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NT.filter - ylt matter:

ylt@Matthew:5:32 @but I -- I say to you, that whoever may put away his wife, save for the matter of whoredom, doth make her to commit adultery; and whoever may marry her who hath been put away doth commit adultery.

ylt@Matthew:8:33 @and those feeding did flee, and, having gone to the city, they declared all, and the matter of the demoniacs.

ylt@Luke:1:1 @Seeing that many did take in hand to set in order a narration of the matters that have been fully assured among us,

ylt@Acts:10:29 @therefore also without gainsaying I came, having been sent for; I ask, therefore, for what matter ye did send for me?'

ylt@Acts:15:6 @And there were gathered together the apostles and the elders, to see about this matter,

ylt@Acts:19:38 @if indeed, therefore, Demetrius and the artificers with him with any one have a matter, court [days] are held, and there are proconsuls; let them accuse one another.

ylt@Acts:19:39 @'And if ye seek after anything concerning other matters, in the legal assembly it shall be determined;

ylt@Romans:9:28 @for a matter He is finishing, and is cutting short in righteousness, because a matter cut short will the Lord do upon the land.

ylt@Romans:16:2 @that ye may receive her in the Lord, as doth become saints, and may assist her in whatever matter she may have need of you -- for she also became a leader of many, and of myself.

ylt@1Corinthians:6:1 @Dare any one of you, having a matter with the other, go to be judged before the unrighteous, and not before the saints?

ylt@1Corinthians:7:26 @I suppose, therefore, this to be good because of the present necessity, that [it is] good for a man that the matter be thus: --

ylt@2Corinthians:4:17 @for the momentary light matter of our tribulation, more and more exceedingly an age-during weight of glory doth work out for us --

ylt@2Corinthians:7:11 @for, lo, this same thing -- your being made sorry toward God -- how much diligence it doth work in you! but defence, but displeasure, but fear, but longing desire, but zeal, but revenge; in every thing ye did approve yourselves to be pure in the matter.

ylt@Colossians:2:23 @which are, indeed, having a matter of wisdom in will-worship, and humble-mindedness, and neglecting of body -- not in any honour, unto a satisfying of the flesh.

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:6 @that no one go beyond and defraud in the matter his brother, because an avenger [is] the Lord of all these, as also we spake before to you and testified,

ylt@Hebrews:10:1 @For the law having a shadow of the coming good things -- not the very image of the matters, every year, by the same sacrifices that they offer continually, is never able to make perfect those coming near,

ylt@Hebrews:11:1 @And faith is of things hoped for a confidence, of matters not seen a conviction,

ylt@James:3:16 @for where zeal and rivalry [are], there is insurrection and every evil matter;

ylt@1Peter:4:15 @for let none of you suffer as a murderer, or thief, or evil-doer, or as an inspector into other men's matters;

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