

Dict: all - Jeh


JEHOAHAZ @ (a) Son of Jehu, king of Israel- kjv@2Kings:10:35; kjv@2Kings:13:1,9; kjv@2Kings:14:1,8 (b) Son of Jehoram, king of Judah Ahaziah, AHAZIAH (c) Or Shallum, son of Josiah, king of Judah- kjv@2Kings:23:30,34; kjv@2Chronicles:36:1; kjv@Jeremiah:22:11

JEHOASH @ (a) Or Joash, king of Judah Joash, JOASH (b) Or Joash, king of Israel, son of Jehoahaz- kjv@2Kings:13:10,14,25; kjv@2Kings:14:8; kjv@2Chronicles:25:17,23

JEHOIACHIN, CONIAH, OR JECONIAH @ king of Judah, son of Jehoiakim- kjv@2Kings:24:6,8,15; kjv@2Kings:25:27; kjv@2Chronicles:36:9; kjv@Esther:2:6; kjv@Jeremiah:22:24; kjv@Jeremiah:24:1; kjv@Jeremiah:28:4 kjv@Jeremiah:29:2; kjv@Jeremiah:52:31

JEHOIADA @ (a) Officer of David- kjv@2Samuel:8:18 (b) High Priest- kjv@2Kings:11:4,17; kjv@2Kings:12:9; kjv@2Chronicles:22:11; kjv@2Chronicles:23:9,16; kjv@2Chronicles:24:2,15

JEHOIAKIM OR ELIAKIM @ king of Judah, son of Josiah- kjv@2Kings:23:34; kjv@2Kings:24:1; kjv@2Chronicles:36:8; kjv@Jeremiah:1:3; kjv@Jeremiah:22:18; kjv@Jeremiah:25:1; kjv@Jeremiah:26:1; kjv@Jeremiah:27:1 kjv@Jeremiah:36:1; kjv@Jeremiah:46:2; kjv@Jeremiah:52:2


JEHORAM @ (a) King of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat- kjv@2Chronicles:21:1,5,9,16,20; kjv@Matthew:1:8 (b) Or Joram, king of Israel, son of Ahab- kjv@2Kings:1:17; kjv@2Kings:3:1; kjv@2Kings:5:6; kjv@2Kings:6:21,30; kjv@2Kings:7:17; kjv@2Kings:9:14,21,24; kjv@2Chronicles:22:5

JEHOSHAPHAT @ (a) David's Recorder- kjv@2Samuel:8:16; kjv@2Samuel:20:24; kjv@1Kings:4:3; kjv@1Chronicles:18:15 (b) King of Judah, son of Asa- kjv@1Kings:15:24; kjv@1Kings:22:41; kjv@2Kings:8:16; kjv@2Chronicles:17:1; kjv@2Chronicles:18:1; kjv@2Chronicles:19:1; kjv@2Chronicles:20:1; kjv@2Chronicles:21:1
- Summary of his life One of the best kings of Judah Had a godly father- kjv@2Chronicles:14:2 Inaugurated a system of religious instruction for the people- 2Chronicles:17:79 Commanded the Judges to be just 2Chronicles:19:69 When surrounding nations attacked him he trusted in the Lord and gained a great victory 2Chronicles:20:137 He manifested weakness in forming alliances with wicked kings 1Kings:22:1-36; 2Kings:3:4-27

JEHOVAH CHOSEN, AS GOD @ kjv@Genesis:28:21; kjv@Deuteronomy:26:17; kjv@Ruth:1:16; kjv@1Kings:18:39; kjv@2Kings:5:17; kjv@Psalms:16:2; kjv@Psalms:31:14 kjv@Psalms:63:1; kjv@Psalms:73:25; kjv@Psalms:118:28; kjv@Psalms:140:6 Wise Choice, CHOICE Choose, SPECIAL


- JIREH @ (The Lord will Provide)- kjv@Genesis:22:14


- NISI @ (The Lord my Banner)- kjv@Exodus:17:15


- SHALOM @ (The Lord send Peace)- kjv@Judges:6:24


- SHAMMAH @ (The Lord is There)- kjv@Ezekiel:48:35


- TSIDKENU @ (The Lord our Righteousness)- kjv@Jeremiah:23:6; kjv@Jeremiah:33:16

JEHOZADAK, JOSEDECH, OR JOZADAK @ high priest- kjv@1Chronicles:6:15; kjv@Ezra:3:2; kjv@Ezra:5:2; kjv@Ezra:10:18; kjv@Nehemiah:12:26; kjv@Haggai:1:1; kjv@Zechariah:6:11

JEHU @ (a) King of Israel, son of Nimshi- kjv@1Kings:19:16; kjv@2Kings:9:2,24; kjv@2Kings:10:1,29,35; kjv@Hosea:1:4 (b) Prophet, son of Hanani- kjv@1Kings:16:1; kjv@2Chronicles:19:2; kjv@2Chronicles:20:34


JEHALELEEL - J>@ - (who praises God). Four men of the Bene
- Jehaleleel are introduced abruptly into the genealogies of Judah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:16)

JEHALELEL - J>@ - (who praises God), a Merarite Levite, father of Azariah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:12)

JEHDEIAH - J>@ - (whom Jehovah makes glad). The representative of the Bene
- Shubael, in the time of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:20) A Meronothite who had charge of the she-asses of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:30) (B.C. 1046.)

JEHEZEKEL - J>@ - (whom God makes strong), a priest to whom was given by David the charge of the twentieth of the twenty-four courses in the service of the house of Jehovah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:16) (B.C. 1014.)

JEHIAH - J>@ - (Jehovah lives), "doorkeeper for the ark" at the time of its establishment in Jerusalem. ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:24) (B.C. 1043.)

JEHIEL - J>@ - (God lives). One of the Levites appointed by David to assist in the service of the house of God. ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20 kjv@1Chronicles:16:5) One of the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, put to death by his brother Jehoram. ( kjv@2Chronicles:21:2-4) (B.C. 887.) One of the rulers of the house of God at the time of the reforms of Josiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:35:8) (B.C. 623.) A Gershonite Levite, ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:8) who had charge of the treasures. ch. ( kjv@1Chronicles:28:8) A son of Hachmoni named in the list of David’s officers, ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:32) as "with the king’s sons," whatever that may mean. A Levite who took part in the restorations of King Hezekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:14) (B.C. 726.) Another Levite at the same period. ( kjv@2Chronicles:31:13) Father of Obadiah, of the Bene
- Joab. kjv@Ezra:8:9) (B.C. before 459.) One of the Bene
- Elam, father of Shechaniah. kjv@Ezra:10:2) A member of the same family, who himself had to part with his wife. kjv@Ezra:10:26) A priest, one of the Bene
- Harim, who also had to put away his foreign wife. kjv@Ezra:10:21) (B.C. 459.)

JEHIEL - J>@ - (treasured of God), a perfectly distinct name from the last. A man described as father of Gibeon; a fore-father of King Saul. ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:35) One of the sons of Hotham the Aroerite; a member of David’s guard. ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:44) (B.C. 1046.)

JEHIELI - J>@ - (a Jehielite), according to the Authorized Version a Gershonite Levite of the family of Laadan. ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:21-22)

JEHIZKIAH - J>@ - (Jehovah strengthens), son of Shallum, one of the heads of the tribe of Ephraim in the time of Ahaz. ( kjv@2Chronicles:28:12) comp. kjv@2Chronicals:28:8 kjv@2Chronicals:28:13-15 (B.C. 738.)

JEHOADAH - J>@ - (whom Jehovah adorns), one of the descendants of Saul. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:36)

JEHOADDAN - J>@ - (Whom Jehovah adorns), queen to King Josiah, and mother of Amaziah of Judah. ( kjv@2Kings:14:2; kjv@2Chronicles:25:1) (B.C. 862-837.)

JEHOAHAZ - J>@ - (whom the Lord sustains). The son and successor of jehu, reigned 17 years, B.C. 856-840, over Israel in Samaria. His inglorious history is given in ( kjv@2Kings:13:1-9) Throughout his reign, ver. ( kjv@2Kings:13:22) he was kept in subjection by Hazael king of Damascus. Jehoahaz maintained the idolatry of Jeroboam; but in the extremity of his humiliation he besought Jehovah, and Jehovah gave Israel a deliverer
probably either Jehoash, vs. ( kjv@2Kings:13:23) and 2Kin 13:25 Or Jeroboam II., ( kjv@2Kings:14:24-25) Jehoahaz, otherwise called Shallum, son of Josiah, whom he succeeded as king of Judah. He was chosen by the people in preference to his elder (comp. ( kjv@2Kings:23:31) and 2Kin 23:36) brother, B.C. 610, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. Pharaoh-necho sent to Jerusalem to depose him and to fetch him to Riblah. There he was cast into chains, and from thence he was taken into Egypt, where he died. The name given, ( kjv@2Chronicles:21:17) to Ahaziah, the youngest son of Jehoram king of Judah.

JEHOASH - J>@ - (given by the Lord), the uncontracted form of Joash. The eighth king of Judah; son of Ahaziah. ( kjv@2Kings:11:21 kjv@2Kings:12:1-2-4-6-7 kjv@2Kings:12:18 kjv@2Kings:14:13 ) JOASH, 1 The twelfth king of Israel; son of Jehoahaz. ( kjv@2Kings:13:10 kjv@2Kings:13:25 kjv@2Kings:14:8-9-11-13-15-16-17) JOASH, 2

JEHOHANAN - J>@ - (whom Jehovah gave), a name of which John is the contraction. A Korhite Levite, one of the doorkeepers to the tabernacle. ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:3) comp. 1Chr 25:1 (B.C. 1014.) One of the principal men of Judah under King Jehoshaphat. ( kjv@2Chronicles:17:15) comp. kjv@2Chronicals:17:13 and kjv@2Chronicals:17:19 (B.C. 910.) Father of Ishmael, one of the "captains of hundreds" whom Jehoiada the priest took into his confidence about the restoration of the line of Judah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:23:1) (B.C. 910.) One of the Bene
- Bebai who was forced to put away his foreign wife. kjv@Ezra:10:28) (B.C. 459.) A priest, kjv@Nehemiah:12:13) during the high priesthood of Joiakim. ver. kjv@Nehemiah:12:12) (B.C. 406.) A priest who took part in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. kjv@Nehemiah:12:42) (B.C. 446.)

JEHOIACHIN - J>@ - (whom Jehovah has appointed), son of Jehoiakim, and for three months and ten days king of Judah. (B.C. 597.) At his accession Jerusalem was quite defenseless, and unable to offer any resistance to the army which Nebuchadnezzar sent to besiege it. ( kjv@2Kings:24:10-11) In a very short time Jehoiachin surrendered at discretion; and he, and the queen-mother, and all his servants, captains and officers, came out and gave themselves up to Nebuchadnezzar, who carried them, with the harem and the eunuchs, to Babylon. kjv@Jeremiah:29:2; kjv@Ezekiel:17:12 kjv@Ezekiel:19:9) There he remained a prisoner, actually in prison and wearing prison garments, for thirty-six years, viz., till the death of Nebuchadnezzar, when Evilmerodach, succeeding to the throne of Babylon, brought him out of prison, and made him sit at this own table. The time of his death is uncertain.

JEHOIADA - J>@ - (Jehovah knows). Father of Benaiah, David’s well-known warrior. (2 Samuel kjv@8:18) 1Kin 1 and 2 passim ; ( kjv@1Chronicles:18:17) etc. (B.C. before 1046.) Leader of the Aaronites, i.e. the priests; who joined David at Hebron. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:27) (B.C. 1053-46.) According to ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:34) son of Benaiah; but in all probability Benaiah the sons of Jehoiada is meant. Probably an error in copying. ( kjv@1Chronicles:18:17; 2 Samuel kjv@8:18) High priest at the time of Athaliah’s usurpation of the throne of Judah, B.C. 884-878, and during the greater portion of the forty-years reign of Joash. He married Jehosheba; and when Athaliah slew all the seed royal to Judah after Ahaziah had been put to death by Jehu, he and his wife stole Joash from among the king’s sons and hid him for six years in the temple, and eventually replaced him on the throne of his ancestors. ATHALIAH The destruction of Baal-worship and the restoration of the temple were among the great works effected by Jehoiada. He died B.C. 834. Second priest, or sagan, to Seraiah the high priest. kjv@Jeremiah:29:25-29; kjv@2Kings:25:18) Son of Paseach, who assisted to repair the old gate of Jerusalem. kjv@Nehemiah:3:6)

JEHOIAKIM - J>@ - (whom Jehovah sets up), called Eliakim, son of Josiah and king of Judah. After deposing Jehoahaz, Pharaoh-necho set Eliakim, his elder brother, upon the throne, and changed his name to Jehoiakim, B.C. 608-597. For four years Jehoiakim was subject toi Egypt, when Nebuchadnezzar, after a short siege, entered Jerusalem, took the king prisoner, bound him in fetters to carry him to Babylon, and took also some of the precious vessels of the temple and carried them to the land of Shinar. Jehoiakim became tributary to Nebuchadnezzar after his invasion of Judah, and continued so for three years, but at the end of that time broke his oath of allegiance and rebelled against him. ( kjv@2Kings:24:1) Nebuchadnezzar sent against him numerous bands of Chaldeans, with Syrians, Moabites and Ammonites, ( kjv@2Kings:24:7) and who cruelly harassed the whole country. Either in an engagement with some of these forces or else by the hand of his own oppressed subjects Jehoiakim came to a violent end in the eleventh year of his reign. His body was cast out ignominiously on the ground, and then was dragged away and buried "with the burial of an ass," without pomp or lamentation, "beyond the gates of Jerusalem." kjv@Jeremiah:22:18-19 kjv@Jeremiah:36:30) All the accounts we have of Jehoiakim concur in ascribing to him a vicious and irreligious character. ( kjv@2Kings:23:37 kjv@2Kings:24:9; kjv@2Chronicles:36:5) The reign of Jehoiakim extends from B.C. 609 to B.C. 598, or, as some reckon, 599.

JEHOIARIB - J>@ - (whom Jehovah defends), head of the first of the twenty-four courses of priests. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:7)

JEHONADAB - J>@ - (whom Jehovah impels) and Jon’adab, the son of Rechab, founder of the Rechabites, an Arab chief. When Jehu was advancing, after the slaughter of Betheked, on the city of Samaria, he was suddenly met by Jehonadab, who joined with him in "slaying all that remained unto Ahab." ( kjv@2Kings:10:15-17)

JEHONATHAN - J>@ - (whom Jehovah gave). Son of Uzziah; superintendent of certain of King David’s storehouses. ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:25) (B.C. 1014). One of the Levites who were sent by Jehoshaphat through the cities of Judah, with a book of the law, to teach the people. ( kjv@2Chronicles:17:8) (B.C. 910.) A priest, kjv@Nehemiah:12:18) the representative of the family of Shemaiah, ver. 6, when Joiakim was high priest. (B.C. after 536.)

JEHORAM - J>@ - (whom Jehovah has exalted). Son of Ahab king of Israel, who succeeded his brother Ahaziah B.C. 896, and died B.C. 884. The alliance between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, commenced by his father and Jehoshaphat, was very close throughout his reign. We first find him associated with Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom in a war against the Moabites. The three armies were in the utmost danger of perishing for want of water. The piety of Jehoshaphat suggested an inquiry of Jehovah, thorough Elisha. After reproving Jehoram, Elisha, for Jehoshaphat’s sake, inquired of Jehovah, and received the promise of an abundant supply of water, and of a great victory over the Moabites; a promise which was immediately fulfilled. The allies pursued them with great slaughter into their own land, which they utterly ravaged and destroyed most of its cities. Kirharaseth alone remained, the there the king of Moab made his last stand. An attempt to break through the besieging army having failed, he resorted to the desperate expedient of offering up his eldest son, as a burnt offering, upon the wall of the city, in the sight of the enemy. Upon this the Israelites retired and returned to their own land. ( kjv@2Kings:3:1) ... A little later, when war broke out between Syria and Israel, we find Elisha befriending Jehoram; but when the terrible famine in Samaria arose, the king immediately attributed the evil to Elisha, and determined to take away his life. The providential interposition by which both Elisha’s life was saved the city delivered is narrated ( kjv@2Kings:7:1) ... and Jehoram appears to have returned to friendly feeling toward Elisha. ( kjv@2Kings:8:4) It was soon after these vents that the revolution in Syria predicted by Elisha took place, giving Jehoram a good opportunity of recovering Ramoth-gilead from the Syrians. he accordingly made an alliance with his nephew Ahaziah, who had just succeeded Joram on the throne of Judah, and the two kings proceeded to occupy Ramoth-gilead by force. The expedition was an unfortunate one. Jehoram was wounded in battle, and obliged to return to Jezreel to be healed of his wounds. ( kjv@2Kings:8:29 kjv@2Kings:9:14-15) jehu and the army under his command revolted from their allegiance to Jehoram, ( kjv@2Kings:9:1) ... and hastily marching to Jezreel, surprised Jehoram, wounded and defenseless as he was. Jehoram, going out to meet him, fell pierced by an arrow from Jehu’s bow on the very plot of ground which Ahab had wrested from Naboth the Jezreelite; thus fulfilling to the letter the prophecy of Elijah. (Kings:21:29) With the life of Jehoram ended the dynasty of Omri. Eldest son of Jehoshaphat, succeeded his father on the throne of Judah at the age of 32, and reigned eight years, from B.C. 893-2 to 885-4. As soon as he was fixed on the throne, he put his six brothers to death, with many of the chief nobles of the land. He then, probably at the instance of his wife Athaliah the daughter of Ahab, proceeded to establish the worship of Baal. A prophetic writing from the aged prophet Elijah, ( kjv@2Chronicles:21:12) failed to produce any good effect upon him. The remainder of his reign was a series of calamities. First the Edomites, who had been tributary to Jehoshaphat, revolted from his dominion and established their permanent independence. Next Libnah, ( kjv@2Kings:19:8) rebelled against him. Then followed invasion by armed bands of Philistines and of Arabians, who stormed the king’s palace, put his wives and all his children, except his youngest son Ahaziah, to death, ( kjv@2Chronicles:22:1) or carried them into captivity, and plundered all his treasures. he died of a terrible disease. ( kjv@2Chronicles:21:19-20)

JEHOSHABEATH - J>@ - (whose oath is Jehovah). ( kjv@2Chronicles:22:11)

JEHOSHAPHAT - J>@ - (whom Jehovah judges.) King of Judah, son of Asa, succeeded to the throne B.C. 914, when he was 35 years old, and reigned 25 years. His history is to be found among the events recorded in (Kings:15:24; kjv@2Kings:8:16) or in a continuous narrative in ( kjv@2Chronicles:17:1; kjv@2Chronicles:21:3) He was contemporary with Ahab, Ahaziah and Jehoram. He was one of the best, most pious and prosperous kings of Judah, the greatest since Solomon. At first he strengthened himself against Israel; but soon afterward the two Hebrew kings formed an alliance. In his own kingdom Jehoshaphat ever showed himself a zealous follower of the commandments of God: he tried to put down the high places and groves in which the people of Judah burnt incense, and sent the wisest Levites through the cities and towns to instruct the people in true morality and religion. Riches and honors increased around him. He received tribute from the Philistines and Arabians, and kept up a large standing army in Jerusalem. It was probably about the 16th year of his reign, B.C. 898, when he became Ahab’s ally in the great battle of Ramoth-gilead, for which he was severely reproved by Jehu. ( kjv@2Chronicles:19:2) He built at Ezion-geber, with the help of Ahaziah, a navy designed to go to Tarshish; but it was wrecked at Ezion-geber. Before the close of his reign he was engaged in two additional wars. He was miraculously delivered from a threatened attack of the people of Ammon, Moab and Seir. After this, perhaps, must be dated the war which Jehoshaphat, in conjunction with Jehoram king of Israel and the king of Edom, carried on against the rebellious king of Moab. ( kjv@2Kings:3:1) ... In his declining years the administration of affairs was placed, probably B.C. 891, in the hands of his son Jehoram. Son of Ahilud, who filled the office of recorder of annalist in the courts of David, (2 Samuel kjv@8:16) etc., and Solomon. (Kings:4:3) One of the priests in David’s time. ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:24) Son of Paruah; one of the twelve purveyors of King Solomon. (Kings:4:17) Son of Nimshi and father of King Jehu. ( kjv@2Kings:9:2 kjv@2Kings:9:14)

JEHOSHAPHAT, VALLEY OF - J>@ - (valley of the judgment of Jehovah), a valley mentioned by Joel only, as the spot in which, after the return of Judah and Jerusalem from captivity, Jehovah would gather all the heathen, kjv@Joel:3:2) and would there sit to judge them for their misdeeds to Israel. ch. kjv@Joel:3:12) The scene of "Jehovah’s judgment" as been localized, and the name has come down to us attached to that deep ravine which separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, through which at one time the Kedron forced its stream. At what period the name "valley of Jehoshaphat" was first applied to this spot is unknown. It is not mentioned in the Bible or Josephus, but is first encountered in the middle of the fourth century. Both Moslems and Jews believe that the last judgment is to take place there. The steep sides of the ravine, wherever a level strip affords the opportunity, are crowded
in places almost paved
by the sepulchres of the Moslems, or the simpler slabs of the Jewish tombs, alike awaiting the assembly of the last judgment. The name is generally confined by travellers to the upper part of the glen. (Others suppose that the name is only an imaginary one, "the valley of the judgment of Jehovah" referring to some great victories of God’s people in which judgment was executed upon the heathen; or perhaps, as Keil, etc., to the end of the world.

JEHOSHEBA - J>@ - (Jehovah’s oath), daughter of Joram king of Israel, and wife of jehoiada the high priest. ( kjv@2Kings:11:2) Her name in the Chronicles is given JEHOSHABEATH. (B.C. 882.) As she is called, ( kjv@2Kings:11:2) "the daughter of Joram , sister of Ahaziah," it has been conjectured that she was the daughter, not of Athaliah, but of Joram by another wife. She is the only recorded instance of the marriage of a princess of the royal house with a high priest.

JEHOSHUA - J>@ - (whose help is Jehovah; Help of Jehovah or savoiur). In this form is given the name of Joshua in kjv@Numbers:13:16) Once more only the name appears,
as Jehosh’uah.

JEHOSHUAH - J>@ - in the genealogy of Ephraim. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:27)

JEHOVAH - J>@ - (I am; the eternal living one). The Scripture appellation of the supreme Being, usually interpreted as signifying self-derived and permanent existence. The Jews scrupulously avoided every mention of this name of God, substituting in its stead one or other of the words with whose proper vowel-points it may happen to be written. This custom, which had its origin in reverence, was founded upon an erroneous rendering of kjv@Leviticus:24:16) from which it was inferred that the mere utterance of the name constituted a capital offence. According to Jewish tradition, it was pronounced but once a year, by the high priest on the day of atonement when he entered the holy of holies; but on this point there is some doubt. When Moses received his commission to be the deliverer of Israel, the Almighty, who appeared in the burning bush, communicated to him the name which he should give as the credentials of his mission: "And God said unto Moses, "I AM THAT I AM (ehyea asher ehyeh); and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." That this passage is intended to indicate the etymology of Jehovah, as understood by the Hebrews, no one has ventured to doubt. While Elohim exhibits God displayed in his power as the creator and governor of the physical universe, the name Jehovah designates his nature as he stands in relation to man, as the only almighty, true, personal, holy Being, a spirit and "the father of spirits," kjv@Numbers:16:22) comp. kjv@John:4:24 Who revealed himself to his people, made a covenant with them, and became their lawgiver, and to whom all honor and worship are due.

JEHOVAHJIREH - J>@ - (Jehovah will see or provide), the name given by Abraham to the place on which he had been commanded to offer Isaac, to commemorate the interposition of the angel of Jehovah, who appeared to prevent the sacrifice, kjv@Genesis:22:14) and provided another victim.

JEHOVAHNISSI - J>@ - (Jehovah my banner), the name given by Moses to the altar which he built in commemoration of the discomfiture of the Amalekites. kjv@Exodus:17:15)

JEHOVAHSHALOM - J>@ - (Jehovah (is) peace), or, with an ellipsis, "Jehovah the God of peace." The altar erected by Gideon in Orphrah was so called in memory of the salutation addressed to him by the angel of Jehovah, "Peace be unto thee." kjv@Judges:6:24)

JEHOZABAD - J>@ - (whom Jehovah gave). A Korhite Levite, second son of Obed-edom, and one of the porters of the south gate of the temple and of the storehouse there in the time of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:4 kjv@1Chronicles:26:15) compared with Nehe 12:25 (B.C. 1014.) A Benjamite, captain of 180,000 armed men, in the days of King Jehoshaphat. ( kjv@2Chronicles:17:18) (B.C. 910.) Son of Shomer or Shimrith, a Moabitish woman, who with another conspired against King Joash and slew him in his bed. ( kjv@2Kings:2:21; kjv@2Chronicles:24:26) (B.C. 837.)

JEHOZADAK - J>@ - (Jehovah justifies), usually called Jozadak or Josedech. He was the son of the high priest Seraiah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:14-15) When his father was slain at Riblah by order of Nebuchadnezzar, ( kjv@2Kings:25:18 kjv@2Kings:25:21) Jehozadak was led away captive to Babylon. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:15) (B.C. 588.) He himself never attained the high priesthood, but he was the father of Jeshua the high priest, and of all his successors till the pontificate of Alcimus. kjv@Ezra:3:2; kjv@Nehemiah:12:26), etc.

JEHU - J>@ - (the living). The founder of the fifth dynasty of the kingdom of Israel, son of Jehoshaphat. ( kjv@2Kings:9:2) He reigned over Israel 28 years, B.C. 884-856. His first appearance in history is when he heard the warning of Elijah against the murderer of Naboth. ( kjv@2Kings:9:25) In the reigns of Ahaziah and Jehoram, Jehu rose to importance. He was, under the last-named king, captain of the host in the siege of Ramoth-gilead. During this siege he was anointed by Elisha’s servant, and told that he was appointed to be king of Israel and destroyer of the house of Ahab. ( kjv@2Kings:9:12) The army at once ordained him king, and he set off full speed for Jezreel. Jehoram, who was lying ill in Jezreel, came out to meet him, as it happened on the fatal field of Naboth. ( kjv@2Kings:9:21-24) Jehu seized his opportunity, and shot him through the heart. ( kjv@2Kings:9:24) Jehu himself advanced to the gates of Jezreel and fulfilled the divine warning on Jezebel as already on Jehoram. He then entered on a work of extermination hitherto unparalleled in the history of the Jewish monarchy. All the descendants of Ahab that remained in Jezreel, together with the officers of the court and the hierarchy of Eastward, were swept away. His next step was to secure Samaria. For the pretended purpose of inaugurating anew the worship of Baal, he called all the Bailouts together at Samaria. The vast temple raised by Ahab, (Kings:16:32) was crowded from end to end. The chief sacrifice was offered, as if in the excess of his zeal, by Jehu himself. As soon as it was ascertained that all, and none but, the idolaters were there, the signal was given to eighty trusted guards, and sweeping massacre removed at one blow the whole heathen population of the kingdom of Israel. This is the last public act recorded of Jehu. The remaining twenty-seven years of his long reign are passed over in a few words, in which two points only are material:
He did not destroy the calf-worship of Jeroboam:
The transjordanic tribes suffered much from the ravages of Hazael. ( kjv@2Kings:10:29-33) He was buried in state in Samaria, and was succeeded by his son Jehoahaz. ( kjv@2Kings:10:35) His name is the first of the Israelite kings which appears in the Assyrian monuments. Jehu son of Hanani; a prophet of Judah, but whose ministrations were chiefly directed to Israel. His father was probably the seer who attacked Asa. ( kjv@2Chronicles:16:7) He must have begun his career as a prophet when very young. He first denounced Baasha, (Kings:16:1,7) and then, after an interval of thirty years, reappeared to denounce Jehoshaphat for his alliance with Ahab. ( kjv@2Chronicles:19:2-3) He survived Jehoshaphat and wrote his life. ch. ( kjv@2Chronicles:20:34) A man of Judah of the house of Hezron. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:38) A Simeonite, son of Josibiah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:35) Jehu the Antothite was one of the chief of the heroes of Benjamin who joined David at Ziklag. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:3)

JEHUBBAH - J>@ - (protected), a man of Asher, son of Shamer or Shomer, of the house of Beriah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:34) (B.C. perhaps about 1450.)

JEHUCAL - J>@ - (able), son of Shelemiah; one of two persons sent by King Zedekiah to Jeremiah to entreat his prayers and advice. kjv@Jeremiah:37:3) (B.C. 589.)

JEHUD - J>@ - (praised), one of the towns of the tribe of Dan, kjv@Joshua:19:45) named between Baalath and Bene-berak.

JEHUDI - J>@ - (a Jew), son of Nethaniah, a man employed by the princes of Jehoiakim’s court to fetch Baruch to read Jeremiah’s denunciation, kjv@Jeremiah:36:14) and then by the king to fetch the volume itself and read it to him. vs. kjv@Jeremiah:36:21-23) (B.C. 605.)

JEHUDIJAH - J>@ - (the Jewess). There is really no such name in the Hebrew Bible as that which our Authorized Version exhibits at ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:18) If it is a proper name at all, it is Ha-jehudijah, like Hammelech, Hak-koz, etc.; and it seems to be rather an appellative, "the Jewess."

JEHUSH - J>@ - (to whom God hastens), son of eshek, a remote descendant of Saul. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:39)


Jehaleleel @ praiser of God.

(1.) A descendant of Judah ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:16).

(2.) A Levite of the family of Merari ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:12).

Jehdeiah @ rejoicer in Jehovah.

(1.) One of the Levitical attendants at the temple, a descendant of Shubael ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:20).

(2.) A Meronothite, herdsman of the asses under David and Solomon ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:30).

Jehiel @ God's living one.

(1.) The father of Gibeon ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:35).

(2.) One of David's guard ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:44).

(3.) One of the Levites "of the second degree," appointed to conduct the music on the occasion of the ark's being removed to Jerusalem ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20).

(4.) A Hachmonite, a tutor in the family of David toward the close of his reign ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:32).

(5.) The second of Jehoshaphat's six sons ( kjv@2Chronicals:21:2).

(6.) One of the Levites of the family of Heman who assisted Hezekiah in his work of reformation ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:14).

(7.) A "prince" and "ruler of the house of God" who contributed liberally to the renewal of the temple sacrifices under Josiah ( kjv@2Chronicals:35:8).

(8.) The father of Obadiah kjv@Ezra:8:9).

(9.) One of the "sons" of Elam kjv@Ezra:10:26).

(10.) kjv@Ezra:10:21.

Jehizkiah @ Jehovah strengthens, one of the chiefs of Ephraim ( kjv@2Chronicals:28:12).

Jehoaddan @ Jehovah his ornament, the wife of King Jehoash, and mother of King Amaziah ( kjv@2Kings:14:2).

Jehoahaz @ Jehovah his sustainer, or he whom Jehovah holdeth.

(1.) The youngest son of Jehoram, king of Judah ( kjv@2Chronicals:21:17 kjv@2Chronicals:22:1 kjv@2Chronicals:22:6, 8, 9); usually Ahaziah (q.v.).

(2.) The son and successor of Jehu, king of Israel ( kjv@2Kings:10:35). He reigned seventeen years, and followed the evil ways of the house of Jeroboam. The Syrians, under Hazael and Benhadad, prevailed over him, but were at length driven out of the land by his son Jehoash (13:1-9, 25).

(3.) Josiah's third son, usually called Shallum ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:15). He succeeded his father on the throne, and reigned over Judah for three months ( kjv@2Kings:23:31-34). He fell into the idolatrous ways of his predecessors (23:32), was deposed by Pharaoh
- Necho from the throne, and carried away prisoner into Egypt, where he died in captivity (23:33-34; kjv@Jeremiah:22:10-12; kjv@2Chronicals:36:1-4).

Jehoash @ Jehovah-given.

(1.) The son of King Ahaziah. While yet an infant, he was saved from the general massacre of the family by his aunt Jehosheba, and was apparently the only surviving descendant of Solomon ( kjv@2Chronicals:21:4 kjv@2Chronicals:21:17). His uncle, the high priest Jehoiada, brought him forth to public notice when he was eight years of age, and crowned and anointed him king of Judah with the usual ceremonies. Athaliah was taken by surprise when she heard the shout of the people, "Long live the king;" and when she appeared in the temple, Jehoiada commanded her to be led forth to death ( kjv@2Kings:11:13-20). While the high priest lived, Jehoash favoured the worship of God and observed the law; but on his death he fell away into evil courses, and the land was defiled with idolatry. Zechariah, the son and successor of the high priest, was put to death. These evil deeds brought down on the land the judgement of God, and it was oppressed by the Syrian invaders. He is one of the three kings omitted by Matthew (1:8) in the genealogy of Christ, the other two being Ahaziah and Amaziah. He was buried in the city of David ( kjv@2Kings:12:21). (
See JOASH 4.)

(2.) The son and successor of Jehoahaz, king of Israel ( kjv@2Kings:14:1; comp. 12:1; 13:10). When he ascended the throne the kingdom was suffering from the invasion of the Syrians. Hazael "was cutting Israel short." He tolerated the worship of the golden calves, yet seems to have manifested a character of sincere devotion to the God of his fathers. He held the prophet Elisha in honour, and wept by his bedside when he was dying, addressing him in the words Elisha himself had used when Elijah was carried up into heaven: "O my father, my father, the chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof." He was afterwards involved in war with Amaziah, the king of Judah ( kjv@2Chronicals:25:23-24), whom he utterly defeated at Beth-shemesh, on the borders of Dan and Philistia, and advancing on Jerusalem, broke down a portion of the wall, and carried away the treasures of the temple and the palace. He soon after died (B.C. 825), and was buried in Samaria ( kjv@2Kings:14:1-17, 19, 20). He was succeeded by his son. (
See JOASH [5.].)

Jehohanan @ Jehovah-granted, Jeroboam II.

(1.) A Korhite, the head of one of the divisions of the temple porters ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:3).

(2.) One of Jehoshaphat's "captains" ( kjv@2Chronicals:17:15).

(3.) The father of Azariah ( kjv@2Chronicals:28:12).

(4.) The son of Tobiah, an enemy of the Jews kjv@Nehemiah:6:18).

(5.) kjv@Nehemiah:12:42.

(6.) kjv@Nehemiah:12:13.

Jehoiachin @ succeeded his father Jehoiakin (B.C. 599) when only eight years of age, and reigned for one hundred days ( kjv@2Chronicals:36:9). He is also called Jeconiah kjv@Jeremiah:24:1 kjv@Jeremiah:27:20, etc.), and Coniah (22:24; 37:1). He was succeeded by his uncle, Mattaniah = Zedekiah (q.v.). He was the last direct heir to the Jewish crown. He was carried captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, along with the flower of the nobility, all the leading men in Jerusalem, and a great body of the general population, some thirteen thousand in all ( kjv@2Kings:24:12-16; kjv@Jeremiah:52:28). After an imprisonment of thirty-seven years kjv@Jeremiah:52:31-33), he was liberated by Evil-merodach, and permitted to occupy a place in the king's household and sit at his table, receiving "every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life" (52:32-34).

Jehoiada @ Jehovah-known.

(1.) The father of Benaiah, who was one of David's chief warriors ( kjv@2Samuel:8:18 kjv@2Samuel:20:23).

(2.) The high priest at the time of Athaliah's usurpation of the throne of Judah. He married Jehosheba, or Jehoshabeath, the daughter of king Jehoram ( kjv@2Chronicals:22:11), and took an active part along with his wife in the preservation and training of Jehoash when Athaliah slew all the royal family of Judah. The plans he adopted in replacing Jehoash on the throne of his ancestors are described in kjv@2Kings:11:2 kjv@2Kings:12:2; kjv@2Chronicals:22:11 kjv@2Chronicals:23:24. He was among the foremost of the benefactors of the kingdom, and at his death was buried in the city of David among the kings of Judah ( kjv@2Chronicals:24:15-16). He is said to have been one hundred and thirty years old.

Jehoiakim @ he whom Jehovah has set up, the second son of Josiah, and eighteenth king of Judah, which he ruled over for eleven years (B.C. 610-599). His original name was Eliakim (q.v.). On the death of his father his younger brother Jehoahaz (=Shallum, kjv@Jeremiah:22:11), who favoured the Chaldeans against the Egyptians, was made king by the people; but the king of Egypt, Pharaoh-necho, invaded the land and deposed Jehoahaz ( kjv@2Kings:23:33-34; kjv@Jeremiah:22:10-12), setting Eliakim on the throne in his stead, and changing his name to Jehoiakim. After this the king of Egypt took no part in Jewish politics, having been defeated by the Chaldeans at Carchemish ( kjv@2Kings:24:7; kjv@Jeremiah:46:2). Palestine was now invaded and conquered by Nebuchadnezzar. Jehoiakim was taken prisoner and carried captive to Babylon ( kjv@2Chronicals:36:6-7). It was at this time that Daniel also and his three companions were taken captive to Babylon kjv@Daniel:1:1-2). Nebuchadnezzar reinstated Jehoiakim on his throne, but treated him as a vassal king. In the year after this, Jeremiah caused his prophecies to be read by Baruch in the court of the temple. Jehoiakim, hearing of this, had them also read in the royal palace before himself. The words displeased him, and taking the roll from the hands of Baruch he cut it in pieces and threw it into the fire kjv@Jeremiah:36:23). During his disastrous reign there was a return to the old idolatry and corruption of the days of Manasseh. After three years of subjection to Babylon, Jehoiakim withheld his tribute and threw off the yoke ( kjv@2Kings:24:1), hoping to make himself independent. Nebuchadnezzar sent bands of Chaldeans, Syrians, and Ammonites ( kjv@2Kings:24:2) to chastise his rebellious vassal. They cruelly harassed the whole country (comp. kjv@Jeremiah:49:1-6). The king came to a violent death, and his body having been thrown over the wall of Jerusalem, to convince the beseieging army that he was dead, after having been dragged away, was buried beyond the gates of Jerusalem "with the burial of an ass," B.C. 599 kjv@Jeremiah:22:18-19 kjv@Jeremiah:36:30). Nebuchadnezzar placed his son Jehoiachin on the throne, wishing still to retain the kingdom of Judah as tributary to him.

Jehoiarib @ Jehovah defends, a priest at Jerusalem, head of one of the sacerdotal courses ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:10 kjv@1Chronicles:24:7). His "course" went up from Babylon after the Exile kjv@Ezra:2:36-39; kjv@Nehemiah:7:39-42).

Jehonadab @ Jehovah is liberal; or, whom Jehovah impels.

(1.) A son of Shimeah, and nephew of David. It was he who gave the fatal wicked advice to Amnon, the heir to the throne ( kjv@2Samuel:13:3-6). He was very "subtil," but unprincipled.

(2.) A son of Rechab, the founder of a tribe who bound themselves by a vow to abstain from wine kjv@Jeremiah:35:6-19). There were different settlements of Rechabites kjv@Judges:1:16 kjv@Judges:4:11; kjv@1Chronicles:2:55). (
See RECHABITE.) His interview and alliance with Jehu are mentioned in kjv@2Kings:10:15-23. He went with Jehu in his chariot to Samaria.

Jehonathan @ whom Jehovah gave.

(1.) One of the stewards of David's store-houses ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:25).

(2.) A Levite who taught the law to the people of Judah ( kjv@2Chronicals:17:8).

(3.) kjv@Nehemiah:12:18.

Jehoram @ Jehovah-exalted.

(1.) Son of Toi, king of Hamath, sent by his father to congratulate David on the occasion of his victory over Hadadezer ( kjv@2Samuel:8:10).

(2.) A Levite of the family of Gershom ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:25).

(3.) A priest sent by Jehoshaphat to instructruct the people in Judah ( kjv@2Chronicals:17:8).

(4.) The son of Ahab and Jezebel, and successor to his brother Ahaziah on the throne of Israel. He reigned twelve years, B.C. 896-884 ( kjv@2Kings:1:17 kjv@2Kings:3:1). His first work was to reduce to subjection the Moabites, who had asserted their independence in the reign of his brother. Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, assisted Jehoram in this effort. He was further helped by his ally the king of Edom. Elisha went forth with the confederated army ( kjv@2Kings:3:1-19), and at the solicitation of Jehoshaphat encouraged the army with the assurance from the Lord of a speedy victory. The Moabites under Mesha their king were utterly routed and their cities destroyed. At Kir-haraseth Mesha made a final stand. The Israelites refrained from pressing their victory further, and returned to their own land. Elisha afterwards again befriended Jehoram when a war broke out between the Syrians and Israel, and in a remarkable way brought that war to a bloodless close ( kjv@2Kings:6:23). But Jehoram, becoming confident in his own power, sank into idolatry, and brought upon himself and his land another Syrian invasion, which led to great suffering and distress in Samaria ( kjv@2Kings:6:24-33). By a remarkable providential interposition the city was saved from utter destruction, and the Syrians were put to flight ( kjv@2Kings:7:6-15). Jehoram was wounded in a battle with the Syrians at Ramah, and obliged to return to Jezreel ( kjv@2Kings:8:29 kjv@2Kings:9:14-15), and soon after the army proclaimed their leader Jehu king of Israel, and revolted from their allegiance to Jehoram ( 2Kings:9). Jehoram was pierced by an arrow from Jehu's bow on the piece of ground at Jezreel which Ahab had taken from Naboth, and there he died ( kjv@2Kings:9:21-29).

(5.) The eldest son and successor of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah. He reigned eight years (B.C. 892-885) alone as king of Judah, having been previously for some years associated with his father ( kjv@2Chronicals:21:5 kjv@2Chronicals:21:20 kjv@2Kings:8:16). His wife was Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. His daughter Jehosheba was married to the high priest Jehoiada. He sank into gross idolatry, and brought upon himself and his kingdom the anger of Jehovah. The Edomites revolted from under his yoke, and the Philistines and the Arabians and Cushites invaded the land, and carried away great spoil, along with Jehoram's wives and all his children, except Ahaziah. He died a painful death from a fearful malady, and was refused a place in the sepulchre of the kings ( kjv@2Kings:8:16-24; 2Chronicals:21).

Jehoshaphat @ Jehovah-judged.

(1.) One of David's body-guard ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:43).

(2.) One of the priests who accompanied the removal of the ark to Jerusalem ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:24).

(3.) Son of Ahilud, "recorder" or annalist under David and Solomon ( kjv@2Samuel:8:16), a state officer of high rank, chancellor or vizier of the kingdom.

(4.) Solomon's purveyor in Issachar (kjvKings:4:17).

(5.) The son and successor of Asa, king of Judah. After fortifying his kingdom against Israel ( kjv@2Chronicals:17:1-2), he set himself to cleanse the land of idolatry (kjvKings:22:43). In the third year of his reign he sent out priests and Levites over the land to instruct the people in the law ( kjv@2Chronicals:17:7-9). He enjoyed a great measure of peace and prosperity, the blessing of God resting on the people "in their basket and their store." The great mistake of his reign was his entering into an alliance with Ahab, the king of Israel, which involved him in much disgrace, and brought disaster on his kingdom (kjvKings:22:1-33). Escaping from the bloody battle of Ramoth-gilead, the prophet Jehu ( kjv@2Chronicals:19:1-3) reproached him for the course he had been pursuing, whereupon he entered with rigour on his former course of opposition to all idolatry, and of deepening interest in the worship of God and in the righteous government of the people ( kjv@2Chronicals:19:4-11). Again he entered into an alliance with Ahaziah, the king of Israel, for the purpose of carrying on maritime commerce with Ophir. But the fleet that was then equipped at Ezion-gaber was speedily wrecked. A new fleet was fitted out without the co-operation of the king of Israel, and although it was successful, the trade was not prosecuted ( kjv@2Chronicals:20:35-37; kjvKings:22:48-49). He subsequently joined Jehoram, king of Israel, in a war against the Moabites, who were under tribute to Israel. This war was successful. The Moabites were subdued; but the dreadful act of Mesha in offering his own son a sacrifice on the walls of Kir-haresheth in the sight of the armies of Israel filled him with horror, and he withdrew and returned to his own land ( kjv@2Kings:3:4-27). The last most notable event of his reign was that recorded in kjv@2Chronicals:20. The Moabites formed a great and powerful confederacy with the surrounding nations, and came against Jehoshaphat. The allied forces were encamped at Engedi. The king and his people were filled with alarm, and betook themselves to God in prayer. The king prayed in the court of the temple, "O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us." Amid the silence that followed, the voice of Jahaziel the Levite was heard announcing that on the morrow all this great host would be overthrown. So it was, for they quarrelled among themselves, and slew one another, leaving to the people of Judah only to gather the rich spoils of the slain. This was recognized as a great deliverance wrought for them by God (B.C. 890). Soon after this Jehoshaphat died, after a reign of twenty-five years, being sixty years of age, and was succeeded by his son Jehoram (kjvKings:22:50). He had this testimony, that "he sought the Lord with all his heart" ( kjv@2Chronicals:22:9). The kingdom of Judah was never more prosperous than under his reign.

(6.) The son of Nimshi, and father of Jehu, king of Israel ( kjv@2Kings:9:2 kjv@2Kings:9:14).

Jehoshaphat, Valley of @ mentioned in Scripture only in kjv@Joel:3:2 kjv@Joel:3:12. This is the name given in modern times to the valley between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, and the Kidron flows through it. Here Jehoshaphat overthrew the confederated enemies of Israel kjv@Psalms:83:6-8); and in this valley also God was to overthrow the Tyrians, Zidonians, etc. kjv@Joel:3:4 kjv@Joel:3:19), with an utter overthrow. This has been fulfilled; but Joel speaks of the final conflict, when God would destroy all Jerusalem's enemies, of whom Tyre and Zidon, etc., were types. The "valley of Jehoshaphat" may therefore be simply regarded as a general term for the theatre of God's final judgments on the enemies of Israel. This valley has from ancient times been used by the Jews as a burial-ground. It is all over paved with flat stones as tombstones, bearing on them Hebrew inscriptions.

Jehosheba @ Jehovah-swearing, the daughter of Jehoram, the king of Israel. She is called Jehoshabeath in kjv@2Chronicals:22:11. She was the only princess of the royal house who was married to a high priest, Jehoiada ( kjv@2Chronicals:22:11).

Jehovah @ the special and significant name (not merely an appellative title such as Lord adonai) by which God revealed himself to the ancient Hebrews kjv@Exodus:6:2-3). This name, the Tetragrammaton of the Greeks, was held by the later Jews to be so sacred that it was never pronounced except by the high priest on the great Day of Atonement, when he entered into the most holy place. Whenever this name occurred in the sacred books they pronounced it, as they still do, "Adonai" (i.e., Lord), thus using another word in its stead. The Massorets gave to it the vowel-points appropriate to this word. This Jewish practice was founded on a false interpretation of kjv@Leviticus:24:16. The meaning of the word appears from kjv@Exodus:3:14 to be "the unchanging, eternal, self-existent God," the "I am that I am," a convenant-keeping God. (Comp. kjv@Malachi:3:6; kjv@Hosea:12:5; kjv@Revelation:1:4 kjv@Revelation:1:8.) The Hebrew name "Jehovah" is generally translated in the Authorized Version (and the Revised Version has not departed from this rule) by the word LORD printed in small capitals, to distinguish it from the rendering of the Hebrew Adonai and the Greek Kurios, which are also rendered Lord, but printed in the usual type. The Hebrew word is translated "Jehovah" only in kjv@Exodus:6:3; kjv@Psalms:83:18; kjv@Isaiah:12:2 kjv@Isaiah:26:4, and in the compound names mentioned below. It is worthy of notice that this name is never used in the LXX., the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Apocrypha, or in the New Testament. It is found, however, on the "Moabite stone" (q.v.), and consequently it must have been in the days of Mesba so commonly pronounced by the Hebrews as to be familiar to their heathen neighbours.

Jehovah-jireh @ Jehovah will see; i.e., will provide, the name given by Abraham to the scene of his offering up the ram which was caught in the thicket on Mount Moriah. The expression used in kjv@Genesis:22:14, "in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen," has been regarded as equivalent to the saying, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity."

Jehovah-nissi @ Jehovah my banner, the title given by Moses to the altar which he erected on the hill on the top of which he stood with uplifted hands while Israel prevailed over their enemies the Amalekites kjv@Exodus:17:15).

Jehovah-shalom @ Jehovah send peace, the name which Gideon gave to the altar he erected on the spot at Ophrah where the angel appeared to him kjv@Judges:6:24).

Jehovah-shammah @ Jehovah is there, the symbolical title given by Ezekiel to Jerusalem, which was seen by him in vision kjv@Ezekiel:48:35). It was a type of the gospel Church.

Jehovah-tsidkenu @ Jehovah our rightousness, rendered in the Authorized Version, "The LORD our righteousness," a title given to the Messiah kjv@Jeremiah:23:6, marg.), and also to Jerusalem (33:16, marg.).

Jehozabad @ Jehovah-given.

(1.) The son of Obed-edom ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:4), one of the Levite porters.

(2.) The son of Shomer, one of the two conspirators who put king Jehoash to death in Millo in Jerusalem ( kjv@2Kings:12:21).

(3.) kjv@2Chronicals:17:18.

Jehozadak @ Jehovah-justified, the son of the high priest Seraiah at the time of the Babylonian exile ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:14-15). He was carried into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar, and probably died in Babylon. He was the father of Jeshua, or Joshua, who returned with Zerubbabel.

Jehu @ Jehovah is he.

(1.) The son of Obed, and father of Azariah ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:38).

(2.) One of the Benjamite slingers that joined David at Ziklag ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:3).

(3.) The son of Hanani, a prophet of Judah (kjvKings:16:1,7; kjv@2Chronicals:19:2 kjv@2Chronicals:20:34), who pronounced the sentence of God against Baasha, the king of Israel.

(4.) King of Israel, the son of Jehoshaphat ( kjv@2Kings:9:2), and grandson of Nimshi. The story of his exaltation to the throne is deeply interesting. During the progress of a war against the Syrians, who were becoming more and more troublesome to Israel, in a battle at Ramoth-gilead Jehoram, the king of Israel, had been wounded; and leaving his army there, had returned to Jezreel, whither his ally, Ahaziah, king of Judah, had also gone on a visit of sympathy with him ( kjv@2Kings:8:28-29). The commanders, being left in charge of the conduct of the war, met in council; and while engaged in their deliberations, a messenger from Elisha appeared in the camp, and taking Jehu from the council, led him into a secret chamber, and there anointed him king over Israel, and immediately retired and disappeared ( kjv@2Kings:9:5-6). On being interrogated by his companions as to the object of this mysterious visitor, he informed them of what had been done, when immediately, with the utmost enthusiasm, they blew their trumpets and proclaimed him king ( kjv@2Kings:9:11-14). He then with a chosen band set forth with all speed to Jezreel, where, with his own hand, he slew Jehoram, shooting him through the heart with an arrow (9:24). The king of Judah, when trying to escape, was fatally wounded by one of Jehu's soldiers at Beth-gan. On entering the city, Jehu commanded the eunchs of the royal palace to cast down Jezebel into the street, where her mangled body was trodden under foot by the horses. Jehu was now master of Jezreel, whence he communicated with the persons in authority in Samaria the capital, commanding them to appear before him on the morrow with the heads of all the royal princes of Samaria. Accordingly on the morrow seventy heads were piled up in two heaps at his gate. At "the shearing-house" ( kjv@2Kings:10:12-14) other forty-two connected with the house of Ahab were put to death ( kjv@2Kings:10:14). As Jehu rode on toward Samaria, he met Jehonadab (q.v.), whom he took into his chariot, and they entered the capital together. By a cunning stratagem he cut off all the worshippers of Baal found in Samaria ( kjv@2Kings:10:19-25), and destroyed the temple of the idol ( kjv@2Kings:10:27). Notwithstanding all this apparent zeal for the worship of Jehovah, Jehu yet tolerated the worship of the golden calves at Dan and Bethel. For this the divine displeasure rested upon him, and his kingdom suffered disaster in war with the Syrians ( kjv@2Kings:10:29-33). He died after a reign of twenty-eight years (B.C. 884-856), and was buried in Samaria (10:34-36). "He was one of those decisive, terrible, and ambitious, yet prudent, calculating, and passionless men whom God from time to time raises up to change the fate of empires and execute his judgments on the earth." He was the first Jewish king who came in contact with the Assyrian power in the time of Shalmaneser II.

Jehucal @ able, the son of Shelemiah. He is also called Jucal kjv@Jeremiah:38:1). He was one of the two persons whom Zedekiah sent to request the prophet Jeremiah to pray for the kingdom kjv@Jeremiah:37:3) during the time of its final siege by Nebuchadnezzar. He was accompanied by Zephaniah (q.v.).

Jehudi @ a Jew, son of Nethaniah. He was sent by the princes to invite Baruch to read Jeremiah's roll to them kjv@Jeremiah:36:14 kjv@Jeremiah:36:21).





- Descendant of Judah kjv@1Chronicles:4:16

- A descendant of Merari kjv@2Chronicles:29:12


-1. Son of Shubael kjv@1Chronicles:24:20

-2. One of David's overseers kjv@1Chronicles:27:30

- A priest and head of the twentieth division (shift) in the tabernacle services kjv@1Chronicles:24:16

- A Levite and doorkeeper of the ark of the covenant kjv@1Chronicles:15:24


-1. A Levite porter, probably identical with JEHIAH above kjv@1Chronicles:15:18

-2. A Gershonite Levite kjv@1Chronicles:23:8; kjv@1Chronicles:29:8

-3. A companion of David's sons kjv@1Chronicles:27:32

-4. Son of Jehoshaphat kjv@2Chronicles:21:2

-5. Son of Heman kjv@2Chronicles:29:14

-6. A Levite overseer in the temple kjv@2Chronicles:31:13

-7. A priest who gave extraordinary offerings for the Passover kjv@2Chronicles:35:8

-8. Father of Obadiah kjv@Ezra:8:9

-9. Father of Shechaniah kjv@Ezra:10:2

-10. Name of two priests who married idolatrous wives kjv@Ezra:10:21-26

- Son of Laadan kjv@1Chronicles:26:21-22

- Son of Shallum kjv@2Chronicles:28:12

- Son of Ahaz kjv@1Chronicles:8:36

- Mother of Amaziah kjv@2Kings:14:2; kjv@2Chronicles:25:1


-1. Son of Jehu and king of Israel kjv@2Kings:10:35; kjv@2Kings:13:1-9

-2. Son of Jehoram, king of Judah kjv@2Chronicles:21:17 .

-3. Also called SHALLUM .King of Judah and successor of Josiah kjv@2Kings:23:30-31; kjv@1Chronicles:3:15; kjv@2Chronicles:36:1; kjv@Jeremiah:22:11 .Wicked reign of kjv@2Kings:23:32 .Pharaoh-necho, king of Egypt, invades the kingdom of, defeats him, and takes him away captive to Egypt kjv@2Kings:23:33-35; kjv@2Chronicles:36:3-4 .Prophecies concerning kjv@Jeremiah:22:10-11 kjv@Jeremiah:22:12


-1. Also called JOASH .Successor of Jehoahaz kjv@2Kings:13:10-25 .Defeats Amaziah kjv@2Kings:13:12; kjv@2Kings:14:8-15; kjv@2Chronicles:25:17-24 .Death of kjv@2Kings:13:13; kjv@2Kings:14:16

-2. King of Judah .


-1. A porter of the tabernacle kjv@1Chronicles:26:3

-2. A military chief under Jehoshaphat, whose corps consisted of two-hundred and eighty thousand men kjv@2Chronicles:17:15 .Probably identical with a captain of a hundred, in kjv@2Chronicles:23:1

-3. Son of Bebai kjv@Ezra:10:28

-4. A priest among the exiles who returned from Babylon kjv@Nehemiah:12:13

-5. A chorister in the temple kjv@Nehemiah:12:42

- King of Judah and successor to Jehoiakim kjv@2Kings:24:6-8; kjv@2Chronicles:36:8-9
- Called JECONIAH kjv@1Chronicles:3:16; kjv@Jeremiah:24:1
- Called CONIAH kjv@Jeremiah:22:24; kjv@Jeremiah:37:1
- Wicked reign of kjv@2Kings:24:9; kjv@2Chronicles:36:9
- Nebuchadnezzar invades his kingdom, takes him away captive to Babylon kjv@2Kings:24:10-16; kjv@2Chronicles:36:10; kjv@Esther:2:6; kjv@Jeremiah:27:20; kjv@Jeremiah:29:1-2; kjv@Ezekiel:1:2
- Confined in prison for thirty-seven years kjv@2Kings:25:27
- Released from prison by Evil-merodach, and promoted above other kings, and honored until death kjv@2Kings:25:27-30; kjv@Jeremiah:52:31-34
- Prophecies concerning kjv@Jeremiah:22:24-30; kjv@Jeremiah:28:4
- Sons of kjv@1Chronicles:3:17-18
- Ancestor of Jesus kjv@Matthew:1:12


-1. Father of Benaiah, one of David's officers kjv@2Samuel:8:18

-2. A high priest .Overthrows Athaliah, the usurping queen of Judah, and establishes Jehoash upon the throne kjv@2Kings:11; 2Chronicles:23 .Salutary influence of, over Jehoash kjv@2Kings:12:2; kjv@2Chronicles:24:2 kjv@2Chronicles:24:22 .Directs the repairs of the temple kjv@2Kings:12:4-16; kjv@2Chronicles:24:4-14 .Death of kjv@2Chronicles:24:4-16

-3. A priest who led three-thousand seven-hundred priests armed for war kjv@1Chronicles:12:27

-4. Son of Benaiah kjv@1Chronicles:27:34

-5. A returned exile kjv@Nehemiah:3:6

-6. A priest mentioned in Jeremiah's letter to the captive Jews kjv@Jeremiah:29:26

- Also called ELIAKIM
- King of Judah kjv@1Chronicles:3:15
- Ancestor of Jesus kjv@Matthew:1:11
- Wicked reign and final overthrow of kjv@2Kings:23:34-37; kjv@2Kings:24:1-6; kjv@2Chronicles:36:4-8; kjv@Jeremiah:22:13-19; kjv@Jeremiah:26:22-23; 36; kjv@Daniel:1:1-2
- Dies, and is succeeded by his son, Jehoiachin kjv@2Kings:24:6

- Two priests bearing the same name kjv@1Chronicles:9:10; kjv@Nehemiah:11:10; kjv@1Chronicles:24:7



-1. An overseer of David's storehouses kjv@1Chronicles:27:25

-2. A Levite sent to instruct the people in the law kjv@2Chronicles:17:8

-3. An obscure priest kjv@Nehemiah:12:18


-1. King of Judah kjv@1Kings:22:50; kjv@2Kings:8:16; kjv@1Chronicles:3:11; kjv@2Chronicles:21:5 .Marries Athaliah, whose wicked counsels influence his reign for evil kjv@2Kings:8:18-19; kjv@2Chronicles:21:6-13 .Murders his brothers to strengthen himself in his sovereignty kjv@2Chronicles:21:4 kjv@2Chronicles:21:13 .Edom revolts from kjv@2Kings:8:20-22; kjv@2Chronicles:21:8-10 .The Philistines and Arabians invade his territory kjv@2Chronicles:21:16-17 .Death of kjv@2Chronicles:21:18-20; kjv@2Kings:8:24 .Prophecy concerning kjv@2Chronicles:21:12-15 .Ancestor of Jesus kjv@Matthew:1:8

-2. A son of Ahab .

-3. A priest commissioned to go through Israel and instruct the people in the law kjv@2Chronicles:17:8



-1. David's recorder kjv@2Samuel:8:16; kjv@2Samuel:20:24; kjv@1Kings:4:3; kjv@1Chronicles:18:15

-2. One of Solomon's commissariat officers kjv@1Kings:4:17

-3. King of Judah .Succeeds Asa kjv@1Kings:15:24; kjv@1Kings:22:41; kjv@1Chronicles:3:10; kjv@2Chronicles:17:1; kjv@Matthew:1:8 .Strengthens himself against Israel kjv@2Chronicles:17:2 .Inaugurates a system of public instruction in the law kjv@2Chronicles:17:7-9 .His wise reign kjv@1Kings:22:43; kjv@2Chronicles:17:7-9; kjv@2Chronicles:19:3-11 .His system of taxation kjv@2Chronicles:17:11 .His military forces and armaments kjv@2Chronicles:17:12-19 .Joins Ahab in an invasion of Ramoth-gilead kjv@1Kings:22; 2Chronicles:18 .Rebuked by the prophet Jehu kjv@2Chronicles:19:2 .The allied forces of the Amorites, Moabites, and other tribes invade his territory, and are defeated by 2Chronicles:20 .Builds ships for commerce with Tarshish, ships are destroyed kjv@1Kings:22:48-49; kjv@2Chronicles:20:35-37 .Joins Jehoram, king of Israel, in an invasion of the land of Moab, defeats the Moabites 2Kings:3 .Makes valuable gifts to the temple kjv@2Kings:12:18 .Death of kjv@1Kings:22:50; kjv@2Chronicles:21:1 .Religious zeal of kjv@1Kings:22:43-46; kjv@2Chronicles:17:1-9; 19; kjv@2Chronicles:20:1-32; kjv@2Chronicles:22:9 .Prosperity of kjv@1Kings:22:45 kjv@1Kings:22:48 .Bequests of, to his children kjv@1Chronicles:21:2-3

-4. Father of Jehu kjv@2Kings:9:2 kjv@2Kings:9:14

-5. A priest who assisted in bringing the ark of the covenant from Obed-edom kjv@1Chronicles:15:24

-6. A valley .Called THE VALLEY OF DECISION kjv@Joel:3:2 kjv@Joel:3:12, 14

- Also called JEHOSHABEATH
- Daughter of Joram kjv@2Kings:11:2

- A name sometimes given to one of the JOSHUA's kjv@Numbers:13:16

- A name of one of the JOSHUA's kjv@1Chronicles:7:27


- Mount Moriah, in Jerusalem, where Abraham offered Isaac kjv@Genesis:22:14


- An altar kjv@Exodus:17:15


- An altar built by Gideon kjv@Judges:6:24


-1. Son of Shomer, and one of the assassins of King Jehoash kjv@2Kings:12:21; kjv@2Chronicles:24:26

-2. Son of Obed-edom kjv@1Chronicles:26:4

-3. A Benjamite chief who commanded One-hundred and eighty thousand men kjv@2Chronicles:17:18

- Also called JOSEDECH and JOZADAK
- A priest of the exile kjv@1Chronicles:6:14-15; kjv@Ezra:3:2 kjv@Ezra:3:8 kjv@Ezra:5:2; kjv@Ezra:10:18; kjv@Nehemiah:12:26; kjv@Haggai:1:1 kjv@Haggai:1:12, 14; kjv@Haggai:2:2-4; kjv@Zechariah:6:11


-1. The prophet wbo announced the wrath of Jehovah against Baasha, king of Israel kjv@1Kings:16:1 kjv@1Kings:16:7, 12; kjv@2Chronicles:19:2; kjv@2Chronicles:20:34

-2. Son of Nimshi, king of Israel kjv@1Kings:19:16; kjv@2Kings:9:1-14 .Religious zeal of, in killing idolaters kjv@2Kings:9:14-37; kjv@2Kings:10:1-28; kjv@2Chronicles:22:8-9 .His territory invaded by Hazael, king of Syria kjv@2Kings:10:32-33 .Prophecies concerning kjv@1Kings:19:17; kjv@2Kings:10:30; kjv@2Kings:15:12; kjv@Hosea:1:4 .Death of kjv@2Kings:10:35

-3. Son of Obed kjv@1Chronicles:2:38

-4. Son of Josibiah kjv@1Chronicles:4:35

-5. A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:12:3

- An Asherite kjv@1Chronicles:7:34

- Also called JUCAL
- Son of Shelemiah kjv@Jeremiah:37:3; kjv@Jeremiah:38:1 kjv@Jeremiah:38:4

- A city of the tribe of Dan kjv@Joshua:19:45

- A Jew, an official at Jehoiakim's court who read Jeremiah's scroll to the king kjv@Jeremiah:36:14 kjv@Jeremiah:36:21, 23

- Wife of Ezra:1Chronicles:4:18

- A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:8:39



kjv@STRING:Jehaziel <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Jahaziel - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehdeiah <HITCHCOCK>@ joy together, one Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehezekel <HITCHCOCK>@ strength of God - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord liveth - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehiskiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the strength, or taking, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoadah <HITCHCOCK>@ passing over; testimony of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoaddan <HITCHCOCK>@ pleasure, or time, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoahaz <HITCHCOCK>@ possession of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoash <HITCHCOCK>@ fire of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehohanan <HITCHCOCK>@ grace, or mercy, or gift, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoiachin <HITCHCOCK>@ preparation, or strength, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoiada <HITCHCOCK>@ knowledge of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoiakim <HITCHCOCK>@ avenging, or establishing, or resurrection, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoiarib <HITCHCOCK>@ fighting, or multiplying, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehonathan <HITCHCOCK>@ gift of the Lord; gift of a dove - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoram <HITCHCOCK>@ exaltation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoshaphat <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord is judge - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehosheba <HITCHCOCK>@ fullness, or oath, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoshua <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Joshua - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehovah <HITCHCOCK>@ self-subsisting - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehovah-jireh <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord will provide - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehovah-nissi <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord my banner - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehovah-shalom <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord send peace - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehovah-shammah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord is there - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehovah-tsidkenu <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord our righteousness - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehozabad <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord-J's dowry; having a dowry - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Jehozadak <HITCHCOCK>@ justice of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehu <HITCHCOCK>@ himself who exists - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehubbah <HITCHCOCK>@ hiding, binding - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehucal <HITCHCOCK>@ mighty; perfect; wasted - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehudijah <HITCHCOCK>@ the praise of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehush <HITCHCOCK>@ keeping counsel; fastened - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Josaphat <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Jehoshaphat - HITCHCOCK-J


JEHOAHAZ @ (a) Son of Jehu, king of Israel- kjv@2Kings:10:35; kjv@2Kings:13:1,9; kjv@2Kings:14:1,8 (b) Son of Jehoram, king of Judah Ahaziah, AHAZIAH (c) Or Shallum, son of Josiah, king of Judah- kjv@2Kings:23:30,34; kjv@2Chronicles:36:1; kjv@Jeremiah:22:11

JEHOASH @ (a) Or Joash, king of Judah Joash, JOASH (b) Or Joash, king of Israel, son of Jehoahaz- kjv@2Kings:13:10,14,25; kjv@2Kings:14:8; kjv@2Chronicles:25:17,23

JEHOIACHIN, CONIAH, OR JECONIAH @ king of Judah, son of Jehoiakim- kjv@2Kings:24:6,8,15; kjv@2Kings:25:27; kjv@2Chronicles:36:9; kjv@Esther:2:6; kjv@Jeremiah:22:24; kjv@Jeremiah:24:1; kjv@Jeremiah:28:4 kjv@Jeremiah:29:2; kjv@Jeremiah:52:31

JEHOIADA @ (a) Officer of David- kjv@2Samuel:8:18 (b) High Priest- kjv@2Kings:11:4,17; kjv@2Kings:12:9; kjv@2Chronicles:22:11; kjv@2Chronicles:23:9,16; kjv@2Chronicles:24:2,15

JEHOIAKIM OR ELIAKIM @ king of Judah, son of Josiah- kjv@2Kings:23:34; kjv@2Kings:24:1; kjv@2Chronicles:36:8; kjv@Jeremiah:1:3; kjv@Jeremiah:22:18; kjv@Jeremiah:25:1; kjv@Jeremiah:26:1; kjv@Jeremiah:27:1 kjv@Jeremiah:36:1; kjv@Jeremiah:46:2; kjv@Jeremiah:52:2


JEHORAM @ (a) King of Judah, son of Jehoshaphat- kjv@2Chronicles:21:1,5,9,16,20; kjv@Matthew:1:8 (b) Or Joram, king of Israel, son of Ahab- kjv@2Kings:1:17; kjv@2Kings:3:1; kjv@2Kings:5:6; kjv@2Kings:6:21,30; kjv@2Kings:7:17; kjv@2Kings:9:14,21,24; kjv@2Chronicles:22:5

JEHOSHAPHAT @ (a) David's Recorder- kjv@2Samuel:8:16; kjv@2Samuel:20:24; kjv@1Kings:4:3; kjv@1Chronicles:18:15 (b) King of Judah, son of Asa- kjv@1Kings:15:24; kjv@1Kings:22:41; kjv@2Kings:8:16; kjv@2Chronicles:17:1; kjv@2Chronicles:18:1; kjv@2Chronicles:19:1; kjv@2Chronicles:20:1; kjv@2Chronicles:21:1 Summary of his life One of the best kings of Judah Had a godly father kjv@2Chronicles:14:2 Inaugurated a system of religious instruction for the people- 2Chronicles:17:79 Commanded the Judges to be just 2Chronicles:19:69 When surrounding nations attacked him he trusted in the Lord and gained a great victory 2Chronicles:20:137 He manifested weakness in forming alliances with wicked kings 1Kings:22:1-36; 2Kings:3:4-27

JEHOVAH CHOSEN, AS GOD @ kjv@Genesis:28:21; kjv@Deuteronomy:26:17; kjv@Ruth:1:16; kjv@1Kings:18:39; kjv@2Kings:5:17; kjv@Psalms:16:2; kjv@Psalms:31:14 kjv@Psalms:63:1; kjv@Psalms:73:25; kjv@Psalms:118:28; kjv@Psalms:140:6 Wise Choice, CHOICE Choose, SPECIAL


- JIREH @ (The Lord will Provide)- kjv@Genesis:22:14


- NISI @ (The Lord my Banner)- kjv@Exodus:17:15


- SHALOM @ (The Lord send Peace)- kjv@Judges:6:24


- SHAMMAH @ (The Lord is There)- kjv@Ezekiel:48:35


- TSIDKENU @ (The Lord our Righteousness)- kjv@Jeremiah:23:6; kjv@Jeremiah:33:16

JEHOZADAK, JOSEDECH, OR JOZADAK @ high priest- kjv@1Chronicles:6:15; kjv@Ezra:3:2; kjv@Ezra:5:2; kjv@Ezra:10:18; kjv@Nehemiah:12:26; kjv@Haggai:1:1; kjv@Zechariah:6:11

JEHU @ (a) King of Israel, son of Nimshi- kjv@1Kings:19:16; kjv@2Kings:9:2,24; kjv@2Kings:10:1,29,35; kjv@Hosea:1:4 (b) Prophet, son of Hanani- kjv@1Kings:16:1; kjv@2Chronicles:19:2; kjv@2Chronicles:20:34


H1152 <STRHEB>@ בּסודיה besôdeyâh bes-o-deh-yaw' From H5475 and H3050 with prepositional prefix; in (the) counsel of Jehovah; {Besodejah} an Israelite: - Besodeiah.

H1180 <STRHEB>@ בּעלי ba‛ălîy bah-al-ee' From H1167 with pronominal suffix; my master; {Baali} a symbolical name of Jehovah: - Baali.

H1184 <STRHEB>@ בּעלי יהוּדה ba‛ălêy yehûdâh bah-al-ay' yeh-hoo-daw' From the plural of H1167 and H3063; masters of Judah; Baale {Jehudah} a place in Palestine: - Baale of Judah.

H1953 <STRHEB>@ הושׁמע hôshâmâ‛ ho-shaw-maw' From H3068 and H8085; Jehovah has heard; {Hoshama} an Israelite: - Hoshama.

H2181 <STRHEB>@ זנה zânâh zaw-naw' A primitive root (highly fed and therefore wanton); to commit adultery (usually of the {female} and less often of simple {forniciation} rarely of involuntary ravishment); figuratively to commit idolatry (the Jewish people being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah): - (cause to) commit {fornication} X {continually} X {great} (be {an} play the) {harlot} (cause to {be} play the) {whore} ({commit} fall to) {whoredom} (cause to) go {a-whoring} whorish.

H2900 <STRHEB>@ טוביּהוּ טוביּה ţôbîyâh ţôbîyâhû {to-bee-yaw'} to-bee-yaw'-hoo From H2896 and H3050; goodness of Jehovah; {Tobijah} the name of three Israelites and of one Samaritan: - {Tobiah} Tobijah.

H3055 <STRHEB>@ יהד yehûd yeh-hood' A briefer form of one corresponding to H3061; {Jehud} a place in Palestine: - Jehud.

H3056 <STRHEB>@ יהדי yehday yeh-dah'ee Perhaps from a form corresponding to H3061; Judaistic; {Jehdai} an Israelite: - Jehdai.

H3057 <STRHEB>@ יהדיּה yehûdîyâh yeh-hoo-dee-yaw' Feminine of H3064; {Jehudijah} a Jewess: - Jehudijah.

H3058 <STRHEB>@ יהוּא yêhû' yay-hoo' From H3068 and H1931; Jehovah (is) He; {Jehu} the name of five Israelites: - Jehu.

H3059 <STRHEB>@ יהואחז yehô'âchâz yeh-ho-aw-khawz' From H3068 and H270; Jehovah seized; {Jehoachaz} the name of three Israelites: - Jehoahaz. Compare H3099.

H3060 <STRHEB>@ יהואשׁ yehô'âsh yeh-ho-awsh' From H3068 and (perhaps) H784; Jehovah fired; {Jehoash} the name of two Israelite kings: - Jehoash Compare H3101.

H3062 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדאי yehûdâ'îy yeh-hoo-daw-ee' (Chaldee); patrial from H3061; a Jehudaite (or {Judaite}) that {is} Jew: - Jew.

H3063 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדה yehûdâh yeh-hoo-daw' From H3034; celebrated; Jehudah (or {Judah}) the name of five Israelites; also of the tribe descended from the {first} and of its territory: - Judah.

H3064 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדי yehûdîy yeh-hoo-dee' Patronymic from H3063; a Jehudite (that {is} Judaite or {Jew}) or descendant of Jehudah (that {is} Judah): - Jew.

H3065 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדי yehûdîy yeh-hoo-dee' The same as H3064; {Jehudi} an Israelite: - Jehudi.

H3067 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדית yehûdîyth yeh-hoo-deeth' The same as H3066; Jewess; {Jehudith} a Canaanitess: - Judith.

H3068 <STRHEB>@ יהוה yehôvâh yeh-ho-vaw' From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; {Jehovah} Jewish national name of God: - {Jehovah} the Lord. Compare {H3050} H3069.

H3070 <STRHEB>@ יהוה יראה yehôvâh yir'eh yeh-ho-vaw' yir-eh' From H3068 and H7200; Jehovah will see (to it); {Jehovah-Jireh} a symbolical name for Mt. Moriah: - Jehovah-jireh.

H3071 <STRHEB>@ יהוה נסּי yehôvâh nissîy yeh-ho-vaw' nis-see' From H3068 and H5251 with pronominal suffix.; Jehovah (is) my banner; {Jehovah-Nissi} a symbolical name of an altar in the Desert: - Jehovah-nissi.

H3072 <STRHEB>@ יהוה צדקנוּ yehôvâh tsidqênû yeh-ho-vaw' tsid-kay'-noo From H3068 and H6664 with pronominal suffix.; Jehovah (is) our right; {Jehovah-Tsidkenu} a symbolical epithet of the Messiah and of Jerusalem: - the Lord our righteousness.

H3073 <STRHEB>@ יהוה שׁלום yehôvâh shâlôm yeh-ho-vaw' shaw-lome' From H3068 and H7965; Jehovah (is) peace; {Jehovah-Shalom} a symbolical name of an altar in Palestine: - Jehovah-shalom.

H3074 <STRHEB>@ יהוה שׁמּה yehôvâh shâmmâh yeh-ho-vaw' shawm'-maw From H3068 and H8038 with directive enclitic; Jehovah (is) thither; {Jehovah-Shammah} a symbolical title of Jerusalem: - Jehovah-shammah.

H3075 <STRHEB>@ יהוזבד yehôzâbâd yeh-ho-zaw-bawd' From H3068 and H2064; Jehovah-endowed; {Jehozabad} the name of three Israelites: - Jehozabad. Compare H3107.

H3076 <STRHEB>@ יהוחנן yehôchânân yeh-ho-khaw-nawn' From H3068 and H2603; Jehovah-favored; {Jehochanan} the name of eight Israelites: - {Jehohanan} Johanan. Compare H3110.

H3077 <STRHEB>@ יהוידע yehôyâdâ‛ yeh-ho-yaw-daw' From H3068 and H3045; Jehovah-known; {Jehojada} the name of three Israelites: - Jehoiada. Compare H3111.

H3078 <STRHEB>@ יהויכין yehôyâkîyn yeh-ho-yaw-keen' From H3068 and H3559; Jehovah will establish; {Jehojakin} a Jewish king: - Jehoiachin. Compare H3112.

H3079 <STRHEB>@ יהויקים yehôyâqîym yeh-ho-yaw-keem' From H3068 abbreviated and H6965; Jehovah will raise; {Jehojakim} a Jewish king: - Jehoiakim. Compare H3113.

H3080 <STRHEB>@ יהויריב yehôyârîyb yeh-ho-yaw-reeb' From H3068 and H7378; Jehovah will contend; {Jehojarib} the name of two Israelites: - Jehoiarib. Compare H3114.

H3081 <STRHEB>@ יהוּכל yehûkal yeh-hoo-kal' From H3201; potent; {Jehukal} an Israelite: - Jehucal. Compare H3116.

H3082 <STRHEB>@ יהונדב yehônâdâb yeh-ho-naw-dawb' From H3068 and H5068; Jehovah-largessed; {Jehonadab} the name of an Israelite and of an Arab: - {Jehonadab} Jonadab. Compare H3122.

H3083 <STRHEB>@ יהונתן yehônâthân yeh-ho-naw-thawn' From H3068 and H5414; Jehovah-given; {Jehonathan} the name of four Israelites: - Jonathan. Compare H3129.

H3084 <STRHEB>@ יהוסף yehôsêph yeh-ho-safe' A fuller form of H3130; Jehoseph (that {is} {Joseph}) a son of Jacob: - Joseph.

H3085 <STRHEB>@ יהועדּה yehô‛addâh yeh-ho-ad-daw' From H3068 and H5710; Jehovah-adorned; {Jehoaddah} an Israelite: - Jehoada.

H3086 <STRHEB>@ יהועדּן יהועדּין yehô‛addîyn yehô‛addân {yeh-ho-ad-deen'} yeh-ho-ad-dawn' From H3068 and H5727; Jehovah-pleased; Jehoaddin or {Jehoaddan} an Israelitess: - Jehoaddan.

H3087 <STRHEB>@ יהוצדק yehôtsâdâq yeh-ho-tsaw-dawk' From H3068 and H6663; Jehovah-righted; {Jehotsadak} an Israelite: - {Jehozadek} Josedech. Compare H3136.

H3088 <STRHEB>@ יהורם yehôrâm yeh-ho-rawm' From H3068 and H7311; Jehovah-raised; {Jehoram} the name of a Syrian and of three Israelites: - {Jehoram} Joram. Compare H3141.

H3089 <STRHEB>@ יהושׁבע yehôshebayeh-ho-sheh'-bah From H3068 and H7650; Jehovah-sworn; {Jehosheba} an Israelitess: - Jehosheba. Compare H3090.

H3090 <STRHEB>@ יהושׁבעת yehôshabath yeh-ho-shab-ath' A form of H3089; {Jehoshabath} an Israelitess: - Jehoshabeath.

H3091 <STRHEB>@ יהושׁע יהושׁוּע yehôshûayehôshûa‛ {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} yeh-ho-shoo'-ah From H3068 and H3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (that {is} {Joshua}) the Jewish leader: - {Jehoshua} {Jehoshuah} Joshua. Compare {H1954} H3442.

H3092 <STRHEB>@ יהושׁפט yehôshâphâţ yeh-ho-shaw-fawt' From H3068 and H8199; Jehovah-judged; {Jehoshaphat} the name of six Israelites; also of a valley near Jerusalem : - Jehoshaphat. Compare H3146.

H3094 <STRHEB>@ יהלּלאל yehallell yeh-hal-lel-ale' From H1984 and H410; praising God; {Jehallelel} the name of two Israelites: - {Jehaleleel} Jehalelel.

H3097 <STRHEB>@ יואב yô'âb yo-awb' From H3068 and H1; Jehovah-fathered; {Joab} the name of three Israelites: - Joab.

H3098 <STRHEB>@ יואח yô'âch yo-awkh' From H3068 and H251; Jehovah-brothered; {Joach} the name of four Israelites: - Joah.

H3099 <STRHEB>@ יואחז yô'âchâz yo-aw-khawz' A form of H3059; {Joachaz} the name of two Israelites: - {Jehoahaz} Joahaz.

H3100 <STRHEB>@ יואל yô'êl yo-ale' From H3068 and H410; Jehovah (is his) God; {Joel} the name of twelve Israelites: - Joel.

H3108 <STRHEB>@ יוזכר yôzâkâr yo-zaw-kawr' From H3068 and H2142; Jehovah-remembered; {Jozacar} an Israelite: - Jozacar.

H3109 <STRHEB>@ יוחא yôchâ' yo-khaw' Probably from H3068 and a variation of H2421; Jehovah-revived; {Jocha} the name of two Israelites: - Joha.

H3111 <STRHEB>@ יוידע yôyâdâ‛ yo-yaw-daw' A form of H3077; {Jojada} the name of two Israelites: - {Jehoiada} Joiada.

H3112 <STRHEB>@ יויכין yôyâkîyn yo-yaw-keen' A form of H3078; {Jojakin} an Israelite king: - Jehoiachin.

H3115 <STRHEB>@ יוכבד yôkebed yo-keh'-bed From H3068 contracted and H3513; Jehovah-gloried; {Jokebed} the mother of Moses: - Jochebed.

H3134 <STRHEB>@ יועזר yô‛ezer ho-eh'-zer From H3068 and H5828; Jehovah (is his) help; {Joezer} an Israelite: - Joezer.

H3135 <STRHEB>@ יועשׁ yô‛âsh yo-awsh' From H3068 and H5789; Jehovah-hastened; {Joash} the name of two Israelites: - Joash.

H3143 <STRHEB>@ יושׁביה yôshibyâh yo-shib-yaw' From H3427 and H3050; Jehovah will cause to dwell; {Joshibjah} an Israelite: - Josibiah.

H3145 <STRHEB>@ יושׁויה yôshavyâh yo-shav-yaw' From H3068 and H7737; Jehovah-set; {Joshavjah} an Israelite: - Joshaviah. Compare H3144.

H3147 <STRHEB>@ יותם yôthâm yo-thawm' From H3068 and H8535; Jehovah (is) perfect; {Jotham} the name of three Israelites: - Jotham.

H3160 <STRHEB>@ יחבּה yechûbbâh yekh-oob-baw' From H2247; hidden; {Jechubbah} an Israelite: - Jehubbah.

H3165 <STRHEB>@ יחדּיּהוּ yechdîyâhû yekh-dee-yaw'-hoo From H3162 and H3050; unity of Jah; {Jechdijah} the name of two Israelites: - Jehdeiah.

H3168 <STRHEB>@ יחזקאל yechezqê'l yekh-ez-kale' From H2388 and H410; God will strengthen; {Jechezkel} the name of two Israelites: - {Ezekiel} Jehezekel.

H3169 <STRHEB>@ יחזקיּהוּ יחזקיּה yechizqîyâh yechizqîyâhû {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} yekh-iz-kee-yaw'-hoo From H3388 and H3050; strengthened of Jah; {Jechizkijah} the name of five Israelites: - {Hezekiah} Jehizkiah. Compare H2396.

H3171 <STRHEB>@ יחואל יחיאלo yechîyl yechavl {yekh-ee-ale'} yekh-av-ale' From H2421 and H410; God will live; Jechiel (or {Jechavel}) the name of eight Israelites: - Jehiel.

H3172 <STRHEB>@ יחיאלי yechîylîy yekh-ee-ay-lee' Patronymic from H3171; a Jechielite or descendant of Jechiel: - Jehieli.

H3174 <STRHEB>@ יחיּה yechîyâh yekh-ee-yaw' From H2421 and H3050; Jah will live; {Jechijah} an Israelite: - Jehiah.

H3262 <STRHEB>@ יעוּאל ye‛û'êl yeh-oo-ale' From H3261 and H410; carried away of God; {Jeuel} the name of four Israelites: - {Jehiel} {Jeiel} Jeuel. Comp H3273.

H3266 <STRHEB>@ יעוּשׁ ye‛ûsh yeh-oosh' From H5789; hasty; {Jeush} the name of an Edomite and of four Israelites: - {Jehush} Jeush. Compare H3274.

H3273 <STRHEB>@ יעיאל ye‛îyl yeh-ee-ale' From H3261 and H410; carried away of God; {Jeiel} the name of six Israelites: - {Jeiel} Jehiel. Compare H3262.

H4720 <STRHEB>@ מקּדשׁ מקדּשׁ miqdâsh miqqedâsh {mik-dawsh'} mik-ked-awsh' From H6942; a consecrated thing or {place} especially a {palace} sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum: - {chapel} hallowed {part} holy {place} sanctuary.

H452 <STRHEB>@ אליּהוּ אליּה 'êlîyâhlîyâhû {ay-lee-yaw'} ay-lee-yaw'-hoo From H410 and H3050; God of Jehovah; {Elijah} the name of the famous prophet and of two other Israelites: - {Elijah} Eliah.

H454 <STRHEB>@ אליועיני אליהועיני 'elyehô‛êynay 'elyô‛êynay {el-ye-ho-ay-nah'ee} el-yo-ay-nah'ee From H413 and H3068 and H5869; towards Jehovah (are) my eyes; Eljehoenai or {Eljoenai} the name of seven Israelites: - {Elihoenai} Elionai.

H5250 <STRHEB>@ נמשׁי nimshîy nim-shee' Probably from H4871; extricated; {Nimshi} the (grand-) father of Jehu: - Nimshi.

H5920 <STRHEB>@ על ‛al al From H5927; properly the top; specifically the Highest (that {is} God); also (adverbially) {aloft} to Jehovah: - {above} {high} most High.

H745 <STRHEB>@ אריה 'aryêh ar-yay' The same as H738; lion; {Arjeh} an Israelite: - Arieh.

H912 <STRHEB>@ בּדיה bêdeyâh bay-de-yaw' Probably shortened for H5662; servant of Jehovah; {Bedejah} an Israelite: - Bedeiah.

G2424 <STRGRK>@ Ἰησοῦς Iēsous ee-ay-sooce' Of Hebrew origin [H3091]; Jesus (that is Jehoshua) the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites: - Jesus.

G2448 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδά Iouda ee-oo-dah' Of Hebrew origin [H3063] or perhaps [H3194]; Judah (that is Jehudah or Juttah) a part of (or place in) Palestine: - Judah.

G2453 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδαῖος Ioudaios ee-oo-dah'-yos From G2448 (in the sense of G2455 as a country); udaean that is belonging to Jehudah: - Jew (-ess) of Juda.

G2455 <STRGRK>@ Ἰουδάς Ioudas ee-oo-das' Of Hebrew origin [H3063]; Judas (that is Jehudah) the name of ten Israelites; also of the posterity of one of them and its region: - Juda (-h -s); Jude.

G2498 <STRGRK>@ Ἰωσαφάτ Iōsaphat ee-o-saf-at' Of Hebrew origin [H3092]; Josaphat (that is Jehoshaphat) an Israelite: - Josaphat.

G2960 <STRGRK>@ κυριακός kuriakos koo-ree-ak-os' From G2962; belonging to the Lord (Jehovah or Jesus): - Lord´ s.