Index: JESUSBYINDEX - Jesus By Parable


| Jesus By Parable | Jesus By Miracle | Jesus By OTProphecy | Jesus By Sermon | Jesus By Command | - Jesus By Question
strongs@Matthew:7:24-27 Jesus By Parable - The Wise and the Foolish Builders
strongs@Matthew:9:16-18 Jesus By Parable - New Cloth
strongs@Matthew:11:16-17 Jesus By Parable - Children Sitting in the Markets
strongs@Matthew:13:3-23 Jesus By Parable - The Sower
strongs@Matthew:13:24-30 Jesus By Parable - The Tares
strongs@Matthew:13:31-32 Jesus By Parable - The Mustard Seed
strongs@Matthew:13:33 Jesus By Parable - The Leaven
strongs@Matthew:13:44 Jesus By Parable - The Hidden Treasure
strongs@Matthew:13:45-46 Jesus By Parable - Pearl of Great Price
strongs@Matthew:13:47-50 Jesus By Parable - Drawing in the Net
strongs@Matthew:13:52 Jesus By Parable - Instructed Scribe
strongs@Matthew:15:10-11 Jesus By Parable - What defiles a Man
strongs@Matthew:18:12-14 Jesus By Parable - The Lost Sheep
strongs@Matthew:18:23-35 Jesus By Parable - Unmerciful Servant
strongs@Matthew:20:1-16 Jesus By Parable - Laborers in the Vineyard
strongs@Matthew:21:28-32 Jesus By Parable - The Two sons
strongs@Matthew:21:33-44 Jesus By Parable - The Wicked Husbandman
strongs@Matthew:22:1-14 Jesus By Parable - Marriage of the King's Son
strongs@Matthew:24:32 Jesus By Parable - Leafing Fig Tree
strongs@Matthew:25:1-13 Jesus By Parable - The Ten Virgins
strongs@Matthew:25:14-30 Jesus By Parable - Ten Talents
strongs@Mark:4:1-20 Jesus By Parable - The Sower
strongs@Mark:4:26-29 Jesus By Parable - Seed Growing Secretly
strongs@Mark:4:30-32 Jesus By Parable - The Mustard Seed
strongs@Mark:12:1-12 Jesus By Parable - The Wicked Husbandman
strongs@Mark:13:28-29 Jesus By Parable - The Leafing Fig Tree
strongs@Mark:13:34-37 Jesus By Parable - Man Going On a Far Journey
strongs@Luke:6:39-42 Jesus By Parable - Blind Leading Blind
strongs@Luke:7:41-47 Jesus By Parable - The Two Debtors
strongs@Luke:8:5-15 Jesus By Parable - The Sower
strongs@Luke:10:30-37 Jesus By Parable - The Good Samaritan
strongs@Luke:11:5-8 Jesus By Parable - The Friend at Night
strongs@Luke:12:16-21 Jesus By Parable - The Rich Fool
strongs@Luke:12:35-40 Jesus By Parable - Servants Waiting for Their Lord
strongs@Luke:13:6-9 Jesus By Parable - The Barren Fig Tree
strongs@Luke:13:18-19 Jesus By Parable - Mustard Seed
strongs@Luke:13:20-21 Jesus By Parable - The Leaven
strongs@Luke:14:3-7 Jesus By Parable - The Lost Sheep
strongs@Luke:14:7-12 Jesus By Parable - Man Invited to Wedding
strongs@Luke:14:15-24 Jesus By Parable - The Great Supper
strongs@Luke:14:28-35 Jesus By Parable - Building a Tower
strongs@Luke:15:3-7 Jesus By Parable - Lost Sheep
strongs@Luke:15:8-10 Jesus By Parable - Lost Money
strongs@Luke:15:11-32 Jesus By Parable - The Prodigal Son
strongs@Luke:16:1-9 Jesus By Parable - The Unjust Steward
strongs@Luke:16:19-31 Jesus By Parable - The Rich Man and the Beggar Lazarus
strongs@Luke:17:7-10 Jesus By Parable - Servant Feeding Cattle
strongs@Luke:18:1-8 Jesus By Parable - The Importunate Widow
strongs@Luke:18:9-14 Jesus By Parable - Pharisee and the Publican
strongs@Luke:19:11-27 Jesus By Parable - Parable of the Pounds
strongs@Luke:20:9-18 Jesus By Parable - The Wicked Husbandmen
strongs@John:10:1-7 Jesus By Parable - Good Shepherd
strongs@John:10:11-18 Jesus By Parable - Good Shepherd
strongs@John:15:1-7 Jesus By Parable - The Vine

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