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geneva@Matthew:2:9 @ So when they had heard the King, they departed: and loe, the starre which they had seene in the East, went before them, till it came and stoode ouer the place where the babe was.

geneva@Matthew:4:6 @ And said vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe: for it is written, that he wil giue his Angels charge ouer thee, and with their hands they shall lift thee vp, lest at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone.

geneva@Matthew:8:24 @ And beholde, there arose a great tempest in the sea, so that the ship was couered with waues: but he was a sleepe.

geneva@Matthew:10:18 @ And ye shal be brought to the gouernours and Kings for my sake, in witnes to them, and to the Gentiles.

geneva@Matthew:14:22 @ And straightway Iesus compelled his disciples to enter into a shippe, and to goe ouer before him, while he sent the multitude away.

geneva@Matthew:21:2 @ Saying to them, Goe into the towne that is ouer against you, and anon yee shall finde an asse bounde, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them vnto me.

geneva@Matthew:21:12 @ And Iesus went into the Temple of God, and cast out all them that solde and bought in the Temple, and ouerthrew the tables of the money chagers, & the seates of them that sold doues,

geneva@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithfull seruaunt and wise, whom his master hath made ruler ouer his household, to giue them meate in season?

geneva@Matthew:24:47 @ Verely I say vnto you, he shall make him ruler ouer all his goods.

geneva@Matthew:25:23 @ His master saide vnto him, It is well done good seruant, and faithfull, Thou hast bene faithfull in litle, I will make thee ruler ouer much: enter into thy masters ioy.

geneva@Matthew:26:18 @ And he said, Goe yee into the citie to such a man, and say to him, The master saieth, My time is at hande: I will keepe the Passeouer at thine house with my disciples.

geneva@Matthew:26:19 @ And the disciples did as Iesus had giuen them charge, and made readie the Passeouer.

geneva@Matthew:27:2 @ And led him away bounde, and deliuered him vnto Pontius Pilate the gouernour.

geneva@Matthew:27:14 @ But he answered him not to one worde, in so much that the gouernour marueiled greatly.

geneva@Matthew:27:21 @ Then the gouernour answered, and said vnto them, Whether of the twaine will ye that I let loose vnto you? And they said, Barabbas.

geneva@Matthew:27:23 @ Then saide the gouernour, But what euill hath he done? Then they cryed the more, saying, Let him be crucified.

geneva@Matthew:27:27 @ Then the souldiers of the gouernour tooke Iesus into the common hall, and gathered about him the whole band,

geneva@Matthew:27:61 @ And there was Marie Magdalene, and the other Marie sitting ouer against the sepulchre.

geneva@Mark:4:35 @ Nowe the same day when euen was come, he saide vnto them, Let vs passe ouer vnto the other side.

geneva@Mark:5:21 @ And when Iesus was come ouer againe by ship vnto the other side, a great multitude gathered together to him, & he was neere vnto the sea.

geneva@Mark:6:53 @ And they came ouer, and went into the land of Gennesaret, and arriued.

geneva@Mark:11:2 @ And sayd vnto them, Goe your wayes into that towne that is ouer against you, and assoone as ye shall enter into it, ye shall finde a colte tied, whereon neuer man sate: loose him, and bring him.

geneva@Mark:12:44 @ For they all did cast in of their superfluitie: but she of her pouertie did cast in all that she had, euen all her liuing.

geneva@Mark:13:3 @ And as he sate on the mount of Oliues, ouer against the Temple, Peter, and Iames, and Iohn, and Andrew asked him secretly,

geneva@Mark:13:24 @ Moreouer in those dayes, after that tribulation, the sunne shall waxe darke, and ye moone shall not giue her light,

geneva@Mark:14:14 @ And whithersoeuer he goeth in, say yee to the good man of the house, The Master sayeth, Where is the lodging where I shal eate the Passeouer with my disciples?

geneva@Mark:14:16 @ So his disciples went foorth, and came to the citie, and found as he had said vnto them, and made readie the Passeouer.

geneva@Mark:15:39 @ Nowe when the Centurion, which stoode ouer against him, sawe that he thus crying gaue vp the ghost, he saide, Truely this man was the Sonne of God.

geneva@Mark:16:18 @ And shall take away serpents, and if they shall drinke any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their handes on the sicke, and they shall recouer.

geneva@Luke:1:33 @ And hee shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kingdome shall bee none ende.

geneva@Luke:2:2 @ (This first taxing was made when Cyrenius was gouernour of Syria.)

geneva@Luke:4:10 @ For it is written, That hee will giue his Angels charge ouer thee to keepe thee:

geneva@Luke:4:18 @ The Spirit of the Lorde is vpon mee, because he hath anoynted me, that I should preach the Gospel to the poore: he hath sent mee, that I should heale the broken hearted, that I should preach deliuerance to the captiues, and recouering of sight to the blinde, that I should set at libertie them that are bruised:

geneva@Luke:4:23 @ Then he said vnto them, Ye will surely say vnto mee this prouerbe, Physician, heale thy selfe: whatsoeuer we haue heard done in Capernaum, doe it here likewise in thine owne countrey.

geneva@Luke:4:39 @ Then he stoode ouer her, and rebuked the feuer, and it left her, and immediatly she arose, and ministred vnto them.

geneva@Luke:8:26 @ So they sailed vnto the region of the Gadarenes, which is ouer against Galile.

geneva@Luke:9:34 @ Whiles he thus spake, there came a cloude and ouershadowed them, and they feared when they were entring into the cloude.

geneva@Luke:11:22 @ But when a stronger then hee, commeth vpon him, and ouercommeth him: hee taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and deuideth his spoiles.

geneva@Luke:12:2 @ For there is nothing couered, that shall not bee reueiled: neither hidde, that shall not be knowen.

geneva@Luke:12:14 @ And he said vnto him, Man, who made me a iudge, or a deuider ouer you?

geneva@Luke:12:44 @ Of a trueth I say vnto you, that he wil make him ruler ouer all that he hath.

geneva@Luke:19:14 @ Nowe his citizens hated him, and sent an ambassage after him, saying, We will not haue this man to reigne ouer vs.

geneva@Luke:19:17 @ And he sayd vnto him, Well, good seruant: because thou hast bene faithfull in a very litle thing, take thou authoritie ouer ten cities.

geneva@Luke:19:19 @ And to the same he sayd, Be thou also ruler ouer fiue cities.

geneva@Luke:19:27 @ Moreouer, those mine enemies, which would not that I should reigne ouer them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

geneva@Luke:20:12 @ Moreouer he sent the third, and him they wounded, and cast out.

geneva@Luke:22:11 @ And say vnto the good man of the house, The Master saith vnto thee, Where is the lodging where I shall eate my Passeouer with my disciples?

geneva@Luke:22:13 @ So they went, and found as he had said vnto them, and made readie the Passeouer.

geneva@Luke:23:30 @ Then shall they begin to say to the mountaines, Fall on vs: and to the hilles, Couer vs.

geneva@John:2:8 @ Then he sayde vnto them, Draw out nowe and beare vnto the gouernour of the feast. So they bare it.

geneva@John:2:9 @ Nowe when the gouernour of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, (for he knewe not whence it was: but the seruants, which drewe the water, knewe) the gouernour of ye feast called the bridegrome,

geneva@John:2:15 @ Then hee made a scourge of small cordes, and draue them all out of the Temple with the sheepe and oxen, and powred out the changers money, and ouerthrewe the tables,

geneva@John:2:23 @ Nowe when hee was at Hierusalem at the Passeouer in the feast, many beleeued in his Name, when they sawe his miracles which he did.

geneva@John:6:4 @ Now the Passeouer, a feast of the Iewes, was neere.

geneva@John:11:55 @ And the Iewes Passeouer was at hande, and many went out of the countrey vp to Hierusalem before the Passeouer, to purifie themselues.

geneva@John:12:1 @ Then Iesus, sixe dayes before the Passeouer, came to Bethania, where Lazarus was, who died, whom he had raised from the dead.

geneva@John:18:39 @ But you haue a custome, that I shoulde deliuer you one loose at the Passeouer: will yee then that I loose vnto you the King of ye Iewes?

geneva@John:19:14 @ And it was the Preparation of the Passeouer, and about the sixt houre: and hee sayde vnto the Iewes, Beholde your King.

geneva@Acts:2:26 @ Therefore did mine heart reioyce, and my tongue was glad, and moreouer also my flesh shall rest in hope,

geneva@Acts:7:11 @ Then came there a famine ouer all the land of Egypt and Chanaan, and great affliction, that our fathers found no sustenance.

geneva@Acts:7:27 @ But he that did his neighbour wrong, thrust him away, saying, Who made thee a prince, and a iudge ouer vs?

geneva@Acts:9:14 @ Moreouer here hee hath authoritie of the hie Priestes, to binde all that call on thy Name.

geneva@Acts:11:12 @ And the Spirit saide vnto me, that I should go with them, without doubting: moreouer these sixe brethren came with me, and we entred into the mans house.

geneva@Acts:16:36 @ Then the keeper of the prison tolde these woordes vnto Paul, saying, The gouerness haue sent to loose you: nowe therefore get you hence, and goe in peace.

geneva@Acts:19:8 @ Moreouer he went into the Synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three moneths, disputing and exhorting to the things that appertaine to the kingdome of God.

geneva@Acts:19:26 @ Moreouer ye see and heare, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia this Paul hath perswaded, and turned away much people, saying, That they be not gods which are made with handes.

geneva@Acts:20:9 @ And there sate in a windowe a certaine yong man, named Eutychus, fallen into a dead sleepe: and as Paul was long preaching, hee ouercome with sleepe, fell downe from the thirde loft, and was taken vp dead.

geneva@Acts:20:15 @ And wee sailed thence, and came the next day ouer against Chios, and the next day we arriued at Samos, and tarried at Trogyllium: the next day we came to Miletum.

geneva@Acts:21:2 @ And we found a ship that went ouer vnto Phenice, and went aboard, and set forth.

geneva@Acts:21:3 @ And whe we had discouered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, & sailed toward Syria, and arriued at Tyrus: for there the ship vnladed ye burden.

geneva@Acts:21:28 @ Crying, Men of Israel, helpe: this is the man that teacheth all men euery where against the people, and the Lawe, and this place: moreouer, he hath brought Grecians into the Temple, and hath polluted this holy place.

geneva@Acts:22:9 @ Moreouer they that were with me, sawe in deede a light and were afraide: but they heard not the voyce of him that spake vnto me.

geneva@Acts:23:24 @ And let them make readie an horse, that Paul being set on, may be brought safe vnto Felix the Gouernour.

geneva@Acts:23:33 @ Now when they came to Cæsarea, they deliuered the epistle to the Gouernour, and presented Paul also vnto him.

geneva@Acts:23:34 @ So when the Gouernour had read it, hee asked of what prouince he was: and when he vnderstoode that he was of Cilicia,

geneva@Acts:27:5 @ Then sayled we ouer the sea by Cilicia, and Pamphilia, and came to Myra, a citie in Lycia.

geneva@Romans:4:7 @ Blessed are they, whose iniquities are forgiuen, and whose sinnes are couered.

geneva@Romans:6:9 @ Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead, dieth no more: death hath no more dominion ouer him.

geneva@Romans:10:12 @ For there is no difference betweene the Iewe and the Grecian: for he that is Lorde ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call on him.

geneva@Romans:12:21 @ Bee not ouercome of euill, but ouercome euill with goodnesse.

geneva@Romans:15:12 @ And againe Esaias sayth, There shall be a roote of Iesse, and hee that shall rise to reigne ouer the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles trust.

geneva@1Corinthians:10:5 @ But with many of them God was not pleased: for they were ouerthrowen in ye wildernes.

geneva@1Corinthians:11:6 @ Therefore if the woman be not couered, let her also be shorne: and if it be shame for a woman to be shorne or shauen, let her be couered.

geneva@2Corinthians:3:14 @ Therefore their mindes are hardened: for vntill this day remaineth the same couering vntaken away in the reading of the olde Testament, which vaile in Christ is put away.

geneva@2Corinthians:3:15 @ But euen vnto this day, whe Moses is read, the vaile is laid ouer their hearts.

geneva@2Corinthians:8:15 @ As it is written, Hee that gathered much, had nothing ouer, and hee that gathered litle, had not the lesse.

geneva@2Corinthians:9:3 @ Nowe haue I sent the brethren, lest our reioycing ouer you shoulde bee in vaine in this behalfe, that yee (as I haue sayde) be readie:

geneva@2Corinthians:11:32 @ In Damascus the gouernour of the people vnder King Aretas, layde watch in the citie of the Damascens, and would haue caught me.

geneva@Galatians:2:8 @ (For he that was mightie by Peter in the Apostleship ouer the circumcision, was also mightie by me toward the Gentiles)

geneva@2Timothy:3:3 @ Without naturall affection, truce breakers, false accusers, intemperate, fierce, no louers at all of them which are good,

geneva@2Timothy:3:4 @ Traitours, headie, high minded, louers of pleasures more then louers of God,

geneva@Philemon:1:19 @ I Paul haue written this with mine owne hande: I will recompense it, albeit I doe not say to thee, that thou owest moreouer vnto me euen thine owne selfe.

geneva@Philemon:1:22 @ Moreouer also prepare mee lodging: for I trust through your prayers I shall be freely giuen vnto you.

geneva@Hebrews:9:4 @ Which had the golden censer, and the Arke of the Testament ouerlayde rounde about with golde, wherein the golden pot, which had Manna, was, and Aarons rod that had budded, and the tables of the Testament.

geneva@Hebrews:9:21 @ Moreouer, he sprinkled likewise the Tabernacle with blood also, and all the ministring vessels.

geneva@Hebrews:10:21 @ And seeing we haue an hie Priest, which is ouer the house of God,

geneva@Hebrews:11:28 @ Through faith he ordeined the Passeouer and the effusion of blood, least he that destroyed the first borne, should touche them.

geneva@Hebrews:11:36 @ And others haue bene tryed by mockings and scourgings, yea, moreouer by bondes and prisonment.

geneva@Hebrews:13:24 @ Salute all them that haue the ouersight of you, and all the Saintes. They of Italie salute you.

geneva@James:3:4 @ Behold also the shippes, which though they be so great, and are driuen of fierce windes, yet are they turned about with a very small rudder, whither soeuer the gouernour listeth.

geneva@2Peter:2:6 @ And turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrhe into ashes, condemned them and ouerthrewe them, and made them an ensample vnto them that after should liue vngodly,

geneva@2Peter:2:19 @ Promising vnto them libertie, & are themselues the seruants of corruption: for of whomsoeuer a man is ouercome, euen vnto the same is he in bondage.

geneva@2Peter:2:22 @ But it is come vnto them, according to the true Prouerbe, The dogge is returned to his owne vomit: and, The sowe that was washed, to the wallowing in the myre.