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gltv@Genesis:8:1 @ And God remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the cattle which were with him in the ark. And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided.

gltv@Genesis:12:6 @ And Abram passed through the land as far as the place of Shechem, to the Oak of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.

gltv@Genesis:15:17 @ And it happened, the sun had gone down, and it was dark. Behold! A smoking furnace and a torch of fire that passed between those pieces!

gltv@Genesis:18:5 @ And I will bring a bite of bread and will sustain Your heart. Then You may pass on, for this is why You have passed over to Your servant. And they said, Do so, as you have said.

gltv@Genesis:23:16 @ And Abraham listened to Ephron, and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver of which he had spoken in the ears of the sons of Heth, four hundred silver shekels which passes with the merchant.

gltv@Genesis:24:25 @ And she said to him, Both straw and fodder are plentiful with us, also a room to pass the night.

gltv@Genesis:30:32 @ I will pass among all your flock today, taking from there every speckled and spotted sheep, and every black sheep among the lambs, also the spotted and speckled goats; these shall be my wages.

gltv@Genesis:31:52 @ This heap is a witness, and the pillar is a witness. As for me, I will not pass over this heap to you; and as for you, you will not pass over this heap and this pillar for evil to me.

gltv@Genesis:32:10 @ I am not worthy of all the mercies and all the truth which You have done for Your servant, for I passed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies.

gltv@Genesis:32:16 @ And he gave into the hand of his slaves every drove by itself. And he said to his slaves, Pass over before my face and put a space between drove and drove.

gltv@Genesis:32:21 @ And the present passed before his face, and he remained in the camp that night.

gltv@Genesis:32:22 @ And he rose up that night and took his two wives, and his two slave-girls, and his eleven children. And he passed over the ford Jabbok.

gltv@Genesis:32:31 @ And the sun rose on him as he passed over Penuel, and he was limping on his thigh.

gltv@Genesis:33:3 @ And he passed over in front of them and bowed himself to the ground seven times until he came even to his brother.

gltv@Genesis:37:28 @ And men, Midianites, traders, passed. And they drew up and took Joseph out of the pit, and they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. And they brought Joseph into Egypt.

gltv@Genesis:41:46 @ And Joseph was a son of thirty years as he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the face of Pharaoh and passed over in all the land of Egypt.

gltv@Genesis:47:21 @ And as for the people, he caused them to pass over into the cities, and from the end of the border of Egypt to its other end.

gltv@Genesis:50:4 @ And the days of his weeping passed by, and Joseph spoke to the house of Pharaoh, saying, Now if I have found favor in your eyes, please speak in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

gltv@Exodus:3:21 @ And I will give this people favor in the eyes of Egypt; and it will come to pass, when you go, you will not go empty.

gltv@Exodus:12:11 @ And you shall eat it this way: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in haste. It is the Passover to Jehovah.

gltv@Exodus:12:12 @ And I will pass through in the land of Egypt in this night. And I will strike every first born in the land of Egypt, from man even to livestock. And I will execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt. I am Jehovah!

gltv@Exodus:12:13 @ And the blood shall be a sign to you, on the houses where you are. And I will see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague shall not be on you to destroy, when I strike in the land of Egypt.

gltv@Exodus:12:21 @ And Moses called to all the elders of Israel and said to them Draw out and take of the flock for you and for your families, and kill the passover.

gltv@Exodus:12:23 @ And Jehovah will pass through to strike Egypt. And He will see the blood on the upper doorpost and on the two side doorposts, and Jehovah will pass over the door. And He will not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.

gltv@Exodus:12:27 @ Then you shall say, A sacrifice of a passover of Jehovah, who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt when He struck Egypt. And He delivered our houses. And the people bowed and worshiped.

gltv@Exodus:12:43 @ And Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the Passover. No stranger may eat of it.

gltv@Exodus:12:48 @ And when a visitor shall stay with you, and will do the Passover to Jehovah, let every male to him be circumcised, and then he may come near to prepare it. And he shall be like a native of the land. But any uncircumcised one may not eat of it.

gltv@Exodus:15:16 @ Terrors and dread fell on them; by the greatness of Your arm; they are silent as a stone, until Your people pass through, O Jehovah, until pass through the people whom You have bought.

gltv@Exodus:17:5 @ And Jehovah said to Moses, Pass on in front of the people, and take with you some of the elders of Israel And take in your hand your staff with which you smote the River, and go.

gltv@Exodus:22:9 @ In every case of trespass, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for clothing, for anything lost of which it is said that it is his, the case of both of them shall come to God. Whom God declares guilty, he shall repay double to his neighbor.

gltv@Exodus:22:27 @ for that is his only covering, that is his covering for his skin. In what shall he lie down? And it shall be, when he cries to Me, I will hear, for I am compassionate.

gltv@Exodus:23:18 @ You shall not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread. And the fat of My feast shall not pass the night until morning.

gltv@Exodus:30:13 @ They shall give this, everyone passing over to those numbered: half a shekel, by the shekel of the sanctuary, twenty gerahs being a shekel; half a shekel as an offering to Jehovah.

gltv@Exodus:30:14 @ Every one passing over to those numbered, from a son of twenty years and upward, shall give the offering of Jehovah.

gltv@Exodus:32:27 @ And he said to them, So says Jehovah, God of Israel, each one put his sword on his thigh; pass to and fro from gate to gate in the camp, and each one kill his brother, and each one his neighbor, and each one his kindred.

gltv@Exodus:33:19 @ And He said, I will cause all My goodness to pass before your face. And I will call out the name of Jehovah before your face. And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.

gltv@Exodus:33:22 @ And as My glory is passing it will be that I will put you in a cleft of the rock; and I will cover My palm over you during My passing.

gltv@Exodus:34:6 @ And Jehovah passed by before his face and called out: Jehovah! Jehovah God! Merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and great in goodness and truth,

gltv@Exodus:34:25 @ You shall not slaughter the blood of my sacrifice on leavened bread, nor shall the sacrifice of the Passover Feast pass the night until morning.

gltv@Exodus:38:26 @ a bekah for a head, half a shekel, by the shekel of the holy place, for everyone one passing over to those numbered, from a son of twenty years and upward, for six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty persons.

gltv@Leviticus:5:15 @ If a person commits a trespass and sins in ignorance against the holy things of Jehovah, then he shall bring his guilt offering to Jehovah, a ram, a perfect one out of the flock, at your evaluation in silver shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, for a guilt offering.

gltv@Leviticus:18:21 @ And you shall not give your seed to pass them through to Molech, nor shall you pollute the name of your God; I am Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:23:5 @ In the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the evenings is the Passover to Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:25:9 @ And you shall let a ram's horn resound, a signal in the seventh month, in the tenth of the month; in the day of atonement, less a ram's horn pass throughout all your land;

gltv@Leviticus:26:6 @ And I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none shall terrify you. And I shall cause evil beasts to cease out of the land, and the sword shall not pass over into your land.

gltv@Leviticus:26:40 @ And if they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, in their trespass with which they have trespassed against Me; and, also, that they have walked contrary to Me,

gltv@Leviticus:27:32 @ And all the tithe of the herd and of the flock, all that passes under the rod, a tenth shall be holy to Jehovah;

gltv@Numbers:5:6 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, man or woman, when they commit any of the sins of man, by committing a trespass against Jehovah, and that person is guilty:

gltv@Numbers:5:12 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them, When any man's wife goes astray, and has committed a trespass against him,

gltv@Numbers:5:14 @ and a spirit of jealousy has passed over him, and he has become jealous of his wife, and she has been defiled. Or, a spirit of jealousy has passed over him, and he has become jealous of his wife, and she has not become defiled:

gltv@Numbers:5:27 @ And when he shall cause her to drink the water, then it shall be, if she has been defiled and has committed a trespass against her husband, the water which cause the curse shall go into her for bitter things; and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall fall away, and the woman shall become a curse in the midst of her people.

gltv@Numbers:5:30 @ or when a spirit of jealousy passes over a man, and he has become jealous of his wife, then he shall cause the woman to stand before Jehovah, and the priest shall do to her all this law;

gltv@Numbers:6:5 @ All the days of the vow of his separation, a razor shall not pass over his head; he shall be holy until all the days are fulfilled which he has separated to Jehovah. He shall allow the locks of the hair of his head to grow long.

gltv@Numbers:8:7 @ And thus you will do to them to cleanse them: sprinkle water of sin offering on them. And they shall make a razor pass over all their flesh and wash their garments and cleanse themselves.

gltv@Numbers:9:2 @ Also the sons of Israel shall prepare the Passover in its appointed season.

gltv@Numbers:9:4 @ And Moses spoke to the sons of Israel to prepare the Passover.

gltv@Numbers:9:5 @ And they prepared the Passover in the first month on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, in the wilderness of Sinai, according to all that Jehovah had commanded Moses, so the sons of Israel did.

gltv@Numbers:9:6 @ And there were men who had been defiled by the body of a man, and they had not been able to prepare the Passover on that day. And they came near before Moses, and before Aaron on that day.

gltv@Numbers:9:10 @ Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your generations shall be unclean by reason of a body, or be in a distant journey, yet he shall keep the Passover to Jehovah.

gltv@Numbers:9:12 @ they shall leave none of it until morning, nor break a bone of it. According to all the statutes of the Passover, they shall keep it.

gltv@Numbers:9:13 @ But the man that is clean, and is not on a journey, and has failed to prepare the Passover, even that person shall be cut off from his people, because he did not bring the offering of Jehovah in its appointed season, that man shall bear his sin.

gltv@Numbers:9:14 @ And if an alien shall reside with you, and desires to keep the Passover to Jehovah; he shall do according to the statute of the Passover, and according to its ordinance. You shall have one statute, both for the alien and for the native of the land.

gltv@Numbers:11:23 @ And Jehovah said to Moses, Is the hand of Jehovah shortened? Now you shall see whether My word shall come to pass to you or not.

gltv@Numbers:13:32 @ And they sent out an evil report of the land which they had spied out to the sons of Israel, saying, The land into which we passed, to spy it out, is a land eating up its inhabitants. And all the people we saw in its midst were men of stature.

gltv@Numbers:14:7 @ And they spoke to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, saying, The land into which we passed, to spy it out, is an exceedingly good land.

gltv@Numbers:20:17 @ Please let us pass over, through your land; we shall not pass over through a field, nor through a vineyard, nor shall we drink water of a well; we shall go along the king's highway. We will not turn aside to the right hand or to the left, until we have passed your border.

gltv@Numbers:20:18 @ And Edom said to him, You shall not pass through me, lest I come out with the sword against you.

gltv@Numbers:20:19 @ And the sons of Israel said to him, We shall go in the highway; and if we drink of your waters, our cattle and us, then I shall give their price. Only let me pass through on my feet; there shall be no harm.

gltv@Numbers:20:20 @ And he said, You shall not pass through. And Edom came out against him with many people, and with a strong hand.

gltv@Numbers:20:21 @ And Edom refused to allow Israel to pass over through his border. And Israel turned away from him.

gltv@Numbers:21:22 @ Let me pass through your land; we will not turn into a field or into a vineyard; we will not drink waters of a well; we will go in the king's highway until we have passed over your border.

gltv@Numbers:21:23 @ And Sihon would not allow Israel to pass through his border. And Sihon gathered all his people and went out to meet Israel in the wilderness, and they came to Jahaz and fought against Israel.

gltv@Numbers:22:26 @ And again the Angel of Jehovah passed on and stood in a narrow place, where there was no way to turn, either to the right or to the left.

gltv@Numbers:27:7 @ The daughters of Zelophehad speak rightly. You shall surely give them a possession, an inheritance among their father's brothers. And you shall cause their father's inheritance to pass to them.

gltv@Numbers:27:8 @ And you shall speak to the sons of Israel, saying, When a man dies, and has no son, then you shall pass on his inheritance to his daughter.

gltv@Numbers:28:16 @ And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover of Jehovah.

gltv@Numbers:31:23 @ everything that passes through the fire, you shall make it go through the fire; and it shall be clean. Only it shall be purified with the water for impurity. And every thing that cannot go through the fire, you shall make go through the water.

gltv@Numbers:32:5 @ And they said, If we have found favor in your eyes, let this land be given to your servants for a possession. Do not make us pass over the Jordan.

gltv@Numbers:32:7 @ And why do you discourage the heart of the sons of Israel from passing over to the land which Jehovah has given to them?

gltv@Numbers:32:29 @ even Moses said to them, If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben pass over the Jordan with you each armed for battle before Jehovah, and the land shall be subdued before you, then you shall give to them the land of Gilead for a possession.

gltv@Numbers:33:3 @ And they pulled up stakes from Rameses in the first month on the fifteenth day of the first month. On the next day after the Passover the sons of Israel went out with a high hand, before the eyes of all the Egyptians.

gltv@Numbers:33:8 @ And they pulled up from Pihahiroth and passed over through the midst of the Sea, into the wilderness, and went a journey of three days in the wilderness of Etham, and camped at Marah.

gltv@Numbers:34:4 @ And the border shall turn around to you from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and shall pass on to Zin, and its end shall be from the south to Kadesh-barnea; and it shall go out at Hazar-addar, and it shall pass on to Azmon.

gltv@Numbers:35:10 @ Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, When you pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan,

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:4 @ And command the people, saying, You are passing over into the border of your brothers, the sons of Esau, who live in Seir, and they shall be afraid of you. And you shall be on guard very much;

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:8 @ And we passed on from our brothers, the sons of Esau, those living in Seir, by the way of the Arabah, by Elath, and by Eziongeber, we turned and passed on by the way of the wilderness of Moab.

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:13 @ Now, rise up and you yourselves pass over the torrent Zered; and we crossed over the torrent Zered.

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:18 @ You are passing over the border of Moab today, to Ar,

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:27 @ Let me pass on the highway through your land; I will go on the highway; I will not turn aside to the right or the left;

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:28 @ you shall sell me food for silver, and I shall eat; and you shall give me water for silver, and I will drink. Only, let me pass through on my feet,

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:30 @ And Sihon the king of Heshbon was not willing to let us pass by him, for Jehovah your God had hardened his spirit, and had emboldened his heart, so as to give him into your hand, as it is this day.

gltv@Deuteronomy:3:18 @ And I commanded you at that time, saying, Jehovah your God has given you this land to possess it. And you shall pass over armed before your brothers, the sons of Israel, all the warriors.

gltv@Deuteronomy:3:21 @ And I at that time commanded Joshua, saying, Your eyes have seen all that Jehovah your God has done to these two kings; so Jehovah shall do to all the kingdoms to which you are passing over.

gltv@Deuteronomy:3:25 @ I pray to You, let me pass over and see the good land which is beyond the Jordan, this good hill country, and Lebanon.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:14 @ And Jehovah commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and ordinances, for you to do them in the land which you shall pass over to possess it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:21 @ And Jehovah was angry with me because of your words, and swore I would not pass over the Jordan, and that I might not go into the good land which Jehovah your God is giving to you as an inheritance.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:22 @ For I will not be in this land; I shall not pass over the Jordan. But you shall pass over, and shall possess this good land.

gltv@Deuteronomy:9:3 @ And know today that Jehovah your God is He who passes over before you as a consuming fire; He will destroy them, and He will bring them down before you; so you shall drive them out and make them to perish quickly, as Jehovah has spoken to you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:16:1 @ Observe the month Abib, and keep the Passover to Jehovah your God. For in the month of Abib Jehovah your God brought you out of Egypt by night.

gltv@Deuteronomy:16:2 @ And you shall sacrifice a Passover to Jehovah your God of the flock, and of the herd, in the place which He shall choose to cause His name to dwell there.

gltv@Deuteronomy:16:5 @ You may not sacrifice the Passover offering inside any of your gates, which Jehovah your God gives you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:16:6 @ But at the place which He shall choose to cause His name to dwell there, you shall sacrifice the Passover offering at evening, at the going of the sun, at the time when you came out of Egypt.

gltv@Deuteronomy:18:10 @ There shall not be found in you one who passes his son or his daughter through the fire, one that uses divination, an observer of clouds, or a fortuneteller, or a whisperer of spells,

gltv@Deuteronomy:29:16 @ For you know how we lived in the land of Egypt, and how we came through the nations through which you passed.

gltv@Deuteronomy:32:36 @ For Jehovah will bring His people justice; and He shall have compassion on His servants, for He sees that their power is gone, and only the imprisoned and abandoned remain.