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rsv@Job:1:3 @ He had seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and very many servants; so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the east.

rsv@Job:1:4 @ His sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each on his day; and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.

rsv@Job:1:10 @ Hast thou not put a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.

rsv@Job:1:13 @ Now there was a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house;

rsv@Job:1:20 @ Then Job arose, and rent his robe, and shaved his head, and fell upon the ground, and worshiped.

rsv@Job:1:22 @ In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.

rsv@Job:2:3 @ And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you moved me against him, to destroy him without cause."

rsv@Job:2:4 @ Then Satan answered the LORD, "Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life.

rsv@Job:2:5 @ But put forth thy hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face."

rsv@Job:2:6 @ And the LORD said to Satan, "Behold, he is in your power; only spare his life."

rsv@Job:2:7 @ So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD, and afflicted Job with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.

rsv@Job:2:9 @ Then his wife said to him, "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God, and die."

rsv@Job:2:10 @ But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

rsv@Job:2:11 @ Now when Job's three friends heard of all this evil that had come upon him, they came each from his own place, Eli'phaz the Te'manite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Na'amathite. They made an appointment together to come to condole with him and comfort him.

rsv@Job:2:13 @ And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.

rsv@Job:3:1 @ After this Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth.

rsv@Job:3:19 @ The small and the great are there, and the slave is free from his master.

rsv@Job:4:9 @ By the breath of God they perish, and by the blast of his anger they are consumed.

rsv@Job:4:12 @ "Now a word was brought to me stealthily, my ear received the whisper of it.

rsv@Job:4:17 @ `an mortal man be righteous before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?

rsv@Job:4:18 @ Even in his servants he puts no trust, and his angels he charges with error;

rsv@Job:5:3 @ I have seen the fool taking root, but suddenly I cursed his dwelling.

rsv@Job:5:4 @ His sons are far from safety, they are crushed in the gate, and there is no one to deliver them.

rsv@Job:5:5 @ His harvest the hungry eat, and he takes it even out of thorns; and the thirsty pant after his wealth.

rsv@Job:5:18 @ For he wounds, but he binds up; he smites, but his hands heal.

rsv@Job:5:27 @ Lo, this we have searched out; it is true. Hear, and know it for your good."

rsv@Job:6:5 @ Does the wild ass bray when he has grass, or the ox low over his fodder?

rsv@Job:6:9 @ that it would please God to crush me, that he would let loose his hand and cut me off!

rsv@Job:6:10 @ This would be my consolation; I would even exult in pain unsparing; for I have not denied the words of the Holy One.

rsv@Job:7:1 @ "Has not man a hard service upon earth, and are not his days like the days of a hireling?

rsv@Job:7:2 @ Like a slave who longs for the shadow, and like a hireling who looks for his wages,

rsv@Job:7:10 @ he returns no more to his house, nor does his place know him any more.

rsv@Job:8:14 @ His confidence breaks in sunder, and his trust is a spider's web.

rsv@Job:8:15 @ He leans against his house, but it does not stand; he lays hold of it, but it does not endure.

rsv@Job:8:16 @ He thrives before the sun, and his shoots spread over his garden.

rsv@Job:8:17 @ His roots twine about the stoneheap; he lives among the rocks.

rsv@Job:8:18 @ If he is destroyed from his place, then it will deny him, saying, `ng, "I have never seen you.'

rsv@Job:8:19 @ Behold, this is the joy of his way; and out of the earth others will spring.

rsv@Job:9:5 @ he who removes mountains, and they know it not, when he overturns them in his anger;

rsv@Job:9:13 @ "God will not turn back his anger; beneath him bowed the helpers of Rahab.

rsv@Job:9:33 @ There is no umpire between us, who might lay his hand upon us both.

rsv@Job:9:34 @ Let him take his rod away from me, and let not dread of him terrify me.

rsv@Job:10:13 @ Yet these things thou didst hide in thy heart; I know that this was thy purpose.

rsv@Job:11:5 @ But oh, that God would speak, and open his lips to you,

rsv@Job:12:9 @ Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?

rsv@Job:12:10 @ In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.

rsv@Job:12:16 @ With him are strength and wisdom; the deceived and the deceiver are his.

rsv@Job:13:1 @ "Lo, my eye has seen all this, my ear has heard and understood it.

rsv@Job:13:11 @ Will not his majesty terrify you, and the dread of him fall upon you?

rsv@Job:13:15 @ Behold, he will slay me; I have no hope; yet I will defend my ways to his face.

rsv@Job:13:16 @ This will be my salvation, that a godless man shall not come before him.

rsv@Job:14:5 @ Since his days are determined, and the number of his months is with thee, and thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass,

rsv@Job:14:6 @ look away from him, and desist, that he may enjoy, like a hireling, his day.

rsv@Job:14:10 @ But man dies, and is laid low; man breathes his last, and where is he?

rsv@Job:14:12 @ so man lies down and rises not again; till the heavens are no more he will not awake, or be roused out of his sleep.

rsv@Job:14:20 @ Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passes; thou changest his countenance, and sendest him away.

rsv@Job:14:21 @ His sons come to honor, and he does not know it; they are brought low, and he perceives it not.

rsv@Job:14:22 @ He feels only the pain of his own body, and he mourns only for himself."

rsv@Job:15:15 @ Behold, God puts no trust in his holy ones, and the heavens are not clean in his sight;

rsv@Job:15:20 @ The wicked man writhes in pain all his days, through all the years that are laid up for the ruthless.

rsv@Job:15:21 @ Terrifying sounds are in his ears; in prosperity the destroyer will come upon him.

rsv@Job:15:23 @ He wanders abroad for bread, saying, ` wanders abroad for bread, saying, "Where is it?' He knows that a day of darkness is ready at his hand;

rsv@Job:15:25 @ Because he has stretched forth his hand against God, and bids defiance to the Almighty,

rsv@Job:15:27 @ because he has covered his face with his fat, and gathered fat upon his loins,

rsv@Job:15:29 @ he will not be rich, and his wealth will not endure, nor will he strike root in the earth;

rsv@Job:15:30 @ he will not escape from darkness; the flame will dry up his shoots, and his blossom will be swept away by the wind.

rsv@Job:15:31 @ Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving himself; for emptiness will be his recompense.

rsv@Job:15:32 @ It will be paid in full before his time, and his branch will not be green.

rsv@Job:15:33 @ He will shake off his unripe grape, like the vine, and cast off his blossom, like the olive tree.

rsv@Job:16:9 @ He has torn me in his wrath, and hated me; he has gnashed his teeth at me; my adversary sharpens his eyes against me.

rsv@Job:16:12 @ I was at ease, and he broke me asunder; he seized me by the neck and dashed me to pieces; he set me up as his target,

rsv@Job:16:13 @ his archers surround me. He slashes open my kidneys, and does not spare; he pours out my gall on the ground.

rsv@Job:16:21 @ that he would maintain the right of a man with God, like that of a man with his neighbor.

rsv@Job:17:5 @ He who informs against his friends to get a share of their property, the eyes of his children will fail.

rsv@Job:17:8 @ Upright men are appalled at this, and the innocent stirs himself up against the godless.

rsv@Job:17:9 @ Yet the righteous holds to his way, and he that has clean hands grows stronger and stronger.

rsv@Job:18:5 @ "Yea, the light of the wicked is put out, and the flame of his fire does not shine.

rsv@Job:18:6 @ The light is dark in his tent, and his lamp above him is put out.

rsv@Job:18:7 @ His strong steps are shortened and his own schemes throw him down.

rsv@Job:18:8 @ For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walks on a pitfall.

rsv@Job:18:11 @ Terrors frighten him on every side, and chase him at his heels.

rsv@Job:18:12 @ His strength is hunger-bitten, and calamity is ready for his stumbling.

rsv@Job:18:13 @ By disease his skin is consumed, the first-born of death consumes his limbs.

rsv@Job:18:15 @ In his tent dwells that which is none of his; brimstone is scattered upon his habitation.

rsv@Job:18:16 @ His roots dry up beneath, and his branches wither above.

rsv@Job:18:17 @ His memory perishes from the earth, and he has no name in the street.

rsv@Job:18:19 @ He has no offspring or descendant among his people, and no survivor where he used to live.

rsv@Job:18:20 @ They of the west are appalled at his day, and horror seizes them of the east.

rsv@Job:19:6 @ know then that God has put me in the wrong, and closed his net about me.

rsv@Job:19:11 @ He has kindled his wrath against me, and counts me as his adversary.

rsv@Job:19:12 @ His troops come on together; they have cast up siegeworks against me, and encamp round about my tent.

rsv@Job:20:4 @ Do you not know this from of old, since man was placed upon earth,

rsv@Job:20:6 @ Though his height mount up to the heavens, and his head reach to the clouds,

rsv@Job:20:7 @ he will perish for ever like his own dung; those who have seen him will say, `ose who have seen him will say, "Where is he?'

rsv@Job:20:9 @ The eye which saw him will see him no more, nor will his place any more behold him.

rsv@Job:20:10 @ His children will seek the favor of the poor, and his hands will give back his wealth.

rsv@Job:20:11 @ His bones are full of youthful vigor, but it will lie down with him in the dust.

rsv@Job:20:12 @ "Though wickedness is sweet in his mouth, though he hides it under his tongue,

rsv@Job:20:13 @ though he is loath to let it go, and holds it in his mouth,

rsv@Job:20:14 @ yet his food is turned in his stomach; it is the gall of asps within him.

rsv@Job:20:15 @ He swallows down riches and vomits them up again; God casts them out of his belly.

rsv@Job:20:18 @ He will give back the fruit of his toil, and will not swallow it down; from the profit of his trading he will get no enjoyment.

rsv@Job:20:20 @ "Because his greed knew no rest, he will not save anything in which he delights.

rsv@Job:20:21 @ There was nothing left after he had eaten; therefore his prosperity will not endure.

rsv@Job:20:22 @ In the fulness of his sufficiency he will be in straits; all the force of misery will come upon him.

rsv@Job:20:23 @ To fill his belly to the full God will send his fierce anger into him, and rain it upon him as his food.

rsv@Job:20:25 @ It is drawn forth and comes out of his body, the glittering point comes out of his gall; terrors come upon him.

rsv@Job:20:26 @ Utter darkness is laid up for his treasures; a fire not blown upon will devour him; what is left in his tent will be consumed.

rsv@Job:20:27 @ The heavens will reveal his iniquity, and the earth will rise up against him.

rsv@Job:20:28 @ The possessions of his house will be carried away, dragged off in the day of God's wrath.

rsv@Job:20:29 @ This is the wicked man's portion from God, the heritage decreed for him by God."

rsv@Job:21:2 @ "Listen carefully to my words, and let this be your consolation.

rsv@Job:21:17 @ "How often is it that the lamp of the wicked is put out? That their calamity comes upon them? That God distributes pains in his anger?

rsv@Job:21:24 @ his body full of fat and the marrow of his bones moist.

rsv@Job:21:31 @ Who declares his way to his face, and who requites him for what he has done?

rsv@Job:21:32 @ When he is borne to the grave, watch is kept over his tomb.

rsv@Job:22:22 @ Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.

rsv@Job:23:2 @ "Today also my complaint is bitter, his hand is heavy in spite of my groaning.

rsv@Job:23:3 @ Oh, that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his seat!

rsv@Job:23:6 @ Would he contend with me in the greatness of his power? No; he would give heed to me.

rsv@Job:23:11 @ My foot has held fast to his steps; I have kept his way and have not turned aside.

rsv@Job:23:12 @ I have not departed from the commandment of his lips; I have treasured in my bosom the words of his mouth.

rsv@Job:23:14 @ For he will complete what he appoints for me; and many such things are in his mind.

rsv@Job:23:15 @ Therefore I am terrified at his presence; when I consider, I am in dread of him.

rsv@Job:24:1 @ "Why are not times of judgment kept by the Almighty, and why do those who know him never see his days?

rsv@Job:24:15 @ The eye of the adulterer also waits for the twilight, saying, `No eye will see me'; and he disguises his face.

rsv@Job:24:22 @ Yet God prolongs the life of the mighty by his power; they rise up when they despair of life.

rsv@Job:24:23 @ He gives them security, and they are supported; and his eyes are upon their ways.

rsv@Job:25:2 @ "Dominion and fear are with God; he makes peace in his high heaven.

rsv@Job:25:3 @ Is there any number to his armies? Upon whom does his light not arise?

rsv@Job:25:5 @ Behold, even the moon is not bright and the stars are not clean in his sight;

rsv@Job:26:8 @ He binds up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not rent under them.

rsv@Job:26:9 @ He covers the face of the moon, and spreads over it his cloud.

rsv@Job:26:11 @ The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astounded at his rebuke.

rsv@Job:26:12 @ By his power he stilled the sea; by his understanding he smote Rahab.

rsv@Job:26:13 @ By his wind the heavens were made fair; his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.

rsv@Job:26:14 @ Lo, these are but the outskirts of his ways; and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?"

rsv@Job:27:1 @ And Job again took up his discourse, and said:

rsv@Job:27:8 @ For what is the hope of the godless when God cuts him off, when God takes away his life?

rsv@Job:27:9 @ Will God hear his cry, when trouble comes upon him?

rsv@Job:27:13 @ "This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage which oppressors receive from the Almighty:

rsv@Job:27:14 @ If his children are multiplied, it is for the sword; and his offspring have not enough to eat.

rsv@Job:27:19 @ He goes to bed rich, but will do so no more; he opens his eyes, and his wealth is gone.

rsv@Job:27:21 @ The east wind lifts him up and he is gone; it sweeps him out of his place.

rsv@Job:27:23 @ It claps its hands at him, and hisses at him from its place.

rsv@Job:28:9 @ "Man puts his hand to the flinty rock, and overturns mountains by the roots.

rsv@Job:28:10 @ He cuts out channels in the rocks, and his eye sees every precious thing.

rsv@Job:29:1 @ And Job again took up his discourse, and said:

rsv@Job:29:3 @ when his lamp shone upon my head, and by his light I walked through darkness;

rsv@Job:29:17 @ I broke the fangs of the unrighteous, and made him drop his prey from his teeth.

rsv@Job:29:25 @ I chose their way, and sat as chief, and I dwelt like a king among his troops, like one who comforts mourners.

rsv@Job:30:24 @ "Yet does not one in a heap of ruins stretch out his hand, and in his disaster cry for help?

rsv@Job:31:18 @ (for from his youth I reared him as a father, and from his mother's womb I guided him);

rsv@Job:31:20 @ if his loins have not blessed me, and if he was not warmed with the fleece of my sheep;

rsv@Job:31:23 @ For I was in terror of calamity from God, and I could not have faced his majesty.

rsv@Job:31:28 @ this also would be an iniquity to be punished by the judges, for I should have been false to God above.

rsv@Job:31:30 @ (I have not let my mouth sin by asking for his life with a curse);

rsv@Job:31:31 @ if the men of my tent have not said, `ho is there that has not been filled with his meat?'

rsv@Job:32:1 @ So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.

rsv@Job:32:12 @ I gave you my attention, and, behold, there was none that confuted Job, or that answered his words, among you.

rsv@Job:32:14 @ He has not directed his words against me, and I will not answer him with your speeches.

rsv@Job:33:10 @ Behold, he finds occasions against me, he counts me as his enemy;

rsv@Job:33:12 @ "Behold, in this you are not right. I will answer you. God is greater than man.

rsv@Job:33:17 @ that he may turn man aside from his deed, and cut off pride from man;

rsv@Job:33:18 @ he keeps back his soul from the Pit, his life from perishing by the sword.

rsv@Job:33:19 @ "Man is also chastened with pain upon his bed, and with continual strife in his bones;

rsv@Job:33:20 @ so that his life loathes bread, and his appetite dainty food.

rsv@Job:33:21 @ His flesh is so wasted away that it cannot be seen; and his bones which were not seen stick out.

rsv@Job:33:22 @ His soul draws near the Pit, and his life to those who bring death.

rsv@Job:33:25 @ let his flesh become fresh with youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor';

rsv@Job:33:26 @ then man prays to God, and he accepts him, he comes into his presence with joy. He recounts to men his salvation,

rsv@Job:33:30 @ to bring back his soul from the Pit, that he may see the light of life.

rsv@Job:34:11 @ For according to the work of a man he will requite him, and according to his ways he will make it befall him.

rsv@Job:34:14 @ If he should take back his spirit to himself, and gather to himself his breath,

rsv@Job:34:16 @ "If you have understanding, hear this; listen to what I say.

rsv@Job:34:19 @ who shows no partiality to princes, nor regards the rich more than the poor, for they are all the work of his hands?

rsv@Job:34:21 @ "For his eyes are upon the ways of a man, and he sees all his steps.

rsv@Job:34:27 @ because they turned aside from following him, and had no regard for any of his ways,

rsv@Job:34:29 @ When he is quiet, who can condemn? When he hides his face, who can behold him, whether it be a nation or a man?--

rsv@Job:34:35 @ `Job speaks without knowledge, his words are without insight.'

rsv@Job:34:37 @ For he adds rebellion to his sin; he claps his hands among us, and multiplies his words against God."

rsv@Job:35:2 @ "Do you think this to be just? Do you say, ` you say, "It is my right before God,'

rsv@Job:35:15 @ And now, because his anger does not punish, and he does not greatly heed transgression,

rsv@Job:35:16 @ Job opens his mouth in empty talk, he multiplies words without knowledge."

rsv@Job:36:7 @ He does not withdraw his eyes from the righteous, but with kings upon the throne he sets them for ever, and they are exalted.

rsv@Job:36:21 @ Take heed, do not turn to iniquity, for this you have chosen rather than affliction.

rsv@Job:36:22 @ Behold, God is exalted in his power; who is a teacher like him?

rsv@Job:36:23 @ Who has prescribed for him his way, or who can say, ` who can say, "Thou hast done wrong'?

rsv@Job:36:24 @ "Remember to extol his work, of which men have sung.

rsv@Job:36:26 @ Behold, God is great, and we know him not; the number of his years is unsearchable.

rsv@Job:36:27 @ For he draws up the drops of water, he distils his mist in rain

rsv@Job:36:29 @ Can any one understand the spreading of the clouds, the thunderings of his pavilion?

rsv@Job:36:30 @ Behold, he scatters his lightning about him, and covers the roots of the sea.

rsv@Job:36:32 @ He covers his hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark.

rsv@Job:37:1 @ "At this also my heart trembles, and leaps out of its place.

rsv@Job:37:2 @ Hearken to the thunder of his voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth.

rsv@Job:37:3 @ Under the whole heaven he lets it go, and his lightning to the corners of the earth.

rsv@Job:37:4 @ After it his voice roars; he thunders with his majestic voice and he does not restrain the lightnings when his voice is heard.

rsv@Job:37:5 @ God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things which we cannot comprehend.

rsv@Job:37:7 @ He seals up the hand of every man, that all men may know his work.

rsv@Job:37:11 @ He loads the thick cloud with moisture; the clouds scatter his lightning.

rsv@Job:37:12 @ They turn round and round by his guidance, to accomplish all that he commands them on the face of the habitable world.

rsv@Job:37:13 @ Whether for correction, or for his land, or for love, he causes it to happen.

rsv@Job:37:14 @ "Hear this, O Job; stop and consider the wondrous works of God.

rsv@Job:37:15 @ Do you know how God lays his command upon them, and causes the lightning of his cloud to shine?

rsv@Job:38:2 @ "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?

rsv@Job:38:18 @ Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth? Declare, if you know all this.

rsv@Job:39:6 @ to whom I have given the steppe for his home, and the salt land for his dwelling place?

rsv@Job:39:8 @ He ranges the mountains as his pasture, and he searches after every green thing.

rsv@Job:39:11 @ Will you depend on him because his strength is great, and will you leave to him your labor?

rsv@Job:39:18 @ When she rouses herself to flee, she laughs at the horse and his rider.

rsv@Job:39:19 @ "Do you give the horse his might? Do you clothe his neck with strength?

rsv@Job:39:20 @ Do you make him leap like the locust? His majestic snorting is terrible.

rsv@Job:39:21 @ He paws in the valley, and exults in his strength; he goes out to meet the weapons.

rsv@Job:39:26 @ "Is it by your wisdom that the hawk soars, and spreads his wings toward the south?

rsv@Job:39:27 @ Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up and makes his nest on high?

rsv@Job:39:28 @ On the rock he dwells and makes his home in the fastness of the rocky crag.

rsv@Job:39:29 @ Thence he spies out the prey; his eyes behold it afar off.

rsv@Job:39:30 @ His young ones suck up blood; and where the slain are, there is he."

rsv@Job:40:9 @ Have you an arm like God, and can you thunder with a voice like his?

rsv@Job:40:16 @ Behold, his strength in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his belly.

rsv@Job:40:17 @ He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together.

rsv@Job:40:18 @ His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like bars of iron.

rsv@Job:40:19 @ "He is the first of the works of God; let him who made him bring near his sword!

rsv@Job:40:22 @ For his shade the lotus trees cover him; the willows of the brook surround him.

rsv@Job:40:23 @ Behold, if the river is turbulent he is not frightened; he is confident though Jordan rushes against his mouth.

rsv@Job:40:24 @ Can one take him with hooks, or pierce his nose with a snare?

rsv@Job:41:1 @ "Can you draw out Levi'athan with a fishhook, or press down his tongue with a cord?

rsv@Job:41:2 @ Can you put a rope in his nose, or pierce his jaw with a hook?

rsv@Job:41:7 @ Can you fill his skin with harpoons, or his head with fishing spears?

rsv@Job:41:12 @ "I will not keep silence concerning his limbs, or his mighty strength, or his goodly frame.

rsv@Job:41:13 @ Who can strip off his outer garment? Who can penetrate his double coat of mail?

rsv@Job:41:14 @ Who can open the doors of his face? Round about his teeth is terror.

rsv@Job:41:15 @ His back is made of rows of shields, shut up closely as with a seal.

rsv@Job:41:18 @ His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn.

rsv@Job:41:19 @ Out of his mouth go flaming torches; sparks of fire leap forth.

rsv@Job:41:20 @ Out of his nostrils comes forth smoke, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes.

rsv@Job:41:21 @ His breath kindles coals, and a flame comes forth from his mouth.

rsv@Job:41:22 @ In his neck abides strength, and terror dances before him.

rsv@Job:41:23 @ The folds of his flesh cleave together, firmly cast upon him and immovable.

rsv@Job:41:24 @ His heart is hard as a stone, hard as the nether millstone.

rsv@Job:41:30 @ His underparts are like sharp potsherds; he spreads himself like a threshing sledge on the mire.

rsv@Job:41:33 @ Upon earth there is not his like, a creature without fear.

rsv@Job:42:3 @ `ho is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.

rsv@Job:42:8 @ Now therefore take seven bulls and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you, for I will accept his prayer not to deal with you according to your folly; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has."

rsv@Job:42:10 @ And the LORD restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends; and the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.

rsv@Job:42:11 @ Then came to him all his brothers and sisters and all who had known him before, and ate bread with him in his house; and they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him; and each of them gave him a piece of money and a ring of gold.

rsv@Job:42:12 @ And the LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; and he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses.

rsv@Job:42:16 @ And after this Job lived a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, four generations.

rsv@Psalms:1:2 @ but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

rsv@Psalms:2:2 @ The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and his anointed, saying,

rsv@Psalms:2:5 @ Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying,

rsv@Psalms:2:12 @ kiss his feet, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way; for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

rsv@Psalms:3:1 @ A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.

rsv@Psalms:3:5 @ I cry aloud to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy hill. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:7:4 @ O LORD my God, if I have done this, if there is wrong in my hands,

rsv@Psalms:7:13 @ If a man does not repent, God will whet his sword; he has bent and strung his bow;

rsv@Psalms:7:14 @ he has prepared his deadly weapons, making his arrows fiery shafts.

rsv@Psalms:7:17 @ His mischief returns upon his own head, and on his own pate his violence descends. [ (Psalms strkjv@7:18) I will give to the LORD the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the LORD, the Most High. ]

rsv@Psalms:8:7 @ Thou hast given him dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet,

rsv@Psalms:9:8 @ But the LORD sits enthroned for ever, he has established his throne for judgment;

rsv@Psalms:9:12 @ Sing praises to the LORD, who dwells in Zion! Tell among the peoples his deeds!

rsv@Psalms:10:3 @ For the wicked boasts of the desires of his heart, and the man greedy for gain curses and renounces the LORD.

rsv@Psalms:10:4 @ In the pride of his countenance the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, "There is no God."

rsv@Psalms:10:5 @ His ways prosper at all times; thy judgments are on high, out of his sight; as for all his foes, he puffs at them.

rsv@Psalms:10:6 @ He thinks in his heart, "I shall not be moved; throughout all generations I shall not meet adversity."

rsv@Psalms:10:7 @ His mouth is filled with cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue are mischief and iniquity.

rsv@Psalms:10:8 @ He sits in ambush in the villages; in hiding places he murders the innocent. His eyes stealthily watch for the hapless,

rsv@Psalms:10:9 @ he lurks in secret like a lion in his covert; he lurks that he may seize the poor, he seizes the poor when he draws him into his net.

rsv@Psalms:10:10 @ The hapless is crushed, sinks down, and falls by his might.

rsv@Psalms:10:11 @ He thinks in his heart, "God has forgotten, he has hidden his face, he will never see it."

rsv@Psalms:10:13 @ Why does the wicked renounce God, and say in his heart, "Thou wilt not call to account"?

rsv@Psalms:10:15 @ Break thou the arm of the wicked and evildoer; seek out his wickedness till thou find none.

rsv@Psalms:10:16 @ The LORD is king for ever and ever; the nations shall perish from his land.

rsv@Psalms:11:5 @ The LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD's throne is in heaven; his eyes behold, his eyelids test, the children of men.

rsv@Psalms:11:6 @ The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked, and his soul hates him that loves violence.

rsv@Psalms:11:7 @ On the wicked he will rain coals of fire and brimstone; a scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup. [ (Psalms strkjv@11:8) For the LORD is righteous, he loves righteous deeds; the upright shall behold his face. ]

rsv@Psalms:12:3 @ Every one utters lies to his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak.

rsv@Psalms:12:8 @ Do thou, O LORD, protect us, guard us ever from this generation. [ (Psalms strkjv@12:9) On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the sons of men. ]

rsv@Psalms:14:2 @ The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none that does good.

rsv@Psalms:14:7 @ You would confound the plans of the poor, but the LORD is his refuge. [ (Psalms strkjv@14:8) O that deliverance for Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall be glad. ]

rsv@Psalms:15:3 @ He who walks blamelessly, and does what is right, and speaks truth from his heart;

rsv@Psalms:15:4 @ who does not slander with his tongue, and does no evil to his friend, nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor;

rsv@Psalms:15:5 @ in whose eyes a reprobate is despised, but who honors those who fear the LORD; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; [ (Psalms strkjv@15:6) who does not put out his money at interest, and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved. ]

rsv@Psalms:18:1 @ To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David the servant of the LORD, who addressed the words of this song to the LORD on the day when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. He said:

rsv@Psalms:18:7 @ In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.

rsv@Psalms:18:9 @ Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him.

rsv@Psalms:18:10 @ He bowed the heavens, and came down; thick darkness was under his feet.

rsv@Psalms:18:12 @ He made darkness his covering around him, his canopy thick clouds dark with water.

rsv@Psalms:18:13 @ Out of the brightness before him there broke through his clouds hailstones and coals of fire.

rsv@Psalms:18:14 @ The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High uttered his voice, hailstones and coals of fire.

rsv@Psalms:18:15 @ And he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; he flashed forth lightnings, and routed them.

rsv@Psalms:18:23 @ For all his ordinances were before me, and his statutes I did not put away from me.

rsv@Psalms:18:25 @ Therefore the LORD has recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.

rsv@Psalms:18:31 @ This God--his way is perfect; the promise of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

rsv@Psalms:18:50 @ For this I will extol thee, O LORD, among the nations, and sing praises to thy name. [ (Psalms strkjv@18:51) Great triumphs he gives to his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to David and his descendants for ever. ]

rsv@Psalms:19:2 @ The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.

rsv@Psalms:19:6 @ which comes forth like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and like a strong man runs its course with joy.

rsv@Psalms:19:13 @ But who can discern his errors? Clear thou me from hidden faults.

rsv@Psalms:20:7 @ Now I know that the LORD will help his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with mighty victories by his right hand.

rsv@Psalms:21:3 @ Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not withheld the request of his lips. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:21:4 @ For thou dost meet him with goodly blessings; thou dost set a crown of fine gold upon his head.

rsv@Psalms:21:6 @ His glory is great through thy help; splendor and majesty thou dost bestow upon him.

rsv@Psalms:21:10 @ You will make them as a blazing oven when you appear. The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath; and fire will consume them.

rsv@Psalms:22:9 @ "He committed his cause to the LORD; let him deliver him, let him rescue him, for he delights in him!"

rsv@Psalms:22:25 @ For he has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; and he has not hid his face from him, but has heard, when he cried to him.

rsv@Psalms:22:31 @ Posterity shall serve him; men shall tell of the Lord to the coming generation, [ (Psalms strkjv@22:32) and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, that he has wrought it. ]

rsv@Psalms:23:4 @ he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

rsv@Psalms:24:4 @ Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place?

rsv@Psalms:24:5 @ He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully.

rsv@Psalms:24:6 @ He will receive blessing from the LORD, and vindication from the God of his salvation.

rsv@Psalms:24:10 @ Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in. [ (Psalms strkjv@24:11) Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory! [Selah] ]

rsv@Psalms:25:10 @ He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.

rsv@Psalms:25:11 @ All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:25:14 @ He himself shall abide in prosperity, and his children shall possess the land.

rsv@Psalms:25:15 @ The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.

rsv@Psalms:25:22 @ May integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for thee. [ (Psalms strkjv@25:23) Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. ]

rsv@Psalms:27:5 @ One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.

rsv@Psalms:27:6 @ For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent, he will set me high upon a rock.

rsv@Psalms:27:7 @ And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies round about me; and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing and make melody to the LORD.

rsv@Psalms:28:6 @ Because they do not regard the works of the LORD, or the work of his hands, he will break them down and build them up no more.

rsv@Psalms:28:9 @ The LORD is the strength of his people, he is the saving refuge of his anointed. [ (Psalms strkjv@28:10) O save thy people, and bless thy heritage; be thou their shepherd, and carry them for ever. ]

rsv@Psalms:29:3 @ Ascribe to the LORD the glory of his name; worship the LORD in holy array.

rsv@Psalms:29:10 @ The voice of the LORD makes the oaks to whirl, and strips the forests bare; and in his temple all cry, "Glory!"

rsv@Psalms:29:11 @ The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD sits enthroned as king for ever. [ (Psalms strkjv@29:12) May the LORD give strength to his people! May the LORD bless his people with peace! ]

rsv@Psalms:30:5 @ Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.

rsv@Psalms:30:6 @ For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

rsv@Psalms:31:14 @ Yea, I hear the whispering of many-- terror on every side!-- as they scheme together against me, as they plot to take my life.

rsv@Psalms:31:22 @ Blessed be the LORD, for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me when I was beset as in a besieged city.

rsv@Psalms:31:24 @ Love the LORD, all you his saints! The LORD preserves the faithful, but abundantly requites him who acts haughtily. [ (Psalms strkjv@31:25) Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD! ]

rsv@Psalms:33:4 @ For the word of the LORD is upright; and all his work is done in faithfulness.

rsv@Psalms:33:6 @ By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth.

rsv@Psalms:33:11 @ The counsel of the LORD stands for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.

rsv@Psalms:33:12 @ Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!

rsv@Psalms:33:16 @ A king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength.

rsv@Psalms:33:18 @ Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love,

rsv@Psalms:33:21 @ Yea, our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name.

rsv@Psalms:34:2 @ I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

rsv@Psalms:34:4 @ O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!

rsv@Psalms:34:7 @ This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.

rsv@Psalms:34:10 @ O fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no want!

rsv@Psalms:34:16 @ The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, and his ears toward their cry.

rsv@Psalms:34:21 @ He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

rsv@Psalms:34:22 @ Evil shall slay the wicked; and those who hate the righteous will be condemned. [ (Psalms strkjv@34:23) The LORD redeems the life of his servants; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned. ]

rsv@Psalms:35:10 @ Then my soul shall rejoice in the LORD, exulting in his deliverance.

rsv@Psalms:35:15 @ as though I grieved for my friend or my brother; I went about as one who laments his mother, bowed down and in mourning.

rsv@Psalms:35:28 @ Let those who desire my vindication shout for joy and be glad, and say evermore, "Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!" [ (Psalms strkjv@35:29) Then my tongue shall tell of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long. ]

rsv@Psalms:36:2 @ Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes.

rsv@Psalms:36:3 @ For he flatters himself in his own eyes that his iniquity cannot be found out and hated.

rsv@Psalms:36:4 @ The words of his mouth are mischief and deceit; he has ceased to act wisely and do good.

rsv@Psalms:36:5 @ He plots mischief while on his bed; he sets himself in a way that is not good; he spurns not evil.

rsv@Psalms:37:8 @ Be still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over him who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!

rsv@Psalms:37:11 @ Yet a little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look well at his place, he will not be there.

rsv@Psalms:37:13 @ The wicked plots against the righteous, and gnashes his teeth at him;

rsv@Psalms:37:14 @ but the LORD laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming.

rsv@Psalms:37:25 @ though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD is the stay of his hand.

rsv@Psalms:37:26 @ I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread.

rsv@Psalms:37:27 @ He is ever giving liberally and lending, and his children become a blessing.

rsv@Psalms:37:29 @ For the LORD loves justice; he will not forsake his saints. The righteous shall be preserved for ever, but the children of the wicked shall be cut off.

rsv@Psalms:37:31 @ The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice.

rsv@Psalms:37:32 @ The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.

rsv@Psalms:37:34 @ The LORD will not abandon him to his power, or let him be condemned when he is brought to trial.

rsv@Psalms:37:35 @ Wait for the LORD, and keep to his way, and he will exalt you to possess the land; you will look on the destruction of the wicked.

rsv@Psalms:38:14 @ But I am like a deaf man, I do not hear, like a dumb man who does not open his mouth.

rsv@Psalms:40:5 @ Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after false gods!

rsv@Psalms:41:3 @ the LORD protects him and keeps him alive; he is called blessed in the land; thou dost not give him up to the will of his enemies.

rsv@Psalms:41:4 @ The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness thou healest all his infirmities.

rsv@Psalms:41:6 @ My enemies say of me in malice: "When will he die, and his name perish?"

rsv@Psalms:41:7 @ And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers mischief; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.

rsv@Psalms:41:8 @ All who hate me whisper together about me; they imagine the worst for me.

rsv@Psalms:41:10 @ Even my bosom friend in whom I trusted, who ate of my bread, has lifted his heel against me.

rsv@Psalms:41:12 @ By this I know that thou art pleased with me, in that my enemy has not triumphed over me.

rsv@Psalms:42:9 @ By day the LORD commands his steadfast love; and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life.

rsv@Psalms:44:18 @ All this has come upon us, though we have not forgotten thee, or been false to thy covenant.

rsv@Psalms:44:22 @ would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart.

rsv@Psalms:46:7 @ The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts.

rsv@Psalms:47:9 @ God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne. [ (Psalms strkjv@47:10) The princes of the peoples gather as the people of the God of Abraham. For the shields of the earth belong to God; he is highly exalted! ]

rsv@Psalms:48:2 @ Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised in the city of our God! His holy mountain,

rsv@Psalms:48:8 @ By the east wind thou didst shatter the ships of Tarshish.

rsv@Psalms:48:14 @ consider well her ramparts, go through her citadels; that you may tell the next generation [ (Psalms strkjv@48:15) that this is God, our God for ever and ever. He will be our guide for ever. ]

rsv@Psalms:49:2 @ Hear this, all peoples! Give ear, all inhabitants of the world,

rsv@Psalms:49:8 @ Truly no man can ransom himself, or give to God the price of his life,

rsv@Psalms:49:9 @ for the ransom of his life is costly, and can never suffice,

rsv@Psalms:49:13 @ Man cannot abide in his pomp, he is like the beasts that perish.

rsv@Psalms:49:14 @ This is the fate of those who have foolish confidence, the end of those who are pleased with their portion. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:49:17 @ Be not afraid when one becomes rich, when the glory of his house increases.

rsv@Psalms:49:18 @ For when he dies he will carry nothing away; his glory will not go down after him.

rsv@Psalms:49:20 @ he will go to the generation of his fathers, who will never more see the light. [ (Psalms strkjv@49:21) Man cannot abide in his pomp, he is like the beasts that perish. ]

rsv@Psalms:50:5 @ He calls to the heavens above and to the earth, that he may judge his people:

rsv@Psalms:50:7 @ The heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge! [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:50:19 @ If you see a thief, you are a friend of his; and you keep company with adulterers.

rsv@Psalms:50:23 @ "Mark this, then, you who forget God, lest I rend, and there be none to deliver! [ (Psalms strkjv@50:24) He who brings thanksgiving as his sacrifice honors me; to him who orders his way aright I will show the salvation of God!" ]

rsv@Psalms:52:8 @ "See the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and sought refuge in his wealth!"

rsv@Psalms:53:2 @ The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none that does good.

rsv@Psalms:53:6 @ There they are, in great terror, in terror such as has not been! For God will scatter the bones of the ungodly; they will be put to shame, for God has rejected them. [ (Psalms strkjv@53:7) O that deliverance for Israel would come from Zion! When God restores the fortunes of his people, Jacob will rejoice and Israel be glad. ]

rsv@Psalms:55:21 @ My companion stretched out his hand against his friends, he violated his covenant.

rsv@Psalms:55:22 @ His speech was smoother than butter, yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.

rsv@Psalms:56:10 @ Then my enemies will be turned back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me.

rsv@Psalms:57:3 @ I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfils his purpose for me.

rsv@Psalms:57:4 @ He will send from heaven and save me, he will put to shame those who trample upon me. [Selah] God will send forth his steadfast love and his faithfulness!

rsv@Psalms:58:11 @ The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked. [ (Psalms strkjv@58:12) Men will say, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth." ]

rsv@Psalms:59:1 @ To the choirmaster: according to Do Not Destroy. A Miktam of David, when Saul sent men to watch his house in order to kill him.

rsv@Psalms:59:11 @ My God in his steadfast love will meet me; my God will let me look in triumph on my enemies.

rsv@Psalms:60:1 @ To the choirmaster: according to Shushan Eduth. A Miktam of David; for instruction; when he strove with Aram-naharaim and with Aram-zobah, and when Joab on his return killed twelve thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt.

rsv@Psalms:60:7 @ God has spoken in his sanctuary: "With exultation I will divide up Shechem and portion out the Vale of Succoth.

rsv@Psalms:61:7 @ Prolong the life of the king; may his years endure to all generations!

rsv@Psalms:62:5 @ They only plan to thrust him down from his eminence. They take pleasure in falsehood. They bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:62:12 @ Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God; [ (Psalms strkjv@62:13) and that to thee, O Lord, belongs steadfast love. For thou dost requite a man according to his work. ]

rsv@Psalms:64:8 @ But God will shoot his arrow at them; they will be wounded suddenly.

rsv@Psalms:66:3 @ sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!

rsv@Psalms:66:6 @ Come and see what God has done: he is terrible in his deeds among men.

rsv@Psalms:66:8 @ who rules by his might for ever, whose eyes keep watch on the nations-- let not the rebellious exalt themselves. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:66:9 @ Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard,

rsv@Psalms:66:20 @ But truly God has listened; he has given heed to the voice of my prayer. [ (Psalms strkjv@66:21) Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! ]

rsv@Psalms:67:2 @ May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:68:2 @ Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him!

rsv@Psalms:68:5 @ Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides upon the clouds; his name is the LORD, exult before him!

rsv@Psalms:68:6 @ Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.

rsv@Psalms:68:17 @ Why look you with envy, O many-peaked mountain, at the mount which God desired for his abode, yea, where the LORD will dwell for ever?

rsv@Psalms:68:22 @ But God will shatter the heads of his enemies, the hairy crown of him who walks in his guilty ways.

rsv@Psalms:68:34 @ to him who rides in the heavens, the ancient heavens; lo, he sends forth his voice, his mighty voice.

rsv@Psalms:68:35 @ Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is over Israel, and his power is in the skies. [ (Psalms strkjv@68:36) Terrible is God in his sanctuary, the God of Israel, he gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God! ]

rsv@Psalms:69:32 @ This will please the LORD more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs.

rsv@Psalms:69:34 @ For the LORD hears the needy, and does not despise his own that are in bonds.

rsv@Psalms:69:36 @ For God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah; and his servants shall dwell there and possess it; [ (Psalms strkjv@69:37) the children of his servants shall inherit it, and those who love his name shall dwell in it. ]

rsv@Psalms:72:8 @ In his days may righteousness flourish, and peace abound, till the moon be no more!

rsv@Psalms:72:10 @ May his foes bow down before him, and his enemies lick the dust!

rsv@Psalms:72:11 @ May the kings of Tarshish and of the isles render him tribute, may the kings of Sheba and Seba bring gifts!

rsv@Psalms:72:15 @ From oppression and violence he redeems their life; and precious is their blood in his sight.

rsv@Psalms:72:18 @ May his name endure for ever, his fame continue as long as the sun! May men bless themselves by him, all nations call him blessed!

rsv@Psalms:72:20 @ Blessed be his glorious name for ever; may his glory fill the whole earth! Amen and Amen! [ (Psalms strkjv@72:21) The prayers of David, the son of Jesse, are ended. ]

rsv@Psalms:73:17 @ But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task,

rsv@Psalms:74:19 @ Remember this, O LORD, how the enemy scoffs, and an impious people reviles thy name.

rsv@Psalms:76:2 @ In Judah God is known, his name is great in Israel.

rsv@Psalms:76:3 @ His abode has been established in Salem, his dwelling place in Zion.

rsv@Psalms:77:9 @ Has his steadfast love for ever ceased? Are his promises at an end for all time?

rsv@Psalms:77:10 @ Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he in anger shut up his compassion?" [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:78:5 @ We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders which he has wrought.

rsv@Psalms:78:8 @ so that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments;

rsv@Psalms:78:11 @ They did not keep God's covenant, but refused to walk according to his law.

rsv@Psalms:78:21 @ He smote the rock so that water gushed out and streams overflowed. Can he also give bread, or provide meat for his people?"

rsv@Psalms:78:22 @ Therefore, when the LORD heard, he was full of wrath; a fire was kindled against Jacob, his anger mounted against Israel;

rsv@Psalms:78:23 @ because they had no faith in God, and did not trust his saving power.

rsv@Psalms:78:27 @ He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens, and by his power he led out the south wind;

rsv@Psalms:78:33 @ In spite of all this they still sinned; despite his wonders they did not believe.

rsv@Psalms:78:38 @ Their heart was not steadfast toward him; they were not true to his covenant.

rsv@Psalms:78:39 @ Yet he, being compassionate, forgave their iniquity, and did not destroy them; he restrained his anger often, and did not stir up all his wrath.

rsv@Psalms:78:43 @ They did not keep in mind his power, or the day when he redeemed them from the foe;

rsv@Psalms:78:44 @ when he wrought his signs in Egypt, and his miracles in the fields of Zo'an.

rsv@Psalms:78:50 @ He let loose on them his fierce anger, wrath, indignation, and distress, a company of destroying angels.

rsv@Psalms:78:51 @ He made a path for his anger; he did not spare them from death, but gave their lives over to the plague.

rsv@Psalms:78:53 @ Then he led forth his people like sheep, and guided them in the wilderness like a flock.

rsv@Psalms:78:55 @ And he brought them to his holy land, to the mountain which his right hand had won.

rsv@Psalms:78:57 @ Yet they tested and rebelled against the Most High God, and did not observe his testimonies,

rsv@Psalms:78:61 @ He forsook his dwelling at Shiloh, the tent where he dwelt among men,

rsv@Psalms:78:62 @ and delivered his power to captivity, his glory to the hand of the foe.

rsv@Psalms:78:63 @ He gave his people over to the sword, and vented his wrath on his heritage.

rsv@Psalms:78:67 @ And he put his adversaries to rout; he put them to everlasting shame.

rsv@Psalms:78:70 @ He built his sanctuary like the high heavens, like the earth, which he has founded for ever.

rsv@Psalms:78:71 @ He chose David his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds;

rsv@Psalms:78:72 @ from tending the ewes that had young he brought him to be the shepherd of Jacob his people, of Israel his inheritance. [ (Psalms strkjv@78:73) With upright heart he tended them, and guided them with skilful hand. ]

rsv@Psalms:79:8 @ For they have devoured Jacob, and laid waste his habitation.

rsv@Psalms:80:15 @ Turn again, O God of hosts! Look down from heaven, and see; have regard for this vine,

rsv@Psalms:82:2 @ God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:

rsv@Psalms:85:9 @ Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints, to those who turn to him in their hearts.

rsv@Psalms:85:10 @ Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.

rsv@Psalms:85:13 @ Yea, the LORD will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase. [ (Psalms strkjv@85:14) Righteousness will go before him, and make his footsteps a way. ]

rsv@Psalms:87:5 @ Among those who know me I mention Rahab and Babylon; behold, Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia-- "This one was born there," they say.

rsv@Psalms:87:6 @ And of Zion it shall be said, "This one and that one were born in her"; for the Most High himself will establish her.

rsv@Psalms:87:7 @ The LORD records as he registers the peoples, "This one was born there." [Selah] [ (Psalms strkjv@87:8) Singers and dancers alike say, "All my springs are in you." ]

rsv@Psalms:89:24 @ I will crush his foes before him and strike down those who hate him.

rsv@Psalms:89:25 @ My faithfulness and my steadfast love shall be with him, and in my name shall his horn be exalted.

rsv@Psalms:89:26 @ I will set his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers.

rsv@Psalms:89:30 @ I will establish his line for ever and his throne as the days of the heavens.

rsv@Psalms:89:31 @ If his children forsake my law and do not walk according to my ordinances,

rsv@Psalms:89:37 @ His line shall endure for ever, his throne as long as the sun before me.

rsv@Psalms:89:40 @ Thou hast renounced the covenant with thy servant; thou hast defiled his crown in the dust.

rsv@Psalms:89:41 @ Thou hast breached all his walls; thou hast laid his strongholds in ruins.

rsv@Psalms:89:42 @ All that pass by despoil him; he has become the scorn of his neighbors.

rsv@Psalms:89:43 @ Thou hast exalted the right hand of his foes; thou hast made all his enemies rejoice.

rsv@Psalms:89:44 @ Yea, thou hast turned back the edge of his sword, and thou hast not made him stand in battle.

rsv@Psalms:89:45 @ Thou hast removed the scepter from his hand, and cast his throne to the ground.

rsv@Psalms:89:46 @ Thou hast cut short the days of his youth; thou hast covered him with shame. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:89:49 @ What man can live and never see death? Who can deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:91:4 @ he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

rsv@Psalms:91:11 @ For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.

rsv@Psalms:92:7 @ The dull man cannot know, the stupid cannot understand this:

rsv@Psalms:94:14 @ For the LORD will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage;

rsv@Psalms:95:2 @ Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

rsv@Psalms:95:4 @ In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also.

rsv@Psalms:95:5 @ The sea is his, for he made it; for his hands formed the dry land.

rsv@Psalms:95:7 @ For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. O that today you would hearken to his voice!

rsv@Psalms:96:2 @ Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.

rsv@Psalms:96:3 @ Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

rsv@Psalms:96:6 @ Honor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.

rsv@Psalms:96:8 @ Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts!

rsv@Psalms:96:13 @ before the LORD, for he comes, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with his truth.

rsv@Psalms:97:2 @ Clouds and thick darkness are round about him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.

rsv@Psalms:97:3 @ Fire goes before him, and burns up his adversaries round about.

rsv@Psalms:97:4 @ His lightnings lighten the world; the earth sees and trembles.

rsv@Psalms:97:6 @ The heavens proclaim his righteousness; and all the peoples behold his glory.

rsv@Psalms:97:10 @ The LORD loves those who hate evil; he preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

rsv@Psalms:97:12 @ Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous, and give thanks to his holy name!

rsv@Psalms:98:2 @ O sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory.

rsv@Psalms:98:3 @ The LORD has made known his victory, he has revealed his vindication in the sight of the nations.

rsv@Psalms:98:4 @ He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God.

rsv@Psalms:99:5 @ Extol the LORD our God; worship at his footstool! Holy is he!

rsv@Psalms:99:6 @ Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel also was among those who called on his name. They cried to the LORD, and he answered them.

rsv@Psalms:99:7 @ He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud; they kept his testimonies, and the statutes that he gave them.

rsv@Psalms:99:9 @ Extol the LORD our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the LORD our God is holy!

rsv@Psalms:100:3 @ Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!

rsv@Psalms:100:4 @ Know that the LORD is God! It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

rsv@Psalms:100:5 @ Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name! [ (Psalms strkjv@100:6) For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures for ever, and his faithfulness to all generations. ]

rsv@Psalms:101:6 @ Him who slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. The man of haughty looks and arrogant heart I will not endure.

rsv@Psalms:102:1 @ A prayer of one afflicted, when he is faint and pours out his complaint before the LORD.

rsv@Psalms:102:17 @ For the LORD will build up Zion, he will appear in his glory;

rsv@Psalms:102:19 @ Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet unborn may praise the LORD:

rsv@Psalms:102:20 @ that he looked down from his holy height, from heaven the LORD looked at the earth,

rsv@Psalms:102:22 @ that men may declare in Zion the name of the LORD, and in Jerusalem his praise,

rsv@Psalms:103:2 @ Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name!

rsv@Psalms:103:3 @ Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits,

rsv@Psalms:103:8 @ He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel.

rsv@Psalms:103:10 @ He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger for ever.

rsv@Psalms:103:12 @ For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;

rsv@Psalms:103:14 @ As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear him.

rsv@Psalms:103:16 @ As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field;

rsv@Psalms:103:18 @ But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children,

rsv@Psalms:103:19 @ to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.

rsv@Psalms:103:20 @ The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.

rsv@Psalms:103:21 @ Bless the LORD, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word!

rsv@Psalms:103:22 @ Bless the LORD, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will! [ (Psalms strkjv@103:23) Bless the LORD, all his works, in all places of his dominion. Bless the LORD, O my soul! ]

rsv@Psalms:104:15 @ and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread to strengthen man's heart.

rsv@Psalms:104:23 @ Man goes forth to his work and to his labor until the evening.

rsv@Psalms:104:31 @ May the glory of the LORD endure for ever, may the LORD rejoice in his works,

rsv@Psalms:105:1 @ O give thanks to the LORD, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples!

rsv@Psalms:105:2 @ Sing to him, sing praises to him, tell of all his wonderful works!

rsv@Psalms:105:3 @ Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!

rsv@Psalms:105:4 @ Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his presence continually!

rsv@Psalms:105:5 @ Remember the wonderful works that he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered,

rsv@Psalms:105:6 @ O offspring of Abraham his servant, sons of Jacob, his chosen ones!

rsv@Psalms:105:7 @ He is the LORD our God; his judgments are in all the earth.

rsv@Psalms:105:8 @ He is mindful of his covenant for ever, of the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations,

rsv@Psalms:105:9 @ the covenant which he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac,

rsv@Psalms:105:18 @ His feet were hurt with fetters, his neck was put in a collar of iron;

rsv@Psalms:105:21 @ he made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions,

rsv@Psalms:105:22 @ to instruct his princes at his pleasure, and to teach his elders wisdom.

rsv@Psalms:105:24 @ And the LORD made his people very fruitful, and made them stronger than their foes.

rsv@Psalms:105:25 @ He turned their hearts to hate his people, to deal craftily with his servants.

rsv@Psalms:105:26 @ He sent Moses his servant, and Aaron whom he had chosen.

rsv@Psalms:105:27 @ They wrought his signs among them, and miracles in the land of Ham.

rsv@Psalms:105:28 @ He sent darkness, and made the land dark; they rebelled against his words.

rsv@Psalms:105:37 @ Then he led forth Israel with silver and gold, and there was none among his tribes who stumbled.

rsv@Psalms:105:42 @ For he remembered his holy promise, and Abraham his servant.

rsv@Psalms:105:43 @ So he led forth his people with joy, his chosen ones with singing.

rsv@Psalms:105:45 @ to the end that they should keep his statutes, and observe his laws. Praise the LORD!

rsv@Psalms:106:1 @ Praise the LORD! O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures for ever!

rsv@Psalms:106:2 @ Who can utter the mighty doings of the LORD, or show forth all his praise?

rsv@Psalms:106:8 @ Yet he saved them for his name's sake, that he might make known his mighty power.

rsv@Psalms:106:12 @ Then they believed his words; they sang his praise.

rsv@Psalms:106:13 @ But they soon forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel.

rsv@Psalms:106:23 @ Therefore he said he would destroy them-- had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him, to turn away his wrath from destroying them.

rsv@Psalms:106:24 @ Then they despised the pleasant land, having no faith in his promise.

rsv@Psalms:106:26 @ Therefore he raised his hand and swore to them that he would make them fall in the wilderness,

rsv@Psalms:106:33 @ for they made his spirit bitter, and he spoke words that were rash.

rsv@Psalms:106:40 @ Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against his people, and he abhorred his heritage;

rsv@Psalms:106:45 @ He remembered for their sake his covenant, and relented according to the abundance of his steadfast love.

rsv@Psalms:107:1 @ O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures for ever!

rsv@Psalms:107:8 @ Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

rsv@Psalms:107:15 @ Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

rsv@Psalms:107:20 @ he sent forth his word, and healed them, and delivered them from destruction.

rsv@Psalms:107:21 @ Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

rsv@Psalms:107:22 @ And let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of his deeds in songs of joy!

rsv@Psalms:107:24 @ they saw the deeds of the LORD, his wondrous works in the deep.

rsv@Psalms:107:31 @ Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

rsv@Psalms:107:38 @ By his blessing they multiply greatly; and he does not let their cattle decrease.

rsv@Psalms:108:8 @ God has promised in his sanctuary: "With exultation I will divide up Shechem, and portion out the Vale of Succoth.

rsv@Psalms:109:8 @ When he is tried, let him come forth guilty; let his prayer be counted as sin!

rsv@Psalms:109:9 @ May his days be few; may another seize his goods!

rsv@Psalms:109:10 @ May his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow!

rsv@Psalms:109:11 @ May his children wander about and beg; may they be driven out of the ruins they inhabit!

rsv@Psalms:109:12 @ May the creditor seize all that he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his toil!

rsv@Psalms:109:13 @ Let there be none to extend kindness to him, nor any to pity his fatherless children!

rsv@Psalms:109:14 @ May his posterity be cut off; may his name be blotted out in the second generation!

rsv@Psalms:109:15 @ May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD, and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out!

rsv@Psalms:109:16 @ Let them be before the LORD continually; and may his memory be cut off from the earth!

rsv@Psalms:109:19 @ He clothed himself with cursing as his coat, may it soak into his body like water, like oil into his bones!

rsv@Psalms:109:21 @ May this be the reward of my accusers from the LORD, of those who speak evil against my life!

rsv@Psalms:109:28 @ Let them know that this is thy hand; thou, O LORD, hast done it!

rsv@Psalms:110:5 @ The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind, "You are a priest for ever after the order of Melchiz'edek."

rsv@Psalms:110:6 @ The Lord is at your right hand; he will shatter kings on the day of his wrath.

rsv@Psalms:110:7 @ He will execute judgment among the nations, filling them with corpses; he will shatter chiefs over the wide earth. [ (Psalms strkjv@110:8) He will drink from the brook by the way; therefore he will lift up his head. ]

rsv@Psalms:111:3 @ Full of honor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:111:4 @ He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and merciful.

rsv@Psalms:111:5 @ He provides food for those who fear him; he is ever mindful of his covenant.

rsv@Psalms:111:6 @ He has shown his people the power of his works, in giving them the heritage of the nations.

rsv@Psalms:111:7 @ The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy,

rsv@Psalms:111:9 @ He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant for ever. Holy and terrible is his name!

rsv@Psalms:111:10 @ The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who practice it. His praise endures for ever!

rsv@Psalms:112:1 @ Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments!

rsv@Psalms:112:2 @ His descendants will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.

rsv@Psalms:112:3 @ Wealth and riches are in his house; and his righteousness endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:112:5 @ It is well with the man who deals generously and lends, who conducts his affairs with justice.

rsv@Psalms:112:7 @ He is not afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD.

rsv@Psalms:112:8 @ His heart is steady, he will not be afraid, until he sees his desire on his adversaries.

rsv@Psalms:112:9 @ He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever; his horn is exalted in honor.

rsv@Psalms:112:10 @ The wicked man sees it and is angry; he gnashes his teeth and melts away; the desire of the wicked man comes to nought.

rsv@Psalms:113:2 @ Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and for evermore!

rsv@Psalms:113:4 @ The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens!

rsv@Psalms:113:8 @ to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people.

rsv@Psalms:114:2 @ Judah became his sanctuary, Israel his dominion.

rsv@Psalms:115:18 @ But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and for evermore. Praise the LORD!

rsv@Psalms:116:2 @ Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.

rsv@Psalms:116:12 @ What shall I render to the LORD for all his bounty to me?

rsv@Psalms:116:14 @ I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people.

rsv@Psalms:116:15 @ Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

rsv@Psalms:116:18 @ I will pay my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people,

rsv@Psalms:117:2 @ For great is his steadfast love toward us; and the faithfulness of the LORD endures for ever. Praise the LORD!

rsv@Psalms:118:1 @ O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his steadfast love endures for ever!

rsv@Psalms:118:2 @ Let Israel say, "His steadfast love endures for ever."

rsv@Psalms:118:3 @ Let the house of Aaron say, "His steadfast love endures for ever."

rsv@Psalms:118:4 @ Let those who fear the LORD say, "His steadfast love endures for ever."

rsv@Psalms:118:20 @ This is the gate of the LORD; the righteous shall enter through it.

rsv@Psalms:118:23 @ This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.

rsv@Psalms:118:24 @ This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

rsv@Psalms:118:29 @ O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures for ever!

rsv@Psalms:119:2 @ Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart,

rsv@Psalms:119:3 @ who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

rsv@Psalms:119:9 @ How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:50 @ This is my comfort in my affliction that thy promise gives me life.

rsv@Psalms:119:56 @ This blessing has fallen to me, that I have kept thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:91 @ By thy appointment they stand this day; for all things are thy servants.

rsv@Psalms:121:8 @ The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. [ (Psalms strkjv@121:9) The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and for evermore. ]

rsv@Psalms:125:3 @ As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people, from this time forth and for evermore.

rsv@Psalms:126:6 @ May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy! [ (Psalms strkjv@126:7) He that goes forth weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. ]

rsv@Psalms:127:3 @ It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.

rsv@Psalms:127:5 @ Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons of one's youth. [ (Psalms strkjv@127:6) Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. ]

rsv@Psalms:128:2 @ Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways!

rsv@Psalms:129:8 @ with which the reaper does not fill his hand or the binder of sheaves his bosom, [ (Psalms strkjv@129:9) while those who pass by do not say, "The blessing of the LORD be upon you! We bless you in the name of the LORD!" ]

rsv@Psalms:130:6 @ I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope;

rsv@Psalms:130:8 @ O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is plenteous redemption. [ (Psalms strkjv@130:9) And he will redeem Israel from all his iniquities. ]

rsv@Psalms:131:3 @ But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a child quieted at its mother's breast; like a child that is quieted is my soul. [ (Psalms strkjv@131:4) O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and for evermore. ]

rsv@Psalms:132:8 @ "Let us go to his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool!"

rsv@Psalms:132:14 @ For the LORD has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his habitation:

rsv@Psalms:132:15 @ "This is my resting place for ever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it.

rsv@Psalms:132:18 @ There I will make a horn to sprout for David; I have prepared a lamp for my anointed. [ (Psalms strkjv@132:19) His enemies I will clothe with shame, but upon himself his crown will shed its luster." ]

rsv@Psalms:133:3 @ It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down upon the beard, upon the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! [ (Psalms strkjv@133:4) It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life for evermore. ]

rsv@Psalms:135:3 @ Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing to his name, for he is gracious!

rsv@Psalms:135:4 @ For the LORD has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel as his own possession.

rsv@Psalms:135:7 @ He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses.

rsv@Psalms:135:9 @ who in thy midst, O Egypt, sent signs and wonders against Pharaoh and all his servants;

rsv@Psalms:135:12 @ and gave their land as a heritage, a heritage to his people Israel.

rsv@Psalms:135:14 @ For the LORD will vindicate his people, and have compassion on his servants.

rsv@Psalms:136:1 @ O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:136:2 @ O give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:136:3 @ O give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:4 @ to him who alone does great wonders, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:5 @ to him who by understanding made the heavens, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:6 @ to him who spread out the earth upon the waters, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:7 @ to him who made the great lights, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:8 @ the sun to rule over the day, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:9 @ the moon and stars to rule over the night, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:10 @ to him who smote the first-born of Egypt, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:11 @ and brought Israel out from among them, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:12 @ with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:13 @ to him who divided the Red Sea in sunder, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:14 @ and made Israel pass through the midst of it, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:15 @ but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:16 @ to him who led his people through the wilderness, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:17 @ to him who smote great kings, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:18 @ and slew famous kings, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:19 @ Sihon, king of the Amorites, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:20 @ and Og, king of Bashan, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:21 @ and gave their land as a heritage, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:22 @ a heritage to Israel his servant, for his steadfast love endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:136:23 @ It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:24 @ and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures for ever;

rsv@Psalms:136:25 @ he who gives food to all flesh, for his steadfast love endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:136:26 @ O give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:138:8 @ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou dost preserve my life; thou dost stretch out thy hand against the wrath of my enemies, and thy right hand delivers me. [ (Psalms strkjv@138:9) The LORD will fulfil his purpose for me; thy steadfast love, O LORD, endures for ever. Do not forsake the work of thy hands. ]

rsv@Psalms:140:9 @ Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wicked; do not further his evil plot! [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:144:5 @ Man is like a breath, his days are like a passing shadow.

rsv@Psalms:145:4 @ Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.

rsv@Psalms:145:10 @ The LORD is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.

rsv@Psalms:145:14 @ Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endures throughout all generations. The LORD is faithful in all his words, and gracious in all his deeds.

rsv@Psalms:145:18 @ The LORD is just in all his ways, and kind in all his doings.

rsv@Psalms:145:21 @ The LORD preserves all who love him; but all the wicked he will destroy. [ (Psalms strkjv@145:22) My mouth will speak the praise of the LORD, and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. ]

rsv@Psalms:146:4 @ When his breath departs he returns to his earth; on that very day his plans perish.

rsv@Psalms:146:5 @ Happy is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,

rsv@Psalms:147:5 @ Great is our LORD, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.

rsv@Psalms:147:10 @ His delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor his pleasure in the legs of a man;

rsv@Psalms:147:11 @ but the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.

rsv@Psalms:147:15 @ He sends forth his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.

rsv@Psalms:147:17 @ He casts forth his ice like morsels; who can stand before his cold?

rsv@Psalms:147:18 @ He sends forth his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow, and the waters flow.

rsv@Psalms:147:19 @ He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and ordinances to Israel.

rsv@Psalms:147:20 @ He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know his ordinances. Praise the LORD!

rsv@Psalms:148:2 @ Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his host!

rsv@Psalms:148:8 @ fire and hail, snow and frost, stormy wind fulfilling his command!

rsv@Psalms:148:13 @ Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his glory is above earth and heaven.

rsv@Psalms:148:14 @ He has raised up a horn for his people, praise for all his saints, for the people of Israel who are near to him. Praise the LORD!

rsv@Psalms:149:1 @ Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful!

rsv@Psalms:149:2 @ Let Israel be glad in his Maker, let the sons of Zion rejoice in their King!

rsv@Psalms:149:3 @ Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with timbrel and lyre!

rsv@Psalms:149:4 @ For the LORD takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with victory.

rsv@Psalms:149:9 @ to execute on them the judgment written! This is glory for all his faithful ones. Praise the LORD!

rsv@Psalms:150:1 @ Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament!

rsv@Psalms:150:2 @ Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his exceeding greatness!

rsv@Proverbs:2:6 @ For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;

rsv@Proverbs:2:8 @ guarding the paths of justice and preserving the way of his saints.

rsv@Proverbs:3:11 @ My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline or be weary of his reproof,

rsv@Proverbs:3:20 @ by his knowledge the deeps broke forth, and the clouds drop down the dew.

rsv@Proverbs:3:31 @ Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways;

rsv@Proverbs:3:32 @ for the perverse man is an abomination to the LORD, but the upright are in his confidence.

rsv@Proverbs:4:7 @ The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.

rsv@Proverbs:4:22 @ For they are life to him who finds them, and healing to all his flesh.

rsv@Proverbs:5:21 @ For a man's ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and he watches all his paths.

rsv@Proverbs:5:22 @ The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is caught in the toils of his sin.

rsv@Proverbs:5:23 @ He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is lost.

rsv@Proverbs:6:3 @ then do this, my son, and save yourself, for you have come into your neighbor's power: go, hasten, and importune your neighbor.

rsv@Proverbs:6:13 @ winks with his eyes, scrapes with his feet, points with his finger,

rsv@Proverbs:6:27 @ Can a man carry fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned?

rsv@Proverbs:6:28 @ Or can one walk upon hot coals and his feet not be scorched?

rsv@Proverbs:6:29 @ So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife; none who touches her will go unpunished.

rsv@Proverbs:6:30 @ Do not men despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his appetite when he is hungry?

rsv@Proverbs:6:31 @ And if he is caught, he will pay sevenfold; he will give all the goods of his house.

rsv@Proverbs:6:33 @ Wounds and dishonor will he get, and his disgrace will not be wiped away.

rsv@Proverbs:7:23 @ till an arrow pierces its entrails; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life.

rsv@Proverbs:8:22 @ The LORD created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.

rsv@Proverbs:8:29 @ when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth,

rsv@Proverbs:8:30 @ then I was beside him, like a master workman; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always,

rsv@Proverbs:8:31 @ rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the sons of men.

rsv@Proverbs:10:1 @ The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.

rsv@Proverbs:10:9 @ He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out.

rsv@Proverbs:10:15 @ A rich man's wealth is his strong city; the poverty of the poor is their ruin.

rsv@Proverbs:10:19 @ When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is prudent.

rsv@Proverbs:11:1 @ A false balance is an abomination to the LORD, but a just weight is his delight.

rsv@Proverbs:11:5 @ The righteousness of the blameless keeps his way straight, but the wicked falls by his own wickedness.

rsv@Proverbs:11:7 @ When the wicked dies, his hope perishes, and the expectation of the godless comes to nought.

rsv@Proverbs:11:9 @ With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered.

rsv@Proverbs:11:12 @ He who belittles his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding remains silent.

rsv@Proverbs:11:20 @ Men of perverse mind are an abomination to the LORD, but those of blameless ways are his delight.

rsv@Proverbs:11:28 @ He who trusts in his riches will wither, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.

rsv@Proverbs:11:29 @ He who troubles his household will inherit wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise.

rsv@Proverbs:12:4 @ A good wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.

rsv@Proverbs:12:8 @ A man is commended according to his good sense, but one of perverse mind is despised.

rsv@Proverbs:12:10 @ A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.

rsv@Proverbs:12:11 @ He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits has no sense.

rsv@Proverbs:12:13 @ An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips, but the righteous escapes from trouble.

rsv@Proverbs:12:14 @ From the fruit of his words a man is satisfied with good, and the work of a man's hand comes back to him.

rsv@Proverbs:12:15 @ The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

rsv@Proverbs:12:22 @ Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

rsv@Proverbs:12:23 @ A prudent man conceals his knowledge, but fools proclaim their folly.

rsv@Proverbs:12:27 @ A slothful man will not catch his prey, but the diligent man will get precious wealth.

rsv@Proverbs:13:1 @ A wise son hears his father's instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.

rsv@Proverbs:13:2 @ From the fruit of his mouth a good man eats good, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence.

rsv@Proverbs:13:3 @ He who guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

rsv@Proverbs:13:8 @ The ransom of a man's life is his wealth, but a poor man has no means of redemption.

rsv@Proverbs:13:16 @ In everything a prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly.

rsv@Proverbs:13:22 @ A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous.

rsv@Proverbs:13:24 @ He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.

rsv@Proverbs:13:25 @ The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, but the belly of the wicked suffers want.

rsv@Proverbs:14:2 @ He who walks in uprightness fears the LORD, but he who is devious in his ways despises him.

rsv@Proverbs:14:3 @ The talk of a fool is a rod for his back, but the lips of the wise will preserve them.

rsv@Proverbs:14:8 @ The wisdom of a prudent man is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving.

rsv@Proverbs:14:9 @ God scorns the wicked, but the upright enjoy his favor.

rsv@Proverbs:14:14 @ A perverse man will be filled with the fruit of his ways, and a good man with the fruit of his deeds.

rsv@Proverbs:14:20 @ The poor is disliked even by his neighbor, but the rich has many friends.

rsv@Proverbs:14:21 @ He who despises his neighbor is a sinner, but happy is he who is kind to the poor.

rsv@Proverbs:14:26 @ In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.

rsv@Proverbs:14:31 @ He who oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is kind to the needy honors him.

rsv@Proverbs:14:32 @ The wicked is overthrown through his evil-doing, but the righteous finds refuge through his integrity.

rsv@Proverbs:14:35 @ A servant who deals wisely has the king's favor, but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully.

rsv@Proverbs:15:5 @ A fool despises his father's instruction, but he who heeds admonition is prudent.

rsv@Proverbs:15:8 @ The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD, but the prayer of the upright is his delight.

rsv@Proverbs:15:20 @ A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish man despises his mother.

rsv@Proverbs:15:27 @ He who is greedy for unjust gain makes trouble for his household, but he who hates bribes will live.

rsv@Proverbs:16:2 @ All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirit.

rsv@Proverbs:16:7 @ When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

rsv@Proverbs:16:9 @ A man's mind plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.

rsv@Proverbs:16:10 @ Inspired decisions are on the lips of a king; his mouth does not sin in judgment.

rsv@Proverbs:16:11 @ A just balance and scales are the LORD's; all the weights in the bag are his work.

rsv@Proverbs:16:15 @ In the light of a king's face there is life, and his favor is like the clouds that bring the spring rain.

rsv@Proverbs:16:17 @ The highway of the upright turns aside from evil; he who guards his way preserves his life.

rsv@Proverbs:16:23 @ The mind of the wise makes his speech judicious, and adds persuasiveness to his lips.

rsv@Proverbs:16:26 @ A worker's appetite works for him; his mouth urges him on.

rsv@Proverbs:16:27 @ A worthless man plots evil, and his speech is like a scorching fire.

rsv@Proverbs:16:28 @ A perverse man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.

rsv@Proverbs:16:29 @ A man of violence entices his neighbor and leads him in a way that is not good.

rsv@Proverbs:16:30 @ He who winks his eyes plans perverse things, he who compresses his lips brings evil to pass.

rsv@Proverbs:16:32 @ He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

rsv@Proverbs:17:5 @ He who mocks the poor insults his Maker; he who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished.

rsv@Proverbs:17:12 @ Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly.

rsv@Proverbs:17:13 @ If a man returns evil for good, evil will not depart from his house.

rsv@Proverbs:17:16 @ Why should a fool have a price in his hand to buy wisdom, when he has no mind?

rsv@Proverbs:17:18 @ A man without sense gives a pledge, and becomes surety in the presence of his neighbor.

rsv@Proverbs:17:19 @ He who loves transgression loves strife; he who makes his door high seeks destruction.

rsv@Proverbs:17:24 @ A man of understanding sets his face toward wisdom, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.

rsv@Proverbs:17:25 @ A foolish son is a grief to his father and bitterness to her who bore him.

rsv@Proverbs:17:27 @ He who restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.

rsv@Proverbs:17:28 @ Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.

rsv@Proverbs:18:2 @ A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

rsv@Proverbs:18:6 @ A fool's lips bring strife, and his mouth invites a flogging.

rsv@Proverbs:18:7 @ A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to himself.

rsv@Proverbs:18:8 @ The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.

rsv@Proverbs:18:9 @ He who is slack in his work is a brother to him who destroys.

rsv@Proverbs:18:11 @ A rich man's wealth is his strong city, and like a high wall protecting him.

rsv@Proverbs:18:13 @ If one gives answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.

rsv@Proverbs:18:17 @ He who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

rsv@Proverbs:18:20 @ From the fruit of his mouth a man is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips.

rsv@Proverbs:19:1 @ Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a man who is perverse in speech, and is a fool.

rsv@Proverbs:19:2 @ It is not good for a man to be without knowledge, and he who makes haste with his feet misses his way.

rsv@Proverbs:19:3 @ When a man's folly brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the LORD.

rsv@Proverbs:19:4 @ Wealth brings many new friends, but a poor man is deserted by his friend.

rsv@Proverbs:19:7 @ All a poor man's brothers hate him; how much more do his friends go far from him! He pursues them with words, but does not have them.

rsv@Proverbs:19:11 @ Good sense makes a man slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

rsv@Proverbs:19:12 @ A king's wrath is like the growling of a lion, but his favor is like dew upon the grass.

rsv@Proverbs:19:13 @ A foolish son is ruin to his father, and a wife's quarreling is a continual dripping of rain.

rsv@Proverbs:19:16 @ He who keeps the commandment keeps his life; he who despises the word will die.

rsv@Proverbs:19:17 @ He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.

rsv@Proverbs:19:18 @ Discipline your son while there is hope; do not set your heart on his destruction.

rsv@Proverbs:19:24 @ The sluggard buries his hand in the dish, and will not even bring it back to his mouth.

rsv@Proverbs:19:26 @ He who does violence to his father and chases away his mother is a son who causes shame and brings reproach.

rsv@Proverbs:20:2 @ The dread wrath of a king is like the growling of a lion; he who provokes him to anger forfeits his life.

rsv@Proverbs:20:6 @ Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but a faithful man who can find?

rsv@Proverbs:20:7 @ A righteous man who walks in his integrity-- blessed are his sons after him!

rsv@Proverbs:20:8 @ A king who sits on the throne of judgment winnows all evil with his eyes.

rsv@Proverbs:20:11 @ Even a child makes himself known by his acts, whether what he does is pure and right.

rsv@Proverbs:20:17 @ Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be full of gravel.

rsv@Proverbs:20:20 @ If one curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in utter darkness.

rsv@Proverbs:20:24 @ A man's steps are ordered by the LORD; how then can man understand his way?

rsv@Proverbs:20:25 @ It is a snare for a man to say rashly, "It is holy," and to reflect only after making his vows.

rsv@Proverbs:20:27 @ The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all his innermost parts.

rsv@Proverbs:20:28 @ Loyalty and faithfulness preserve the king, and his throne is upheld by righteousness.

rsv@Proverbs:21:2 @ Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the heart.

rsv@Proverbs:21:10 @ The soul of the wicked desires evil; his neighbor finds no mercy in his eyes.

rsv@Proverbs:21:13 @ He who closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself cry out and not be heard.

rsv@Proverbs:21:23 @ He who keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

rsv@Proverbs:21:25 @ The desire of the sluggard kills him for his hands refuse to labor.

rsv@Proverbs:21:29 @ A wicked man puts on a bold face, but an upright man considers his ways.

rsv@Proverbs:22:8 @ He who sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.

rsv@Proverbs:22:9 @ He who has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.

rsv@Proverbs:22:11 @ He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend.

rsv@Proverbs:22:16 @ He who oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to want.

rsv@Proverbs:22:25 @ lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.

rsv@Proverbs:22:29 @ Do you see a man skilful in his work? he will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.

rsv@Proverbs:23:3 @ Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food.

rsv@Proverbs:23:6 @ Do not eat the bread of a man who is stingy; do not desire his delicacies;

rsv@Proverbs:23:7 @ for he is like one who is inwardly reckoning. "Eat and drink!" he says to you; but his heart is not with you.

rsv@Proverbs:23:14 @ If you beat him with the rod you will save his life from Sheol.

rsv@Proverbs:24:7 @ Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth.

rsv@Proverbs:24:12 @ If you say, "Behold, we did not know this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not requite man according to his work?

rsv@Proverbs:24:15 @ Lie not in wait as a wicked man against the dwelling of the righteous; do not violence to his home;

rsv@Proverbs:24:18 @ lest the LORD see it, and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him.

rsv@Proverbs:25:5 @ take away the wicked from the presence of the king, and his throne will be established in righteousness.

rsv@Proverbs:25:13 @ Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him, he refreshes the spirit of his masters.

rsv@Proverbs:25:18 @ A man who bears false witness against his neighbor is like a war club, or a sword, or a sharp arrow.

rsv@Proverbs:25:22 @ for you will heap coals of fire on his head, and the LORD will reward you.

rsv@Proverbs:26:4 @ Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.

rsv@Proverbs:26:5 @ Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.

rsv@Proverbs:26:6 @ He who sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off his own feet and drinks violence.

rsv@Proverbs:26:11 @ Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool that repeats his folly.

rsv@Proverbs:26:12 @ Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

rsv@Proverbs:26:14 @ As a door turns on its hinges, so does a sluggard on his bed.

rsv@Proverbs:26:15 @ The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; it wears him out to bring it back to his mouth.

rsv@Proverbs:26:16 @ The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who can answer discreetly.

rsv@Proverbs:26:17 @ He who meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a passing dog by the ears.

rsv@Proverbs:26:19 @ is the man who deceives his neighbor and says, "I am only joking!"

rsv@Proverbs:26:20 @ For lack of wood the fire goes out; and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.

rsv@Proverbs:26:22 @ The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body.

rsv@Proverbs:26:24 @ He who hates, dissembles with his lips and harbors deceit in his heart;

rsv@Proverbs:26:25 @ when he speaks graciously, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart;

rsv@Proverbs:26:26 @ though his hatred be covered with guile, his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.

rsv@Proverbs:27:8 @ Like a bird that strays from its nest, is a man who strays from his home.

rsv@Proverbs:27:14 @ He who blesses his neighbor with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, will be counted as cursing.

rsv@Proverbs:27:16 @ to restrain her is to restrain the wind or to grasp oil in his right hand.

rsv@Proverbs:27:18 @ He who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who guards his master will be honored.

rsv@Proverbs:27:21 @ The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and a man is judged by his praise.

rsv@Proverbs:27:22 @ Crush a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, yet his folly will not depart from him.

rsv@Proverbs:28:6 @ Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is perverse in his ways.

rsv@Proverbs:28:7 @ He who keeps the law is a wise son, but a companion of gluttons shames his father.

rsv@Proverbs:28:8 @ He who augments his wealth by interest and increase gathers it for him who is kind to the poor.

rsv@Proverbs:28:9 @ If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.

rsv@Proverbs:28:10 @ He who misleads the upright into an evil way will fall into his own pit; but the blameless will have a goodly inheritance.

rsv@Proverbs:28:11 @ A rich man is wise in his own eyes, but a poor man who has understanding will find him out.

rsv@Proverbs:28:13 @ He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

rsv@Proverbs:28:14 @ Blessed is the man who fears the LORD always; but he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.

rsv@Proverbs:28:16 @ A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor; but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.

rsv@Proverbs:28:18 @ He who walks in integrity will be delivered, but he who is perverse in his ways will fall into a pit.

rsv@Proverbs:28:19 @ He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits will have plenty of poverty.

rsv@Proverbs:28:23 @ He who rebukes a man will afterward find more favor than he who flatters with his tongue.

rsv@Proverbs:28:24 @ He who robs his father or his mother and says, "That is no transgression," is the companion of a man who destroys.

rsv@Proverbs:28:26 @ He who trusts in his own mind is a fool; but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.

rsv@Proverbs:28:27 @ He who gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.

rsv@Proverbs:29:1 @ He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck will suddenly be broken beyond healing.

rsv@Proverbs:29:3 @ He who loves wisdom makes his father glad, but one who keeps company with harlots squanders his substance.

rsv@Proverbs:29:5 @ A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet.

rsv@Proverbs:29:6 @ An evil man is ensnared in his transgression, but a righteous man sings and rejoices.

rsv@Proverbs:29:10 @ Bloodthirsty men hate one who is blameless, and the wicked seek his life.

rsv@Proverbs:29:11 @ A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man quietly holds it back.

rsv@Proverbs:29:12 @ If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.

rsv@Proverbs:29:14 @ If a king judges the poor with equity his throne will be established for ever.

rsv@Proverbs:29:15 @ The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.

rsv@Proverbs:29:20 @ Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

rsv@Proverbs:29:21 @ He who pampers his servant from childhood, will in the end find him his heir.

rsv@Proverbs:29:24 @ The partner of a thief hates his own life; he hears the curse, but discloses nothing.

rsv@Proverbs:30:4 @ Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name? Surely you know!

rsv@Proverbs:30:6 @ Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you, and you be found a liar.

rsv@Proverbs:30:10 @ Do not slander a servant to his master, lest he curse you, and you be held guilty.

rsv@Proverbs:30:20 @ This is the way of an adulteress: she eats, and wipes her mouth, and says, "I have done no wrong."

rsv@Proverbs:30:31 @ the strutting cock, the he-goat, and a king striding before his people.

rsv@Proverbs:31:1 @ The words of Lemuel, king of Massa, which his mother taught him:

rsv@Ecclesiastes:1:10 @ Is there a thing of which it is said, "See, this is new"? It has been already, in the ages before us.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:1:17 @ And I applied my mind to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is but a striving after wind.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:1 @ I said to myself, "Come now, I will make a test of pleasure; enjoy yourself." But behold, this also was vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:10 @ And whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them; I kept my heart from no pleasure, for my heart found pleasure in all my toil, and this was my reward for all my toil.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:14 @ The wise man has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness; and yet I perceived that one fate comes to all of them.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @ Then I said to myself, "What befalls the fool will befall me also; why then have I been so very wise?" And I said to myself that this also is vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:19 @ and who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will be master of all for which I toiled and used my wisdom under the sun. This also is vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:21 @ because sometimes a man who has toiled with wisdom and knowledge and skill must leave all to be enjoyed by a man who did not toil for it. This also is vanity and a great evil.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:23 @ For all his days are full of pain, and his work is a vexation; even in the night his mind does not rest. This also is vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:24 @ There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God;

rsv@Ecclesiastes:2:26 @ For to the man who pleases him God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy; but to the sinner he gives the work of gathering and heaping, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:3:9 @ What gain has the worker from his toil?

rsv@Ecclesiastes:3:13 @ also that it is God's gift to man that every one should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:3:22 @ So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should enjoy his work, for that is his lot; who can bring him to see what will be after him?

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:4 @ Then I saw that all toil and all skill in work come from a man's envy of his neighbor. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:5 @ The fool folds his hands, and eats his own flesh.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @ a person who has no one, either son or brother, yet there is no end to all his toil, and his eyes are never satisfied with riches, so that he never asks, "For whom am I toiling and depriving myself of pleasure?" This also is vanity and an unhappy business.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:10 @ For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:14 @ even though he had gone from prison to the throne or in his own kingdom had been born poor.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:15 @ I saw all the living who move about under the sun, as well as that youth, who was to stand in his place;

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:16 @ there was no end of all the people; he was over all of them. Yet those who come later will not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and a striving after wind.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:10 @ He who loves money will not be satisfied with money; nor he who loves wealth, with gain: this also is vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:11 @ When goods increase, they increase who eat them; and what gain has their owner but to see them with his eyes?

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:13 @ There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: riches were kept by their owner to his hurt,

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:14 @ and those riches were lost in a bad venture; and he is father of a son, but he has nothing in his hand.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:15 @ As he came from his mother's womb he shall go again, naked as he came, and shall take nothing for his toil, which he may carry away in his hand.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:16 @ This also is a grievous evil: just as he came, so shall he go; and what gain has he that he toiled for the wind,

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:17 @ and spent all his days in darkness and grief, in much vexation and sickness and resentment?

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:18 @ Behold, what I have seen to be good and to be fitting is to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of his life which God has given him, for this is his lot.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:19 @ Every man also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and find enjoyment in his toil--this is the gift of God.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:20 @ For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @ a man to whom God gives wealth, possessions, and honor, so that he lacks nothing of all that he desires, yet God does not give him power to enjoy them, but a stranger enjoys them; this is vanity; it is a sore affliction.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:6:3 @ If a man begets a hundred children, and lives many years, so that the days of his years are many, but he does not enjoy life's good things, and also has no burial, I say that an untimely birth is better off than he.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:6:7 @ All the toil of man is for his mouth, yet his appetite is not satisfied.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:6:9 @ Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of desire; this also is vanity and a striving after wind.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:6:12 @ For who knows what is good for man while he lives the few days of his vain life, which he passes like a shadow? For who can tell man what will be after him under the sun?

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:2 @ It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting; for this is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to heart.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:6 @ For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fools; this also is vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:10 @ Say not, "Why were the former days better than these?" For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:15 @ In my vain life I have seen everything; there is a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man who prolongs his life in his evil-doing.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @ It is good that you should take hold of this, and from that withhold not your hand; for he who fears God shall come forth from them all.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:23 @ All this I have tested by wisdom; I said, "I will be wise"; but it was far from me.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:27 @ Behold, this is what I found, says the Preacher, adding one thing to another to find the sum,

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:29 @ Behold, this alone I found, that God made man upright, but they have sought out many devices.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:1 @ Who is like the wise man? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his countenance is changed.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:3 @ go from his presence, do not delay when the matter is unpleasant, for he does whatever he pleases.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @ All this I observed while applying my mind to all that is done under the sun, while man lords it over man to his hurt.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:10 @ Then I saw the wicked buried; they used to go in and out of the holy place, and were praised in the city where they had done such things. This also is vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @ Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him;

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:13 @ but it will not be well with the wicked, neither will he prolong his days like a shadow, because he does not fear before God.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @ There is a vanity which takes place on earth, that there are righteous men to whom it happens according to the deeds of the wicked, and there are wicked men to whom it happens according to the deeds of the righteous. I said that this also is vanity.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @ And I commend enjoyment, for man has no good thing under the sun but to eat and drink, and enjoy himself, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of life which God gives him under the sun.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:9:1 @ But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God; whether it is love or hate man does not know. Everything before them is vanity,

rsv@Ecclesiastes:9:3 @ This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that one fate comes to all; also the hearts of men are full of evil, and madness is in their hearts while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:9:12 @ For man does not know his time. Like fish which are taken in an evil net, and like birds which are caught in a snare, so the sons of men are snared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:9:13 @ I have also seen this example of wisdom under the sun, and it seemed great to me.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:9:15 @ But there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city. Yet no one remembered that poor man.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:9:16 @ But I say that wisdom is better than might, though the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heeded.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:10:13 @ The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness, and the end of his talk is wicked madness.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:11:6 @ In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:12:5 @ they are afraid also of what is high, and terrors are in the way; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along and desire fails; because man goes to his eternal home, and the mourners go about the streets;

rsv@Ecclesiastes:12:13 @ The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.

rsv@Songs:1:4 @ Draw me after you, let us make haste. The king has brought me into his chambers. We will exult and rejoice in you; we will extol your love more than wine; rightly do they love you.

rsv@Songs:1:12 @ While the king was on his couch, my nard gave forth its fragrance.

rsv@Songs:2:3 @ As an apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

rsv@Songs:2:4 @ He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.

rsv@Songs:2:6 @ O that his left hand were under my head, and that his right hand embraced me!

rsv@Songs:2:16 @ My beloved is mine and I am his, he pastures his flock among the lilies.

rsv@Songs:3:8 @ all girt with swords and expert in war, each with his sword at his thigh, against alarms by night.

rsv@Songs:3:11 @ Go forth, O daughters of Zion, and behold King Solomon, with the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding, on the day of the gladness of his heart.

rsv@Songs:4:16 @ Awake, O north wind, and come, O south wind! Blow upon my garden, let its fragrance be wafted abroad. Let my beloved come to his garden, and eat its choicest fruits.

rsv@Songs:5:4 @ My beloved put his hand to the latch, and my heart was thrilled within me.

rsv@Songs:5:11 @ His head is the finest gold; his locks are wavy, black as a raven.

rsv@Songs:5:12 @ His eyes are like doves beside springs of water, bathed in milk, fitly set.

rsv@Songs:5:13 @ His cheeks are like beds of spices, yielding fragrance. His lips are lilies, distilling liquid myrrh.

rsv@Songs:5:14 @ His arms are rounded gold, set with jewels. His body is ivory work, encrusted with sapphires.

rsv@Songs:5:15 @ His legs are alabaster columns, set upon bases of gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedars.

rsv@Songs:5:16 @ His speech is most sweet, and he is altogether desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.

rsv@Songs:6:2 @ My beloved has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to pasture his flock in the gardens, and to gather lilies.

rsv@Songs:6:3 @ I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine; he pastures his flock among the lilies.

rsv@Songs:6:10 @ "Who is this that looks forth like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?"

rsv@Songs:7:10 @ I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me.

rsv@Songs:8:3 @ O that his left hand were under my head, and that his right hand embraced me!

rsv@Songs:8:7 @ Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly scorned.

rsv@Songs:8:10 @ I was a wall, and my breasts were like towers; then I was in his eyes as one who brings peace.