

Dict: all - miracle




(1) DESIGN OF, that Men might Know the Power of the Lord Knowledge

(5), KNOWLEDGE Faith

(9), FAITH - to Witness to Christ as Messiah. Miracles


(2) Spurious. Wonders

(2), MAGIC

(3) Of Moses and Aaron Rod made serpent- kjv@Exodus:4:3; kjv@Exodus:7:10 Rod restored- kjv@Exodus:4:4 Hand made leprous- kjv@Exodus:4:6,7 Water turned into blood- kjv@Exodus:4:9,30 River into blood- kjv@Exodus:7:20 Frogs- kjv@Exodus:8:6,13 Lice- kjv@Exodus:8:17 Flies- kjv@Exodus:8:21,31 Murrain- kjv@Exodus:9:3 Boils- kjv@Exodus:9:10 Hail- kjv@Exodus:9:23 Locusts- kjv@Exodus:10:13,19 Darkness- kjv@Exodus:10:22 First-born destroyed- kjv@Exodus:12:29 Sea divided- kjv@Exodus:14:21 Egyptians overwhelmed- Exodus:14:26-28 Water sweetened- kjv@Exodus:15:25 Water from rock- kjv@Exodus:17:6 Amalek vanquished- kjv@Exodus:17:11 Destruction of Korah- kjv@Numbers:16:32 Water from rock in Kadesh- kjv@Numbers:20:11 Brazen Serpent- kjv@Numbers:21:8 Aaron's rod blossoms- kjv@Numbers:17:8

(4) Of Joshua Jordan divided- Joshua:3:117 Jericho taken Joshua:6:1-27 Sun and moon stayed- kjv@Joshua:10:12 For other miracles. SEE Victories, ISRAEL


(5) Of Samson Lion slain- kjv@Judges:14:6 Philistines killed- kjv@Judges:14:19 Gates carried away- kjv@Judges:16:3 Dagon's house pulled down- kjv@Judges:16:30

(6) Of Samuel Thunder and rain- kjv@1Samuel:12:18

(7) Prophet of Judah Jeroboam's hand withered- kjv@1Kings:13:4 Altar rent- kjv@1Kings:13:5 Hand restored- kjv@1Kings:13:6

(8) Of Elijah Drought- kjv@1Kings:17:1; kjv@James:5:17 Meal and oil multiplied- kjv@1Kings:17:14 Child restored to life- kjv@1Kings:17:22 Sacrifice consumed by fire- kjv@1Kings:18:38 Captains and men slain by fire- kjv@2Kings:1:10 Rain brought- kjv@1Kings:18:41 Waters of Jordan divided- kjv@2Kings:2:8

(9) Of Elisha Jordan divided- kjv@2Kings:2:14 Waters healed- kjv@2Kings:2:21 Mocking children torn by bears- kjv@2Kings:2:24 Water supplied- kjv@2Kings:3:16 Widow's oil multiplied- kjv@2Kings:4:5 Pottage rendered harmless- kjv@2Kings:4:41 Loaves multiplied- kjv@2Kings:4:43 Child raised- kjv@2Kings:4:35 Naaman healed- kjv@2Kings:5:10 Gehazi struck with leprosy- kjv@2Kings:5:27 Iron caused to swim- kjv@2Kings:6:6 Syrians smitten- kjv@2Kings:6:18 Resurrection of a man- kjv@2Kings:13:21

(10) Of Isaiah Hezekiah healed- kjv@2Kings:20:7 Shadow put back- kjv@2Kings:20:11

(11) Of Christ Water changed to wine- kjv@John:2:9 Nobleman's son- kjv@John:4:46 Draught of fishes- kjv@Luke:5:6 Demoniac in the synagogue- kjv@Mark:1:26; kjv@Luke:4:35 Peter's mother-in-law healed- kjv@Matthew:8:14; kjv@Mark:1:31; kjv@Luke:4:38 Cleansing the leper- kjv@Matthew:8:3; kjv@Mark:1:41; kjv@Luke:5:13 Paralytic- kjv@Matthew:9:2; kjv@Mark:2:3; kjv@Luke:5:18 Impotent man healed- kjv@John:5:5 Withered hand- kjv@Matthew:12:10; kjv@Mark:3:1; kjv@Luke:6:6 Centurion's servant- kjv@Matthew:8:5; kjv@Luke:7:2 Raising the widow's son- kjv@Luke:7:11 Demoniac- kjv@Matthew:12:22; kjv@Luke:11:14 Tempest stilled- kjv@Matthew:8:26; kjv@Mark:4:39; kjv@Luke:8:24 Demoniacs of Gadara- kjv@Matthew:8:28; kjv@Mark:5:1; kjv@Luke:8:26 Raising of Jairus' daughter- kjv@Matthew:9:18; kjv@Mark:5:42; kjv@Luke:8:41 Issue of blood- kjv@Matthew:9:20; kjv@Mark:5:25; kjv@Luke:8:43 Blind men- kjv@Matthew:9:27 Demoniac- kjv@Matthew:9:32 Feeding the five thousand- kjv@Matthew:14:15; kjv@Mark:6:41; kjv@Luke:9:12; kjv@John:6:5 Walking on the sea- kjv@Matthew:14:25; kjv@Mark:6:49; kjv@John:6:19 Daughter of Syrophenician- kjv@Matthew:15:22; kjv@Mark:7:25 Feeding the four thousand- kjv@Matthew:15:32; kjv@Mark:8:8 Deaf and dumb healed- kjv@Mark:7:33 Blind man- kjv@Mark:8:23 Lunatic child- kjv@Matthew:17:14; kjv@Mark:9:26; kjv@Luke:9:37 Tribute money- kjv@Matthew:17:24 Ten lepers- kjv@Luke:17:12 Blind man- kjv@John:9:1 Lazarus raised- John:11:1-44 Heals woman with the spirit of infirmity- kjv@Luke:13:11 Man with dropsy- kjv@Luke:14:2 Blind men- kjv@Matthew:20:30; kjv@Mark:10:46 Cursing the fig tree- kjv@Matthew:21:19 Malchus healed- kjv@Luke:22:51 Second drought of fishes- kjv@John:21:6 His resurrection- kjv@Luke:24:6; kjv@John:10:18 Appearing to his disciples Appearances, Divine

(2), IMMORTALITY Other References to Cures by. SEE Healing

(2), 1539 Also- kjv@Matthew:14:14; 15:29-31

(12) Of Peter Lame man cured- kjv@Acts:3:7 Ananias and Sapphira- kjv@Acts:5:5,10 Sick healed- kjv@Acts:5:15 Aeneas- kjv@Acts:9:34 Dorcas- kjv@Acts:9:40

(13) Of Paul Elymas blinded- kjv@Acts:13:11 Lame man cured- kjv@Acts:14:10 Damsel with the spirit of divination- kjv@Acts:16:18; kjv@Acts:19:11 Eutychus restored to life- kjv@Acts:20:10 Vipers bite- kjv@Acts:28:5 Father of Publius healed- kjv@Acts:28:8 Other special miracles by Paul- kjv@Acts:14:3; kjv@Acts:19:11 Healing

(3), 1540

(14) Miracles Performed by the Disciples and Apostles Healing

(3), 1540

(14) Miracles Performed by the Seventy- kjv@Luke:10:17

(14) Miracles Performed by Stephen- kjv@Acts:6:8

(14) Miracles Performed by Philip- Acts:8:6-13

MIRACLES TESTIFY @ kjv@Matthew:11:4; kjv@John:2:11; kjv@John:3:2; kjv@John:7:31; kjv@John:10:25,38; kjv@John:20:30; kjv@Acts:8:6 Works Prove, WORKS PROVE


MIRACLES - M>@ - A miracle may be defined to be a plain and manifest exercise by a man, or by God at the call of a man, of those powers which belong only to the Creator and Lord of nature; and this for the declared object of attesting that a divine mission is given to that man. It is not, therefore, the wonder , the exception to common experience, that constitutes the miracle , as is assumed both in the popular use of the word and by most objectors against miracles. No phenomenon in nature, however unusual, no event in the course of God’s providence, however unexpected, is a miracle unless it can be traced to the agency of man (including prayer under the term agency), and unless it be put forth as a proof of divine mission. Prodigies and special providences are not miracles. (A miracle is not a violation of the laws of nature. It is God’s acting upon nature in a degree far beyond our powers, but the same king of act as our wills are continually exerting upon nature. We do not in lifting a stone interfere with any law of nature, but exert a higher force among the laws. Prof. Tyndall says that "science does assert that without a disturbance of natural law quite as serious as the stoppage of an eclipse, or the rolling of the St. Lawrence up the falls of Niagara, no act of humiliation, individual or nation, could call one shower from heaven." And yet men by firing cannon during battle can cause a shower: does that cause such a commotion among the laws of nature? The exertion of a will upon the laws does not make a disturbance of natural law; and a miracle is simply the exertion of God’s will upon nature.
ED.) Again, the term "nature" suggests to many persons the idea of a great system of things endowed with powers and forces of its own
a sort of machine, set a-going originally by a first cause, but continuing its motions of itself. Hence we are apt to imagine that a change in the motion or operation of any part of it by God would produce the same disturbance of the other parts as such a change would be likely to produce in them if made by us or by any other natural agent. But if the motions and operations of material things be produced really by the divine will, then his choosing to change, for a special purpose, the ordinary motion of one part does not necessarily or probably imply his choosing to change the ordinary motions of other parts in a way not at all requisite for the accomplishment of that special purpose. It is as easy for him to continue the ordinary course of the rest, with the change of one part, as of all the phenomena without any change at all. Thus, though the stoppage of the motion of the earth in the ordinary course of nature would be attended with terrible convulsions, the stoppage of the earth miraculously , for a special purpose to be served by that only , would not of itself be followed by any such consequences. (Indeed, by the action of gravitation it could be stopped, as a stone thrown up is stopped, in less than two minutes, and yet so gently as not to stir the smallest feather or mote on its surface.
ED.) From the same conception of nature as a machine, we are apt to think of interferences with the ordinary course of nature as implying some imperfection in it. But it is manifest that this is a false analogy; for the reason why machines are made is to save us trouble; and, therefore, they are more perfect in proportion as they answer this purpose. But no one can seriously imagine that the universe is a machine for the purpose of saving trouble to the Almighty. Again, when miracles are described as "interferences with the law of nature," this description makes them appear improbable to many minds, from their not sufficiently considering that the laws of nature interfere with one another, and that we cannot get rid of "interferences" upon any hypothesis consistent with experience. The circumstances of the Christian miracles are utterly unlike those of any pretended instances of magical wonders. This difference consists in

(1) The greatness, number, completeness and publicity of the miracles.

(2) In the character of the miracles. They were all beneficial, helpful, instructive, and worthy of God as their author.

(3) The natural beneficial tendency of the doctrine they attested.

(4) The connection of them with a whole scheme of revelation extending from the origin of the human race to the time of Christ.


Miracle @ an event in the external world brought about by the immediate agency or the simple volition of God, operating without the use of means capable of being discerned by the senses, and designed to authenticate the divine commission of a religious teacher and the truth of his message kjv@John:2:18; kjv@Matthew:12:38). It is an occurrence at once above nature and above man. It shows the intervention of a power that is not limited by the laws either of matter or of mind, a power interrupting the fixed laws which govern their movements, a supernatural power. "The suspension or violation of the laws of nature involved in miracles is nothing more than is constantly taking place around us. One force counteracts another: vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance; and muscular force can control the action of physical force. When a man raises a weight from the ground, the law of gravity is neither suspended nor violated, but counteracted by a stronger force. The same is true as to the walking of Christ on the water and the swimming of iron at the command of the prophet. The simple and grand truth that the universe is not under the exclusive control of physical forces, but that everywhere and always there is above, separate from and superior to all else, an infinite personal will, not superseding, but directing and controlling all physical causes, acting with or without them." God ordinarily effects his purpose through the agency of second causes; but he has the power also of effecting his purpose immediately and without the intervention of second causes, i.e., of invading the fixed order, and thus of working miracles. Thus we affirm the possibility of miracles, the possibility of a higher hand intervening to control or reverse nature's ordinary movements. In the New Testament these four Greek words are principally used to designate miracles:

(1.) Semeion, a "sign", i.e., an evidence of a divine commission; an attestation of a divine message kjv@Matthew:12:38-39 kjv@Matthew:16:1 kjv@Matthew:16:4; kjv@Mark:8:11; kjv@Luke:11:16 kjv@Luke:23:8; kjv@John:2:11 kjv@John:2:18, 23; kjv@Acts:6:8, etc.); a token of the presence and working of God; the seal of a higher power.

(2.) Terata, "wonders;" wonder-causing events; portents; producing astonishment in the beholder kjv@Acts:2:19).

(3.) Dunameis, "might works;" works of superhuman power kjv@Acts:2:22; kjv@Romans:15:19; kjv@2Thessalonians:2:9); of a new and higher power.

(4.) Erga, "works;" the works of Him who is "wonderful in working" kjv@John:5:20 kjv@John:5:36). Miracles are seals of a divine mission. The sacred writers appealed to them as proofs that they were messengers of God. Our Lord also appealed to miracles as a conclusive proof of his divine mission kjv@John:5:20 kjv@John:5:36 kjv@John:10:25 kjv@John:10:38). Thus, being out of the common course of nature and beyond the power of man, they are fitted to convey the impression of the presence and power of God. Where miracles are there certainly God is. The man, therefore, who works a miracle affords thereby clear proof that he comes with the authority of God; they are his credentials that he is God's messenger. The teacher points to these credentials, and they are a proof that he speaks with the authority of God. He boldly says, "God bears me witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles." The credibility of miracles is established by the evidence of the senses on the part of those who are witnesses of them, and to all others by the testimony of such witnesses. The witnesses were competent, and their testimony is trustworthy. Unbelievers, following Hume, deny that any testimony can prove a miracle, because they say miracles are impossible. We have shown that miracles are possible, and surely they can be borne witness to. Surely they are credible when we have abundant and trustworthy evidence of their occurrence. They are credible just as any facts of history well authenticated are credible. Miracles, it is said, are contrary to experience. Of course they are contrary to our experience, but that does not prove that they were contrary to the experience of those who witnessed them. We believe a thousand facts, both of history and of science, that are contrary to our experience, but we believe them on the ground of competent testimony. An atheist or a pantheist must, as a matter of course, deny the possibility of miracles; but to one who believes in a personal God, who in his wisdom may see fit to interfere with the ordinary processes of nature, miracles are not impossible, nor are they incredible. (
See LIST OF MIRACLES, Appendix.)



Miracles @ Power of God necessary to kjv@John:3:2
Described as
Marvellous things kjv@Psalms:78:12
Marvellous works kjv@Isaiah:29:14 kjv@Psalms:105:5
Signs and wonders kjv@Jeremiah:32:21 kjv@John:4:48 kjv@2Corinthians:12:12
The glory of God kjv@John:11:4
The glory of Christ kjv@John:2:11 kjv@John:11:4
The works of God kjv@John:9:3
Were evidences of a divine commission kjv@Exodus:4:1-5 kjv@Mark:16:20
The Messiah was expected to perform kjv@Matthew:11:2 kjv@Matthew:11:3 kjv@John:7:31
Jesus was proved to be the Messiah by kjv@Matthew:11:4-6 kjv@Luke:7:20-22 kjv@John:5:36 kjv@Acts:2:22
Jesus was followed on account of kjv@Matthew:4:23-25 kjv@Matthew:14:35 kjv@Matthew:14:36 kjv@John:6:2 kjv@John:6:26 kjv@John:12:18
A gift of the Holy Spirit kjv@1Corinthians:12:10
Were performed
By the power of God kjv@Exodus:8:19 kjv@Acts:14:3 kjv@Acts:15:12 kjv@Acts:19:11
By the power of Christ kjv@Matthew:10:1
By the power of the Holy Spirit kjv@Matthew:12:28 kjv@Romans:15:19
In the name of Christ kjv@Matthew:16:17 kjv@Acts:3:16 kjv@Acts:4:30
First preaching of the gospel confirmed by kjv@Mark:16:20 kjv@Hebrews:2:4
The who wrought, disclaimed all power of their own kjv@Acts:3:12
Should produce faith kjv@John:2:23 kjv@John:20:30 kjv@John:20:31
Should produce obedience kjv@Deuteronomy:11:1-3 kjv@Deuteronomy:29:2 kjv@Deuteronomy:29:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:29:9
Instrumental to the early propagation of the gospel kjv@Acts:8:6 kjv@Romans:15:18 kjv@Romans:15:19
Faith required in
Those who performed kjv@Matthew:17:20 kjv@Matthew:21:21 kjv@John:14:12 kjv@Acts:3:16 kjv@Acts:6:8
Those for whom they were performed kjv@Matthew:9:28 kjv@Matthew:13:58 kjv@Mark:9:22-24 kjv@Acts:14:9
Should be remembered kjv@1Chronicles:16:12 kjv@Psalms:105:5
Should be told to future generations kjv@Exodus:10:2 kjv@Judges:6:13
Insufficient of themselves, to produce conversion kjv@Luke:16:31
The wicked
Desire to see kjv@Matthew:27:42 kjv@Luke:11:29 kjv@Luke:23:8
Often acknowledge kjv@John:11:47 kjv@Acts:4:16
Do not understand kjv@Psalms:106:7
Do not consider kjv@Mark:6:52
Forget kjv@Nehemiah:9:17 kjv@Psalms:78:1 kjv@Psalms:78:11
Proof against kjv@Numbers:14:22 kjv@John:12:37
Guilt of rejecting the evidence afforded by kjv@Matthew:11:20-24 kjv@John:15:24

Miracles of Christ, the @ Water turned to wine kjv@John:2:6-10
Nobleman's son healed kjv@John:4:46-53
Centurion's servant healed kjv@Matthew:9:5-13
Draughts of fish kjv@Luke:5:4-6 kjv@John:21:6
Devils cast out kjv@Matthew:8:28-32 kjv@Matthew:9:32 kjv@Matthew:9:33 kjv@Matthew:15:22-28 kjv@Matthew:17:14-18 kjv@Mark:1:23-27
Peter's wife's mother healed kjv@Matthew:8:14 kjv@Matthew:8:15
Lepers cleansed kjv@Matthew:8:3 kjv@Luke:17:14
Paralytic healed kjv@Mark:2:3-12
Withered hand restored kjv@Matthew:12:10-13
Impotent man healed kjv@John:5:5-9
The dead raised to life kjv@Matthew:9:18 kjv@Matthew:19:23-25 kjv@Luke:7:12-15 kjv@John:11:11-44
Issue of blood stopped kjv@Matthew:9:20-22
The blind restored to sight kjv@Matthew:9:27-30 kjv@Mark:8:22-25 kjv@John:9:1-7
The deaf and dumb cured kjv@Mark:7:32-35
The multitude fed kjv@Matthew:14:15-21 kjv@Matthew:15:32-38
His walking on the sea kjv@Matthew:14:25-27
Peter walking on the sea kjv@Matthew:14:29
Tempest stilled kjv@Matthew:8:23-26 kjv@Matthew:14:32
Sudden arrival of the ship kjv@John:6:21
Tribute money kjv@Matthew:17:27
Woman healed of infirmity kjv@Luke:13:11-13
Dropsy cured kjv@Luke:14:2-4
Fig tree blighted kjv@Matthew:21:19
Malchus healed kjv@Luke:22:50 kjv@Luke:22:51
Performed before the messengers of John kjv@Luke:7:21 kjv@Luke:7:22
Many and divers diseases healed kjv@Matthew:4:23 kjv@Matthew:4:24 kjv@Matthew:14:14 kjv@Matthew:15:30 kjv@Mark:1:34 kjv@Luke:6:17-19
His transfiguration kjv@Matthew:17:1-8
His resurrection kjv@Luke:24:6 kjv@John:10:18
His appearance to his disciples, the doors being shut kjv@John:20:19
His ascension kjv@Acts:1:9

Miracles Through Evil Agents @ Performed through the power of the devil kjv@2Thessalonians:2:9 kjv@Revelation:16:14
In support of false religions kjv@Deuteronomy:13:1-2
By false christs kjv@Matthew:24:24
By false prophets kjv@Matthew:24:24 kjv@Revelation:19:20
A mark of the Apostasy kjv@2Thessalonians:2:3 kjv@2Thessalonians:2:9 kjv@Revelation:13:13
Not to be regarded kjv@Deuteronomy:13:3
Deceive the ungodly kjv@2Thessalonians:2:10-12 kjv@Revelation:13:14 kjv@Revelation:19:20
Magicians of Egypt kjv@Exodus:7:11 kjv@Exodus:7:22 kjv@Exodus:8:7
Witch of Endor kjv@1Samuel:28:7-14
Simon Magus kjv@Acts:8:9-11

Miracles Wrought Through Servants of God @ Moses and Aaron
Rod turned into a serpent kjv@Exodus:4:3 kjv@Exodus:7:10
Rod restored kjv@Exodus:4:4
Hand made leprous kjv@Exodus:4:6
Hand healed kjv@Exodus:4:7
Water turned into blood kjv@Exodus:4:9 kjv@Exodus:4:30
River turned into blood kjv@Exodus:7:20
Frogs brought kjv@Exodus:8:6
Frogs removed kjv@Exodus:8:13
Lice brought kjv@Exodus:8:17
Flies brought kjv@Exodus:8:21-24
Flies removed kjv@Exodus:8:31
Murrain of beasts kjv@Exodus:9:3-6
Boils and blains brought kjv@Exodus:9:10 kjv@Exodus:9:11
Hail brought kjv@Exodus:9:23
Hail removed kjv@Exodus:9:33
Locusts brought kjv@Exodus:10:13
Locust removed kjv@Exodus:10:19
Darkness brought kjv@Exodus:10:22
The first-born destroyed kjv@Exodus:12:29
The red-sea divided kjv@Exodus:14:21 kjv@Exodus:14:22
Egyptians overwhelmed kjv@Exodus:14:26-28
Water sweetened kjv@Exodus:15:25
Water from rock in Horeb kjv@Exodus:17:6
Amalek vanquished kjv@Exodus:17:11-13
Destruction of Korah kjv@Numbers:16:28-32
Water from rock in Kadesh kjv@Numbers:20:11
Healing by brazen serpent kjv@Numbers:21:8 kjv@Numbers:21:9
Waters of Jordan divided kjv@Joshua:3:10-17
Jordan restored to its course kjv@Joshua:4:18
Jericho taken kjv@Joshua:6:6-20
The sun and moon stayed kjv@Joshua:10:12-14
Midianites destroyed kjv@Judges:7:16-22
A lion killed kjv@Judges:14:6
Philistines killed kjv@Judges:14:19 kjv@Judges:15:15
The gates of Gaza carried away kjv@Judges:16:3
Dagon's house pulled down kjv@Judges:16:30
Thunder and rain in harvest kjv@1Samuel:12:18
The prophet of Judah
Jeroboam's hand withered kjv@1Kings:13:4
The altar rent kjv@1Kings:13:5
The withered hand restored kjv@1Kings:13:6
Drought caused kjv@1Kings:17:1 kjv@James:5:17
Meal and oil multiplied kjv@1Kings:17:14-16
A child restored to life kjv@1Kings:17:22 kjv@1Kings:17:23
Sacrifice consumed by fire kjv@1Kings:18:36 kjv@1Kings:18:38
Men destroyed by fire kjv@2Kings:1:10-12
Rain brought kjv@1Kings:18:41-45 kjv@James:5:18
Waters of Jordan divided kjv@2Kings:2:8
Taken to heaven kjv@2Kings:2:11
Waters of Jordan divided kjv@2Kings:2:14
Waters healed kjv@2Kings:2:21 kjv@2Kings:2:22
Children torn by bears kjv@2Kings:2:24
Oil multiplied kjv@2Kings:4:1-7
Child restored to life kjv@2Kings:4:32-35
Naaman healed kjv@2Kings:5:10 kjv@2Kings:5:14
Gehazi struck with leprosy kjv@2Kings:5:27
Iron caused to swim kjv@2Kings:6:6
Syrians smitten with blindness kjv@2Kings:6:20
Syrians restored to sight kjv@2Kings:6:20
A man restored to life kjv@2Kings:13:21
Hezekiah healed kjv@2Kings:20:7
Shadow put back on the dial kjv@2Kings:20:11
The seventy disciples
Various miracles kjv@Luke:10:9 kjv@Luke:10:17
The apostles
Many miracles kjv@Acts:2:43 kjv@Acts:5:12
Lame man cured kjv@Acts:3:7
Death of Ananias kjv@Acts:5:5
Death of Sapphira kjv@Acts:5:10
The sick healed kjv@Acts:5:15 kjv@Acts:5:16
AEneas made whole kjv@Acts:9:34
Dorcas restored to life kjv@Acts:9:40
Great miracles kjv@Acts:6:8
Various miracles kjv@Acts:8:6 kjv@Acts:8:7 kjv@Acts:8:13
Elymas smitten with blindness kjv@Acts:13:11
Lame man cured kjv@Acts:14:10
An unclean spirit cast out kjv@Acts:16:18
Special miracles kjv@Acts:19:11 kjv@Acts:19:12
Eutychus restored to life kjv@Acts:20:10-12
Viper's bite made harmless kjv@Acts:28:5
Father of Publius healed kjv@Acts:28:8
Paul and Barnabas
Various miracles kjv@Acts:14:3






kjv@STRING:Eliphal <HITCHCOCK>@ a miracle of God - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Nisan <HITCHCOCK>@ standard; miracle - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Pelaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord-P's secret or miracle - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Tarpelites <HITCHCOCK>@ ravishers; succession of miracles - HITCHCOCK-T




(1) DESIGN OF, that Men might Know the Power of the Lord Knowledge

(5), KNOWLEDGE Faith

(9), FAITH - to Witness to Christ as Messiah. Miracles


(2) Spurious. Wonders

(2), MAGIC

(3) Of Moses and Aaron Rod made serpent- kjv@Exodus:4:3; kjv@Exodus:7:10 Rod restored- kjv@Exodus:4:4 Hand made leprous- kjv@Exodus:4:6,7 Water turned into blood- kjv@Exodus:4:9,30 River into blood- kjv@Exodus:7:20 Frogs- kjv@Exodus:8:6,13 Lice- kjv@Exodus:8:17 Flies- kjv@Exodus:8:21,31 Murrain- kjv@Exodus:9:3 Boils- kjv@Exodus:9:10 Hail- kjv@Exodus:9:23 Locusts- kjv@Exodus:10:13,19 Darkness- kjv@Exodus:10:22 Firstborn destroyed kjv@Exodus:12:29 Sea divided- kjv@Exodus:14:21 Egyptians overwhelmed- Exodus:14:2628 Water sweetened kjv@Exodus:15:25 Water from rock- kjv@Exodus:17:6 Amalek vanquished- kjv@Exodus:17:11 Destruction of Korah- kjv@Numbers:16:32 Water from rock in Kadesh- kjv@Numbers:20:11 Brazen Serpent- kjv@Numbers:21:8 Aaron's rod blossoms- kjv@Numbers:17:8

(4) Of Joshua Jordan divided- Joshua:3:117 Jericho taken Joshua:6:127 Sun and moon stayed kjv@Joshua:10:12 For other miracles. SEE Victories, ISRAEL


(5) Of Samson Lion slain- kjv@Judges:14:6 Philistines killed- kjv@Judges:14:19 Gates carried away- kjv@Judges:16:3 Dagon's house pulled down- kjv@Judges:16:30

(6) Of Samuel Thunder and rain- kjv@1Samuel:12:18

(7) Prophet of Judah Jeroboam's hand withered- kjv@1Kings:13:4 Altar rent- kjv@1Kings:13:5 Hand restored- kjv@1Kings:13:6

(8) Of Elijah Drought- kjv@1Kings:17:1; kjv@James:5:17 Meal and oil multiplied- kjv@1Kings:17:14 Child restored to life- kjv@1Kings:17:22 Sacrifice consumed by fire- kjv@1Kings:18:38 Captains and men slain by fire- kjv@2Kings:1:10 Rain brought- kjv@1Kings:18:41 Waters of Jordan divided- kjv@2Kings:2:8

(9) Of Elisha Jordan divided- kjv@2Kings:2:14 Waters healed- kjv@2Kings:2:21 Mocking children torn by bears- kjv@2Kings:2:24 Water supplied- kjv@2Kings:3:16 Widow's oil multiplied- kjv@2Kings:4:5 Pottage rendered harmless- kjv@2Kings:4:41 Loaves multiplied- kjv@2Kings:4:43 Child raised- kjv@2Kings:4:35 Naaman healed- kjv@2Kings:5:10 Gehazi struck with leprosy- kjv@2Kings:5:27 Iron caused to swim- kjv@2Kings:6:6 Syrians smitten- kjv@2Kings:6:18 Resurrection of a man- kjv@2Kings:13:21

(10) Of Isaiah Hezekiah healed- kjv@2Kings:20:7 Shadow put back- kjv@2Kings:20:11

(11) Of Christ Water changed to wine- kjv@John:2:9 Nobleman's son- kjv@John:4:46 Draught of fishes- kjv@Luke:5:6 Demoniac in the synagogue- kjv@Mark:1:26; kjv@Luke:4:35 Peter's mother-inlaw healed kjv@Matthew:8:14; kjv@Mark:1:31; kjv@Luke:4:38 Cleansing the leper- kjv@Matthew:8:3; kjv@Mark:1:41; kjv@Luke:5:13 Paralytic- kjv@Matthew:9:2; kjv@Mark:2:3; kjv@Luke:5:18 Impotent man healed- kjv@John:5:5 Withered hand- kjv@Matthew:12:10; kjv@Mark:3:1; kjv@Luke:6:6 Centurion's servant- kjv@Matthew:8:5; kjv@Luke:7:2 Raising the widow's son- kjv@Luke:7:11 Demoniac- kjv@Matthew:12:22; kjv@Luke:11:14 Tempest stilled- kjv@Matthew:8:26; kjv@Mark:4:39; kjv@Luke:8:24 Demoniacs of Gadara- kjv@Matthew:8:28; kjv@Mark:5:1; kjv@Luke:8:26 Raising of Jairus' daughter- kjv@Matthew:9:18; kjv@Mark:5:42; kjv@Luke:8:41 Issue of blood- kjv@Matthew:9:20; kjv@Mark:5:25; kjv@Luke:8:43 Blind men- kjv@Matthew:9:27 Demoniac- kjv@Matthew:9:32 Feeding the five thousand- kjv@Matthew:14:15; kjv@Mark:6:41; kjv@Luke:9:12; kjv@John:6:5 Walking on the sea- kjv@Matthew:14:25; kjv@Mark:6:49; kjv@John:6:19 Daughter of Syrophenician- kjv@Matthew:15:22; kjv@Mark:7:25 Feeding the four thousand- kjv@Matthew:15:32; kjv@Mark:8:8 Deaf and dumb healed- kjv@Mark:7:33 Blind man- kjv@Mark:8:23 Lunatic child- kjv@Matthew:17:14; kjv@Mark:9:26; kjv@Luke:9:37 Tribute money- kjv@Matthew:17:24 Ten lepers- kjv@Luke:17:12 Blind man- kjv@John:9:1 Lazarus raised- John:11:144 Heals woman with the spirit of infirmity kjv@Luke:13:11 Man with dropsy- kjv@Luke:14:2 Blind men- kjv@Matthew:20:30; kjv@Mark:10:46 Cursing the fig tree- kjv@Matthew:21:19 Malchus healed- kjv@Luke:22:51 Second drought of fishes- kjv@John:21:6 His resurrection- kjv@Luke:24:6; kjv@John:10:18 Appearing to his disciples Appearances, Divine

(2), IMMORTALITY Other References to Cures by. SEE Healing

(2), 1539 Also- kjv@Matthew:14:14; 15:29-31

(12) Of Peter Lame man cured- kjv@Acts:3:7 Ananias and Sapphira- kjv@Acts:5:5,10 Sick healed- kjv@Acts:5:15 Aeneas- kjv@Acts:9:34 Dorcas- kjv@Acts:9:40

(13) Of Paul Elymas blinded- kjv@Acts:13:11 Lame man cured- kjv@Acts:14:10 Damsel with the spirit of divination- kjv@Acts:16:18; kjv@Acts:19:11 Eutychus restored to life- kjv@Acts:20:10 Vipers bite- kjv@Acts:28:5 Father of Publius healed- kjv@Acts:28:8 Other special miracles by Paul- kjv@Acts:14:3; kjv@Acts:19:11 Healing

(3), 1540

(14) Miracles Performed by the Disciples and Apostles Healing

(3), 1540

(14) Miracles Performed by the Seventy- kjv@Luke:10:17

(14) Miracles Performed by Stephen- kjv@Acts:6:8

(14) Miracles Performed by Philip- Acts:8:6-13

MIRACLES TESTIFY @ kjv@Matthew:11:4; kjv@John:2:11; kjv@John:3:2; kjv@John:7:31; kjv@John:10:25,38; kjv@John:20:30; kjv@Acts:8:6 Works Prove, WORKS PROVE


H226 <STRHEB>@ אות 'ôth oth Probably from H225 (in the sense of appearing); a signal (literally or {figuratively}) as a {flag} beacon6 {monument} omen6 {prodigy} {evidence} etc.: - {mark} {miracle} (en-) {sign} token.

H4159 <STRHEB>@ מפת מופת môphêth môphêth {mo-faith'} mo-faith' From H3302 in the sense of conspicuousness; a miracle; by implication a token or omen: - {miracle} {sign} wonder (-ed at).

H4652 <STRHEB>@ מפלאה miphlâ'âh mif-law-aw' From H6381; a miracle: - wondrous work.

H6381 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pâlâ' paw-law' A primitive root; properly perhaps to {separate} that {is} distinguish (literally or figuratively); by implication to be (causatively make) {great} {difficult} wonderful: - {accomplish} (arise . . . {too} be too) {hard} {hidden} things too {high} ({be} {do} do {a} shew) marvelous ({-ly} {-els} {things} {work}) {miracles} {perform} {separate} make {singular} ({be} {great} make) wonderful ({-ers} {-ly} {things} {works}) wondrous ({things} {works} -ly).

H6382 <STRHEB>@ פּלא pele' peh'-leh From H6381; a miracle: - marvellous {thing} wonder ({-ful} -fully).

H8540 <STRHEB>@ תּמהּ temahh tem-ah' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H8539; a miracle: - wonder.

G1411 <STRGRK>@ δύναμις dunamis doo'-nam-is From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): - ability abundance meaning might (-ily -y -y deed) (worker of) miracle (-s) power strength violence mighty (wonderful) work.

G2297 <STRGRK>@ θαυμάσιος thaumasios thow-mas'-ee-os From G2295; wondrous that is (neuter as noun) a miracle: - wonderful thing.

G4592 <STRGRK>@ σημεῖον sēmeion say-mi'-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4591; an indication especially ceremonially or supernaturally: - miracle sign token wonder.