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gltv@Exodus:6:6 @ Therefore, say to the sons of Israel, I am Jehovah, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of Egypt, and will deliver you from their slavery. And I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments.

gltv@Exodus:7:4 @ And Pharaoh will not listen to you. And I will lay My hand on Egypt, and will bring My armies, My people, the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt with great judgments.

gltv@Exodus:12:12 @ And I will pass through in the land of Egypt in this night. And I will strike every first born in the land of Egypt, from man even to livestock. And I will execute judgments on all the gods of Egypt. I am Jehovah!

gltv@Exodus:21:1 @ And these are the judgments which you shall put before them:

gltv@Exodus:21:31 @ Whether he gores a son or he gores a daughter, according to this judgment it shall be done to him.

gltv@Exodus:23:6 @ You shall not pervert the judgment of your needy one in his lawsuit.

gltv@Exodus:24:3 @ And Moses came and told all the words of Jehovah to the people, and all the judgments. And all the people answered with one voice and said, We will do all the words which Jehovah has spoken.

gltv@Exodus:28:15 @ And you shall make a breast pocket of judgment, skilled work, like the work of the ephod you shall make it: gold, blue, and purple, and crimson, and bleached, twined linen you shall make it.

gltv@Exodus:28:29 @ And Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel on the breast pocket of judgment on his heart, in his going into the holy place, for a memorial before the face of Jehovah continually.

gltv@Exodus:28:30 @ And you shall put the Urim and the Thummim into the breast pocket of judgment; and they shall be on the heart of Aaron in his going before the face of Jehovah. And Aaron shall bear the judgment of the sons of Israel on his heart before the face of Jehovah continually.

gltv@Leviticus:18:4 @ You shall do My judgments and you shall keep My statutes, to walk in them; I am Jehovah your God,

gltv@Leviticus:18:5 @ and you shall keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man do, he shall live by them. I am Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:18:26 @ and you, you shall keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not do any of all these disgusting acts; neither the native nor the alien who is staying in your midst.

gltv@Leviticus:19:15 @ You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment; you shall not respect the person of the poor, nor favor the person of the mighty; but in righteousness you shall judge your neighbor.

gltv@Leviticus:19:35 @ You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in measures and weights, or in quantity.

gltv@Leviticus:19:37 @ and you shall observe all My statutes, and all My judgments and shall do them; I am Jehovah.

gltv@Leviticus:20:22 @ And you shall keep all My statutes, and all My judgments, and shall do them, and the land where I am bringing you to live in it shall not vomit you out.

gltv@Leviticus:24:22 @ One judgment shall be for you whether an alien or a native; for I am Jehovah your God.

gltv@Leviticus:25:18 @ And you shall do My statutes, and you shall keep my judgments and shall do them; and you shall live on the land securely.

gltv@Leviticus:26:15 @ and if you reject My statutes, and if your soul hates My judgments, so as not to do all My commands, to the breaking of My covenant;

gltv@Leviticus:26:43 @ For the land shall be forsaken by them, and shall satisfy for its sabbaths, in the desolation without them. And they shall satisfy for their iniquity, because, even because, they have kicked against My judgments, and their soul has loathed My statutes.

gltv@Leviticus:26:46 @ These are the statutes and the judgments and the laws which Jehovah has given between Him and the sons of Israel, in Mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.

gltv@Numbers:27:11 @ And if his father has no brothers then you shall give his inheritance to his nearest relative, of his family. And he shall own it, and it shall be a statute of judgment to the sons of Israel, as Jehovah has commanded Moses.

gltv@Numbers:27:21 @ And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall ask for him according to the judgment of the Urim before Jehovah. At his mouth they shall go out, and at his mouth they shall come in, he and all the sons of Israel with him, even all the congregation.

gltv@Numbers:33:4 @ And the Egyptians were burying those whom Jehovah had smitten among them, every first-born, and Jehovah had executed judgments on their gods.

gltv@Numbers:35:12 @ And the cities shall be to you for refuge from the kinsman avenger, that the manslayer may not die until he stands before the congregation for judgment.

gltv@Numbers:35:24 @ then the congregation shall judge between the striker and the avenger of blood, by these judgments.

gltv@Numbers:35:29 @ And these things shall be to you for a statute of judgment for your generations, in all your dwellings.

gltv@Numbers:36:13 @ These are the commandments and the judgments which Jehovah commanded by the hand of Moses to the sons of Israel in the plains of Moab, beside the Jordan, near Jericho.

gltv@Deuteronomy:1:17 @ You shall not respect persons in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great; you shall not be afraid because of the face of a man, for the judgment is God's; and the thing too hard for you, you shall bring near to me, and I shall hear it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:1 @ And now, Israel, listen to the statutes and to the judgments which I am teaching you to do, so that you may live and go in, and possess the land which Jehovah the God of your fathers is giving to you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:4:8 @ And who is a great nation whose statutes and judgments are as righteous as all this law which I set before you today?

gltv@Deuteronomy:6:1 @ And this is the commandment, the statute and the judgments which Jehovah your God commanded to teach you, to do them in the land to which you are crossing over, to possess it,

gltv@Deuteronomy:7:12 @ And it shall be, because you hear judgments, and keep and do them, even Jehovah your God will keep with you the covenant and the mercy which He swore to your fathers.

gltv@Deuteronomy:11:1 @ And you shall love Jehovah your God, and keep His charge, and His statutes and His judgments, and His commandments all the days.

gltv@Deuteronomy:16:18 @ You shall appoint judges and officers for yourself in all your gates which Jehovah your God gives you, tribe by tribe. And they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.

gltv@Deuteronomy:16:19 @ You shall not pervert judgment. You shall not regard faces, nor shall you take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous.

gltv@Deuteronomy:17:8 @ If a matter is too hard for you in judgment, between blood and blood, between cause and cause, or between stroke and stroke, matters of strife within your gates, then you shall rise and go up to the place which Jehovah your God shall choose.

gltv@Deuteronomy:17:9 @ And you shall come in to the priest, of the Levites, and to the judge who is in those days, and shall inquire. And they shall declare the sentence of judgment to you.

gltv@Deuteronomy:17:11 @ You shall do according to the mouth of the law which they direct you, and according to the judgment which they deliver to you. You shall not turn aside from the word which they declare to you, right or left.

gltv@Deuteronomy:24:17 @ You shall not pervert judgment of an alien, or of an orphan; and you shall not take a widow's garment as pledge.

gltv@Deuteronomy:25:1 @ If there is a contention between men, and they come to judgment, and they have been judged, and the righteous one is declared righteous, and the wrong doer declared guilty;

gltv@Deuteronomy:26:17 @ You have today declared Jehovah to be your God, and to walk in His ways, and to keep His statutes and His commands, and His judgments, and to pay attention to His voice.

gltv@Deuteronomy:27:19 @ Cursed is he who perverts the judgment of the alien, the fatherless, and widow! And all the people shall say, Amen!

gltv@Deuteronomy:30:16 @ in that I am commanding you today to love Jehovah your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands and His statutes, and His judgments, and you shall live and multiply, and Jehovah your God shall bless you in the land where you are going in, to possess it.

gltv@Deuteronomy:32:41 @ If I have sharpened My glittering sword, and My hand lays hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to My foes, and I will repay those who hate Me.

gltv@Deuteronomy:33:21 @ And he eyes the first part for himself, for there was the portion of the lawgiver hidden; and he came with the rulers of the people; he executed the justice of Jehovah, and His judgments with Israel.

gltv@Joshua:20:6 @ And he shall live in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the high priest who is in those days. Then the manslayer shall return and come to his city, and to his house, to the city from where he fled.

gltv@Judges:4:5 @ And she lived under the palm tree of Deborah, between Ramah and Bethel, in the hills of Ephraim. And the sons of Israel went up to her for judgment.

gltv@1Samuel:8:3 @ And his sons did not walk in his ways, and turned aside after dishonest gain, and took a bribe, and perverted judgment.

gltv@2Samuel:15:2 @ And Absalom rose up and stood by the side of the way of the gate And it happened that every man who had a cause to come to the king for judgment, Absalom called to him and said, Of what city are you? And he said, Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel.

gltv@2Samuel:15:6 @ And Absalom acted this way to all Israel who came in to the king for judgment. And Absalom stole the heart of the men of Israel.

gltv@2Samuel:22:23 @ For all His judgments were before me. As to His statutes, I did not turn away from them.

gltv@1Kings:2:3 @ and keep the charge of Jehovah your God, to walk in His ways, to keep statutes, His commands, and His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, so that you may do wisely all that you do, and there wherever you may turn,

gltv@1Kings:3:11 @ And God said to him, Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked for yourself many days, nor asked riches for yourself, nor asked the life of your enemies, and have asked for discernment for yourself, to understand judgment,

gltv@1Kings:3:28 @ And all Israel heard of the judgment that the king had judged, and feared from the face of the king; for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment.

gltv@1Kings:6:12 @ As to this house that you are building, if you shall walk in My statutes, and shall do My judgments, and shall do all My commandments, to walk in them, then I shall establish your word with you which I spoke to your father David.

gltv@1Kings:7:7 @ And he made the porch of the throne where he judged, the porch of judgment. And it was covered with cedar from floor to floor.

gltv@1Kings:8:58 @ to incline our heart to Himself, to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commands, and His statutes, and His judgments, which He commanded our fathers;

gltv@1Kings:9:4 @ And you, if you walk before me as your father David walked, in singleness of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you; you shall keep My statutes and My judgments;

gltv@1Kings:10:9 @ Blessed be Jehovah your God who delighted in you, to put you on the throne of Israel, because Jehovah loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do judgment and righteousness.

gltv@1Kings:11:33 @ Because they have forsaken Me, and bow themselves to Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, to Chemosh the god of Moab, to Milcom the god of the sons of Ammon; and have not walked in My ways, to do the right in My eyes, and My statutes and My judgments, as his father David did.

gltv@1Kings:20:40 @ And it happened, your servant was working here and there, and he was not there. And the king of Israel said to him, Your judgment is right. You have decided it.

gltv@2Kings:17:37 @ and the statutes, and the judgments, and the law, and the commandments that He wrote for you, you shall observe to do forever, and you shall not fear other gods;

gltv@2Kings:25:6 @ And they seized the king and brought him to the king of Babylon, to Riblah; and they gave judgment on him.

gltv@1Chronicles:16:12 @ Remember His wonders that He has done, His signs, and the judgments of His mouth,

gltv@1Chronicles:16:14 @ He is Jehovah our God, His judgments are in all the earth.

gltv@1Chronicles:18:14 @ And David reigned over all Israel, and he executed judgment and justice among all his people.

gltv@1Chronicles:22:13 @ then you shall prosper, if you observe to do the statutes and the judgments that Jehovah commanded Moses as to Israel; be strong and courageous; do not fear, nor be cast down.

gltv@2Chronicles:7:17 @ And you, if you shall walk before Me as your father David walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded you, and shall keep My statutes and My judgments,

gltv@2Chronicles:9:8 @ May Jehovah your God be blessed, who has delighted in you, to put you on His throne to be king for Jehovah your God. In the love of your God toward Israel, to make it stand forever, He has put you over them as king, to do judgment and righteousness.

gltv@2Chronicles:19:6 @ and said to the judges, Watch what you are doing, for you shall not judge for man, but for Jehovah, and He is with you in the matter of judgment;

gltv@2Chronicles:19:8 @ And also in Jerusalem Jehoshaphat caused to stand from the Levites and from the priests, and from the heads of the fathers of Israel, for the judgment of Jehovah, and for strife; and they returned to Jerusalem.

gltv@2Chronicles:19:10 @ And when any contention shall come to you from your brothers who are living in their cities, between blood and blood between law and commandment, statutes and judgments, then you shall warn them, and they shall not be guilty before Jehovah; and wrath shall not be on you and on your brothers; so you shall do, and you shall not be guilty.

gltv@2Chronicles:20:9 @ If evil shall come upon us, whether sword, judgment, or pestilence and famine, we shall stand before this house and before You, for Your name is in this house. and shall cry to You out of our distress, and You shall hear and save.

gltv@2Chronicles:20:12 @ O our God, shall You not execute judgment upon them? For there is no power in us before this great multitude that has come against us, and we do not know what we shall do; but our eyes are on You.

gltv@2Chronicles:22:8 @ And it happened, when Jehu was executing judgment on the house of Ahab, that he found the leaders of Judah, and the sons of the brothers of Ahaziah, the servants of Ahaziah, and killed them.

gltv@2Chronicles:24:24 @ For with few men the army of Syria came in, and Jehovah gave a mighty force for multitude into their hand, because they had forsaken Jehovah, the God of their fathers. And they executed judgment against Joash.

gltv@Ezra:7:10 @ For had prepared his heart to seek the law of Jehovah, and to do it, and to teach statutes and judgments in Israel.

gltv@Ezra:7:26 @ And whoever will not do the law of your God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed diligently on him, whether to death, or to exile, or to confiscation of goods, or imprisonment.

gltv@Nehemiah:1:7 @ We have acted utterly corrupt against You, and have not kept the commandments and the statutes and the judgments which You commanded Your servant Moses.

gltv@Nehemiah:9:13 @ And You came down on Mount Sinai and spoke with them from the heavens, and gave them right judgments and true laws, good statutes and commandments.

gltv@Nehemiah:9:29 @ And You testified against them to bring them again to Your Law, but they seethed, and did not listen to Your commands, but were against Your judgments; they sinned in them, which if a man do, he shall live in them. And they gave a rebellious shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear.

gltv@Nehemiah:10:29 @ were holding fast to their brothers, their honored ones; and were entering into a curse and into an oath, to walk in God's law which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to keep and to do all the commandments of Jehovah our Lord, and His judgments and His statutes.

gltv@Esther:1:13 @ And the king said to the wise men who knew the times (for so was the king's manner toward all who knew law and judgment;

gltv@Job:8:3 @ Or does God pervert judgment? Or does the Almighty pervert the right?

gltv@Job:9:15 @ Though I were righteous, I could not answer Him; I seek mercy for my judgment.

gltv@Job:9:19 @ If I speak of strength, behold, He is mighty; and if of judgment, who can summon me?

gltv@Job:9:32 @ For He is not a man, as I am, that I should answer Him; that we should come together in judgment;

gltv@Job:14:3 @ Also do You open Your eyes on such a one, and bring me into judgment with You?

gltv@Job:19:29 @ Fear for yourselves because of the sword; for fury brings punishments of the sword, that you may know there is a judgment.

gltv@Job:22:4 @ Will He reprove you because of your reverence, or enter into judgment with you?

gltv@Job:27:2 @ As God lives, He has taken away my judgment; yea, the Almighty has made my soul bitter.

gltv@Job:29:14 @ I put on righteousness and it clothed me; my judgment was like a robe and a diadem.

gltv@Job:34:23 @ For He does not still impose on man to go before God in judgment.

gltv@Job:35:14 @ How much less when you say you do not see Him! Judgment is before Him, and you are waiting for Him.

gltv@Job:36:17 @ But you have filled up the judgment of the wicked; judgment and justice take hold.

gltv@Job:40:8 @ Will you also set aside My judgment; will you condemn Me so that you may be justified?

gltv@Psalms:1:5 @ On account of this the wicked shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

gltv@Psalms:7:6 @ Arise, O Jehovah, in Your anger; be lifted up at the rage of my vexers; and awake for Me! You have commanded judgment.

gltv@Psalms:9:7 @ But Jehovah is seated forever; He has established His throne for judgment.

gltv@Psalms:9:16 @ Jehovah has been known, He has executed judgment; the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. A meditation, Selah.

gltv@Psalms:10:5 @ His ways are perverted at all times. Your judgments are high from his sight; as for all his vexers, he puffs at them.

gltv@Psalms:17:2 @ Let my judgment go out from Your face; Your eyes see uprightly.

gltv@Psalms:18:22 @ For all His judgments were before me, and I did not turn away His statutes from me.

gltv@Psalms:19:9 @ The fear of Jehovah is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of Jehovah are true, they are righteous altogether.

gltv@Psalms:33:5 @ He loves righteousness and judgment; the mercy of Jehovah fills the earth.

gltv@Psalms:35:23 @ Stir Yourself and awaken to my judgment, to my cause, my God and my Lord.

gltv@Psalms:36:6 @ Your righteousness is like the hills of God; Your judgments are a great deep; O Jehovah, You preserve animal and man.

gltv@Psalms:37:6 @ And He will bring forth your righteousness like the light; and your judgment like the noon day.

gltv@Psalms:37:28 @ For Jehovah loves judgment and does not forsake His saints; they are preserved forever; but the wicked's seed shall be cut off.

gltv@Psalms:37:30 @ The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue speaks judgment.

gltv@Psalms:37:33 @ Jehovah does not leave him in his hand, nor allow him to be found guilty in his judgment.

gltv@Psalms:48:11 @ Mount Zion shall be glad; the daughters of Judah shall shout for joy because of Your judgments.

gltv@Psalms:72:1 @ Of Solomon. Give the King Your judgments, O God; and Your righteousness to the King's son.

gltv@Psalms:76:8 @ You have caused judgment to be heard from Heaven; the earth feared and was stilled;

gltv@Psalms:76:9 @ when God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth. Selah.

gltv@Psalms:89:30 @ If his children forsake My law and do not walk in My judgments;

gltv@Psalms:94:15 @ For judgment shall turn to righteousness; and all the upright in heart shall follow after it.

gltv@Psalms:97:2 @ Clouds and darkness are all around Him; righteousness and judgment are the foundation of His throne.

gltv@Psalms:97:8 @ Zion heard and was glad; yea, the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of Your judgments, O Jehovah.

gltv@Psalms:99:4 @ The king's strength also loves judgment; You establish uprightness; You worked judgment and righteousness in Jacob.

gltv@Psalms:101:1 @ A Psalm of David. I will sing of mercy and judgment; to You O Jehovah, I will sing praise.

gltv@Psalms:103:6 @ Jehovah works righteousness and judgments for all the oppressed.

gltv@Psalms:105:5 @ Remember His wonders that He has done, His miracles, and the judgments of His mouth,

gltv@Psalms:105:7 @ He is Jehovah our God; His judgments are in all the earth;

gltv@Psalms:106:3 @ Blessed are those keeping judgment, he who does righteousness in every season.

gltv@Psalms:119:7 @ I will thank You with integrity of heart, in my learning the judgments of Your righteousness.

gltv@Psalms:119:13 @ I have declared all the judgments of Your mouth with my lips;

gltv@Psalms:119:20 @ My soul is breaking for the longing to Your judgments in every season.

gltv@Psalms:119:30 @ I have chosen the way of truth; I have held Your judgments level;

gltv@Psalms:119:39 @ Turn away my shame which I fear; for Your judgments are good.

gltv@Psalms:119:43 @ And do not take the word of truth completely out of my mouth; for I have hoped in Your judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:52 @ I remembered Your judgments from of old, O Jehovah, and I take comfort.

gltv@Psalms:119:62 @ At halves of the night I will rise to give thanks to You because of Your righteous judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:66 @ Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I have believed Your commands.

gltv@Psalms:119:75 @ I know, O Jehovah, Your judgments are right; and in fidelity You afflicted me.

gltv@Psalms:119:84 @ As what are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on my persecutors?

gltv@Psalms:119:91 @ They stand by Your judgments to this day, for all are Your servants.

gltv@Psalms:119:102 @ I turned not from Your judgments; for You have taught me.

gltv@Psalms:119:106 @ I have sworn and I rise to it, to keep Your righteous judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:108 @ Please, O Jehovah, accept the free offering of my mouth, and teach me Your judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:120 @ My flesh has shivered because of Your fear; and I have feared Your judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:137 @ Tzaddi. O Jehovah, You are righteous, and Your judgments right.

gltv@Psalms:119:149 @ Hear my voice by Your mercy, O Jehovah; give me life by Your judgment.

gltv@Psalms:119:156 @ O Jehovah, Your tender mercies are great; give me life according to Your judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:160 @ The sum of Your word is true; every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.

gltv@Psalms:119:164 @ I praise You seven times a day because of Your righteous judgments.

gltv@Psalms:119:175 @ Let my soul live and it will praise You; and let Your judgments help me.

gltv@Psalms:122:5 @ For the thrones of judgment were established there, the thrones of the house of David.

gltv@Psalms:143:2 @ and do not enter into judgment with Your servant; for not anyone living is just in Your sight.

gltv@Psalms:146:7 @ who executes judgment for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry; Jehovah sets free the prisoners;

gltv@Psalms:147:19 @ He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel.

gltv@Psalms:147:20 @ He has not done so with any nation; and they have not known His judgments. Praise Jehovah!

gltv@Psalms:149:9 @ to execute on them the judgment written; this is an honor for all His saints. Praise Jehovah!

gltv@Proverbs:1:3 @ to receive instruction in prudence, justice, and judgment, and uprightness;

gltv@Proverbs:2:8 @ to guard the paths of judgment, and He protects the way of His saints.

gltv@Proverbs:2:9 @ Then you shall understand righteousness and judgment and honesty, yea, every good path.

gltv@Proverbs:3:21 @ My son, do not let them depart from your eyes; keep sound wisdom and judgment,

gltv@Proverbs:5:2 @ So that you may keep judgment, and your lips may keep knowledge.

gltv@Proverbs:16:10 @ A godly decision is on the lips of the king, his mouth is not treacherous in judgment.

gltv@Proverbs:18:5 @ To lift up the face of the wicked is not good, nor to turn aside the righteous in judgment.

gltv@Proverbs:19:29 @ Judgments are prepared for scorners, and blows for the backs of fools.

gltv@Proverbs:20:8 @ A king who sits on the throne of judgment scatters away all evil with his eyes.

gltv@Proverbs:24:23 @ These also are for the wise: to respect persons in judgment is not good.

gltv@Proverbs:29:26 @ Many seek the face of the ruler, but the judgment of each man is from Jehovah.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:8:5 @ Whoever keeps the command shall know no evil thing. A wise man's heart knows both time and judgment.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:8:6 @ Because there is a time and judgment to every purpose, in this the evil of man is great upon him.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @ Rejoice, O young man, in your youth. And make your heart glad in the days of your youth, and walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes; but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

gltv@Ecclesiastes:12:14 @ For God shall bring every work into judgment, with all that is hidden, whether it is good, or whether it is evil.

gltv@Isaiah:3:14 @ Jehovah will enter into judgment with the elders of His people, and their kings. For you have eaten up the vineyard, the plunder of the poor is in your houses.

gltv@Isaiah:4:4 @ when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and the blood of Jerusalem shall have been rinsed away from its midst by a spirit of judgment, and by a spirit of burning.

gltv@Isaiah:5:16 @ But Jehovah of Hosts is exalted in judgment, and God the Holy One is proven holy in righteousness.

gltv@Isaiah:10:2 @ to keep back the poor from judgment, and to steal justice from the poor of My people; that widows may be their prey; that they may rob orphans.

gltv@Isaiah:16:3 @ Take counsel; do judgment; make your shadow as the night in midday; hide the outcasts; do not uncover the fugitive!

gltv@Isaiah:26:8 @ Yea, Jehovah, in the path of Your judgments we awaited You; for Your name and for Your memory is the desire of our soul.

gltv@Isaiah:26:9 @ With my soul I desire You in the night; yea, with my spirit within me I diligently seek You. For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.

gltv@Isaiah:28:6 @ and a spirit of justice to him who sits on the judgment seat; and for might to those turning back the battle toward the gate.

gltv@Isaiah:28:7 @ But they also have gone astray by wine, and have erred through fermented drink; priest and prophet have erred through fermented drink; they have been swallowed by wine; they strayed from fermented drink; they err in seeing; they stumble in judgment;

gltv@Isaiah:32:1 @ Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment.

gltv@Isaiah:34:5 @ For My sword is drenched in the heavens. Behold, it shall come down on Edom, and on the people of My curse, for judgment.

gltv@Isaiah:40:27 @ Why will you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel; My way is hidden from Jehovah, and my judgment is passed over by my God?

gltv@Isaiah:41:1 @ Be quiet before Me, O coasts; and let peoples renew their power. They come near; then they speak: Let us draw near together for judgment.

gltv@Isaiah:43:26 @ Cause Me to remember; let us enter into judgment together; sum up for yourself, that you may be justified.

gltv@Isaiah:49:4 @ Then I said, I have labored in vain; I have spent My strength for nothing, and in vain; yet surely My judgment is with Jehovah, and My work with My God.

gltv@Isaiah:50:8 @ My Justifier is near. Who will contend with Me? Let us stand up together; who is master of My judgment? Let him come near to Me.

gltv@Isaiah:54:17 @ Every weapon formed against you shall not prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This is the inheritance of the servants of Jehovah, and their righteousness is from Me, says Jehovah.

gltv@Isaiah:58:2 @ Yet they seek Me day by day, and desire knowledge of My ways. As a nation that has done right, and not forsaking the judgment of their God, they ask Me about judgments of righteousness; they desire to draw near to God.

gltv@Isaiah:61:8 @ For I, Jehovah, love judgment, hating plunder in burnt offering. And I will give their work in truth; and I will cut an everlasting covenant for them.

gltv@Isaiah:66:16 @ For by fire and by His sword Jehovah will execute judgment with all flesh; and the slain of Jehovah shall be many.

gltv@Jeremiah:1:16 @ And I will pronounce My judgments against them regarding all their evil, those who have forsaken Me and have burned incense to other gods, and have worshiped the works of their hands.

gltv@Jeremiah:4:12 @ A wind more full than these shall come for Me. Now I also will utter judgments against them.

gltv@Jeremiah:5:5 @ I will go up for myself to the great men and will speak to them. For they have known the way of Jehovah, the judgment of their God. Surely these have joined in breaking the yoke; they have torn off the bonds.

gltv@Jeremiah:8:7 @ Also the stork in the heavens knows her seasons, and the turtledove and the swallow and the thrush observe the time of their coming. But My people do not know the judgment of Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:10:15 @ They are vanity, the work of delusion. In the time of their judgment they shall perish.

gltv@Jeremiah:10:24 @ O Jehovah, correct me, only with judgment, not in Your anger, that You do not bring me to nothing.

gltv@Jeremiah:12:1 @ Righteous are You, O Jehovah, when I might complain to You, yet let me speak with You of Your judgments. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are all those who deal treacherously at ease?

gltv@Jeremiah:23:12 @ So their way shall be to them as slippery places in the darkness; they shall be driven out and fall by it. For I will bring evil on them, the year of their judgment, says Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:25:31 @ A roaring will go to the ends of the earth, for Jehovah has a controversy with the nations. He will enter into judgment with all flesh; He will give the wicked to the sword, says Jehovah.

gltv@Jeremiah:33:15 @ In those days, and at that time, I will cause a Branch of righteousness to grow up to David. And He shall do judgment and righteousness in the land.

gltv@Jeremiah:39:5 @ But the Chaldean army pursued them and overtook Zedekiah in the Arabah of Jericho. And they took him and brought him up to Nebu-chadnezzar king of Babylon, to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he spoke judgment on him.

gltv@Jeremiah:48:21 @ And judgment has come to the plain country, on Holon, and on Jahazah, and on Mephaath,

gltv@Jeremiah:48:47 @ But I will restore the prisoners of Moab in the end of the days, declares Jehovah. So far is the judgment of Moab.

gltv@Jeremiah:49:12 @ For so says Jehovah: Behold, those whose judgment was not to drink of the cup have surely drunk. And are you to be entirely acquitted? You shall not be acquitted, but you shall surely drink.

gltv@Jeremiah:51:9 @ We would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed. Forsake her, and let us go, each one into his own country. For her judgment reaches to the heavens, and is lifted up to the skies.

gltv@Jeremiah:52:9 @ And they took the king and carried him up to the king of Babylon, to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he gave judgments against him.

gltv@Ezekiel:5:6 @ And she has changed My judgments for wickedness more than the nations, and defiled My laws more than the lands that are all around her. For they have rejected My judgments and My laws; they have not walked in them.

gltv@Ezekiel:5:7 @ Therefore, so says the Lord Jehovah: Because you rebelled more than the nations that are all around you, not having walked in My laws, and not having performed My judgments, and you have not done according to the judgments of the nations all around you;

gltv@Ezekiel:5:8 @ therefore, so says the Lord Jehovah: Behold! I, even I am against you, and will execute judgments in your midst in the sight of the nations.

gltv@Ezekiel:5:10 @ Therefore, the fathers shall eat the sons in your midst, and the sons shall eat their fathers. And I will execute judgments against you, and I will scatter the whole remnant of you into every wind.

gltv@Ezekiel:5:15 @ And it shall be a reproach and a taunt, a chastening and a horror, to the nations which are all around you, when I shall execute against you judgments in anger and in fury and in rebukes among them. I, Jehovah, have spoken it.

gltv@Ezekiel:7:23 @ Take the chain, for the land is full of bloody judgments, and the city is full of violence.

gltv@Ezekiel:7:27 @ The king shall mourn, and the ruler shall be clothed with despair. And the hands of the people of the land shall be terrified. According to their way, I will do to them, and according to their judgments, I will judge them. And they shall know that I am Jehovah.

gltv@Ezekiel:11:9 @ And I will bring you out of her midst and will give you into the hand of strangers. And I will execute judgments against you.

gltv@Ezekiel:11:12 @ and you shall know that I am Jehovah in whose statutes you have not walked. Yea, you have not done My judgments. Yea, as the judgments of the nations who are around you, you have done.

gltv@Ezekiel:11:20 @ so that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments, and do them. And they shall be to Me for a people, and I will be to them for God.

gltv@Ezekiel:14:21 @ For so says the Lord Jehovah, How much more when the four of My evil judgments: sword, and famine, and evil beast, and plague I send on Jerusalem, to cut off from it man and beast!

gltv@Ezekiel:16:38 @ And I will judge you with judgments of adulteresses, and with shedders of blood. And I will give you blood of fury and jealousy.

gltv@Ezekiel:16:41 @ And they shall burn your houses with fire and make judgments against you in the sight of many women. And I will make you stop fornicating; and, also, you shall not give hire again.

gltv@Ezekiel:18:9 @ He has walked in My statutes and has kept My judgments to deal truly; he is righteous. Surely he shall live, declares the Lord Jehovah.

gltv@Ezekiel:18:17 @ has withdrawn his hand from the poor, and has not received interest and increase. He has done My judgments, has walked in My statutes. He shall not die for the iniquity of his father. He shall surely live.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:11 @ And I gave them My statutes, and I made them know My judgments, which if a man does them, he will even live by them.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:13 @ But the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness. They did not walk in My statutes, and they despised My judgments, which if a man does them he will even live by them. And they greatly profaned My sabbaths. Then I said, I will pour out My fury on them in the wilderness, to consume them.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:16 @ because they despised My judgments, and they did not walk in My statutes, and they profaned My sabbaths; for their heart went after their idols.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:18 @ But I said to their sons in the wilderness, Do not walk in the statutes of your fathers and do not keep their judgments, and do not defile yourselves with their idols.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:19 @ I am Jehovah your God, walk in My statutes, and keep My judgments, and do them.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:21 @ But the sons rebelled against Me. They did not walk in My statutes, and they did not keep My judgments, to do them, which if a man does them, he shall live by them. They profaned My sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them, to fulfill My anger against them in the wilderness.

gltv@Ezekiel:20:24 @ because they had not done My judgments and had despised My statutes and had profaned My sabbaths. And their eyes were after their fathers' idols.

gltv@Ezekiel:23:10 @ They uncovered her nakedness. They took her sons and her daughters. And they killed her with the sword. And she became notorious among women, and they executed judgments on her.

gltv@Ezekiel:23:24 @ And they shall come against you with weapons, chariots, and wheels, and with a group of peoples; buckler and shield and helmet shall set against you all around. And I will give before them judgment, and they will judge you by their judgments.

gltv@Ezekiel:23:45 @ And as righteous men, they shall judge them with the judgment of adulteresses, and the judgment of women who shed blood, because they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.

gltv@Ezekiel:25:11 @ And I will execute judgments on Moab. And they shall know that I am Jehovah.

gltv@Ezekiel:28:22 @ and say, So says the Lord Jehovah, Behold, I am against you, O Sidon, and I will be glorified in your midst. And they shall know that I am Jehovah when I have done judgments in her and shall be sanctified by her.

gltv@Ezekiel:28:26 @ And they shall dwell in it securely and shall build houses and plant vineyards. Yes, they shall dwell securely, when I have done judgments on all those who hate them round about them. And they shall know that I am Jehovah their God.

gltv@Ezekiel:30:14 @ And I will make Pathros desolate, and I will set a fire in Zoan, and I will do judgments in Thebes.

gltv@Ezekiel:30:19 @ And I will do judgments in Egypt. And they shall know that I am Jehovah.

gltv@Ezekiel:34:16 @ I will seek the lost, and I will return the banished. And I will bind up the broken, and I will make the weak strong. But I will destroy the fat and the strong, I will feed them with judgment.

gltv@Ezekiel:36:27 @ And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you shall keep My judgments and do them.

gltv@Ezekiel:37:24 @ And My Servant, David, shall be King over them. And there shall be one Shepherd to all of them. And they shall walk in My judgments and keep My statutes, and do them.

gltv@Ezekiel:39:21 @ And I will put My glory among the nations, and all the nations shall see My judgments which I have done, and My hand that I have laid on them.

gltv@Ezekiel:44:24 @ And in a dispute, they shall stand to judge, they shall judge it by My judgments. And they shall observe My laws and My statutes in My appointed feasts, and they shall sanctify My sabbaths.

gltv@Daniel:7:22 @ until the Ancient of Days came. And judgment was given to the saints of the Most High, and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

gltv@Daniel:7:26 @ But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his rulership, to cut off and to destroy until the end.

gltv@Daniel:9:5 @ we have sinned and have committed iniquity and have done evilly, and we have rebelled, even by departing from Your commandments and from Your judgments.

gltv@Hosea:2:19 @ And I will betroth you to Me forever. Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in mercy, and in compassions.

gltv@Hosea:5:1 @ Hear this, O priests, and listen, house of Israel. And give ear, house of the king. For the judgment is toward you, because you have been a snare to Mizpah, and a net spread on Tabor.

gltv@Hosea:5:11 @ Ephraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment; because he was pleased, he walked after the command.

gltv@Hosea:6:5 @ So I have hewn them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of My mouth; and your judgments have been as the light that goes forth.

gltv@Hosea:10:4 @ They have spoken words, swearing falsely to cut a covenant. So judgment springs up like hemlock in the furrows of the field.

gltv@Hosea:12:6 @ For this reason, you return to your God; keep mercy and judgment, and wait on your God continually.

gltv@Joel:3:2 @ I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, for My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they shared out My land.

gltv@Habakkuk:1:7 @ He is terrible and fearful; his judgment and his glory comes from himself.

gltv@Habakkuk:1:12 @ Are You not from of old, Jehovah our God, my Holy One? We shall not die, Jehovah, for You have appointed him for judgment. And, my Rock, You have established him for correction.

gltv@Zephaniah:3:8 @ Therefore, wait for Me, declares Jehovah, for the day I rise up to the prey. For My judgment is to gather the nations, for Me to gather the kingdoms, to pour My fury out on them, all My hot anger. For all the earth shall be burned up with the fire of My jealousy.

gltv@Zephaniah:3:15 @ Jehovah has turned off your judgments; He has turned away your enemy. Jehovah, the King of Israel, is in your midst; you shall not fear evil any more.

gltv@Zechariah:7:9 @ So says Jehovah of hosts, saying, Judge true judgment, and practice kindness and pity, each man with his brother.

gltv@Malachi:3:5 @ And I will come near to you for judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against those swearing to a lie; and against those who extort from the hired laborer's pay; and turning away the widow, and the fatherless, and the alien, and not fearing Me, says Jehovah of hosts.

gltv@Malachi:4:4 @ Remember the law of My servant Moses which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, the statutes and judgments.