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Info @ pBiblx2 TOP 100 KJV GOSPEL N-GRAM Concordance (seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-gram for more info)
168 filter:NT-GOSPEL said unto them,
163 filter:NT-GOSPEL said unto him,
137 filter:NT-GOSPEL I say unto
123 filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto you,
121 filter:NT-GOSPEL and said unto
116 filter:NT-GOSPEL he said unto
105 filter:NT-GOSPEL the Son of
97 filter:NT-GOSPEL the son of
85 filter:NT-GOSPEL And he said
82 filter:NT-GOSPEL the kingdom of
75 filter:NT-GOSPEL was the son
72 filter:NT-GOSPEL Son of man
71 filter:NT-GOSPEL And when he
68 filter:NT-GOSPEL saith unto them,
66 filter:NT-GOSPEL saith unto him,
63 filter:NT-GOSPEL out of the
62 filter:NT-GOSPEL which was the
61 filter:NT-GOSPEL answered and said
51 filter:NT-GOSPEL Jesus said unto
51 filter:NT-GOSPEL And when they
50 filter:NT-GOSPEL it came to
47 filter:NT-GOSPEL And it came
45 filter:NT-GOSPEL when he had
43 filter:NT-GOSPEL the chief priests
41 filter:NT-GOSPEL Jesus saith unto
40 filter:NT-GOSPEL came to pass,
39 filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily I say
38 filter:NT-GOSPEL when he was
35 filter:NT-GOSPEL Jesus answered and
35 filter:NT-GOSPEL And when the
31 filter:NT-GOSPEL when they had
31 filter:NT-GOSPEL he saith unto
31 filter:NT-GOSPEL chief priests and
31 filter:NT-GOSPEL and saith unto
30 filter:NT-GOSPEL say unto him,
30 filter:NT-GOSPEL answered and said,
29 filter:NT-GOSPEL one of the
28 filter:NT-GOSPEL unto you, That
28 filter:NT-GOSPEL shall not be
28 filter:NT-GOSPEL on the sabbath
27 filter:NT-GOSPEL there was a
26 filter:NT-GOSPEL and he that
26 filter:NT-GOSPEL And he said,
25 filter:NT-GOSPEL Verily, verily, I
25 filter:NT-GOSPEL verily, I say
25 filter:NT-GOSPEL unto him, Lord,
25 filter:NT-GOSPEL him. And he
24 filter:NT-GOSPEL And Jesus said
22 filter:NT-GOSPEL which is in
22 filter:NT-GOSPEL when they were
22 filter:NT-GOSPEL that they might
22 filter:NT-GOSPEL and ye shall
21 filter:NT-GOSPEL that which is
21 filter:NT-GOSPEL of God. And
21 filter:NT-GOSPEL kingdom of God
21 filter:NT-GOSPEL it shall be
20 filter:NT-GOSPEL that he was
20 filter:NT-GOSPEL said unto the
20 filter:NT-GOSPEL said unto her,
20 filter:NT-GOSPEL and of the
19 filter:NT-GOSPEL they said unto
19 filter:NT-GOSPEL that I am
19 filter:NT-GOSPEL I am not
19 filter:NT-GOSPEL he was come
19 filter:NT-GOSPEL and when he
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, I
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL unto him, Thou
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL the children of
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL of man is
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL kingdom of heaven
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL I am the
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL him. And when
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL he answered and
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL And they were
18 filter:NT-GOSPEL And Jesus answered
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL ye shall be
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL unto you, that
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL unto them, Why
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL unto him, and
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL Then said Jesus
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL the house of
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL that they should
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL of the Lord
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL kingdom of God.
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL him that he
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL And they that
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL And Jesus answering
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL And he went
17 filter:NT-GOSPEL and began to
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL when he saw
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL went into the
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL to them that
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL those things which
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL the temple, and
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL there shall be
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL that he had
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL Father which is
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL answering said unto
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL and in the
16 filter:NT-GOSPEL And he took

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