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rotherham@Genesis:2:23 @ And the man said, This, one, now, is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh! This, one shall be called Woman, for, out of a man, hath this one been taken.

rotherham@Genesis:9:5 @ And surely your blood, of your lives, will I require, From the hand of every living creature, will I require it, and from the hand of man From the hand of each ones brother, will I require the life of man:

rotherham@Genesis:16:12 @ But, he, will be a wild ass of a man, his hand, against every one, and every ones hand against himyet, in presence of all his brethren, shall he have his habitation.

rotherham@Genesis:27:9 @ Go, I pray thee, unto the flock, and fetch me from thence two kids of the goats, fine ones, that I may make of them dainty meats for thy father such as he loveth:

rotherham@Genesis:27:15 @ Then took Rebekah the garments of Esau her elder son, the costly ones, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob her younger son:

rotherham@Genesis:28:11 @ And he lighted on a place, and tarried the night there, because the sun had gone in, and he took of the stones of the place, and put for his pillow, and lay down in that place,

rotherham@Genesis:30:42 @ but, when the flocks were late in bearing, he did not set them, and so the late-born were Labans, out the strong ones Jacobs.

rotherham@Genesis:31:46 @ Then said Jacob to his brethren Gather stones. And they took stones and made a heap, and they did eat there, by the heap.

rotherham@Genesis:34:29 @ and all their wealth and all their little ones, and their women, took they captive, and seized as plunder, even all that was in their houses.

rotherham@Genesis:42:11 @ All of us, are, sons of one man, honest men, are we: thy servants are not, spies.

rotherham@Genesis:42:19 @ If ye, are, honest men, one brother of you shall be kept as a prisoner in your house of ward, but, ye, go, take in corn for the famine of your houses;

rotherham@Genesis:42:31 @ And we said unto him Honest men, are, we, we are not spies!

rotherham@Genesis:42:33 @ Then said the man the lord of the land unto us, Hereby, shall I get to know that honest men, ye are, One brother of you, leave ye remaining with me, and corn for the famine of your houses, take ye and go your way;

rotherham@Genesis:42:34 @ And bring ye in your youngest brother unto me, So must I get to know that ye are, not spies, but are honest men: Your brother, will I give up to you, and with the land, shall ye traffic.

rotherham@Genesis:43:8 @ Then said Judah unto Israel his father Come! send thou down the young man with me that we may arise and go our way, and live and not die, both we and thou and our little ones.

rotherham@Genesis:45:19 @ Thou, therefore command them, This, do ye, Take you out of the land of Egypt, waggons for your little ones and for your wives, so shall ye bring your father and come in.

rotherham@Genesis:46:5 @ So Jacob rose up from Beer-sheba, and the sons of Israel brought Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their wives, in the waggons which Pharaoh had sent to bring him;

rotherham@Genesis:47:12 @ And Joseph nourished his father and his brethren, and all his fathers house, with bread, according to the need of their little ones.

rotherham@Genesis:47:24 @ and it shall come to pass that, of the yield, ye shall give a fifth to Pharaoh, but the four parts, shall be your ownfor seed for the field, and for your food and for them who are in your households and for food for your little ones.

rotherham@Genesis:49:9 @ A lions whelp, is Judah, From the prey, my son hast thou come up! He hath stoopedhath crouched As a lionor as a lioness, Who shall rouse him?

rotherham@Genesis:50:8 @ and all the house of Joseph, and his brethren, and the house of his father, only their little ones and their flocks and their herds, left they. in the land of Goshen.

rotherham@Genesis:50:21 @ Now, therefore do not fear! I will nourish you and your little ones. Thus he consoled them, and spake unto their heart.

rotherham@Genesis:50:25 @ Then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear saying, God will, surely concern, himself for you, So shall ye carry up my bones, from hence.

rotherham@Exodus:10:10 @ Then he said unto them: Let Yahweh, so, be with you, when I let go you and your little ones! Look out for, harm, is straight before your faces.

rotherham@Exodus:10:24 @ Then Pharaoh called out unto Moses and said Go serve Yahweh, only, your flocks and your herds, shall be left, even your little ones shall go with you.

rotherham@Exodus:11:5 @ then shall every firstborn in the land of Egypt die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who is sitting on his throne, unto the firstborn of the handmaid who is behind the two millstones, and every firstborn of beasts;

rotherham@Exodus:12:37 @ Then did the sons of Israel break up from Rameses, towards Succoth, about six hundred thousand foot of men grown, besides little ones.

rotherham@Exodus:13:19 @ And Moses took the bones of Joseph, with him, for he had, taken an oath, of the sons of Israel saying, God will, surely visit, you, so then ye shall carry up my bones from hence with you.

rotherham@Exodus:15:15 @ Then, were amazed the chiefs of Edom, The mighty ones of Moab, there seizeth them, a trembling, Melted away, have all the dwellers of Canaan:

rotherham@Exodus:20:25 @ But if, an altar of stones, thou wilt make to me, thou shalt not build them hewn, for as soon as thou hast lifted, thy sharp tool, thereupon, thou hast profaned it;

rotherham@Exodus:25:7 @ onyx stones, and setting stones, for the ephod and for the breastpiece:

rotherham@Exodus:28:9 @ And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and engrave upon them the names of the sons of Israel:

rotherham@Exodus:28:11 @ with the work of a stone engraver, like seal-ring engravings, shalt thou engrave the two stones, after the names of the sons of Israel, to be encircled with settings of gold, shalt thou make them.

rotherham@Exodus:28:12 @ And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulderpieces of the ephod, as stones of memorial for the sons of Israel, so shall Aaron bear their names before Yahweh upon his two shoulders, for a memorial.

rotherham@Exodus:28:17 @ And thou shalt set therein a setting of stones, four rows of stones, one rowa sardius, a topaz and an emerald, the first row;

rotherham@Exodus:28:21 @ And the stones shall be after the names of the sons of Israeltwelve, after their names, as the engravings of a seal-ring everyone after his name, shall they be, for the twelve tribes,

rotherham@Exodus:31:5 @ and in the cutting of stones for setting, and in the carving of wood, to work in all manner of workmanship,

rotherham@Exodus:35:9 @ and onyx stones and setting stones, for the ephod, and for the breastpiece.

rotherham@Exodus:35:27 @ And the princes, brought in the onyx stones and the setting stones, for the ephod and for the breastpiece;

rotherham@Exodus:35:33 @ and in the cutting of stones for setting, and in the cutting of wood, to work in any manner of skilful workmanship,

rotherham@Exodus:39:6 @ And they wrought the onyx stones, enclosed in ouches of gold, graven with the engravings of a seal-ring, after the names of the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Exodus:39:7 @ And he put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, as stones of memorial for the sons of Israel, As Yahweh commanded Moses.

rotherham@Exodus:39:10 @ And they set therein four rows of stones, one row sardius, a topaz and an emerald, the first row;

rotherham@Exodus:39:14 @ And as for the stones, after the names of the sons of Israel, they were twelve, after their names, with the engravings of a seal-ring, each one, after his name, for the twelve tribes,

rotherham@Leviticus:13:18 @ And, when, any ones flesh, hath, in the skin thereof, a boil, and then it is healed;

rotherham@Leviticus:13:24 @ Or, when, any ones flesh, hath in the skin thereof a fiery burning, and the burning wound becometh a bright spot reddish white, or white,

rotherham@Leviticus:14:40 @ then shall the priest give command, and they shall pull out the stones, wherein is the mark, and cast them forth outside the city, into an unclean place;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:42 @ and shall take other stones, and put in the place of the stones, and, other mortar, shall he take and plaster the house.

rotherham@Leviticus:14:43 @ But if the mark again breaketh out in the house, after the taking out of the stones, and after the scraping of the house and after the plastering,;

rotherham@Leviticus:14:45 @ and he shall pull down the house, the stones thereof, and the timber thereof and all the mortar of the house, and shall carry them forth outside the city, into an unclean place.

rotherham@Leviticus:20:2 @ Unto the sons of Israel, therefore shalt thou say, What man soever, there may be of the sons of Israel, or of the sojourners that sojourn in Israel, that giveth of his seed unto Molech, he shall, surely be put to death, the people of the land shall stone him with stones;

rotherham@Leviticus:20:27 @ And as touching man or woman, when there shall be in them a familiar spirit, or the spirit of an circle, they shall, surely be put to death, with stones, shall they be stonedtheir blood, shall be upon themselves.

rotherham@Leviticus:21:20 @ or is hump-backed or a dwarf, or hath defective vision, or hath scurvy or scab, or is crushed in the stones:

rotherham@Leviticus:22:24 @ But that which is bruised in the stones or broken therein, or torn or cut, shall ye neither bring ear unto Yahweh, nor on your own land, shall ye offer.

rotherham@Leviticus:24:23 @ So then Moses spake unto the sons of Israel, and they took forth the reviler, unto the outside of the camp, and stoned him with stones. Thus, the sons of Israel did, as Yahweh commanded Moses.

rotherham@Numbers:7:34 @ ones young he-goat for a sin-bearer;

rotherham@Numbers:11:8 @ The people used to go about and pick it up, and grind it with a pair of mill-stones, or pound it in a mortar, and boil it in a pot, and make it into round cakes, then was the taste thereof like the taste of a sweet cake made with oil.

rotherham@Numbers:14:3 @ Wherefore then is Yahweh bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and little ones, will become a prey! Would it not be well for us to go back towards Egypt?

rotherham@Numbers:14:10 @ But when all the assembly bade stone them with stones, the glory of Yahweh, appeared, in the tent of meeting, unto all the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Numbers:14:31 @ whereas, your little ones, of whom ye said, they should become, a prey, I will bring them in, and they shall acknowledge the land which ye refused.

rotherham@Numbers:15:35 @ Then said Yahweh unto Moses, The man shall be, put to death, all the assembly, stoning him with stones, outside the camp.

rotherham@Numbers:15:36 @ So then all the assembly, put him forth, outside the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died, As Yahweh commanded Moses.

rotherham@Numbers:16:27 @ So they went up from beside the habitation of Korah, Dathan and Abiram on every side, and, Dathan and Abiram, came out and stationed themselves at the entrance of their tents, with their wives and their sons and their little ones.

rotherham@Numbers:23:24 @ Lo, a people, like a lioness, shall rise, And like a strong lion, shall rouse himself up; He will not lie down till be eat the torn, And the blood of the slain, he drink.

rotherham@Numbers:24:8 @ GOD having brought him forth out of Egypt, The very horns of the buffalo, are his, He eateth up nations that assail him And the bones of them, he breaketh And the loins of him, he crusheth:

rotherham@Numbers:24:9 @ He hath knelthath lain down, Like a strong lion, yea like a lioness, Who shall rouse him up? Such as bless thee are each one blessed, But, such, as curse thee, are each one cursed.

rotherham@Numbers:30:13 @ As for any vow, or any oath of binding, to humble ones soul, her husband, may make it stand, or, her husband, may make it of none effect.

rotherham@Numbers:31:9 @ And the sons of Israel took captive the women of Midian and their little ones, all their cattle also and all their flocks and all their substance, carried they off as a prey;

rotherham@Numbers:32:16 @ Then came they near unto him, and said, Folds, for flocks, would we build for our cattle, here, and cities for our little ones;

rotherham@Numbers:32:17 @ but, we, would arm ourselves promptly, before the sons of Israel, until that we have brought them into their place, so should our little ones remain in the fortified cities, because of the inhabitants of the land.

rotherham@Numbers:32:24 @ Build you cities for your little ones, and folds for your flocks, and then that which hath gone forth from your mouth, ye shall do.

rotherham@Numbers:32:26 @ Our little ones, our wives, our cattle, and all our beasts, shall remain there in the cities of Gilead;

rotherham@Numbers:33:52 @ then shall ye dispossess all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and shall destroy all their figured stones, all their molten images, also shall ye destroy, and all their high places, shall ye lay waste.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:1:39 @ And your little ones, of whom ye said they should become, a prey, and your sons who to-day know not good and evil, they, shall enter in thither, and unto them, will I give it, and they, shall possess it.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:2:34 @ And we captured all his cities, at that time, and devoted to destruction every city of males, with the women and the little ones, we left not remaining a survivor:

rotherham@Deuteronomy:3:6 @ And we devoted them to destruction, doing unto them as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, devoting to destruction every city of males, the women, and the little ones.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:3:19 @ Only, your wives and your little ones and your cattle I know that ye have much cattleshall abide in your cities which I have given unto you;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:8:9 @ a land wherein not in scarcity, shalt thou eat food, thou shalt lack nothing therein, a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest hew copper.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:13:10 @ And thou shalt stone him with stones that he die, for he hath sought to seduce thee from Yahweh thy God, who brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of servants.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:17:5 @ then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman who hath done this wicked thing, within thy gatesthe man, or the woman, and shalt stone them with stones that they die.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:20:14 @ but the women and the little ones and the cattle and all that shall be in the cityall the spoil thereof, shalt thou take as thy prey, so shalt thou eat the spoil of thine enemies, whom Yahweh thy God hath delivered unto thee.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:21:21 @ Then shall all the men of his city stone him with stones that he die, so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of thy midst, and, all Israel, shall hear and fear.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:22:21 @ then shall they bring forth the damsel into the entrance of her fathers house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die, because she hath wrought wickedness in Israel, by committing unchastity in her fathers house, so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of thy midst.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:22:24 @ then shall ye bring them, both, out unto the gate of that city, and stone them with stones that they die, the damsel, because she made not an outcry in the city, and the man because he hath humbled his neighbours wife, so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of thy midst.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:27:2 @ So then it shall be in the day when ye shall pass over the Jordan, into the land which Yahweh thy God is giving unto thee, that thou shalt rear thee up great stones, and plaster them with plaster;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:27:4 @ So then it shall be when ye shall pass over the Jordan, that ye shall rear up these stones which I am commanding you to-day in Mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaster them with plaster.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:27:5 @ And thou shalt build there an altar unto Yahweh thy God, an altar of stones, thou shalt not wield thereupon any tool of iron.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:27:6 @ Of whole stones, shalt thou build the altar of Yahweh thy God, then shalt thou cause to go up thereon ascending-sacrifices, unto Yahweh thy God;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:27:8 @ And thou shalt write upon the stones all the words of this law doing it plainly and well.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:29:11 @ your little ones your wives, and thy sojourner that is in the midst of thy camps, from him that heweth thy wood unto him that draweth thy water:

rotherham@Deuteronomy:31:12 @ Call together the peoplethe men and the women and the little ones, and thy sojourner who is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, so shall they revere Yahweh your God, and observe to do all the words of this law;

rotherham@Deuteronomy:32:11 @ As, an eagle, stirreth up his nest, Over his young ones, fluttereth, Spreadeth abroad his wings, taketh one, Beareth it up on his pinions,

rotherham@Deuteronomy:32:17 @ They sacrificed to mischievous demons to a No-GOD, Gods whom they knew not, New ones lately come in, Your fathers never shuddered at them!

rotherham@Deuteronomy:33:3 @ Yea he loved the tribes, All his holy ones, were in thy hand, Yea, they, were encamped at thy feet, Each one bare away some of thy words.

rotherham@Deuteronomy:33:20 @ And, of Gad, he said: Blessed, be he that hath made room for Gad, As a lioness, hath he laid himself down, And hath torn an arm likewise the crown of the head;

rotherham@Joshua:1:14 @ Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle, shall remain in the land which Moses hath given you over the Jordan, but, ye, shall pass over, armed, before your brethren, all ye mighty men of valour, and shall help them;

rotherham@Joshua:4:3 @ and command ye them, saying, Take you up from hence, out of the midst of the Jordan, from the place where stood the feet of the priests with firm footing, twelve stones; and carry them over with you, and lay them down in the lodging-place where ye shall lodge, tonight.

rotherham@Joshua:4:6 @ that this may be a sign in your midst, for your sons will ask in time to come, saying, What mean these stones to you?

rotherham@Joshua:4:7 @ Then shall ye say unto them That the waters of the Jordan, were cut off, from before the ark of the covenant of Yahweh, when it passed into the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan, were cut off. So shall these stones become a memorial unto the sons of Israel, unto times age-abiding.

rotherham@Joshua:4:8 @ And the sons of Israel did so, as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, as spake Yahweh unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel, and carried them with them unto the place where they lodged, and laid them down there.

rotherham@Joshua:4:9 @ Twelve stones also, did Joshua set up in the midst of the Jordan, in the place where stood the feet of the priests who were bearing the ark of the covenant, and they have remained there until this day.

rotherham@Joshua:4:20 @ And, these twelve stones which they took out of the Jordan, did Joshua set up, in Gilgal.

rotherham@Joshua:4:21 @ Then spake he unto the sons of Israel, saying, When your sons shall ask, in time to come, of their fathers, saying, What mean these stones?

rotherham@Joshua:7:25 @ And Joshua said Why hast thou troubled us? Yahweh, will trouble thee, this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them up with fire, and covered them with stones;

rotherham@Joshua:7:26 @ yea they raised over him a great heap of stones

rotherham@Joshua:8:29 @ And, the king of Ai, hanged he on a tree until eventide, but, at the going in of the sun, Joshua gave command and they took down his dead body from the tree, and cast it in at the opening of the gate of the city, and raised up over it a great heap of stones

rotherham@Joshua:8:31 @ as Moses, the servant of Yahweh, commanded the sons of Israel, as it is written in the scroll of the law of Moses, an altar of whole stones, whereon had not been wielded any tool of iron, and they caused to go up thereon, ascending-sacrifices unto Yahweh, and sacrificed peace-offerings.

rotherham@Joshua:8:32 @ Then wrote he there, upon the stones, a copy of the law of Moses, which he wrote, in the presence of the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Joshua:8:35 @ Them was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Joshua read not before all the convocation of Israel, with the women and the little ones, and the sojourner who was going on in their midst.

rotherham@Joshua:10:11 @ And it came to pass, when they fled from before Israel, they, being on the slope of Beth-horon, that, Yahweh, cast down upon them great stones out of the heavens, as far as Azekah, and they died, more, were they who died by the hailstones, than they whom the sons of Israel slew with the sword.

rotherham@Joshua:10:18 @ And Joshua said, Roll ye great stones against the mouth of the cave, and set over it men, to watch them;

rotherham@Joshua:10:27 @ And it came to pass, at the time of the going in of the sun, that Joshua gave command, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave, where they had hid themselves, and put great stones upon the mouth of the cave,

rotherham@Joshua:24:32 @ And, the bones of Josephwhich the sons of Israel had brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in the portion of field, which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor, father of Shechem, for a hundred pieces of money, and they belonged unto the sons of Joseph, as an inheritance.

rotherham@Judges:18:21 @ So they turned, and went their way, and put the little ones, and the cattle, and the goods, before them.

rotherham@Judges:21:10 @ So the assembly sent thither twelve thousand men, of the sons of valour, and commanded them, saying: Go and smite the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead, with the edge of the sword, with the women, and the little ones.

rotherham@1Samuel:2:9 @ The feet of his loving ones, he doth guard, But, the lawless, in darkness shall be silent, For, by strength, shall no man prevail.

rotherham@1Samuel:11:2 @ And Nahash the Ammonite said unto them, Hereby, will I solemnise with you by digging out for you, every ones right eye, and laying it for a reproach, upon all Israel.

rotherham@1Samuel:17:40 @ Then took he his stick in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the torrent-bed, and put them in the shepherds-pouch which he hadeven in the wallet, and had his sling in his hand, and so drew near unto the Philistine.

rotherham@1Samuel:31:13 @ and took their bones, and buried them under the tamarisk-tree in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

rotherham@2Samuel:7:9 @ and was with thee, whithersoever thou didst go, and have cut off all thine enemies, from before thee, and will make thee a name, like the name of the great ones who are in the earth;

rotherham@2Samuel:12:30 @ Then took he the crown of Milcom from off his head, the weight thereof, being a talent of gold, with the precious stones, and it remained on the head of David, the spoil of the city also, brought he forth in great abundance;

rotherham@2Samuel:15:22 @ Then said David unto Ittai Go, and pass on. So Ittai the Gittite passed on, with all his men, and all the little ones that were with him.

rotherham@2Samuel:16:6 @ And he pelted, with stones, David and all the servants of King David, all the people, and all the mighty men, being on his right hand and on his left.

rotherham@2Samuel:16:13 @ And, when David and his men went along in the way, Shimei, was going along on the side of the hill over against him, cursing as he went, pelting him with stones, and throwing dust.

rotherham@2Samuel:18:17 @ And they took Absolom, and cast him, in the forest, into a large pit, and raised up over him a very great heap of stones, and, all Israel, fled, every man to his home.

rotherham@2Samuel:21:12 @ So David went and fetched the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son, from the owners of Jabesh-gilead, who stole them from the broadway of Beth-shan, where the Philistines had hanged them, on the day when the Philistines had smitten Saul in Gilboa;

rotherham@2Samuel:21:13 @ and he brought up from thence the bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son, and they gathered together the bones of them who had been crucified;

rotherham@2Samuel:21:14 @ so they buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the land of Benjamin, in Zelah, in the grave of Kish his father, thus did they all that the king commanded, and God suffered himself to be entreated for the land, after this.

rotherham@1Kings:5:17 @ And the king commanded, and they quarried great stones, costly stones, to found the house with hewn stones.

rotherham@1Kings:5:18 @ And Solomons builders and Hirams builders with the Gebalites wrought them, thus made they ready the timber and the stones, for building the house.

rotherham@1Kings:6:7 @ Now, the house, when it was in building, with whole quarry-stones, was built, neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tools of iron, was heard in the house, when it was in building.

rotherham@1Kings:7:9 @ All these, were of costly stones, after the dimensions of hewn stones, sawn with saws, within and without, even from the foundation, unto the coping, and without as far as the great court.

rotherham@1Kings:7:10 @ And, the foundation, was of costly stones, large stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits.

rotherham@1Kings:7:11 @ And, above, were costly stones, after the dimensions of hewn stone, and cedar.

rotherham@1Kings:10:2 @ Yea she came to Jerusalem with a very heavily-laden train, of camels bearing spices, and gold in great abundance, and precious stones, and, when she was come to Solomon, she spake unto him all that was near her heart;

rotherham@1Kings:10:10 @ And she gave unto the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and spices in great abundance, and precious stones, there came in no more, such spice for abundance, as that which the queen of Sheba gave unto King Solomon.

rotherham@1Kings:10:11 @ Moreover also, the fleet of Hiram, which brought gold from Ophir, brought in, from Ophir sandal-wood in great abundance, and precious stones.

rotherham@1Kings:10:27 @ And the king caused silver in Jerusalem to be as stones, cedars also, caused he to be as the sycamores that are in the lowlands, for abundance.

rotherham@1Kings:12:18 @ Then King Rehoboam sent Adoniram who was over the tribute, but all Israel stoned him with stones, that he died, King Rehoboam, therefore, hastily mounted his chariot, to flee unto Jerusalem.

rotherham@1Kings:13:2 @ And he made proclamation against the altar, by the word of Yahweh, and said, O altar! altar! Thus, saith Yahweh, Lo! a son to be born unto the house of David, Josiah his name, who shall sacrifice upon thee the priests of the high-places, who are making a perfume upon thee, and, human bones, shall be burned upon thee;

rotherham@1Kings:13:31 @ And it came to pass, after he had buried him, that he spake unto his sons, saying, When I die, then shall ye bury me in the grave wherein the man of God is buried; beside his bones, lay my bones;

rotherham@1Kings:15:22 @ And, King Asa, published it unto all Judah, none was exempted, so they carried away the stones of Ramah, and the beams thereof, wherewith Baasha had built, and King Asa built therewith Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah.

rotherham@1Kings:18:30 @ Then said Elijah unto all the people: Draw near unto, me. And all the people drew near unto, him. Then repaired he the broken-down altar of Yahweh; yea Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob,

rotherham@1Kings:18:32 @ and built, with the stones, an altar, in the name of Yahweh, and he made a trench, as large as would contain two measures of seed, round about the altar;

rotherham@1Kings:18:38 @ Then fell fire from Yahweh, and consumed the ascending-sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, even the water that was in the trench, it licked up.

rotherham@1Kings:19:6 @ So he looked about, and lo! at his head, a cake baked on hot stones, and a cruse of water, and he did eat and drink, and then went back and lay down.

rotherham@1Kings:21:13 @ Then came in the two reckless men, and sat before him, and the men bare witness against him, even against Naboth, before the people, saying, Naboth hath reviled God and king! So they carried him forth, outside the city, and stoned him with stones, that he died.

rotherham@2Kings:3:19 @ And ye shall smite every strong city, and every choice city, and, every goodly tree, shall ye fell, and, all fountains water, shall ye close up, and, every goodly heritage, shall ye mar with stones.

rotherham@2Kings:3:25 @ And, the cities, they pulled down, and, on every goodly heritage, they cast every man his stone, and filled it, and, all fountains of waters, they closed up, and, every goodly tree, they felled, and, though they left the stones thereof in Kir-haraseth, yet the slingers surrounded and smote it.

rotherham@2Kings:13:21 @ and it came to pass, as, they, were burying a man, that, lo! they saw a troop, so they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha, and, as soon as the man touched the bones of Elisha, he came to life again, and rose up on his feet.

rotherham@2Kings:16:17 @ And King Ahaz cut off the side walls of the stands, and took away from off them the laver, and, the sea, took he down from off the oxen of bronze, which were under it, and set it on a pavement of stones.

rotherham@2Kings:22:6 @ to the carpenters, and to the builders, and to the masons, and to buy timber, and hewn stones, for repairing the house.

rotherham@2Kings:23:8 @ and be brought in all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where, the priests, had burned incense, from Geba unto Beer-sheba, and brake down the high places of the gates, that were at the entrance of the gate of Joshua, the governor of the city, which were on ones left hand, in the gate of the city;

rotherham@2Kings:23:14 @ and he brake in pieces the pillars, and cut down the Sacred Stems, and filled their place with human bones:

rotherham@2Kings:23:16 @ And, when Josiah turned, and saw the graves which were there, in the mount, he sent and took the bones out of the graves, and burned upon the altar, and defiled it, according to the word of Yahweh, which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these things.

rotherham@2Kings:23:18 @ And he said Let him rest, let, no man, disturb his bones. So they let his bones rest, with the bones of the prophet who came in out of Samaria.

rotherham@2Kings:23:20 @ and he sacrificed all the priests of the high places, who were there, by the altars, and burned human bones thereupon, and returned to Jerusalem.

rotherham@1Chronicles:12:2 @ armed with the bow, using right hand or left with stones, and with arrows in the bow, of the brethren of Saul, out of Benjamin:

rotherham@1Chronicles:16:13 @ O ye seed of Israel his servant, sons of Jacob his chosen ones:

rotherham@1Chronicles:16:22 @ Ye may not touch mine Anointed ones, And, to my Prophets, may ye do no wrong.

rotherham@1Chronicles:16:41 @ and, with them, Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest of the chosen ones, who were distinguished by name, to give thanks unto Yahweh, For, age-abiding, is his lovingkindness!

rotherham@1Chronicles:17:8 @ and was with thee whithersoever thou didst go, and have out off all thine enemies, from before thee, and will make thee a name, like the name of the great ones, who are in the earth;

rotherham@1Chronicles:20:2 @ And David took the crown of their king from off his head, and found it weighed a talent of gold, and, therein, were precious stones, and it was on the head of David, and, the spoil of the city, brought he forth, in great abundance;

rotherham@1Chronicles:22:2 @ And David gave word, to gather together the sojourners, who were in the land of Israel, and he set hewers to hew squared stones, for building the house of God;

rotherham@1Chronicles:29:2 @ And, with all my might, have I made preparation for the house of my God, the gold for the gold, and the silver for the silver, and the bronze for the bronze, the iron for the iron, and the wood for the wood, and beryl stones and settings, stones coloured and particoloured, and all manner of precious stones and stones of white marble, in abundance.

rotherham@1Chronicles:29:8 @ And, every one with whom were found precious stones, gave to the treasure of the house of Yahweh, unto the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.

rotherham@2Chronicles:1:15 @ And the king made silver and gold in Jerusalem, like stones, and, cedars, made he like the sycomores that are in the lowland, for abundance.

rotherham@2Chronicles:2:14 @ son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, whose father was a man of Tyre, skilled to work in gold and in silver, in bronze, in iron, in stones and in timber, in purple, in blue and in fine white linen, and in crimson, and to grave any manner of graving, and to devise any manner of device that may be given to him, with thy wise men, and the wise men of my lord David thy father.

rotherham@2Chronicles:3:6 @ And he covered the house with precious stones, for beauty, and, the gold, was gold of Parvaim.

rotherham@2Chronicles:9:1 @ And, the queen of Sheba, heard the report of Solomon, so she came to prove Solomon with abstruse questions, in Jerusalem, with a very great train, and camels bearing spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones, and, when she was come to Solomon, she spake with him, as to all that was near her heart.

rotherham@2Chronicles:9:9 @ And she gave unto the king, a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and spices in great abundance and precious stones, and there was none like that spice, which the queen of Sheba gave unto King Solomon.

rotherham@2Chronicles:9:10 @ Moreover also, the servants of Huram, and the servants of Solomon, who brought gold from Ophir, brought sandal-wood and precious stones.

rotherham@2Chronicles:9:27 @ And the king made the silver in Jerusalem like the stones, and, the cedar trees, made he like the sycomores which are in the lowland, for abundance.

rotherham@2Chronicles:10:18 @ Then King Rehoboam sent Hadoram, who was over the tribute, and the sons of Israel stoned him with stones, that he died. So, King Rehoboam, hasted to mount his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.

rotherham@2Chronicles:16:6 @ And, Asa the king, took all Judah, and they carried away the stones of Ramah, and the timbers thereof, which Baasha had used in building, and he built therewith, Geba and Mizpah.

rotherham@2Chronicles:20:13 @ And, all Judah, were standing before Yahweh, also their little ones, their wives and their children.

rotherham@2Chronicles:24:21 @ So they conspired against him, and stoned him with stones, by the commandment of the king, in the court of the house of Yahweh.

rotherham@2Chronicles:26:14 @ And Uzziah prepared for them, for all the host, bucklers and spears and helmets, and coats of mail, and bows, and yea even sling-stones.

rotherham@2Chronicles:26:15 @ And he made in Jerusalem, inventions invented of the inventor, to be upon the towers and upon the turrets, for throwing with arrows, and with great stones, so that his name went forth afar, for he was marvellously helped, until that he was strong.

rotherham@2Chronicles:31:18 @ even to the registering of all their little ones, their wives and their sons and their daughters, unto all the convocation, for, in their trust, they hallowed themselves in holiness;

rotherham@2Chronicles:32:27 @ And it came to pass that, Hezekiah, had riches and honour in great abundance, and, treasuries, made he for himselffor silver and for gold and for costly stones, and for spices and for precious things, and for all utensils to be coveted;

rotherham@2Chronicles:34:5 @ And, the bones of the priests, burned he upon their altars, and so purified Judah and Jerusalem:

rotherham@2Chronicles:34:11 @ yea they delivered it to the artificers and to the builders, to buy carved stones and timbers for the joinings, and to build up the houses which the kings of Judah had destroyed.

rotherham@Ezra:5:8 @ Be it known unto the king, that we journeyed into the province of Judah, unto the house of the Great God, and, the same, is being built with large stones, and, timber, is being laid in the walls, and, this work, with speed, is being done, and is prospering in their hands.

rotherham@Ezra:6:4 @ layers of large stones, three, and one layer of new timber, and, as for the expenses, out of the house of the king, let them be given.

rotherham@Ezra:8:21 @ Then proclaimed I there a fast, by the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek of him a smooth way, for us and for our little ones, and for all our substance.

rotherham@Nehemiah:4:2 @ and spake before his brethren, and the army of Samaria, and said, What are, these feeble Jews, doing? will they fortify themselves? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they bring to life the stones out of the heaps of dust, when, they, have been burned up?

rotherham@Esther:3:13 @ Then were sent letters, by the hand of the runners, into all the provinces of the king, To destroy, to slay and to cause to perish all Jews, both young and old, little ones and women, in one day, on the thirteenth of the twelfth month, the same, is the month Adar, and the spoil of them to be a prey.

rotherham@Esther:8:11 @ That the king had granted unto the Jews who were in every city, to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay and to cause to perishall the force of the people and province who should distress them, their little ones and women, and the spoil of them as a prey:

rotherham@Job:4:11 @ The strong lion perishing for lack of prey, Even the whelps of the lioness, are scattered.

rotherham@Job:4:14 @ Dread, came upon me, and trembling, The multitude of my bones, it put in dread:

rotherham@Job:5:1 @ Call, I pray theeis there one to answer thee? Or, to which of the holy ones, wilt thou turn?

rotherham@Job:5:23 @ For, with the stones of the field, shall be thy covenant, and, the wild beast of the field, hath been made thy friend;

rotherham@Job:6:12 @ Is my strength, the strength of stones? Or is, my flesh, of bronze?

rotherham@Job:7:15 @ So that my soul chooseth strangling, Death, rather than my bones!

rotherham@Job:8:17 @ Over a heap, his roots are entwined, a place of stones, he descrieth;

rotherham@Job:9:23 @ If, a scourge, slay suddenly, at the despair of innocent ones, he mocketh.

rotherham@Job:10:11 @ With skin and flesh, clothe me? and, with bones and sinews, interweave me?

rotherham@Job:12:4 @ A laughing-stock to ones neighbour, do I become, one who hath called upon GOD and he hath answered him! A laughing-stocka righteous man without blame!

rotherham@Job:14:19 @ Stones, have been hollowed out by waters, the floods thereof wash away the dust of the earth, and, the hope of mortal man, thou hast destroyed:

rotherham@Job:15:15 @ Lo! in his holy ones, he putteth not confidence, and, the heavens, are not pure in his eyes:

rotherham@Job:19:20 @ Unto my skin and unto my flesh, have my bones cleaved, and I have escaped with the akin of my teeth.

rotherham@Job:20:11 @ His bones, are full of youthful vigour, yet, with himin the dust, shall it lie down.

rotherham@Job:21:11 @ They send forthlike a flocktheir young ones, and, their children, skip about for joy;

rotherham@Job:21:24 @ His veins, are filled with nourishment, and, the marrow of his bones, is fresh;

rotherham@Job:22:24 @ Then lay up, in the dust, precious ore, and, among the stones of the torrent-beds, fine gold:

rotherham@Job:24:1 @ Wherefore, since from the Almighty times are not hid, have, his knowing ones, no vision of his days?

rotherham@Job:25:2 @ Dominion and dread, are with him, who causeth prosperity among his lofty ones;

rotherham@Job:28:6 @ The place of sapphires, are the stones thereof, and it hath, nuggets of gold:

rotherham@Job:30:17 @ Night, boreth, my bones, all over me, and, my sinews, find no rest;

rotherham@Job:30:30 @ My skin, turned black, and peeled off me, and, my bones, burned with heat:

rotherham@Job:33:19 @ Or he is chastised with pain, upon his bed, and, the strife of his bones, is unceasing!

rotherham@Job:33:21 @ His flesh wasteth away out of sight, and bared are the bones once unseen;

rotherham@Job:34:24 @ He shattereth mighty ones unsearchably, and setteth up others in their stead:

rotherham@Job:36:6 @ He will not keep alive one who is lawless, but, the right of oppressed ones, will he grant;

rotherham@Job:38:39 @ Wilt thou huntfor the Lionessprey? Or, the craving of the Strong Lion, wilt thou satisfy;

rotherham@Job:38:41 @ Who prepareth for the Raven his nourishment, when his young onesunto GODcry out,

rotherham@Job:40:18 @ His bones, are barrels of bronze, his frame, is like hammered bars of iron:

rotherham@Job:41:28 @ The arrow, will not make him flee, Into chaff, are sling-stones changed by him:

rotherham@Psalms:6:2 @ Show me favour, O Yahweh, for languishing am I: Heal me, O Yahweh, for dismayed are my bones:

rotherham@Psalms:16:3 @ It belongeth unto the holy ones, whom, in his own land, Yahweh, ennobleth, In whom is all his delight

rotherham@Psalms:17:9 @ From the face of lawless ones who have treated me with violence, the foes of my soul, who come round against me:

rotherham@Psalms:22:14 @ Like water, am I poured out, and, put out of joint, are all my bones, My heart, hath become, like wax, it is melted in the midst of my body;

rotherham@Psalms:22:17 @ I may tell all my bones, They, look forthey behold me!

rotherham@Psalms:22:26 @ The patient wronged-ones shall eat and be satisfied, They shall praise Yahweh, who are seekers of him, Let your heart live for aye.

rotherham@Psalms:22:29 @ All the great ones of the earth, shall eat and bow down, Before him shall kneel, all that go down to the dust, Even he who had not kept alive, his own soul!

rotherham@Psalms:25:9 @ May he guide patient wronged-ones to be righted, and teach such oppressed-ones his way.

rotherham@Psalms:31:10 @ For, consumed with sorrow, is my life, and my years with sighing, My strength hath staggered with my humiliation, and, my bones, are without marrow.

rotherham@Psalms:32:3 @ When I kept silence, my bones became worn out, Through my groaning all the day;

rotherham@Psalms:34:2 @ In Yahweh, boasteth my soul, The patient oppressed-ones shall hear and be glad.

rotherham@Psalms:34:9 @ Revere Yahweh, ye his holy ones, For there is no want to them who revere him.

rotherham@Psalms:34:20 @ Keeping all his bones, Not, one from among them, is broken.

rotherham@Psalms:35:10 @ All my bones, shall say O Yahweh, who is like unto thee? Rescuing the oppressed from one stronger than he, Yea the oppressed and the needy, from their spoiler.

rotherham@Psalms:37:11 @ But, the patient oppressed-ones, shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves over the abundance of prosperity.

rotherham@Psalms:38:3 @ There is no soundness in my flesh, By reason of thine indignation, There is no peace in my bones, By reason of my sin;

rotherham@Psalms:38:11 @ My lovers, and my friends, from before my stroke, stand aloof, and, my near ones, far away, do stand:

rotherham@Psalms:42:10 @ With a crushing of my bones, have my adversaries reproached me, While they keep saying unto me all the day, Where is thy God?

rotherham@Psalms:45:8 @ Myrrh and aloes, cassias, all thy garments, Out of the palaces of ivory, the tones of strings, have rejoiced thee.

rotherham@Psalms:51:8 @ Wilt thou cause me to hear joy and gladness? The bones thou hast crushed would exult.

rotherham@Psalms:53:5 @ There have they been in great dread where no dread was, Because, God, hath scattered the bones of thy besieger, Thou hast put to shame, Because, God, had, rejected, them.

rotherham@Psalms:59:3 @ For lo! they have lain in wait for my life, Mighty ones stir up strife against me, Without transgression of mine, and without sin of mine, O Yahweh;

rotherham@Psalms:60:5 @ That thy beloved ones may be delivered, Save thou with thine own right handand answer us.

rotherham@Psalms:68:10 @ Thy living host, have remained therein, Thou dost provide, in thy bounty, for the humbled ones O God!

rotherham@Psalms:69:4 @ More than the hairs of my head, Are they who hate me without cause, Firmer than my bones, Are they who are my foes for false cause, What I had not plundered, then, had I to restore.

rotherham@Psalms:69:26 @ For, whom, thou thyself, hadst smitten, they pursued, And, unto the pain of thy wounded ones, they must needs add.

rotherham@Psalms:72:2 @ May he judge, Thy people with righteousness; And thine oppressed ones with justice;

rotherham@Psalms:74:19 @ Do not deliver up, to a wild beast, the life of thy turtle-dove, The living host of thine oppressed ones, do not forget perpetually.

rotherham@Psalms:75:8 @ For, a cup, is in the hand of Yahweh, Whose wine is foaming, It is full of spiced wine, Which he hath caused to flow from one to another, Surely, the dregs thereof, they shall drain outthey shall drink, Even all the lawless ones of the earth.

rotherham@Psalms:83:3 @ Against thy people, they craftily devise a secret plot, And conspire against thy treasured ones.

rotherham@Psalms:89:5 @ So shall the heavens praise thy wondrousness, O Yahweh, Yea, thy faithfulness, in the convocation of holy ones.

rotherham@Psalms:89:7 @ A GOD inspiring awe in the circle of the holy ones, exceedingly, And to be reverenced above all who are round about him.

rotherham@Psalms:101:8 @ Morning by morning, will I uproot, All the lawless ones of the land, That I may cut off, out of the city of Yahweh All the workers of iniquity.

rotherham@Psalms:102:3 @ For, consumed in smoke, are my days, And, my bones, like a burning mass, are scorched through;

rotherham@Psalms:102:14 @ Seeing that thy servants, take pleasure, in her stones, And, her dust, they favour:

rotherham@Psalms:105:6 @ O ye Seed of Abrahamhis servants, Sons of Jacobhis chosen ones:

rotherham@Psalms:105:15 @ Ye may not touch mine Anointed ones, And, to my Prophets, may ye do no wrong.

rotherham@Psalms:105:43 @ Thus brought he forth his people with gladness, With shouts of triumph, his chosen ones;

rotherham@Psalms:106:5 @ That I may look upon the welfare of thy chosen ones, That I may rejoice in the joy of thy nation, That I may glory, with thine inheritance.

rotherham@Psalms:106:18 @ Then was kindled a fire in their assembly, a flame, consumed the lawless ones.

rotherham@Psalms:108:6 @ To the end thy beloved ones may be delivered, Oh save thou with thy right hand and answer me!

rotherham@Psalms:109:18 @ Because he clothed himself in cursing as his outer garment, therefore may it have entered like water into his inward part, and like oil into his bones;

rotherham@Psalms:119:113 @ SAMECH. Half-hearted ones, do I hate, but, thy law, do I love.

rotherham@Psalms:122:5 @ For there are set Thrones for justice, Thrones for the house David.

rotherham@Psalms:132:15 @ Her provision, will I abundantly bless, Her needy ones, will I satisfy with bread;

rotherham@Psalms:141:7 @ As when one plougheth and furroweth the earth, Scattered about, are our bones at the mouth of hades!

rotherham@Psalms:149:4 @ For Yahweh is taking pleasure in his people, He will beautify humbled ones with victory.

rotherham@Psalms:149:8 @ To bind their kings with fetters, and their honoured ones with iron bands:

rotherham@Proverbs:1:22 @ How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and, scoffers, in scoffing, delight them? and, dullards, hate knowledge?

rotherham@Proverbs:3:8 @ Healing, shall it be to thy body, and refreshing, to thy bones.

rotherham@Proverbs:4:22 @ For, life, they are, to them who find them, and, to every part of ones flesh, they bring healing.

rotherham@Proverbs:7:7 @ And saw among the simple ones, discerned among the youths, A young man lacking sense;

rotherham@Proverbs:8:5 @ Understand, ye simple ones, shrewdness, and, ye dullards understand sense;

rotherham@Proverbs:9:6 @ Forsake the simple ones, and live, and advance in the way of understanding.

rotherham@Proverbs:12:4 @ A virtuous woman, is the crown of her husband, but, a veritable decay in his bones, is she that causeth shame.

rotherham@Proverbs:12:9 @ Better slighted, and have a servant, than to honour oneself, and come short of bread.

rotherham@Proverbs:14:30 @ The life of the whole body, is a tranquil mind, but, a decay of the bones, is jealousy.

rotherham@Proverbs:15:30 @ The sparkling of bright eyes, rejoiceth the heart, Good news, giveth marrow to the bones.

rotherham@Proverbs:19:14 @ House and substance, are an inheritance from ones fathers, but, from Yahweh, cometh a wife who is prudent.

rotherham@Proverbs:27:9 @ Oil and perfume, rejoice the heart, the sweetness of ones friend, more than fragrant wood.

rotherham@Proverbs:30:3 @ Neither have I learned wisdom, nor, the knowledge of the Holy Ones, can I acquire.

rotherham@Ecclesiastes:3:5 @ A time to cast away stones, and a time to heap up stones, A time to embrace, and a time to be far from loving embrace;

rotherham@Ecclesiastes:3:12 @ I know that there is no blessedness in them, save to be glad, and to do well with ones life.

rotherham@Ecclesiastes:5:18 @ Lo! what, I myself, have seen Better that it should be excellent to eat and to drink and to see blessedness, in all ones toil wherein one toileth under the sun, for the number of the days of his life, in that God hath given it him, for, that, is his portion:

rotherham@Ecclesiastes:7:1 @ Better a name, than precious ointment, and the day of death, than the day of ones birth.

rotherham@Ecclesiastes:10:9 @ He that removeth stones, may be hurt therewith, and he that cleaveth wood, may be endangered thereby.

rotherham@Isaiah:1:27 @ Zion, with justice shall be redeemed, And her returning ones, with righteousness;

rotherham@Isaiah:5:2 @ And he thoroughly digged it, And gathered out the stones thereof, And planted it with a precious vine, And built a tower in the midst thereof, Moreover also a wine-press, hewed he therein, Then waited he that it should bring forth grapes. And it brought forth wild grapes:

rotherham@Isaiah:5:29 @ A roar, hath he, like a lioness, He will roar like wild lions And will growl, and lay hold on prey, and carry into safety, and there be none to deliver.

rotherham@Isaiah:10:16 @ Therefore, shall the Lord, Yahweh of hosts, Send, among his fat ones, leanness, And under his glory, shall he kindle a kindling, like the kindling of fire;

rotherham@Isaiah:11:7 @ And the cow, with the bear shall find pasture, Together, shall their young ones, lie down, And, the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw;

rotherham@Isaiah:13:3 @ I myself, have given charge to my hallowed ones, Yea I have called My heroes in showing mine anger, My proudly exulting ones. The noise of a multitude in the mountains A resemblance of many people,

rotherham@Isaiah:14:9 @ Hades beneath, is excited about thee To meet thine arrival, Rousing up, for thee Shades, All the he-goats of earth! Maketh rise from their thrones, All the kings of the nations.

rotherham@Isaiah:14:20 @ As for them who go down to the stones of the Pit, Thou shalt not be united with them in burial; For thy land, thou didst ruin Thy people, didst slay, Unnamed to times ago-abiding, Be the seed of the wicked!

rotherham@Isaiah:26:10 @ Let favour be shewed to the lawless, he hath not learned righteousness, In a land of honest dealings, he acteth perversely, And seeth not the splendour of Yahweh.

rotherham@Isaiah:27:9 @ Therefore hereby, shall a propitiatorycovering be put over the iniquity of Jacob, And all, this, is the fruit of taking away his sin, When he maketh all the stones of an altar like chalk-stones that soon crumble, Sacred Stems and Sun Images, shall not arise.

rotherham@Isaiah:28:20 @ For too short is the couch to stretch oneself out, And, the coverlet, too narrow, when one draweth up his feet.

rotherham@Isaiah:30:6 @ The Oracle on the Beasts of the South, Through a land of distress and oppression Lioness and lion coming therefrom, Viper and fiery flying serpent, They would carry, on the shoulders of young asses their wealth And on the humps of camels their treasures Unto a people that cannot serve them.

rotherham@Isaiah:32:10 @ Some days beyond a year, ye shall be troubled ye confident ones, For failed hath the vintage, No, gathering, cometh in.

rotherham@Isaiah:38:13 @ I cried out, until morning, like a lion, Thus, will he break all my bones! From day until night, Thou wilt finish me!

rotherham@Isaiah:46:7 @ They carry him about on the shoulder They bear the burden of himand set him in his place that he may stand, Out of his place, will he not move, Though one even make outcry unto him, he will not answer, Out of ones trouble, he will not save him.

rotherham@Isaiah:47:2 @ Take millstones, and grind meal, Put back thy veiltuck up thy train Bare the leg, wade through streams:

rotherham@Isaiah:49:13 @ Shout in triumph O heavens! And exult O earth! And break forth, ye mountains, into shouts of triumph, For Yahweh hath comforted his people, And on his humbled ones, taketh he compassion.

rotherham@Isaiah:54:11 @ O thou humbled one storm-tossed, uncomforted, Lo! I, am about to set in antimony, thy stones, And will found thee in sapphires;

rotherham@Isaiah:54:12 @ And make rubies, thy battlements, And thy gates, sparkling stones,

rotherham@Isaiah:54:13 @ And, all thy boundaries, stones of delight; And, all thy children, shall be the instructed of Yahweh, And, great, shall be the prosperity of thy children.

rotherham@Isaiah:56:8 @ Declareth My Lord, Yahweh, Who is gathering the outcasts of Israel: Yet others, will I gather unto him Besides his own gathered ones.

rotherham@Isaiah:57:6 @ Among the smooth stones of the torrentvalley, is thy portion. They, they, are thy lot; Even to them, hast thou Poured out a drink-offering. Caused to ascend a gift. Over these things, can I cease to grieve?

rotherham@Isaiah:58:11 @ Then will Yahweh guide thee continually, And will satisfy, in scorched regions thine own soul, Yea Shy very bones, will he invigorate, So shall thou become like a garden wellwatered, And like a spring of water whose waters do not deceive;

rotherham@Isaiah:60:17 @ Instead of bronze, I will bring in, gold, and Instead of iron, I will bring in silver, and Instead of wood, bronze, and Instead of stones, iron, And I will appoint the oversight of thee to Prosperity, And the setting of thy tasks to Righteousness.

rotherham@Isaiah:62:10 @ Pass ye through pass ye through the gates, Prepare ye the way of the people, Cast ye up, cast ye up the highway, Clear it of stones, Lift ye high a standard unto the peoples.

rotherham@Isaiah:65:9 @ Therefore will I bring forth Out of Jacob, a seed, and Out of Judah, an inheritor of my mountains, That my chosen ones may inherit it, And, my servants, dwell there;

rotherham@Isaiah:65:15 @ So shall ye leave your name for an oath, to my chosen ones, So then My Lord Yahweh, will slay thee, And his servants, will he, call by another name:

rotherham@Isaiah:65:22 @ They shall not build, and another, dwell, They shall not plant, and, another, eat, For as the days of a tree, shall be the days of ray people, And, the work of their own hands, shall my chosen ones, use to the full:

rotherham@Isaiah:65:23 @ They shall not labour in vain, Nor have children for terror, For the seed of the blessed ones of Yahweh, shall they be, And their offspring, with them.

rotherham@Isaiah:66:14 @ As soon as ye have seen it, your heart, shall be joyful, And your bones, like green herbage, shall thrive, So shall be known The hand of Yahweh with his servants, But indignation with his foes!

rotherham@Jeremiah:8:1 @ At that time, Declareth Yahweh, Shall they bring forth, The bones of the kings of Judah, and The bones of his princes, and The bones of the priests, and The bones of the prophets, and The bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Out of their graves,

rotherham@Jeremiah:16:7 @ Neither shall they break bread to them in mourning To console one over his dead, Nor cause them to drink the cup of consolation, Over ones father Or over ones mother;

rotherham@Jeremiah:20:9 @ Therefore I say I will not mention him Neither will I speak any more in his name, But then it becometh in my heart as a fire that burneth, Shut up in my bones, And I am weary of restraint and cannot refrain.

rotherham@Jeremiah:23:9 @ As for the prophets, Broken is my heart within me Trembled have all my bones, I have become as a drunken man, And as a strong man whom wine hath overcome, Because of Yahweh, And because of his holy words.

rotherham@Jeremiah:25:10 @ And I will banish from among them The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, The voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, The sound of the millstones, and the light of the lamp:

rotherham@Jeremiah:30:23 @ Lo! the tempest of Yahweh! Indignation, hath come forth, A tempest rolling itself upward, Upon the head of the lawless ones, shall it hurl itself down!

rotherham@Jeremiah:43:9 @ Take in thy hand great stones and hide them in the mortar that is in the brickyard which is at the entrance of the house of Pharaoh in Tahpanhes, before the eyes of the men of Judah.

rotherham@Jeremiah:43:10 @ Then shalt thou say unto them Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel Behold me! sending and fetching Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, my servant, and I will set his throne over these stones which I have hid, and he shall spread his canopy over them.

rotherham@Jeremiah:46:15 @ Wherefore have thy valiant ones been laid prostrate? He hath made no stand, because, Yahweh, hath driven him back:

rotherham@Jeremiah:48:4 @ Moab is broken: Her little ones, have caused to be heard an outcry.

rotherham@Jeremiah:49:20 @ Wherefore, hear ye The counsel of Yahweh which he hath counseled against Edom, And his devices which he hath devised against the inhabitants of Teman, Surely the little ones of the flock shall drag them away, Surely he will cause their fold to be astounded over them.

rotherham@Jeremiah:50:17 @ A sheep all alone, is Israel Lions, have driven him away, At the first, the king of Assyria devoured him, And here, at the last, I Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones!

rotherham@Jeremiah:50:45 @ Therefore hear ye, The counsel of Yahweh, which he hath counselled against Babylon, And his devices which he hath devised against the land a of the Chaldeans, Surely the little ones of the flock, shall drag them away, Surely he will cause the pasture to be astounded over them.

rotherham@Lamentations:1:13 @ From on high, sent he fire, among my bones, and laid them prostrate, He spread out a net for my feet, he made me turn back, he made me desolate, all the day, faint.

rotherham@Lamentations:3:4 @ He hath worn out my flesh and my skin, hath broken my bones;

rotherham@Lamentations:3:16 @ And he hath crushed, with gravel-stones, my teeth, hath made me cower in ashes;

rotherham@Lamentations:4:1 @ How is dimmed the gold! changed the most fine gold! Poured out are the stones of the sanctuary, at the top of all the streets.

rotherham@Lamentations:4:8 @ Darker than a coal, is their visage, They are not known in the streets Their skin shrivelleth on their bones, is withered, become like a stick.

rotherham@Ezekiel:1:5 @ and out of the midst thereof, as burnished copper to look upon out of the midst of the fire; and out of the midst thereof, a likeness of four living ones, and this was their appearance, the likeness of a man, had they;

rotherham@Ezekiel:1:13 @ As for the likeness of the living ones, their appearance was like live coals of fire burning up like the appearance of torches, the same went to and fro between the living ones, and the fire had brightness and out of the fire, went forth a lightning.

rotherham@Ezekiel:1:14 @ And the living ones ran and returned, like the appearance of a flash of lightning.

rotherham@Ezekiel:1:15 @ And I looked at the living ones, and lo! one wheel upon the earth beside the living ones for each of his four faces,

rotherham@Ezekiel:1:19 @ And when the living ones went, the wheels went beside them, and when the living ones were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up:

rotherham@Ezekiel:3:13 @ Yea the sound of the wings of the living ones, gently touching each other, and the sound of the wheels, along with them, even the sound of a great rushing.

rotherham@Ezekiel:6:5 @ And I will lay the carcases of the sons of Israel before their manufactured gods, And will scatter your bones round about your altars.

rotherham@Ezekiel:7:21 @ Yea I will deliver it Into the hand of foreigners for a prey, And to the lawless ones of the earth for a spoil, And they will profane it;

rotherham@Ezekiel:7:24 @ So then I will bring in the wicked ones of the nations, And they shall take possession of their houses, And I will cause to cease the pomp of the strong ones, And their holy places shall be profaned.

rotherham@Ezekiel:9:6 @ elder, young man and virgin and little ones and women, shall ye slay utterly, but unto any man who hath upon him the mark, do not ye come near, and at my sanctuary, shall ye begin. So they began with the elder men. who were before the house.

rotherham@Ezekiel:10:17 @ when they stood, these stood, and when they arose, these arose with them, for the spirit of the living ones was in them.

rotherham@Ezekiel:13:11 @ Say thou unto them who are coating with whitewash It shall fall,- There hath come an Overflowing rain And I will make ha-stones fall, And a tempestuous wind shall break it down.

rotherham@Ezekiel:13:13 @ Therefore Thus saith my Lord, Yahweh, So will I break down with a tempestuous wind. in mine indignation, And an overflowing rain in mine anger, shall there be, With hailstones in wrath to make an end;

rotherham@Ezekiel:16:40 @ Then will they bring up against thee a gathered host, And they will stone thee with stones,- And cut thee to pieces with their swords;

rotherham@Ezekiel:17:13 @ Yea took of the seed royal And solemnised with him a covenant, And brought him into an oath, Also the mighty ones of the land, did he take.

rotherham@Ezekiel:18:8 @ Upon interest, hath not put out his money. And increase, hath not accepted, From dishonesty, hath turned back his hand, Justice in truth, hath doze, between man and man;

rotherham@Ezekiel:18:17 @ From dishonesty, hath turned back his hand Neither interest nor increase, hath accepted, my regulations, hath executed, In my statutes, hath walked, He shall not die for the iniquity of his father He shall surely live.

rotherham@Ezekiel:19:2 @ and thou shalt say How was thy mother a lioness, Between lions, she lay down,- I n the midst of young lions, She nourished her whelps;

rotherham@Ezekiel:21:29 @ Since they see for thee, false visions, Since they divine for thee lies, To stretch thee upon the necks of them who are the most profaned of lawless ones, Whose day hath come, in a time of final iniquity,

rotherham@Ezekiel:22:27 @ Her rulers within her have been like wolves, rending prey,- In shedding blood In destroying lives, For the sake of getting dishonest gain.

rotherham@Ezekiel:23:47 @ Yea a gathered host shall stone them with stones, and dispatch them with their swords, Their sons and their daughters, shall they slay, And their housesin the fire, shall they consume.

rotherham@Ezekiel:24:4 @ Gather the pieces thereof into it, Every good piece thigh and shoulder, With the choice of the bones, fill it:

rotherham@Ezekiel:24:5 @ Take of the choice of the rock, Moreover also pe of bones place under it,- Bo the pieces thereof, Yea let the bones of it seethe in the midst thereof.

rotherham@Ezekiel:24:10 @ Heap on the wood Kindle the fire, Consume the flesh, Yea season with spice, And let the bones be scorched.

rotherham@Ezekiel:26:12 @ And they shall spoil thy wealth And make a prey of thy merchandise, And break down thy walls And thy pleasant houses, shall they lay in ruins; And thy stones and thy timber and thy dustin the midst of the waters, shall they lay.

rotherham@Ezekiel:26:16 @ Then shall come down from off their thrones all the princes of the sea, And shall lay aside their robes. And their embroidered garments, shall strip off, With tremblings, shall they clothe them. selves Upon the ground, shall they sit, And shall tremble every moment and be astonished over thee.

rotherham@Ezekiel:28:7 @ Therefore behold me! bringing upon thee aliens, The terrible ones of the nations,- And they shall unsheathe their swords over the beauty of thy wisdom, And profane thy splendour:

rotherham@Ezekiel:28:14 @ Thou, wast the anointed cherub that covered, When I appointed thee, in the holy mount of God, thou wast, Amid stones of fire, thou didst walk to and fro:

rotherham@Ezekiel:28:16 @ By the abundance of fly traffic, they fled thy midst with violence And thou didst sin,- So I cast thee as profane a out of the mountain of God. And destroyed thee O covering cherub, from amid the stones of fire:

rotherham@Ezekiel:30:11 @ He, and his people with him the terrible ones of the nations are about to be brought in to destroy the land,- Therefore shall they unsheathe their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain;

rotherham@Ezekiel:31:14 @ To the end that none of the trees of the waters May exalt themselves in their stature or stretch their top among the clouds, Nor their mighty ones take their stand in their height- any that drink of the waters, Because they all, are delivered to death Unto the earth below. In the midst of the sons of Adam. Amongst them who descend into the pit.

rotherham@Ezekiel:32:12 @ With the swords of mighty men, will I cause thy multitude to fall, Terrible ones of the nations all of them!-And they shall spoil the pride of Egypt, And all her multitude shall be destroyed I,

rotherham@Ezekiel:32:27 @ Therefore shall they not lie with the mighty men The fallen ones from age-past times, Who descended into hades with their weapons of war And their swords were placed under their heads. But their iniquities have come upon their bones Because of the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:1 @ The hand of Yahweh I being upon me, he carried me forth in the spirit of Yahweh, and set me down in the midst of a plain, and the same was full of bones;

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:3 @ Then said he unto me, Son of man. Can these bones I live. And I said, My Lord, Yahweh, thou knowest!

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:4 @ Then said he unto me, Prophesy, over these bones, and thou shalt say unto them, Ye bones so dry! hear ye the word of Yahweh!

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:5 @ Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Unto these bones, Lo! I am about to bring into you spirit, and ye shall live;

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:7 @ And when I prophesied as I was commanded, then was there a noise, as I prophesied and lo! a rattling, and the bones came near, each bone unto its own bone.

rotherham@Ezekiel:37:11 @ Then said he unto me, Son of man. These bones, are all the house of Israel, Lo! they are saying. Dried are our bones, and lost is our hope We are quite cut off!

rotherham@Ezekiel:38:22 @ Then will I contend with him by pestilence and by blood,- And an overflowing downpour and ha- stones fire and brimstone, will I rain Upon him, and Upon his hordes, and Upon the many peoples who are with him.

rotherham@Daniel:4:17 @ By the decree of the watchers, is the thing, and the mandate of the holy ones, the matter: to the intent that the living, may get to know, that the Most High, hath dominion, over the kingdom of men, and, to whomsoever he pleaseth, he giveth it, and, one low among men, he setteth up over it.

rotherham@Daniel:6:24 @ And the king, gave word, that they should bring those men who had accused Daniel, and, into the den of lions, they cast themthem, their children, and their wives, and, they had not reached the bottom of the den, when the lions, seized them, and, all their bones, brake they in pieces.

rotherham@Daniel:7:9 @ I continued looking, until that, thrones, were placed, and, the Ancient of days, took his seat, whose, garment, like snow, was white, and, the hair of his head, like pure wool, his throne, was flames of fire, his wheels, a burning fire.

rotherham@Daniel:7:18 @ but the holy ones of the Highest, shall receive the kingdom, and shall possess the kingdom for the age, yea for the age of ages.

rotherham@Daniel:7:21 @ I continued looking, when, this horn, made war with the holy ones, and prevailed against them:

rotherham@Daniel:7:22 @ until that the Ancient of Days, came, and, justice, was granted to the holy ones of the Highest, and, the time, arrived, that the holy ones should possess, the kingdom.

rotherham@Daniel:7:24 @ And, the ten horns of that kingdom, are ten kings who will arise, and, another, will arise after them, and, he, will be diverse from the former ones, and, three kings, will he cast down;

rotherham@Daniel:7:25 @ and, words against the Most High, will he speak, and, the holy ones of the Highest, will he afflict, and will hope to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand, for a season and seasons and the dividing of a season,

rotherham@Daniel:7:27 @ And, the kingdom, and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under all the heavens, shall be given to the people of the holy ones of the Highest, his kingdom, is an age-abiding kingdom, and, all the dominions, unto him, will render service, and show themselves obedient.

rotherham@Daniel:8:24 @ and his strength, will be mighty, but not through his own strength, and, wonderfully, will he destroy, and succeed and act with effect, and will destroy mighty ones, and the people of holy ones;

rotherham@Daniel:11:15 @ Then will come in the king of the north, and cast up a rampart, and capture a city of strongholds, and, the arms of the south, will not rise, nor the people of his chosen ones, and there shall be no strength to rise.

rotherham@Daniel:11:38 @ Howbeit, to the god of the fortresses, in his place, will he give honour, even to a god whom his fathers, knew not, will he give honour, with gold and with silver and with precious stones and with articles of delight.

rotherham@Hosea:13:8 @ I will fall upon them as a bear bereaved, and will read asunder the enclosure of their heart, that I may devour them there, like a lioness, the wild beast of the field, shall tear them in pieces.

rotherham@Joel:1:6 @ For, a nation, hath come up over my land, bold, and without number, his teeth, are the teeth of a lion, and, the fangs of a lioness, hath he!

rotherham@Joel:3:9 @ Proclaim ye this, among the nations, Hallow a war, rouse the mighty ones, let them draw near, come up, all the men of war!

rotherham@Joel:3:11 @ Give helpand come in, all ye nations on every side, and gather yourselves together, Thither, bring down, O Yahweh, thy mighty ones!

rotherham@Amos:2:1 @ Thus, saith Yahweh, Because of three transgressions of Moab, and because of four, will I not turn it back, Because he burned the bones of the King of Edom to lime,

rotherham@Amos:3:12 @ Thus, saith Yahweh, Just as a shepherd rescueth, out of the mouth of the lion, a couple of shankbones, or the tip of an ear, so, shall be rescued the sons of Israel, who are tarrying in Samaria, in the corner of the divan, and on the damask of the luxurious couch.

rotherham@Amos:6:10 @ And a mans near of kin, even he who is about to burn the bones, shall carry him out of the house, when he shall say to him that is in the hinder parts of the house Are there yet any with thee? and he shall say No one. Then shall he say Hush! for we must not invoke the name of Yahweh.

rotherham@Micah:1:6 @ Therefore will I make of Samaria a heap in a field, the plantings in a vineyard, and I will pour down, into the valley, her stones, and, her foundations, will I lay bare;

rotherham@Micah:3:2 @ Ye haters of right, and lovers of wrong, tearing away their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;

rotherham@Micah:3:3 @ Who indeed have eaten the flesh of my people, and, their skin from off them, have stript, and, their bones, have they broken in pieces, and will spread them out, as flesh with a fork, and as flesh, in the midst of a pot.

rotherham@Nahum:2:11 @ Where is the lair of the lions? Yea the very feeding-place of the young lions, where walked the lion, the lioness, the lions whelp, with none to make them afraid?

rotherham@Nahum:2:12 @ The lion, used to tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and to strangle for his lionesses, and then fill with prey his holes, and his lairs with what he had torn.

rotherham@Habakkuk:3:16 @ I heard, and I trembled within me, at the voice, my lips, quivered, decay, entered, my bones, and, in my limbs, I trembled, though I am to find rest, in the day of distress, when their invader, cometh up against the people.

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:10 @ From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, my suppliants, the daughter of my dispersed ones, shall bear along a gift for me.

rotherham@Zephaniah:3:11 @ In that day, wilt thou not turn pale for all thy deeds, wherein thou hast transgressed against me? For, then, will I take away out of thy midst thy proudly exulting ones, and thou shalt not again be haughty any more in my holy mountain:

rotherham@Zechariah:4:14 @ Then said he, These, are the two Anointed Ones, who stand near the Lord of all the earth.

rotherham@Zechariah:9:15 @ Yahweh of hosts, will throw a covering over them, so shall they eat, and trample underfoot sling-stones, and shall drinkshall shout as with wine, and shall be filled like tossing-bowls, like the corners of an altar.

rotherham@Zechariah:10:5 @ So shall they become like mighty ones, trampling on the mire of lanes, in battle, and they will fight because, Yahweh, is with them, and will abash the riders of horses.

rotherham@Zechariah:10:6 @ So will I make mighty ones of the house of Judah, and, the house of Joseph, will I save, and will cause them to continue, because I have had compassion upon them, So shall they be as though I had not rejected them, for, I, Yahweh, will be their God, and will answer them;

rotherham@Zechariah:11:2 @ Howl, fir-tree, for fallen is the cedar, because, the majestic ones, are spoiled: howl, ye oaks of Bashan, for the inaccessible forest, hath come down.

rotherham@Zechariah:13:7 @ O Sword! awake against my shepherd, even against the man that is my companion, urgeth Yahweh of hosts, Smite the shepherd, and let the flock, be scattered, Howbeit I will turn back my hand over the little ones.

rotherham@Zechariah:14:5 @ Then shall ye flee to the valley of my mountains, for the valley of the mountains, shall reach, very near, Yea, ye shall flee, just as ye fled from before the earthquake, in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, Then, shall arrive, Yahweh my God, All thy holy ones, with thee!