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ylt@Matthew:1:18 @And of Jesus Christ, the birth was thus: For his mother Mary having been betrothed to Joseph, before their coming together she was found to have conceived from the Holy Spirit,

ylt@Matthew:2:8 @and having sent them to Beth-Lehem, he said, 'Having gone -- inquire ye exactly for the child, and whenever ye may have found, bring me back word, that I also having come may bow to him.'

ylt@Matthew:2:20 @saying, 'Having risen, take the child and his mother, and be going to the land of Israel, for they have died -- those seeking the life of the child.'

ylt@Matthew:3:9 @and do not think to say in yourselves, A father we have -- Abraham, for I say to you, that God is able out of these stones to raise children to Abraham,

ylt@Matthew:3:14 @but John was forbidding him, saying, 'I have need by thee to be baptized -- and thou dost come unto me!'

ylt@Matthew:5:46 @'For, if ye may love those loving you, what reward have ye? do not also the tax-gatherers the same?

ylt@Matthew:6:1 @'Take heed your kindness not to do before men, to be seen by them, and if not -- reward ye have not from your Father who [is] in the heavens;

ylt@Matthew:6:2 @whenever, therefore, thou mayest do kindness, thou mayest not sound a trumpet before thee as the hypocrites do, in the synagogues, and in the streets, that they may have glory from men; verily I say to you -- they have their reward!

ylt@Matthew:6:5 @'And when thou mayest pray, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites, because they love in the synagogues, and in the corners of the broad places -- standing -- to pray, that they may be seen of men; verily I say to you, that they have their reward.

ylt@Matthew:6:8 @be ye not therefore like to them, for your Father doth know those things that ye have need of before your asking him;

ylt@Matthew:6:16 @'And when ye may fast, be ye not as the hypocrites, of sour countenances, for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear to men fasting; verily I say to you, that they have their reward.

ylt@Matthew:6:32 @for all these do the nations seek for, for your heavenly Father doth know that ye have need of all these;

ylt@Matthew:7:11 @if, therefore, ye being evil, have known good gifts to give to your children, how much more shall your Father who [is] in the heavens give good things to those asking him?

ylt@Matthew:7:22 @Many will say to me in that day, Lord, lord, have we not in thy name prophesied? and in thy name cast out demons? and in thy name done many mighty things?

ylt@Matthew:8:10 @And Jesus having heard, did wonder, and said to those following, 'Verily I say to you, not even in Israel so great faith have I found;

ylt@Matthew:8:20 @and Jesus saith to him, 'The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven places of rest, but the Son of Man hath not where he may lay the head.'

ylt@Matthew:9:2 @and lo, they were bringing to him a paralytic, laid upon a couch, and Jesus having seen their faith, said to the paralytic, 'Be of good courage, child, thy sins have been forgiven thee.'

ylt@Matthew:9:5 @for which is easier? to say, The sins have been forgiven to thee; or to say, Rise, and walk?

ylt@Matthew:9:12 @And Jesus having heard, said to them, 'They who are whole have no need of a physician, but they who are ill;

ylt@Matthew:10:23 @'And whenever they may persecute you in this city, flee to the other, for verily I say to you, ye may not have completed the cities of Israel till the Son of Man may come.

ylt@Matthew:11:5 @blind receive sight, and lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and deaf hear, dead are raised, and poor have good news proclaimed,

ylt@Matthew:12:11 @And he said to them, 'What man shall be of you, who shall have one sheep, and if this may fall on the sabbaths into a ditch, will not lay hold on it and raise [it]?

ylt@Matthew:13:12 @for whoever hath, it shall be given to him, and he shall have overabundance, and whoever hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken from him.

ylt@Matthew:14:4 @for John was saying to him, 'It is not lawful to thee to have her,'

ylt@Matthew:14:16 @And Jesus said to them, 'They have no need to go away -- give ye them to eat.'

ylt@Matthew:14:17 @And they say to him, 'We have not here except five loaves, and two fishes.'

ylt@Matthew:15:32 @And Jesus having called near his disciples, said, 'I have compassion upon the multitude, because now three days they continue with me, and they have not what they may eat; and to let them away fasting I will not, lest they faint in the way.'

ylt@Matthew:15:34 @And Jesus saith to them, 'How many loaves have ye?' and they said, 'Seven, and a few little fishes.'

ylt@Matthew:17:20 @And Jesus said to them, 'Through your want of faith; for verily I say to you, if ye may have faith as a grain of mustard, ye shall say to this mount, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to you,

ylt@Matthew:18:12 @'What think ye? if a man may have an hundred sheep, and there may go astray one of them, doth he not -- having left the ninety-nine, having gone on the mountains -- seek that which is gone astray?

ylt@Matthew:18:13 @and if it may come to pass that he doth find it, verily I say to you, that he doth rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray;

ylt@Matthew:18:26 @The servant then, having fallen down, was bowing to him, saying, Sir, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all;

ylt@Matthew:18:29 @His fellow-servant then, having fallen down at his feet, was calling on him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all;

ylt@Matthew:18:33 @did it not behove also thee to have dealt kindly with thy fellow-servant, as I also dealt kindly with thee?

ylt@Matthew:19:16 @And lo, one having come near, said to him, 'Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have life age-during?'

ylt@Matthew:19:21 @Jesus said to him, 'If thou dost will to be perfect, go away, sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.'

ylt@Matthew:19:27 @Then Peter answering said to him, 'Lo, we did leave all, and follow thee, what then shall we have?'

ylt@Matthew:20:6 @And about the eleventh hour, having gone forth, he found others standing idle, and saith to them, Why here have ye stood all the day idle?

ylt@Matthew:20:22 @And Jesus answering said, 'Ye have not known what ye ask for yourselves; are ye able to drink of the cup that I am about to drink? and with the baptism that I am baptized with, to be baptized?' They say to him, 'We are able.'

ylt@Matthew:20:25 @and Jesus having called them near, said, 'Ye have known that the rulers of the nations do exercise lordship over them, and those great do exercise authority over them,

ylt@Matthew:21:21 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Verily I say to you, If ye may have faith, and may not doubt, not only this of the fig-tree shall ye do, but even if to this mount ye may say, Be lifted up and be cast into the sea, it shall come to pass;

ylt@Matthew:21:27 @And answering Jesus they said, 'We have not known.' He said to them -- he also -- 'Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

ylt@Matthew:22:4 @'Again he sent forth other servants, saying, Say to those who have been called: Lo, my dinner I prepared, my oxen and the fatlings have been killed, and all things [are] ready, come ye to the marriage-feasts;

ylt@Matthew:22:16 @and they send to him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, 'Teacher, we have known that thou art true, and the way of God in truth thou dost teach, and thou art not caring for any one, for thou dost not look to the face of men;

ylt@Matthew:23:30 @and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

ylt@Matthew:24:22 @And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but because of the chosen, shall those days be shortened.

ylt@Matthew:24:32 @'And from the fig-tree learn ye the simile: When already its branch may have become tender, and the leaves it may put forth, ye know that summer [is] nigh,

ylt@Matthew:24:42 @'Watch ye therefore, because ye have not known in what hour your Lord doth come;

ylt@Matthew:25:12 @and he answering said, Verily I say to you, I have not known you.

ylt@Matthew:25:13 @'Watch therefore, for ye have not known the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man doth come.

ylt@Matthew:25:29 @for to every one having shall be given, and he shall have overabundance, and from him who is not having, even that which he hath shall be taken from him;

ylt@Matthew:26:2 @'Ye have known that after two days the passover cometh, and the Son of Man is delivered up to be crucified.'

ylt@Matthew:26:9 @for this ointment could have been sold for much, and given to the poor.'

ylt@Matthew:26:11 @for the poor always ye have with you, and me ye have not always;

ylt@Matthew:26:65 @Then the chief priest rent his garments, saying, -- 'He hath spoken evil; what need have we yet of witnesses? lo, now ye heard his evil speaking;

ylt@Matthew:26:70 @And he denied before all, saying, 'I have not known what thou sayest.'

ylt@Matthew:26:72 @and again did he deny with an oath -- 'I have not known the man.'

ylt@Matthew:26:74 @Then began he to anathematise, and to swear -- 'I have not known the man;' and immediately did a cock crow,

ylt@Matthew:27:52 @and the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who have fallen asleep, arose,

ylt@Matthew:27:63 @saying, 'Sir, we have remembered that that deceiver said while yet living, After three days I do rise;

ylt@Matthew:27:65 @And Pilate said to them, 'Ye have a watch, go away, make secure -- as ye have known;'

ylt@Matthew:28:5 @And the messenger answering said to the women, 'Fear not ye, for I have known that Jesus, who hath been crucified, ye seek;

ylt@Matthew:28:7 @and having gone quickly, say ye to his disciples, that he rose from the dead; and lo, he doth go before you to Galilee, there ye shall see him; lo, I have told you.'

ylt@Mark:1:24 @saying, 'Away! what -- to us and to thee, Jesus the Nazarene? thou didst come to destroy us; I have known thee who thou art -- the Holy One of God.'

ylt@Mark:2:5 @and Jesus having seen their faith, saith to the paralytic, 'Child, thy sins have been forgiven thee.'

ylt@Mark:2:9 @which is easier, to say to the paralytic, The sins have been forgiven to thee? or to say, Rise, and take up thy couch, and walk?

ylt@Mark:2:17 @And Jesus, having heard, saith to them, 'They who are strong have no need of a physician, but they who are ill; I came not to call righteous men, but sinners to reformation.'

ylt@Mark:2:19 @And Jesus said to them, 'Are the sons of the bride-chamber able, while the bridegroom is with them, to fast? so long time as they have the bridegroom with them they are not able to fast;

ylt@Mark:3:15 @and to have power to heal the sicknesses, and to cast out the demons.

ylt@Mark:4:13 @And he saith to them, 'Have ye not known this simile? and how shall ye know all the similes?

ylt@Mark:4:17 @and have not root in themselves, but are temporary; afterward tribulation or persecution having come because of the word, immediately they are stumbled.

ylt@Mark:4:20 @'And these are they who on the good ground have been sown: who do hear the word, and receive, and do bear fruit, one thirty-fold, and one sixty, and one an hundred.'

ylt@Mark:4:25 @for whoever may have, there shall be given to him, and whoever hath not, also that which he hath shall be taken from him.'

ylt@Mark:4:40 @and he said to them, 'Why are ye so fearful? how have ye not faith?'

ylt@Mark:6:18 @for John said to Herod -- 'It is not lawful to thee to have the wife of thy brother;'

ylt@Mark:6:36 @let them away, that, having gone away to the surrounding fields and villages, they may buy to themselves loaves, for what they may eat they have not.'

ylt@Mark:6:38 @And he saith to them, 'How many loaves have ye? go and see;' and having known, they say, 'Five, and two fishes.'

ylt@Mark:8:2 @'I have compassion upon the multitude, because now three days they do continue with me, and they have not what they may eat;

ylt@Mark:8:5 @And he was questioning them, 'How many loaves have ye?' and they said, 'Seven.'

ylt@Mark:8:16 @and they were reasoning with one another, saying -- 'Because we have no loaves.'

ylt@Mark:8:17 @And Jesus having known, saith to them, 'Why do ye reason, because ye have no loaves? do ye not yet perceive, nor understand, yet have ye your heart hardened?

ylt@Mark:9:50 @The salt [is] good, but if the salt may become saltless, in what will ye season [it]? Have in yourselves salt, and have peace in one another.'

ylt@Mark:10:21 @And Jesus having looked upon him, did love him, and said to him, 'One thing thou dost lack; go away, whatever thou hast -- sell, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, be following me, having taken up the cross.'

ylt@Mark:10:23 @And Jesus having looked round, saith to his disciples, 'How hardly shall they who have riches enter into the reign of God!'

ylt@Mark:10:38 @and Jesus said to them, 'Ye have not known what ye ask; are ye able to drink of the cup that I drink of, and with the baptism that I am baptized with -- to be baptized?'

ylt@Mark:10:42 @but Jesus having called them near, saith to them, 'Ye have known that they who are considered to rule the nations do exercise lordship over them, and their great ones do exercise authority upon them;

ylt@Mark:11:22 @And Jesus answering saith to them, 'Have faith of God;

ylt@Mark:11:25 @'And whenever ye may stand praying, forgive, if ye have anything against any one, that your Father also who is in the heavens may forgive you your trespasses;

ylt@Mark:11:33 @and answering they say to Jesus, 'We have not known;' and Jesus answering saith to them, 'Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.'

ylt@Mark:12:14 @and they having come, say to him, 'Teacher, we have known that thou art true, and thou art not caring for any one, for thou dost not look to the face of men, but in truth the way of God dost teach; is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not? may we give, or may we not give?'

ylt@Mark:12:26 @'And concerning the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the Book of Moses (at The Bush), how God spake to him, saying, I [am] the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob;

ylt@Mark:13:23 @and ye, take heed; lo, I have foretold you all things.

ylt@Mark:13:33 @Take heed, watch and pray, for ye have not known when the time is;

ylt@Mark:13:35 @watch ye, therefore, for ye have not known when the lord of the house doth come, at even, or at midnight, or at cock-crowing, or at the morning;

ylt@Mark:14:5 @for this could have been sold for more than three hundred denaries, and given to the poor;' and they were murmuring at her.

ylt@Mark:14:7 @for the poor always ye have with you, and whenever ye may will ye are able to do them good, but me ye have not always;

ylt@Mark:14:63 @And the chief priest, having rent his garments, saith, 'What need have we yet of witnesses?

ylt@Mark:14:68 @and he denied, saying, 'I have not known [him], neither do I understand what thou sayest;' and he went forth without to the porch, and a cock crew.

ylt@Mark:14:71 @and he began to anathematize, and to swear -- 'I have not known this man of whom ye speak;'

ylt@Luke:1:1 @Seeing that many did take in hand to set in order a narration of the matters that have been fully assured among us,

ylt@Luke:1:19 @And the messenger answering said to him, 'I am Gabriel, who have been standing near before God, and I was sent to speak unto thee, and to proclaim these good news to thee,

ylt@Luke:1:70 @As He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets, Which have been from the age;

ylt@Luke:3:8 @make, therefore, fruits worthy of the reformation, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have a father -- Abraham; for I say to you, that God is able out of these stones to raise children to Abraham;

ylt@Luke:4:34 @saying, 'Away, what -- to us and to thee, Jesus, O Nazarene? thou didst come to destroy us; I have known thee who thou art -- the Holy One of God.'

ylt@Luke:4:43 @and he said unto them -- 'Also to the other cities it behoveth me to proclaim good news of the reign of God, because for this I have been sent;'

ylt@Luke:5:5 @and Simon answering said to him, 'Master, through the whole night, having laboured, we have taken nothing, but at thy saying I will let down the net.'

ylt@Luke:5:20 @and he having seen their faith, said to him, 'Man, thy sins have been forgiven thee.'

ylt@Luke:5:23 @which is easier -- to say, Thy sins have been forgiven thee? or to say, Arise, and walk?

ylt@Luke:5:31 @And Jesus answering said unto them, 'They who are well have no need of a physician, but they that are ill:

ylt@Luke:6:24 @'But wo to you -- the rich, because ye have got your comfort.

ylt@Luke:6:25 @'Wo to you who have been filled -- because ye shall hunger. 'Wo to you who are laughing now -- because ye shall mourn and weep.

ylt@Luke:6:32 @and -- if ye love those loving you, what grace have ye? for also the sinful love those loving them;

ylt@Luke:6:33 @and if ye do good to those doing good to you, what grace have ye? for also the sinful do the same;

ylt@Luke:6:34 @and if ye lend [to those] of whom ye hope to receive back, what grace have ye? for also the sinful lend to sinners -- that they may receive again as much.

ylt@Luke:7:22 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Having gone on, report to John what ye saw and heard, that blind men do see again, lame do walk, lepers are cleansed, deaf do hear, dead are raised, poor have good news proclaimed;

ylt@Luke:7:24 @And the messengers of John having gone away, he began to say unto the multitudes concerning John: 'What have ye gone forth to the wilderness to look on? a reed by the wind shaken?

ylt@Luke:7:25 @but what have ye gone forth to see? a man in soft garments clothed? lo, they in splendid apparellings, and living in luxury, are in the houses of kings!

ylt@Luke:7:26 @'But what have ye gone forth to see? a prophet? Yes, I say to you, and much more than a prophet:

ylt@Luke:7:39 @And the Pharisee who did call him, having seen, spake within himself, saying, 'This one, if he were a prophet, would have known who and of what kind [is] the woman who doth touch him, that she is a sinner.'

ylt@Luke:7:40 @And Jesus answering said unto him, 'Simon, I have something to say to thee;' and he saith, 'Teacher, say on.'

ylt@Luke:7:47 @therefore I say to thee, her many sins have been forgiven, because she did love much; but to whom little is forgiven, little he doth love.'

ylt@Luke:7:48 @And he said to her, 'Thy sins have been forgiven;'

ylt@Luke:7:50 @and he said unto the woman, 'Thy faith have saved thee, be going on to peace.'

ylt@Luke:8:13 @'And those upon the rock: They who, when they may hear, with joy do receive the word, and these have no root, who for a time believe, and in time of temptation fall away.

ylt@Luke:8:14 @'And that which fell to the thorns: These are they who have heard, and going forth, through anxieties, and riches, and pleasures of life, are choked, and bear not to completion.

ylt@Luke:8:18 @'See, therefore, how ye hear, for whoever may have, there shall be given to him, and whoever may not have, also what he seemeth to have, shall be taken from him.'

ylt@Luke:9:3 @And he said unto them, 'Take nothing for the way, neither staff, nor scrip, nor bread, nor money; neither have two coats each;

ylt@Luke:9:13 @And he said unto them, 'Give ye them to eat;' and they said, 'We have no more than five loaves, and two fishes: except, having gone, we may buy for all this people victuals;'

ylt@Luke:9:36 @and when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone; and they were silent, and declared to no one in those days anything of what they have seen.

ylt@Luke:9:55 @and having turned, he rebuked them, and said, 'Ye have not known of what spirit ye are;

ylt@Luke:9:58 @and Jesus said to him, 'The foxes have holes, and the fowls of the heaven places of rest, but the Son of Man hath not where he may recline the head.'

ylt@Luke:10:7 @'And in that house remain, eating and drinking the things they have, for worthy [is] the workman of his hire; go not from house to house,

ylt@Luke:10:36 @'Who, then, of these three, seemeth to thee to have become neighbour of him who fell among the robbers?'

ylt@Luke:11:5 @And he said unto them, 'Who of you shall have a friend, and shall go on unto him at midnight, and may say to him, Friend, lend me three loaves,

ylt@Luke:11:6 @seeing a friend of mine came out of the way unto me, and I have not what I shall set before him,

ylt@Luke:11:13 @If, then, ye, being evil, have known good gifts to be giving to your children, how much more shall the Father who is from heaven give the Holy Spirit to those asking Him!'

ylt@Luke:11:41 @But what ye have give ye [as] alms, and, lo, all things are clean to you.

ylt@Luke:11:44 @'Wo to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because ye are as the unseen tombs, and the men walking above have not known.'

ylt@Luke:12:7 @but even the hairs of your head have been all numbered; therefore fear ye not, than many sparrows ye are of more value.

ylt@Luke:12:17 @and he was reasoning within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have not where I shall gather together my fruits?

ylt@Luke:12:30 @for all these things do the nations of the world seek after, and your Father hath known that ye have need of these things;

ylt@Luke:12:39 @'And this know, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief doth come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken through;

ylt@Luke:12:50 @but I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how am I pressed till it may be completed!

ylt@Luke:12:56 @hypocrites! the face of the earth and of the heaven ye have known to make proof of, but this time -- how do ye not make proof of [it]?

ylt@Luke:13:2 @and Jesus answering said to them, 'Think ye that these Galileans became sinners beyond all the Galileans, because they have suffered such things?

ylt@Luke:13:25 @from the time the master of the house may have risen up, and may have shut the door, and ye may begin without to stand, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, lord, open to us, and he answering shall say to you, I have not known you whence ye are,

ylt@Luke:13:27 @and he shall say, I say to you, I have not known you whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of the unrighteousness.

ylt@Luke:14:8 @'When thou mayest be called by any one to marriage-feasts, thou mayest not recline on the first couch, lest a more honourable than thou may have been called by him,

ylt@Luke:14:10 @'But, when thou mayest be called, having gone on, recline in the last place, that when he who called thee may come, he may say to thee, Friend, come up higher; then thou shalt have glory before those reclining with thee;

ylt@Luke:14:14 @and happy thou shalt be, because they have not to recompense thee, for it shall be recompensed to thee in the rising again of the righteous.'

ylt@Luke:14:18 @'And they began with one consent all to excuse themselves: The first said to him, A field I bought, and I have need to go forth and see it; I beg of thee, have me excused.

ylt@Luke:14:19 @'And another said, Five yoke of oxen I bought, and I go on to prove them; I beg of thee, have me excused:

ylt@Luke:14:24 @for I say to you, that none of those men who have been called shall taste of my supper.'

ylt@Luke:14:28 @'For who of you, willing to build a tower, doth not first, having sat down, count the expense, whether he have the things for completing?

ylt@Luke:15:7 @'I say to you, that so joy shall be in the heaven over one sinner reforming, rather than over ninety-nine righteous men, who have no need of reformation.

ylt@Luke:15:17 @'And having come to himself, he said, How many hirelings of my father have a superabundance of bread, and I here with hunger am perishing!

ylt@Luke:16:4 @I have known what I shall do, that, when I may be removed from the stewardship, they may receive me to their houses.

ylt@Luke:16:28 @for I have five brothers, so that he may thoroughly testify to them, that they also may not come to this place of torment.

ylt@Luke:16:29 @'Abraham saith to him, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them;

ylt@Luke:17:6 @and the Lord said, 'If ye had faith as a grain of mustard, ye would have said to this sycamine, Be uprooted, and be planted in the sea, and it would have obeyed you.

ylt@Luke:17:10 @'So also ye, when ye may have done all the things directed you, say -- We are unprofitable servants, because that which we owed to do -- we have done.'

ylt@Luke:18:9 @And he spake also unto certain who have been trusting in themselves that they were righteous, and have been despising the rest, this simile:

ylt@Luke:18:22 @and having heard these things, Jesus said to him, 'Yet one thing to thee is lacking; all things -- as many as thou hast -- sell, and distribute to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, be following me;'

ylt@Luke:18:31 @And having taken the twelve aside, he said unto them, 'Lo, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things shall be completed -- that have been written through the prophets -- to the Son of Man,

ylt@Luke:19:23 @and wherefore didst thou not give my money to the bank, and I, having come, with interest might have received it?

ylt@Luke:20:21 @and they questioned him, saying, 'Teacher, we have known that thou dost say and teach rightly, and dost not accept a person, but in truth the way of God dost teach;

ylt@Luke:21:22 @because these are days of vengeance, to fulfil all things that have been written.

ylt@Luke:21:32 @verily I say to you -- This generation may not pass away till all may have come to pass;

ylt@Luke:22:28 @'And ye -- ye are those who have remained with me in my temptations,

ylt@Luke:22:37 @for I say to you, that yet this that hath been written it behoveth to be fulfilled in me: And with lawless ones he was reckoned, for also the things concerning me have an end.'

ylt@Luke:22:52 @And Jesus said to those having come upon him -- chief priests, and magistrates of the temple, and elders -- 'As upon a robber have ye come forth, with swords and sticks?

ylt@Luke:22:57 @and he disowned him, saying, 'Woman, I have not known him.'

ylt@Luke:22:60 @and Peter said, 'Man, I have not known what thou sayest;' and presently, while he is speaking, a cock crew.

ylt@Luke:22:71 @and they said, 'What need yet have we of testimony? for we ourselves did hear [it] from his mouth.'

ylt@Luke:23:34 @And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they have not known what they do;' and parting his garments they cast a lot.

ylt@Luke:23:55 @and the women also who have come with him out of Galilee having followed after, beheld the tomb, and how his body was placed,

ylt@Luke:24:14 @and they were conversing with one another about all these things that have happened.

ylt@Luke:24:23 @and not having found his body, they came, saying also to have seen an apparition of messengers, who say he is alive,

ylt@Luke:24:41 @and while they are not believing from the joy, and wondering, he said to them, 'Have ye anything here to eat?'

ylt@John:1:26 @John answered them, saying, 'I baptize with water, but in midst of you he hath stood whom ye have not known, this one it is who is coming after me, who hath been before me,

ylt@John:1:32 @And John testified, saying -- 'I have seen the Spirit coming down, as a dove, out of heaven, and it remained on him;

ylt@John:1:34 @and I have seen, and have testified, that this is the Son of God.'

ylt@John:1:41 @this one doth first find his own brother Simon, and saith to him, 'We have found the Messiah,' (which is, being interpreted, The Anointed,)

ylt@John:1:45 @Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith to him, 'Him of whom Moses wrote in the Law, and the prophets, we have found, Jesus the son of Joseph, who [is] from Nazareth;'

ylt@John:2:3 @and wine having failed, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, 'Wine they have not;'

ylt@John:2:9 @And as the director of the apartment tasted the water become wine, and knew not whence it is, (but the ministrants knew, who have drawn the water,) the director of the feast doth call the bridegroom,

ylt@John:2:10 @and saith to him, 'Every man, at first, the good wine doth set forth; and when they may have drunk freely, then the inferior; thou didst keep the good wine till now.'

ylt@John:3:2 @this one came unto him by night, and said to him, 'Rabbi, we have known that from God thou hast come -- a teacher, for no one these signs is able to do that thou dost, if God may not be with him.'

ylt@John:3:11 @'Verily, verily, I say to thee -- What we have known we speak, and what we have seen we testify, and our testimony ye do not receive;

ylt@John:3:15 @that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during,

ylt@John:3:16 @for God did so love the world, that His Son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during.

ylt@John:3:27 @John answered and said, 'A man is not able to receive anything, if it may not have been given him from the heaven;

ylt@John:4:9 @the Samaritan woman therefore saith to him, 'How dost thou, being a Jew, ask drink from me, being a Samaritan woman?' for Jews have no dealing with Samaritans.

ylt@John:4:10 @Jesus answered and said to her, 'If thou hadst known the gift of God, and who it is who is saying to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked him, and he would have given thee living water.'

ylt@John:4:17 @the woman answered and said, 'I have not a husband.' Jesus saith to her, 'Well didst thou say -- A husband I have not;

ylt@John:4:22 @ye worship what ye have not known; we worship what we have known, because the salvation is of the Jews;

ylt@John:4:25 @The woman saith to him, 'I have known that Messiah doth come, who is called Christ, when that one may come, he will tell us all things;'

ylt@John:4:32 @and he said to them, 'I have food to eat that ye have not known.'

ylt@John:4:38 @I sent you to reap that on which ye have not laboured; others laboured, and ye into their labour have entered.

ylt@John:4:42 @and said to the woman -- 'No more because of thy speaking do we believe; for we ourselves have heard and known that this is truly the Saviour of the world -- the Christ.'

ylt@John:4:44 @for Jesus himself testified that a prophet in his own country shall not have honour;

ylt@John:5:7 @The ailing man answered him, 'Sir, I have no man, that, when the water may be troubled, he may put me into the pool, and while I am coming, another doth go down before me.'

ylt@John:5:26 @for, as the Father hath life in himself, so He gave also to the Son to have life in himself,

ylt@John:5:32 @another there is who is testifying concerning me, and I have known that the testimony that he doth testify concerning me is true;

ylt@John:5:33 @ye have sent unto John, and he hath testified to the truth.

ylt@John:5:36 @'But I have the testimony greater than John's, for the works that the Father gave me, that I might finish them, the works themselves that I do, they testify concerning me, that the Father hath sent me.

ylt@John:5:37 @'And the Father who sent me Himself hath testified concerning me; ye have neither heard His voice at any time, nor His appearance have ye seen;

ylt@John:5:38 @and His word ye have not remaining in you, because whom He sent, him ye do not believe.

ylt@John:5:39 @'Ye search the Writings, because ye think in them to have life age-during, and these are they that are testifying concerning me;

ylt@John:5:40 @and ye do not will to come unto me, that ye may have life;

ylt@John:5:42 @but I have known you, that the love of God ye have not in yourselves.

ylt@John:5:43 @'I have come in the name of my Father, and ye do not receive me; if another may come in his own name, him ye will receive;

ylt@John:5:45 @'Do not think that I will accuse you unto the Father; there is who is accusing you, Moses -- in whom ye have hoped;

ylt@John:5:46 @for if ye were believing Moses, ye would have been believing me, for he wrote concerning me;

ylt@John:6:36 @but I said to you, that ye also have seen me, and ye believe not;

ylt@John:6:38 @because I have come down out of the heaven, not that I may do my will, but the will of Him who sent me.

ylt@John:6:40 @and this is the will of Him who sent me, that every one who is beholding the Son, and is believing in him, may have life age-during, and I will raise him up in the last day.'

ylt@John:6:42 @and they said, 'Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we have known? how then saith this one -- Out of the heaven I have come down?'

ylt@John:6:53 @Jesus, therefore, said to them, 'Verily, verily, I say to you, If ye may not eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and may not drink his blood, ye have no life in yourselves;

ylt@John:6:65 @and he said, 'Because of this I have said to you -- No one is able to come unto me, if it may not have been given him from my Father.'

ylt@John:6:69 @and we have believed, and we have known, that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.'

ylt@John:7:27 @but this one -- we have known whence he is; and the Christ, when he doth come, no one doth know whence he is.'

ylt@John:7:28 @Jesus cried, therefore, in the temple, teaching and saying, 'Ye have both known me, and ye have known whence I am; and I have not come of myself, but He who sent me is true, whom ye have not known;

ylt@John:7:29 @and I have known Him, because I am from Him, and He did send me.'

ylt@John:7:47 @The Pharisees, therefore, answered them, 'Have ye also been led astray?

ylt@John:8:6 @and this they said, trying him, that they might have to accuse him. And Jesus, having stooped down, with the finger he was writing on the ground,

ylt@John:8:12 @Again, therefore, Jesus spake to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world; he who is following me shall not walk in the darkness, but he shall have the light of the life.'

ylt@John:8:14 @Jesus answered and said to them, 'And if I testify of myself -- my testimony is true, because I have known whence I came, and whither I go, and ye -- ye have not known whence I come, or whither I go.

ylt@John:8:19 @They said, therefore, to him, 'Where is thy father?' Jesus answered, 'Ye have neither known me nor my Father: if me ye had known, my Father also ye had known.'

ylt@John:8:26 @many things I have to speak concerning you and to judge, but He who sent me is true, and I -- what things I heard from Him -- these I say to the world.'

ylt@John:8:33 @They answered him, 'Seed of Abraham we are; and to no one have we been servants at any time; how dost thou say -- Ye shall become free?'

ylt@John:8:37 @'I have known that ye are seed of Abraham, but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you;

ylt@John:8:38 @I -- that which I have seen with my Father do speak, and ye, therefore, that which ye have seen with your father -- ye do.'

ylt@John:8:41 @ye do the works of your father.' They said, therefore, to him, 'We of whoredom have not been born; one Father we have -- God;'

ylt@John:8:42 @Jesus then said to them, 'If God were your father, ye were loving me, for I came forth from God, and am come; for neither have I come of myself, but He sent me;

ylt@John:8:49 @Jesus answered, 'I have not a demon, but I honour my Father, and ye dishonour me;

ylt@John:8:52 @The Jews, therefore, said to him, 'Now we have known that thou hast a demon; Abraham did die, and the prophets, and thou dost say, If any one may keep my word, he shall not taste of death -- to the age!

ylt@John:8:55 @and ye have not known Him, and I have known Him, and if I say that I have not known Him, I shall be like you -- speaking falsely; but I have known Him, and His word I keep;

ylt@John:9:12 @they said, therefore, to him, 'Where is that one?' he saith, 'I have not known.'

ylt@John:9:20 @His parents answered them and said, 'We have known that this is our son, and that he was born blind;

ylt@John:9:21 @and how he now seeth, we have not known; or who opened his eyes, we have not known; himself is of age, ask him; he himself shall speak concerning himself.'

ylt@John:9:24 @They called, therefore, a second time the man who was blind, and they said to him, 'Give glory to God, we have known that this man is a sinner;'

ylt@John:9:25 @he answered, therefore, and said, 'If he be a sinner -- I have not known, one thing I have known, that, being blind, now I see.'

ylt@John:9:29 @we have known that God hath spoken to Moses, but this one -- we have not known whence he is.'

ylt@John:9:30 @The man answered and said to them, 'Why, in this is a wonderful thing, that ye have not known whence he is, and he opened my eyes!

ylt@John:9:31 @and we have known that God doth not hear sinners, but, if any one may be a worshipper of God, and may do His will, him He doth hear;

ylt@John:10:4 @and when his own sheep he may put forth, before them he goeth on, and the sheep follow him, because they have known his voice;

ylt@John:10:5 @and a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him, because they have not known the voice of strangers.'

ylt@John:10:10 @'The thief doth not come, except that he may steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they may have life, and may have [it] abundantly.

ylt@John:10:16 @and other sheep I have that are not of this fold, these also it behoveth me to bring, and my voice they will hear, and there shall become one flock -- one shepherd.

ylt@John:10:18 @no one doth take it from me, but I lay it down of myself; authority I have to lay it down, and authority I have again to take it; this command I received from my Father.'

ylt@John:11:22 @but even now, I have known that whatever thou mayest ask of God, God will give to thee;'

ylt@John:11:24 @Martha saith to him, 'I have known that he will rise again, in the rising again in the last day;'

ylt@John:11:27 @believest thou this?' she saith to him, 'Yes, sir, I have believed that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming to the world.'

ylt@John:11:34 @'Where have ye laid him?' they say to him, 'Sir, come and see;'

ylt@John:11:37 @and certain of them said, 'Was not this one, who did open the eyes of the blind man, able to cause that also this one might not have died?'

ylt@John:11:49 @and a certain one of them, Caiaphas, being chief priest of that year, said to them, 'Ye have not known anything,

ylt@John:11:52 @and not for the nation only, but that also the children of God, who have been scattered abroad, he may gather together into one.

ylt@John:12:8 @for the poor ye have always with yourselves, and me ye have not always.'

ylt@John:12:35 @Jesus, therefore, said to them, 'Yet a little time is the light with you; walk while ye have the light, that darkness may not overtake you; and he who is walking in the darkness hath not known where he goeth;

ylt@John:12:36 @while ye have the light, believe in the light, that sons of light ye may become.' These things spake Jesus, and having gone away, he was hid from them,

ylt@John:12:46 @I a light to the world have come, that every one who is believing in me -- in the darkness may not remain;

ylt@John:12:50 @and I have known that His command is life age-during; what, therefore, I speak, according as the Father hath said to me, so I speak.'

ylt@John:13:12 @When, therefore, he washed their feet, and took his garments, having reclined (at meat) again, he said to them, 'Do ye know what I have done to you?

ylt@John:13:17 @if these things ye have known, happy are ye, if ye may do them;

ylt@John:13:18 @not concerning you all do I speak; I have known whom I chose for myself; but that the Writing may be fulfilled: He who is eating the bread with me, did lift up against me his heel.

ylt@John:13:29 @for certain were thinking, since Judas had the bag, that Jesus saith to him, 'Buy what we have need of for the feast;' or that he may give something to the poor;

ylt@John:13:35 @in this shall all know that ye are my disciples, if ye may have love one to another.'

ylt@John:14:2 @in the house of my Father are many mansions; and if not, I would have told you; I go on to prepare a place for you;

ylt@John:14:4 @and whither I go away ye have known, and the way ye have known.'

ylt@John:14:5 @Thomas saith to him, 'Sir, we have not known whither thou goest away, and how are we able to know the way?'

ylt@John:14:7 @if ye had known me, my Father also ye would have known, and from this time ye have known Him, and have seen Him.'

ylt@John:14:25 @'These things I have spoken to you, remaining with you,

ylt@John:14:28 @ye heard that I said to you -- I go away, and I come unto you; if ye did love me, ye would have rejoiced that I said -- I go on to the Father, because my Father is greater than I.

ylt@John:14:29 @'And now I have said [it] to you before it come to pass, that when it may come to pass, ye may believe;

ylt@John:15:3 @already ye are clean, because of the word that I have spoken to you;

ylt@John:15:10 @if my commandments ye may keep, ye shall remain in my love, according as I the commands of my Father have kept, and do remain in His love;

ylt@John:15:11 @these things I have spoken to you, that my joy in you may remain, and your joy may be full.

ylt@John:15:15 @no more do I call you servants, because the servant hath not known what his lord doth, and you I have called friends, because all things that I heard from my Father, I did make known to you.

ylt@John:15:19 @if of the world ye were, the world its own would have been loving, and because of the world ye are not -- but I chose out of the world -- because of this the world hateth you.

ylt@John:15:21 @but all these things will they do to you, because of my name, because they have not known Him who sent me;

ylt@John:15:22 @if I had not come and spoken to them, they were not having sin; but now pretext they have not for their sin.

ylt@John:15:24 @if I did not do among them the works that no other hath done, they were not having sin, and now they have both seen and hated both me and my Father;

ylt@John:16:1 @'These things I have spoken to you, that ye may not be stumbled,

ylt@John:16:4 @'But these things I have spoken to you, that when the hour may come, ye may remember them, that I said [them] to you, and these things to you from the beginning I did not say, because I was with you;

ylt@John:16:6 @but because these things I have said to you, the sorrow hath filled your heart.

ylt@John:16:12 @'I have yet many things to say to you, but ye are not able to bear [them] now;

ylt@John:16:18 @they said then, 'What is this he saith -- the little while? we have not known what he saith.'

ylt@John:16:22 @'And ye, therefore, now, indeed, have sorrow; and again I will see you, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no one doth take from you,

ylt@John:16:25 @'These things in similitudes I have spoken to you, but there cometh an hour when no more in similitudes will I speak to you, but freely of the Father, will tell you.

ylt@John:16:27 @for the Father himself doth love you, because me ye have loved, and ye have believed that I from God came forth;

ylt@John:16:28 @I came forth from the Father, and have come to the world; again I leave the world, and go on unto the Father.'

ylt@John:16:30 @now we have known that thou hast known all things, and hast no need that any one do question thee; in this we believe that from God thou didst come forth.'

ylt@John:16:33 @these things I have spoken to you, that in me ye may have peace, in the world ye shall have tribulation, but take courage -- I have overcome the world.'

ylt@John:17:6 @I did manifest Thy name to the men whom Thou hast given to me out of the world; Thine they were, and to me Thou hast given them, and Thy word they have kept;

ylt@John:17:7 @now they have known that all things, as many as Thou hast given to me, are from Thee,

ylt@John:17:8 @because the sayings that Thou hast given to me, I have given to them, and they themselves received, and have known truly, that from Thee I came forth, and they did believe that Thou didst send me.

ylt@John:17:10 @and all mine are Thine, and Thine [are] mine, and I have been glorified in them;

ylt@John:17:13 @'And now unto Thee I come, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves;

ylt@John:17:14 @I have given to them Thy word, and the world did hate them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world;

ylt@John:17:22 @'And I, the glory that thou hast given to me, have given to them, that they may be one as we are one;

ylt@John:17:25 @'Righteous Father, also the world did not know Thee, and I knew Thee, and these have known that Thou didst send me,

ylt@John:18:21 @why me dost thou question? question those having heard what I spake to them; lo, these have known what I said.'

ylt@John:18:37 @Pilate, therefore, said to him, 'Art thou then a king?' Jesus answered, 'Thou dost say [it]; because a king I am, I for this have been born, and for this I have come to the world, that I may testify to the truth; every one who is of the truth, doth hear my voice.'

ylt@John:18:39 @and ye have a custom that I shall release to you one in the passover; will ye, therefore, [that] I shall release to you the king of the Jews?'

ylt@John:19:7 @the Jews answered him, 'We have a law, and according to our law he ought to die, for he made himself Son of God.'

ylt@John:19:10 @Pilate, therefore, saith to him, 'To me dost thou not speak? hast thou not known that I have authority to crucify thee, and I have authority to release thee?'

ylt@John:19:11 @Jesus answered, 'Thou wouldst have no authority against me, if it were not having been given thee from above; because of this, he who is delivering me up to thee hath greater sin.'

ylt@John:19:15 @and they cried out, 'Take away, take away, crucify him;' Pilate saith to them, 'Your king shall I crucify?' the chief priests answered, 'We have no king except Caesar.'

ylt@John:19:22 @Pilate answered, 'What I have written, I have written.'

ylt@John:19:28 @After this, Jesus knowing that all things now have been finished, that the Writing may be fulfilled, saith, 'I thirst;'

ylt@John:20:2 @she runneth, therefore, and cometh unto Simon Peter, and unto the other disciple whom Jesus was loving, and saith to them, 'They took away the Lord out of the tomb, and we have not known where they laid him.'

ylt@John:20:13 @And they say to her, 'Woman, why dost thou weep?' she saith to them, 'Because they took away my Lord, and I have not known where they laid him;'

ylt@John:20:17 @Jesus saith to her, 'Be not touching me, for I have not yet ascended unto my Father; and be going on to my brethren, and say to them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and to your God.'

ylt@John:20:23 @if of any ye may loose the sins, they are loosed to them; if of any ye may retain, they have been retained.'

ylt@John:20:25 @the other disciples, therefore, said to him, 'We have seen the Lord;' and he said to them, 'If I may not see in his hands the mark of the nails, and may put my finger to the mark of the nails, and may put my hand to his side, I will not believe.'

ylt@John:20:31 @and these have been written that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye may have life in his name.'

ylt@John:21:5 @Jesus, therefore, saith to them, 'Lads, have ye any meat?'

ylt@John:21:24 @this is the disciple who is testifying concerning these things, and he wrote these things, and we have known that his testimony is true.

ylt@John:21:25 @And there are also many other things -- as many as Jesus did -- which, if they may be written one by one, not even the world itself I think to have place for the books written. Amen.

ylt@Acts:2:22 @'Men, Israelites! hear these words, Jesus the Nazarene, a man approved of God among you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs, that God did through him in the midst of you, according as also ye yourselves have known;

ylt@Acts:3:6 @and Peter said, 'Silver and gold I have none, but what I have, that I give to thee; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and be walking.'

ylt@Acts:3:12 @and Peter having seen, answered unto the people, 'Men, Israelites! why wonder ye at this? or on us why look ye so earnestly, as if by our own power or piety we have made him to walk?

ylt@Acts:3:16 @and on the faith of his name, this one whom ye see and have known, his name made strong, even the faith that [is] through him did give to him this perfect soundness before you all.

ylt@Acts:3:17 @'And now, brethren, I have known that through ignorance ye did [it], as also your rulers;

ylt@Acts:5:21 @and having heard, they did enter at the dawn into the temple, and were teaching. And the chief priest having come, and those with him, they called together the sanhedrim and all the senate of the sons of Israel, and they sent to the prison to have them brought,

ylt@Acts:5:28 @saying, 'Did not we strictly command you not to teach in this name? and lo, ye have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and ye intend to bring upon us the blood of this man.'

ylt@Acts:6:11 @then they suborned men, saying -- 'We have heard him speaking evil sayings in regard to Moses and God.'

ylt@Acts:6:14 @for we have heard him saying, That this Jesus the Nazarean shall overthrow this place, and shall change the customs that Moses delivered to us;'

ylt@Acts:7:34 @seeing I have seen the affliction of My people that [is] in Egypt, and their groaning I did hear, and came down to deliver them; and now come, I will send thee to Egypt.

ylt@Acts:7:40 @saying to Aaron, Make to us gods who shall go on before us, for this Moses, who brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, we have not known what hath happened to him.

ylt@Acts:7:52 @which of the prophets did not your fathers persecute? and they killed those who declared before about the coming of the Righteous One, of whom now ye betrayers and murderers have become,

ylt@Acts:8:7 @for unclean spirits came forth from many who were possessed, crying with a loud voice, and many who have been paralytic and lame were healed,

ylt@Acts:8:16 @for as yet he was fallen upon none of them, and only they have been baptized -- to the name of the Lord Jesus;

ylt@Acts:8:24 @And Simon answering, said, 'Beseech ye for me unto the Lord, that nothing may come upon me of the things ye have spoken.'

ylt@Acts:9:13 @And Ananias answered, 'Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how many evils he did to Thy saints in Jerusalem,

ylt@Acts:10:17 @And as Peter was perplexed in himself what the vision that he saw might be, then, lo, the men who have been sent from Cornelius, having made inquiry for the house of Simon, stood at the gate,

ylt@Acts:10:20 @but having risen, go down and go on with them, nothing doubting, because I have sent them;'

ylt@Acts:10:21 @and Peter having come down unto the men who have been sent from Cornelius unto him, said, 'Lo, I am he whom ye seek, what [is] the cause for which ye are present?'

ylt@Acts:10:33 @at once, therefore, I sent to thee; thou also didst do well, having come; now, therefore, are we all before God present to hear all things that have been commanded thee by God.'

ylt@Acts:10:37 @ye -- ye have known; -- the word that came throughout all Judea, having begun from Galilee, after the baptism that John preached;

ylt@Acts:12:11 @And Peter having come to himself, said, 'Now I have known of a truth that the Lord did sent forth His messenger, and did deliver me out of the hand of Herod, and all the expectation of the people of the Jews;'

ylt@Acts:13:2 @and in their ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Separate ye to me both Barnabas and Saul to the work to which I have called them,'

ylt@Acts:13:33 @God hath in full completed this to us their children, having raised up Jesus, as also in the second Psalm it hath been written, My Son thou art -- I to-day have begotten thee.

ylt@Acts:13:47 @for so hath the Lord commanded us: I have set thee for a light of nations -- for thy being for salvation unto the end of the earth.'

ylt@Acts:15:24 @seeing we have heard that certain having gone forth from us did trouble you with words, subverting your souls, saying to be circumcised and to keep the law, to whom we did give no charge,

ylt@Acts:15:26 @men who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ --

ylt@Acts:15:27 @we have sent, therefore, Judas and Silas, and they by word are telling the same things.

ylt@Acts:15:36 @and after certain days, Paul said unto Barnabas, 'Having turned back again, we may look after our brethren, in every city in which we have preached the word of the Lord -- how they are.'

ylt@Acts:16:4 @And as they were going on through the cities, they were delivering to them the decrees to keep, that have been judged by the apostles and the elders who [are] in Jerusalem,

ylt@Acts:16:15 @and when she was baptized, and her household, she did call upon us, saying, 'If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, having entered into my house, remain;' and she constrained us.

ylt@Acts:16:36 @and the jailor told these words unto Paul -- 'The magistrates have sent, that ye may be let go; now, therefore, having gone forth go on in peace;'

ylt@Acts:17:28 @for in Him we live, and move, and are; as also certain of your poets have said: For of Him also we are offspring.

ylt@Acts:18:10 @because I am with thee, and no one shall set on thee to do thee evil; because I have much people in this city;'

ylt@Acts:18:27 @and he being minded to go through into Achaia, the brethren wrote to the disciples, having exhorted them to receive him, who having come, did help them much who have believed through the grace,

ylt@Acts:19:25 @whom, having brought in a crowd together, and those who did work about such things, he said, 'Men, ye know that by this work we have our wealth;

ylt@Acts:19:38 @if indeed, therefore, Demetrius and the artificers with him with any one have a matter, court [days] are held, and there are proconsuls; let them accuse one another.

ylt@Acts:20:25 @'And now, lo, I have known that no more shall ye see my face, -- ye all among whom I did go preaching the reign of God;

ylt@Acts:20:29 @for I have known this, that there shall enter in, after my departing, grievous wolves unto you, not sparing the flock,

ylt@Acts:21:20 @and they having heard, were glorifying the Lord. They said also to him, 'Thou seest, brother, how many myriads there are of Jews who have believed, and all are zealous of the law,

ylt@Acts:21:23 @'This, therefore, do that we say to thee: We have four men having a vow on themselves,

ylt@Acts:21:24 @these having taken, be purified with them, and be at expence with them, that they may shave the head, and all may know that the things of which they have been instructed concerning thee are nothing, but thou dost walk -- thyself also -- the law keeping.

ylt@Acts:21:25 @'And concerning those of the nations who have believed, we have written, having given judgment, that they observe no such thing, except to keep themselves both from idol-sacrifices, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom.'

ylt@Acts:22:10 @and I said, What shall I do, Lord? and the Lord said unto me, Having risen, go on to Damascus, and there it shall be told thee concerning all things that have been appointed for thee to do.

ylt@Acts:22:28 @and the chief captain answered, 'I, with a great sum, did obtain this citizenship;' but Paul said, 'But I have been even born [so].'

ylt@Acts:23:1 @And Paul having earnestly beheld the sanhedrim, said, 'Men, brethren, I in all good conscience have lived to God unto this day;'

ylt@Acts:23:14 @who having come near to the chief priests and to the elders said, 'With an anathema we did anathematize ourselves -- to taste nothing till we have killed Paul;

ylt@Acts:23:35 @'I will hear thee -- said he -- when thine accusers also may have come;' he also commanded him to be kept in the praetorium of Herod.

ylt@Acts:24:14 @'And I confess this to thee, that, according to the way that they call a sect, so serve I the God of the fathers, believing all things that in the law and the prophets have been written,

ylt@Acts:24:16 @and in this I do exercise myself, to have a conscience void of offence toward God and men always.

ylt@Acts:24:23 @having given also a direction to the centurion to keep Paul, to let [him] also have liberty, and to forbid none of his own friends to minister or to come near to him.

ylt@Acts:25:7 @and he having come, there stood round about the Jews who have come down from Jerusalem -- many and weighty charges they are bringing against Paul, which they were not able to prove,

ylt@Acts:25:11 @for if indeed I am unrighteous, and anything worthy of death have done, I deprecate not to die; and if there is none of the things of which these accuse me, no one is able to make a favour of me to them; to Caesar I appeal!'

ylt@Acts:25:16 @unto whom I answered, that it is not a custom of Romans to make a favour of any man to die, before that he who is accused may have the accusers face to face, and may receive place of defence in regard to the charge laid against [him].

ylt@Acts:25:25 @and I, having found him to have done nothing worthy of death, and he also himself having appealed to Sebastus, I decided to send him,

ylt@Acts:25:26 @concerning whom I have no certain thing to write to [my] lord, wherefore I brought him forth before you, and specially before thee, king Agrippa, that the examination having been made, I may have something to write;

ylt@Acts:26:2 @'Concerning all things of which I am accused by Jews, king Agrippa, I have thought myself happy, being about to make a defence before thee to-day,

ylt@Acts:26:6 @and now for the hope of the promise made to the fathers by God, I have stood judged,

ylt@Acts:26:22 @'Having obtained, therefore, help from God, till this day, I have stood witnessing both to small and to great, saying nothing besides the things that both the prophets and Moses spake of as about to come,

ylt@Acts:26:27 @thou dost believe, king Agrippa, the prophets? I have known that thou dost believe!'

ylt@Acts:26:29 @and Paul said, 'I would have wished to God, both in a little, and in much, not only thee, but also all those hearing me to-day, to become such as I also am -- except these bonds.'

ylt@Acts:26:32 @and Agrippa said to Festus, 'This man might have been released if he had not appealed to Caesar.'

ylt@Acts:27:8 @and hardly passing it, we came to a certain place called 'Fair Havens,' nigh to which was the city [of] Lasaea.

ylt@Acts:27:12 @and the haven being incommodious to winter in, the more part gave counsel to sail thence also, if by any means they might be able, having attained to Phenice, [there] to winter, [which is] a haven of Crete, looking to the south-west and north-west,

ylt@Romans:1:10 @always in my prayers beseeching, if by any means now at length I shall have a prosperous journey, by the will of God, to come unto you,

ylt@Romans:1:13 @And I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, that many times I did purpose to come unto you -- and was hindered till the present time -- that some fruit I might have also among you, even as also among the other nations.

ylt@Romans:1:32 @who the righteous judgment of God having known -- that those practising such things are worthy of death -- not only do them, but also have delight with those practising them.

ylt@Romans:2:2 @and we have known that the judgment of God is according to truth, upon those practising such things.

ylt@Romans:2:14 @For, when nations that have not a law, by nature may do the things of the law, these not having a law -- to themselves are a law;

ylt@Romans:3:19 @And we have known that as many things as the law saith, to those in the law it doth speak, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may come under judgment to God;

ylt@Romans:4:1 @What, then, shall we say Abraham our father, to have found, according to flesh?

ylt@Romans:4:17 @who is father of us all (according as it hath been written -- 'A father of many nations I have set thee,') before Him whom he did believe -- God, who is quickening the dead, and is calling the things that be not as being.

ylt@Romans:5:1 @Having been declared righteous, then, by faith, we have peace toward God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

ylt@Romans:5:2 @through whom also we have the access by the faith into this grace in which we have stood, and we boast on the hope of the glory of God.

ylt@Romans:5:10 @for if, being enemies, we have been reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved in his life.

ylt@Romans:6:5 @For, if we have become planted together to the likeness of his death, [so] also we shall be of the rising again;

ylt@Romans:6:14 @for sin over you shall not have lordship, for ye are not under law, but under grace.

ylt@Romans:6:16 @have ye not known that to whom ye present yourselves servants for obedience, servants ye are to him to whom ye obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?

ylt@Romans:6:22 @And now, having been freed from the sin, and having become servants to God, ye have your fruit -- to sanctification, and the end life age-during;

ylt@Romans:7:6 @and now we have ceased from the law, that being dead in which we were held, so that we may serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter.

ylt@Romans:7:14 @for we have known that the law is spiritual, and I am fleshly, sold by the sin;

ylt@Romans:7:18 @for I have known that there doth not dwell in me, that is, in my flesh, good: for to will is present with me, and to work that which is right I do not find,

ylt@Romans:8:22 @for we have known that all the creation doth groan together, and doth travail in pain together till now.

ylt@Romans:8:26 @And, in like manner also, the Spirit doth help our weaknesses; for, what we may pray for, as it behoveth [us], we have not known, but the Spirit himself doth make intercession for us with groanings unutterable,

ylt@Romans:8:28 @And we have known that to those loving God all things do work together for good, to those who are called according to purpose;

ylt@Romans:9:2 @that I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart --

ylt@Romans:9:15 @for to Moses He saith, 'I will do kindness to whom I do kindness, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion;'

ylt@Romans:10:2 @for I bear them testimony that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge,

ylt@Romans:11:2 @God did not cast away His people whom He knew before; have ye not known -- in Elijah -- what the Writing saith? how he doth plead with God concerning Israel, saying,

ylt@Romans:12:4 @for as in one body we have many members, and all the members have not the same office,

ylt@Romans:13:3 @For those ruling are not a terror to the good works, but to the evil; and dost thou wish not to be afraid of the authority? that which is good be doing, and thou shalt have praise from it,

ylt@Romans:14:14 @I have known, and am persuaded, in the Lord Jesus, that nothing [is] unclean of itself, except to him who is reckoning anything to be unclean -- to that one [it is] unclean;

ylt@Romans:14:22 @Thou hast faith! to thyself have [it] before God; happy is he who is not judging himself in what he doth approve,

ylt@Romans:15:4 @for, as many things as were written before, for our instruction were written before, that through the endurance, and the exhortation of the Writings, we might have the hope.

ylt@Romans:15:5 @And may the God of the endurance, and of the exhortation, give to you to have the same mind toward one another, according to Christ Jesus;

ylt@Romans:15:8 @And I say Jesus Christ to have become a ministrant of circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises to the fathers,

ylt@Romans:15:17 @I have, then, a boasting in Christ Jesus, in the things pertaining to God,

ylt@Romans:15:19 @in power of signs and wonders, in power of the Spirit of God; so that I, from Jerusalem, and in a circle as far as Illyricum, have fully preached the good news of the Christ;

ylt@Romans:15:21 @but according as it hath been written, 'To whom it was not told concerning him, they shall see; and they who have not heard, shall understand.'

ylt@Romans:15:29 @and I have known that coming unto you -- in the fulness of the blessing of the good news of Christ I shall come.

ylt@Romans:16:2 @that ye may receive her in the Lord, as doth become saints, and may assist her in whatever matter she may have need of you -- for she also became a leader of many, and of myself.

ylt@Romans:16:7 @salute Andronicus and Junias, my kindred, and my fellow-captives, who are of note among the apostles, who also have been in Christ before me.

ylt@1Corinthians:1:16 @and I did baptize also Stephanas' household -- further, I have not known if I did baptize any other.

ylt@1Corinthians:2:8 @which no one of the rulers of this age did know, for if they had known, the Lord of the glory they would not have crucified;

ylt@1Corinthians:2:16 @for who did know the mind of the Lord that he shall instruct Him? and we -- we have the mind of Christ.

ylt@1Corinthians:3:10 @According to the grace of God that was given to me, as a wise master-builder, a foundation I have laid, and another doth build on [it],

ylt@1Corinthians:3:16 @have ye not known that ye are a sanctuary of God, and the Spirit of God doth dwell in you?

ylt@1Corinthians:4:4 @for of nothing to myself have I been conscious, but not in this have I been declared right -- and he who is discerning me is the Lord:

ylt@1Corinthians:4:15 @for if a myriad of child-conductors ye may have in Christ, yet not many fathers; for in Christ Jesus, through the good news, I -- I did beget you;

ylt@1Corinthians:5:3 @for I indeed, as being absent as to the body, and present as to the spirit, have already judged, as being present, him who so wrought this thing:

ylt@1Corinthians:5:6 @Not good [is] your glorying; have ye not known that a little leaven the whole lump doth leaven?

ylt@1Corinthians:5:12 @for what have I also those without to judge? those within do ye not judge?

ylt@1Corinthians:6:2 @have ye not known that the saints shall judge the world? and if by you the world is judged, are ye unworthy of the smaller judgments?

ylt@1Corinthians:6:3 @have ye not known that we shall judge messengers? why not then the things of life?

ylt@1Corinthians:6:4 @of the things of life, indeed, then, if ye may have judgment, those despised in the assembly -- these cause ye to sit;

ylt@1Corinthians:6:7 @Already, indeed, then, there is altogether a fault among you, that ye have judgments with one another; wherefore do ye not rather suffer injustice? wherefore be ye not rather defrauded?

ylt@1Corinthians:6:9 @have ye not known that the unrighteous the reign of God shall not inherit? be not led astray; neither whoremongers, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites,

ylt@1Corinthians:6:15 @Have ye not known that your bodies are members of Christ? having taken, then, the members of the Christ, shall I make [them] members of an harlot? let it be not!

ylt@1Corinthians:6:16 @have ye not known that he who is joined to the harlot is one body? 'for they shall be -- saith He -- the two for one flesh.'

ylt@1Corinthians:6:19 @Have ye not known that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit in you, which ye have from God? and ye are not your own,

ylt@1Corinthians:7:2 @and because of the whoredom let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her proper husband;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:9 @and if they have not continence -- let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn;

ylt@1Corinthians:7:25 @And concerning the virgins, a command of the Lord I have not; and I give judgment as having obtained kindness from the Lord to be faithful:

ylt@1Corinthians:7:28 @But and if thou mayest marry, thou didst not sin; and if the virgin may marry, she did not sin; and such shall have tribulation in the flesh: and I spare you.

ylt@1Corinthians:7:34 @The wife and the virgin have been distinguished: the unmarried is anxious for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit, and the married is anxious for the things of the world, how she shall please the husband.

ylt@1Corinthians:7:40 @and she is happier if she may so remain -- according to my judgment; and I think I also have the Spirit of God.

ylt@1Corinthians:8:1 @And concerning the things sacrificed to idols, we have known that we all have knowledge: knowledge puffeth up, but love buildeth up;

ylt@1Corinthians:8:4 @Concerning the eating then of the things sacrificed to idols, we have known that an idol [is] nothing in the world, and that there is no other God except one;

ylt@1Corinthians:9:1 @Am not I an apostle? am not I free? Jesus Christ our Lord have I not seen? my work are not ye in the Lord?

ylt@1Corinthians:9:4 @have we not authority to eat and to drink?

ylt@1Corinthians:9:5 @have we not authority a sister -- a wife -- to lead about, as also the other apostles, and the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?

ylt@1Corinthians:9:6 @or only I and Barnabas, have we not authority -- not to work?

ylt@1Corinthians:9:13 @Have ye not known that those working about the things of the temple -- of the temple do eat, and those waiting at the altar -- with the altar are partakers?

ylt@1Corinthians:9:15 @And I have used none of these things; neither did I write these things that it may be so done in my case, for [it is] good for me rather to die, than that any one may make my glorying void;

ylt@1Corinthians:9:17 @for if willing I do this, I have a reward; and if unwillingly -- with a stewardship I have been entrusted!

ylt@1Corinthians:9:22 @I became to the infirm as infirm, that the infirm I might gain; to all men I have become all things, that by all means I may save some.

ylt@1Corinthians:9:24 @have ye not known that those running in a race -- all indeed run, but one doth receive the prize? so run ye, that ye may obtain;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:5 @and every woman praying or prophesying with the head uncovered, doth dishonour her own head, for it is one and the same thing with her being shaven,

ylt@1Corinthians:11:6 @for if a woman is not covered -- then let her be shorn, and if [it is] a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven -- let her be covered;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:10 @because of this the woman ought to have [a token of] authority upon the head, because of the messengers;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:14 @doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a man indeed have long hair, a dishonour it is to him?

ylt@1Corinthians:11:15 @and a woman, if she have long hair, a glory it is to her, because the hair instead of a covering hath been given to her;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:16 @and if any one doth think to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the assemblies of God.

ylt@1Corinthians:11:22 @why, have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or the assembly of God do ye despise, and shame those not having? what may I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I do not praise!

ylt@1Corinthians:12:2 @ye have known that ye were nations, unto the dumb idols -- as ye were led -- being carried away;

ylt@1Corinthians:12:21 @and an eye is not able to say to the hand, 'I have no need of thee;' nor again the head to the feet, 'I have no need of you.'

ylt@1Corinthians:12:23 @and those that we think to be less honourable of the body, around these we put more abundant honour, and our unseemly things have seemliness more abundant,

ylt@1Corinthians:12:24 @and our seemly things have no need; but God did temper the body together, to the lacking part having given more abundant honour,

ylt@1Corinthians:12:25 @that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same anxiety for one another,

ylt@1Corinthians:12:30 @have all gifts of healings? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?

ylt@1Corinthians:13:1 @If with the tongues of men and of messengers I speak, and have not love, I have become brass sounding, or a cymbal tinkling;

ylt@1Corinthians:13:2 @and if I have prophecy, and know all the secrets, and all the knowledge, and if I have all the faith, so as to remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing;

ylt@1Corinthians:13:3 @and if I give away to feed others all my goods, and if I give up my body that I may be burned, and have not love, I am profited nothing.

ylt@1Corinthians:13:11 @When I was a babe, as a babe I was speaking, as a babe I was thinking, as a babe I was reasoning, and when I have become a man, I have made useless the things of the babe;

ylt@1Corinthians:15:1 @And I make known to you, brethren, the good news that I proclaimed to you, which also ye did receive, in which also ye have stood,

ylt@1Corinthians:15:19 @if in this life we have hope in Christ only, of all men we are most to be pitied.

ylt@1Corinthians:15:24 @then -- the end, when he may deliver up the reign to God, even the Father, when he may have made useless all rule, and all authority and power --

ylt@1Corinthians:15:25 @for it behoveth him to reign till he may have put all the enemies under his feet --

ylt@1Corinthians:15:27 @for all things He did put under his feet, and, when one may say that all things have been subjected, [it is] evident that He is excepted who did subject the all things to him,

ylt@1Corinthians:15:31 @Every day do I die, by the glorying of you that I have in Christ Jesus our Lord:

ylt@1Corinthians:15:34 @awake up, as is right, and sin not; for certain have an ignorance of God; for shame to you I say [it].

ylt@1Corinthians:15:54 @and when this corruptible may have put on incorruption, and this mortal may have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the word that hath been written, 'The Death was swallowed up -- to victory;

ylt@1Corinthians:16:2 @on every first [day] of the week, let each one of you lay by him, treasuring up whatever he may have prospered, that when I may come then collections may not be made;

ylt@1Corinthians:16:15 @And I entreat you, brethren, ye have known the household of Stephanas, that it is the first-fruit of Achaia, and to the ministration to the saints they did set themselves --

ylt@2Corinthians:1:9 @but we ourselves in ourselves the sentence of the death have had, that we may not be trusting on ourselves, but on God, who is raising the dead,

ylt@2Corinthians:1:10 @who out of so great a death did deliver us, and doth deliver, in whom we have hoped that even yet He will deliver;

ylt@2Corinthians:1:15 @and in this confidence I was purposing to come unto you before, that a second favour ye might have,

ylt@2Corinthians:2:3 @and I wrote to you this same thing, that having come, I may not have sorrow from them of whom it behoved me to have joy, having confidence in you all, that my joy is of you all,

ylt@2Corinthians:2:4 @for out of much tribulation and pressure of heart I wrote to you through many tears, not that ye might be made sorry, but that ye might know the love that I have more abundantly toward you.

ylt@2Corinthians:2:10 @And to whom ye forgive anything -- I also; for I also, if I have forgiven anything, to whom I have forgiven [it], because of you -- in the person of Christ -- [I forgive it,]

ylt@2Corinthians:2:13 @I have not had rest to my spirit, on my not finding Titus my brother, but having taken leave of them, I went forth to Macedonia;

ylt@2Corinthians:3:4 @and such trust we have through the Christ toward God,

ylt@2Corinthians:4:7 @And we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us;

ylt@2Corinthians:5:1 @For we have known that if our earthly house of the tabernacle may be thrown down, a building from God we have, an house not made with hands -- age-during -- in the heavens,

ylt@2Corinthians:5:8 @we have courage, and are well pleased rather to be away from the home of the body, and to be at home with the Lord.

ylt@2Corinthians:5:11 @having known, therefore, the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, and to God we are manifested, and I hope also in your consciences to have been manifested;

ylt@2Corinthians:5:12 @for not again ourselves do we recommend to you, but we are giving occasion to you of glorifying in our behalf, that ye may have [something] in reference to those glorifying in face and not in heart;

ylt@2Corinthians:5:16 @So that we henceforth have known no one according to the flesh, and even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him no more;

ylt@2Corinthians:5:17 @so that if any one [is] in Christ -- [he is] a new creature; the old things did pass away, lo, become new have the all things.

ylt@2Corinthians:7:3 @not to condemn you do I say [it], for I have said before that in our hearts ye are to die with and to live with;

ylt@2Corinthians:7:4 @great [is] my freedom of speech unto you, great my glory on your behalf; I have been filled with the comfort, I overabound with the joy on all our tribulation,

ylt@2Corinthians:7:13 @because of this we have been comforted in your comfort, and more abundantly the more did we rejoice in the joy of Titus, that his spirit hath been refreshed from you all;

ylt@2Corinthians:7:14 @because if anything to him in your behalf I have boasted, I was not put to shame; but as all things in truth we did speak to you, so also our boasting before Titus became truth,

ylt@2Corinthians:7:16 @I rejoice, therefore, that in everything I have courage in you.

ylt@2Corinthians:8:11 @and now also finish doing [it], that even as [there is] the readiness of the will, so also the finishing, out of that which ye have,

ylt@2Corinthians:8:12 @for if the willing mind is present, according to that which any one may have it is well-accepted, not according to that which he hath not;

ylt@2Corinthians:9:2 @for I have known your readiness of mind, which in your behalf I boast of to Macedonians, that Achaia hath been prepared a year ago, and the zeal of you did stir up the more part,

ylt@2Corinthians:10:1 @And I, Paul, myself, do call upon you -- through the meekness and gentleness of the Christ -- who in presence, indeed [am] humble among you, and being absent, have courage toward you,

ylt@2Corinthians:10:2 @and I beseech [you], that, being present, I may not have courage, with the confidence with which I reckon to be bold against certain reckoning us as walking according to the flesh;

ylt@2Corinthians:11:5 @for I reckon that I have been nothing behind the very chiefest apostles,

ylt@2Corinthians:11:25 @thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice was I shipwrecked, a night and a day in the deep I have passed;

ylt@2Corinthians:12:2 @I have known a man in Christ, fourteen years ago -- whether in the body I have not known, whether out of the body I have not known, God hath known -- such an one being caught away unto the third heaven;

ylt@2Corinthians:12:3 @and I have known such a man -- whether in the body, whether out of the body, I have not known, God hath known, --

ylt@2Corinthians:12:11 @I have become a fool -- boasting; ye -- ye did compel me; for I ought by you to have been commended, for in nothing was I behind the very chiefest apostles -- even if I am nothing.

ylt@2Corinthians:12:17 @any one of those whom I have sent unto you -- by him did I take advantage of you?

ylt@2Corinthians:13:2 @I have said before, and I say [it] before, as being present, the second time, and being absent, now, do I write to those having sinned before, and to all the rest, that if I come again, I will not spare,

ylt@Galatians:1:9 @as we have said before, and now say again, If any one to you may proclaim good news different from what ye did receive -- anathema let him be!

ylt@Galatians:2:4 @and [that] because of the false brethren brought in unawares, who did come in privily to spy out our liberty that we have in Christ Jesus, that us they might bring under bondage,

ylt@Galatians:2:7 @but, on the contrary, having seen that I have been entrusted with the good news of the uncircumcision, as Peter with [that] of the circumcision,

ylt@Galatians:2:20 @with Christ I have been crucified, and live no more do I, and Christ doth live in me; and that which I now live in the flesh -- in the faith I live of the Son of God, who did love me and did give himself for me;

ylt@Galatians:3:10 @for as many as are of works of law are under a curse, for it hath been written, 'Cursed [is] every one who is not remaining in all things that have been written in the Book of the Law -- to do them,'

ylt@Galatians:3:21 @the law, then, [is] against the promises of God? -- let it not be! for if a law was given that was able to make alive, truly by law there would have been the righteousness,

ylt@Galatians:4:13 @and ye have known that through infirmity of the flesh I did proclaim good news to you at the first,

ylt@Galatians:4:15 @what then was your happiness? for I testify to you, that if possible, your eyes having plucked out, ye would have given to me;

ylt@Galatians:4:16 @so that your enemy have I become, being true to you?

ylt@Galatians:5:10 @I have confidence in regard to you in the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded; and he who is troubling you shall bear the judgment, whoever he may be.

ylt@Galatians:6:4 @and his own work let each one prove, and then in regard to himself alone the glorying he shall have, and not in regard to the other,

ylt@Galatians:6:10 @therefore, then, as we have opportunity, may we work the good to all, and especially unto those of the household of the faith.

ylt@Galatians:6:11 @Ye see in how large letters I have written to you with my own hand;

ylt@Ephesians:1:7 @in whom we have the redemption through his blood, the remission of the trespasses, according to the riches of His grace,

ylt@Ephesians:2:18 @because through him we have the access -- we both -- in one Spirit unto the Father.

ylt@Ephesians:3:12 @in whom we have the freedom and the access in confidence through the faith of him,

ylt@Ephesians:4:28 @whoso is stealing let him no more steal, but rather let him labour, working the thing that is good with the hands, that he may have to impart to him having need.

ylt@Ephesians:5:11 @and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of the darkness and rather even convict,

ylt@Ephesians:6:12 @because we have not the wrestling with blood and flesh, but with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, with the spiritual things of the evil in the heavenly places;

ylt@Philippians:1:12 @And I wish you to know, brethren, that the things concerning me, rather to an advancement of the good news have come,

ylt@Philippians:1:13 @so that my bonds have become manifest in Christ in the whole praetorium, and to the other places -- all,

ylt@Philippians:1:19 @For I have known that this shall fall out to me for salvation, through your supplication, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus,

ylt@Philippians:1:25 @and of this being persuaded, I have known that I shall remain and continue with you all, to your advancement and joy of the faith,

ylt@Philippians:2:20 @for I have no one like-minded, who sincerely for the things concerning you will care,

ylt@Philippians:2:27 @for he also ailed nigh to death, but God did deal kindly with him, and not with him only, but also with me, that sorrow upon sorrow I might not have.

ylt@Philippians:3:4 @though I also have [cause of] trust in flesh. If any other one doth think to have trust in flesh, I more;

ylt@Philippians:3:7 @But what things were to me gains, these I have counted, because of the Christ, loss;

ylt@Philippians:3:12 @Not that I did already obtain, or have been already perfected; but I pursue, if also I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by the Christ Jesus;

ylt@Philippians:3:13 @brethren, I do not reckon myself to have laid hold; and one thing -- the things behind indeed forgetting, and to the things before stretching forth --

ylt@Philippians:3:16 @but to what we have come -- by the same rule walk, the same thing think;

ylt@Philippians:3:17 @become followers together of me, brethren, and observe those thus walking, according as ye have us -- a pattern;

ylt@Philippians:4:12 @I have known both to be abased, and I have known to abound; in everything and in all things I have been initiated, both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want.

ylt@Philippians:4:13 @For all things I have strength, in Christ's strengthening me;

ylt@Philippians:4:15 @and ye have known, even ye Philippians, that in the beginning of the good news when I went forth from Macedonia, no assembly did communicate with me in regard to giving and receiving except ye only;

ylt@Philippians:4:18 @and I have all things, and abound; I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things from you -- an odour of a sweet smell -- a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God:

ylt@Colossians:1:14 @in whom we have the redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of the sins,

ylt@Colossians:1:16 @because in him were the all things created, those in the heavens, and those upon the earth, those visible, and those invisible, whether thrones, whether lordships, whether principalities, whether authorities; all things through him, and for him, have been created,

ylt@Colossians:1:17 @and himself is before all, and the all things in him have consisted.

ylt@Colossians:2:1 @For I wish you to know how great a conflict I have for you and those in Laodicea, and as many as have not seen my face in the flesh,

ylt@Colossians:3:13 @forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any one with any one may have a quarrel, as also the Christ did forgive you -- so also ye;

ylt@Colossians:3:14 @and above all these things, [have] love, which is a bond of the perfection,

ylt@Colossians:4:1 @The masters! that which is righteous and equal to the servants give ye, having known that ye also have a Master in the heavens.

ylt@Colossians:4:3 @praying at the same time also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to speak the secret of the Christ, because of which also I have been bound,

ylt@1Thessalonians:1:5 @because our good news did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance, even as ye have known of what sort we became among you because of you,

ylt@1Thessalonians:1:8 @for from you hath sounded forth the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God did go forth, so that we have no need to say anything,

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:1 @For yourselves have known, brethren, our entrance in unto you, that it did not become vain,

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:2 @but having both suffered before, and having been injuriously treated (as ye have known) in Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the good news of God in much conflict,

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:4 @but as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the good news, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God, who is proving our hearts,

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:5 @for at no time did we come with speech of flattery, (as ye have known,) nor in a pretext for covetousness, (God [is] witness!)

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:8 @so being desirous of you, we are well-pleased to impart to you not only the good news of God, but also our own souls, because beloved ye have become to us,

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:11 @even as ye have known, how each one of you, as a father his own children, we are exhorting you, and comforting, and testifying,

ylt@1Thessalonians:3:3 @that no one be moved in these tribulations, for yourselves have known that for this we are set,

ylt@1Thessalonians:3:4 @for even when we were with you, we said to you beforehand, that we are about to suffer tribulation, as also it did come to pass, and ye have known [it];

ylt@1Thessalonians:3:6 @And now Timotheus having come unto us from you, and having declared good news to us of your faith and love, and that ye have a good remembrance of us always, desiring much to see us, as we also [to see] you,

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:2 @for ye have known what commands we gave you through the Lord Jesus,

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:9 @And concerning the brotherly love, ye have no need of [my] writing to you, for ye yourselves are God-taught to love one another,

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:12 @that ye may walk becomingly unto those without, and may have lack of nothing.

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:13 @And I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, that ye may not sorrow, as also the rest who have not hope,

ylt@1Thessalonians:5:1 @And concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need of my writing to you,

ylt@1Thessalonians:5:2 @for yourselves have known thoroughly that the day of the Lord as a thief in the night doth so come,

ylt@2Thessalonians:2:6 @and now, what is keeping down ye have known, for his being revealed in his own time,

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:4 @and we have confidence in the Lord touching you, that the things that we command you ye both do and will do;

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:7 @for yourselves have known how it behoveth [you] to imitate us, because we did not act disorderly among you;

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:9 @not because we have not authority, but that ourselves a pattern we might give to you, to imitate us;

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:14 @and if any one do not obey our word through the letter, this one note ye, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed,

ylt@1Timothy:1:8 @and we have known that the law [is] good, if any one may use it lawfully;

ylt@1Timothy:3:7 @and it behoveth him also to have a good testimony from those without, that he may not fall into reproach and a snare of the devil.

ylt@1Timothy:5:4 @and if any widow have children or grandchildren, let them learn first to their own house to show piety, and to give back a recompense to the parents, for this is right and acceptable before God.

ylt@1Timothy:5:16 @If any believing man or believing woman have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the assembly be burdened, that those really widows it may relieve.

ylt@1Timothy:5:20 @Those sinning, reprove before all, that the others also may have fear;

ylt@2Timothy:1:3 @I am thankful to God, whom I serve from progenitors in a pure conscience, that unceasingly I have remembrance concerning thee in my supplications night and day,

ylt@2Timothy:1:12 @for which cause also these things I suffer, but I am not ashamed, for I have known in whom I have believed, and have been persuaded that he is able that which I have committed to him to guard -- to that day.

ylt@2Timothy:2:17 @and their word as a gangrene will have pasture, of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus,

ylt@2Timothy:2:18 @who concerning the truth did swerve, saying the rising again to have already been, and do overthrow the faith of some;

ylt@2Timothy:4:7 @the good strife I have striven, the course I have finished, the faith I have kept,

ylt@Titus:3:8 @Stedfast [is] the word; and concerning these things I counsel thee to affirm fully, that they may be thoughtful, to be leading in good works -- who have believed God; these are the good and profitable things to men,

ylt@Titus:3:12 @When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis, for there to winter I have determined.

ylt@Philemon:1:7 @for we have much joy and comfort in thy love, because the bowels of the saints have been refreshed through thee, brother.

ylt@Philemon:1:15 @for perhaps because of this he did depart for an hour, that age-duringly thou mayest have him,

ylt@Philemon:1:20 @Yes, brother, may I have profit of thee in the Lord; refresh my bowels in the Lord;

ylt@Hebrews:1:5 @For to which of the messengers said He ever, 'My Son thou art -- I to-day have begotten thee?' and again, 'I will be to him for a father, and he shall be to Me for a son?'

ylt@Hebrews:2:14 @Seeing, then, the children have partaken of flesh and blood, he himself also in like manner did take part of the same, that through death he might destroy him having the power of death -- that is, the devil --

ylt@Hebrews:3:10 @wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, Always do they go astray in heart, and these have not known My ways;

ylt@Hebrews:3:14 @for partakers we have become of the Christ, if the beginning of the confidence unto the end we may hold fast,

ylt@Hebrews:4:1 @We may fear, then, lest a promise being left of entering into His rest, any one of you may seem to have come short,

ylt@Hebrews:4:8 @for if Joshua had given them rest, He would not concerning another day have spoken after these things;

ylt@Hebrews:4:15 @for we have not a chief priest unable to sympathise with our infirmities, but [one] tempted in all things in like manner -- apart from sin;

ylt@Hebrews:5:5 @so also the Christ did not glorify himself to become chief priest, but He who spake unto him: 'My Son thou art, I to-day have begotten thee;'

ylt@Hebrews:5:11 @concerning whom we have much discourse and of hard explanation to say, since ye have become dull of hearing,

ylt@Hebrews:5:12 @for even owing to be teachers, because of the time, again ye have need that one teach you what [are] the elements of the beginning of the oracles of God, and ye have become having need of milk, and not of strong food,

ylt@Hebrews:6:18 @that through two immutable things, in which [it is] impossible for God to lie, a strong comfort we may have who did flee for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before [us],

ylt@Hebrews:6:19 @which we have, as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and entering into that within the vail,

ylt@Hebrews:7:5 @and those, indeed, out of the sons of Levi receiving the priesthood, a command have to take tithes from the people according to the law, that is, their brethren, even though they came forth out of the loins of Abraham;

ylt@Hebrews:7:23 @and those indeed are many who have become priests, because by death they are hindered from remaining;

ylt@Hebrews:8:1 @And the sum concerning the things spoken of [is]: we have such a chief priest, who did sit down at the right hand of the throne of the greatness in the heavens,

ylt@Hebrews:8:3 @for every chief priest to offer both gifts and sacrifices is appointed, whence [it is] necessary for this one to have also something that he may offer;

ylt@Hebrews:8:7 @for if that first were faultless, a place would not have been sought for a second.

ylt@Hebrews:10:2 @since, would they not have ceased to be offered, because of those serving having no more conscience of sins, having once been purified?

ylt@Hebrews:10:30 @for we have known Him who is saying, 'Vengeance [is] Mine, I will recompense, saith the Lord;' and again, 'The Lord shall judge His people;' --

ylt@Hebrews:10:34 @for also with my bonds ye sympathised, and the robbery of your goods with joy ye did receive, knowing that ye have in yourselves a better substance in the heavens, and an enduring one.

ylt@Hebrews:10:36 @for of patience ye have need, that the will of God having done, ye may receive the promise,

ylt@Hebrews:11:3 @by faith we understand the ages to have been prepared by a saying of God, in regard to the things seen not having come out of things appearing;

ylt@Hebrews:11:15 @and if, indeed, they had been mindful of that from which they came forth, they might have had an opportunity to return,

ylt@Hebrews:11:25 @having chosen rather to be afflicted with the people of God, than to have sin's pleasure for a season,

ylt@Hebrews:12:5 @and ye have forgotten the exhortation that doth speak fully with you as with sons, 'My son, be not despising chastening of the Lord, nor be faint, being reproved by Him,

ylt@Hebrews:12:8 @and if ye are apart from chastening, of which all have become partakers, then bastards are ye, and not sons.

ylt@Hebrews:12:9 @Then, indeed, fathers of our flesh we have had, chastising [us], and we were reverencing [them]; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of the spirits, and live?

ylt@Hebrews:12:28 @wherefore, a kingdom that cannot be shaken receiving, may we have grace, through which we may serve God well-pleasingly, with reverence and religious fear;

ylt@Hebrews:13:10 @we have an altar, of which to eat they have no authority who the tabernacle are serving,

ylt@Hebrews:13:14 @for we have not here an abiding city, but the coming one we seek;

ylt@Hebrews:13:18 @Pray for us, for we trust that we have a good conscience, in all things willing to behave well,

ylt@Hebrews:13:22 @And I entreat you, brethren, suffer the word of the exhortation, for also through few words I have written to you.

ylt@James:1:4 @and let the endurance have a perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire -- in nothing lacking;

ylt@James:2:14 @What [is] the profit, my brethren, if faith, any one may speak of having, and works he may not have? is that faith able to save him?

ylt@James:2:17 @so also the faith, if it may not have works, is dead by itself.

ylt@James:2:18 @But say may some one, Thou hast faith, and I have works, shew me thy faith out of thy works, and I will shew thee out of my works my faith:

ylt@James:3:14 @and if bitter zeal ye have, and rivalry in your heart, glory not, nor lie against the truth;

ylt@James:4:2 @ye desire, and ye have not; ye murder, and are zealous, and are not able to attain; ye fight and war, and ye have not, because of your not asking;

ylt@James:4:4 @Adulterers and adulteresses! have ye not known that friendship of the world is enmity with God? whoever, then, may counsel to be a friend of the world, an enemy of God he is set.

ylt@James:5:2 @your riches have rotted, and your garments have become moth-eaten;

ylt@James:5:3 @your gold and silver have rotted, and the rust of them for a testimony shall be to you, and shall eat your flesh as fire. Ye made treasure in the last days!

ylt@James:5:4 @lo, the reward of the workmen, of those who in-gathered your fields, which hath been fraudulently kept back by you -- doth cry out, and the exclamations of those who did reap into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth have entered;

ylt@James:5:11 @lo, we call happy those who are enduring; the endurance of Job ye heard of, and the end of the Lord ye have seen, that very compassionate is the Lord, and pitying.

ylt@James:5:15 @and the prayer of the faith shall save the distressed one, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if sins he may have committed, they shall be forgiven to him.

ylt@1Peter:2:10 @who [were] once not a people, and [are] now the people of God; who had not found kindness, and now have found kindness.

ylt@1Peter:4:3 @for sufficient to us [is] the past time of life the will of the nations to have wrought, having walked in lasciviousnesses, desires, excesses of wines, revelings, drinking-bouts, and unlawful idolatries,

ylt@1Peter:4:13 @but, according as ye have fellowship with the sufferings of the Christ, rejoice ye, that also in the revelation of his glory ye may rejoice -- exulting;

ylt@1Peter:5:12 @Through Silvanus, to you the faithful brother, as I reckon, through few [words] I did write, exhorting and testifying this to be the true grace of God in which ye have stood.

ylt@2Peter:1:4 @through which to us the most great and precious promises have been given, that through these ye may become partakers of a divine nature, having escaped from the corruption in the world in desires.

ylt@2Peter:1:15 @and I will be diligent that also at every time ye have, after my outgoing, power to make to yourselves the remembrance of these things.

ylt@2Peter:1:19 @And we have more firm the prophetic word, to which we do well giving heed, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, till day may dawn, and a morning star may arise -- in your hearts;

ylt@2Peter:2:20 @for, if having escaped from the pollutions of the world, in the acknowledging of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and by these again being entangled, they have been overcome, become to them hath the last things worse than the first,

ylt@2Peter:2:21 @for it were better to them not to have acknowledged the way of the righteousness, than having acknowledged [it], to turn back from the holy command delivered to them,

ylt@1John:1:1 @That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we did behold, and our hands did handle, concerning the Word of the Life --

ylt@1John:1:2 @and the Life was manifested, and we have seen, and do testify, and declare to you the Life, the age-during, which was with the Father, and was manifested to us --

ylt@1John:1:3 @that which we have seen and heard declare we to you, that ye also may have fellowship with us, and our fellowship [is] with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ;

ylt@1John:1:5 @And this is the message that we have heard from Him, and announce to you, that God is light, and darkness in Him is not at all;

ylt@1John:1:6 @if we may say -- 'we have fellowship with Him,' and in the darkness may walk -- we lie, and do not the truth;

ylt@1John:1:7 @and if in the light we may walk, as He is in the light -- we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son doth cleanse us from every sin;

ylt@1John:1:8 @if we may say -- 'we have not sin,' ourselves we lead astray, and the truth is not in us;

ylt@1John:1:10 @if we may say -- 'we have not sinned,' a liar we make Him, and His word is not in us.

ylt@1John:2:1 @My little children, these things I write to you, that ye may not sin: and if any one may sin, an advocate we have with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one,

ylt@1John:2:3 @and in this we know that we have known him, if his commands we may keep;

ylt@1John:2:4 @he who is saying, 'I have known him,' and his command is not keeping, a liar he is, and in him the truth is not;

ylt@1John:2:12 @I write to you, little children, because the sins have been forgiven you through his name;

ylt@1John:2:13 @I write to you, fathers, because ye have known him who [is] from the beginning; I write to you, young men, because ye have overcome the evil. I write to you, little youths, because ye have known the Father:

ylt@1John:2:14 @I did write to you, fathers, because ye have known him who [is] from the beginning; I did write to you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God in you doth remain, and ye have overcome the evil.

ylt@1John:2:18 @Little youths, it is the last hour; and even as ye heard that the antichrist doth come, even now antichrists have become many -- whence we know that it is the last hour;

ylt@1John:2:19 @out of us they went forth, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but -- that they might be manifested that they are not all of us.

ylt@1John:2:20 @And ye have an anointing from the Holy One, and have known all things;

ylt@1John:2:21 @I did not write to you because ye have not known the truth, but because ye have known it, and because no lie is of the truth.

ylt@1John:2:27 @and you, the anointing that ye did receive from him, in you it doth remain, and ye have no need that any one may teach you, but as the same anointing doth teach you concerning all, and is true, and is not a lie, and even as was taught you, ye shall remain in him.

ylt@1John:2:28 @And now, little children, remain in him, that when he may be manifested, we may have boldness, and may not be ashamed before him, in his presence;

ylt@1John:3:2 @beloved, now, children of God are we, and it was not yet manifested what we shall be, and we have known that if he may be manifested, like him we shall be, because we shall see him as he is;

ylt@1John:3:5 @and ye have known that he was manifested that our sins he may take away, and sin is not in him;

ylt@1John:3:14 @we -- we have known that we have passed out of the death to the life, because we love the brethren; he who is not loving the brother doth remain in the death.

ylt@1John:3:15 @Every one who is hating his brother -- a man-killer he is, and ye have known that no man-killer hath life age-during in him remaining,

ylt@1John:3:16 @in this we have known the love, because he for us his life did lay down, and we ought for the brethren the lives to lay down;

ylt@1John:3:17 @and whoever may have the goods of the world, and may view his brother having need, and may shut up his bowels from him -- how doth the love of God remain in him?

ylt@1John:3:21 @Beloved, if our heart may not condemn us, we have boldness toward God,

ylt@1John:4:1 @Beloved, every spirit believe not, but prove the spirits, if of God they are, because many false prophets have gone forth to the world;

ylt@1John:4:4 @Ye -- of God ye are, little children, and ye have overcome them; because greater is He who [is] in you, than he who is in the world.

ylt@1John:4:14 @And we -- we have seen and do testify, that the Father hath sent the Son -- Saviour of the world;

ylt@1John:4:16 @and we -- we have known and believed the love, that God hath in us; God is love, and he who is remaining in the love, in God he doth remain, and God in him.

ylt@1John:4:17 @In this made perfect hath been the love with us, that boldness we may have in the day of the judgment, because even as He is, we -- we also are in this world;

ylt@1John:4:21 @and this [is] the command we have from Him, that he who is loving God, may also love his brother.

ylt@1John:5:13 @These things I did write to you who are believing in the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that life ye have age-during, and that ye may believe in the name of the Son of God.

ylt@1John:5:14 @And this is the boldness that we have toward Him, that if anything we may ask according to his will, He doth hear us,

ylt@1John:5:15 @and if we have known that He doth hear us, whatever we may ask, we have known that we have the requests that we have requested from Him.

ylt@1John:5:18 @We have known that every one who hath been begotten of God doth not sin, but he who was begotten of God doth keep himself, and the evil one doth not touch him;

ylt@1John:5:19 @we have known that of God we are, and the whole world in the evil doth lie;

ylt@1John:5:20 @and we have known that the Son of God is come, and hath given us a mind, that we may know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ; this one is the true God and the life age-during!

ylt@2John:1:4 @I rejoiced exceedingly that I have found of thy children walking in truth, even as a command we did receive from the Father;

ylt@3John:1:4 @greater than these things I have no joy, that I may hear of my children in truth walking.

ylt@3John:1:12 @to Demetrius testimony hath been given by all, and by the truth itself, and we also -- we do testify, and ye have known that our testimony is true.

ylt@Jude:1:7 @as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, in like manner to these, having given themselves to whoredom, and gone after other flesh, have been set before -- an example, of fire age-during, justice suffering.

ylt@Jude:1:10 @and these, as many things indeed as they have not known, they speak evil of; and as many things as naturally (as the irrational beasts) they understand, in these they are corrupted;