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rotherham@Genesis:1:5 @ and God called the light, day, but the darkness, called he, night. So it was eveningand it was morning, one day.

rotherham@Genesis:1:8 @ And God called the expanse, heavens. So it was eveningand it was morning, a, second day.

rotherham@Genesis:1:13 @ So it was eveningand it was morning, a third day.

rotherham@Genesis:1:19 @ So it was eveningand it was morning, a fourth day.

rotherham@Genesis:1:23 @ So it was eveningand it was morning, a fifth day.

rotherham@Genesis:1:31 @ And God saw every thing which he had made, and lo! it was very good. So it was eveningand it was morning, the sixth day.

rotherham@Genesis:2:2 @ Thus God finished, on the seventh day his work which he had made, and rested, on the seventh day, from all his work which he had made.

rotherham@Genesis:2:3 @ And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it, because therein, rested he from all his work which God, by creating, had made.

rotherham@Genesis:3:22 @ Then said Yahweh God Lo! man, hath become like one of us, in respect of knowing good and evil, Now, therefore, lest he thrust forth his hand, and take even of the tree of life, and eat, and live to times age-abiding,

rotherham@Genesis:4:1 @ Now, the man, having come to know Eve his wife, she conceived and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a Man, even Yahweh!

rotherham@Genesis:4:4 @ Abel, also, even, he, brought in of the firstlings of his sheep, and of their fat, and Yahweh approved of Abel and of his present;

rotherham@Genesis:4:15 @ And Yahweh said to him Not so, whosoever slayeth Cain sevenfold, shall it be avenged. So Yahweh set, for Cain, a sign, that none finding him should smite him.

rotherham@Genesis:4:24 @ If, sevenfold, be, the avenging of Cain, Then, of Lamech, seventy and seven.

rotherham@Genesis:5:7 @ and Seth lived, after he begat Enosh, eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters:

rotherham@Genesis:5:12 @ And Kenan, lived seventy years, and begat Mahalalel;

rotherham@Genesis:5:25 @ And Methuselah lived, a hundred and eighty-seven years, and begat Lamech;

rotherham@Genesis:5:26 @ and Methuselah lived, after he begat Lamech, seven hundred and eighty-two years, and begat sons and daughters;

rotherham@Genesis:5:31 @ and all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy-seven years, and he died.

rotherham@Genesis:6:17 @ And, I, behold me! bringing in the floodeven waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh wherein is the spirit of life, from under the heavens, everything that is in the earth, shall cease to breathe:

rotherham@Genesis:7:2 @ Of all the clean beasts, shalt thou take to thee by sevens, a male and his female, and, of the beasts that are not clean,, shall be two a male and his female.

rotherham@Genesis:7:3 @ Also of the bird of the heavens, by sevens, male and female, to keep alive a seed on the face of all the earth.

rotherham@Genesis:7:4 @ For in seven days more, I, am sending rain on the earth, forty days and forty nights, so will I wipe out all the living things which I have made, from off the face of the ground.

rotherham@Genesis:7:6 @ Now, Noah, was six hundred years old, when, the flood, came, even waters on the earth.

rotherham@Genesis:7:10 @ And it came to pass, in the seven days, that the waters of the flood, came on the earth.

rotherham@Genesis:7:11 @ In the six hundredth year, the year of the life of Noah. in the second month on the seventeenth day of the month on this day, were burst open all the fountains of the great roaring deep, and the windows of the heavens, were set open.

rotherham@Genesis:8:4 @ And the ark rested, in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.

rotherham@Genesis:8:10 @ Then stayed he yet seven days more, and, again sent forth the dove out of the ark.

rotherham@Genesis:8:11 @ And the dove came in unto him at eventide, and lo! a newly sprouted olive-leaf, in her mouth, so Noah knew that the waters had abated from off the earth.

rotherham@Genesis:8:12 @ And he stayed yet seven days more, and sent forth the dove, but she returned not again unto him any more.

rotherham@Genesis:8:14 @ And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, was the earth dry.

rotherham@Genesis:9:10 @ and with every living soul that is with you, of birds, of tame-beasts and of all wild-beasts of the earth that are with you, of all coming forth out of the ark, even to all wild-beasts of the earth;

rotherham@Genesis:11:21 @ and Reu lived after he begat Serug, two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters.

rotherham@Genesis:11:26 @ And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

rotherham@Genesis:12:4 @ And Abram came on his way, according to that which Yahweh had spoken unto him, and Lot came with him, now, Abram, was seventy-five years old, when he came forth out of Haran.

rotherham@Genesis:13:3 @ And he went his way, by his removals, from the South even as far as to Bethel, as far as the place where his tent was at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai:

rotherham@Genesis:14:23 @ That not from a thread even unto a sandal-thong, will I take, anything, that is thine, Lest thou shouldst say, I, enriched Abram!

rotherham@Genesis:16:13 @ And she called the name of Yahweh, who had spoken unto her, Thou GOD of vision! For she said. Do I even here, retain my vision after a vision?

rotherham@Genesis:17:17 @ And Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart To one a hundred years old, shall a child be born? And shall even Sarah, who is ninety years old, give birth?

rotherham@Genesis:19:1 @ So the two messengers went in towards Sodom at eventide, Lot, being seated in the gate of Sodom, so Lot beheld and rose up to meet them, and bowed himself with his face to the earth.

rotherham@Genesis:19:4 @ Ere yet they lay down, the men of the citythe men of Sodom, had come round against the house, from youth even unto age, all the people from every quarter,

rotherham@Genesis:19:11 @ the men also who were at the entrance of the house, smote they with blindness, from small even unto great, so that they wearied themselves to find the entrance.

rotherham@Genesis:19:21 @ And he said unto him, Behold! I have lifted up thy countenance, even as to this thing, so that I will not overthrow the city, of which thou hast spoken.

rotherham@Genesis:20:4 @ Now, Abimelech, had not come near unto her, so he said, O My Lord! a nation even a righteous one, wilt thou slay?

rotherham@Genesis:20:5 @ Had not, he himself, said to me, My sister, is she? and even she herself, said, My brother, is he? In the integrity of my heart and in the pureness of my hand, have I done this!

rotherham@Genesis:20:6 @ And God said unto him in a dream, I, also, knew, that in the integrity of thy heart, thou didst this, so then, even I myself, withheld thee from sinning against me, for this reason, have I not suffered thee to touch her.

rotherham@Genesis:21:13 @ Yet even the son of the bondwoman, will I appoint to become, a nation, because thy seed, he is.

rotherham@Genesis:21:26 @ And Abimelech said, I know not, who hath done this thing, nor hast even thou, ever told me, nor have even I, ever heard, save to-day.

rotherham@Genesis:21:28 @ So then Abram set seven young sheep of the flock by them-selves,

rotherham@Genesis:21:29 @ And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What, then mean these seven young sheep here, which thou hast set by themselves?

rotherham@Genesis:21:30 @ And he said, The seven young sheep, shalt thou take at my hand, that they may serve as my witness, that I digged this well.

rotherham@Genesis:22:2 @ And he said Take, I pray thee, thy son, thine only one, whom thou lovest, even, Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah and cause him to ascend there as an ascending-sacrifice, on one of the mountains which I shall name unto thee.

rotherham@Genesis:23:1 @ And the life of Sarah came to be, a hundred and twenty-seven years, the years of the life of Sarah.

rotherham@Genesis:23:10 @ Now, Ephron, was sitting in the midst of the sons of Heth, so Ephron the Hittite responded to Abraham, in the ears of the sons of Heth, even all that were entering the gate of his city, saying:

rotherham@Genesis:24:11 @ And he made the camels kneel down outside the city, against the well of water, at the time of evening, at the time of the coming forth of the women that drew water,

rotherham@Genesis:24:63 @ and Isaac came forth to meditate in the field at the approach of evening, so he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo! camels, coming in.

rotherham@Genesis:25:7 @ Now, these, are the days of the years of the life of Abraham which he liveda hundred and seventy-five years.

rotherham@Genesis:25:17 @ And these, are the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty-seven years, and he breathed his last and died, and was gathered unto his people.

rotherham@Genesis:27:34 @ When Esau heard the words of his father, then cried he out with an outcry loud and bitter exceedingly, and said to his father, Bless even me also, O my father!

rotherham@Genesis:29:18 @ So Jacob loved Rachel, and he said, I will serve thee seven years, for Rachel thy younger daughter.

rotherham@Genesis:29:20 @ So Jacob served for Rachelseven years, and they became, in his eyes, as single days, for his love to her.

rotherham@Genesis:29:23 @ And it came to pass in the evening, that he took Leah his daughter and brought her in unto him, and he went in unto her.

rotherham@Genesis:29:27 @ Fulfil the week of this one, then must we give thee, the other one also, for the service wherewith thou shalt serve with me, yet seven years more.

rotherham@Genesis:29:30 @ So he went in, unto Rachel also, and loved, Rachel also, more than Leah, and he served with him, yet seven years more.

rotherham@Genesis:30:15 @ And she said to her, Is it, a small thing, that thou hast taken away my husband? And wouldst thou take away, even the mandrakes of my son? Then said Rachel, Therefore, shall he lie with thee to-night, for the mandrakes of thy son.

rotherham@Genesis:30:16 @ And Jacob came in from the field, in the evening, so Leah went out to meet him and said: Unto me, shall thou come in, for I have hired, thee, even with the mandrakes of my son. And he lay with her that night,

rotherham@Genesis:30:20 @ Then said Leah, God hath dowered me even me with a hand-some dowry, Now! will my husband dwell with me, for I have borne him six sons. So she called his name, Zebulon.

rotherham@Genesis:31:23 @ So he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him a journey of seven daysand overtook him in the mountain of Gilead.

rotherham@Genesis:31:30 @ But, now, though thou, didst even take thy journey, because thou, didst sorely long, for the house of thy father,, wherefore didst thou steal away my gods?

rotherham@Genesis:31:42 @ But that the God of my father The God of Abraham, and the Dread of Isaac Proved to he mine, Surely even now, empty, hadst thou let me go? My humiliation and the wearying toil of my hands, God had seen, And therefore gave sentence last night!

rotherham@Genesis:32:22 @ And he arose in that night and took his two wives, and his two handmaids, and his eleven sons, and pressed over the ford of Jabbok.

rotherham@Genesis:33:3 @ but he himself, passed over before them, and bowed himself to the earth seven times, until he had come near unto his brother.

rotherham@Genesis:34:22 @ Only herein, will the men consent to us, to dwell with us, to become one people, If we circumcise to us every male, even as they are circumcised.

rotherham@Genesis:34:24 @ And they hearkened unto Hamor, and unto Shechem his son, even all that were going forth out of the gate of his city, and every male was circumcised, all that were going forth out of the gate of his city.

rotherham@Genesis:34:29 @ and all their wealth and all their little ones, and their women, took they captive, and seized as plunder, even all that was in their houses.

rotherham@Genesis:36:2 @ Esau, took his wives of the daughters of Canaan, Even Adah, daughter of Elon, the Hittite, And Oholibamah daughter of Anah, son of Zibeon, the Hivite;

rotherham@Genesis:37:2 @ These, are the generations of Jacob Joseph, when seventeen years old, was shepherding with his brethren among the flocks, and, he, being a youth, was with the sons of Bilhah and with the sons of Zilpah wives of his father, so then Joseph brought in the talk about themsomething bad, unto their father.

rotherham@Genesis:37:9 @ Then dreamed he, yet another, dream, and related it to his brethren, and said: Lo! I have dreamed a dream, yet again, Lo! then, the sun and the moon, and eleven stars, were bowing themselves down to me.

rotherham@Genesis:40:15 @ For I was, stolen, out of the land of the Hebrews, and, even here, had I done nothing, that they should have put me in the dungeon,

rotherham@Genesis:41:2 @ and lo! from the river, were coming up seven heifers, comely in appearance and fat in flesh, and they fed among the rushes.

rotherham@Genesis:41:3 @ And lo! seven heifers more coming up after them out of the river, uncomely in appearance and lean in flesh, and they came and stood beside the heifers, by the lip of the river.

rotherham@Genesis:41:4 @ Then did the heifers that were uncomely in appearance, and lean in flesh, eat up, the seven heifers that were comely in appearance and fat. So Pharaoh awoke.

rotherham@Genesis:41:5 @ And he fell asleep, and dreamed a second time, when lo! seven ears, coming up on one stalk fat and good;

rotherham@Genesis:41:6 @ and lo! seven ears, lean and shrivelled by an east wind, coming up after them.

rotherham@Genesis:41:7 @ Then did the lean ears swallow up the seven fat and full ears. So Pharaoh awoke and lo! it was a dream.

rotherham@Genesis:41:18 @ When lo! out of the river, were coming up seven heifers, fat in flesh and comely in form, and they fed among the rushes.

rotherham@Genesis:41:19 @ And lo! seven other heifers, coming up after them, poor and very uncomely in form and lean in flesh, I had never seen such in all the land of Egypt, for uncomeliness.

rotherham@Genesis:41:20 @ Then did the lean and uncomely heifers eat up the first seven fat heifers;

rotherham@Genesis:41:22 @ Then looked I in my dream, And lo! seven ears, coming up on one stalk, full and good;

rotherham@Genesis:41:23 @ And lo! seven ears, withered lean shrivelled by an east wind growing up after them.

rotherham@Genesis:41:24 @ Then did the lean ears swallow up, the seven good ears. So I told to me.

rotherham@Genesis:41:26 @ The seven good heifers, are, seven years, and, the seven good ears are, seven years, the dream, is, one.

rotherham@Genesis:41:27 @ And the seven lean and uncomely heifers that were coming up after them, are seven years, and the seven lean ears, shrivelled by an east wind, will turn out to beseven years of famine.

rotherham@Genesis:41:29 @ Lo! seven years, coming in, of great plenty, in all the land of Egypt.

rotherham@Genesis:41:30 @ Then shall arise seven years of famine, after them, so shall be forgotten all the plenty in the land of Egypt, and the famine shall consume the land;

rotherham@Genesis:41:34 @ Let Pharaoh do this, that he may appoint overseers over the land, so shall he take up a fifth of the land of Egypt, during the seven years of plenty.

rotherham@Genesis:41:35 @ And let them gather up all the food of these seven good years that are coming in, and let them heap up corn under the hand of Pharaoh as food in cities so shall they keep it.

rotherham@Genesis:41:36 @ So shall the food become a store for the land, for the seven years of famine which shall come about in the land of Egypt, and the land shall not be cut off in the famine.

rotherham@Genesis:41:47 @ And the land produced, in the seven years of plenty, by handfuls,

rotherham@Genesis:41:48 @ And he gathered up all the food of the seven years in which there was plenty in the land of Egypt, and laid up food in citiesthe food of the fields of the city. which were round about it, laid he up within it.

rotherham@Genesis:41:53 @ Then came to an end the seven years of the plenty, which was in the land of Egypt;

rotherham@Genesis:41:54 @ and the seven years of famine began to come in, according as Joseph had said, and it came to pass that there was a famine in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt, there was bread.

rotherham@Genesis:44:15 @ And Joseph said to them, What is this deed which ye have done? Know ye not that such a man as I, can even divine?

rotherham@Genesis:46:25 @ These, are the sons of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, so she bare these to Jacob, all the souls, were seven.

rotherham@Genesis:46:27 @ and, the sons of Joseph who were born to him in Egypt, were two souls: All the souls of the house of Jacob that came into Egypt, were seventy.

rotherham@Genesis:46:34 @ Then shall ye say Men of cattle, have thy servants been from our youth even until now, both we and our fathers, To the end ye may dwell in the land of Goshen, for an abomination to Egyptians, is every feeder of a flock,

rotherham@Genesis:47:28 @ And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years, so it came to pass that the days of Jacob, the years of his life, were a hundred and forty-seven years.

rotherham@Genesis:48:11 @ And Israel said unto Joseph, To see thine own face, had I not thought, and lo! God hath caused me to see even thy seed!

rotherham@Genesis:49:13 @ Zebulon, by a haven of seas, shall he settle down, Even he, by a haven of ships, With his utmost part upon b Zidon.

rotherham@Genesis:49:27 @ Benjamin a wolf that teareth in pieces, In the morning, he eateth prey, And at eventide, he divideth spoil.

rotherham@Genesis:50:3 @ And they fulfilled for him forty days, for so, are they wont to fulfil the days of the embalmed, and the Egyptians wept for him seventy days.

rotherham@Genesis:50:10 @ And they came in, as far as the threshing-floor of the Buckthorn, which is beyond the Jordan, then wailed they therean exceeding great and grievous walling, and he made for his father a mourning, of seven days.

rotherham@Exodus:1:5 @ And it came to pass that all the persons who were descended from Jacob were seventy souls, but, Joseph, was already in Egypt.

rotherham@Exodus:1:11 @ So they set over them chiefs of tribute, to the end they might humiliate them with their burdens, and they built store-cities for Pharaoh, even Pithom and Raamses.

rotherham@Exodus:2:6 @ And she opened and beheld iteven the child, and lo! a boy weeping, so she took pity on him, and said, Of the children of the Hebrews, is this.

rotherham@Exodus:2:16 @ Now, the priest of Midian, had seven daughters, and they came and drew and filled the troughs, to water their fathers flock.

rotherham@Exodus:3:19 @ But, I, know, that the king of Egypt will not suffer you to go, not even by a firm hand.

rotherham@Exodus:4:9 @ and it shall come to pass if they will not believe even these two signs nor hearken to thy voice, then shalt thou take of the water of the river, and pour it out on the dry land, so shall the water which thou hast taken from the river, become, yea it shall become, blood, on the dry land.

rotherham@Exodus:6:4 @ Moreover also I established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, even the land of their sojournings wherein they sojourned.

rotherham@Exodus:6:16 @ And, these, are the names of the sons of Levi by their generations, Gershon, and Kohath and Merari, And, the years of the life of Levi, were a hundred and thirty-seven years.

rotherham@Exodus:6:20 @ So then, Amram took Jochebed, his fathers sister to himself to wife, and she bare to him Aaron and Moses. And, the years of the life of Amram, were a hundred and thirty-seven.

rotherham@Exodus:7:23 @ Then Pharaoh, turned away, and entered into his houseneither applied he his heart, even to this.

rotherham@Exodus:7:25 @ And seven days were fulfilled, after Yahweh had smitten the river.

rotherham@Exodus:9:17 @ Even yet, art thou exalting thyself over my peoplein not letting them go?

rotherham@Exodus:9:18 @ Behold me! raining down, about this time to-morrow, an exceeding heavy hail, such as hath not been in Egypt, from the day it was founded, even unto the present time.

rotherham@Exodus:10:24 @ Then Pharaoh called out unto Moses and said Go serve Yahweh, only, your flocks and your herds, shall be left, even your little ones shall go with you.

rotherham@Exodus:10:25 @ And Moses said, Even thou thyself, shalt give into our hands sacrifices and ascending-offerings, so shall we present offerings to Yahweh our God.

rotherham@Exodus:10:26 @ Moreover also, our own cattle, shall go with usthere shall not be left behind, a hoof, for thereof, must we take, to serve Yahweh our God, even we ourselves, cannot know wherewith we must serve Yahweh, until we have come in thither.

rotherham@Exodus:11:3 @ And Yahweh gave the people favour, in the eyes of the Egyptians, even the man Moses himself, was exceeding great in the land of Egypt, in the eyes of Pharaohs servants and in the eyes of the people.

rotherham@Exodus:12:6 @ So shall it be yours, to keep, until the fourteenth day of this month, then shall all the convocation of the assembly of Israel slay it between the two evenings.

rotherham@Exodus:12:12 @ I will pass along, therefore, throughout the land of Egypt this night, and will smite every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man even to beast, and against all the gods of Egypt, will I execute judgments I, Yahweh.

rotherham@Exodus:12:15 @ Seven days, unleavened cakes, shall ye eat, surely, on the first day, shall ye put away leaven, out of your houses, for whosoever eateth what is leavened, then shall that soul be cut off out of Israel, from the first day, unto the seventh day.

rotherham@Exodus:12:16 @ Both on the first day, a holy convocation, and on the seventh daya holy convocation, shall there be to you, no work, shall be done therein, save only what must be eaten by every soul, that alone, shall be done by you.

rotherham@Exodus:12:18 @ In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening, shall ye eat unleavened cakes, until the one-and-twentieth day of the month in the evening,

rotherham@Exodus:12:19 @ For seven days, leaven, shall not be found in your houses, for, whosoever eateth what is leavened, then shall that soul be cut off out of the assembly of Israel, whether sojourner or native of the land.

rotherham@Exodus:12:32 @ also, your flocks and your herds, take ye, as ye spake and go your way, so shall ye bless, even me.

rotherham@Exodus:13:6 @ Seven days, shalt thou eat unleavened cakes, and on the seventh day, a festival to Yahweh.

rotherham@Exodus:13:7 @ Unleavened cakes, shall be eaten for the seven days, neither shall there be seen with thee anything leavened, nor shall there be seen with thee leaven, within any of thy bounds,

rotherham@Exodus:13:15 @ And it came to pass when Pharaoh had shown himself too hardened to let us go, then did Yahweh slay every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of men even unto the firstborn of beasts. For this cause, am, I, sacrificing to Yahweh whatsoever is born first, of the males, and every firstborn of my sons, must I redeem.

rotherham@Exodus:14:28 @ thus the waters returned and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, even all the forces of Pharaoh that were entering after them into the sea, there was not left remaining among them so much as one.

rotherham@Exodus:15:27 @ Then came they in to Elim, and there, were twelve fountains of water and seventy palm-trees, so they encamped there, by the waters.

rotherham@Exodus:16:6 @ So Moses and Aaron said unto all the sons of Israel, At eventide, then shall ye know that it was, Yahweh, who brought you forth, out of the land of Egypt;

rotherham@Exodus:16:8 @ And Moses said In that Yahweh giveth you in the evening flesh to eat, and bread in the morning, to the full, in that Yahweh heareth your murmurings wherewith ye are murmuring against him, what then are, we? Not against us, do ye murmur but against Yahweh.

rotherham@Exodus:16:12 @ I have heard the murmurings of the sons of Israel, speak unto them, saying Between the two evenings, shall ye eat flesh, and in the morning, shall ye be filled with bread, so shall ye know that I Yahweh am your God.

rotherham@Exodus:16:13 @ And it came to pass, in the evening, that there came up quail, and covered the camp, and in the morning was the outpouring of dew, round about the camp;

rotherham@Exodus:16:26 @ Six days, shall ye gather it, but on the seventh day, a sabbath, it shall not be therein.

rotherham@Exodus:16:27 @ And it came to pass on the seventh day, that there went forth some of the people to gather, but they found not.

rotherham@Exodus:16:29 @ See because Yahweh hath given you the sabbath, for this cause, is, he, giving you on the sixth day, food for two days, abide ye every man in his place, let no man go forth from his dwelling, on the seventh day,

rotherham@Exodus:16:30 @ So the people rested on the seventh day.

rotherham@Exodus:18:11 @ Now, I know, that, greater, is Yahweh than all the gods, Even in the thing wherein they were arrogant over them.

rotherham@Exodus:18:13 @ Now it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat, to judge the people, and the people stood by Moses, from the morning, until the evening.

rotherham@Exodus:18:14 @ And when Moses father-in-law saw all that he, was doing for the people, he said What is this thing which, thou, art doing for the people? Wherefore art, thou, sitting alone, with all the people, stationed by thee, from morning until evening?

rotherham@Exodus:19:22 @ Yea, even the priests who do approach unto Yahweh, must hallow themselves, lest Yahweh break in upon them.

rotherham@Exodus:20:10 @ but, the seventh day, is a sabbath unto Yahweh thy God, thou shalt do no work, thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor thy servant, nor thy handmaid, nor thy beast, nor thy sojourner who is within thy gates,

rotherham@Exodus:21:2 @ When thou shalt acquire a servant who is a Hebrew, six years, shall he serve, but in the seventh shall he go out freelyfor nought.

rotherham@Exodus:22:30 @ Thus, shalt thou do with thine ox with thy sheep, a seven days, shall it be with its dam, on the eighth day, shalt thou give it to me.

rotherham@Exodus:23:3 @ Even a poor man, shalt thou not prefer in his quarrel.

rotherham@Exodus:23:11 @ but the seventh year, shalt thou let it rest and be still so shall the needy of thy people eat, and what they leave, shall the wild-beast of the field eat, in like manner, shalt thou deal with thy vineyard with thine oliveyard.

rotherham@Exodus:23:12 @ Six days, shalt thou do thy work, but on the seventh day, shalt thou keep sabbath, that thine ox may rest and thine ass, and that the son of thy handmaid and the sojourner may be refreshed.

rotherham@Exodus:23:15 @ The festival of unleavened cakes, shalt thou keep, seven days, shalt thou eat unleavened cakes, as I commanded thee at the appointed time of the month Abib; for, therein, camest thou forth out of Egypt, and they shall not see my face, empty-handed.

rotherham@Exodus:23:31 @ So will I set thy bounds from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines and from the desert unto the River (Euphrates), for I will deliver into your hand the inhabitants of the land, so shalt thou drive them out from before thee.

rotherham@Exodus:24:1 @ And unto Moses, he said Come up unto Yahwehthou, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, so shall ye bow yourselves down from afar.

rotherham@Exodus:24:9 @ Then went up Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel;

rotherham@Exodus:24:16 @ And the glory of Yahweh rested upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days, then called he unto Moses on the seventh day, out of the midst of the cloud.

rotherham@Exodus:25:9 @ according to all that, I, am shewing thee, the pattern of the habitation, and the pattern of all the furnishings thereof, even so, shall ye make it.

rotherham@Exodus:25:12 @ And thou shalt cast for it four rings of gold, and shalt put them on the four feet thereof, even two rings on the one side thereof, and two rings on the other side thereof.

rotherham@Exodus:25:31 @ And thou shalt make a lampstand of pure gold, of beaten work, shall the lampstand be made, even its base and its shaft its cups, its apples, and its blossoms of the same, shall be:

rotherham@Exodus:25:37 @ And thou shalt make the lamps thereof seven, and one shall light up its lamps, and it shall give light, over against the face thereof.

rotherham@Exodus:26:7 @ And thou shalt make curtains of goats hair, for a tent, over the habitationeleven curtains, shalt thou make them.

rotherham@Exodus:26:8 @ The length of each curtain, thirty cubits, and the breadth, four cubits, of each curtain, one measure, to the eleven curtains.

rotherham@Exodus:27:21 @ In the tent of meeting, outside the veil which is by the testimony, shall Aaron and his sons order it from evening until morning, before Yahweh, a statute age-abiding, to their generations, from the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Exodus:28:42 @ And thou shalt make for them breeches of linen, to cover their unseemliness, from the loins even unto the thighs, shall they be;

rotherham@Exodus:29:30 @ Seven days, shall they be put on by him from among his sons who is priest in his stead, by him who goeth into the tent of meeting, to minister in the holy place.

rotherham@Exodus:29:35 @ So then thou shalt do for Aaron and for his sons, in this manner, according to all which I have commanded, thee, seven days, shalt thou install them.

rotherham@Exodus:29:37 @ Seven days, shalt thou put a propitiatory-covering over the altar, and so shalt hallow it, thus shall the altar become most holy; whosoever toucheth the altar, must be holy.

rotherham@Exodus:29:39 @ The one lamb, shalt thou offer in the morning, and the second lamb, shalt thou offer between the evenings;

rotherham@Exodus:29:41 @ And the second lamb, shalt thou offer between the evenings,-according to the meal-offering of the morning, and according to the drink-offering thereof, shalt thou offer with it, for a satisfying odour, an altar-flame, to Yahweh:

rotherham@Exodus:30:8 @ and, when Aaron lighteth the lamps, between the evenings, shall he burn it, a continual incense before Yahweh, to your generations.

rotherham@Exodus:31:15 @ Six days, shall work be done, but on the seventh day, is a holy sabbath-keeping of rest unto Yahweh, whosoever doeth work on the sabbath day, shall be, surely put to death.

rotherham@Exodus:31:17 @ between me and the sons of Israel, a sign it is unto times age-abiding, for in six days, did Yahweh make the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day, he rested, and was refreshed.

rotherham@Exodus:33:17 @ Then said Yahweh unto Moses: Even this thing, which thou hast spoken, will I do For thou hast found favour in mine eyes, And I have acknowledged thee by name.

rotherham@Exodus:34:3 @ and, no man, may come up with thee, and let no man so much as be seen in all the mount, and let not even the flocks or the herds, feed in front of that mountain.

rotherham@Exodus:34:18 @ The festival of unleavened cakes, shalt thou keep, seven days, shalt thou eat unleavened cakes, which I commanded thee, at the set time, in the month Abib, for in the month Abib, camest thou forth out of Egypt.

rotherham@Exodus:34:21 @ Six days, shalt thou labour, but on the seventh day, shalt thou rest, in plowing time and in harvest, shalt thou rest.

rotherham@Exodus:35:2 @ Six days, shall work be done, but on the seventh day, shall there be to you a holy sabbath-keeping, unto Yahweh, whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.

rotherham@Exodus:35:5 @ Take ye from among you, a heave-offering to Yahweh, every one whose heart is willing shall bring it in, even the heave-offering of Yahweh, gold and silver and bronze:

rotherham@Exodus:35:22 @ Yea they brought inthe men with the women, all who were willing-hearted, brought inbracelets and nose-ornaments and rings, and buckles, all manner of jewels of gold, even every man who waved a wave-offering of gold unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Exodus:36:14 @ And he made curtains of goats-hair, for the tent over the habitation, eleven curtains, did he make them:

rotherham@Exodus:36:15 @ the length of each curtain, was thirty cubits, and, four cubits, was the breath of each curtain, one measure, had the eleven curtains.

rotherham@Exodus:37:3 @ and he cast for it four rings of gold, upon the four feet thereof, even, two rings, on the one side thereof and, two rings, on the other side thereof;

rotherham@Exodus:37:23 @ And he made the lamps thereof seven, with its snuffers and its snuff-trays, of pure gold.

rotherham@Exodus:38:17 @ And, the sockets for the pillars, were of bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their connecting-rods of silver, and the overlaying of their capitals, was silver, and, they themselves, were filleted with silver, even all the pillars of the court,

rotherham@Exodus:38:24 @ As for all the gold that was used for, he work, in all the construction of the sanctuary, it came to pass that the gold of the wave-offering was nine-and-twenty talents, and seven hundred and thirty shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary.

rotherham@Exodus:38:25 @ And, the silver of them who were numbered of the assembly, was one hundred talents, and one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-five shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary;

rotherham@Exodus:38:28 @ And with the thousand, seven hundred and seventy-five, made the hooks for the pillars, and overlaid their capitals and united them with connecting-rods.

rotherham@Exodus:38:29 @ And the bronze of the wave-offering, was seventy talents, and two thousand and four hundred shekels.

rotherham@Leviticus:4:6 @ and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle of the blood seven times, before Yahweh, in front of the veil of the sanctuary.

rotherham@Leviticus:4:17 @ and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and shall sprinkle of the blood seven times before Yahweh, upon the face of the veil;

rotherham@Leviticus:6:20 @ This, is the oblation of Aaron and his sons, which they shall bring near unto Yahweh in the day when he is anointed, The tenth of an ephah of fine meal, as a continual meal-offering, half thereof in the morning, and half thereof in the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:8:11 @ and he sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times, and anointed the altar, and all the utensils thereof and the laver and its stand to hallow them

rotherham@Leviticus:8:33 @ And from the entrance of the tent of meeting, shall ye not go forth for seven days, until the day that filleth up the days of your installation, because for seven days, will he install you:

rotherham@Leviticus:8:35 @ Even at the entrance of the tent of meeting, shall ye abide day and night for seven days, and shall keep the watch of Yahweh and shall not die, for, so, am I commanded.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:24 @ and, for these, shall ye count yourselves uncleanwhosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:25 @ and whosoever beareth away aught of the carcase of them, shall wash his clothes and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:27 @ And, all that go upon their paws, among all the living things that go on all-fours, unclean, they are unto you, whoso toucheth the carcase of them, shall be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:28 @ And, he that beareth away the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and shall be unclean until the evening, unclean, they are unto you.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:31 @ These, are they which are unclean to you among all that creep, whosoever toucheth them when they are dead shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:11:32 @ and, everything whereon any of them shall fall when they are dead shall be uncleanof any articles of wood, or cloth, or skin, or sackcloth, any article wherewith any work is done, shall be put in water and shall be unclean until the evening, and then be clean,

rotherham@Leviticus:11:39 @ And, when any of the beasts which are yours for food shall die, he that toucheth the carcase of it shall be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:40 @ And, he that eateth of the carcase of it, shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening, he also that carrieth away the carcase thereof shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:11:42 @ Everything that goeth upon the belly, and everything that goeth upon all-fours, even to everything having many feet, as regardeth any creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, ye shall not eat them for, an abomination, they are.

rotherham@Leviticus:12:2 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, A woman when she conceiveth seed and giveth birth to a male child, then shall she be unclean seven days, according to the days of her removal in her sickness shall she be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:4 @ But, if the bright spot, though white in the skin of his flesh, is not deeper in appearance than the skin, and, the hair, hath not turned white, then shall the priest shut up the plagued one, seven days.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:5 @ And the priest shall view him on the seventh day, and lo! if the spot hath stayed to his sight, and the spot hath not spread in the skin, then shall the priest shut him up seven days more,

rotherham@Leviticus:13:6 @ Then shall the priest view him on the seventh day, a second time, and lo! if the spot is, faint, and the spot hath not spread in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him cleanit is, a scab, and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:12 @ But, if the leprosy, cometh quite out, in the skin, and the leprosy covereth all the skin of him that, is plagued, from his head even unto his feet, so far as appeareth to the eyes of the priest,

rotherham@Leviticus:13:21 @ But, if the priest shall view it and lo! there is no white hair therein, and it is not deeper than the skin, and, in itself, is faint, then shall the priest shut him up seven days;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:26 @ But, if the priest shall view it and lo! there is not, in the bright spot white hair, and it is not deeper than the skin but, itself, is faint, then shall the priest shut him up seven days;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:27 @ and the priest shall view him on the seventh day, if it, hath plainly spread in the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him unclean, the plague-spot of leprosy, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:31 @ But when the priest vieweth the spot, and lo! there is, no appearance, of it deeper than the skin, and, no dark hair, is therein, then shall the priest shut up him that hath the plague-spot of scall, seven days;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:32 @ and the priest shall view the spot on the seventh day, and lo! if the scall hath not spread, and there hath not come to be therein yellow hair, and, the appearance of the scall, is not deeper than the skin,

rotherham@Leviticus:13:33 @ then shall he shave himself, but the scall, shall he not shave, and the priest shall shut up him who hath the scall seven days, more;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:34 @ then shall the priest view the scall, on the seventh day, and lo! if the sea hath not spread in the skin, and, the appearance thereof, is not deeper than the skin, then shall the priest pronounce him clean, and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:50 @ and the priest shall view the spot, and shall shut up him that is plagued seven days;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:51 @ then shall he view the spot, on the seventh day if the spot hath spread in the garment whether in warp or in weft, or in the skin, or anything which may be made of skin for service, the spot is a fretting leprosy, unclean, it is.

rotherham@Leviticus:13:54 @ then shall the priest give command, and they shall wash that wherein is the spot, and he shall shut it up seven days more;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:7 @ and shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the leprosy, seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let go the living bird over the face of the field.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:8 @ And he that is to be declared clean shall wash his clothes and shave off all his hair, and bathe in water, and be clean, and, afterwards, shall he come into the camp, and dwell outside his tent, seven days;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:9 @ and it shall be on the seventh day, that he shall shave off all the hair of his head, and his beard, and his eyebrows, even all his hair, shall he shave off, and shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water so shall he be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:16 @ and the priest shall dip his right finger of the oil that is on the palm of his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before Yahweh:

rotherham@Leviticus:14:27 @ and the priest shall sprinkle with his right finger, of the oil that is on the palm of his left hand, seven times, before Yahweh;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:31 @ even that for which his hand hath enough, the one as a sin-bearer and the other as an ascending-sacrifice, upon the meal-offering, so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over him that is to be cleansed before Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:38 @ then shall the priest come forth out of the house, unto the entrance of the house, and shall shut up the house seven days;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:39 @ and the priest shall return on the seventh day, and take a view, and lo! if the mark hath spread in the walls of the house,

rotherham@Leviticus:14:46 @ And as for him that entereth into the house, all the days it is shut up, he shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:51 @ and take the cedar wood and the hyssop, and the crimson and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the living water, and sprinkle the house seven times;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:5 @ And whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:6 @ And, he that sitteth on that whereon he that hath the flux hath sat, shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:7 @ And, he that toucheth the flesh of him that hath the flux, shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Leviticus:15:8 @ And, when he that hath a flux spitteth on him that is clean, then shall he wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:10 @ And, whosoever toucheth anything that was under him shall be unclean until the evening; and, he that carrieth them shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:11 @ And, whomsoever he that hath the flux toucheth, not having rinsed, his hands in water, then shall he wash his clothes, and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Leviticus:15:13 @ And when he that hath the flux becometh clean from his flux, then shall he number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in living water, and be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:16 @ And, when there goeth out from, any man, an outflow of seed, then shall he bathe all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:17 @ And, in the case of any garment or any skin whereupon there shall come to be an outflow of seed, then shall it be washed in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:18 @ Also, a woman with whom man lieth carnally, then shall they bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:19 @ And, when a, woman, hath a flow, and her flow in her flesh is, blood, seven days, shall she continue in her removal, and whosoever toucheth her, shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:21 @ and whosoever toucheth her bed, shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:22 @ and, whosoever toucheth any thing whereon she sitteth shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:23 @ and, whether, on her bed, it is, or on any thing whereon she hath been sitting, when he toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Leviticus:15:24 @ and if man shall even lie with her, and her cause for removal be upon him, then shall he be unclean seven days, and, all the bed whereon he shall lie, shall be unclean.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:27 @ and whosoever toucheth them, shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Leviticus:15:28 @ But, if she he clean from her flow, then shall she count to her-self seven days and afterwards, shall she count herself clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:16:14 @ Then shall he take of the blood of the bullock, and shall sprinkle with iris finger upon the face of the propitiatory, eastwards, and before the propitiatory, shall he sprinkle seven times, of the blood, with his finger.

rotherham@Leviticus:16:19 @ and shall sprinkle upon it, of the blood with his finger seven times, and shall cleanse it and hallow it, from the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Leviticus:16:29 @ And it shall become unto you, a statute age-abiding, In the seventh month on the tenth of the month, Shall ye humble you souls And, no work, shall ye do, The home-born, Or the sojourner that sojourneth in your midst;

rotherham@Leviticus:17:12 @ For this cause, have I said unto the sons of Israel, Not a person from among you shall partake of blood, Even the sojourner that sojourneth in your midst, shall not partake of blood.

rotherham@Leviticus:17:15 @ And, in the case of any person who eateth that which died of itself or was torn in pieces, whether he be home-born, or a sojourner, then shall he wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening, and then be clean.

rotherham@Leviticus:18:7 @ The shame of thy father, even the shame of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover, thy mother, she is, thou shalt not uncover her shame.

rotherham@Leviticus:19:21 @ but he shall bring in his guilt-bearer unto Yahweh, unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, even a ram as a guilt-bearer;

rotherham@Leviticus:20:3 @ I, also, will set my face against that man, and will cut him off out of the midst of his people, because of his seed, hath he given unto Molech, seeing that he hath made unclean my sanctuary, even to the extent of profaning my holy name.

rotherham@Leviticus:20:4 @ But, if the people of the land, do even hide, their eyes from that man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, so as not to put him to death,

rotherham@Leviticus:22:6 @ any person who toucheth any such, shall then be unclean until the evening, and shall not eat of the hallowed things, unless he bathe his flesh in water.

rotherham@Leviticus:22:25 @ Even at the hand of the son of a stranger, shall ye not bring near the food of your God of any of these, for, their damage is in them, a blemish, is in them, they shall not be accepted for you.

rotherham@Leviticus:22:27 @ When, a beeve or a sheep or a goat, is brought forth, then shall it be seven days under its dam, and, from the eighth day and onwards, it shall be accepted as an oblation of an altar-flame unto Yahweh,

rotherham@Leviticus:23:3 @ Six days, shall work be done, but, on the seventh day, shall there be a sabbath of sacred rest a holy convocation, no work, shall ye do, a sabbath, shall it be unto Yahweh, in all your dwellings.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:5 @ In the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the evenings, is a Passover unto Yahweh;

rotherham@Leviticus:23:6 @ and on the fifteenth day of this month, is the festival of unleavened cakes unto Yahweh, seven daysunleavened cakes, shall ye eat.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:8 @ So then ye shall bring near an altar-flame unto Yahweh, seven days, on the seventh day, a holy convocation, no laborious work, shall ye do.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:15 @ Then shall ye keep count to yourselves from the morrow of the sabbath, from the day ye brought in the wave sheaf, seven sabbaths complete, shall there be:

rotherham@Leviticus:23:16 @ until on the morrow of the seventh sabbath, ye count fifty days, then shall ye bring near a new meal-offering unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:18 @ Then shall ye bring near with the bread seven he-lambs without defect of the first year, and one young bullock, and two rams, they shall be an ascending-sacrifice unto Yahweh, with their meal-offering, and their drink-offerings, an altar-flame of satisfying odour unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:24 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying: In the seventh month on the first of the month, shall there be unto you a sacred rest, a trumpet-blowing commemoration a holy convocation:

rotherham@Leviticus:23:27 @ Surely on the tenth of this seventh month, is, the Day of Propitiation, a holy convocation, shall it be to you, therefore shall ye humble your souls, and bring near an altar-flame unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:32 @ A sabbath of sacred rest, shall it be unto you, so shall ye humble your souls, on the ninth of the month in the evening, from evening to evening, shall ye keep your sabbath.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:34 @ Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying: On the fifteenth day of this seventh month, shall be the festival of booths, for seven days, unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:36 @ Seven days, shall ye bring near an altar-flame unto Yahweh: on the eighth daya holy convocation, shall there be unto you so shall ye bring near an altar-flame unto Yahwehthe closing of the feast, it is, no laborious work, shall ye do.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:39 @ Surely, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the yield of the land, shall ye celebrate the festival of Yahweh seven days, on the first day, a sacred rest, and, on the eighth day, a sacred rest.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:40 @ So then ye shall take you, on the first day, boughs of goodly trees, branches, of palm-trees, and boughs of thick trees, and poplars of the ravine, and shall rejoice before Yahweh your God, seven days.

rotherham@Leviticus:23:41 @ So shall ye celebrate it as a festival unto Yahweh, seven days in the year, a statute age-abiding, to your generations. In the seventh month, shall ye celebrate it;

rotherham@Leviticus:23:42 @ In booths, shall ye dwell seven days; All the home-born in Israel, shall dwell in booths:

rotherham@Leviticus:24:3 @ Outside the veil of the testimony, in the tent of meeting, shall Aaron order it, from evening until morning, before Yahweh continually, a statute age-abiding, to your generations.

rotherham@Leviticus:25:4 @ but, in the seventh yeara sabbath of sacred rest, shall there be unto the land, a sabbath unto Yahweh: thy field, shalt thou not sow, and, thy vineyard, shalt thou not prune;

rotherham@Leviticus:25:8 @ And thou shalt count to thee seven weeks of years, seven years, seven times, so shall the days of the seven weeks of years become to thee forty-nine years.

rotherham@Leviticus:25:9 @ Then shalt thou cause a signal-horn to pass through in the seventh month, on the tenth of the month: on the Day of Propitiation, shall ye cause a horn to pass throughout all your land.

rotherham@Leviticus:25:20 @ And since ye may say, What shall we eat in the seventh year? Lo! we are not to sow, neither are we to gather our increase!

rotherham@Leviticus:26:18 @ And, if even with these things, ye will not hearken unto me, Then will I yet further correct you seven times, for your sins.

rotherham@Leviticus:26:21 @ If therefore, ye will go in opposition to me, And not be willing to hearken unto me, Then will I yet further plague you seven times according to your sins;

rotherham@Leviticus:26:24 @ Then will, I also, go in opposition to you. And, I, even I, will plague you seven times for your sins;

rotherham@Leviticus:26:28 @ Then will I go in a rage of opposition to you, And I, even I, will correct you seven times for your sins;

rotherham@Leviticus:26:29 @ And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, Yea, even the flesh of your daughters, shall ye eat.

rotherham@Leviticus:26:33 @ When, even you, I scatter among the nations, And make bare after you, a sword, Then shall your land become an astonishment, And your cities become a desolation.

rotherham@Leviticus:26:41 @ I also, must needs go in opposition to them, and bring them into the land of their foes, Save only that, if, even then, their uncircumcised heart shall be humbled, And, even then, they shall accept as a payment the punishment of their iniquity,

rotherham@Leviticus:26:44 @ And yet even so when they are in the land of their foes I have not refused them Neither have I abhorred them To make an end of them, To break my covenant with them, For, IYahweh, am their God.

rotherham@Leviticus:27:3 @ then shall, thine estimate be for the male from twenty years of age even to sixty years of age, yea thine estimate shall befifty shekels of silver by the shekel of the sanctuary;

rotherham@Leviticus:27:5 @ And, if it be from five years of age even unto twenty years of age, then shall thine estimate be for the male, twenty shekels, and, for the female, ten shekels.

rotherham@Leviticus:27:6 @ And, if it he from a month old even unto five years old, then shall thine estimate befor the male, five shekels of silver, and, for the female, thine estimate three shekels of silver.

rotherham@Numbers:1:27 @ such as were numbered of them as belonging to the tribe of Judah, seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:1:31 @ such as were numbered of them as belonging to the tribe of Zebulun, fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:1:39 @ such as were numbered of them as belonging to the tribe of Dan, sixty-two thousand, and seven hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:3 @ And they who encamp eastwards towards sunrise, shall he the standard of the camp of Judah by their hosts, even the prince of the sons of Judah, Nashon, son of Ammi-nadab;

rotherham@Numbers:2:4 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, seventy-four thousand and six hundred,

rotherham@Numbers:2:5 @ Then they who encamp by him the tribe of Issachar, even the prince of the sons of Issachar, Nethanel, son of Zuar;

rotherham@Numbers:2:6 @ and his host even they who are numbered of them, fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:7 @ The tribe of Zebulun, even the prince of the sons of Zebulun, Eliab, son of Helon;

rotherham@Numbers:2:8 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of him, fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:10 @ the standard of he camp of Reuben south-wards, by their hosts, even the prince of the sons of Reuben, Elizur son of Shedeur;

rotherham@Numbers:2:11 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of him, forty-six thousand, and five hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:12 @ Then they who encamp by him, the tribe of Simeon, even the prince of the sons of Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai;

rotherham@Numbers:2:13 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:14 @ Then the tribe of Gad, even the prince of the sons of Gad, Eliasaph son of Reuel;

rotherham@Numbers:2:15 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, forty-five thousand, and six hundred and fifty.

rotherham@Numbers:2:18 @ the standard of the camp of Ephraim, by their hosts westwards, even the prince of the sons of Ephraim, Elishama son of Ammihud;

rotherham@Numbers:2:19 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, forty thousand, and five hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:20 @ Then by him, the tribe of Manasseh, even the prince of the sons of Manasseh, Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur;

rotherham@Numbers:2:21 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:22 @ Then the tribe of Benjamin, even the prince of the sons of Benjamin, Abidan, son of Gideoni;

rotherham@Numbers:2:23 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:25 @ the standard of the camp of Dan, north-wards by their hosts, even the prince of the sons of Dan, Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai:

rotherham@Numbers:2:26 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, sixty-two thou-sand and seven hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:27 @ Then they who encamp by him the tribe of Asher, even the prince of the sons of Asher, Pagiel, son of Ochran;

rotherham@Numbers:2:28 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, forty-one thousand and five hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:2:29 @ Then the tribe of Naphtali, even the prince of the sons of Naphtali, Ahira, son of Enan;

rotherham@Numbers:2:30 @ and his host, even they who are numbered of them, fifty-three thousand and four hundred,

rotherham@Numbers:2:31 @ All they who are numbered to the camp of Dan, a hundred and fifty-seven thousand and six hundred, in the hindmost rank, shall they set forward, by their standards.

rotherham@Numbers:3:8 @ so shall they have charge of all the furniture of the tent of meeting, even the charge of the sons of Israel, to do the laborious work of the habitation.

rotherham@Numbers:3:22 @ They who were numbered of them in the counting of every male, from one month old, and upwards, they who were num-bered of them, were seven thousand and five hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:3:43 @ And it was sothat all the firstborn of the males in the counting of names from one month old and upwards of such as were numbered of them, were two-and-twenty thousand, two hundred and seventy-three.

rotherham@Numbers:3:46 @ and as the ransom of the two hundred and seventy-three, who are mere than the Levites, of the firstborn of the sons of Israel,

rotherham@Numbers:4:3 @ from thirty years old, and upwards, even unto fifty years, every one that can enter into the host, to do service in the tent of meeting.

rotherham@Numbers:4:22 @ reckon up the sum of the sons of Gershon even of them also, by their ancestral house by their families;

rotherham@Numbers:4:23 @ from thirty years old and upwards even to fifty years, shalt thou number them, All that may enter to take rank in the host, to do laborious work in the tent of meeting.

rotherham@Numbers:4:30 @ from thirty years old and upwards even to fifty years, shall ye number them, all that enter into the host, to do laborious work in the tent of meeting,

rotherham@Numbers:4:35 @ from thirty years old and upwards, even unto fifty years old, all that might enter the host, to labour in the tent of meeting;

rotherham@Numbers:4:36 @ and they who were numbered of them, by their families, were found to be two thousand, seven hundred and fifty.

rotherham@Numbers:4:39 @ from thirty years old and upwards, even to fifty years old, all that might enter the host, to labour in the tent of meeting,:

rotherham@Numbers:4:43 @ from thirty years old and upwards, even unto fifty years old, all that might enter the host to labour in the tent of meeting;

rotherham@Numbers:4:46 @ All they who were numbered, whom Moses and Aaron and the princes of Israel did number, even the Levites, by their families and by their ancestral house;

rotherham@Numbers:4:47 @ from thirty years old and upwards, even unto fifty years old, all that might enter, to toil in the work of labouring and in the work of bearing burdens, in the tent of meeting,

rotherham@Numbers:6:4 @ All the days of his separation, of nothing that is made from the grapevine from the seeds even to the skin, shall he eat.

rotherham@Numbers:6:7 @ Neither for his father nor for his mother nor for his brother nor for his sister, shall he make himself unclean-not even for them, should they die, because, his separation unto God, is upon his head,

rotherham@Numbers:6:9 @ But if one that is dying should die by him in a moment suddenly, then shall he count unclean his head of separation, and shall shave his head, on the day he cleanseth himself, on the seventh day, shall he shave it.

rotherham@Numbers:7:13 @ and his offering, wasone charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil for a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:19 @ He offered as his oblationone charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:25 @ his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:31 @ his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of Silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:37 @ his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:43 @ his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl, of silver, seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:48 @ On the seventh day, the prince of the sons of Ephraim, Elishama, son of Ammihud:

rotherham@Numbers:7:49 @ his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:55 @ his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl, of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:61 @ his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:67 @ his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:72 @ On the eleventh day, the prince of the sons of Asher, Pagiel son of Ochran;

rotherham@Numbers:7:73 @ his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl, of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:7:79 @ his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

rotherham@Numbers:8:2 @ Speak unto Aaron, and thou shalt say unto him, When thou lightest up the lamps, over against the front of the lampstand, shall the seven lamps give light.

rotherham@Numbers:8:8 @ Then shall they take a choice young bullock, with the meal-offering thereof even fine meal overflowed with oil, and a second choice young bullock, shalt thou take. as a sin-bearer.

rotherham@Numbers:9:3 @ on he fourteenth day of this month between the two evenings, shall ye keep it, in its appointed season, according to all the statute thereof and according to all the regulations thereof, shall ye keep it.

rotherham@Numbers:9:5 @ So they kept the passover in the first, on the fourteenth day of the month between the two evenings, in the desert of Sinai, according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so, did the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Numbers:9:11 @ In the second month, on the fourteenth day between the two evenings, shall they keep it, with unleavened cakes and bitter herbs, shall they eat it.

rotherham@Numbers:9:15 @ Now, on the day the habitation was reared, the cloud covered the habitation, even the tent of the testimony, and in the evening, it was over the habitation, like an appearance of fire, until morning,

rotherham@Numbers:9:21 @ And, so it was, when the cloud would be from evening until morning, as soon as the cloud went up in the morning, so soon did they set forward: whether by day or by night, as soon as the cloud went up, so soon did they set forward.

rotherham@Numbers:11:4 @ Moreover the mixed multitude that was in their midst concealed not their lusting, and so even the sons of Israel, fell away and wept, and said: Who will grant us to eat flesh?

rotherham@Numbers:11:16 @ Then said Yahweh unto Moses Gather thou unto me seventy men, from among the elders of Israel, of whom thou knowest that they are elders of the people and their overseers, then shalt thou take them unto the tent of meeting, and they shall station themselves there with thee.

rotherham@Numbers:11:24 @ And Moses went forth and spake unto the people the words of Yahweh, and gathered together seventy men from among the elders of the people, and caused them to stand round about the tent.

rotherham@Numbers:11:25 @ Then Yahweh came down, in the cloud, and spake unto him, and took e of the spirit that was upon him, and gave unto the seventy menthe elders. And it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and then did so no more.

rotherham@Numbers:12:14 @ And Yahweh said unto Moses: If, her own father, had, but spat, in her face, would she not, have acknowledged the shame for seven days? Let her shut herself up for seven days, outside the camp, and afterwards, let her be received back.

rotherham@Numbers:12:15 @ So Miriam shut herself up, outside the camp, for seven days, and, the people, set not forward, until Miriam had been received back.

rotherham@Numbers:13:22 @ Yea they went up in the South and entered as far as Hebron, and there, were Ahiman Sheshai and Talmai descendants of the Anak. Now, Hebron, was built seven years, before Zoan of Egypt.

rotherham@Numbers:14:19 @ Pardon I beseech thee, the iniquity of this people, According to the greatness of thy lovingkindness, And according as thou hast forgiven this people, from Egypt even thus far.

rotherham@Numbers:14:45 @ So ten the Amalekites and the Canaanites, that dwelt in that mountain, came down, and smote them and routed them even unto Hormah.

rotherham@Numbers:15:23 @ even all that Yahweh hath given unto you in command, by the hand of Moses, from the day that Yahweh gave command, and onward unto your generations,

rotherham@Numbers:15:28 @ and the priest shall put a propitiatory-covering over the person who hath made the mistake, when he hath sinned by mistake before Yahweh, even put a propitiatory-covering over him, and pardon shall be granted him.

rotherham@Numbers:16:13 @ Was it, a small thing, that thou didst bring us up out of land flowing with milk and honey, to put us to death in the desert but thou must, continue even to lord it, over us?

rotherham@Numbers:16:49 @ And so it was that they who died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, besides them who died over the matter of Korah.

rotherham@Numbers:18:11 @ This, therefore, shall be thinethe heave-offering of their gift even all the wave-offerings of the sons of Israel, unto thee, have I given them and unto thy sons and unto thy daughters with thee by a statute age-abiding, every one that is clean in thy house, shall eat it.

rotherham@Numbers:19:4 @ and Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger, and shall sprinkle towards the front of the tent of meeting: of her blood, seven times;

rotherham@Numbers:19:7 @ And the priest shall wash his clothes and bathe his flesh in water, and afterwards come into the camp, but the priest shall be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Numbers:19:8 @ And, he that burneth her, shall wash his clothes in water, and bathe his flesh in water, and be unclean until the evening,

rotherham@Numbers:19:10 @ Then shall he that gathered up the ashes wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening, so shall it be for the sons of Israel and for the sojourner that sojourneth in your midst by a statute age-abiding.

rotherham@Numbers:19:11 @ He that toucheth the dead, even any human person, shall be unclean seven days.

rotherham@Numbers:19:12 @ He, shall cleanse himself from sin therewith on the third day, then on the seventh day, shall he be clean, but if he cleanse not himself from sin on the third day, then on the seventh day, shall he not be clean,

rotherham@Numbers:19:14 @ This, is the law When, a human being, shall die in a tent, every one who goeth into the tent and every one who is in the tent shall be unclean seven days.

rotherham@Numbers:19:16 @ And, whosoever toucheth on the face of the field, one slain with a sword, or one who hath died, or a human bone or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.

rotherham@Numbers:19:19 @ and the clean person shall sprinkle upon the unclean, on the third day, and on the seventh day, so shall he cleanse himself from sin, on the seventh day, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water and be clean in the evening.

rotherham@Numbers:19:21 @ So shall it be unto them for statute age-abiding, and, he that sprinkleth the water of separation, shall wash his clothes, and he that toucheth the water of separation shall be unclean until the evening;

rotherham@Numbers:19:22 @ and, whatsoever the unclean person toucheth, shall be unclean, and the person who toucheth it shall be unclean until the evening.

rotherham@Numbers:20:5 @ And wherefore did ye cause us to come up out of Egypt, to bring us into this wretched place?not a place of seeds, and figs, and vines and pomegranates, even water, is there none to drink.

rotherham@Numbers:20:29 @ And all the assembly saw that Aaron was dead; and they bewailed Aaron thirty days, even all the house of Israel.

rotherham@Numbers:22:19 @ Now, therefore abide here, I pray you even ye, for the night, that I may get to know what further Yahweh may be speaking with me.

rotherham@Numbers:22:33 @ And the ass hath seen me, and hath turned aside at ray presence these three times: Unless she had turned aside from my presence, yea now even thee, had I slain, but, her, had I suffered to live.

rotherham@Numbers:23:1 @ Then said Balaam unto Balak: Build me here seven altars, and prepare me here, seven bullocks and seven rams.

rotherham@Numbers:23:4 @ And God came unto Balaam, so he said unto him The seven altars, have I built in a row, and have caused to ascend, bullock and a ram on each altar.

rotherham@Numbers:23:14 @ And he took him to the field of Zophim, unto the head of Pisgah, and built seven altars, and caused to ascend a bullock and a ram on each altar.

rotherham@Numbers:23:29 @ And Balaam said unto Balak, Build me here, seven altars, and prepare me here, seven bullocks and seven rams.

rotherham@Numbers:24:12 @ And Balaam said unto Balak, Was it not so that even unto thy messengers whom thou didst send unto m, I spake saying-

rotherham@Numbers:24:20 @ And, when he saw Amalek, he took up, his parable, and said The beginning of nations, Amalek, But his latter end is even to perish.

rotherham@Numbers:24:24 @ When, ships, from the coast of the isles, And humble Assyria, and humble the Hebrew, And he too, is even to perish?

rotherham@Numbers:26:7 @ These, are the families of the Reubenites, and they who were numbered of them were found to beforty-three thousand, and seven hundred, and thirty.

rotherham@Numbers:26:22 @ These, are the families of Judah, as to them who were numbered of them, seventy-six thousand, and five hundred,

rotherham@Numbers:26:34 @ These, are the families of Manasseh, and, they who were numbered of them, fifty-two thousand, and seven hundred.

rotherham@Numbers:26:51 @ These, are they who were numbered of the sons of Israel, six hundred and lice thousand, seven hundred and thirty,

rotherham@Numbers:27:21 @ And, before Eleazar the priest, shall he stand, and shall ask by him for the decision of the Lights, before Yahweh, at the bidding thereof, shall they go out, and at the bidding thereof, shall they come inhe, and all the sons of Israel with him, even all the assembly.

rotherham@Numbers:28:4 @ The one lamb, shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other lamb, shalt thou offer between the two evenings;

rotherham@Numbers:28:8 @ And, the other lamb, shalt thou offer between the two evenings; like the meal-offering of the morning, and like the drink-offering thereof, shalt thou offer, an altar flame a satisfying odour unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Numbers:28:11 @ And in the beginnings of your months, shall ye bring near an ascending-sacrifice unto Yahweh, two choice bullocks and one ram, seven he-lambs a year old without defect;

rotherham@Numbers:28:17 @ and, on the fifteenth day of this month, a festival, seven days, unleavened cakes, shall be eaten.

rotherham@Numbers:28:19 @ but ye shall bring nearas an altar-flamean ascending-sacrifice unto Yahweh, two choice bullocks and one ram, and seven he-lambs a year old, without defect, must they be for you;

rotherham@Numbers:28:21 @ a tenth, severally, shalt thou offer for each lamb, for the seven lambs,;

rotherham@Numbers:28:24 @ Like these, shall ye offer, daily, for seven days, as the food of the altar-flame of a satisfying odour, unto Yahweh, besides the continual ascending-sacrifice, shall it be offered, with the drink-offering thereof.

rotherham@Numbers:28:25 @ And on the seventh day, shall ye have, a holy convocation, no laborious work, shall ye do.

rotherham@Numbers:28:27 @ but ye shall bring near as an ascending-sacrifice, for a satisfying odour unto Yahweh, two choice bullocks one ram, seven he-lambs a year old;

rotherham@Numbers:28:29 @ a tenth severally, for each lamb, of the seven lambs;

rotherham@Numbers:29:1 @ And in the seventh month, on the first of the month, a holy convocation, shall there be unto you, no laborious work, shall ye do, a day of loud acclamation, shall it be unto you.

rotherham@Numbers:29:2 @ Therefore shall ye offer, as an ascending-sacrifice for a satisfying odour unto Yahweh, one choice bullock one ram, seven he-lambs a year old without defect;

rotherham@Numbers:29:4 @ and one-tenth to each lamb, of the seven lambs;

rotherham@Numbers:29:7 @ And on the tenth of this seventh month, a holy convocation, shall there be unto you, when ye shall humble your souls, no work, shall ye do;

rotherham@Numbers:29:8 @ but ye shall bring near, as an ascending-sacrifice unto Yahweh a satisfying odour, one choice bullock one ram, seven he-lambs a year old, without defect, shall they be for you;

rotherham@Numbers:29:10 @ a tenth severally to each lamb, of the seven lambs;

rotherham@Numbers:29:12 @ And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, a holy convocation shall there be unto you, no laborious work, shall ye do, but ye shall celebrate a festival unto Yahweh, seven days.

rotherham@Numbers:29:20 @ And on the third day, eleven bullocks two rams, and fourteen he-lambs a year old without defect;

rotherham@Numbers:29:32 @ And on the seventh day, seven bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old, with-out defect:

rotherham@Numbers:29:36 @ but ye shall bring nearas an ascending-sacrifice, an altar-flame of a satisfying odour, unto Yahwehone bullock, one ram, seven he-lambs a year old, without defect:

rotherham@Numbers:31:19 @ Ye, then, pitch outside the camp, for seven days, whosoever hath killed a person and whoever hath touched the slain, cleanse yourselves (from sin) on the third day and on the seventh day ye and your captives,.

rotherham@Numbers:31:24 @ And ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and be clean, and after-wards, shall ye come into the camp.

rotherham@Numbers:31:32 @ And it came to pass that the booty, over and above the prey which the people of the host had seized, was, of the flock, six hundred and seventy-five thousand;

rotherham@Numbers:31:33 @ and, of the herd, seventy-two thousand;

rotherham@Numbers:31:35 @ and, of the human persons, even of the woman-kind who had not cohabited with man, all the per-sons, thirty-two thousand.

rotherham@Numbers:31:36 @ And the half, the share of them who had gone forth in the host, was, the number of the flockthree hundred and thirty-seven thousand and five hundred;

rotherham@Numbers:31:37 @ and so, the tribute unto Yahweh, out of the flock, wassix hundred and seventy-five;

rotherham@Numbers:31:38 @ and the herd, thirty-six thousand, and the tribute of them unto Yahwehseventy-two;

rotherham@Numbers:31:43 @ the half allotted unto the assembly, wasof the flock, three hundred and thirty-seven thousand, and five hundred;

rotherham@Numbers:31:52 @ And all the gold of the heave-offering which they offered up unto Yahweh, wassixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels, of the princes of thousands, and of the princes of hundreds.

rotherham@Numbers:32:33 @ So then Moses gave unto them even unto the sons of Gad and unto the sons of Reuben and unto the half tribe of Manasseh son of Joseph the kingdom of sihon, king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og, the king of Bashan, the land by her cities with boundaries, even the cities of the land round about.

rotherham@Numbers:33:9 @ And they brake up from Marah, and came in towards Elim; there being, in Elim, twelve fountains of water, and seventy palm-tree, so they encamped there.

rotherham@Numbers:34:2 @ Command the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them, When, ye, are coming into the land of Canaan, this is the land which shall fall unto you, as an inheritance, even the land of Canaan, by the boundaries thereof.

rotherham@Numbers:34:6 @ And, for a west boundary, ye shall have the great sea, even a boundary, this, shall serve you as west boundary.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:1:2 @ eleven days from Horeb, by way of Mount Seir, as far as Kadesh-barnea.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:1:3 @ And it came to pass, in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first of the month, that Moses spake unto the sons of Israel, according to all that Yahweh had given him in charge for them;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:1:37 @ Even with me, did Yahweh show himself angry, for your sakes, saying, Even thou, shalt not enter therein.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:2:6 @ Food, shall ye buy of them with silver so shall ye eat, yea even water, shall ye buy of them with silver so shall ye drink.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:2:15 @ Yea, even the hand of Yahweh was against them, to destroy them out of the midst of the camp, until they were consumed.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:2:18 @ Thou, art passing, to-day, the boundary of Moab even Ar;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:2:22 @ as he did for the sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, when he destroyed the Horim from before them, and they took their possessions and have dwelt in their stead, even unto this day.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:2:36 @ From Aroer, which is on the edge of the ravine of Arnon and the city that is in the ravine even as far as Gilead, there was not a fortress that proved too high for us, the whole, did Yahweh our God deliver up before us.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:3:16 @ And unto the Reubenites and unto the Gadites, gave Ifrom Gilead even as far as the ravine of Arnon, the middle of the ravine and boundary, even as far as the Jabbok ravine, the boundary of the sons

rotherham@Deuteronomy:3:17 @ Ammon; the Waste Plain also and the Jordan and boundary, from Chinnereth, even as far as the sea of the Waste Plain the Salt Sea, under the slopes of Pisgah, on the east.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:4:32 @ For ask, I pray you, of the former days which were before thee, even from the day when God created man upon the earth, yea from one end of the heavens even to the other end of the heavens, whether aught was ever brought to pass, like this great thing, or was ever heard of like it:

rotherham@Deuteronomy:4:48 @ from Aroer which is on the edge of the ravine of Arnon, even unto Mount Sion, the same, is Hermon;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:4:49 @ and all the waste plain over the Jordan, towards sunrise, even unto the sea of the waste plain, under the slopes of the Pisgah.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:5:9 @ thou shalt not bow thyself down to them nor be led to serve them, for, I Yahweh thy God, am a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of fathers upon sons even unto three generations and unto four, unto them that hate me;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:5:14 @ but, the seventh day, is a sabbath unto Yahweh thy God, thou shalt do no workthou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor thy servant nor thy handmaid nor thine ox nor thine ass nor any of thy cattle, nor thy sojourner who is within thy gates, that thy servant and thy handmaid may rest, as well as thou.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:5:23 @ And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, the mountain also burning with fire, then drew ye near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes and your elders,

rotherham@Deuteronomy:7:1 @ When Yahweh thy God shall bring thee into the land which thou art going in to possess, and shall clear away many nations from before theethe Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites, and the Canaanites and the Perizzites, and the Hivites and the Jebusitesseven nations greater in number and stronger than thou;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:9:8 @ Even in Horeb, ye provoked Yahweh to wrath, so that Yahweh showed himself angry with you to destroy you.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:9:19 @ For I shrank with fear from the face of the anger and the hot displeasure, wherewith Yahweh was provoked against you to destroy you, but Yahweh hearkened unto me, even at that time.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:9:20 @ And with Aaron, did Yahweh show himself exceedingly angry, to destroy him, so I prostrated myself, even in behalf of Aaron at that time.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:9:21 @ And your sin which ye had made even the calf, took I and burned it up with fire, and pounded it very small, until it was fine as dust, then cast I the dust thereof into the torrent that descended out of the mountain.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:9:26 @ Therefore I prostrated myself unto Yahweh and said, My Lord Yahweh! Do not destroy thy people even thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed in thy greatness, which thou hast brought forth out of Egypt with a firm hand.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:10:14 @ Lo! unto Yahweh thy God, belong the heavens even the highest heavens, the earth, with all that is therein.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:10:22 @ As seventy souls, went thy fathers down to Egypt, and, now, Yahweh thy God hath made thee like the stars of the heavens for multitude.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:11:12 @ a land which Yahweh thy God careth for, continually are the eyes of Yahweh thy God upon it, from the beginning of the year, even unto the end of the year.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:11:24 @ every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread yours, shall it be, from the desert and the Lebanon from the riverthe river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea, shall be your boundary.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:12:22 @ Even as the gazelle and the hart is eaten, so, shalt thou eat it, the unclean and the clean, alike shall eat it.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:12:31 @ Thou shalt not do likewise unto Yahweh thy God, for everything that is an abomination unto Yahweh which he doth hate, have they done unto their gods, for even their sons and their daughters, do they consume with fire unto their gods.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:13:7 @ of the gods of the peoples who are round about you, who are near unto thee, or who are far off from thee, from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth,

rotherham@Deuteronomy:15:1 @ At the end of seven years, shalt thou make a release.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:15:9 @ Take thou heed to thyself lest there be something near thine abandoned heart, saying Drawing nigh, is the seventh year the year of release, and so thine eye be evil, against thy needy brother, and thou give not unto him, and he cry out against thee unto Yahweh, and it become in thee a sin!

rotherham@Deuteronomy:15:12 @ When thy brother a Hebrew man (or a Hebrew woman) selleth himself unto thee, then shall he serve thee six years, and in the seventh year, shalt thou let him go out free from thee;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:3 @ Thou shalt not eat therewith any thing leavened, seven days, shalt thou eat therewith unleavened cakes the bread of humiliation, for in haste, camest thou forth out of the land of Egypt, that thou mayest remember the day when thou earnest forth out of the land of Egypt, all the days of thy life.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:4 @ And there shall not be seen with thee leaven in any of thy bounds seven days, neither shall there remain all night of the flesh which thou shalt sacrifice in the evening, on the first day, unto the morning.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:6 @ but in the place which Yahweh thy God shall choose to make a habitation for his name, there, shalt thou sacrifice the passover in the evening, at the going in of the sun, at the very time thou earnest forth out of Egypt.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:8 @ Six days, shalt thou eat unleavened cakes, and, on the seventh day, shall be a closing feast, unto Yahweh thy God, thou shalt do no work.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:9 @ Seven weeks, shalt thou count unto thee, from the beginning of thrusting in the sickle into the standing corn, shalt thou begin to count, seven weeks.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:13 @ The festival of booths, shalt thou keep for thyself seven days, when thou hast gathered in out of thy threshing-floor and out of thy wine-vat.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:16:15 @ Seven days, shalt thou keep festival unto Yahweh thy God, in the place which Yahweh shall choose, for Yahweh thy God, will bless thee, in all thine increase and in all the work of thy hands, therefore shalt thou do nothing but, rejoice.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:23:2 @ A bastard shall not enter into the convocation of Yahweh, even to the tenth generation, shall none of his enter into the convocation of Yahweh.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:23:3 @ Neither an Ammonite nor a Moabite shall enter into the convocation of Yahweh, even to the tenth generation, shall none that belong to them enter into the convocation of Yahweh, unto times age-abiding:

rotherham@Deuteronomy:23:11 @ but it shall be, when the evening cometh on, he shall bathe himself in water, and at the going in of the sun, he shall come into the midst of the camp.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:28:7 @ Yahweh will deliver thine enemies who rise up against thee, to be routed before thee, one way, shall they come out against thee, and seven ways, shall they flee before thee:

rotherham@Deuteronomy:28:25 @ Yahweh will give thee up to be routed before thine enemies, one way, shalt thou go out against them, and, seven ways, shalt thou flee before them, and thou shalt become a terror unto all the kingdoms of the earth.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:28:35 @ Yahweh, will smite thee, with a grievous boil, upon the knees and upon the legs, of which thou canst not he healed, from the sole of thy foot even unto the crown of thy head.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:28:61 @ even every disease and, every plague, which are not written in this scroll of the law, will Yahweh bring up against thee, until thou art destroyed,

rotherham@Deuteronomy:28:64 @ and Yahweh will scatter thee among all the peoples, from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth, and thou wilt serve there other gods whom thou hast not knownthou nor thy fathers, of wood and of stone.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:28:67 @ In the morning, thou wilt say Oh that it were evening! and in the evening, thou wilt say Oh that it were morning! because of the dread of thy heart which thou wilt dread, and because of the sight of thine eyes which thou wilt see.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:29:5 @ I led you, therefore forty years in the desert, your mantles fell not with age, from off you, even thy sandal, fell not with age from off thy foot:

rotherham@Deuteronomy:31:10 @ And Moses commanded them, saying, At the end of seven years in the appointed season of the year of release, during the festival of booths;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:34:1 @ So then Moses went up, from the waste plains of Moab into Mount Nebo, the head of Pisgah, which is over against Jericho, and Yahweh showed him all the landeven Gilead as far as Dan;