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Layman Speaker/Apologist/Writer, pBiblx2 Developer, Musician

My Bio

I was saved back in October 1979 after experiencing three separate drug hallucinations convincing me that I would not awake the next morning. Along with the alcohol, nightly partying, drug dealing, dropping out of High school, depression, DUI and minor theft, that last night by the Spirit's leaning I was prompted to the Lord (perhaps through the prayers of my Grandmother and divorced mom) to salvation by grace through Jesus.

I wish I could say that in these many years that I've become a mature forty plus year old Christian; that would not be true. After three or four years of being on fire for Christ and meeting my wife, having our two kids, being blessed beyond measure, we experienced a church break up that left me blaming myself (whether true or not) for self indulgent fanaticism. I vowed to walk this Christian walk but, this time on my own. It didn't take long for the cares of this world and the hurt left behind for my spiritual fruit to wither.

Some twenty years later my wife and kids encouraged me to come back into fellowship. Mind you, I had not ever abandoned my faith, I simply had tried to hide it under a basket as a "Lone Ranger" apart from all the rest; a sin perhaps greater than all the sins before my salvation. Since telling others my testimony, I've been surprised to hear how many other wayward believers have similar stories. And though I can never make up for the twenty three or so years I've lost, I can certainly surrender myself here on out to the obedient abiding path.

Recently the Lord prompted me to commit myself to various levels of street ministry. I am learning humility, sincerity, servitude, trust, perseverance, even some of the street life, so much that couldn't be learned from theory and books. Gods word has by immersion become living. The pBiblx2 Field Wise Bible System software was born out of urgent needs arising from this. HE has also moved me into an elder role in a fresh new local church plant. I've gained a new respect for the body of Christ as a whole, just how massive and how many different directions He has it moving. We all have a part to play.

I know with all certainty that Gods hand has moved upon my life by the profound changes that he has made in me and those around me, in so many areas, in so little time. I would not have chosen the direction nor the means of myself without being gently lead by His Spirit. My joy overflows!

I know with all certainty that it is the hand of God by the way it seeks to pour through me and out into the world around me. It is warm, it is loving, it is so far beyond what I could ever imagine. It is as if my heart has become like a magnet turned right side up now, being insatiably attracted to Him. It is truly amazing and I am very much thankful.

God be praised!

Featured Release:

BackToThePsalms004 diaglotnt@Psalm:4 "Ye Sons of Men...How Long?" @ (commentary as one file) @


My Personal Catalog

Audio Sermon/Commentary by RandyP:

index:RPAUDIO SERMONS - Audio archive of sermons by RandyP.

BackToPsalmsSeries - Audio commentary from the Back to the Psalms Series by RandyP

Writings/Notes of RandyP:

PrayingThePsalms - A recent prayer devotion I experimented with.
New - PracticalRevelation Living the book of Revelation in a practical daily sense.
New - TotalDepravity List of verses supporting total depravity.
New - LosingOnesSalvation Can one lose their salvation?
New - SolaScriptura The doctrine of authority by scripture alone.
OLD - SolaFide The doctrine of justification by faith alone (ORIGINAL GROUP STUDY 2016).
New - SolaGratia The doctrine of by God's grace alone.
New - GodIs learning who God is by the simple words "God is"
New - GrowingInGraceOutline - Bob Hoestra series on grace outline adapted for viewing on pBiblx2
New - PaulNazariteVow Paul in Acts:18 and Acts:21 performs a temporary Nazarite vow for purification yet in Galatians:2 etc.. insists that believers are dead to the Law. Is there contradiction?
New - LetsBeClearWhyWeBelieve Mark:16 presents evidence of Christ's resurrection. Let's be clear however why it is we believe even this very evidence.
New 2/28/2019 IfIHadNotCome - nkjv@John:15:22-24 If Jesus had not... we would had not... Filling in those two blanks is the key to understanding the rest of the plan real of God.
New 4/13/2019 ToSuchAs - kjv@Psalms:103:17-18 God's mercy, God's righteousness, God's covenant, God's commandment; every reason for our most earnest affections.
ArmourOfGod - kjv@Ephesians:6:11-18
IfTheFoundationsBeDestroyed - If the foundations of civil society be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
FaithOfJesusDailyDevotional - An idea for a new multimedia devotional series, not stressing "faith in Jesus" as much as "faith of.." (what he believed/the evidence of his "things unseen").
