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Tuesday Night Connect

The Calvary Reach Tuesday night group fellowship meets at 6:30pm every week Legend's Coffee at Southlands. God honoring public fellowship and refreshment, prayer and bible study are the key objectives of our gathering. Currently we are discussing Puritan author Thomas Watson's venerable "A Body of Divinity" - a collection of his sermons examining the historical Westminster Shorter Catechism. This study is also being made by the Monday Night Connect group in case there is one Tuesday you cannot attend. (see MondayNightConnect)

Present Online Study Resources: ThomasWatsonBodyofDivinity (Audio Version at sermonaudio.com) and WestministerShorterCatechism

Note: A paperback copy of this Thomas Watson book can be purchased for $15.00 from Calvary Reach or ordered online from many fine Christian Book sellers. That way you can markup and notate to your hearts desire!

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