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ylt@Genesis:1:5 @and God calleth to the light 'Day,' and to the darkness He hath called 'Night;' and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day one.

ylt@Genesis:1:8 @And God calleth to the expanse 'Heavens;' and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day second.

ylt@Genesis:1:13 @and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day third.

ylt@Genesis:1:19 @and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day fourth.

ylt@Genesis:1:23 @and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day fifth.

ylt@Genesis:1:31 @And God seeth all that He hath done, and lo, very good; and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day the sixth.

ylt@Genesis:2:5 @and no shrub of the field is yet in the earth, and no herb of the field yet sprouteth, for Jehovah God hath not rained upon the earth, and a man there is not to serve the ground,

ylt@Genesis:2:8 @And Jehovah God planteth a garden in Eden, at the east, and He setteth there the man whom He hath formed;

ylt@Genesis:2:12 @and the gold of that land [is] good, there [is] the bdolach and the shoham stone;

ylt@Genesis:2:24 @therefore doth a man leave his father and his mother, and hath cleaved unto his wife, and they have become one flesh.

ylt@Genesis:4:7 @Is there not, if thou dost well, acceptance? and if thou dost not well, at the opening a sin-offering is crouching, and unto thee its desire, and thou rulest over it.'

ylt@Genesis:4:15 @And Jehovah saith to him, 'Therefore -- of any slayer of Cain sevenfold it is required;' and Jehovah setteth to Cain a token that none finding him doth slay him.

ylt@Genesis:6:21 @'And thou, take to thyself of all food that is eaten; and thou hast gathered unto thyself, and it hath been to thee and to them for food.'

ylt@Genesis:9:11 @And I have established My covenant with you, and all flesh is not any more cut off by waters of a deluge, and there is not any more a deluge to destroy the earth.'

ylt@Genesis:10:9 @he hath begun to be a hero in the land; he hath been a hero in hunting before Jehovah; therefore it is said, 'As Nimrod the hero [in] hunting before Jehovah.'

ylt@Genesis:11:2 @and it cometh to pass, in their journeying from the east, that they find a valley in the land of Shinar, and dwell there;

ylt@Genesis:11:7 @Give help, let us go down, and mingle there their pronunciation, so that a man doth not understand the pronunciation of his companion.'

ylt@Genesis:11:9 @therefore hath [one] called its name Babel, for there hath Jehovah mingled the pronunciation of all the earth, and from thence hath Jehovah scattered them over the face of all the earth.

ylt@Genesis:11:31 @And Terah taketh Abram his son, and Lot, son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, wife of Abram his son, and they go out with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go towards the land of Canaan; and they come unto Charan, and dwell there.

ylt@Genesis:12:7 @And Jehovah appeareth unto Abram, and saith, 'To thy seed I give this land;' and he buildeth there an altar to Jehovah, who hath appeared unto him.

ylt@Genesis:12:8 @And he removeth from thence towards a mountain at the east of Beth-El, and stretcheth out the tent (Beth-El at the west, and Hai at the east), and he buildeth there an altar to Jehovah, and preacheth in the name of Jehovah.

ylt@Genesis:12:10 @And there is a famine in the land, and Abram goeth down towards Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine [is] grievous in the land;

ylt@Genesis:13:4 @unto the place of the altar which he made there at the first, and there doth Abram preach in the name of Jehovah.

ylt@Genesis:13:5 @And also to Lot, who is going with Abram, there hath been sheep and oxen and tents;

ylt@Genesis:13:7 @and there is a strife between those feeding Abram's cattle and those feeding Lot's cattle; and the Canaanite and the Perizzite [are] then dwelling in the land.

ylt@Genesis:13:8 @And Abram saith unto Lot, 'Let there not, I pray thee, be strife between me and thee, and between my shepherds and thy shepherds, for we [are] men -- brethren.

ylt@Genesis:13:18 @And Abram tenteth, and cometh, and dwelleth among the oaks of Mamre, which [are] in Hebron, and buildeth there an altar to Jehovah.

ylt@Genesis:14:10 @And the valley of Siddim [is] full of bitumen-pits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah flee, and fall there, and those left have fled to the mountain.

ylt@Genesis:16:14 @therefore hath one called the well, 'The well of the Living One, my beholder;' lo, between Kadesh and Bered.

ylt@Genesis:18:5 @and I bring a piece of bread, and support ye your heart; afterwards pass on, for therefore have ye passed over unto your servant;' and they say, 'So mayest thou do as thou has spoken.'

ylt@Genesis:18:24 @peradventure there are fifty righteous in the midst of the city; dost Thou also consume, and not bear with the place for the sake of the fifty -- the righteous who [are] in its midst?

ylt@Genesis:18:28 @peradventure there are lacking five of the fifty righteous -- dost Thou destroy for five the whole of the city?' and He saith, 'I destroy [it] not, if I find there forty and five.'

ylt@Genesis:18:29 @And he addeth again to speak unto Him and saith, 'Peradventure there are found there forty?' and He saith, 'I do [it] not, because of the forty.'

ylt@Genesis:18:30 @And he saith, 'Let it not be, I Pray thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak: peradventure there are found there thirty?' and He saith, 'I do [it] not, if I find there thirty.'

ylt@Genesis:18:31 @And he saith, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have willed to speak unto the Lord: peradventure there are found there twenty?' and He saith, 'I do not destroy [it], because of the twenty.'

ylt@Genesis:18:32 @And he saith, 'Let it not be, I pray Thee, displeasing to the Lord, and I speak only this time: peradventure there are found there ten?' and He saith, 'I do not destroy [it], because of the ten.'

ylt@Genesis:19:8 @lo, I pray you, I have two daughters, who have not known any one; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do to them as [is] good in your eyes; only to these men do not anything, for therefore have they come in within the shadow of my roof.'

ylt@Genesis:19:22 @haste, escape thither, for I am not able to do anything till thine entering thither;' therefore hath he calleth the name of the city Zoar.

ylt@Genesis:19:31 @And the first-born saith unto the younger, 'Our father [is] old, and a man there is not in the earth to come in unto us, as [is] the way of all the earth;

ylt@Genesis:20:6 @And God saith unto him in the dream, 'Yea, I -- I have known that in the integrity of thy heart thou hast done this, and I withhold thee, even I, from sinning against Me, therefore I have not suffered thee to come against her;

ylt@Genesis:21:31 @therefore hath he called that place 'Beer-Sheba,' for there have both of them sworn.

ylt@Genesis:21:33 @and [Abraham] planteth a tamarask in Beer-Sheba, and preacheth there in the name of Jehovah, God age-during;

ylt@Genesis:22:2 @And He saith, 'Take, I pray thee, thy son, thine only one, whom thou hast loved, even Isaac, and go for thyself unto the land of Moriah, and cause him to ascend there for a burnt-offering on one of the mountains of which I speak unto thee.'

ylt@Genesis:22:9 @And they come in unto the place of which God hath spoken to him, and there Abraham buildeth the altar, and arrangeth the wood, and bindeth Isaac his son, and placeth him upon the altar above the wood;

ylt@Genesis:23:13 @and speaketh unto Ephron in the ears of the people of the land, saying, 'Only -- if thou wouldst hear me -- I have given the money of the field -- accept from me, and I bury my dead there.'

ylt@Genesis:25:8 @and Abraham expireth, and dieth in a good old age, aged and satisfied, and is gathered unto his people.

ylt@Genesis:25:10 @the field which Abraham bought from the sons of Heth -- there hath Abraham been buried, and Sarah his wife.

ylt@Genesis:25:17 @And these [are] the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred and thirty and seven years; and he expireth, and dieth, and is gathered unto his people;

ylt@Genesis:25:30 @and Esau saith unto Jacob, 'Let me eat, I pray thee, some of this red red thing, for I [am] weary;' therefore hath [one] called his name Edom [Red];

ylt@Genesis:26:1 @And there is a famine in the land, besides the first famine which was in the days of Abraham, and Isaac goeth unto Abimelech king of the Philistines, to Gerar.

ylt@Genesis:26:8 @And it cometh to pass, when the days have been prolonged to him there, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looketh through the window, and seeth, and lo, Isaac is playing with Rebekah his wife.

ylt@Genesis:26:17 @and Isaac goeth from thence, and encampeth in the valley of Gerar, and dwelleth there;

ylt@Genesis:26:19 @And Isaac's servants dig in the valley, and find there a well of living water,

ylt@Genesis:26:25 @and he buildeth there an altar, and preacheth in the name of Jehovah, and stretcheth out there his tent, and there Isaac's servants dig a well.

ylt@Genesis:26:28 @And they say, 'We have certainly seen that Jehovah hath been with thee, and we say, 'Let there be, we pray thee, an oath between us, between us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee;

ylt@Genesis:26:33 @and he calleth it Shebah, [oath,] therefore the name of the city [is] Beer-Sheba, [well of the oath,] unto this day.

ylt@Genesis:28:11 @and he toucheth at a [certain] place, and lodgeth there, for the sun hath gone in, and he taketh of the stones of the place, and maketh [them] his pillows, and lieth down in that place.

ylt@Genesis:29:2 @and he looketh, and lo, a well in the field, and lo, there three droves of a flock crouching by it, for from that well they water the droves, and the great stone [is] on the mouth of the well.

ylt@Genesis:29:3 @(When thither have all the droves been gathered, and they have rolled the stone from off the mouth of the well, and have watered the flock, then they have turned back the stone on the mouth of the well to its place.)

ylt@Genesis:29:7 @And he saith, 'Lo, the day [is] still great, [it is] not time for the cattle to be gathered; water ye the flock, and go, delight yourselves.'

ylt@Genesis:29:8 @And they say, 'We are not able, till that all the droves be gathered together, and they have rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and we have watered the flock.'

ylt@Genesis:29:22 @and Laban gathereth all the men of the place, and maketh a banquet.

ylt@Genesis:29:34 @And she conceiveth again, and beareth a son, and saith, 'Now [is] the time, my husband is joined unto me, because I have born to him three sons,' therefore hath [one] called his name Levi.

ylt@Genesis:29:35 @And she conceiveth again, and beareth a son, and saith this time, 'I praise Jehovah;' therefore hath she called his name Judah; and she ceaseth from bearing.

ylt@Genesis:30:1 @And Rachel seeth that she hath not borne to Jacob, and Rachel is envious of her sister, and saith unto Jacob, 'Give me sons, and if there is none -- I die.'

ylt@Genesis:30:6 @and Rachel saith, 'God hath decided for me, and also hath hearkened to my voice, and giveth to me a son;' therefore hath she called his name Dan.

ylt@Genesis:30:15 @And she saith to her, 'Is thy taking my husband a little thing, that thou hast taken also the love-apples of my son?' and Rachel saith, 'Therefore doth he lie with thee to-night, for thy son's love-apples.'

ylt@Genesis:30:23 @and she conceiveth and beareth a son, and saith, 'God hath gathered up my reproach;'

ylt@Genesis:31:46 @and Jacob saith to his brethren, 'Gather stones,' and they take stones, and make a heap; and they eat there on the heap;

ylt@Genesis:31:48 @And Laban saith, 'This heap [is] witness between me and thee to-day;' therefore hath he called its name Galeed;

ylt@Genesis:31:50 @if thou afflict my daughters, or take wives beside my daughters -- there is no man with us -- see, God [is] witness between me and thee.'

ylt@Genesis:32:13 @And he lodgeth there during that night, and taketh from that which is coming into his hand, a present for Esau his brother:

ylt@Genesis:32:29 @And Jacob asketh, and saith, 'Declare, I pray thee, thy name;' and he saith, 'Why [is] this, thou askest for My name?' and He blesseth him there.

ylt@Genesis:32:32 @therefore the sons of Israel do not eat the sinew which shrank, which [is] on the hollow of the thigh, unto this day, because He came against the hollow of Jacob's thigh, against the sinew which shrank.

ylt@Genesis:33:17 @and Jacob hath journeyed to Succoth, and buildeth to himself a house, and for his cattle hath made booths, therefore hath he called the name of the place Succoth.

ylt@Genesis:33:20 @and he setteth up there an altar, and proclaimeth at it God -- the God of Israel.

ylt@Genesis:34:30 @And Jacob saith unto Simeon and unto Levi, 'Ye have troubled me, by causing me to stink among the inhabitants of the land, among the Canaanite, and among the Perizzite: and I [am] few in number, and they have been gathered against me, and have smitten me, and I have been destroyed, I and my house.'

ylt@Genesis:35:1 @And God saith unto Jacob, 'Rise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there, and make there an altar to God, who appeared unto thee in thy fleeing from the face of Esau thy brother.'

ylt@Genesis:35:3 @and we rise, and go up to Bethel, and I make there an altar to God, who is answering me in the day of my distress, and is with me in the way that I have gone.'

ylt@Genesis:35:7 @and he buildeth there an altar, and proclaimeth at the place the God of Bethel: for there had God been revealed unto him, in his fleeing from the face of his brother.

ylt@Genesis:35:16 @And they journey from Bethel, and there is yet a kibrath of land before entering Ephratha, and Rachel beareth, and is sharply pained in her bearing;

ylt@Genesis:35:29 @and Isaac expireth, and dieth, and is gathered unto his people, aged and satisfied with days; and bury him do Esau and Jacob his sons.

ylt@Genesis:37:24 @and take him and cast him into the pit, and the pit [is] empty, there is no water in it.

ylt@Genesis:38:2 @and Judah seeth there the daughter of a man, a Canaanite, whose name [is] Shuah, and taketh her, and goeth in unto her.

ylt@Genesis:38:21 @And he asketh the men of her place, saying, 'Where [is] the separated one -- she in Enayim, by the way?' and they say, 'There hath not been in this [place] a separated one.'

ylt@Genesis:38:22 @And he turneth back unto Judah, and saith, 'I have not found her; and the men of the place also have said, There hath not been in this [place] a separated one,'

ylt@Genesis:39:11 @and it cometh to pass about this day, that he goeth into the house to do his work, and there is none of the men of the house there in the house,

ylt@Genesis:39:20 @and Joseph's lord taketh him, and putteth him unto the round-house, a place where the king's prisoners [are] bound; and he is there in the round-house.

ylt@Genesis:39:22 @and the chief of the round-house giveth into the hand of Joseph all the prisoners who [are] in the round-house, and of all that they are doing there, he hath been doer;

ylt@Genesis:40:8 @And they say unto him, 'A dream we have dreamed, and there is no interpreter of it;' and Joseph saith unto them, 'Are not interpretations with God? recount, I pray you, to me.'

ylt@Genesis:41:8 @And it cometh to pass in the morning, that his spirit is moved, and he sendeth and calleth all the scribes of Egypt, and all its wise men, and Pharaoh recounteth to them his dream, and there is no interpreter of them to Pharaoh.

ylt@Genesis:41:12 @And there [is] with us a youth, a Hebrew, servant to the chief of the executioners, and we recount to him, and he interpreteth to us our dreams, [to] each according to his dream hath he interpreted,

ylt@Genesis:41:15 @And Pharaoh saith unto Joseph, 'A dream I have dreamed, and there is no interpreter of it, and I -- I have heard concerning thee, saying, Thou understandest a dream to interpret it,'

ylt@Genesis:41:23 @and lo, seven ears, withered, thin, blasted with an east wind, are springing up after them;

ylt@Genesis:41:24 @and the thin ears swallow the seven good ears; and I tell unto the scribes, and there is none declaring to me.'

ylt@Genesis:41:39 @and Pharaoh saith unto Joseph, 'After God's causing thee to know all this, there is none intelligent and wise as thou;

ylt@Genesis:41:48 @And he gathereth all the food of the seven years which have been in the land of Egypt, and putteth food in the cities; the food of the field which [is] round about [each] city hath he put in its midst;

ylt@Genesis:41:49 @and Joseph gathereth corn as sand of the sea, multiplying exceedingly, until that he hath ceased to number, for there is no number.

ylt@Genesis:42:1 @And Jacob seeth that there is corn in Egypt, and Jacob saith to his sons, 'Why do you look at each other?'

ylt@Genesis:42:2 @he saith also, 'Lo, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt, go down thither, and buy for us from thence, and we live and do not die;'

ylt@Genesis:42:21 @And they say one unto another, 'Verily we [are] guilty concerning our brother, because we saw the distress of his soul, in his making supplication unto us, and we did not hearken: therefore hath this distress come upon us.'

ylt@Genesis:43:25 @and they prepare the present until the coming of Joseph at noon, for they have heard that there they do eat bread.

ylt@Genesis:43:30 @And Joseph hasteth, for his bowels have been moved for his brother, and he seeketh to weep, and entereth the inner chamber, and weepeth there;

ylt@Genesis:44:14 @And Judah -- his brethren also -- cometh in unto the house of Joseph, and he is yet there, and they fall before him to the earth;

ylt@Genesis:45:6 @'Because these two years the famine [is] in the heart of the land, and yet [are] five years, [in] which there is neither ploughing nor harvest;

ylt@Genesis:45:11 @and I have nourished thee there -- for yet [are] five years of famine -- lest thou become poor, thou and thy household, and all that thou hast.

ylt@Genesis:46:3 @And He saith, 'I [am] God, God of thy father, be not afraid of going down to Egypt, for for a great nation I set thee there;

ylt@Genesis:47:4 @and they say unto Pharaoh, 'To sojourn in the land we have come, for there is no pasture for the flock which thy servants have, for grievous [is] the famine in the land of Canaan; and now, let thy servants, we pray thee, dwell in the land of Goshen.'

ylt@Genesis:47:6 @the land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land cause thy father and thy brethren to dwell -- they dwell in the land of Goshen, and if thou hast known, and there are among them men of ability, then thou hast set them heads over the cattle I have.'

ylt@Genesis:47:13 @And there is no bread in all the land, for the famine [is] very grievous, and the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan are feeble because of the famine;

ylt@Genesis:47:14 @and Joseph gathereth all the silver that is found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn that they are buying, and Joseph bringeth the silver into the house of Pharaoh.

ylt@Genesis:47:18 @And that year is finished, and they come in unto him on the second year, and say to him, 'We do not hide from my lord, that since the money hath been finished, and possession of the cattle [is] unto my lord, there hath not been left before my lord save our bodies, and our ground;

ylt@Genesis:47:22 @Only the ground of the priests he hath not bought, for the priests have a portion from Pharaoh, and they have eaten their portion which Pharaoh hath given to them, therefore they have not sold their ground.

ylt@Genesis:48:7 @'And I -- in my coming in from Padan-[Aram] Rachel hath died by me in the land of Canaan, in the way, while yet a kibrath of land to enter Ephrata, and I bury her there in the way of Ephrata, which [is] Bethlehem.'

ylt@Genesis:49:1 @And Jacob calleth unto his sons and saith, 'Be gathered together, and I declare to you that which doth happen with you in the latter end of the days.

ylt@Genesis:49:29 @And he commandeth them, and saith unto them, 'I am being gathered unto my people; bury me by my fathers, at the cave which [is] in the field of Ephron the Hittite;

ylt@Genesis:49:31 @(there they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife; there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife; and there I buried Leah);

ylt@Genesis:49:33 @And Jacob finisheth commanding his sons, and gathereth up his feet unto the bed, and expireth, and is gathered unto his people.

ylt@Genesis:50:5 @My father caused me to swear, saying, Lo, I am dying; in my burying-place which I have prepared for myself in the land of Canaan, there dost thou bury me; and now, let me go up, I pray thee, and bury my father, and return;'

ylt@Genesis:50:9 @and there go up with him both chariot and horsemen, and the camp is very great.

ylt@Genesis:50:10 @And they come unto the threshing-floor of Atad, which [is] beyond the Jordan, and they lament there, a lamentation great and very grievous; and he maketh for his father a mourning seven days,

ylt@Genesis:50:11 @and the inhabitant of the land, the Canaanite, see the mourning in the threshing-floor of Atad, and say, 'A grievous mourning [is] this to the Egyptians;' therefore hath [one] called its name 'The mourning of the Egyptians,' which [is] beyond the Jordan.

ylt@Exodus:1:8 @And there riseth a new king over Egypt, who hath not known Joseph,

ylt@Exodus:2:1 @And there goeth a man of the house of Levi, and he taketh the daughter of Levi,

ylt@Exodus:2:12 @and he turneth hither and thither, and seeth that there is no man, and smiteth the Egyptian, and hideth him in the sand.

ylt@Exodus:3:2 @and there appeareth unto him a messenger of Jehovah in a flame of fire, out of the midst of the bush, and he seeth, and lo, the bush is burning with fire, and the bush is not consumed.

ylt@Exodus:3:16 @'Go, and thou hast gathered the elders of Israel, and hast said unto them: Jehovah, God of your fathers, hath appeareth unto me, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, I have certainly inspected you, and that which is done to you in Egypt;

ylt@Exodus:5:7 @'Ye do not add to give straw to the people for the making of the bricks, as heretofore -- they go and have gathered straw for themselves;

ylt@Exodus:5:8 @and the proper quantity of the bricks which they are making heretofore ye do put on them, ye do not diminish from it, for they are remiss, therefore they are crying, saying, Let us go, let us sacrifice to our God;

ylt@Exodus:5:11 @ye -- go ye, take for yourselves straw where ye find [it], for there is nothing of your service diminished.'

ylt@Exodus:5:13 @and the exactors are making haste, saying, 'Complete your works, the matter of a day in its day, as when there is straw.'

ylt@Exodus:5:17 @And he saith, 'Remiss -- ye are remiss, therefore ye are saying, Let us go, let us sacrifice to Jehovah;

ylt@Exodus:6:6 @'Therefore say to the sons of Israel, I [am] Jehovah, and I have brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and have delivered you from their service, and have redeemed you by a stretched-out arm, and by great judgments,

ylt@Exodus:7:19 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thy hand against the waters of Egypt, against their streams, against their rivers, and against their ponds, and against all their collections of waters; and they are blood -- and there hath been blood in all the land of Egypt, both in [vessels of] wood, and in [those of] stone.'

ylt@Exodus:8:10 @and he saith, 'To-morrow.' And he saith, According to thy word [it is], so that thou knowest that there is none like Jehovah our God,

ylt@Exodus:8:15 @And Pharaoh seeth that there hath been a respite, and he hath hardened his heart, and hath not hearkened unto them, as Jehovah hath spoken.

ylt@Exodus:8:22 @'And I have separated in that day the land of Goshen, in which My people are staying, that the beetle is not there, so that thou knowest that I [am] Jehovah in the midst of the land,

ylt@Exodus:8:31 @and Jehovah doth according to the word of Moses, and turneth aside the beetle from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people -- there hath not been left one;

ylt@Exodus:9:4 @'And Jehovah hath separated between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt, and there doth not die a thing of all the sons of Israel's;

ylt@Exodus:9:14 @for, at this time I am sending all My plagues unto thy heart, and on thy servants, and on thy people, so that thou knowest that there is none like Me in all the earth,

ylt@Exodus:9:19 @'And, now, send, strengthen thy cattle and all that thou hast in the field; every man and beast which is found in the field, and is not gathered into the house -- come down on them hath the hail, and they have died.'

ylt@Exodus:9:22 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Stretch forth thy hand towards the heavens, and there is hail in all the land of Egypt, on man, and on beast, and on every herb of the field in the land of Egypt.'

ylt@Exodus:9:24 @and there is hail, and fire catching itself in the midst of the hail, very grievous, such as hath not been in all the land of Egypt since it hath become a nation.

ylt@Exodus:9:26 @only in the land of Goshen, where the sons of Israel [are], there hath been no hail.

ylt@Exodus:9:28 @make ye supplication unto Jehovah, and plead that there be no voices of God and hail, and I send you away, and ye add not to remain.'

ylt@Exodus:10:14 @And the locust goeth up against all the land of Egypt, and resteth in all the border of Egypt -- very grievous: before it there hath not been such a locust as it, and after it there is none such;

ylt@Exodus:10:15 @and it covereth the eye of all the land, and the land is darkened; and it eateth every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail hath left, and there hath not been left any green thing in the trees, or in the herb of the field, in all the land of Egypt.'

ylt@Exodus:10:19 @and Jehovah turneth a very strong sea wind, and it lifteth up the locust, and bloweth it into the Red Sea -- there hath not been left one locust in all the border of Egypt;

ylt@Exodus:10:21 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Stretch out thy hand towards the heavens, and there is darkness over the land of Egypt, and the darkness is felt.'

ylt@Exodus:10:22 @And Moses stretcheth out his hand towards the heavens, and there is darkness -- thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days;

ylt@Exodus:10:23 @they have not seen one another, and none hath risen from his place three days; and to all the sons of Israel there hath been light in their dwellings.'

ylt@Exodus:10:26 @and also our cattle doth go with us, there is not left a hoof, for from it we do take to serve Jehovah our God; and we -- we know not how we do serve Jehovah till our going thither.'

ylt@Exodus:11:6 @and there hath been a great cry in all the land of Egypt, such as there hath not been, and such as there is not again.

ylt@Exodus:12:30 @And Pharaoh riseth by night, he and all his servants, and all the Egyptians, and there is a great cry in Egypt, for there is not a house where there is not [one] dead,

ylt@Exodus:13:15 @yea, it cometh to pass, when Pharaoh hath been pained to send us away, that Jehovah doth slay every first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of man even unto the first-born of beast; therefore I am sacrificing to Jehovah all opening a womb who [are] males, and every first-born of my sons I ransom;

ylt@Exodus:14:11 @And they say unto Moses, 'Because there are no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in a wilderness? what is this thou hast done to us -- to bring us out from Egypt?

ylt@Exodus:14:28 @and the waters turn back, and cover the chariots and the horsemen, even all the force of Pharaoh, who are coming in after them into the sea -- there hath not been left of them even one.

ylt@Exodus:15:23 @and they come in to Marah, and have not been able to drink the waters of Marah, for they [are] bitter; therefore hath [one] called its name Marah.

ylt@Exodus:15:25 @and he crieth unto Jehovah, and Jehovah sheweth him a tree, and he casteth unto the waters, and the waters become sweet. There He hath made for them a statute, and an ordinance, and there He hath tried them,

ylt@Exodus:15:27 @And they come to Elim, and there [are] twelve fountains of water, and seventy palm trees; and they encamp there by the waters.

ylt@Exodus:16:4 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Lo, I am raining to you bread from the heavens -- and the people have gone out and gathered the matter of a day in its day -- so that I try them whether they walk in My law, or not;

ylt@Exodus:16:13 @And it cometh to pass in the evening, that the quail cometh up, and covereth the camp, and in the morning there hath been the lying of dew round about the camp,

ylt@Exodus:16:18 @and they measure with an omer, and he who is [gathering] much hath nothing over, and he who is [gathering] little hath no lack, each according to his eating they have gathered.

ylt@Exodus:16:22 @And it cometh to pass on the sixth day, they have gathered a second bread, two omers for one, and all the princes of the company come in, and declare to Moses.

ylt@Exodus:16:26 @six days ye do gather it, and in the seventh day -- the sabbath -- in it there is none.'

ylt@Exodus:16:29 @see, because Jehovah hath given to you the sabbath, therefore He is giving to you on the sixth day bread of two days; abide ye each [in] his place, no one doth go out from his place on the seventh day.'

ylt@Exodus:16:33 @And Moses saith unto Aaron, 'Take one pot, and put there the fulness of the omer of manna, and let it rest before Jehovah, for a charge for your generations;'

ylt@Exodus:17:1 @And all the company of the sons of Israel journey from the wilderness of Sin, on their journeyings, by the command of Jehovah, and encamp in Rephidim, and there is no water for the people to drink;

ylt@Exodus:17:3 @and the people thirst there for water, and the people murmur against Moses, and say, 'Why [is] this? -- thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to put us to death, also our sons and our cattle, with thirst.'

ylt@Exodus:17:6 @Lo, I am standing before thee there on the rock in Horeb, and thou hast smitten on the rock, and waters have come out from it, and the people have drunk.' And Moses doth so before the eyes of the elders of Israel,

ylt@Exodus:19:2 @and they journey from Rephidim, and enter the wilderness of Sinai, and encamp in the wilderness; and Israel encampeth there before the mount.

ylt@Exodus:19:16 @And it cometh to pass, on the third day, while it is morning, that there are voices, and lightnings, and a heavy cloud, on the mount, and the sound of a trumpet very strong; and all the people who [are] in the camp do tremble.

ylt@Exodus:20:11 @for six days hath Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that [is] in them, and resteth in the seventh day; therefore hath Jehovah blessed the Sabbath-day, and doth sanctify it.

ylt@Exodus:21:22 @'And when men strive, and have smitten a pregnant woman, and her children have come out, and there is no mischief, he is certainly fined, as the husband of the woman doth lay upon him, and he hath given through the judges;

ylt@Exodus:21:23 @and if there is mischief, then thou hast given life for life,

ylt@Exodus:22:2 @'If in the breaking through, the thief is found, and he hath been smitten, and hath died, there is no blood for him;

ylt@Exodus:23:10 @'And six years thou dost sow thy land, and hast gathered its increase;

ylt@Exodus:23:26 @there is not a miscarrying and barren one in thy land; the number of thy days I fulfil:

ylt@Exodus:24:12 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Come up unto Me to the mount, and be there, and I give to thee the tables of stone, and the law, and the command, which I have written to direct them.'

ylt@Exodus:25:22 @and I have met with thee there, and have spoken with thee from off the mercy-seat (from between the two cherubs, which [are] on the ark of the testimony) all that which I command thee concerning the sons of Israel.

ylt@Exodus:28:32 @and the opening for its head hath been in its midst, a border is to its opening round about, work of a weaver, as the opening of a habergeon there is to it; it is not rent.

ylt@Exodus:29:33 @and they have eaten those things by which there is atonement to consecrate their hand, to sanctify them; and a stranger doth not eat -- for they [are] holy;

ylt@Exodus:29:34 @and if there be left of the flesh of the consecration or of the bread till the morning, then thou hast burned that which is left with fire; it is not eaten, for it [is] holy.

ylt@Exodus:29:42 @a continual burnt-offering for your generations, at the opening of the tent of meeting, before Jehovah, whither I am met with you, to speak unto thee there,

ylt@Exodus:29:43 @and I have met there with the sons of Israel, and it hath been sanctified by My honour.

ylt@Exodus:30:12 @'When thou takest up the sum of the sons of Israel for their numbers, then they have given each an atonement [for] his soul to Jehovah in their being numbered, and there is no plague among them in their being numbered.

ylt@Exodus:30:18 @'And thou hast made a laver of brass (and its base of brass), for washing; and thou hast put it between the tent of meeting and the altar, and hast put water there;

ylt@Exodus:32:26 @and Moses standeth in the gate of the camp, and saith, 'Who [is] for Jehovah? -- unto me!' and all the sons of Levi are gathered unto him;

ylt@Exodus:32:28 @And the sons of Levi do according to the word of Moses, and there fall of the people on that day about three thousand men,

ylt@Exodus:34:2 @and be prepared at morning, and thou hast come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and hast stood before Me there, on the top of the mount,

ylt@Exodus:34:5 @And Jehovah cometh down in a cloud, and stationeth Himself with him there, and calleth in the Name of Jehovah,

ylt@Exodus:34:28 @And he is there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights; bread he hath not eaten, and water he hath not drunk; and he writeth on the tables the matters of the covenant -- the ten matters.

ylt@Exodus:35:2 @Six days is work done, and on the seventh day there is to you a holy [day], a sabbath of rest to Jehovah; any who doeth work in it is put to death;

ylt@Exodus:36:30 @and there have been eight boards; and their sockets of silver [are] sixteen sockets, two sockets under the one board.

ylt@Exodus:40:3 @and hast set there the ark of the testimony, and hast covered over the ark with the vail,

ylt@Exodus:40:7 @and hast put the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar, and hast put water there.

ylt@Exodus:40:30 @And he putteth the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar, and putteth water there for washing,

ylt@Leviticus:6:7 @and the priest hath made atonement for him before Jehovah, and it hath been forgiven him, concerning one thing of all that he doth, by being guilty therein.'

ylt@Leviticus:8:31 @And Moses saith unto Aaron, and unto his sons, 'Boil ye the flesh at the opening of the tent of meeting, and there ye do eat it and the bread which [is] in the basket of the consecrations, as I have commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons do eat it.

ylt@Leviticus:11:43 @ye do not make yourselves abominable with any teeming thing which is teeming, nor do ye make yourselves unclean with them, so that ye have been unclean thereby.

ylt@Leviticus:13:19 @and there hath been in the place of the ulcer a white rising, or a bright white spot, very red, then it hath been seen by the priest,

ylt@Leviticus:13:21 @'And if the priest see it, and lo, there is no white hair in it, and it is not lower than the skin, and is become weak, then hath the priest shut him up seven days;

ylt@Leviticus:13:26 @'And if the priest see it, and lo, there is no white hair on the bright spot, and it is not lower than the skin, and it is become weak, then the priest hath shut him up seven days;

ylt@Leviticus:13:31 @'And when the priest seeth the plague of the scall, and lo, its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, then hath the priest shut up [him who hath] the plague of the scall seven days.

ylt@Leviticus:13:42 @'And when there is in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead, a very red white plague, it [is] a leprosy breaking out in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead;

ylt@Leviticus:13:47 @'And when there is in any garment a plague of leprosy, -- in a garment of wool, or in a garment of linen,

ylt@Leviticus:15:2 @'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and ye have said unto them, When there is an issue out of the flesh of any man, [for] his issue he [is] unclean;

ylt@Leviticus:15:17 @'And any garment, or any skin on which there is seed of copulation, hath also been washed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:32 @'This [is] the law of him who hath an issue, and of him whose seed of copulation goeth out from him, for uncleanness thereby,

ylt@Leviticus:16:23 @and Aaron hath come in unto the tent of meeting, and hath stripped off the linen garments which he had put on in his going in unto the sanctuary, and hath placed them there;

ylt@Leviticus:17:12 @'Therefore I have said to the sons of Israel, No person among you doth eat blood, and the sojourner who is sojourning in your midst doth not eat blood;

ylt@Leviticus:19:20 @'And when a man lieth with a woman with seed of copulation, and she a maid-servant, betrothed to a man, and not really ransomed, or freedom hath not been given to her, an investigation there is; they are not put to death, for she [is] not free.

ylt@Leviticus:20:14 @'And a man who taketh the woman and her mother -- it [is] wickedness; with fire they burn him and them, and there is no wickedness in your midst.

ylt@Leviticus:20:27 @'And a man or woman -- when there is in them a familiar spirit, or who [are] wizards -- are certainly put to death; with stones they stone them; their blood [is] on them.'

ylt@Leviticus:21:17 @'Speak unto Aaron, saying, No man of thy seed to their generations in whom there is blemish doth draw near to bring near the bread of his God,

ylt@Leviticus:21:19 @or a man in whom there is a breach in the foot, or a breach in the hand,

ylt@Leviticus:22:8 @a carcase or torn thing he doth not eat, for uncleanness thereby; I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:25:3 @'Six years thou dost sow thy field, and six years thou dost prune thy vineyard, and hast gathered its increase,

ylt@Leviticus:25:48 @after he hath been sold, there is a right of redemption to him; one of his brethren doth redeem him,

ylt@Leviticus:26:6 @'And I have given peace in the land, and ye have lain down, and there is none causing trembling; and I have caused evil beasts to cease out of the land, and the sword doth not pass over into your land.

ylt@Leviticus:26:17 @and I have set My face against you, and ye have been smitten before your enemies; and those hating you have ruled over you, and ye have fled, and there is none pursuing you.

ylt@Leviticus:26:25 @and I have brought in on you a sword, executing the vengeance of a covenant; and ye have been gathered unto your cities, and I have sent pestilence into your midst, and ye have been given into the hand of an enemy.

ylt@Leviticus:26:36 @'And those who are left of you -- I have also brought a faintness into their heart in the lands of their enemies, and the sound of a leaf driven away hath pursued them, and they have fled -- flight from a sword -- and they have fallen, and there is none pursuing.

ylt@Leviticus:26:37 @And they have stumbled one on another, as from the face of a sword, and there is none pursuing, and ye have no standing before your enemies,

ylt@Numbers:1:4 @and with you there is a man for a tribe, each is a head to the house of his fathers.

ylt@Numbers:1:53 @and the Levites encamp round about the tabernacle of the testimony; and there is no wrath on the company of the sons of Israel, and the Levites have kept the charge of the tabernacle of the testimony.

ylt@Numbers:5:13 @and a man hath lain with her [with] the seed of copulation, and it hath been hid from the eyes of her husband, and concealed, and she hath been defiled, and there is no witness against her, and she hath not been caught,

ylt@Numbers:8:19 @'And I give the Levites gifts to Aaron and to his sons, from the midst of the sons of Israel, to do the service of the sons of Israel in the tent of meeting, and to make atonement for the sons of Israel, and there is no plague among the sons of Israel in the sons of Israel's drawing nigh unto the sanctuary.'

ylt@Numbers:9:6 @And there are men who have been defiled by the body of a man, and they have not been able to prepare the passover on that day, and they come near before Moses, and before Aaron, on that day,

ylt@Numbers:9:15 @And in the day of the raising up of the tabernacle hath the cloud covered the tabernacle, even the tent of the testimony; and in the evening there is on the tabernacle as an appearance of fire till morning;

ylt@Numbers:9:17 @And according to the going up of the cloud from off the tent and afterwards do the sons of Israel journey; and in the place where the cloud doth tabernacle, there do the sons of Israel encamp;

ylt@Numbers:11:6 @and now our soul [is] dry, there is not anything, save the manna, before our eyes.'

ylt@Numbers:11:8 @the people have turned aside and gathered [it], and ground [it] with millstones, or beat [it] in a mortar, and boiled [it] in a pan, and made it cakes, and its taste hath been as the taste of the moisture of oil.

ylt@Numbers:11:16 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Gather to Me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou hast known that they are elders of the people, and its authorities; and thou hast taken them unto the tent of meeting, and they have stationed themselves there with thee,

ylt@Numbers:11:17 @and I have come down and spoken with thee there, and have kept back of the Spirit which [is] upon thee, and have put on them, and they have borne with thee some of the burden of the people, and thou dost not bear [it] thyself alone.

ylt@Numbers:11:22 @Is flock and herd slaughtered for them, that one hath found for them? -- are all the fishes of the sea gathered for them -- that one hath found for them?'

ylt@Numbers:11:24 @And Moses goeth out, and speaketh unto the people the words of Jehovah, and gathereth seventy men of the elders of the people, and causeth them to stand round about the tent,

ylt@Numbers:11:30 @And Moses is gathered unto the camp, he and the elders of Israel.

ylt@Numbers:11:31 @And a spirit hath journeyed from Jehovah, and cutteth off quails from the sea, and leaveth by the camp, as a day's journey here, and as a day's journey there, round about the camp, and about two cubits, on the face of the land.

ylt@Numbers:11:32 @And the people rise all that day, and all the night, and all the day after, and gather the quails -- he who hath least hath gathered ten homers -- and they spread them out for themselves round about the camp.

ylt@Numbers:11:34 @and [one] calleth the name of that place Kibroth-Hattaavah, for there they have buried the people who lust.

ylt@Numbers:12:14 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'And her father had but spat in her face -- is she not ashamed seven days? she is shut out seven days at the outside of the camp, and afterwards she is gathered.'

ylt@Numbers:12:15 @And Miriam is shut out at the outside of the camp seven days, and the people hath not journeyed till Miriam is gathered;

ylt@Numbers:13:20 @And what the land [is], whether it [is] fat or lean; whether there is wood in it or not; and ye have strengthened yourselves, and have taken of the fruit of the land;' and the days [are] days of the first-fruits of grapes.

ylt@Numbers:13:22 @and they go up by the south, and come in unto Hebron, and there [are] Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, children of Anak (and Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt),

ylt@Numbers:13:28 @only, surely the people which is dwelling in the land [is] strong; and the cities are fenced, very great; and also children of Anak we have seen there.

ylt@Numbers:13:33 @and there we saw the Nephilim, sons of Anak, of the Nephilim; and we are in our own eyes as grasshoppers; and so we were in their eyes.'

ylt@Numbers:14:24 @and My servant Caleb, because there hath been another spirit with him, and he is fully after Me -- I have brought him in unto the land whither he hath entered, and his seed doth possess it.

ylt@Numbers:14:35 @I [am] Jehovah, I have spoken; if I do not this to all this evil company who are meeting against me; -- in this wilderness they are consumed, and there they die.'

ylt@Numbers:14:43 @for the Amalekite and the Canaanite [are] there before you, and ye have fallen by the sword, because that ye have turned back from after Jehovah, and Jehovah is not with you.'

ylt@Numbers:16:11 @Therefore, thou and all thy company who are met [are] against Jehovah; and Aaron, what [is] he, that ye murmur against him?'

ylt@Numbers:18:5 @and ye have kept the charge of the sanctuary, and the charge of the altar, and there is no more wrath against the sons of Israel.

ylt@Numbers:18:24 @but the tithe of the sons of Israel which they lift up to Jehovah, a heave-offering, I have given to the Levites for inheritance; therefore I have said of them, In the midst of the sons of Israel they have no inheritance.'

ylt@Numbers:19:2 @'This [is] a statute of the law which Jehovah hath commanded, saying, Speak unto the sons of Israel, and they bring unto thee a red cow, a perfect one, in which there is no blemish, on which no yoke hath gone up;

ylt@Numbers:19:9 @'And a clean man hath gathered the ashes of the cow, and hath placed at the outside of the camp, in a clean place, and it hath become to the company of the sons of Israel a charge for waters of separation -- it [is] a [cleansing];

ylt@Numbers:19:18 @and a clean person hath taken hyssop, and hath dipped [it] in water, and hath sprinkled on the tent, and on all the vessels, and on the persons who have been there, and on him who is coming against a bone, or against one pierced, or against the dead, or against a grave.

ylt@Numbers:20:1 @And the sons of Israel come in, -- all the company -- to the wilderness of Zin, in the first month, and the people abide in Kadesh, and Miriam dieth there, and is buried there.

ylt@Numbers:20:2 @And there hath been no water for the company, and they are assembled against Moses, and against Aaron,

ylt@Numbers:20:4 @and why have ye brought in the assembly of Jehovah unto this wilderness to die there, we and our beasts?

ylt@Numbers:20:5 @and why hast thou brought us up out of Egypt to bring us in unto this evil place? no place of seed, and fig, and vine, and pomegranate; and water there is none to drink.

ylt@Numbers:20:12 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, and unto Aaron, 'Because ye have not believed in Me to sanctify Me before the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore ye do not bring in this assembly unto the land which I have given to them.'

ylt@Numbers:20:24 @'Aaron is gathered unto his people, for he doth not go in unto the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because that ye provoked My mouth at the waters of Meribah.

ylt@Numbers:20:26 @and strip Aaron of his garments, and thou hast clothed [with] them Eleazar his son, and Aaron is gathered, and doth die there.'

ylt@Numbers:20:28 @and Moses strippeth Aaron of his garments, and clotheth with them Eleazar his son, and Aaron dieth there on the top of the mount; and Moses cometh down -- Eleazar also -- from the mount,

ylt@Numbers:21:5 @and the people speak against God, and against Moses, 'Why hast thou brought us up out of Egypt to die in a wilderness? for there is no bread, and there is no water, and our soul hath been weary of this light bread.'

ylt@Numbers:21:14 @therefore it is said in a book, 'The wars of Jehovah,' -- 'Waheb in Suphah, And the brooks of Arnon;

ylt@Numbers:21:23 @And Sihon hath not suffered Israel to pass through his border, and Sihon gathereth all his people, and cometh out to meet Israel into the wilderness, and cometh in to Jahaz, and fighteth against Israel.

ylt@Numbers:21:27 @therefore those using similes say -- 'Enter ye Heshbon, Let the city of Sihon be built and ready,

ylt@Numbers:21:32 @and Moses sendeth to spy out Jaazer, and they capture its villages, and dispossess the Amorite who [is] there,

ylt@Numbers:22:26 @and the messenger of Jehovah addeth to pass over, and standeth in a strait place where there is no way to turn aside -- right or left --

ylt@Numbers:22:29 @and Balaam saith to the ass, 'Because thou hast rolled thyself against me; oh that there were a sword in my hand, for now I had slain thee;'

ylt@Numbers:23:15 @And he saith unto Balak, 'Station thyself here by thy burnt-offering, and I -- I meet [Him] there;'

ylt@Numbers:25:12 @'Therefore say, Lo, I am giving to him My covenant of peace,

ylt@Numbers:26:64 @and among these there hath not been a man of those numbered by Moses, and Aaron the priest, who numbered the sons of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai,

ylt@Numbers:26:65 @for Jehovah said of them, 'They do certainly die in the wilderness;' and there hath not been left of them a man save Caleb son of Jephunneh, and Joshua son of Nun.

ylt@Numbers:27:13 @and thou hast seen it, and thou hast been gathered unto thy people, also thou, as Aaron thy brother hath been gathered,

ylt@Numbers:31:2 @'Execute the vengeance of the sons of Israel against the Midianites -- afterwards thou art gathered unto thy people.'

ylt@Numbers:31:5 @And there are given out of the thousands of Israel a thousand for a tribe, twelve thousand armed ones of the host;

ylt@Numbers:32:26 @our infants, our wives, our cattle, and all our beasts, are there in cities of Gilead,

ylt@Numbers:33:9 @And they journey from Marah, and come in to Elim, and in Elim [are] twelve fountains of waters, and seventy palm trees, and they encamp there;

ylt@Numbers:33:14 @and they journey from Alush, and encamp in Rephidim; and there was there no water for the people to drink.

ylt@Numbers:33:38 @And Aaron the priest goeth up unto mount Hor, by the command of Jehovah, and dieth there, in the fortieth year of the going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first of the month;

ylt@Deuteronomy:1:28 @whither are we going up? our brethren have melted our heart, saying, A people greater and taller than we, cities great and fenced to heaven, and also sons of Anakim -- we have seen there.

ylt@Deuteronomy:2:36 @'From Aroer, which [is] by the edge of the brook Arnon, and the city which [is] by the brook, even unto Gilead there hath not been a city which [is] too high for us; the whole hath Jehovah our God given before us.

ylt@Deuteronomy:3:3 @'And Jehovah our God giveth into our hands also Og king of Bashan, and all his people, and we smite him till there hath not been left to him a remnant;

ylt@Deuteronomy:3:4 @and we capture all his cities at that time, there hath not been a city which we have not taken from them, sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:28 @and ye have served there gods, work of man's hands, wood and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:32 @'For, ask, I pray thee, at the former days which have been before thee, from the day that God prepared man on the earth, and from the [one] end of the heavens even unto the [other] end of the heavens, whether there hath been as this great thing -- or hath been heard like it?

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:35 @Thou, thou hast been shewn [it], to know that Jehovah He [is] God; there is none else besides Him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:39 @'And thou hast known to-day, and hast turned [it] back unto thy heart, that Jehovah He [is] God, in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath -- there is none else;

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:15 @and thou hast remembered that a servant thou hast been in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God is bringing thee out thence by a strong hand, and by a stretched-out arm; therefore hath Jehovah thy God commanded thee to keep the day of the sabbath.

ylt@Deuteronomy:7:14 @'Blessed art thou above all the peoples, there is not in thee a barren man or a barren woman -- nor among your cattle;

ylt@Deuteronomy:8:15 @who is causing thee to go in the great and the terrible wilderness -- burning serpent, and scorpion, and thirst -- where there is no water; who is bringing out to thee waters from the flinty rock;

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:5 @and I turn and come down from the mount, and put the tables in the ark which I had made, and they are there, as Jehovah commanded me.

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:6 @'And the sons of Israel have journeyed from Beeroth of the sons of Jaakan to Mosera, there Aaron died, and he is buried there, and Eleazar his son doth act as priest in his stead;

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:9 @therefore there hath not been to Levi a portion and inheritance with his brethren; Jehovah Himself [is] his inheritance, as Jehovah thy God hath spoken to him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:14 @that I have given the rain of your land in its season -- sprinkling and gathered -- and thou hast gathered thy corn, and thy new wine, and thine oil,

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:17 @and the anger of Jehovah hath burned against you, and He hath restrained the heavens, and there is no rain, and the ground doth not give her increase, and ye have perished hastily from off the good land which Jehovah is giving to you.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:5 @but unto the place which Jehovah your God doth choose out of all your tribes to put His name there, to His tabernacle ye seek, and thou hast entered thither,

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:7 @and ye have eaten there before Jehovah your God, and have rejoiced in every putting forth of your hand, ye and your households, with which Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:11 @'And it hath been, the place on which Jehovah your God doth fix to cause His name to tabernacle there, thither ye bring in all that which I am commanding you, your burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, and the heave-offering of your hand, and all the choice of your vows which ye vow to Jehovah;

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:14 @except in the place which Jehovah doth choose in one of thy tribes, there thou dost cause thy burnt-offerings to ascend, and there thou dost do all that which I am commanding thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:21 @'When the place is far from thee which Jehovah thy God doth choose to put His name there, then thou hast sacrificed of thy herd and of thy flock which Jehovah hath given to thee, as I have commanded thee, and hast eaten within thy gates, of all the desire of thy soul;

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:1 @'When there ariseth in your midst a prophet, or a dreamer of a dream, and he hath given unto thee a sign or wonder,

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:12 @'When thou hearest, in one of thy cities which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee to dwell there, [one] saying,

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:17 @and there doth not cleave to thy hand any of the devoted thing, so that Jehovah doth turn back from the fierceness of His anger, and hath given to thee mercies, and loved thee, and multiplied thee, as He hath sworn to thy fathers,

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:24 @'And when the way is too much for thee, that thou art not able to carry it -- when the place is too far off from thee which Jehovah thy God doth choose to put His name there, when Jehovah thy God doth bless thee; --

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:26 @and thou hast given the money for any thing which thy soul desireth, for oxen, and for sheep, and for wine, and for strong drink, and for any thing which thy soul asketh, and thou hast eaten there before Jehovah thy God, and thou hast rejoiced, thou and thy house.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:4 @only when there is no needy one with thee, for Jehovah doth greatly bless thee in the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance to possess it.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:7 @'When there is with thee any needy one of one of thy brethren, in one of thy cities, in thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, thou dost not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother;

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:9 @'Take heed to thee lest there be a word in thy heart -- worthless, saying, Near [is] the seventh year, the year of release; and thine eye is evil against thy needy brother, and thou dost not give to him, and he hath called concerning thee unto Jehovah, and it hath been in thee sin;

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:11 @because the needy one doth not cease out of the land, therefore I am commanding thee, saying, Thou dost certainly open thy hand to thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy one, in thy land.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:15 @and thou hast remembered that a servant thou hast been in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God doth ransom thee; therefore I am commanding thee this thing to-day.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:21 @'And when there is in it a blemish, lame, or blind, any evil blemish, thou dost not sacrifice it to Jehovah thy God;

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:2 @and thou hast sacrificed a passover to Jehovah thy God, of the flock, and of the herd, in the place which Jehovah doth choose to cause His name to tabernacle there.

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:4 @and there is not seen with thee leaven in all thy border seven days, and there doth not remain of the flesh which thou dost sacrifice at evening on the first day till morning.

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:6 @except at the place which Jehovah thy God doth choose to cause His name to tabernacle -- there thou dost sacrifice the passover in the evening, at the going in of the sun, the season of thy coming out of Egypt;

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:11 @And thou hast rejoiced before Jehovah thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and the Levite who [is] within thy gates, and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who [are] in thy midst, in the place which Jehovah thy God doth choose to cause His name to tabernacle there,

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:1 @'Thou dost not sacrifice to Jehovah thy God ox or sheep in which there is a blemish -- any evil thing; for it [is] the abomination of Jehovah thy God.

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:2 @'When there is found in thy midst, in one of thy cities which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, a man or a woman who doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah thy God by transgressing His covenant,

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:12 @And the man who acteth with presumption, so as not to hearken unto the priest (who is standing to serve there Jehovah thy God), or unto the judge, even that man hath died, and thou hast put away the evil thing from Israel,

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:1 @'There is not to the priests the Levites -- all the tribe of Levi -- a portion and inheritance with Israel; fire-offerings of Jehovah, even His inheritance, they eat,

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:7 @then he hath ministered in the name of Jehovah his God, like all his brethren, the Levites, who are standing there before Jehovah,

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:10 @there is not found in thee one causing his son and his daughter to pass over into fire, a user of divinations, an observer of clouds, and an enchanter, and a sorcerer,

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:7 @therefore I am commanding thee, saying, Three cities thou dost separate to thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:10 @and innocent blood is not shed in the midst of thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance, and there hath been upon thee blood.

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:4 @and the elders of that city have brought down the heifer unto a hard valley, which is not tilled nor sown, and have beheaded there the heifer in the valley.

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:22 @'And when there is in a man a sin -- a cause of death, and he hath been put to death, and thou hast hanged him on a tree,

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:23 @'When there is a damsel, a virgin, betrothed to a man, and a man hath found her in a city, and lain with her;

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:10 @'When there is in thee a man who is not clean, from an accident at night -- then he hath gone out unto the outside of the camp -- he doth not come in unto the midst of the camp --

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:17 @'There is not a whore among the daughters of Israel, nor is there a whoremonger among the sons of Israel;

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:18 @and thou hast remembered that a servant thou hast been in Egypt, and Jehovah thy God doth ransom thee from thence; therefore I am commanding thee to do this thing.

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:22 @and thou hast remembered that a servant thou hast been in the land of Egypt; therefore I am commanding thee to do this thing.

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:1 @'When there is a strife between men, and they have come nigh unto the judgment, and they have judged, and declared righteous the righteous, and declared wrong the wrong-doer,

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:2 @that thou hast taken of the first of all the fruits of the ground which thou dost bring in out of thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, and hast put [it] in a basket, and gone unto the place which Jehovah thy God doth choose to cause His name to tabernacle there.

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:5 @'And thou hast answered and said before Jehovah thy God, A perishing Aramaean [is] my father! and he goeth down to Egypt, and sojourneth there with few men, and becometh there a nation, great, mighty, and numerous;

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:5 @and built there an altar to Jehovah thy God, an altar of stones, thou dost not wave over them iron.

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:7 @and sacrificed peace-offerings, and eaten there, and rejoiced before Jehovah thy God,

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:26 @and thy carcase hath been for food to every fowl of the heavens, and to the beast of the earth, and there is none causing trembling.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:29 @and thou hast been gropling at noon, as the blind gropeth in darkness; and thou dost not cause thy ways to prosper; and thou hast been only oppressed and plundered all the days, and there is no saviour.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:31 @thine ox [is] slaughtered before thine eyes, and thou dost not eat of it; thine ass [is] taken violently away from before thee, and it is not given back to thee; thy sheep [are] given to thine enemies, and there is no saviour for thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:36 @'Jehovah doth cause thee to go, and thy king whom thou raisest up over thee, unto a nation which thou hast not known, thou and thy fathers, and thou hast served there other gods, wood and stone;

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:64 @and Jehovah hath scattered thee among all the peoples, from the end of the earth even unto the end of the earth; and thou hast served there other gods which thou hast not known, thou and thy fathers -- wood and stone.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:65 @'And among those nations thou dost not rest, yea, there is no resting-place for the sole of thy foot, and Jehovah hath given to thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and grief of soul;

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:68 @'And Jehovah hath brought thee back to Egypt with ships, by a way of which I said to thee, Thou dost not add any more to see it, and ye have sold yourselves there to thine enemies, for men-servants and for maid-servants, and there is no buyer.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:18 @lest there be among you a man or woman, or family or tribe, whose heart is turning to-day from Jehovah our God, to go to serve the gods of those nations, lest there be in you a root fruitful of gall and wormwood:

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:23 @([with] brimstone and salt is the whole land burnt, it is not sown, nor doth it shoot up, nor doth there go up on it any herb, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim, which Jehovah overturned in His anger, and in His fury,) --

ylt@Deuteronomy:30:3 @then hath Jehovah thy God turned back [to] thy captivity, and pitied thee, yea, He hath turned back and gathered thee out of all the peoples whither Jehovah thy God hath scattered thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:26 @'Take this Book of the Law, and thou hast set it on the side of the ark of the covenant of Jehovah your God, and it hath been there against thee for a witness;

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:12 @Jehovah alone doth lead him, And there is no strange god with him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:28 @For a nation lost to counsels [are] they, And there is no understanding in them.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:39 @See ye, now, that I -- I [am] He, And there is no god with Me: I put to death, and I keep alive; I have smitten, and I heal; And there is not from My hand a deliverer,

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:50 @and die in the mount whither thou art going up, and be gathered unto thy people, as Aaron thy brother hath died in the mount Hor, and is gathered unto his people:

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:19 @Peoples [to] the mountain they call, There they sacrifice righteous sacrifices; For the abundance of the seas they suck, And hidden things hidden in the sand.

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:21 @And he provideth the first part for himself, For there the portion of the lawgiver is covered, And he cometh [with] the heads of the people; The righteousness of Jehovah he hath done, And His judgments with Israel.

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:26 @There is none like the God of Jeshurun, Riding the heavens in thy help, And in His excellency the skies.

ylt@Deuteronomy:34:5 @And Moses, servant of the Lord, dieth there, in the land of Moab, according to the command of Jehovah;

ylt@Deuteronomy:34:10 @And there hath not arisen a prophet any more in Israel like Moses, whom Jehovah hath known face unto face,

ylt@Joshua:2:1 @And Joshua son of Nun sendeth from Shittim, two men, spies, silently, saying, 'Go, see the land -- and Jericho;' and they go and come into the house of a woman, a harlot, and her name [is] Rahab, and they lie down there.

ylt@Joshua:2:11 @And we hear, and melt doth our heart, and there hath not stood any more spirit in [any] man, from your presence, for Jehovah your God, He [is] God in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath.

ylt@Joshua:2:16 @and she saith to them, 'To the mountain go, lest the pursuers come upon you; and ye have been hidden there three days till the turning back of the pursuers, and afterwards ye go on your way.'

ylt@Joshua:2:22 @And they go, and come in to the mountain, and abide there three days until the pursuers have turned back; and the pursuers seek in all the way, and have not found.

ylt@Joshua:3:1 @And Joshua riseth early in the morning, and they journey from Shittim, and come in unto the Jordan, he and all the sons of Israel, and they lodge there before they pass over.

ylt@Joshua:4:8 @And the sons of Israel do so as Joshua commanded, and take up twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, as Jehovah hath spoken unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel, and remove them over with them unto the lodging-place, and place them there,

ylt@Joshua:4:9 @even the twelve stones hath Joshua raised up out of the midst of the Jordan, the place of the standing of the feet of the priests bearing the ark of the covenant, and they are there unto this day.

ylt@Joshua:5:1 @And it cometh to pass when all the kings of the Amorite which [are] beyond the Jordan, towards the sea, and all the kings of the Canaanite which [are] by the sea, hear how that Jehovah hath dried up the waters of the Jordan at the presence of the sons of Israel till their passing over, that their heart is melted, and there hath not been in them any more spirit because of the presence of the sons of Israel.

ylt@Joshua:5:12 @and the manna doth cease on the morrow in their eating of the old corn of the land, and there hath been no more manna to the sons of Israel, and they eat of the increase of the land of Canaan in that year.

ylt@Joshua:6:10 @and the people hath Joshua commanded, saying, 'Ye do not shout, nor cause your voice to be heard, nor doth there go out from your mouth a word, till the day of my saying unto you, Shout ye -- then ye have shouted.'

ylt@Joshua:7:4 @And there go up of the people thither about three thousand men, and they flee before the men of Ai,

ylt@Joshua:7:26 @and they raise up over him a great heap of stones unto this day, and Jehovah turneth back from the heat of His anger, therefore hath [one] called the name of that place 'Valley of Achor' till this day.

ylt@Joshua:8:17 @and there hath not been left a man in Ai and Bethel who hath not gone out after Israel, and they leave the city open, and pursue after Israel.

ylt@Joshua:8:20 @And the men of Ai look behind them, and see, and lo, the smoke of the city hath gone up unto the heavens, and there hath not been in them power to flee hither and thither -- and the people who are fleeing to the wilderness have turned against the pursuer, --

ylt@Joshua:8:32 @and he writeth there on the stones the copy of the law of Moses, which he hath written in the presence of the sons of Israel.

ylt@Joshua:8:35 @there hath not been a thing of all that Moses commanded which Joshua hath not proclaimed before all the assembly of Israel, and the women, and the infants, and the sojourner who is going in their midst.

ylt@Joshua:10:5 @And five kings of the Amorite (the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon) are gathered together, and go up, they and all their camps, and encamp against Gibeon, and fight against it.

ylt@Joshua:10:8 @And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'Be not afraid of them, for into thy hand I have given them, there doth not stand a man of them in thy presence.'

ylt@Joshua:10:14 @And there hath not been like that day before it or after it, for Jehovah's hearkening to the voice of a man; for Jehovah is fighting for Israel.

ylt@Joshua:11:19 @there hath not been a city which made peace with the sons of Israel save the Hivite, inhabitants of Gibeon; the whole they have taken in battle;

ylt@Joshua:11:22 @There hath not been left Anakim in the land of the sons of Israel; only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod, were they left.

ylt@Joshua:14:12 @'And now, give to me this hill-country, of which Jehovah spake in that day, for thou didst hear in that day, for Anakim [are] there, and cities, great, fenced; if so be Jehovah [is] with me, then I have dispossessed them, as Jehovah hath spoken.'

ylt@Joshua:14:14 @therefore hath Hebron been to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenezzite for an inheritance unto this day, because that he was fully after Jehovah, God of Israel;

ylt@Joshua:17:2 @And there is for the sons of Manasseh who are left, for their families; for the sons of Abiezer, and for the sons of Helek, and for the sons of Asriel, and for the sons of Shechem, and for the sons of Hepher, and for the sons of Shemida; these [are] the children of Manasseh son of Joseph -- the males -- by their families.

ylt@Joshua:17:15 @And Joshua saith unto them, 'If thou [art] a numerous people, go up for thee to the forest, then thou hast prepared for thee there, in the land of the Perizzite, and of the Rephaim, when mount Ephraim hath been narrow for thee.'

ylt@Joshua:18:1 @And all the company of the sons of Israel are assembled [at] Shiloh, and they cause the tent of meeting to tabernacle there, and the land hath been subdued before them.

ylt@Joshua:18:2 @And there are left among the sons of Israel who have not shared their inheritance, seven tribes,

ylt@Joshua:18:7 @for there is no portion to the Levites in your midst, for the priesthood of Jehovah [is] their inheritance, and Gad, and Reuben, and the half of the tribe of Manasseh received their inheritance beyond the Jordan eastward, which Moses servant of Jehovah gave to them.'

ylt@Joshua:18:10 @And Joshua casteth for them a lot in Shiloh before Jehovah, and there Joshua apportioneth the land to the sons of Israel, according to their divisions.

ylt@Joshua:20:4 @'When [one] hath fled unto one of these cities, and hath stood [at] the opening of the gate of the city, and hath spoken in the ears of the elders of that city his matter, then they have gathered him into the city unto them, and have given to him a place, and he hath dwelt with them.

ylt@Joshua:21:4 @And the lot goeth out for the families of the Kohathite, and there are for the sons of Aaron the priest (of the Levites), out of the tribe of Judah, and out of the tribe of Simeon, and out of the tribe of Benjamin, by lot thirteen cities,

ylt@Joshua:21:44 @and Jehovah giveth rest to them round about, according to all that which He hath sworn to their fathers, and there hath not stood a man in their presence of all their enemies, the whole of their enemies hath Jehovah given into their hand;

ylt@Joshua:21:45 @there hath not fallen a thing of all the good thing which Jehovah spake unto the house of Israel -- the whole hath come.

ylt@Joshua:22:10 @and they come in unto the districts of the Jordan, which [are] in the land of Canaan, and the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the half of the tribe of Manasseh, build there an altar by the Jordan -- a great altar for appearance.

ylt@Joshua:22:20 @Did not Achan son of Zerah commit a trespass in the devoted thing, and on all the company of Israel there was wrath? and he alone expired not in his iniquity.'

ylt@Joshua:23:14 @'And lo, I am going, to-day, in the way of all the earth, and ye have known -- with all your heart, and with all your soul -- that there hath not fallen one thing of all the good things which Jehovah your God hath spoken concerning you; the whole have come to you; there hath not failed of it one thing.

ylt@Joshua:23:15 @'And it hath been, as there hath come upon you all the good thing which Jehovah your God hath spoken unto you, so doth Jehovah bring upon you the whole of the evil thing, till His destroying you from off this good ground which Jehovah your God hath given to you;

ylt@Joshua:24:1 @And Joshua gathereth all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and calleth for the elders of Israel, and for its heads, and for its judges, and for its authorities, and they station themselves before God.

ylt@Joshua:24:26 @And Joshua writeth these words in the Book of the Law of God, and taketh a great stone, and raiseth it up there under the oak which [is] in the sanctuary of Jehovah.

ylt@Judges:1:7 @and Adoni-Bezek saith, 'Seventy kings -- their thumbs and their great toes cut off -- have been gathering under my table; as I have done so hath God repaid to me;' and they bring him in to Jerusalem, and he dieth there.

ylt@Judges:2:5 @and they call the name of that place Bochim, and sacrifice there to Jehovah.

ylt@Judges:2:10 @and also all that generation have been gathered unto their fathers, and another generation riseth after them who have not known Jehovah, and even the work which He hath done to Israel.

ylt@Judges:3:13 @and he gathereth unto him the Bene-Ammon and Amalek, and goeth and smiteth Israel, and they possess the city of palms;

ylt@Judges:4:16 @And Barak hath pursued after the chariots and after the camp, unto Harosheth of the Goyim, and all the camp of Sisera falleth by the mouth of the sword -- there hath not been left even one.

ylt@Judges:4:20 @And he saith unto her, 'Stand at the opening of the tent, and it hath been, if any doth come in, and hath asked thee, and said, Is there a man here? that thou hast said, There is not.'

ylt@Judges:5:11 @By the voice of shouters Between the places of drawing water, There they give out righteous acts of Jehovah, Righteous acts of His villages in Israel, Then ruled in the gates have the people of Jehovah.

ylt@Judges:5:27 @Between her feet he bowed -- He fell, he lay down; Between her feet he bowed, he fell; Where he bowed, there he fell -- destroyed.

ylt@Judges:6:5 @for they and their cattle come up, with their tents; they come in as the fulness of the locust for multitude, and of them and of their cattle there is no number, and they come into the land to destroy it.

ylt@Judges:6:24 @And Gideon buildeth there an altar to Jehovah, and calleth it Jehovah-Shalom, unto this day it [is] yet in Ophrah of the Abi-Ezrites.

ylt@Judges:6:33 @And all Midian and Amalek and the sons of the east have been gathered together, and pass over, and encamp in the valley of Jezreel,

ylt@Judges:6:39 @And Gideon saith unto God, 'Let not Thine anger burn against me, and I speak only this time; let me try, I pray Thee, only this time with the fleece -- let there be, I pray Thee, drought on the fleece alone, and on all the earth let there be dew.'

ylt@Judges:6:40 @And God doth so on that night, and there is drought on the fleece alone, and on all the earth there hath been dew.

ylt@Judges:7:3 @and now, call, I pray thee, in the ears of the people, saying, Whoso [is] afraid and trembling, let him turn back and go early from mount Gilead;' and there turn back of the people twenty and two thousand, and ten thousand have been left.

ylt@Judges:7:4 @And Jehovah saith unto Gideon, 'Yet [are] the people too many; bring them down unto the water, and I refine it for thee there; and it hath been, he of whom I say unto thee, This doth go with thee -- he doth go with thee; and any of whom I say unto thee, This doth not go with thee -- he doth not go.'

ylt@Judges:7:12 @and Midian and Amalek, and all the sons of the east are lying in the valley, as the locust for multitude, and of their camels there is no number, as sand which [is] on the sea-shore for multitude.

ylt@Judges:8:7 @And Gideon saith, 'Therefore -- in Jehovah's giving Zebah and Zalmunna into my hand -- I have threshed your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness, and with the threshing instruments.'

ylt@Judges:8:27 @and Gideon maketh it into an ephod, and setteth it up in his city, in Ophrah, and all Israel go a-whoring after it there, and it is to Gideon and to his house for a snare.

ylt@Judges:8:30 @and to Gideon there have been seventy sons, coming out of his loin, for he had many wives;

ylt@Judges:9:6 @And all the masters of Shechem are gathered together, and all the house of Millo, and come and cause Abimelech to reign for king at the oak of the camp which [is] in Shechem;

ylt@Judges:9:21 @And Jotham hasteth, and fleeth, and goeth to Beer, and dwelleth there, from the face of Abimelech his brother.

ylt@Judges:9:47 @and it is declared to Abimelech that all the masters of the tower of Shechem have gathered themselves together,

ylt@Judges:10:1 @And there riseth after Abimelech, to save Israel, Tola son of Puah, son of Dodo, a man of Issachar, and he is dwelling in Shamir, in the hill-country of Ephraim,

ylt@Judges:10:3 @And there riseth after him Jair the Gileadite, and he judgeth Israel twenty and two years,

ylt@Judges:10:13 @and ye -- ye have forsaken Me, and serve other gods, therefore I add not to save you.

ylt@Judges:10:17 @And the Bene-Ammon are called together, and encamp in Gilead, and the sons of Israel are gathered together, and encamp in Mizpah.

ylt@Judges:11:8 @and the elders of Gilead say unto Jephthah, 'Therefore, now, we have turned back unto thee; and thou hast gone with us, and fought against the Bene-Ammon, and thou hast been to us for head -- to all the inhabitants of Gilead.'

ylt@Judges:11:20 @and Sihon hath not trusted Israel to pass over through his border, and Sihon gathereth all his people, and they encamp in Jahaz, and fight with Israel;

ylt@Judges:12:4 @And Jephthah gathered all the men of Gilead, and fighteth with Ephraim, and the men of Gilead smite Ephraim, because they said, 'Fugitives of Ephraim [are] ye Gileadites, in the midst of Ephraim -- in the midst of Manasseh.'

ylt@Judges:12:6 @that they say to him, 'Say, I pray thee, Shibboleth;' and he saith, 'Sibboleth,' and is not prepared to speak right -- and they seize him, and slaughter him at the passages of the Jordan, and there fall at that time, of Ephraim, forty and two chiefs.

ylt@Judges:13:2 @And there is a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danite, and his name [is] Manoah, his wife [is] barren, and hath not borne;

ylt@Judges:14:3 @And his father saith to him -- also his mother, 'Is there not among the daughters of thy brethren, and among all my people, a woman, that thou art going to take a woman from the uncircumcised Philistines?' and Samson saith unto his father, 'Take her for me, for she is right in mine eyes.'

ylt@Judges:14:6 @and the Spirit of Jehovah prospereth over him, and he rendeth it as the rending of a kid, and there is nothing in his hand, and he hath not declared to his father and to his mother that which he hath done.

ylt@Judges:14:10 @And his father goeth down unto the woman, and Samson maketh there a banquet, for so the young men do;

ylt@Judges:15:19 @And God cleaveth the hollow place which [is] in Lehi, and waters come out of it, and he drinketh, and his spirit cometh back, and he reviveth; therefore hath [one] called its name 'The fountain of him who is calling,' which [is] in Lehi unto this day.

ylt@Judges:16:1 @And Samson goeth to Gaza, and seeth there a woman, a harlot, and goeth in unto her;

ylt@Judges:16:23 @and the princes of the Philistines have been gathered together to sacrifice a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, and to rejoice; and they say, 'Our god hath given into our hand Samson our enemy.'

ylt@Judges:17:1 @And there is a man of the hill-country of Ephraim, and his name [is] Micah,

ylt@Judges:17:6 @in those days there is no king in Israel, each that which is right in his own eyes doth.

ylt@Judges:17:7 @And there is a young man of Beth-Lehem-Judah, of the family of Judah, and he [is] a Levite, and he [is] a sojourner there.

ylt@Judges:18:1 @In those days there is no king in Israel, and in those days the tribe of the Danite is seeking for itself an inheritance to inhabit, for [that] hath not fallen to it unto that day in the midst of the tribes of Israel by inheritance.

ylt@Judges:18:2 @And the sons of Dan send, out of their family, five men of them, men, sons of valour, from Zorah, and from Eshtaol, to traverse the land, and to search it, and they say unto them, 'Go, search the land;' and they come into the hill-country of Ephraim, unto the house of Micah, and lodge there.

ylt@Judges:18:3 @They [are] with the household of Micah, and they have discerned the voice of the young man, the Levite, and turn aside there, and say to him, 'Who hath brought thee hither? and what art thou doing in this [place?] and what to thee here?'

ylt@Judges:18:7 @And the five men go, and come in to Laish, and see the people which [is] in its midst, dwelling confidently, according to the custom of Zidonians, quiet and confident; and there is none putting to shame in the land in [any] thing, possessing restraint, and they [are] far off from the Zidonians, and have no word with [any] man.

ylt@Judges:18:10 @When ye go, ye come in unto a people confident, and the land [is] large on both hands, for God hath given it into your hand, a place where there is no lack of anything which [is] in the land.'

ylt@Judges:18:11 @And there journey thence, of the family of the Danite, from Zorah, and from Eshtaol, six hundred men girded with weapons of war.

ylt@Judges:18:12 @And they go up and encamp in Kirjath-Jearim, in Judah, therefore they have called that place, 'Camp of Dan,' till this day; lo, behind Kirjath-Jearim.

ylt@Judges:18:14 @And the five men, those going to traverse the land of Laish, answer and say unto their brethren, 'Have ye known that there is in these houses an ephod, and teraphim, and graven image, and molten image? and now, know what ye do.'

ylt@Judges:18:25 @And the sons of Dan say unto him, 'Let not thy voice be heard with us, lest men bitter in soul fall upon you, and thou hast gathered thy life, and the life of thy household;'

ylt@Judges:18:28 @and there is no deliverer, for it [is] far off from Zidon, and they have no word with [any] man, and it [is] in the valley which [is] by Beth-Rehob; and they build the city, and dwell in it,

ylt@Judges:19:1 @And it cometh to pass, in those days, when there is no king in Israel, that there is a man a Levite, a sojourner in the sides of the hill-country of Ephraim, and he taketh to him a wife, a concubine, out of Beth-Lehem-Judah;

ylt@Judges:19:2 @and commit whoredom against him doth his concubine, and she goeth from him unto the house of her father, unto Beth-Lehem-Judah, and is there days -- four months.

ylt@Judges:19:4 @And keep hold on him doth his father-in-law, father of the young woman, and he abideth with him three days, and they eat and drink, and lodge there.

ylt@Judges:19:7 @And the man riseth to go, and his father-in-law presseth on him, and he turneth back and lodgeth there.

ylt@Judges:19:15 @and they turn aside there to go in to lodge in Gibeah, and he goeth in and sitteth in a broad place of the city, and there is no man gathering them into the house to lodge.

ylt@Judges:19:18 @And he saith unto him, 'We are passing over from Beth-Lehem-Judah unto the sides of the hill-country of Ephraim -- thence I [am], and I go unto Beth-Lehem-Judah; and to the house of Jehovah I am going, and there is no man gathering me into the house,

ylt@Judges:19:19 @and both straw and provender are for our asses, and also bread and wine there are for me, and for thy handmaid, and for the young man with thy servants; there is no lack of anything.'

ylt@Judges:19:28 @and he saith unto her, 'Rise, and we go;' and there is none answering, and he taketh her on the ass, and the man riseth and goeth to his place,

ylt@Judges:19:30 @And it hath come to pass, every one who seeth hath said, 'There hath not been -- yea, there hath not been seen like this, from the day of the coming up of the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt till this day; set your [heart] upon it, take counsel, and speak.'

ylt@Judges:20:11 @And every man of Israel is gathered unto the city, as one man -- companions.

ylt@Judges:20:14 @and the sons of Benjamin are gathered out of the cities to Gibeah, to go out to battle with the sons of Israel.

ylt@Judges:20:26 @And all the sons of Israel go up, even all the people, and come in to Beth-El, and weep, and sit there before Jehovah, and fast on that day till the evening, and cause to ascend burnt-offerings and peace-offerings before Jehovah.

ylt@Judges:20:27 @And the sons of Israel ask of Jehovah, -- and there [is] the ark of the covenant of God in those days,

ylt@Judges:20:38 @And there was the appointed sign to the men of Israel with the ambush -- their causing to go up a great volume of smoke from the city.

ylt@Judges:20:44 @And there fall of Benjamin eighteen thousand men -- the whole of these [are] men of valour;

ylt@Judges:20:47 @and there turn and flee into the wilderness, unto the rock of Rimmon six hundred men, and they dwell in the rock Rimmon four months.

ylt@Judges:21:2 @And the people come in to Beth-El, and sit there till the evening before God, and lift up their voice, and weep -- a great weeping,

ylt@Judges:21:4 @And it cometh to pass on the morrow, that the people rise early, and build there an altar, and cause to ascend burnt-offerings and peace-offerings.

ylt@Judges:21:6 @And the sons of Israel repent concerning Benjamin their brother, and say, 'There hath been to-day cut off one tribe from Israel,

ylt@Judges:21:9 @And the people numbered themselves, and lo, there is not there a man of the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead.

ylt@Judges:21:10 @And the company send there twelve thousand men of the sons of valour, and command them, saying, 'Go -- and ye have smitten the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead by the mouth of the sword, even the women and the infants.

ylt@Judges:21:25 @In those days there is no king in Israel; each doth that which is right in his own eyes.

ylt@Ruth:1:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the days of the judging of the judges, that there is a famine in the land, and there goeth a man from Beth-Lehem-Judah to sojourn in the fields of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.

ylt@Ruth:1:2 @And the name of the man [is] Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites from Beth-Lehem-Judah; and they come into the fields of Moab, and are there.

ylt@Ruth:1:4 @and they take to them wives, Moabitesses: the name of the one [is] Orpah, and the name of the second Ruth; and they dwell there about ten years.

ylt@Ruth:1:11 @And Naomi saith, 'Turn back, my daughters; why do ye go with me? are there yet to me sons in my bowels that they have been to you for husbands?

ylt@Ruth:1:12 @Turn back, my daughters, go, for I am too aged to be to a husband; though I had said, There is for me hope, also, I have been to-night to a husband, and also I have borne sons:

ylt@Ruth:1:17 @Where thou diest I die, and there I am buried; thus doth Jehovah to me, and thus doth He add -- for death itself doth part between me and thee.'

ylt@Ruth:2:3 @And she goeth and cometh and gathereth in a field after the reapers, and her chance happeneth -- the portion of the field is Boaz's who [is] of the family of Elimelech.

ylt@Ruth:2:7 @and she saith, Let me glean, I pray thee -- and I have gathered among the sheaves after the reapers; and she cometh and remaineth since the morning and till now; she sat in the house a little.

ylt@Ruth:3:12 @And now, surely, true, that I [am] a redeemer, but also there is a redeemer nearer than I.

ylt@Ruth:4:1 @And Boaz hath gone up to the gate, and sitteth there, and lo, the redeemer is passing by of whom Boaz had spoken, and he saith, 'Turn aside, sit down here, such a one, such a one;' and he turneth aside and sitteth down.

ylt@Ruth:4:4 @and I said, I uncover thine ear, saying, Buy before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my people; if thou dost redeem -- redeem, and if none doth redeem -- declare to me, and I know, for there is none save thee to redeem, and I after thee.' And he saith, I redeem [it].'

ylt@Ruth:4:17 @and the neighbouring women give to him a name, saying, 'There hath been a son born to Naomi,' and they call his name Obed; he [is] father of Jesse, father of David.

ylt@1Samuel:1:1 @And there is a certain man of Ramathaim-Zophim, of the hill-country of Ephraim, and his name [is] Elkanah, son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, and Ephrathite,

ylt@1Samuel:1:3 @And that man hath gone up out of his city from time to time, to bow himself, and to sacrifice, before Jehovah of Hosts, in Shiloh, and there [are] two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, priests to Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:1:22 @And Hannah hath not gone up, for she said to her husband, 'Till the youth is weaned -- then I have brought him in, and he hath appeared before the face of Jehovah, and dwelt there -- unto the age.'

ylt@1Samuel:1:28 @and also I have caused him to be asked for Jehovah, all the days that he hath lived -- he is asked for Jehovah;' and he boweth himself there before Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:2:2 @There is none holy like Jehovah, For there is none save Thee, And there is no rock like our God.

ylt@1Samuel:2:14 @and hath struck [it] into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; all that the hook bringeth up doth the priest take for himself; thus they do to all Israel who are coming in, there, in Shiloh.

ylt@1Samuel:2:27 @And there cometh a man of God unto Eli, and saith unto him, 'Thus said Jehovah, Was I really revealed unto the house of thy father in their being in Egypt, before Pharaoh's house,

ylt@1Samuel:2:30 @'Therefore -- the affirmation of Jehovah, God of Israel -- I certainly said, Thy house and the house of thy father, do walk up and down before Me to the age; and now -- the affirmation of Jehovah -- Far be it from Me! for he who is honouring Me, I honour, and those despising Me, are lightly esteemed.

ylt@1Samuel:2:32 @and thou hast beheld an adversary [in My] habitation, in all that He doth good with Israel, and there is not an old man in thy house all the days.

ylt@1Samuel:3:1 @And the youth Samuel is serving Jehovah before Eli, and the word of Jehovah hath been precious in those days -- there is no vision broken forth.

ylt@1Samuel:3:14 @and therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli: the iniquity of the house of Eli is not atoned for, by sacrifice, and by offering -- unto the age.'

ylt@1Samuel:4:4 @And the people sendeth to Shiloh, and they take up thence the ark of the covenant of Jehovah of Hosts, inhabiting the cherubs, and there [are] two sons of Eli, with the ark of the covenant of God, Hophni and Phinehas.

ylt@1Samuel:4:7 @And the Philistines are afraid, for they said, 'God hath come in unto the camp;' and they say, 'Wo to us, for there hath not been like this heretofore.

ylt@1Samuel:4:10 @And the Philistines fight, and Israel is smitten, and they flee each to his tents, and the blow is very great, and there fall of Israel thirty thousand footmen;

ylt@1Samuel:5:5 @therefore the priests of Dagon, and all those coming into the house of Dagon, tread not on the threshold of Dagon, in Ashdod, till this day.

ylt@1Samuel:5:11 @And they send and gather all the princes of the Philistines, and say, 'Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and it turneth back to its place, and it doth not put us to death -- and our people;' for there hath been a deadly destruction throughout all the city, very heavy hath the hand of God been there,

ylt@1Samuel:6:14 @And the cart hath come in unto the field of Joshua the Beth-Shemeshite, and standeth there, and there [is] a great stone, and they cleave the wood of the cart, and the kine they have caused to ascend -- a burnt-offering to Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:7:6 @And they are gathered to Mizpeh, and draw water, and pour out before Jehovah, and fast on that day, and say there, 'We have sinned against Jehovah;' and Samuel judgeth the sons of Israel in Mizpeh.

ylt@1Samuel:7:7 @And the Philistines hear that the sons of Israel have gathered themselves to Mizpeh; and the princes of the Philistines go up against Israel, and the sons of Israel hear, and are afraid of the presence of the Philistines.

ylt@1Samuel:7:14 @And the cities which the Philistines have taken from Israel are restored to Israel -- from Ekron even unto Gath -- and their border hath Israel delivered out of the hand of the Philistines; and there is peace between Israel and the Amorite.

ylt@1Samuel:7:17 @and his returning [is] to Ramath, for there [is] his house, and there he hath judged Israel, and he buildeth there an altar to Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:9:1 @And there is a man of Benjamin, and his name [is] Kish, son of Abiel, son of Zeror, son of Bechorath, son of Aphiah, a Benjamite, mighty of valour,

ylt@1Samuel:9:2 @and he hath a son, and his name [is] Saul, a choice youth and goodly, and there is not a man among the sons of Israel goodlier than he -- from his shoulder and upward, higher than any of the people.

ylt@1Samuel:9:6 @And he saith to him, 'Lo, I pray thee, a man of God [is] in this city, and the man is honoured; all that he speaketh doth certainly come; now, we go there, it may be he doth declare to us our way on which we have gone.'

ylt@1Samuel:9:7 @And Saul saith to his young man, 'And lo, we go, and what do we bring in to the man? for the bread hath gone from our vessels, and a present there is not to bring in to the man of God -- what [is] with us?'

ylt@1Samuel:9:8 @And the young man addeth to answer Saul, and saith, 'Lo, there is found with me a fourth of a shekel of silver: and I have given to the man of God, and he hath declared to us our way.'

ylt@1Samuel:10:3 @'And thou hast passed on thence, and beyond, and hast come in unto the oak of Tabor, and found thee there have three men going up unto God to Beth-El, one bearing three kids, and one bearing three cakes of bread, and one bearing a bottle of wine,

ylt@1Samuel:10:12 @And a man thence answereth and saith, 'And who [is] their father?' therefore it hath been for a simile, 'Is Saul also among the prophets?'

ylt@1Samuel:10:24 @And Samuel saith unto all the people, 'Have ye seen him on whom Jehovah hath fixed, for there is none like him among all the people?' And all the people shout, and say, 'Let the king live!'

ylt@1Samuel:11:3 @And the elders of Jabesh say to him, 'Let us alone seven days, and we send messengers into all the border of Israel: and if there is none saving us -- then we have come out unto thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:11:11 @And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that Saul putteth the people in three detachments, and they come into the midst of the camp in the morning-watch, and smite Ammon till the heat of the day; and it cometh to pass that those left are scattered, and there have not been left of them two together.

ylt@1Samuel:11:13 @And Saul saith, 'There is no man put to death on this day, for to-day hath Jehovah wrought salvation in Israel.'

ylt@1Samuel:11:14 @And Samuel saith unto the people, 'Come and we go to Gilgal, and renew the kingdom there;'

ylt@1Samuel:11:15 @and all the people go to Gilgal, and cause Saul to reign there before Jehovah in Gilgal, and sacrifice there sacrifices of peace-offerings before Jehovah, and there Saul rejoiceth -- and all the men of Israel -- very greatly.

ylt@1Samuel:13:5 @And the Philistines have been gathered to fight with Israel; thirty thousand chariots, and six thousand horsemen, and a people as the sand which [is] on the sea-shore for multitude; and they come up and encamp in Michmash, east of Beth-Aven.

ylt@1Samuel:13:11 @and Samuel saith, 'What hast thou done?' And Saul saith, 'Because I saw that the people were scattered from off me, and thou hadst not come at the appointment of the days, and the Philistines are gathered to Michmash,

ylt@1Samuel:13:21 @and there hath been the file for mattocks, and for coulters, and for three-pronged rakes, and for the axes, and to set up the goads.

ylt@1Samuel:13:22 @And it hath been, in the day of battle, that there hath not been found sword and spear in the hand of any of the people who [are] with Saul and with Jonathan -- and there is found to Saul and to Jonathan his son.

ylt@1Samuel:14:6 @And Jonathan saith unto the young man bearing his weapons, 'Come, and we pass over unto the station of these uncircumcised; it may be Jehovah doth work for us, for there is no restraint to Jehovah to save by many or by few.'

ylt@1Samuel:14:15 @and there is a trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people, the station and the destroyers have trembled -- even they, and the earth shaketh, and it becometh a trembling of God.

ylt@1Samuel:14:25 @And all [they of] the land have come into a forest, and there is honey on the face of the field;

ylt@1Samuel:14:34 @And Saul saith, 'Be ye scattered among the people, and ye have said to them, Bring ye nigh unto me each his ox, and each his sheep; and ye have slain [them] in this place, and eaten, and ye do not sin against Jehovah to eat with the blood.' And all the people bring nigh each his ox, in his hand, that night, and slaughter [them] there.

ylt@1Samuel:14:45 @And the people say unto Saul, 'Doth Jonathan die who wrought this great salvation in Israel? -- a profanation! Jehovah liveth, if there falleth from the hair of his head to the earth, for with God he hath wrought this day;' and the people rescue Jonathan, and he hath not died.

ylt@1Samuel:17:1 @And the Philistines gather their camps to battle, and are gathered to Shochoh, which [is] to Judah, and encamp between Shochoh and Azekah, in Ephes-Dammim;

ylt@1Samuel:17:2 @and Saul and the men of Israel have been gathered, and encamp by the valley of Elah, and set the battle in array to meet the Philistines.

ylt@1Samuel:17:4 @And there goeth out a man of the duellists from the camps of the Philistines, Goliath [is] his name, from Gath; his height [is] six cubits and a span,

ylt@1Samuel:17:50 @And David is stronger than the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smiteth the Philistine, and putteth him to death, and there is no sword in the hand of David,

ylt@1Samuel:18:25 @And Saul saith, 'Thus do ye say to David, There is no delight to the king in dowry, but in a hundred foreskins of the Philistines -- to be avenged on the enemies of the king;' and Saul thought to cause David to fall by the hand of the Philistines.

ylt@1Samuel:19:8 @And there addeth to be war, and David goeth out and fighteth against the Philistines, and smiteth among them -- a great smiting, and they flee from his face.

ylt@1Samuel:19:24 @and he strippeth off -- he also -- his garments, and prophesieth -- he also -- before Samuel, and falleth down naked all that day and all the night; therefore they say, 'Is Saul also among the prophets?'

ylt@1Samuel:20:6 @if thy father at all look after me, and thou hast said, David asked earnestly of me to run to Beth-Lehem his city, for a sacrifice of the days [is] there for all the family.

ylt@1Samuel:20:8 @and thou hast done kindness, to thy servant, for into a covenant of Jehovah thou hast brought thy servant with thee; -- and if there is in me iniquity, put thou me to death; and unto thy father, why is this -- thou dost bring me in?'

ylt@1Samuel:20:21 @and lo, I send the youth: Go, find the arrows. If I at all say to the youth, Lo, the arrows [are] on this side of thee -- take them, -- then come thou, for peace [is] for thee, and there is nothing; Jehovah liveth.

ylt@1Samuel:20:29 @and he saith, Send me away, I pray thee, for a family sacrifice we have in the city, and my brother himself hath given command to me, and now, if I have found grace in thine eyes, let me go away, I pray thee, and see my brethren; therefore he hath not come unto the table of the king.'

ylt@1Samuel:20:38 @and Jonathan calleth after the youth, 'Speed, haste, stand not;' and Jonathan's youth gathereth the arrows, and cometh unto his lord.

ylt@1Samuel:21:3 @and now, what is there under thy hand? five loaves give into my hand, or that which is found.'

ylt@1Samuel:21:4 @And the priest answereth David, and saith, 'There is no common bread under my hand, but there is holy bread; if the youths have been kept only from women.'

ylt@1Samuel:21:6 @And the priest giveth to him the holy thing, for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence which is turned aside from the presence of Jehovah to put hot bread in the day of its being taken away.

ylt@1Samuel:21:7 @And there [is] a man of the servants of Saul on that day detained before Jehovah, and his name [is] Doeg the Edomite, chief of the shepherds whom Saul hath.

ylt@1Samuel:21:8 @And David saith to Ahimelech, 'And is there not here under thy hand spear or sword? for neither my sword nor my vessels have I taken in my hand, for the matter of the king was urgent.'

ylt@1Samuel:21:9 @And the priest saith, 'The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom thou didst smite in the valley of Elah, lo, it is wrapt in a garment behind the ephod, if it thou dost take to thyself, take; for there is none other save it in this [place].' And David saith, 'There is none like it -- give it to me.'

ylt@1Samuel:22:2 @and gather themselves unto him do every man in distress, and every man who hath an exactor, and every man bitter in soul, and he is over them for head, and there are with him about four hundred men.

ylt@1Samuel:22:8 @for ye have conspired all of you against me, and there is none uncovering mine ear about my son's covenanting with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you grieving for me, and uncovering mine ear, that my son hath raised up my servant against me, to lie in wait as [at] this day.'

ylt@1Samuel:22:20 @And there escapeth one son of Ahimelech, son of Ahitub, and his name [is] Abiathar, and he fleeth after David,

ylt@1Samuel:22:22 @And David saith to Abiathar, 'I have known on that day when Doeg the Edomite [is] there, that he doth certainly declare [it] to Saul; I have brought [it] round to every person of the house of thy father;

ylt@1Samuel:23:22 @go, I pray you, prepare yet, and know and see his place where his foot is; who hath seen him there? for [one] hath said unto me, He is very subtile.

ylt@1Samuel:23:28 @And Saul turneth back from pursuing after David, and goeth to meet the Philistines, therefore they have called that place 'The Rock of Divisions.'

ylt@1Samuel:24:3 @and he cometh in unto folds of the flock, on the way, and there [is] a cave, and Saul goeth in to cover his feet; and David and his men in the sides of the cave are abiding.

ylt@1Samuel:24:11 @'And, my father, see, yea see the skirt of thine upper robe in my hand; for by cutting off the skirt of thy upper robe, and I have not slain thee, know and see that there is not in my hand evil and transgression, and I have not sinned against thee, and thou art hunting my soul to take it!

ylt@1Samuel:25:1 @And Samuel dieth, and all Israel are gathered, and mourn for him, and bury him in his house, in Ramah; and David riseth and goeth down unto the wilderness of Paran.

ylt@1Samuel:25:2 @And [there is] a man in Maon, and his work [is] in Carmel; and the man [is] very great, and he hath three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats; and he is shearing his flock in Carmel.

ylt@1Samuel:25:13 @And David saith to his men, 'Gird ye on each his sword;' and they gird on each his sword, and David also girdeth on his sword, and there go up after David about four hundred men, and two hundred have remained by the vessels.

ylt@1Samuel:25:34 @And yet, Jehovah liveth, God of Israel, who hath kept me back from doing evil with thee, for unless thou hadst hasted, and dost come to meet me, surely there had not been left to Nabal till the light of the morning, of those sitting on the wall.'

ylt@1Samuel:26:12 @And David taketh the spear, and the cruse of water at the pillow of Saul, and they go away, and there is none seeing, and there is none knowing, and there is none awaking, for all of them are sleeping, for a deep sleep [from] Jehovah hath fallen upon them.

ylt@1Samuel:27:1 @And David saith unto his heart, 'Now am I consumed one day by the hand of Saul; there is nothing for me better than that I diligently escape unto the land of the Philistines, and Saul hath been despairing of me -- of seeking me any more in all the border of Israel, and I have escaped out of his hand.'

ylt@1Samuel:27:5 @And David saith unto Achish, 'If, I pray thee, I have found grace in thine eyes, they give to me a place in one of the cities of the field, and I dwell there, yea, why doth thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?'

ylt@1Samuel:27:6 @And Achish giveth to him in that day Ziklag, therefore hath Ziklag been to the kings of Judah till this day.

ylt@1Samuel:28:2 @And David saith unto Achish, 'Therefore -- thou dost know that which thy servant dost do.' And Achish saith unto David, 'Therefore -- keeper of my head I do appoint thee all the days.'

ylt@1Samuel:28:4 @And the Philistines are gathered, and come in, and encamp in Shunem, and Saul gathereth all Israel, and they encamp in Gilboa,

ylt@1Samuel:28:18 @Because thou hast not hearkened to the voice of Jehovah, nor didst the fierceness of His anger on Amalek -- therefore this thing hath Jehovah done to thee this day;

ylt@1Samuel:28:22 @and now, hearken, I pray thee, also thou, to the voice of thy maid-servant, and I set before thee a morsel of bread, and eat, and there is in thee power when thou goest in the way.'

ylt@1Samuel:30:17 @And David smiteth them from the twilight even unto the evening of the morrow, and there hath not escaped of them a man, except four hundred young men who have ridden on the camels, and are fled.

ylt@1Samuel:30:19 @And there hath not lacked to them [anything], from small unto great, and unto sons and daughters, and from the spoil, even unto all that they had taken to themselves, the whole hath David brought back,

ylt@1Samuel:31:12 @and all the men of valour arise, and go all the night, and take the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, from the wall of Beth-Shan, and come in to Jabesh, and burn them there,

ylt@2Samuel:1:21 @Mountains of Gilboa! No dew nor rain be on you, And fields of heave-offerings! For there hath become loathsome The shield of the mighty, The shield of Saul -- without the anointed with oil.

ylt@2Samuel:2:4 @And the men of Judah come, and anoint there David for king over the house of Judah; and they declare to David, saying, 'The men of Jabesh-Gilead [are] they who buried Saul.'

ylt@2Samuel:2:18 @And there are there three sons of Zeruiah, Joab, and Abishai, and Asahel, and Asahel [is] light on his feet, as one of the roes which [are] in the field,

ylt@2Samuel:2:23 @And he refuseth to turn aside, and Abner smiteth him with the hinder part of the spear unto the fifth [rib], and the spear cometh out from behind him, and he falleth there, and dieth under it; and it cometh to pass, every one who hath come unto the place where Asahel hath fallen and dieth -- they stand still.

ylt@2Samuel:2:30 @And Joab hath turned back from after Abner, and gathereth all the people, and there are lacking of the servants of David nineteen men, and Asahel;

ylt@2Samuel:3:2 @And there are born to David sons in Hebron, and his first-born is Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess,

ylt@2Samuel:3:27 @And Abner turneth back to Hebron, and Joab turneth him aside unto the midst of the gate to speak with him quietly, and smiteth him there in the fifth [rib] -- and he dieth -- for the blood of Asahel his brother.

ylt@2Samuel:3:29 @it doth stay on the head of Joab, and on all the house of his father, and there is not cut off from the house of Joab one having an issue, and leprous, and laying hold on a staff, and falling by a sword, and lacking bread.'

ylt@2Samuel:4:3 @and the Beerothites flee to Gittaim, and are there sojourners unto this day.

ylt@2Samuel:5:13 @And David taketh again concubines and wives out of Jerusalem, after his coming from Hebron, and there are born again to David sons and daughters.

ylt@2Samuel:5:20 @And David cometh in to Baal-Perazim, and David smiteth them there, and saith, 'Jehovah hath broken forth [on] mine enemies before me, as the breaking forth of waters;' therefore he hath called the name of that place Baal-Perazim.

ylt@2Samuel:5:21 @And they forsake there their idols, and David and his men lift them up.

ylt@2Samuel:6:1 @And David gathered again every chosen one in Israel, thirty thousand,

ylt@2Samuel:6:7 @and the anger of Jehovah burneth against Uzzah, and God smiteth him there for the error, and he dieth there by the ark of God.

ylt@2Samuel:7:22 @Therefore Thou hast been great, Jehovah God, for there is none like Thee, and there is no God save Thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

ylt@2Samuel:7:27 @For Thou, Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, Thou hast uncovered the ear of Thy servant, saying, A house I build for thee, therefore hath Thy servant found his heart to pray unto Thee this prayer;

ylt@2Samuel:9:1 @And David saith, 'Is there yet any left to the house of Saul, and I do with him kindness because of Jonathan?'

ylt@2Samuel:9:3 @And the king saith, 'Is there not yet a man to the house of Saul, and I do with him the kindness of God?' And Ziba saith unto the king, 'Jonathan hath yet a son -- lame.'

ylt@2Samuel:9:10 @and thou hast served for him the land, thou and thy sons, and thy servants, and hast brought in, and there hath been to the son of thy lord bread, and he hath eaten it; and Mephibosheth son of thy lord doth eat continually bread at my table;' and Ziba hath fifteen sons and twenty servants.

ylt@2Samuel:10:15 @And Aram seeth that it is smitten before Israel, and they are gathered together;

ylt@2Samuel:10:17 @And it is declared to David, and he gathereth all Israel, and passeth over the Jordan, and cometh in to Helam, and Aram setteth itself in array to meet David, and they fight with him;

ylt@2Samuel:10:18 @and Aram fleeth from the presence of Israel, and David slayeth of Aram seven hundred charioteers, and forty thousand horsemen, and Shobach head of its host he hath smitten, and he dieth there.

ylt@2Samuel:11:8 @And David saith to Uriah, 'Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet;' and Uriah goeth out of the king's house, and there goeth out after him a gift from the king,

ylt@2Samuel:11:17 @and the men of the city go out and fight with Joab, and there fall [some] of the people, of the servants of David; and there dieth also Uriah the Hittite.

ylt@2Samuel:11:27 @and the mourning passeth by, and David sendeth and gathereth her unto his house, and she is to him for a wife, and beareth to him a son; and the thing which David hath done is evil in the eyes of Jehovah.

ylt@2Samuel:12:4 @And there cometh a traveller to the rich man, And he spareth to take Of his own flock, and of his own herd, To prepare for the traveller Who hath come to him, And he taketh the ewe-lamb of the poor man, And prepareth it for the man Who hath come unto him.'

ylt@2Samuel:12:29 @And David gathereth all the people, and goeth to Rabbah, and fighteth against it, and captureth it;

ylt@2Samuel:13:30 @And it cometh to pass -- they [are] in the way -- and the report hath come unto David, saying, 'Absalom hath smitten all the sons of the king, and there is not left of them one;'

ylt@2Samuel:13:38 @And Absalom hath fled, and goeth to Geshur, and is there three years;

ylt@2Samuel:14:6 @and thy maid-servant hath two sons; and they strive both of them in a field, and there is no deliverer between them, and the one smiteth the other, and putteth him to death;

ylt@2Samuel:14:11 @And she saith, 'Let, I pray thee, the king remember by Jehovah thy God, that the redeemer of blood add not to destroy, and they destroy not my son;' and he saith, 'Jehovah liveth; if there doth fall of the hair of thy son to the earth.'

ylt@2Samuel:14:14 @for we do surely die, and [are] as water which is running down to the earth, which is not gathered, and God doth not accept a person, and hath devised devices in that the outcast is not outcast by Him.

ylt@2Samuel:14:25 @And like Absalom there was no man [so] fair in all Israel, to praise greatly; from the sole of his foot even unto his crown there was no blemish in him;

ylt@2Samuel:14:27 @And there are born to Absalom three sons, and one daughter, and her name [is] Tamar; she was a woman of a fair appearance.

ylt@2Samuel:14:30 @And he saith unto his servants, 'See, the portion of Joab [is] by the side of mine, and he hath barley there; go, and burn it with fire;' and the servants of Absalom burn the portion with fire.

ylt@2Samuel:14:32 @And Absalom saith unto Joab, 'Lo, I sent unto thee, saying, Come hither, and I send thee unto the king to say, Why have I come in from Geshur? -- good for me while I [am] there -- and now, let me see the king's face, and if there is in me iniquity then thou hast put me to death.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:3 @And Absalom saith unto him, 'See, thy matters [are] good and straightforward -- and there is none hearkening to thee from the king.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:21 @And Ittai answereth the king and saith, 'Jehovah liveth, and my lord the king liveth, surely in the place where my lord the king is -- if for death, if for life, surely there is thy servant.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:29 @And Zadok taketh back -- and Abiathar -- the ark of God to Jerusalem, and they abide there.

ylt@2Samuel:15:35 @and are there not with thee there Zadok and Abiathar the priests? and it hath been, the whole of the matter that thou hearest from the house of the king thou dost declare to Zadok and to Abiathar the priests.

ylt@2Samuel:15:36 @Lo, there with them [are] their two sons, Ahimaaz to Zadok, and Jonathan to Abiathar, and ye have sent by their hand unto me anything that ye hear.'

ylt@2Samuel:16:14 @And the king cometh in, and all the people who [are] with him, wearied, and they are refreshed there.

ylt@2Samuel:17:9 @lo, now, he is hidden in one of the pits, or in one of the places, and it hath been, at the falling among them at the commencement, that the hearer hath heard, and said, There hath been a slaughter among the people who [are] after Absalom;

ylt@2Samuel:17:11 @'So that I have counselled: Let all Israel be diligently gathered unto thee, from Dan even unto Beer-Sheba, as the sand that [is] by the sea for multitude, and thou thyself art going in the midst;

ylt@2Samuel:17:12 @and we have come in unto him in one of the places where he is found, and we [are] upon him as the dew falleth on the ground, and there hath not been left of him and of all the men who [are] with him even one.

ylt@2Samuel:17:13 @And if unto a city he is gathered, then they have caused all Israel to bear unto that city ropes, and we have drawn it unto the brook till that there hath not been found there even a stone.'

ylt@2Samuel:17:16 @and now, send hastily, and declare to David, saying, Lodge not to-night in the plains of the wilderness, and also, certainly pass over, lest there be a swallowing up of the king and of all the people who are with him.'

ylt@2Samuel:17:18 @And a youth seeth them, and declareth to Absalom; and they go on both of them hastily, and come in unto the house of a man in Bahurim, and he hath a well in his court, and they go down there,

ylt@2Samuel:18:7 @and smitten there are the people of Israel before the servants of David, and the smiting there is great on that day -- twenty thousand;

ylt@2Samuel:18:8 @and the battle is there scattered over the face of all the land, and the forest multiplieth to devour among the people more than those whom the sword hath devoured in that day.

ylt@2Samuel:18:11 @And Joab saith to the man who is declaring [it] to him, 'And lo, thou hast seen -- and wherefore didst thou not smite him there to the earth -- and on me to give to thee ten silverlings and one girdle?'

ylt@2Samuel:18:22 @And Ahimaaz son of Zadok addeth again, and saith unto Joab, 'And whatever it be, let me run, I pray thee, I also, after the Cushite.' And Joab saith, 'Why [is] this -- thou art running, my son, and for thee there are no tidings found?' --

ylt@2Samuel:19:7 @'And now, rise, go out and speak unto the heart of thy servants, for by Jehovah I have sworn, that -- thou art not going out -- there doth not lodge a man with thee to-night; and this [is] worse for thee than all the evil that hath come upon thee from thy youth till now.'

ylt@2Samuel:20:1 @And there hath been called there a man of worthlessness, and his name [is] Sheba, son of Bichri, a Benjamite, and he bloweth with a trumpet, and saith, 'We have no portion in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse; each to his tents, O Israel.'

ylt@2Samuel:21:1 @And there is a famine in the days of David three years, year after year, and David seeketh the face of Jehovah, and Jehovah saith, 'For Saul and for the bloody house, because that he put to death the Gibeonites.'

ylt@2Samuel:21:6 @let there be given to us seven men of his sons, and we have hanged them before Jehovah, in the height of Saul, the chosen of Jehovah.' And the king saith, 'I do give;'

ylt@2Samuel:21:20 @And the battle is again in Gath, and there is a man of stature, and the fingers of his hands [are] six, and the toes of his feet [are] six, twenty and four in number, and he also hath been born to the giant,

ylt@2Samuel:22:42 @They look, and there is no saviour; Unto Jehovah, and He hath not answered them.

ylt@2Samuel:22:50 @Therefore I confess Thee, O Jehovah, among nations. And to Thy name I sing praise.

ylt@2Samuel:23:9 @And after him [is] Eleazar son of Dodo, son of Ahohi, of the three mighty men with David; in their exposing themselves among the Philistines -- they have been gathered there to battle, and the men of Israel go up --

ylt@2Samuel:23:11 @And after him [is] Shammah son of Agee the Hararite, and the Philistines are gathered into a company, and there is there a portion of the field full of lentiles, and the people hath fled from the presence of the Philistines,

ylt@2Samuel:24:15 @And Jehovah giveth a pestilence on Israel from the morning even unto the time appointed, and there die of the people, from Dan even unto Beer-Sheba, seventy thousand men,

ylt@2Samuel:24:25 @and David buildeth there an altar to Jehovah, and causeth to ascend burnt-offerings and peace-offerings, and Jehovah is entreated for the land, and the plague is restrained from Israel.

ylt@1Kings:1:14 @Lo, thou are yet speaking there with the king, and I come in after thee, and have completed thy words.'

ylt@1Kings:1:34 @and anointed him there hath Zadok the priest -- and Nathan the prophet -- for king over Israel, and ye have blown with a trumpet, and said, Let king Solomon live;

ylt@1Kings:1:52 @And Solomon saith, 'If he becometh a virtuous man -- there doth not fall of his hair to the earth, and if evil is found in him -- then he hath died.'

ylt@1Kings:2:4 @so that Jehovah doth establish His word which He spake unto me, saying, If thy sons observe their way to walk before Me in truth, with all their heart, and with all their soul; saying, There is not cut off a man of thine from the throne of Israel.

ylt@1Kings:2:33 @yea, turned back hath their blood on the head of Joab, and on the head of his seed to the age; and for David, and for his seed, and for his house, and for his throne, there is peace unto the age, from Jehovah.'

ylt@1Kings:2:36 @And the king sendeth and calleth for Shimei, and saith to him, 'Build for thee a house in Jerusalem, and thou hast dwelt there, and dost not go out thence any where;

ylt@1Kings:3:2 @Only, the people are sacrificing in high places, for there hath not been built a house for the name of Jehovah till those days.

ylt@1Kings:3:4 @and the king goeth to Gibeon, to sacrifice there, for it [is] the great high place; a thousand burnt-offerings cause to ascend doth Solomon on that altar.

ylt@1Kings:3:12 @lo, I have done according to thy words; lo, I have given to thee a heart, wise and understanding, that like thee there hath not been before thee, and after thee there doth not arise like thee;

ylt@1Kings:3:13 @and also, that which thou hast not asked I have given to thee, both riches and honour, that there hath not been like thee a man among the kings all thy days;

ylt@1Kings:3:18 @and it cometh to pass on the third day of my bringing forth, that this woman also bringeth forth, and we [are] together, there is no stranger with us in the house, save we two, in the house.

ylt@1Kings:4:34 @and there come out of all the peoples to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth who have heard of his wisdom.

ylt@1Kings:5:4 @'And now, Jehovah my God hath given rest to me round about, there is no adversary nor evil occurrence,

ylt@1Kings:5:6 @'And now, command, and they cut down for me cedars out of Lebanon, and my servants are with thy servants, and the hire of thy servants I give to thee according to all that thou sayest, for thou hast known that there is not among us a man acquainted with cutting wood, like the Sidonians.'

ylt@1Kings:5:9 @my servants bring down from Lebanon to the sea, and I make them floats in the sea unto the place that thou sendest unto me, and I have spread them out there; and thou dost take [them] up, and thou dost execute my desire, to give the food of my house.'

ylt@1Kings:5:12 @And Jehovah hath given wisdom to Solomon as He spake to him, and there is peace between Hiram and Solomon, and they make a covenant both of them.

ylt@1Kings:6:18 @And the cedar for the house within [is] carvings of knobs and openings of flowers; the whole [is] cedar, there is not a stone seen.

ylt@1Kings:6:19 @And the oracle in the midst of the house within he hath prepared, to put there the ark of the covenant of Jehovah.

ylt@1Kings:8:8 @and they lengthen the staves, and the heads of the staves are seen from the holy [place] on the front of the oracle, and are not seen without, and they are there unto this day.

ylt@1Kings:8:9 @There is nothing in the ark, only the two tables of stone which Moses put there in Horeb, when Jehovah covenanted with the sons of Israel in their going out of the land of Egypt.

ylt@1Kings:8:16 @From the day that I brought out My people, even Israel, from Egypt, I have not fixed on a city out of all the tribes of Israel, to build a house for My name being there; and I fix on David to be over My people Israel.

ylt@1Kings:8:21 @and set there a place for the ark, where [is] the covenant of Jehovah which He made with our fathers in His bringing them out from the land of Egypt.'

ylt@1Kings:8:23 @and saith, 'Jehovah, God of Israel, there is not a God like Thee, in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath, keeping the covenant and the kindness for Thy servants, those walking before Thee with all their heart,

ylt@1Kings:8:25 @'And now, Jehovah, God of Israel, keep for Thy servant David my father that which Thou spakest to him, saying, There is not cut off to thee a man from before Me, sitting on the throne of Israel -- only, if thy sons watch their way, to walk before Me as thou hast walked before Me.

ylt@1Kings:8:29 @for Thine eyes being open towards this house night and day, towards the place of which Thou hast said, My Name is there; to hearken unto the prayer which Thy servant prayeth towards this place.

ylt@1Kings:8:35 @'In the heavens being restrained, and there is no rain, because they sin against Thee, and they have prayed towards this place, and confessed Thy name, and from their sin turn back, for Thou dost afflict them,

ylt@1Kings:8:46 @'When they sin against Thee (for there is not a man who sinneth not), and Thou hast been angry with them, and hast given them up before an enemy, and they have taken captive their captivity unto the land of the enemy far off or near;

ylt@1Kings:8:56 @'Blessed [is] Jehovah who hath given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He hath spoken; there hath not fallen one word of all His good word, which He spake by the hand of Moses his servant.

ylt@1Kings:8:60 @for all the peoples of the earth knowing that Jehovah, He [is] God; there is none else;

ylt@1Kings:8:64 @On that day hath the king sanctified the middle of the court that [is] before the house of Jehovah, for he hath made there the burnt-offering, and the present, and the fat of the peace-offerings; for the altar of brass that [is] before Jehovah [is] too little to contain the burnt-offering, and the present, and the fat of the peace-offerings.

ylt@1Kings:9:3 @and Jehovah saith unto him, 'I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication with which thou hast made supplication before Me; I have hallowed this house that thou hast built to put My name there -- unto the age, and Mine eyes and My heart have been there all the days.

ylt@1Kings:9:5 @then I have established the throne of thy kingdom over Israel -- to the age, as I spake unto David thy father, saying, There is not cut off to thee a man from [being] on the throne of Israel.

ylt@1Kings:9:9 @and they have said, Because that they have forsaken Jehovah their God, who brought out their fathers from the land of Egypt, and they lay hold on other gods, and bow themselves to them, and serve them; therefore hath Jehovah brought in upon them all this evil.'

ylt@1Kings:10:3 @And Solomon declareth to her all her matters -- there hath not been a thing hid from the king that he hath not declared to her.

ylt@1Kings:10:5 @and the food of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the standing of his ministers, and their clothing, and his butlers, and his burnt-offering that he causeth to ascend in the house of Jehovah, and there hath not been in her any more spirit.

ylt@1Kings:10:10 @And she giveth to the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and spices very many, and precious stone; there came not like that spice any more for abundance that the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.

ylt@1Kings:10:12 @and the king maketh the almug-trees a support for the house of Jehovah, and for the house of the king, and harps and psalteries for singers; there have not come such almug-trees, nor have there been seen [such] unto this day.

ylt@1Kings:10:20 @and twelve lions are standing there on the six steps, on this [side] and on that; it hath not been made so for any kingdom.

ylt@1Kings:10:21 @And all the drinking vessels of king Solomon [are] of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon [are] of refined gold -- there are none of silver; it was not reckoned in the days of Solomon for anything,

ylt@1Kings:10:26 @And Solomon gathereth chariots, and horsemen, and he hath a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, and he placeth them in the cities of the chariot, and with the king in Jerusalem.

ylt@1Kings:11:16 @for six months did Joab abide there, and all Israel, till the cutting off of every male in Edom --

ylt@1Kings:11:24 @and gathereth unto himself men, and is head of a troop in David's slaying them, and they go to Damascus, and dwell in it, and reign in Damascus;

ylt@1Kings:11:36 @and to his son I give one tribe, for there being a lamp to David My servant all the days before Me in Jerusalem, the city that I have chosen to Myself to put My name there.

ylt@1Kings:12:16 @And all Israel see that the king hath not hearkened unto them, and the people send the king back word, saying, 'What portion have we in David? yea, there is no inheritance in the son of Jesse; to thy tents, O Israel; now see thy house, O David!' and Israel goeth to its tents.

ylt@1Kings:13:17 @for a word [is] unto me by the word of Jehovah, Thou dost not eat bread nor drink there water, thou dost not turn back to go in the way in which thou camest.'

ylt@1Kings:14:2 @and Jeroboam saith to his wife, 'Rise, I pray thee, and change thyself, and they know not that thou [art] wife of Jeroboam, and thou hast gone to Shiloh; lo, there [is] Ahijah the prophet; he spake unto me of [being] king over this people;

ylt@1Kings:14:10 @'Therefore, lo, I am bringing in evil unto the house of Jeroboam, and have cut off to Jeroboam those sitting on the wall -- shut up and left -- in Israel, and have put away the posterity of the house of Jeroboam, as one putteth away the dung till its consumption;

ylt@1Kings:14:13 @and all Israel have mourned for him, and buried him, for this one -- by himself -- cometh of Jeroboam unto a grave, because there hath been found in him a good thing towards Jehovah, God of Israel, in the house of Jeroboam.

ylt@1Kings:14:21 @And Rehoboam son of Solomon hath reigned in Judah; a son of forty and one years [is] Rehoboam in his reigning, and seventeen years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, the city that Jehovah chose to set His name there, out of all the tribes of Israel, and the name of his mother [is] Naamah the Ammonitess.

ylt@1Kings:15:22 @And king Asa hath summoned all Judah -- there is none exempt -- and they lift up the stones of Ramah, and its wood, that Baasha hath built, and king Asa buildeth with them Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah.

ylt@1Kings:17:1 @And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, saith unto Ahab, 'Jehovah, God of Israel, liveth, before whom I have stood, there is not these years dew and rain, except according to my word.'

ylt@1Kings:17:4 @and it hath been, from the brook thou dost drink, and the ravens I have commanded to sustain thee there.'

ylt@1Kings:17:7 @And it cometh to pass, at the end of days, that the brook drieth up, for there hath been no rain in the land,

ylt@1Kings:17:9 @'Rise, go to Zarephath, that [is] to Zidon, and thou hast dwelt there; lo, I have commanded there a widow woman to sustain thee.'

ylt@1Kings:17:10 @And he riseth, and goeth to Zarephath, and cometh in unto the opening of the city, and lo there, a widow woman gathering sticks, and he calleth unto her, and saith, 'Bring, I pray thee, to me, a little water in a vessel, and I drink.'

ylt@1Kings:18:10 @Jehovah thy God liveth, if there is a nation and kingdom whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee; and they said, He is not, then he caused the kingdom and the nation to swear, that it doth not find thee;

ylt@1Kings:18:20 @And Ahab sendeth among all the sons of Israel, and gathereth the prophets unto the mount of Carmel;

ylt@1Kings:18:26 @And they take the bullock that [one] gave to them, and prepare, and call in the name of Baal from the morning even till the noon, saying, 'O Baal, answer us!' and there is no voice, and there is none answering; and they leap on the altar that one had made.

ylt@1Kings:18:29 @and it cometh to pass, at the passing by of the noon, that they feign themselves prophets till the going up of the present, and there is no voice, and there is none answering, and there is none attending.

ylt@1Kings:18:38 @And there falleth a fire of Jehovah, and consumeth the burnt-offering, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and the water that [is] in the trench it hath licked up.

ylt@1Kings:18:40 @And Elijah saith to them, 'Catch ye the prophets of Baal; let not a man escape of them;' and they catch them, and Elijah bringeth them down unto the stream Kishon, and doth slaughter them there.

ylt@1Kings:18:43 @and saith unto his young man, 'Go up, I pray thee, look attentively the way of the sea;' and he goeth up and looketh attentively, and saith, 'There is nothing;' and he saith, 'Turn back,' seven times.

ylt@1Kings:19:3 @And he feareth, and riseth, and goeth for his life, and cometh in to Beer-Sheba, that [is] Judah's, and leaveth his young man there,

ylt@1Kings:19:9 @And he cometh in there, unto the cave, and lodgeth there, and lo, the word of Jehovah [is] unto him, and saith to him, 'What -- to thee, here, Elijah?'

ylt@1Kings:20:1 @And Ben-Hadad king of Aram hath gathered all his force, and thirty and two kings [are] with him, and horse and chariot, and he goeth up and layeth siege against Samaria, and fighteth with it,

ylt@1Kings:20:23 @And the servants of the king of Aram said unto him, 'Gods of hills [are] their gods, therefore they were stronger than we; and yet, we fight with them in the plain -- are we not stronger than they?

ylt@1Kings:20:28 @And there cometh nigh a man of God, and speaketh unto the king of Israel, and saith, 'Thus said Jehovah, Because that the Aramaeans have said, God of hills [is] Jehovah, and He [is] not God of valleys -- I have given the whole of this great multitude into thy hand, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.'

ylt@1Kings:21:25 @surely there hath none been like Ahab, who sold himself to do the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, whom Jezebel his wife hath moved,

ylt@1Kings:22:1 @And they sit still three years, there is no war between Aram and Israel,

ylt@1Kings:22:6 @and the king of Israel gathereth the prophets, about four hundred men, and saith unto them, 'Do I go against Ramoth-Gilead to battle, or do I forbear?' and they say, 'Go up, and the Lord doth give [it] into the hand of the king.'

ylt@1Kings:22:7 @And Jehoshaphat saith, 'Is there not here a prophet of Jehovah besides, and we seek by him?'

ylt@1Kings:22:19 @And he saith, 'Therefore, hear a word of Jehovah; I have seen Jehovah sitting on His throne, and all the host of the heavens standing by Him, on His right and on His left;

ylt@1Kings:22:47 @and there is no king in Edom; he set up a king.

ylt@2Kings:1:3 @And a messenger of Jehovah hath spoken unto Elijah the Tishbite, 'Rise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and speak unto them, Is it because there is not a God in Israel -- ye are going to inquire of Baal Zebub god of Ekron?

ylt@2Kings:1:4 @and therefore, thus said Jehovah, The bed whither thou hast gone up, thou dost not come down from it, for thou dost certainly die;' and Elijah goeth on.

ylt@2Kings:1:6 @And they say unto him, 'A man hath come up to meet us, and saith unto us, Go, turn back unto the king who sent you, and ye have said unto him, Thus said Jehovah, Is it because there is not a God in Israel -- thou art sending to inquire of Baal-Zebub god of Ekron? therefore, the bed whither thou hast gone up, thou dost not come down from it, for thou dost certainly die.'

ylt@2Kings:1:16 @and speaketh unto him, 'Thus said Jehovah, Because that thou hast sent messengers to inquire of Baal-Zebub god of Ekron -- is it because there is not a God in Israel to inquire of His word? therefore, the bed whither thou hast gone up -- thou dost not come down from it, for thou dost certainly die.'

ylt@2Kings:2:9 @And it cometh to pass, at their passing over, that Elijah hath said unto Elisha, 'Ask, what do I do for thee before I am taken from thee?' and Elisha saith, 'Then let there be, I pray thee, a double portion of thy spirit unto me;'

ylt@2Kings:2:16 @and say unto him, 'Lo, we pray thee, there are with thy servants fifty men, sons of valour: let them go, we pray thee, and they seek thy lord, lest the Spirit of Jehovah hath taken him up, and doth cast him on one of the hills, or into one of the valleys;' and he saith, 'Ye do not send.'

ylt@2Kings:2:20 @And he saith, 'Bring to me a new dish, and place there salt;' and they bring [it] unto him,

ylt@2Kings:2:21 @and he goeth out unto the source of the waters, and casteth there salt, and saith, 'Thus said Jehovah, I have given healing to these waters; there is not thence any more death and sterility.'

ylt@2Kings:3:9 @And the king of Israel goeth, and the king of Judah, and the king of Edom, and they turn round the way seven days, and there hath been no water for the camp, and for the cattle that [are] at their feet,

ylt@2Kings:3:11 @And Jehoshaphat saith, 'Is there not here a prophet of Jehovah, and we seek Jehovah by him?' And one of the servants of the king of Israel answereth and saith, 'Here [is] Elisha son of Shaphat, who poured water on the hands of Elijah.'

ylt@2Kings:3:27 @and he taketh his son, the first-born who reigneth in his stead, and causeth him to ascend -- a burnt-offering on the wall, and there is great wrath against Israel, and they journey from off him, and turn back to the land.

ylt@2Kings:4:6 @and it cometh to pass, at the filling of the vessels, that she saith unto her son, 'Bring nigh unto me a vessel more,' and he saith unto her, 'There is not a vessel more;' and the oil stayeth.

ylt@2Kings:4:8 @And the day cometh that Elisha passeth over unto Shunem, and there [is] a great woman, and she layeth hold on him to eat bread, and it cometh to pass, at the time of his passing over, he turneth aside thither to eat bread,

ylt@2Kings:4:10 @let us make, I pray thee, a little upper chamber of the wall, and we set for him there a bed, and a table, and a high seat, and a candlestick; and it hath been, in his coming in unto us, he doth turn aside thither.'

ylt@2Kings:4:11 @And the day cometh, that he cometh in thither, and turneth aside unto the upper chamber, and lieth there,

ylt@2Kings:4:26 @now, run, I pray thee, to meet her, and say to her, Is there peace to thee? is there peace to thy husband? is there peace to the lad?' and she saith, 'Peace.'

ylt@2Kings:4:31 @And Gehazi hath passed on before them, and layeth the staff on the face of the youth, and there is no voice, and there is no attention, and he turneth back to meet him, and declareth to him, saying, 'The youth hath not awaked.'

ylt@2Kings:4:39 @And one goeth out unto the field to gather herbs, and findeth a vine of the field, and gathereth of it gourds of the field -- the fulness of his garment -- and cometh in and splitteth [them] into the pot of pottage, for they knew [them] not;

ylt@2Kings:4:41 @And he saith, 'Then bring ye meal;' and he casteth into the pot, and saith, 'Pour out for the people, and they eat;' and there was no evil thing in the pot.

ylt@2Kings:5:8 @And it cometh to pass, at Elisha the man of God's hearing that the king of Israel hath rent his garments, that he sendeth unto the king, saying, 'Why hast thou rent thy garments? let him come, I pray thee, unto me, and he doth know that there is a prophet in Israel.'

ylt@2Kings:5:15 @And he turneth back unto the man of God, he and all his camp, and cometh in, and standeth before him, and saith, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have known that there is not a God in all the earth except in Israel; and now, take, I pray thee, a blessing from thy servant.'

ylt@2Kings:5:18 @For this thing Jehovah be propitious to thy servant, in the coming in of my lord into the house of Rimmon to bow himself there, and he was supported by my hand, and I bowed myself [in] the house of Rimmon; for my bowing myself in the house of Rimmon Jehovah be propitious, I pray thee, to thy servant in this thing.'

ylt@2Kings:5:21 @And Gehazi pursueth after Naaman, and Naaman seeth one running after him, and alighteth from off the chariot to meet him, and saith, 'Is there peace?'

ylt@2Kings:6:2 @let us go, we pray thee, unto the Jordan, and we take thence each one beam, and we make for ourselves there a place to dwell there;' and he saith, 'Go.'

ylt@2Kings:6:10 @and the king of Israel sendeth unto the place of which the man of God spake to him, and warned him, and he is preserved there not once nor twice.

ylt@2Kings:6:24 @And it cometh to pass afterwards, that Ben-Hadad king of Aram gathereth all his camp, and goeth up, and layeth siege to Samaria,

ylt@2Kings:6:25 @and there is a great famine in Samaria, and lo, they are laying siege to it, till the head of an ass is at eighty silverlings, and a forth of the cab of dovesdung at five silverlings.

ylt@2Kings:7:2 @And the captain whom the king hath, by whose hand he hath been supported, answereth the man of God and saith, 'Lo, Jehovah is making windows in the heavens -- shall this thing be?' and he saith, 'Lo, thou art seeing it with thine eyes, and thereof thou dost not eat.'

ylt@2Kings:7:4 @if we have said, We go in to the city, then the famine [is] in the city, and we have died there; and if we have sat here, then we have died; and now, come and we fall unto the camp of Aram; if they keep us alive, we live, and if they put us to death -- we have died.'

ylt@2Kings:7:5 @And they rise in the twilight, to go in unto the camp of Aram, and they come in unto the extremity of the camp of Aram, and lo, there is not a man there,

ylt@2Kings:7:10 @And they come in, and call unto the gatekeeper of the city, and declare for themselves, saying, 'We have come in unto the camp of Aram, and lo, there is not there a man, or sound of man, but the bound horse, and the bound ass, and tents as they [are].'

ylt@2Kings:7:16 @And the people go out and spoil the camp of Aram, and there is a measure of fine flour at a shekel, and two measures of barley at a shekel, according to the word of Jehovah.

ylt@2Kings:7:19 @and the captain answereth the man of God, and saith, 'And lo, Jehovah is making windows in the heavens -- it is according to this word?' and he saith, 'Lo, thou art seeing with thine eyes, and thereof thou dost not eat;'

ylt@2Kings:9:2 @and thou hast gone in there, and see thou there Jehu son of Jehoshaphat, son of Nimshi, and thou hast gone in, and caused him to rise out of the midst of his brethren, and brought him in to the inner part of an inner-chamber,

ylt@2Kings:9:10 @and Jezebel do the dogs eat in the portion of Jezreel, and there is none burying;' and he openeth the door and fleeth.

ylt@2Kings:9:11 @And Jehu hath gone out unto the servants of his lord, and [one] saith to him, 'Is there peace? wherefore came this madman unto thee?' and he saith unto them, 'Ye have known the man and his talk.'

ylt@2Kings:9:16 @And Jehu rideth, and goeth to Jezreel, for Joram is lying there, and Ahaziah king of Judah hath gone down to see Joram.

ylt@2Kings:9:17 @And the watchman is standing on the tower in Jezreel, and seeth the company of Jehu in his coming, and saith, 'A company I see;' and Joram saith, 'Take a rider and send to meet them, and let him say, Is there peace?'

ylt@2Kings:9:18 @and the rider on the horse goeth to meet him, and saith, 'Thus said the king, Is there peace?' and Jehu saith, 'What -- to thee and to peace? turn round behind me.' And the watchman declareth, saying, 'The messenger came unto them, and he hath not returned.'

ylt@2Kings:9:19 @And he sendeth a second rider on a horse, and he cometh in unto them, and saith, 'Thus said the king, Is there peace?' and Jehu saith, 'What -- to thee and to peace? turn round behind me.'

ylt@2Kings:9:22 @And it cometh to pass, at Jehoram's seeing Jehu, that he saith, 'Is there peace, Jehu?' and he saith, 'What [is] the peace, while the whoredoms of Jezebel thy mother, and her witchcrafts, are many?'

ylt@2Kings:9:27 @And Ahaziah king of Judah hath seen, and fleeth the way of the garden-house, and Jehu pursueth after him, and saith, 'Smite him -- also him -- in the chariot,' in the going up to Gur, that [is] Ibleam, and he fleeth to Megiddo, and dieth there,

ylt@2Kings:9:31 @And Jehu hath come into the gate, and she saith, 'Was there peace [to] Zimri -- slayer of his lord?'

ylt@2Kings:10:18 @And Jehu gathereth the whole of the people, and saith unto them, 'Ahab served Baal a little -- Jehu doth serve him much:

ylt@2Kings:10:21 @And Jehu sendeth into all Israel, and all the servants of Baal come in, and there hath not been left a man who hath not come in; and they come in to the house of Baal, and the house of Baal is full -- mouth to mouth.

ylt@2Kings:10:23 @And Jehu goeth in, and Jehonadab son of Rechab, to the house of Baal, and saith to the servants of Baal, 'Search and see, lest there be here with you of the servants of Jehovah -- but, the servants of Baal by themselves.'

ylt@2Kings:11:16 @And they make for her sides, and she entereth the way of the entering in of the horses to the house of the king, and is put to death there.

ylt@2Kings:12:5 @do the priests take to them, each from his acquaintance, and they strengthen the breach of the house, in all [places] where there is found a breach.'

ylt@2Kings:12:9 @and Jehoiada the priest taketh a chest, and pierceth a hole in its lid, and putteth it near the altar, on the right side, as one cometh in to the house of Jehovah, and the priests keeping the threshold have put there all the money that is brought in to the house of Jehovah.

ylt@2Kings:12:10 @And it cometh to pass, at their seeing that the money [is] abundant in the chest, that there goeth up a scribe of the king, and of the high priest, and they bind [it] up, and count the money that is found [in] the house of Jehovah,

ylt@2Kings:12:13 @Only, there is not made for the house of Jehovah basins of silver, snuffers, bowls, trumpets, any vessel of gold, and vessel of silver, out of the money that is brought into the house of Jehovah;

ylt@2Kings:13:6 @only, they have not turned aside from the sins of the house of Jeroboam, that he caused Israel to sin, therein they walked, and also, the shrine hath remained in Samaria, --

ylt@2Kings:13:11 @and he doth the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, he hath not turned aside from all the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, that he caused Israel to sin, therein he walked.

ylt@2Kings:14:19 @And they make a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem, and he fleeth to Lachish, and they send after him to Lachish, and put him to death there,

ylt@2Kings:14:26 @for Jehovah hath seen the affliction of Israel -- very bitter, and there is none restrained, and there is none left, and there is no helper to Israel;

ylt@2Kings:15:20 @And Menahem bringeth out the silver [from] Israel, [from] all the mighty men of wealth, to give to the king of Asshur, fifty shekels of silver for each one, and the king of Asshur turneth back and hath not stayed there in the land.

ylt@2Kings:16:6 @At that time hath Rezin king of Aram brought back Elath to Aram, and casteth out the Jews from Elath, and the Aramaeans have come in to Elath, and dwell there unto this day.

ylt@2Kings:17:11 @and make perfume there in all high places, like the nations that Jehovah removed from their presence, and do evil things to provoke Jehovah,

ylt@2Kings:17:22 @and the sons of Israel walk in all the sins of Jeroboam that he did, they have not turned aside therefrom,

ylt@2Kings:17:25 @and it cometh to pass, at the commencement of their dwelling there, they have not feared Jehovah, and Jehovah doth send among them the lions, and they are destroying among them.

ylt@2Kings:17:27 @And the king of Asshur commandeth, saying, 'Cause to go thither one of the priests whom ye removed thence, and they go and dwell there, and he doth teach them the custom of the God of the land.'

ylt@2Kings:18:5 @In Jehovah, God of Israel, he hath trusted, and after him there hath not been like him among all the kings of Judah, nor [among any] who were before him;

ylt@2Kings:19:3 @and they say unto him, 'Thus said Hezekiah -- A day of distress, and rebuke, and despising [is] this day; for come have sons unto the birth, and power there is not to bring forth.

ylt@2Kings:19:32 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Concerning the king of Asshur: He doth not come in unto this city, Nor doth he shoot there an arrow, Nor doth he come before it with shield. Nor doth he pour out against it a mount.

ylt@2Kings:20:13 @and Hezekiah hearkeneth unto them, and sheweth them all the house of his treasury, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the good ointment, and all the house of his vessels, and all that hath been found in his treasuries; there hath not been a thing that Hezekiah hath not shewed them, in his house, and in all his dominion.

ylt@2Kings:20:15 @And he saith, 'What saw they in thy house?' and Hezekiah saith, 'All that [is] in my house they saw; there hath not been a thing that I have not shewed them among my treasures.'

ylt@2Kings:20:17 @Lo, days are coming, and borne hath been all that [is] in thy house, and that thy father have treasured up till this day, to Babylon; there is not left a thing, said Jehovah;

ylt@2Kings:21:12 @therefore thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, Lo, I am bringing in evil on Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever heareth of it, tingle do his two ears.

ylt@2Kings:22:4 @'Go up unto Hilkiah the high priest, and he doth complete the silver that is brought into the house of Jehovah, that the keepers of the threshold have gathered from the people,

ylt@2Kings:22:20 @therefore, lo, I am gathering thee unto thy fathers, and thou hast been gathered unto thy grave in peace, and thine eyes do not look on any of the evil that I am bringing in on this place;' and they bring the king back word.

ylt@2Kings:23:16 @And Josiah turneth, and seeth the graves that [are] there in the mount, and sendeth and taketh the bones out of the graves, and burneth [them] on the altar, and defileth it, according to the word of Jehovah that the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these things.

ylt@2Kings:23:20 @And he slayeth all the priests of the high places who [are] there by the altars, and burneth the bones of man upon them, and turneth back to Jerusalem.

ylt@2Kings:23:22 @Surely there hath not been made like this passover from the days of the judges who judged Israel, even all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Judah;

ylt@2Kings:23:25 @And like him there hath not been before him a king who turned back unto Jehovah with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses, and after him there hath none risen like him.

ylt@2Kings:23:27 @and Jehovah saith, 'Also Judah I turn aside from my presence, as I turned Israel aside, and I have rejected this city that I have chosen -- Jerusalem, and the house of which I said, My name is there.'

ylt@2Kings:23:34 @And Pharaoh-Nechoh causeth Eliakim son of Josiah to reign instead of Josiah his father, and turneth his name to Jehoiakim, and Jehoahaz he hath taken away, and he cometh in to Egypt, and dieth there.

ylt@2Kings:25:3 @on the ninth of the month -- when the famine is severe in the city, and there hath not been bread for the people of the land,

ylt@2Kings:25:16 @The two pillars, the one sea, and the bases that Solomon made for the house of Jehovah, there was no weighing of the brass of all these vessels;

ylt@1Chronicles:2:52 @And there are sons to Shobal father of Kirjath-Jearim: Haroeh, half of the Menuhothite;

ylt@1Chronicles:3:4 @Six have been borne to him in Hebron, and he reigneth there seven years and six months, and thirty and three years he hath reigned in Jerusalem.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:23 @They [are] the potters and inhabitants of Netaim and Gedera; with the king in his work they dwelt there.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:27 @And to Shimei [are] sixteen sons and six daughters, and to his brethren there are not many sons, and none of their families have multiplied as much as the sons of Judah.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:40 @and they find pasture, fat and good, and the land broad of sides, and quiet, and safe, for of Ham are those dwelling there before.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:41 @And these who are written by name come in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smite their tents, and the habitations that have been found there, and devote them to destruction unto this day, and dwell in their stead, because pasture for their flock [is] there.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:42 @And of them, of the sons of Simeon, there have gone to mount Seir, five hundred men, and Pelatiah, and Neariah, and Rephaiah, and Uzziel, sons of Ishi, at their head,

ylt@1Chronicles:4:43 @and they smite the remnant of those escaped of Amalek, and dwell there unto this day.

ylt@1Chronicles:8:3 @And there are sons to Bela: Addar, and Gera,

ylt@1Chronicles:11:1 @And gathered are all Israel unto David to Hebron, saying, 'Lo, thy bone and thy flesh [are] we;

ylt@1Chronicles:11:4 @And David goeth, and all Israel, to Jerusalem -- it [is] Jebus -- and there the Jebusite, the inhabitants of the land.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:7 @And David dwelleth in the fortress, therefore they have called it, 'City of David;'

ylt@1Chronicles:11:13 @he hath been with David in Pas-Dammim, and the Philistines have been gathered there to battle, and a portion of the field is full of barley, and the people have fled from the face of the Philistines,

ylt@1Chronicles:12:8 @And of the Gadite there have been separated unto David, to the fortress, to the wilderness, mighty of valour, men of the host for battle, setting in array target and buckler, and their faces the face of the lion, and as roes on the mountains for speed:

ylt@1Chronicles:12:16 @And there come of the sons of Benjamin and Judah unto the stronghold to David,

ylt@1Chronicles:12:19 @And of Manasseh there have fallen unto David in his coming with the Philistines against Israel to battle -- and they helped them not, for by counsel the princes of the Philistines sent him away, saying, 'With our heads he doth fall unto his master Saul.' --

ylt@1Chronicles:12:20 @In his going unto Ziglag there have fallen unto him of Manasseh, Adnah, and Jozabad, and Jediael, and Michael, and Jozabad, and Elihu, and Zillthai, heads of the thousands that [are] of Manasseh;

ylt@1Chronicles:12:39 @and they are there, with David, three days, eating and drinking, for their brethren have prepared for them.

ylt@1Chronicles:13:2 @and David saith to all the assembly of Israel, 'If unto you it be good, and from Jehovah our God it hath broken forth -- we send unto our brethren, those left in all the lands of Israel, and with them the priests and the Levites, in the cities of their suburbs, and they are gathered unto us,

ylt@1Chronicles:13:10 @and the anger of Jehovah is kindled against Uzza, and He smiteth him, because that he hath put forth his hand on the ark, and he dieth there before God.

ylt@1Chronicles:14:11 @And they go up into Baal-Perazim, and David smiteth them there, and David saith, 'God hath broken up mine enemies by my hand, like the breaking up of waters;' therefore they have called the name of that place Baal-Perazim.

ylt@1Chronicles:14:12 @And they leave there their gods, and David speaketh, and they are burnt with fire.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:4 @And David gathereth the sons of Aaron, and the Levites.

ylt@1Chronicles:16:37 @And he leaveth there before the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, for Asaph and for his brethren, to minister before the ark continually, according to the matter of a day in its day,

ylt@1Chronicles:17:20 @O Jehovah, there is none like Thee, and there is no god save Thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

ylt@1Chronicles:17:25 @for Thou, O my God, Thou hast uncovered the ear of Thy servant -- to build to him a house, therefore hath Thy servant found to pray before Thee.

ylt@1Chronicles:19:7 @and they hire to them two and thirty thousand chariots, and the king of Maachah and his people, and they come in and encamp before Medeba, and the sons of Ammon have been gathered out of their cities, and come in to the battle.

ylt@1Chronicles:19:17 @And it is declared to David, and he gathereth all Israel, and passeth over the Jordan, and cometh in unto them, and setteth in array against them; yea, David setteth in array the battle to meet Aram, and they fight with him;

ylt@1Chronicles:20:4 @And it cometh to pass, after this, that there remaineth war in Gezer with the Philistines, then hath Sibbechai the Hushathite smitten Sippai, of the children of the giant, and they are humbled.

ylt@1Chronicles:20:5 @And there is again war with the Philistines, and Elhanan son of Jair smiteth Lahmi, brother of Goliath the Gittite, the wood of whose spear [is] like a beam of weavers.

ylt@1Chronicles:20:6 @And there is again war in Gath, and there is a man of measure, and his fingers and his toes [are] six and six, twenty and four, and also, he hath been born to the giant.

ylt@1Chronicles:21:1 @And there standeth up an adversary against Israel, and persuadeth David to number Israel,

ylt@1Chronicles:21:14 @And Jehovah giveth a pestilence in Israel, and there fall of Israel seventy thousand men,

ylt@1Chronicles:21:26 @and David buildeth there an altar to Jehovah, and offereth burnt-offerings and peace-offerings, and calleth unto Jehovah, and He answereth him with fire from the heavens on the altar of the burnt-offering.

ylt@1Chronicles:21:28 @At that time when David seeth that Jehovah hath answered him in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacrificeth there;

ylt@1Chronicles:22:3 @And iron in abundance for nails for leaves of the gates, and for couplings, hath David prepared, and brass in abundance -- there is no weighing.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:14 @'And lo, in mine affliction, I have prepared for the house of Jehovah of gold talents a hundred thousand, and of silver a thousand thousand talents; and of brass and of iron there is no weighing, for in abundance it hath been, and wood and stones I have prepared, and to them thou dost add.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:16 @To the gold, to the silver, and to the brass, and to the iron, there is no number; arise and do, and Jehovah is with thee.'

ylt@1Chronicles:23:2 @and gathereth all the heads of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites;

ylt@1Chronicles:24:4 @and there are found of the sons of Eleazar more for heads of the mighty men than of the sons of Ithamar; and they distribute them: Of the sons of Eleazar, heads for a house of fathers, sixteen; and of the sons of Ithamar, for a house of their fathers, eight.

ylt@1Chronicles:26:31 @Of the Hebronite, Jerijah [is] the head, of the Hebronite, according to his generations, for the fathers -- in the fortieth year of the reign of David they have been sought out, and there are found among them mighty ones of valour, in Jazer of Gilead --

ylt@1Chronicles:27:24 @Joab son of Zeruiah hath begun to number -- and hath not finished -- and there is for this wrath against Israel, and the number hath not gone up in the account of the Chronicles of king David.

ylt@1Chronicles:29:15 @for sojourners we [are] before Thee, and settlers, like all our fathers; as a shadow [are] our days on the land, and there is none abiding.

ylt@2Chronicles:1:3 @and they go -- Solomon, and all the assembly with him -- to the high place that [is] in Gibeon, for there hath been God's tent of meeting, that Moses, servant of Jehovah, made in the wilderness,

ylt@2Chronicles:1:12 @the wisdom and the knowledge is given to thee, and riches and wealth and honour I give to thee, that there hath not been so to the kings who [are] before thee, and after thee it is not so.'

ylt@2Chronicles:1:14 @and Solomon gathereth chariots and horsemen, and he hath a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, and he placeth them in the cities of the chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:9 @and they lengthen the staves, and the heads of the staves are seen out of the ark on the front of the oracle, and they are not seen without; and it is there unto this day.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:10 @There is nothing in the ark but the two tables that Moses gave in Horeb, where Jehovah covenanted with the sons of Israel, in their going out from Egypt.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:11 @And it cometh to pass, in the going out of the priests from the sanctuary -- for all the priests who are present have sanctified themselves, there is none to watch by courses,

ylt@2Chronicles:6:5 @'From the day that I brought out My people from the land of Egypt, I have not fixed on a city out of any of the tribes of Israel to build a house for my name being there, and I have not fixed on a man to be leader over My people Israel;

ylt@2Chronicles:6:6 @and I fix on Jerusalem for My name being there, and I fix on David to be over My people Israel.

ylt@2Chronicles:6:11 @and I place there the ark, where [is] the covenant of Jehovah that He made with the sons of Israel.'

ylt@2Chronicles:6:14 @and saith, 'O Jehovah God of Israel, there is not like Thee a god in the heavens and in the earth, keeping the covenant and the kindness for Thy servants who are walking before Thee with all their heart;

ylt@2Chronicles:6:16 @'And now, O Jehovah, God of Israel, keep for Thy servant David my father that which Thou didst speak to him, saying, There is not cut off to thee a man from before Me, sitting on the throne of Israel, only, if thy sons watch their way to walk in My law, as thou hast walked before Me.

ylt@2Chronicles:6:20 @for Thine eyes being open towards this house by day and by night, towards the place that Thou hast said to put Thy name there, to hearken unto the prayer that Thy servant prayeth towards this place.

ylt@2Chronicles:6:26 @'In the heavens being restrained, and there is no rain, because they sin against Thee, and they have prayed towards this place, and confessed Thy name -- from their sin they turn back because Thou dost afflict them --

ylt@2Chronicles:6:36 @'When they sin against Thee -- for there is not a man who sinneth not -- and Thou hast been angry with them, and hast given them before an enemy, and taken them captive have their captors, unto a land far off or near;

ylt@2Chronicles:7:7 @And Solomon sanctifieth the middle of the court that [is] before the house of Jehovah, for he hath made there the burnt-offerings, and the fat of the peace-offerings: for the altar of brass that Solomon made hath not been able to contain the burnt-offering, and the present, and the fat.

ylt@2Chronicles:7:13 @If I restrain the heavens and there is no rain, and if I lay charge on the locust to consume the land, and if I send pestilence among My people --

ylt@2Chronicles:7:16 @and now, I have chosen and sanctified this house for My name being there unto the age; yea, Mine eyes and My heart have been there all the days.

ylt@2Chronicles:7:18 @then I have established the throne of thy kingdom, as I covenanted with David thy father, saying, There is not cut off a man to thee -- a ruler in Israel;

ylt@2Chronicles:7:22 @and they have said, Because that they have forsaken Jehovah, God of their fathers, who brought them out from the land of Egypt, and lay hold on other gods, and bow themselves to them, and serve them, therefore He hath brought upon them all this evil.'

ylt@2Chronicles:8:2 @As to the cities that Huram hath given to Solomon, Solomon hath built them, and there he causeth the sons of Israel to dwell.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:2 @and Solomon declareth to her all her matters, and there hath not been hid a thing from Solomon that he hath not declared to her.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:4 @and the food of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the standing of his ministers, and their clothing, and his stewards, and their clothing, an his burnt-offering that he offered up in the house of Jehovah, and there hath not been any more spirit in her.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:6 @and I have given no credence to their words, till that I have come, and mine eyes see, and lo, there hath not been declared to me the half of the abundance of thy wisdom -- thou hast added unto the report that I heard.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:9 @And she giveth to the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and spices in great abundance, and precious stone; and there hath not been any such spice as the queen of Sheba hath given to king Solomon.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:11 @And the king maketh the algum-trees staircases for the house of Jehovah, and for the house of the king, and harps and psalteries for singers; and there have been none seen like these before in the land of Judah.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:19 @and twelve lions are standing there on the six steps on this [side], and on that: it hath not been made so for any kingdom.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:25 @And there are to Solomon four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, and he placed them in cities of the chariot, and with the king in Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:10:16 @And all Israel have seen that the king hath not hearkened to them, and the people send back [to] the king, saying, 'What portion have we in David? yea, there is no inheritance in a son of Jesse; each to thy tents, O Israel; now, see thy house -- David,' and all Israel go to their tents.

ylt@2Chronicles:12:3 @with a thousand and two hundred chariots, and with sixty thousand horsemen, and there is no number to the people who have come with him out of Egypt -- Lubim, Sukkiim, and Cushim --

ylt@2Chronicles:12:5 @And Shemaiah the prophet hath come in unto Rehoboam and the heads of Judah who have been gathered unto Jerusalem from the presence of Shishak, and saith to them, 'Thus said Jehovah, Ye have forsaken Me, and also, I have left you in the hand of Shishak;'

ylt@2Chronicles:12:12 @And in his being humbled, turned back from him hath the wrath of Jehovah, so as not to destroy to completion; and also, in Judah there have been good things.

ylt@2Chronicles:12:13 @And king Rehoboam strengtheneth himself in Jerusalem, and reigneth; for a son of forty and two years [is] Rehoboam in his reigning, and seventeen years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, the city that Jehovah hath chosen to put His name there, out of all the tribes of Israel, and the name of his mother [is] Naamah the Ammonitess,

ylt@2Chronicles:13:7 @'And there are gathered unto him vain men, sons of worthlessness, and they strengthen themselves against Rehoboam son of Solomon, and Rehoboam was a youth, and tender of heart, and hath not strengthened himself against them.

ylt@2Chronicles:13:17 @and Abijah and his people smite among them a great smiting, and there fall wounded of Israel five hundred thousand chosen men.

ylt@2Chronicles:14:6 @And he buildeth cities of bulwarks in Judah, for the land hath quiet, and there is no war with him in these years, because Jehovah hath given rest to him.

ylt@2Chronicles:14:8 @And there is to Asa a force bearing target and spear, out of Judah three hundred thousand, and out of Benjamin, bearing shield and treading bow, two hundred and eighty thousand: all these [are] mighty of valour.

ylt@2Chronicles:14:13 @and Asa and the people who [are] with him pursue them even to Gerar, and there fall of the Cushim, for they have no preserving, because they have been broken before Jehovah, and before His camp; and they bear away very much spoil,

ylt@2Chronicles:15:5 @and in those times there is no peace to him who is going out, and to him who is coming in, for many troubles [are] on all the inhabitants of the lands,

ylt@2Chronicles:15:7 @and ye, be ye strong, and let not your hands be feeble, for there is a reward for your work.'

ylt@2Chronicles:15:9 @and gathereth all Judah and Benjamin, and the sojourners with them out of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and out of Simeon -- for they have fallen unto him from Israel in abundance, in their seeing that Jehovah his God [is] with him.

ylt@2Chronicles:15:10 @And they are gathered to Jerusalem in the third month of the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa,

ylt@2Chronicles:16:7 @And at that time hath Hanani the seer come in unto Asa king of Judah, and saith unto him, 'Because of thy leaning on the king of Aram, and thou hast not leaned on Jehovah thy God, therefore hath the force of the king of Aram escaped from thy hand.

ylt@2Chronicles:16:9 @for Jehovah -- His eyes go to and fro in all the earth, to show Himself strong [for] a people whose heart [is] perfect towards Him; thou hast been foolish concerning this, because -- henceforth there are with thee wars.'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:5 @And the king of Israel gathereth the prophets, four hundred men, and saith unto them, 'Do we go unto Ramoth-Gilead to battle, or do I forbear?' And they say, 'Go up, and God doth give [it] into the hand of the king.'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:6 @And Jehoshaphat saith, 'Is there not here a prophet of Jehovah still, and we seek from him?'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:16 @And he saith, 'I have seen all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd, and Jehovah saith, There are no masters to these, they turn back each to his house in peace.'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:18 @And he saith, 'Therefore, hear ye a word of Jehovah: I have seen Jehovah sitting on His throne, and all the host of the heavens standing on His right and His left;

ylt@2Chronicles:19:7 @and now, let fear of Jehovah be upon you, observe and do, for there is not with Jehovah our God perverseness, and acceptance of faces, and taking of a bribe.'

ylt@2Chronicles:20:4 @and Judah is gathered to inquire of Jehovah; also, from all the cities of Judah they have come in to seek Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:6 @and saith, 'O Jehovah, God of our fathers, art not Thou -- God in the heavens? yea, Thou art ruling over all kingdoms of the nations, and in Thy hand [is] power and might, and there is none with Thee to station himself.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:12 @'O our God, dost Thou not execute judgment upon them? for there is no power in us before this great multitude that hath come against us, and we know not what we do, but on Thee [are] our eyes.'

ylt@2Chronicles:20:24 @And Judah hath come in unto the watch-tower, to the wilderness, and they look unto the multitude, and lo, they [are] carcases fallen to the earth, and there is none escaped,

ylt@2Chronicles:20:26 @And on the fourth day they have been assembled at the valley of Blessing, for there they blessed Jehovah: therefore they have called the name of that place, 'Valley of Blessing,' unto this day.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:29 @And there is a fear of God on all kingdoms of the lands in their hearing that Jehovah hath fought with the enemies of Israel,

ylt@2Chronicles:21:12 @And there cometh in unto him a writing from Elijah the prophet, saying, 'Thus said Jehovah, God of David thy father, Because that thou hast not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat thy father, and in the ways of Asa king of Judah,

ylt@2Chronicles:21:17 @and they come up into Judah, and rend it, and take captive all the substance that is found at the house of the king, and also his sons, and his wives, and there hath not been left to him a son except Jehoahaz the youngest of his sons.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:18 @And after all this hath Jehovah plagued him in his bowels by a disease for which there is no healing,

ylt@2Chronicles:22:9 @And he seeketh Ahaziah, and they capture him, (and he is hiding himself in Samaria), and bring him in unto Jehu, and put him to death, and bury him, for they said, 'He [is] son of Jehoshaphat, who sought Jehovah with all his heart;' and there is none to the house of Ahaziah to retain power for the kingdom.

ylt@2Chronicles:23:15 @And they make for her sides, and she cometh in unto the entrance of the gate of the horses at the house of the king, and they put her to death there.

ylt@2Chronicles:24:5 @and he gathereth the priests and the Levites, and saith to them, 'Go out to the cities of Judah, and gather from all Israel money to strengthen the house of your God sufficiently year by year, and ye, ye do haste to the matter;' and the Levites have not hasted.

ylt@2Chronicles:24:13 @And those doing the business work, and there goeth up lengthening to the work by their hand, and they establish the house of God, by its proper measure, and strengthen it.

ylt@2Chronicles:24:18 @and they forsake the house of Jehovah, God of their fathers, and serve the shrines and the idols, and there is wrath upon Judah and Jerusalem for this their guilt.

ylt@2Chronicles:25:5 @And Amaziah gathereth Judah, and appointeth them, according to the house of the fathers, for heads of the thousands, and for heads of the hundreds, for all Judah and Benjamin; and he inspecteth them from a son of twenty years and upward, and findeth them three hundred thousand chosen ones, going forth to the host, holding spear and target.

ylt@2Chronicles:25:8 @but if thou art going -- do [it], be strong for battle, God doth cause thee to stumble before an enemy, for there is power in God to help, and to cause to stumble.'

ylt@2Chronicles:25:27 @And from the time that Amaziah hath turned aside from after Jehovah -- they make a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem, and he fleeth to Lachish, and they send after him to Lachish, and put him to death there,

ylt@2Chronicles:28:9 @And there hath been there a prophet of Jehovah (Oded [is] his name), and he goeth out before the host that hath come in to Samaria, and saith to them, 'Lo, in the fury of Jehovah God of your fathers against Judah, He hath given them into your hand, and ye slay among them in rage -- unto the heavens it hath come;

ylt@2Chronicles:28:10 @and now, sons of Judah and Jerusalem ye are saying to subdue for men-servants and for maid-servants to you; but are there not with you causes of guilt before Jehovah your God?

ylt@2Chronicles:28:18 @And the Philistines have rushed against the cities of the low country, and of the south of Judah, and capture Beth-Shemesh, and Aijalon, and Gederoth, and Shocho and its villages, and Timnah and its villages, and Gimzo and its villages, and dwell there,

ylt@2Chronicles:28:24 @And Ahaz gathereth the vessels of the house of God, and cutteth in pieces the vessels of the house of God, and shutteth the doors of the house of Jehovah, and maketh to himself altars in every corner in Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:4 @and bringeth in the priests and the Levites, and gathereth them to the broad place to the east.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:20 @And Hezekiah the king riseth early, and gathereth the heads of the city, and goeth up to the house of Jehovah;

ylt@2Chronicles:30:3 @for they have not been able to make it at that time, for the priests have not sanctified themselves sufficiently, and the people have not been gathered to Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:30:13 @and much people are gathered to Jerusalem, to make the feast of unleavened things in the second month -- a mighty assembly for multitude.

ylt@2Chronicles:30:26 @and there is great joy in Jerusalem; for from the days of Solomon son of David king of Israel there is not like this in Jerusalem,

ylt@2Chronicles:31:10 @and Azariah the head priest, of the house of Zadok, speaketh unto him, and saith, 'From the beginning of the bringing of the heave-offering to the house of Jehovah, [there is] to eat, and to be satisfied, and to leave abundantly, for Jehovah hath blessed His people, and that left [is] this store.'

ylt@2Chronicles:32:4 @and much people are gathered, and they stop all the fountains and the brook that is rushing into the midst of the land, saying, 'Why do the kings of Asshur come, and have found much water?'

ylt@2Chronicles:32:6 @And he putteth heads of war over the people, and gathereth them unto him, unto the broad place of a gate of the city, and speaketh unto their heart, saying,

ylt@2Chronicles:32:21 @and Jehovah sendeth a messenger, and cutteth off every mighty one of valour -- both leader and head -- in the camp of the king of Asshur, and he turneth back with shame of face to his land, and entereth the house of his god, and those coming out of his bowels have caused him to fall there by the sword.

ylt@2Chronicles:32:25 @and Hezekiah hath not returned according to the deed [done] unto him, for his heart hath been lofty, and there is wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem;

ylt@2Chronicles:34:9 @And they come in unto Hilkiah the high priest, and they give the money that is brought in to the house of God, that the Levites, keeping the threshold, have gathered from the hand of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and from all the remnant of Israel, and from all Judah, and Benjamin, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,

ylt@2Chronicles:34:28 @Lo, I am gathering thee unto thy fathers, and thou hast been gathered unto thy graves in peace, and thine eyes do not look on all the evil that I am bringing upon this place, and upon its inhabitants;' and they bring the king back word.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:29 @And the king sendeth and gathereth all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem,

ylt@2Chronicles:35:18 @And there hath not been made a passover like it in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet, and none of the kings of Israel made such a passover as Josiah hath made, and the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah and Israel who are found, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:36:16 @and they are mocking at the messengers of God, and despising His words, and acting deceitfully with His prophets, till the going up of the fury of Jehovah against His people -- till there is no healing.

ylt@Ezra:3:1 @And the seventh month cometh, and the sons of Israel [are] in the cities, and the people are gathered, as one men, unto Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezra:4:14 @Now, because that the salt of the palace [is] our salt, and the nakedness of the king we have no patience to see, therefore we have sent and made known to the king;

ylt@Ezra:4:15 @so that he doth seek in the book of the records of thy fathers, and thou dost find in the book of the records, and dost know, that this city [is] a rebellious city, and causing loss [to] kings and provinces, and makers of sedition [are] in its midst from the days of old, therefore hath this city been wasted.

ylt@Ezra:5:17 @'And now, if to the king it be good, let search be made in the treasure-house of the king, that [is] there in Babylon, whether it be that of Cyrus the king there was made a decree to build this house of God in Jerusalem, and the will of the king concerning this thing he doth send unto us.'

ylt@Ezra:6:1 @Then Darius the king made a decree, and they sought in the house of the books of the treasuries placed there in Babylon,

ylt@Ezra:6:2 @and there hath been found at Achmetha, in a palace that [is] in the province of Media, a roll, and a record thus written within it [is]:

ylt@Ezra:6:12 @And God, who caused His name to dwell there, doth cast down any king and people that putteth forth his hand to change, to destroy this house of God that [is] in Jerusalem; I Darius have made a decree; speedily let it be done.'

ylt@Ezra:7:7 @And there go up of the sons of Israel, and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the gatekeepers, and the Nethinim, unto Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king.

ylt@Ezra:7:17 @therefore thou dost speedily buy with this money, bullocks, rams, lambs, and their presents, and their libations, and dost bring them near to the altar of the house of your God that [is] in Jerusalem,

ylt@Ezra:7:23 @all that [is] by the decree of the God of heaven, let be done diligently for the house of the God of heaven; for why is there wrath against the kingdom of the king and his sons?

ylt@Ezra:7:24 @'And to you we are making known, that upon any of the priests and Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, and servants of the house of God, tribute and custom there is no authority to lift up.

ylt@Ezra:8:15 @And I gather them unto the river that is going unto Ahava, and we encamp there three days; and I consider about the people, and about the priests, and of the sons of Levi I have found none there;

ylt@Ezra:8:21 @And I proclaim there a fast, by the river Ahava, to afflict ourselves before our God, to seek from Him a right way for us, and for our infants, and for all our substance,

ylt@Ezra:8:32 @and we come in to Jerusalem, and dwell there three days.

ylt@Ezra:9:4 @and unto me are gathered every one trembling at the words of the God of Israel, because of the trespass of the removal, and I am sitting astonished till the present of the evening.

ylt@Ezra:9:14 @do we turn back to break Thy commands, and to join ourselves in marriage with the people of these abominations? art not Thou angry against us -- even to consumption -- till there is no remnant and escaped part?

ylt@Ezra:9:15 @'O Jehovah, God of Israel, righteous [art] Thou, for we have been left an escape, as [it is] this day; lo, we [are] before Thee in our guilt, for there is none to stand before Thee concerning this.'

ylt@Ezra:10:1 @And at Ezra's praying, and at his making confession, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there have been gathered unto him out of Israel an assembly very great -- men and women and children -- for the people have wept, multiplying weeping.

ylt@Ezra:10:2 @And Shechaniah son of Jehiel, of the sons of Elam, answereth and saith to Ezra, 'We -- we have trespassed against our God, and we settle strange women of the peoples of the land; and now there is hope for Israel concerning this,

ylt@Ezra:10:6 @And Ezra riseth from before the house of God, and goeth unto the chamber of Jehohanan son of Eliashib; yea, he goeth there, bread he hath not eaten, and water he hath not drunk, for he is mourning because of the trespass of the removal.

ylt@Ezra:10:7 @And they cause a voice to pass over into Judah and Jerusalem, to all sons of the removal, to be gathered to Jerusalem,

ylt@Ezra:10:9 @And gathered are all the men of Judah and Benjamin to Jerusalem by the third day, it [is] the ninth month, on the twentieth of the month, and all the people sit in the broad place of the house of God, trembling on account of the matter and of the showers.

ylt@Ezra:10:13 @but the people [are] many, and [it is] the time of showers, and there is no power to stand without, and the work [is] not for one day, nor for two, for we have multiplied to transgress in this thing.

ylt@Ezra:10:18 @And there are found of the sons of the priests that have settled strange women: of the sons of Jeshua son of Jozadak, and his brethren, Maaseiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Gedaliah;

ylt@Ezra:10:44 @all these have taken strange women, and there are of them women -- who adopt sons.

ylt@Nehemiah:1:3 @and they say to me, 'Those left, who have been left of the captivity there in the province, [are] in great evil, and in reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burnt with fire.'

ylt@Nehemiah:1:9 @and ye have turned back unto Me, and kept My commands, and done them -- if your outcast is in the end of the heavens, thence I gather them, and have brought them in unto the place that I have chosen to cause My name to tabernacle there.

ylt@Nehemiah:2:11 @And I come in unto Jerusalem, and I am there three days,

ylt@Nehemiah:2:12 @and I rise by night, I and a few men with me, and have not declared to a man what my God is giving unto my heart to do for Jerusalem, and there is no beast with me except the beast on which I am riding.

ylt@Nehemiah:2:14 @And I pass over unto the gate of the fountain, and unto the pool of the king, and there is no place for the beast under me to pass over,

ylt@Nehemiah:2:20 @And I return them word, and say to them, 'The God of the heavens -- He doth give prosperity to us, and we His servants rise and have built; and to you there is no portion, and right, and memorial in Jerusalem.'

ylt@Nehemiah:4:20 @in the place that ye hear the voice of the trumpet thither ye are gathered unto us; our God doth fight for us.'

ylt@Nehemiah:4:23 @and there are none -- I and my brethren and my servants, the men of the guard who [are] after me -- there are none of us putting off our garments, each [hath] his vessel of water.

ylt@Nehemiah:5:1 @And there is a great cry of the people and their wives, concerning their brethren the Jews,

ylt@Nehemiah:5:2 @yea, there are who are saying, 'Our sons, and our daughters, we -- are many, and we receive corn, and eat, and live.'

ylt@Nehemiah:5:3 @And there are who are saying, 'Our fields, and our vineyards, and our houses, we are pledging, and we receive corn for the famine.'

ylt@Nehemiah:5:4 @And there are who are saying, 'We have borrowed money for the tribute of the king, [on] our fields, and our vineyards;

ylt@Nehemiah:5:5 @and now, as the flesh of our brethren [is] our flesh, as their sons [are] our sons, and lo, we are subduing our sons and our daughters for servants, and there are of our daughters subdued, and our hand hath no might, and our fields and our vineyards [are] to others.'

ylt@Nehemiah:5:16 @And also, in the work of this wall I have done mightily, even a field we have not bought, and all my servants are gathered there for the work;

ylt@Nehemiah:6:1 @And it cometh to pass, when it hath been heard by Sanballat, and Tobiah, and by Geshem the Arabian, and by the rest of our enemies, that I have builded the wall, and there hath not been left in it a breach, (also, till that time the doors I had not set up in the gates,)

ylt@Nehemiah:6:6 @it is written in it, 'Among the nations it hath been heard, and Gashmu is saying: Thou and the Jews are thinking to rebel, therefore thou art building the wall, and thou hast been to them for a king -- according to these words!

ylt@Nehemiah:7:4 @And the city [is] broad on both sides, and great, and the people [are] few in its midst, and there are no houses builded;

ylt@Nehemiah:8:1 @And all the people are gathered as one man unto the broad place that [is] before the water-gate, and they say to Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses, that Jehovah commanded Israel.

ylt@Nehemiah:8:13 @And on the second day have been gathered heads of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to act wisely concerning the words of the law.

ylt@Nehemiah:8:17 @And they make -- all the assembly of the captives of the captivity -- booths, and they sit in booths; for the sons of Israel had not done, from the days of Jeshua son of Nun, so unto that day, and there is very great joy.

ylt@Nehemiah:9:1 @And in the twenty and fourth day of this month have the sons of Israel been gathered, with fasting, and with sackcloth, and earth upon them;

ylt@Nehemiah:9:4 @And there stand up on the ascent, of the Levites, Jeshua, and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, Chenani, and they cry with a loud voice unto Jehovah their God.

ylt@Nehemiah:10:39 @for unto the chambers do they bring in -- the sons of Israel and the sons of Levi -- the heave-offering of the corn, the new wine, and the oil, and there [are] vessels of the sanctuary, and the priests, those ministering, and the gatekeepers, and the singers, and we do not forsake the house of our God.

ylt@Nehemiah:11:25 @And at the villages with their fields, of the sons of Judah there have dwelt, in Kirjath-Arba and its small towns, and in Dibon and its small towns, and in Jekabzeel and its villages,

ylt@Nehemiah:12:28 @and sons of the singers are gathered together even from the circuit round about Jerusalem, and from the villages of Netophathi,

ylt@Nehemiah:13:1 @On that day there was read in the book of Moses, in the ears of the people, and it hath been found written in it that an Ammonite and Moabite doth not come into the assembly of God -- unto the age,

ylt@Nehemiah:13:5 @and he maketh for him a great chamber, and there they were formerly putting the present, the frankincense, and the vessels, and the tithe of the corn, the new wine, and the oil -- the commanded thing of the Levites, and the singers, and the gatekeepers -- and the heave-offering of the priests.

ylt@Nehemiah:13:19 @And it cometh to pass, when the gates of Jerusalem have been dark before the sabbath, that I speak, and the doors are shut, and I say, that they do not open them till after the sabbath; and of my servants I have stationed at the gates; there doth not come in a burden on the sabbath-day.

ylt@Nehemiah:13:26 @'By these did not Solomon king of Israel sin? and among the many nations there was no king like him, and beloved by his God he was, and God maketh him king over all Israel -- even him did the strange women cause to sin.

ylt@Esther:1:19 @'If to the king [it be] good, there goeth forth a royal word from before him, and it is written with the laws of Persia and Media, and doth not pass away, that Vashti doth not come in before the king Ahasuerus, and her royalty doth the king give to her companion who [is] better than she;

ylt@Esther:2:5 @A man, a Jew, there hath been in Shushan the palace, and his name [is] Mordecai son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish, a Benjamite --

ylt@Esther:2:8 @And it cometh to pass, in the word of the king, even his law, being heard, and in many young women being gathered unto Shushan the palace, unto the hand of Hegai, that Esther is taken unto the house of the king, unto the hand of Hegai, keeper of the women,

ylt@Esther:2:12 @And in the drawing nigh of the turn of each young woman to come in unto the king Ahasuerus, at the end of there being to her -- according to the law of the women -- twelve months, for so they fulfil the days of their purifications; six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with spices, and with the purifications of women,

ylt@Esther:2:19 @And in the virgins being gathered a second time, then Mordecai is sitting in the gate of the king;

ylt@Esther:3:8 @And Haman saith to the king Ahasuerus, 'There is one people scattered and separated among the peoples, in all provinces of thy kingdom, and their laws [are] diverse from all people, and the laws of the king they are not doing, and for the king it is not profitable to suffer them;

ylt@Esther:6:10 @And the king saith to Haman, 'Haste, take the clothing and the horse, as thou hast spoken, and do so to Mordecai the Jew, who is sitting in the gate of the king; there doth not fall a thing of all that thou hast spoken.'

ylt@Esther:8:8 @and ye, write ye for the Jews, as [it is] good in your eyes, in the name of the king, and seal with the signet of the king -- for the writing that is written in the name of the king, and sealed with the signet of the king, there is none to turn back.'

ylt@Esther:9:19 @Therefore the Jews of the villages, who are dwelling in cities of the villages, are making the fourteenth day of the month of Adar -- joy and banquet, and a good day, and of sending portions one to another.

ylt@Esther:9:26 @therefore they have called these days Purim -- by the name of the lot -- therefore, because of all the words of this letter, and what they have seen concerning this, and what hath come unto them,

ylt@Job:1:1 @A man there hath been in the land of Uz -- Job his name -- and that man hath been perfect and upright -- both fearing God, and turning aside from evil.

ylt@Job:1:2 @And there are borne to him seven sons and three daughters,

ylt@Job:1:6 @And the day is, that sons of God come in to station themselves by Jehovah, and there doth come also the Adversary in their midst.

ylt@Job:1:8 @And Jehovah saith unto the Adversary, 'Hast thou set thy heart against My servant Job because there is none like him in the land, a man perfect and upright, fearing God, and turning aside from evil?'

ylt@Job:2:1 @And the day is, that sons of God come in to station themselves by Jehovah, and there doth come also the Adversary in their midst to station himself by Jehovah.

ylt@Job:2:3 @And Jehovah saith unto the Adversary, 'Hast thou set thy heart unto My servant Job because there is none like him in the land, a man perfect and upright, fearing God and turning aside from evil? and still he is keeping hold on his integrity, and thou dost move Me against him to swallow him up for nought!'

ylt@Job:2:13 @And they sit with him on the earth seven days and seven nights, and there is none speaking unto him a word when they have seen that the pain hath been very great.

ylt@Job:3:9 @Let the stars of its twilight be dark, Let it wait for light, and there is none, And let it not look on the eyelids of the dawn.

ylt@Job:3:13 @For now, I have lain down, and am quiet, I have slept -- then there is rest to me,

ylt@Job:3:17 @There the wicked have ceased troubling, And there rest do the wearied in power.

ylt@Job:3:19 @Small and great [are] there the same. And a servant [is] free from his lord.

ylt@Job:5:1 @Pray, call, is there any to answer thee? And unto which of the holy ones dost thou turn?

ylt@Job:5:4 @Far are his sons from safety, And they are bruised in the gate, And there is no deliverer.

ylt@Job:5:9 @Doing great things, and there is no searching. Wonderful, till there is no numbering.

ylt@Job:5:16 @And there is hope to the poor, And perverseness hath shut her mouth.

ylt@Job:6:3 @For now, than the sands of the sea it is heavier, Therefore my words have been rash.

ylt@Job:6:6 @Eaten is an insipid thing without salt? Is there sense in the drivel of dreams?

ylt@Job:6:30 @Is there in my tongue perverseness? Discerneth not my palate desirable things?

ylt@Job:7:1 @Is there not a warfare to man on earth? And as the days of an hireling his days?

ylt@Job:8:12 @While it [is] in its budding -- uncropt, Even before any herb it withereth.

ylt@Job:9:10 @Doing great things till there is no searching, And wonderful, till there is no numbering.

ylt@Job:9:22 @It is the same thing, therefore I said, 'The perfect and the wicked He is consuming.'

ylt@Job:9:33 @If there were between us an umpire, He doth place his hand on us both.

ylt@Job:10:7 @For Thou knowest that I am not wicked, And there is no deliverer from Thy hand.

ylt@Job:12:3 @I also have a heart like you, I am not fallen more than you, And with whom is there not like these?

ylt@Job:14:7 @For there is of a tree hope, if it be cut down, That again it doth change, That its tender branch doth not cease.

ylt@Job:16:3 @Is there an end to words of wind? Or what doth embolden thee that thou answerest?

ylt@Job:16:18 @O earth, do not thou cover my blood! And let there not be a place for my cry.

ylt@Job:17:4 @For their heart Thou hast hidden From understanding, Therefore Thou dost not exalt them.

ylt@Job:18:5 @Also, the light of the wicked is extinguished. And there doth not shine a spark of his fire.

ylt@Job:19:7 @Lo, I cry out -- violence, and am not answered, I cry aloud, and there is no judgment.

ylt@Job:19:29 @Be ye afraid because of the sword, For furious [are] the punishments of the sword, That ye may know that [there is] a judgment.

ylt@Job:20:2 @Therefore my thoughts cause me to answer, And because of my sensations in me.

ylt@Job:20:21 @There is not a remnant to his food, Therefore his good doth not stay.

ylt@Job:21:33 @Sweet to him have been the clods of the valley, And after him every man he draweth, And before him there is no numbering.

ylt@Job:22:5 @Is not thy wickedness abundant? And there is no end to thine iniquities.

ylt@Job:22:10 @Therefore round about thee [are] snares, And trouble thee doth fear suddenly.

ylt@Job:22:21 @Acquaint thyself, I pray thee, with Him, And be at peace, Thereby thine increase [is] good.

ylt@Job:23:7 @There the upright doth reason with Him, And I escape for ever from my judge.

ylt@Job:23:15 @Therefore, from His presence I am troubled, I consider, and am afraid of Him.

ylt@Job:24:7 @The naked they cause to lodge Without clothing. And there is no covering in the cold.

ylt@Job:26:6 @Naked [is] Sheol over-against Him, And there is no covering to destruction.

ylt@Job:27:19 @Rich he lieth down, and he is not gathered, His eyes he hath opened, and he is not.

ylt@Job:28:1 @Surely there is for silver a source, And a place for the gold they refine;

ylt@Job:30:7 @Among shrubs they do groan, Under nettles they are gathered together.

ylt@Job:31:19 @If I see [any] perishing without clothing, And there is no covering to the needy,

ylt@Job:32:5 @And Elihu seeth that there is no answer in the mouth of the three men, and his anger burneth.

ylt@Job:32:6 @And Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite answereth and saith: -- Young I [am] in days, and ye [are] age Therefore I have feared, And am afraid of shewing you my opinion.

ylt@Job:32:10 @Therefore I have said: Hearken to me, I do shew my opinion -- even I.

ylt@Job:32:12 @And unto you I attend, And lo, there is no reasoner for Job, [Or] answerer of his sayings among you.

ylt@Job:32:20 @I speak, and there is refreshment to me, I open my lips and answer.

ylt@Job:33:23 @If there is by him a messenger, An interpreter -- one of a thousand, To declare for man his uprightness:

ylt@Job:33:32 @If there are words -- answer me, Speak, for I have a desire to justify thee.

ylt@Job:33:33 @If there are not -- hearken thou to me, Keep silent, and I teach thee wisdom.

ylt@Job:34:10 @Therefore, O men of heart, hearken to me; Far be it from God to do wickedness, And [from] the Mighty to do perverseness:

ylt@Job:34:14 @If He doth set on him His heart, His spirit and his breath unto Him He gathereth.

ylt@Job:34:16 @And if [there is] understanding, hear this, Give ear to the voice of my words.

ylt@Job:34:22 @There is no darkness nor death-shade, For workers of iniquity to be hidden there;

ylt@Job:34:25 @Therefore He knoweth their works, And He hath overturned by night, And they are bruised.

ylt@Job:35:12 @There they cry, and He doth not answer, Because of the pride of evil doers.

ylt@Job:35:15 @And, now, because there is not, He hath appointed His anger, And He hath not known in great extremity.

ylt@Job:36:26 @Lo, God [is] high, And we know not the number of His years, Yea, there [is] no searching.

ylt@Job:37:24 @Therefore do men fear Him, He seeth not any of the wise of heart.

ylt@Job:39:30 @And his brood gulph up blood, And where the pierced [are] -- there [is] he!

ylt@Job:40:20 @For food do mountains bear for him, And all the beasts of the field play there.

ylt@Job:41:33 @There is not on the earth his like, That is made without terror.

ylt@Job:42:3 @'Who [is] this, hiding counsel without knowledge?' Therefore, I have declared, and understand not, Too wonderful for me, and I know not.

ylt@Job:42:6 @Therefore do I loathe [it], And I have repented on dust and ashes.

ylt@Job:42:15 @And there have not been found women fair as the daughters of Job in all the land, and their father doth give to them an inheritance in the midst of their brethren.

ylt@Psalms:1:5 @Therefore the wicked rise not in judgment, Nor sinners in the company of the righteous,

ylt@Psalms:3:2 @Many are saying of my soul, 'There is no salvation for him in God.' Selah.

ylt@Psalms:5:9 @For there is no stability in their mouth. Their heart [is] mischiefs, An open grave [is] their throat, Their tongue they make smooth.

ylt@Psalms:6:5 @For there is not in death Thy memorial, In Sheol, who doth give thanks to Thee?

ylt@Psalms:7:2 @Lest he tear as a lion my soul, Rending, and there is no deliverer.

ylt@Psalms:7:3 @O Jehovah, my God, if I have done this, If there is iniquity in my hands,

ylt@Psalms:14:1 @To the Overseer. -- By David. A fool hath said in his heart, 'God is not;' They have done corruptly, They have done abominable actions, There is not a doer of good.

ylt@Psalms:14:2 @Jehovah from the heavens Hath looked on the sons of men, To see if there is a wise one -- seeking God.

ylt@Psalms:14:3 @The whole have turned aside, Together they have been filthy: There is not a doer of good, not even one.

ylt@Psalms:14:5 @There they have feared a fear, For God [is] in the generation of the righteous.

ylt@Psalms:16:9 @Therefore hath my heart been glad, And my honour doth rejoice, Also my flesh dwelleth confidently:

ylt@Psalms:18:41 @They cry, and there is no saviour, On Jehovah, and He doth not answer them.

ylt@Psalms:18:49 @Therefore I confess Thee among nations, O Jehovah, And to Thy name I sing praise,

ylt@Psalms:19:3 @There is no speech, and there are no words. Their voice hath not been heard.

ylt@Psalms:22:2 @My God, I call by day, and Thou answerest not, And by night, and there is no silence to me.

ylt@Psalms:22:11 @Be not far from me, For adversity is near, for there is no helper.

ylt@Psalms:25:8 @Good and upright [is] Jehovah, Therefore He directeth sinners in the way.

ylt@Psalms:32:2 @O the happiness of a man, To whom Jehovah imputeth not iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit.

ylt@Psalms:34:9 @Fear Jehovah, ye His holy ones, For there is no lack to those fearing Him.

ylt@Psalms:35:15 @And -- in my halting they have rejoiced, And have been gathered together, Gathered against me were the smiters, And I have not known, They have rent, and they have not ceased;

ylt@Psalms:36:12 @There have workers of iniquity fallen, They have been overthrown, And have not been able to arise!

ylt@Psalms:39:6 @Only, in an image doth each walk habitually, Only, [in] vain, they are disquieted, He heapeth up and knoweth not who gathereth them.

ylt@Psalms:40:5 @Much hast Thou done, Jehovah my God; Thy wonders and Thy thoughts toward us, There is none to arrange unto Thee, I declare and speak: They have been more than to be numbered.

ylt@Psalms:41:6 @And if he came to see -- vanity he speaketh, His heart gathereth iniquity to itself, He goeth out -- at the street he speaketh.

ylt@Psalms:42:6 @In me doth my soul bow itself, Therefore I remember Thee from the land of Jordan, And of the Hermons, from the hill Mizar.

ylt@Psalms:45:2 @Thou hast been beautified above the sons of men, Grace hath been poured into thy lips, Therefore hath God blessed thee to the age.

ylt@Psalms:45:7 @Thou hast loved righteousness and hatest wickedness, Therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee, Oil of joy above thy companions.

ylt@Psalms:45:17 @I make mention of Thy name in all generations, Therefore do peoples praise Thee, To the age, and for ever!

ylt@Psalms:46:2 @Therefore we fear not in the changing of earth, And in the slipping of mountains Into the heart of the seas.

ylt@Psalms:47:9 @Nobles of peoples have been gathered, [With] the people of the God of Abraham, For to God [are] the shields of earth, Greatly hath He been exalted!

ylt@Psalms:48:6 @Trembling hath seized them there, Pain, as of a travailing woman.

ylt@Psalms:50:22 @Understand this, I pray you, Ye who are forgetting God, Lest I tear, and there is no deliverer.

ylt@Psalms:53:1 @To the Overseer. -- 'On a disease.' -- An instruction, by David. A fool said in his heart, 'There is no God.' They have done corruptly, Yea, they have done abominable iniquity, There is none doing good.

ylt@Psalms:53:2 @God from the heavens looked on the sons of men, To see if there be an understanding one, [One] seeking God.

ylt@Psalms:53:3 @Every one went back, together they became filthy, There is none doing good -- not even one.

ylt@Psalms:53:5 @There they feared a fear -- there was no fear, For God hath scattered the bones of him Who is encamping against thee, Thou hast put to shame, For God hath despised them.

ylt@Psalms:58:11 @And man saith: 'Surely fruit [is] for the righteous: Surely there is a God judging in the earth!'

ylt@Psalms:66:6 @He hath turned a sea to dry land, Through a river they pass over on foot, There do we rejoice in Him.

ylt@Psalms:68:27 @There [is] little Benjamin their ruler, Heads of Judah their defence, Heads of Zebulun -- heads of Naphtali.

ylt@Psalms:69:2 @I have sunk in deep mire, And there is no standing, I have come into the depths of the waters, And a flood hath overflown me.

ylt@Psalms:69:20 @Reproach hath broken my heart, and I am sick, And I look for a bemoaner, and there is none, And for comforters, and I have found none.

ylt@Psalms:69:25 @Their tower is desolated, In their tents there is no dweller.

ylt@Psalms:69:35 @For God doth save Zion, And doth build the cities of Judah, And they have dwelt there, and possess it.

ylt@Psalms:71:11 @Saying, 'God hath forsaken him, Pursue and catch him, for there is no deliverer.'

ylt@Psalms:72:16 @There is a handful of corn in the earth, On the top of mountains, Shake like Lebanon doth its fruit, And they flourish out of the city as the herb of the earth.

ylt@Psalms:73:3 @The peace of the wicked I see, That there are no bands at their death,

ylt@Psalms:73:6 @Therefore hath pride encircled them, Violence covereth them as a dress.

ylt@Psalms:73:10 @Therefore do His people return hither, And waters of fulness are wrung out to them.

ylt@Psalms:73:11 @And they have said, 'How hath God known? And is there knowledge in the Most High?'

ylt@Psalms:74:9 @Our ensigns we have not seen, There is no more a prophet, Nor with us is one knowing how long.

ylt@Psalms:76:3 @There he hath shivered arrows of a bow, Shield, and sword, and battle. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:78:21 @Therefore hath Jehovah heard, And He sheweth Himself wroth, And fire hath been kindled against Jacob, And anger also hath gone up against Israel,

ylt@Psalms:79:3 @They have shed their blood As water round about Jerusalem, And there is none burying.

ylt@Psalms:81:9 @There is not in thee a strange god, And thou bowest not thyself to a strange god.

ylt@Psalms:83:1 @A Song, -- A Psalm of Asaph. O God, let there be no silence to Thee, Be not silent, nor be quiet, O God.

ylt@Psalms:85:3 @Thou hast gathered up all Thy wrath, Thou hast turned back from the fierceness of Thine anger.

ylt@Psalms:86:8 @There is none like Thee among the gods, O Lord, And like Thy works there are none.

ylt@Psalms:87:4 @I mention Rahab and Babel to those knowing Me, Lo, Philistia, and Tyre, with Cush! This [one] was born there.

ylt@Psalms:87:6 @Jehovah doth recount in the describing of the peoples, 'This [one] was born there.' Selah.

ylt@Psalms:90:6 @In the morning it flourisheth, and hath changed, At evening it is cut down, and hath withered.

ylt@Psalms:91:7 @There fall at thy side a thousand, And a myriad at thy right hand, Unto thee it cometh not nigh.

ylt@Psalms:92:15 @To declare that upright [is] Jehovah my rock, And there is no perverseness in Him!

ylt@Psalms:102:4 @Smitten as the herb, and withered, is my heart, For I have forgotten to eat my bread.

ylt@Psalms:102:11 @My days as a shadow [are] stretched out, And I -- as the herb I am withered.

ylt@Psalms:102:22 @In the peoples being gathered together, And the kingdoms -- to serve Jehovah.

ylt@Psalms:104:22 @The sun riseth, they are gathered, And in their dens they crouch.

ylt@Psalms:104:25 @This, the sea, great and broad of sides, There [are] moving things -- innumerable, Living creatures -- small with great.

ylt@Psalms:104:26 @There do ships go: leviathan, That Thou hast formed to play in it.

ylt@Psalms:104:29 @Thou hidest Thy face -- they are troubled, Thou gatherest their spirit -- they expire, And unto their dust they turn back.

ylt@Psalms:105:37 @And bringeth them out with silver and gold, And there is not in its tribes a feeble one.

ylt@Psalms:107:3 @And from the lands hath gathered them, From east and from west, From north, and from the sea.

ylt@Psalms:107:12 @And He humbleth with labour their heart, They have been feeble, and there is no helper.

ylt@Psalms:107:36 @And He causeth the hungry to dwell there, And they prepare a city of habitation.

ylt@Psalms:109:12 @He hath none to extend kindness, Nor is there one showing favour to his orphans.

ylt@Psalms:110:7 @From a brook in the way he drinketh, Therefore he doth lift up the head!

ylt@Psalms:119:104 @From Thy precepts I have understanding, Therefore I have hated every false path!

ylt@Psalms:119:119 @Dross! Thou hast caused to cease All the wicked of the earth; Therefore I have loved Thy testimonies.

ylt@Psalms:119:127 @Therefore I have loved Thy commands Above gold -- even fine gold.

ylt@Psalms:119:128 @Therefore all my appointments I have declared wholly right, Every path of falsehood I have hated!

ylt@Psalms:119:129 @[Pe.] Wonderful [are] Thy testimonies, Therefore hath my soul kept them.

ylt@Psalms:122:5 @For there have sat thrones of judgment, Thrones of the house of David.

ylt@Psalms:129:6 @They are as grass of the roofs, That before it was drawn out withereth,

ylt@Psalms:132:17 @There I cause to spring up a horn for David, I have arranged a lamp for Mine anointed.

ylt@Psalms:133:3 @As dew of Hermon -- That cometh down on hills of Zion, For there Jehovah commanded the blessing -- Life unto the age!

ylt@Psalms:135:17 @Ears they have, and they give not ear, Nose -- there is no breath in their mouth!

ylt@Psalms:137:1 @By rivers of Babylon -- There we did sit, Yea, we wept when we remembered Zion.

ylt@Psalms:137:3 @For there our captors asked us the words of a song, And our spoilers -- joy: 'Sing ye to us of a song of Zion.'

ylt@Psalms:139:4 @For there is not a word in my tongue, Lo, O Jehovah, Thou hast known it all!

ylt@Psalms:139:8 @If I ascend the heavens -- there Thou [art], And spread out a couch in Sheol, lo, Thee!

ylt@Psalms:139:10 @Also there Thy hand doth lead me, And Thy right hand doth hold me.

ylt@Psalms:142:4 @Looking on the right hand -- and seeing, And I have none recognizing; Perished hath refuge from me, There is none inquiring for my soul.

ylt@Psalms:144:14 @Our oxen are carrying, there is no breach, And there is no outgoing, And there is no crying in our broad places.

ylt@Psalms:145:3 @Great [is] Jehovah, and praised greatly, And of His greatness there is no searching.

ylt@Psalms:147:2 @Building Jerusalem [is] Jehovah, The driven away of Israel He gathereth.

ylt@Psalms:147:5 @Great [is] our Lord, and abundant in power, Of His understanding there is no narration.

ylt@Proverbs:6:8 @She doth prepare in summer her bread, She hath gathered in harvest her food.

ylt@Proverbs:6:15 @Therefore suddenly cometh his calamity, Instantly he is broken -- and no healing.

ylt@Proverbs:7:15 @Therefore I have come forth to meet thee, To seek earnestly thy face, and I find thee.

ylt@Proverbs:8:24 @In there being no depths, I was brought forth, In there being no fountains heavy [with] waters,

ylt@Proverbs:8:27 @In His preparing the heavens I [am] there, In His decreeing a circle on the face of the deep,

ylt@Proverbs:9:18 @And he hath not known that Rephaim [are] there, In deep places of Sheol her invited ones!

ylt@Proverbs:11:24 @There is who is scattering, and yet is increased, And who is keeping back from uprightness, only to want.

ylt@Proverbs:13:7 @There is who is making himself rich, and hath nothing, Who is making himself poor, and wealth [is] abundant.

ylt@Proverbs:14:12 @There is a way -- right before a man, And its latter end [are] ways of death.

ylt@Proverbs:14:23 @In all labour there is advantage, And a thing of the lips [is] only to want.

ylt@Proverbs:14:26 @In the fear of Jehovah [is] strong confidence, And to His sons there is a refuge.

ylt@Proverbs:15:17 @Better [is] an allowance of green herbs and love there, Than a fatted ox, and hatred with it.

ylt@Proverbs:16:25 @There is a way right before a man, And its latter end -- ways of death.

ylt@Proverbs:17:16 @Why [is] this -- a price in the hand of a fool to buy wisdom, And a heart there is none?

ylt@Proverbs:18:24 @A man with friends [is] to show himself friendly, And there is a lover adhering more than a brother!

ylt@Proverbs:19:18 @Chastise thy son, for there is hope, And to put him to death lift not up thy soul.

ylt@Proverbs:20:4 @Because of winter the slothful plougheth not, He asketh in harvest, and there is nothing.

ylt@Proverbs:21:30 @There is no wisdom, nor understanding, Nor counsel, over-against Jehovah.

ylt@Proverbs:22:14 @A deep pit [is] the mouth of strange women, The abhorred of Jehovah falleth there.

ylt@Proverbs:23:18 @For, is there a posterity? Then thy hope is not cut off.

ylt@Proverbs:24:14 @So [is] the knowledge of wisdom to thy soul, If thou hast found that there is a posterity And thy hope is not cut off.

ylt@Proverbs:24:20 @For there is not a posterity to the evil, The lamp of the wicked is extinguished.

ylt@Proverbs:25:14 @Clouds and wind, and rain there is none, [Is] a man boasting himself in a false gift.

ylt@Proverbs:27:25 @Revealed was the hay, and seen the tender grass, And gathered the herbs of mountains.

ylt@Proverbs:28:1 @The wicked have fled and there is no pursuer. And the righteous as a young lion is confident.

ylt@Proverbs:28:3 @A man -- poor and oppressing the weak, [Is] a sweeping rain, and there is no bread.

ylt@Proverbs:29:1 @A man often reproved, hardening the neck, Is suddenly broken, and there is no healing.

ylt@Proverbs:29:9 @A wise man is judged by the foolish man, And he hath been angry, And he hath laughed, and there is no rest.

ylt@Proverbs:29:19 @By words a servant is not instructed though he understand, And there is nothing answering.

ylt@Proverbs:30:1 @Words of a Gatherer, son of an obedient one, the declaration, an affirmation of the man: -- I have wearied myself [for] God, I have wearied myself [for] God, and am consumed.

ylt@Proverbs:30:4 @Who went up to heaven, and cometh down? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound waters in a garment? Who established all ends of the earth? What [is] His name? and what His son's name? Surely thou knowest!

ylt@Proverbs:30:27 @A king there is not to the locust, And it goeth out -- each one shouting,

ylt@Proverbs:30:29 @Three there are going well, Yea, four are good in going:

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:5 @Also, the sun hath risen, and the sun hath gone in, and unto its place panting it is rising there.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:9 @What [is] that which hath been? it [is] that which is, and what [is] that which hath been done? it [is] that which is done, and there is not an entirely new thing under the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:10 @There is a thing of which [one] saith: 'See this, it [is] new!' already it hath been in the ages that were before us!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:11 @There is not a remembrance of former [generations]; and also of the latter that are, there is no remembrance of them with those that are at the last.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:8 @I gathered for me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces. I prepared for me men-singers and women-singers, and the luxuries of the sons of man -- a wife and wives.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:11 @and I have looked on all my works that my hands have done, and on the labour that I have laboured to do, and lo, the whole [is] vanity and vexation of spirit, and there is no advantage under the sun!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:13 @And I saw that there is an advantage to wisdom above folly, like the advantage of the light above the darkness.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @That there is no remembrance to the wise -- with the fool -- to the age, for that which [is] already, [in] the days that are coming is all forgotten, and how dieth the wise? with the fool!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:21 @For there is a man whose labour [is] in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity, and to a man who hath not laboured therein he giveth it -- his portion! Even this [is] vanity and a great evil.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:24 @There is nothing good in a man who eateth, and hath drunk, and hath shewn his soul good in his labour. This also I have seen that it [is] from the hand of God.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:12 @I have known that there is no good for them except to rejoice and to do good during their life,

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:16 @And again, I have seen under the sun the place of judgment -- there [is] the wicked; and the place of righteousness -- there [is] the wicked.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:17 @I said in my heart, 'The righteous and the wicked doth God judge, for a time [is] to every matter and for every work there.'

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:22 @And I have seen that there is nothing better than that man rejoice in his works, for it [is] his portion; for who doth bring him in to look on that which is after him?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @There is one, and there is not a second; even son or brother he hath not, and there is no end to all his labour! His eye also is not satisfied with riches, and [he saith not], 'For whom am I labouring and bereaving my soul of good?' This also is vanity, it is a sad travail.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:10 @For if they fall, the one raiseth up his companion, but wo to the one who falleth and there is not a second to raise him up!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:16 @there is no end to all the people, to all who were before them; also, the latter rejoice not in him. Surely this also is vanity and vexation of spirit.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:2 @Cause not thy mouth to hasten, and let not thy heart hasten to bring out a word before God, for God is in the heavens, and thou on the earth, therefore let thy words be few.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:4 @When thou vowest a vow to God, delay not to complete it, for there is no pleasure in fools; that which thou vowest -- complete.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:13 @There is a painful evil I have seen under the sun: wealth kept for its possessor, for his evil.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:14 @And that wealth hath been lost in an evil business, and he hath begotten a son and there is nothing in his hand!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:1 @There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, and it [is] great on man:

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @A man to whom God giveth wealth, and riches, and honour, and there is no lack to his soul of all that he desireth, and God giveth him not power to eat of it, but a stranger eateth it; this [is] vanity, and it [is] an evil disease.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:11 @For there are many things multiplying vanity; what advantage [is] to man?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:15 @The whole I have considered in the days of my vanity. There is a righteous one perishing in his righteousness, and there is a wrong-doer prolonging [himself] in his wrong.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:20 @Because there is not a righteous man on earth that doth good and sinneth not.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:6 @For to every delight there is a time and a judgment, for the misfortune of man is great upon him.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:8 @There is no man ruling over the spirit to restrain the spirit, and there is no authority over the day of death, and there is no discharge in battle, and wickedness delivereth not its possessors.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @Because sentence hath not been done [on] an evil work speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of man is full within them to do evil.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @Though a sinner is doing evil a hundred [times], and prolonging [himself] for it, surely also I know that there is good to those fearing God, who fear before Him.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @There is a vanity that hath been done upon the earth, that there are righteous ones unto whom it is coming according to the work of the wicked, and there are wicked ones unto whom it is coming according to the work of the righteous. I have said that this also [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @And I have praised mirth because there is no good to man under the sun except to eat and to drink, and to rejoice, and it remaineth with him of his labour the days of his life that God hath given to him under the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:16 @When I gave my heart to know wisdom and to see the business that hath been done on the earth, (for there is also a spectator in whose eyes sleep is not by day and by night),

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:4 @But [to] him who is joined unto all the living there is confidence, for to a living dog it [is] better than to the dead lion.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @For the living know that they die, and the dead know not anything, and there is no more to them a reward, for their remembrance hath been forgotten.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:10 @All that thy hand findeth to do, with thy power do, for there is no work, and device, and knowledge, and wisdom in Sheol whither thou art going.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:15 @and there hath been found in it a poor wise man, and he hath delivered the city by his wisdom, and men have not remembered that poor man!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:10:5 @There is an evil I have seen under the sun, As an error that goeth out from the ruler,

ylt@Ecclesiastes:10:11 @If the serpent biteth without enchantment, Then there is no advantage to a master of the tongue.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:3 @If the thick clouds are full of rain, On the earth they empty [themselves]; And if a tree doth fall in the south or to the north, The place where the tree falleth, there it is.

ylt@Songs:1:3 @For fragrance [are] thy perfumes good. Perfume emptied out -- thy name, Therefore have virgins loved thee!

ylt@Songs:4:7 @Thou [art] all fair, my friend, And a blemish there is not in thee. Come from Lebanon, O spouse,

ylt@Songs:7:12 @We lodge in the villages, we go early to the vineyards, We see if the vine hath flourished, The sweet smelling-flower hath opened. The pomegranates have blossomed, There do I give to thee my loves;

ylt@Songs:8:5 @Who [is] this coming from the wilderness, Hasting herself for her beloved? Under the citron-tree I have waked thee, There did thy mother pledge thee, There she gave a pledge [that] bare thee.

ylt@Isaiah:1:6 @From the sole of the foot -- unto the head, There is no soundness in it, Wound, and bruise, and fresh smiting! They have not been closed nor bound, Nor have they softened with ointment.

ylt@Isaiah:1:24 @Therefore -- the affirmation of the Lord -- Jehovah of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: Ah, I am eased of Mine adversaries, And I am avenged of Mine enemies,

ylt@Isaiah:1:31 @And the strong hath been for tow, And his work for a spark, And burned have both of them together, And there is none quenching!

ylt@Isaiah:2:7 @And its land is full of silver and gold, And there is no end to its treasures, And its land is full of horses, And there is no end to its chariots,

ylt@Isaiah:5:8 @Wo [to] those joining house to house, Field to field they bring near, till there is no place, And ye have been settled by yourselves In the midst of the land!

ylt@Isaiah:5:13 @Therefore my people removed without knowledge, And its honourable ones are famished, And its multitude dried up of thirst.

ylt@Isaiah:5:14 @Therefore hath Sheol enlarged herself, And hath opened her mouth without limit. And gone down hath its honour, and its multitude, And its noise, and its exulting one -- into her.

ylt@Isaiah:5:24 @Therefore, as a tongue of fire devoureth stubble, And flaming hay falleth, Their root is as muck, And their flower as dust goeth up. Because they have rejected the law of Jehovah of Hosts, And the saying of the Holy One of Israel despised.

ylt@Isaiah:5:25 @Therefore hath the anger of Jehovah burned among His people, And He stretcheth out His hand against it, And smiteth it, and the mountains tremble, And their carcase is as filth in the midst of the out-places. With all this His anger did not turn back, And still His hand is stretched out!

ylt@Isaiah:5:27 @There is none weary, nor stumbling in it, It doth not slumber, nor sleep, Nor opened hath been the girdle of its loins, Nor drawn away the latchet of its sandals.

ylt@Isaiah:5:29 @Its roaring [is] like a lioness, It roareth like young lions, And it howleth, and seizeth prey, And carrieth away safely, and there is none delivering.

ylt@Isaiah:7:14 @Therefore the Lord Himself giveth to you a sign, Lo, the Virgin is conceiving, And is bringing forth a son, And hath called his name Immanuel,

ylt@Isaiah:7:23 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, Every place where there are a thousand vines, At a thousand silverlings, Is for briers and for thorns.

ylt@Isaiah:8:7 @Therefore, lo, the Lord is bringing up on them, The waters of the river, the mighty and the great, (The king of Asshur, and all his glory,) And it hath gone up over all its streams, And hath gone on over all its banks.

ylt@Isaiah:8:20 @To the law and to the testimony! If not, let them say after this manner, 'That there is no dawn to it.'

ylt@Isaiah:9:7 @To the increase of the princely power, And of peace, there is no end, On the throne of David, and on his kingdom, To establish it, and to support it, In judgment and in righteousness, Henceforth, even unto the age, The zeal of Jehovah of Hosts doth this.

ylt@Isaiah:9:17 @Therefore, over its young men the Lord rejoiceth not, And its orphans, and its widows He pitieth not, For every one [is] profane, and an evil doer, And every mouth is speaking folly. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

ylt@Isaiah:10:14 @And my hand as to a nest Getteth to the wealth of the peoples, And as a gathering of forsaken eggs All the earth I -- I have gathered, And there hath not been one moving wing, Or opening mouth, or whispering.'

ylt@Isaiah:10:16 @Therefore doth the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, Send among his fat ones leanness, And under his honour He kindleth a burning As the burning of a fire.

ylt@Isaiah:10:24 @Therefore, thus said the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, 'Be not afraid, my people, inhabiting Zion, because of Asshur, With a rod he doth smite thee, And his staff lifteth up against thee, in the way of Egypt.

ylt@Isaiah:11:10 @And there hath been, in that day, A root of Jesse that is standing for an ensign of peoples, Unto him do nations seek, And his rest hath been -- honour!

ylt@Isaiah:11:12 @And He hath lifted up an ensign to nations, And gathereth the driven away of Israel, And the scattered of Judah He assembleth, From the four wings of the earth.

ylt@Isaiah:11:16 @And there hath been a highway, For the remnant of His people that is left, from Asshur, As there was for Israel in the day of his coming up out of the land of Egypt!

ylt@Isaiah:13:4 @A voice of a multitude in the mountains, A likeness of a numerous people, A voice of noise from the kingdoms of nations who are gathered, Jehovah of Hosts inspecting a host of battle!

ylt@Isaiah:13:7 @Therefore, all hands do fail, And every heart of man doth melt.

ylt@Isaiah:13:13 @Therefore the heavens I cause to tremble, And the earth doth shake from its place, In the wrath of Jehovah of Hosts, And in a day of the heat of his anger.

ylt@Isaiah:13:14 @And it hath been, as a roe driven away, And as a flock that hath no gatherer, Each unto his people -- they turn, And each unto his land -- they flee.

ylt@Isaiah:13:20 @She doth not sit for ever, Nor continueth unto many generations, Nor doth Arab pitch tent there, And shepherds lie not down there.

ylt@Isaiah:13:21 @And Ziim have lain down there, And full have been their houses of howlings, And dwelt there have daughters of an ostrich, And goats do skip there.

ylt@Isaiah:14:31 @Howl, O gate; cry, O city, Melted art thou, Philistia, all of thee, For from the north smoke hath come, And there is none alone in his set places.

ylt@Isaiah:15:4 @And cry doth Heshbon and Elealeh, Unto Jahaz heard hath been their voice, Therefore the armed ones of Moab do shout, His life hath been grievous to him.

ylt@Isaiah:15:6 @For, the waters of Nimrim are desolations, For, withered hath been the hay, Finished hath been the tender grass, A green thing there hath not been.

ylt@Isaiah:15:7 @Therefore the abundance he made, and their store, Unto the brook of the willows they carry.

ylt@Isaiah:16:7 @Therefore howl doth Moab for Moab, all of it doth howl, For the grape-cakes of Kir-Hareseth it meditateth, Surely they are smitten.

ylt@Isaiah:16:9 @Therefore I weep with the weeping of Jazer, The vine of Sibmah, I water thee [with] my tear, O Heshbon and Elealeh, For -- for thy summer fruits, and for thy harvest, The shouting hath fallen.

ylt@Isaiah:16:11 @Therefore my bowels for Moab as a harp do sound, And mine inward parts for Kir-Haresh.

ylt@Isaiah:17:2 @Forsaken are the cities of Aroer, For droves they are, and they have lain down, And there is none troubling.

ylt@Isaiah:17:10 @Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, And the rock of thy strength hast not remembered, Therefore thou plantest plants of pleasantness, And with a strange slip sowest it,

ylt@Isaiah:19:6 @And they have turned away the flowings, Weak and dried up have been brooks of the bulwark, Reed and flag have withered.

ylt@Isaiah:19:7 @Exposed things by the brook, by the edge of the brook, And every sown thing of the brook, hath withered, It hath been driven away, and is not.

ylt@Isaiah:19:15 @And there is no work to Egypt, That head or tail, branch or reed, may do.

ylt@Isaiah:19:18 @In that day there are five cities in the land of Egypt, Speaking the lip of Canaan, And swearing to Jehovah of Hosts, 'The city of destruction,' is said of one.

ylt@Isaiah:19:19 @In that day there is an altar to Jehovah In the midst of the land of Egypt, And a standing pillar near its border to Jehovah,

ylt@Isaiah:21:3 @Therefore filled have been my loins [with] great pain, Pangs have seized me as pangs of a travailing woman, I have been bent down by hearing, I have been troubled by seeing.

ylt@Isaiah:22:4 @Therefore I said, 'Look ye from me, I am bitter in my weeping, Haste not to comfort me, For the destruction of the daughter of my people.'

ylt@Isaiah:22:18 @And thy coverer covering, wrapping round, Wrappeth thee round, O babbler, On a land broad of sides -- there thou diest, And there the chariots of thine honour [Are] the shame of the house of thy lord.

ylt@Isaiah:23:10 @Pass through thy land as a brook, Daughter of Tarshish, there is no more a girdle.

ylt@Isaiah:23:12 @And He saith, 'Thou dost not add any more to exult, O oppressed one, virgin daughter of Zidon, To Chittim arise, pass over, Even there -- there is no rest for thee.'

ylt@Isaiah:23:15 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, That forgotten is Tyre seventy years, According to the days of one king. At the end of seventy years there is to Tyre as the song of the harlot.

ylt@Isaiah:24:6 @Therefore a curse hath consumed the land, And the inhabitants in it are become desolate, Therefore consumed have been inhabitants of the land, And few men have been left.

ylt@Isaiah:24:15 @Therefore in prosperity honour ye Jehovah, In isles of the sea, the name of Jehovah, God of Israel.

ylt@Isaiah:24:22 @And they have been gathered -- A gathering of bound ones in a pit, And shut up they have been in a prison, And after a multitude of days are inspected.

ylt@Isaiah:25:3 @Therefore honour Thee do a strong people, A city of the terrible nations feareth Thee.

ylt@Isaiah:26:14 @Dead -- they live not, Rephaim, they rise not, Therefore Thou hast inspected and dost destroy them, Yea, thou destroyest all their memory.

ylt@Isaiah:27:9 @Therefore by this is the iniquity of Jacob covered, And this [is] all the fruit -- To take away his sin, in His setting all the stones of an altar, As chalkstones beaten in pieces, They rise not -- shrines and images.

ylt@Isaiah:27:10 @For the fenced city [is] alone, A habitation cast out and forsaken as a wilderness, There doth the calf delight, And there it lieth down, And hath consumed its branches.

ylt@Isaiah:27:11 @In the withering of its branch it is broken off, Women are coming in setting it on fire, For it [is] not a people of understanding, Therefore pity it not doth its Maker, And its Former doth not favour it.

ylt@Isaiah:27:12 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, Beat out doth Jehovah from the branch of the river, Unto the stream of Egypt, And ye are gathered one by one, O sons of Israel.

ylt@Isaiah:28:10 @For rule [is] on rule, rule on rule, line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there,

ylt@Isaiah:28:13 @And to whom a word of Jehovah hath been, Rule on rule, rule on rule, line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there, So that they go and have stumbled backward, And been broken, and snared, and captured.

ylt@Isaiah:28:14 @Therefore, hear a word of Jehovah, ye men of scorning, Ruling this people that [is] in Jerusalem.

ylt@Isaiah:28:16 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'Lo, I am laying a foundation in Zion, A stone -- a tried stone, a corner stone precious, a settled foundation, He who is believing doth not make haste.

ylt@Isaiah:29:14 @Therefore, lo, I am adding to do wonderfully with this people, A wonder, and a marvel, And perished hath the wisdom of its wise ones, And the understanding of its intelligent ones hideth itself.'

ylt@Isaiah:29:22 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Who ransomed Abraham, Concerning the house of Jacob: 'Not now ashamed is Jacob, Nor now doth his face become pale,

ylt@Isaiah:30:7 @Yea, Egyptians [are] vanity, and in vain do help, Therefore I have cried concerning this: 'Their strength [is] to sit still.'

ylt@Isaiah:30:12 @Therefore, thus said the Holy One of Israel, Because of your kicking against this word, And ye trust in oppression, And perverseness, and rely on it,

ylt@Isaiah:30:13 @Therefore is this iniquity to you as a breach falling, Swelled out in a wall set on high, Whose destruction suddenly, at an instant cometh.

ylt@Isaiah:30:14 @And He hath broken it As the breaking of the potters' bottle, Beaten down -- He doth not spare, Nor is there found, in its beating down, A potsherd to take fire from the burning, And to draw out waters from a ditch.

ylt@Isaiah:30:16 @And ye say, No, for on a horse we flee? Therefore ye flee, And on the swift we ride! Therefore swift are your pursuers.

ylt@Isaiah:30:18 @And therefore doth wait Jehovah to favour you, And therefore He is exalted to pity you, For a God of judgment [is] Jehovah, O the blessedness of all waiting for Him.

ylt@Isaiah:30:25 @And there hath been on every high mount, And on every exalted hill, Rivulets -- streams of waters, In a day of much slaughter, in the falling of towers.

ylt@Isaiah:33:4 @And gathered hath been your spoil, A gathering of the caterpillar, As a running to and fro of locusts is he running on it.

ylt@Isaiah:33:9 @Mourned, languished hath the land, Confounded hath been Lebanon, Withered hath been Sharon as a wilderness, And shaking are Bashan and Carmel.

ylt@Isaiah:33:19 @The strong people thou seest not, A people deeper of lip than to be understood, Of a scorned tongue, there is no understanding.

ylt@Isaiah:33:21 @But there mighty [is] Jehovah for us, A place of rivers -- streams broad of sides, No ship with oars doth go into it, And a mighty ship doth not pass over it.

ylt@Isaiah:34:12 @[To] the kingdom her freemen they call, But there are none there, And all her princes are at an end.

ylt@Isaiah:34:14 @And met have Ziim with Aiim, And the goat for its companion calleth, Only there rested hath the night-owl, And hath found for herself a place of rest.

ylt@Isaiah:34:15 @There made her nest hath the bittern, Yea, she layeth, and hath hatched, And hath gathered under her shadow, Only there gathered have been vultures, Each with its companion.

ylt@Isaiah:34:16 @Seek out of the book of Jehovah, and read, One of these hath not been lacking, None hath missed its companion, For My mouth -- it hath commanded, And His spirit -- He hath gathered them.

ylt@Isaiah:35:8 @And a highway hath been there, and a way, And the 'way of holiness' is called to it, Not pass over it doth the unclean, And He Himself [is] by them, Whoso is going in the way -- even fools err not.

ylt@Isaiah:35:9 @No lion is there, yea, a destructive beast Ascendeth it not, it is not found there, And walked have the redeemed,

ylt@Isaiah:37:3 @and they say unto him, 'Thus said Hezekiah, A day of distress, and rebuke, and despising, [is] this day; for come have sons unto the birth, and power there is not to bear.

ylt@Isaiah:37:33 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Concerning the king of Asshur: He doth not come in unto this city, Nor doth he shoot there an arrow, Nor doth he come before it [with] shield, Nor doth he pour out against it a mount.

ylt@Isaiah:39:2 @And Hezekiah rejoiceth over them, and sheweth them the house of his spices, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the good ointment, and all the house of his vessels, and all that hath been found in his treasures; there hath not been a thing in his house, and in all his dominion, that Hezekiah hath not shewed them.

ylt@Isaiah:39:4 @And he saith, 'What saw they in thy house?' and Hezekiah saith, 'All that [is] in my house they saw; there hath not been a thing that I have not shewed them among my treasures.'

ylt@Isaiah:39:6 @Lo, days are coming, and borne hath been all that [is] in thy house, and that thy fathers have treasured up till this day, to Babylon; there is not left a thing, said Jehovah;

ylt@Isaiah:39:8 @And Hezekiah saith unto Isaiah, 'Good [is] the word of Jehovah that thou hast spoken;' and he saith, 'Because there is peace and truth in my days.'

ylt@Isaiah:40:7 @Withered hath grass, faded the flower, For the Spirit of Jehovah blew upon it, Surely the people [is] grass;

ylt@Isaiah:40:8 @Withered hath grass, faded the flower, But a word of our God riseth for ever.

ylt@Isaiah:40:11 @As a shepherd His flock He feedeth, With His arm He gathereth lambs, And in His bosom He carrieth [them]: Suckling ones He leadeth.

ylt@Isaiah:40:28 @Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard? The God of the age -- Jehovah, Preparer of the ends of the earth, Is not wearied nor fatigued, There is no searching of His understanding.

ylt@Isaiah:41:17 @The poor and the needy are seeking water, And there is none, Their tongue with thirst hath failed, I, Jehovah do answer them, The God of Israel -- I forsake them not.

ylt@Isaiah:41:26 @Who hath declared from the first, and we know? And beforetime, and we say, 'Righteous?' yea, there is none declaring, Yea, there is none proclaiming, Yea, there is none hearing your sayings.

ylt@Isaiah:41:28 @And I see that there is no man, Yea, of these that there is no counsellor, And I ask them, and they return word:

ylt@Isaiah:42:22 @And this [is] a people seized and spoiled, Snared in holes -- all of them, And in houses of restraint they were hidden, They have been for a prey, And there is no deliverer, A spoil, and none is saying, 'Restore.'

ylt@Isaiah:43:9 @All the nations have been gathered together, And the peoples are assembled, Who among them declareth this, And former things causeth us to hear? They give their witnesses, And they are declared righteous, And they hear and say, 'Truth.'

ylt@Isaiah:43:10 @Ye [are] My witnesses, an affirmation of Jehovah, And My servant whom I have chosen, So that ye know and give credence to Me, And understand that I [am] He, Before Me there was no God formed, And after Me there is none.

ylt@Isaiah:43:11 @I -- I [am] Jehovah, And besides Me there is no saviour.

ylt@Isaiah:43:12 @I -- I declared, and saved, and proclaimed, And there is no stranger with you, And ye [are] My witnesses, an affirmation of Jehovah, And I [am] God.

ylt@Isaiah:43:13 @Even from the day I [am] He, And there is no deliverer from My hand, I work, and who doth turn it back?

ylt@Isaiah:44:6 @Thus said Jehovah, king of Israel, And his Redeemer, Jehovah of Hosts: 'I [am] the first, and I the last, And besides Me there is no God.

ylt@Isaiah:44:8 @Fear not, nor be afraid, Have I not from that time caused thee to hear, and declared? And ye [are] My witnesses, Is there a God besides Me? yea, there is none, A Rock I have not known.

ylt@Isaiah:44:12 @He hath wrought iron [with] an axe, And hath wrought with coals, And with hammers doth form it, And doth work it by his powerful arm, Yea, he is hungry, and there is no power, He doth not drink water, and he is wearied.

ylt@Isaiah:44:20 @Feeding on ashes, the heart is deceived, It hath turned him aside, And he delivereth not his soul, nor saith: 'Is there not a lie in my right hand?'

ylt@Isaiah:45:5 @I [am] Jehovah, and there is none else, Except Me there is no God, I gird thee, and thou hast not known Me.

ylt@Isaiah:45:6 @So that they know from the rising of the sun, And from the west, that there is none besides Me, I [am] Jehovah, and there is none else,

ylt@Isaiah:45:14 @Thus said Jehovah, 'The labour of Egypt, And the merchandise of Cush, And of the Sebaim -- men of measure, Unto thee pass over, and thine they are, After thee they go, in fetters they pass over, And unto thee they bow themselves, Unto thee they pray: Only in thee [is] God, And there is none else, no [other] God.

ylt@Isaiah:45:18 @For thus said Jehovah, Creator of heaven, He is God, Former of earth, and its Maker, He established it -- not empty He prepared it, For inhabiting He formed it: 'I [am] Jehovah, and there is none else.

ylt@Isaiah:45:20 @Be gathered, and come in, Come nigh together, ye escaped of the nations, They have not known, Who are lifting up the wood of their graven image, And praying unto a god [that] saveth not.

ylt@Isaiah:45:21 @Declare ye, and bring near, Yea, they take counsel together, Who hath proclaimed this from of old? From that time hath declared it? Is it not I -- Jehovah? And there is no other god besides Me, A God righteous and saving, there is none save Me.

ylt@Isaiah:45:22 @Turn to Me, and be saved, all ends of the earth, For I [am] God, and there is none else.

ylt@Isaiah:46:9 @Remember former things of old, For I [am] Mighty, and there is none else, God -- and there is none like Me.

ylt@Isaiah:47:1 @Come down, and sit on the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, Sit on the earth, there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans, For no more do they cry to thee, 'O tender and delicate one.'

ylt@Isaiah:47:10 @And thou art confident in thy wickedness, Thou hast said, 'There is none seeing me,' Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, It is turning thee back, And thou sayest in thy heart, 'I [am], and none else.'

ylt@Isaiah:47:14 @Lo, they have been as stubble! Fire hath burned them, They deliver not themselves from the power of the flame, There is not a coal to warm them, a light to sit before it.

ylt@Isaiah:48:14 @Be gathered all of you, and hear, Who among them did declare these things? Jehovah hath loved him, He doth His pleasure on Babylon, And His arm [is on] the Chaldeans.

ylt@Isaiah:48:16 @Come ye near unto me, hear this, Not from the beginning in secret spake I, From the time of its being, there [am] I, And now the Lord Jehovah hath sent me, and His Spirit.

ylt@Isaiah:48:22 @There is no peace, said Jehovah, to the wicked!

ylt@Isaiah:49:5 @And now, said Jehovah, who is forming me from the belly for a servant to Him, To bring back Jacob unto Him, (Though Israel is not gathered, Yet I am honoured in the eyes of Jehovah, And my God hath been my strength.)

ylt@Isaiah:49:18 @Lift up round about thine eyes and see, All of them have been gathered, They have come to thee. I live, an affirmation of Jehovah! Surely all of them as an ornament thou puttest on, And thou bindest them on like a bride.

ylt@Isaiah:50:2 @Wherefore have I come, and there is no one? I called, and there is none answering, Hath My hand been at all short of redemption? And is there not in me power to deliver? Lo, by My rebuke I dry up a sea, I make rivers a wilderness, Their fish stinketh, for there is no water, And dieth with thirst.

ylt@Isaiah:50:7 @And the Lord Jehovah giveth help to me, Therefore I have not been ashamed, Therefore I have set my face as a flint, And I know that I am not ashamed.

ylt@Isaiah:50:10 @Who [is] among you, fearing Jehovah, Hearkening to the voice of His servant, That hath walked in dark places, And there is no brightness for him? Let him trust in the name of Jehovah, And lean upon his God.

ylt@Isaiah:51:18 @There is not a leader to her Out of all the sons she hath borne, And there is none laying hold on her hand Out of all the sons she hath nourished.

ylt@Isaiah:51:21 @Therefore, hear, I pray thee, this, O afflicted and drunken one, and not with wine,

ylt@Isaiah:52:4 @For thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'To Egypt My people went down at first to sojourn there, And Asshur -- for nought he hath oppressed it.

ylt@Isaiah:52:6 @Therefore doth My people know My name, Therefore, in that day, Surely I [am] He who is speaking, behold Me.'

ylt@Isaiah:53:5 @And he is pierced for our transgressions, Bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace [is] on him, And by his bruise there is healing to us.

ylt@Isaiah:53:12 @Therefore I give a portion to him among the many, And with the mighty he apportioneth spoil, Because that he exposed to death his soul, And with transgressors he was numbered, And he the sin of many hath borne, And for transgressors he intercedeth.

ylt@Isaiah:56:8 @An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Who is gathering the outcasts of Israel: 'Again I gather to him -- to his gathered ones.'

ylt@Isaiah:57:1 @The righteous hath perished, And there is none laying [it] to heart, And men of kindness are gathered, Without any considering that from the face of evil Gathered is the righteous one.

ylt@Isaiah:57:10 @In the greatness of thy way thou hast laboured, Thou hast not said, 'It is desperate.' The life of thy hand thou hast found, Therefore thou hast not been sick.

ylt@Isaiah:57:21 @There is no peace, said my God, to the wicked!

ylt@Isaiah:59:4 @There is none calling in righteousness, And there is none pleading in faithfulness, Trusting on emptiness, and speaking falsehood, Conceiving perverseness, and bearing iniquity.

ylt@Isaiah:59:8 @A way of peace they have not known, And there is no judgment in their paths, Their paths they have made perverse for themselves, No treader in it hath known peace.

ylt@Isaiah:59:9 @Therefore hath judgment been far from us, And righteousness reacheth us not, We wait for light, and lo, darkness, For brightness -- in thick darkness we go,

ylt@Isaiah:59:11 @We make a noise as bears -- all of us, And as doves we coo sorely; We wait for judgment, and there is none, For salvation -- it hath been far from us.

ylt@Isaiah:59:15 @And the truth is lacking, And whoso is turning aside from evil, Is making himself a spoil. And Jehovah seeth, and it is evil in His eyes, That there is no judgment.

ylt@Isaiah:59:16 @And He seeth that there is no man, And is astonished that there is no intercessor, And His own arm giveth salvation to Him, And His righteousness -- it sustained Him.

ylt@Isaiah:60:4 @Lift up round about thine eyes and see, All of them have been gathered, they have come to thee, Thy sons from afar do come, And thy daughters on the side are supported.

ylt@Isaiah:60:7 @All the flock of Kedar are gathered to thee, The rams of Nebaioth do serve thee, They ascend for acceptance Mine altar, And the house of My beauty I beautify.

ylt@Isaiah:61:7 @Instead of your shame and confusion, A second time they sing of their portion, Therefore in their land A second time do they take possession, Joy age-during [is] for them.

ylt@Isaiah:63:3 @-- 'A wine-press I have trodden by myself, And of the peoples there is no one with me, And I tread them in mine anger, And I trample them in my fury, Sprinkled is their strength on my garments, And all my clothing I have polluted.

ylt@Isaiah:63:5 @And I look attentively, and there is none helping, And I am astonished that there is none supporting, And give salvation to me doth mine own arm. And my wrath -- it hath supported me.

ylt@Isaiah:64:7 @And there is none calling in Thy name, Stirring up himself to lay hold on Thee, For Thou hast hid Thy face from us, And thou meltest us away by our iniquities.

ylt@Isaiah:65:9 @And I have brought out from Jacob a seed, And from Judah a possessor of My mount, And possess it do My chosen ones, And My servants do dwell there.

ylt@Isaiah:65:13 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, My servants do eat, and ye do hunger, Lo, My servants do drink, and ye do thirst, Lo, My servants rejoice, and ye are ashamed,

ylt@Isaiah:65:20 @There is not thence any more a suckling of days, And an aged man who doth not complete his days, For the youth a hundred years old dieth, And the sinner, a hundred years old, is lightly esteemed.

ylt@Isaiah:66:4 @I also -- I fix on their vexations, And their fears I bring in to them, Because I have called, and there is none answering, I spake, and they have not hearkened, And they do the evil things in Mine eyes, And on that which I desired not -- fixed.

ylt@Jeremiah:1:4 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:1:11 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying, 'What art thou seeing, Jeremiah?' And I say, 'A rod of an almond tree I am seeing.'

ylt@Jeremiah:1:13 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me a second time, saying, 'What art thou seeing?' And I say, 'A blown pot I am seeing, and its face [is] from the north.'

ylt@Jeremiah:2:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:2:6 @And have not said, Where [is] Jehovah, Who bringeth us up out of the land of Egypt, Who leadeth us in a wilderness, In a land of deserts and pits, In a dry land, and of death-shade, In a land -- none hath passed through it, Nor dwelt hath man there?'

ylt@Jeremiah:2:9 @Therefore, yet I plead with you, An affirmation of Jehovah, And with your sons' sons I plead.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:10 @For, pass to the isles of Chittim, and see, And to Kedar send, and consider well, And see if there hath been like this:

ylt@Jeremiah:2:33 @What -- dost thou make pleasing thy ways to seek love? Therefore even the wicked thou hast taught thy ways.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:3 @And withheld are showers, and gathered rain hath not been. The forehead of a whorish woman thou hast, Thou hast refused to be ashamed.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:6 @And Jehovah saith unto me, in the days of Josiah the king, 'Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? She is going on every high mountain, and unto the place of every green tree, and committeth fornication there.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:17 @At that time they cry to Jerusalem, 'O throne of Jehovah,' And gathered unto her hath been all the nations, For the name of Jehovah, to Jerusalem, Nor do they go any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:4 @Be circumcised to Jehovah, And turn aside the foreskins of your heart, O man of Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, Lest My fury go out as fire, and hath burned, And there is none quenching, Because of the evil of your doings.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:5 @Declare in Judah, and in Jerusalem sound, And say ye, 'Blow a trumpet in the land,' Call ye fully, and say ye: 'Be gathered, and we go in to the fenced city.'

ylt@Jeremiah:4:29 @From the voice of the horseman, And of him shooting with the bow, all the city is fleeing, They have come into thickets, And on cliffs they have gone up, All the city is forsaken, And there is no one dwelling in them.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:1 @Go to and fro in streets of Jerusalem, And see, I pray you, and know, And seek in her broad places, if ye find a man, If there be one doing judgment, seeking stedfastness -- Then am I propitious to her.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:6 @Therefore smitten them hath a lion out of the forest, A wolf of the deserts doth spoil them, A leopard is watching over their cities, Every one who is going out of them is torn, For many have been their transgressions, Mighty have been their backslidings.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:14 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, God of Hosts, Because of your speaking this word, Lo, I am making My words in thy mouth become fire, And this people wood, and it hath devoured them.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:24 @And they have not said in their heart, 'Let us fear, we pray you, Jehovah our God, who is giving rain, The sprinkling and the gathered, in its season, The appointed weeks of harvest He keepeth for us.'

ylt@Jeremiah:5:27 @As a cage full of fowls, So their houses are full of deceit, Therefore they have been great, and are rich.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:9 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: They surely glean, as a vine, the remnant of Israel, Put back thy hand, as a gatherer to the baskets.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:14 @And they heal the breach of the daughter of my people slightly, Saying, 'Peace, peace!' and there is no peace.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:15 @They were ashamed when they did abomination! Yea, they are not at all ashamed, Yea, blushing they have not known, Therefore they do fall among those falling, In the time I have inspected them, They stumble, said Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:18 @Therefore hear, O nations, and know, O company, That which [is] upon them.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:21 @Therefore thus said Jehovah: Lo, I do give to this people stumbling blocks, And stumbled against them have fathers and sons together, The neighbour and his friend do perish.

ylt@Jeremiah:7:2 @Stand in the gate of the house of Jehovah, and thou hast proclaimed there this word, and hast said, Hear a word of Jehovah, all ye of Judah, who are coming in at these gates, to bow before Jehovah:

ylt@Jeremiah:7:20 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah, Lo, Mine anger and My fury is poured out on this place, On man, and beast, and on tree of the field, And on fruit of the ground, And it hath burned, and it is not quenched.

ylt@Jeremiah:7:32 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And it is not said any more, 'The Tophet,' And 'Valley of the son of Hinnom,' But 'Valley of the slaughter,' And they have buried in Tophet -- without place.

ylt@Jeremiah:7:33 @And the carcase of this people hath been for food To a fowl of the heavens, and to a beast of the earth, And there is none troubling.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:2 @And have spread them to sun, and to moon, And to all the host of the heavens, that they have loved, And that they have served, And that they have walked after, And that they have sought, And to which they have bowed themselves, They are not gathered, nor buried, They are for dung on the face of the ground.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:10 @Therefore, I give their wives to others, Their fields to dispossessors, For from the least even unto the greatest, Every one is gaining dishonest gain, From prophet even unto priest, every one is dealing falsely.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:11 @And they heal the breach of the daughter of my people slightly, Saying, Peace, peace! and there is no peace.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:12 @They were ashamed when they did abomination! Yea, they are not at all ashamed, And blushing they have not known, Therefore, they do fall among falling ones, In the time of their inspection they stumble, said Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:13 @I utterly consume them, an affirmation of Jehovah, There are no grapes in the vine, Yea, there are no figs in the fig-tree, And the leaf hath faded, And the strength they have passeth from them.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:14 @Wherefore are we sitting still? Be gathered, and we go in to the fenced cities, And we are silent there, For Jehovah our God hath made us silent, Yea, He causeth us to drink water of gall, For we have sinned against Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:15 @Looking for peace -- and there is no good, For a time of healing, and lo, terror.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:22 @Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? For wherefore hath not the health of the daughter of my people gone up?

ylt@Jeremiah:9:7 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Lo, I am refining them, and have tried them, For how do I do because of the daughter of My people?

ylt@Jeremiah:9:15 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am causing them -- this people -- to eat wormwood, And I have caused them to drink water of gall,

ylt@Jeremiah:9:22 @Speak thus -- an affirmation of Jehovah, And fallen hath the carcase of man, As dung on the face of the field, And as a handful after the reaper, And there is none gathering.

ylt@Jeremiah:10:6 @Because there is none like Thee, O Jehovah, Great [art] Thou, and great Thy name in might.

ylt@Jeremiah:10:7 @Who doth not fear Thee, king of the nations? For to Thee it is becoming, For among all the wise of the nations, And in all their kingdom there is none like Thee.

ylt@Jeremiah:10:14 @Brutish is every man by knowledge, Put to shame is every refiner by a graven image, For false [is] his molten image. And there is no breath in them.

ylt@Jeremiah:10:20 @My tent hath been spoiled, And all my cords have been broken, My sons have gone out from me, and they are not, There is none stretching out any more my tent, And raising up my curtains.

ylt@Jeremiah:10:21 @For the shepherds have become brutish, And Jehovah they have not sought, Therefore they have not acted wisely, And all their flock is scattered.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:11 @Therefore thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am bringing in unto them evil, That they are not able to go out from, And they have cried unto Me, And I do not hearken unto them.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:21 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah concerning the men of Anathoth, who are seeking thy life, saying: Do not prophesy in the name of Jehovah, And thou dost not die by our hands.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:22 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah of Hosts: 'Lo, I am seeing after them, The chosen ones die by sword, Their sons and their daughters die by famine,

ylt@Jeremiah:12:8 @Mine inheritance hath been to Me as a lion in a forest, She gave forth against Me with her voice, Therefore I have hated her.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:11 @He hath made it become a desolation, The desolation hath mourned unto Me, Desolated hath been all the land, But there is no one laying it to heart.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:12 @On all high places in the plain have spoilers come in, For the sword of Jehovah is consuming, From the end of the land even unto the end of the land, There is no peace to any flesh.

ylt@Jeremiah:13:3 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me a second time, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:13:4 @'Take the girdle that thou hast got, that [is] on thy loins, and rise, go to Phrat, and hide it there in a hole of the rock;

ylt@Jeremiah:13:6 @And it cometh to pass, at the end of many days, that Jehovah saith unto me, 'Rise, go to Phrat, and take thence the girdle, that I commanded thee to hide there;'

ylt@Jeremiah:13:8 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying, 'Thus said Jehovah:

ylt@Jeremiah:13:19 @The cities of the south have been shut up, And there is none opening, Judah hath been removed -- all of her, She hath been removed completely --

ylt@Jeremiah:14:4 @Because the ground hath been broken, For there hath been no rain in the land, Ashamed have been husbandmen, They have covered their head.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:5 @For even the hind in the field hath brought forth -- to forsake [it!] For there hath been no grass.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:6 @And wild asses have stood on high places, They have swallowed up wind like dragons, Consumed have been their eyes, for there is no herb.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:15 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah concerning the prophets who are prophesying in My name, and I have not sent them, and they are saying, Sword and famine is not in this land: By sword and by famine are these prophets consumed.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:19 @Hast Thou utterly rejected Judah? Zion hath Thy soul loathed? Wherefore hast Thou smitten us, And there is no healing to us? Looking for peace, and there is no good, And for a time of healing, and lo, terror.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:22 @Are there among the vanities of the nations any causing rain? And do the heavens give showers? Art not Thou He, O Jehovah our God? And we wait for thee, for Thou -- Thou hast done all these!

ylt@Jeremiah:15:19 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: If thou turnest back, then I bring thee back, Before Me thou dost stand, And if thou bringest out the precious from the vile, As My mouth thou art! They -- they turn back unto thee, And thou dost not turn back unto them.

ylt@Jeremiah:16:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:16:13 @And I have cast you from off this land, On to a land that ye have not known, Ye and your fathers, And ye have served there other gods by day and by night, Where I do not give to you grace.

ylt@Jeremiah:16:14 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And it is not said any more: 'Jehovah liveth, who brought up The sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt,'

ylt@Jeremiah:16:21 @Therefore, lo, I am causing them to know at this time, I cause them to know My hand and My might, And they have known that My name [is] Jehovah!

ylt@Jeremiah:18:2 @Rise, and thou hast gone down [to] the potter's house, and there I cause thee to hear My words;

ylt@Jeremiah:18:5 @And there is a word of Jehovah to me, saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:18:13 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: Ask, I pray you, among the nations, Who hath heard like these? A very horrible thing hath the virgin of Israel done.

ylt@Jeremiah:18:21 @Therefore, give up their sons to famine, And cause them to run on the sides of the sword, And their wives are bereaved and widows, And their men are slain by death, Their young men smitten by sword in battle,

ylt@Jeremiah:19:2 @and thou hast gone forth unto the valley of the son of Hinnom, that [is] at the opening of the gate of the pottery, and hast proclaimed there the words that I speak unto thee,

ylt@Jeremiah:19:6 @'Therefore, lo, days are coming -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and this place is not called any more, Tophet, and Valley of the son of Hinnom, but, Valley of slaughter.

ylt@Jeremiah:20:6 @And thou, Pashhur, and all dwelling in thy house, Do go into captivity. and Babylon thou dost enter, And there thou diest, and there thou art buried, Thou and all loving thee, To whom thou hast prophesied falsely.'

ylt@Jeremiah:20:11 @And Jehovah [is] with me, as a terrible mighty one, Therefore my persecutors stumble and prevail not, They have been exceedingly ashamed, For they have not acted wisely, Confusion age-during is not forgotten.

ylt@Jeremiah:21:4 @Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel: Lo, I am turning round the weapons of battle That [are] in your hand, With which ye do fight the king of Babylon, And the Chaldeans, who are laying siege against you, At the outside of the wall, And I have gathered them into the midst of this city,

ylt@Jeremiah:22:1 @Thus said Jehovah, 'Go down [to] the house of the king of Judah, and thou hast spoken there this word, and hast said,

ylt@Jeremiah:22:18 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah concerning Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah: They do not lament for him, Ah, my brother, and Ah, sister, They do not lament for him, Ah, lord, and Ah, his honour.

ylt@Jeremiah:22:26 @And I have cast thee, And thy mother who bore thee, unto another country, Where ye were not born, and there do ye die.

ylt@Jeremiah:22:28 @A grief -- a despised broken thing -- is this man Coniah? A vessel in which there is no pleasure? Wherefore have they been cast up and down, He and his seed, Yea, they were cast on to a land that they knew not?

ylt@Jeremiah:23:2 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, Against the shepherds who feed My people, Ye have scattered My flock, and drive them away, And have not inspected them, Lo, I am charging on you the evil of your doings, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:7 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And they do not say any more, Jehovah liveth who brought up The sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt,

ylt@Jeremiah:23:12 @Therefore is their way to them as slippery places, Into thick darkness they are driven, And they have fallen in it, For I bring in against them evil, The year of their inspection, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:15 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah of Hosts, concerning the prophets: Lo, I am causing them to eat wormwood, And have caused them to drink water of gall, For, from prophets of Jerusalem Hath profanity gone forth to all the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:30 @Therefore, lo, I [am] against the prophets, An affirmation of Jehovah, Stealing My words each from his neighbour.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:38 @And if the burden of Jehovah ye say, Therefore thus said Jehovah: Because of your saying this word, The burden of Jehovah, And I do send unto you, saying, Ye do not say, The burden of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:39 @Therefore, lo, I -- I have taken you utterly away, And I have sent you out, And the city that I gave to you, And to your fathers, from before My face,

ylt@Jeremiah:24:4 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:25:8 @'Therefore thus said Jehovah of Hosts, Because that ye have not obeyed My words,

ylt@Jeremiah:25:33 @And the pierced of Jehovah have been in that day, From the end of the earth even unto the end of the earth, They are not lamented, nor gathered, nor buried, For dung on the face of the ground they are.

ylt@Jeremiah:26:16 @And the heads and all the people say unto the priests and unto the prophets, 'There is not for this man a judgment of death, for in the name of Jehovah our God he hath spoken unto us.'

ylt@Jeremiah:26:20 @'And also there hath been a man prophesying in the name of Jehovah, Urijah son of Shemaiah, of Kirjath-Jearim, and he prophesieth against this city, and against this land according to all the words of Jeremiah,

ylt@Jeremiah:27:22 @To Babylon they are brought, and there they are till the day of My inspecting them -- an affirmation of Jehovah; then I have brought them up, and have brought them back unto this place.'

ylt@Jeremiah:28:12 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah after the breaking, by Hananiah the prophet, of the yoke from off the neck of Jeremiah the prophet, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:28:16 @Therefore thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am casting thee from off the face of the ground; this year thou diest, for apostacy thou hast spoken concerning Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:29:6 @Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take for your sons wives, and your daughters give to husbands, and they bear sons and daughters; and multiply there, and ye are not few;

ylt@Jeremiah:29:14 @And I have been found of you -- an affirmation of Jehovah; and I have turned back [to] your captivity, and have gathered you out of all the nations, and out of all the places whither I have driven you -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and I have brought you back unto the place whence I removed you.

ylt@Jeremiah:29:26 @Jehovah hath made thee priest instead of Jehoiada the priest, for there being inspectors of the house of Jehovah, for every one mad and making himself a prophet, and thou hast put him unto the torture and unto the stocks.

ylt@Jeremiah:29:30 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:29:32 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am seeing after Shemaiah the Nehelamite, and after his seed, he hath none dwelling in the midst of this people, nor doth he look on the good that I am doing to My people -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- for apostacy he hath spoken against Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:30:5 @Surely thus said Jehovah: A voice of trembling we have heard, Fear -- and there is no peace.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:10 @And thou, be not afraid, My servant Jacob, An affirmation of Jehovah, Nor be affrighted, O Israel, For, lo, I am saving thee from afar, And thy seed from the land of their captivity, And Jacob hath turned back and rested, And is quiet, and there is none troubling.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:13 @There is none judging thy cause to bind up, Healing medicines there are none for thee.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:16 @Therefore all consuming thee are consumed, And all thine adversaries -- all of them -- Into captivity do go, And thy spoilers have been for a spoil, And all thy plunderers I give up to plunder.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:17 @For I increase health to thee, And from thy strokes I do heal thee, An affirmation of Jehovah, For 'Outcast' they have called to thee, 'Zion it [is], there is none seeking for her.'

ylt@Jeremiah:31:3 @From afar Jehovah hath appeared to me, With love age-during I have loved thee, Therefore I have drawn thee [with] kindness.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:6 @For there is a day, Cried have watchmen on mount Ephraim, 'Rise, and we go up to Zion, unto Jehovah our God;

ylt@Jeremiah:31:8 @Lo, I am bringing them in from the north country, And have gathered them from the sides of the earth, Among them [are] blind and lame, Conceiving and travailing one -- together, A great assembly -- they turn back hither.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:16 @Thus said Jehovah: Withhold thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears, For there is a reward for thy work, An affirmation of Jehovah, And they have turned back from the land of the enemy.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:17 @And there is hope for thy latter end, An affirmation of Jehovah, And the sons have turned back [to] their border.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:20 @A precious son is Ephraim to Me? A child of delights? For since My speaking against him, I do thoroughly remember him still, Therefore have My bowels been moved for him, I do greatly love him, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:32:5 @And [to] Babylon he leadeth Zedekiah, and there he is till My inspecting him, -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- because ye fight with the Chaldeans, ye do not prosper.'

ylt@Jeremiah:32:17 @'Ah, Lord Jehovah, lo, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by Thy great power, and by Thy stretched-out arm; there is nothing too wonderful for Thee:

ylt@Jeremiah:32:28 @'Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am giving this city into the hand of the Chaldeans, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and he hath captured it;

ylt@Jeremiah:32:36 @'And now, therefore, thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, concerning this city, of which ye are saying, It hath been given into the hand of the king of Babylon by sword, and by famine, and by pestilence,

ylt@Jeremiah:33:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah a second time -- and he [is] yet detained in the court of the prison -- saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:33:12 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Again there is in this place -- that is waste, Without man and beast, And in all its cities -- a habitation of shepherds, Causing the flock to lie down.

ylt@Jeremiah:33:19 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:33:23 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah, saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:34:12 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:34:17 @'Therefore, thus said Jehovah: Ye have not hearkened unto Me to proclaim freedom, each to his brother, and each to his neighbour; lo, I am proclaiming to you liberty -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- unto the sword, unto the pestilence, and unto the famine, and I have given you for a trembling to all kingdoms of the earth.

ylt@Jeremiah:35:12 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah, saying: 'Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel:

ylt@Jeremiah:35:17 @therefore thus said Jehovah, God of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am bringing in unto Judah, and unto all inhabitants of Jerusalem, all the evil that I have spoken against them, because I have spoken unto them, and they have not hearkened, yea, I call to them, and they have not answered.'

ylt@Jeremiah:35:19 @therefore, thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, Of Jonadab son of Rechab one standing before me is not cut off all the days.'

ylt@Jeremiah:36:12 @and he goeth down [to] the house of the king, unto the chamber of the scribe, and lo, there are all the heads sitting: Elishama the scribe, and Delaiah son of Shemaiah, and Elnathan son of Acbor, and Gemariah son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah son of Hananiah, and all the heads.

ylt@Jeremiah:36:27 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah -- after the king's burning the roll, even the words that Baruch hath written from the mouth of Jeremiah -- saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:36:30 @'Therefore, thus said Jehovah, concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah: He hath none sitting on the throne of David, and his carcase is cast out to heat by day, and to cold by night;

ylt@Jeremiah:36:32 @And Jeremiah hath taken another roll, and giveth it unto Baruch son of Neriah the scribe, and he writeth on it from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book that Jehoiakim king of Judah hath burnt in the fire; and again there were added unto them many words like these.

ylt@Jeremiah:37:6 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah the prophet, saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:37:10 @for though ye had smitten all the force of the Chaldeans who are fighting with you, and there were left of them wounded men -- each in his tent -- they rise, and have burnt this city with fire.'

ylt@Jeremiah:37:13 @And it cometh to pass, he is at the gate of Benjamin, and there [is] a master of the ward -- and his name is Irijah son of Shelemiah, son of Hananiah -- and he catcheth Jeremiah the prophet, saying, 'Unto the Chaldeans thou art falling.'

ylt@Jeremiah:37:16 @When Jeremiah hath entered into the house of the dungeon, and unto the cells, then Jeremiah dwelleth there many days,

ylt@Jeremiah:37:17 @and the king Zedekiah sendeth, and taketh him, and the king asketh him in his house in secret, and saith, 'Is there a word from Jehovah?' And Jeremiah saith, 'There is,' and he saith, 'Into the hand of the king of Babylon thou art given.'

ylt@Jeremiah:37:20 @And now, hearken, I pray thee, my lord, O king, let my supplication fall, I pray thee, before thee, and cause me not to return [to] the house of Jonathan the scribe, that I die not there.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:6 @And they take Jeremiah, and cast him into the pit of Malchiah son of the king, that [is] in the court of the prison, and they send down Jeremiah with cords; and in the pit there is no water, but mire, and Jeremiah sinketh in the mire.

ylt@Jeremiah:38:9 @'My lord, O king, these men have done evil [in] all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have cast into the pit, and he dieth in his place because of the famine, for there is no more bread in the city.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:26 @then thou hast said unto them, I am causing my supplication to fall before the king, not to cause me to return to the house of Jonathan, to die there.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:28 @and Jeremiah dwelleth in the court of the prison till the day that Jerusalem hath been captured, and he was [there] when Jerusalem was captured.

ylt@Jeremiah:40:15 @And Johanan son of Kareah hath spoken unto Gedaliah in secret, in Mizpah, saying, 'Let me go, I pray thee, and I smite Ishmael son of Nethaniah, and no one doth know; why doth he smite thy soul? and scattered have been all Judah who are gathered unto thee, and perished hath the remnant of Judah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:41:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the seventh month, come hath Ishmael son of Nethaniah, son of Elishama, of the seed royal, and of the chiefs of the king, and ten men with him, unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, to Mizpah, and they eat there bread together in Mizpah.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:3 @And all the Jews who have been with him, with Gedaliah, in Mizpah, and the Chaldeans who have been found there -- the men of war -- hath Ishmael smitten.

ylt@Jeremiah:42:7 @And it cometh to pass, at the end of ten days, that there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah,

ylt@Jeremiah:42:14 @saying, No; but the land of Egypt we enter, that we see no war, and the sound of a trumpet do not hear, and for bread be not hungry; and there do we dwell.

ylt@Jeremiah:42:15 @And now, therefore, hear ye a word of Jehovah, O remnant of Judah: Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: If ye really set your faces to enter Egypt, and have gone in to sojourn there,

ylt@Jeremiah:42:16 @then it hath come to pass, the sword that ye are afraid of, doth there overtake you, in the land of Egypt; and the hunger, because of which ye are sorrowful, doth there cleave after you in Egypt, and there ye die.

ylt@Jeremiah:42:17 @'Thus are all the men who have set their faces to enter Egypt to sojourn there; they die -- by sword, by hunger, and by pestilence, and there is not to them a remnant and an escaped one, because of the evil that I am bringing in upon them;

ylt@Jeremiah:42:22 @And now, know ye certainly that by sword, by famine, and by pestilence ye die, in the place that ye have desired to go in to sojourn there.'

ylt@Jeremiah:43:2 @that Azariah son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan son of Kareah, and all the proud men, speak unto Jeremiah, saying, 'Falsehood thou art speaking; Jehovah our God hath not sent thee to say, Do not enter Egypt to sojourn there;

ylt@Jeremiah:43:8 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:44:2 @'Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Ye -- ye have seen all the evil that I have brought in on Jerusalem, and on all the cities of Judah, and lo, they [are] a waste this day, and there is none dwelling in them,

ylt@Jeremiah:44:11 @'Therefore, thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am setting my face against you for evil, even to cut off all Judah,

ylt@Jeremiah:44:12 @and I have taken the remnant of Judah, who have set their faces to enter the land of Egypt to sojourn there, and they have all been consumed in the land of Egypt; they fall by sword, by famine they are consumed, from the least even unto the greatest, by sword and by famine they die, and they have been for an execration, for an astonishment, and for a reviling, and for a reproach.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:14 @and there is not an escaped and remaining one of the remnant of Judah, who are entering into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, even to turn back to the land of Judah, whither they are lifting up their soul to return to dwell, for they do not turn back, except those escaping.'

ylt@Jeremiah:44:23 @'Because that ye have made perfume, and because ye have sinned against Jehovah, and have not hearkened to the voice of Jehovah, and in His law, and in His statutes, and in His testimonies ye have not walked, therefore hath this evil met you as [at] this day.'

ylt@Jeremiah:44:26 @'Therefore, hear ye a word of Jehovah, all Judah who are dwelling in the land of Egypt: Lo, I -- I have sworn by My great name, said Jehovah, My name is no more proclaimed by the mouth of any man of Judah, saying, Live doth the Lord Jehovah -- in all the land of Egypt.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:28 @'And the escaped of the sword turn back out of the land of Egypt to the land of Judah, few in number, and known have all the remnant of Judah who are coming into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, whose word is established, Mine or theirs.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:11 @Go up to Gilead, and take balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt, In vain thou hast multiplied medicines, Healing there is none for thee.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:17 @They have cried there: Pharaoh king of Egypt [is] a desolation, Passed by hath the appointed time.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:27 @And thou, thou dost not fear, my servant Jacob, Nor [art] thou dismayed, O Israel, For lo, I am saving thee from afar, And thy seed from the land of their captivity, And Jacob hath turned back, And hath been at rest, and been at ease, And there is none disturbing.

ylt@Jeremiah:47:7 @How shall it be quiet, And Jehovah hath given a charge to it, Against Ashkelon, and against the sea shore? There hath He appointed it!'

ylt@Jeremiah:48:2 @There is no more praise of Moab, In Heshbon they devised against it evil: Come, and we cut it off from [being] a nation, Also, O Madmen, thou art cut off, After thee goeth a sword.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:11 @Secure is Moab from his youth, And at rest [is] he for his preserved things, And he hath not been emptied out from vessel unto vessel, And into captivity he hath not gone, Therefore hath his taste remained in him, And his fragrance hath not been changed.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:12 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have sent to him wanderers, And they have caused him to wander, And his vessels they empty out, And his bottles they dash in pieces.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:31 @Therefore for Moab I howl, even for Moab -- all of it, I cry for men of Kir-Heres, it doth mourn,

ylt@Jeremiah:48:36 @Therefore my heart for Moab as pipes doth sound, And my heart for men of Kir-Heres As pipes doth sound, Therefore the abundance he made did perish.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:38 @On all roofs of Moab, and in her broad-places, All of it -- [is] lamentation, For I have broken Moab as a vessel in which there is no pleasure, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:2 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have sounded unto Rabbah of the sons of Ammon a shout of battle, And it hath been for a heap -- a desolation, And her daughters with fire are burnt, And Israel hath succeeded its heirs, Said hath Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:5 @Lo, I am bringing in upon thee a fear, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah of Hosts, From all round about thee, And ye have been driven out each before it, And there is no gatherer of the wandering.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:9 @If gatherers have come in to thee, They do not leave gleanings, If thieves in the night, They have destroyed their sufficiency!

ylt@Jeremiah:49:18 @As the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, And its neighbours, said Jehovah, No one doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:20 @Therefore, hear ye the counsel of Jehovah, That He hath counselled concerning Edom, And His devices that He hath devised Concerning the inhabitants of Teman: Drag them out do not little ones of the flock, Make desolate over them doth he not their habitation?

ylt@Jeremiah:49:26 @Therefore fall do her young men in her broad places, And all the men of war are cut off in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:33 @And Hazor hath been for a habitation of dragons, A desolation -- unto the age, No one doth dwell there, nor sojourn in it doth a son of man!'

ylt@Jeremiah:49:36 @And I have brought in to Elam four winds, From the four ends of the heavens, And have scattered them to all these winds, And there is no nation whither outcasts of Elam come not in.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:3 @For come up against her hath a nation from the north, It maketh her land become a desolation, And there is not an inhabitant in it. From man even unto beast, They have moved, they have gone.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:18 @Therefore thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am seeing after the king of Babylon, And after his land, As I have seen after the king of Asshur;

ylt@Jeremiah:50:30 @Therefore fall do her young men in her broad places, And all her men of war are cut off in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:39 @Therefore dwell do Ziim with Iim, Yea, dwelt in her have daughters of the ostrich, And it is not inhabited any more for ever, Nor dwelt in unto all generations.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:40 @As overthrown by God with Sodom, And with Gomorrah, and with its neighbours, An affirmation of Jehovah, none doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:45 @Therefore, hear ye the counsel of Jehovah, That He counselled concerning Babylon, And His devices that He hath devised Concerning the land of the Chaldeans; Drag them out do not little ones of the flock, Doth He not make desolate over them the habitation?

ylt@Jeremiah:51:7 @A golden cup [is] Babylon in the hand of Jehovah, Making drunk all the earth, Of its wine drunk have nations, Therefore boast themselves do nations.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:17 @Brutish hath been every man by knowledge, Put to shame hath been every refiner by a graven image, For false [is] his molten image, And there is no breath in them.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:36 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am pleading thy cause, And I have avenged thy vengeance, And dried up its sea, and made its fountains dry.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:47 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, And I have seen after the graven images of Babylon. And all its land is ashamed, And all its pierced ones do fall in its midst.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:52 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have seen after its graven images, And in all its land groan doth the wounded.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:62 @and hast said: Jehovah, Thou, Thou hast spoken concerning this place, to cut it off, that there is none dwelling in it, from man even unto cattle, for it is a desolation age-during.

ylt@Jeremiah:52:6 @In the fourth month, in the ninth of the month, when the famine is severe in the city, and there hath been no bread for the people of the land,

ylt@Jeremiah:52:20 @The two pillars, the one sea, and the twelve brazen oxen that [are] beneath the bases, that king Solomon made for the house of Jehovah, there was no weighing of the brass of all these vessels.

ylt@Lamentations:1:2 @She weepeth sore in the night, And her tear [is] on her cheeks, There is no comforter for her out of all her lovers, All her friends dealt treacherously by her, They have been to her for enemies.

ylt@Lamentations:1:8 @A sin hath Jerusalem sinned, Therefore impure she hath become, All who honoured her have esteemed her lightly, For they have seen her nakedness, Yea, she herself hath sighed and turneth backward.

ylt@Lamentations:1:9 @Her uncleanness [is] in her skirts, She hath not remembered her latter end, And she cometh down wonderfully, There is no comforter for her. See, O Jehovah, mine affliction, For exerted himself hath an enemy.

ylt@Lamentations:1:12 @[Is it] nothing to you, all ye passing by the way? Look attentively, and see, If there is any pain like my pain, That He is rolling to me? Whom Jehovah hath afflicted In the day of the fierceness of His anger.

ylt@Lamentations:1:17 @Spread forth hath Zion her hands, There is no comforter for her, Jehovah hath charged concerning Jacob, His neighbours [are] his adversaries, Jerusalem hath become impure among them.

ylt@Lamentations:1:21 @They have heard that I have sighed, There is no comforter for me, All my enemies have heard of my calamity, They have rejoiced that Thou hast done [it], Thou hast brought in the day Thou hast called, And they are like to me.

ylt@Lamentations:2:9 @Sunk into the earth have her gates, He hath destroyed and broken her bars, Her king and her princes [are] among the nations, There is no law, also her prophets Have not found vision from Jehovah.

ylt@Lamentations:2:22 @Thou dost call as [at] a day of appointment, My fears from round about, And there hath not been in the day of the anger of Jehovah, An escaped and remaining one, They whom I stretched out and nourished, My enemy hath consumed!

ylt@Lamentations:3:21 @This I turn to my heart -- therefore I hope.

ylt@Lamentations:3:24 @My portion [is] Jehovah, hath my soul said, Therefore I hope for Him.

ylt@Lamentations:3:29 @He putteth in the dust his mouth, if so be there is hope.

ylt@Lamentations:4:8 @Darker than blackness hath been their visage, They have not been known in out-places, Cleaved hath their skin unto their bone, It hath withered -- it hath been as wood.

ylt@Lamentations:5:5 @For our neck we have been pursued, We have laboured -- there hath been no rest for us.

ylt@Lamentations:5:8 @Servants have ruled over us, A deliverer there is none from their hand.

ylt@Ezekiel:1:3 @hath the word of Jehovah certainly been unto Ezekiel son of Buzi the priest, in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Chebar, and there is on him there a hand of Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:1:25 @And there is a voice from above the expanse, that [is] above their head: in their standing they let fall their wings.

ylt@Ezekiel:2:2 @And there doth come into me a spirit, when He hath spoken unto me, and it causeth me to stand on my feet, and I hear Him who is speaking unto me.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:17 @that there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying, 'Son of man, a watchman I have given thee to the house of Israel, and thou hast heard from My mouth a word, and hast warned them from Me.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:22 @And there is on me there a hand of Jehovah, and He saith to me, 'Rise, go forth to the valley, and there I do speak with thee.'

ylt@Ezekiel:3:23 @And I rise and go forth unto the valley, and lo, there the honour of Jehovah is standing as the honour that I had seen by the river Chebar, and I fall on my face.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:7 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of your multiplying above the nations that [are] around you, In My statutes ye have not walked, And My judgments ye have not done, According to the judgments of the nations That [are] round about you ye have not done.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:8 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, even I, And I have done in thy midst judgments, Before the eyes of the nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:10 @Therefore fathers do eat sons in thy midst, And sons eat their fathers, And I have done in thee judgments, And have scattered all thy remnant to every wind.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:11 @Therefore, I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah: Because My sanctuary thou hast defiled, With all thy detestable things, And with all thine abominations, Mine eye pitieth not, and I also spare not. Do not even I also diminish?

ylt@Ezekiel:6:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:7:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying, 'And thou, son of man, Thus said the Lord Jehovah to the ground of Israel:

ylt@Ezekiel:7:11 @The violence hath risen to a rod of wickedness, There is none of them, nor of their multitude, Nor of their noise, nor is there wailing for them.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:20 @As to the beauty of his ornament, For excellency He set it, And the images of their abominations, Their detestable things -- they made in it, Therefore I have given it to them for impurity,

ylt@Ezekiel:7:25 @Destruction hath come, And they have sought peace, and there is none.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the sixth year, in the sixth [month], in the fifth of the month, I am sitting in my house, and elders of Judah are sitting before me, and fall on me there doth a hand of the Lord Jehovah,

ylt@Ezekiel:8:4 @and lo, there the honour of the God of Israel, as the appearance that I saw in the valley.

ylt@Ezekiel:8:14 @And He bringeth me in unto the opening of the gate of the house of Jehovah that [is] at the north, and lo, there the women are sitting weeping for Tammuz.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:8 @And there appeareth in the cherubs the form of a hand of man under their wings,

ylt@Ezekiel:11:4 @Therefore prophesy concerning them, prophesy, son of man.'

ylt@Ezekiel:11:7 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Your wounded whom ye placed in its midst, They [are] the flesh, and it [is] the pot, And you he hath brought out from its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:14 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:11:16 @it [is] ours, the land hath been given for an inheritance; therefore say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because I put them afar off among nations, And because I scattered them through lands, I also am to them for a little sanctuary, In lands whither they have gone in.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:17 @Therefore say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: And I have assembled you from the peoples, And I have gathered you from the lands, Into which ye have been scattered, And I have given to you the ground of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:12:8 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, in the morning, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:12:13 @And I have spread My net for him, and he hath been caught in My snare, and I have brought him in to Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans, and it he doth not see -- and there doth he die.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:17 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:12:21 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:12:23 @therefore say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have caused this simile to cease, And they use it not as a simile again in Israel, But speak to them: Drawn near have the days, And spoken hath every vision.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:24 @For there is no more any vain vision, and flattering divination, In the midst of the house of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:26 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:12:28 @therefore say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: None of my words are prolonged any more, When I speak a word -- it is done, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:13:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:13:8 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because ye have spoken vanity, and seen a lie, Therefore, lo, I [am] against you, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:10 @Because, even because, they did cause My people to err, Saying, Peace! and there is no peace, And that one is building a wall, And lo, they are daubing it with chalk.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:11 @Say to those daubing with chalk -- It falleth, There hath been an overflowing shower, And ye, O hailstones, do fall, And a tempestuous wind doth rend,

ylt@Ezekiel:13:13 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have rent with a tempestuous wind in My fury, And an overflowing shower is in Mine anger, And hailstones in My fury -- to consume.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:16 @The prophets of Israel who are prophesying concerning Jerusalem, And who are seeing for her a vision of peace, And there is no peace, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:20 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against your pillows, With which ye are hunting there the souls of the flourishing, And I have rent them from off your arms, And have sent away the souls that ye are hunting, The souls of the flourishing.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:23 @Therefore, vanity ye do not see, And divination ye do not divine again, And I have delivered My people out of your hand, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:14:2 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:14:4 @'Therefore, speak with them, and thou hast said unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Every one of the house of Israel who causeth his idols to go up unto his heart, and the stumbling-block of his iniquity setteth over-against his face, and hath gone in unto the prophet -- I Jehovah have given an answer to him for this, for the abundance of his idols,

ylt@Ezekiel:14:6 @'Therefore say unto the house of Israel: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Turn ye back, yea, turn ye back from your idols, and from all your abominations turn back your faces,

ylt@Ezekiel:14:12 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:14:22 @yet, lo, there hath been left in it an escape, who are brought forth, sons and daughters, lo, they are coming forth unto you, and ye have seen their way, and their doings, and have been comforted concerning the evil that I have brought in against Jerusalem, all that which I have brought in against it.

ylt@Ezekiel:15:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:15:6 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: As the vine-tree among trees of the forest, That I have given to the fire for fuel, So I have given the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:16:35 @Therefore, O whore, hear a word of Jehovah,

ylt@Ezekiel:16:37 @Therefore, lo, I am assembling all thy lovers, To whom thou hast been sweet, And all whom thou hast loved, Besides all whom thou hast hated; And I have assembled them by thee round about, And have revealed thy nakedness to them, And they have seen all thy nakedness.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:63 @So that thou dost remember, And thou hast been ashamed, And there is not to thee any more an opening of the mouth because of thy shame, In My receiving atonement for thee, For all that thou hast done, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:17:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:17:7 @And there is another great eagle, Great-winged, and abounding with feathers, And lo, this vine hath bent its roots toward him, And its thin shoots it hath sent out toward him, To water it from the furrows of its planting,

ylt@Ezekiel:17:9 @Say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: It prospereth -- its roots doth he not draw out, And its fruit cut off, and it is withered? [In] all the leaves of its springing it withereth, And not by great strength, and by a numerous people, To lift it up by its roots.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:10 @And lo, the planted thing -- doth it prosper? When come against it doth the east wind, Doth it not utterly wither? On the furrows of its springing it withereth.'

ylt@Ezekiel:17:11 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:17:19 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I live -- Mine oath that he hath despised, And My covenant that he hath broken, Have I not put it on his head?

ylt@Ezekiel:17:20 @And I have spread out for him My snare, And he hath been caught in My net, And I have brought him in to Babylon, And pleaded with him there his trespass, That he hath trespassed against Me.

ylt@Ezekiel:18:1 @'And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:18:30 @Therefore, each according to his ways I judge you, O house of Israel? An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Turn ye back, yea, turn yourselves back, From all your transgressions, And iniquity is not to you for a stumbling-block,

ylt@Ezekiel:19:12 @And it is plucked up in fury, To the earth it hath been cast, And the east wind hath dried up its fruit, Broken and withered hath been the rod of its strength, Fire hath consumed it.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:2 @and there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:20:27 @Therefore, speak unto the house of Israel, son of man, and thou hast said unto them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Still in this have your fathers reviled Me, In their committing against Me a trespass.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:28 @And I bring them in unto the land, That I did lift up My hand to give to them, And they see every high hill, and every thick tree, And they sacrifice there their sacrifices, And give there the provocation of their offering, And make there their sweet fragrance, And they pour out there their libations.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:30 @Therefore, say unto the house of Israel: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: In the way of your fathers are ye defiled? And after their detestable things go a-whoring?

ylt@Ezekiel:20:35 @And I have brought you in unto the wilderness of the peoples, And have been judged with you there face to face.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:40 @For, in My holy mountain, In the mountain of the height of Israel, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, There serve Me do all the house of Israel, All of it, in the land -- there I accept them, And there I do seek your heave-offerings, And with the first-fruit of your gifts, With all your holy things.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:43 @And ye have remembered there your ways, And all your doings, In which ye have been defiled, And ye have been loathsome in your own faces, For all your evils that ye have done.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:45 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:21:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:21:4 @Because that I have cut off from thee righteous and wicked, Therefore go out doth My sword from its scabbard, Unto all flesh, from south to north.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:8 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:21:12 @Cry and howl, son of man, For it hath been among My people, It [is] among all the princes of Israel, Cast unto the sword have been My people. Therefore strike on thy thigh,

ylt@Ezekiel:21:18 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:21:24 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of your causing your iniquity to be remembered, In your transgressions being revealed, For your sins being seen, in all your doings, Because of your being remembered, By the hand ye are caught.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:22:4 @By thy blood that thou hast shed thou hast been guilty, And by thine idols that thou hast made thou hast been defiled, And thou causest thy days to draw near, And art come in unto thine years, Therefore I have given thee a reproach to nations, And a derision to all the lands.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:17 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying, 'Son of man,

ylt@Ezekiel:22:19 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of your all becoming dross, Therefore, lo, I am gathering you unto the midst of Jerusalem,

ylt@Ezekiel:22:23 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:23:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying, 'Son of man,

ylt@Ezekiel:23:3 @And they go a-whoring in Egypt, In their youth they have gone a-whoring, There they have bruised their breasts, And there they have dealt with the loves of their virginity.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:9 @Therefore I have given her into the hand of her lovers, Into the hand of sons of Asshur on whom she doted.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:22 @Therefore, O Aholibah, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am stirring up thy lovers against thee, From whom thy soul hath been alienated, And have brought them in against thee from round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:35 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because thou hast forgotten Me, And thou dost cast Me behind thy back, Even thou also bear thy wickedness and thy whoredoms.'

ylt@Ezekiel:24:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, in the ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth of the month, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:24:6 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Wo [to] the city of blood, A pot whose scum [is] in it, And its scum hath not come out of it, By piece of it, by piece of it bring it out, Not fallen on it hath a lot.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:9 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Wo [to] the city of blood, yea, I -- I make great the pile.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:15 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:25:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:25:4 @Therefore, lo, I am giving thee to sons of the east for a possession, And they set their towers in thee, And have placed in thee their tabernacles. They eat thy fruit, and they drink thy milk,

ylt@Ezekiel:25:7 @Therefore, lo, I -- I have stretched out My hand against thee, And have given thee for a portion to nations, And I have cut thee off from the peoples, And caused thee to perish from the lands; I destroy thee, and thou hast known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:25:9 @Therefore, lo, I am opening the shoulder of Moab -- From the cities -- from his cities -- from his frontier, The beauty of the land, Beth-Jeshimoth, Baal-Meon, and Kiriathaim,

ylt@Ezekiel:25:13 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have stretched out My hand against Edom, And I have cut off from it man and beast, And given it up -- a waste, from Teman even to Dedan, By sword they do fall.

ylt@Ezekiel:25:16 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am stretching out My hand against the Philistines, And I have cut off the Cherethim, And destroyed the remnant of the haven of the sea,

ylt@Ezekiel:26:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the eleventh year, in the first of the month, there hath been a word of Jehovah unto me, saying: 'Son of man,

ylt@Ezekiel:26:3 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, O Tyre, And have caused to come up against thee many nations, As the sea causeth its billows to come up.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:28:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:28:6 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of thy giving out thy heart as the heart of God,

ylt@Ezekiel:28:7 @Therefore, lo, I am bringing in against thee strangers, The terrible of the nations, And they have drawn out their swords Against the beauty of thy wisdom, And they have pierced thy brightness.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:11 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:28:20 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:28:24 @And there is no more to the house of Israel A pricking brier, and paining thorn, Of all round about them -- despising them, And they have known that I [am] the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:5 @And I have left thee in the wilderness, Thou and every fish of thy floods, On the face of the field thou dost fall, Thou art not gathered nor assembled, To the beast of the earth and to the fowl of the heavens I have given thee for food.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:8 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am bringing in against thee a sword, And have cut off from thee man and beast.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:10 @Therefore, lo, I [am] against thee, and against thy floods, And have given the land of Egypt for wastes, A waste, a desolation, from Migdol to Syene, And unto the border of Cush.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:14 @And I have turned back [to] the captivity of Egypt, And I have brought them back [To] the land of Pathros, to the land of their birth, And they have been there a low kingdom.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:19 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah, Lo, I am giving to Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon the land of Egypt, And he hath taken away its store, And hath taken its spoil, and taken its prey, And it hath been a reward to his force.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:30:4 @And come in hath a sword to Egypt, And there hath been great pain in Cush, In the falling of the wounded in Egypt, And they have taken its store, And broken down have been its foundations.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:9 @In that day go forth do messengers from before Me in ships, To trouble confident Cush, And there hath been great pain among them, As the day of Egypt, for lo, it hath come.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:13 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: And -- I have destroyed idols, And caused vain things to cease from Noph, And a prince of the land of Egypt there is no more, And I give fear in the land of Egypt.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:18 @And in Tehaphnehes hath the day been dark, In My breaking there the yokes of Egypt, And ceased in her hath the excellency of her strength, She -- a cloud doth cover her, And her daughters into captivity do go.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:22 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against Pharaoh, king of Egypt, And I have broken his arms, The strong one and the broken one, And have caused the sword to fall out of his hand,

ylt@Ezekiel:31:5 @Therefore higher hath been his stature than all trees of the field, And multiplied are his boughs, and long are his branches, Because of many waters in his shooting forth,

ylt@Ezekiel:31:10 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because that thou hast been high in stature, And he yieldeth his foliage between thickets, And high is his heart in his haughtiness,

ylt@Ezekiel:32:22 @There [is] Asshur, and all her assembly, Round about him [are] his graves, All of them [are] wounded, who are falling by sword,

ylt@Ezekiel:32:24 @There [is] Elam, and all her multitude, Round about [is] her grave, All of them wounded, who are falling by sword, Who have gone down uncircumcised unto the earth -- the lower parts, Because they gave their terror in the land of the living, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:26 @There [is] Meshech, Tubal, and all her multitude, Round about him [are] her graves, All of them uncircumcised, pierced of the sword, For they gave their terror in the land of the living,

ylt@Ezekiel:32:29 @There [is] Edom, her kings, and all her princes, Who have been given up in their might, With the pierced of the sword, They with the uncircumcised do lie, And with those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:30 @There [are] princes of the north, All of them, and every Zidonian, Who have gone down with the pierced in their terror, Of their might they are ashamed, And they lie uncircumcised with the pierced of the sword, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:33:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:33:23 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:33:25 @Therefore say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: With the blood ye do eat, And your eyes ye lift up unto your idols, And blood ye shed, and the land ye inherit!

ylt@Ezekiel:34:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:34:6 @Go astray do My flock on all the mountains, And on every high hill, And on all the face of the land have My flock been scattered, And there is none inquiring, and none seeking.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:7 @Therefore, shepherds, hear a word of Jehovah:

ylt@Ezekiel:34:8 @I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, If not, because of My flock being for a prey, Yea, My flock is for food to every beast of the field, Because there is no shepherd, And My shepherds have not sought My flock, And the shepherds do feed themselves, And My flock they have not fed.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:9 @Therefore, O shepherds, hear a word of Jehovah:

ylt@Ezekiel:34:13 @And brought them out from the peoples, And have gathered them from the lands, And brought them unto their own ground, And have fed them on mountains of Israel, By streams, and by all dwellings of the land.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:14 @With good pasture I do feed them, And on mountains of the high place of Israel is their habitation, There do they lie down in a good habitation, And fat pastures they enjoy on mountains of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:20 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah to them: Lo, I -- even I, have judged between fat sheep and lean sheep.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:28 @And they are no more a prey to nations, And the beast of the earth devoureth them not, And they have dwelt confidently, And there is none troubling.

ylt@Ezekiel:35:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:35:6 @Therefore, I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Surely for blood I do appoint thee, And blood doth pursue thee, If blood thou hast not hated, Blood also doth pursue thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:35:10 @Because of thy saying: The two nations and the two lands are mine, and we have possessed it, And Jehovah hath been there;

ylt@Ezekiel:35:11 @Therefore, I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, And I have done according to thine anger, And according to thine envy, With which thou hast wrought, Because of thy hatred against them, And I have been known among them when I judge thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:3 @therefore, prophesy, and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because, even because, of desolating, And of swallowing you up from round about, For your being a possession to the remnant of the nations, And ye are taken up on the tip of the tongue, And [are] an evil report of the people.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:4 @Therefore, O mountains of Israel, Hear a word of the Lord Jehovah: Thus said the Lord Jehovah, to mountains, and to hills, To streams, and to valleys, And to wastes that [are] desolate, And to cities that are forsaken, That have been for a prey, And for a scorn, to the remnant of the nations who [are] round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:5 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Have I not, in the fire of My jealousy, Spoken against the remnant of the nations, And against Edom -- all of it, Who gave My land to themselves for a possession, With the joy of the whole heart -- with despite of soul, For the sake of casting it out for a prey?

ylt@Ezekiel:36:6 @Therefore, prophesy concerning the ground of Israel, And thou hast said to mountains, and to hills, To streams, and to valleys, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I, in My jealousy, and in My fury, I have spoken, Because the shame of nations ye have borne.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:7 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I -- I have lifted up My hand, Do not -- the nations who [are] with you from round about -- they their own shame bear?

ylt@Ezekiel:36:14 @Therefore, man thou devourest no more, And thy nations thou causest not to stumble any more, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:16 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:36:22 @Therefore, say to the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Not for your sake am I working, O house of Israel, But -- for My holy name, That ye have polluted among nations whither ye have gone in.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:24 @And I have taken you out of the nations, And have gathered you out of all the lands, And I have brought you in unto your land,

ylt@Ezekiel:37:1 @There hath been upon me a hand of Jehovah, and He taketh me forth in the Spirit of Jehovah, and doth place me in the midst of the valley, and it is full of bones,

ylt@Ezekiel:37:7 @And I have prophesied as I have been commanded, and there is a noise, as I am prophesying, and lo, a rushing, and draw near do the bones, bone unto its bone.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:8 @And I beheld, and lo, on them [are] sinews, and flesh hath come up, and cover them doth skin over above -- and spirit there is none in them.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:12 @Therefore, prophesy, and thou hast said unto them, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am opening your graves, And have brought you up out of your graves, O My people, And brought you in unto the land of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:15 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Ezekiel:37:21 @and speak thou unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am taking the sons of Israel, From among the nations whither they have gone, And have gathered them from round about, And I have brought them in unto their land.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:

ylt@Ezekiel:38:8 @After many days thou art appointed, In the latter end of the years thou comest in unto a land brought back from sword, [A people] gathered out of many peoples, Upon mountains of Israel, That have been for a perpetual waste, And it from the peoples hath been brought out, And dwelt safely have all of them.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:12 @To take a spoil, and to take a prey, To turn back thy hand on inhabited wastes, And on a people gathered out of nations, Making cattle and substance, Dwelling on a high part of the land.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:14 @Therefore, prophesy, son of man, and thou hast said to Gog: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: In that day, in the dwelling of My people Israel safely, Dost thou not know?

ylt@Ezekiel:38:19 @And in My zeal, in the fire of My wrath, I have spoken: Is there not in that day a great rushing on the land of Israel?

ylt@Ezekiel:39:11 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, I give to Gog a place there -- a grave in Israel, the valley of those passing by, east of the sea, and it is stopping those passing by, and they have buried there Gog, and all his multitude, and have cried, O valley of the multitude of Gog!

ylt@Ezekiel:39:17 @And thou, son of man, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Say to the bird -- every wing, and to every beast of the field: Be assembled and come in, Be gathered from round about, For My sacrifice that I am sacrificing for you, A great sacrifice on mountains of Israel, And ye have eaten flesh, and drunk blood.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:25 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Now do I bring back the captivity of Jacob, And I have pitied all the house of Israel, And have been zealous for My holy name.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:28 @And they have known that I [am] Jehovah their God, In My removing them unto the nations, And I have gathered them unto their land, And I leave none of them any more there.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:38 @And the chamber and its opening [is] by the posts of the gates, there they purge the burnt-offering.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:7 @And a broad place and a turning place still upwards [are] to the side-chambers, for the turning round of the house [is] still upwards all round about the house: therefore the breadth of the house [is] upwards, and so the lower one goeth up unto the higher by the midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:6 @for they [are] threefold, and they have no pillars as the pillars of the court, therefore it hath been kept back -- more than the lower and than the middle one -- from the ground.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:13 @And he saith unto me, 'The north chambers, the south chambers, that [are] at the front of the separate place, they [are] holy chambers, where the priests (who [are] near to Jehovah) eat the most holy things, there they place the most holy things, and the present, and the sin-offering, and the guilt-offering, for the place [is] holy.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:14 @In the priests' going in, they come not out from the sanctuary unto the outer court, and there they place their garments with which they minister, for they [are] holy, and have put on other garments, and have drawn near unto that which [is] for the people.'

ylt@Ezekiel:44:12 @Because that they serve them before their idols, and have been to the house of Israel for a stumbling-block of iniquity, therefore I have lifted up my hand against them -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah -- and they have borne their iniquity.

ylt@Ezekiel:45:2 @There is of this for the sanctuary five hundred by five hundred, square, round about; and fifty cubits of suburb [is] to it round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:45:5 @'And of the five and twenty thousand of length, and of the ten thousand of breadth, there is to the Levites, ministrants of the house, for them -- for a possession -- twenty chambers.

ylt@Ezekiel:45:8 @of the land there is to him for a possession in Israel, and My princes do not oppress any more My people, and the land they give to the house of Israel according to their tribes.

ylt@Ezekiel:46:19 @And he bringeth me in through the entrance that [is] by the side of the gate, unto the holy chambers, unto the priests, that are looking northward, and lo, there [is] a place in their two sides westward.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:9 @And it hath come to pass, every living creature that teemeth, whithersoever the streams come, doth live: and there hath been great abundance of fish, for these waters have come thither, and they are healed; and every thing whither the stream cometh hath lived.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:12 @And by the stream there cometh up on its edge, on this side and on that side, every [kind of] fruit-tree whose leaf fadeth not, and not consumed is its fruit, according to its months it yieldeth first-fruits, because its waters from the sanctuary are coming forth; and its fruits hath been for food, and its leaf for medicine.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:23 @And it hath come to pass, in the tribe with which the sojourner sojourneth, there ye give his inheritance -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:22 @And from the possession of the Levites, from the possession of the city, in the midst of that which is to the prince, between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin, there is to the prince.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:35 @Round about [is] eighteen thousand, and the renown of the city [is] from the day Jehovah [is] there.'

ylt@Daniel:1:4 @lads in whom there is no blemish, and of good appearance, and skilful in all wisdom, and possessing knowledge, and teaching thought, and who have ability to stand in the palace of the king, and to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans.

ylt@Daniel:1:5 @And the king doth appoint for them a rate, day by day, of the king's portion of food, and of the wine of his drinking, so as to nourish them three years, that at the end thereof they may stand before the king.

ylt@Daniel:1:6 @And there are among them out of the sons of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,

ylt@Daniel:1:19 @And the king speaketh with them, and there hath none been found among them all like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, and they stand before the king;

ylt@Daniel:2:6 @and if the dream and its interpretation ye do shew, gifts, and fee, and great glory ye receive from before me, therefore the dream and its interpretation shew ye me.'

ylt@Daniel:2:9 @[so] that, if the dream ye do not cause me to know -- one is your sentence, seeing a word lying and corrupt ye have prepared to speak before me, till that the time is changed, therefore the dream tell ye to me, then do I know that its interpretation ye do shew me.'

ylt@Daniel:2:10 @The Chaldeans have answered before the king, and are saying, 'There is not a man on the earth who is able to shew the king's matter; therefore, no king, chief, and ruler, hath asked such a thing as this of any scribe, and enchanter, and Chaldean;

ylt@Daniel:2:11 @and the thing that the king is asking [is] precious, and others are there not that do shew it before the king, save the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.'

ylt@Daniel:2:12 @Therefore the king hath been angry and very wroth, and hath said to destroy all the wise men of Babylon;

ylt@Daniel:2:24 @Therefore Daniel hath gone up unto Arioch, whom the king hath appointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon; he hath gone, and thus hath said to him, 'The wise men of Babylon thou dost not destroy, bring me up before the king, and the interpretation to the king I do shew.'

ylt@Daniel:2:28 @but there is a God in the heavens, a revealer of secrets, and He hath made known to king Nebuchadnezzar that which [is] to be in the latter end of the days. 'Thy dream and the visions of thy head on thy bed are these:

ylt@Daniel:3:3 @Then are gathered the satraps, the prefects, and the governors, the honourable judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the province, to the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath raised up: and they are standing before the image that Nebuchadnezzar hath raised up.

ylt@Daniel:3:7 @Therefore at that time, when all the peoples are hearing the voice of the cornet, the flute, the harp, the sackbut, the psaltery, and all kinds of music, falling down are all the peoples, nations and languages, doing obeisance to the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath raised up.

ylt@Daniel:3:8 @Therefore at that time drawn near have certain Chaldeans, and accused the Jews;

ylt@Daniel:3:12 @There are certain Jews whom thou hast appointed over the work of the province of Babylon -- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, these men have not made of thee, O king, [any] regard; thy gods they are not serving, and to the golden image thou hast raised up -- are not making obeisance.'

ylt@Daniel:3:22 @Therefore, because that the word of the king is urgent, and the furnace heated exceedingly, those men who have taken up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego -- killed them hath the spark of the fire.

ylt@Daniel:3:27 @and gathered together, the satraps, the prefects, and the governors, and the counsellors of the king, are seeing these men, that the fire hath no power over their bodies, and the hair of their head hath not been singed, and their coats have not changed, and the smell of fire hath not passed on them.

ylt@Daniel:3:29 @And by me a decree is made, that any people, nation, and language, that doth speak erroneously concerning the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, pieces he is made, and its house is made a dunghill, because that there is no other god who is able thus to deliver.'

ylt@Daniel:4:27 @'Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and thy sins by righteousness break off, and thy perversity by pitying the poor, lo, it is a lengthening of thine ease.

ylt@Daniel:4:35 @and all who are dwelling on the earth as nothing are reckoned, and according to his will He is doing among the forces of the heavens and those dwelling on the earth, and there is none that doth clap with his hand, and saith to Him, What hast Thou done?

ylt@Daniel:5:11 @there is a man in thy kingdom in whom [is] the spirit of the holy gods: and, in the days of thy father, light, and understanding, and wisdom -- as the wisdom of the gods -- was found in him; and king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, chief of the scribes, enchanters, Chaldeans, soothsayers, established him -- thy father, O king --

ylt@Daniel:6:9 @Therefore king Darius hath signed the writing and interdict.

ylt@Daniel:8:4 @I have seen the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward, and no living creatures do stand before it, and there is none delivering out of its hand, and it hath done according to its pleasure, and hath exerted itself.

ylt@Daniel:8:7 @And I have seen it coming near the ram, and it becometh embittered at it, and smiteth the ram, and breaketh its two horns, and there hath been no power in the ram to stand before it, and it casteth it to the earth, and trampleth it down, and there hath been no deliverer to the ram out of its power.

ylt@Daniel:8:27 @And I, Daniel, have been, yea, I became sick [for] days, and I rise, and do the king's work, and am astonished at the appearance, and there is none understanding.

ylt@Daniel:10:8 @and I have been left by myself, and I see this great appearance, and there hath been no power left in me, and my honour hath been turned in me to corruption, yea, I have not retained power.

ylt@Daniel:10:13 @'And the head of the kingdom of Persia is standing over-against me twenty and one days, and lo, Michael, first of the chief heads, hath come in to help me, and I have remained there near the kings of Persia;

ylt@Daniel:10:17 @And how is the servant of this my lord able to speak with this my lord? as for me, henceforth there remaineth in me no power, yea, breath hath not been left in me.

ylt@Daniel:10:21 @but I declare to thee that which is noted down in the Writing of Truth, and there is not one strengthening himself with me, concerning these, except Michael your head.

ylt@Daniel:11:10 @and his sons stir themselves up, and have gathered a multitude of great forces, and he hath certainly come in, and overflowed, and passed through, and he turneth back, and they stir themselves up unto his stronghold.

ylt@Daniel:11:15 @'And the king of the north cometh in, and poureth out a mount, and hath captured fenced cities; and the arms of the south do not stand, nor the people of his choice, yea, there is no power to stand.

ylt@Daniel:11:16 @And he who is coming unto him doth according to his will, and there is none standing before him; and he standeth in the desirable land, and [it is] wholly in his hand.

ylt@Daniel:11:45 @and he planteth the tents of his palace between the seas and the holy desirable mountain, and hath come unto his end, and there is no helper to him.

ylt@Daniel:12:1 @'And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people, and there hath been a time of distress, such as hath not been since there hath been a nation till that time, and at that time do thy people escape, every one who is found written in the book.

ylt@Daniel:12:5 @And I have looked -- I, Daniel -- and lo, two others are standing, one here at the edge of the flood, and one there at the edge of the flood,

ylt@Hosea:1:11 @and gathered have been the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel together, and they have appointed to themselves one head, and have gone up from the land, for great [is] the day of Jezreel.

ylt@Hosea:2:6 @Therefore, lo, I am hedging up thy way with thorns, And I have made for her a wall, And her paths she doth not find.

ylt@Hosea:2:9 @Therefore do I turn back, And I have taken My corn in its season, And My new wine in its appointed time, And I have taken away My wool and My flax, covering her nakedness.

ylt@Hosea:2:14 @Therefore, lo, I am enticing her, And have caused her to go to the wilderness, And I have spoken unto her heart,

ylt@Hosea:2:15 @And given to her her vineyards from thence, And the valley of Achor for an opening of hope, And she hath responded there as in the days of her youth, And as in the day of her coming up out of the land of Egypt.

ylt@Hosea:3:4 @For many days remain do the sons of Israel without a king, and there is no prince, and there is no sacrifice, and there is no standing pillar, and there is no ephod and teraphim.

ylt@Hosea:4:1 @'Hear a word of Jehovah, sons of Israel, For a strife [is] to Jehovah with inhabitants of the land, For there is no truth, nor kindness, Nor knowledge of God, in the land,

ylt@Hosea:4:3 @Therefore mourn doth the land, And weak is every dweller in it, With the beast of the field, And with the fowl of the heavens, And the fishes of the sea -- they are removed.

ylt@Hosea:4:14 @Therefore commit whoredom do your daughters, And your spouses commit adultery, I do not see after your daughters when they commit whoredom, And after your spouses when they commit adultery, For they with the harlots are separated, And with the whores they do sacrifice, A people that doth not understand kicketh.

ylt@Hosea:5:14 @For I [am] as a lion to Ephraim, And as a young lion to the house of Judah, I -- I tear and go, I bear away, and there is no deliverer.

ylt@Hosea:6:3 @And we know -- we pursue to know Jehovah, As the dawn prepared is His going forth, And He cometh in as a shower to us, As gathered rain -- sprinkling earth.'

ylt@Hosea:6:5 @Therefore I have hewed by prophets, I have slain them by sayings of My mouth, And My judgments to the light goeth forth.

ylt@Hosea:6:7 @And they, as Adam, transgressed a covenant, There they dealt treacherously against me.

ylt@Hosea:6:10 @In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing, There [is] the whoredom of Ephraim -- defiled is Israel.

ylt@Hosea:7:7 @All of them are warm as an oven, And they have devoured their judges, All their kings have fallen, There is none calling unto Me among them.

ylt@Hosea:9:6 @For, lo, they have gone because of destruction, Egypt gathereth them, Moph burieth them, The desirable things of their silver, Nettles possess them -- a thorn [is] in their tents.

ylt@Hosea:9:15 @All their evil [is] in Gilgal, Surely there I have hated them, Because of the evil of their doings, Out of My house I do drive them, I add not to love them, all their heads [are] apostates.

ylt@Hosea:10:9 @From the days of Gibeah thou hast sinned, O Israel, There they have stood, Not overtake them in Gibeah doth battle, Because of sons of perverseness.

ylt@Hosea:10:10 @When I desire, then I do bind them, And gathered against them have peoples, When they bind themselves to their two iniquities.

ylt@Hosea:12:4 @Yea, he is a prince unto the Messenger, And he overcometh [by] weeping, And he maketh supplication to Him, At Bethel He doth find him, And there He doth speak with us,

ylt@Hosea:13:3 @Therefore they are as a cloud of the morning, And as dew, rising early, going away, As chaff tossed about out of a floor, And as smoke out of a window.

ylt@Hosea:13:4 @And I [am] Jehovah thy God from the land of Egypt, And a God besides Me thou dost not know, And a Saviour -- there is none save Me.

ylt@Hosea:13:6 @According to their feedings they are satiated, They have been satiated, And their heart is lifted up, Therefore they have forgotten Me,

ylt@Hosea:13:9 @And I consume them there as a lioness, A beast of the field doth rend them.

ylt@Hosea:14:9 @Who [is] wise, and doth understand these? Prudent, and knoweth them? For upright are the ways of Jehovah, And the righteous go on in them, And the transgressors stumble therein!

ylt@Joel:1:6 @For a nation hath come up on my land, Strong, and there is no number, Its teeth [are] the teeth of a lion, And it hath the jaw-teeth of a lioness.

ylt@Joel:1:12 @The vine hath been dried up, And the fig-tree doth languish, Pomegranate, also palm, and apple-tree, All trees of the field have withered, For dried up hath been joy from the sons of men.

ylt@Joel:1:17 @Rotted have scattered things under their clods, Desolated have been storehouses, Broken down have been granaries, For withered hath the corn.

ylt@Joel:1:18 @How have cattle sighed! Perplexed have been droves of oxen, For there is no pasture for them, Also droves of sheep have been desolated.

ylt@Joel:2:2 @A day of darkness and thick darkness, A day of cloud and thick darkness, As darkness spread on the mountains, A people numerous and mighty, Like it there hath not been from of old, And after it there is not again -- till the years of generation and generation.

ylt@Joel:2:3 @Before it consumed hath fire, And after it burn doth a flame, As the garden of Eden [is] the land before it, And after it a wilderness -- a desolation! And also an escape there hath not been to it,

ylt@Joel:2:6 @From its face pained are peoples, All faces have gathered paleness.

ylt@Joel:2:10 @At their face trembled hath the earth, Shaken have the heavens, Sun and moon have been black, And stars have gathered up their shining.

ylt@Joel:2:23 @And ye sons of Zion, joy and rejoice, In Jehovah your God, For He hath given to you the Teacher for righteousness, And causeth to come down to you a shower, Sprinkling and gathered -- in the beginning.

ylt@Joel:2:27 @And ye have known that in the midst of Israel [am] I, And I [am] Jehovah your God, and there is none else, And not ashamed are My people to the age.

ylt@Joel:2:32 @And it hath come to pass, Every one who calleth in the name of Jehovah is delivered, For in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there is an escape, As Jehovah hath said, And among the remnants whom Jehovah is calling!

ylt@Joel:3:2 @Then I have gathered all the nations, And caused them to go down unto the valley of Jehoshaphat, And I have been judged with them there, Concerning My people and Mine inheritance -- Israel, Whom they scattered among nations, And My land they have apportioned.

ylt@Joel:3:11 @Haste, and come in, all ye nations round, And be gathered together, Thither cause to come down, O Jehovah, Thy mighty ones.

ylt@Joel:3:12 @Wake and come up let the nations unto the valley of Jehoshaphat, For there I sit to judge all the nations around.

ylt@Joel:3:15 @Sun and moon have been black, And stars have gathered up their shining.

ylt@Amos:1:2 @and he saith: Jehovah from Zion doth roar, And from Jerusalem giveth forth His voice, And mourned have pastures of the shepherds, And withered hath the top of Carmel!

ylt@Amos:3:2 @Only you I have known of all families of the land, Therefore I charge on you all your iniquities.

ylt@Amos:3:5 @Doth a bird fall into a snare of the earth, And there is no gin for it? Doth a snare go up from the ground, And prey it captureth not?

ylt@Amos:3:6 @Is a trumpet blown in a city, And do people not tremble? Is there affliction in a city, And Jehovah hath not done [it]?

ylt@Amos:3:9 @Sound ye unto palaces in Ashdod, And to palaces in the land of Egypt, and say: Be ye gathered on mountains of Samaria, And see many troubles within her, And oppressed ones in her midst.

ylt@Amos:3:11 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: An adversary -- and surrounding the land, And he hath brought down from thee thy strength, And spoiled have been thy palaces.

ylt@Amos:4:7 @And I also -- I have withheld from you the rain. While yet three months to harvest, And I have sent rain on one city, And on another city I do not send rain, One portion is rained on, And the portion on which it raineth not withereth.

ylt@Amos:4:12 @Therefore, thus I do to thee, O Israel, at last, Because this I do to thee, Prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.

ylt@Amos:5:6 @Seek ye Jehovah, and live, Lest He prosper as fire [against] the house of Joseph, And it hath consumed, And there is no quencher for Beth-El.

ylt@Amos:5:11 @Therefore, because of your trampling on the poor, And the tribute of corn ye take from him, Houses of hewn work ye have built, And ye do not dwell in them, Desirable vineyards ye have planted, And ye do not drink their wine.

ylt@Amos:5:13 @Therefore is the wise at that time silent, For an evil time it [is].

ylt@Amos:5:16 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, God of Hosts, the Lord, In all broad places [is] lamentation, And in all out-places they say, 'Alas, alas,' And called the husbandman to mourning, And to lamentation the skilful of wailing.

ylt@Amos:6:7 @Therefore now they remove at the head of the captives, And turned aside is the mourning-feast of stretched-out ones.

ylt@Amos:6:9 @And if there are left ten persons in one house, It hath come to pass -- that they have died.

ylt@Amos:6:10 @And lifted him up hath his loved one, even his burner, To bring forth the bones from the house, And he said to him who [is] in the sides of the house, 'Is there yet with thee?' And he said, 'None,' then he said, 'Hush! Save to make mention of the name of Jehovah.'

ylt@Amos:7:12 @And Amaziah saith unto Amos, 'Seer, go flee for thee unto the land of Judah, and eat there bread, and there thou dost prophesy;

ylt@Amos:7:17 @therefore thus said Jehovah: Thy wife in the city doth go a-whoring, And thy sons and thy daughters by sword do fall, And thy land by line is apportioned, And thou on an unclean land diest, And Israel certainly removeth from off its land.'

ylt@Amos:9:9 @For lo, I am commanding, And I have shaken among all the nations the house of Israel, As [one] doth shake with a sieve, And there falleth not a grain [to] the earth.

ylt@Obadiah:1:5 @If thieves have come in to thee, If spoilers of the night, How hast thou been cut off! Do they not steal their sufficiency? If gatherers have come in to thee, Do they not leave gleanings?

ylt@Obadiah:1:7 @Unto the border sent thee have all thine allies, Forgotten thee, prevailed over thee, have thy friends, Thy bread they make a snare under thee, There is no understanding in him!

ylt@Obadiah:1:17 @And in mount Zion there is an escape, And it hath been holy, And the house of Jacob have possessed their possessions.

ylt@Obadiah:1:18 @And the house of Jacob hath been a fire, And the house of Joseph a flame, And the house of Esau for stubble, And they have burned among them, And they have consumed them, And there is not a remnant to the house of Esau, For Jehovah hath spoken.

ylt@Jonah:1:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jonah son of Amittai, saying:

ylt@Jonah:1:4 @And Jehovah hath cast a great wind on the sea, and there is a great tempest in the sea, and the ship hath reckoned to be broken;

ylt@Jonah:3:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Jonah a second time, saying,

ylt@Jonah:4:2 @and he prayeth unto Jehovah, and he saith, 'I pray Thee, O Jehovah, is not this my word while I was in mine own land -- therefore I was beforehand to flee to Tarshish -- that I have known that Thou [art] a God, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abundant in kindness, and repenting of evil?

ylt@Jonah:4:5 @And Jonah goeth forth from the city, and sitteth on the east of the city, and maketh to himself there a booth, and sitteth under it in the shade, till that he seeth what is in the city.

ylt@Jonah:4:11 @and I -- have not I pity on Nineveh, the great city, in which there are more than twelve myriads of human beings, who have not known between their right hand and their left -- and much cattle!'

ylt@Micah:1:7 @And all her graven images are beaten down, And all her gifts are burnt with fire, And all her idols I make a desolation, For, from the hire of a harlot she gathered, and unto the hire of a harlot they return.

ylt@Micah:1:14 @Therefore thou givest presents to Moresheth-Gath, The houses of Achzib become a lying thing to the kings of Israel.

ylt@Micah:2:3 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am devising against this family evil, From which ye do not remove your necks, Nor walk loftily, for a time of evil it [is].

ylt@Micah:2:5 @Therefore, thou hast no caster of a line by lot In the assembly of Jehovah.

ylt@Micah:3:6 @Therefore a night ye have without vision, And darkness ye have without divination, And gone in hath the sun on the prophets, And black over them hath been the day.

ylt@Micah:3:12 @Therefore, for your sake, Zion is ploughed a field, and Jerusalem is heaps, And the mount of the house [is] for high places of a forest!

ylt@Micah:4:4 @And they have sat each under his vine, And under his fig-tree, And there is none troubling, For the mouth of Jehovah of Hosts hath spoken.

ylt@Micah:4:9 @Now, why dost thou shout aloud? A king -- is there none in thee? Hath thy counsellor perished, That taken hold of thee hath pain as a travailing woman?

ylt@Micah:4:10 @Be pained, and bring forth, O daughter of Zion, As a travailing woman, For now, thou goest forth from the city, And thou hast dwelt in the field, And thou hast gone unto Babylon, There thou art delivered, There redeem thee doth Jehovah from the hand of thine enemies.

ylt@Micah:4:11 @And now, gathered against thee have been many nations, who are saying: 'Let her be defiled, and our eyes look on Zion.'

ylt@Micah:4:12 @They have not known the thoughts of Jehovah, Nor have they understood His counsel, For He hath gathered them as a sheaf [into] a threshing-floor.

ylt@Micah:5:3 @Therefore he doth give them out till the time She who bringeth forth hath brought forth, And the remnant of his brethren return to the sons of Israel.

ylt@Micah:5:8 @Yea, the remnant of Jacob hath been among nations, In the midst of many peoples, As a lion among beasts of a forest, As a young lion among ranks of a flock, Which if it hath passed through, Hath both trodden down and hath torn, And there is no deliverer.

ylt@Micah:6:10 @Are there yet [in] the house of the wicked Treasures of wickedness, And the abhorred scanty ephah?

ylt@Micah:7:1 @My wo [is] to me, for I have been As gatherings of summer-fruit, As gleanings of harvest, There is no cluster to eat, The first-ripe fruit desired hath my soul.

ylt@Micah:7:2 @Perished hath the kind out of the land, And upright among men -- there are none, All of them for blood lie in wait, Each his brother they hunt [with] a net.

ylt@Nahum:2:9 @Seize ye silver, seize ye gold, And there is no end to the prepared things, [To] the abundance of all desirable vessels.

ylt@Nahum:2:10 @She is empty, yea, emptiness and waste, And the heart hath melted, And the knees have smitten together, And great pain [is] in all loins, And the faces of all of them have gathered paleness.

ylt@Nahum:2:11 @Where [is] the habitation of lionesses? And a feeding-place it [is] for young lions Where walked hath a lion, an old lion, A lion's whelp, and there is none troubling.

ylt@Nahum:3:3 @And the flame of a sword, and the lightning of a spear, And the abundance of the wounded, And the weight of carcases, Yea, there is no end to the bodies, They stumble over their bodies.

ylt@Nahum:3:9 @Cush her might, and Egypt, and there is no end. Put and Lubim have been for thy help.

ylt@Nahum:3:15 @There consume thee doth a fire, Cut thee off doth a sword, It doth consume thee as a cankerworm! Make thyself heavy as the cankerworm, Make thyself heavy as the locust.

ylt@Nahum:3:18 @Slumbered have thy friends, king of Asshur, Rest do thine honourable ones, Scattered have been thy people on the mountains, And there is none gathering.

ylt@Nahum:3:19 @There is no weakening of thy destruction, Grievous [is] thy smiting, All hearing thy fame have clapped the hand at thee, For over whom did not thy wickedness pass continually?

ylt@Habakkuk:1:3 @Why dost Thou shew me iniquity, And perversity dost cause to behold? And spoiling and violence [are] before me, And there is strife, and contention doth lift [itself] up,

ylt@Habakkuk:1:4 @Therefore doth law cease, And judgment doth not go forth for ever, For the wicked is compassing the righteous, Therefore wrong judgment goeth forth.

ylt@Habakkuk:1:15 @Each of them with a hook he hath brought up, He doth catch it in his net, and gathereth it in his drag, Therefore he doth joy and rejoice.

ylt@Habakkuk:1:16 @Therefore he doth sacrifice to his net, And doth make perfume to his drag, For by them [is] his portion fertile, and his food fat.

ylt@Habakkuk:1:17 @Doth he therefore empty his net, And continually to slay nations spare not?

ylt@Habakkuk:2:19 @Wo [to] him who is saying to wood, 'Awake,' 'Stir up,' to a dumb stone, It a teacher! lo, it is overlaid -- gold and silver, And there is no spirit in its midst.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:4 @And the brightness is as the light, He hath rays out of His hand, And there -- the hiding of His strength.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:17 @Though the fig-tree doth not flourish, And there is no produce among vines, Failed hath the work of the olive, And fields have not yielded food, Cut off from the fold hath been the flock, And there is no herd in the stalls.

ylt@Zephaniah:1:10 @And there hath been in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah, The noise of a cry from the fish-gate, And of a howling from the Second, And of great destruction from the hills.

ylt@Zephaniah:1:14 @Near [is] the great day of Jehovah, Near, and hasting exceedingly, The noise of the day of Jehovah, Bitterly shriek there doth a mighty one.

ylt@Zephaniah:2:9 @Therefore, I live, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, Surely, Moab is as Sodom, And the sons of Ammon as Gomorrah, An overrunning of nettles and salt-pits, And a desolation -- unto the age. A residue of My people do seize them, And a remnant of My nation inherit them.

ylt@Zephaniah:2:15 @This [is] the exulting city that is dwelling confidently, That is saying in her heart, 'I [am], and beside me there is none,' How hath she been for a desolation, A crouching-place for beasts, Every one passing by her doth hiss, He doth shake his hand!

ylt@Zephaniah:3:8 @Therefore, wait for Me -- an affirmation of Jehovah, For the day of My rising for prey, For My judgment [is] to gather nations, To assemble kingdoms, To pour out on them Mine indignation, All the heat of Mine anger, For by the fire of My jealousy consumed is all the earth.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:13 @The remnant of Israel do no perversity, nor speak lies, Nor found in their mouth is a deceitful tongue, For they have delight, and have lain down, And there is none troubling.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:18 @Mine afflicted from the appointed place I have gathered, from thee they have been, Bearing for her sake reproach.

ylt@Haggai:1:3 @And there is a word of Jehovah by the hand of Haggai the prophet, saying:

ylt@Haggai:1:10 @Therefore, over you refrained have the heavens from dew, And the land hath refrained its increase.

ylt@Haggai:2:14 @And Haggai answereth and saith, 'So [is] this people, and so [is] this nation before Me -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and so [is] every work of their hands, and that which they bring near there -- it is unclean.

ylt@Haggai:2:17 @I have smitten you with blasting, And with mildew, and with hail -- All the work of your hands, And there is none of you with Me, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Haggai:2:20 @And there is a word of Jehovah a second time unto Haggai, on the twenty and fourth of the month, saying:

ylt@Zechariah:1:16 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: I have turned to Jerusalem with mercies, My house is built in it, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, And a line is stretched over Jerusalem.

ylt@Zechariah:4:8 @And there is a word of Jehovah to me, saying,

ylt@Zechariah:5:11 @And he saith unto me, 'To build to it a house in the land of Shinar.' And it hath been prepared and hath been placed there on its base.

ylt@Zechariah:6:6 @The brown horses that [are] therein, are coming forth unto the land of the north; and the white have come forth unto their hinder part; and the grisled have come forth unto the land of the south;

ylt@Zechariah:6:9 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,

ylt@Zechariah:7:4 @And there is a word of Jehovah of Hosts unto me, saying:

ylt@Zechariah:7:8 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto Zechariah, saying:

ylt@Zechariah:8:1 @And there is a word of Jehovah of Hosts, saying:

ylt@Zechariah:8:10 @For, before those days there hath been no hiring of man, Yea, a hiring of beasts there is none; And to him who is going out, And to him who is coming in, There is no peace because of the adversary, And I send all men -- each against his neighbour.

ylt@Zechariah:8:18 @And there is a word of Jehovah of Hosts unto me, saying:

ylt@Zechariah:9:2 @And also Hamath doth border thereon, Tyre and Zidon, for -- very wise!

ylt@Zechariah:9:11 @Also thou -- by the blood of thy covenant, I have sent thy prisoners out of the pit, There is no water in it.

ylt@Zechariah:10:2 @Because the teraphim did speak iniquity, And the diviners have seen a falsehood, And dreams of the vanity they speak, [With] vanity they give comfort, Therefore they have journeyed as a flock, They are afflicted, for there is no shepherd.

ylt@Zechariah:10:10 @And I have brought them back from the land of Egypt, And from Asshur I do gather them, And unto the land of Gilead and Lebanon I do bring them in, And there is not found for them [space].

ylt@Zechariah:12:3 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone to all the peoples, All loading it are completely pressed down, And gathered against it have been all nations of the earth.

ylt@Zechariah:13:1 @In that day there is a fountain opened To the house of David And to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, For sin and for impurity.

ylt@Zechariah:14:2 @And I have gathered all the nations unto Jerusalem to battle, And captured hath been the city, And spoiled have been the houses, And the women are lain with, Gone forth hath half the city in a removal, And the remnant of the people are not cut off from the city.

ylt@Zechariah:14:7 @And there hath been one day, It is known to Jehovah, not day nor night, And it hath been at evening-time -- there is light.

ylt@Zechariah:14:9 @And Jehovah hath become king over all the land, In that day there is one Jehovah, and His name one.

ylt@Zechariah:14:14 @And also Judah is fought with in Jerusalem, And gathered hath been the force of all the nations round about, Gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.

ylt@Zechariah:14:17 @And it hath come to pass, That he who doth not go up of the families of the land unto Jerusalem, To bow himself to the King, Jehovah of Hosts, Even on them there is no shower.

ylt@Zechariah:14:20 @In that day there is on bells of the horse, 'Holy to Jehovah,' And the pots in the house of Jehovah Have been as bowls before the altar.

ylt@Zechariah:14:21 @And every pot in Jerusalem, and in Judah, Have been holy to Jehovah of Hosts, And all those sacrificing have come in, And have taken of them, and boiled in them, And there is no merchant any more in the house of Jehovah of Hosts in that day!

ylt@Malachi:1:8 @And when ye bring nigh the blind for sacrifice, 'There is no evil,' And when ye bring nigh the lame and sick, 'There is no evil;' Bring it near, I pray thee, to thy governor -- Doth he accept thee? or doth he lift up thy face? Said Jehovah of Hosts.

ylt@Malachi:2:13 @And this a second time ye do, Covering with tears the altar of Jehovah, With weeping and groaning, Because there is no more turning unto the present, Or receiving of a pleasing thing from your hand.

ylt@Malachi:3:10 @Bring in all the tithe unto the treasure-house, And there is food in My house; When ye have tried Me, now, with this, Said Jehovah of Hosts, Do not I open to you the windows of heaven? Yea, I have emptied on you a blessing till there is no space.

ylt@Malachi:4:1 @For, lo, the day hath come, burning as a furnace, And all the proud, and every wicked doer, have been stubble, And burnt them hath the day that came, Said Jehovah of Hosts, That there is not left to them root or branch,