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gltv@Genesis:2:8 @ And Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden to the east; and He put the man whom He had formed there.

gltv@Genesis:2:15 @ And Jehovah God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden, to work it and to keep it.

gltv@Genesis:3:15 @ And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He will bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.

gltv@Genesis:3:22 @ And Jehovah God said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,

gltv@Genesis:8:9 @ But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned to him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of all the earth. And he put out his hand and took her, and pulled her in to him into the ark.

gltv@Genesis:9:23 @ And Shem and Japheth took a garment and put it on both their shoulders. And they went backward and covered the nakedness of their father, their faces backward. And they did not see the nakedness of their father.

gltv@Genesis:10:6 @ And Ham's sons were Cush, and Mizraim, and Put, and Canaan.

gltv@Genesis:18:25 @ Far be it from You to act in this way, to put to death the righteous with the wicked. Far be it from You. The Judge of all the earth, shall He not do right?

gltv@Genesis:19:10 @ But the men put out their hands and pulled Lot to them, into the house, and shut the door.

gltv@Genesis:19:16 @ And he lingered. And the men lay hold of his hand and his wife's hand, and on the hand of his two daughters, Jehovah having mercy on him. And they caused him to go out, and they put him down outside the city.

gltv@Genesis:21:14 @ And Abraham started up early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away. And she left and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba.

gltv@Genesis:21:15 @ And the water from the skin was finished, and she put the boy under one of the shrubs.

gltv@Genesis:22:10 @ And Abraham put out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.

gltv@Genesis:24:2 @ And Abraham said to his slave, oldest in his house, the one who governed in all that was to him, Please put your hand under my thigh.

gltv@Genesis:24:9 @ And the slave put his hand under the thigh of his master Abraham and swore to him concerning this thing.

gltv@Genesis:24:47 @ And I asked her and I said, Whose daughter are you? And she said, The daughter of Bethuel the son of Nahor, whom Milcah bore to him. And I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her hands.

gltv@Genesis:26:11 @ And Abimelech commanded all the people, saying, Anyone touching this man and his wife shall surely be put to death.

gltv@Genesis:27:16 @ and she put the skins of the kids of the goats on his hands, and on the smoothness of his neck.

gltv@Genesis:27:17 @ And she put the delicious things and the bread which she had made in the hand of her son Jacob.

gltv@Genesis:30:36 @ And he put three days journey between himself and Jacob. And Jacob was feeding the remaining flocks of Laban.

gltv@Genesis:30:40 @ And Jacob separated the lambs, and he set the faces of the flock toward the striped, and every black one in the flocks of Laban. And he put his own droves by themselves, and did not put them with the flock of Laban.

gltv@Genesis:31:34 @ And Rachel had taken the household idols and put them into the camel's saddle; and she sat on them. And Laban felt around all the tent, but did not find.

gltv@Genesis:32:16 @ And he gave into the hand of his slaves every drove by itself. And he said to his slaves, Pass over before my face and put a space between drove and drove.

gltv@Genesis:33:2 @ And he put the slave-girls and their children first; and Leah and her children behind: and Rachel and Joseph last.

gltv@Genesis:35:2 @ And Jacob said to his house, and to all those with him, Put away the strange gods in your midst, and purify yourselves, and change your clothing.

gltv@Genesis:37:34 @ And Jacob tore his clothing and put sackcloth on his loins. And he mourned many days for his son.

gltv@Genesis:38:19 @ And she rose up and left, and took off her veil from her face. And she put on her widow's robes.

gltv@Genesis:38:28 @ And in her bearing, it happened that one put forth a hand, and the midwife took it and tied crimson on his hand, saying, This one came out first.

gltv@Genesis:39:20 @ And Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison house the place where the king's prisoners were bound. And he was there in the prison house.

gltv@Genesis:40:15 @ For truly I was stolen from the land of the Hebrews; and here also I have not done anything that they should have put me into the dungeon.

gltv@Genesis:41:42 @ And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put it on the hand of Joseph; and he clothed him with fine linen robes, and put a golden chain on his neck.

gltv@Genesis:41:43 @ And he caused him to ride in a chariot which was the second to him. And they cried before him, Bow the knee! And he put him over all the land of Egypt.

gltv@Genesis:41:48 @ And he gathered all the food of the seven years which were in the land of Egypt, and he put food in the cities. The food of the field of the city which was around it, he put in the middle of it.

gltv@Genesis:42:28 @ And he said to his brothers, My silver has been put back, and also look in my sack. And their hearts went, and they were each terrified, saying to his brother, What is this God has done to us?

gltv@Genesis:43:12 @ And take double silver in your hand, and the silver they put back in the mouth of your sacks, take back in your hand; perhaps it was an oversight.

gltv@Genesis:43:22 @ And we have brought other silver in our hand to buy food. We do not know who put our silver in our sacks.

gltv@Genesis:44:1 @ And he commanded the one over his house, saying, Fill the sacks of the men with food, as much as they are able to carry; and put the silver of each one in the mouth of his sack.

gltv@Genesis:44:2 @ And put my cup, the cup of silver, in the mouth of the sack of the youngest, and the silver for his grain. And he did according to Joseph's word, that which he spoke.

gltv@Genesis:45:7 @ And God sent me before you to put a remnant in the land for you, and to keep alive for you a great deliverance.

gltv@Genesis:46:4 @ I will go down with you into Egypt, and I will also surely return you. And Joseph shall put his hand on your eyes.

gltv@Genesis:47:29 @ And the days of Israel to die drew near. And he called to his son Joseph and said to him, Now if I have found favor in your eyes, please put your hand under my thigh, and do kindness and truth with me. Please do not bury me in Egypt;

gltv@Genesis:48:14 @ And Israel sent forth his right hand and put it on the head of Ephraim; and he was the younger. And he put his left hand on the head of Manasseh, crossing his hands; for Manasseh was the first born.

gltv@Genesis:48:17 @ And Joseph saw that his father was putting his right hand on the head of Ephraim; and it was evil in his eyes. And he took hold of his father's hand to turn it from Ephraim's head to the head of Manasseh.

gltv@Genesis:48:18 @ And Joseph said to his father, Not so, my father! For this one is the first born; put your right hand on his head.

gltv@Genesis:50:26 @ And Joseph died, a son of a hundred and ten years. And they embalmed him, and put him in a coffin in Egypt.

gltv@Exodus:1:11 @ And they put over them slave-masters in order to afflict them with their burdens. And he built store cities for Pharaoh: Pithon and Raamses.

gltv@Exodus:2:3 @ And she was not able to hide him any longer, and she took a basket for him made of papyrus, and she daubed it with bitumen and with pitch. And she put the child in it, and placed it in the reeds by the lip of the Nile.

gltv@Exodus:3:22 @ And each woman shall ask of her neighbor, and from the stranger in her house, articles of silver, and articles of gold, and garments; and you shall put these on your sons and on your daughters And you shall plunder Egypt.

gltv@Exodus:4:6 @ And Jehovah said to him again, Now put your hand into your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom, and he brought it out, and, behold, his hand was leprous like snow.

gltv@Exodus:4:7 @ And He said, Put your hand back into your bosom. And he put his hand back into his bosom, and he brought it out from his bosom; and, behold, it had turned like his flesh!

gltv@Exodus:4:15 @ And you shall speak to him, and you shall put the words in his mouth. And I will be with your mouth, and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you shall do.

gltv@Exodus:4:21 @ And Jehovah said to Moses, As you go to return to Egypt, see all the wonders which I have put in your hand, and do them before Pharaoh. And I will harden his heart, and he will not send the people away.

gltv@Exodus:5:8 @ And the fixed number of bricks which they were making yesterday and the third day you shall put on them. You shall not diminish from it. For they are idle; so they are crying, saying, Let us go, let us sacrifice to our God.

gltv@Exodus:5:14 @ And the overseers of the sons of Israel were beaten, those whom the slave-drivers of Pharaoh had put over them, saying, Why have you not finished your appointed task, to make bricks as a day ago and the day before, both yesterday and today?

gltv@Exodus:6:25 @ And Aaron's son Eleazar took of the daughters of Putiel for his wife. And she bore to him Phinehas. These were the heads of the fathers of the Levites by their families.

gltv@Exodus:8:23 @ And I will put redemption between My people and your people. This miracle shall be for tomorrow.

gltv@Exodus:12:7 @ And they shall take from the blood, and put it on the two side doorposts and on the upper doorpost, on the houses in which they eat it.

gltv@Exodus:15:26 @ And he said, If you carefully listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, and do what is right in His eyes, and you give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will not put on you all the diseases which I have put on Egypt; for I am Jehovah your healer.

gltv@Exodus:16:33 @ And Moses said to Aaron, Take a pitcher and put manna there. the fullness of an omer, and lay it up before Jehovah, to keep for your generations.

gltv@Exodus:17:12 @ And the hands of Moses became heavy. And they took a stone and put it under him. And he sat on it. And Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one from this and one from that side. And his hands were steady until the going of the sun.

gltv@Exodus:19:7 @ And Moses came and called the elders of the people. And he put all these words before them which Jehovah commanded him.

gltv@Exodus:21:1 @ And these are the judgments which you shall put before them:

gltv@Exodus:21:12 @ He that strikes a man so that he dies, surely he shall be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:21:15 @ And he who strikes his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:21:16 @ And he that steals a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:21:17 @ And he who curses his father or his mother, he shall surely be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:21:22 @ And when men fight, and they strike a pregnant woman, and her child goes forth, and there is no injury, surely he shall be fined. As much as the husband of the woman shall put on him, even he shall give through the judges.

gltv@Exodus:21:29 @ And if he was an ox apt to gore from yesterday and the third day, and its owner is given warning, and he does not watch him, and he kills a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned, and its owner also shall be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:21:30 @ If a ransom is put on him, he shall give the redemption of his life, according to all which is put on him.

gltv@Exodus:22:8 @ If the thief is not found, the master of the house shall be brought to God, whether or not he put out his hand to his neighbor's goods.

gltv@Exodus:22:11 @ an oath of Jehovah shall be between them both, that he has not put his hand to his neighbor's goods. And its owner shall take it, and he shall not repay.

gltv@Exodus:22:19 @ Anyone lying with an animal, he surely shall be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:22:25 @ If you lend money to My people, the poor with you, you shall not be as a money-lender to him; you shall not put interest on him.

gltv@Exodus:23:1 @ You shall not utter a false report; You shall not put your hand with the wicked, to become a violent witness.

gltv@Exodus:24:6 @ And Moses took half of the blood, and he put it in basins. And he sprinkled half of the blood on the altar.

gltv@Exodus:25:12 @ And you shall cast four rings of gold for it, and shall put it on its four feet; two rings on the one side, and two rings on the second side.

gltv@Exodus:25:14 @ And you shall put the poles into the rings on the sides of the ark, to carry the ark by them.

gltv@Exodus:25:16 @ And you shall put the testimony into the ark, which I shall give to you.

gltv@Exodus:25:21 @ And you shall put the mercyseat on the ark from above. And you shall put the testimony into the ark, which I shall give to you.

gltv@Exodus:25:26 @ And you shall make four rings of gold for it, and you shall put the rings on the four corners which are to its four feet.

gltv@Exodus:25:30 @ And you shall put the Bread of the Presence on the table before Me continually.

gltv@Exodus:26:11 @ And you shall make fifty hooks of bronze. And you shall put the hooks in the loops and join the tent together. And it shall become one.

gltv@Exodus:26:32 @ And you shall put it on four pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold, their hooks gold, on four sockets of silver.

gltv@Exodus:26:34 @ And you shall put the mercy seat on the ark of the testimony, in the Holy of Holies.

gltv@Exodus:26:35 @ And you shall set the table outside the veil, and the lamp across from the table on the side of the tabernacle southward. And you shall put the table on the north side.

gltv@Exodus:27:5 @ And you shall put it under the ledge of the altar from beneath. And the net shall be as far as half of the altar.

gltv@Exodus:28:12 @ And you shall put the two stones on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, stones of remembrance for the sons of Israel. And Aaron shall bear their names before the face of Jehovah, on his two shoulders for a remembrance.

gltv@Exodus:28:14 @ and two chains of pure gold, you shall make them woven work, a work of cord; and you shall put chains of the cords on the plaited work.

gltv@Exodus:28:23 @ And you shall make two rings of gold on the breast pocket. And you shall put the two rings on the two ends of the breast pocket.

gltv@Exodus:28:24 @ And you shall put the two cords of gold on the two rings, at the end of the breast pocket.

gltv@Exodus:28:25 @ And you shall put the two ends of the two cords on the two plaitings. And you shall put them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod, to the front of it.

gltv@Exodus:28:26 @ And you shall make two rings of gold, and you shall put them on the two ends of the breast pocket, on its edge, inward across from the ephod.

gltv@Exodus:28:27 @ And you shall make two rings of gold, and you shall put them on the two shoulderpieces of the ephod, from beneath, at its front. near its joining, above the band of the ephod.

gltv@Exodus:28:30 @ And you shall put the Urim and the Thummim into the breast pocket of judgment; and they shall be on the heart of Aaron in his going before the face of Jehovah. And Aaron shall bear the judgment of the sons of Israel on his heart before the face of Jehovah continually.

gltv@Exodus:28:37 @ And you shall put a ribbon of blue on it, and it shall be on the miter, to the front of the miter it shall be.

gltv@Exodus:29:3 @ And you shall put them into one basket and shall bring them near in the basket, and the bullock and the two rams.

gltv@Exodus:29:6 @ And you shall put the miter on his head; and you shall put the holy crown on the miter.

gltv@Exodus:29:12 @ And you shall take of the bullock's blood and shall put it on the horns of the altar with your finger. And you shall pour out all the blood at the base of the altar.

gltv@Exodus:29:20 @ And you shall slaughter the ram; and you shall take of its blood and shall put it on the tip of Aaron's ear, and on the tip of the ear his sons, and on the thumb of the right hand, and on the big toe of their right foot; and you shall sprinkle the blood on the altar all around.

gltv@Exodus:29:24 @ And you shall put all on the palms of Aaron and on the palms of his sons. And you shall wave them a wave offering before the face of Jehovah.

gltv@Exodus:29:30 @ The priest shall put them on seven days, the one from his sons taking his place; the one who comes into the tabernacle of the congregation to minister in the sanctuary.

gltv@Exodus:30:6 @ And you shall put it in front of the veil which is beside the ark of the testimony; in front of the mercyseat which is over the testimony, there where I meet you.

gltv@Exodus:30:18 @ And you shall make a bronze laver for washing, and its base bronze. And you shall put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar; and you shall put water there.

gltv@Exodus:30:36 @ And you shall grind some of it fine, and put some of it in front of the testimony in the tabernacle of the congregation, where I meet you. It shall be most holy to you.

gltv@Exodus:31:14 @ And you shall keep the Sabbath, for it is holy for you; the profaners of it surely shall be put to death; for everyone doing work in it, that soul shall be cut off from the midst of his people.

gltv@Exodus:31:15 @ Work may be done six days, and on the seventh day is a sabbath of rest, holy to Jehovah; everyone doing work on the Sabbath day surely shall be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:32:27 @ And he said to them, So says Jehovah, God of Israel, each one put his sword on his thigh; pass to and fro from gate to gate in the camp, and each one kill his brother, and each one his neighbor, and each one his kindred.

gltv@Exodus:33:4 @ And the people heard this evil word, and they mourned, and did not put any ornaments on themselves.

gltv@Exodus:33:22 @ And as My glory is passing it will be that I will put you in a cleft of the rock; and I will cover My palm over you during My passing.

gltv@Exodus:34:33 @ And Moses finished speaking with them, and he put a veil on his face.

gltv@Exodus:34:35 @ And the sons of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face had become luminous. And Moses would put back the veil on his face until he went in to speak with Him.

gltv@Exodus:35:2 @ Work may be done six days and on the seventh day it shall be holy to you, a sabbath of rest to Jehovah; everyone doing work in it shall be put to death.

gltv@Exodus:35:34 @ And He has put in his heart to teach, he and Aholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan,

gltv@Exodus:37:5 @ And he put the poles into the rings, on the sides of the ark, to carry the ark.

gltv@Exodus:37:13 @ And he cast for it four rings of gold; and he put the rings on the four corners, which were to its four feet.

gltv@Exodus:38:7 @ And he put the poles into the rings on the sides of the altar, to lift it with them. He made it hollow with planks.

gltv@Exodus:39:7 @ And he put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, memorial stones for the sons of Israel, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Exodus:39:16 @ And they made two gold plaitings and two golden rings; and they put the two rings on the two ends of the breast pocket.

gltv@Exodus:39:17 @ And they put the two golden cords on the two rings, on the ends of the breast pocket.

gltv@Exodus:39:18 @ And they put the two ends of the two cords on the two plaitings. And they put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, on the front of its face.

gltv@Exodus:39:19 @ And they made two rings of gold, and they put them on the two ends of the breast pocket, on its edge, on the inward side of the ephod.

gltv@Exodus:39:20 @ And they made two rings of gold, and they put them on the two shoulderpieces of the ephod from beneath, on the front of its face, near its joining; from above to the band of the ephod.

gltv@Exodus:39:25 @ And they made bells of pure gold, and they put the bells in the midst of the pomegranates, all around on the hem of the robe, all around, among the pomegranates,

gltv@Exodus:39:31 @ And they put a blue ribbon on it, to fasten it on the miter from above, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Exodus:40:3 @ And you shall put there the ark of testimony. And you shall cover the ark with the veil.

gltv@Exodus:40:5 @ And you shall put the altar of gold for incense before the ark of testimony. And you shall set up the screen of the door of the tabernacle.

gltv@Exodus:40:7 @ And you shall put the laver between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar. And you shall put water there.

gltv@Exodus:40:19 @ And he spread out the tent over the tabernacle. And he put the cover of the tent over it from above, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Exodus:40:20 @ And he took and gave the testimony into the ark. And he put the poles on the ark. And he gave the mercyseat on the ark from above.

gltv@Exodus:40:24 @ And he put the lampstand in the tabernacle of the congregation, opposite the table, on the side of the tabernacle southward.

gltv@Exodus:40:29 @ And he put the altar of burnt offering at the door of the tent of the tabernacle of the congregation. And he offered up on it the burnt offering and the food offering, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Exodus:40:30 @ And he put the laver between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar. And he gave there water for washing.

gltv@Leviticus:1:7 @ And the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire on the altar and arrange wood on the fire.

gltv@Leviticus:2:1 @ And when a person brings near an offering, a food offering to Jehovah, his offering shall be of flour. And he shall pour oil on it; and he shall put on it frankincense.

gltv@Leviticus:2:15 @ And you shall put oil on it, and lay on it frankincense; it is a food offering.

gltv@Leviticus:4:7 @ And the priest shall put of the blood on the horns of the altar of sweet incense, at the opening of the tabernacle of the congregation, before the face of Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:4:18 @ And he shall put of the blood on the horns of the altar before the face of Jehovah in the tabernacle of the congregation. And he shall pour out all the blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

gltv@Leviticus:4:25 @ And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering, and with his finger he shall put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering; and he shall pour out its blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering.

gltv@Leviticus:4:30 @ And the priest shall take of its blood with his finger and shall put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering. And he shall pour out all its blood at the base of the altar;

gltv@Leviticus:4:34 @ And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall pour out all the blood at the bottom of the altar.

gltv@Leviticus:5:11 @ And if his hand cannot reach to two turtledoves, or two offspring of a dove, then he who sinned shall bring his offering, a tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering; he shall not put oil on it, nor put frankincense on it; for it is a sin offering.

gltv@Leviticus:6:10 @ The priest shall put on his long robe of fine linen, and he shall put his linen underpants on his flesh. And he shall lift up the ashes which the fire consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and shall put them beside the altar.

gltv@Leviticus:6:11 @ And he shall strip off his garments, and shall put on other garments, and shall bring the ashes out to the outside of the camp, to a clean place.

gltv@Leviticus:6:12 @ And the fuel on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out. And the priest shall burn wood on it morning by morning. And he shall lay the burnt offering in order on it. And he shall burn it as incense with the fat of the peace offering.

gltv@Leviticus:8:7 @ and put on him the tunic, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the upper robe, and put the ephod on him, and girded him with the ephod on him, and girded him with the girdle of the ephod, and bound it to him with it;

gltv@Leviticus:8:8 @ and put the breast pocket on him, and put the Urim and the Thummim into the breast pocket,

gltv@Leviticus:8:9 @ and put the miter on his head, and on the miter, on its front, he put the golden plate, the holy crown; as Jehovah commanded Moses.

gltv@Leviticus:8:15 @ and one killed it; and Moses took the blood and put it on the horns of the altar all around with his finger, and cleansed the altar; and he poured out the blood at the base of the altar, and sanctified it, to make atonement on it.

gltv@Leviticus:8:23 @ And one killed it, and Moses took of its blood and put it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

gltv@Leviticus:8:24 @ And he brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put of the blood on the tip of their right ear, and on the thumb of their right hand, and on the big toe of their right foot. And Moses sprinkled the blood on the altar all around,

gltv@Leviticus:8:26 @ And out of the basket of unleavened bread which was before Jehovah, he took one unleavened cake, and one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and put them on the fat, and on the right leg;

gltv@Leviticus:9:9 @ and Aaron's sons brought the blood near to him, and he dipped his finger in the blood and put it on the horns of the altar. And he poured out the blood at the base of the altar;

gltv@Leviticus:10:1 @ And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in them; and they put incense on it and brought strange fire before Jehovah, which He had not commanded them.

gltv@Leviticus:11:38 @ but when water is put on the seed, and any of its dead body has fallen on it, it shall be unclean to you.

gltv@Leviticus:14:14 @ And the priest shall take of the blood of the guilt offering; and the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

gltv@Leviticus:14:17 @ And of the rest of the oil on his palm, the priest shall put on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on the blood of the guilt offering;

gltv@Leviticus:14:18 @ and the rest of the oil on the palm of the priest, he shall put on the head of him who is to be cleansed. And the priest shall make atonement for him before Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:14:25 @ and he shall kill the lamb of the guilt offering; and the priest shall take of the blood of the guilt offering, and he shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

gltv@Leviticus:14:28 @ And the priest shall put of the oil on his palm on the tip of the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and on the thumb of the right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot, on the place of the blood of the guilt offering.

gltv@Leviticus:14:29 @ And the rest of the oil on the priest's palm he shall put on the head of him who is to be cleansed, to atone for him, before Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:14:34 @ When you come into the land of Canaan, which I am giving to you for a possession, and I have put a plague of leprosy in the house in the land of your possession;

gltv@Leviticus:16:4 @ He shall put on a holy linen coat, and linen underpants shall be on his flesh, and he shall gird himself with a linen girdle, and he shall wrap himself in a linen miter; they are holy garments. And he shall bathe his flesh with water and shall put them on.

gltv@Leviticus:16:13 @ And he shall put the incense on the fire before Jehovah, and the cloud of the incense shall cover the mercy-seat on the testimony; and he shall not die.

gltv@Leviticus:16:18 @ And he shall go out to the altar before Jehovah, and shall atone for it. And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and of the blood of the goat, and shall put it on the horns of the altar all around.

gltv@Leviticus:16:21 @ then Aaron shall lay his two hands on the head of the living goat, and shall confess over it all the iniquities of the sons of Israel, and all their transgressions, and all their sins, and shall put them on the head of the goat, and shall send it by the hand of a chosen man into the wilderness.

gltv@Leviticus:16:23 @ And Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall strip off the linen garments which he had put on as he went into the sanctuary, and shall leave them there.

gltv@Leviticus:16:24 @ And he shall bathe his flesh with water in the sanctuary and shall put on his garments, and shall come out, and shall offer his burnt offering, and the burnt offering of the people, and shall atone for himself and for his people.

gltv@Leviticus:16:32 @ And the priest whom He shall anoint, and whose hand He shall consecrate to act as priest instead of his father, shall make atonement, and shall put on the linen garments, the holy garments.

gltv@Leviticus:17:4 @ and has not brought it in to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation as an offering to Jehovah, before the tabernacle of Jehovah, blood shall be imputed to that man; he has shed blood. And that man shall be cut off from the midst of his people;

gltv@Leviticus:19:14 @ You shall not revile the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind; for you shall revere your God. I am Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:19:20 @ And when a man lies with a woman with semen, and she is a slave-girl, betrothed to a man, and not truly redeemed, and freedom not having been given to her, there shall be an inquest; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free.

gltv@Leviticus:19:28 @ And you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead; and you shall not put on yourself any etched mark; I am Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:20:2 @ And you shall say to the sons of Israel, Any man of the sons of Israel, and of the aliens who are living in Israel, who gives of his seed to Molech shall certainly be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones!

gltv@Leviticus:20:4 @ And if the people of the land truly hide their eyes from that man, as he gives his seed to Molech, so as not to put him to death,

gltv@Leviticus:20:9 @ And any man who curses his father and his mother shall certainly be put to death; he has cursed his father and his mother; his blood shall be on him.

gltv@Leviticus:20:10 @ And a man who commits adultery with a man's wife, who commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, the adulterer and the adulteress are surely to be put to death.

gltv@Leviticus:20:11 @ And a man who lies with his father's wife, who has uncovered the nakedness of his father, both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be on them.

gltv@Leviticus:20:12 @ And a man who lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death; they have made a shameful mixture; their blood shall be on them.

gltv@Leviticus:20:13 @ And a man who lies with a male as one lies with a woman, both of them have done a detestable thing; they shall certainly be put to death; their blood shall be on them.

gltv@Leviticus:20:15 @ And a man who lies with an animal shall certainly be put to death; and you shall kill the animal.

gltv@Leviticus:20:16 @ And if a woman draws near to any animal to lie with it, you shall even put to death the woman and the animal; they are surely to be put to death; their blood shall be on them.

gltv@Leviticus:20:27 @ And a man or woman, when there is among them a medium, or a familiar spirit, shall certainly be put to death; they shall stone them with stones; their blood is on them.

gltv@Leviticus:21:7 @ They shall not take a woman who is a prostitute, or polluted; nor shall they take a woman put away from her husband; for he is holy to his God.

gltv@Leviticus:21:10 @ And the high priest of his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil is poured, and whose hand is consecrated to put on the garments, his head shall not be uncovered, nor his garments torn;

gltv@Leviticus:21:14 @ He shall not take a widow, or one put away, or a polluted one, a harlot, but he shall take a virgin of his own people for a wife;

gltv@Leviticus:22:13 @ But a priest's daughter, when she is a widow, or put away, and has no seed, and has turned back to her father's house, as in her youth, she shall eat of her father's bread. But no stranger shall eat of it.

gltv@Leviticus:24:7 @ And you shall put pure frankincense on the row, and it shall be the bread of a memorial, a fire offering to Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:24:12 @ And they put him under guard, that it might be declared to them at the mouth of Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:24:16 @ And he who blasphemes the name of Jehovah shall certainly be put to death. All the congregation shall certainly cast stones at him. As to the alien, so to a native, when he blasphemes the Name, he is to be put to death.

gltv@Leviticus:24:17 @ And a man, when he strikes the soul from any man, he shall surely be put to death.

gltv@Leviticus:24:21 @ And he who smites an animal to death shall repay it; and he who smites a man to death shall be put to death.

gltv@Leviticus:26:30 @ And I shall destroy your high places and cut down your altars, and shall put your dead bodies on the carcasses of your idols. And My soul shall loathe you.

gltv@Leviticus:26:39 @ And of those who are left of you, they shall putrefy in their iniquity, in the lands of your enemies; and also in the iniquities of their fathers, they shall putrefy with them.

gltv@Leviticus:27:29 @ No devoted thing which is dedicated by man shall be ransomed; it shall surely be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:1:51 @ And when the tabernacle goes forward, the Levites shall take it down. And when the tabernacle is to be encamped, the Levites shall set it up. And the stranger that draws near shall be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:3:10 @ And you shall appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall keep their priesthood. And the stranger who comes near shall be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:3:38 @ And those that were to encamp before the tabernacle eastward, before the tabernacle of the congregation, toward the sunrising, were Moses, and Aaron, and his sons, keeping the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of the sons of Israel. And the stranger who goes near shall be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:4:6 @ And he shall put a covering of dugong skins on it, and shall spread a garment entirely of blue on top, and shall put in its staves.

gltv@Numbers:4:7 @ And they shall spread a blue cloth on the table of the showbread, and shall put its dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls, and the cups of the drink offering, and the continual bread on it.

gltv@Numbers:4:8 @ And they shall spread a cloth of scarlet over them, and shall cover it with a covering of dugong skin, and shall put in its staves.

gltv@Numbers:4:10 @ And they shall put it and all its vessels into a covering of dugong skin, and shall put it on the bar.

gltv@Numbers:4:11 @ And they shall spread a blue cloth on the golden altar, and shall cover it with a covering of dugong skin, and shall put in its staves.

gltv@Numbers:4:12 @ And they shall take all the vessels of ministry with which they minister in the sanctuary, and shall put them into a blue cloth, and shall cover them with a covering of dugong skin, and shall put them on the bar.

gltv@Numbers:4:14 @ and shall put on it all its vessels with which they minister around it, the firepans, the hooks, and the shovels, and the bowls, all the vessels of the altar. And they shall spread a covering of dugong skin on it, and shall put in its staves.

gltv@Numbers:5:4 @ And the sons of Israel did so, and put them outside the camp. As Jehovah spoke to Moses, so the sons of Israel did.

gltv@Numbers:5:15 @ then the man shall bring his wife in to the priest, and he shall bring in her offering for her, a tenth of an ephah of barley meal. He shall not pour oil on it, nor shall he put frankincense on it, for it is a food offering of jealousy, a food offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.

gltv@Numbers:5:17 @ And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel. And the priest shall take of the dust which is on the tabernacle floor, and shall put it into the water.

gltv@Numbers:6:18 @ And the Nazarite shall shave the head of his separation at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and shall take the hair of the head of his separation and shall put it on the fire which is under the sacrifice of the peace offering.

gltv@Numbers:6:19 @ And the priest shall take the boiled shoulder from the ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them on the palms of the Nazarite after he has shaved his separation.

gltv@Numbers:6:27 @ So they shall put My name on the sons of Israel, and I Myself will bless them.

gltv@Numbers:11:11 @ And Moses said to Jehovah, Why have You done evil to Your servant; and why have I not found grace in Your eyes to put the burden of all this people on me?

gltv@Numbers:11:17 @ And I shall come down and speak with you there; and I will take of the spirit which is upon you, and will put it on them; and they will bear the burden of the people with you, that you may not bear it yourself alone.

gltv@Numbers:11:25 @ And Jehovah came down in the cloud and spoke to him, and took of the spirit which was on him, and put it on the seventy men of the elders. And it happened, as the spirit rested on them, that they prophesied, but they did not continue.

gltv@Numbers:11:29 @ And Moses said to him, Are you jealous for my sake? Oh that all Jehovah's people were prophets, that Jehovah would put His spirit on them!

gltv@Numbers:15:34 @ And they put him under guard; for it had not been declared what should be done to him.

gltv@Numbers:15:35 @ And Jehovah said to Moses, The man shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.

gltv@Numbers:15:38 @ Speak to the sons of Israel and you shall say to them that they shall make themselves fringes on the corners of their garments, for their generations. And they shall put with the fringe of each corner thread of blue.

gltv@Numbers:16:7 @ and put fire in them, and put incense on them before Jehovah tomorrow; and it shall be, the man whom Jehovah chooses, he shall be the holy one. You take too much, sons of Levi!

gltv@Numbers:16:14 @ Yea, you have not brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, nor given us inheritance in fields and vineyards; will you put out the eyes of these men? We will not come up!

gltv@Numbers:16:17 @ And each one take his fire-pan, and you shall put incense on them, and shall offer before Jehovah, each his fire-pan, two hundred and fifty fire-pans; even you and Aaron, each his fire-pan.

gltv@Numbers:16:18 @ And they each took his fire-pan, and put fire on them, and lay incense on them, and they stood at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, with Moses and Aaron.

gltv@Numbers:16:46 @ And Moses said to Aaron, Take the fire-pan, and put fire on it from the altar, and lay on incense, and go, hurry to the congregation, and atone for them, for the wrath has gone out from the presence of Jehovah; the plague has begun.

gltv@Numbers:17:8 @ And it happened on the next day, Moses went into the tabernacle of the testimony, and, behold! The rod of Aaron for the house of Levi had budded, and put forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and bore ripe almonds.

gltv@Numbers:17:10 @ And Jehovah said to Moses, Put back the rod of Aaron, before the testimony, to be kept as a token to the sons of rebellion. And you shall end their murmurings off Me; and they shall not die.

gltv@Numbers:18:7 @ And you, and your sons with you, shall keep your priesthood, in everything that pertains to the altar, and to that inside the veil. And you shall serve; I have given you the priesthood as a service of gift; and the stranger who comes near shall be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:19:17 @ And for the unclean they shall take the ashes of the burning of the purging offering, and running water in a vessel shall be put on it.

gltv@Numbers:20:26 @ and strip Aaron of his garments, and you shall put them on his son Eleazar. And Aaron shall be gathered and shall die there.

gltv@Numbers:21:9 @ And Moses made a serpent of bronze and put it on a pole; and it happened, if a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.

gltv@Numbers:22:38 @ And Balaam said to Balak, Behold, I have come to you. Now am I able to speak anything at all? The word which God puts in my mouth, that I will speak.

gltv@Numbers:23:5 @ And Jehovah put a word in Balaam's mouth, and said, Return to Balak, and you shall say this.

gltv@Numbers:23:12 @ And he replied and said, Must not I take heed to speak what Jehovah has put in my mouth?

gltv@Numbers:23:16 @ And Jehovah met Balaam and put a word in his mouth and said, Return to Balak, and say this.

gltv@Numbers:24:23 @ And he took up his parable and said, Alas! Who shall live when God puts out?

gltv@Numbers:27:20 @ And you shall put your honor on him, so that all the congregation of the sons of Israel will listen.

gltv@Numbers:35:16 @ And if he strikes him with an instrument of iron, and he dies, he is a murderer; the murderer shall surely be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:35:17 @ And if he strikes him with a stone in the hand, by which he dies, and he dies, he is a murderer; the murderer shall certainly be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:35:18 @ And if he strikes him with a wooden instrument in the hand, by which he dies, and he dies, he is a murderer; the murderer shall certainly be put to death.

gltv@Numbers:35:19 @ The avenger of blood shall himself put to death the murderer; when he meets with him, he shall put him to death.

gltv@Numbers:35:21 @ or if he has struck him with his hand in enmity, and he dies, the striker shall certainly be put to death; he is a murderer. When the avenger of blood meets him he shall put to death the murderer.

gltv@Numbers:35:30 @ Whoever kills any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses. And one witness shall not testify against a person, to die.

gltv@Deuteronomy:2:25 @ Today I will begin to put your dread and your fear on the face of the people under all the heavens, who will hear your fame, and will tremble and writhe because of you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:7:15 @ And Jehovah shall turn aside every sickness from you; and He will not put on you any of the evil diseases of Egypt, which you have known, but He will put them on all who hate you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:10:5 @ and I turned and came down from the mountain and put the tablets in the ark which I had made. And they are there, as Jehovah commanded me.

gltv@Deuteronomy:11:25 @ No man shall stand before you. Jehovah your God shall put your dread and your fear on the face of all the land on which you tread, as He has spoken to you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:12:5 @ But you shall seek to the place which Jehovah your God shall choose out of all your tribes; for you shall seek His dwelling, to put His name there. And you shall go there.

gltv@Deuteronomy:12:7 @ And you shall eat there before Jehovah your God, and shall rejoice in all that you put your hand to, you and your households, with which Jehovah your God has blessed you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:12:18 @ But you shall eat it before Jehovah your God in the place which Jehovah your God shall choose, you and your son, and your daughter, and your male slave, and your female slave, and the Levite who is within your gates. And you shall rejoice before Jehovah your God in all that you put your hand to.

gltv@Deuteronomy:12:21 @ If the place which Jehovah your God shall choose to put His name there is too far from you, then you shall kill of your herd and of your flock which Jehovah has given you, as I have commanded you; and you shall eat within your gates according to all the desire of your soul.

gltv@Deuteronomy:13:5 @ And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has spoken apostasy against Jehovah your God, who is bringing you out of the land of Egypt, and has redeemed you out of the house of slaves, to drive you out of the way in which Jehovah your God has commanded you to walk. And you shall put away evil from among you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:13:9 @ But you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and the hand of all the people last.

gltv@Deuteronomy:15:10 @ You shall surely give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because Jehovah your God will bless you for this thing, in all your work, and in all that you put your hand to.

gltv@Deuteronomy:15:17 @ then you shall take an awl, and shall put it through his ear, and through the door, and he shall be your slave forever. And you shall do so to your slave-girl also.

gltv@Deuteronomy:17:6 @ At the mouth of two witnesses or three witnesses shall he that is to die be put to death. He shall not be put to death at the mouth of one witness.

gltv@Deuteronomy:17:7 @ The hand of the witnesses shall be first on him, to put him to death; and the hand of all the people last. And you shall put away the evil from among you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:17:12 @ And the man who acts with pride so as not to listen to the priest who is standing to serve Jehovah your God there, or to the judge, even that man shall die; and you shall put away evil from Israel.

gltv@Deuteronomy:18:18 @ I shall raise up a Prophet to them from among their brothers, one like you; and I will put My words in His mouth; and He shall speak to them all that I shall command Him.

gltv@Deuteronomy:19:13 @ Your eye shall not pity him, but you shall put away the innocent blood from Israel, and it shall be well with you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:19:17 @ then both the men who have the dispute shall stand before Jehovah, before the priests and the judges who shall be in those days.

gltv@Deuteronomy:19:19 @ then you shall do to him as he plotted to do to his brother. And you shall put away the evil from among you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:21:9 @ And you shall put away the innocent blood from among you, for you shall do that which is right in the eyes of Jehovah.

gltv@Deuteronomy:21:21 @ And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, and he shall die. So you shall put away the evil from among you, that all Israel shall hear, and fear.

gltv@Deuteronomy:21:22 @ And if a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree,

gltv@Deuteronomy:22:5 @ There shall not be the thing of a man on a woman, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment. For whoever does these things is an abomination to Jehovah your God.

gltv@Deuteronomy:22:8 @ When you build a new house, then you shall make a guard rail for your roof, so that you do not put blood on your house if someone falls from it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:22:19 @ And they shall fine him a hundred pieces of silver, and give them to the girl's father, because he has caused an evil name to be spread abroad on a virgin of Israel. And she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days.

gltv@Deuteronomy:22:21 @ then they shall bring out the girl to the door of her father's house. And the men of her city shall stone her with stones, and she shall die; for she has done folly in Israel, to commit fornication in her father's house. And you shall put away the evil from among you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:22:22 @ If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman. And you shall put away the evil from Israel.

gltv@Deuteronomy:22:24 @ then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city. And you shall stone them with stones so that they die, the girl because she did not cry out, being in the city; and the man, because he has humbled his neighbor's wife. And you shall put away the evil from among you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:22:29 @ then the man lying with her shall give to the girl's father fifty pieces of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has humbled her. He may not put her away all his days.

gltv@Deuteronomy:23:20 @ You may lend to a stranger at interest, but you shall not lend at interest to your brother, so that Jehovah your God may bless you in all that you put your hand to, in the land where you go to possess it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:23:24 @ When you come into your neighbor's vineyard, then you may eat grapes to your fill, at your pleasure. But you shall not put any in your vessel.

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:1 @ When a man has taken a wife and married her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found a thing of uncleanness in her, and he writes her a bill of divorce and puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house;

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:3 @ and the latter husband hates her, and writes her a bill of divorce, and puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house or if the latter husband who took her to be his wife dies;

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:7 @ If a man is found stealing a person of his brothers of the sons of Israel, and has dealt with him as a slave, and sold him, then that thief shall die. And you shall put away the evil from among you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:16 @ The fathers shall not be put to death for sons, and sons are not to be put to death for fathers; they each shall be put to death for his own sin.

gltv@Deuteronomy:25:11 @ When men fight with one another, and the wife of the one shall come near to deliver her husband from his assailant's hand, and shall put out her hand and lay hold on his genitals,

gltv@Deuteronomy:26:2 @ then you shall take of the first of all the fruit of the ground which you shall bring in from your land which Jehovah your God is giving to you, and shall put it in a basket, and shall go to the place which Jehovah your God shall choose to cause His name to dwell there.

gltv@Deuteronomy:26:6 @ And the Egyptians dealt ill with us, and afflicted us, and put hard labor on us.

gltv@Deuteronomy:26:14 @ I have not eaten of it in my mourning; nor have I put any of it away for uncleanness; nor have I given of it for the dead. I have listened to the voice of Jehovah my God. I have done according to all that You have commanded me.

gltv@Deuteronomy:28:48 @ and you shall serve your enemies whom Jehovah shall send on you, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in lack of all things. And He shall put an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:30:7 @ And Jehovah your God will put all these curses on your enemies, and on those that hate you, who have persecuted you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:31:19 @ Now, then, write this song for you, and teach it to the sons of Israel. Put it in their mouths, so that this song shall be for a witness to Me against the sons of Israel.

gltv@Deuteronomy:31:26 @ Take this book of the law, and you shall put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of Jehovah your God, so that it may be there for a witness against you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:32:30 @ How could one chase a thousand, and two put a myriad to flight, if it were not their Rock that sold them, and Jehovah had shut them up?

gltv@Deuteronomy:33:10 @ They shall teach Your ordinances to Jacob, and Your law to Israel. They shall put incense at Your nostrils, and whole burnt offering on Your altar.