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ISRAEL Saul mostly bad 1049-1009 BC smith@1Samuel:11-12 smith@1Chronicles:10:1-14
ISRAEL David THE BEST 1009-969 BC smith@2Samuel:2-3 smith@1Chronicles:11-12
ISRAEL Solomon GOOD 971-933 BC smith@1Kings:1-2 smith@2Chronicles:1-2
ISRAEL Rehoboam (1st part) bad mostly 933—930 BC smith@1Kings:12:21-24 smith@1Kings:14:21-31 smith@2Chronicles:10-11
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Rehoboam (2nd part) bad mostly 933—916 BC smith@1Kings:12:21-24 smith@1Kings:14:21-31 smith@2Chronicles:10-11
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Abijah bad mostly 915—913 BC smith@1Kings:15:1-8 smith@2Chronicles:13:1-22
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Asa GOOD 912—872 BC smith@1Kings:15:9-24 smith@2Chronicles:14-15
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Jehoshaphat (overlap) GOOD 874—850 BC smith@kjv@1Kings:22:41-50 smith@2Chronicles:17-18
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Jehoram/Joram bad 850—843 BC smith@2Kings:8:16-24 smith@2Chronicles:21:1-20
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Ahaziah bad 843 BC smith@2Kings:8:25-29 smith@2Kings:9:16-29 smith@2Chronicles:22:1-9
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Athaliah (queen) devilish 843—837 BC smith@2Kings:11:1-3 smith@2Chronicles:22:10-12
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Joash/Jehoash good mostly 843—803 BC smith@2Kings:11-12 smith@2Chronicles:23-24
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Amaziah good mostly 803—775 BC smith@2Kings:14:1-20 smith@2Chronicles:25:1-28
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Uzziah/Azariah (overlap) GOOD mostly 787—735 BC smith@2Kings:14:21 smith@2Kings:14:22 smith@2Kings:15:1-7 smith@2Chronicles:26:1-23
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Jotham (overlap) GOOD 749—734 BC smith@2Kings:15:32-38 smith@2Chronicles:27:1-9
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Ahaz wicked 741—726 BC smith@2Kings:16:1-20 smith@2Chronicles:28:1-27
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Hezekiah THE BEST 726—697 BC smith@2Kings:18-19 smith@2Chronicles:29-30
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Manasseh the worst 697—642 BC smith@2Kings:21:1-18 smith@2Chronicles:33:1-20
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Amon the worst 641—640 BC smith@2Kings:21:19-26 smith@2Chronicles:33:21-25
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Josiah THE BEST 639—608 BC smith@2Kings:22-23 smith@2Chronicles:34-35
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Jehoahaz bad 608 BC smith@2Kings:23:31-33 smith@2Chronicles:36:1-4
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Jehoiakim wicked 608—597 BC smith@2Kings:23-24 smith@2Chronicles:36:5-8
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Jehoiachin bad 597 BC smith@2Kings:24:8-16 smith@2Chronicles:36:9 smith@2Chronicles:36:10
SOUTHERN KINGDOM Zedekiah bad 597—586 BC smith@2Kings:24-25 smith@2Chronicles:36:11-21
NORTHERN KINGDOM Jeroboam I bad 930—909 BC smith@1Kings:12:20 smith@1Kings:12-13
NORTHERN KINGDOM Nadab bad 909—908 BC smith@1Kings:15:25-27 smith@1Kings:15:32
NORTHERN KINGDOM Baasha bad 908—886 BC smith@1Kings:15-16
NORTHERN KINGDOM Elah bad 886—885 BC smith@1Kings:16:8-14
NORTHERN KINGDOM Zimri bad 885 BC smith@1Kings:16:11 smith@1Kings:16:12 smith@1Kings:16:15 smith@1Kings:16:20
NORTHERN KINGDOM Tibni bad 885—880 BC
NORTHERN KINGDOM Omri (overlap) extra bad 885—874 BC smith@1Kings:16:23-28
NORTHERN KINGDOM Ahab the worst 874—853 BC smith@1Kings:16-17
NORTHERN KINGDOM Ahaziah bad 853—852 BC smith@1Kings:22:51-53 smith@2Kings:1:18
NORTHERN KINGDOM Joram/Jehoram bad mostly 852—841 BC smith@2Kings:3-4
NORTHERN KINGDOM Jehu not good but better than the rest 841—814 BC smith@2Kings:9-10
NORTHERN KINGDOM Jehoahaz bad 814—798 BC smith@2Kings:13:1-9
NORTHERN KINGDOM Joash bad 798—782 BC smith@2Kings:13:10-25 smith@2Kings:14:8-16
NORTHERN KINGDOM Jeroboam II (overlap) bad 793—753 BC smith@2Kings:14:23-29
NORTHERN KINGDOM Zechariah bad 753 BC smith@2Kings:15:8-12
NORTHERN KINGDOM Shallum bad 752 BC smith@2Kings:15:13-15
NORTHERN KINGDOM Menahem bad 752—742 BC smith@2Kings:15:16-22
NORTHERN KINGDOM Pekahiah bad 742—740 BC smith@2Kings:15:23-26
NORTHERN KINGDOM Pekah (overlap) bad 752—732 BC smith@2Kings:15:27-31 smith@2Kings:16:5
NORTHERN KINGDOM Hoshea bad 732—722 BC smith@2Kings:17:1-6