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ylt@Genesis:1:6 @And God saith, 'Let an expanse be in the midst of the waters, and let it be separating between waters and waters.'

ylt@Genesis:2:9 @and Jehovah God causeth to sprout from the ground every tree desirable for appearance, and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

ylt@Genesis:3:3 @and of the fruit of the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden God hath said, Ye do not eat of it, nor touch it, lest ye die.'

ylt@Genesis:3:8 @And they hear the sound of Jehovah God walking up and down in the garden at the breeze of the day, and the man and his wife hide themselves from the face of Jehovah God in the midst of the trees of the garden.

ylt@Genesis:9:21 @and drinketh of the wine, and is drunken, and uncovereth himself in the midst of the tent.

ylt@Genesis:15:10 @and he taketh to him all these, and separateth them in the midst, and putteth each piece over against its fellow, but the bird he hath not divided;

ylt@Genesis:18:24 @peradventure there are fifty righteous in the midst of the city; dost Thou also consume, and not bear with the place for the sake of the fifty -- the righteous who [are] in its midst?

ylt@Genesis:18:26 @And Jehovah saith, 'If I find in Sodom fifty righteous in the midst of the city, then have I borne with all the place for their sake.'

ylt@Genesis:19:29 @And it cometh to pass, in God's destroying the cities of the circuit, that God remembereth Abraham, and sendeth Lot out of the midst of the overthrow in the overthrowing of the cities in which Lot dwelt.

ylt@Genesis:23:6 @'Hear us, my lord; a prince of God [art] thou in our midst; in the choice of our burying-places bury thy dead: none of us his burying-place doth withhold from thee, from burying thy dead.'

ylt@Genesis:23:9 @and he giveth to me the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which [is] in the extremity of his field; for full money doth he give it to me, in your midst, for a possession of a burying-place.'

ylt@Genesis:23:10 @And Ephron is sitting in the midst of the sons of Heth, and Ephron the Hittite answereth Abraham in the ears of the sons of Heth, of all those entering the gate of his city, saying,

ylt@Genesis:24:3 @and I cause thee to swear by Jehovah, God of the heavens, and God of the earth, that thou dost not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanite, in the midst of whom I am dwelling;

ylt@Genesis:35:2 @And Jacob saith unto his household, and unto all who [are] with him, 'Turn aside the gods of the stranger which [are] in your midst, and cleanse yourselves, and change your garments;

ylt@Genesis:37:7 @that, lo, we are binding bundles in the midst of the field, and lo, my bundle hath arisen, and hath also stood up, and lo, your bundles are round about, and bow themselves to my bundle.'

ylt@Genesis:41:21 @and they come in unto their midst, and it hath not been known that they have come in unto their midst, and their appearance [is] bad as at the commencement; and I awake.

ylt@Genesis:41:48 @And he gathereth all the food of the seven years which have been in the land of Egypt, and putteth food in the cities; the food of the field which [is] round about [each] city hath he put in its midst;

ylt@Genesis:42:5 @And the sons of Israel come to buy in the midst of those coming, for the famine hath been in the land of Canaan,

ylt@Genesis:48:16 @the Messenger who is redeeming me from all evil doth bless the youths, and my name is called upon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and they increase into a multitude in the midst of the land.'

ylt@Exodus:2:5 @And a daughter of Pharaoh cometh down to bathe at the River, and her damsels are walking by the side of the River, and she seeth the ark in the midst of the weeds, and sendeth her handmaid, and she taketh it,

ylt@Exodus:3:2 @and there appeareth unto him a messenger of Jehovah in a flame of fire, out of the midst of the bush, and he seeth, and lo, the bush is burning with fire, and the bush is not consumed.

ylt@Exodus:3:4 @and Jehovah seeth that he hath turned aside to see, and God calleth unto him out of the midst of the bush, and saith, 'Moses, Moses;' and he saith, 'Here [am] I.'

ylt@Exodus:3:20 @and I have put forth My hand, and have smitten Egypt with all My wonders, which I do in its midst -- and afterwards he doth send you away.

ylt@Exodus:7:5 @and the Egyptians have known that I [am] Jehovah, in My stretching out My hand against Egypt; and I have brought out the sons of Israel from their midst.'

ylt@Exodus:8:22 @'And I have separated in that day the land of Goshen, in which My people are staying, that the beetle is not there, so that thou knowest that I [am] Jehovah in the midst of the land,

ylt@Exodus:9:24 @and there is hail, and fire catching itself in the midst of the hail, very grievous, such as hath not been in all the land of Egypt since it hath become a nation.

ylt@Exodus:10:1 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Go in unto Pharaoh, for I have declared hard his heart, and the heart of his servants, so that I set these My signs in their midst,

ylt@Exodus:11:4 @And Moses saith, 'Thus said Jehovah, About midnight I am going out into the midst of Egypt,

ylt@Exodus:12:31 @and he calleth for Moses and for Aaron by night, and saith, 'Rise, go out from the midst of my people, both ye and the sons of Israel, and go, serve Jehovah according to your word;

ylt@Exodus:12:49 @one law is to a native, and to a sojourner who is sojourning in your midst.'

ylt@Exodus:14:16 @and thou, lift up thy rod, and stretch out thy hand towards the sea, and cleave it, and the sons of Israel go into the midst of the sea on dry land.

ylt@Exodus:14:22 @and the sons of Israel go into the midst of the sea, on dry land, and the waters [are] to them a wall, on their right and on their left.

ylt@Exodus:14:23 @And the Egyptians pursue, and go in after them (all the horses of Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen) unto the midst of the sea,

ylt@Exodus:14:27 @And Moses stretcheth out his hand towards the sea, and the sea turneth back, at the turning of the morning, to its perennial flow, and the Egyptians are fleeing at its coming, and Jehovah shaketh off the Egyptians in the midst of the sea,

ylt@Exodus:14:29 @And the sons of Israel have gone on dry land in the midst of the sea, and the waters [are] to them a wall, on their right and on their left;

ylt@Exodus:15:19 @For the horse of Pharaoh hath gone in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and Jehovah turneth back on them the waters of the sea, and the sons of Israel have gone on dry land in the midst of the sea.

ylt@Exodus:17:7 @and he calleth the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the 'strife' of the sons of Israel, and because of their 'trying' Jehovah, saying, 'Is Jehovah in our midst or not?'

ylt@Exodus:24:16 @and the honour of Jehovah doth tabernacle on mount Sinai, and the cloud covereth it six days, and He calleth unto Moses on the seventh day from the midst of the cloud.

ylt@Exodus:24:18 @and Moses goeth into the midst of the cloud, and goeth up unto the mount, and Moses is on the mount forty days and forty nights.

ylt@Exodus:25:8 @'And they have made for Me a sanctuary, and I have tabernacled in their midst;

ylt@Exodus:26:28 @and one hath caused the middle bar in the midst of the boards to reach from end unto end;

ylt@Exodus:28:1 @'And thou, bring thou near unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from the midst of the sons of Israel, for his being priest to Me, [even] Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, sons of Aaron;

ylt@Exodus:28:32 @and the opening for its head hath been in its midst, a border is to its opening round about, work of a weaver, as the opening of a habergeon there is to it; it is not rent.

ylt@Exodus:28:33 @'And thou hast made on its hem pomegranates of blue, and purple, and scarlet, on its hem round about, and bells of gold in their midst round about;

ylt@Exodus:29:45 @and I have tabernacled in the midst of the sons of Israel, and have become their God,

ylt@Exodus:29:46 @and they have known that I [am] Jehovah their God, who hath brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I may tabernacle in their midst; I [am] Jehovah their God.

ylt@Exodus:31:14 @and ye have kept the sabbath, for it [is] holy to you, he who is polluting it is certainly put to death -- for any who doeth work in it -- that person hath even been cut off from the midst of his people.

ylt@Exodus:33:3 @unto a land flowing with milk and honey, for I do not go up in thy midst, for thou [art] a stiff-necked people -- lest I consume thee in the way.'

ylt@Exodus:33:5 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Say unto the sons of Israel, Ye [are] a stiff-necked people; one moment -- I come up into thy midst, and have consumed thee; and now, put down thine ornaments from off thee, and I know what I do to thee;'

ylt@Exodus:34:9 @and saith, 'If, I pray Thee, I have found grace in Thine eyes, O my Lord, let my Lord, I pray Thee, go in our midst (for it [is] a stiff-necked people), and thou hast forgiven our iniquity and our sin, and hast inherited us.'

ylt@Exodus:34:10 @And He saith, 'Lo, I am making a covenant: before all thy people I do wonders, which have not been done in all the earth, or in any nation, and all the people in whose midst thou [art] have seen the work of Jehovah, for it [is] fearful that which I am doing with thee.

ylt@Exodus:34:12 @take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land into which thou art going, lest it become a snare in thy midst;

ylt@Exodus:36:33 @and he maketh the middle bar to enter into the midst of the boards from end to end;

ylt@Exodus:38:4 @And he maketh for the altar a brazen grate of net-work, under its border beneath, unto its midst;

ylt@Exodus:39:3 @and they expand the plates of gold, and have cut off wires to work in the midst of the blue, and in the midst of the purple, and in the midst of the scarlet, and in the midst of the linen -- work of a designer;

ylt@Exodus:39:23 @and the opening of the upper robe [is] in its midst, as the opening of a habergeon, a border [is] to its opening round about, it is not rent;

ylt@Exodus:39:25 @And they make bells of pure gold, and put the bells in the midst of the pomegranates, on the hems of the upper robe, round about, in the midst of the pomegranates;

ylt@Leviticus:11:33 @and any earthen vessel, into the midst of which [any] one of them falleth, all that [is] in its midst is unclean, and it ye do break.

ylt@Leviticus:15:31 @'And ye have separated the sons of Israel from their uncleanness, and they die not in their uncleanness, in their defiling My tabernacle which [is] in their midst.

ylt@Leviticus:16:16 @and he hath made atonement for the sanctuary because of the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins; and so he doth for the tent of meeting which is tabernacling with them in the midst of their uncleannesses.

ylt@Leviticus:16:29 @'And it hath been to you for a statute age-during, in the seventh month, in the tenth of the month, ye humble yourselves, and do no work -- the native, and the sojourner who is sojourning in your midst;

ylt@Leviticus:17:4 @and unto the opening of the tent of meeting hath not brought it in to bring near an offering to Jehovah before the tabernacle of Jehovah, blood is reckoned to that man -- blood he hath shed -- and that man hath been cut off from the midst of his people;

ylt@Leviticus:17:8 @'And unto them thou sayest: Any man of the house of Israel, or of the sojourners, who sojourneth in your midst, who causeth burnt-offering or sacrifice to ascend,

ylt@Leviticus:17:10 @'And any man of the house of Israel, or of the sojourners, who is sojourning in your midst, who eateth any blood, I have even set My face against the person who is eating the blood, and have cut him off from the midst of his people;

ylt@Leviticus:17:12 @'Therefore I have said to the sons of Israel, No person among you doth eat blood, and the sojourner who is sojourning in your midst doth not eat blood;

ylt@Leviticus:17:13 @and any man of the sons of Israel, or of the sojourners, who is sojourning in your midst, who hunteth venison, beast or fowl, which is eaten -- hath even poured out its blood, and hath covered it with dust;

ylt@Leviticus:18:26 @and ye -- ye have kept My statutes and My judgments, and do not [any] of all these abominations, the native and the sojourner who is sojourning in your midst,

ylt@Leviticus:18:29 @for any one who doth [any] of all these abominations -- even the persons who are doing [so], have been cut off from the midst of their people;

ylt@Leviticus:20:3 @and I -- I set My face against that man, and have cut him off from the midst of his people, for of his seed he hath given to the Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary, and to pollute My holy name.

ylt@Leviticus:20:5 @then I have set My face against that man, and against his family, and have cut him off, and all who are going a-whoring after him, even going a-whoring after the Molech, from the midst of their people.

ylt@Leviticus:20:6 @'And the person who turneth unto those having familiar spirits, and unto the wizards, to go a-whoring after them, I have even set My face against that person, and cut him off from the midst of his people.

ylt@Leviticus:20:14 @'And a man who taketh the woman and her mother -- it [is] wickedness; with fire they burn him and them, and there is no wickedness in your midst.

ylt@Leviticus:20:18 @'And a man who lieth with a sick woman, and hath uncovered her nakedness, her fountain he hath made bare, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood, -- even both of them have been cut off from the midst of their people.

ylt@Leviticus:22:32 @and ye do not pollute My holy name, and I have been hallowed in the midst of the sons of Israel; I [am] Jehovah, sanctifying you,

ylt@Leviticus:23:30 @and any person who doth any work in this self-same day I have even destroyed that person from the midst of his people;

ylt@Leviticus:24:10 @And a son of an Israelitish woman goeth out (and he [is] son of an Egyptian man), in the midst of the sons of Israel, and strive in the camp do the son of the Israelitish woman and a man of Israel,

ylt@Leviticus:25:33 @as to him who redeemeth from the Levites, both the sale of a house and the city of his possession have gone out in the jubilee, for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession in the midst of the sons of Israel.

ylt@Leviticus:26:11 @'And I have given My tabernacle in your midst, and My soul doth not loathe you;

ylt@Leviticus:26:12 @and I have walked habitually in your midst, and have become your God, and ye -- ye are become My people;

ylt@Leviticus:26:25 @and I have brought in on you a sword, executing the vengeance of a covenant; and ye have been gathered unto your cities, and I have sent pestilence into your midst, and ye have been given into the hand of an enemy.

ylt@Numbers:1:47 @And the Levites, for the tribe of their fathers, have not numbered themselves in their midst,

ylt@Numbers:1:49 @'Only, the tribe of Levi thou dost not number, and their sum thou dost not take up in the midst of the sons of Israel;

ylt@Numbers:2:17 @And the tent of meeting -- the camp of the Levites -- hath journeyed in the midst of the camps; as they encamp so they journey, each at his station by their standards.

ylt@Numbers:2:33 @And the Levites have not numbered themselves in the midst of the sons of Israel, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Numbers:3:12 @'And I, lo, I have taken the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel instead of every first-born opening a womb among the sons of Israel, and the Levites have been Mine;

ylt@Numbers:4:2 @'Take up the sum of the sons of Kohath from the midst of the sons of Levi, by their families, by the house of their fathers;

ylt@Numbers:4:18 @'Ye do not cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathite from the midst of the Levites;

ylt@Numbers:5:3 @from male unto female ye do send out; unto the outside of the camp ye do send them; and they defile not their camps in the midst of which I do tabernacle.'

ylt@Numbers:5:21 @(then the priest hath caused the woman to swear with an oath of execration, and the priest hath said to the woman) -- Jehovah doth give thee for an execration, and for a curse, in the midst of thy people, in Jehovah's giving thy thigh to fall, and thy belly to swell,

ylt@Numbers:5:27 @yea, he hath caused her to drink the water, and it hath come to pass, if she hath been defiled, and doth commit a trespass against her husband, that the waters which cause the curse have gone into her for bitter things, and her belly hath swelled, and her thigh hath fallen, and the woman hath become an execration in the midst of her people.

ylt@Numbers:8:6 @'Take the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel, and thou hast cleansed them.

ylt@Numbers:8:14 @and thou hast separated the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel, and the Levites have become Mine;

ylt@Numbers:8:16 @'For they are certainly given to Me out of the midst of the sons of Israel, instead of him who openeth any womb -- the first-born of all -- from the sons of Israel I have taken them to Myself;

ylt@Numbers:8:19 @'And I give the Levites gifts to Aaron and to his sons, from the midst of the sons of Israel, to do the service of the sons of Israel in the tent of meeting, and to make atonement for the sons of Israel, and there is no plague among the sons of Israel in the sons of Israel's drawing nigh unto the sanctuary.'

ylt@Numbers:9:7 @and those men say unto him, 'We are defiled by the body of a man; why are we withheld so as not to bring near the offering of Jehovah in its appointed season, in the midst of the sons of Israel?'

ylt@Numbers:11:4 @And the rabble who [are] in its midst have lusted greatly, and the sons of Israel also turn back and weep, and say, 'Who doth give us flesh?

ylt@Numbers:11:20 @unto a month of days, till that it come out from your nostrils, and it hath become to you an abomination; because that ye have loathed Jehovah, who [is] in your midst, and weep before Him, saying, Why is this? -- we have come out of Egypt!'

ylt@Numbers:11:21 @And Moses saith, 'Six hundred thousand footmen [are] the people in whose midst I [am]; and Thou, Thou hast said, Flesh I give to them, and they have eaten, a month of days!

ylt@Numbers:13:32 @and they bring out an evil account of the land which they have spied unto the sons of Israel, saying, 'The land into which we passed over to spy it, is a land eating up its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in its midst [are] men of stature;

ylt@Numbers:14:11 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Until when doth this people despise Me? and until when do they not believe in Me, for all the signs which I have done in its midst?

ylt@Numbers:14:13 @And Moses saith unto Jehovah, 'Then have the Egyptians heard! for Thou hast brought up with Thy power this people out of their midst,

ylt@Numbers:14:14 @and they have said [it] unto the inhabitant of this land, they have heard that Thou, Jehovah, [art] in the midst of this people, that eye to eye Thou art seen -- O Jehovah, and Thy cloud is standing over them, -- and in a pillar of cloud Thou art going before them by day, and in a pillar of fire by night.

ylt@Numbers:14:42 @go not up, for Jehovah is not in your midst, and ye are not smitten before your enemies;

ylt@Numbers:14:44 @And they presume to go up unto the top of the mountain, and the ark of the covenant of Jehovah and Moses have not departed out of the midst of the camp.

ylt@Numbers:15:14 @and when a sojourner sojourneth with you, or whoso [is] in your midst to your generations, and he hath made a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah, as ye do so he doth.

ylt@Numbers:15:26 @and it hath been forgiven to all the company of the sons of Israel, and to the sojourner who is sojourning in their midst; for to all the company [it is done] in ignorance.

ylt@Numbers:15:29 @for the native among the sons of Israel, and for the sojourner who is sojourning in their midst -- one law is to you, for him who is doing [anything] through ignorance.

ylt@Numbers:15:30 @'And the person who doth [aught] with a high hand -- of the native or of the sojourner -- Jehovah he is reviling, and that person hath been cut off from the midst of his people;

ylt@Numbers:16:3 @and they are assembled against Moses and against Aaron, and say unto them, 'Enough of you! for all the company -- all of them [are] holy, and in their midst [is] Jehovah; and wherefore do ye lift yourselves up above the assembly of Jehovah?'

ylt@Numbers:16:21 @'Be ye separated from the midst of this company, and I consume them in a moment;'

ylt@Numbers:16:33 @and they go down, they, and all that they have, alive to Sheol, and the earth closeth over them, and they perish from the midst of the assembly;

ylt@Numbers:16:37 @'Say unto Eleazar son of Aaron the priest, and he lifteth up the censers from the midst of the burning, and the fire scatter thou yonder, for they have been hallowed,

ylt@Numbers:16:45 @'Get you up from the midst of this company, and I consume them in a moment;' and they fall on their faces,

ylt@Numbers:16:47 @And Aaron taketh as Moses hath spoken, and runneth unto the midst of the assembly, and lo, the plague hath begun among the people; and he giveth the perfume, and maketh atonement for the people,

ylt@Numbers:17:6 @And Moses speaketh unto the sons of Israel, and all their princes give unto him one rod for a prince, one rod for a prince, for their fathers' house, twelve rods, and the rod of Aaron [is] in the midst of their rods;

ylt@Numbers:18:6 @'And I, lo, I have taken your brethren the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel; to you a gift they are given by Jehovah, to do the service of the tent of meeting;

ylt@Numbers:18:20 @And Jehovah saith unto Aaron, 'In their land thou dost not inherit, and a portion thou hast not in their midst: I [am] thy portion, and thine inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel;

ylt@Numbers:18:23 @and the Levites have done the service of the tent of meeting, and they -- they bear their iniquity; a statute age-during to your generations, that in the midst of the sons of Israel they have no inheritance;

ylt@Numbers:18:24 @but the tithe of the sons of Israel which they lift up to Jehovah, a heave-offering, I have given to the Levites for inheritance; therefore I have said of them, In the midst of the sons of Israel they have no inheritance.'

ylt@Numbers:19:6 @and the priest hath taken cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and hath cast unto the midst of the burning of the cow;

ylt@Numbers:19:10 @and he who is gathering the ashes of the heifer hath washed his garments, and is unclean till the evening; and it hath been to the sons of Israel, and to the sojourner who is sojourning in their midst, for a statute age-during.

ylt@Numbers:19:20 @'And the man who is unclean, and doth not cleanse himself, even that person hath been cut off from the midst of the assembly; for the sanctuary of Jehovah he hath defiled; water of separation is not sprinkled upon him; he [is] unclean.

ylt@Numbers:25:7 @and Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron, the priest, seeth, and riseth from the midst of the company, and taketh a javelin in his hand,

ylt@Numbers:25:11 @'Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, hath turned back My fury from the sons of Israel, by his being zealous with My zeal in their midst, and I have not consumed the sons of Israel in My zeal.

ylt@Numbers:26:62 @And their numbered ones are three and twenty thousand, every male from a son of a month and upwards, for they have not numbered themselves in the midst of the sons of Israel; for an inheritance hath not been given to them in the midst of the sons of Israel.

ylt@Numbers:27:3 @'Our father died in the wilderness, and he -- he was not in the midst of the company who were met together against Jehovah in the company of Korah, but for his own sin he died, and had no sons;

ylt@Numbers:27:4 @why is the name of our father withdrawn from the midst of his family because he hath no son? give to us a possession in the midst of the brethren of our father;'

ylt@Numbers:27:7 @'Rightly are the daughters of Zelophehad speaking; thou dost certainly give to them a possession of an inheritance in the midst of their father's brethren, and hast caused to pass over the inheritance of their father to them.

ylt@Numbers:32:30 @and if they do not pass over armed with you, then they have possessions in your midst in the land of Canaan.'

ylt@Numbers:33:8 @And they journey from Pi-Hahiroth, and pass over through the midst of the sea, into the wilderness, and go a journey of three days in the wilderness of Etham, and encamp in Marah.

ylt@Numbers:35:5 @And ye have measured from the outside of the city, the east quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the south quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the west quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the north quarter, two thousand by the cubit; and the city [is] in the midst; this is to them the suburbs of the cities.

ylt@Numbers:35:15 @To sons of Israel, and to a sojourner, and to a settler in their midst, are these six cities for a refuge, for the fleeing thither of any one smiting a person unawares.

ylt@Numbers:35:34 @and ye defile not the land in which ye are dwelling, in the midst of which I do tabernacle, for I Jehovah do tabernacle in the midst of the sons of Israel.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:1:42 @and Jehovah saith unto me, Say to them, Ye do not go up, nor fight, for I am not in your midst, and ye are not smitten before your enemies.

ylt@Deuteronomy:2:14 @'And the days which we have walked from Kadesh-Barnea until that we have passed over the brook Zered, [are] thirty and eight years, till the consumption of all the generation of the men of battle from the midst of the camp, as Jehovah hath sworn to them;

ylt@Deuteronomy:2:15 @and also the hand of Jehovah hath been against them, to destroy them from the midst of the camp, till they are consumed.

ylt@Deuteronomy:2:16 @'And it cometh to pass, when all the men of battle have finished dying from the midst of the people,

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:3 @'Your eyes are seeing that which Jehovah hath done in Baal-Peor, for every man who hath gone after Baal-Peor, Jehovah thy God hath destroyed him from thy midst;

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:5 @'See, I have taught you statutes and judgments, as Jehovah my God hath commanded me -- to do so, in the midst of the land whither ye are going in to possess it;

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:12 @'And Jehovah speaketh unto you out of the midst of the fire; a voice of words ye are hearing and a similitude ye are not seeing, only a voice;

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:15 @and ye have been very watchful of your souls, for ye have not seen any similitude in the day of Jehovah's speaking unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire,

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:33 @Hath a people heard the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as thou hast heard, thou -- and doth live?

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:34 @Or hath God tried to go in to take to Himself, a nation from the midst of a nation, by trials, by signs, and by wonders, and by war, and by a strong hand, and by a stretched-out arm, and by great terrors -- according to all that Jehovah your God hath done to you, in Egypt, before your eyes?

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:36 @'From the heavens He hath caused thee to hear His voice, to instruct thee, and on earth He hath shewed thee His great fire, and His words thou hast heard out of the midst of the fire.

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:4 @Face to face hath Jehovah spoken with you, in the mount, out of the midst of the fire;

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:22 @'These words hath Jehovah spoken unto all your assembly, in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness -- a great voice; and He hath not added, and He writeth them on two tables of stone, and giveth them unto me.

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:23 @'And it cometh to pass as ye hear the voice out of the midst of the darkness, and of the mountain burning with fire, that ye come near unto me, all the heads of your tribes, and your elders,

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:24 @and say, Lo, Jehovah our God hath shewed us His honour, and His greatness; and His voice we have heard out of the midst of the fire; this day we have seen that God doth speak with man -- and he hath lived.

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:26 @For who of all flesh [is] he who hath heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire like us -- and doth live?

ylt@Deuteronomy:6:15 @for a zealous God [is] Jehovah thy God in thy midst -- lest the anger of Jehovah thy God burn against thee, and He hath destroyed thee from off the face of the ground.

ylt@Deuteronomy:7:21 @thou art not terrified by their presence, for Jehovah thy God [is] in thy midst, a God great and fearful.

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:10 @and Jehovah giveth unto me the two tables of stone written with the finger of God, and on them according to all the words which Jehovah hath spoken with you in the mount, out of the midst of the fire, in the day of the assembly.

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:4 @'And He writeth on the tables, according to the first writing, the Ten Matters, which Jehovah hath spoken unto you in the mount, out of the midst of the fire, in the day of the assembly, and Jehovah giveth them unto me,

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:3 @and His signs, and His doings, which He hath done in the midst of Egypt, to Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to all his land;

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:6 @and that which He hath done to Dathan, and to Abiram, sons of Eliab, sons of Reuben, when the earth hath opened her mouth and swalloweth them, and their houses, and their tents, and all that liveth, which is at their feet, in the midst of all Israel:

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:1 @'When there ariseth in your midst a prophet, or a dreamer of a dream, and he hath given unto thee a sign or wonder,

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:5 @'And that prophet, or that dreamer of the dream, is put to death, for he hath spoken apostacy against Jehovah your God (who is bringing you out of the land of Egypt, and hath ransomed you out of a house of servants), to drive you out of the way in which Jehovah thy God hath commanded thee to walk, and thou hast put away the evil thing from thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:11 @and all Israel do hear and fear, and add not to do like this evil thing in thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:13 @Men, sons of worthlessness, have gone out of thy midst, and they force away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known --

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:14 @and thou hast enquired, and searched, and asked diligently, and lo, truth; the thing is established; this abomination hath been done in thy midst:

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:16 @and all its spoil thou dost gather unto the midst of its broad place, and hast burned with fire the city and all its spoil completely, before Jehovah thy God, and it hath been a heap age-during, it is not built any more;

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:11 @And thou hast rejoiced before Jehovah thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and the Levite who [is] within thy gates, and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who [are] in thy midst, in the place which Jehovah thy God doth choose to cause His name to tabernacle there,

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:2 @'When there is found in thy midst, in one of thy cities which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, a man or a woman who doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah thy God by transgressing His covenant,

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:7 @the hand of the witnesses is on him, in the first place, to put him to death, and the hand of all the people last; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:15 @thou dost certainly set over thee a king on whom Jehovah doth fix; from the midst of thy brethren thou dost set over thee a king; thou art not able to set over thee a stranger, who is not thy brother.

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:20 @so that his heart is not high above his brethren, and so as not to turn aside from the command, right or left, so that he prolongeth days over his kingdom, he and his sons, in the midst of Israel.

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:2 @and he hath no inheritance in the midst of his brethren; Jehovah Himself [is] his inheritance, as He hath spoken to him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:15 @'A prophet out of thy midst, out of thy brethren, like to me, doth Jehovah thy God raise up to thee -- unto him ye hearken;

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:18 @a prophet I raise up to them, out of the midst of their brethren, like to thee; and I have given my words in his mouth, and he hath spoken unto them all that which I command him;

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:2 @three cities thou dost separate for thee in the midst of thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee to possess it.

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:10 @and innocent blood is not shed in the midst of thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance, and there hath been upon thee blood.

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:19 @'Then ye have done to him as he devised to do to his brother, and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst,

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:20 @and those who are left do hear and fear, and add not to do any more according to this evil thing in thy midst;

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:8 @receive atonement for Thy people Israel, whom Thou hast ransomed, O Jehovah, and suffer not innocent blood in the midst of Thy people Israel; and the blood hath been pardoned to them,

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:9 @and thou dost put away the innocent blood out of thy midst, for thou dost that which [is] right in the eyes of Jehovah.

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:12 @then thou hast brought her in unto the midst of thy household, and she hath shaved her head, and prepared her nails,

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:21 @and all the men of his city have stoned him with stones, and he hath died, and thou hast put away the evil out of thy midst, and all Israel do hear and fear.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:2 @and if thy brother [is] not near unto thee, and thou hast not known him, then thou hast removed it unto the midst of thy house, and it hath been with thee till thy brother seek it, and thou hast given it back to him;

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:21 @then they have brought out the damsel unto the opening of her father's house, and stoned her have the men of her city with stones, and she hath died, for she hath done folly in Israel, to go a-whoring [in] her father's house; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:24 @then ye have brought them both out unto the gate of that city, and stoned them with stones, and they have died: -- the damsel, because that she hath not cried, [being] in a city; and the man, because that he hath humbled his neighbour's wife; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:10 @'When there is in thee a man who is not clean, from an accident at night -- then he hath gone out unto the outside of the camp -- he doth not come in unto the midst of the camp --

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:11 @and it hath been, at the turning of the evening, he doth bathe with water, and at the going in of the sun he doth come in unto the midst of the camp.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:14 @for Jehovah thy God is walking up and down in the midst of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give thine enemies before thee, and thy camp hath been holy, and He doth not see in thee the nakedness of anything, and hath turned back from after thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:16 @with thee he doth dwell, in thy midst, in the place which he chooseth within one of thy gates, where it is pleasing to him; thou dost not oppress him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:7 @'When a man is found stealing a person, of his brethren, of the sons of Israel, and hath tyrannized over him, and sold him, then hath that thief died, and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:11 @and rejoiced in all the good which Jehovah thy God hath given to thee, and to thy house, thou, and the Levite, and the sojourner who [is] in thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:43 @the sojourner who [is] in thy midst goeth up above thee very high, and thou goest down very low;

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:11 @your infants, your wives, and thy sojourner who [is] in the midst of thy camps, from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy water --

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:16 @for ye have known how ye dwelt in the land of Egypt, and how we passed by through the midst of the nations which ye have passed by;

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:16 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Lo, thou art lying down with thy fathers, and this people hath risen, and gone a-whoring after the gods of the stranger of the land into the midst of which it hath entered, and forsaken Me, and broken My covenant which I made with it;

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:17 @and Mine anger hath burned against it in that day, and I have forsaken them, and hidden My face from them, and it hath been for consumption, and many evils and distresses have found it, and it hath said in that day, Is it not because that my God is not in my midst -- these evils have found me?

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:51 @'Because ye trespassed against me in the midst of the sons of Israel at the waters of Meribath-Kadesh, the wilderness of Zin -- because ye sanctified Me not in the midst of the sons of Israel;

ylt@Joshua:1:11 @'Pass over into the midst of the camp, and command the people, saying, Prepare for yourselves provision, for within three days ye are passing over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which Jehovah your God is giving to you to possess it.'

ylt@Joshua:3:2 @And it cometh to pass, at the end of three days, that the authorities pass over into the midst of the camp,

ylt@Joshua:3:5 @And Joshua saith unto the people, 'Sanctify yourselves, for to-morrow doth Jehovah do in your midst wonders.'

ylt@Joshua:3:10 @and Joshua saith, 'By this ye know that the living God [is] in your midst, and He doth certainly dispossess from before you the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Hivite, and the Perizzite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Jebusite:

ylt@Joshua:3:17 @and the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of Jehovah stand on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan -- established, and all Israel are passing over on dry ground till that all the nation hath completed to pass over the Jordan.

ylt@Joshua:4:3 @and command ye them, saying, Take up for you from this [place], from the midst of the Jordan, from the established standing-place of the feet of the priests, twelve stones, and ye have removed them over with you, and placed them in the lodging-place in which ye lodge to-night.'

ylt@Joshua:4:5 @and Joshua saith to them, 'Pass over before the ark of Jehovah your God unto the midst of the Jordan and lift up for you each, one stone on his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel,

ylt@Joshua:4:6 @so that this is a sign in your midst, when your children ask hereafter, saying, What [are] these stones to you?

ylt@Joshua:4:8 @And the sons of Israel do so as Joshua commanded, and take up twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, as Jehovah hath spoken unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel, and remove them over with them unto the lodging-place, and place them there,

ylt@Joshua:4:9 @even the twelve stones hath Joshua raised up out of the midst of the Jordan, the place of the standing of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the covenant, and they are there unto this day.

ylt@Joshua:4:10 @And the priests bearing the ark are standing in the midst of the Jordan till the completion of the whole thing which Jehovah commanded Joshua to speak unto the people, according to all that Moses commanded Joshua, and the people haste and pass over.

ylt@Joshua:4:18 @And it cometh to pass, in the coming up of the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of Jehovah out of the midst of the Jordan -- the soles of the feet of the priests have been drawn up into the dry ground -- and the waters of the Jordan turn back to their place, and go as heretofore over all its banks.

ylt@Joshua:6:25 @and Rahab the harlot, and the house of her father, and all whom she hath, hath Joshua kept alive; and she dwelleth in the midst of Israel unto this day, for she hid the messengers whom Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.

ylt@Joshua:7:12 @and the sons of Israel have not been able to stand before their enemies; the neck they turn before their enemies, for they have become a devoted thing; I add not to be with you -- if ye destroy not the devoted thing out of your midst.

ylt@Joshua:7:13 @'Rise, sanctify the people, and thou hast said, Sanctify yourselves for to-morrow; for thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, A devoted thing [is] in thy midst, O Israel, thou art not able to stand before thine enemies till your turning aside of the devoted thing out of your midst;

ylt@Joshua:7:21 @and I see among the spoil a goodly robe of Shinar, and two hundred shekels of silver, and one wedge of gold, whose weight [is] fifty shekels, and I desire them, and take them; and lo, they [are] hid in the earth, in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.'

ylt@Joshua:7:23 @and they take them out of the midst of the tent, and bring them in unto Joshua, and unto all the sons of Israel, and pour them out before Jehovah.

ylt@Joshua:8:9 @And Joshua sendeth them away, and they go unto the ambush, and abide between Bethel and Ai, on the west of Ai; and Joshua lodgeth on that night in the midst of the people.

ylt@Joshua:8:13 @and they set the people, all the camp which [is] on the north of the city, and its rear on the west of the city, and Joshua goeth on that night into the midst of the valley.

ylt@Joshua:8:22 @and these have come out from the city to meet them, and they are in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that, and they smite them till he hath not left to them a remnant and escaped one;

ylt@Joshua:8:35 @there hath not been a thing of all that Moses commanded which Joshua hath not proclaimed before all the assembly of Israel, and the women, and the infants, and the sojourner who is going in their midst.

ylt@Joshua:9:7 @and the men of Israel say unto the Hivite, 'It may be in our midst ye are dwelling, and how do we make with thee a covenant?'

ylt@Joshua:9:16 @And it cometh to pass, at the end of three days after that they have made with them a covenant, that they hear that they [are] their neighbours -- that in their midst they are dwelling.

ylt@Joshua:9:22 @And Joshua calleth for them, and speaketh unto them, saying, 'Why have ye deceived us, saying, We are very far from you, and ye in our midst dwelling?

ylt@Joshua:10:1 @And it cometh to pass, when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heareth that Joshua hath captured Ai, and doth devote it (as he had done to Jericho and to her king so he hath done to Ai and to her king), and that the inhabitants of Gibeon have made peace with Israel, and are in their midst, --

ylt@Joshua:10:13 @and the sun standeth still, and the moon hath stood -- till the nation taketh vengeance [on] its enemies; is it not written on the Book of the Upright, 'and the sun standeth in the midst of the heavens, and hath not hasted to go in -- as a perfect day?'

ylt@Joshua:13:9 @from Aroer, which [is] on the edge of the brook Arnon, and the city which [is] in the midst of the brook, and all the plain of Medeba unto Dihon,

ylt@Joshua:13:13 @and the sons of Israel dispossessed not the Geshurite, and the Maachathite; and Geshur and Maachath dwell in the midst of Israel unto this day.

ylt@Joshua:13:16 @and the border is to them from Aroer, which [is] on the edge of the brook Arnon, and the city which [is] in the midst of the brook, and all the plain by Medeba,

ylt@Joshua:14:3 @for Moses hath given the inheritance of two of the tribes, and of half of the tribe, beyond the Jordan, and to the Levites he hath not given an inheritance in their midst;

ylt@Joshua:15:13 @And to Caleb son of Jephunneh hath he given a portion in the midst of the sons of Judah, according to the command of Jehovah to Joshua, [even] the city of Arba, father of Anak -- it [is] Hebron.

ylt@Joshua:16:9 @And the separate cities of the sons of Ephraim [are] in the midst of the inheritance of the sons of Manasseh, all the cities and their villages;

ylt@Joshua:16:10 @and they have not dispossessed the Canaanite who is dwelling in Gezer, and the Canaanite dwelleth in the midst of Ephraim unto this day, and is to tribute -- a servant.

ylt@Joshua:17:4 @and they draw near before Eleazar the priest, and before Joshua son of Nun, and before the princes, saying, 'Jehovah commanded Moses to give to us an inheritance in the midst of our brethren;' and he giveth to them, at the command of Jehovah, an inheritance in the midst of the brethren of their father.

ylt@Joshua:17:6 @for the daughters of Manasseh have inherited an inheritance in the midst of his sons, and the land of Gilead hath been to the sons of Manasseh who are left.

ylt@Joshua:17:9 @And the border hath come down [to] the brook of Kanah, southward of the brook; these cities of Ephraim [are] in the midst of the cities of Manasseh, and the border of Manasseh [is] on the north of the brook, and its outgoings are at the sea.

ylt@Joshua:18:7 @for there is no portion to the Levites in your midst, for the priesthood of Jehovah [is] their inheritance, and Gad, and Reuben, and the half of the tribe of Manasseh received their inheritance beyond the Jordan eastward, which Moses servant of Jehovah gave to them.'

ylt@Joshua:19:1 @And the second lot goeth out for Simeon, for the tribe of the sons of Simeon, for their families; and their inheritance is in the midst of the inheritance of the sons of Judah,

ylt@Joshua:19:9 @out of the portion of the sons of Judah [is] the inheritance of the sons of Simeon, for the portion of the sons of Judah hath been too much for them, and the sons of Simeon inherit in the midst of their inheritance.

ylt@Joshua:19:49 @And they finish to give the land in inheritance, by its borders, and the sons of Israel give an inheritance to Joshua son of Nun in their midst;

ylt@Joshua:20:9 @These have been cities of meeting for all the sons of Israel, and for a sojourner who is sojourning in their midst, for the fleeing thither of any one smiting life inadvertently, and he doth not die by the hand of the redeemer of blood till his standing before the company.

ylt@Joshua:21:41 @All the cities of the Levites in the midst of the possession of the sons of Israel [are] forty and eight cities, and their suburbs.

ylt@Joshua:22:19 @'And surely, if the land of your possession is unclean, pass over for you unto the land of the possession of Jehovah, where the tabernacle of Jehovah hath tabernacled, and have possession in our midst; and against Jehovah rebel not, and against us rebel not, by your building for you an altar, besides the altar of Jehovah our God.

ylt@Joshua:22:31 @And Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest saith unto the sons of Reuben, and unto the sons of Gad, and unto the sons of Manasseh, 'To-day we have known that Jehovah [is] in our midst, because ye have not committed against Jehovah this trespass -- then ye have delivered the sons of Israel out of the hand of Jehovah.'

ylt@Joshua:24:5 @And I send Moses and Aaron, and plague Egypt, as I have done in its midst, and afterwards I have brought you out.

ylt@Joshua:24:17 @for Jehovah our God [is] He who is bringing us and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt, out of a house of servants, and who hath done before our eyes these great signs, and doth keep us in all the way in which we have gone, and among all the peoples through whose midst we passed;

ylt@Joshua:24:23 @and, now, turn aside the gods of the stranger which [are] in your midst, and incline your heart unto Jehovah, God of Israel.'

ylt@Judges:1:29 @And Ephraim hath not dispossessed the Canaanite who is dwelling in Gezer, and the Canaanite dwelleth in its midst, in Gezer.

ylt@Judges:1:30 @Zebulun hath not dispossessed the inhabitants of Kitron, and the inhabitants of Nahalol, and the Canaanite dwelleth in its midst, and they become tributary.

ylt@Judges:1:32 @and the Asherite dwelleth in the midst of the Canaanite, the inhabitants of the land, for it hath not dispossessed them.

ylt@Judges:1:33 @Naphtali hath not dispossessed the inhabitants of Beth-Shemesh, and the inhabitants of Beth-Anath, and he dwelleth in the midst of the Canaanite, the inhabitants of the land; and the inhabitants of Beth-Shemesh and of Beth-Anath have become tributary to them.

ylt@Judges:3:5 @And the sons of Israel have dwelt in the midst of the Canaanite, the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite,

ylt@Judges:9:51 @and a strong tower hath been in the midst of the city, and thither flee do all the men and the women, and all the masters of the city, and they shut [it] behind them, and go up on the roof of the tower.

ylt@Judges:10:16 @And they turn aside the gods of the stranger out of their midst, and serve Jehovah, and His soul is grieved with the misery of Israel.

ylt@Judges:12:4 @And Jephthah gathered all the men of Gilead, and fighteth with Ephraim, and the men of Gilead smite Ephraim, because they said, 'Fugitives of Ephraim [are] ye Gileadites, in the midst of Ephraim -- in the midst of Manasseh.'

ylt@Judges:15:4 @And Samson goeth and catcheth three hundred foxes, and taketh torches, and turneth tail unto tail, and putteth a torch between the two tails, in the midst,

ylt@Judges:18:1 @In those days there is no king in Israel, and in those days the tribe of the Danite is seeking for itself an inheritance to inhabit, for [that] hath not fallen to it unto that day in the midst of the tribes of Israel by inheritance.

ylt@Judges:18:7 @And the five men go, and come in to Laish, and see the people which [is] in its midst, dwelling confidently, according to the custom of Zidonians, quiet and confident; and there is none putting to shame in the land in [any] thing, possessing restraint, and they [are] far off from the Zidonians, and have no word with [any] man.

ylt@Judges:18:20 @And the heart of the priest is glad, and he taketh the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and goeth into the midst of the people,

ylt@Judges:20:42 @and they turn before the men of Israel unto the way of the wilderness, and the battle hath followed them; and those who [are] from the city are destroying them in their midst;

ylt@1Samuel:4:3 @And the people cometh in unto the camp, and the elders of Israel say, 'Why hath Jehovah smitten us to-day before the Philistines? we take unto us from Shiloh the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and it cometh into our midst, and He doth save us out of the hand of our enemies.'

ylt@1Samuel:7:3 @And Samuel speaketh unto all the house of Israel, saying, 'If with all your heart ye are turning back unto Jehovah -- turn aside the gods of the stranger from your midst, and Ashtaroth; and prepare your heart unto Jehovah, and serve Him only, and He doth deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.'

ylt@1Samuel:9:14 @And they go up in to the city; they are coming in to the midst of the city, and lo, Samuel is coming out to meet them, to go up to the high place;

ylt@1Samuel:9:18 @And Saul draweth nigh to Samuel in the midst of the gate, and saith, 'Declare, I pray thee, to me, where [is] this -- the seer's house?'

ylt@1Samuel:10:10 @and they come in thither to the height, and lo, a band of prophets -- to meet him, and prosper over him doth the Spirit of God, and he prophesieth in their midst.

ylt@1Samuel:10:23 @And they run and bring him thence, and he stationed himself in the midst of the people, and he is higher than any of the people from his shoulder and upward.

ylt@1Samuel:11:11 @And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that Saul putteth the people in three detachments, and they come into the midst of the camp in the morning-watch, and smite Ammon till the heat of the day; and it cometh to pass that those left are scattered, and there have not been left of them two together.

ylt@1Samuel:15:6 @and Saul saith unto the Kenite, 'Go, turn aside, go down from the midst of Amalek, lest I consume thee with it, and thou didst kindness with all the sons of Israel, in their going up out of Egypt;' and the Kenite turneth aside from the midst of Amalek.

ylt@1Samuel:16:13 @And Samuel taketh the horn of oil, and anointeth him in the midst of his brethren, and prosper over David doth the Spirit of Jehovah from that day and onwards; and Samuel riseth and goeth to Ramath.

ylt@1Samuel:18:10 @And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that the spirit of sadness [from] God prospereth over Saul, and he prophesieth in the midst of the house, and David is playing with his hand, as day by day, and the javelin [is] in the hand of Saul,

ylt@1Samuel:25:29 @And man riseth to pursue thee and to seek thy soul, and the soul of my lord hath been bound in the bundle of life with Jehovah thy God; as to the soul of thine enemies, He doth sling them out in the midst of the hollow of the sling.

ylt@2Samuel:1:25 @How have the mighty fallen In the midst of the battle! Jonathan! on thy high places wounded!

ylt@2Samuel:3:27 @And Abner turneth back to Hebron, and Joab turneth him aside unto the midst of the gate to speak with him quietly, and smiteth him there in the fifth [rib] -- and he dieth -- for the blood of Asahel his brother.

ylt@2Samuel:4:6 @and thither they have come, unto the midst of the house, taking wheat, and they smite him unto the fifth [rib], and Rechab and Baanah his brother have escaped;

ylt@2Samuel:6:17 @And they bring in the ark of Jehovah, and set it up in its place, in the midst of the tent which David hath spread out for it, and David causeth to ascend burnt-offerings before Jehovah, and peace-offerings.

ylt@2Samuel:7:2 @that the king saith unto Nathan the prophet, 'See, I pray thee, I am dwelling in a house of cedars, and the ark of God is dwelling in the midst of the curtain.'

ylt@2Samuel:10:4 @And Hanun taketh the servants of David, and shaveth off the half of their beard, and cutteth off their long robes in the midst -- unto their buttocks, and sendeth them away;

ylt@2Samuel:17:11 @'So that I have counselled: Let all Israel be diligently gathered unto thee, from Dan even unto Beer-Sheba, as the sand that [is] by the sea for multitude, and thou thyself art going in the midst;

ylt@2Samuel:18:14 @And Joab saith, 'Not right -- I tarry before thee;' and he taketh three darts in his hand, and striketh them into the heart of Absalom, while he [is] alive, in the midst of the oak.

ylt@2Samuel:20:12 @And Amasa is rolling himself in blood, in the midst of the highway, and the man seeth that all the people have stood still, and he bringeth round Amasa out of the highway to the field, and casteth over him a garment, when he hath seen that every one who hath come by him -- hath stood still.

ylt@2Samuel:23:12 @and he stationeth himself in the midst of the portion, and delivereth it, and smiteth the Philistines, and Jehovah worketh a great salvation.

ylt@2Samuel:23:20 @And Benaiah son of Jehoiada (son of a man of valour, great in deeds from Kabzeel), he hath smitten two lion-like men of Moab, and he hath gone down and smitten the lion in the midst of the pit in a day of snow.

ylt@2Samuel:24:5 @and they pass over the Jordan, and encamp in Aroer, on the right of the city that [is] in the midst of the brook of Gad, and unto Jazer,

ylt@1Kings:3:8 @and Thy servant [is] in the midst of thy people, whom Thou hast chosen, a people numerous, that is not numbered nor counted for multitude,

ylt@1Kings:6:13 @and have tabernacled in the midst of the sons of Israel, and do not forsake My people Israel.'

ylt@1Kings:6:19 @And the oracle in the midst of the house within he hath prepared, to put there the ark of the covenant of Jehovah.

ylt@1Kings:6:27 @and he setteth the cherubs in the midst of the inner house, and they spread out the wings of the cherubs, and a wing of the one cometh against the wall, and a wing of the second cherub is coming against the second wall, and their wings [are] unto the midst of the house, coming wing against wing;

ylt@1Kings:8:51 @(for Thy people and Thy inheritance [are] they, whom Thou didst bring out of Egypt, out of the midst of the furnace of iron) --

ylt@1Kings:11:20 @and the sister of Tahpenes beareth to him Genubath his son, and Tahpenes weaneth him within the house of Pharaoh, and Genubath is in the house of Pharaoh in the midst of the sons of Pharaoh.

ylt@1Kings:14:7 @Go, say to Jeroboam, Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, Because that I have made thee high out of the midst of the people, and appoint thee leader over my people Israel,

ylt@1Kings:17:21 @And he stretcheth himself out on the lad three times, and calleth unto Jehovah, and saith, 'O Jehovah my God, let turn back, I pray Thee, the soul of this lad into his midst;'

ylt@1Kings:17:22 @and Jehovah hearkeneth to the voice of Elijah, and the soul of the lad turneth back into his midst, and he liveth.

ylt@1Kings:20:39 @And it cometh to pass -- the king is passing by -- that he hath cried unto the king, and saith, 'Thy servant went out into the midst of the battle, and lo, a man hath turned aside and bringeth in unto me a man, and saith, Keep this man; if he be at all missing, then hath thy life been for his life, or a talent of silver thou dost weigh out;

ylt@1Kings:22:35 @And the battle increaseth on that day, and the king hath been caused to stand in the chariot, over-against Aram, and he dieth in the evening, and the blood of the wound runneth out unto the midst of the chariot,

ylt@2Kings:4:13 @And he saith to him, 'Say, I pray thee, unto her, Lo, thou hast troubled thyself concerning us with all this trouble; what -- to do for thee? is it to speak for thee unto the king, or unto the head of the host?' and she saith, 'In the midst of my people I am dwelling.'

ylt@2Kings:6:20 @And it cometh to pass, at their coming in to Samaria, that Elisha saith, 'Jehovah, open the eyes of these, and they see;' and Jehovah openeth their eyes, and they see, and lo, in the midst of Samaria!

ylt@2Kings:9:2 @and thou hast gone in there, and see thou there Jehu son of Jehoshaphat, son of Nimshi, and thou hast gone in, and caused him to rise out of the midst of his brethren, and brought him in to the inner part of an inner-chamber,

ylt@2Kings:11:2 @and Jehosheba daughter of king Joram, sister of Ahaziah, taketh Joash son of Ahaziah, and stealeth him out of the midst of the sons of the king who are put to death, him and his nurse, in the inner part of the bed-chambers, and they hide him from the presence of Athaliah, and he hath not been put to death,

ylt@2Kings:23:9 @only, the priests of the high places come not up unto the altar of Jehovah in Jerusalem, but they have eaten unleavened things in the midst of their brethren.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:14 @and they station themselves in the midst of the portion, and deliver it, and smite the Philistines, and Jehovah saveth -- a great salvation.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:22 @Benaiah son of Jehoiada, son of a man of valour, of great deeds, from Kabzeel: he hath smitten the two lion-like Moabites, and he hath gone down and smitten the lion in the midst of the pit, in the day of snow.

ylt@1Chronicles:16:1 @And they bring in the ark of God, and set it up in the midst of the tent that David hath stretched out for it, and they bring near burnt-offerings and peace-offerings before God;

ylt@1Chronicles:19:4 @And Hanun taketh the servants of David, and shaveth them, and cutteth their long robes in the midst, unto the buttocks, and sendeth them away.

ylt@1Chronicles:21:6 @And Levi and Benjamin he hath not numbered in their midst, for the word of the king was abominable with Joab.

ylt@2Chronicles:6:13 @for Solomon hath made a scaffold of brass, and putteth it in the midst of the court, five cubits its length, and five cubits its breadth, and three cubits its height, and he standeth upon it, and kneeleth on his knees over-against all the assembly of Israel, and spreadeth forth his hands towards the heavens --

ylt@2Chronicles:20:14 @And upon Jahaziel, son of Zechariah, son of Benaiah, son of Jeiel, son of Mattaniah, the Levite, of the sons of Asaph, hath the Spirit of Jehovah been, in the midst of the assembly,

ylt@2Chronicles:22:11 @And Jehoshabeath daughter of the king taketh Joash son of Ahaziah, and stealeth him from the midst of the sons of the king who are put to death, and putteth him and his nurse into the inner part of the bed-chambers, and Jehoshabeath daughter of king Jehoram, wife of Jehoiada the priest, because she hath been sister of Ahaziah, hideth him from the face of Athaliah, and she hath not put him to death.

ylt@2Chronicles:32:4 @and much people are gathered, and they stop all the fountains and the brook that is rushing into the midst of the land, saying, 'Why do the kings of Asshur come, and have found much water?'

ylt@Ezra:4:15 @so that he doth seek in the book of the records of thy fathers, and thou dost find in the book of the records, and dost know, that this city [is] a rebellious city, and causing loss [to] kings and provinces, and makers of sedition [are] in its midst from the days of old, therefore hath this city been wasted.

ylt@Nehemiah:4:11 @And our adversaries say, 'They do not know, nor see, till that we come in to their midst, and have slain them, and caused the work to cease.'

ylt@Nehemiah:4:22 @Also, at that time I said to the people, 'Let each with his servant lodge in the midst of Jerusalem, and they have been to us by night a guard, and by day [for] the work:'

ylt@Nehemiah:7:4 @And the city [is] broad on both sides, and great, and the people [are] few in its midst, and there are no houses builded;

ylt@Nehemiah:9:11 @And the sea Thou hast cleaved before them, and they pass over into the midst of the sea on the dry land, and their pursuers Thou hast cast into the depths, as a stone, into the strong waters.

ylt@Esther:4:1 @And Mordecai hath known all that hath been done, and Mordecai rendeth his garments, and putteth on sackcloth and ashes, and goeth forth into the midst of the city and crieth -- a cry loud and bitter,

ylt@Esther:9:28 @and these days are remembered and kept in every generation and generation, family and family, province and province, and city and city, and these days of Purim do not pass away from the midst of the Jews, and their memorial is not ended from their seed.

ylt@Job:1:6 @And the day is, that sons of God come in to station themselves by Jehovah, and there doth come also the Adversary in their midst.

ylt@Job:2:1 @And the day is, that sons of God come in to station themselves by Jehovah, and there doth come also the Adversary in their midst to station himself by Jehovah.

ylt@Job:2:8 @And he taketh to him a potsherd to scrape himself with it, and he is sitting in the midst of the ashes.

ylt@Job:15:19 @To them alone was the land given, And a stranger passed not over into their midst:

ylt@Job:20:13 @Hath pity on it, and doth not forsake it, And keep it back in the midst of his palate,

ylt@Job:30:5 @From the midst they are cast out, (They shout against them as a thief),

ylt@Job:42:15 @And there have not been found women fair as the daughters of Job in all the land, and their father doth give to them an inheritance in the midst of their brethren.

ylt@Psalms:22:14 @As waters I have been poured out, And separated themselves have all my bones, My heart hath been like wax, It is melted in the midst of my bowels.

ylt@Psalms:22:22 @I declare Thy name to my brethren, In the midst of the assembly I praise Thee.

ylt@Psalms:40:10 @Thy righteousness I have not concealed In the midst of my heart, Thy faithfulness and Thy salvation I have told, I have not hidden Thy kindness and Thy truth, To the great assembly.

ylt@Psalms:46:5 @God [is] in her midst -- she is not moved, God doth help her at the turn of the morn!

ylt@Psalms:48:9 @We have thought, O God, of Thy kindness, In the midst of Thy temple,

ylt@Psalms:55:10 @By day and by night they go round it, on its walls. Both iniquity and perverseness [are] in its midst,

ylt@Psalms:55:11 @Mischiefs [are] in its midst. Fraud and deceit depart not from its street.

ylt@Psalms:55:15 @Desolations [are] upon them, They go down [to] Sheol -- alive, For wickedness [is] in their dwelling, in their midst.

ylt@Psalms:57:4 @My soul [is] in the midst of lions, I lie down [among] flames -- sons of men, Their teeth [are] a spear and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword.

ylt@Psalms:57:6 @A net they have prepared for my steps, Bowed down hath my soul, They have digged before me a pit, They have fallen into its midst. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:68:25 @Singers have been before, Behind [are] players on instruments, In the midst virgins playing with timbrels.

ylt@Psalms:74:4 @Roared have thine adversaries, In the midst of Thy meeting-places, They have set their ensigns as ensigns.

ylt@Psalms:74:11 @Why dost Thou turn back Thy hand, Even Thy right hand? From the midst of Thy bosom remove [it].

ylt@Psalms:74:12 @And God [is] my king of old, Working salvation in the midst of the earth.

ylt@Psalms:78:28 @And causeth [it] to fall in the midst of His camp, Round about His tabernacles.

ylt@Psalms:82:1 @-- A Psalm of Asaph. God hath stood in the company of God, In the midst God doth judge.

ylt@Psalms:101:2 @I act wisely in a perfect way, When dost Thou come in unto me? I walk habitually in the integrity of my heart, In the midst of my house.

ylt@Psalms:102:24 @I say, 'My God, take me not up in the midst of my days,' Through all generations [are] Thine years.

ylt@Psalms:109:18 @And he putteth on reviling as his robe, And it cometh in as water into his midst, And as oil into his bones.

ylt@Psalms:109:22 @For I [am] poor and needy, And my heart hath been pierced in my midst.

ylt@Psalms:109:30 @I thank Jehovah greatly with my mouth, And in the midst of many I praise Him,

ylt@Psalms:110:2 @The rod of thy strength doth Jehovah send from Zion, Rule in the midst of thine enemies.

ylt@Psalms:116:19 @In the courts of the house of Jehovah, In thy midst, O Jerusalem, praise ye Jah!

ylt@Psalms:135:9 @He sent tokens and wonders into thy midst, O Egypt, On Pharaoh and on all his servants.

ylt@Psalms:136:11 @And bringing forth Israel from their midst, For to the age [is] His kindness.

ylt@Psalms:136:14 @And caused Israel to pass through its midst, For to the age [is] His kindness,

ylt@Psalms:137:2 @On willows in its midst we hung our harps.

ylt@Psalms:138:7 @If I walk in the midst of distress Thou quickenest me, Against the anger of mine enemies Thou sendest forth Thy hand, And Thy right hand doth save me.

ylt@Psalms:147:13 @For He did strengthen the bars of thy gates, He hath blessed thy sons in thy midst.

ylt@Proverbs:4:21 @Let them not turn aside from thine eyes, Preserve them in the midst of thy heart.

ylt@Proverbs:5:14 @As a little thing I have been all evil, In the midst of an assembly and a company.

ylt@Proverbs:8:20 @In a path of righteousness I cause to walk, In midst of paths of judgment,

ylt@Proverbs:14:33 @In the heart of the intelligent wisdom doth rest. And in the midst of fools it is known.

ylt@Proverbs:17:2 @A wise servant ruleth over a son causing shame, And in the midst of brethren He apportioneth an inheritance.

ylt@Proverbs:22:13 @The slothful hath said, 'A lion [is] without, In the midst of the broad places I am slain.'

ylt@Songs:3:10 @Its pillars he made of silver, Its bottom of gold, its seat of purple, Its midst lined [with] love, By the daughters of Jerusalem.

ylt@Isaiah:4:4 @If the Lord hath washed away The filth of daughters of Zion, And the blood of Jerusalem purgeth from her midst, By the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.

ylt@Isaiah:5:2 @And he fenceth it, and casteth out its stones, And planteth it [with] a choice vine, And buildeth a tower in its midst, And also a wine press hath hewn out in it, And he waiteth for the yielding of grapes, And it yieldeth bad ones!

ylt@Isaiah:5:8 @Wo [to] those joining house to house, Field to field they bring near, till there is no place, And ye have been settled by yourselves In the midst of the land!

ylt@Isaiah:5:25 @Therefore hath the anger of Jehovah burned among His people, And He stretcheth out His hand against it, And smiteth it, and the mountains tremble, And their carcase is as filth in the midst of the out-places. With all this His anger did not turn back, And still His hand is stretched out!

ylt@Isaiah:6:5 @And I say, 'Wo to me, for I have been silent, For a man -- unclean of lips [am] I, And in midst of a people unclean of lips I am dwelling, Because the King, Jehovah of Hosts, have my eyes seen.'

ylt@Isaiah:7:6 @We go up into Judah, and we vex it, And we rend it unto ourselves, And we cause a king to reign in its midst -- The son of Tabeal.

ylt@Isaiah:10:23 @For a consumption that is determined, The Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, Is making in the midst of all the land.

ylt@Isaiah:12:6 @Cry aloud, and sing, O inhabitant of Zion, For great in thy midst [is] the Holy One of Israel!'

ylt@Isaiah:16:3 @Bring ye in counsel, do judgment, Make as night thy shadow in the midst of noon, Hide outcasts, the wanderer reveal not.

ylt@Isaiah:19:1 @The burden of Egypt. Lo, Jehovah is riding on a swift thick cloud, And He hath entered Egypt, And moved have been the idols of Egypt at His presence, And the heart of Egypt melteth in its midst.

ylt@Isaiah:19:3 @And emptied out hath been in its midst the spirit of Egypt. And its counsel I swallow up, And they have sought unto the idols, And unto the charmers, And unto those having familiar spirits, And unto the wizards.

ylt@Isaiah:19:14 @Jehovah hath mingled in her midst A spirit of perverseness, And they have caused Egypt to err in all its work, As a drunkard erreth in his vomit.

ylt@Isaiah:19:19 @In that day there is an altar to Jehovah In the midst of the land of Egypt, And a standing pillar near its border to Jehovah,

ylt@Isaiah:24:13 @When thus it is in the heart of the land, In the midst of the peoples, As the compassing of the olive, As gleanings when harvest hath been finished,

ylt@Isaiah:24:18 @And it hath come to pass, He who is fleeing from the noise of the fear Doth fall into the snare, And he who is coming up from the midst of the snare, Is captured by the gin, For windows on high have been opened, And shaken are foundations of the land.

ylt@Isaiah:25:11 @And he spread out his hands in its midst, As spread out doth the swimmer to swim; And He hath humbled his excellency With the machinations of his hands.

ylt@Isaiah:29:23 @For in his seeing his children, The work of My hand, in his midst, They sanctify My name, And have sanctified the Holy One of Jacob, And the God of Israel they declare fearful.

ylt@Isaiah:41:18 @I open on high places rivers, And in midst of valleys fountains, I make a wilderness become a pond of water, And a dry land become springs of water.

ylt@Isaiah:52:11 @Turn aside, turn aside, go out thence, The unclean touch not, go out from her midst, Be ye pure, who are bearing the weapons of Jehovah.

ylt@Isaiah:58:9 @Then thou callest, and Jehovah answereth, Thou criest, and He saith, 'Behold Me.' If thou turn aside from thy midst the yoke, The sending forth of the finger, And the speaking of vanity,

ylt@Isaiah:61:9 @And known among nations hath been their seed, And their offspring in the midst of the peoples, All their beholders acknowledge them, For they [are] a seed Jehovah hath blessed.

ylt@Isaiah:63:11 @And He remembereth the days of old, Moses -- his people. Where [is] He who is bringing them up from the sea, The shepherd of his flock? Where [is] He who is putting in its midst His Holy Spirit?

ylt@Isaiah:66:17 @Those sanctifying and cleansing themselves at the gardens, After Ahad in the midst, Eating flesh of the sow, And of the abomination, and of the mouse, Together are consumed, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:1 @Strengthen yourselves, sons of Benjamin, From the midst of Jerusalem, And in Tekoa blow ye a trumpet, And over Beth-Haccerem lift ye up a flame, For evil hath been seen from the north, And great destruction.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:6 @For thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Cut down her wood, And pour out against Jerusalem a mount, She [is] the city to be inspected, Wholly -- she is oppression in her midst.

ylt@Jeremiah:9:6 @thy dwelling [is] in the midst of deceit, Through deceit they refused to know Me, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:14 @Thus said Jehovah concerning all my evil neighbours, who are striking against the inheritance that I caused my people -- Israel -- to inherit: 'Lo, I am plucking them from off their ground, And the house of Judah I pluck out of their midst.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:16 @And it hath come to pass, If they learn well the ways of My people, To swear by My name, 'Jehovah liveth,' As they taught My people to swear by Baal, Then they have been built up in the midst of My people.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:9 @Why art Thou as one dumb? As a mighty one not able to save? And Thou [art] in our midst, O Jehovah, And Thy name over us is called, leave us not.

ylt@Jeremiah:17:11 @A partridge hatching, and not bringing forth, [Is] one making wealth, and not by right, In the midst of his days he doth forsake it, And in his latter end -- he is a fool.

ylt@Jeremiah:21:4 @Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel: Lo, I am turning round the weapons of battle That [are] in your hand, With which ye do fight the king of Babylon, And the Chaldeans, who are laying siege against you, At the outside of the wall, And I have gathered them into the midst of this city,

ylt@Jeremiah:23:9 @In reference to the prophets: Broken hath been my heart in my midst, Fluttered have all my bones, I have been as a man -- a drunkard, And as a man -- wine hath passed over him, Because of Jehovah, and of His holy words.

ylt@Jeremiah:29:8 @'For thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, Let not your prophets who [are] in your midst, and your diviners, lift you up, nor hearken ye unto their dreams, thay ye are causing [them] to dream;

ylt@Jeremiah:29:32 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am seeing after Shemaiah the Nehelamite, and after his seed, he hath none dwelling in the midst of this people, nor doth he look on the good that I am doing to My people -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- for apostacy he hath spoken against Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:30:21 @And his honourable one hath been of himself, And his ruler from his midst goeth forth, And I have caused him to draw near, And he hath drawn nigh unto Me, For who [is] he who hath pledged his heart To draw nigh unto Me? An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:37:4 @And Jeremiah is coming in and going out in the midst of the people, (and they have not put him in the prison-house),

ylt@Jeremiah:37:12 @that Jeremiah goeth out from Jerusalem to go [to] the land of Benjamin, to receive a portion thence in the midst of the people.

ylt@Jeremiah:39:14 @yea, they send and take Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and give him unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, to carry him home, and he dwelleth in the midst of the people.

ylt@Jeremiah:40:1 @The word that hath been unto Jeremiah from Jehovah, after Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, hath sent him from Ramah, in his taking him -- and he a prisoner in chains -- in the midst of all the removal of Jerusalem and of Judah, who are removed to Babylon.

ylt@Jeremiah:40:5 @and while he doth not reply -- 'Or turn back unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon hath appointed over the cities of Judah, and dwell with him in the midst of the people, or whithersoever it is right in thine eyes to go -- go.' And the chief of the executioners giveth to him for the way, and a gift, and sendeth him away,

ylt@Jeremiah:40:6 @and Jeremiah cometh in unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, to Mizpah, and dwelleth with him, in the midst of the people who are left in the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:7 @And it cometh to pass, at their coming in unto the midst of the city, that Ishmael son of Nethaniah doth slaughter them, at the midst of the pit, he and the men who [are] with him.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:8 @And ten men have been found among them, and they say unto Ishmael, 'Do not put us to death, for we have things hidden in the field -- wheat, and barley, and oil, and honey.' And he forbeareth, and hath not put them to death in the midst of their brethren.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:7 @'And, now, thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Why are ye doing great evil unto your own souls, to cut off to you man and woman, infant and suckling, from the midst of Judah, so as not to leave to you a remnant:

ylt@Jeremiah:46:21 @Even her hired ones in her midst [are] as calves of the stall, For even they have turned, They have fled together, they have not stood, For the day of their calamity hath come on them, The time of their inspection.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:8 @Move ye from the midst of Babylon, And from the land of the Chaldeans go out. And be as he-goats before a flock.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:37 @A sword [is] on his horses and on his chariot, And on all the rabble who [are] in her midst, And they have become women; A sword [is] on her treasuries, And they have been spoiled;

ylt@Jeremiah:51:6 @Flee ye from the midst of Babylon, And deliver ye each his soul, Be not cut off in its iniquity, For a time of vengeance it [is] to Jehovah, Recompence He is rendering to her.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:45 @Go forth from its midst, O My people, And deliver ye, each his soul, Because of the fierceness of the anger of Jehovah,

ylt@Jeremiah:51:47 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, And I have seen after the graven images of Babylon. And all its land is ashamed, And all its pierced ones do fall in its midst.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:63 @And it hath come to pass, when thou dost finish reading this book, thou dost bind to it a stone, and hast cast it into the midst of Phrat,

ylt@Jeremiah:52:25 @and out of the city he hath taken a certain eunuch, who hath been inspector over the men of war, and seven men of those seeing the king's face, who have been found in the city, and the head scribe of the host, who mustereth the people of the land, and sixty men of the people of the land, who are found in the midst of the city;

ylt@Lamentations:1:15 @Trodden down all my mighty ones hath the Lord in my midst, He proclaimed against me an appointed time, To destroy my young men, A wine-press hath the Lord trodden, To the virgin daughter of Judah.

ylt@Lamentations:1:20 @See, O Jehovah, for distress [is] to me, My bowels have been troubled, Turned hath been my heart in my midst, For I have greatly provoked, From without bereaved hath the sword, In the house [it is] as death.

ylt@Lamentations:3:45 @Offscouring and refuse Thou dost make us In the midst of the peoples.

ylt@Lamentations:4:13 @Because of the sins of her prophets, The iniquities of her priests, Who are shedding in her midst the blood of the righteous,

ylt@Ezekiel:1:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the thirtieth year, in the fourth [month], in the fifth of the month, and I [am] in the midst of the Removed by the river Chebar, the heavens have been opened, and I see visions of God.

ylt@Ezekiel:1:4 @And I look, and lo, a tempestuous wind is coming from the north, a great cloud, and fire catching itself, and brightness to it round about, and out of its midst as the colour of copper, out of the midst of the fire.

ylt@Ezekiel:1:5 @And out of its midst [is] a likeness of four living creatures, and this [is] their appearance; a likeness of man [is] to them,

ylt@Ezekiel:1:16 @The appearance of the wheels and their works [is] as the colour of beryl, and one likeness [is] to them four, and their appearances and their works [are] as it were the wheel in the midst of the wheel.

ylt@Ezekiel:2:5 @and they -- whether they hear, or whether they forbear, for a rebellious house they [are] -- have known that a prophet hath been in their midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:15 @And I come in unto the Removed, at Tel-Ahib, who are dwelling at the river Chebar, and where they are dwelling I also dwell seven days, causing astonishment in their midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:24 @And come into me doth a spirit, and causeth me to stand on my feet, and He speaketh with me, and saith unto me, 'Go in, be shut up in the midst of thy house.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:25 @'And thou, son of man, lo, they have put on thee thick bands, and have bound thee with them, and thou goest not forth in their midst;

ylt@Ezekiel:5:2 @A third part with fire thou dost burn in the midst of the city, at the fulness of the days of the siege; and thou hast taken the third part, thou dost smite with a weapon round about it; and the third part thou dost scatter to the wind, and a weapon I draw out after them.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:4 @and of them thou dost take again, and hast cast them unto the midst of the fire, and hast burned them in the fire -- out of it cometh forth a fire unto all the house of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:5 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: this [is] Jerusalem, In the midst of the nations I have set her, And round about her [are] the lands.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:8 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, even I, And I have done in thy midst judgments, Before the eyes of the nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:10 @Therefore fathers do eat sons in thy midst, And sons eat their fathers, And I have done in thee judgments, And have scattered all thy remnant to every wind.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:12 @Thy third part -- by pestilence they die, And by famine are consumed in thy midst, And the third part, by sword they fall round about thee, And the third part, to every wind I scatter, And a sword I draw out after them.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:7 @And fallen hath the wounded in your midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:13 @And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah, In their wounded being in the midst of their idols, Round about their altars, On every high hill, on all tops of mountains, And under every green tree, and under every thick oak, The place where they gave sweet fragrance to all their idols.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:4 @And no pity on thee hath Mine eye, nor do I spare, For thy ways against thee I do set, And thine abominations are in thy midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:9 @And not pity doth Mine eye, nor do I spare, According to thy ways unto thee I give, And thine abominations are in thy midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah the smiter.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:11 @and seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel -- and Jaazaniah son of Shaphan standing in their midst -- are standing before them, and each his censer in his hand, and the abundance of the cloud of perfume is going up.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:2 @And lo, six men are coming from the way of the upper gate, that is facing the north, and each his slaughter-weapon in his hand, and one man in their midst is clothed with linen, and a scribe's inkhorn at his loins, and they come in, and stand near the brazen altar.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:4 @And He calleth unto the man who is clothed with linen, who hath the scribe's inkhorn at his loins, and Jehovah saith unto him, 'Pass on into the midst of the city, into the midst of Jerusalem, and thou hast made a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and who are groaning for all the abominations that are done in its midst.'

ylt@Ezekiel:10:2 @And He speaketh unto the man clothed with linen, and saith, 'Go in unto the midst of the wheel, unto the place of the cherub, and fill thy hands with coals of fire from between the cherubs, and scatter over the city.' And he goeth in before mine eyes.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:10 @As to their appearances, one likeness [is] to them four, as it were the wheel in the midst of the wheel.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:1 @And lift me up doth a spirit, and it bringeth me in unto the east gate of the house of Jehovah, that is facing the east, and lo, at the opening of the gate twenty and five men, and I see in their midst Jaazaniah son of Azzur, and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, heads of the people.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:7 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Your wounded whom ye placed in its midst, They [are] the flesh, and it [is] the pot, And you he hath brought out from its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:9 @And I have brought you out of its midst, And given you into the hand of strangers, And I have done among you judgments.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:11 @It is not to you for a pot, Nor are ye in its midst for flesh, At the border of Israel I do judge you.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:19 @And I have given to them one heart, And a new spirit I do give in your midst, And I have turned the heart of stone out of their flesh, And I have given to them a heart of flesh.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:23 @And the honour of Jehovah goeth up from off the midst of the city, and standeth on the mountain, that [is] on the east of the city.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:2 @'Son of man, in the midst of the rebellious house thou art dwelling, that have eyes to see, and they have not seen; ears they have to hear, and they have not heard; for a rebellious house [are] they.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:10 @say unto them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'The prince [is] this burden in Jerusalem, and all the house of Israel who are in their midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:12 @As to the prince who [is] in their midst, on the shoulder he beareth in the darkness, and he goeth forth, through the wall they dig to bring forth by it, his face he covereth, that he may not look on the very surface of the land.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:24 @For there is no more any vain vision, and flattering divination, In the midst of the house of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:14 @And I have broken down the wall that ye daubed with chalk, And have caused it to come unto the earth, And revealed hath been its foundation, And it hath fallen, And ye have been consumed in its midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:8 @and I have set My face against that man, and made him for a sign, and for similes, and I have cut him off from the midst of My people, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:9 @'And the prophet, when he is enticed, and hath spoken a word -- I, Jehovah, I have enticed that prophet, and have stretched out My hand against him, and have destroyed him from the midst of My people Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:14 @and these three men have been in its midst, Noah, Daniel, and Job -- they by their righteousness deliver their own soul -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:16 @these three men in its midst: I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah -- neither sons nor daughters do they deliver; they alone are delivered, and the land is a desolation.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:18 @and these three men in its midst: I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah -- they deliver not sons and daughters, for they alone are delivered.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:20 @and Noah, Daniel, and Job, in its midst: I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah -- neither son nor daughter do they deliver; they, by their righteousness, deliver their own soul.

ylt@Ezekiel:15:4 @Lo, to the fire it hath been given for fuel, Its two ends hath the fire eaten, And its midst hath been scorched! Is it profitable for work?

ylt@Ezekiel:16:53 @And I have turned back [to] their captivity, The captivity of Sodom and her daughters, And the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, And the captivity of thy captives in their midst,

ylt@Ezekiel:17:16 @I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Doth he not -- in the place of the king who is causing him to reign, Whose oath he hath despised, And whose covenant he hath broken, With him -- in the midst of Babylon -- die?

ylt@Ezekiel:18:18 @His father -- because he used oppression, Did violently Plunder a brother, And that which [is] not good did in the midst of his people, And lo, he is dying in his iniquity.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:2 @and thou hast said: What [is] thy mother? -- a lioness, Among lions she hath crouched down, In the midst of young lions she hath multiplied her whelps.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:6 @And it goeth up and down in the midst of lions, A young lion it hath been, And it learneth to tear prey, man it hath devoured.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:8 @And -- they rebel against Me, And have not been willing to hearken to Me, Each, the detestable things of their eyes, They have not cast away, And the idols of Egypt have not forsaken, And I say -- to pour out My fury on them, To complete Mine anger against them, In the midst of the land of Egypt.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:9 @And I do [it] for My name's sake, Not to pollute [it] before the eyes of the nations, In whose midst they [are], Before whose eyes I became known to them, To bring them out from the land of Egypt.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:32 @To the fire thou art for fuel, Thy blood is in the midst of the land, Thou art not remembered, For I, Jehovah, have spoken!'

ylt@Ezekiel:22:3 @and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: The city is shedding blood in its midst, For the coming in of its time, And it hath made idols on it for defilement.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:7 @Father and mother made light of in thee, To a sojourner they dealt oppressively in thy midst, Fatherless and widow they oppressed in thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:9 @Men of slander have been in thee to shed blood, And on the mountains they have eaten in thee, Wickedness they have done in thy midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:13 @And lo, I have smitten My hand, Because of thy dishonest gain that thou hast gained, And for thy blood that hath been in thy midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:18 @The house of Israel hath been to Me for dross, All of them [are] brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, In the midst of a furnace -- dross hath silver been,

ylt@Ezekiel:22:19 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of your all becoming dross, Therefore, lo, I am gathering you unto the midst of Jerusalem,

ylt@Ezekiel:22:20 @A gathering of silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin, Unto the midst of a furnace -- to blow on it fire, to melt it, So do I gather in Mine anger and in My fury, And I have let rest, and have melted you.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:21 @And I have heaped you up, And blown on you in the fire of My wrath, And ye have been melted in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:22 @As the melting of silver in the midst of a furnace, So are ye melted in its midst, And ye have known that I, Jehovah, I have poured out My fury upon you.'

ylt@Ezekiel:22:25 @A conspiracy of its prophets [is] in its midst, as a roaring lion tearing prey; The soul they have devoured, Wealth and glory they have taken, Its widows have multiplied in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:26 @Its priests have wronged My law, And they pollute My holy things, Between holy and common they have not made separation, And between the unclean and the clean they have not made known, And from my sabbaths they have hidden their eyes, And I am pierced in their midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:27 @Its princes in its midst [are] as wolves, Tearing prey, to shed blood, to destroy souls, For the sake of gaining dishonest gain.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:39 @And in their slaughtering their sons to their idols They also come in unto My sanctuary in that day to pollute it, And lo, thus they have done in the midst of My house,

ylt@Ezekiel:24:5 @The choice of the flock to take, And also to pile of the bones under it, Boil it thoroughly, yea, cook its bones in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:7 @For her blood in her midst hath been, On a clear place of a rock she hath set it, She hath not poured it on the earth, To cover it over with dust.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:11 @And cause it to stand on its coals empty, So that its brass is hot and burning, Melted hath been in its midst its uncleanness, Consumed is its scum.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:5 @A spreading place of nets she is in the midst of the sea, For I -- I have spoken -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, And she hath been for a spoil to nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:12 @And they have spoiled thy wealth, And they have plundered thy merchandise, And they have thrown down thy walls, And thy desirable houses they break down, And thy stones, and thy wood, and thy dust, In the midst of the waters they place.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:15 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah to Tyre: Do not -- from the noise of thy fall, In the groaning of the wounded, In the slaying of the slaughter in thy midst, The isles shake?

ylt@Ezekiel:27:27 @Thy wealth and thy remnants, Thy merchandise, thy mariners, And thy pilots, strengtheners of thy breach, And the traders of thy merchandise, And all thy men of war, who [are] in thee, And in all thine assembly that [is] in thy midst, Fall into the heart of the seas in the day of thy fall,

ylt@Ezekiel:27:32 @And lifted up for thee have their sons a lamentation, And they have lamented over thee, who [is] as Tyre? As the cut-off one in the midst of the sea?

ylt@Ezekiel:27:34 @The time of [thy] being broken by the seas in the depths of the waters, Thy merchandise and all thy assembly in thy midst have fallen.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:14 @Thou [art] an anointed cherub who is covering, And I have set thee in the holy mount, God thou hast been, In the midst of stones of fire thou hast walked up and down.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:16 @By the abundance of thy merchandise They have filled thy midst with violence, And thou dost sin, And I thrust thee from the mount of God, And I destroy thee, O covering cherub, From the midst of the stones of fire.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:18 @From the abundance of thy iniquity, By the perversity of thy traffic, Thou hast polluted thy sanctuaries, And I bring forth fire from thy midst, It hath devoured thee, And I make thee become ashes on the earth, Before the eyes of all beholding thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:22 @and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, O Zidon, And I have been honoured in thy midst, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My doing in her judgments, And I have been sanctified in her.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:23 @And I have sent into her pestilence, And blood into her out-places, The wounded hath been judged in her midst, By the sword upon her round about, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:3 @Speak, and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt! The great dragon that is crouching in the midst of his floods, Who hath said, My flood [is] my own, And I -- I have made it [for] myself.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:4 @And I have put hooks in thy jaws, And I have caused the fish of thy floods to cleave to thy scales, And I have caused thee to come up from the midst of thy floods, And every fish of thy floods to thy scales doth cleave.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:12 @And I have made the land of Egypt a desolation, In the midst of desolate lands, And its cities, in the midst of waste cities, Are a desolation forty years, And I have scattered the Egyptians among nations, And I have dispersed them through lands.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:21 @In that day I cause to shoot up a horn to the house of Israel, And to thee I give an opening of the mouth in their midst, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:30:7 @And they have been desolated in the midst of desolate lands, And its cities are in the midst of wasted cities.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:14 @In order that none of the trees of the waters May become haughty because of their stature, Nor give their foliage between thickets, Nor any drinking waters stand up unto them in their haughtiness, For all of them are given up to death, Unto the earth -- the lower part, In the midst of the sons of men, Unto those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:17 @Also they with him have gone down to sheol, Unto the pierced of the sword, And -- his arm -- they dwelt in his shade in the midst of nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:18 @Unto whom hast thou been thus like, In honour and in greatness among the trees of Eden, And thou hast been brought down with the trees of Eden, Unto the earth -- the lower part, In the midst of the uncircumcised thou liest, With the pierced of the sword? It [is] Pharaoh, and all his multitude, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:32:20 @In the midst of the pierced of the sword they fall, [To] the sword she hath been given, They drew her out, and all her multitude.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:21 @Speak to him do the gods of the mighty out of the midst of sheol, With his helpers -- they have gone down, They have lain with the uncircumcised, The pierced of the sword.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:25 @In the midst of the wounded they have appointed a bed for her with all her multitude, Round about him [are] her graves, All of them uncircumcised, pierced of the sword, For their terror was given in the land of the living, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit, In the midst of the pierced he hath been put.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:28 @And thou, in the midst of the uncircumcised art broken, And dost lie with the pierced of the sword.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:32 @For I have given his terror in the land of the living, And he hath been laid down in the midst of the uncircumcised, With the pierced of the sword -- Pharaoh, and all his multitude, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:33:33 @And in its coming in -- lo, it hath come, And they have known that a prophet hath been in their midst!'

ylt@Ezekiel:34:12 @As a shepherd's searching of his drove, In the day of his being in the midst of his scattered flock, so I do seek My flock, And have delivered them out of all places, Whither they have been scattered, In a day of cloud and thick darkness.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:24 @And I, Jehovah, I am their God, And My servant David prince in their midst, I, Jehovah, have spoken.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:23 @And I have sanctified My great name, That is profaned among nations, That ye have polluted in your midst, And known have the nations that I [am] Jehovah, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, In My being sanctified in you before your eyes.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:26 @And I have given to you a new heart, And a new spirit I give in your midst, And I have turned aside the heart of stone out of your flesh, And I have given to you a heart of flesh.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:27 @And My Spirit I give in your midst, And I have done this, so that in My statutes ye walk, And My judgments ye keep, and have done them.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:1 @There hath been upon me a hand of Jehovah, and He taketh me forth in the Spirit of Jehovah, and doth place me in the midst of the valley, and it is full of bones,

ylt@Ezekiel:37:26 @And I have made to them a covenant of peace, A covenant age-during it is with them, And I have placed them, and multiplied them, And placed My sanctuary in their midst -- to the age.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:28 @And known have the nations that I Jehovah am sanctifying Israel, In My sanctuary being in their midst -- to the age!'

ylt@Ezekiel:39:7 @And My holy name I make known in the midst of My people Israel, And I pollute not My holy name any more, And known have the nations that I, Jehovah, the Holy One, [am] in Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:7 @And a broad place and a turning place still upwards [are] to the side-chambers, for the turning round of the house [is] still upwards all round about the house: therefore the breadth of the house [is] upwards, and so the lower one goeth up unto the higher by the midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:7 @and He saith unto me: 'Son of man, the place of My throne, And the place of the soles of My feet, Where I dwell in the midst of the sons of Israel to the age, Defile no more do the house of Israel My holy name, They, and their kings, by their whoredom, And by the carcases of their kings -- their high places.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:9 @Now do they put far off their whoredom, And the carcases of their kings -- from Me, And I have dwelt in their midst to the age.

ylt@Ezekiel:44:9 @'Thus said the Lord Jehovah: No son of a stranger, uncircumcised of heart, and uncircumcised of flesh, cometh in unto My sanctuary, even any son of a stranger, who [is] in the midst of the sons of Israel,

ylt@Ezekiel:46:10 @And the prince in their midst in their coming in cometh in, and in their going out he goeth out.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:22 @and it hath come to pass, ye separate it for an inheritance to yourselves, and to the sojourners who are sojourning in your midst, who have begotten sons in your midst, and they have been to you as native, with the sons of Israel, with you they are separated for an inheritance in the midst of the tribes of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:8 @and by the border of Judah, from the east side unto the west side is the heave-offering that ye lift up, five and twenty thousand broad and long, as one of the parts, from the east side unto the west side: and the sanctuary hath been in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:10 @And of these is the holy heave-offering for the priests, northward five and twenty thousand, and westward [in] breadth ten thousand, and eastward [in] breadth ten thousand, and southward [in] length five and twenty thousand: and the sanctuary of Jehovah hath been in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:15 @And the five thousand that is left in the breadth, on the front of the five and twenty thousand, is common -- for the city, for dwelling, and for suburb, and the city hath been in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:21 @'And the residue [is] for the prince, on this side and on that side of the heave-offering of the holy [portion], and of the possession of the city, on the front of the five and twenty thousand of the heave-offering unto the east border, and westward, on the front of the five and twenty thousand on the west border, over-against the portions of the prince; and the heave-offering of the holy [portion], and the sanctuary of the house, hath been in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:22 @And from the possession of the Levites, from the possession of the city, in the midst of that which is to the prince, between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin, there is to the prince.

ylt@Daniel:3:6 @and whoso doth not fall down and do obeisance, in that hour he is cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.'

ylt@Daniel:3:11 @and whoso doth not fall down and do obeisance, is cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

ylt@Daniel:3:15 @Now, lo, ye are ready, so that at the time that ye hear the voice of the cornet, the flute, the harp, the sackbut, the psaltery, and the symphony, and all kinds of music, ye fall down and do obeisance to the image that I have made! -- and lo, ye do no obeisance -- in that hour ye are cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; who is that God who doth deliver you out of my hands?'

ylt@Daniel:3:21 @Then these men have been bound in their coats, their tunics, and their turbans, and their clothing, and have been cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

ylt@Daniel:3:23 @And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, have fallen down in the midst of the burning fiery furnace -- bound.

ylt@Daniel:3:24 @Then Nebuchadnezzar the king hath been astonished, and hath risen in haste; he hath answered and said to his counsellors, 'Have we not cast three men into the midst of the fire -- bound?' They have answered and are saying to the king, 'Certainly, O king.'

ylt@Daniel:3:25 @He answered and hath said, 'Lo, I am seeing four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the appearance of the fourth [is] like to a son of the gods.'

ylt@Daniel:3:26 @Then Nebuchadnezzar hath drawn near to the gate of the burning fiery furnace; he hath answered and said, 'Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, servants of God Most High come forth, yea, come;' then come forth do Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, from the midst of the fire;

ylt@Daniel:4:10 @As to the visions of my head on my bed, I was looking, and lo, a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height [is] great:

ylt@Daniel:7:15 @'Pierced hath been my spirit -- I, Daniel -- in the midst of the sheath, and the visions of my head trouble me;

ylt@Daniel:9:27 @And he hath strengthened a covenant with many -- one week, and [in] the midst of the week he causeth sacrifice and present to cease, and by the wing of abominations he is making desolate, even till the consummation, and that which is determined is poured on the desolate one.'

ylt@Hosea:5:4 @They give not up their habitual doings, To turn back unto their God, For a spirit of whoredoms [is] in their midst, And Jehovah they have not known.

ylt@Hosea:11:9 @I do not the fierceness of My anger, I turn not back to destroy Ephraim, For God I [am], and not a man. In thy midst the Holy One, and I enter not in enmity,

ylt@Joel:2:27 @And ye have known that in the midst of Israel [am] I, And I [am] Jehovah your God, and there is none else, And not ashamed are My people to the age.

ylt@Amos:2:3 @And I have cut off a judge from her midst, And all its heads I slay with him, said Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:3:9 @Sound ye unto palaces in Ashdod, And to palaces in the land of Egypt, and say: Be ye gathered on mountains of Samaria, And see many troubles within her, And oppressed ones in her midst.

ylt@Amos:5:17 @And in all vineyards [is] lamentation, For I pass into thy midst, said Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:6:4 @Who are lying down on beds of ivory, And are spread out on their couches, And are eating lambs from the flock, And calves from the midst of the stall,

ylt@Amos:7:8 @and Jehovah saith unto me, 'What art thou seeing, Amos?' And I say, 'A plumb-line;' and the Lord saith: 'Lo, I am setting a plumb-line in the midst of My people Israel, I do not add any more to pass over to it.

ylt@Amos:7:10 @And Amaziah priest of Beth-El sendeth unto Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, 'Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel; the land is not able to bear all his words,

ylt@Micah:2:12 @I do surely gather thee, O Jacob, all of thee, I surely bring together the remnant of Israel, Together I do set it as the flock of Bozrah, As a drove in the midst of its pasture, It maketh a noise because of man.

ylt@Micah:3:3 @And who have eaten the flesh of My people, And their skin from off them have stript, And their bones they have broken, And they have spread [them] out as in a pot, And as flesh in the midst of a caldron.

ylt@Micah:3:11 @Her heads for a bribe do judge, And her priests for hire do teach, And her prophets for silver divine, And on Jehovah they lean, saying, 'Is not Jehovah in our midst? Evil doth not come in upon us.'

ylt@Micah:5:7 @And the remnant of Jacob hath been in the midst of many peoples, As dew from Jehovah -- as showers on the herb, That waiteth not for man, nor stayeth for the sons of men.

ylt@Micah:5:8 @Yea, the remnant of Jacob hath been among nations, In the midst of many peoples, As a lion among beasts of a forest, As a young lion among ranks of a flock, Which if it hath passed through, Hath both trodden down and hath torn, And there is no deliverer.

ylt@Micah:5:10 @And it hath come to pass in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah, I have cut off thy horses from thy midst, And I have destroyed thy chariots,

ylt@Micah:5:13 @And I have cut off thy graven images, And thy standing-pillars out of thy midst, And thou dost not bow thyself any more To the work of thy hands.

ylt@Micah:5:14 @And I have plucked up thy shrines out of thy midst, And I have destroyed thine enemies.

ylt@Micah:6:14 @Thou -- thou eatest, and thou art not satisfied, And thy pit [is] in thy midst, And thou removest, and dost not deliver, And that which thou deliverest, to a sword I give.

ylt@Micah:7:14 @Rule Thou Thy people with Thy rod, The flock of Thine inheritance, Dwelling alone [in] a forest in the midst of Carmel, They enjoy Bashan and Gilead as in days of old.

ylt@Nahum:3:13 @Lo, thy people [are] women in thy midst, To thine enemies thoroughly opened Have been the gates of thy land, Consumed hath fire thy bars.

ylt@Habakkuk:2:19 @Wo [to] him who is saying to wood, 'Awake,' 'Stir up,' to a dumb stone, It a teacher! lo, it is overlaid -- gold and silver, And there is no spirit in its midst.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:2 @O Jehovah, I heard thy report, I have been afraid, O Jehovah, Thy work! in midst of years revive it, In the midst of years Thou makest known In anger Thou dost remember mercy.

ylt@Zephaniah:2:14 @And crouched in her midst have droves, Every beast of the nation, Both pelican and hedge-hog in her knobs lodge, A voice doth sing at the window, 'Destruction [is] at the threshold, For the cedar-work is exposed.'

ylt@Zephaniah:3:3 @Her heads in her midst [are] roaring lions, Her judges [are] evening wolves, They have not gnawn the bone in the morning.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:5 @Jehovah [is] righteous in her midst, He doth not do perverseness, Morning by morning His judgment he giveth to the light, It hath not been lacking, And the perverse doth not know shame.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:11 @In that day thou art not ashamed because of any of thine actions, Wherewith thou hast transgressed against Me, For then do I turn aside from thy midst The exulting ones of thine excellency, And thou dost add no more to be haughty, In My holy mountain.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:12 @And I have left in thy midst a people humble and poor, And they have trusted in the name of Jehovah.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:15 @Jehovah hath turned aside thy judgments, He hath faced thine enemy, The king of Israel, Jehovah, [is] in thy midst, Thou seest evil no more.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:17 @Jehovah thy God [is] in thy midst, A mighty one doth save, He rejoiceth over thee with joy, He doth work in His love, He joyeth over thee with singing.'

ylt@Haggai:2:5 @The thing that I covenanted with you, In your coming forth from Egypt, And My Spirit is remaining in your midst, fear not.

ylt@Zechariah:2:4 @and he saith unto him, 'Run, speak unto this young man, saying: Unwalled villages inhabit doth Jerusalem, From the abundance of man and beast in her midst.

ylt@Zechariah:2:5 @And I -- I am to her -- an affirmation of Jehovah, A wall of fire round about, And for honour I am in her midst.

ylt@Zechariah:2:10 @Singe, and rejoice, O daughter of Zion, For lo, I am coming, and have dwelt in thy midst, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Zechariah:2:11 @And joined have been many nations unto Jehovah in that day, And they have been to Me for a people, And I have dwelt in thy midst, And thou hast known that Jehovah of Hosts hath sent me unto thee.

ylt@Zechariah:5:4 @'I have brought it out -- an affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts -- and it hath come in unto the house of the thief, and unto the house of him who hath sworn in My name to a falsehood, and it hath remained in the midst of his house, and hath consumed it, both its wood and its stones.'

ylt@Zechariah:5:7 @And lo, a cake of lead lifted up; and this [is] a woman sitting in the midst of the ephah.'

ylt@Zechariah:5:8 @And he saith, 'This [is] the wicked woman.' And he casteth her unto the midst of the ephah, and casteth the weight of lead on its mouth.

ylt@Zechariah:8:3 @Thus said Jehovah: I have turned back unto Zion, And I have dwelt in the midst of Jerusalem, And Jerusalem hath been called 'The city of truth,' And the mountain of Jehovah of Hosts, 'The holy mountain.'

ylt@Zechariah:8:8 @And I have brought them in, They have dwelt in the midst of Jerusalem, And they have been to Me for a people, And I am to them for God, In truth and in righteousness.

ylt@Zechariah:12:1 @The burden of a word of Jehovah on Israel. An affirmation of Jehovah, Stretching out heaven, and founding earth, And forming the spirit of man in his midst.

ylt@Zechariah:14:1 @Lo, a day hath come to Jehovah, And divided hath been thy spoil in thy midst.

ylt@Zechariah:14:4 @And stood have His feet, in that day, On the mount of Olives, That [is] before Jerusalem eastward, And cleft hath been the mount of Olives at its midst, To the east, and to the west, a very great valley, And removed hath the half of the mount towards the north. And its half towards the south.