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OT-HISTORY.filter - rwp Galatians:4:30:

rwp@Galatians:4:30 @{Cast out} (\ekbale\). Second aorist active imperative of \ekball“\. Quotation from strkjv@Genesis:21:10| (Sarah to Abraham) and confirmed in strkjv@21:12| by God's command to Abraham. Paul gives allegorical warning thus to the persecuting Jews and Judaizers. {Shall not inherit} (\ou mˆ klˆronomˆsei\). Strong negative (\ou mˆ\ and future indicative). "The law and the gospel cannot co-exist. The law must disappear before the gospel" (Lightfoot). See strkjv@3:18,29| for the word "inherit."

rwp@John:8:35 @{The bondservant} (\ho doulos\)... {the son} (\ho huios\). There is a change in the metaphor by this contrast between the positions of the son and the slave in the house. The slave has no footing or tenure and may be cast out at any moment while the son is the heir and has a permanent place. Cf. Ishmael and Isaac (Genesis:21:10|) and Paul's use of it in strkjv@Galatians:4:30|. We do not know that there is any reference here to Hagar and Ishmael. See also strkjv@Hebrews:3:5| (Numbers:12:7|) for a like contrast between Moses as servant (\therap“n\) in God's house and Christ as Son (\huios\) over God's house.

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