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ylt@Job:1:4 @And his sons have gone and made a banquet -- the house of each [in] his day -- and have sent and called to their three sisters to eat and to drink with them;

ylt@Job:1:5 @and it cometh to pass, when they have gone round the days of the banquet, that Job doth send and sanctify them, and hath risen early in the morning, and caused to ascend burnt-offerings -- the number of them all -- for Job said, 'Perhaps my sons have sinned, yet blessed God in their heart.' Thus doth Job all the days.

ylt@Job:1:6 @And the day is, that sons of God come in to station themselves by Jehovah, and there doth come also the Adversary in their midst.

ylt@Job:1:15 @and Sheba doth fall, and take them, and the young men they have smitten by the mouth of the sword, and I am escaped -- only I alone -- to declare [it] to thee.'

ylt@Job:1:16 @While this [one] is speaking another also hath come and saith, 'Fire of God hath fallen from the heavens, and burneth among the flock, and among the young men, and consumeth them, and I am escaped -- only I alone -- to declare [it] to thee.'

ylt@Job:1:17 @While this [one] is speaking another also hath come and saith, 'Chaldeans made three heads, and rush on the camels, and take them, and the young men they have smitten by the mouth of the sword, and I am escaped -- only I alone -- to declare [it] to thee.'

ylt@Job:2:1 @And the day is, that sons of God come in to station themselves by Jehovah, and there doth come also the Adversary in their midst to station himself by Jehovah.

ylt@Job:3:5 @Let darkness and death-shade redeem it, Let a cloud tabernacle upon it, Let them terrify it as the most bitter of days.

ylt@Job:3:14 @With kings and counsellors of earth, These building wastes for themselves.

ylt@Job:4:19 @Also -- the inhabitants of houses of clay, (Whose foundation [is] in the dust, They bruise them before a moth.)

ylt@Job:4:21 @Hath not their excellency been removed with them? They die, and not in wisdom!

ylt@Job:6:4 @For arrows of the Mighty [are] with me, Whose poison is drinking up my spirit. Terrors of God array themselves [for] me!

ylt@Job:6:16 @That are black because of ice, By them doth snow hide itself.

ylt@Job:6:19 @Passengers of Tema looked expectingly, Travellers of Sheba hoped for them.

ylt@Job:8:4 @If thy sons have sinned before Him, And He doth send them away, By the hand of their transgression,

ylt@Job:9:5 @Who is removing mountains, And they have not known, Who hath overturned them in His anger.

ylt@Job:9:6 @Who is shaking earth from its place, And its pillars move themselves.

ylt@Job:11:20 @And the eyes of the wicked are consumed, And refuge hath perished from them, And their hope [is] a breathing out of soul!

ylt@Job:12:15 @Lo, He keepeth in the waters, and they are dried up, And he sendeth them forth, And they overturn the land.

ylt@Job:12:23 @Magnifying the nations, and He destroyeth them, Spreading out the nations, and He quieteth them.

ylt@Job:12:24 @Turning aside the heart Of the heads of the people of the land, And he causeth them to wander In vacancy -- no way!

ylt@Job:12:25 @They feel darkness, and not light, He causeth them to wander as a drunkard.

ylt@Job:14:21 @Honoured are his sons, and he knoweth not; And they are little, and he attendeth not to them.

ylt@Job:15:3 @To reason with a word not useful? And speeches -- no profit in them?

ylt@Job:15:19 @To them alone was the land given, And a stranger passed not over into their midst:

ylt@Job:16:10 @They have gaped on me with their mouth, In reproach they have smitten my cheeks, Together against me they set themselves.

ylt@Job:17:4 @For their heart Thou hast hidden From understanding, Therefore Thou dost not exalt them.

ylt@Job:17:6 @And he set me up for a proverb of the peoples, And a wonder before them I am.

ylt@Job:17:7 @And dim from sorrow is mine eye, And my members as a shadow all of them.

ylt@Job:21:8 @Their seed is established, Before their face with them, And their offspring before their eyes.

ylt@Job:21:9 @Their houses [are] peace without fear, Nor [is] a rod of God upon them.

ylt@Job:21:12 @They lift [themselves] up at timbrel and harp, And rejoice at the sound of an organ.

ylt@Job:21:17 @How oft is the lamp of the wicked extinguished, And come on them doth their calamity? Pangs He apportioneth in His anger.

ylt@Job:21:26 @Together -- on the dust they lie down, And the worm doth cover them over.

ylt@Job:22:17 @Those saying to God, 'Turn aside from us,' And what doth the Mighty One to them?

ylt@Job:22:19 @See do the righteous and they rejoice, And the innocent mocketh at them,

ylt@Job:24:16 @He hath dug in the darkness -- houses; By day they shut themselves up, They have not known light.

ylt@Job:24:17 @When together, morning [is] to them death shade, When he discerneth the terrors of death shade.

ylt@Job:26:8 @Binding up the waters in His thick clouds, And the cloud is not rent under them.

ylt@Job:27:14 @If his sons multiply -- for them [is] a sword. And his offspring [are] not satisfied [with] bread.

ylt@Job:29:22 @After my word they change not, And on them doth my speech drop,

ylt@Job:29:24 @I laugh unto them -- they give no credence, And the light of my face cause not to fall.

ylt@Job:30:2 @Also -- the power of their hands, why [is it] to me? On them hath old age perished.

ylt@Job:30:5 @From the midst they are cast out, (They shout against them as a thief),

ylt@Job:30:9 @And now, their song I have been, And I am to them for a byword.

ylt@Job:30:14 @As a wide breach they come, Under the desolation have rolled themselves.

ylt@Job:32:8 @Surely a spirit is in man, And the breath of the Mighty One Doth cause them to understand.

ylt@Job:32:15 @(They have broken down, They have not answered again, They removed from themselves words.

ylt@Job:34:19 @That hath not accepted the person of princes, Nor hath known the rich before the poor, For a work of His hands [are] all of them.

ylt@Job:34:26 @As wicked He hath stricken them, In the place of beholders.

ylt@Job:36:7 @He withdraweth not from the righteous His eyes, And [from] kings on the throne, And causeth them to sit for ever, and they are high,

ylt@Job:36:9 @Then He declareth to them their work, And their transgressions, Because they have become mighty,

ylt@Job:36:13 @And the profane in heart set the face, They cry not when He hath bound them.

ylt@Job:36:31 @For by them He doth judge peoples, He giveth food in abundance.

ylt@Job:37:4 @After it roar doth a voice -- He thundereth with the voice of His excellency, And He doth not hold them back, When His voice is heard.

ylt@Job:37:12 @And it is turning itself round by His counsels, For their doing all He commandeth them, On the face of the habitable earth.

ylt@Job:37:15 @Dost thou know when God doth place them, And caused to shine the light of His cloud?

ylt@Job:37:21 @And now, they have not seen the light, Bright it [is] in the clouds, And the wind hath passed by and cleanseth them.

ylt@Job:38:14 @It turneth itself as clay of a seal And they station themselves as clothed.

ylt@Job:39:4 @Safe are their young ones, They grow up in the field, they have gone out, And have not returned to them.

ylt@Job:39:14 @For she leaveth on the earth her eggs, And on the dust she doth warm them,

ylt@Job:40:13 @Hide them in the dust together, Their faces bind in secret.

ylt@Job:41:16 @One unto another they draw nigh, And air doth not enter between them.

ylt@Job:41:25 @From his rising are the mighty afraid, From breakings they keep themselves free.

ylt@Job:42:9 @And they go -- Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite -- and do as Jehovah hath spoken unto them; and Jehovah doth accept the face of Job.

ylt@Job:42:15 @And there have not been found women fair as the daughters of Job in all the land, and their father doth give to them an inheritance in the midst of their brethren.

ylt@Psalms:2:2 @Station themselves do kings of the earth, And princes have been united together, Against Jehovah, and against His Messiah:

ylt@Psalms:2:4 @He who is sitting in the heavens doth laugh, The Lord doth mock at them.

ylt@Psalms:2:5 @Then doth He speak unto them in His anger, And in His wrath He doth trouble them:

ylt@Psalms:2:9 @Thou dost rule them with a sceptre of iron, As a vessel of a potter Thou dost crush them.'

ylt@Psalms:5:5 @The boastful station not themselves before Thine eyes: Thou hast hated all working iniquity.

ylt@Psalms:5:10 @Declare them guilty, O God, Let them fall from their own counsels, In the abundance of their transgressions Drive them away, Because they have rebelled against Thee.

ylt@Psalms:5:11 @And rejoice do all trusting in Thee, To the age they sing, and Thou coverest them over, And those loving Thy name exult in Thee.

ylt@Psalms:8:7 @Sheep and oxen, all of them, And also beasts of the field,

ylt@Psalms:9:6 @O thou Enemy, Finished have been destructions for ever, As to cities thou hast plucked up, Perished hath their memorial with them.

ylt@Psalms:9:12 @For He who is seeking for blood Them hath remembered, He hath not forgotten the cry of the afflicted.

ylt@Psalms:9:20 @Appoint, O Jehovah, a director to them, Let nations know they [are] men! Selah.

ylt@Psalms:10:5 @Pain do his ways at all times, On high [are] Thy judgments before him, All his adversaries -- he puffeth at them.

ylt@Psalms:12:7 @Thou, O Jehovah, dost preserve them, Thou keepest us from this generation to the age.

ylt@Psalms:16:3 @For the holy ones who [are] in the land, And the honourable, all my delight [is] in them.

ylt@Psalms:18:14 @And He sendeth His arrows and scattereth them, And much lightning, and crusheth them.

ylt@Psalms:18:37 @I pursue mine enemies, and overtake them, And turn back not till they are consumed.

ylt@Psalms:18:38 @I smite them, and they are not able to rise, They fall under my feet,

ylt@Psalms:18:40 @As to mine enemies -- Thou hast given to me the neck, As to those hating me -- I cut them off.

ylt@Psalms:18:41 @They cry, and there is no saviour, On Jehovah, and He doth not answer them.

ylt@Psalms:18:42 @And I beat them as dust before wind, As mire of the streets I empty them out.

ylt@Psalms:19:4 @Into all the earth hath their line gone forth, And to the end of the world their sayings, For the sun He placed a tent in them,

ylt@Psalms:19:11 @Also -- Thy servant is warned by them, 'In keeping them [is] a great reward.'

ylt@Psalms:19:13 @Also -- from presumptuous ones keep back Thy servant, Let them not rule over me, Then am I perfect, And declared innocent of much transgression,

ylt@Psalms:21:9 @Thou makest them as a furnace of fire, At the time of Thy presence. Jehovah in His anger doth swallow them, And fire doth devour them.

ylt@Psalms:21:12 @For Thou makest them a butt, When Thy strings Thou preparest against their faces.

ylt@Psalms:22:4 @In Thee did our fathers trust -- they trusted, And Thou dost deliver them.

ylt@Psalms:22:14 @As waters I have been poured out, And separated themselves have all my bones, My heart hath been like wax, It is melted in the midst of my bowels.

ylt@Psalms:22:18 @They apportion my garments to themselves, And for my clothing they cause a lot to fall.

ylt@Psalms:22:27 @Remember and return unto Jehovah, Do all ends of the earth, And before Thee bow themselves, Do all families of the nations,

ylt@Psalms:22:29 @And the fat ones of earth have eaten, And they bow themselves, Before Him bow do all going down to dust, And he [who] hath not revived his soul.

ylt@Psalms:25:14 @The secret of Jehovah [is] for those fearing Him, And His covenant -- to cause them to know.

ylt@Psalms:25:17 @The distresses of my heart have enlarged themselves, From my distresses bring me out.

ylt@Psalms:28:4 @Give to them according to their acting, And according to the evil of their doings. According to the work of their hands give to them. Return their deed to them.

ylt@Psalms:28:5 @For they attend not to the doing of Jehovah, And unto the work of His hands. He throweth them down, And doth not build them up.

ylt@Psalms:28:9 @Save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance, And feed them, and carry them to the age!

ylt@Psalms:29:6 @And He causeth them to skip as a calf, Lebanon and Sirion as a son of Reems,

ylt@Psalms:31:17 @O Jehovah, let me not be ashamed, For I have called Thee, let the wicked be ashamed, Let them become silent to Sheol.

ylt@Psalms:31:20 @Thou hast wrought for those trusting in Thee, Before sons of men. Thou hidest them in the secret place of Thy presence, From artifices of man, Thou concealest them in a tabernacle, From the strife of tongues.

ylt@Psalms:33:19 @To deliver from death their soul, And to keep them alive in famine.

ylt@Psalms:34:7 @A messenger of Jehovah is encamping, Round about those who fear Him, And He armeth them.

ylt@Psalms:34:17 @They cried, and Jehovah heard, And from all their distresses delivered them.

ylt@Psalms:34:19 @Many [are] the evils of the righteous, Out of them all doth Jehovah deliver him.

ylt@Psalms:34:20 @He is keeping all his bones, One of them hath not been broken.

ylt@Psalms:35:26 @They are ashamed and confounded together, Who are rejoicing at my evil. They put on shame and confusion, Who are magnifying themselves against me.

ylt@Psalms:36:8 @They are filled from the fatness of Thy house, And the stream of Thy delights Thou dost cause them to drink.

ylt@Psalms:37:11 @And the humble do possess the land, And they have delighted themselves In the abundance of peace.

ylt@Psalms:37:40 @And Jehovah doth help them and deliver them, He delivereth them from the wicked, And saveth them, Because they trusted in Him!

ylt@Psalms:38:16 @When I said, 'Lest they rejoice over me, In the slipping of my foot against me they magnified themselves.

ylt@Psalms:39:6 @Only, in an image doth each walk habitually, Only, [in] vain, they are disquieted, He heapeth up and knoweth not who gathereth them.

ylt@Psalms:41:10 @And Thou, Jehovah, favour me, And cause me to rise, And I give recompence to them.

ylt@Psalms:42:4 @These I remember, and pour out my soul in me, For I pass over into the booth, I go softly with them unto the house of God, With the voice of singing and confession, The multitude keeping feast!

ylt@Psalms:44:2 @Thou, [with] Thy hand, nations hast dispossessed. And Thou dost plant them. Thou afflictest peoples, and sendest them away.

ylt@Psalms:44:3 @For, not by their sword Possessed they the land, And their arm gave not salvation to them, But Thy right hand, and Thine arm, And the light of Thy countenance, Because Thou hadst accepted them.

ylt@Psalms:44:10 @Thou causest us to turn backward from an adversary, And those hating us, Have spoiled for themselves.

ylt@Psalms:45:16 @Instead of thy fathers are thy sons, Thou dost appoint them for princes in all the earth.

ylt@Psalms:48:6 @Trembling hath seized them there, Pain, as of a travailing woman.

ylt@Psalms:49:6 @Those trusting on their wealth, And in the multitude of their riches, Do shew themselves foolish.

ylt@Psalms:49:13 @This their way [is] folly for them, And their posterity with their sayings are pleased. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:49:14 @As sheep for Sheol they have set themselves, Death doth afflict them, And the upright rule over them in the morning, And their form [is] for consumption. Sheol [is] a dwelling for him.

ylt@Psalms:53:5 @There they feared a fear -- there was no fear, For God hath scattered the bones of him Who is encamping against thee, Thou hast put to shame, For God hath despised them.

ylt@Psalms:54:3 @For strangers have risen up against me And terrible ones have sought my soul, They have not set God before them. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:54:5 @Turn back doth the evil thing to mine enemies, In Thy truth cut them off.

ylt@Psalms:55:15 @Desolations [are] upon them, They go down [to] Sheol -- alive, For wickedness [is] in their dwelling, in their midst.

ylt@Psalms:55:19 @God doth hear and afflict them, And He sitteth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, and fear not God,

ylt@Psalms:55:23 @And Thou, O God, dost bring them down To a pit of destruction, Men of blood and deceit reach not to half their days, And I -- I do trust in Thee!

ylt@Psalms:58:7 @They are melted as waters, They go up and down for themselves, His arrow proceedeth as they cut themselves off.

ylt@Psalms:59:4 @Without punishment they run and prepare themselves, Stir up to meet me, and see.

ylt@Psalms:59:8 @And Thou, O Jehovah dost laugh at them, Thou dost mock at all the nations.

ylt@Psalms:59:11 @Slay them not, lest my people forget, Shake them by Thy strength, And bring them down, O Lord our shield.

ylt@Psalms:64:5 @They strengthen for themselves an evil thing, They recount of the hiding of snares, They have said, 'Who doth look at it?'

ylt@Psalms:64:7 @And God doth shoot them [with] an arrow, Sudden have been their wounds,

ylt@Psalms:64:8 @And they cause him to stumble, Against them [is] their own tongue, Every looker on them fleeth away.

ylt@Psalms:64:10 @The righteous doth rejoice in Jehovah, And hath trusted in Him, And boast themselves do all the upright of heart!

ylt@Psalms:65:3 @Matters of iniquities were mightier than I, Our transgressions -- Thou dost cover them.

ylt@Psalms:66:7 @Ruling by His might to the age, His eyes among the nations do watch, The refractory exalt not themselves. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:67:3 @Praise Thee do peoples, O God, Praise Thee do peoples, all of them.

ylt@Psalms:67:5 @Confess Thee do peoples, O God, Confess Thee do peoples -- all of them.

ylt@Psalms:68:17 @The chariots of God [are] myriads, thousands of changes, The Lord [is] among them, in Sinai, in the sanctuary.

ylt@Psalms:69:11 @And I make my clothing sackcloth, And I am to them for a simile.

ylt@Psalms:69:22 @Their table before them is for a snare, And for a recompence -- for a trap.

ylt@Psalms:69:24 @Pour upon them Thine indignation, And the fierceness of Thine anger doth seize them.

ylt@Psalms:69:34 @The heavens and earth do praise Him, Seas, and every moving thing in them.

ylt@Psalms:70:2 @Let them be ashamed and confounded Who are seeking my soul, Let them be turned backward and blush Who are desiring my evil.

ylt@Psalms:70:3 @Let them turn back because of their shame, Who are saying, 'Aha, aha.'

ylt@Psalms:72:11 @And all kings do bow themselves to him, All nations do serve him,

ylt@Psalms:72:17 @His name is to the age, Before the sun is his name continued, And they bless themselves in him, All nations do pronounce him happy.

ylt@Psalms:73:6 @Therefore hath pride encircled them, Violence covereth them as a dress.

ylt@Psalms:73:10 @Therefore do His people return hither, And waters of fulness are wrung out to them.

ylt@Psalms:73:18 @Only, in slippery places Thou dost set them, Thou hast caused them to fall to desolations.

ylt@Psalms:73:21 @For my heart doth show itself violent, And my reins prick themselves,

ylt@Psalms:74:8 @They said in their hearts, 'Let us oppress them together,' They did burn all the meeting-places of God in the land.

ylt@Psalms:74:17 @Thou hast set up all the borders of earth, Summer and winter Thou hast formed them.

ylt@Psalms:76:5 @Spoiled themselves have the mighty of heart, They have slept their sleep, And none of the men of might found their hands.

ylt@Psalms:78:5 @And He raiseth up a testimony in Jacob, And a law hath placed in Israel, That He commanded our fathers, To make them known to their sons.

ylt@Psalms:78:11 @And they forget His doings, And His wonders that He shewed them.

ylt@Psalms:78:13 @He cleft a sea, and causeth them to pass over, Yea, He causeth waters to stand as a heap.

ylt@Psalms:78:14 @And leadeth them with a cloud by day, And all the night with a light of fire.

ylt@Psalms:78:24 @And He raineth on them manna to eat, Yea, corn of heaven He hath given to them.

ylt@Psalms:78:25 @Food of the mighty hath each eaten, Venison He sent to them to satiety.

ylt@Psalms:78:27 @And He raineth on them flesh as dust, And as sand of the seas -- winged fowl,

ylt@Psalms:78:29 @And they eat, and are greatly satisfied, And their desire He bringeth to them.

ylt@Psalms:78:31 @And the anger of God hath gone up against them, And He slayeth among their fat ones, And youths of Israel He caused to bend.

ylt@Psalms:78:34 @If He slew them, then they sought Him, And turned back, and sought God earnestly,

ylt@Psalms:78:42 @They have not remembered His hand The day He ransomed them from the adversary.

ylt@Psalms:78:45 @He sendeth among them the beetle, and it consumeth them, And the frog, and it destroyeth them,

ylt@Psalms:78:49 @He sendeth on them the fury of His anger, Wrath, and indignation, and distress -- A discharge of evil messengers.

ylt@Psalms:78:52 @And causeth His people to journey as a flock, And guideth them as a drove in a wilderness,

ylt@Psalms:78:53 @And He leadeth them confidently, And they have not been afraid, And their enemies hath the sea covered.

ylt@Psalms:78:54 @And He bringeth them in unto the border of His sanctuary, This mountain His right hand had got,

ylt@Psalms:78:55 @And casteth out nations from before them, And causeth them to fall in the line of inheritance, And causeth the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents,

ylt@Psalms:78:66 @And He smiteth His adversaries backward, A reproach age-during He hath put on them,

ylt@Psalms:78:72 @And he ruleth them according to the integrity of his heart, And by the skilfulness of his hands leadeth them!

ylt@Psalms:80:5 @Thou hast caused them to eat bread of tears, And causest them to drink With tears a third time.

ylt@Psalms:81:12 @And I send them away in the enmity of their heart, They walk in their own counsels.

ylt@Psalms:82:4 @Let the weak and needy escape, From the hand of the wicked deliver them.

ylt@Psalms:83:4 @They have said, 'Come, And we cut them off from [being] a nation, And the name of Israel is not remembered any more.'

ylt@Psalms:83:8 @Asshur also is joined with them, They have been an arm to sons of Lot. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:83:9 @Do to them as [to] Midian, As [to] Sisera, as [to] Jabin, at the stream Kishon.

ylt@Psalms:83:13 @O my God, make them as a rolling thing, As stubble before wind.

ylt@Psalms:83:15 @So dost Thou pursue them with Thy whirlwind, And with Thy hurricane troublest them.

ylt@Psalms:86:9 @All nations that Thou hast made Come and bow themselves before Thee, O Lord, And give honour to Thy name.

ylt@Psalms:86:14 @O God, the proud have risen up against me, And a company of the terrible sought my soul, And have not placed Thee before them,

ylt@Psalms:88:8 @Thou hast put mine acquaintance far from me, Thou hast made me an abomination to them, Shut up -- I go not forth.

ylt@Psalms:89:2 @For I said, 'To the age is kindness built, The heavens! Thou dost establish Thy faithfulness in them.'

ylt@Psalms:89:9 @Thou [art] ruler over the pride of the sea, In the lifting up of its billows Thou dost restrain them.

ylt@Psalms:89:11 @Thine [are] the heavens -- the earth also [is] Thine, The habitable world and its fulness, Thou hast founded them.

ylt@Psalms:89:12 @North and south Thou hast appointed them, Tabor and Hermon in Thy name do sing.

ylt@Psalms:90:5 @Thou hast inundated them, they are asleep, In the morning as grass he changeth.

ylt@Psalms:90:10 @Days of our years, in them [are] seventy years, And if, by reason of might, eighty years, Yet [is] their enlargement labour and vanity, For it hath been cut off hastily, and we fly away.

ylt@Psalms:92:9 @For, lo, Thine enemies, O Jehovah, For, lo, Thine enemies, do perish, Separate themselves do all workers of iniquity.

ylt@Psalms:94:4 @They utter -- they speak an old saw, All working iniquity do boast themselves.

ylt@Psalms:94:23 @And turneth back on them their iniquity, And in their wickedness cutteth them off; Jehovah our God doth cut them off!

ylt@Psalms:97:7 @Ashamed are all servants of a graven image, Those boasting themselves in idols, Bow yourselves to him, all ye gods.

ylt@Psalms:97:10 @Ye who love Jehovah, hate evil, He is keeping the souls of His saints, From the hand of the wicked he delivereth them.

ylt@Psalms:99:6 @Moses and Aaron among His priests, And Samuel among those proclaiming His name. They are calling unto Jehovah, And He doth answer them.

ylt@Psalms:99:7 @In a pillar of cloud He speaketh unto them, They have kept His testimonies, And the statute He hath given to them.

ylt@Psalms:99:8 @O Jehovah, our God, Thou hast afflicted them, A God forgiving Thou hast been to them, And taking vengeance on their actions.

ylt@Psalms:102:26 @They -- They perish, and Thou remainest, And all of them as a garment become old, As clothing Thou changest them, And they are changed.

ylt@Psalms:103:18 @To those keeping His covenant, And to those remembering His precepts to do them.

ylt@Psalms:104:8 @They go up hills -- they go down valleys, Unto a place Thou hast founded for them.

ylt@Psalms:104:12 @By them the fowl of the heavens doth dwell, From between the branches They give forth the voice.

ylt@Psalms:104:24 @How many have been Thy works, O Jehovah, All of them in wisdom Thou hast made, Full is the earth of thy possessions.

ylt@Psalms:104:27 @All of them unto Thee do look, To give their food in its season.

ylt@Psalms:104:28 @Thou dost give to them -- they gather, Thou dost open Thy hand -- they [are] satisfied [with] good.

ylt@Psalms:105:14 @He hath not suffered any to oppress them And He reproveth for their sakes kings.

ylt@Psalms:105:17 @He hath sent before them a man, For a servant hath Joseph been sold.

ylt@Psalms:105:27 @They have set among them the matters of His signs, And wonders in the land of Ham.

ylt@Psalms:105:37 @And bringeth them out with silver and gold, And there is not in its tribes a feeble one.

ylt@Psalms:105:38 @Rejoiced hath Egypt in their going forth, For their fear had fallen upon them.

ylt@Psalms:105:40 @They have asked, and He bringeth quails, And [with] bread of heaven satisfieth them.

ylt@Psalms:105:44 @And He giveth to them the lands of nations, And the labour of peoples they possess,

ylt@Psalms:106:8 @And He saveth them for His name's sake, To make known His might,

ylt@Psalms:106:9 @And rebuketh the sea of Suph, and it is dried up, And causeth them to go Through depths as a wilderness.

ylt@Psalms:106:10 @And He saveth them from the hand Of him who is hating, And redeemeth them from the hand of the enemy.

ylt@Psalms:106:11 @And waters cover their adversaries, One of them hath not been left.

ylt@Psalms:106:15 @And He giveth to them their request, And sendeth leanness into their soul.

ylt@Psalms:106:19 @They make a calf in Horeb, And bow themselves to a molten image,

ylt@Psalms:106:23 @And He saith to destroy them, Unless Moses, His chosen one, Had stood in the breach before Him, To turn back His wrath from destroying.

ylt@Psalms:106:26 @And He lifteth up His hand to them, To cause them to fall in a wilderness,

ylt@Psalms:106:27 @And to cause their seed to fall among nations, And to scatter them through lands.

ylt@Psalms:106:29 @And they provoke to anger by their actions, And a plague breaketh forth upon them,

ylt@Psalms:106:34 @They have not destroyed the peoples, As Jehovah had said to them,

ylt@Psalms:106:35 @And mix themselves among nations, and learn their works,

ylt@Psalms:106:36 @And serve their idols, And they are to them for a snare.

ylt@Psalms:106:41 @And giveth them into the hand of nations, And those hating them rule over them,

ylt@Psalms:106:42 @And their enemies oppress them, And they are humbled under their hand.

ylt@Psalms:106:43 @Many times He doth deliver them, And they rebel in their counsel, And they are brought low in their iniquity.

ylt@Psalms:106:45 @And remembereth for them His covenant, And is comforted, According to the abundance of His kindness.

ylt@Psalms:106:46 @And He appointeth them for mercies Before all their captors.

ylt@Psalms:107:3 @And from the lands hath gathered them, From east and from west, From north, and from the sea.

ylt@Psalms:107:5 @Hungry -- yea -- thirsty, Their soul in them becometh feeble,

ylt@Psalms:107:6 @And they cry unto Jehovah in their adversity, From their distress He delivereth them,

ylt@Psalms:107:7 @And causeth them to tread in a right way, To go unto a city of habitation.

ylt@Psalms:107:13 @And they cry unto Jehovah in their adversity, From their distresses He saveth them.

ylt@Psalms:107:14 @He bringeth them out from the dark place, And death-shade, And their bands He draweth away.

ylt@Psalms:107:17 @Fools, by means of their transgression, And by their iniquities, afflict themselves.

ylt@Psalms:107:19 @And cry unto Jehovah in their adversity, From their distresses He saveth them,

ylt@Psalms:107:20 @He sendeth His word and healeth them, And delivereth from their destructions.

ylt@Psalms:107:28 @And they cry to Jehovah in their adversity, And from their distresses He bringeth them out.

ylt@Psalms:107:30 @And they rejoice because they are quiet, And He leadeth them to the haven of their desire.

ylt@Psalms:107:38 @And He blesseth them, and they multiply exceedingly, And their cattle He doth not diminish.

ylt@Psalms:107:40 @He is pouring contempt upon nobles, And causeth them to wander in vacancy -- no way.

ylt@Psalms:109:25 @And I -- I have been a reproach to them, They see me, they shake their head.

ylt@Psalms:111:2 @Great [are] the works of Jehovah, Sought out by all desiring them.

ylt@Psalms:111:6 @The power of His works He hath declared to His people, To give to them the inheritance of nations.

ylt@Psalms:111:10 @The beginning of wisdom [is] fear of Jehovah, Good understanding have all doing them, His praise [is] standing for ever!

ylt@Psalms:115:8 @Nor do they mutter through their throat, Like them are their makers, Every one who is trusting in them.

ylt@Psalms:118:10 @All nations have compassed me about, In the name of Jehovah I surely cut them off.

ylt@Psalms:118:11 @They have compassed me about, Yea, they have compassed me about, In the name of Jehovah I surely cut them off.

ylt@Psalms:118:12 @They compassed me about as bees, They have been extinguished as a fire of thorns, In the name of Jehovah I surely cut them off.

ylt@Psalms:118:19 @Open ye to me gates of righteousness, I enter into them -- I thank Jah.

ylt@Psalms:119:93 @To the age I forget not Thy precepts, For by them Thou hast quickened me.

ylt@Psalms:119:129 @[Pe.] Wonderful [are] Thy testimonies, Therefore hath my soul kept them.

ylt@Psalms:119:152 @Of old I have known Thy testimonies, That to the age Thou hast founded them!

ylt@Psalms:119:167 @Kept hath my soul Thy testimonies, And I do love them exceedingly.

ylt@Psalms:125:5 @As to those turning [to] their crooked ways, Jehovah causeth them to go with workers of iniquity. Peace on Israel!

ylt@Psalms:127:5 @O the happiness of the man Who hath filled his quiver with them, They are not ashamed, For they speak with enemies in the gate!

ylt@Psalms:132:12 @If thy sons keep My covenant, And My testimonies that I teach them, Their sons also for ever and ever, Do sit on the throne for thee.

ylt@Psalms:135:18 @Like them are their makers, Every one who is trusting in them.

ylt@Psalms:139:16 @Mine unformed substance Thine eyes saw, And on Thy book all of them are written, The days they were formed -- And not one among them.

ylt@Psalms:139:18 @I recount them! than the sand they are more, I have waked, and I am still with Thee.

ylt@Psalms:139:22 @[With] perfect hatred I have hated them, Enemies they have become to me.

ylt@Psalms:140:9 @The chief of my surrounders, The perverseness of their lips covereth them.

ylt@Psalms:140:10 @They cause to fall on themselves burning coals, Into fire He doth cast them, Into deep pits -- they arise not.

ylt@Psalms:144:6 @Send forth lightning, and scatter them, Send forth Thine arrows, and trouble them,

ylt@Psalms:145:15 @The eyes of all unto Thee do look, And Thou art giving to them their food in its season,

ylt@Psalms:145:19 @The desire of those fearing Him He doth, And their cry He heareth, and saveth them.

ylt@Psalms:146:6 @Making the heavens and earth, The sea and all that [is] in them, Who is keeping truth to the age,

ylt@Psalms:147:4 @Appointing the number of the stars, To all them He giveth names.

ylt@Psalms:147:18 @He sendeth forth His word and melteth them, He causeth His wind to blow -- the waters flow.

ylt@Psalms:147:20 @He hath not done so to any nation, As to judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye Jah!

ylt@Psalms:148:6 @And He establisheth them for ever to the age, A statute He gave, and they pass not over.

ylt@Psalms:149:9 @To do among them the judgment written, An honour it [is] for all his saints. Praise ye Jah!

ylt@Proverbs:1:12 @We swallow them as Sheol -- alive, And whole -- as those going down [to] the pit,

ylt@Proverbs:1:15 @My son! go not in the way with them, Withhold thy foot from their path,

ylt@Proverbs:1:32 @For the turning of the simple slayeth them, And the security of the foolish destroyeth them.

ylt@Proverbs:3:3 @Let not kindness and truth forsake thee, Bind them on thy neck, Write them on the tablet of thy heart,

ylt@Proverbs:3:21 @My son! let them not turn from thine eyes, Keep thou wisdom and thoughtfulness,

ylt@Proverbs:4:21 @Let them not turn aside from thine eyes, Preserve them in the midst of thy heart.

ylt@Proverbs:4:22 @For life they [are] to those finding them, And to all their flesh healing.

ylt@Proverbs:5:17 @Let them be to thee for thyself, And not to strangers with thee.

ylt@Proverbs:6:21 @Bind them on thy heart continually, Tie them on thy neck.

ylt@Proverbs:7:3 @Bind them on thy fingers, Write them on the tablet of thy heart.

ylt@Proverbs:8:8 @In righteousness [are] all the sayings of my mouth, Nothing in them is froward and perverse.

ylt@Proverbs:8:9 @All of them [are] plain to the intelligent, And upright to those finding knowledge.

ylt@Proverbs:11:3 @The integrity of the upright leadeth them, And the perverseness of the treacherous destroyeth them.

ylt@Proverbs:11:6 @The righteousness of the upright delivereth them, And in mischief the treacherous are captured.

ylt@Proverbs:12:6 @The words of the wicked [are]: 'Lay wait for blood,' And the mouth of the upright delivereth them.

ylt@Proverbs:12:26 @The righteous searcheth his companion, And the way of the wicked causeth them to err.

ylt@Proverbs:14:3 @In the mouth of a fool [is] a rod of pride, And the lips of the wise preserve them.

ylt@Proverbs:20:10 @A stone and a stone, an ephah and an ephah, Even both of them [are] an abomination to Jehovah.

ylt@Proverbs:20:12 @A hearing ear, and a seeing eye, Jehovah hath made even both of them.

ylt@Proverbs:20:26 @A wise king is scattering the wicked, And turneth back on them the wheel.

ylt@Proverbs:21:7 @The spoil of the wicked catcheth them, Because they have refused to do judgment.

ylt@Proverbs:22:2 @Rich and poor have met together, The Maker of them all [is] Jehovah.

ylt@Proverbs:22:5 @Thorns -- snares [are] in the way of the perverse, Whoso is keeping his soul is far from them.

ylt@Proverbs:22:18 @For they are pleasant when thou dost keep them in thy heart, They are prepared together for thy lips.

ylt@Proverbs:24:1 @Be not envious of evil men, And desire not to be with them.

ylt@Proverbs:24:22 @For suddenly doth their calamity rise, And the ruin of them both -- who knoweth!

ylt@Proverbs:24:25 @And to those reproving it is pleasant, And on them cometh a good blessing.

ylt@Proverbs:28:4 @Those forsaking the law praise the wicked, Those keeping the law plead against them.

ylt@Proverbs:29:13 @The poor and the man of frauds have met together, Jehovah is enlightening the eyes of them both.

ylt@Proverbs:31:29 @'Many [are] the daughters who have done worthily, Thou hast gone up above them all.'

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:11 @There is not a remembrance of former [generations]; and also of the latter that are, there is no remembrance of them with those that are at the last.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:5 @I made for me gardens and paradises, and I planted in them trees of every fruit.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:6 @I made for me pools of water, to water from them a forest shooting forth trees.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:10 @And all that mine eyes asked I kept not back from them; I withheld not my heart from any joy, for my heart rejoiced because of all my labour, and this hath been my portion, from all my labour,

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:14 @The wise! -- his eyes [are] in his head, and the fool in darkness is walking, and I also knew that one event happeneth with them all;

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:12 @I have known that there is no good for them except to rejoice and to do good during their life,

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:18 @I said in my heart concerning the matter of the sons of man that God might cleanse them, so as to see that they themselves [are] beasts.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:19 @For an event [is to] the sons of man, and an event [is to] the beasts, even one event [is] to them; as the death of this, so [is] the death of that; and one spirit [is] to all, and the advantage of man above the beast is nothing, for the whole [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:3 @And better than both of them [is] he who hath not yet been, in that he hath not seen the evil work that hath been done under the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:16 @there is no end to all the people, to all who were before them; also, the latter rejoice not in him. Surely this also is vanity and vexation of spirit.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:8 @If oppression of the poor, and violent taking away of judgment and righteousness thou seest in a province, do not marvel at the matter, for a higher than the high is observing, and high ones [are] over them.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:12 @For who knoweth what [is] good for a man in life, the number of the days of the life of his vanity, and he maketh them as a shadow? for who declareth to man what is after him under the sun?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @[It is] good that thou dost lay hold on this, and also, from that withdrawest not thy hand, for whoso is fearing God goeth out with them all.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @Because sentence hath not been done [on] an evil work speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of man is full within them to do evil.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:1 @But all this I have laid unto my heart, so as to clear up the whole of this, that the righteous and the wise, and their works, [are] in the hand of God, neither love nor hatred doth man know, the whole [is] before them.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @For the living know that they die, and the dead know not anything, and there is no more to them a reward, for their remembrance hath been forgotten.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @I have turned so as to see under the sun, that not to the swift [is] the race, nor to the mighty the battle, nor even to the wise bread, nor even to the intelligent wealth, nor even to the skilful grace, for time and chance happen with them all.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:12 @For even man knoweth not his time; as fish that are taken hold of by an evil net, and as birds that are taken hold of by a snare, like these [are] the sons of man snared at an evil time, when it falleth upon them suddenly.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:10:9 @Whoso is removing stones is grieved by them, Whoso is cleaving trees endangered by them.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:3 @If the thick clouds are full of rain, On the earth they empty [themselves]; And if a tree doth fall in the south or to the north, The place where the tree falleth, there it is.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:6 @In the morning sow thy seed, And at even withdraw not thy hand, For thou knowest not which is right, this or that, Or whether both of them alike [are] good.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @But, if man liveth many years, In all of them let him rejoice, And remember the days of darkness, For they are many! all that is coming [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:12:1 @Remember also thy Creators in days of thy youth, While that the evil days come not, Nor the years have arrived, that thou sayest, 'I have no pleasure in them.'

ylt@Ecclesiastes:12:3 @In the day that keepers of the house tremble, And men of strength have bowed themselves, And grinders have ceased, because they have become few. And those looking out at the windows have become dim,

ylt@Songs:3:4 @But a little I passed on from them, Till I found him whom my soul hath loved! I seized him, and let him not go, Till I brought him in unto the house of my mother -- And the chamber of her that conceived me.

ylt@Songs:3:8 @All of them holding sword, taught of battle, Each his sword by his thigh, for fear at night.

ylt@Songs:4:2 @Thy teeth as a row of the shorn ones That have come up from the washing, For all of them are forming twins, And a bereaved one is not among them.

ylt@Songs:5:3 @I have put off my coat, how do I put it on? I have washed my feet, how do I defile them?

ylt@Songs:6:6 @Thy teeth as a row of the lambs, That have come up from the washing, Because all of them are forming twins, And a bereaved one is not among them.