Indexes Search Result: indexed - iles
Found: kjv@Acts:26:20 @ But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem,...

Found: kjv@Ephesians:6:11 @ Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may...

Found: kjv@Isaiah:11:10 @ And in that day there shall be a root of...

Found: dict:easton Gentiles @ Gentiles

Found: dict:easton Harosheth of the Gentiles @ Harosheth of the Gentiles

Found: dict:easton Lentiles @ Lentiles

Found: dict:easton Tiglath-Pileser I @ Tiglath-Pileser I

Found: dict:easton Tiglath-Pileser III @ Tiglath-Pileser III

Found: dict:torrey Gentiles @ Gentiles

Found: dict:torrey Reptiles @ Reptiles

Found: 001568 @ Vineyard Church of Parker Meet at Pioneer Elementary School, 10881 Riva Ridge Drive, located just off of East Main Street 1˝ miles east of Parker Road Parker, CO Call: 303-805-1178

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/aquinas/gentiles.html @ Thomas Aquinas Of God and His Creatures

Found: http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/gc.htm @ Thomas Aquinas Summa Contra Gentiles--Selections

Found: http://www.ccel.org/ccel/lindsay/early_church.html @ Church and the Ministry in the Early Centuries (1903) From PDF scan files (http://www.ccel.org/ccel/lindsay - Thomas M. Lindsay)

Found: d[all@Tiglath-Pileser I.] @ NAME-TT

Found: d[all@Tiglath-Pileser III.] @ NAME-TT

Found: dict:hitchcock Tiglath-pileser @ that binds or takes away captivity - HITCHCOCK-T

Found: spkj@Daniel:1 @ Daniel among the Exodus:iles http://likepreciousfaith.us/img/Dore/OT-122-med.jpg

Found: Info @ The following resources are believed to be in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. Please notify the site administrator if you believe that an item is not so and we will remove it. Note: the EBOOK formatting of some files collected here are of various quality; use at your own risk.

Found: Info @

Online: BCP profiles of historical Christians compliled from Anglican/Episcopal Book Of Common Prayer sources.

Found: Info @

Online: Wikipedia profiles of historical Christians Wikipedia List of Christians.

Found: CCC @ Coverdale, Miles

Found: Wikipedia @ Miles Coverdale

Found: Wikipedia @ Giles Wigginton

Found: spkj@Ezra:1

@ EZRA - NEHEMIAH - Written originally as one book, these two books describe the return of the Jewish exiles after more than a half-century of bondage in Babylon, and the subsequent restoration of Jerusalem, its Temple and it walls. Ezra and Nehemiah are of special importance, since they contain nearly all of the direct information known of the post-Exilic period of Hebrew history.

Found: spkj@Nehemiah:1 @ EZRA - NEHEMIAH - Written originally as one book, these two books describe the return of the Jewish exiles after more than a half-century of bondage in Babylon, and the subsequent restoration of Jerusalem, its Temple and it walls. Ezra and Nehemiah are of special importance, since they contain nearly all of the direct information known of the post-Exilic period of Hebrew history.

Found: spkj@Haggai:1 @ HAGGAI - This book, the first among the writings of the post-Exilic prophets, consists of four prophecies delivered within the space of 4 months, some 15 years after the return of the first exiles to Jerusalem. Work on the second Temple has begun shortly after the exiles’ arrival, but had been delayed for almost two decades. Haggai comes forward with a series of timely and vigorous messages challenging the people to respond wholeheartedly to a noble task - rebuilding the House of God.

Found: spkj@Mark:1 @ MARK - The Gospel of Mark, the shortest, is also held by most to be the first of the Gospels to be written. A tradition dating from the 2nd century ascribes this book to John Mark, a companion of Peter and also of Paul and Barnabas in their missionary endeavors. The preaching of Peter may well have been the source of most of Mark’s material. Mark accounts for the ministry of Jesus from His Baptism to His Ascension. Most commentaries agree that Mark’s purpose was neither biographical nor historical, but theological: to present Jesus as the Christ, the mighty worker rather than great teacher. Hence, Mark makes fewer references to the Parables and discourses, but meticulously records each of Jesus’ "mighty works" as evidence of His divine power. Mark contains 20 specific miracles and alludes to others. Bible scholars quite generally agree that Mark wrote his Gospel in Rome for the gentiles.

Found: http://shepherdpuplinux.us/img/BIP/Bible43Jhn12_23-25.jpg @kjv@John:12:23-25 - The Gentiles Seeking Jesus

Found: http://shepherdpuplinux.us/img/BIP/Bible43Jhn12_26-32.jpg @kjv@John:12:26-32 - The Gentiles Seeking Jesus

Found: Daniel:1 @ Daniel among the Exodus:iles http://shepherdpuplinux.us/img/Dore/OT-122-med.jpg

Found: 1Clement:36:4 <1CLEMENT>@ but of His Son the Master said thus, Thou art My Son, I this day have begotten thee. Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the Gentiles for Thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Thy possession.

Found: 1Clement:51:1 <1CLEMENT>@ For all our transgressions which we have committed through any of the wiles of the adversary, let us entreat that we may obtain forgiveness. Yea and they also, who set themselves up as leaders of faction and division, ought to look to the common ground of hope.

Found: 1Clement:55:1 <1CLEMENT>@ But, to bring forward examples of Gentiles also; many kings and rulers, when some season of pestilence pressed upon them, being taught by oracles have delivered themselves over to death, that they might rescue their fellow citizens through their own blood. Many have retired from their own cities, that they might have no more seditions.

Found: 1Clement:59:4 <1CLEMENT>@ We beseech Thee, Lord and Master, to be our help and succor. Save those among us who are in tribulation; have mercy on the lowly; lift up the fallen; show Thyself unto the needy; heal the ungodly; convert the wanderers of Thy people; feed the hungry; release our prisoners; raise up the weak; comfort the fainthearted. Let all the Gentiles know that Thou art the God alone, and Jesus Christ is Thy Son, and we are Thy people and the sheep of Thy pasture.

Found: 2Clement:2:1 <2CLEMENT>@ Rejoice, thou barren that barest not. Break out and cry, thou that travailest not; for more are the children of the desolate than of her that hath the husband. In that He said Rejoice, thou barren that barest not, He spake of us: for our Church was barren, before that children were given unto her.

Found: 2Clement:2:2 <2CLEMENT>@ And in that He said, Cry aloud, thou that travailest not, He meaneth this; Let us not, like women in travail, grow weary of offering up our prayers with simplicity to God.

Found: 2Clement:13:2 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Lord saith, Every way My Name is blasphemed among all the Gentiles; and again, Woe unto him by reason of whom My Name is blasphemed. Wherein is it blasphemed? In that ye do not the things which I desire.

Found: 2Clement:13:3 <2CLEMENT>@ For the Gentiles, when they hear from our mouths the oracles of God, marvel at them for their beauty and greatness; then, when they discover that our works are not worthy of the words which we speak, forthwith they betake themselves to blasphemy, saying that it is an idle story and a delusion.

Found: 2Clement:15:3 <2CLEMENT>@ Let is therefore abide in the things which we believed, in righteousness and holiness, that we may with boldness as of God who saith, Whiles thou art still speaking I will say, Behold, I am here.

Found: Barnabas:9:4 @ He saith unto them; Thus saith the Lord your God (so I find the commandment); sow not upon thorns, be ye circumcised in to your Lord. And what saith He? Be ye circumcised in the hardness of your heart; and then ye will not harden your neck. Take this again; Behold, sayith the Lord, all the Gentiles are uncircumcised in their foreskin, but this people is uncircumcised in their hearts.

Found: Barnabas:14:7 @ Therefore saith the prophet; I the Lord thy God called thee in righteousness, and I will lay hold of thy hand and will strengthen thee, and I have given thee to be a covenant of the race, a light to the Gentiles, to open the eyes of the blind, and to bring forth them that are bound from their fetters, and them that sit in darkness from their prison house. We perceive then whence we were ransomed.

Found: Barnabas:14:8 @ Again the prophet saith; Behold I have set Thee to be a light unto the Gentiles, that Thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth; thus saith the Lord that ransomed thee, even God.

Found: Barnabas:16:2 @ For like the Gentiles almost they consecrated Him in the temple. But what saith the Lord abolishing the temple? Learn ye. Who hath measured the heaven with a span, or hath measured the earth with his hand? Have not I, saith the Lord? The heaven is My throne and the earth the footstool of My feet. What manner of house will ye build for Me? Or what shall be my resting place? Ye perceive that their hope is vain.

Found: Didache:1:3 @ Now of these words the doctrine is this. Bless them that curse you, and pray for your enemies and fast for them that persecute you; for what thank is it, if ye love them that love you? Do not even the Gentiles the same? But do ye love them that hate you that hate you, and ye shall not have an enemy.

Found: Diognetus:11:1 @ Mine are no strange discourses nor perverse questionings, but having been a disciple of Apostles I come forward as a teacher of the Gentiles, ministering worthily to them, as they present themselves disciples of the truth, the lessons which have been handed down.

Found: Diognetus:11:3 @ For which cause He sent forth the Word, that He might appear unto the world, Who being dishonored by the people, and preached by the Apostles, was believed in by the Gentiles.

Found: Hermas:26:5 @ For the Master sware by His own glory, as concerning His elect; that if, now that this day has been set as a limit, sin shall hereafter be committed, they shall not find salvation; for repentance for the righteous hath an end; the days of repentance are accomplished for all the saints; whereas for the Gentiles there is repentance until the last day.

Found: Hermas:331:4 @ To those then that were called before these days the Lord has appointed repentance. For the Lord, being a discerner of hearts and foreknowing all things, perceived the weakness of men and the manifold wiles of the devil, how that he will be doing some mischief to the servants of God, and will deal wickedly with them.

Found: Hermas:143:4 @ So many therefore as are strong in the faith of the Lord, clothed with the truth, cleave not to such spirits, but hold aloof from them; but as many as are doubters and frequently change their minds, practice soothsaying like the Gentiles, and bring upon themselves greater sin by their idolatries. For he that consulteth a false prophet on any matter is an idolater and emptied of the truth, and senseless.

Found: Hermas:143:20 @ Now take the power which cometh from above. The hail is a very, small grain, and yet, when it falleth on a man's head, what pain it causeth! Or again, take a drop which falls on the ground from the tiles, and bores through the stone.

Found: Hermas:153:4 @ But the Gentiles and the sinners, just as thou sawest the trees which were withered, even such shall they be found, withered and unfruitful in that world, and shall be burnt up as fuel, and shall be manifest, because their practice in their life hath been evil. For the sinners shall be burned, because they sinned and repented not; and the Gentiles shall be burned, because they knew not Him that created them.

Found: Hermas:975:1 @ "But they that have given up their rods two thirds withered and one third green, these are men who have been believers, but grew rich and became renowned among the Gentiles. They clothed themselves with great pride and became high-minded, and abandoned the truth and did not cleave to the righteous, but lived together after the manner of the Gentiles, and this path appeared the more pleasant unto them; yet they departed not from God, but continued in the faith, though they wrought not the works of the faith.

Found: Hermas:975:3 @ But others at the last living with the Gentiles, and being corrupted by the vain opinions of the Gentiles, departed from God, and worked the works of the Gentiles. These therefore were numbered with the Gentiles.

Found: Hermas:178:9 @ the ninth mountain had no water at all, and was entirely desert; and it had in it wild beasts and deadly reptiles, which destroy mankind. The tenth mountain had very large trees and was umbrageous throughout, and beneath the shade lay sheep resting and feeding.

Found: Hermas:26103:1 @ "And from the ninth mountain, which was desert, which had the reptiles and wild beasts in it which destroy mankind, they that believed are such as these;

Found: Hermas:27[104^:8 @ If the Gentiles punish their slaves, if any one deny his lord, what think ye the Lord will do unto you, He who has authority over all things? Away with these designs from your hearts, that ye may live forever unto God."

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:1:2 @ truly nailed up in the flesh for our sakes under Pontius Pilate and Herod the tetrarch (of which fruit are we--that is, of His most blessed passion); that He might set up an ensign unto all the ages through His resurrection, for His saints and faithful people, whether among Jews or among Gentiles, in one body of His Church.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:2:4 @ And in like manner also those that were condemned to the wild beasts endured fearful punishments, being made to lie on sharp shells and buffeted with other forms of manifold tortures, that the devil might, if possible, by the persistence of the punishment bring them to a denial; for he tried many wiles against them.

Found: MartyrdomPolycarp:12:2 @ When this was proclaimed by the herald, the whole multitude both of Gentiles and of Jews who dwelt in Smyrna cried out with ungovernable wrath and with a loud shout, 'This is the teacher of Asia, the father of the Christians, the puller down of our gods, who teacheth numbers not to sacrifice nor worship.' Saying these things, they shouted aloud and asked the Asiarch Philip to let a lion loose upon Polycarp. But he said that it was not lawful for him, since he had brought the sports to a close.

Found: Polycarp:10:2 @ When ye are able to do good, defer it not, for Pitifulness delivereth from death. Be ye all subject one to another, having your conversation unblamable among the gentiles, that your good works both ye may receive praise and the Lord may not be blasphemed in you.

Found: Polycarp:11:2 @ But he who cannot govern himself in these things, how doth he enjoin this upon another? If a man refrain not from covetousness, he shall be defiled by idolatry, and shall be judged as one of the Gentiles who know not the judgment of the Lord, Nay, know we not, that the saints shall judge the world, as Paul teacheth?

Found: dict:torrey Gentiles @ Gentiles

Found: dict:torrey Reptiles @ Reptiles

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL gentiles @ (8)

Found: filter:NT-GOSPEL whiles @ (1)

Found: http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?currSection=sermonstopic&keyworddesc=Millennial+Milestones&keyword=Millennial+Milestones @ Millennial Milestones - SERMONAUDIO

Found: http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/miles-mcpherson/ @ miles-mcpherson Miles McPherson Host=http://www.oneplace.com/ministries/miles-mcpherson Miles McPherson

Found: UNSORTED @ OT Timeline

Found: UNSORTED @ OT - many teachers

Found: UNSORTED @ NT - many teachers

Found: UNSORTED @ Jerusalem - 70 AD

Found: index:MYLIBRARY - A sizable colection of classical and original PDF EPUB MP3 media files hosted on this site.

Found: gentiles @ kjv@CONCORD:gentiles

Found: lentiles @ kjv@CONCORD:lentiles

Found: prevailest @ kjv@CONCORD:prevailest

Found: revilest @ kjv@CONCORD:revilest

Found: spoilest @ kjv@CONCORD:spoilest

Found: tiglathpileser @ kjv@CONCORD:tiglathpileser

Found: travailest @ kjv@CONCORD:travailest

Found: vilest @ kjv@CONCORD:vilest

Found: whiles @ kjv@CONCORD:whiles

Found: wiles @ kjv@CONCORD:wiles

Found: index:WEBCHURCHHISTORY BCP @ Church, People Profiles (Book of Common Prayer) (Web)


Found: index:WEBCHURCHHISTORY ECOLE @ Church, People Profiles (ECOLE) (Web)

Found: index:WEBCHURCHHISTORY WIKI @ Church, People Profiles (WIKIPEDIA) (Web)

Found: spkj@Matthew:15:10-11 @ Jesus By Parable - What defiles a Man

Found: dict:easton Gentiles @ Gentiles

Found: dict:easton Harosheth of the Gentiles @ Harosheth of the Gentiles

Found: dict:easton Lentiles @ Lentiles

Found: dict:easton Tiglath-Pileser I @ Tiglath-Pileser I

Found: dict:easton Tiglath-Pileser III @ Tiglath-Pileser III

Found: spkj@Ezra:1 @ Cyrus Helps the Exiles to Return

Found: spkj@Ezra:2 @ The List of the Exiles Who Returned

Found: spkj@Nehemiah:7:4-73 @ The List of the Exiles Who Returned

Found: spkj@Jeremiah:29:1-23 @ A Letter to the Exiles

Found: spkj@Romans:15:14-22 @ Paul the Minister to the Gentiles

Found: spkj@Ephesians:3:1-13 @ Paul the Preacher to the Gentiles

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AfesTalkAudio , AFES Talk Audio , Religion and Spirituality , AFES; AFES; christianity; jesus; god; afes; bible; australian; fellowship; evangelical; students , PODCAST , http://afes.org.au/sites/default/files/afes-talk-audio.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://calvarycch.org/media_files/podcast/ , Calvary Chapel Chino Hills , Religion and Spirituality , John Randall; revival; repentance; prayer; humility calvary chapel jack hibbs christian talk messages chrisitanity jesus christ god satin hell heaven , PODCAST , http://calvarycch.org/media_files/podcast/podcastlogo.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://calvarycch.org/media_files/vodcast/ , Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Video Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , David Ax; holiness; compromise; sin; repentance calvary chapel jack hibbs christian talk messages chrisitanity jesus christ god satin hell heaven , PODCAST , http://www.calvarycch.org/media_files/vodcast/vodcastlogo.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChristianHumanistProfiles , Christian Humanist Profiles , Religion and Spirituality , thechristianhumanist@gmail.com; Christianity; literature; philosophy; art , PODCAST , , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/insightcanada/lifetrac-audio , Insight for Living Canada - LifeTrac Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada; lifetrac; lifetrack; chuck; swindoll; insight; for; living; canada; christian; faith; bible; bible; teaching; insight; f , PODCAST , http://www.iflcfileserver.com/e-min/podcast-images/lifetrac-podcast-image.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/insightcanada/30minutebroadcast , Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast , Religion and Spirituality , Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Canada; chuckswindoll; charlesrswindoll; insightforliving; canada; radio; christian; bibleteaching; preaching; pastorswind , PODCAST , http://www.iflcfileserver.com/e-min/podcast-images/ifl-podcast-image.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feed.theplatform.com/f/IfSiAC/mqWRck66SwGc , Mosaic - Erwin McManus , Religion and Spirituality , Erwin McManus; mosaic; erwin mcmanus; spirituality; god; jesus; christianity; church; hank fortener; faith; art; artist; soul; artisan soul , PODCAST , http://mosaicus-files.edgesuite.net/MOSAIC-US/488/223/2018-01-20_2000_ErwinMcManus_CalledOut_PODCAST_COMPRESSED_1400x1400_1429666371712.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RockRadioBroadcastsAndRockChurchMessagesW/PastorMilesMcpherson , Rock Radio Broadcasts and Rock Church Messages w/ Pastor Miles McPherson , Religion and Spirituality , Miles McPherson; rock church san diego miles mcpherson college sdsu ucsd usd god jesus christ christian small groups myrock youth ministry therocksand , PODCAST , http://podcast.therocksandiego.org/rockpodcastlogo.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/WatermarkVideoPorch , The Porch (Video) , Religion and Spirituality , Josiah Jones; adamyoung; attachment; christian; healing; heart; hope; interpersonalneurobiology; limbicsystem; neuroscience; psychotherapy; restoration; sexualab , PODCAST , http://s3.amazonaws.com/media-files.watermark.org/assets/20190227/2d54fab8-415e-463e-8e2a-c0c175caae42/The-Porch-Video-3000x3000.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/sdrock/podcast , The Rock Church - Weekend Messages w/ Pastor Miles McPherson (Audio) , Religion and Spirituality , Miles McPherson; rock; church; san diego; miles mcpherson; college; sdsu; ucsd; usd; god; jesus christ; christian; small groups; myrock; youth; ministry; therocksand , PODCAST , , American English; United States ,

Found: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheRockChurch-WeekendMessageW/PastorMilesMcpherson , The Rock Church - Weekend Messages w/ Pastor Miles McPherson (Video) , Religion and Spirituality , Marcus Preciado; rock; church; san diego; miles mcpherson; college; sdsu; ucsd; usd; god; jesus christ; christian; small groups; myrock; youth; ministry; therocksand , PODCAST , http://podcast.sdrock.com/img/rockpodcastlogo.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://www.shandon.org/mediafiles/the-well.xml , The Well , Religion and Spirituality , Shandon Baptist Church; omaha; church; christianity; god; jesus; theology; scripture; reformed; culture; bible , PODCAST , http://c271617568b08567d6ab-bda8aaf5006ecf53c6c9d48d3fbd12e6.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/uploaded/t/0e7255013_1524146699_the-well-podcast-logo.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://www.placefortruth.org/placefortruth/tog.xml , Theology on the Go , Religion and Spirituality , Jonathan Master; theology; reformed; christianity , PODCAST , http://www.placefortruth.org/sites/default/files/images/theology_on_the_go_lg.jpg , Australian English; ,

Found: http://touchstonecf.org/podcast.xml , Touchstone Christian Fellowship , Religion and Spirituality , Jeff Miles; christianity; bible; jesus; church; sermon , PODCAST , http://touchstonecf.org/tcflogorss.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://vccpodcast.s3.amazonaws.com/valley-christian-of-dublin-ca.xml , Valley Christian of Dublin; CA , Religion and Spirituality , Roger Valci; Roger Valci; Valci; Valsi; Valcy; Valsy; dublinvcc; VCC; VCC Podcast; church; Christ; message , PODCAST , http://homepage.mac.com/tsogyelgar/Rinpoche/VajrayanaBuddhistPodcast/Vajracast/0B2A2739-79F4-4FCA-AC5F-F4E5A62DB5A4_files/comingSoon1.mov , Australian English; ,

Found: http://streams.abidingradio.org:7840/1 , Abiding Radio Bluegrass Hymns , Christian , USA , , , ,http://streams.abidingradio.org:7840/1,http://streams.abidingradio.org:7840/2,http://files.abidingradio.org/bluegrass.asx,http://vtuner.com/setupapp/guide/asp/func/dynampls.asp?link=1&id=56920, ;-