Indexes Search Result: indexed - tras
Found: @ STANDING LAW –– policy directives applicable over time to classes of individuals (e.g., do not kill; children, obey your parents; merchants, have equal measures; magistrates, execute rapists), in contrast to particular directions for an individual (e.g., the order for Samuel to anoint David at a particular time and place) or positive commands for distinct incidents (e.g., God's order for Israel to exterminate certain Canaanite tribes at a certain point in history)

Found: MID @ media: midi/Out_Of_The_Deep_I_Cry_To_Thee-Aus_Tiefer_Not_Strassburg.mid

Found: 527 A.D. @ Carpentras - Caesarius of Arles presided

Found: RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS @ Restoration Movement, also known as the "Stone-Campbell movement": a group of religious reform movements that arose during the Second Great Awakening and sought to renew the whole Christian church "after the New Testament pattern", in contrast to divided Christendom, of Catholicism and Protestantism.

Found: THEOLOGY SUBDIVISION @ Apologetics/polemics : studying Christian theology as it compares to non-Christian worldviews in order to defend the faith and challenge beliefs that lie in contrast with Christianity

Found: THEOLOGY SUBDIVISION @ Natural theology : the discussion of those aspects of theology that can be investigated without the help of revelation scriptures or tradition (sometimes contrasted with "positive theology")

Found: THEOLOGY MAJOR TOPICS @ Theology Proper : the study of God's attributes, nature, and relation to the world. May include: Theodicy : attempts at reconciling the existence of evil and suffering in the world with the nature and justice of God; Apophatic theology : negative theology which seeks to describe God by negation (e.g., immutable, impassible ). It is the discussion of what God is not, or the investigation of how language about God breaks down (see the nature of God in Western theology). Apophatic theology often is contrasted with "Cataphatic theology."

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Deism : The general doctrine that no faith is necessary for justified belief in God's existence and/or the doctrine that God does not intervene in earthly affairs (contrasts with Fideism).

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Fideism : The doctrine that faith is irrational, that God's existence transcends logic, and that all knowledge of God is on the basis of faith (contrasts with Deism).

Found: spkj@Ruth:1 @ RUTH - The Book of Ruth offers a striking contrast to the Book of Judges, but its story is associated with the same period. In Judges, national sin and corruption portray a dark picture. The story of Ruth the Moabitess and her loyalty and devotion to Naomi, her Hebrew mother-in-law, presents the reader with a picture of the nobler side of Hebrew life in the days of the judges.

Found: BackToThePsalms004 @ Part 2 O God of my Righteousness: Contrasting 4 Righteous Acts of God @


Found: @ Contrast - GoldenChapters

Found: spkj@Deuteronomy:28 @ Contrast - GoldenChapters