

Dict: all - ir


IRON @ kjv@Numbers:31:22; kjv@Deuteronomy:3:11; kjv@Joshua:8:31; kjv@Joshua:17:16; kjv@1Kings:22:11; kjv@1Chronicles:22:3; kjv@1Chronicles:29:7 kjv@Job:19:24; kjv@Acts:12:10

IRONY @ examples of- kjv@2Samuel:6:20; kjv@1Kings:18:27; kjv@1Kings:22:15; kjv@Job:12:2; kjv@Matthew:22:16; kjv@Matthew:27:29; kjv@Mark:2:17


IR - I>@ - (city). ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:12) IRI

IRA - I>@ - (watchful of a city). "The Jairite," named in the catalogue of David’s great officers. (2 Samuel 20:26) One of the heroes of David’s guard. (2 Samuel 23:38; kjv@1Chronicles:11:40) Another of David’s guard, a Tekoite, son of Ikkesh- (2 Samuel 23:26; kjv@1Chronicles:11:28) (B.C. 1046-1014.)

IRAD - I>@ - (fleet), son of Enoch; grandson of Cain, and father of Mehujael. kjv@Genesis:4:18)

IRAM - I>@ - (belonging to a city), a leader of the Edomites, kjv@Genesis:36:43; kjv@1Chronicles:1:54) i.e. the chief of a family or tribe. No identification of him has been found.

IRI - I>@ - or Ir (belonging to a city), a Benjamite, son of Bela. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:7 kjv@1Chronicles:7:12)

IRIJAH - I>@ - (seen by the Lord), son of Shelemiah, a captain in the ward, who met Jeremiah in the gate of Jerusalem called the "gate of Benjamin" accused him of being about to desert to the Chaldeans; and led him back to the princes. kjv@Jeremiah:37:13-14) (B.C. 589.)

IRNAHASH - I>@ - (serpent city), a name which, like many other names of places, occurs in the genealogical lists of Judah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:12)

IRON - I>@ - (pious), one of the cities of Naphtali, kjv@Joshua:19:38) hitherto totally unknown.

IRON - I>@ - is mentioned with brass as the earliest of known metals. kjv@Genesis:4:22) The natural wealth in iron of the soil of Canaan is indicated by describing it as a land whose stones are iron." (8:9) (Recent explorations have shown that iron ore is abundant in the northern part of Palestine.
ED.) The book of Job contains passages which indicate that iron was a metal well known. Sheet-iron was used for cooking utensils. kjv@Ezekiel:4:3) cf. Levi 7:9 That it was plentiful in the time of David appears from ( kjv@1Chronicles:22:3) The market of Tyre was supplied with bright or polished iron by the merchants of by Dan and Javan. kjv@Ezekiel:27:19) The Chalybes of the Pontus were celebrated as workers in iron in very ancient times. The product of their labor is supposed to be alluded to in kjv@Jeremiah:16:12) as being of superior quality. Specimens of Assyrian iron-work overlaid with bronze were discovered by Mr. Layard, and are now in the British Museum. Iron weapons of various kinds were found at Nimroud, but fell to pieces on exposure to the air.

IRPEEL - I>@ - (God heals), one of the cities of Benjamin. kjv@Joshua:18:27) No trace has yet been discovered of its situation.

IRSHEMESH - I>@ - (city of the sun), a city of the Danites kjv@Joshua:19:41) probably identical with Beth-shemesh.

IRU - I>@ - (watch), the eldest son of the great Caleb son of Jephunneh. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:15) (B.C. 1451.)


Ira @ citizen; wakeful.

(1.) A Tekoite, one of David's thirty warriors ( kjv@2Samuel:23:26).

(2.) An Ithrite, also one of David's heroes ( kjv@2Samuel:23:38).

(3.) A Jairite and priest, a royal chaplain ( kjv@2Samuel:20:26) or confidential adviser (comp. kjv@2Samuel:8:18; kjv@1Chronicles:18:17).

Irad @ runner; wild ass, one of the antediluvian patriarchs, the father of Mehujael kjv@Genesis:4:18), and grandson of Cain.

Iram @ citizen, chief of an Edomite tribe in Mount Seir kjv@Genesis:36:43).

Irha-heres @ according to some MSS., meaning "city of destruction." Other MSS. read 'Irhahares; rendered "city of the sun", kjv@Isaiah:19:18, where alone the word occurs. This name may probably refer to Heliopolis. The prophecy here points to a time when the Jews would so increase in number there as that the city would fall under their influence. This might be in the time of the Ptolemies. (
See ON.)

Iron @ Tubal
- Cain is the first-mentioned worker in iron kjv@Genesis:4:22). The Egyptians wrought it at Sinai before the Exodus. David prepared it in great abundance for the temple ( kjv@1Chronicles:22:3: 29:7). The merchants of Dan and Javan brought it to the market of Tyre kjv@Ezekiel:27:19). Various instruments are mentioned as made of iron kjv@Deuteronomy:27:5 kjv@Deuteronomy:19:5; kjv@Joshua:17:16-18; kjv@1Samuel:17:7; kjv@2Samuel:12:31; kjv@2Kings:6:5-6; kjv@1Chronicles:22:3; kjv@Isaiah:10:34). Figuratively, a yoke of iron kjv@Deuteronomy:28:48) denotes hard service; a rod of iron kjv@Psalms:2:9), a stern government; a pillar of iron kjv@Jeremiah:1:18), a strong support; a furnace of iron kjv@Deuteronomy:4:20), severe labour; a bar of iron kjv@Job:40:18), strength; fetters of iron kjv@Psalms:107:10), affliction; giving silver for iron kjv@Isaiah:60:17), prosperity.

Irrigation @ As streams were few in Palestine, water was generally stored up in winter in reservoirs, and distributed through gardens in numerous rills, which could easily be turned or diverted by the foot kjv@Deuteronomy:11:10). For purposes of irrigation, water was raised from streams or pools by water-wheels, or by a shaduf, commonly used on the banks of the Nile to the present day.



Iron strong_idH3375/strong_id @ Dug out of the earth kjv@Job:28:2
Described as
Strong and durable kjv@Job:40:18 kjv@Daniel:2:40
Fusible kjv@Ezekiel:22:20
Malleable kjv@Isaiah:2:4
Of greater gravity than water kjv@2Kings:6:5
Admits of a high polish kjv@Ezekiel:27:19
Hardened into steel kjv@2Samuel:22:35 kjv@Job:20:24
Of small comparative value kjv@Isaiah:60:17
The land of Canaan abounded with kjv@Deuteronomy:8:9 kjv@Deuteronomy:33:25
From the north hardest and best kjv@Jeremiah:15:12
Used from the earliest age kjv@Genesis:4:22
Made into
Armour kjv@2Samuel:23:7 kjv@Revelation:9:9
Weapons of war kjv@1Samuel:13:19 kjv@1Samuel:17:7
Chariots kjv@Judges:4:3
Implements for husbandry kjv@1Samuel:13:20 kjv@1Samuel:13:21 kjv@2Samuel:12:31
Tools for artificers kjv@Joshua:8:31 kjv@1Kings:6:7
Graving tools kjv@Job:19:24 kjv@Jeremiah:17:1
Gates kjv@Acts:12:10
Nails and hinges kjv@1Chronicles:22:3
Bars kjv@Psalms:107:16 kjv@Isaiah:45:2
Fetters kjv@Psalms:105:18 kjv@Psalms:149:8
Yokes kjv@Deuteronomy:28:48 kjv@Jeremiah:28:13 kjv@Jeremiah:28:14
Idols kjv@Daniel:5:4 kjv@Daniel:5:23
Bedsteads kjv@Deuteronomy:3:11
Pillars kjv@Jeremiah:1:18
Rods kjv@Psalms:2:9 kjv@Revelation:2:27
Sharpens things made of kjv@Proverbs:27:17
Working in, a trade kjv@1Samuel:13:19 kjv@2Chronicles:2:7 kjv@2Chronicles:2:14
An article of commerce kjv@Ezekiel:27:12 kjv@Ezekiel:27:19 kjv@Revelation:18:12
Great quantity of, provided for the temple kjv@1Chronicles:22:3 kjv@1Chronicles:22:14 kjv@1Chronicles:22:16 kjv@1Chronicles:29:2
Taken in war, often dedicated to God kjv@Joshua:6:19 kjv@Joshua:6:24
Mode of purifying, taken in war kjv@Numbers:31:21-23
Miraculously made to swim kjv@2Kings:6:6
Of strength kjv@Daniel:2:33 kjv@Daniel:2:40
Of stubbornness kjv@Isaiah:48:4
Of severe affliction kjv@Deuteronomy:4:20 kjv@Psalms:107:10
Of a hard barren soil kjv@Deuteronomy:28:23
Of severe exercise of power kjv@Psalms:2:9 kjv@Revelation:2:27
(Seared with,) of insensibility of conscience kjv@1Timothy:4:2



IR @
- A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:7:12


-1. A priest kjv@2Samuel:20:26

-2. The Ithrite, one of David's heroes kjv@2Samuel:23:38; kjv@1Chronicles:11:40

-3. A Tekoite, one of David's heroes kjv@2Samuel:23:26; kjv@1Chronicles:11:28; kjv@1Chronicles:27:9

- Son of Enoch kjv@Genesis:4:18

- A duke of Edom kjv@Genesis:36:43; kjv@1Chronicles:1:54

- A son of Bela kjv@1Chronicles:7:7

- A captain of the guard who imprisoned the prophet Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:37:13-14


- Whether this is a man or a town is not clear kjv@1Chronicles:4:12


-1. First recorded use of kjv@Genesis:4:22 .Ore of kjv@Deuteronomy:8:9; kjv@Job:28:2 .Melted kjv@Ezekiel:22:20 .Used in the temple kjv@1Chronicles:22:3; kjv@1Chronicles:29:2 kjv@1Chronicles:29:7 .Articles made of .Ax kjv@2Kings:6:6; kjv@2Chronicles:18:10; kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:10; kjv@Isaiah:10:34 .Bedstead kjv@Deuteronomy:3:11 .Breastplate kjv@Revelation:9:9 .Chariot kjv@Joshua:17:16-18; kjv@Judges:1:19; kjv@Judges:4:3 .Fetters kjv@Psalms:105:18; kjv@Psalms:107:10 kjv@Psalms:107:16 kjv@Psalms:149:8 .File kjv@Proverbs:27:17 .Furnace kjv@Deuteronomy:4:20; kjv@1Kings:8:51; kjv@Jeremiah:11:4 .Gate kjv@Acts:12:10 .Harrow kjv@2Samuel:12:31 .Horn kjv@1Kings:22:11; kjv@2Chronicles:18:10; kjv@Micah:4:13 .Idols kjv@Daniel:2:33; kjv@Daniel:5:4 kjv@Daniel:5:23 .Pans kjv@Ezekiel:4:3; kjv@Ezekiel:27:19 .Pen kjv@Job:19; 24; kjv@Jeremiah:17:1 .Pillars kjv@Jeremiah:1:18 .Rods for scourging kjv@Psalms:2:9; kjv@Revelation:2:27; kjv@Revelation:12:5; kjv@Revelation:19:15 .Threshing instruments kjv@Amos:1:3 .Tools kjv@1Kings:6:7 .Vessels kjv@Joshua:6:24 .Weapons kjv@Numbers:35:16; kjv@1Samuel:17:7; kjv@Job:20:24; kjv@Job:41:7 .Yokes kjv@Deuteronomy:28:48; kjv@Jeremiah:28:13-14 .Stones of kjv@Deuteronomy:8:9; kjv@Job:28:2; kjv@Isaiah:60:17 .

- FIGURATIVE kjv@2Samuel:23:7; kjv@Jeremiah:15:12; kjv@1Timothy:4:2

-2. A city of Naphtali kjv@Joshua:19:38


- A city of the tribe of Benjamin kjv@Joshua:18:27

- General scriptures concerning kjv@Deuteronomy:11:10; kjv@Proverbs:21:1; kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:6; kjv@Isaiah:58:11

- FIGURATIVE kjv@1Corinthians:3:6-8


- A city of the tribe of Dan kjv@Joshua:19:41

- The oldest son of Caleb kjv@1Chronicles:4:15



kjv@STRING:Abiram <HITCHCOCK>@ high father; father of deceit - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Achim <HITCHCOCK>@ preparing; revenging; confirming - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adoniram <HITCHCOCK>@ my Lord is most high; Lord of might and elevation - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adoram <HITCHCOCK>@ their beauty; their power - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Adullam <HITCHCOCK>@ their testimony; their prey; their ornament - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Agrippa <HITCHCOCK>@ one who causes great pain at his birth - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahira <HITCHCOCK>@ brother of iniquity; brother of the shepherd - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahiram <HITCHCOCK>@ brother of craft, or of protection - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahuzam <HITCHCOCK>@ their taking or possessing vision - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Amram <HITCHCOCK>@ an exalted people; their sheaves; handfuls of corn - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Anem <HITCHCOCK>@ or Anen, an answer; their affliction - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aran <HITCHCOCK>@ an ark; their curse - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aretas <HITCHCOCK>@ agreeable, virtuous - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ashbel <HITCHCOCK>@ an old fire - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ashkenaz <HITCHCOCK>@ a fire that spreads - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Askelon <HITCHCOCK>@ weight; balance; fire of infamy - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Assir <HITCHCOCK>@ prisoner; fettered - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Azzan <HITCHCOCK>@ their strength - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Baal-shalisha <HITCHCOCK>@ the god that presides over three; the third idol - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Barzillai <HITCHCOCK>@ son of contempt; made of iron - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Becher <HITCHCOCK>@ first begotten; first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bechorath <HITCHCOCK>@ first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Besai <HITCHCOCK>@ a despising; dirty - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Beth-birei <HITCHCOCK>@ the house of my Creator, the house of my health - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bichri <HITCHCOCK>@ first-born; first fruits - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Birsha <HITCHCOCK>@ an evil; a son who beholds - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Bocheru <HITCHCOCK>@ the first born - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Cabul <HITCHCOCK>@ displeasing; dirty - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Carmel <HITCHCOCK>@ circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Chephirah <HITCHCOCK>@ a little lioness - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Cyprus <HITCHCOCK>@ fair; fairness - HITCHCOCK-C

kjv@STRING:Debir <HITCHCOCK>@ an orator; a word - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dedan <HITCHCOCK>@ their breasts; friendship; a judge - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Delilah <HITCHCOCK>@ poor; small; head of hair - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Elam <HITCHCOCK>@ a young man; a virgin; a secret - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Eliphal <HITCHCOCK>@ a miracle of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Enos <HITCHCOCK>@ mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Ephah <HITCHCOCK>@ weary; tired - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Ephesus <HITCHCOCK>@ desirable - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Esh-baal <HITCHCOCK>@ the fire of the idol, or of the ruler - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Esh-ban <HITCHCOCK>@ fire of the sun - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Etam <HITCHCOCK>@ their bird, their covering - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Etham <HITCHCOCK>@ their strength; their sign - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Gatam <HITCHCOCK>@ their lowing; their touch - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Gilboa <HITCHCOCK>@ revolution of inquiry - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Girgashite <HITCHCOCK>@ who arrives from pilgrimage - HITCHCOCK-G

kjv@STRING:Hadoram <HITCHCOCK>@ their beauty; their power - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hamor <HITCHCOCK>@ an ass; clay; dirt - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hashum <HITCHCOCK>@ silence; their hasting - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Havoth-jair <HITCHCOCK>@ the villages that enlighten - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Helam <HITCHCOCK>@ their army; their trouble - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Heman <HITCHCOCK>@ their trouble; tumult; much; in great number - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hinnom <HITCHCOCK>@ there they are; their riches - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hirah <HITCHCOCK>@ liberty; anger - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hiram <HITCHCOCK>@ exaltation of life; a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Horam <HITCHCOCK>@ their hill - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hothir <HITCHCOCK>@ excelling; remaining - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hul <HITCHCOCK>@ pain; infirmity - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hupham <HITCHCOCK>@ their chamber; their bank - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Huram <HITCHCOCK>@ their liberty; their whiteness; their hole - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hushai <HITCHCOCK>@ their haste; their sensuality; their silence - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Imlah <HITCHCOCK>@ plentitude; circumcision - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Ir <HITCHCOCK>@ watchman; city; vision - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Ira <HITCHCOCK>@ watchman; making bare; pouring out - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Irad <HITCHCOCK>@ wild ass; heap of empire; dragon - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Iram <HITCHCOCK>@ the effusion of them; a high heap - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Iri <HITCHCOCK>@ fire; light - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Irijah <HITCHCOCK>@ the fear of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Irpeel <HITCHCOCK>@ the health, medicine, or exulting of God - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Irshemesh <HITCHCOCK>@ a city of bondage - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Iscariot <HITCHCOCK>@ a man of murder; a hireling - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Ishbi-benob <HITCHCOCK>@ respiration; conversion; taking captive - HITCHCOCK-I

kjv@STRING:Jaalam <HITCHCOCK>@ hidden; young man; heir - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jakim <HITCHCOCK>@ rising; confirming; establishing - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Japhet <HITCHCOCK>@ enlarged; fair; persuading - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Japho <HITCHCOCK>@ fairness; comeliness - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jattir <HITCHCOCK>@ a remnant; excellent - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jecamiah <HITCHCOCK>@ resurrection, or confirmation, or revenge, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoash <HITCHCOCK>@ fire of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehovah-jireh <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord will provide - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jibsam <HITCHCOCK>@ their drought, their confusion - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Joash <HITCHCOCK>@ who despairs or burns - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jokmeam <HITCHCOCK>@ confirmation, or revenge, of the people - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Joshbekesha <HITCHCOCK>@ it is requiring or beseeching - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Josiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord burns; the fire of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Julia <HITCHCOCK>@ downy; soft and tender hair - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Kallai <HITCHCOCK>@ light; resting by fire; my voice - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kedemah <HITCHCOCK>@ oriental; ancient; first - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kir <HITCHCOCK>@ a city; wall; meeting - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirioth <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Kerioth - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath <HITCHCOCK>@ city; vocation; meeting - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjathaim <HITCHCOCK>@ the two cities; callings; or meetings - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath-arba <HITCHCOCK>@ city of four; fourth city - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath-arim <HITCHCOCK>@ city of those who watch - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath-baal <HITCHCOCK>@ city of Baal, or of a ruler - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath-huzoth <HITCHCOCK>@ city of streets; populous city - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath-jearim <HITCHCOCK>@ city of woods - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath-sannah <HITCHCOCK>@ city of enmity, or of a blackberry bush - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Kirjath-sepher <HITCHCOCK>@ city of letters, or of the book - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Lahairoi <HITCHCOCK>@ who liveth and seeth me - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Lahmam <HITCHCOCK>@ their bread; their war - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Leah <HITCHCOCK>@ weary; tired - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Machir <HITCHCOCK>@ selling; knowing - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahali <HITCHCOCK>@ infirmity; a harp; pardon - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mallothi <HITCHCOCK>@ fullness; circumcision - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mary <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Miriam - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mehir <HITCHCOCK>@ a reward - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Melzar <HITCHCOCK>@ circumcision of a narrow place, or of a bond - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Meshullam <HITCHCOCK>@ peaceable; perfect; their parables - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Milalai <HITCHCOCK>@ circumcision; my talk - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Milcom <HITCHCOCK>@ their king - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Miriam <HITCHCOCK>@ rebellion - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Misham <HITCHCOCK>@ their savior; taking away - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Misheal <HITCHCOCK>@ requiring; lent; pit - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Moladah <HITCHCOCK>@ birth; generation - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Naam <HITCHCOCK>@ fair; pleasant - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Naphish <HITCHCOCK>@ the soul; he that rests, refreshes himself, or respires - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nisan <HITCHCOCK>@ standard; miracle - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:No <HITCHCOCK>@ stirring up; forbidding - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Oboth <HITCHCOCK>@ dragons; fathers; desires - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Ophir <HITCHCOCK>@ fruitful region - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Ozem <HITCHCOCK>@ that fasts; their eagerness - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Pelaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord-P's secret or miracle - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Pi-hahiroth <HITCHCOCK>@ the mouth; the pass of Hiroth - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Piram <HITCHCOCK>@ a wild ass of them - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pirathon <HITCHCOCK>@ his dissipation or deprivation; his rupture - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Pithom <HITCHCOCK>@ their mouthful; a dilatation of the mouth - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Prochorus <HITCHCOCK>@ he that presides over the choirs - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Puah <HITCHCOCK>@ mouth; corner; bush of hair - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Sabtah <HITCHCOCK>@ a going about or circuiting; old age - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Saphir <HITCHCOCK>@ delightful - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Sapphira <HITCHCOCK>@ that relates or tells - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Senir <HITCHCOCK>@ bed-candle; changing - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Seorim <HITCHCOCK>@ gates; hairs; tempests - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shaaraim <HITCHCOCK>@ gates; valuation; hairs - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shalisha <HITCHCOCK>@ three; the third; prince; captain - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shemiramoth <HITCHCOCK>@ the height of the heavens - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shenir <HITCHCOCK>@ lantern; light that sleeps - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shual <HITCHCOCK>@ fox; path; first - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shunem <HITCHCOCK>@ their change; their sleep - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Silas <HITCHCOCK>@ three, or the third - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Sodom <HITCHCOCK>@ their secret; their cement - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Tarah <HITCHCOCK>@ a hair; a wretch; one banished - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tarpelites <HITCHCOCK>@ ravishers; succession of miracles - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tekoa <HITCHCOCK>@ trumpet; that is confirmed - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Telem <HITCHCOCK>@ their dew; their shadow - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tema <HITCHCOCK>@ admiration; perfection; consummation - HITCHCOCK-T


kjv@STRING:Tertullus <HITCHCOCK>@ third - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Thyatira <HITCHCOCK>@ a perfume; sacrifice of labor - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Timeus <HITCHCOCK>@ perfect; admirable; honorable - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tirhakah <HITCHCOCK>@ inquirer; examiner; dull observer - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tiria <HITCHCOCK>@ searching out - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tirshatha <HITCHCOCK>@ a governor - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tirzah <HITCHCOCK>@ benevolent; complaisant; pleasing - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Uel <HITCHCOCK>@ desiring God - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Ulam <HITCHCOCK>@ the porch; the court; their strength; their folly - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Ur <HITCHCOCK>@ fire, light, a valley - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Uri <HITCHCOCK>@ my light, my fire - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Uriah <HITCHCOCK>@ or Urijah, the Lord is my light or fire - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Urim <HITCHCOCK>@ lights; fires - HITCHCOCK-U

kjv@STRING:Zair <HITCHCOCK>@ little; afflicted; in tribulation - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zemira <HITCHCOCK>@ song; vine; palm - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Zippor <HITCHCOCK>@ bird; sparrow; crown; desert - HITCHCOCK-Z

kjv@STRING:Ziz <HITCHCOCK>@ flower; branch; a lock of hair - HITCHCOCK-Z


IRON @ kjv@Numbers:31:22; kjv@Deuteronomy:3:11; kjv@Joshua:8:31; kjv@Joshua:17:16; kjv@1Kings:22:11; kjv@1Chronicles:22:3; kjv@1Chronicles:29:7 kjv@Job:19:24; kjv@Acts:12:10

IRONY @ examples of- kjv@2Samuel:6:20; kjv@1Kings:18:27; kjv@1Kings:22:15; kjv@Job:12:2; kjv@Matthew:22:16; kjv@Matthew:27:29; kjv@Mark:2:17


H15 <STRHEB>@ אבה 'âbeh aw-beh' From H14; longing: - desire.

H17 <STRHEB>@ אבוי 'ăbôy ab-o'ee From H14 (in the sense of desiring); want: - sorrow.

H35 <STRHEB>@ אביּונה 'ăbîyônâh ab-ee-yo-naw' From H14; provocative of desire; the caper berry (from its stimulative taste): - desire.

H48 <STRHEB>@ אבירם 'ăbîyrâm ab-ee-rawm' From H1 and H7311; father of height (that {is} lofty); {Abiram} the name of two Israelites: - Abiram.

H70 <STRHEB>@ אבן 'ôben o'-ben From the same as H68; a pair of stones (only dual); a potter´ s wheel or a midwife´ s stool (consisting alike of two horizontal disks with a support between): - {wheel} stool.

H73 <STRHEB>@ אבנט 'abnêţ ab-nate' Of uncertain derivation; a belt: - girdle.

H96 <STRHEB>@ אגל 'egel eh'-ghel From an unused root (meaning to flow down or together as drops); a reservoir: - drop.

H1010 <STRHEB>@ בּית מעון בּית בּעל מעון bêyth baal me‛ôn bêyth me‛ôn bayth bah'-al {me-own'} bayth me-own' From H1004 and H1168 and H4583; The first form meaning house of Baal of (the) habitation of (apparently by transposition). The second form meaning house of habitation of (Baal); {Beth-Baal-Meon} a palce in Palestine: - Beth-baal-meon. Compare H1186 and H1194.

H1011 <STRHEB>@ בּית בּראי bêyth biry bayth bir-ee' From H1004 and H1254; house of a creative one; {Beth-Biri} a place in Palestine: - Beth-birei.

H1060 <STRHEB>@ בּכור bekôr bek-ore' From H1069; firstborn; hence chief: - eldest ({son}) first-born (-ling).

H1061 <STRHEB>@ בּכּוּר bikkûr bik-koor' From H1069; the first fruits of the crop: - first fruit (-ripe {[figuratively}) hasty fruit.

H1062 <STRHEB>@ בּכרה בּכורה bekôrâh bekôrâh {bek-o-raw'} bek-o-raw' Feminine of H1060; the firstling of man or beast; abstractly primogeniture: - {birthright} firstborn (-ling).

H1063 <STRHEB>@ בּכּוּרה bikkûrâh bik-koo-raw' Feminine of H1061; the early fig: - firstripe (fruit).

H1067 <STRHEB>@ בּכּירה bekîyrâh bek-ee-raw' Feminine from H1069; the eldest daughter: - firstborn.

H1069 <STRHEB>@ בּכר bâkar baw-kar' A primitive root; properly to burst the {womb} that {is} (causatively) bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree); also (as denominatively from H1061) to give the birthright: - make {firstborn} be {firstling} bring forth first child (new fruit).

H1073 <STRHEB>@ בּכּרה bakkûrâh bak-koo-raw' By orthographical variation for H1063; a first ripe fig: - first-ripe.

H1074 <STRHEB>@ בּכרוּ bôkerû bo-ker-oo' From H1069; first born; {Bokeru} an Israelite: - Bocheru.

H1120 <STRHEB>@ בּמות בּעל בּמות bâmôth bâmôth baal {baw-moth'} baw-moth' bah'-al Plural of H1116; heights; the second form is a more complete form of the first form; from the same and H1168; heights of Baal; Bamoth or Bamoth {Baal} a place East of the Jordan: - {Bamoth} Bamoth-baal.

H1121 <STRHEB>@ בּן bên bane From H1129; a son (as a builder of the family {name}) in the widest sense (of literal and figurative {relationship} including {grandson} subject6 {nation} quality or {condition} {etc.} (like {H1} {H251} etc.): - + {afflicted} {age} [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] {[Lev-]ite} [anoint-]ed {one} appointed {to} (+) {arrow} [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] {[Grec-]ian} one {born} {bough} {branch} {breed} + (young) {bullock} + (young) {calf} X came up {in} {child} {colt} X {common} X {corn} {daughter} X of {first} + {firstborn} {foal} + very {fruitful} + {postage} X {in} + {kid} + {lamb} (+) {man} {meet} + {mighty} + {nephew} {old} (+) {people} + {rebel} + {robber} X servant {born} X {soldier} {son} + {spark} + {steward} + {stranger} X {surely} them {of} + tumultuous {one} + {valiant[-est]} {whelp} {worthy} young ({one}) youth.

H1129 <STRHEB>@ בּנה bânâh baw-naw' A primitive root; to build (literally and figuratively): - (begin to) build ({-er}) obtain {children} {make} {repair} set ({up}) X surely.

H1156 <STRHEB>@ בּעה בּעא be‛â' be‛âh {beh-aw'} beh-aw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1158; to seek or ask: - {ask} {desire} make {[petition]} {pray} {request} seek.

H1158 <STRHEB>@ בּעה bâ‛âh baw-aw A primitive root; to gush {over} that {is} to swell; (figuratively) to desire earnestly; by implication to ask: - {cause} {inquire} seek {up} swell {out} boil.

H1167 <STRHEB>@ בּעל baal bah'-al From H1166; a master; hence a {husband} or (figuratively) owner (often used with another noun in modifications of this latter sense: - + {archer} + {babbler} + {bird} {captain} chief {man} + {confederate} + have to {do} + {dreamer} those to whom it is {due} + {furious} those that are given to {it} {great} + {hairy} he that hath {it} {have} + {horseman} {husband} {lord} {man} + {married} {master} {person} + {sworn} they of.

H1197 <STRHEB>@ בּער bâ‛ar baw-ar' A primitive root; to {kindle} that {is} consume (by fire or by eating); also (as denominative from H1198) to be (become) brutish: - be {brutish} bring ({put} take) {away} {burn} (cause to) eat ({up}) {feed} {heat} {kindle} set ([on {fire]}) waste.

H1200 <STRHEB>@ בּערה be‛êrâh be-ay-raw' From H1197; a burning: - fire.

H1206 <STRHEB>@ בּץ bôts botse Probably the same as H948; mud (as whitish clay): - mire.

H1207 <STRHEB>@ בּצּה bitstsâh bits-tsaw' Intensive from H1206; a swamp: - fen. mire (-ry place).

H1239 <STRHEB>@ בּקר bâqar baw-kar' A primitive root; properly to {plough} or (generally) break {forth} that {is} (figuratively) to {inspect} admire6 care {for} consider: - (make) inquire ({-ry}) (make) {search} seek out.

H1240 <STRHEB>@ בּקר beqar bek-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1239: - {inquire} make search.

H1245 <STRHEB>@ בּקשׁ bâqash baw-kash' A primitive root; to search out (by any method; specifically in worship or prayer); by implication to strive after: - {ask} {beg} {beseech} {desire} {enquire} {get} make {inquisition} {procure} (make) {request} {require} seek (for).

H1248 <STRHEB>@ בּר bar bar Borrowed (as a title) from H1247; the heir (apparent to the throne): - son.

H1265 <STRHEB>@ בּרושׁ berôsh ber-osh' Of uncertain derivation; a cypress tree (perhaps); hence a lance or a musical instrument (as made of that wood): - fir (tree).

H1266 <STRHEB>@ בּרות berôth ber-oth' A variation of H1265; the cypress (or some elastic tree): - fir.

H1269 <STRHEB>@ בּרזותo birzôth beer-zoth' Probably feminine plural from an unused root (apparently meaning to pierce); holes; {Birzoth} an Israelite: - Birzavith [from the margin].

H1270 <STRHEB>@ בּרזל barzel bar-zel' Perhaps from the root of H1269; iron (as cutting); by extension an iron implement: - (ax) {head} iron.

H1271 <STRHEB>@ בּרזלּי barzillay bar-zil-lah'ee From H1270; iron hearted; {Barzillai} the name of three Israelites: - Barzillai.

H1277 <STRHEB>@ בּריא bârîy' baw-ree' From H1254 (in the sense of H1262): fatted or plump: - fat ({[fleshed]} {-ter}) {fed} {firm} {plenteous} rank.

H1279 <STRHEB>@ בּריה biryâh beer-yaw' Feminine from H1262; food: - meat.

H1295 <STRHEB>@ בּרכה berêkâh ber-ay-kaw' From H1288; a reservoir (at which camels kneel as a resting place): - (fish-) pool.

H1306 <STRHEB>@ בּרשׁע birshabeer-shah' Probably from H7562 with prepositional prefix; with wickedness; {Birsha} a king of Gomorrah: - Birsha.

H1323 <STRHEB>@ בּת bath bath From H1129 (as feminine of H1121); a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of {relationship} literally and figuratively): - apple [of the {eye]} {branch} {company} {daughter} X {first} X {old} + {owl} {town} village.

H1330 <STRHEB>@ בּתוּלה bethûlâh beth-oo-law' Feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to separate; a virgin (from her privacy); sometimes (by continuation) a bride; also (figuratively) a city or state: - {maid} virgin.

H1331 <STRHEB>@ בּתוּלים bethûlîym beth-oo-leem' Masculine plural of the same as H1330; (collectively and abstractly) virginity; by implication and concretely the tokens of it: - X {maid} virginity.

H1360 <STRHEB>@ גּבא gebe' geh'-beh From an unused root meaning probably to collect; a reservoir; by analogy a marsh: - {marsh} pit.

H1396 <STRHEB>@ גּבר gâbar gaw-bar' A primitive root; to be strong; by implication to {prevail} act insolently: - {exceed} {confirm} be {great} be {mighty} {prevail} put to more {[strength]} {strengthen} be {stronger} be valiant.

H1443 <STRHEB>@ גּדר gâdar gaw-dar' A primitive root; to wall in or around: - close {up} fence {up} {hedge} {inclose} make up [a {wall]} {mason} repairer.

H1444 <STRHEB>@ גּדר geder gheh'-der From H1443; a circumvallation: - wall.

H1447 <STRHEB>@ גּדר gâdêr gaw-dare' From H1443; a circumvallation; by implication an inclosure: - {fence} {hedge} wall.

H1478 <STRHEB>@ גּוע gâvagaw-vah' A primitive root; to breathe {out} that {is} (by implication) expire: - {die} be {dead} give up the {ghost} perish.

H1482 <STRHEB>@ גּר גּוּר gûr gûr {goor} goor Perhaps from H1481; a cub (as still abiding in the {lair}) especially of the lion: - {whelp} young one.

H1494 <STRHEB>@ גּזז gâzaz gaw-zaz' A primitive root (akin to H1468); to cut off; specifically to shear a {flock} or shave the hair; figuratively to destroy an enemy: - cut off ({down}) {poll} {shave} ([sheep-]) shear (-er).

H1511 <STRHEB>@ גּרזי גּזרי gizrîy girzîy {ghiz-ree'} gher-zee' The first form is patrial from H1507; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitant of Gezer; but the second form is better (as in the text) by transposition and is patrial of H1630; a Girzite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in Palestine: - Gezrites.

H1534 <STRHEB>@ גּלגּל galgal gal-gal' By reduplication from H1556; a wheel; by analogy a whirlwind; also dust (as whirled): - {heaven} rolling {thing} wheel.

H1549 <STRHEB>@ גּליון גּלּיון gillâyôn gilyôn {ghil-law-yone'} ghil-yone' From H1540; a tablet for writing (as bare); by analogy a mirror (as a plate): - {glass} roll.

H1551 <STRHEB>@ גּלילה גּליל gâlîyl gâlîylâh {gaw-leel'} gaw-lee-law' The same as H1550; a circle (with the article); Galil (as a special circuit) in the North of Palestine: - Galilee.

H1552 <STRHEB>@ גּלילה gelîylâh ghel-ee-law' Feminine of H1550; a circuit or region: - {border} {coast} country.

H1553 <STRHEB>@ גּלילות gelîylôth ghel-ee-lowth' Plural of H1552; circles; {Geliloth} a place in Palestine: - Geliloth.

H1558 <STRHEB>@ גּלל gâlâl gaw-lawl' From H1556; a circumstance (as rolled around); only used {adverbially} on account of: - because {of} for (sake).

H1567 <STRHEB>@ גּלעד galyêd gal-ade' From H1530 and H5707; heap of testimony; {Galed} a memorial cairn East of the Jordan: - Galeed.

H1615 <STRHEB>@ גּר gir gheer Perhaps from H3564; lime (from being burned in a kiln): - chalk [-stone].

H1622 <STRHEB>@ גּרגּשׁי girgâshîy ghir-gaw-shee' Patrial from an unused name (of uncertain derivation); a {Girgashite} one of the native tribes of Canaan: - {Girgashite} Girgasite.

H1624 <STRHEB>@ גּרה gârâh gaw-raw' A primitive root; properly to {grate} that {is} (figuratively) to anger: - {contend} {meddle} stir {up} strive.

H1687 <STRHEB>@ דּבר דּביר debîyr debir {deb-eer'} deb-eer' From H1696 (apparently in the sense of oracle); the shrine or innermost part of the sanctuary: - oracle.

H1688 <STRHEB>@ דּבר דּביר debîyr debir {deb-eer'} deb-eer' The second form used in (but see H3810); the same as H1687; {Debir} the name of an Amoritish king and of two places in Palestine: - Debir.

H1697 <STRHEB>@ דּבר dâbâr daw-bawr' From H1696; a word; by implication a matter (as spoken of) of thing; adverbially a cause: - {act} {advice} {affair} {answer} X any such ({thing}) + because {of} {book} {business} {care} {case} {cause} certain {rate} + {chronicles} {commandment} X commune ({-ication}) + concern {[-ing]} + {confer} {counsel} + {dearth} {decree} {deed} X {disease} {due} {duty} {effect} + {eloquent} {errand} [evil favoured-] {ness} + {glory} + {harm} {hurt} + {iniquity} + {judgment} {language} + {lying} {manner} {matter} {message} [no] {thing} {oracle} X {ought} X {parts} + {pertaining} + {please} {portion} + {power} {promise} {provision} {purpose} {question} {rate} {reason} {report} {request} X (as hast) {said} {sake} {saying} {sentence} + {sign} + {so} some {[uncleanness]} somewhat to {say} + {song} {speech} X {spoken} {talk} {task} + {that} X there {done} thing ({concerning}) {thought} + {thus} {tidings} what {[-soever]} + {wherewith} {which} {word} work.

H1699 <STRHEB>@ דּבּר דּבר dôber dibbêr {do'-ber} dib-bare' The first form is from H1696 (in its original sense); a pasture (from its arrangement of the flock); translated fold or manner. The second form is for H1697; translated word: - {fold} manner.

H1709 <STRHEB>@ דּאג דּגo dâg dâ'g {dawg} dawg From H1711; a fish (as prolific); or perhaps rather from H1672 (as timid); but still better from H1672 (in the sense of {squirming} that {is} moving by the vibratory action of the tail); a fish (often used collectively): - fish.

H1719 <STRHEB>@ דּדנה דּדן dedân dedâneh {ded-awn'} deh-daw'-neh Of uncertain derivation; {Dedan} the name of two Cushites and of their territory. The second form used in - Dedan.

H1725 <STRHEB>@ דּהר dâhar daw-har' A primitive root; to curvet or move irregularly: - pranse.

H1738 <STRHEB>@ דּוה dâvâh daw-vaw' A primitive root; to be sick (as if in menstruation): - infirmity.

H1752 <STRHEB>@ דּוּר dûr dure A primitive root; properly to gyrate (or move in a {circle}) that {is} to remain: - dwell.

H1754 <STRHEB>@ דּוּר dûr dure From H1752; a {circle} ball or pile: - {ball} {turn} round about.

H1757 <STRHEB>@ דּוּרא dûrâ' doo-raw' (Chaldee); probably from H1753; circle or dwelling; {Dura} a place in Babylon: - Dura.

H1777 <STRHEB>@ דּוּן דּין dîyn dûn {deen} doon A primitive root (compare H113); to rule; by implication to judge (as umpire); also to strive (as at law): - {contend} execute ({judgment}) {judge} minister {judgment} plead (the {cause}) at {strife} strive.

H1803 <STRHEB>@ דּלּה dallâh dal-law' From H1802; properly something {dangling} that {is} a loose thread or hair; figuratively indigent: - {hair} pining {sickness} poor (-est sort).

H1817 <STRHEB>@ דּלת deleth deh'-leth From H1802; something {swinging} that {is} the valve of a door: - door ({two-leaved}) {gate} {leaf} lid. [In {dal} irreg.]

H1818 <STRHEB>@ דּם dâm dawm From H1826 (compare H119); blood (as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal; by analogy the juice of the grape; figuratively (especially in the plural) bloodshed (that {is} drops of blood): - blood ({-y} {-guiltiness} {[-thirsty]}) + innocent.

H1846 <STRHEB>@ דּעך dâ‛ak daw-ak' A primitive root; to be extinguished; figuratively to expire or be dried up: - be {extinct} {consumed} put {out} quenched.

H1866 <STRHEB>@ דּרור derôr der-ore' The same as {H1865} applied to a bird; the {swift} a kind of swallow: - swallow.

H1875 <STRHEB>@ דּרשׁ dârash daw-rash' A primitive root; properly to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); by implication to seek or ask; specifically to worship: - {ask} X at {all} care {for} X {diligently} {inquire} make {inquisition} [necro-] {mancer} {question} {require} {search} seek {[for} {out]} X surely.

H1903 <STRHEB>@ הגין hâgîyn haw-gheen' Of uncertain derivation; perhaps suitable or turning: - directly.

H1931 <STRHEB>@ היא הוּא hû' hîy' {hoo} he The second form is the feminine beyond the Pentateuch; a primitive {word} the third person pronoun {singular} he (she or it); only expressed when emphatic or without a verb; also (intensively) {self} or (especially with the article) the same; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are: - {he} as for {her} him ({-self}) {it} the {same} she ({herself}) {such} that (. . . {it}) {these} {they} {this} {those} which ({is}) who.

H1942 <STRHEB>@ הוּה havvâh hav-vaw' From H1933 (in the sense of eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by implication of falling); desire; also ruin: - {calamity} {iniquity} {mischief} mischievous ({thing}) {naughtiness} {naughty} {noisome} perverse {thing} {substance} very wickedness.

H1956 <STRHEB>@ הותיר hôthîyr ho-theer' From H3498; he has caused to remain; {Hothir} an Israelite: - Hothir.

H1960 <STRHEB>@ היּדה hûyedâh hoo-yed-aw' From the same as H1959; properly an {acclaim} that {is} a choir of singers: - thanksgiving.

H1961 <STRHEB>@ היה hâyâh haw-yaw' A primitive root (compare H1933); to {exist} that {is} be or {become} come to pass (always {emphatic} and not a mere copula or auxiliary): - {beacon} X {altogether} be ({-come} {accomplished} {committed} {like}) {break} {cause} come (to {pass}) {continue} {do} {faint} {fall} + {follow} {happen} X {have} {last} {pertain} quit (one-) {self} {require} X use.

H1980 <STRHEB>@ הלך hâlak haw-lak' Akin to H3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of {applications} literally and figuratively): - (all) {along} {apace} behave ({self}) {come} (on) {continually} be {conversant} {depart} + be {eased} {enter} exercise ({self}) + {follow} {forth} {forward} {get} go ({about} {abroad} {along} {away} {forward} {on} {out} up and {down}) + {greater} {grow} be wont to {haunt} {lead} {march} X more and {more} move ({self}) {needs} {on} pass ({away}) be at the {point} {quite} run ({along}) + {send} {speedily} {spread} {still} {surely} + {tale-bearer} + travel ({-ler}) walk ({abroad} {on} to and {fro} up and {down} to {places}) {wander} {wax} [way-] faring {man} X be {weak} whirl.

H1991 <STRHEB>@ הם hêm haym From H1993; {abundance} that {is} wealth: - any of theirs.

H1992 <STRHEB>@ המּה הם hêm hêmmâh {haym} haym'-maw Masculine plural from H1931; they (only used when emphatic): - {it} {like} X ({how} so) many ({soever} more as) they ({be}) (the) {same} X {so} X {such} {their} {them} {these} {they} {those} {which} {who} {whom} {withal} ye.

H121 <STRHEB>@ אדם 'âdâm aw-dawm' The same as H120; {Adam} the name of the first {man} also of a place in Palestine: - Adam.

H132 <STRHEB>@ אדמוני אדמני 'admônîy 'admônîy {ad-mo-nee'} ad-mo-nee' From H119; reddish (of the hair or the complexion): - {red} ruddy.

H135 <STRHEB>@ אדּן 'addân ad-dawn' Intensive from the same as H134; firm; {Addan} an Israelite: - Addan.

H141 <STRHEB>@ אדנירם 'ădônîyrâm ad-o-nee-rawm' From H113 and H7311; lord of height; {Adoniram} an Israelite: - Adoniram.

H143 <STRHEB>@ אדר 'ădâr ad-awr' Probably of foreign derivation; perhaps meaning fire; {Adar} the H12 th Hebrew month: - Adar.

H151 <STRHEB>@ אדרם 'ădôrâm ad-o-rawm' Contracted for H141; Adoram (or {Adoniram}) an Israelite: - Adoram.

H170 <STRHEB>@ אהלהּ אהלה 'ohŏlâh 'ohŏlâhh {o-hol-aw'} o-hol-aw' The first form is in form a feminine of {H168} but is in fact for the second form; from H168; her tent (that {is} idolatrous sanctuary); {Oholah} a symbolic name for Samaria: - Aholah.

H172 <STRHEB>@ אהליבהּ אהליבה 'ohŏlîybâh 'ohŏlîybâhh {o''-hol-ee-baw'} o''-hol-e-baw' (As with H170 the first form is in form a feminine of {H168} but is in fact for the second form); from H168; my tent (is) in her; {Oholibah} a symbolic name for Judah: - Aholibah.

H176 <STRHEB>@ או או 'ô 'av {o} av The first form is presumed to be the constructive or genitival form of the second form which is short for H185; desire (and so probably in ); hence (by way of alternative) {or} also if: - {also} {and} {either} {if} at the {least} X {nor} {or} {otherwise} {then} whether.

H178 <STRHEB>@ אוב 'ôb obe From the same as H1 (apparently through the idea of prattling a father´ s name); properly a {mumble} that {is} a water skin (from its hollow sound); hence a necromancer ({ventriloquist} as from a jar): - {bottle} familiar spirit.

H181 <STRHEB>@ אוּד 'ûd ood From an unused root meaning to rake together; a poker (for turning or gathering embers): - (fire-) brand.

H183 <STRHEB>@ אוה 'âvâh aw-vaw' A primitive root; to wish for: - {covet} (greatly) {desire} be {desirous} {long} lust (after).

H185 <STRHEB>@ אוּה 'avvâh av-vaw' From H183; longing: - {desire} lust {after} pleasure.

H189 <STRHEB>@ אוי 'ĕvîy ev-ee' Probably from H183; desirous; {Evi} a Midianitish chief: - Evi.

H2007 <STRHEB>@ הנּה hênnâh hane'-naw Prolonged for H2004; themselves (often used emphatically for the {copula} also in indirect relation): - X {in} X such (and such {things}) {their} (into) {them} {thence} {therein} {these} they ({had}) on this {side} {those} wherein.

H2015 <STRHEB>@ הפך hâphak haw-vak' A primitive root; to turn about or over; by implication to {change} overturn6 {return} pervert: - X {become} {change} {come} be {converted} {give} make [a {bed]} overthrow ({-turn}) {perverse} {retire} {tumble} turn ({again} {aside} {back} to the {contrary} every way).

H2063 <STRHEB>@ זאת zô'th zothe' Irregular feminine of H2089; this (often used adverbially): - hereby ({-in} {-with}) {it} {likewise} the one ({other} {same}) {she} so ({much}) such ({deed}) {that} {therefore} {these} this ({thing}) thus.

H2084 <STRHEB>@ זבן zeban zeb-an' (Chaldee); corresponding to the root of H2081; to acquire by purchase: - gain.

H2091 <STRHEB>@ זהב zâhâb zaw-hawb' From an unused root meaning to shimmer; gold; figuratively something gold colored (that {is} {yellow}) as {oil} a clear sky: - gold ({-en}) fair weather.

H2131 <STRHEB>@ זק זק זיקה zîyqâh ziq zêq {zee-kaw'} {zeek} zake From H2187; properly what leaps {forth} that {is} flash of {fire} or a burning arrow; also (from the original sense of the root) a bond: - {chain} {fetter} {firebrand} spark.

H2158 <STRHEB>@ זמרה זמר זמיר zâmîyr zâmir zemirâh {zaw-meer'} {zaw-meer'} zem-ee-raw' (Feminine): from H2167; a song to be accompanied with instrumental music: - psalm ({-ist}) {singing} song.

H2160 <STRHEB>@ זמירה zemîyrâh zem-ee-raw' Feminine of H2158; song; {Zemirah} an Israelite: - Zemira.

H2188 <STRHEB>@ זעה zê‛âh zay-aw' From H2111 (in the sense of H3154); perspiration: - sweat.

H2223 <STRHEB>@ זרזיר zarzîyr zar-zeer' By reduplication from H2115; properly tightly {girt} that {is} probably a {racer} or some fleet animal (as being slender in the waist): - + greyhound.

H2224 <STRHEB>@ זרח zârach zaw-rakh' A primitive root; properly to irradiate (or shoot forth {beams}) that {is} to rise (as the sun); specifically to appear (as a symptom of leprosy): - {arise} rise ({up}) as soon as it is up.

H2231 <STRHEB>@ זרמה zirmâh zir-maw' Feminine of H2230; a gushing of fluid (semen): - issue.

H2280 <STRHEB>@ חבשׁ châbash khaw-bash' A primitive root; to wrap firmly (especially a {turban} {compress} or saddle); figuratively to {stop} to rule: - bind ({up}) gird {about} {govern} {healer} {put} {saddle} wrap about.

H2287 <STRHEB>@ חגג châgag khaw-gag' A primitive root (compare {H2283} H2328); properly to move in a {circle} that {is} (specifically) to march in a sacred {procession} to observe a festival; by implication to be giddy: - {celebrate} {dance} ({keep} hold) a (solemn) feast ({holiday}) reel to and fro.

H2289 <STRHEB>@ חגור chăgôr khaw-gore' From H2296; belted: - girded with.

H2290 <STRHEB>@ חגרה חגורה חגר חגור chăgôr chăgôr chăgôrâh chăgôrâh (1,2) {khag-ore'} (3,4) khag-o-raw' From H2296; a belt (for the waist): - {apron} {armour} gird (-le).

H2296 <STRHEB>@ חגר châgar khaw-gar' A primitive root; to gird on (as a {belt} {armor} etc.): - be able to put {on} be {afraid} {appointed} {gird} {restrain} X on every side.

H2298 <STRHEB>@ חד chad khad (Chaldee); corresponding to H2297; as cardinal one; as article single; as ordinal first; adverbially at once: - {a} {first} {one} together.

H2318 <STRHEB>@ חדשׁ châdash khaw-dash' A primitive root; to be new; causatively to rebuild: - {renew} repair.

H2328 <STRHEB>@ חוּג chûg khoog A primitive root (compare H2287); to describe a circle: - compassive

H2329 <STRHEB>@ חוּג chûg khoog From H2328; a circle: - {circle} {circuit} compassive

H2332 <STRHEB>@ חוּה chavvâh khav-vaw' Causative from H2331; lifegiver; Chavvah (or {Eve}) the first woman: - Eve.

H2334 <STRHEB>@ חוּות יעיר chavvôth yâ‛îyr khav-vothe' yaw-eer' From the plural of H2333 and a modification of H3265; hamlets of {Jair} a region of Palestine: - [Bashan-] Havoth-jair.

H2338 <STRHEB>@ חוּט chûţ khoot (Chaldee); corresponding to the root of {H2339} perhaps as a denominative; to string {together} that {is} (figuratively) to repair: - join.

H2341 <STRHEB>@ חוילה chăvîylâh khav-ee-law' Probably from H2342; circular; {Chavilah} the name of two or three eastern regions; also perhaps of two men: - Havilah.

H2342 <STRHEB>@ חיל חוּל chûl chîyl {khool} kheel A primitive root; properly to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral {manner}) that {is} (specifically) to {dance} to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear; figuratively to {wait} to pervert: - {bear} (make to) bring {forth} (make to) {calve} {dance} drive {away} fall grievously (with {pain}) {fear} {form} {great} {grieve} (be) {grievous} {hope} {look} {make} be in {pain} be much (sore) {pained} {rest} {shake} {shapen} (be) sorrow ({-ful}) {stay} {tarry} travail (with {pain}) {tremble} {trust} wait carefully ({patiently}) be wounded.

H2343 <STRHEB>@ חוּל chûl khool From H2342; a circle; {Chul} a son of Aram; also the region settled by him: - Hul.

H2344 <STRHEB>@ חול chôl khole From H2342; sand (as round or whirling particles): - sand.

H2387 <STRHEB>@ חזיר chêzîyr khay-zeer' From the same as H2386; perhaps protected; {Chezir} the name of two Israelites: - Hezir.

H2388 <STRHEB>@ חזק châzaq khaw-zak' A primitive root; to fasten upon; hence to {seize} be strong (figuratively {courageous} causatively {strengthen} cure6 {help} repair6 {fortify}) obstinate; to {bind} {restrain} conquer: - {aid} {amend} X {calker} {catch} {cleave} {confirm} be {constant} {constrain} {continue} be of good (take) courage ({-ous} {-ly}) encourage ({self}) be {established} {fasten} {force} {fortify} make {hard} {harden} {help} (lay) hold ({fast}) {lean} {maintain} play the {man} {mend} become (wax) {mighty} {prevail} be {recovered} {repair} {retain} {seize} be (wax) {sore} strengten ({self}) be {stout} be ({make} {shew} wax) strong ({-er}) be {sure} take ({hold}) be {urgent} behave self {valiantly} withstand.

H2394 <STRHEB>@ חזקה chozqâh khoz-kaw' Feminine of H2392; vehemence (usually in a bad sense): - {force} {mightily} {repair} sharply.

H2421 <STRHEB>@ חיה châyâh khaw-yaw' A prim root (compare {H2331} H2424); to {live} whether literally or figuratively; causatively to revive: - keep ({leave} make) {alive} X {certainly} give (promise) {life} ({let} suffer to) {live} nourish {up} preserve ({alive}) {quicken} {recover} {repair} restore (to {life}) {revive} (X God) save ({alive} {life} {lives}) X {surely} be whole.

H2427 <STRHEB>@ חילה חיל chîyl chîylâh {kheel} khee-law' From H2342; a throe (especially of childbirth): - {pain} {pang} sorrow.

H2428 <STRHEB>@ חיל chayil khah'-yil From H2342; probably a {force} whether of {men} means or other resources; an {army} wealth6 {virtue} {valor} strength: - {able} {activity} (+) {army} band of men ({soldiers}) {company} (great) {forces} {goods} {host} {might} {power} {riches} {strength} {strong} {substance} {train} (+) valiant ({-ly}) {valour} virtuous ({-ly}) {war} worthy (-ily).

H2437 <STRHEB>@ חירה chîyrâh khee-raw' From H2357 in the sense of splendor; {Chirah} an Adullamite: - Hirah.

H2438 <STRHEB>@ חירם חירם chîyrâm chîyrôm {khee-rawm'} khee-rome' Another form of H2361; Chiram or {Chirom} the name of two Tyrians: - {Hiram} Huram.

H2470 <STRHEB>@ חלה châlâh khaw-law' A primitive root (compare {H2342} H2490); properly to be rubbed or worn; hence (figuratively) to be {weak} sick6 afflicted; or (causatively) to {grieve} make sick; also to stroke (in {flattering}) entreat: - {beseech} (be) {diseased} (put to) {grief} be {grieved} (be) {grievous} {infirmity} {intreat} lay {to} put to {pain} X {pray} make {prayer} be ({fall} make) {sick} {sore} be {sorry} make suit (X {supplication}) woman in {travail} be (become) {weak} be wounded.

H2479 <STRHEB>@ חלחלה chalchâlâh khal-khaw-law' Feminine from the same as H2478; writhing (in childbirth); by implication terror: - ({great} much) pain.

H2486 <STRHEB>@ חללה חלילה châlîylâh châlilâh {khaw-lee'-law} khaw-lee'-law A directive from H2490; literally for a profaned thing; used (interjectionally) far be it!: - be {far} (X God) forbid.

H2490 <STRHEB>@ חלל châlal khaw-lal' A primitive root (compare H2470); properly to {bore} that {is} (by implication) to {wound} to dissolve; figuratively to profane (a {person} place or {thing}) to break (one´ s {word}) to begin (as if by an opening-wedge); denominatively (from H2485) to play (the flute): - begin (X men {began}) {defile} X {break} {defile} X eat (as common {things}) X {first} X gather the grape {thereof} X take {inheritance} {pipe} player on {instruments} {pollute} (cast as) profane ({self}) {prostitute} slay ({slain}) {sorrow} {stain} wound.

H2492 <STRHEB>@ חלם châlam khaw-lam' A primitive root; properly to bind {firmly} that {is} (by implication) to be (causatively to make) plump; also (through the figurative sense of dumbness) to dream: - (cause to) dream ({-er}) be in good {liking} recover.

H2526 <STRHEB>@ חם châm khawm The same as H2525; hot (from the tropical habitat); {Cham} a son of Noah; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country: - Ham.

H2530 <STRHEB>@ חמד châmad khaw-mad' A primitive root; to delight in: - {beauty} greatly {beloved} {covet} delectable {thing} ( X great) {delight} {desire} {goodly} {lust} (be) pleasant ({thing}) precious (thing).

H2531 <STRHEB>@ חמד chemed kheh'-med A primitive root; to delight in: - {desirable} pleasant.

H2532 <STRHEB>@ חמדּה chemdâh khem-daw' Feminine of H2531; delight: - {desire} {goodly} {pleasant} precious.

H2563 <STRHEB>@ חמר chômer kho'-mer From H2560; properly a bubbling {up} that {is} of {water} a wave; of {earth} mire or clay (cement); also a heap; hence a chomer or dry measure: - {clay} {heap} {homer} {mire} {motion} mortar.

H2575 <STRHEB>@ חמּת chammath kham-math' A variation for the first part of H2576; hot springs; {Chammath} a place in Palestine: - Hammath.

H2603 <STRHEB>@ חנן chânan khaw-nan' A primitive root (compare H2583); properly to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior; to {favor} bestow; causatively to implore (that {is} move to favor by petition): - {beseech} X {fair} ({be} {find} shew) favour ({-able}) be ({deal} {give} grant (gracious ({-ly}) {intreat} (be) {merciful} have (shew) mercy ({on} {upon}) have pity {upon} {pray} make {supplication} X very.

H2608 <STRHEB>@ חנניהוּ חנניה chănanyâh chănanyâhû {khan-an-yaw'} khan-an-yaw'-hoo From H2603 and H3050; Jah has favored; {Chananjah} the name of thirteen Israelites: - Hananiah.

H2624 <STRHEB>@ חסידה chăsîydâh khas-ee-daw' Feminine of H2623; the kind (maternal) {bird} that {is} a stork: - X {feather} stork.

H2626 <STRHEB>@ חסין chăsîyn khas-een' From H2630; properly {firm} that {is} (by implication) mighty: - strong.

H2654 <STRHEB>@ חפץ châphêts khaw-fates' A primitive root; properly to incline to; by implication (literally but rarely) to bend; figuratively to be pleased {with} desire: - X any at {all} ({have} take) {delight} {desire} {favour} {like} {move} be (well) {pleased} have {pleasure} {will} would.

H2655 <STRHEB>@ חפץ châphêts khaw-fates' From H2654; pleased with: - delight {in} {desire} {favour} {please} have {pleasure} whosoever {would} {willing} wish.

H2656 <STRHEB>@ חפץ chêphets khay'-fets From H2654; pleasure; hence (abstractly) desire; concretely a valuable thing; hence (by extension) a matter (as something in mind): - {acceptable} delight ({-some}) {desire} things {desired} {matter} pleasant ({-ure}) {purpose} willingly.

H2683 <STRHEB>@ חצן chêtsen khay'-tsen From an unused root meaning to hold firmly; the bosom (as comprised between the arms): - bosom.

H2690 <STRHEB>@ חצרר חצצר חצר châtsar chătsôtsêr chătsôrêr khaw-tsar' khast-o-tsare' khats-o-rare' A primitive root; properly to surround with a {stockade} and thus separate from the open country; but used only in the reduplicated form (the second and third forms; to {trumpet} that {is} blow on that instrument): - {blow} {sound} trumpeter.

H2715 <STRHEB>@ חור חר chôr chôr {khore} khore From H2787; properly white or pure (from the cleansing or shining power of fire (compare H2751); hence (figuratively) noble (in rank): - noble.

H2748 <STRHEB>@ חרטם charţôm khar-tome' From the same as H2747; a horoscopist (as drawing magical lines or circles): - magician.

H2759 <STRHEB>@ חרישׁי chărîyshîy khar-ee-shee' From H2790 in the sense of silence; {quiet} that {is} sultry (as noun feminine the sirocco or hot east wind): - vehement.

H2782 <STRHEB>@ חרץ chârats khw-rats' A prim root; properly to point {sharply} that {is} (literally) to wound; figuratively to be {alert} to decide: - bestir {self} {decide} {decree} {determine} {maim} move.

H2795 <STRHEB>@ חרשׁ chêrêsh khay-rashe From H2790; deaf (whether literal or spiritual): - deaf.

H2805 <STRHEB>@ חשׁב chêsheb khay'-sheb From H2803; a belt or strap (as being interlaced): - curious girdle.

H2831 <STRHEB>@ חשׁמן chashman khash-man' From an unused root (probably meaning firm or capacious in resources); apparently wealthy: - princes.

H2836 <STRHEB>@ חשׁק châshaq khaw-shak' A primitive root; to {cling} that {is} join (figuratively) to {love} delight in; elliptically (or by interchange for H2820) to deliver: - have a {delight} (have a) {desire} {fillet} {long} set (in) love.

H2837 <STRHEB>@ חשׁק chêsheq khay'-shek From H2836; delight: - {desire} pleasure.

H2846 <STRHEB>@ חתה châthâh khaw-thaw' A primitive root; to lay hold of; especially to pick up fire: - {heap} take (away).

H2860 <STRHEB>@ חתן châthân khaw-thawn' From H2859; a relative by marriage (especially through the bride); figuratively a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal): - {bridegroom} {husband} son in law.

H2871 <STRHEB>@ טבוּל ţâbûl taw-bool' Passive participle of H2881; properly {dyed} that {is} a turban (probably as of colored stuff): - dyed attire.

H2889 <STRHEB>@ טהר טהור ţâhôr ţâhôr {haw-hore'} taw-hore' From H2891; pure (in a {physical} {chemical} ceremonial or moral sense): - {clean} {fair} pure (-ness).

H2896 <STRHEB>@ טוב ţôb tobe From H2895; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense; used likewise as a {noun} both in the masculine and the {feminine} the singular and the plural ({good} a good or good {thing} a good man or woman; the {good} goods or good {things} good men or {women}) also as an adverb (well): - {beautiful} {best} {better} {bountiful} {cheerful} at {ease} X fair ({word}) (be in) {favour} {fine} {glad} good ({deed} {-lier} {liest} {-ly} {-ness} {-s}) {graciously} {joyful} {kindly} {kindness} liketh ({best}) {loving} {merry} X {most} {pleasant} + {pleaseth} {pleasure} {precious} {prosperity} {ready} {sweet} {wealth} {welfare} (be) well ([-favoured]).

H2898 <STRHEB>@ טוּב ţûb toob From H2895; good (as a {noun}) in the widest {sense} especially goodness (superlatively {concrete} the {best}) beauty6 {gladness} welfare: - {fair} {gladness} good ({-ness} {thing} {-s}) {joy} go well with.

H2907 <STRHEB>@ טוּשׂ ţûώ toos A primitive root; to pounce as a bird of prey: - haste.

H2912 <STRHEB>@ טחן ţâchan taw-khan' A primitive root; to grind meal; hence to be a concubine (that being their employment): - grind (-er).

H2916 <STRHEB>@ טיט ţîyţ teet From an unused root meaning apparently to be sticky (rather perhaps a denominative from {H2894} through the idea of dirt to be swept away); mud or clay; figuratively calamity: - {clay} {dirt} mire.

H2917 <STRHEB>@ טין ţîyn teen (Chaldee); perhaps by interchange for a word corresponding to H2916; clay: - miry.

H2968 <STRHEB>@ יאב yâ'ab yaw-ab' A primitive root; to desire: - long.

H2971 <STRHEB>@ יאיר yâ'îyr yaw-ere' From H215; enlightener; {Jair} the name of four Israelites: - Jair.

H2972 <STRHEB>@ יארי yâ'irîy yaw-ee-ree' Patronymic from H2971; a Jairite or descendant of Jair: - Jairite.

H2976 <STRHEB>@ יאשׁ yâ'ash yaw-ash' A primitive root; to {desist} that {is} (figuratively) to despond: - (cause to) {despair} one that is {desperate} be no hope.

H211 <STRHEB>@ אופר אפיר אופיר 'ôphîyrphîyrphir {o-feer'} {o-feer'} o-feer' Of uncertain derivation; {Ophir} the name of a son of {Joktan} and of a gold region in the East: - Ophir.

H215 <STRHEB>@ אור 'ôr ore A primitive root; to be (causatively make) luminous (literally and metaphorically): - X break of {day} {glorious} {kindle} ({be} {en-} {give} show) light ({-en} {-ened}) set on {fire} shine.

H217 <STRHEB>@ אוּר 'ûr oor From H215; {flame} hence (in the plural) the East (as being the region of light): - {fire} light. See also H224.

H226 <STRHEB>@ אות 'ôth oth Probably from H225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (literally or {figuratively}) as a {flag} beacon6 {monument} omen6 {prodigy} {evidence} etc.: - {mark} {miracle} (en-) {sign} token.

H230 <STRHEB>@ אזד 'ăzâd az-awd' (Chaldee); of uncertain derivation; firm: - be gone.

H232 <STRHEB>@ אזור 'êzôr ay-zore' From H246; something girt; a {belt} also a band: - girdle.

H247 <STRHEB>@ אזר 'âzar aw-zar' A primitive root; to belt: - bind (compass) {about} gird ({up} with).

H254 <STRHEB>@ אח 'âch awkh Of uncertain derivation; a fire pot or chafing dish: - hearth.

H259 <STRHEB>@ אחד 'echâd ekh-awd' A numeral from H258; properly {united} that {is} one; or (as an ordinal) first: - {a} {alike} {alone} {altogether} {and} any ({-thing}) {apiece} a certain [dai-] {ly} each ({one}) + {eleven} {every} {few} {first} + {highway} a {man} {once} {one} {only} {other} {some} together.

H269 <STRHEB>@ אחות 'âchôth aw-khoth' Irregular feminine of H251; a sister (used very widely (like {H250}) literally and figuratively): - (an-) {other} {sister} together.

H297 <STRHEB>@ אחירם 'ăchîyrâm akh-ee-rawm' From H251 and H7311; brother of height (that {is} high); {Achiram} an Israelite: - Ahiram.

H298 <STRHEB>@ אחירמי 'ăchîyrâmîy akh-ee-raw-mee' Patronymic from H297; an Achiramite or descendants (collectively) of Achiram: - Ahiramites.

H299 <STRHEB>@ אחירע 'ăchîyraakh-ee-rah' From H251 and H7451; brother of wrong; {Achira} an Israelite: - Ahira.

H3019 <STRHEB>@ יגיע yâgîyahaw-ghee'-ah From H3021; tired: - weary.

H3021 <STRHEB>@ יגע yâgayaw-gah' A primitive root; properly to gasp; hence to be {exhausted} to {tire} to toil: - {faint} (make to) {labour} (be) weary.

H3023 <STRHEB>@ יגע yâgêayaw-gay'-ah From H3021; tired; hence (transitively) tiresome: - full of {labour} weary.

H3026 <STRHEB>@ יגר שׂהדוּתא yegar ώahădûthâ' yegar' sah-had-oo-thaw' (Chaldee); from a word derived from an unused root (meaning to gather) and a derivative of a root corresponding to H7717; heap of the testimony; {Jegar-Sahadutha} a cairn East of the Jordan: - Jegar-Sahadutha.

H3027 <STRHEB>@ יד yâd yawd A primitive word; a hand (the open one (indicating {power} means6 {direction} {etc.}) in distinction from {H3709} the closed one); used (as {noun} {adverb} etc.) in a great variety of {applications} both literally and {figuratively} both proximate and remote: - (+ be) {able} X {about} + {armholes} {at} {axletree} because {of} {beside} {border} X {bounty} + {broad} [broken-] {handed} X {by} {charge} {coast} + {consecrate} + {creditor} {custody} {debt} {dominion} X {enough} + {fellowship} {force} X {from} hand {[-staves} -y {work]} X {he} {himself} X {in} {labour} + {large} {ledge} [left-] {handed} {means} X {mine} {ministry} {near} X {of} X {order} {ordinance} X {our} {parts} {pain} {power} X {presumptuously} {service} {side} {sore} {state} {stay} draw with {strength} {stroke} + {swear} {terror} X {thee} X by {them} X {them-selves} X thine {own} X {thou} {through} X {throwing} + {thumb} {times} X {to} X {under} X {us} X wait {on} [way-] {side} {where} + {wide} X with ({him} {me} {you}) {work} + {yield} X your-selves.

H3060 <STRHEB>@ יהואשׁ yehô'âsh yeh-ho-awsh' From H3068 and (perhaps) H784; Jehovah fired; {Jehoash} the name of two Israelite kings: - Jehoash Compare H3101.

H3063 <STRHEB>@ יהוּדה yehûdâh yeh-hoo-daw' From H3034; celebrated; Jehudah (or {Judah}) the name of five Israelites; also of the tribe descended from the {first} and of its territory: - Judah.

H3070 <STRHEB>@ יהוה יראה yehôvâh yir'eh yeh-ho-vaw' yir-eh' From H3068 and H7200; Jehovah will see (to it); {Jehovah-Jireh} a symbolical name for Mt. Moriah: - Jehovah-jireh.

H3074 <STRHEB>@ יהוה שׁמּה yehôvâh shâmmâh yeh-ho-vaw' shawm'-maw From H3068 and H8038 with directive enclitic; Jehovah (is) thither; {Jehovah-Shammah} a symbolical title of Jerusalem: - Jehovah-shammah.

H3117 <STRHEB>@ יום yôm yome From an unused root meaning to be hot; a day (as the warm {hours}) whether literally (from sunrise to {sunset} or from one sunset to the {next}) or figuratively (a space of time defined by an associated {term}) (often used adverbially): - {age} + {always} + {chronicles} continually ({-ance}) {daily} ({[birth-]} {each} to) {day} (now {a} two) days ({agone}) + {elder} X {end} + {evening} + (for) ever ({-lasting} {-more}) X {full} {life} as (so) long as (. . . {live}) (even) {now} + {old} + {outlived} + {perpetually} {presently} + {remaineth} X {required} {season} X {since} {space} {then} (process of) {time} + as at other {times} + in {trouble} {weather} (as) {when} ({a} {the} within a) while ({that}) X whole (+ {age}) (full) year ({-ly}) + younger.

H3120 <STRHEB>@ יון yâvân yaw-vawn' Probably from the same as H3196; effervescing (that {is} hot and active); {Javan} the name of a son of {Joktan} and of the race ({Ionians} that {is} Greeks) descended from {him} with their territory; also of a place in Arabia: - Javan.

H3121 <STRHEB>@ יון yâvên yaw-ven' From the same as H3196; properly dregs (as effervescing); hence mud: - {mire} miry.

H3123 <STRHEB>@ יונה yônâh yo-naw' Probably from the same as H3196; a dove (apparently from the warmth of their mating): - {dove} pigeon.

H3138 <STRHEB>@ יורה yôreh yo-reh' Active participle of H3384; sprinkling; hence a sprinkling (or autumnal showers): - first {rain} former [rain].

H3150 <STRHEB>@ יזּיּה yizzîyâh yiz-zee-yaw' From the same as the first part of H3149 and H3050; sprinkled of Jah; {Jizzijah} an Israelite: - Jeziah.

H3190 <STRHEB>@ יטב yâţab yaw-tab' A primitive root; to be (causatively) make {well} literally ({sound} beautiful) or figuratively ({happy} {successful} right): - be {accepted} {amend} use {aright} {benefit} be (make) {better} seem {best} make {cheerful} be {comely} + be {content} diligent ({-ly}) {dress} {earnestly} find {favour} {give} be {glad} do ({be} make) good ({[-ness]}) be (make) {merry} please (+ {well}) shew more {[kindness]} {skilfully} X very {small} {surely} make {sweet} {thoroughly} {tire} {trim} {very} be ({can} {deal} {entreat} {go} have) well {[said} seen ].

H3195 <STRHEB>@ יטוּר yeţûr yet-oor' Probably from the same as H2905; encircled (that {is} inclosed); {Jetur} a son of Ishmael: - Jetur.

H3205 <STRHEB>@ ילד yâlad yaw-lad' A primitive root; to bear young; causatively to beget; medically to act as midwife; specifically to show lineage: - {bear} {beget} birth ({[-day]}) {born} (make to) bring forth ({children} {young}) bring {up} {calve} {child} {come} be delivered (of a {child}) time of {delivery} {gender} {hatch} {labour} (do the office of a) {midwife} declare {pedigrees} be the son {of} (woman {in} woman that) travail ({-eth} -ing woman).

H3207 <STRHEB>@ ילדּה yaldâh yal-daw' Feminine of H3206; a lass: - {damsel} girl.

H3208 <STRHEB>@ ילדוּת yaldûth yal-dooth' Abstract from H3206; boyhood (or girlhood): - {childhood} youth.

H3231 <STRHEB>@ ימן yâman yaw-man' A primitive root; to be (physically) right (that {is} firm); but used only as denominative from H3225 and {transitively} to be right handed or take the right hand side: - go (turn) to ({on} use) the right hand.

H3244 <STRHEB>@ ינשׁוף ינשׁוּף yanshûph yanshôph {yan-shoof'} yan-shofe' Apparently from H4398; an unclean (aquatic) bird; probably the heron (perhaps from its blowing {cry} or because the night heron is meant (compare H5399)): - (great) owl.

H3247 <STRHEB>@ יסוד yesôd yes-ode' From H3245; a foundation (literally or figuratively): - {bottom} {foundation} repairing.

H3259 <STRHEB>@ יעד yâ‛ad yaw-ad' A primitive root; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment); by implication to meet (at a stated {time}) to summon (to {trial}) to direct (in a certain quarter or {position}) to engage (for marriage): - {agree} (make an) appoint ({-ment} a {time}) assemble ({selves}) {betroth} gather ({selves} {together}) meet ({together}) set (a time).

H3265 <STRHEB>@ יעוּר yâ‛ûr yaw-oor' Apparently passive participle of the same as H3293; wooded; {Jaur} an Israelite: - Jair [from the margin].

H3279 <STRHEB>@ יעלה יעלא ya‛ălâ' ya‛ălâh {yah-al-aw'} yah-al-aw' The same as H3280 or direct from H3276; Jaala or {Jaalah} one of the Nethinim: - {Jaala} Jaalah.

H3286 <STRHEB>@ יעף yâ‛aph yaw-af' A primitive root; to tire (as if from wearisome flight): - {faint} cause to {fly} (be) weary (self).

H3302 <STRHEB>@ יפה yâphâh yaw-faw' A primitive root; properly to be {bright} that {is} (by implication) beautiful: - be {beautiful} be (make self) fair ({-r}) deck.

H3303 <STRHEB>@ יפה yâpheh yaw-feh' From H3302; beautiful (literally of figuratively): - + {beautiful} {beauty} {comely} fair ({-est} {one}) + {goodly} {pleasant} well.

H3304 <STRHEB>@ יפה־פיּה yephêh-phîyâh yef-eh' fee-yaw' From H3302 by reduplication; very beautiful: - very fair.

H3318 <STRHEB>@ יצא yâtsâ' yaw-tsaw' A primitive root; to go (causatively bring) {out} in a great variety of {applications} literally and {figuratively} direct and proximate: - X {after} {appear} X {assuredly} bear {out} X {begotten} break {out} bring forth ({out} {up}) carry {out} come ({abroad} {out} {thereat} {without}) + be {condemned} depart ({-ing} {-ure}) draw {forth} in the {end} {escape} {exact} {fail} fall ({out}) fetch forth ({out}) get away ({forth} {hence} {out}) (able {to} cause {to} let) go abroad ({forth} {on} {out}) going {out} {grow} have forth ({out}) issue {out} lay (lie) {out} lead {out} pluck {out} {proceed} pull {out} put {away} be {risen} X {scarce} send with {commandment} shoot {forth} {spread} spring {out} stand {out} X {still} X {surely} take forth ({out}) at any {time} X to [and {fro]} utter.

H3321 <STRHEB>@ יצב yetsêb yets-abe' (Chaldee); corresponding to H3320; to be firm; hence to speak surely: - truth.

H3332 <STRHEB>@ יצק yâtsaq yaw-tsak' A primitive root; properly to pour out (transitively or intransitively); by implication to melt or cast as metal; by extension to place {firmly} to stiffen or grow hard: - {cast} cleave {fast} be (as) {firm} {grow} be {hard} lay {out} {molten} {overflow} pour ({out}) run {out} set {down} stedfast.

H3341 <STRHEB>@ יצת yâtsath yaw-tsath' A primitive root; to burn or set on fire; figuratively to desolate: - burn ({up}) be {desolate} set (on) fire ({[fire]}) kindle.

H3374 <STRHEB>@ יראה yirh yir-aw' Feminine of H3373; fear (also used as infinitive); morally reverence: - X {dreadful} X {exceedingly} fear (-fulness).

H3375 <STRHEB>@ יראון yirn yir-ohn' From H3372; fearfulness; {Jiron} a place in Palestine: - Iron.

H3376 <STRHEB>@ יראיּיה yiryâyh yir-ee-yaw' From H3373 and H3050; fearful of Jah; {Jirijah} an Israelite: - Irijah.

H3384 <STRHEB>@ ירא ירה yârâh yârâ' {yaw-raw'} yaw-raw' A primitive root; properly to flow as water (that {is} to rain); transitively to lay or throw (especially an {arrow} that {is} to shoot); figuratively to point out (as if by aiming the {finger}) to teach: - (+) {archer} {cast} {direct} {inform} {instruct} {lay} {shew} {shoot} teach ({-er} {-ing}) through.

H3414 <STRHEB>@ ירמיהוּ ירמיה yirmeyâh yirmeyâhû {yir-meh-yaw'} yir-meh-yaw'-hoo From H7311 and H3050; Jah will rise; {Jirmejah} the name of eight or nine Israelites: - Jeremiah.

H3416 <STRHEB>@ ירפּאל yirpel yir-peh-ale' From H7495 and H410; God will heal; {Jirpeel} a place in Palestine: - Irpeel.

H3423 <STRHEB>@ ירשׁ ירשׁ yârash yârêsh {yaw-rash'} yaw-raysh' A primitive root; to occupy (be driving out previous {tenants} and possessing in their place); by implication to {seize} to {rob} to inherit; also to {expel} to {impoverish} to ruin: - cast {out} {consume} {destroy} {disinherit} {dispossess} drive (-ing) {out} {enjoy} {expel} X without {fail} (give {to} leave for) inherit ({-ance} {-or}) + {magistrate} be (make) {poor} come to {poverty} (give {to} make to) {possess} get (have) in (take) {possession} seize {upon} {succeed} X utterly.

H3433 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבי לחם ישׁבי לחם yâshûbîy lechem yôshebêy lechem {yaw-shoo'-bee} yo-sheh-bay' (leh'-khem) Shown as the first form; from H7725 and H3899; returner of bread; {Jashubi-Lechem} an Israelite; but probably the text should be pointed (as in the second form) and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} that {is} of Bethlehem (by contraction): - Jashubi-lehem. [Probably the text should be pointed Yoshebey {Lechem} yo-sheh-bay {leh-khem} and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} That is6of Bethlehem (by contraction). Compare H3902.]

H3446 <STRHEB>@ ישׂחק yiώchâq yis-khawk' From H7831; he will laugh; {Jischak} the heir of Abraham: - Isaac. Compare H3327.

H3474 <STRHEB>@ ישׁר yâshar yaw-shar' A primitive root; to be straight or even; figuratively to be (causatively to make) {right} {pleasant} prosperous: - {direct} {fit} seem good ({meet}) + please ({well}) be ({esteem} go) right ({on}) bring ({look} {make} take the) straight ({way}) be upright (-ly).

H3480 <STRHEB>@ ישׂראלה yeώarlâh yes-ar-ale'-aw By variation from H3477 and H410 with directive enclitic; right towards God; {Jesarelah} an Israelite: - Jesharelah. Compare H841

H3486 <STRHEB>@ ישׁשׁ yâshêsh yaw-shaysh' From an unused root meaning to blanch; gray {haired} that {is} an aged man: - stoop for age.

H3492 <STRHEB>@ יתּיר yattîyr yat-teer' From H3498; redundant; {Jattir} a place in Palestine: - Jattir.

H3518 <STRHEB>@ כּבה kâbâh kaw-baw' A primitive root; to expire or (causatively) to extinguish ({fire} {light} anger): - go (put) {out} quench.

H3520 <STRHEB>@ כּבוּדּה kebûddâh keb-ood-daw' Irregular feminine passive participle of H3513; weightiness; that {is} {magnificence} wealth: - {carriage} all {glorious} stately.

H3539 <STRHEB>@ כּדכד kadkôd kad-kode' From the same as H3537 in the sense of striking fire from a metal forged; a sparkling {gem} probably the ruby: - agate.

H3559 <STRHEB>@ כּוּן kûn koon A primitive root; properly to be erect (that {is} stand perpendicular);. hence (causatively) to set {up} in a great variety of {applications} whether literal ({establish} fix6 {prepare} {apply}) or figurative ({appoint} render {sure} proper or prosperous): - certain ({-ty}) {confirm} {direct} {faithfulness} {fashion} {fasten} {firm} be {fitted} be {fixed} {frame} be {meet} {ordain} {order} {perfect} (make) {preparation} prepare ({self}) {provide} make {provision} ({be} make) {ready} {right} set ({aright} {fast} {forth}) be {stable} (e-) {stablish} {stand} {tarry} X very deed.

H3563 <STRHEB>@ כּוס kôs koce From an unused root meaning to hold together; a cup (as a {container}) often figuratively a lot (as if a potion); also some unclean {bird} probably an owl (perhaps from the cup like cavity of its eye): - {cup} (small) owl. Compare H3599.

H3581 <STRHEB>@ כּוח כּח kôach kôach {ko'-akh} ko'-akh From an unused root meaning to be firm; {vigor} literally ({force} in a good or a bad sense) or figuratively ({capacity} means6 produce); also (from its hardiness) a large lizard: - {ability} {able} {chameleon} {force} {fruits} {might} power ({-ful}) {strength} {substance} wealth.

H3601 <STRHEB>@ כּישׁור kîyshôr kee-shore' From H3787; literally a {director} that {is} the spindle or shank of a distaff (H6418) by which it is twirled: - spindle.

H3603 <STRHEB>@ כּכר kikâr kik-kawr' From H3769; a {circle} that {is} (by implication) a circumjacent tract or {region} especially the Ghor or valley of the Jordan; also a (round) loaf; also a talent (or large (round) coin): - {loaf} {morsel} {piece} {plain} talent.

H3614 <STRHEB>@ כּלבי כּלבּוo kâlibbô kâlêbîy {kaw-lib-bo'} kaw-lay-bee' The first form is probably by erroneous transcription for the second form; patronymic from H3612; a Calebite or descendant of Caleb: - of the house of Caleb.

H3615 <STRHEB>@ כּלה kâlâh kaw-law' A primitive root; to {end} whether intransitively (to {cease} be {finished} perish) or transitively (to {complete} {prepare} consume): - {accomplish} {cease} consume ({away}) {determine} destroy ({utterly}) be (when . . . were) {done} (be an) end ({of}) {expire} (cause to) {fail} {faint} {finish} {fulfil} X {fully} X {have} leave ({off}) {long} bring to {pass} wholly {reap} make clean {riddance} {spend} quite take {away} waste.

H3619 <STRHEB>@ כּלוּב kelûb kel-oob' From the same as H3611; a bird trap (as furnished with a clapstick or treadle to spring it); hence a basket (as resembling a wicker cage): - {basket} cage.

H3632 <STRHEB>@ כּליל kâlîyl kaw-leel' From H3634; complete; as {noun} the whole (specifically a sacrifice entirely consumed); as adverb fully: - {all} every {whit} {flame} perfect ({-ion}) {utterly} whole burnt offering ({sacrifice}) wholly.

H3638 <STRHEB>@ כּלמד kilmâd kil-mawd' Of foreign derivation; {Kilmad} a place apparently in the Assyrian empire: - Chilmad.

H3641 <STRHEB>@ כּלנו כּלנה כּלנה kalneh kalnêh kalnô {kal-neh'} {kal-nay'} kal-no' Of foreign derivation; Calneh or {Calno} a place in the Assyrian empire: - {Calneh} Calno. Compare H3656.

H3654 <STRHEB>@ כּן kên kane From H3661 in the sense of fastening; a gnat (from infixing its sting; used only in plural (and irregularly in ; ): - {lice} X manner.

H3669 <STRHEB>@ כּנעני kenaanîy ken-ah-an-ee' Patrial from H3667; a Kenaanite or inhabitant of Kenaan; by implication a pedlar (the Cananites standing for their neighbors the {Ishmaelites} who conducted mercantile caravans): - {Canaanite} {merchant} trafficker.

H3671 <STRHEB>@ כּנף kânâph kaw-nawf' From H3670; an edge or extremity; specifically (of a bird or army) a {wing} (of a garment or bed clothing) a {flap} (of the earth) a {quarter} (of a building) a pinnacle: - + {bird} {border} {corner} {end} feather {[-ed]} X {flying} + (one an-) {other} {overspreading} X {quarters} {skirt} X {sort} uttermost {part} wing ([-ed]).

H3700 <STRHEB>@ כּסף kâsaph kaw-saf' A primitive root; properly to become {pale} that {is} (by implication) to pine after; also to fear: - [have] {desire} be {greedy} {long} sore.

H3714 <STRHEB>@ כּפיס kâphîys kaw-fece' From an unused root meaning to connect; a girder: - beam.

H3716 <STRHEB>@ כּפירה kephîyrâh kef-ee-raw' Feminine of H3715; the village (always with the article); {Kephirah} a place in Palestine: - Chephirah.

H3724 <STRHEB>@ כּפר kôpher ko'-fer From H3722; properly a {cover} that {is} (literally) a village (as covered in); (specifically) bitumen (as used for {coating}) and the henna plant (as used for dyeing); figuratively a redemption price: - {bribe} {camphire} {pitch} {ransom} {satisfaction} sum of {money} village.

H3730 <STRHEB>@ כּפתּור כּפתּר kaphtôr kaphtôr {kaf-tore'} kaf-tore' Probably from an unused root meaning to encircle; a chaplet; but used only in an architectonic {sense} that {is} the capital of a {column} or a wreath like button or disk on the candelabrum: - {knop} (upper) lintel.

H3736 <STRHEB>@ כּרבּל karbêl kar-bale' From the same as H3525; to gird or clothe: - clothed.

H3765 <STRHEB>@ כּרסם kirsêm kir-same' From H3697; to lay waste: - waste.

H3769 <STRHEB>@ כּרר kârar kaw-rar' A primitive root; to dance (that {is} whirl): - dance (-ing).

H3787 <STRHEB>@ כּשׁר kâshêr kaw-share' A primitive root properly to be straight or right; by implication to be acceptable; also to succeed or proser: - {direct} be {right} prosper.

H3801 <STRHEB>@ כּתּנת כּתנת kethôneth kûttôneth {keth-o'-neth} koot-to'-neth From an unused root meaning to cover (compare H3802); a shirt: - {coat} {garment} robe.

H3804 <STRHEB>@ כּתר kether keh'-ther From H3803; properly a {circlet} that {is} a diadem: - crown.

H3810 <STRHEB>@ לדבר לדבר לו דבר לא דבר lô' debar lô debar lidbir lôdebar (1,2) lo {deb-ar'} {lid-beer'} lo-deb-ar' From H3808 and H1699; pastureless; lo {Debar} a place in Palestine: - {Debir} Lo-debar.

H3811 <STRHEB>@ לאה lâ'âh law-aw' A primitive root; to tire; (figuratively) to be (or make) disgusted: - {faint} {grieve} {lothe} ({be} make) weary (selves).

H3857 <STRHEB>@ להט lâhaţ law-hat' A primitive root; properly to {lick} that {is} (by implication) to blaze: - burn ({up}) set on {fire} {flaming} kindle.

H3864 <STRHEB>@ לבּי לוּבי lûbîy lûbbîy {loo-bee'} loob-bee' Patrial from a name probably derived from an unused root meaning to {thirst} that {is} a dry region; apparently a Libyan or inhabitant of interior Africa (only in plural): - Lubim ({-s}) Libyans.

H3883 <STRHEB>@ לוּל lûl lool From an unused root meaning to fold back; a spiral step: - winding stair. Compare H3924.

H3940 <STRHEB>@ לפּד לפּיד lappîyd lappid {lap-peed'} lap-peed' From an unused root probably meaning to shine; a {flambeau} lamp or flame: - (fire-) {brand} (burning) {lamp} {lightning} torch.

H3948 <STRHEB>@ לקח leqach leh'-kakh From H3947; properly something {received} that {is} (mentally) instruction (whether on the part of the teacher or hearer); also (in an active and sinister sense) inveiglement: - {doctrine} {learning} fair speech.

H3970 <STRHEB>@ מאוי mavay mah-av-ah'ee From H183; a desire: - desire.

H3976 <STRHEB>@ מאזן mô'zên mo-zane' From H239; (only in the dual) a pair of scales: - balances.

H3980 <STRHEB>@ מאכלת makôleth mah-ak-o'-leth From H398; something eaten (by {fire}) that {is} fuel: - fuel.

H312 <STRHEB>@ אחר 'achêr akh-air' From H309; properly hinder; generally {next} {other} etc.: - (an-) other ({man}) {following} {next} strange.

H313 <STRHEB>@ אחר 'achêr akh-air' The same as H312; {Acher} an Israelite: - Aher.

H328 <STRHEB>@ אט 'aţ at From an unused root perhaps meaning to move softly; (as a noun) a necromancer (from their soft {incantations}) (as an adverb) gently: - {charmer} {gently} {secret} softly.

H339 <STRHEB>@ אי 'îy ee From H183; properly a habitable spot (as desirable); dry {land} a {coast} an island: - {country} {isle} island.

H383 <STRHEB>@ איתי 'îythay ee-thah'ee (Chaldee); corresponding to H3426; properly entity; used only as a particle of {affirmation} there is: - art {thou} {can} do {ye} have it {be} there is ({are}) X we will not.

H389 <STRHEB>@ אך 'ak ak Akin to H403; a particle of {affirmation} surely; hence (by limitation) only: - {also} in any {wise} at {least} {but} {certainly} {even} {howbeit} {nevertheless} {notwithstanding} {only} {save} surely of a {surety} {truly} {verily} + {wherefore} yet (but).

H4041 <STRHEB>@ מגמּה megammâh meg-am-maw' From the same as H1571; properly {accumulation} that {is} impulse or direction: - sup up.

H4071 <STRHEB>@ מדרה מדוּרה medûrâh medûrâh {med-oo-raw'} med-oo-raw' From H1752 in the sense of accumulation; a pile of fuel: - pile (for fire).

H4095 <STRHEB>@ מדרגה madrêgâh mad-ray-gaw' From an unused root meaning to step; properly a step; by implication a steep or inaccessible place: - {stair} steep place.

H4106 <STRHEB>@ מהר מהיר mâhîyr mâhir {maw-here'} maw-here' From H4116; quick; hence skilful: - {diligent} {hasty} ready.

H4135 <STRHEB>@ מוּל mûl mool A primitive root; to cut {short} that {is} curtail (specifically the {prepuce} that {is} to circumcise); by implication to blunt; figuratively to destroy: - circumcise ({-ing} {selves}) cut down (in {pieces}) {destroy} X must needs.

H4137 <STRHEB>@ מולדה môlâdâh mo-law-daw' From H3205; birth; {Moladah} a place in Palestine: - Moladah.

H4138 <STRHEB>@ מולדת môledeth mo-leh'-deth From H3205; nativity (plural birth place); by implication {lineage} native country; also {offspring} family: - {begotten} {born} {issue} {kindred} native (-ity).

H4139 <STRHEB>@ מוּלה mûlâh moo-law' From H4135; circumcision: - circumcision.

H4141 <STRHEB>@ מוּסב mûsâb moo-sawb' From H5437; a {turn} that {is} circuit (of a building): - winding about.

H4159 <STRHEB>@ מפת מופת môphêth môphêth {mo-faith'} mo-faith' From H3302 in the sense of conspicuousness; a miracle; by implication a token or omen: - {miracle} {sign} wonder (-ed at).

H4168 <STRHEB>@ מוקד môqêd mo-kade' From H3344; a fire or fuel; abstractly a conflagration: - {burning} hearth.

H4194 <STRHEB>@ מות mâveth maw'-veth From H4191; death (natural or violent); concretely the {dead} their place or state (hades); figuratively {pestilence} ruin: - (be) dead ({[-ly]}) {death} die (-d).

H4206 <STRHEB>@ מזח מזיח mâzîyach mêzach {maw-zee'-akh} may-zakh' From H2118; a belt (as movable): - {girdle} strength.

H4228 <STRHEB>@ מחגרת machăgôreth makh-ag-o'-reth From H2296; a girdle: - girding.

H4230 <STRHEB>@ מחוּגה mechûgâh mekh-oo-gaw' From H2328; an instrument for marking a {circle} that {is} compasses: - compassive

H4242 <STRHEB>@ מחיר mechîyr mekh-eer' From an unused root meaning to buy; {price} {payment} wages: - {gain} {hire} {price} {sold} worth.

H4243 <STRHEB>@ מחיר mechîyr mekh-eer' The same as H4242; price; {Mechir} an Israelite: - Mehir.

H4245 <STRHEB>@ מחלה מחלה machăleh machălâh {makh-al-eh'} makh-al-aw' From H2470; sickness: - {disease} {infirmity} sickness.

H4253 <STRHEB>@ מחלפה machlâphâh makh-law-faw' From H2498; a ringlet of hair (as gliding over each other): - lock.

H4261 <STRHEB>@ מחמד machmâd makh-mawd' From H2530; delightful; hence a {delight} that {is} object of affection or desire: - {beloved} {desire} {goodly} {lovely} pleasant (thing).

H4262 <STRHEB>@ מחמוּד מחמדo machmûd machmûd {makh-mood'} makh-mood' From H2530; desired; hence a valuable: - pleasant thing.

H4289 <STRHEB>@ מחתּה machtâh makh-taw' The same as H4288 in the sense of removal; a pan for live coals: - {censer} {firepan} snuffdish.

H4292 <STRHEB>@ מטאטא maţ'ăţê' mat-at-ay' Apparently a denominative from H2916; a broom (as removing dirt (compare Englishto dust´ {} that {is} remove dust)): - besom.

H4295 <STRHEB>@ מטּה maţţâh mat'-taw From H5786 with directive enclitic appended; {downward} below or beneath; often adverbially with or without prefixes: - {beneath} down ({-ward}) {less} very {low} under (-neath).

H4300 <STRHEB>@ מטיל meţîyl met-eel' From H2904 in the sense of hammering out; an iron bar (as forged): - bar.

H4351 <STRHEB>@ מכרה מכוּרה mekûrâh mekôrâh {mek-oo-raw'} mek-o-raw' From the same as H3564 in the sense of digging; origin (as if a mine): - {birth} {habitation} nativity.

H4353 <STRHEB>@ מכיר mâkîyr maw-keer' From H4376; salesman; {Makir} an Israelite: - Machir.

H4354 <STRHEB>@ מכירי mâkîyrîy maw-kee-ree' Patronymic from H4353; a Makirite or descendant of Makir: - of Machir.

H4390 <STRHEB>@ מלא מלא mâlê' mâlâ' {maw-lay'} maw-law' A primitive {root} to fill or (intransitively) be full {of} in a wide application (literally and figuratively): - {accomplish} {confirm} + {consecrate} be at an {end} be {expired} be {fenced} {fill} {fulfil} ({be} {become} X {draw} give {in} go) fully ({-ly} -ly {set} {tale}) [over-] {flow} {fulness} {furnish} gather ({selves} {together}) {presume} {replenish} {satisfy} {set} {space} take a [hand-] {full} + have wholly.

H4395 <STRHEB>@ מלאה melê'âh mel-ay-aw' Feminine of H4392; something {fulfilled} that {is} abundance (of produce): - (first of ripe) {fruit} fulness.

H4426 <STRHEB>@ מליצה melîytsâh mel-ee-tsaw' From H3887; an aphorism; also a satire: - {interpretation} taunting.

H4438 <STRHEB>@ מלכיּה מלכת מלכוּת malkûth malkûth malkûyâh {mal-kooth'} {mal-kooth'} mal-koo-yaw' From H4427; a rule; concretely a dominion: - {empire} {kingdom} {realm} {reign} royal.

H4443 <STRHEB>@ מלכּירם malkîyrâm mal-kee-rawm' From H4428 and H7311; king of a high one (that {is} of exaltation); {Malkiram} an Israelite: - Malchiram.

H4485 <STRHEB>@ מנגּינה mangîynâh man-ghee-naw' From H5059; a satire: - music.

H4497 <STRHEB>@ מנון mânôn maw-nohn' From H5125; a {continuator} that {is} heir: - son.

H4546 <STRHEB>@ מסלּה mesillâh mes-il-law' From H5549; a thoroughfare (as {turnpiked}) literally or figuratively; specifically a {viaduct} a staircase: - {causeway} {course} {highway} {path} terrace.

H4552 <STRHEB>@ מסעד mis‛âd mis-awd' From H5582; a balustrade (for stairs): - pillar.

H4570 <STRHEB>@ מעגּלה מעגּל magâl magâlâh {mah-gawl'} mah-gaw-law' From the same as H5696; a track (literally or figuratively); also a rampart (as circular): - {going} {path} {trench} way([-side]).

H4583 <STRHEB>@ מעין מעוןo mâ‛ôn mâ‛îyn {maw-ohn'} maw-een' From the same as H5772; an {abode} of God (the Tabernacle or the {Temple}) men (their home) or animals (their lair); hence a retreat (asylum): - {den} dwelling ([-]) {place}) habitation.

H4608 <STRHEB>@ מעלה ma‛ăleh mah-al-eh' From H5927; an {elevation} that {is} (concretely) acclivity or platform; abstractly (the relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority: - {ascent} {before} {chiefest} {cliff} that goeth {up} going {up} {hill} mounting {up} stairs.

H4609 <STRHEB>@ מעלה ma‛ălâh mah-al-aw' Feminine of H4608; {elevation} that {is} the act (literally a journey to a higher {place} figuratively a thought {arising}) or (concretely) the condition (literally a step or grade {mark} figuratively a superiority of station); specifically a climactic progression (in certain Psalms): - things that come {up} (high) {degree} {deal} go {up} {stair} {step} story.

H4646 <STRHEB>@ מפּח mappâch map-pawkh' From H5301; a breathing out (of {life}) that {is} expiring: - giving up.

H4652 <STRHEB>@ מפלאה miphlâ'âh mif-law-aw' From H6381; a miracle: - wondrous work.

H4672 <STRHEB>@ מצא mâtsâ' maw-tsaw' A primitive root; properly to come forth {to} that {is} appear or exist; transitively to {attain} that {is} find or acquire; figuratively to {occur} meet or be present: - + be {able} {befall} {being} {catch} X certainly (cause to) come ({on} {to} to {hand}) {deliver} be enough (cause to) find ({-ing} {occasion} {out}) get (hold {upon}) X have ({here}) be {here} {hit} be {left} light (up-) {on} meet ({with}) X occasion {serve} (be) {present} {ready} {speed} {suffice} take hold on.

H4724 <STRHEB>@ מקוה miqvâh mik-vaw' Feminine of H4723; a {collection} that {is} (of water) a reservoir: - ditch.

H4748 <STRHEB>@ מקשׁה miqsheh mik-sheh' From H7185 in the sense of knotting up round and hard; something turned ({rounded}) that {is} a curl (of tresses): - X well [set] hair.

H4758 <STRHEB>@ מראה mar'eh mar-eh' From H7200; a view (the act of seeing); also an appearance (the thing {seen}) whether (real) a shape (especially if {handsome} comeliness; often plural the {looks}) or (mental) a vision: - X {apparently} appearance ({-reth}) X as soon as beautiful ({-ly}) {countenance} {fair} {favoured} {form} {goodly} to look (up) on ({to}) look {[-eth]} {pattern} to {see} {seem} {sight} {visage} vision.

H4759 <STRHEB>@ מראה marh mar-aw' Feminine of H4758; a vision; also (causatively) a mirror: - looking {glass} vision.

H4760 <STRHEB>@ מראה mûrh moor-aw' Apparently feminine passive causative participle of H7200; something {conspicuous} that {is} the craw of a bird (from its prominence): - crop.

H4767 <STRHEB>@ מרבּה mirbâh meer-baw' From H7235; {abundance} that {is} a great quantity: - much.

H4772 <STRHEB>@ מרגּלה margelâh mar-ghel-aw' Denominative from H7272; (plural for collective) a foot {piece} that {is} (adverbially) at the {foot} or (directly) the foot itself: - feet. Compare H4763.

H4797 <STRHEB>@ מרזח mirzach meer-zakh' From an unused root meaning to scream; a {cry} that {is} (of {joy}) a revel: - banquet.

H4803 <STRHEB>@ מרט mâraţ maw-rat' A primitive root; to polish; by implication to make bald (the {head}) to gall (the shoulder); {also} to sharpen: - {bright} {furbish} (have his) hair (be) fallen {off} {peeled} pluck off (hair.)

H4813 <STRHEB>@ מרים miryâm meer-yawm' From H4805; rebelliously; {Mirjam} the name of two Israelitesses: - Miriam.

H4820 <STRHEB>@ מרמה mirmâh meer-maw' From H7411 in the sense of deceiving; fraud: - {craft} deceit ({-ful} {-fully}) {false} {feigned} {guile} {subtilly} treachery.

H4821 <STRHEB>@ מרמה mirmâh meer-maw' The same as H4820; {Mirmah} an Israelite: - Mirma.

H4823 <STRHEB>@ מרמס mirmâs meer-mawce' From H7429; abasement (the act or the thing): - tread (down) {-ing} (to be) trodden (down) under foot.

H4829 <STRHEB>@ מרעה mireh meer-eh' From H7462 in the sense of feeding; pasture (the palce or the act); also the haunt of wild animals: - feeding {place} pasture.

H4830 <STRHEB>@ מרעית mir‛îyth meer-eeth' From H7462 in the sense of feeding; pasturage; concretely a flock: - {flock} pasture.

H4833 <STRHEB>@ מרפּשׂ mirpâώ meer-paws' From H7515; muddled water: - that which . . . have fouled.

H4834 <STRHEB>@ מרץ mârats maw-rats' A primitive root; properly to {press} that {is} (figuratively) to be pungent or vehement; to irritate: - {embolden} be {forcible} {grievous} sore.

H4842 <STRHEB>@ מרקחת mirqachath meer-kakh'-ath From H7543; an aromatic unguent; also an unguent pot: - prepared by the apothecaries´ {art} {compound} ointment.

H4849 <STRHEB>@ מרשׁעת mirshaath meer-shah'-ath From H7561; a female wicked doer: - wicked woman.

H4853 <STRHEB>@ משּׂא maώώâ' mas-saw' From H5375; a burden; specifically {tribute} or (abstractly) porterage; figuratively an {utterance} chiefly a {doom} especially singing; {mental} desire: - {burden} carry {away} {prophecy} X they {set} {song} tribute.

H4862 <STRHEB>@ משׁאלה mishlâh mish-aw-law' From H7592; a request: - {desire} petition.

H4864 <STRHEB>@ משׂאת maώ'êth mas-ayth' From H5375; properly (abstractly) a raising (as of the hands in {prayer}) or rising (of flame); figuratively an utterance; concretely a beacon (as raised); a present (as {taken}) {mess} or tribute; figuratively a reproach (as a burden): - {burden} {collection} sign of {fire} (great) {flame} {gift} lifting {up} {mess} {oblation} reward.

H4866 <STRHEB>@ משׁבּר mishbêr mish-bare' From H7665; the orifice of the womb (from which the foetus breaks forth): - {birth} breaking forth.

H4885 <STRHEB>@ משׂושׂ mâώôώ maw-soce' From H7797; {delight} concretely (the cause or object) or abstractly (the feeling): - {joy} {mirth} rejoice.

H4908 <STRHEB>@ משׁכּן mishkân mish-kawn' From H7931; a residence (including a shepherd´ s {hut} the lair of {animals} figuratively the grave; also the Temple); specifically the Tabernacle (properly its wooden walls): - {dwelleth} dwelling ({place}) {habitation} {tabernacle} tent.

H4914 <STRHEB>@ משׁל meshôl mesh-ol' From H4911; a satire: - byword.

H4915 <STRHEB>@ משׁל môshel mo'-shel (1) from H4910; empire; (2) from H4911; a parallel: - {dominion} like.

H4940 <STRHEB>@ משׁפּחה mishpâchâh mish-paw-khaw' From H8192 (compare H8198); a {family} that {is} circle of relatives; figuratively a class (of {persons}) a species (of animals) or sort (of things); by extension a tribe or people: - {family} kind (-red).

H4951 <STRHEB>@ משׂרה miώrâh mis-raw' From H8280; empire: - government.

H403 <STRHEB>@ אכן 'âkên aw-kane' From H3559 (compare H3651); firmly; figuratively surely; also (adversely) but: - {but} {certainly} {nevertheless} {surely} {truly} verily.

H5012 <STRHEB>@ נבא nâbâ' naw-baw' A primitive root; to {prophesy} that {is} speak (or sing) by inspiration (in prediction or simple discourse): - prophesy (-ing) make self a prophet.

H5017 <STRHEB>@ נבוּאה nebû'âh neb-oo-aw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H5016; inspired teaching: - prophesying.

H5028 <STRHEB>@ נבט nebâţ neb-awt' From H5027; regard; {Nebat} the father of Jeroboam (the first): - Nebat.

H5030 <STRHEB>@ נביא nâbîy' naw-bee' From H5012; a prophet or (generally) inspired man: - {prophecy} that {prophesy} prophet.

H5031 <STRHEB>@ נביאה nebîyh neb-ee-yaw' Feminine of H5030; a prophetess or (generally) inspired woman; by implication a poetess; by association a prophet's wife: - prophetess.

H5060 <STRHEB>@ נגע nâganaw-gah' A primitive root; properly to {touch} that {is} lay the hand upon (for any purpose; {euphemistically} to lie with a woman); by implication to reach (figuratively to {arrive} acquire); {violently} to strike ({punish} {defeat} {destroy} etc.): - {beat} (X be able to) bring ({down}) {cast} come ({nigh}) draw near ({nigh}) get {up} {happen} {join} {near} {plague} reach ({up}) {smite} {strike} touch.

H5135 <STRHEB>@ נוּר nûr noor (Chaldee); from an unused root (corresponding to that of H5216) meaning to shine; fire: - {fiery} fire.

H5137 <STRHEB>@ נזה nâzâh naw-zaw' A primitive root; to {spirt} that {is} besprinkle (especially in expiation): - sprinkle.

H5139 <STRHEB>@ נזר נזיר nâzîyr nâzir {naw-zeer'} naw-zeer' From H5144; {separate} that {is} consecrated (as {prince} a Nazirite); hence (figuratively from the latter) an unpruned vine (like an unshorn Nazirite). (The {translation} {Nazarite} is by a false alliteration with Nazareth.): - Nazarite [by a false alliteration with {Nazareth]} separate ({-d}) vine undressed.

H5145 <STRHEB>@ נזר נזר nezer nêzer {neh'-zer} nay'-zer From H5144; properly something set {apart} that {is} (abstractly) dedication (of a priest or Nazirite); hence (concretely) unshorn locks; also (by implication) a chaplet (especially of royalty): - {consecration} {crown} {hair} separation.

H5159 <STRHEB>@ נחלה nachălâh nakh-al-aw' From H5157 (in its usual sense); properly something {inherited} that {is} (abstractly) {occupancy} or (concretely) an heirloom; generally an {estate} patrimony or portion: - {heritage} to {inherit} {inheritance} possession. Compare H5158.

H5169 <STRHEB>@ נחץ nâchats naw-khats' A primitive root; to be urgent: - require haste.

H5197 <STRHEB>@ נטף nâţaph naw-taf' A primitive root; to {ooze} that {is} distil gradually; by implication to fall in drops; figuratively to speak by inspiration: - drop ({-ping}) prophesy (-et).

H5212 <STRHEB>@ ניסן nîysân nee-sawn' Probably of foreign origin; {Nisan} the first month of the Jewish sacred year: - Nisan.

H5215 <STRHEB>@ נר ניר nîyr nir {neer} neer From H5214; properly {ploughing} that {is} (concretely) freshly ploughed land: - fallow {ground} {ploughing} tillage.

H5216 <STRHEB>@ נרה נר ניר נר ניר nîyr nir nêyr nêr nêrâh {neer} {neer} {nare} {nare} nay-raw' From a primitive root (see H5214 and H5135) properly meaning to glisten; a lamp (that {is} the burner) or light (literally or figuratively): - {candle} {lamp} light.

H5227 <STRHEB>@ נכח nôkach no'-kakh From the same as H5226; {properly} the front part; used adverbially (especially with a {preposition}) opposite6 in front {of} forward6 in behalf of: - (over) {against} {before} direct {[-ly]} {for} right (on).

H5230 <STRHEB>@ נכל nâkal naw-kal' A primitive root; to {defraud} that {is} act treacherously: - {beguile} {conspire} {deceiver} deal subtilly.

H5243 <STRHEB>@ נמל nâmal naw-mal' A primitive root; to become clipped or (specifically) circumcised: - (branch to) be cut down ({off}) circumcise.

H5252 <STRHEB>@ נסבּה nesibbâh nes-ib-baw' Feminine participle passive of H5437; properly an {environment} that {is} circumstance or turn of affairs: - cause.

H5265 <STRHEB>@ נסע nâsanaw-sah' A primitive root; properly to pull {up} especially the tent {pins} that {is} start on a journey: - cause to {blow} {bring} {get} (make to) go ({away} {forth} {forward} {onward} {out}) (take) {journey} {march} {remove} set aside ({forward}) X {still} be on his (go their) way.

H5275 <STRHEB>@ נעלה נעל naal na‛ălâh {nah'-al} nah-al-aw' From H5274; properly a sandal tongue; by extension a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of {occupancy} a refusal to {marry} or of something valueless): - {dryshod} (pair of) shoe ({[-latchet]} -s).

H5288 <STRHEB>@ נער naar nah'-ar From H5287; (concretely) a boy (as {active}) from the age of infancy to adolescence; by implication a servant; also (by interchange of {sex}) a girl (of similar latitude in age): - {babe} {boy} {child} damsel [from the {margin]} {lad} {servant} young (man).

H5291 <STRHEB>@ נערה na‛ărâh nah-ar-aw' Feminine of H5288; a girl (from infancy to adolescence): - {damsel} maid ({-en}) young (woman).

H5301 <STRHEB>@ נפח nâphach naw-fakh' A primitive root; to {puff} in various applications ({literally} to {inflate} blow {hard} scatter6 {kindle} expire; {figuratively} to disesteem): - {blow} {breath} give {up} cause to lose {[life]} {seething} snuff.

H5309 <STRHEB>@ נפל נפל nephel nêphel {neh'-fel} nay'-fel From H5307; something {fallen} that {is} an abortion: - untimely birth.

H5314 <STRHEB>@ נפשׁ nâphash naw-fash' A primitive root; to breathe; {passively} to be breathed {upon} that {is} (figuratively) refreshed (as if by a current of air): - (be) refresh selves (-ed).

H5315 <STRHEB>@ נפשׁ nephesh neh'-fesh From H5314; properly a breathing {creature} that {is} animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a {literal} accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): - {any} {appetite} {beast} {body} {breath} {creature} X dead ({-ly}) {desire} X [dis-] {contented} X {fish} {ghost} + {greedy} {he} heart ({-y}) ({hath} X jeopardy of) life (X in {jeopardy}) {lust} {man} {me} {mind} {mortality} {one} {own} {person} {pleasure} ({her-} {him-} {my-} thy-) {self} them (your) {-selves} + {slay} {soul} + {tablet} {they} {thing} (X she) {will} X would have it.

H5326 <STRHEB>@ נצבּה nitsbâh nits-baw' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H5324; {fixedness} that {is} firmness: - strength.

H5352 <STRHEB>@ נקה nâqâh naw-kaw' A primitive root; to be (or make) clean (literally or figuratively); by implication (in an adverse sense) to be {bare} that {is} extirpated: - acquit X at {all} X {altogether} be {blameless} {cleanse} (be) clear ({-ing}) cut {off} be {desolate} be {free} be (hold) {guiltless} be (hold) {innocent} X by no {means} be {quit} be (leave) {unpunished} X {utterly} X wholly.

H5362 <STRHEB>@ נקף nâqaph naw-kaf' A primitive root; to strike with more or less violence ({beat} fell6 corrode); by implication (of attack) to knock {together} that {is} surround or circulate: - compass ({about} {-ing}) cut {down} {destroy} go round ({about}) {inclose} round.

H5364 <STRHEB>@ נקפּה niqpâh nik-paw' From H5362; probably a rope (as encircling): - rent.

H5372 <STRHEB>@ נרגּן nirgân neer-gawn' From an unused root meaning to roll to pieces; a slanderer: - {talebearer} whisperer.

H5375 <STRHEB>@ נסה נשׂא nâώâ' nâsâh {naw-saw'} naw-saw' A primitive root; to {lift} in a great variety of {applications} literally and {figuratively} absolutely and relatively: - {accept} {advance} {arise} (able {to} {[armour]} suffer to) bear ({-er} {up}) bring ({forth}) {burn} carry ({away}) {cast} {contain} {desire} {ease} {exact} exalt ({self}) {extol} {fetch} {forgive} {furnish} {further} {give} go {on} {help} {high} hold {up} honourable (+ {man}) {lade} {lay} lift (self) {up} {lofty} {marry} {magnify} X {needs} {obtain} {pardon} raise ({up}) {receive} {regard} {respect} set ({up}) {spare} stir {up} + {swear} take ({away} {up}) X {utterly} {wear} yield.

H5389 <STRHEB>@ נשׁין nâshîyn naw-sheen' (Chaldee); irregular plural feminine of H606: - women.

H5397 <STRHEB>@ נשׁמה neshâmâh nesh-aw-maw' From H5395; a {puff} that {is} {wind} angry or vital {breath} divine {inspiration} intellect or (concretely) an animal: - {blast} (that) breath ({-eth}) {inspiration} {soul} spirit.

H5400 <STRHEB>@ נשׂק nâώaq naw-sak' A primitive root; to catch fire: - {burn} kindle.

H5404 <STRHEB>@ נשׁר nesher neh'-sher From an unused root meaning to lacerate; the eagle (or other large bird of prey): - eagle.

H5414 <STRHEB>@ נתן nâthan naw-than' A primitive root; to {give} used with great latitude of application ({put} {make} etc.): - {add} {apply} {appoint} {ascribe} {assign} X {avenge} X be ({[healed]}) {bestow} bring ({forth} {hither}) {cast} {cause} {charge} {come} commit {consider} {count} + {cry} deliver ({up}) {direct} distribute {do} X {doubtless} X without {fail} {fasten} {frame} X {get} give ({forth} {over} {up}) {grant} hang ({up}) X {have} X {indeed} lay (unto {charge} {up}) (give) {leave} {lend} let ({out}) + {lie} lift {up} {make} + O {that} {occupy} {offer} {ordain} {pay} {perform} {place} {pour} {print} X {pull} put ({forth}) {recompense} {render} {requite} {restore} send ({out}) set ({forth}) {shew} shoot forth (up). + {sing} + {slander} {strike} [sub-] {mit} {suffer} X {surely} X {take} {thrust} {trade} {turn} {utter} + {weep} X {willingly} + {withdraw} + would (to) {God} yield.

H5431 <STRHEB>@ סאן sâ'an saw-an' A primitive root; to be miry; used only as denominative from H5430; to {shoe} that {is} (active participle) a soldier shod: - warrior.

H5437 <STRHEB>@ סבב sâbab saw-bab' A primitive root; to {revolve} surround or border; used in various {applications} literally and figuratively: - {bring} {cast} {fetch} {lead} {make} {walk} X {whirl} X round {about} be about on every {side} {apply} {avoid} beset ({about}) {besiege} bring {again} carry ({about}) {change} cause to come {about} X {circuit} (fetch a) compass ({about} {round}) {drive} {environ} X on every {side} beset ({close} {come} {compass} {go} stand) round {about} {remove} {return} {set} sit {down} turn (self) ({about} {aside} {away} back).

H5438 <STRHEB>@ סבּה sibbâh sib-baw' From H5437; a (providential) turn (of affairs): - cause.

H5439 <STRHEB>@ סביבה סביב sâbîyb sebîybâh {saw-beeb'} seb-ee-baw' From H5437; (as noun) a {circle} {neighbor} or environs; but chiefly (as {adverb} with or without preposition) around: - ({place} round) {about} {circuit} {compass} on every side.

H5462 <STRHEB>@ סגר sâgar saw-gar' A primitive root; to shut up; figuratively to surrender: - close {up} deliver ({up}) give over ({up}) {inclose} X {pure} {repair} shut ({in} {self} {out} {up} up {together}) {stop} X straitly.

H5466 <STRHEB>@ סדין sâdîyn saw-deen' From an unused root meaning to envelop; a {wrapper} that {is} shirt: - fine {linen} sheet.

H5492 <STRHEB>@ סוּפה sûphâh soo-faw' From H5486; a hurricane: - Red {Sea} {storm} {tempest} {whirlwind} Red sea.

H5496 <STRHEB>@ סוּת sûth sooth Perhaps denominative from H7898; properly to {prick} that {is} (figuratively) stimulate; by implication to seduce: - {entice} {move} {persuade} {provoke} {remove} set {on} stir {up} take away.

H5510 <STRHEB>@ סיון sîyvân see-vawn' Probably of Persian origin; {Sivan} the third Hebrew month: - Sivan.

H5518 <STRHEB>@ סרה סירה סיר sîyr sîyrâh sirâh {seer} {see-raw'} see-raw' From a primitive root meaning to boil up; a pot; also a thorn (as springing up rapidly); by implication a hook: - {caldron} {fishhook} {pan} ([wash-]) {pot} thorn.

H5520 <STRHEB>@ סך sôk soke From H5526; a hut (as of entwined boughs); also a lair: - {covert} {den} {pavilion} tabernacle.

H5521 <STRHEB>@ סכּה sûkkâh sook-kaw' Feminine of H5520; a hut or lair: - {booth} {cottage} {covert} {pavilion} {tabernacle} tent.

H5524 <STRHEB>@ סכּות בּנות sûkkôth benôth sook-kohth' ben-ohth' From H5523 and the (irregular) plural of H1323; booths of (the) daughters; {brothels} that {is} idolatrous tents for impure purposes: - Succoth-benoth.

H5551 <STRHEB>@ סלּם sûllâm sool-lawm' From H5549; a stair case: - ladder.

H5568 <STRHEB>@ סמר sâmar saw-mar' A primitive root; to be {erect} that {is} bristle as hair: - stand {up} tremble.

H5590 <STRHEB>@ סער sâ‛ar saw-ar' A primitive root; to rush upon; by implication to toss (transitively or {intransitively} literally or figuratively): - be (toss with) tempest ({-uous}) be sore {troubled} come out as a (drive with {the} scatter with a) whirlwind.

H5591 <STRHEB>@ סערה סער saar se‛ârâh {sah'-ar} seh-aw-raw' From H5590; a hurricane: - storm ({-y}) {tempest} whirlwind.

H5594 <STRHEB>@ ספד sâphad saw-fad' A primitive root; properly to tear the hair and beat the breasts (as Orientals do in grief); generally to lament; by implication to wail: - {lament} mourn ({-er}) wail.

H5597 <STRHEB>@ ספּחת sappachath sap-pakh'-ath From H5596; the mange (as making the hair fall off): - scab.

H5601 <STRHEB>@ ספּיר sappîyr sap-peer' From H5608; a gem (perhaps as used for scratching other {substances}) probably the sapphire: - sapphire.

H5626 <STRHEB>@ סרה sirâh see-raw' From H5493; departure; {Sirah} a cistern so called: - Sirah. See also H5518.

H5630 <STRHEB>@ סרין siryôn sir-yone' For H8302; a coat of mail: - brigandine.

H5632 <STRHEB>@ סרך sârêk saw-rake' (Chaldee); of foreign origin; an emir: - president.

H5640 <STRHEB>@ שׂתם סתם sâtham ώâtham {saw-tham'} saw-tham' A primitive root; to stop up; by implication to repair; figuratively to keep secret: - closed {up} {hidden} {secret} shut out ({up}) stop.

H5662 <STRHEB>@ עבדיהוּ עבדיה ‛ôbadyâh ‛ôbadyâhû {o-bad-yaw'} o-bad-yaw'-hoo Active participle of H5647 and H3050; serving Jah; {Obadjah} the name of thirteen Israelites: - Obadiah.

H5673 <STRHEB>@ עבידה ‛ăbîydâh ab-ee-daw' (Chaldee); from H5648; labor or business: - {affairs} {service} work.

H5696 <STRHEB>@ עגול עגל ‛âgôl ‛âgôl {aw-gole'} aw-gole' From an unused root meaning to {revolve} circular: - round.

H5756 <STRHEB>@ עוּז ‛ûz ooz A primitive root; to be strong; causatively to {strengthen} that {is} (figuratively) to save (by flight): - gather ({self} self to {flee}) retire.

H5775 <STRHEB>@ עוף ‛ôph ofe From H5774; a bird (as covered with {feathers} or rather as covering with {wings}) often collective: - {bird} that {flieth} {flying} fowl.

H5778 <STRHEB>@ עופיo ‛ôphay o-fah'-ee From H5775; birdlike; {Ephai} an Israelite: - Ephai [from margin].

H5780 <STRHEB>@ עוּץ ‛ûts oots Apparently from H5779; consultation; {Uts} a son of {Aram} also a {Seirite} and the regions settled by them: - Uz.

H5782 <STRHEB>@ עוּר ‛ûr oor A primitive root (rather identical with H5783 through the idea of opening the eyes); to wake (literally or figuratively): - (a-) wake ({-n} {up}) lift up ({self}) X {master} raise ({up}) stir up (self).

H5795 <STRHEB>@ עז ‛êz aze From H5810; a she goat (as {strong}) but masculine in plural (which also is used elliptically for goats' hair): - (she) {goat} kid.

H5801 <STRHEB>@ עזּבון ‛izzâbôn iz-zaw-bone' From H5800 in the sense of letting go (for a {price} that {is} selling); {trade} that {is} the palce (mart) or the payment (revenue): - {fair} ware.

H5849 <STRHEB>@ עטר ‛âţar aw-tar' A primitive root; to encircle (for attack or protection); especially to crown (literally or figuratively): - {compass} crown.

H5861 <STRHEB>@ עיט ‛ayiţ ah'-yit From H5860; a hawk or other bird of prey: - {bird} {fowl} ravenous (bird).

H5867 <STRHEB>@ עולם עילםo ‛êylâm ‛ôlâm {ay-lawm'} o-lawm' Probably from H5956; {hidden} that {is} distant; {Elam} a son of {Shem} and his {descendants} with their country; also of six Israelites: - Elam.

H5889 <STRHEB>@ עיף ‛âyêph aw-yafe' From H5888; languid: - {faint} {thirsty} weary.

H5893 <STRHEB>@ עיר ‛îyr eer The same as H5892; {Ir} an Israelite: - Ir.

H5895 <STRHEB>@ עיר ‛ayir ah'-yeer From H5782 in the sense of raising (that {is} bearing a burden); properly a young ass (as just broken to a load); hence an ass colt: - (ass) {colt} {foal} young ass.

H5896 <STRHEB>@ עירא ‛îyrâ' ee-raw' From H5782; wakefulness; {Ira} the name of three Israelites: - Ira.

H5897 <STRHEB>@ עירד ‛îyrâd ee-rawd' From the same as H6166; fugitive; {Irad} an antediluvian: - Irad.

H5898 <STRHEB>@ עיר המּלח ‛îyr hammelach eer ham-meh'-lakh From H5892 and H4417 with the article of substance interposed; city of (the) salt; {Ir-ham-Melach} a place near Palestine: - the city of salt.

H5899 <STRHEB>@ עיר התּמרים ‛îyr hattemârîym err hat-tem-aw-reem' From H5892 and the plural of H8558 with the article interposed; city of the palmtrees; {Ir-hat-Temarim} a place in Palestine: - the city of palmtrees.

H5900 <STRHEB>@ עירוּ ‛îyrû ee-roo' From H5892; a citizen; {Iru} an Israelite: - Iru.

H5901 <STRHEB>@ עירי ‛îyrîy ee-ree' From H5892; urbane; {Iri} an Israelite: - Iri.

H5902 <STRHEB>@ עירם ‛îyrâm ee-rawm' From H5892; citywise; {Iram} an Idumaean: - Iram.

H5904 <STRHEB>@ עיר נחשׁ ‛îyr nâchâsh eer naw-khawsh' From H5892 and H5175; city of a serpent; {Ir-Nachash} a place in Palestine: - Ir-nahash.

H5905 <STRHEB>@ עיר שׁמשׁ ‛îyr shemesh err sheh'-mesh From H5892 and H8121; city of the sun; {Ir-Shemesh} a place in Palestine: - Ir-shemesh.

H5916 <STRHEB>@ עכר ‛âkar aw-kar' A primitive root; properly to roil water; figuratively to disturb or afflict: - {trouble} stir.

H5927 <STRHEB>@ עלה ‛âlâh aw-law' A primitive root; to {ascend} intransitively (be high) or active (mount); used in a great variety of {senses} primary and {secondary} literally and figuratively: - arise (up). (cause to) ascend {up} at {once} break [the day] ({up}) bring ({up}) (cause to) {burn} carry {up} cast {up} + {shew} climb ({up}) (cause {to} make to) come ({up}) cut {off} {dawn} {depart} {exalt} {excel} {fall} fetch {up} get {up} (make to) go ({away} {up}) grow ({over}) {increase} {lay} {leap} {levy} lift (self) {up} {light} [make] {up} X {mention} mount {up} {offer} make to {pay} + {perfect} {prefer} put ({on}) {raise} {recover} {restore} (make to) rise ({up}) {scale} set ({up}) shoot forth ({up}) (begin to) spring ({up}) stir {up} take away ({up}) work.

H5930 <STRHEB>@ עולה עלה ‛ôlâh ‛ôlâh {o-law'} o-law' Feminine active participle of H5927; a step or (collectively {stairs} as ascending); usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke): - {ascent} burnt offering ({sacrifice}) go up to. See also H5766.

H5944 <STRHEB>@ עליּה ‛ălîyâh al-ee-yaw' Feminine from H5927; something {lofty} that {is} a stair way; also a second story room (or even one on the roof); figuratively the sky: - {ascent} (upper) {chamber} going {up} {loft} parlour.

H5950 <STRHEB>@ עליליּה ‛ălîylîyâh al-ee-lee-yaw' From H5949; (miraculous) execution: - work.

H5959 <STRHEB>@ עלמה ‛almâh al-maw' Feminine of H5958; a lass (as veiled or private): - {damsel} {maid} virgin.

H5961 <STRHEB>@ עלמות ‛ălâmôth al-aw-moth' Plural of H5959; properly {girls} that {is} the soprano or female {voice} perhaps falsetto: - Alamoth.

H5963 <STRHEB>@ עלמן דּבלתימה ‛almôn diblâthâymâh al-mone' dib-law-thaw'-yem-aw From the same as H5960 and the dual of H1690 (compare H1015) with enclitic of direction; Almon towards Diblathajim; Almon {Diblathajemah} a place in Moab: - Almon-diblathaim.

H5975 <STRHEB>@ עמד ‛âmad aw-mad' A primitive root; to {stand} in various relations (literally and {figuratively} intransitively and transitively): - abide ({behind}) {appoint} {arise} {cease} {confirm} {continue} {dwell} be {employed} {endure} {establish} {leave} {make} {ordain} be {[over]} {place} (be) present ({self}) raise {up} {remain} {repair} + {serve} set ({forth} {over} {-tle} {up}) (make {to} make to be at {a} with-) stand ({by} {fast} {firm} {still} {up}) (be at a) stay ({up}) tarry.

H5983 <STRHEB>@ עמּון ‛ammôn am-mone' From H5971; {tribal} that {is} inbred; {Ammon} a son of Lot; also his posterity and their country: - {Ammon} Ammonites.

H5998 <STRHEB>@ עמל ‛âmal aw-mal' A primitive root; to {toil} that {is} work severely and with irksomeness: - [take] labour (in).

H505 <STRHEB>@ אלף 'eleph eh'-lef Properly the same as H504; hence (an ox´ s head being the first letter of the {alphabet} and this eventually used as a numeral) a thousand: - thousand.

H530 <STRHEB>@ אמנה אמוּנה 'ĕmûnâhmûnâh {em-oo-naw'} em-oo-naw' Feminine of H529; literally firmness; figuratively security; moral fidelity: - faith ({-ful} {-ly} {-ness} {[man]}) set {office} {stability} {steady} {truly} {truth} verily.

H539 <STRHEB>@ אמן 'âman aw-man' A primitive root; properly to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse; figuratively to render (or be) firm or {faithful} to trust or {believe} to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain; once (in ; by interchange for H541) to go to the right hand: - hence {assurance} {believe} bring {up} {establish} + {fail} be faithful (of long {continuance} {stedfast} {sure} {surely} {trusty} {verified}) {nurse} (-ing {father}) ({put}) {trust} turn to the right.

H553 <STRHEB>@ אמץ 'âmats aw-mats' A primitive root; to be {alert} physically (on foot) or mentally (in courage): - {confirm} be courageous (of good {courage} stedfastly {minded} {strong} {stronger}) {establish} {fortify} {harden} {increase} {prevail} strengthen ({self}) make strong ({obstinate} speed).

H559 <STRHEB>@ אמר 'âmar aw-mar' A primitive root; to say (used with great latitude): - {answer} {appoint} {avouch} {bid} boast {self} {call} {certify} {challenge} {charge} + (at {the} give) command ({ment}) {commune} {consider} {declare} {demand} X {desire} {determine} X {expressly} X {indeed} X {intend} {name} X {plainly} {promise} {publish} {report} {require} {say} speak ({against} {of}) X {still} X {suppose} {talk} {tell} {term} X that {is} X {think} use {[speech]} {utter} X {verily} X yet.

H581 <STRHEB>@ אנּין אנּוּן 'innûn 'innîyn {in-noon'} in-neen' (Chaldee); the second form is the feminine of the first form; corresponding to H1992; they: - X {are} {them} these.

H582 <STRHEB>@ אנושׁ 'ĕnôsh en-oshe' From H605; properly a mortal (and thus differeing from the more dignified H120); hence a man in general (singly or collectively). It is often unexpressed in the English {Version} especially when used in apposition with another word: - {another} X [blood-] {thirsty} {certain} chap {[-man]} {divers} {fellow} X in the flower of their {age} {husband} ({certain} mortal) {man} {people} {person} {servant} some (X of {them}) + {stranger} {those} + their trade. It is often unexpressed in the Engl. {version} especially when used in apposition with another word. Compare H376.

H6002 <STRHEB>@ עמלק ‛ămâlêq am-aw-lake' Probably of foreign origin; {Amalek} a descendant of Esau; also his posterity and their country: - Amalek.

H6035 <STRHEB>@ עניו ענו ‛ânâv ‛ânâyv {aw-nawv'} aw-nawv' The second form is by intermixture with H6041; from H6031; depressed ({figuratively}) in mind (gentle) or circumstances ({needy} especially saintly): - {humble} {lowly} {meek} poor`. Compare H6041.

H6041 <STRHEB>@ עני ‛ânîy aw-nee' From H6031; {depressed} in mind or circumstances (practically the same as H6035 subjectively and H6041 objectively): - {afflicted} {humble`} {lowly`} {needy} poor.

H6045 <STRHEB>@ ענין ‛inyân in-yawn' From H6031; {ado} that {is} (generally) employment or (specifically) an affair: - {business} travail.

H6047 <STRHEB>@ ענמים ‛ănâmîym an-aw-meem' As if plural of some Egyptian word; {Anamim} a son of Mizraim and his {descendants} with their country: - Anamim.

H6086 <STRHEB>@ עץ ‛êts ates From H6095; a tree (from its firmness); hence wood (plural sticks): - + {carpenter} {gallows} {helve} + {pine} {plank} {staff} {stalk} {stick} {stock} {timber} {tree} wood.

H6092 <STRHEB>@ עצב ‛âtsêb aw-tsabe' From H6087; a (hired) workman: - labour.

H6095 <STRHEB>@ עצה ‛âtsâh aw-tsaw' A primitive root; properly to fasten (or make {firm}) that {is} to close (the eyes): - shut.

H6096 <STRHEB>@ עצה ‛âtseh aw-tseh' From H6095; the spine (as giving firmness to the body): - back bone.

H6117 <STRHEB>@ עקב ‛âqab aw-kab' A primitive root; properly to swell out or up; used only as denominative from {H6119} to seize by the heel; figuratively to circumvent (as if tripping up the heels); also to restrain (as if holding by the heel): - take by the {heel} {stay} {supplant} X utterly.

H6135 <STRHEB>@ עקר ‛âqâr aw-kawr' From H6131; sterile (as if extirpated in the generative organs): - (X male or female) barren (woman).

H6170 <STRHEB>@ ערגה ערוּגה ‛ărûgâh ‛ărûgâh {ar-oo-gaw'} ar-oo-gaw' Feminine passive participle of H6165; something piled up (as if (figuratively) raised by mental {aspiration}) that {is} a parterre: - {bed} furrow.

H6186 <STRHEB>@ ערך ‛ârak aw-rak' A primitive root; to set in a {row} that {is} {arrange} put in order (in a very wide variety of applications): - put (set) (the {battle} self) in {array} {compare} {direct} {equal} {esteem} {estimate} expert [in {war]} {furnish} {handle} join {[battle]} {ordain} ({lay} {put} reckon {up} set) (in) {order} {prepare} {tax} value.

H6188 <STRHEB>@ ערל ‛ârêl aw-rale' A primitive root; properly to strip; but used only as denominative from H6189; to expose or remove the {prepuce} whether literally (to go naked) or figuratively (to refrain from using): - count {uncircumcised} foreskin to be uncovered.

H6189 <STRHEB>@ ערל ‛ârêl aw-rale' From H6188; properly {exposed} that {is} projecting loose (as to the prepuce); used only technically uncircumcised (that {is} still having the prepuce uncurtailed): - uncircumcised (person).

H6190 <STRHEB>@ ערלה ‛orlâh or-law' Feminine of H6189; the prepuce: - {foreskin} + uncircumcised.

H6240 <STRHEB>@ עשׂר ‛âώâr aw-sawr' For H6235; ten (only in {combination}) that {is} the teens; also (ordinal) a teenth: - {[eigh-} {fif-} {four-} {nine-} {seven-} {six-} thir-] teen ({-th}) + eleven ({-th}) + sixscore {thousand} + twelve (-th).

H6278 <STRHEB>@ עת קצין ‛êth qâtsîyn ayth kaw-tseen' From H6256 and H7011; time of a judge; {Eth-Katsin} a place in Palestine. (Formed by including the directive enclitic.): - Ittah-kazin [by includ. directive enclitic].

H6285 <STRHEB>@ פּאה pê'âh pay-aw' Feminine of H6311; properly mouth in a figurative {sense} that {is} direction6 {region} extremity: - {corner} {end} {quarter} side.

H6287 <STRHEB>@ פּאר per peh-ayr' From H6286; an {embellishment} that {is} fancy head dress: - {beauty} {bonnet} {goodly} {ornament} tire.

H6310 <STRHEB>@ פּה peh peh From H6284; the mouth (as the means of {blowing}) whether literally or figuratively (particularly speech); specifically {edge} portion or side; adverbially (with preposition) according to: - accord (-ing {as} -ing {to}) {after} {appointment} {assent} {collar} command ({-ment}) X {eat} {edge} {end} {entry} + {file} {hole} X {in} {mind} {mouth} {part} {portion} X (should) say ({-ing}) {sentence} {skirt} {sound} {speech} X {spoken} {talk} {tenor} X {to} + {two-edged} {wish} word.

H6315 <STRHEB>@ פּוּח pûach poo'-akh A primitive root; to {puff} that {is} blow with the breath or air; hence to fan (as a {breeze}) to {utter} to kindle (a {fire}) to scoff: - blow ({upon}) {break} {puff} bring into a {snare} {speak} utter.

H6320 <STRHEB>@ פּוּך pûk pook From an unused root meaning to paint; dye (specifically stibium for the eyes): - fair {colours} {glistering} paint [-ed] (-ing).

H6327 <STRHEB>@ פּוּץ pûts poots A primitive root; to dash in {pieces} literally or figuratively (especially to disperse): - break ({dash} shake) in (to) {pieces} cast ({abroad}) disperse ({selves}) {drive} {retire} scatter ({abroad}) spread abroad.

H6363 <STRHEB>@ פּטרה פּטר peţer piţrâh {peh'-ter} pit-raw' From H6362; a {fissure} that {is} (concretely) firstling (as opening the matrix): - {firstling} {openeth} such as open.

H6367 <STRHEB>@ פּי החרת pîy hachirôth pee hah-khee-roth' From H6310 and the feminine plural of a noun (from the same root as {H2356}) with the article interposed; mouth of the gorges; {Pi-ha-Chiroth} a place in Egypt. (Found in without the pi.): - Pi-hahiroth. [In Num. H14 : H19 without Pi-.]

H6380 <STRHEB>@ פּכרת צביים pôkereth tsebâyîym po-keh'-reth tseb-aw-yeem' From the active participle (of the same form as the first word) feminine of an unused root (meaning to entrap) and plural of H6643; trap of gazelles; Pokereth {Tsebajim} one of the servants of Solomon: - Pochereth of Zebaim.

H6381 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pâlâ' paw-law' A primitive root; properly perhaps to {separate} that {is} distinguish (literally or figuratively); by implication to be (causatively make) {great} {difficult} wonderful: - {accomplish} (arise . . . {too} be too) {hard} {hidden} things too {high} ({be} {do} do {a} shew) marvelous ({-ly} {-els} {things} {work}) {miracles} {perform} {separate} make {singular} ({be} {great} make) wonderful ({-ers} {-ly} {things} {works}) wondrous ({things} {works} -ly).

H6382 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pele' peh'-leh From H6381; a miracle: - marvellous {thing} wonder ({-ful} -fully).

H6388 <STRHEB>@ פּלג peleg peh'-leg From H6385; a rill (that {is} small channel of {water} as in irrigation): - {river} stream.

H6393 <STRHEB>@ פּלדה pelâdâh pel-aw-daw' From an unused root meaning to divide; a {cleaver} that {is} iron armature (of a chariot): - torch.

H6418 <STRHEB>@ פּלך pelek peh'-lek From an unused root meaning to be round; a circuit (that {is} district); also a spindle (as whirled); hence a crutch: - (di-) {staff} part.

H6440 <STRHEB>@ פּנים pânîym paw-neem' Plural (but always used as a singular) of an unused noun (פּנה {pâneh} paw-neh'; from 6437); the face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively); also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition ({before} etc.): - + {accept} a (be-) fore ({-time}) {against} {anger} X as (long {as}) {at} + {battle} + because ({of}) + {beseech} {countenance} {edge} + {employ} {endure} + {enquire} {face} {favour} fear {of} {for} forefront ({-part}) form (-er {time} {-ward}) {from} {front} {heaviness} X him ({-self}) + {honourable} + {impudent} + {in} {it} look [-eth] ({-s}) X {me} + {meet} X more {than} {mouth} {of} {off} (of) old ({time}) X {on} {open} + out {of} over {against} the {partial} {person} + {please} {presence} {prospect} was {purposed} by {reason} {of} + {regard} right {forth} + {serve} X {shewbread} {sight} {state} {straight} + {street} X {thee} X them ({-selves}) through (+ {-out}) {till} time (-s) {past} (un-) to ({-ward}) + {upon} upside (+ {down}) with ({-in} + {stand}) X {ye} X you.

H6441 <STRHEB>@ פּנימה penîymâh pen-ee'-maw From H6440 with directive enclitic; {faceward} that {is} indoors: - (with-) in (-ner {part} -ward).

H6502 <STRHEB>@ פּראם pirm pir-awm' From H6501; wildly; {Piram} a Canaanite: - Piram.

H6506 <STRHEB>@ פּרדּה pirdâh pir-daw' Feminine of H6505; a she mule: - mule.

H6523 <STRHEB>@ פּרזל parzel par-zel' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1270; iron: - iron.

H6526 <STRHEB>@ פּרחח pirchach pir-khakh' From H6524; {progeny} that {is} a brood: - youth.

H6529 <STRHEB>@ פּרי perîy per-ee' From H6509; fruit (literally or figuratively): - {bough} ([first-]) fruit ({[-ful]}) reward.

H6545 <STRHEB>@ פּרע perapeh'-rah From H6544; the hair (as dishevelled): - locks.

H6552 <STRHEB>@ פּרעתון pir‛âthôn pir-aw-thone' From H6546; chieftaincy; {Pirathon} a place in Palestine: - Pirathon.

H6553 <STRHEB>@ פּרעתני פּרעתוני pir‛âthônîy pir‛âthônîy {pir-aw-tho-nee'} pir-aw-tho-nee' Patrial from H6552; a Pirathonite or inhabitant of Pirathon: - Pirathonite.

H6555 <STRHEB>@ פּרץ pârats paw-rats' A primitive root; to break out (in many {applications} direct and {indirect} literally and figuratively): - X {abroad} (make a) {breach} break ({away} {down} {-er} {forth} {in} {up}) burst out come (spread) {abroad} {compel} {disperse} {grow} {increase} {open} {press} {scatter} urge.

H6574 <STRHEB>@ פּרשׁדן parshedôn par-shed-one' Perhaps by compounding H6567 and H6504 (in the sense of {straddling}) (compare H6576); the crotch (or anus): - dirt.

H6605 <STRHEB>@ פּתח pâthach paw-thakh' A primitive root; to open wide (literally or figuratively); specifically to {loosen} begin6 {plough} carve: - {appear} break {forth} draw ({out}) let go {free} (en-) grave ({-n}) loose ({self}) ({be} beset) open ({-ing}) put {off} {ungird} {unstop} have vent.

H6616 <STRHEB>@ פּתיל pâthîyl paw-theel' From H6617; twine: - {bound} {bracelet} {lace} {line} {ribband} {thread} wire.

H6640 <STRHEB>@ צבוּ tsebû tseb-oo' From H6634; properly will; concretely an affair (as a matter of determination): - purpose.

H6666 <STRHEB>@ צדקה tsedâqâh tsed-aw-kaw' From H6663; rightness ({abstractly}) subjectively ({rectitude}) objectively ({justice}) morally (virtue) or figuratively (prosperity): - {justice} {moderately} right (-eous) ({act} {-ly} -ness).

H6675 <STRHEB>@ צאה צואה tsô'âh tsô'âh {tso-aw'} tso-aw' Feminine of H6674; excrement; generally dirt; figuratively pollution: - {dung} filth (-iness). Marg. for H2716.

H6694 <STRHEB>@ צוּק tsûq tsook A pirm. root (rather identical with H6693 through the idea of narrowness (of orifice)); to pour {out} that {is} (figuratively) {smelt} utter: - be {molten} pour.

H6731 <STRHEB>@ צץ ציץ tsîyts tsits {tseets} tseets From H6692; properly {glistening} that {is} a burnished plate; also a flower (as bright colored); a wing (as gleaming in the air): - {blossom} {flower} {plate} wing.

H6734 <STRHEB>@ ציצת tsîytsith tsee-tseeth' Feminine of H6731; a floral or wing like {projection} that {is} a fore lock of {hair} a tassel: - {fringe} lock.

H6767 <STRHEB>@ צלצל tselâtsal tsel-aw-tsal' From H6750 reduplicated; a {clatter} that {is} (abstractly) whirring (of wings); (concretely) a cricket; also a harpoon (as {rattling}) a cymbal (as clanging): - {cymbal} {locust} {shadowing} spear.

H6770 <STRHEB>@ צמא tsâmê' tsaw-may' A primitive root; to thirst (literally or figuratively): - (be {a-} suffer) thirst (-y).

H6771 <STRHEB>@ צמא tsâmê' tsaw-may' From H6770; thirsty (literally or figuratively): - (that) thirst ({-eth} -y).

H6772 <STRHEB>@ צמא tsâmâ' tsaw-maw' From H6770; thirst (literally or figuratively): - thirst (-y).

H6773 <STRHEB>@ צמאה tsimh tsim-aw' Feminine of H6772; thirst (figuratively of libidinousnes): - thirst.

H6774 <STRHEB>@ צמּאון tsimmâ'ôn tsim-maw-one' From H6771; a thirsty {place} that {is} desert: - {drought} dry {ground} thirsty land.

H6775 <STRHEB>@ צמד tsâmad tsaw-mad' A primitive root; to {link} that {is} gird; figuratively to {serve} (mentally) contrive: - {fasten} {frame} join (self).

H6776 <STRHEB>@ צמד tsemed tseh'-med A yoke or team (that {is} pair); hence an acre (that {is} day´ s task for a yoke of cattle to plough): - {acre} {couple} X {together} two {[asses]} yoke (of oxen).

H6789 <STRHEB>@ צמת tsâmath tsaw-math' A primitive root; to extirpate (literally or figuratively): - {consume} cut {off} {destroy} vanish.

H6801 <STRHEB>@ צנף tsânaph tsaw-naf' A primitive root; to {wrap} that {is} roll or dress: - be {attired} X {surely} violently turn.

H6811 <STRHEB>@ צעיר tsâ‛îyr tsaw-eer' The same as H6810; {Tsair} a place in Idumaea: - Zair.

H6833 <STRHEB>@ צפּר צפּור tsippôr tsippôr {tsip-pore'} tsip-pore' From H6852; a little bird (as hopping): - {bird} {fowl} sparrow.

H6843 <STRHEB>@ צפירה tsephîyrâh tsef-ee-raw' Feminine formed like H6842; a crown (as encircling the head); also a turn of affairs (that {is} mishap): - {diadem} morning.

H6850 <STRHEB>@ צפף tsâphaph tsaw-faf' A primitive root; to coo or chirp (as a bird): - {chatter} {peep} whisper.

H6853 <STRHEB>@ צפר tsephar tsef-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6833; a bird: - bird.

H6855 <STRHEB>@ צפּרה tsippôrâh tsip-po-raw' Feminine of H6833; bird; {tsipporah} Moses´ wife: - Zipporah.

H6858 <STRHEB>@ צפת tsepheth tseh'-feth From an unused root meaning to encircle; a capital of a column: - chapiter.

H6867 <STRHEB>@ צרבת tsârebeth tsaw-reh'-beth From H6686; conflagration (of fire or disease): - {burning} inflammation.

H6880 <STRHEB>@ צרעה tsir‛âh tsir-aw' From H6879; a wasp (as stinging): - hornet.

H6896 <STRHEB>@ קבה qêbâh kay-baw' From H6895; the paunch (as a cavity) or first stomach of ruminants: - maw.

H6902 <STRHEB>@ קבל qebal keb-al' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6901; to acquire: - {receive} take.

H6933 <STRHEB>@ קדמי qadmay kad-mah'ee (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H6923; first: - first.

H6965 <STRHEB>@ קוּם qûm koom A primitive root; to rise (in various {applications} {literally} {figuratively} intensively and causatively): - {abide} {accomplish} X be {clearer} {confirm} {continue} {decree} X be {dim} {endure} X {enemy} {enjoin} get {up} make {good} {help} {hold} (help to) lift up ({again}) {make} X but {newly} {ordain} {perform} {pitch} raise ({up}) rear ({up}) {remain} (a-) rise (up) ({again} {against}) rouse {up} set ({up}) (e-) {stablish} (make to) stand ({up}) stir {up} {strengthen} {succeed} ({as-} make) sure ({-ly}) (be) up ({-hold} -rising).

H6999 <STRHEB>@ קטר qâţar kaw-tar' A primitive root (rather identical with H7000 through the idea of fumigation in a close place and perhaps thus driving out the occupants); to {smoke} that {is} turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship): - burn ({incense} sacrifice) ({upon}) (altar for) {incense} {kindle} offer ({incense} a sacrifice).

H601 <STRHEB>@ אנפה 'ănâphâh an-aw-faw' From H599; an unclean {bird} perhaps the parrot (from its irascibility): - heron.

H617 <STRHEB>@ אסּיר 'assîyr as-sere' The same as H616; prisoner; {Assir} the name of two Israelites: - Assir.

H623 <STRHEB>@ אסף 'âsâph aw-sawf' From H622; collector; {Asaph} the name of three {Israelites} and of the family of the first: - Asaph.

H631 <STRHEB>@ אסר 'âsar aw-sar' A primitive root; to yoke or hitch; by analogy to fasten in any {sense} to join battle: - {bind} {fast} {gird} {harness} {hold} {keep} make {ready} {order} {prepare} prison ({-er}) put in {bonds} set in {array} tie.

H639 <STRHEB>@ אף 'aph af From H599; properly the nose or nostril; hence the {face} and occasionally a person; also (from the rapid breathing in passion) ire: - anger ({-gry}) + {before} {countenance} {face} + {forbearing} {forehead} + [long-] {suffering} {nose} {nostril} {snout} X {worthy} wrath.

H640 <STRHEB>@ אפד 'âphad aw-fad' A primitive root (rather a denominative from H636); to gird on (the ephod): - {bind} gird.

H642 <STRHEB>@ אפדּה 'êphûddâh ay-food-daw' Feminine of H646; a girding on (of the ephod); hence generally a plating (of metal): - {ephod} ornament.

H646 <STRHEB>@ אפד אפוד 'êphôdphôd {ay-fode'} ay-fode' Second form is a rare form; probably of foreign derivation; a girdle; specifically the ephod or high priest´ s shoulder piece; also generally an image: - ephod.

H667 <STRHEB>@ אפרח 'ephrôach ef-ro'-akh From H6524 (in the sense of bursting the shell); the brood of a bird: - young (one).

H668 <STRHEB>@ אפּריון 'appiryôn ap-pir-yone' Probably of Egyptian derivation; a palanquin: - chariot.

H7011 <STRHEB>@ קיּם qayâm kah-yawm' (Chaldee); from H6966; permanent (a rising firmly): - {stedfast} sure.

H7014 <STRHEB>@ קין qayin kah'-yin The same as H7013 (with a play upon the affinity to H7069); {Kajin} the name of the first {child} also of a place in {Palestine} and of an Oriental tribe: - {Cain} Kenite (-s).

H7015 <STRHEB>@ קינה qîynâh kee-naw' From H6969; a dirge (as accompanied by beating the breasts or on instruments): - lamentation.

H7023 <STRHEB>@ קירה קר קיר qîyr qir qîyrâh {keer} {keer} kee-raw' From H6979; a wall (as built in a trench): - + {mason} {side} {town} X {very} wall.

H7024 <STRHEB>@ קיר qîyr keer The same as H7023; fortress; {Kir} a place in Assyrian; also one in Moab: - Kir. Compare H7025.

H7025 <STRHEB>@ קיר חרשׂת קיר חרשׂ qîyr chereώ qîyr chăreώeth (keer) {kheh'-res} khar-eh'-seth From H7023 and H2789; fortress of earthenware; Kir-Cheres or {Kir-Chares-eth} a place in Moab: - {Kir-haraseth} {Kir-hareseth} {Kir-haresh} Kir-heres.

H7049 <STRHEB>@ קלע qâlakaw-lah' A primitive root; to sling; also to carve (as if a circular {motion} or into light forms): - {carve} sling (out).

H7090 <STRHEB>@ קפּד קפּוד qippôd qippôd {kip-pode'} kip-pode' From H7088; a species of {bird} perhaps the bittern (from its contracted form): - bittern.

H7115 <STRHEB>@ קצר qôtser ko'-tser From H7114; shortness (of {spirit}) that {is} impatience: - anguish.

H7125 <STRHEB>@ קראה qirh keer-aw' From H7122; an {encountering} {accidental} friendly or hostile (also adverbially opposite): - X against (he {come}) {help} {meet} {seek} X {to} X in the way.

H7149 <STRHEB>@ קריה קריא qiryâ' qiryâh {keer-yaw'} keer-yaw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7151: - city.

H7151 <STRHEB>@ קריה qiryâh kir-yaw' From H7136 in the sense of {flooring} that {is} building; a city: - city.

H7152 <STRHEB>@ קריּות qerîyôth ker-ee-yoth' Plural of H7151; buildings; {Kerioth} the name of two places in Palestine: - {Kerioth} Kirioth.

H7153 <STRHEB>@ קרית הארבּע קרית ארבּע qiryath 'arbaqiryath hâ'arba‛ (keer-yath') {ar-bah'} haw-ar-bah' The second {form} used in has the article interposed; from H7151 and H704 or H702; city of {Arba} or city of the four (giants); Kirjath-Arba or {Kirjath-ha-Arba} a place in Palestine: - Kirjath-arba.

H7154 <STRHEB>@ קרית בּעל qiryath baal keer-yath' bah'-al From H7151 and H1168; city of Baal; Kirjath {Baal} a place in Palestine: - Kirjath-baal.

H7155 <STRHEB>@ קרית חצות qiryath chûtsôth keer-yath' khoo-tsoth' From H7151 and the feminine plural of H2351; city of streets; Kirjath {Chutsoth} a place in Moab: - Kirjath-huzoth.

H7156 <STRHEB>@ קריתים qiryâthayim keer-yaw-thah'-yim Dual of H7151; double city; {Kirjathaim} the name of two places in Palestine: - {Kiriathaim} Kirjathaim.

H7157 <STRHEB>@ קרית ערים קרית יערים qiryath ye‛ârîym qiryath ‛ârîym (keer-yath') {yeh-aw-reem'} aw-reem' Used in with the article interposed; or in using simply the former part of the word; from H7151 and the plural of H3293 or H5892; city of {forests} or city of towns; Kirjath Jearim or Kirjath {Arim} a place in Palestine: - {Kirjath} {Kirjath-jearim} Kirjath-arim.

H7158 <STRHEB>@ קרית ספר קרית סנּה qiryath sannâh qiryath sêpher keer-yath' {san-naw'} keer-yath' say'-fer From H7151 and a simpler feminine from the same as {H5577} or (for the second form) H5612; city of {branches} or of a book; Kirjath Sannah or Kirjath {Sepher} a place in Palestine: - {Kirjath-sannah} Kirjath-sepher.

H7171 <STRHEB>@ קרץ qerets keh'-rets From H7169; extirpation (as if by constriction): - destruction.

H7194 <STRHEB>@ קשׁר qâshar kaw-shar' A primitive root; to {tie} physically ({gird} confine6 compact) or mentally (in {love} league): - bind ({up}) (make a) conspire ({-acy} {-ator}) join {together} {knit} {stronger} work [treason].

H7195 <STRHEB>@ קשׁר qesher keh'-sher From H7194; an (unlawful) alliance: - {confederacy} {conspiracy} treason.

H7196 <STRHEB>@ קשּׁר qishshûr kish-shoor' From H7194; an (ornamental) girdle (for women): - {attire} headband.

H7198 <STRHEB>@ קשׁת qesheth keh'-sheth From H7185 in the original sense (of H6983) of bending; a {bow} for shooting (hence figuratively strength) or the iris: - X arch ({-er}) + {arrow} bow ({[-man} -shot]).

H7200 <STRHEB>@ ראה râ'âh raw-aw' A primitive root; to {see} literally or figuratively (in numerous {applications} direct and {implied} {transitively} intransitively and causatively): - advise {self} {appear} {approve} {behold} X {certainly} {consider} {discern} (make to) {enjoy} have {experience} {gaze} take {heed} X {indeed} X {joyfully} {lo} look ({on} one {another} one on {another} one upon {another} {out} {up} {upon}) {mark} {meet} X be {near} {perceive} {present} {provide} {regard} (have) {respect} ({fore-} cause {to} let) see ({-r} {-m} one {another}) shew ({self}) X sight of {others} (e-) {spy} {stare} X {surely} X {think} {view} visions.

H7201 <STRHEB>@ ראה râ'âh raw-aw' From H7200; a bird of prey (probably the {vulture} from its sharp sight): - glede. Compare H1676.

H7209 <STRHEB>@ ראי rey reh-ee' From H7200; a mirror (as seen): - looking glass.

H7218 <STRHEB>@ ראשׁ rô'sh roshe From an unused root apparently meaning to shake; the head (as most easily {shaken}) whether literally or figuratively (in many {applications} of {place} {time} {rank} etc.): - {band} {beginning} {captain} {chapiter} chief (-est {place} {man} {things}) {company} {end} X every {[man]} {excellent} {first} {forefront} ([be-]) {head} {height} (on) high (-est {part} {[priest]}) X {lead} X {poor} {principal} {ruler} {sum} top.

H7223 <STRHEB>@ ראשׁן ראשׁון ri'shôn ri'shôn {ree-shone'} ree-shone' From H7221; {first} in {place} time or rank (as adjective or noun): - {ancestor} (that were) before ({-time}) {beginning} {eldest} {first} fore [-father] ({-most}) former ({thing}) of old {time} past.

H7224 <STRHEB>@ ראשׁני ri'shônîy ree-sho-nee' From H7223; first: - first.

H7225 <STRHEB>@ ראשׁית rê'shîyth ray-sheeth' From the same as H7218; the {first} in {place} {time} order or rank (specifically a firstfruit): - {beginning} chief ({-est}) first ({-fruits} {part} {time}) principal thing.

H7298 <STRHEB>@ רהט rahaţ rah'-hat From an unused root apparently meaning to hollow out; a channel or watering box; by resemblance a ringlet of hair (as forming parallel lines): - {gallery} {gutter} trough.

H7301 <STRHEB>@ רוה râvâh raw-vaw' A primitive root; to slake the thirst (occasionally of other appetites): - {bathe} make {drunk} (take the) {fill} {satiate} (abundantly) {satisfy} {soak} water (abundantly).

H7307 <STRHEB>@ רוּח rûach roo'-akh From H7306; wind; by resemblance {breath} that {is} a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively {life} anger6 unsubstantiality; by extension a region of the sky; by resemblance {spirit} but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions): - {air} {anger} {blast} {breath} X {cool} {courage} {mind} X {quarter} X {side} spirit ({[-ual]}) {tempest} X {vain} ([whirl-]) wind (-y).

H7308 <STRHEB>@ רוּח rûach roo'-akh (Chaldee); corresponding to H7307: - {mind} {spirit} wind.

H7342 <STRHEB>@ רחב râchâb raw-khawb' From H7337; {roomy} in any (or every) {direction} literally or figuratively: - {broad} {large} at {liberty} {proud} wide.

H7368 <STRHEB>@ רחק râchaq raw-khak' A primitive root; to widen (in any {direction}) that {is} (intransitively) recede or (transitively) remove (literally or {figuratively} of place or relation): - ({a} {be} {cast} {drive} {get} {go} keep {[self]} {put} {remove} be {too} {[wander]} withdraw) far ({away} {off}) {loose} X {refrain} {very} (be) a good way (off).

H7377 <STRHEB>@ רי rîy ree From H7301; {irrigation} that {is} a shower: - watering.

H7420 <STRHEB>@ רמח rômach ro'-makh From an unused root meaning to hurl; a lance (as thrown); especially the iron point: - {buckler} {javelin} {lancet} spear.

H7470 <STRHEB>@ רעוּת re‛ûth reh-ooth' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7469; desire: - {pleasure} will.

H7475 <STRHEB>@ רעיון rayôn rah-yone' From H7462 in the sense of H7469; desire: - vexation.

H7481 <STRHEB>@ רעם râ‛am raw-am' A primitive root; to {tumble} that {is} be violently agitated; specifically to crash (of thunder); figuratively to irritate (with anger): - make to {fret} {roar} {thunder} trouble.

H7495 <STRHEB>@ רפה רפא râphâ' râphâh {raw-faw'} raw-faw' A primitive root; properly to mend (by {stitching}) that {is} (figuratively) to cure: - {cure} (cause to) {heal} {physician} {repair} X {thoroughly} make whole. See H7503.

H7516 <STRHEB>@ רפשׁ rephesh reh'-fesh From H7515; mud (as roiled): - mire.

H7517 <STRHEB>@ רפת repheth reh'-feth Probably form H7503; a stall for cattle (from their resting there): - stall.

H7522 <STRHEB>@ רצן רצון râtsôn râtsôn {raw-tsone'} raw-tsone' From H7521; delight: - (be) acceptable ({-ance} {-ed}) {delight} {desire} {favour} (good) {pleasure} ({own} {self} voluntary) {will} as . . . (what) would.

H7549 <STRHEB>@ רקיע râqîyaraw-kee'-ah From H7554; properly an {expanse} that {is} the firmament or (apparently) visible arch of the sky: - firmament.

H7565 <STRHEB>@ רשׁף resheph reh'-shef From H8313; a live coal; by analogy lightning; figuratively an arrow (as flashing through the air); specifically fever: - {arrow} (burning) {coal} burning {heat} + {spark} hot thunderbolt.

H7583 <STRHEB>@ שׁאה shâ'âh shaw-aw' A primitive root (rather identical with H7582 through the idea of whirling to giddiness); to {stun} that {is} (intransitively) be astonished: - wonder.

H7592 <STRHEB>@ שׁאל שׁאל shâ'al shâ'êl {shaw-al'} shaw-ale' A primitive root; to inquire; by implication to request; by extension to demand: - ask ({counsel} {on}) {beg} {borrow} lay to {charge} {consult} {demand} {desire} X {earnestly} {enquire} + {greet} obtain {leave} {lend} {pray} {request} {require} + {salute} X {straitly} X {surely} wish.

H7593 <STRHEB>@ שׁאל shel sheh-ale' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7592: - {ask} {demand} require.

H7602 <STRHEB>@ שׁאף shâ'aph shaw-af' A primitive root; to inhale eagerly; figuratively to covet; by implication to be angry; also to hasten: - desire ({earnestly}) {devour} {haste} {pant} snuff {up} swallow up.

H7636 <STRHEB>@ שׁביס shâbîys shaw-beece' From an unused root meaning to interweave; a netting for the hair: - caul.

H7665 <STRHEB>@ שׁבר shâbar shaw-bar' A primitive root; to burst (literally or figuratively): - break ({down} {off} in {pieces} {up}) broken ({[-hearted]}) bring to the {birth} {crush} {destroy} {hurt} {quench} X {quite} {tear} view [by mistake for H7663].

H7720 <STRHEB>@ שׂהרן ώahărôn sah-har-one' From the same as H5469; a round pendant for the neck: - {ornament} round tire like the moon.

H7725 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּב shûb shoob A primitive root; to turn back ({hence} away) transitively or {intransitively} literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbially again: - ({[break} {build} {circumcise} {dig} do {anything} do {evil} {feed} lay {down} lie {down} {lodge} {make} {rejoice} {send} {take} weep]) X {again} (cause to) answer (+ {again}) X in any case ({wise}) X at {all} {averse} bring ({again} {back} home {again}) call [to {mind]} carry again ({back}) {cease} X {certainly} come again (back) X {consider} + {continually} {convert} deliver ({again}) + {deny} draw {back} fetch home {again} X {fro} get [oneself] (back) {again} X give ({again}) go again ({back} {home}) [go] {out} {hinder} {let} [see] {more} X {needs} be {past} X {pay} {pervert} pull in {again} put ({again} up {again}) {recall} {recompense} {recover} {refresh} {relieve} render ({again}) X {repent} {requite} {rescue} {restore} {retrieve} (cause {to} make to) {return} {reverse} {reward} + say {nay} send {back} set {again} slide {back} {still} X {surely} take back ({off}) (cause {to} make to) turn ({again} self {again} {away} {back} back {again} {backward} {from} {off}) withdraw.

H7741 <STRHEB>@ שׁוה קריתים shâvêh qiryâthayim shaw-vay' kir-yaw-thah'-yim From the same as H7740 and the dual of H7151; plain of a double city; Shaveh {Kirjathajim} a place East of the Jordan: - Shaveh Kiriathaim.

H7757 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּל shûl shool From an unused root meaning to hang down; a skirt; by implication a bottom edge: - {hem} {skirt} train.

H7797 <STRHEB>@ שׂישׂ שׂוּשׂ ώûώ ώîyώ {soos} sece A primitive root; to be {bright} that {is} cheerful: - be {glad} X {greatly} {joy} make {mirth} rejoice.

H7809 <STRHEB>@ שׁחד shâchad shaw-khad' A primitive root; to {donate} that {is} bribe: - {hire} give a reward.

H7834 <STRHEB>@ שׁחק shachaq shakh'-ak From H7833; a powder (as beaten small); by analogy a thin vapor; by extension the firmament: - {cloud} small {dust} {heaven} sky.

H7836 <STRHEB>@ שׁחר shâchar shaw-khar' A primitive root; properly to {dawn} that {is} (figuratively) be (up) early at any task (with the implication of earnestness); by extension to search for (with painstaking): - [do something] {betimes} enquire {early} rise (seek) {betimes} seek (diligently) {early} in the morning).

H7872 <STRHEB>@ שׂיבה ώêybâh say-baw' Feminine of H7869; old age: - (be) gray ({grey} {hoar} -y) hairs ({head} {-ed}) old age.

H7897 <STRHEB>@ שׁית shîyth sheeth From H7896; a dress (as put on): - attire.

H7905 <STRHEB>@ שׂכּה ώûkkâh sook-kaw' Feminine of H7900 in the sense of H7899; a dart (as pointed like a thorn): - barbed iron.

H7916 <STRHEB>@ שׂכיר ώâkîyr saw-keer' From H7936; a man at wages by the day or year: - hired ({man} {servant}) hireling.

H7917 <STRHEB>@ שׂכירה ώekîyrâh sek-ee-raw' Feminine of H7916; a hiring: - that is hired.

H7919 <STRHEB>@ שׂכל ώâkal saw-kal' A primitive root; to be (causeatively make or act) circumspect and hence intelligent: - {consider} {expert} {instruct} {prosper} (deal) prudent ({-ly}) (give) skill ({-ful}) have good {success} {teach} ({have} make to) understand ({-ing}) {wisdom} ({be} behave {self} {consider} make) wise ({-ly}) guide wittingly.

H7936 <STRHEB>@ סכר שׂכר ώâkar sâkar {saw-kar'} saw-kar' The second form by permutation and used in ; a primitive root (apparently akin (by prosthesis) to H3739 through the idea of temporary purchase; compare H7937); to hire: - earn {wages} hire (out {self}) {reward} X surely.

H7939 <STRHEB>@ שׂכר ώâkâr saw-kawr' From H7986; payment of contract; concretely {salary} fare6 maintenance; by implication {compensation} benefit: - {hire} {price} reward {[-ed]} {wages} worth.

H7953 <STRHEB>@ שׁלה shâlâh shaw-law' A primitive root (rather cognate (by contraction) to the base of {H5394} H7997 and their congeners through the idea of extracting); to draw out or {off} that {is} remove (the soul by death): - take away.

H7957 <STRHEB>@ שׁלהבת shalhebeth shal-heh'-beth From the same as H3851 with sibilant prefixed; a flare of fire: - (flaming) flame.

H7969 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁה שׁלושׁה שׁלשׁ שׁלושׁ shâlôsh shâlôsh shelôshâh shelôshâh (1,2) {shaw-loshe'} (3,4) shel-o-shaw' The last two forms being masculine; a primitive number; three; occasionally (ordinal) {third} or (multiplicative) thrice: - + {fork} + often {[-times]} {third} thir {[-teen} {-teenth]} {three} + thrice. Compare H7991.

H7970 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁים שׁלושׁים shelôshîym shelôshîym {shel-o-sheem'} shel-o-sheem' Multiple of H7969; thirty; or (ordinal) thirtieth: - {thirty} thirtieth. Compare H7991.

H7985 <STRHEB>@ שׁלטן sholţân shol-tawn' (Chaldee); from H7981; empire (abstractly or concretely.): - dominion.

H7988 <STRHEB>@ שׁליה shilyâh shil-yaw' Feminine from H7953; a foetus or babe (as extruded in birth): - young one.

H7991 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁ שׁלושׁ שׁלישׁo shâlîysh shâlôsh shâlôsh {shaw-leesh'} {shaw-loshe'} shaw-loshe' (The second form used in ; the third form used in ); from H7969; a {triple} that {is} (as a musical instrument) a triangle (or perhaps rather three stringed lute); also (as an indefinitely great quantity) a three fold measure (perhaps a treble ephah); also (as an officer) a general of the third rank ({upward} that {is} the highest): - {captain} instrument of {musick} (great) {lord} (great) {measure} {prince} three [from the margin].

H7992 <STRHEB>@ שׁלישׁי shelîyshîy shel-ee-shee' Ordinal from H7969; third; feminine a third (part); by extension a third ({day} year or time); specifically a third story cell): - third ({part} {rank} {time}) three (years old).

H7994 <STRHEB>@ שׁלך shâlâk shaw-lawk' From H7993; bird of {prey} usually thought to be the pelican (from casting itself into the sea): - cormorant.

H729 <STRHEB>@ ארז 'âraz aw-raz' A primitive root; to be firm; used only in the passive participle as a denominative from H730; of cedar: - made of cedar.

H776 <STRHEB>@ ארץ 'erets eh'-rets From an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at {large} or partitively a land): - X {common} {country} {earth} {field} {ground} {land} X {nations} {way} + {wilderness} world.

H782 <STRHEB>@ ארשׁת 'ăresheth ar-eh'-sheth From H781 (in the sense of desiring to possess); a longing for: - request.

H784 <STRHEB>@ אשׁ 'êsh aysh A primitive word; fire (literally or figuratively): - {burning} {fiery} {fire} {flaming} hot.

H799 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּת 'eshdâth esh-dawth' From H784 and H1881; a fire law: - fiery law.

H800 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁה 'eshshâh esh-shaw' Feminine of H784; fire: - fire.

H8027 <STRHEB>@ שׁלשׁ shâlash shaw-lash' A primitive root perhaps originally to {intensify} that {is} treble; but apparently used only as denominative from {H7969} to be (causatively make) triplicate (by {restoration} in {portions} {strands} days or years): - do the third {time} (divide {into} stay) three ({days} {-fold} {parts} years old).

H8029 <STRHEB>@ שׁלּשׁ shillêsh shil-laysh' From H8027; a descendant of the third {degree} that {is} great grandchild: - third [generation].

H8041 <STRHEB>@ שׂמאל ώâma'l saw-mal' A primitive root (rather denominative from H8040); to use the left hand or pass in that direction: - ({go} turn) (on {the} to the) left.

H8053 <STRHEB>@ שׁמוּרo shâmûr shaw-moor' Passive participle of H8103; observed; {Shamur} an Israelite: - Shamir [from the margin].

H8057 <STRHEB>@ שׂמחה ώimchâh sim-khaw' From H8056; blithesomeness or {glee} (religious or festival): - X exceeding ({-ly}) {gladness} joy ({-fulness}) {mirth} {pleasure} rejoice (-ing).

H8064 <STRHEB>@ שׁמה שׁמים shâmayim shâmeh {shaw-mah'-yim} shaw-meh' The second form being dual of an unused singular; from an unused root meaning to be lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds {move} as well as to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve): - {air} X {astrologer} heaven (-s).

H8069 <STRHEB>@ שׁמיר shâmîyr shaw-meer' The same as H8068; {Shamir} the name of two places in Palestine: - Shamir. Compare H8053.

H8070 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרימות שׁמירמותo shemîyrâmôth shemârîymôth {shem-ee-raw-moth'} shem-aw-ree-moth' Probably from H8034 and plural of H7413; name of heights; {Shemiramoth} the name of two Israelites: - Shemiramoth.

H8104 <STRHEB>@ שׁמר shâmar shaw-mar' A primitive root; properly to hedge about (as with {thorns}) that {is} guard; generally to {protect} attend {to} etc.: - {beware} be {circumspect} take heed (to {self}) keep ({-er} {self}) {mark} look {narrowly} {observe} {preserve} {regard} {reserve} save ({self}) {sure} (that lay) wait ({for}) watch (-man).

H8141 <STRHEB>@ שׁנה שׁנה shâneh shânâh {shaw-neh'} shaw-naw' (The first form being in plural {only} the second form being feminine); from H8138; a year (as a revolution of time): - + whole {age} X {long} + {old} year (X -ly).

H8147 <STRHEB>@ שׁתּים שׁנים shenayim shettayim {shen-ah'-yim} shet-tah'-yim (The first form being dual of H8145; the second form being feminine); two; also (as ordinal) twofold: - {both} {couple} {double} {second} {twain} + {twelfth} + {twelve} + twenty (sixscore) {thousand} {twice} two.

H8149 <STRHEB>@ שׂניר שׁניר shenîyr ώenîyr {shen-eer'} sen-eer' From an unused root meaning to be pointed; peak; Shenir or {Senir} a summit of Lebanon: - {Senir} Shenir.

H8151 <STRHEB>@ שׁנס shânas shaw-nas' A primitive root; to compress (with a belt): - gird up.

H8163 <STRHEB>@ שׂער שׂעיר ώâ‛îyr ώâ‛ir {saw-eer'} saw-eer' From H8175; shaggy; as {noun} a he goat; by analogy a faun: - {devil} {goat} {hairy} {kid} {rough} satyr.

H8165 <STRHEB>@ שׂעיר ώê‛îyr say-eer' Formed like H8163; rough; {Seir} a mountain of Idumaea and its aboriginal {occupants} also one in Palestine: - Seir.

H8167 <STRHEB>@ שׂעירה ώe‛îyrâh seh-ee-raw' Formed as H8166; roughness; {Seirah} a place in Palestine: - Seirath.

H8175 <STRHEB>@ שׂער ώâ‛ar saw-ar' A rpim root; to storm; by implication to {shiver} that {is} fear: - be (horribly) {afraid} {fear} hurl as a {storm} be {tempestuous} come like (take away as with) a whirlwind.

H8177 <STRHEB>@ שׂער ώear seh-ar' (Chaldee); corresponding to H8181; hair: - hair.

H8181 <STRHEB>@ שׂער שׂער ώê‛âr ώaar {say-awr'} sah'-ar (The second form used in ); from H8175 in the sense of dishevelling; hair (as if tossed or bristling): - hair ({-y}) X rough.

H8185 <STRHEB>@ שׂערה ώa‛ărâh sah-ar-aw' Feminine of H8181; hairiness: - hair.

H8208 <STRHEB>@ שׁפיר shâphîyr shaf-eer' From H8231; beautiful; {Shaphir} a place in Palestine: - Saphir.

H8209 <STRHEB>@ שׁפּיר shappîyr shap-peer' (Chaldee); intensive of a form corresponding to H8208; beautiful: - fair.

H8231 <STRHEB>@ שׁפר shâphar shaw-far' A primitive root; to {glisten} that {is} (figuratively) be (causatively make) fair: - X goodly.

H8248 <STRHEB>@ שׁקה shâqâh shaw-kaw' A primitive root; to {quaff} that {is} (causatively) to irrigate or furnish a potion to: - cause to ({give} give {to} {let} make to) {drink} {drown} {moisten} water. See {H7937} H8354.

H8260 <STRHEB>@ שׁקף sheqeph sheh'-kef From H8259; a loophole (for looking {out}) to admit light and air: - window.

H8273 <STRHEB>@ שׁרב shârâb shaw-rawb' From an unused root meaning to glare; quivering glow (of the {air}) especially the mirage: - {heat} parched ground.

H8275 <STRHEB>@ שׁרביט sharbîyţ shar-beet' From H7626; a rod of empire: - sceptre.

H8281 <STRHEB>@ שׁרה shârâh shaw-raw' A primitive root; to free: - direct.

H8302 <STRHEB>@ שׁרינה שׁריה שׁרין שׁריון shiryôn shiryân shiryâh shiryônâh (shir) {-yone'} {-yawn'} {-yaw'} -yo-naw' From H8281 in the original sense of turning; a corslet (as if twisted): - {breastplate} coat of {mail} {habergeon} harness. See H5030.

H8303 <STRHEB>@ שׂרין שׁריון shiryôn ώiryôn {shir-yone'} sir-yone' The same as H8304 (that {is} sheeted with snow); Shirjon or {Sirjon} a peak of the Lebanon: - Sirion.

H8307 <STRHEB>@ שׁרירוּת sherîyrûth sher-ee-rooth' From H8324 in the sense of {twisted} that {is} firm; obstinacy: - {imagination} lust.

H8313 <STRHEB>@ שׂרף ώâraph saw-raf' A primitive root; to be (causatively set) on fire: - (cause {to} make a) burn ({[-ing]} {up}) {kindle} X utterly.

H8314 <STRHEB>@ שׂרף ώârâph saw-rawf' From H8313; {burning} that {is} (figuratively) poisonous (serpent); specifically a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color): - fiery ({serpent}) seraph.

H8321 <STRHEB>@ שׂרקה שׂורק שׂרק ώôrêq ώôrêq ώôrêqâh {so-rake'} {so-rake'} so-ray-kaw' (The third form is feminine); from H8319 in the sense of redness (compare H8320); a vine stock (properly one yielding purple {grapes} the richest variety): - choice ({-st} noble) wine. Compare H8291.

H8342 <STRHEB>@ שׂשׂן שׂשׂון ώâώôn ώâώôn {saw-sone'} saw-sone' From H7797; cheerfulness; specifically welcome: - {gladness} {joy} {mirth} rejoicing.

H8352 <STRHEB>@ שׁת shêth shayth From H7896; {put} that {is} substituted; {Sheth} third son of Adam: - {Seth} Sheth.

H8372 <STRHEB>@ תּאה תּא tâ' tâ'âh {taw} taw-aw' (The second form being feminine and used in ); from (the base of) H8376; a room (as circumscribed): - (little) chamber.

H8373 <STRHEB>@ תּאב tâ'ab taw-ab' A primitive root; to desire: - long.

H8375 <STRHEB>@ תּאבה tabâh tah-ab-aw' From H8374 (compare H15); desire: - longing.

H8378 <STRHEB>@ תּאוה tavâh tah-av-aw' From H183 (abbreviated); a longing; by implication a delight (subjectively {satisfaction} objectively a charm): - {dainty} {desire} X {exceedingly} X {greedily} lust ({ing}) pleasant. See also H6914.

H8389 <STRHEB>@ תּאר tô'ar to'-ar From H8388; {outline} that {is} figure or appearance: - + {beautiful} X {comely} {countenance} + {fair} X {favoured} {form} X {goodly} X {resemble} visage.

H8394 <STRHEB>@ תּובנה תּבוּנה תּבוּןo tâbûn tebûnâh tôbûnâh {taw-boon'} {teb-oo-naw'} to-boo-naw' The second and third forms being feminine; from H995; intelligence; by implication an argument; by extension caprice: - {discretion} {reason} {skilfulness} {understanding} wisdom.

H8420 <STRHEB>@ תּו tâv tawv From H8427; a mark; by implication a signature: - {desire} mark.

H8424 <STRHEB>@ תּוּגה tûgâh too-gaw' From H3013; depression (of spirits); concretely a grief: - {heaviness} sorrow.

H8426 <STRHEB>@ תּודה tôdâh to-daw' From H3034; properly an extension of the {hand} that {is} (by implication) {avowal} or (usually) adoration; specifically a choir of worshippers: - {confession} (sacrifice of) {praise} thanks ({-giving} offering).

H8435 <STRHEB>@ תּלדה תּולדה tôledâh tôledâh {to-led-aw'} to-led-aw' From H3205; (plural only) {descent} that {is} family; (figuratively) history: - {birth} generations.

H8454 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁיּה תּוּשׁיּה tûshîyâh tûshîyâh {too-shee-yaw'} too-shee-yaw' From an unused root probably meaning to substantiate; support or (by implication) {ability} that {is} (direct) {help} (in purpose) an {undertaking} (intellectual) understanding: - {enterprise} that which (thing as it) {is} {substance} (sound) {wisdom} working.

H8462 <STRHEB>@ תּחלּה techillâh tekh-il-law' From H2490 in the sense of opening; a commencement; relatively original (adverbially originally): - begin ({-ning}) first (time).

H8464 <STRHEB>@ תּחמס tachmâs takh-mawce' From H2554; a species of unclean bird (from its {violence}) perhaps an owl: - night hawk.

H8471 <STRHEB>@ תּחפּנס תּחפנחס תּחפּנחסo tachpanchês techaphnechês tachpenês takh-pan-khace' tekh-af-nekh-ace' (etc.) (The second form used in ); (the third form used in ); of Egyptian derivation; {Tachpanches} Techaphneches or {Tachpenes} a place in Egypt: - {Tahapanes} {Tahpanhes} Tehaphnehes.

H8493 <STRHEB>@ תּיריא tîyreyâ' tee-reh-yaw' Probably from H3372; fearful; {Tirja} an Israelite: - Tiria.

H8494 <STRHEB>@ תּירס tîyrâs tee-rawce' Probably of foreign derivation; {Tiras} a son of Japheth: - Tiras.

H8505 <STRHEB>@ תּכן tâkan taw-kan' A primitive root; to {balance} that {is} measure out (by weight or dimension); figuratively to {arrange} {equalize} through the idea of levelling (mentally {estimate} test): - bear {up} {direct} be ([un-]) {equal} {mete} {ponder} {tell} weigh.

H8523 <STRHEB>@ תּלתּי תּליתי telîythay taltîy {tel-ee-thah'ee} tal-tee' (Chaldee); ordinal from H8532; third: - third.

H8531 <STRHEB>@ תּלת telath tel-ath' (Chaldee); from H8532; a tertiary rank: - third.

H8532 <STRHEB>@ תּלתא תּלתה תּלת telâth telâthâh telâthâ' {tel-awth'} {tel-aw-thaw'} tel-aw-thaw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7969; three or third: - {third} three.

H8533 <STRHEB>@ תּלתין telâthîyn tel-aw-theen' Multiplicative of H8532; ten times three: - thirty.

H8540 <STRHEB>@ תּמהּ temahh tem-ah' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H8539; a miracle: - wonder.

H8549 <STRHEB>@ תּמים tâmîym taw-meem' From H8552; entire ({literally} figuratively or morally); also (as noun) {integrity} truth: - without {blemish} {complete} {full} {perfect} sincerely ({-ity}) {sound} without {spot} {undefiled} upright ({-ly}) whole.

H8561 <STRHEB>@ תּמּרה תּמּר timmôr timmôrâh {tim-more'} tim-mo-raw' (The first is plural {only} while the second is {feminine} singular and plural); from the same root as H8558; (architecturally) a palm like pilaster (that {is} umbellate): - palm tree.

H8566 <STRHEB>@ תּנה tânâh taw-naw' A primitive root; to present (a mercenary {inducement}) that {is} bargain with (a harlot): - hire.

H8574 <STRHEB>@ תּנּוּר tannûr tan-noor' From H5216; a fire pot: - {furnace} oven.

H8575 <STRHEB>@ תּנחוּמה תּנחם תּנחוּם tanchûm tanchûm tanchûmâh {tan-khoom'} {tan-khoom'} tan-khoo-maw' The third form is feminine; from H5162; {compassion} solace: - {comfort} consolation.

H8580 <STRHEB>@ תּנשׁמת tanshemeth tan-sheh'-meth From H5395; properly a hard {breather} that {is} the name of two unclean {creatures} a lizard and a bird (both perhaps from changing color through their {irascibility}) probably the tree toad and the water hen: - {mole} swan.

H8585 <STRHEB>@ תּעלה te‛âlâh teh-aw-law' From H5927; a channel (into which water is raised for irrigation); also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound): - {conduit} {cured} {healing} little {river} {trench} watercourse.

H8588 <STRHEB>@ תּענגה תּענג תּענוּג ta‛ănûg ta‛ănûg ta‛ănûgâh {tah-an-oog'} {tah-an-oog'} tah-an-oog-aw' The third form being feminine; from H6026; luxury: - {delicate} {delight} pleasant.

H8597 <STRHEB>@ תּפארת תּפארה tiphrâh tiph'ereth {tif-aw-raw'} tif-eh'-reth From H6286; ornament (abstractly or {concretely} literally or figuratively): - beauty ({-iful}) {bravery} {comely} {fair} glory ({-ious}) {honour} majesty.

H8603 <STRHEB>@ תּפל tôphel to'-fel From the same as H8602; quagmire; {Tophel} a place near the Desert: - Tophel.

H8622 <STRHEB>@ תּקפה תּקוּפה teqûphâh teqûphâh {tek-oo-faw'} tek-oo-faw' From H5362; a {revolution} that {is} (of the sun) {course} (of time) lapse: - {circuit} come {about} end.

H8627 <STRHEB>@ תּקן teqan tek-an' {(Chaldee}) corresponding to H8626; to straighten {up} that {is} confirm: - establish.

H8631 <STRHEB>@ תּקף teqêph tek-afe' {(Chaldee}) corresponding to H8630; to become (causatively make) mighty or (figuratively) obstinate: - make {firm} {harden} be (-come) strong.

H8637 <STRHEB>@ תּרגּל tirgal teer-gal' A denominative from H7270; to cause to walk: - teach to go.

H8638 <STRHEB>@ תּרגּם tirgam teer-gam' A denominative from H7275 in the sense of throwing over; to {transfer} that {is} translate: - interpret.

H8640 <STRHEB>@ תּרהקה tirhâqâh teer-haw'-kaw Of foreign derivation; {Tirhakah} a king of Kush: - Tirhakah.

H8645 <STRHEB>@ תּרזה tirzâh teer-zaw' Probably from H7329; a species of tree (apparently from its {slenderness}) perhaps the cypress: - cypress.

H8647 <STRHEB>@ תּרחנה tirchănâh teer-khan-aw' Of uncertain derivation; {Tirchanah} an Israelite: - Tirhanah.

H8654 <STRHEB>@ תּרעתי tir‛âthîy teer-aw-thee' Patrial from an unused name meaning gate; a Tirathite or inhabitant of an unknown Tirah: - Tirathite.

H8656 <STRHEB>@ תּרצה tirtsâh teer-tsaw' From H7521; delightsomeness; {Tirtsah} a place in Palestine; also an Israelitess: - also an Israelitess: - Tirzah.

H8660 <STRHEB>@ תּרשׁתא tirshâthâ' teer-shaw-thaw' Of foreign derivation; the title of a Persian deputy or governor: - Tirshatha.

H8663 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁאה teshû'âh tesh-oo-aw' From H7722; a crashing or loud clamor: - {crying} {noise} {shouting} stir.

H8666 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁבה תּשׁוּבה teshûbâh teshûbâh {tesh-oo-baw'} tesh-oo-baw' From H7725; a recurrence (of time or place); a reply (as returned): - {answer} be {expired} return.

H8668 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁעה תּשׁוּעה teshû‛âh teshû‛âh {tesh-oo-aw'} tesh-oo-aw' From H7768 in the sense of H3467; rescue (literally or {figuratively} {personal} national or spiritual): - {deliverance} {help} {safety} {salvation} victory.

H8669 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁוּקה teshûqâh tesh-oo-kaw' From H7783 in the original sense of stretching out after; a longing: - desire.

H8672 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁעה תּשׁע têshatish‛âh {tay'-shah} tish-aw' The second form is the masculine of the first; perhaps from H8159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten; nine or (ordinal) ninth: - nine (+ {-teen} + {-teenth} -th).

H801 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁה 'ishshâh ish-shaw' The same as {H800} but used in a liturgical sense; properly a burnt offering; but occasionally of any sacrifice: - ({offering} {sacrifice}) (made) by fire.

H802 <STRHEB>@ נשׁים אשּׁה 'ishshâh nâshîym {ish-shaw'} naw-sheem' The first form is the feminine of H376 or H582; the second form is an irregular plural; a woman (used in the same wide sense as H582).: - {[adulter]ess} {each} {every} {female} X {many} + {none} {one} + {together} {wife} woman. Often unexpressed in English.

H804 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁר אשּׁוּר 'ashshûr 'ashshûr {ash-shoor'} ash-shoor' Apparently from H833 (in the sense of successful); {Ashshur} the second son of Shem; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (that {is} {Assyria}) its region and its empire: - {Asshur} {Assur} {Assyria} Assyrians. See H838.

H808 <STRHEB>@ אשׁישׁ 'âshîysh aw-sheesh' From the same as H784 (in the sense of pressing down firmly; compare H803); a (ruined) foundation: - foundation.

H861 <STRHEB>@ אתּוּן 'attûn at-toon' (Chaldee); probably corresponding to H784; probably a {fireplace} that {is} furnace: - furnace.

H868 <STRHEB>@ אתנן 'ethnan eth-nan' The same as H866; a gift (as the price of harlotry or idolatry): - {hire} reward.

H894 <STRHEB>@ בּבל bâbel baw-bel' From H1101; confusion; Babel (that {is} {Babylon}) including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire: - {Babel} Babylon.

H918 <STRHEB>@ בּדק bâdaq baw-dak' A primitive root; to gap open; used only as a denominative from H919; to mend a breach: - repair.

H977 <STRHEB>@ בּחר bâchar baw-khar' A primitive root; properly to {try} that {is} (by implication) select: - {acceptable} {appoint} choose ({choice}) {excellent} {join} be {rather} require.

H995 <STRHEB>@ בּין bîyn bene A primitive root; to separate mentally (or {distinguish}) that {is} (generally) understand: - {attend} {consider} be {cunning} {diligently} {direct} {discern} {eloquent} {feel} {inform} {instruct} have {intelligence} {know} look well {to} {mark} {perceive} be {prudent} {regard} (can) skill ({-ful}) {teach} {think} ({cause} make {to} {get} {give} have) understand ({-ing}) {view} (deal) wise ({-ly} man).

H1000 <STRHEB>@ בּיצה bêytsâh bay-tsaw' From the same as H948; an egg (from its whiteness): - egg. G1 <STRGRK>@ Α A al'-fah Of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet: figuratively only (from its use as a numeral) the first. Often used (usually an before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from G427) in the sense of privation; so in many words beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of G260): - Alpha.

G16 <STRGRK>@ ἀγαθοποιΐ́α agathopoiia ag-ath-op-oy-ee'-ah From G17; well-doing that is virtue: - well-doing.

G17 <STRGRK>@ ἀγαθοποιός agathopoios ag-ath-op-oy-os' From G18 and G4160; a well-doer that is virtuous: - them that do well.

G19 <STRGRK>@ ἀγαθωσύνη agathōsunē ag-ath-o-soo'-nay From G18; goodness that is virtue or beneficence: - goodness.

G35 <STRGRK>@ ἀγενεαλόγητος agenealogētos ag-en-eh-al-og'-ay-tos From G1 (as negative particle) and G1075; unregistered as to birth: - without descent.

G58 <STRGRK>@ ἀγορά agora ag-or-ah' From ἀγείρω ageiro (to gather; probably akin to G1453); properly the town square (as a place of public resort); by implication a market or thoroughfare: - market (-place) street.

G76 <STRGRK>@ Ἀδάμ Adam ad-am' Of Hebrew origin [H121]; Adam the first man; typically (of Jesus) man (as his representative): - Adam.

G1004 <STRGRK>@ βόρβορος borboros bor'-bor-os Of uncertain derivation; mud: - mire.

G1017 <STRGRK>@ βραβεῖον brabeion brab-i'-on From βραβεύς brabeus (an umpire; of uncertain derivation); an award (of arbitration) that is (specifically) a prize in the public games: - prize.

G1056 <STRGRK>@ Γαλιλαία Galilaia gal-il-ah-yah Of hebrew origin [H1551]; Galilaea (that is the heathen circle) a region of Palestine: - Galilee.

G1072 <STRGRK>@ γεμίζω gemizō ghem-id'-zo Transitive from G1073; to fill entirely: - fill (be) full.

G1077 <STRGRK>@ γενέσια genesia ghen-es'-ee-ah Neuter plural of a derivative of G1078; birthday ceremonies: - birthday.

G1079 <STRGRK>@ γενετή genetē ghen-et-ay' Feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of G1074; birth: - birth.

G1083 <STRGRK>@ γέννησις gennēsis ghen'-nay-sis From G1080; nativity: - birth.

G1086 <STRGRK>@ Γεργεσηνός Gergesēnos gher-ghes-ay-nos' Of Hebrew origin [H1622]; a Gergesene (that is Girgashite) or one of the aborigines of Palestine: - Gergesene.

G1096 <STRGRK>@ γίνομαι ginomai ghin'-om-ahee A prolonged and middle form of a primary verb; to cause to be (gen -erate) that is (reflexively) to become (come into being) used with great latitude (literally figuratively intensively etc.): - arise be assembled be (come -fall -have self) be brought (to pass) (be) come (to pass) continue be divided be done draw be ended fall be finished follow be found be fulfilled + God forbid grow happen have be kept be made be married be ordained to be partake pass be performed be published require seem be showed X soon as it was sound be taken be turned use wax will would be wrought.

G1100 <STRGRK>@ γλῶσσα glōssa gloce'-sah Of uncertain affinity; the tongue; by implication a language (specifically one naturally unacquired): - tongue.

G1103 <STRGRK>@ γνήσιος gnēsios gnay'-see-os From the same as G1077; legitimate (of birth) that is genuine: - own sincerity true.

G1142 <STRGRK>@ δαίμων daimōn dah'ee-mown From δαίω daiō (to distribute fortunes); a demon or super natural spirit (of a bad nature): - devil.

G1163 <STRGRK>@ δεῖ dei die deh-on' Third person singular active present of G1210; also δεόν deon which is neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was etc.) necessary (as binding): - behoved be meet must (needs) (be) need (-ful) ought should.

G1207 <STRGRK>@ δευτερόπρωτος deuteroprōtos dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos From G1208 and G4413; second first that is (specifically) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): - second . . . after the first.

G1226 <STRGRK>@ διαβεβαιόομαι diabebaioomai dee-ab-eb-ahee-o'-om-ahee Middle voice of a compound of G1223 and G950; to confirm thoroughly (by words) that is asseverate: - affirm constantly.

G1231 <STRGRK>@ διαγινώσκω diaginōskō dee-ag-in-o'-sko From G1223 and G1097; to know thoroughly that is ascertain exactly: - (would) enquire know the uttermost.

G1241 <STRGRK>@ διαζώννυμι diazōnnumi dee-az-own'-noo-mee From G1223 and G2224; to gird tightly: - gird.

G1243 <STRGRK>@ διαίρεσις diairesis dee-ah'ee-res-is From G1244; a distinction or (concretely) variety: - difference diversity.

G1244 <STRGRK>@ διαιρέω diaireō dee-ahee-reh'-o From G1223 and G138; to separate that is distribute: - divide.

G1272 <STRGRK>@ διανοίγω dianoigō dee-an-oy'-go From G1223 and G455; to open thoroughly literally (as a first born) or figuratively (to expound): - open.

G1276 <STRGRK>@ διαπεράω diaperaō dee-ap-er-ah'-o From G1223 and a derivative of the base of G4008; to cross entirely: - go over pass (over) sail over.

G1289 <STRGRK>@ διασπείρω diaspeirō dee-as-pi'-ro From G1223 and G4687; to sow throughout that is (figuratively) distribute in foreign lands: - scatter abroad.

G1311 <STRGRK>@ διαφθείρω diaphtheirō dee-af-thi'-ro From G1223 and G5351; to rot thoroughly that is (by implication) to ruin (passively decay utterly figuratively pervert): - corrupt destroy perish.

G1315 <STRGRK>@ διαχειρίζομαι diacheirizomai dee-akh-i-rid'-zom-ahee From G1223 and a derivative of G5495; to handle thoroughly that is lay violent hands upon: - kill slay.

G1316 <STRGRK>@ διαχωρίζομαι diachōrizomai dee-akh-o-rid'-zom-ahee From G1223 and the middle voice of G5563; to remove (oneself) wholly that is retire: - depart.

G1326 <STRGRK>@ διεγείρω diegeirō dee-eg-i'-ro From G1223 and G1453; to wake fully that is arouse (literally or figuratively): - arise awake raise stir up.

G1331 <STRGRK>@ διερωτάω dierōtaō dee-er-o-tah'-o From G1223 and G2065; to question throughout that is ascertain by interrogation: - make enquiry for.

G1340 <STRGRK>@ διΐσχυρίζομαι diischurizomai dee-is-khoo-rid'-zom-ahee From G1223 and a derivative of G2478; to stout it through that is asseverate: - confidently (constantly) affirm.

G1372 <STRGRK>@ διψάω dipsaō dip-sah'-o From a variation of G1373; to thirst for (literally or figuratively): - (be be a-) thirst (-y).

G1373 <STRGRK>@ δίψος dipsos dip'-sos Of uncertain affinity; thirst: - thirst.

G1374 <STRGRK>@ δίψυχος dipsuchos dip'-soo-khos From G1364 and G5590; two spirited that is vacillating (in opinion or purpose): - double minded.

G1411 <STRGRK>@ δύναμις dunamis doo'-nam-is From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): - ability abundance meaning might (-ily -y -y deed) (worker of) miracle (-s) power strength violence mighty (wonderful) work.

G1438 <STRGRK>@ ἑαυτοῦ heautou heh-ow-too' (Including all the other cases); from a reflexive pronoun otherwise obsolete and the genitive (dative or accusative) of G846; him (her it6 them also [in conjunction with the personal pronoun of the other persons] my thy6 our your) -self (-selves) etc.: - alone her (own -self) (he) himself his (own) itself one (to) another our (thine) own (-selves) + that she had their (own own selves) (of) them (-selves) they thyself you your (own own conceits own selves -selves).

G1453 <STRGRK>@ ἐγείρω egeirō eg-i'-ro Probably akin to the base of G58 (through the idea of collecting one´ s faculties); to waken (transitively or intransitively) that is rouse (literally from sleep from sitting or lying from disease from death; or figuratively from obscurity inactivity ruins nonexistence): - awake lift (up) raise (again up) rear up (a-) rise (again up) stand take up.

G1463 <STRGRK>@ ἐγκομβόομαι egkomboomai eng-kom-bo'-om-ahee Middle voice from G1722 κομβόω komboō (to gird); to engirdle oneself (for labor) that is figuratively (the apron being a badge of servitude) to wear (in token of mutual deference): - be clothed with.

G1473 <STRGRK>@ ἐγώ egō eg-o' A primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic): - I me. For the other cases and the plural see G1691 G1698 G1700 G2248 G2249 G2254 G2257 etc.

G1510 <STRGRK>@ εἰμί eimi i-mee' First person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist (used only when emphatic): - am have been X it is I was. See also G1488 G1498 G1511 G1527 G2258 G2071 G2070 G2075 G2076 G2771 G2468 G5600.

G1514 <STRGRK>@ εἰρηνεύω eirēneuō i-rane-yoo'-o From G1515; to be (act) peaceful: - be at (have live in) peace live peaceably.

G1515 <STRGRK>@ εἰρήνη eirēnē i-rah'-nay Probably from a primary verb εἴρω eirō (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication prosperity: - one peace quietness rest + set at one again.

G1516 <STRGRK>@ εἰρηνικός eirēnikos i-ray-nee-kos' From G1515; pacific; by implication salutary: - peaceable.

G1517 <STRGRK>@ εἰρηνοποιέω eirēnopoieō i-ray-nop-oy-eh'-o From G1518; to be a peace maker that is (figuratively) to harmonize: - make peace.

G1518 <STRGRK>@ εἰρηνοποιός eirēnopoios i-ray-nop-oy-os' From G1518 and G4160; pacificatory that is (subjectively) peaceable: - peacemaker.

G1526 <STRGRK>@ εἰσί eisi i-see' Third person plural present indicative of G1510; they are: - agree are be dure X is were.

G1537 <STRGRK>@ ἐκ ἐξ ek ex ek ex A primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence motion or action proceeds) from6 out (of place time or cause; literally or figuratively; direct or remote): - after among X are at betwixt (-yond) by (the means of) exceedingly (+ abundantly above) for (-th) from (among forth up) + grudgingly + heartily X heavenly X hereby + very highly in . . . ly (because by reason) of off (from) on out among (from of) over since X thenceforth through X unto X vehemently with (-out). Often used in composition with the same general import; often of completion.

G1565 <STRGRK>@ ἐκεῖνος ekeinos ek-i'-nos From G1563; that one (or [neuter] thing); often intensified by the article prefixed: - he it the other (same) selfsame that (same very) X their X them they this those. See also G3778.

G1567 <STRGRK>@ ἐκζητέω ekzēteō ek-zay-teh'-o From G1537 and G2212; to search out that is (figuratively) investigate crave6 demand (by Hebraism) worship: - en- (re-) quire seek after (carefully diligently).

G1571 <STRGRK>@ ἐκκαθαίρω ekkathairō ek-kath-ah'ee-ro From G1537 and G2508; to cleanse thoroughly: - purge (out).

G1598 <STRGRK>@ ἐκπειράζω ekpeirazō ek-pi-rad'-zo From G1537 and G3985; to test thoroughly: - tempt.

G1603 <STRGRK>@ ἐκπληρόω ekplēroō ek-play-ro'-o From G1537 and G4137; to accomplish entirely: - fulfill.

G1606 <STRGRK>@ ἐκπνέω ekpneō ek-pneh'-o From G1537 and G4154; to expire: - give up the ghost.

G1626 <STRGRK>@ ἔκτρωμα ektrōma ek'-tro-mah From a compound of G1537 and τιτρώσκω titrōskō (to wound); a miscarriage (abortion) that is (by analogy) untimely birth: - born out of due time.

G1634 <STRGRK>@ ἐκψύχω ekpsuchō ek-psoo'-kho From G1537 and G5594; to expire: - give (yield) up the ghost.

G1708 <STRGRK>@ ἐμπλοκή emplokē em-plok-ay' From G1707; elaborate braiding of the hair: - plaiting.

G1714 <STRGRK>@ ἐμπρήθω emprēthō em-pray'-tho From G1722 and πρήθω prēthō (to blow a flame); to enkindle that is set on fire: - burn up.

G1722 <STRGRK>@ ἐν en en A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place time or state) and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively) that is a relation of rest (intermediate between G1519 and G1537); in at (up-) on by etc.: - about after against + almost X altogether among X as at before between (here-) by (+ all means) for (. . . sake of) + give self wholly to (here-) in (-to -wardly) X mightily (because) of (up-) on [open-] ly X outwardly one X quickly X shortly [speedi-] ly X that X there (-in -on) through (-out) (un-) to(-ward) under when where (-with) while with (-in). Often used in compounds with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion and then not to indicate direction except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) prep.

G1735 <STRGRK>@ ἐνδέχεται endechetai en-dekh'-et-ahee Third person singular present of a compound of G1722 and G1209; (impersonally) it is accepted in that is admitted (possible): - can (+ not) be.

G1760 <STRGRK>@ ἐνθυμέομαι enthumeomai en-thoo-meh'-om-ahee From a compound of G1722 and G2372; to be inspirited that is ponder: - think.

G1762 <STRGRK>@ ἔνι eni en'-ee Contracted for third person singular present indicative of G1751; impersonally there is in or among: - be (there) is.

G1807 <STRGRK>@ ἐξαιρέω exaireō ex-ahee-reh'-o From G1537 and G138; active voice to tear out; middle voice to select; figuratively to release: - deliver pluck out rescue.

G1808 <STRGRK>@ ἐξαίρω exairō ex-ah'ee-ro From G1537 and G142; to remove: - put (take) away.

G1809 <STRGRK>@ ἐξαιτέομαι exaiteomai ex-ahee-teh'-om-ahee Middle voice from G1537 and G154; to demand (for trial): - desire.

G1820 <STRGRK>@ ἐξαπορέομαι exaporeomai ex-ap-or-eh'-om-ahee Middle voice from G1537 and G639; to be utterly at a loss that is despond: - (in) despair.

G1825 <STRGRK>@ ἐξεγείρω exegeirō ex-eg-i'-ro From G1537 and G1453; to rouse fully that is (figuratively) to resuscitate (from death) release (from infliction): - raise up.

G1832 <STRGRK>@ ἔξεστι exesti ex'-es-tee Third person singular present indicative of a compound of G1537 and G1510; so also ἐξόν exon; neuter present participle of the same (with or without some form of G1510 expressed); impersonally it is right (through the figurative idea of being out in public): - be lawful let X may (-est).

G1833 <STRGRK>@ ἐξετάζω exetazō ex-et-ad'-zo From G1537 and ἐτάζω etazō (to examine); to test thoroughly (by questions) that is ascertain or interrogate: - ask enquire search.

G1840 <STRGRK>@ ἐξισχύω exischuō ex-is-khoo'-o From G1537 and G2480; to have full strength that is be entirely competent: - be able.

G1842 <STRGRK>@ ἐξολοθρεύω exolothreuō ex-ol-oth-ryoo'-o From G1537 and G3645; to extirpate: - destroy.

G1869 <STRGRK>@ ἐπαίρω epairō ep-ahee'-ro From G1909 and G142; to raise up (literally or figuratively): - exalt self poise (lift take) up.

G1892 <STRGRK>@ ἐπεγείρω epegeirō ep-eg-i'-ro From G1909 and G1453; to rouse upon that is (figuratively) to excite against: - raise stir up.

G1905 <STRGRK>@ ἐπερωτάω eperōtaō ep-er-o-tah'-o From G1909 and G2065; to ask for that is inquire seek: - ask (after questions) demand desire question.

G1906 <STRGRK>@ ἐπερώτημα eperōtēma ep-er-o'-tay-mah From G1905; an inquiry: - answer.

G1909 <STRGRK>@ ἐπί epi ep-ee' A primary preposition properly meaning superimposition (of time place order etc.) as a relation of distribution [with the genitive case] that is over6 upon etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at on etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards upon etc.: - about (the times) above after against among as long as (touching) at beside X have charge of (be- [where-]) fore in (a place as much as the time of -to) (because) of (up-) on (behalf of) over (by for) the space of through (-out) (un-) to (-ward) with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import at6 upon etc. (literally or figuratively).

G1918 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιγαμβρεύω epigambreuō ep-ee-gam-bryoo'-o From G1909 and a derivative of G1062; to form affinity with that is (specifically) in a levirate way: - marry.

G1934 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιζητέω epizēteō ep-eed'-zay-teh'-o From G1909 and G2212; to search (inquire) for; intensively to demand to crave: - desire enquire seek (after for).

G1937 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιθυμέω epithumeō ep-ee-thoo-meh'-o From G1909 and G2372; to set the heart upon that is long for (rightfully or otherwise): - covet desire would fain lust (after).

G1939 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιθυμία epithumia ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah From G1937; a longing (especially for what is forbidden): - concupiscence desire lust (after).

G1971 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιποθέω epipotheō ep-ee-poth-eh'-o From G1909 and ποθέω potheō (to yearn); to dote upon that is intensely crave possession (lawfully or wrongfully): - (earnestly) desire (greatly) (greatly) long (after) lust.

G1972 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιπόθησις epipothēsis ep-ee-poth'-ay-sis From G1971; a longing for: - earnest (vehement) desire.

G1974 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιποθία epipothia ep-ee-poth-ee'-ah From G1971; intense longing: - great desire.

G1976 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιῤῥάπτω epirrhaptō ep-ir-hrap'-to From G1909 and the base of G4476; to stitch upon that is fasten with the needle: - sew on.

G1977 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιῤῥίπτω epirrhiptō ep-ir-hrip'-to From G1909 and G4496; to throw upon (literally or figuratively): - cast upon.

G1986 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισπάομαι epispaomai ep-ee-spah'-om-ahee From G1909 and G4685; to draw over that is (with G203 implied) efface the mark of circumcision (by recovering with the foreskin): - become uncircumcised.

G1991 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιστηρίζω epistērizō ep-ee-stay-rid'-zo From G1909 and G4741; to support further that is reestablish: - confirm strengthen.

G1999 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισύστασις episustasis ep-ee-soo'-stas-is From the middle of a compound of G1909 and G4921; a conspiracy that is concourse (riotous or friendly): - that which cometh upon + raising up.

G109 <STRGRK>@ ἀήρ aēr ah-ayr' From ἄημι aēmi (to breathe unconsciously that is respire; by analogy to blow); air (as naturally circumambient): - air. Compare G5594.

G120 <STRGRK>@ ἀθυμέω athumeō ath-oo-meh'-o From a compound of G1 (as a negative particle) and G2372; to be spiritless that is disheartened: - be dismayed.

G139 <STRGRK>@ αἵρεσις hairesis hah'ee-res-is From G138; properly a choice that is (specifically) a party or (abstractly) disunion. (heresy is the Greek word itself.): - heresy [which is the Greekord itself] sect.

G142 <STRGRK>@ αἴρω airō ah'ee-ro A primary verb; to lift; by implication to take up or away; figuratively to raise (the voice) keep in suspense (the mind); specifically to sail away (that is weigh anchor); by Hebraism (compare [H5375]) to expiate sin: - away with bear (up) carry lift up loose make to doubt put away remove take (away up).

G154 <STRGRK>@ αἰτέω aiteō ahee-teh'-o Of uncertain derivation; to ask (in generally): - ask beg call for crave desire require. Compare G4441.

G155 <STRGRK>@ αἴτημα aitēma ah'ee-tay-mah From G154; a thing asked or (abstractly) an asking: - petition request required.

G170 <STRGRK>@ ἀκαιρέομαι akairēomai ak-ahee-reh'-om-ahee From a compound of G1 (as a negative particle) and G2540 (meaning unseasonable); to be inopportune (for oneself) that is to fail of a proper occasion: - lack opportunity.

G171 <STRGRK>@ ἀκαίρως akairōs ak-ah'ee-roce Adverb from the same as G170; inopportunely: - out of season.

G186 <STRGRK>@ ἀκλινής aklinēs ak-lee-nace' From G1 (as a negative particle) and G2827; not leaning (that is (figuratively) firm: - without wavering.

G198 <STRGRK>@ ἀκριβόω akriboō ak-ree-bo'-o From the same as G196; to be exact that is ascertain: - enquire diligently.

G199 <STRGRK>@ ἀκριβῶς akribōs ak-ree-boce' Adverb from the same as G196; exactly: - circumspectly diligently perfect (-ly).

G2021 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιχειρέω epicheireō ep-ee-khi-reh'-o From G1909 and G5495; to put the hand upon that is undertake: - go about take in hand (upon).

G2045 <STRGRK>@ ἐρευνάω ereunaō er-yoo-nah'-o Apparently from G2046 (through the idea of inquiry); to seek that is (figuratively) to investigate: - search.

G2056 <STRGRK>@ ἔριφος eriphos er'-if-os Perhaps from the same as G2053 (through the idea of hairiness); a kid or (generally) goat: - goat kid.

G2065 <STRGRK>@ ἐρωτάω erōtaō er-o-tah'-o Apparently from G2046 (compare G2045); to interrogate; by implication to request: - ask beseech desire intreat pray. Compare G4441.

G2072 <STRGRK>@ ἔσοπτρον esoptron es'-op-tron From G1519 and a presumed derivative of G3700; a mirror (for looking into): - glass. Compare G2734.

G2076 <STRGRK>@ ἐστί esti es-tee' Third person singular present indicative of G1510; he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are: - are be (-long) call X can [-not] come consisteth X dure for awhile + follow X have (that) is (to say) make meaneth X must needs + profit + remaineth + wrestle.

G2077 <STRGRK>@ ἔστω ἔστωσαν estō estōsan es'-to es'-to-san Second person singular present imperative and third person of G1510; be thou; let them be: - be.

G2083 <STRGRK>@ ἑταῖρος hetairos het-ah'ee-ros From ἔτης etēs (a clansman); a comrade: - fellow friend.

G2096 <STRGRK>@ Εὖα Eua yoo'-ah Of Hebrew origin [H2332]; Eua (or Eva that is Chavvah) the first woman: - Eve.

G2100 <STRGRK>@ εὐαρεστέω euaresteō yoo-ar-es-teh'-o From G2101; to gratify entirely: - please (well).

G2105 <STRGRK>@ εὐδία eudia yoo-dee'-ah Feminine from G2095 and the alternate of G2203 (as the god of the weather); a clear sky that is fine weather: - fair weather.

G2107 <STRGRK>@ εὐδοκία eudokia yoo-dok-ee'-ah From a presumed compound of G2095 and the base of G1380; satisfaction that is (subjectively) delight or (objectively) kindness wish purpose: - desire good pleasure (will) X seem good.

G2112 <STRGRK>@ εὐθέως eutheōs yoo-theh'-oce Adverb from G2117; directly that is at once or soon: - anon as soon as forthwith immediately shortly straightway.

G2113 <STRGRK>@ εὐθυδρομέω euthudromeō yoo-thoo-drom-eh'-o From G2117 and G1408; to lay a straight course that is sail direct: - (come) with a straight course.

G2115 <STRGRK>@ εὔθυμος euthumos yoo'-thoo-mos From G2095 and G2372; in fine spirits that is cheerful: - of good cheer the more cheerfully.

G2119 <STRGRK>@ εὐκαιρέω eukaireō yoo-kahee-reh'-o From G2121; to have good time that is opportunity or leisure: - have leisure (convenient time) spend time.

G2120 <STRGRK>@ εὐκαιρία eukairia yoo-kahee-ree'-ah From G2121; a favorable occasion: - opportunity.

G2121 <STRGRK>@ εὔκαιρος eukairos yoo'-kahee-ros From G2095 and G2540; well timed that is opportune: - convenient in time of need.

G2122 <STRGRK>@ εὐκαίρως eukairōs yoo-kah'ee-roce Adverb from G2121; opportunely: - conveniently in season.

G2125 <STRGRK>@ εὐλαβέομαι eulabeomai yoo-lab-eh'-om-ahee Middle voice from G2126; to be circumspect that is (by implication) to be apprehensive; religiously to reverence: - (moved with) fear.

G2126 <STRGRK>@ εὐλαβής eulabēs yoo-lab-ace' From G2095 and G2983; taking well (carefully) that is circumspect (religiously pious): - devout.

G2129 <STRGRK>@ εὐλογία eulogia yoo-log-ee'-ah From the same as G2127; fine speaking that is elegance of language; commendation (eulogy) that is (reverentially) adoration; religiously benediction; by implication consecration; by extension benefit or largess: - blessing (a matter of) bounty (X -tifully) fair speech.

G2137 <STRGRK>@ εὐοδόω euodoō yoo-od-o'-o From a compound of G2095 and G3598; to help on the road that is (passively) succeed in reaching; figuratively to succeed in business affairs: - (have a) prosper (-ous journey).

G2139 <STRGRK>@ εὐπερίστατος euperistatos yoo-per-is'-tat-os From G2095 and a derivative of a presumed compound of G4012 and G2476; well standing around that is (a competitor) thwarting (a racer) in every direction (figuratively of sin in general): - which doth so easily beset.

G2146 <STRGRK>@ εὐπροσωπέω euprosōpeō yoo-pros-o-peh'-o From a compound of G2095 and G4383; to be of good countenance that is (figuratively) to make a display: - make a fair show.

G2174 <STRGRK>@ εὐψυχέω eupsucheō yoo-psoo-kheh'-o From a compound of G2095 and G5590; to be in good spirits that is feel encouraged: - be of good comfort.

G2192 <STRGRK>@ ἔχω echō ekh'-o A primary verb (including an alternate form σχέω scheō skheh'-o used in certain tenses only); to hold (used in very various applications literally or figuratively direct or remote; such as possession ability6 contiguity relation or condition): - be (able X hold possessed with) accompany + begin to amend can (+ -not) X conceive count diseased do + eat + enjoy + fear following have hold keep + lack + go to law lie + must needs + of necessity + need next + recover + reign + rest return X sick take for + tremble + uncircumcised use.

G2201 <STRGRK>@ ζεῦγος zeugos dzyoo'-gos From the same as G2218; a couple that is a team (of oxen yoked together) or brace (of birds tied together): - yoke pair.

G2206 <STRGRK>@ ζηλόω zēloō dzay-lo'-o From G2205; to have warmth of feeling for or against: - affect covet (earnestly) (have) desire (move with) envy be jealous over (be) zealous (-ly affect).

G2212 <STRGRK>@ ζητέω zēteō dzay-teh'-o Of uncertain affinity; to seek (literally or figuratively); specifically (by Hebraism) to worship (God) or (in a bad sense) to plot (against life): - be (go) about desire endeavour enquire (for) require (X will) seek (after for means). Compare G4441.

G2218 <STRGRK>@ ζυγός zugos dzoo-gos' From the root of ζεύγνυμι zeugnumi (to join especially by a yoke); a coupling that is (figuratively) servitude (a law or obligation); also (literally) the beam of the balance (as connecting the scales): - pair of balances yoke.

G2223 <STRGRK>@ ζώνη zōnē dzo'-nay Probably akin to the base of G2218; a belt; by implication a pocket: - girdle purse.

G2224 <STRGRK>@ ζώννυμι zōnnumi dzone'-noo-mi From G2223; to bind about (especially with a belt): - gird.

G2229 <STRGRK>@ ἦ ē ay An adverb of confirmation; perhaps intensive of G2228; used only (in the N. T.) before G3303; assuredly: - surely.

G2237 <STRGRK>@ ἡδονή hēdonē hay-don-ay' From ἁνδάνω handanō (to please); sensual delight; by implication desire: - lust pleasure.

G2253 <STRGRK>@ ἡμιθανής hēmithanēs hay-mee-than-ace' From a presumed compound of the base of G2255 and G2348; half dead that is entirely exhausted: - half dead.

G2277 <STRGRK>@ ἤτω ētō ay'-to Third person singular imperative of G1510; let him (or it) be: - let . . . be.

G2295 <STRGRK>@ θαῦμα thauma thou'-mah Apparently from a form of G2300; wonder (properly concrete; but by implication abstract): - admiration.

G2296 <STRGRK>@ θαυμάζω thaumazō thou-mad'-zo From G2295; to wonder; by implication to admire: - admire have in admiration marvel wonder.

G2297 <STRGRK>@ θαυμάσιος thaumasios thow-mas'-ee-os From G2295; wondrous that is (neuter as noun) a miracle: - wonderful thing.

G2307 <STRGRK>@ θέλημα thelēma thel'-ay-mah From the prolonged form of G2309; a determination (properly the thing) that is (actively) choice (specifically purpose decree; abstractly volition) or (passively) inclination: - desire pleasure will.

G2309 <STRGRK>@ θέλω ἐθέλω thelō ethelō thel'-o eth-el'-o Either the first or the second form may be used. In certain tenses θελέω theleō thel-eh'-o (and ἐθέλέω etheleō eth-el-eh'-o) are used which are otherwise obsolete; apparently strengthened from the alternate form of G138; to determine (as an active voice option from subjective impulse; whereas G1014 properly denotes rather a passive voice acquiescence in objective considerations) that is choose or prefer (literally or figuratively); by implication to wish that is be inclined to (sometimes adverbially gladly); impersonally for the future tense to be about to; by Hebraism to delight in: - desire be disposed (forward) intend list love mean please have rather (be) will (have -ling -ling [ly]).

G2315 <STRGRK>@ θεόπνευστος theopneustos theh-op'-nyoo-stos From G2316 and a presumed derivative of G4154; divinely breathed in: - given by inspiration of God.

G2359 <STRGRK>@ θρίξ τριχός thrix trichos threeks Of uncertain derivation; hair: - hair. Compare G2864.

G2363 <STRGRK>@ Θυάτειρα Thuateira thoo-at'-i-rah Of uncertain derivation; Thyatira a place in Asia Minor: - Thyatira.

G2364 <STRGRK>@ θυγάτηρ thugatēr thoo-gat'-air Apparently a primary word (compare daughter); a female child or (by Hebraism) descendant (or inhabitant): - daughter.

G2380 <STRGRK>@ θύω thuō thoo'-o A primary verb; properly to rush (breathe hard blow6 smoke) that is (by implication) to sacrifice (properly by fire but generally); by extension to immolate (slaughter for any purpose): - kill (do) sacrifice slay.

G2383 <STRGRK>@ Ἰάειρος Iaeiros ee-ah'-i-ros Of Hebrew origin [H2971]; Jairus (that is Jair) an Israelite: - Jairus.

G2398 <STRGRK>@ ἴδιος idios id'-ee-os Of uncertain affinity; pertaining to self that is one's own; by implication private or separate: - X his acquaintance when they were alone apart aside due his (own proper several) home (her our thine your) own (business) private (-ly) proper severally their (own).

G2402 <STRGRK>@ ἱδρός hidros hid-roce' A strengthened form of a primary word ἴδος idos (sweat); perspiration: - sweat.

G2411 <STRGRK>@ ἱερόν hieron hee-er-on' Neuter of G2413; a sacred place that is the entire precincts (whereas G3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere): - temple.

G2442 <STRGRK>@ ἱμείρομαι himeiromai him-i'-rom-ahee Middle voice from ἵμερος himeros (a yearning; of uncertain affinity); to long for: - be affectionately desirous.

G2463 <STRGRK>@ ἶρις iris ee'-ris Perhaps from G2046 (as a symbol of the female messenger of the pagan deities); a rainbow (iris): - rainbow.

G2467 <STRGRK>@ ἴσημι isēmi is'-ay-mee Assumed by some as the base of certain irregular forms of G1942; to know: - know.

G2473 <STRGRK>@ ἰσόψυχος isopsuchos ee-sop'-soo-khos From G2470 and G5590; of similar spirit: - likeminded.

G2504 <STRGRK>@ κἀγώ κἀμοί κἀμέ kagō kamoi kame kag-o' kam-oy' kam-eh' So also the dative (second form) and accusative (third form); from G2532 and G1473; and (or also even etc.) I (to) me: - (and even even so so) I (also in like wise) both me me also.

G2506 <STRGRK>@ καθαίρεσις kathairesis kath-ah'ee-res-is From G2507; demolition; figuratively extinction: - destruction pulling down.

G2507 <STRGRK>@ καθαιρέω kathaireō kath-ahee-reh'-o From G2596 and G138 (including its alternate); to lower (or with violence) demolish (literally or figuratively): - cast (pull put take) down destroy.

G2508 <STRGRK>@ καθαίρω kathairō kath-ah'ee-ro From G2513; to cleanse that is (specifically) to prune; figuratively to expiate: - purge.

G2527 <STRGRK>@ καθόλου katholou kath-ol'-oo From G2596 and G3650; on the whole that is entirely: - at all.

G2540 <STRGRK>@ καιρός kairos kahee-ros' Of uncertain affinity; an occasion that is set or proper time: - X always opportunity (convenient due) season (due short while) time a while. Compare G5550.

G2545 <STRGRK>@ καίω kaiō kah'-yo Apparently a primary verb; to set on fire that is kindle or (by implication) consume: - burn light.

G2564 <STRGRK>@ καλέω kaleō kal-eh'-o Akin to the base of G2753; to call (properly aloud but used in a variety of applications directly or otherwise): - bid call (forth) (whose whose sur-) name (was [called]).

G2566 <STRGRK>@ καλλίον kallion kal-lee'-on Neuter of the (irregular) compound of G2570; (adverbially) better than many: - very well.

G2568 <STRGRK>@ Καλοὶ Λιμένες Kaloi Limenes kal-oy' lee-man'-es Plural of G2570 and G3040; Good Harbors that is Fairhaven a bay of Crete: - fair havens.

G2569 <STRGRK>@ καλοποιέω kalopoieō kal-op-oy-eh'-o From G2570 and G4160; to do well that is live virtuously: - well doing.

G2570 <STRGRK>@ καλός kalos kal-os' Of uncertain affinity; properly beautiful but chiefly (figuratively) good (literally or morally) that is valuable or virtuous (for appearance or use and thus distinguished from G18 which is properly intrinsic): - X better fair good (-ly) honest meet well worthy.

G2577 <STRGRK>@ κάμνω kamnō kam'-no Apparently a primary verb; properly to toil that is (by implication) to tire (figuratively faint sicken): - faint sicken be wearied.

G2661 <STRGRK>@ καταξιόω kataxioō kat-ax-ee-o'-o From G2596 and G515; to deem entirely deserving: - (ac-) count worthy.

G2666 <STRGRK>@ καταπίνω katapinō kat-ap-ee'-no From G2596 and G4095; to drink down that is gulp entire (literally or figuratively): - devour drown swallow (up).

G2673 <STRGRK>@ καταργέω katargeō kat-arg-eh'-o From G2596 and G691; to be (render) entirely idle (useless) literally or figuratively: - abolish cease cumber deliver destroy do away become (make) of no (none without) effect fail loose bring (come) to nought put away (down) vanish away make void.

G2675 <STRGRK>@ καταρτίζω katartizō kat-ar-tid'-zo From G2596 and a derivative of G739; to complete thoroughly that is repair (literally or figuratively) or adjust: - fit frame mend (make) perfect (-ly join together) prepare restore.

G2686 <STRGRK>@ κατασοφίζομαι katasophizomai kat-as-of-id'-zom-ahee Middle voice from G2596 and G4679; to be crafty against that is circumvent: - deal subtilly with.

G2699 <STRGRK>@ κατατομή katatomē kat-at-om-ay' From a compound of G2596 and τέμνω temnō (to cut); a cutting down (off) that is mutilation (ironically): - concision. Compare G609.

G2704 <STRGRK>@ καταφθείρω kataphtheirō kat-af-thi'-ro From G2596 and G5351; to spoil entirely that is (literally) to destroy; or (figuratively) to deprave: - corrupt utterly perish.

G2709 <STRGRK>@ καταχθόνιος katachthonios kat-akh-thon'-ee-os From G2596 and χθών chthōn (the ground); subterranean that is infernal (belonging to the world of departed spirits): - under the earth.

G2713 <STRGRK>@ κατέναντι katenanti kat-en'-an-tee From G2596 and G1725; directly opposite: - before over against.

G2714 <STRGRK>@ κατενώπιον katenōpion kat-en-o'-pee-on From G2596 and G1799; directly in front of: - before (the presence of) in the sight of.

G2720 <STRGRK>@ κατευθύνω kateuthunō kat-yoo-thoo'-no From G2590 and G2116; to straighten fully that is (figuratively) direct: - guide direct.

G2734 <STRGRK>@ κατοπτρίζομαι katoptrizomai kat-op-trid'-zom-ahee Middle voice from a compound of G2596 and a derivative of G3700 (compare G2072); to mirror oneself that is to see reflected (figuratively): - behold as in a glass.

G2741 <STRGRK>@ καυσόω kausoō kow-so'-o From G2740; to set on fire: - with fervent heat.

G2743 <STRGRK>@ καυτηριάζω kautēriazō kow-tay-ree-ad'-zo From a derivative of G2545; to brand (cauterize) that is (by implication) to render unsensitive (figuratively): - sear with a hot iron.

G2750 <STRGRK>@ κειρία keiria ki-ree'-ah Of uncertain affinity; a swathe that is winding sheet: - graveclothes.

G2751 <STRGRK>@ κείρω keirō ki'-ro A primary verb; to shear: - shear (-er).

G2755 <STRGRK>@ κενόδοξος kenodoxos ken-od'-ox-os From G2756 and G1391; vainly glorifying that is self conceited: - desirous of vain-glory.

G2768 <STRGRK>@ κέρας keras ker'-as From a primary word κάρ kar (the hair of the head); a horn (literally or figuratively): - horn.

G2795 <STRGRK>@ κινέω kineō kin-eh'-o From κίω kiō (poetic for [εἶμι eimi to go]); to stir (transitively) literally or figuratively: - (re-) move (-r) way.

G2796 <STRGRK>@ κίνησις kinēsis kin'-ay-sis From G2795; a stirring: - moving.

G2816 <STRGRK>@ κληρονομέω klēronomeō klay-ron-om-eh'-o From G2818; to be an heir to (literally or figuratively): - be heir (obtain by) inherit (-ance).

G2817 <STRGRK>@ κληρονομία klēronomia klay-ron-om-ee'-ah From G2818; heirship that is (concretely) a patrimony or (generally) a possession: - inheritance.

G2818 <STRGRK>@ κληρονόμος klēronomos klay-ron-om'-os From G2819 and the base of G3551 (in its original sense of partitioning that is [reflexively] getting by apportionment); a sharer by lot that is an inheritor (literally or figuratively); by implication a possessor: - heir.

G2863 <STRGRK>@ κομάω komaō kom-ah'-o From G2864; to wear tresses of hair: - have long hair.

G2864 <STRGRK>@ κόμη komē kom'-ay Apparently from the same as G2865; the hair of the head (locks as ornamental and thus differing from G2359 which properly denotes merely the scalp): - hair.

G2869 <STRGRK>@ κοπάζω kopazō kop-ad'-zo From G2873; to tire that is (figuratively) to relax: - cease.

G2877 <STRGRK>@ κοράσιον korasion kor-as'-ee-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of κόρη korē (a maiden); a (little) girl: - damsel maid.

G2932 <STRGRK>@ κτάομαι ktaomai ktah'-om-ahee A primary verb; to get that is acquire (by any means; own): - obtain possess provide purchase.

G2933 <STRGRK>@ κτῆμα ktēma ktay'-mah From G2932; an acquirement that is estate: - possession.

G2941 <STRGRK>@ κυβέρνησις kubernēsis koo-ber'-nay-sis From κυβερνάω kubernaō (of Latin origin to steer); pilotage that is (figuratively) directorship (in the church): - government.

G2943 <STRGRK>@ κυκλόθεν kuklothen koo-kloth'-en Adverb from the same as G2945; from the circle that is all around: - (round) about.

G2944 <STRGRK>@ κυκλόω kukloō koo-klo'-o From the same as G2945; to encircle that is surround: - compass (about) come (stand) round about.

G2945 <STRGRK>@ κύκλῳ kuklō koo'-klo As if dative case of κύκλος kuklos (a ring cycle; akin to G2947); that is in a circle (by implication of G1722) that is (adverbially) all around: - round about.

G2947 <STRGRK>@ κυλιόω kulioō koo-lee-o'-o From the base of G2949 (through the idea of circularity; compare G2945 and G1507); to roll about: - wallow.

G2958 <STRGRK>@ Κυρήνιος Kurēnios koo-ray'-nee-os Of Latin origin; Cyrenius (that is Quirinus) a Roman: - Cyrenius.

G2962 <STRGRK>@ κύριος kurios koo'-ree-os From κῦρος kuros (supremacy); supreme in authority that is (as noun) controller; by implication Mr. (as a respectful title): - God Lord master Sir.

G2964 <STRGRK>@ κυρόω kuroō koo-ro'-o From the same as G2962; to make authoritative that is ratify: - confirm.

G2978 <STRGRK>@ λαῖλαψ lailaps lah'ee-laps Of uncertain derivation; a whirlwind (squall): - storm tempest.

G2998 <STRGRK>@ λατομέω latomeō lat-om-eh'-o From the same as the first part of G2991 and the base of G5114; to quarry: - hew.

G3000 <STRGRK>@ λατρεύω latreuō lat-ryoo'-o From λάτρις latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God) that is render religious homage: - serve do the service worship (-per).

G203 <STRGRK>@ ἀκροβυστία akrobustia ak-rob-oos-tee'-ah From G206 and probably a modified form of πόσθη posthē (the penis or male sexual organ); the prepuce; by implication an uncircumcised (that is gentile figuratively unregenerate) state or person: - not circumcised uncircumcised [with G2192] uncircumcision.

G219 <STRGRK>@ ἀλεκτοροφωνία alektorophōnia al-ek-tor-of-o-nee'-ah From G220 and G5456; cock crow that is the third night watch: - cockcrowing.

G223 <STRGRK>@ Ἀλέξανδρος Alexandros al-ex'-an-dros From the same as (the first part of) G220 and G435; man-defender; Alexander the name of three Israelites and one other man: - Alexander.

G244 <STRGRK>@ ἀλλοτριεπίσκοπος allotriepiskopos al-lot-ree-ep-is'-kop-os From G245 and G1985; overseeing others' affairs that is a meddler (specifically in Gentile customs): - busybody in other men´ s matters.

G249 <STRGRK>@ ἄλογος alogos al'-og-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3056; irrational: - brute unreasonable.

G273 <STRGRK>@ ἄμεμπτος amemptos am'-emp-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G3201; irreproachable: - blameless faultless unblamable.

G278 <STRGRK>@ ἀμεταμέλητος ametamelētos am-et-am-el'-ay-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G3338; irrevocable: - without repentance not to be repented of.

G281 <STRGRK>@ ἀμήν amēn am-ane' Of Hebrew origin [H543]; properly firm that is (figuratively) trustworthy; adverbially surely (often as interjection so be it): - amen verily.

G3074 <STRGRK>@ λύκος lukos loo'-kos Perhaps akin to the base of G3022 (from the whitish hair); a wolf: - wolf.

G3081 <STRGRK>@ λυσιτελεῖ lusitelei loo-sit-el-i' Third person singular present indicative active of a derivative of a compound of G3080 and G5056; impersonally it answers the purpose that is is advantageous: - it is better.

G3114 <STRGRK>@ μακροθυμέω makrothumeō mak-roth-oo-meh'-o From the same as G3116; to be long spirited that is (objectively) forbearing or (subjectively) patient: - bear (suffer) long be longsuffering have (long) patience be patient patiently endure.

G3132 <STRGRK>@ μαντεύομαι manteuomai mant-yoo'-om-ahee From a derivative of G3105 (meaning a prophet as supposed to rave through inspiration); to divine that is utter spells (under pretence of foretelling): - by soothsaying.

G3133 <STRGRK>@ μαραίνω marainō mar-ah'ee-no Of uncertain affinity; to extinguish (as fire) that is (figuratively and passively) to pass away: - fade away.

G3137 <STRGRK>@ Μαρία Μαριάμ Maria Mariam mar-ee'-ah mar-ee-am' Of Hebrew origin [H4813]; Maria or Mariam (that is Mirjam) the name of six Christian females: - Mary.

G3139 <STRGRK>@ μάρμαρος marmaros mar'-mar-os From μαρμαίρω marmairō (to glisten); marble (as sparkling white): - marble.

G3143 <STRGRK>@ μαρτύρομαι marturomai mar-too'-rom-ahee Middle voice from G3144; to be adduced as a witness that is (figuratively) to obtest (in affirmation or exhortation): - take to record testify.

G3162 <STRGRK>@ μάχαιρα machaira makh'-ahee-rah Probably feminine of a presumed derivative of G3163; a knife that is dirk; figuratively war judicial punishment: - sword.

G3187 <STRGRK>@ μείζων meizōn mide'-zone Irregular comparative of G3173; larger (literally or figuratively specifically in age): - elder greater (-est) more.

G3199 <STRGRK>@ μέλω melō mel'-o A primary verb; to be of interest to that is to concern (only third person singular present indicative used impersonally it matters): - (take) care.

G3202 <STRGRK>@ μεμψίμοιρος mempsimoiros mem-psim'-oy-ros From a presumed derivative of G3201 and μοῖρα moira (fate; akin to the base of G3313); blaming fate that is querulous (discontented): - complainer.

G3303 <STRGRK>@ μέν men men A primary particle; properly indicative of affirmation or concession (in fact); usually followed by a contrasted clause with G1161 (this one the former etc.: - even indeed so some truly verily. Often compounded with other particles in an intensive or asseverative sense.

G3313 <STRGRK>@ μέρος meros mer'-os From an obsolete but more primary form of μείρομαι meiromai (to get as a section or allotment); a division or share (literally or figuratively in a wide application): - behalf coast course craft particular (+ -ly) part (+ -ly) piece portion respect side some sort (-what).

G3315 <STRGRK>@ μεσιτεύω mesiteuō mes-it-yoo'-o From G3316; to interpose (as arbiter) that is (by implication) to ratify (as surety): - confirm.

G3329 <STRGRK>@ μετάγω metagō met-ag'-o From G3326 and G71; to lead over that is transfer (direct): - turn about.

G3332 <STRGRK>@ μεταίρω metairō met-ah'ee-ro From G3326 and G142; to betake oneself that is remove (locally): - depart.

G3334 <STRGRK>@ μετακινέω metakineō met-ak-ee-nah'-o From G3326 and G2795; to stir to a place elsewhere that is remove (figuratively): - move away.

G3349 <STRGRK>@ μετεωρίζω meteōrizō met-eh-o-rid'-zo From a compound of G3326 and a collateral form of G142 or perhaps rather of G109 (compare meteor); to raise in mid-air that is (figuratively) suspend (passively fluctuate or be anxious): - be of doubtful mind.

G3355 <STRGRK>@ μετρητής metrētēs met-ray-tace' From G3354; a measurer that is (specifically) a certain standard measure of capacity for liquids: - firkin.

G3361 <STRGRK>@ μή mē may A primary particle of qualified negation (whereas G3756 expresses an absolute denial); (adverbially) not (conjugationally) lest; also (as interrogitive implying a negative answer [whereas G3756 expects an affirmative one]); whether: - any but (that) X forbear + God forbid + lack lest neither never no (X wise in) none nor [can-] not nothing that not un [-taken] without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also G3362 G3363 G3364 G3372 G3373 G3375 G3378.

G3367 <STRGRK>@ μηδείς μηδεμία μηδέν mēdeis mēdemia mēden may-dice' may -dem-ee'-ah may-den' The masculine feminine irregular (second form) and neuter (third form) from G3361 and G1520; not even one (man woman thing): - any (man thing) no (man) none not (at all any man a whit) nothing + without delay.

G3375 <STRGRK>@ μήν mēn mane A stronger form of G3303; a particle of affirmation (only with G2229); assuredly: - + surely.

G3391 <STRGRK>@ μία mia mee'-ah Irregular feminine of G1520; one or first: - a (certain) + agree first one X other.

G3407 <STRGRK>@ μίσθιος misthios mis'-thee-os From G3408; a wage earner: - hired servant.

G3408 <STRGRK>@ μισθός misthos mis-thos' Apparently a primary word; pay for service (literally or figuratively) good or bad: - hire reward wages.

G3409 <STRGRK>@ μισθόω misthoō mis-tho'-o From G3408; to let out for wages that is (middle voice) to hire: - hire.

G3410 <STRGRK>@ μίσθωμα misthōma mis'-tho-mah From G3409; a rented building: - hired house.

G3411 <STRGRK>@ μισθωτός misthōtos mis-tho-tos' From G3409; a wage worker (good or bad): - hired servant hireling.

G3423 <STRGRK>@ μνηστεύω mnēsteuō mnace-tyoo'-o From a derivative of G3415; to give a souvenir (engagement present) that is betroth: - espouse.

G3483 <STRGRK>@ ναί nai nahee A primary particle of strong affirmation; yes: - even so surely truth verily yea yes.

G3513 <STRGRK>@ νή nē nay Probably an intensive form of G3483; a particle of attestation (accompanied by the object invoked or appealed to in confirmation); as sure as: - I protest by.

G3524 <STRGRK>@ νηφάλεος νηφάλιος nēphaleos nēphalios nah-fal'-eh-os nay-fal'-ee-os From G3525; sober that is (figuratively) circumspect: - sober vigilant.

G3554 <STRGRK>@ νόσος nosos nos'-os Of uncertain affinity; a malady (rarely figurative of moral disability): - disease infirmity sickness.

G3556 <STRGRK>@ νοσσίον nossion nos-see'-on Diminutive of G3502; a birdling: - chicken.

G3565 <STRGRK>@ νύμφη numphē noom-fay' From a primary but obsolete verb νύπτω nuptō (to veil as a bride; compare the Latin nupto to marry); a young married woman (as veiled) including a betrothed girl; by implication a son's wife: - bride daughter in law.

G3587 <STRGRK>@ ξυράω xuraō xoo-rah'-o From a derivative of the same as G3586 (meaning a razor); to shave or shear the hair: - shave.

G3588 <STRGRK>@ ὁ ἡ τό ho hē to ho hay to The masculine feminine (second) and neuter (third) forms in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied at others omitted in English idiom): - the this that one he she it etc.

G3592 <STRGRK>@ ὅδε ἥδε τόδε hode hēde tode hod'-eh hay'-deh tod'-e The masculine feminine (second) and neuter (third) forms. From G3588 and G1161; the same that is this or that one (plural these or those); often used as personal pronoun: - he she such these thus.

G3603 <STRGRK>@ ὅ εστι ho esti ho es-tee' From the neuter of G3739 and the third person singular present indicative of G1510; which is: - called which is (make) that is (to say).

G3606 <STRGRK>@ ὅθεν hothen hoth'-en From G3739 with the directive enclitic of source; from which place or source or cause (adverbially or conjugationally): - from thence (from) whence where (-by -fore -upon).

G3618 <STRGRK>@ οἰκοδομέω oikodomeō oy-kod-om-eh'-o From the same as G3619; to be a house builder that is construct or (figuratively) confirm: - (be in) build (-er -ing up) edify embolden.

G3619 <STRGRK>@ οἰκοδομή oikodomē oy-kod-om-ay' Feminine (abstraction) of a compound of G3624 and the base of G1430; architecture that is (concretely) a structure; figuratively confirmation: - building edify (-ication -ing).

G3620 <STRGRK>@ οἰκοδομία oikodomia oy-kod-om-ee'-ah From the same as G3619; confirmation: - edifying.

G3625 <STRGRK>@ οἰκουμένη oikoumenē oy-kou-men'-ay Feminine participle present passive of G3611 (as noun by implication of G1093); land that is the (terrene part of the) globe; specifically the Roman empire: - earth world.

G3627 <STRGRK>@ οἰκτείρω oikteirō oyk-ti'-ro Also in certain tenses οἰκτερέω oiktereō oyk-ter-eh'-o; from οἰκτος oiktos (pity); to exercise pity: - have compassion on.

G3628 <STRGRK>@ οἰκτιρμός oiktirmos oyk-tir-mos' From G3627; pity: - mercy.

G3629 <STRGRK>@ οἰκτίρμων oiktirmōn oyk-tir'-mone From G3627; compassionate: - merciful of tender mercy.

G3636 <STRGRK>@ ὀκνηρός oknēros ok-nay-ros' From G3635; tardy that is indolent; (figuratively) irksome: - grievous slothful.

G3642 <STRGRK>@ ὀλιγόψυχος oligopsuchos ol-ig-op'-soo-khos From G3641 and G5590; little spirited that is faint hearted: - feebleminded.

G3648 <STRGRK>@ ὁλόκληρος holoklēros hol-ok'-lay-ros From G3650 and G2819; complete in every part that is perfectly sound (in body): - entire whole.

G3694 <STRGRK>@ ὄπίσω opisō op-is'-o From the same as G3693 with enclitic of direction; to the back that is aback (as adverb or preposition of time or place; or as noun): - after back (-ward) (+ get) behind + follow.

G3700 <STRGRK>@ ὀπτάνομαι ὄπτομαι optanomai optomai op-tan'-om-ahee op'-tom-ahee The first a (middle voice) prolonged form of the second (primary) which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as alternates of G3708; to gaze (that is with wide open eyes as at something remarkable; and thus differing from G991 which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from G1492 which expresses merely mechanical passive or casual vision; while G2300 and still more emphatically its intensive G2334 signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and G4648 a watching from a distance): - appear look see shew self.

G3706 <STRGRK>@ ὅρασις horasis hor'-as-is From G3708; the act of gazing that is (external) an aspect or (internal) an inspired appearance: - sight vision.

G3709 <STRGRK>@ ὀργή orgē or-gay' From G3713; properly desire (as a reaching forth or excitement of the mind) that is (by analogy) violent passion (ire or [justifiable] abhorrence); by implication punishment: - anger indignation vengeance wrath.

G3711 <STRGRK>@ ὀργίλος orgilos org-ee'-los From G3709; irascible: - soon angry.

G3713 <STRGRK>@ ὀρέγομαι oregomai or-eg'-om-ahee Middle voice of apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary (compare G3735); to stretch oneself that is reach out after (long for): - covet after desire.

G3716 <STRGRK>@ ὀρθοποδέω orthopodeō or-thop-od-eh'-o From a compound of G3717 and G4228; to be straight footed that is (figuratively) to go directly forward: - walk uprightly.

G3717 <STRGRK>@ ὀρθός orthos or-thos' Probably from the base of G3735; right (as rising) that is (perpendicularly) erect (figuratively honest) or (horizontally) level or direct: - straight upright.

G3719 <STRGRK>@ ὀρθρίζω orthrizō or-thrid'-zo From G3722; to use the dawn that is (by implication) to repair betimes: - come early in the morning.

G3732 <STRGRK>@ ὄρνεον orneon or'-neh-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G3733; a birdling: - bird fowl.

G3733 <STRGRK>@ ὄρνις ornis or'-nis Probably from a prolonged form of the base of G3735; a bird (as rising in the air) that is (specifically) a hen (or female domestic fowl): - hen.

G3753 <STRGRK>@ ὅτε ο ̔́τε η ̔́τε το τε hote ho te hē te tō te hot'-eh ho6t'-eh hay'-the tot'-eh From G3739 and G5037; at which (thing) too that is when: - after (that) as soon as that when while. Second form also feminine third form also neuter and fourth form simply the article G3588 followed by G5037; so written (in some editions) to distinguish them from G3752 and G5119.

G3756 <STRGRK>@ οὐ ou oo Also οὐκ ouk ook used before a vowel and οὐχ ouch ookh before an aspirate. A primary word; the absolutely negative (compare G3361) adverb; no or not: - + long nay neither never no (X man) none [can-] not + nothing + special un ([-worthy]) when + without + yet but. See also G3364 G3372.

G3766 <STRGRK>@ οὐκοῦν oukoun ook-oon' From G3756 and G3767; is it not therefore that that is (affirmatively) hence or so: - then.

G3772 <STRGRK>@ οὐρανός ouranos oo-ran-os' Perhaps from the same as G3735 (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension heaven (as the abode of God); by implication happiness power6 eternity; specifically the Gospel (Christianity): - air heaven ([-ly]) sky.

G3778 <STRGRK>@ οὗτος οὗτοι αὕτη αὕται houtos houtoi hautē hautai hoo'-tos hoo'-toy how'-tay how'-tahee Including the nominative masculine plural (second form) nominative feminine signular (third form) and the nominate feminine plural (fourth form). From the article G3588 and G846; the he (she or it) that is this or that (often with the article repeated): - he (it was that) hereof it she such as the same these they this (man same woman) which who.

G3785 <STRGRK>@ ὄφελον ophelon of'-el-on First person singular of a past tense of G3784; I ought (wish) that is (interjectionally) oh that!: - would (to God).

G3813 <STRGRK>@ παιδίον paidion pahee-dee'-on Neuter diminutive of G3816; a childling (of either sex) that is (properly) an infant or (by extension) a half grown boy or girl; figuratively an immature Christian: - (little young) child damsel.

G3814 <STRGRK>@ παιδίσκη paidiskē pahee-dis'-kay Feminine diminutive of G3816; a girl that is (specifically) a female slave or servant: - bondmaid (-woman) damsel maid (-en).

G3816 <STRGRK>@ παῖς pais paheece Perhaps from G3817; a boy (as often beaten with impunity) or (by analogy) a girl and (generally) a child; specifically a slave or servant (especially a minister to a king; and by eminence to God): - child maid (-en) (man) servant son young man.

G3824 <STRGRK>@ παλιγγενεσία paliggenesia pal-ing-ghen-es-ee'-ah From G3825 and G1078; (spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act) that is (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specifically Messianic restoration: - regeneration.

G3836 <STRGRK>@ πανταχόθεν pantachothen pan-takh-oth'-en Adverb (of source) from G3837; from all directions: - from every quarter.

G3838 <STRGRK>@ παντελής pantelēs pan-tel-ace' From G3956 and G5056; full ended that is entire (neuter as noun completion): - + in [no] wise uttermost.

G3843 <STRGRK>@ πάντως pantōs pan'-toce From G3956; entirely; specifically at all events (with negative following) in no event: - by all means altogether at all needs no doubt in [no] wise surely.

G3870 <STRGRK>@ παρακαλέω parakaleō par-ak-al-eh'-o From G3844 and G2564; to call near that is invite6 invoke (by imploration hortation or consolation): - beseech call for (be of good) comfort desire (give) exhort (-ation) intreat pray.

G3894 <STRGRK>@ παραπικρασμός parapikrasmos par-ap-ik-ras-mos' From G3893; irritation: - provocation.

G3932 <STRGRK>@ παρθενία parthenia par-then-ee'-ah From G3933; maidenhood: - virginity.

G3933 <STRGRK>@ παρθένος parthenos par-then'-os Of unknown origin; a maiden; by implication an unmarried daughter: - virgin.

G3947 <STRGRK>@ παροξύνω paroxunō par-ox-oo'-no From G3844 and a derivative of G3691; to sharpen alongside that is (figuratively) to exasperate: - easily provoke stir.

G3951 <STRGRK>@ παροτρύνω parotrunō par-ot-roo'-no From G3844 and ὀτρύνω otrunō (to spur); to urge along that is stimulate (to hostility): - stir up.

G3955 <STRGRK>@ παῤῥησιάζομαι parrhēsiazomai par-hray-see-ad'-zom-ahee Middle voice from G3954; to be frank in utterance or confident in spirit and demeanor: - be (wax) bold (preach speak) boldly.

G3958 <STRGRK>@ πάσχω πάθω πένθω paschō pathō penthō pas'-kho path'-o pen'-tho Apparently a primary verb (the third form used only in certain tenses for it); to experience a sensation or impression (usually painful): - feel passion suffer vex.

G3982 <STRGRK>@ πείθω peithō pi'-tho A primary verb; to convince (by argument true or false); by analogy to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively to assent (to evidence or authority) to rely (by inward certainty): - agree assure believe have confidence be (wax) content make friend obey persuade trust yield.

G3984 <STRGRK>@ πεῖρα peira pi'-rah From the base of G4008 (through the idea of piercing); a test that is attempt experience: - assaying trial.

G3985 <STRGRK>@ πειράζω peirazō pi-rad'-zo From G3984; to test (objectively) that is endeavor6 scrutinize entice discipline: - assay examine go about prove tempt (-er) try.

G3986 <STRGRK>@ πειρασμός peirasmos pi-ras-mos' From G3985; a putting to proof (by experiment [of good] experience [of evil] solicitation discipline or provocation); by implication adversity: - temptation X try.

G3987 <STRGRK>@ πειράω peiraō pi-rah'-o From G3984; to test (subjectively) that is (reflexively) to attempt: - assay.

G304 <STRGRK>@ ἀναβαθμός anabathmos an-ab-ath-mos' From G305 (compare G898); a stairway: - stairs.

G328 <STRGRK>@ ἀναζώννυμι anazōnnumi an-ad-zone'-noo-mee From G303 and G2224; to gird afresh: - gird up.

G329 <STRGRK>@ ἀναζωπυρέω anazōpureō an-ad-zo-poor-eh'-o From G303 and a compound of the base of G2226 and G4442; to re-enkindle: - stir up.

G336 <STRGRK>@ ἀναίρεσις anairesis an-ah'ee-res-is From G337; (the act of) killing: - death.

G337 <STRGRK>@ ἀναιρέω anaireō an-ahee-reh'-o From G303 and (the active of) G138; to take up that is adopt; by implication to take away (violently) that is abolish murder: - put to death kill slay take away take up.

G368 <STRGRK>@ ἀναντίῤῥητος anantirrhētos an-an-tir'-hray-tos From G1 (as a negatively particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of G473 and G4483; indisputable: - cannot be spoken against.

G369 <STRGRK>@ ἀναντιῤῥήτως anantirrhētōs an-an-tir-hray'-toce Adverb from G368; promptly: - without gainsaying.

G371 <STRGRK>@ ἀναξίως anaxiōs an-ax-ee'-oce Adverb from G370; irreverently: - unworthily.

G383 <STRGRK>@ ἀνασείω anaseiō an-as-i'-o From G303 and G4579; figuratively to excite: - move stir up.

G386 <STRGRK>@ ἀνάστασις anastasis an-as'-tas-is From G450; a standing up again that is (literally) a resurrection from death (individual general or by implication (its author)) or (figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): - raised to life again resurrection rise from the dead that should rise rising again.

G4008 <STRGRK>@ πέραν peran per'-an Apparently the accusative case of an obsolete derivation of πείρω peirō (to peirce); through (as adverb or preposition) that is across: - beyond farther (other) side over.

G4012 <STRGRK>@ περί peri per-ee' From the base of G4008; properly through (all over) that is around; figuratively with respect to; used in various applications of place cause or time (with the genitive case denoting the subject or occasion or superlative point; with the accusative case the locality circuit6 matter circumstance or general period): - (there-) about above against at on behalf of X and his company which concern (as) concerning for X how it will go with ([there- where-]) of on over pertaining (to) for sake X (e-) state (as) touching [where-] by (in) with. In compounds it retains substantially the same meaning of circuit (around) excess (beyond) or completeness (through).

G4014 <STRGRK>@ περιαιρέω periaireō per-ee-ahee-reh'-o From G4012 and G138 (including its alternate); to remove all around that is unveil6 cast off (anchor); figuratively to expiate: - take away (up).

G4024 <STRGRK>@ περιζώννυμι perizōnnumi per-id-zone'-noo-mee From G4012 and G2224; to gird all around that is (middle or passive voice) to fasten on one's belt (literally or figuratively): - gird (about self).

G4028 <STRGRK>@ περικαλύπτω perikaluptō per-ee-kal-oop'-to From G4012 and G2572; to cover all around that is entirely (the face a surface): - blindfold cover overlay.

G4029 <STRGRK>@ περίκειμαι perikeimai per-ik'-i-mahee From G4012 and G2749; to lie all around that is inclose6 encircle hamper (literally or figuratively): - be bound (compassed) with hang about.

G4030 <STRGRK>@ περικεφαλαία perikephalaia per-ee-kef-al-ah'-yah Feminine of a compound of G4012 and G2776; encirclement of the head that is a helmet: - helmet.

G4032 <STRGRK>@ περικρύπτω perikruptō per-ee-kroop'-to From G4012 and G2928; to conceal all around that is entirely: - hide.

G4033 <STRGRK>@ περικυκλόω perikukloō per-ee-koo-klo'-o From G4012 and G2944; to encircle all around that is blockade completely: - compass round.

G4038 <STRGRK>@ πέριξ perix per'-ix Adverb from G4012; all around that is (as adjective) circumjacent: - round about.

G4042 <STRGRK>@ περιοχή periochē per-ee-okh-ay' From G4023; a being held around that is (concretely) a passage (of Scripture as circumscribed): - place.

G4044 <STRGRK>@ περιπείρω peripeirō per-ee-pi'-ro From G4012 and the base of G4008; to penetrate entirely that is transfix (figuratively): - pierce through.

G4046 <STRGRK>@ περιποιέομαι peripoieomai per-ee-poy-eh'-om-ahee Middle voice from G4012 and G4160; to make around oneself that is acquire (buy): - purchase.

G4048 <STRGRK>@ περιῤῥήγνυμι perirrhēgnumi per-ir-hrayg'-noo-mee From G4012 and G4486; to tear all around that is completely away: - rend off.

G4059 <STRGRK>@ περιτέμνω peritemnō per-ee-tem'-no From G4012 and the base of G5114; to cut around that is (specifically) to circumcise: - circumcise.

G4061 <STRGRK>@ περιτομή peritomē per-it-om-ay' From G4059; circumcision (the rite the condition or the people literally or figuratively): - X circumcised circumcision.

G4066 <STRGRK>@ περίχωρος perichōros per-ikh'-o-ros From G4012 and G5561; around the region that is circumjacent (as noun with G1093 implied vicinity): - country (round) about region (that lieth) round about.

G4071 <STRGRK>@ πετεινόν peteinon pet-i-non' Neuter of a derivative of G4072; a flying animal that is bird: - bird fowl.

G4072 <STRGRK>@ πέτομαι πετάομαι πτάομαι petomai petaomai ptaomai pet'-om-ahee pet-ah'-om-ahee ptah'-om-ahee Including the prolonged form (second form) and contraction (third form) of the middle voice of a primary verb; to fly: - fly (-ing).

G4091 <STRGRK>@ Πιλάτος Pilatos pil-at'-os Of Latin origin; close pressed that is firm; Pilatus a Roman: - Pilate.

G4092 <STRGRK>@ πίμπρημι pimprēmi pim'-pray-mee A reduplicated and prolonged form of a primary word πρέω preō (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to fire that is burn (figuratively and passively become inflamed with fever): - be (X should have) swollen.

G4095 <STRGRK>@ πίνω πίω πόω pinō piō poō pee'-no pee'-o po'-o The first is a prolonged form of the second which (together with the third form) occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses; to imbibe (literally or figuratively): - drink.

G4097 <STRGRK>@ πιπράσκω πράω pipraskō praō pip-ras'-ko prah'-o The first is a reduplicated and prolonged form of the second (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); contracted from περάω peraō (to traverse; from the base of G4008); to traffic (by travelling) that is dispose of as merchandise or into slavery (literally or figuratively): - sell.

G4098 <STRGRK>@ πίπτω πέτω piptō petō pip'-to pet'-o The first is a reduplicated and contracted form of the second (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); probably akin to G4072 through the idea of alighting; to fall (literally of figuratively): - fail fall (down) light on.

G4100 <STRGRK>@ πιστεύω pisteuō pist-yoo'-o From G4102; to have faith (in upon or with respect to a person or thing) that is credit; by implication to entrust (especially one´ s spiritual well being to Christ): - believe (-r) commit (to trust) put in trust with.

G4105 <STRGRK>@ πλανάω planaō plan-ah'-o From G4106; to (properly cause to) roam (from safety truth or virtue): - go astray deceive err seduce wander be out of the way.

G4117 <STRGRK>@ πλέγμα plegma pleg'-mah From G4120; a plait (of hair): - broidered hair.

G4118 <STRGRK>@ πλεῖστος pleistos plice'-tos Irregular superlative of G4183; the largest number or very large: - very great most.

G4123 <STRGRK>@ πλεονέκτης pleonektēs pleh-on-ek'-tace From G4119 and G2192; holding (desiring) more that is eager for gain (avaricious hence a defrauder): - covetous.

G4126 <STRGRK>@ πλέω πλεύω pleō pleuō pleh'-o plyoo'-o The first is another form for the second which is used as an alternate in certain tenses; probably a form of G4150 (through the idea of plunging through the water); to pass in a vessel: - sail. See also G4130.

G4135 <STRGRK>@ πληροφορέω plērophoreō play-rof-or-eh'-o From G4134 and G5409; to carry out fully (in evidence) that is completely assure (or convince) entirely accomplish: - most surely believe fully know (persuade) make full proof of.

G4136 <STRGRK>@ πληροφορία plērophoria play-rof-or-ee'-ah From G4135; entire confidence: - (full) assurance.

G4137 <STRGRK>@ πληρόω plēroō play-ro'-o From G4134; to make replete that is (literally) to cram (a net) level up (a hollow) or (figuratively) to furnish (or imbue diffuse6 influence) satisfy6 execute (an office) finish (a period or task) verify (or coincide with a prediction) etc.: - accomplish X after (be) complete end expire fill (up) fulfil (be make) full (come) fully preach perfect supply.

G4151 <STRGRK>@ πνεῦμα pneuma pnyoo'-mah From G4154; a current of air that is breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively a spirit that is (human) the rational soul (by implication) vital principle mental disposition etc. or (superhuman) an angel daemon or (divine) God Christ´ s spirit the Holy spirit: - ghost life spirit (-ual -ually) mind. Compare G5590.

G4152 <STRGRK>@ πνευματικός pneumatikos phyoo-mat-ik-os' From G4151; non-carnal that is (humanly) ethereal (as opposed to gross) or (daemoniacally) a spirit (concretely) or (divinely) supernatural regenerate religious: - spiritual. Compare G5591.

G4153 <STRGRK>@ πνευματικῶς pneumatikōs pnyoo-mat-ik-oce' Adverb from G4152; non-physically that is divinely figuratively: - spiritually.

G4157 <STRGRK>@ πνοή pnoē pno-ay' From G4154; respiration a breeze: - breath wind.

G4160 <STRGRK>@ ποιέω poieō poy-eh'-o Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application more or less direct): - abide + agree appoint X avenge + band together be bear + bewray bring (forth) cast out cause commit + content continue deal + without any delay (would) do (-ing) execute exercise fulfil gain give have hold X journeying keep + lay wait + lighten the ship make X mean + none of these things move me observe ordain perform provide + have purged purpose put + raising up X secure shew X shoot out spend take tarry + transgress the law work yield. Compare G4238.

G4190 <STRGRK>@ πονηρός ponēros pon-ay-ros' From a derivative of G4192; hurtful that is evil (properly in effect or influence and thus differing from G2556 which refers rather to essential character as well as from G4550 which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively calamitous; also (passively) ill that is diseased; but especially (morally) culpable that is derelict6 vicious facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief malice or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil or (plural) sinners: - bad evil grievous harm lewd malicious wicked (-ness). See also G4191.

G4222 <STRGRK>@ ποτίζω potizō pot-id'-zo From a derivative of the alternate of G4095; to furnish drink irrigate: - give (make) to drink feed water.

G4226 <STRGRK>@ ποῦ pou poo Genitive case of πός pos an interrogitive pronoun (what) otherwise obsolete (perhaps the same as G4225 used with the rising slide of inquiry); as adverb of place; at (by implication to) what locality: - where whither.

G4229 <STRGRK>@ πρᾶγμα pragma prag'-mah From G4238; a deed; by implication an affair; by extension an object (material): - business matter thing work.

G4230 <STRGRK>@ πραγματεία pragmateia prag-mat-i'-ah From G4231; a transaction that is negotiation: - affair.

G4238 <STRGRK>@ πράσσω prassō pras'-so A primary verb; to practise that is perform repeatedly or habitually (thus differing from G4160 which properly refers to a single act); by implication to execute accomplish etc.; specifically to collect (dues) fare (personally): - commit deeds do exact keep require use arts.

G4241 <STRGRK>@ πρέπω prepō prep'-o Apparently a primary verb; to tower up (be conspicuous) that is (by implication) to be suitable or proper (third person singular present indicative often used impersonally it is fit or right): - become comely.

G4255 <STRGRK>@ προαιρέομαι proaireomai pro-ahee-reh'-om-ahee From G4253 and G138; to choose for oneself before another thing (prefer) that is (by implication) to propose (intend): - purpose.

G4266 <STRGRK>@ προγίνομαι proginomai prog-in'-om-ahee From G4253 and G1096; to be already that is have previously transpired: - be past.

G4272 <STRGRK>@ προδίδωμι prodidōmi prod-id'-o-mee From G4253 and G1325; to give before the other party has given: - first give.

G4276 <STRGRK>@ προελπίζω proelpizō pro-il-pid'-zo From G4253 and G1679; to hope in advance of other confirmation: - first trust.

G4289 <STRGRK>@ πρόθυμος prothumos proth'-oo-mos From G4253 and G2372; forward in spirit that is predisposed; neuter (as noun) alacrity: - ready willing.

G4292 <STRGRK>@ προκαλέομαι prokaleomai prok-al-eh'-om-ahee Middle voice from G4253 and G2564; to call forth to oneself (challenge) that is (by implication) to irritate: - provoke.

G4295 <STRGRK>@ πρόκειμαι prokeimai prok'-i-mahee From G4253 and G2749; to lie before the view that is (figuratively) to be present (to the mind) to stand forth (as an example or reward): - be first set before (forth).

G4296 <STRGRK>@ προκηρύσσω prokērussō prok-ay-rooce'-so From G4253 and G2784; to herald (that is proclaim) in advance: - before (first) preach.

G4300 <STRGRK>@ προκυρόω prokuroō prok-oo-ro'-o From G4253 and G2964; to ratify previously: - confirm before.

G4306 <STRGRK>@ προνοέω pronoeō pron-o-eh'-o From G4253 and G3539; to consider in advance that is look out for beforehand (active voice by way of maintenance for others; middle voice by way of circumspection for oneself): - provide (for).

G4314 <STRGRK>@ πρός pros pros A strengthened form of G4253; a preposition of direction; forward to that is toward (with the genitive case the side of that is pertaining to; with the dative case by the side of that is near to; usually with the accusative case the place time occasion or respect which is the destination of the relation that is whither or for which it is predicated): - about according to against among at because of before between ([where-]) by for X at thy house in for intent nigh unto of which pertain to that to (the end that) + together to ([you]) -ward unto with (-in). In compounds it denotes essentially the same applications namely motion towards accession to or nearness at.

G4326 <STRGRK>@ προσδέομαι prosdeomai pros-deh'-om-ahee From G4314 and G1189; to require additionally that is want further: - need.

G4333 <STRGRK>@ προσεργάζομαι prosergazomai pros-er-gad'-zom-ahee From G4314 and G2038; to work additionally that is (by implication) acquire besides: - gain.

G4340 <STRGRK>@ πρόσκαιρος proskairos pros'-kahee-ros From G4314 and G2540; for the occasion only that is temporary: - dur- [eth] for awhile endure for a time for a season temporal.

G4360 <STRGRK>@ προσοχθίζω prosochthizō̄ pros-okh-thid'-zo From G4314 and a form of ὀχθέω ochtheō (to be vexed with something irksome); to feel indignant at: - be grieved with.

G4386 <STRGRK>@ πρότερον proteron prot'-er-on Neuter of G4387 as adverb (with or without the article); previously: - before (at the) first former.

G4395 <STRGRK>@ προφητεύω prophēteuō prof-ate-yoo'-o From G4396; to foretell events divine6 speak under inspiration exercise the prophetic office: - prophesy.

G4396 <STRGRK>@ προφήτης prophētēs prof-ay'-tace From a compound of G4253 and G5346; a foreteller (prophet); by analogy an inspired speaker; by extension a poet: - prophet.

G4398 <STRGRK>@ προφῆτις prophētis prof-ay'-tis Feminine of G4396; a female foreteller or an inspired woman: - prophetess.

G4400 <STRGRK>@ προχειρίζομαι procheirizomai prokh-i-rid'-zom-ahee Middle voice from G4253 and a derivative of G5495; to handle for oneself in advance that is (figuratively) to purpose: - choose make.

G4401 <STRGRK>@ προχειροτονέω procheirotoneō prokh-i-rot-on-eh'-o From G4253 and G5500; to elect in advance: - choose before.

G4406 <STRGRK>@ πρώΐμος prōimos pro'-ee-mos From G4404; dawning that is (by analogy) autumnal (showering the first of the rainy season): - early.

G4409 <STRGRK>@ πρωτεύω prōteuō prote-yoo'-o From G4413; to be first (in rank or influence): - have the preeminence.

G4410 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοκαθεδρία prōtokathedria pro-tok-ath-ed-ree'-ah From G4413 and G2515; a sitting first (in the front row) that is preeminence in council: - chief (highest uppermost) seat.

G4411 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοκλισία prōtoklisia pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah From G4413 and G2828; a reclining first (in the place of honor) at the dinner bed that is preeminence at meals: - chief (highest uppermost) room.

G4412 <STRGRK>@ πρῶτον prōton pro'-ton Neuter of G4413 as an adverb (with or without G3588); firstly (in time place order or importance): - before at the beginning chiefly (at at the) first (of all).

G4413 <STRGRK>@ πρῶτος prōtos pro'-tos Contracted superlative of G4253; foremost (in time place order or importance): - before beginning best chief (-est) first (of all) former.

G4414 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοστάτης prōtostatēs pro-tos-tat'-ace From G4413 and G2476; one standing first in the ranks that is a captain (champion): - ringleader.

G4415 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοτόκια prōtotokia pro-tot-ok'-ee-ah From G4416; primogeniture (as a privilege): - birthright.

G4416 <STRGRK>@ πρωτοτόκος prōtotokos pro-tot-ok'-os From G4413 and the alternate of G5088; first born (usually as noun literally or figuratively): - firstbegotten (-born).

G4421 <STRGRK>@ πτηνόν ptēnon ptay-non' Contraction for G4071; a bird: - bird.

G4434 <STRGRK>@ πτωχός ptōchos pto-khos' From πτώσσω ptōssō (to crouch; akin to G4422 and the alternate of G4098); a beggar (as cringing) that is pauper (strictly denoting absolute or public mendicancy although also used in a qualified or relative sense; whereas G3993 properly means only straitened circumstances in private) literally (often as noun) or figuratively (distressed): - beggar (-ly) poor.

G4436 <STRGRK>@ Πύθων Puthōn poo'-thone From Πυθώ Puthō (the name of the region where Delphi the seat of the famous oracle was located); a Python that is (by analogy with the supposed diviner there) inspiration (soothsaying): - divination.

G4441 <STRGRK>@ πυνθάνομαι punthanomai poon-than'-om-ahee Middle voice prolonged from πύθω puthō a primary word (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to question that is ascertain by inquiry (as a matter of information merely; and thus differing from G2065 which properly means a request as a favor; and from G154 which is strictly a demand of something due; as well as from G2212 which implies a search for something hidden; and from G1189 which involves the idea of urgent need); by implication to learn (by casual intelligence): - ask demand enquire understand.

G4442 <STRGRK>@ πῦρ pur poor A primary word; fire (literally or figuratively specifically lightning): - fiery fire.

G4443 <STRGRK>@ πυρά pura poo-rah' From G4442; a fire (concretely): - fire.

G4445 <STRGRK>@ πυρέσσω puressō poo-res'-so From G4443; to be on fire that is (specifically) to have a fever: - be sick of a fever.

G4447 <STRGRK>@ πύρινος purinos poo'-ree-nos From G4443; fiery that is (by implication) flaming: - of fire.

G4448 <STRGRK>@ πυρόω puroō poo-ro'-o From G4442; to kindle that is (passively) to be ignited glow (literally) be refined (by implication) or (figuratively) to be inflamed (with anger grief lust): - burn fiery be on fire try.

G4450 <STRGRK>@ πυῤῥός purrhos poor-hros' From G4442; fire like that is (specifically) flame colored: - red.

G4459 <STRGRK>@ πῶς pōs poce Adverb from the base of G4226; an interrogitive particle of manner; in what way? (sometimes the question is indirect how?); also as exclamation how much!: - how after (by) what manner (means) that. [Occasionally unexpressed in English.]

G4498 <STRGRK>@ Ῥόδη Rhodē hrod'-ay Probably for ῥόδή rhodē (a rose); Rode a servant girl: - Rhoda.

G4500 <STRGRK>@ ῥοιζηδόν rhoizēdon hroyd-zay-don' Adverb from a derivative of ῥοῖζος rhoizos (a whir); whizzingly that is with a crash: - with a great noise.

G4507 <STRGRK>@ ῥυπαρία rhuparia hroo-par-ee'-ah From G4508; dirtiness (morally): - filthiness.

G4508 <STRGRK>@ ῥυπαρός rhuparos rhoo-par-os' From G4509; dirty that is (relatively) cheap or shabby; morally wicked: - vile.

G4509 <STRGRK>@ ῥύπος rhupos hroo'-pos Of uncertain affinity; dirt that is (moral) depravity: - filth.

G4510 <STRGRK>@ ῥυπόω rhupoō rhoo-po'-o From G4509; to soil that is (intransitively) to become dirty (morally): - be filthy.

G4526 <STRGRK>@ σάκκος sakkos sak'-kos Of Hebrew origin [H8242]; sack cloth that is mohair (the material or garments made of it worn as a sign of grief): - sackcloth.

G4531 <STRGRK>@ σαλεύω saleuō sal-yoo'-o From G4535; to waver that is agitate6 rock topple or (by implication) destroy; figuratively to disturb incite: - move shake (together) which can [-not] be shaken stir up.

G4551 <STRGRK>@ Σαπφείρη Sappheirē sap-fi'-ray Feminine of G4552; Sapphire an Israelitess: - Sapphira.

G4552 <STRGRK>@ σάπφειρος sappheiros sap'-fi-ros Of Hebrew origin [H5601]; a sapphire or lapis-lazuli gem: - sapphire.

G4561 <STRGRK>@ σάρξ sarx sarx Probably from the base of G4563; flesh (as stripped of the skin) that is (strictly) the meat of an animal (as food) or (by extension) the body (as opposed to the soul (or spirit) or as the symbol of what is external or as the means of kindred or (by implication) human nature (with its frailties (physically or morally) and passions) or (specifically) a human being (as such): - carnal (-ly + -ly minded) flesh ([-ly]).

G4563 <STRGRK>@ σαρόω saroō sar-o'-o From a derivative of σαιρω sairō (to brush off; akin to G4951) meaning a broom; to sweep: - sweep.

G4577 <STRGRK>@ σειρά seira si-rah' Probably from G4951 through its congener εἴρω eirō (to fasten; akin to G138); a chain (as binding or drawing): - chain.

G4578 <STRGRK>@ σεισμός seismos sice-mos' From G4579; a commotion that is (of the air) a gale (of the ground) an earthquake: - earthquake tempest.

G4579 <STRGRK>@ σείω seiō si'-o Apparently a primary verb; to rock (vibrate properly sideways or to and fro) that is (generally) to agitate (in any direction; cause to tremble); figuratively to throw into a tremor (of fear or concern): - move quake shake.

G4592 <STRGRK>@ σημεῖον sēmeion say-mi'-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4591; an indication especially ceremonially or supernaturally: - miracle sign token wonder.

G4599 <STRGRK>@ σθενόω sthenoō sthen-o'-o From σθένος sthenos (bodily vigor; probably akin to the base of G2476); to strengthen that is (figuratively) confirm (in spiritual knowledge and power): - strengthen.

G4603 <STRGRK>@ σιδήρεος sidēreos sid-ay'-reh-os From G4604; made of iron: - (of) iron.

G4604 <STRGRK>@ σίδηρος sidēros sid'-ay-ros Of uncertain derivation; iron: - iron.

G4612 <STRGRK>@ σιμικίνθιον simikinthion sim-ee-kin'-thee-on Of Latin origin; a semicinctium or half girding that is narrow covering (apron): - apron.

G4621 <STRGRK>@ σῖτος sitos see'-tos σῖταsita see'-tah is the plural irregular neuter of the first form. Of uncertain derivation; grain especially wheat: - corn wheat.

G4636 <STRGRK>@ σκῆνος skēnos skay'-nos From G4633; a hut or temporary residence that is (figuratively) the human body (as the abode of the spirit): - tabernacle.

G4640 <STRGRK>@ σκιρτάω skirtaō skeer-tah'-o Akin to σκαίρω skairō (to skip); to jump that is sympathetically move (as the quickening of a fetus): - leap (for joy).

G4641 <STRGRK>@ σκληροκαρδία sklērokardia sklay-rok-ar-dee'-ah Feminine of a compound of G4642 and G2588; hard heartedness that is (specifically) destitution of (spiritual) perception: - hardness of heart.

G4676 <STRGRK>@ σουδάριον soudarion soo-dar'-ee-on Of Latin origin; a sudarium (sweat cloth) that is towel (for wiping the perspiration from the face or binding the face of a corpse): - handerchief napkin.

G4678 <STRGRK>@ σοφία sophia sof-ee'-ah From G4680; wisdom (higher or lower worldly or spiritual): - wisdom.

G4682 <STRGRK>@ σπαράσσω sparassō spar-as'-so Prolongation from σπαίρω spairō̄ (to gasp; apparently strengthened from G4685 through the idea of spasmodic contraction); to mangle that is convulse with epilepsy: - rend tear.

G4686 <STRGRK>@ σπεῖρα speira spi'-rah Of immediate Latin origin but ultimately a derivative of G138 in the sense of its cognate G1507; a coil (spira spire) that is (figuratively) a mass of men (a Roman military cohort; also [by analogy] a squad of Levitical janitors): - band.

G4687 <STRGRK>@ σπείρω speirō spi'-ro Probably strengthened from G4685 (through the idea of extending); to scatter that is sow (literally or figuratively): - sow (-er) receive seed.

G4715 <STRGRK>@ στατήρ statēr stat-air' From the base of G2746; a stander (standard of value) that is (specifically) a stater or certain coin: - piece of money.

G4723 <STRGRK>@ στείρος steiros sti'-ros A contraction from G4731 (as stiff and unnatural); sterile: - barren.

G4732 <STRGRK>@ στερεόω stereoō ster-eh-o'-o From G4731; to solidify that is confirm (literally or figuratively): - establish receive strength make strong.

G4733 <STRGRK>@ στερέωμα stereōma ster-eh'-o-mah From G4732; something established that is (abstractly) confirmation (stability): - stedfastness.

G4738 <STRGRK>@ στῆθος stēthos stay'-thos From G2476 (as standing prominently); the (entire external) bosom that is chest: - breast.

G4741 <STRGRK>@ στηρίζω stērizō stay-rid'-zo From a presumed derivative of G2476 (like G4731); to set fast that is (literally) to turn resolutely in a certain direction or (figuratively) to confirm: - fix (e-) stablish stedfastly set strengthen.

G4748 <STRGRK>@ στοιχέω stoicheō stoy-kheh'-o From a derivative of στείχω steichō̄ (to range in regular line); to march in (military) rank (keep step) that is (figuratively) to conform to virtue and piety: - walk (orderly).

G4787 <STRGRK>@ συγκινέω sugkineō soong-kin-eh'-o From G4682 and G2795; to move together that is (specifically) to excite as a mass (to sedition): - stir up.

G4789 <STRGRK>@ συγκληρονόμος sugklēronomos soong-klay-ron-om'-os From G4862 and G2818; a co-heir that is (by analogy) participant in common: - fellow (joint) -heir heir together heir with.

G4793 <STRGRK>@ συγκρίνω sugkrinō soong-kree'-no From G4862 and G2919; to judge of one thing in connection with another that is combine (spiritual ideas with appropriate expressions) or collate (one person with another by way of contrast or resemblance): - compare among (with).

G4796 <STRGRK>@ συγχαίρω sugchairō soong-khah'ee-ro From G4862 and G5463; to sympathize in gladness congratulate: - rejoice in (with).

G4797 <STRGRK>@ συγχέω sugcheō soong-kheh'-o Or συγχύνω sugchunō soong-khoo'-no From G4862 and χέω cheō (to pour) or its alternate; to commingle promiscuously that is (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into disorder to perplex (the mind): - confound confuse stir up be in an uproar.

G4802 <STRGRK>@ συζητέω suzēteō sood-zay-teh'-o From G4862 and G2212; to investigate jointly that is discuss6 controvert cavil: - dispute (with) enquire question (with) reason (together).

G4819 <STRGRK>@ συμβαίνω sumbainō soom-bah'ee-no From G4862 and the base of G939; to walk (figuratively transpire) together that is concur (take place): - be (-fall) happen (unto).

G4861 <STRGRK>@ σύμψυχος sumpsuchos soom'-psoo-khos From G4862 and G5590; co-spirited that is similar in sentiment: - like-minded.

G4868 <STRGRK>@ συναίρω sunairō soon-ah'ee-ro From G4862 and G142; to make up together that is (figuratively) to compute (an account): - reckon take.

G4891 <STRGRK>@ συνεγείρω sunegeirō soon-eg-i'-ro From G4862 and G1453; to rouse (from death) in company with that is (figuratively) to revivify (spiritually) in resemblance to: - raise up together rise with.

G4916 <STRGRK>@ συνθάπτω sunthaptō soon-thap'-to From G4862 and G2290; to inter in company with that is (figuratively) to assimilate spiritually (to Christ by a sepulture as to sin): - bury with.

G4919 <STRGRK>@ συνθρύπτω sunthruptō soon-throop'-to From G4862 and θρύπτω thruptō (to crumble); to crush together that is (figuratively) to dispirit: - break.

G4929 <STRGRK>@ συντάσσω suntassō soon-tas'-so From G4862 and G5021; to arrange jointly that is (figuratively) to direct: - appoint.

G4930 <STRGRK>@ συντέλεια sunteleia soon-tel'-i-ah From G4931; entire completion that is consummation (of a dispensation): - end.

G4931 <STRGRK>@ συντελέω sunteleō soon-tel-eh'-o From G4862 and G5055; to complete entirely; generally to execute (literally or figuratively): - end finish fulfil make.

G4945 <STRGRK>@ συνωμοσία sunōmosia soon-o-mos-ee'-ah From a compound of G4862 and G3660; a swearing together that is (by implication) a plot: - conspiracy.

G4974 <STRGRK>@ σφυρόν sphuron sfoo-ron' Neuter of a presumed derivative probably of the same as σφαῖρα sphaira (a ball sphere; compare the feminine σφῦρα sphura a hammer); the ankle (as globular): - ancle bone.

G4976 <STRGRK>@ σχῆμα schēma skhay'-mah From the alternate of G2192; a figure (as a mode or circumstance) that is (by implication) external condition: - fashion.

G402 <STRGRK>@ ἀναχωρέω anachōreō an-akh-o-reh'-o From G303 and G5562; to retire: - depart give place go (turn) aside withdraw self.

G410 <STRGRK>@ ἀνέγκλητος anegklētos an-eng'-klay-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G1458; unaccused that is (by implication) irreproachable: - blameless.

G422 <STRGRK>@ ἀνεπαίσχυντος anepaischuntos an-ep-ah'ee-skhoon-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of G1909 and G153; not ashamed that is (by implication) irreprehensible: - that neededth not to be ashamed.

G435 <STRGRK>@ ἀνήρ anēr an'-ayr A primary word (compare G444); a man (properly as an individual male): - fellow husband man sir.

G439 <STRGRK>@ ἀνθρακιά anthrakia anth-rak-ee-ah' From G440; a bed of burning coals: - fire of coals.

G440 <STRGRK>@ ἄνθραξ anthrax anth'-rax Of uncertain derivation; a live coal: - coal of fire.

G5008 <STRGRK>@ ταλιθά talitha tal-ee-thah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H2924]); the fresh that is young girl; talitha (O maiden): - talitha.

G5009 <STRGRK>@ ταμεῖον tameion tam-i'-on Neuter contraction of a presumed derivative of ταμίας tamias (a dispenser or distributor; akin to τέμνω temnō to cut); a dispensary or magazine that is a chamber on the ground floor or interior of an Oriental house (generally used for storage or privacy a spot for retirement): - secret chamber closet storehouse.

G5011 <STRGRK>@ ταπεινός tapeinos tap-i-nos' Of uncertain derivation; depressed that is (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or disposition): - base cast down humble of low degree (estate) lowly.

G5015 <STRGRK>@ ταράσσω tarassō tar-as'-so Of uncertain affinity; to stir or agitate (roil water): - trouble.

G5017 <STRGRK>@ τάραχος tarachos tar'-akh-os Masculine From G5015; a disturbance that is (popular) tumult: - stir.

G5042 <STRGRK>@ τεκνογονία teknogonia tek-nog-on-ee'-ah From the same as G5041; childbirth (parentage) that is (by implication) maternity (the performance of maternal duties): - childbearing.

G5053 <STRGRK>@ τελευτάω teleutaō tel-yoo-tah'-o From a presumed derivative of G5055; to finish life (by implication of G979) that is expire (demise): - be dead decease die.

G5055 <STRGRK>@ τελέω teleō tel-eh'-o From G5056; to end that is complete6 execute conclude6 discharge (a debt): - accomplish make an end expire fill up finish go over pay perform.

G5060 <STRGRK>@ Τέρτιος Tertios ter'-tee-os Of Latin origin; third; Tertius a Christian: - Tertius.

G5101 <STRGRK>@ τίς tis tis Probably emphatic of G5100; an interrogitive pronoun who6 which or what (in direct or indirect questions): - every man how (much) + no (-ne thing) what (manner thing) where ([-by -fore -of -unto -with -withal]) whether which who (-m -se) why.

G5130 <STRGRK>@ τούτων toutōn too'-tone Genitive plural masculine or neuter of G3778; of (from or concerning) these (persons or things): - such their these (things) they this sort those.

G5144 <STRGRK>@ τριάκοντα triakonta tree-ak'-on-tah The decade of G5140; thirty: - thirty.

G5147 <STRGRK>@ τρίβος tribos tree'-bos From τρίβω tribō (to rub; akin to τείρω teirō τρύω truō and the base of G5131 G5134); a rut or worn track: - path.

G5152 <STRGRK>@ τρίστεγον tristegon tris'-teg-on Neuter of a compound of G5140 and G4721 as noun; a third roof (story): - third loft.

G5154 <STRGRK>@ τρίτος tritos tree'-tos From G5140; third; neuter (as noun) a third part or (as adverb) a (or the) third time thirdly: - third (-ly).

G5155 <STRGRK>@ τρίχινος trichinos trikh'-ee-nos From G2359; hairy that is made of hair (mohair): - of hair.

G5164 <STRGRK>@ τροχός trochos trokh-os' From G5143; a wheel (as a runner) that is (figuratively) a circuit of physical effects: - course.

G5192 <STRGRK>@ ὑάκινθος huakinthos hoo-ak'-in-thos Of uncertain derivation; the hyacinth or jacinth that is some gem of a deep blue color probably the zirkon: - jacinth.

G5210 <STRGRK>@ ὑμείς humeis hoo-mice' Irregular plural of G4771; you (as subject of verb): - ye (yourselves) you.

G5213 <STRGRK>@ ὑμῖν humin hoo-min' Irregular dative case of G5210; to (with or by) you: - ye you your (-selves).

G5217 <STRGRK>@ ὑπάγω hupagō hoop-ag'-o From G5259 and G71; to lead (oneself) under that is withdraw or retire (as if sinking out of sight) literally or figuratively: - depart get hence go (a-) way.

G5229 <STRGRK>@ ὑπεραίρομαι huperairomai hoop-er-ah'ee-rom-ahee Middle voice from G5228 and G142; to raise oneself over that is (figuratively) to become haughty: - exalt self be exalted above measure.

G5253 <STRGRK>@ ὑπερῷον huperōon hoop-er-o'-on Neuter of a derivative of G5228; a higher part of the house that is apartment in the third story: - upper chamber (room).

G5258 <STRGRK>@ ὕπνος hupnos hoop'-nos From an obsolete primary (perhaps akin to G5259 through the idea of subsilience); sleep that is (figuratively) spiritual torpor: - sleep.

G5269 <STRGRK>@ ὑποζώννυμι hupozōnnumi hoop-od-zone'-noo-mee From G5259 and G2224; to gird under that is frap (a vessel with cables across the keel sides and deck): - undergirt.

G5298 <STRGRK>@ ὑποχωρέω hupochōreō hoop-okh-o-reh'-o From G5259 and G5562; to vacate down that is retire quietly: - go aside withdraw self.

G5326 <STRGRK>@ φάντασμα phantasma fan'-tas-mah From G5324; (properly concretely) a (mere) show (phantasm) that is spectre: - spirit.

G5335 <STRGRK>@ φάσκω phaskō fas'-ko Prolongation from the same as G5346; to assert: - affirm profess say.

G5346 <STRGRK>@ φημί phēmi fay-mee' Properly the same as the base of G5457 and G5316; to show or make known one´ s thoughts that is speak or say: - affirm say. Compare G3004.

G5351 <STRGRK>@ φθείρω phtheirō fthi'-ro Probably strengthened from φθίω phthiō (to pine or waste): properly to shrivel or wither that is to spoil (by any process) or (genitive) to ruin (especially figuratively by moral influences to deprave): - corrupt (self) defile destroy.

G5358 <STRGRK>@ φιλάγαθος philagathos fil-ag'-ath-os From G5384 and G18; fond of good that is a promoter of virtue: - love of good men.

G5362 <STRGRK>@ φίλανδρος philandros fil'-an-dros From G5384 and G435; fond of man that is affectionate as a wife: - love their husbands.

G5383 <STRGRK>@ φιλοπρωτεύω philoprōteuō fil-op-rot-yoo'-o From a compound of G5384 and G4413; to be fond of being first that is ambitious of distinction: - love to have the preeminence.

G5388 <STRGRK>@ φιλότεκνος philoteknos fil-ot'-ek-nos From G5384 and G5043; fond of one´ s children that is maternal: - love their children.

G5394 <STRGRK>@ φλογίζω phlogizō flog-id'-zo From G5395; to cause a blaze that is ignite (figuratively to inflame with passion): - set on fire.

G5412 <STRGRK>@ φορτίζω phortizō for-tid'-zo From G5414; to load up (properly as a vessel or animal) that is (figuratively) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety): - lade be heavy laden.

G5426 <STRGRK>@ φρονέω phroneō fron-eh'-o From G5424; to exercise the mind that is entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by implication to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly in a certain direction); intensively to interest oneself in (with concern or obedience): - set the affection on (be) care (-ful) (be like- + be of one + be of the same + let this) mind (-ed regard savour think.

G5427 <STRGRK>@ φρόνημα phronēma fron'-ay-mah From G5426; (mental) inclination or purpose: - (be + be carnally + be spiritually) mind (-ed).

G5429 <STRGRK>@ φρόνιμος phronimos fron'-ee-mos From G5424; thoughtful that is sagacious or discreet (implying a cautious character; while G4680 denotes practical skill or acumen; and G4908 indicates rather intelligence or mental acquirement); in a bad sense conceited (also in the comparative): - wise (-r).

G5433 <STRGRK>@ φρυάσσω phruassō froo-as'-so Akin to G1032 G1031; to snort (as a spirited horse) that is (figuratively) to make a tumult: - rage.

G5457 <STRGRK>@ φῶς phōs foce From an obsoleteφάω phaō (to shine or make manifest especially by rays; compare G5316 and G5346); luminousness (in the widest application natural or artificial abstract or concrete literal or figurative): - fire light.

G5463 <STRGRK>@ χαίρω chairō khah'ee-ro A primary verb; to be full of cheer that is calmly happy or well off; impersonal especially as a salutation (on meeting or parting) be well: - farewell be glad God speed greeting hail joy (-fully) rejoice.

G5469 <STRGRK>@ χαλινός chalinos khal-ee-nos' From G5465 a curb or head stall (as curbing the spirit): - bit bridle.

G5482 <STRGRK>@ χάραξ charax khar'-ax From charasso (to sharpen to a point; akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching); a stake that is (by implication) a palisade or rampart (millitary mound for circumvallation in a siege): - trench.

G5485 <STRGRK>@ χάρις charis khar'-ece From G5463; graciousness (as gratifying) of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart and its reflection in the life; including gratitude): - acceptable benefit favour gift grace (-ious) joy liberality pleasure thank (-s -worthy).

G5486 <STRGRK>@ χάρισμα charisma char'-is-mah From G5483; a (divine) gratuity that is deliverance (from danger or passion); (specifically) a (spiritual) endowment that is (subjectively) religious qualification or (objectively) miraculous faculty: - (free) gift.

G5495 <STRGRK>@ χείρ cheir khire Perhaps from the base of G5494 in the sense of its congener the base of G5490 (through the idea of hollowness for grasping); the hand (literally or figuratively [power]; especially [by Hebraism] a means or instrument): - hand.

G5496 <STRGRK>@ χειραγωγέω cheiragōgeō khi-rag-ogue-eh'-o From G5497; to be a hand leader that is to guide (a blind person): - lead by the hand.

G5497 <STRGRK>@ χειραγωγός cheiragōgos khi-rag-o-gos' From G5495 and a reduplicated form of G71; a hand leader that is personal conductor (of a blind person): - some to lead by the hand.

G5498 <STRGRK>@ χειρόγραφον cheirographon khi-rog'-raf-on Neuter of a compound of G5495 and G1125; something hand written (chirograph) that is a manuscript (specifically a legal document or bond (figuratively)): - handwriting.

G5499 <STRGRK>@ χειροποίητος cheiropoiētos khi-rop-oy'-ay-tos From G5495 and a derivative of G4160; manufactured that is of human construction: - made by (make with) - hands.

G5500 <STRGRK>@ χειροτονέω cheirotoneō khi-rot-on-eh'-o From a compound of G5495 and τείνω teinō (to stretch); to be a hand reacher or voter (by raising the hand) that is (genitive) to select or appoint: - choose ordain.

G5501 <STRGRK>@ χείρων cheirōn khi'-rone Irregular compound of G2556; from an obsolete equivalent χέρης cherēs (of uncertain derivation); more evil or aggravated (physically mentally or morally): - sorer worse.

G5509 <STRGRK>@ χιτών chitōn khee-tone' Of foreign origin [H3801]; a tunic or shirt: - clothes coat garment.

G5517 <STRGRK>@ χοΐκός choikos kho-ik-os' From G5522; dusty or dirty (soil like) that is (by implication) terrene: - earthy.

G5519 <STRGRK>@ χοῖρος choiros khoy-'ros Of uncertain derivation; a hog: - swine.

G5520 <STRGRK>@ χολάω cholaō khol-ah'-o From G5521; to be bilious that is (by implication) irritable (enraged choleric): - be angry.

G5522 <STRGRK>@ χόος choos kho'-os From the base of G5494; a heap (as poured out) that is rubbish; lose dirt: - dust.

G5525 <STRGRK>@ χορός choros khor-os' Of uncertain derivation; a ring that is round dance (choir): - dancing.

G5532 <STRGRK>@ χρεία chreia khri'-ah From the base of G5530 or G5534; employment that is an affair; also (by implication) occasion demand6 requirement or destitution: - business lack necessary (-ity) need (-ful) use want.

G5534 <STRGRK>@ χρή chrē khray Third person singular of the same as G5530 or G5531 used impersonally; it needs (must or should) be: - ought.

G5537 <STRGRK>@ χρηματίζω chrēmatizō khray-mat-id'-zo From G5536; to utter an oracle (compare the original sense of G5530) that is divinely intimate; by implication (compare the secular sense of G5532) to constitute a firm for business that is (genitive) bear as a title: - be called be admonished (warned) of God reveal speak.

G5542 <STRGRK>@ χρηστολογία chrēstologia khrase-tol-og-ee'-ah From a compound of G5543 and G3004; fair speech that is plausibility: - good words.

G5545 <STRGRK>@ χρίσμα chrisma khris'-mah From G5548; an unguent or smearing that is (figuratively) the special endowment (chrism) of the Holy Spirit: - anointing unction.

G5590 <STRGRK>@ ψυχή psuchē psoo-khay' From G5594; breath that is (by implication) spirit abstractly or concretely (the animal sentient principle only; thus distinguished on the one hand from G4151 which is the rational and immortal soul; and on the other from G2222 which is mere vitality even of plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew [H5315] [H7307] and [H2416]: - heart (+ -ily) life mind soul + us + you.

G5594 <STRGRK>@ ψύχω psuchō psoo'-kho A primary verb; to breathe (voluntarily but gently; thus differing on the one hand from G4154 which denotes properly a forcible respiration; and on the other from the base of G109 which refers properly to an inanimate breeze) that is (by implication of reduction of temperature by evaporation) to chill (figuratively): - wax cold.

G5604 <STRGRK>@ ὠδίν ōdin o-deen' Akin to G3601; a pang or throe especially of childbirth: - pain sorrow travail.

G5605 <STRGRK>@ ὠδίνω ōdinō o-dee'-no From G5604; to experience the pains of parturition (literally or figuratively): - travail in (birth).

G509 <STRGRK>@ ἄνωθεν anōthen an'-o-then From G507; from above; by analogy from the first; by implication anew: - from above again from the beginning (very first) the top.

G515 <STRGRK>@ ἀξιόω axioō ax-ee-o'-o From G514; to deem entitled or fit: - desire think good count (think) worthy.

G522 <STRGRK>@ ἀπαίρω apairō ap-ah'ee-ro From G575 and G142; to lift off that is remove: - take (away).

G523 <STRGRK>@ ἀπαιτέω apaiteō ap-ah'ee-teh-o From G575 and G154; to demand back: - ask again require.

G536 <STRGRK>@ ἀπαρχή aparchē ap-ar-khay' From a compound of G575 and G756; a beginning of sacrifice that is the (Jewish) first fruit (figuratively): - first-fruits.

G551 <STRGRK>@ ἀπείραστος apeirastos ap-i'-ras-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G3987; untried that is not temptable: - not to be tempted.

G552 <STRGRK>@ ἄπειρος apeiros ap'-i-ros From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3984; inexperienced that is ignorant: - unskilful.

G564 <STRGRK>@ ἀπερίτμητος aperitmētos ap-er-eet'-may-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G4059; uncircumcised (figuratively): - uncircumcised.

G566 <STRGRK>@ ἀπέχει apechei ap-ekh'-i Third person singular present indicative active of G568 used impersonally; it is sufficient: - it is enough.

G609 <STRGRK>@ ἀποκόπτω apokoptō ap-ok-op'-to From G575 and G2875; to amputate; reflexively (by irony) to mutilate (the privy parts): - cut off. Compare G2699.

G645 <STRGRK>@ ἀποσπάω apospaō ap-os-pah'-o From G575 and G4685; to drag forth that is (literally) unsheathe (a sword) or relatively (with a degree of force implied) retire (personally or factiously): - (with-) draw (away) after we were gotten from.

G652 <STRGRK>@ ἀπόστολος apostolos ap-os'-tol-os From G649; a delegate; specifically an ambassador of the Gospel; officially a commissioner of Christ (apostle) (with miraculous powers): - apostle messenger he that is sent.

G658 <STRGRK>@ ἀποτελέω apoteleō ap-ot-el-eh'-o From G575 and G5055; to complete entirely that is consummate: - finish.

G681 <STRGRK>@ ἅπτω haptō hap'-to A primary verb; properly to fasten to that is (specifically) to set on fire: - kindle light.

G684 <STRGRK>@ ἀπώλεια apōleia ap-o'-li-a From a presumed derivative of G622; ruin or loss (physical spiritual or eternal): - damnable (-nation) destruction die perdition X perish pernicious ways waste.

G703 <STRGRK>@ ἀρέτη aretē ar-et'-ay From the same as G730; properly manliness (valor) that is excellence (intrinsic or attributed): - praise virtue.

G732 <STRGRK>@ ἄῤῥωστος arrhōstos ar'-hroce-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G4517; infirm: - sick (folk -ly).

G735 <STRGRK>@ Ἄρτεμις Artemis ar'-tem-is Probably from the same as G736; prompt; Artemis the name of a Grecian goddess borrowed by the Asiatics for one of their deities: - Diana.

G746 <STRGRK>@ ἀρχή archē ar-khay' From G756; (properly abstract) a commencement or (concrete) chief (in various applications of order time place or rank): - beginning corner (at the the) first (estate) magistrate power principality principle rule.

G752 <STRGRK>@ ἀρχισυνάγωγος archisunagōgos ar-khee-soon-ag'-o-gos From G746 and G4864; director of the synagogue services: - (chief) ruler of the synagogue.

G755 <STRGRK>@ ἀρχιτρίκλινος architriklinos ar-khee-tree'-klee-nos From G746 and a compound of G5140 and G2827 (a dinner bed because composed of three couches); director of the entertainment: - governor (ruler) of the feast.

G757 <STRGRK>@ ἄρχω archō ar'-kho A primary verb; to be first (in political rank or power): - reign (rule) over.

G758 <STRGRK>@ ἄρχων archōn ar'-khone Present participle of G757; a first (in rank or power): - chief (ruler) magistrate prince ruler.

G765 <STRGRK>@ ἀσεβής asebēs as-eb-ace' From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G4576; irreverent that is (by extension) impious or wicked: - ungodly (man).

G769 <STRGRK>@ ἀσθένεια astheneia as-then'-i-ah From G772; feebleness (of body or mind); by implication malady; moral frailty: - disease infirmity sickness weakness.

G771 <STRGRK>@ ἀσθένημα asthenēma as-then'-ay-mah From G770; a scruple of conscience: - infirmity.

G791 <STRGRK>@ ἀστεῖος asteios as-ti'-os Fromἄστυ astu (a city); urbane that is (by implication) handsome: - fair.

G812 <STRGRK>@ ἀτακτέω atakteō at-ak-teh'-o From G813; to be (that is act) irregular: - behave self disorderly.

G814 <STRGRK>@ ἀτάκτως ataktōs at-ak'-toce Adverb from G813; irregularly (morally): - disorderly.

G830 <STRGRK>@ αὐθαίρετος authairetos ow-thah'ee-ret-os From G846 and the same as G140; self chosen that is (by implication) voluntary: - of own accord willing of self.

G835 <STRGRK>@ αὐλίζομαι aulizomai ow-lid'-zom-ahee Middle voice from G833; to pass the night (properly in the open air): - abide lodge.

G839 <STRGRK>@ αὔριον aurion ow'-ree-on From a derivative of the same as G109 (meaning a breeze that is the morning air); properly fresh that is (adverbially with ellipsis of G2250) tomorrow: - (to-) morrow next day.

G846 <STRGRK>@ αὐτός autos ow-tos' From the particle αὖ au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind; backward); the reflexive pronoun self used (alone or in the compound of G1438) of the third person and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons: - her it (-self) one the other (mine) own said ([self-] the) same ([him- my- thy-]) self [your-] selves she that their (-s) them ([-selves]) there [-at -by -in -into -of -on -with] they (these) things this (man) those together very which. Compare G848.

G848 <STRGRK>@ αὑτοῦ hautou how-too' Contraction for G1438; self (in some oblique case or reflexive relation): - her (own) (of) him (-self) his (own) of it thee their (own) them (-selves) they.

G849 <STRGRK>@ αὐτόχειρ autocheir ow-tokh'-ire From G846 and G5495; self handed that is doing personally: - with . . . own hands.

G850 <STRGRK>@ αὐχμηρός auchmēros owkh-may-ros' From αὐχμός auchmos (probably from a base akin to that of G109; dust as dried by wind); properly dirty that is (by implication) obscure: - dark.

G851 <STRGRK>@ ἀφαιρέω aphaireō af-ahee-reh'-o From G575 and G138; to remove (literally or figuratively): - cut (smite) off take away.

G865 <STRGRK>@ ἀφιλάγαθος aphilagathos af-il-ag'-ath-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5358; hostile to virtue: - depiser of those that are good.

G886 <STRGRK>@ ἀχειροποίητος acheiropoiētos akh-i-rop-oy'-ay-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and G5499; unmanufactured that is inartificial: - made without (not made with) hands.

G949 <STRGRK>@ βέβαιος bebaios beb'-ah-yos From the base of G939 (through the idea of basality); stable (literally or figuratively): - firm of force stedfast sure.

G950 <STRGRK>@ βεβαιόω bebaioō beb-ah-yo'-o From G949; to stabilitate (figuratively): - confirm (e-) stablish.

G951 <STRGRK>@ βεβαίωσις bebaiōsis beb-ah'-yo-sis From G950; stabiliment: - confirmation.