


dict:hitchcock Aaron a teacher; lofty; mountain of strength - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abaddon the destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abagtha father of the wine-press - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abana made of stone; a building - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abarim passages; passengers - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abba father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abda a servant; servitude - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abdeel a vapor; a cloud of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abdi my servant - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abdiel servant of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abdon servant; cloud of judgment - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abednego servant of light; shining - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abel vanity; breath; vapor - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abel a city; mourning - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abel-beth-maachah mourning to the house of Maachah - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abel-maim mourning of waters - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abel-meholah mourning of sickness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abel-mizraim the mourning of Egyptians - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abel-shittim mourning of thorns - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abez an egg; muddy - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abi my father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abiah the Lord is my father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abi-albon most intelligent father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abiasaph consuming father; gathering - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abiathar excellent father; father of the remnant - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abib green fruit; ears of corn - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abidah father of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abidan father of judgment - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abiezer father of help - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abihail the father of strength - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abihu he is my father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abihud father of praise; confession - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abijah the Lord is my father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abijam father of the sea - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abilene the father of mourning - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abimael a father sent from God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abimelech father of the king - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abinadab father of a vow, or of willingness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abinoam father of beauty - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abiram high father; father of deceit - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abishag ignorance of the father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abishai the present of my father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abishalom father of peace - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abishua father of salvation - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abishur father of the wall; father of uprightness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abital the father of the dew; or of the shadow - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abitub father of goodness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abiud father of praise - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abner father of light - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abram high father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Abraham father of a great multitude - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Absalom father of peace - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Accad a vessel; pitcher; spark - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Accho close; pressed together - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aceldama field of blood - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achab brother of the father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achaia grief; trouble - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achaicus a native of Achaia; sorrowing; sad - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achan or Achar, he that troubleth - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achaz one that takes, or possesses - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achbor a rat; bruising - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achim preparing; revenging; confirming - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achish thus it is; how is this - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achmetha brother of death - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achor trouble - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achsah adorned; bursting the veil - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achshaph poison; tricks - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Achzib liar; lying; one that runs - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adadah testimony of the assembly - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adah an assembly - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adaiah the witness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adaliah one that draws water; poverty; cloud; death - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adam earthy; red - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adamah red earth; of blood - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adami my man; red; earthy; human - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adar high; eminent - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adbeel vapor, or cloud of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Addi my witness; adorned; prey - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Addin adorned; delicious; voluptuous - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Addon basis; foundation; the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adiel the witness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adithaim assemblies; testimonies - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adlai my witness; my ornament - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Admah earthy; red; bloody - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Admatha a cloud of death; a mortal vapor - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adna pleasure; delight - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adnah eternal rest - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adoni-bezek the lightning of the Lord; the Lord of lightning - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adonijah the Lord is my master - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adonikam the Lord is raised - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adoniram my Lord is most high; Lord of might and elevation - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adoni-zedek justice of the Lord; lord of justice - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adoraim strength of the sea - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adoram their beauty; their power - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adrammelech the cloak, glory, grandeur or power of the king - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adramyttium the court of death - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adriel the flock of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adullam their testimony; their prey; their ornament - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Adummim earthy; red; bloody things - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aeneas praised; praiseworthy - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aenon a cloud; fountain; his eye - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Agag roof; upper floor - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Agar or Hagar, a stranger; one that fears - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Agee a valley; deepness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Agrippa one who causes great pain at his birth - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Agur stranger; gathered together - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aharah a smiling brother; a meadow of a sweet savor - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahasbai trusting in me; a grown-up brother - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahasuerus prince; head; chief - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahava essence; being; generation - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahaz one that takes or possesses - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahaziah seizure; vision of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahi my brother; my brethren - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahiah brother of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahian brother of wine - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahiezer brother of assistance - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahihud brother of vanity, or of darkness, or of joy, or of praise; witty brother - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahijah same with Ahiah - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahikam a brother who raises up or avenges - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahilud a brother born, or begotten - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahimaaz a brother of the council - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahiman brother of the right hand - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahimoth brother of death - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahinadab a willing brother; brother of a vow - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahinoam beauty of the brother; brother of motion - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahio his brother; his brethren - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahira brother of iniquity; brother of the shepherd - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahiram brother of craft, or of protection - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahisamach brother of strength - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahishahur brother of the morning or dew; brother of blackness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahishar brother of a prince; brother of a song - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahithophel brother of ruin or folly - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahitub brother of goodness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahlab made of milk, or of fat; brother of the heart - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahlai beseeching; sorrowing; expecting - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahoah a live brother; my thorn or thistle - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aholah his tabernacle; his tent - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aholiab the tent of the father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aholibah my tent, or my tabernacle, in her - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aholibamah my tabernacle is exalted - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahumai a meadow of waters; a brother of waters - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahuzam their taking or possessing vision - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ahuzzah possession; seizing; collecting - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ai or Hai, mass; heap - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aiath same as Ai; an hour; eye; fountain - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aijeleth-Shahar the land of the morning - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ain same as Aiath - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ajalon a chain; strength; a stag - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Akkub foot-print; supplanting; crookedness; lewdness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Akrabbim scorpions - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Alemeth hiding; youth; worlds; upon the dead - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Alexander one who assists men - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Alian high - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Alleluia praise the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Allon an oak; strong - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Allon-bachuth the oak of weeping - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Almodad measure of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Almon hidden - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Almon-diblathaim hidden in a cluster of fig trees - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Alpheus a thousand; learned; chief - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Alush mingling together - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Alvah his rising up; his highness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amad people of witness; a prey - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amal labor; iniquity - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amalek a people that licks up - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aman mother; fear of them - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amana integrity; truth; a nurse - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amariah the Lord says; the integrity of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amasa sparing the people - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amasai strong - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amashi-ali same as Amaziah - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ami mother; fear; people - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amaziah the strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aminadab same as Amminadab - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amittai true; fearing - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammah my, or his, people - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammi same as Ammah - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammiel the people of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammihud people of praise - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammi-nadab my people is liberal - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammishaddai the people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with me - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammizabad dowry of the people - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ammon a people; the son of my people - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amnon faithful and true; tutor - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amok a valley; a depth - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amon faithful; true - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amorite bitter; a rebel; a babbler - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amos loading; weighty - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amoz strong; robust - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amplias large; extensive - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amram an exalted people; their sheaves; handfuls of corn - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amraphel one that speaks of secrets - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Amzi strong, mighty - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anab a grape; a knot - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anah one who answers; afflicted - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anaharath dryness, burning, wrath - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anak a collar; ornament - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anamim a fountain; answer; affliction - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anammelech answer; poverty of the king - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anani a cloud; prophecy; divination - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ananias or Ananiah, the cloud of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anathema separated; set apart - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anathoth or Anath, answer; song; poverty - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Andrew a strong man - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Andronicus a man excelling others - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anem or Anen, an answer; their affliction - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aner answer; song; affliction - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aniam a people; the strength or sorrow of people - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anim answerings; singings; afflicted - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anna gracious; one who gives - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Annas one who answers; humble - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Antichrist an adversary to Christ - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Antioch speedy as a chariot - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Antipas for all, or against all - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Antipatris for, or against the father - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Antothijah answers or songs of the Lord; afflictions - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Anub same as Anab - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apelles exclusion; separation - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aphiah speaking, blowing - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apocalypse uncovering, revelation - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apocrypha hidden - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apollonia perdition, destruction - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apollonius destroying - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apollos one who destroys; destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apollyon a destroyer - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Appaim face; nostrils - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Apphia productive; fruitful - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aquila an eagle - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ar awakening; uncovering - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ara cursing; seeing - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arab multiplying; sowing sedition; a window; a locust - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arabia evening; desert; ravens - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arad a wild ass; a dragon - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arah the way; a traveler - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aram highness, magnificence, one that deceives; curse - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aran an ark; their curse - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ararat the curse of trembling - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Araunah ark; song; joyful cry - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arba four - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Archelaus the prince of the people - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Archippus a master of horses - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arcturus a gathering together - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ard one that commands; he that descends - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ardon ruling; a judgment of malediction - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Areli the light or vision of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Areopagus the hill of Mars - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aretas agreeable, virtuous - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Argob a turf, or fat land - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ariel altar; light or lion of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arimathea a lion dead to the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arioch long; great; tall - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aristarchus the best prince - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aristobulus a good counselor - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Armageddon hill of fruits; mountain of Megiddo - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arnon rejoicing; sunlight - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aroer heath; tamarisk - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arpad the light of redemption - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arphaxad a healer; a releaser - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Artaxerxes the silence of light; fervent to spoil - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Artemas whole, sound - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Arumah high; exalted - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asa physician; cure - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asahel creature of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asaiah the Lord hath wrought - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asaph who gathers together - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asareel the beatitude of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asenath peril; misfortune - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashan smoke - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashbel an old fire - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashdod effusion; inclination; theft - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asher happiness - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashima crime; offense - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashkenaz a fire that spreads - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashnah change - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashriel same as Asareel - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ashur who is happy; or walks; or looks - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asia muddy; boggy - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asiel the work of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Askelon weight; balance; fire of infamy - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asnapper unhappiness; increase of danger - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asriel help of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Assir prisoner; fettered - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asshurim liers in want; beholders - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Assos approaching; coming near - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Assur same as Ashur - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Assyria country of Assur or Ashur - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asuppim gatherings - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Asyncritus incomparable - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Atad a thorn - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Atarah a crown - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ataroth crowns - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ataroth-addar crowns of power - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ater left hand; shut - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Athach thy time - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Athaliah the time of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Athlai my hour or time - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Attai same as Athlai - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Attalia that increases or sends - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Attalus increased, nourished - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Augustus increased, augmented - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Ava or Ivah, iniquity - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aven iniquity; force; riches; sorrow - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Avim wicked or perverse men - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Avith wicked, perverse - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azaliah near the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azareel help of God - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azariah he that hears the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azaz strong one - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azazel the scape-goat - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azaziah strength of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azekah strength of walls - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azgad a strong army; a gang of robbers - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azmaveth strong death; a he-goat - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azmon bone of a bone; our strength - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Aznoth-tabor the ears of Tabor; the ears of purity or contrition - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azor a helper; a court - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azotus the same as Ashdod - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azriel same as Asriel - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azrikam help, revenging - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azubah forsaken - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azur he that assists or is assisted - HITCHCOCK-A
dict:hitchcock Azzan their strength - HITCHCOCK-A

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