@1Peter:2:16 @as free, and not having the freedom as the cloak of the evil, but as servants of God;

ylt@Revelation:6:15 @and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chiefs of thousands, and the mighty, and every servant, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains,

ylt@Revelation:13:16 @And it maketh all, the small, and the great, and the rich, and the poor, and the freemen, and the servants, that it may give to them a mark upon their right hand or upon their foreheads,

ylt@Revelation:19:18 @that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiefs of thousands, and flesh of strong men, and flesh of horses, and of those sitting on them, and the flesh of all -- freemen and servants -- both small and great.'

ylt@Revelation:21:6 @and He said to me, 'It hath been done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End; I, to him who is thirsting, will give of the fountain of the water of the life freely;

ylt@Revelation:22:17 @And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come; and he who is hearing -- let him say, Come; and he who is thirsting -- let him come; and he who is willing -- let him take the water of life freely.