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rsv@Genesis:4:20 @ Adah bore Jabal; he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have cattle.

rsv@Genesis:4:21 @ His brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe.

rsv@Genesis:6:2 @ the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose.

rsv@Genesis:6:4 @ The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.

rsv@Genesis:7:22 @ everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died.

rsv@Genesis:7:23 @ He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the ground, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the air; they were blotted out from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those that were with him in the ark.

rsv@Genesis:12:3 @ I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves."

rsv@Genesis:13:11 @ So Lot chose for himself all the Jordan valley, and Lot journeyed east; thus they separated from each other.

rsv@Genesis:16:1 @ Now Sar'ai, Abram's wife, bore him no children. She had an Egyptian maid whose name was Hagar;

rsv@Genesis:17:27 @ and all the men of his house, those born in the house and those bought with money from a foreigner, were circumcised with him.

rsv@Genesis:18:19 @ No, for I have chosen him, that he may charge his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice; so that the LORD may bring to Abraham what he has promised him."

rsv@Genesis:19:25 @ and he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.

rsv@Genesis:22:24 @ Moreover, his concubine, whose name was Reumah, bore Tebah, Gaham, Tahash, and Ma'acah.

rsv@Genesis:24:23 @ and said, "Tell me whose daughter you are. Is there room in your father's house for us to lodge in?"

rsv@Genesis:24:29 @ Rebekah had a brother whose name was Laban; and Laban ran out to the man, to the spring.

rsv@Genesis:24:37 @ My master made me swear, saying, `You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I dwell;

rsv@Genesis:24:47 @ Then I asked her, `Whose daughter are you?' She said, The daughter of Bethu'el, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bore to him.' So I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her arms.

rsv@Genesis:24:60 @ And they blessed Rebekah, and said to her, "Our sister, be the mother of thousands of ten thousands; and may your descendants possess the gate of those who hate them!"

rsv@Genesis:25:1 @ Abraham took another wife, whose name was Ketu'rah.

rsv@Genesis:32:17 @ He instructed the foremost, "When Esau my brother meets you, and asks you, `To whom do you belong? Where are you going? And whose are these before you?'

rsv@Genesis:38:1 @ It happened at that time that Judah went down from his brothers, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah.

rsv@Genesis:38:2 @ There Judah saw the daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua; he married her and went in to her,

rsv@Genesis:38:25 @ As she was being brought out, she sent word to her father-in-law, "By the man to whom these belong, I am with child." And she said, "Mark, I pray you, whose these are, the signet and the cord and the staff."

rsv@Genesis:44:16 @ And Judah said, "What shall we say to my lord? What shall we speak? Or how can we clear ourselves? God has found out the guilt of your servants; behold, we are my lord's slaves, both we and he also in whose hand the cup has been found."

rsv@Genesis:44:17 @ But he said, "Far be it from me that I should do so! Only the man in whose hand the cup was found shall be my slave; but as for you, go up in peace to your father."

rsv@Genesis:45:1 @ Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him; and he cried, "Make every one go out from me." So no one stayed with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers.

rsv@Exodus:2:23 @ In the course of those many days the king of Egypt died. And the people of Israel groaned under their bondage, and cried out for help, and their cry under bondage came up to God.

rsv@Exodus:12:16 @ On the first day you shall hold a holy assembly, and on the seventh day a holy assembly; no work shall be done on those days; but what every one must eat, that only may be prepared by you.

rsv@Exodus:18:25 @ Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens.

rsv@Exodus:20:5 @ you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,

rsv@Exodus:20:6 @ but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

rsv@Exodus:23:8 @ And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the officials, and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.

rsv@Exodus:25:2 @ "Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me an offering; from every man whose heart makes him willing you shall receive the offering for me.

rsv@Exodus:29:33 @ They shall eat those things with which atonement was made, to ordain and consecrate them, but an outsider shall not eat of them, because they are holy.

rsv@Exodus:34:14 @ (for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),

rsv@Exodus:35:21 @ And they came, every one whose heart stirred him, and every one whose spirit moved him, and brought the LORD's offering to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments.

rsv@Exodus:35:26 @ all the women whose hearts were moved with ability spun the goats' hair.

rsv@Exodus:35:29 @ All the men and women, the people of Israel, whose heart moved them to bring anything for the work which the LORD had commanded by Moses to be done, brought it as their freewill offering to the LORD.

rsv@Exodus:36:2 @ And Moses called Bez'alel and Oho'liab and every able man in whose mind the LORD had put ability, every one whose heart stirred him up to come to do the work;

rsv@Exodus:38:25 @ And the silver from those of the congregation who were numbered was a hundred talents and a thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary:

rsv@Leviticus:10:3 @ Then Moses said to Aaron, "This is what the LORD has said, `I will show myself holy among those who are near me, and before all the people I will be glorified.'" And Aaron held his peace.

rsv@Leviticus:11:4 @ Nevertheless among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you.

rsv@Leviticus:11:21 @ Yet among the winged insects that go on all fours you may eat those which have legs above their feet, with which to leap on the earth.

rsv@Leviticus:14:42 @ then they shall take other stones and put them in the place of those stones, and he shall take other plaster and plaster the house.

rsv@Leviticus:16:27 @ And the bull for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering, whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the holy place, shall be carried forth outside the camp; their skin and their flesh and their dung shall be burned with fire.

rsv@Leviticus:21:10 @ "The priest who is chief among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil is poured, and who has been consecrated to wear the garments, shall not let the hair of his head hang loose, nor rend his clothes;

rsv@Leviticus:22:11 @ but if a priest buys a slave as his property for money, the slave may eat of it; and those that are born in his house may eat of his food.

rsv@Leviticus:24:10 @ Now an Israelite woman's son, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the people of Israel; and the Israelite woman's son and a man of Israel quarreled in the camp,

rsv@Leviticus:26:17 @ I will set my face against you, and you shall be smitten before your enemies; those who hate you shall rule over you, and you shall flee when none pursues you.

rsv@Leviticus:26:36 @ And as for those of you that are left, I will send faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; the sound of a driven leaf shall put them to flight, and they shall flee as one flees from the sword, and they shall fall when none pursues.

rsv@Leviticus:26:39 @ And those of you that are left shall pine away in your enemies' lands because of their iniquity; and also because of the iniquities of their fathers they shall pine away like them.

rsv@Numbers:1:16 @ These were the ones chosen from the congregation, the leaders of their ancestral tribes, the heads of the clans of Israel.

rsv@Numbers:1:22 @ Of the people of Simeon, their generations, by their families, by their fathers' houses, those of them that were numbered, according to the number of names, head by head, every male from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go forth to war:

rsv@Numbers:1:44 @ These are those who were numbered, whom Moses and Aaron numbered with the help of the leaders of Israel, twelve men, each representing his fathers' house.

rsv@Numbers:2:3 @ Those to encamp on the east side toward the sunrise shall be of the standard of the camp of Judah by their companies, the leader of the people of Judah being Nahshon the son of Ammin'adab,

rsv@Numbers:2:5 @ Those to encamp next to him shall be the tribe of Is'sachar, the leader of the people of Is'sachar being Nethan'el the son of Zu'ar,

rsv@Numbers:2:12 @ And those to encamp next to him shall be the tribe of Simeon, the leader of the people of Simeon being Shelu'mi-el the son of Zurishad'dai,

rsv@Numbers:2:27 @ And those to encamp next to him shall be the tribe of Asher, the leader of the people of Asher being Pa'giel the son of Ochran,

rsv@Numbers:3:32 @ And Elea'zar the son of Aaron the priest was to be chief over the leaders of the Levites, and to have oversight of those who had charge of the sanctuary.

rsv@Numbers:3:38 @ And those to encamp before the tabernacle on the east, before the tent of meeting toward the sunrise, were Moses and Aaron and his sons, having charge of the rites within the sanctuary, whatever had to be done for the people of Israel; and any one else who came near was to be put to death.

rsv@Numbers:3:49 @ So Moses took the redemption money from those who were over and above those redeemed by the Levites;

rsv@Numbers:4:45 @ These are those who were numbered of the families of the sons of Merar'i, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the commandment of the LORD by Moses.

rsv@Numbers:4:46 @ All those who were numbered of the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron and the leaders of Israel numbered, by their families and their fathers' houses,

rsv@Numbers:4:48 @ those who were numbered of them were eight thousand five hundred and eighty.

rsv@Numbers:7:2 @ the leaders of Israel, heads of their fathers' houses, the leaders of the tribes, who were over those who were numbered,

rsv@Numbers:7:13 @ and his offering was one silver plate whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:19 @ he offered for his offering one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:25 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:31 @ his offering was one silver plate whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:37 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:43 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:49 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:55 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:61 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:67 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:73 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:7:79 @ his offering was one silver plate, whose weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver basin of seventy shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a cereal offering;

rsv@Numbers:9:7 @ and those men said to him, "We are unclean through touching the dead body of a man; why are we kept from offering the LORD's offering at its appointed time among the people of Israel?"

rsv@Numbers:11:26 @ Now two men remained in the camp, one named Eldad, and the other named Medad, and the spirit rested upon them; they were among those registered, but they had not gone out to the tent, and so they prophesied in the camp.

rsv@Numbers:11:28 @ And Joshua the son of Nun, the minister of Moses, one of his chosen men, said, "My lord Moses, forbid them."

rsv@Numbers:14:6 @ And Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephun'neh, who were among those who had spied out the land, rent their clothes,

rsv@Numbers:14:23 @ shall see the land which I swore to give to their fathers; and none of those who despised me shall see it.

rsv@Numbers:14:38 @ But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephun'neh remained alive, of those men who went to spy out the land.

rsv@Numbers:15:33 @ And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation.

rsv@Numbers:16:2 @ took men; and they rose up before Moses, with a number of the people of Israel, two hundred and fifty leaders of the congregation, chosen from the assembly, well-known men;

rsv@Numbers:16:39 @ So Elea'zar the priest took the bronze censers, which those who were burned had offered; and they were hammered out as a covering for the altar,

rsv@Numbers:16:49 @ Now those who died by the plague were fourteen thousand seven hundred, besides those who died in the affair of Korah.

rsv@Numbers:24:3 @ and he took up his discourse, and said, "The oracle of Balaam the son of Be'or, the oracle of the man whose eye is opened,

rsv@Numbers:24:15 @ And he took up his discourse, and said, "The oracle of Balaam the son of Be'or, the oracle of the man whose eye is opened,

rsv@Numbers:25:9 @ Nevertheless those that died by the plague were twenty-four thousand.

rsv@Numbers:26:9 @ The sons of Eli'ab: Nem'uel, Dathan, and Abi'ram. These are the Dathan and Abi'ram, chosen from the congregation, who contended against Moses and Aaron in the company of Korah, when they contended against the LORD,

rsv@Numbers:26:62 @ And those numbered of them were twenty-three thousand, every male from a month old and upward; for they were not numbered among the people of Israel, because there was no inheritance given to them among the people of Israel.

rsv@Numbers:26:63 @ These were those numbered by Moses and Elea'zar the priest, who numbered the people of Israel in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.

rsv@Numbers:26:64 @ But among these there was not a man of those numbered by Moses and Aaron the priest, who had numbered the people of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.

rsv@Numbers:27:3 @ "Our father died in the wilderness; he was not among the company of those who gathered themselves together against the LORD in the company of Korah, but died for his own sin; and he had no sons.

rsv@Numbers:31:36 @ And the half, the portion of those who had gone out to war, was in number three hundred and thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep,

rsv@Numbers:33:55 @ But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those of them whom you let remain shall be as pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land where you dwell.

rsv@Deuteronomy:4:37 @ And because he loved your fathers and chose their descendants after them, and brought you out of Egypt with his own presence, by his great power,

rsv@Deuteronomy:5:9 @ you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

rsv@Deuteronomy:5:10 @ but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

rsv@Deuteronomy:7:6 @ "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth.

rsv@Deuteronomy:7:7 @ It was not because you were more in number than any other people that the LORD set his love upon you and chose you, for you were the fewest of all peoples;

rsv@Deuteronomy:7:9 @ Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,

rsv@Deuteronomy:7:10 @ and requites to their face those who hate him, by destroying them; he will not be slack with him who hates him, he will requite him to his face.

rsv@Deuteronomy:7:20 @ Moreover the LORD your God will send hornets among them, until those who are left and hide themselves from you are destroyed.

rsv@Deuteronomy:8:9 @ a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing, a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you can dig copper.

rsv@Deuteronomy:10:15 @ yet the LORD set his heart in love upon your fathers and chose their descendants after them, you above all peoples, as at this day.

rsv@Deuteronomy:14:2 @ For you are a people holy to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth.

rsv@Deuteronomy:14:7 @ Yet of those that chew the cud or have the hoof cloven you shall not eat these: the camel, the hare, and the rock badger, because they chew the cud but do not part the hoof, are unclean for you.

rsv@Deuteronomy:17:9 @ and coming to the Levitical priests, and to the judge who is in office in those days, you shall consult them, and they shall declare to you the decision.

rsv@Deuteronomy:18:3 @ And this shall be the priests' due from the people, from those offering a sacrifice, whether it be ox or sheep: they shall give to the priest the shoulder and the two cheeks and the stomach.

rsv@Deuteronomy:18:5 @ For the LORD your God has chosen him out of all your tribes, to stand and minister in the name of the LORD, him and his sons for ever.

rsv@Deuteronomy:18:9 @ "When you come into the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations.

rsv@Deuteronomy:19:1 @ "When the LORD your God cuts off the nations whose land the LORD your God gives you, and you dispossess them and dwell in their cities and in their houses,

rsv@Deuteronomy:19:17 @ then both parties to the dispute shall appear before the LORD, before the priests and the judges who are in office in those days;

rsv@Deuteronomy:21:5 @ And the priests the sons of Levi shall come forward, for the LORD your God has chosen them to minister to him and to bless in the name of the LORD, and by their word every dispute and every assault shall be settled.

rsv@Deuteronomy:21:6 @ And all the elders of that city nearest to the slain man shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley;

rsv@Deuteronomy:23:1 @ "He whose testicles are crushed or whose male member is cut off shall not enter the assembly of the LORD.

rsv@Deuteronomy:28:49 @ The LORD will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you do not understand,

rsv@Deuteronomy:29:3 @ the great trials which your eyes saw, the signs, and those great wonders;

rsv@Deuteronomy:29:18 @ Beware lest there be among you a man or woman or family or tribe, whose heart turns away this day from the LORD our God to go and serve the gods of those nations; lest there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bitter fruit,

rsv@Deuteronomy:32:21 @ They have stirred me to jealousy with what is no god; they have provoked me with their idols. So I will stir them to jealousy with those who are no people; I will provoke them with a foolish nation.

rsv@Deuteronomy:32:41 @ if I whet my glittering sword, and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will take vengeance on my adversaries, and will requite those who hate me.

rsv@Deuteronomy:33:3 @ Yea, he loved his people; all those consecrated to him were in his hand; so they followed in thy steps, receiving direction from thee,

rsv@Deuteronomy:33:11 @ Bless, O LORD, his substance, and accept the work of his hands; crush the loins of his adversaries, of those that hate him, that they rise not again."

rsv@Deuteronomy:33:21 @ He chose the best of the land for himself, for there a commander's portion was reserved; and he came to the heads of the people, with Israel he executed the commands and just decrees of the LORD."

rsv@Joshua:2:1 @ And Joshua the son of Nun sent two men secretly from Shittim as spies, saying, "Go, view the land, especially Jericho." And they went, and came into the house of a harlot whose name was Rahab, and lodged there.

rsv@Joshua:3:15 @ and when those who bore the ark had come to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water (the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest),

rsv@Joshua:3:16 @ the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap far off, at Adam, the city that is beside Zar'ethan, and those flowing down toward the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off; and the people passed over opposite Jericho.

rsv@Joshua:4:6 @ that this may be a sign among you, when your children ask in time to come, `What do those stones mean to you?'

rsv@Joshua:4:20 @ And those twelve stones, which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up in Gilgal.

rsv@Joshua:8:3 @ So Joshua arose, and all the fighting men, to go up to Ai; and Joshua chose thirty thousand mighty men of valor, and sent them forth by night.

rsv@Joshua:10:22 @ Then Joshua said, "Open the mouth of the cave, and bring those five kings out to me from the cave."

rsv@Joshua:10:23 @ And they did so, and brought those five kings out to him from the cave, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon.

rsv@Joshua:10:24 @ And when they brought those kings out to Joshua, Joshua summoned all the men of Israel, and said to the chiefs of the men of war who had gone with him, "Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings." Then they came near, and put their feet on their necks.

rsv@Joshua:11:10 @ And Joshua turned back at that time, and took Hazor, and smote its king with the sword; for Hazor formerly was the head of all those kingdoms.

rsv@Joshua:11:12 @ And all the cities of those kings, and all their kings, Joshua took, and smote them with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying them, as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded.

rsv@Joshua:11:18 @ Joshua made war a long time with all those kings.

rsv@Joshua:13:2 @ This is the land that yet remains: all the regions of the Philistines, and all those of the Gesh'urites

rsv@Joshua:13:3 @ (from the Shihor, which is east of Egypt, northward to the boundary of Ekron, it is reckoned as Canaanite; there are five rulers of the Philistines, those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ash'kelon, Gath, and Ekron), and those of the Avvim,

rsv@Joshua:16:9 @ together with the towns which were set apart for the E'phraimites within the inheritance of the Manas'sites, all those towns with their villages.

rsv@Joshua:17:12 @ Yet the sons of Manas'seh could not take possession of those cities; but the Canaanites persisted in dwelling in that land.

rsv@Joshua:17:16 @ The tribe of Joseph said, "The hill country is not enough for us; yet all the Canaanites who dwell in the plain have chariots of iron, both those in Beth-she'an and its villages and those in the Valley of Jezreel."

rsv@Joshua:18:2 @ There remained among the people of Israel seven tribes whose inheritance had not yet been apportioned.

rsv@Joshua:18:8 @ So the men started on their way; and Joshua charged those who went to write the description of the land, saying, "Go up and down and write a description of the land, and come again to me; and I will cast lots for you here before the LORD in Shiloh."

rsv@Joshua:21:4 @ The lot came out for the families of the Ko'hathites. So those Levites who were descendants of Aaron the priest received by lot from the tribes of Judah, Simeon, and Benjamin, thirteen cities.

rsv@Joshua:21:40 @ As for the cities of the several Merar'ite families, that is, the remainder of the families of the Levites, those allotted to them were in all twelve cities.

rsv@Joshua:23:4 @ Behold, I have allotted to you as an inheritance for your tribes those nations that remain, along with all the nations that I have already cut off, from the Jordan to the Great Sea in the west.

rsv@Joshua:24:15 @ And if you be unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

rsv@Joshua:24:17 @ for it is the LORD our God who brought us and our fathers up from the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, and who did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way that we went, and among all the peoples through whom we passed;

rsv@Joshua:24:22 @ Then Joshua said to the people, "You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the LORD, to serve him." And they said, "We are witnesses."

rsv@Judges:2:16 @ Then the LORD raised up judges, who saved them out of the power of those who plundered them.

rsv@Judges:2:18 @ Whenever the LORD raised up judges for them, the LORD was with the judge, and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the LORD was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflicted and oppressed them.

rsv@Judges:2:23 @ So the LORD left those nations, not driving them out at once, and he did not give them into the power of Joshua.

rsv@Judges:5:8 @ When new gods were chosen, then war was in the gates. Was shield or spear to be seen among forty thousand in Israel?

rsv@Judges:5:14 @ From E'phraim they set out thither into the valley, following you, Benjamin, with your kinsmen; from Machir marched down the commanders, and from Zeb'ulun those who bear the marshal's staff;

rsv@Judges:6:10 @ and I said to you, `I am the LORD your God; you shall not pay reverence to the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.' But you have not given heed to my voice."

rsv@Judges:7:6 @ And the number of those that lapped, putting their hands to their mouths, was three hundred men; but all the rest of the people knelt down to drink water.

rsv@Judges:10:14 @ Go and cry to the gods whom you have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your distress."

rsv@Judges:13:2 @ And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the tribe of the Danites, whose name was Mano'ah; and his wife was barren and had no children.

rsv@Judges:14:19 @ And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he went down to Ash'kelon and killed thirty men of the town, and took their spoil and gave the festal garments to those who had told the riddle. In hot anger he went back to his father's house.

rsv@Judges:16:4 @ After this he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Deli'lah.

rsv@Judges:16:30 @ And Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines." Then he bowed with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords and upon all the people that were in it. So the dead whom he slew at his death were more than those whom he had slain during his life.

rsv@Judges:17:1 @ There was a man of the hill country of E'phraim, whose name was Micah.

rsv@Judges:17:6 @ In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.

rsv@Judges:18:1 @ In those days there was no king in Israel. And in those days the tribe of the Danites was seeking for itself an inheritance to dwell in; for until then no inheritance among the tribes of Israel had fallen to them.

rsv@Judges:19:1 @ In those days, when there was no king in Israel, a certain Levite was sojourning in the remote parts of the hill country of E'phraim, who took to himself a concubine from Bethlehem in Judah.

rsv@Judges:20:27 @ And the people of Israel inquired of the LORD (for the ark of the covenant of God was there in those days,

rsv@Judges:20:28 @ and Phin'ehas the son of Elea'zar, son of Aaron, ministered before it in those days), saying, "Shall we yet again go out to battle against our brethren the Benjaminites, or shall we cease?" And the LORD said, "Go up; for tomorrow I will give them into your hand."

rsv@Judges:20:42 @ Therefore they turned their backs before the men of Israel in the direction of the wilderness; but the battle overtook them, and those who came out of the cities destroyed them in the midst of them.

rsv@Judges:21:7 @ What shall we do for wives for those who are left, since we have sworn by the LORD that we will not give them any of our daughters for wives?"

rsv@Judges:21:16 @ Then the elders of the congregation said, "What shall we do for wives for those who are left, since the women are destroyed out of Benjamin?"

rsv@Judges:21:25 @ In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.

rsv@Ruth:2:1 @ Now Na'omi had a kinsman of her husband's, a man of wealth, of the family of Elim'elech, whose name was Bo'az.

rsv@Ruth:2:2 @ And Ruth the Moabitess said to Na'omi, "Let me go to the field, and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find favor." And she said to her, "Go, my daughter."

rsv@Ruth:2:5 @ Then Bo'az said to his servant who was in charge of the reapers, "Whose maiden is this?"

rsv@Ruth:2:12 @ The LORD recompense you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge!"

rsv@Ruth:2:20 @ And Na'omi said to her daughter-in-law, "Blessed be he by the LORD, whose kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!" Na'omi also said to her, "The man is a relative of ours, one of our nearest kin."

rsv@Ruth:3:2 @ Now is not Bo'az our kinsman, with whose maidens you were? See, he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor.

rsv@Ruth:4:4 @ So I thought I would tell you of it, and say, Buy it in the presence of those sitting here, and in the presence of the elders of my people. If you will redeem it, redeem it; but if you will not, tell me, that I may know, for there is no one besides you to redeem it, and I come after you." And he said, "I will redeem it."

rsv@1Samuel:1:1 @ There was a certain man of Ramatha'im-zo'phim of the hill country of E'phraim, whose name was Elka'nah the son of Jero'ham, son of Eli'hu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an E'phraimite.

rsv@1Samuel:2:5 @ Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, but those who were hungry have ceased to hunger. The barren has borne seven, but she who has many children is forlorn.

rsv@1Samuel:2:28 @ And I chose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my altar, to burn incense, to wear an ephod before me; and I gave to the house of your father all my offerings by fire from the people of Israel.

rsv@1Samuel:2:30 @ Therefore the LORD the God of Israel declares: `I promised that your house and the house of your father should go in and out before me for ever'; but now the LORD declares: `Far be it from me; for those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.

rsv@1Samuel:3:1 @ Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD under Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision.

rsv@1Samuel:3:2 @ At that time Eli, whose eyesight had begun to grow dim, so that he could not see, was lying down in his own place;

rsv@1Samuel:8:18 @ And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves; but the LORD will not answer you in that day."

rsv@1Samuel:9:1 @ There was a man of Benjamin whose name was Kish, the son of Abi'el, son of Zeror, son of Beco'rath, son of Aphi'ah, a Benjaminite, a man of wealth;

rsv@1Samuel:9:2 @ and he had a son whose name was Saul, a handsome young man. There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than he; from his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people.

rsv@1Samuel:9:13 @ As soon as you enter the city, you will find him, before he goes up to the high place to eat; for the people will not eat till he comes, since he must bless the sacrifice; afterward those eat who are invited. Now go up, for you will meet him immediately."

rsv@1Samuel:9:22 @ Then Samuel took Saul and his servant and brought them into the hall and gave them a place at the head of those who had been invited, who were about thirty persons.

rsv@1Samuel:10:24 @ And Samuel said to all the people, "Do you see him whom the LORD has chosen? There is none like him among all the people." And all the people shouted, "Long live the king!"

rsv@1Samuel:10:26 @ Saul also went to his home at Gib'e-ah, and with him went men of valor whose hearts God had touched.

rsv@1Samuel:11:11 @ And on the morrow Saul put the people in three companies; and they came into the midst of the camp in the morning watch, and cut down the Ammonites until the heat of the day; and those who survived were scattered, so that no two of them were left together.

rsv@1Samuel:12:3 @ Here I am; testify against me before the LORD and before his anointed. Whose ox have I taken? Or whose ass have I taken? Or whom have I defrauded? Whom have I oppressed? Or from whose hand have I taken a bribe to blind my eyes with it? Testify against me and I will restore it to you."

rsv@1Samuel:12:13 @ And now behold the king whom you have chosen, for whom you have asked; behold, the LORD has set a king over you.

rsv@1Samuel:13:2 @ Saul chose three thousand men of Israel; two thousand were with Saul in Michmash and the hill country of Bethel, and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gib'e-ah of Benjamin; the rest of the people he sent home, every man to his tent.

rsv@1Samuel:14:48 @ And he did valiantly, and smote the Amal'ekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of those who plundered them.

rsv@1Samuel:16:8 @ Then Jesse called Abin'adab, and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, "Neither has the LORD chosen this one."

rsv@1Samuel:16:9 @ Then Jesse made Shammah pass by. And he said, "Neither has the LORD chosen this one."

rsv@1Samuel:16:10 @ And Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel said to Jesse, "The LORD has not chosen these."

rsv@1Samuel:17:4 @ And there came out from the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.

rsv@1Samuel:17:28 @ Now Eli'ab his eldest brother heard when he spoke to the men; and Eli'ab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, "Why have you come down? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your presumption, and the evil of your heart; for you have come down to see the battle."

rsv@1Samuel:17:40 @ Then he took his staff in his hand, and chose five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in his shepherd's bag or wallet; his sling was in his hand, and he drew near to the Philistine.

rsv@1Samuel:17:55 @ When Saul saw David go forth against the Philistine, he said to Abner, the commander of the army, "Abner, whose son is this youth?" And Abner said, "As your soul lives, O king, I cannot tell."

rsv@1Samuel:17:56 @ And the king said, "Inquire whose son the stripling is."

rsv@1Samuel:17:58 @ And Saul said to him, "Whose son are you, young man?" And David answered, "I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite."

rsv@1Samuel:18:23 @ And Saul's servants spoke those words in the ears of David. And David said, "Does it seem to you a little thing to become the king's son-in-law, seeing that I am a poor man and of no repute?"

rsv@1Samuel:20:30 @ Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said to him, "You son of a perverse, rebellious woman, do I not know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother's nakedness?

rsv@1Samuel:24:2 @ Then Saul took three thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and went to seek David and his men in front of the Wildgoats' Rocks.

rsv@1Samuel:25:2 @ And there was a man in Ma'on, whose business was in Carmel. The man was very rich; he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats. He was shearing his sheep in Carmel.

rsv@1Samuel:25:26 @ Now then, my lord, as the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, seeing the LORD has restrained you from bloodguilt, and from taking vengeance with your own hand, now then let your enemies and those who seek to do evil to my lord be as Nabal.

rsv@1Samuel:26:2 @ So Saul arose and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, with three thousand chosen men of Israel, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.

rsv@1Samuel:28:1 @ In those days the Philistines gathered their forces for war, to fight against Israel. And A'chish said to David, "Understand that you and your men are to go out with me in the army."

rsv@1Samuel:30:9 @ So David set out, and the six hundred men who were with him, and they came to the brook Besor, where those stayed who were left behind.

rsv@1Samuel:30:20 @ David also captured all the flocks and herds; and the people drove those cattle before him, and said, "This is David's spoil."

rsv@1Samuel:30:27 @ it was for those in Bethel, in Ramoth of the Negeb, in Jattir,

rsv@1Samuel:31:7 @ And when the men of Israel who were on the other side of the valley and those beyond the Jordan saw that the men of Israel had fled and that Saul and his sons were dead, they forsook their cities and fled; and the Philistines came and dwelt in them.

rsv@2Samuel:3:7 @ Now Saul had a concubine, whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Ai'ah; and Ish-bo'sheth said to Abner, "Why have you gone in to my father's concubine?"

rsv@2Samuel:5:14 @ And these are the names of those who were born to him in Jerusalem: Sham'mu-a, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,

rsv@2Samuel:6:1 @ David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand.

rsv@2Samuel:6:13 @ and when those who bore the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling.

rsv@2Samuel:6:21 @ And David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me above your father, and above all his house, to appoint me as prince over Israel, the people of the LORD--and I will make merry before the LORD.

rsv@2Samuel:9:2 @ Now there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David; and the king said to him, "Are you Ziba?" And he said, "Your servant is he."

rsv@2Samuel:9:12 @ And Mephib'osheth had a young son, whose name was Mica. And all who dwelt in Ziba's house became Mephib'osheth's servants.

rsv@2Samuel:10:9 @ When Jo'ab saw that the battle was set against him both in front and in the rear, he chose some of the picked men of Israel, and arrayed them against the Syrians;

rsv@2Samuel:13:1 @ Now Ab'salom, David's son, had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar; and after a time Amnon, David's son, loved her.

rsv@2Samuel:13:3 @ But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jon'adab, the son of Shim'e-ah, David's brother; and Jon'adab was a very crafty man.

rsv@2Samuel:14:27 @ There were born to Ab'salom three sons, and one daughter whose name was Tamar; she was a beautiful woman.

rsv@2Samuel:16:2 @ And the king said to Ziba, "Why have you brought these?" Ziba answered, "The asses are for the king's household to ride on, the bread and summer fruit for the young men to eat, and the wine for those who faint in the wilderness to drink."

rsv@2Samuel:16:5 @ When King David came to Bahu'rim, there came out a man of the family of the house of Saul, whose name was Shim'e-i, the son of Gera; and as he came he cursed continually.

rsv@2Samuel:16:8 @ The LORD has avenged upon you all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned; and the LORD has given the kingdom into the hand of your son Ab'salom. See, your ruin is on you; for you are a man of blood."

rsv@2Samuel:16:18 @ And Hushai said to Ab'salom, "No; for whom the LORD and this people and all the men of Israel have chosen, his I will be, and with him I will remain.

rsv@2Samuel:16:23 @ Now in those days the counsel which Ahith'ophel gave was as if one consulted the oracle of God; so was all the counsel of Ahith'ophel esteemed, both by David and by Ab'salom.

rsv@2Samuel:17:10 @ Then even the valiant man, whose heart is like the heart of a lion, will utterly melt with fear; for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man, and that those who are with him are valiant men.

rsv@2Samuel:19:6 @ because you love those who hate you and hate those who love you. For you have made it clear today that commanders and servants are nothing to you; for today I perceive that if Ab'salom were alive and all of us were dead today, then you would be pleased.

rsv@2Samuel:19:28 @ For all my father's house were but men doomed to death before my lord the king; but you set your servant among those who eat at your table. What further right have I, then, to cry to the king?"

rsv@2Samuel:20:1 @ Now there happened to be there a worthless fellow, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjaminite; and he blew the trumpet, and said, "We have no portion in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse; every man to his tents, O Israel!"

rsv@2Samuel:20:19 @ I am one of those who are peaceable and faithful in Israel; you seek to destroy a city which is a mother in Israel; why will you swallow up the heritage of the LORD?"

rsv@2Samuel:21:13 @ and he brought up from there the bones of Saul and the bones of his son Jonathan; and they gathered the bones of those who were hanged.

rsv@2Samuel:21:16 @ And Ish'bi-be'nob, one of the descendants of the giants, whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of bronze, and who was girded with a new sword, thought to kill David.

rsv@2Samuel:21:19 @ And there was again war with the Philistines at Gob; and Elha'nan the son of Ja'areor'egim, the Bethlehemite, slew Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

rsv@2Samuel:22:18 @ He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me; for they were too mighty for me.

rsv@2Samuel:22:31 @ This God--his way is perfect; the promise of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

rsv@2Samuel:22:41 @ Thou didst make my enemies turn their backs to me, those who hated me, and I destroyed them.

rsv@1Kings:2:7 @ But deal loyally with the sons of Barzil'lai the Gileadite, and let them be among those who eat at your table; for with such loyalty they met me when I fled from Ab'salom your brother.

rsv@1Kings:3:8 @ And thy servant is in the midst of thy people whom thou hast chosen, a great people, that cannot be numbered or counted for multitude.

rsv@1Kings:3:26 @ Then the woman whose son was alive said to the king, because her heart yearned for her son, "Oh, my lord, give her the living child, and by no means slay it." But the other said, "It shall be neither mine nor yours; divide it."

rsv@1Kings:4:27 @ And those officers supplied provisions for King Solomon, and for all who came to King Solomon's table, each one in his month; they let nothing be lacking.

rsv@1Kings:8:16 @ `Since the day that I brought my people Israel out of Egypt, I chose no city in all the tribes of Israel in which to build a house, that my name might be there; but I chose David to be over my people Israel.'

rsv@1Kings:8:39 @ then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and act, and render to each whose heart thou knowest, according to all his ways (for thou, thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men);

rsv@1Kings:8:44 @ "If thy people go out to battle against their enemy, by whatever way thou shalt send them, and they pray to the LORD toward the city which thou hast chosen and the house which I have built for thy name,

rsv@1Kings:8:48 @ if they repent with all their mind and with all their heart in the land of their enemies, who carried them captive, and pray to thee toward their land, which thou gavest to their fathers, the city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name;

rsv@1Kings:8:50 @ and forgive thy people who have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions which they have committed against thee; and grant them compassion in the sight of those who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them

rsv@1Kings:11:13 @ However I will not tear away all the kingdom; but I will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem which I have chosen."

rsv@1Kings:11:26 @ Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, an E'phraimite of Zer'edah, a servant of Solomon, whose mother's name was Zeru'ah, a widow, also lifted up his hand against the king.

rsv@1Kings:11:32 @ (but he shall have one tribe, for the sake of my servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel),

rsv@1Kings:11:34 @ Nevertheless I will not take the whole kingdom out of his hand; but I will make him ruler all the days of his life, for the sake of David my servant whom I chose, who kept my commandments and my statutes;

rsv@1Kings:11:36 @ Yet to his son I will give one tribe, that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen to put my name.

rsv@1Kings:12:21 @ When Rehobo'am came to Jerusalem, he assembled all the house of Judah, and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen warriors, to fight against the house of Israel, to restore the kingdom to Rehobo'am the son of Solomon.

rsv@1Kings:14:21 @ Now Rehobo'am the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehobo'am was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. His mother's name was Na'amah the Ammonitess.

rsv@1Kings:21:27 @ And when Ahab heard those words, he rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about dejectedly.

rsv@2Kings:6:16 @ He said, "Fear not, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

rsv@2Kings:6:22 @ He answered, "You shall not slay them. Would you slay those whom you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow? Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink and go to their master."

rsv@2Kings:7:2 @ Then the captain on whose hand the king leaned said to the man of God, "If the LORD himself should make windows in heaven, could this thing be?" But he said, "You shall see it with your own eyes, but you shall not eat of it."

rsv@2Kings:7:13 @ And one of his servants said, "Let some men take five of the remaining horses, seeing that those who are left here will fare like the whole multitude of Israel that have already perished; let us send and see."

rsv@2Kings:7:17 @ Now the king had appointed the captain on whose hand he leaned to have charge of the gate; and the people trod upon him in the gate, so that he died, as the man of God had said when the king came down to him.

rsv@2Kings:8:1 @ Now Eli'sha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, "Arise, and depart with your household, and sojourn wherever you can; for the LORD has called for a famine, and it will come upon the land for seven years."

rsv@2Kings:8:5 @ And while he was telling the king how Eli'sha had restored the dead to life, behold, the woman whose son he had restored to life appealed to the king for her house and her land. And Geha'zi said, "My lord, O king, here is the woman, and here is her son whom Eli'sha restored to life."

rsv@2Kings:10:24 @ Then he went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu had stationed eighty men outside, and said, "The man who allows any of those whom I give into your hands to escape shall forfeit his life."

rsv@2Kings:10:32 @ In those days the LORD began to cut off parts of Israel. Haz'ael defeated them throughout the territory of Israel:

rsv@2Kings:11:5 @ And he commanded them, "This is the thing that you shall do: one third of you, those who come off duty on the sabbath and guard the king's house

rsv@2Kings:11:9 @ The captains did according to all that Jehoi'ada the priest commanded, and each brought his men who were to go off duty on the sabbath, with those who were to come on duty on the sabbath, and came to Jehoi'ada the priest.

rsv@2Kings:12:15 @ And they did not ask an accounting from the men into whose hand they delivered the money to pay out to the workmen, for they dealt honestly.

rsv@2Kings:15:37 @ In those days the LORD began to send Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remali'ah against Judah.

rsv@2Kings:18:4 @ He removed the high places, and broke the pillars, and cut down the Ashe'rah. And he broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the people of Israel had burned incense to it; it was called Nehush'tan.

rsv@2Kings:18:5 @ He trusted in the LORD the God of Israel; so that there was none like him among all the kings of Judah after him, nor among those who were before him.

rsv@2Kings:18:22 @ But if you say to me, "We rely on the LORD our God," is it not he whose high places and altars Hezeki'ah has removed, saying to Judah and to Jerusalem, "You shall worship before this altar in Jerusalem"?

rsv@2Kings:20:1 @ In those days Hezeki'ah became sick and was at the point of death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came to him, and said to him, "Thus says the LORD, `Set your house in order; for you shall die, you shall not recover.'"

rsv@2Kings:21:7 @ And the graven image of Ashe'rah that he had made he set in the house of which the LORD said to David and to Solomon his son, "In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my name for ever;

rsv@2Kings:21:24 @ But the people of the land slew all those who had conspired against King Amon, and the people of the land made Josi'ah his son king in his stead.

rsv@2Kings:23:5 @ And he deposed the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places at the cities of Judah and round about Jerusalem; those also who burned incense to Ba'al, to the sun, and the moon, and the constellations, and all the host of the heavens.

rsv@2Kings:23:27 @ And the LORD said, "I will remove Judah also out of my sight, as I have removed Israel, and I will cast off this city which I have chosen, Jerusalem, and the house of which I said, My name shall be there."

rsv@1Chronicles:1:43 @ These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before any king reigned over the Israelites: Bela the son of Be'or, the name of whose city was Din'habah.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:26 @ Jerah'meel also had another wife, whose name was At'arah; she was the mother of Onam.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:34 @ Now Sheshan had no sons, only daughters; but Sheshan had an Egyptian slave, whose name was Jarha.

rsv@1Chronicles:3:2 @ the third Ab'salom, whose mother was Ma'acah, the daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur; the fourth Adoni'jah, whose mother was Haggith;

rsv@1Chronicles:9:22 @ All these, who were chosen as gatekeepers at the thresholds, were two hundred and twelve. They were enrolled by genealogies in their villages. David and Samuel the seer established them in their office of trust.

rsv@1Chronicles:12:8 @ From the Gadites there went over to David at the stronghold in the wilderness mighty and experienced warriors, expert with shield and spear, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and who were swift as gazelles upon the mountains:

rsv@1Chronicles:12:15 @ These are the men who crossed the Jordan in the first month, when it was overflowing all its banks, and put to flight all those in the valleys, to the east and to the west.

rsv@1Chronicles:15:2 @ Then David said, "No one but the Levites may carry the ark of God, for the LORD chose them to carry the ark of the LORD and to minister to him for ever."

rsv@1Chronicles:16:10 @ Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!

rsv@1Chronicles:16:13 @ O offspring of Abraham his servant, sons of Jacob, his chosen ones!

rsv@1Chronicles:16:41 @ With them were Heman and Jedu'thun, and the rest of those chosen and expressly named to give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures for ever.

rsv@1Chronicles:19:10 @ When Jo'ab saw that the battle was set against him both in front and in the rear, he chose some of the picked men of Israel, and arrayed them against the Syrians;

rsv@1Chronicles:20:5 @ And there was again war with the Philistines; and Elha'nan the son of Ja'ir slew Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.

rsv@1Chronicles:24:6 @ And the scribe Shemai'ah the son of Nethan'el, a Levite, recorded them in the presence of the king, and the princes, and Zadok the priest, and Ahim'elech the son of Abi'athar, and the heads of the fathers' houses of the priests and of the Levites; one father's house being chosen for Elea'zar and one chosen for Ith'amar.

rsv@1Chronicles:25:1 @ David and the chiefs of the service also set apart for the service certain of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jedu'thun, who should prophesy with lyres, with harps, and with cymbals. The list of those who did the work and of their duties was:

rsv@1Chronicles:26:7 @ The sons of Shemai'ah: Othni, Reph'a-el, Obed, and Elza'bad, whose brethren were able men, Eli'hu and Semachi'ah.

rsv@1Chronicles:27:23 @ David did not number those below twenty years of age, for the LORD had promised to make Israel as many as the stars of heaven.

rsv@1Chronicles:27:26 @ and over those who did the work of the field for tilling the soil was Ezri the son of Chelub;

rsv@1Chronicles:28:4 @ Yet the LORD God of Israel chose me from all my father's house to be king over Israel for ever; for he chose Judah as leader, and in the house of Judah my father's house, and among my father's sons he took pleasure in me to make me king over all Israel.

rsv@1Chronicles:28:5 @ And of all my sons (for the LORD has given me many sons) he has chosen Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the LORD over Israel.

rsv@1Chronicles:28:6 @ He said to me, `It is Solomon your son who shall build my house and my courts, for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father.

rsv@1Chronicles:28:10 @ Take heed now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong, and do it."

rsv@1Chronicles:29:1 @ And David the king said to all the assembly, "Solomon my son, whom alone God has chosen, is young and inexperienced, and the work is great; for the palace will not be for man but for the LORD God.

rsv@2Chronicles:1:11 @ God answered Solomon, "Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked possessions, wealth, honor, or the life of those who hate you, and have not even asked long life, but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may rule my people over whom I have made you king,

rsv@2Chronicles:6:5 @ `Since the day that I brought my people out of the land of Egypt, I chose no city in all the tribes of Israel in which to build a house, that my name might be there, and I chose no man as prince over my people Israel;

rsv@2Chronicles:6:6 @ but I have chosen Jerusalem that my name may be there and I have chosen David to be over my people Israel.'

rsv@2Chronicles:6:30 @ then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and render to each whose heart thou knowest, according to all his ways (for thou, thou only, knowest the hearts of the children of men);

rsv@2Chronicles:6:34 @ "If thy people go out to battle against their enemies, by whatever way thou shalt send them, and they pray to thee toward this city which thou hast chosen and the house which I have built for thy name,

rsv@2Chronicles:6:38 @ if they repent with all their mind and with all their heart in the land of their captivity, to which they were carried captive, and pray toward their land, which thou gavest to their fathers, the city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name,

rsv@2Chronicles:7:12 @ Then the LORD appeared to Solomon in the night and said to him: "I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice.

rsv@2Chronicles:7:16 @ For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there for ever; my eyes and my heart will be there for all time.

rsv@2Chronicles:9:9 @ Then she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and a very great quantity of spices, and precious stones: there were no spices such as those which the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:1 @ When Rehobo'am came to Jerusalem, he assembled the house of Judah, and Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen warriors, to fight against Israel, to restore the kingdom to Rehobo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:16 @ And those who had set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came after them from all the tribes of Israel to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the LORD, the God of their fathers.

rsv@2Chronicles:12:13 @ So King Rehobo'am established himself in Jerusalem and reigned. Rehobo'am was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel to put his name there. His mother's name was Na'amah the Ammonitess.

rsv@2Chronicles:14:6 @ He built fortified cities in Judah, for the land had rest. He had no war in those years, for the LORD gave him peace.

rsv@2Chronicles:14:15 @ And they smote the tents of those who had cattle, and carried away sheep in abundance and camels. Then they returned to Jerusalem.

rsv@2Chronicles:15:5 @ In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for great disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands.

rsv@2Chronicles:15:9 @ And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and those from E'phraim, Manas'seh, and Simeon who were sojourning with them, for great numbers had deserted to him from Israel when they saw that the LORD his God was with him.

rsv@2Chronicles:16:9 @ For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show his might in behalf of those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this; for from now on you will have wars."

rsv@2Chronicles:17:19 @ These were in the service of the king, besides those whom the king had placed in the fortified cities throughout all Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:19:2 @ But Jehu the son of Hana'ni the seer went out to meet him, and said to King Jehosh'aphat, "Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the LORD.

rsv@2Chronicles:20:21 @ And when he had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy array, as they went before the army, and say, "Give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures for ever."

rsv@2Chronicles:23:8 @ The Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoi'ada the priest commanded. They each brought his men, who were to go off duty on the sabbath, with those who were to come on duty on the sabbath; for Jehoi'ada the priest did not dismiss the divisions.

rsv@2Chronicles:24:12 @ And the king and Jehoi'ada gave it to those who had charge of the work of the house of the LORD, and they hired masons and carpenters to restore the house of the LORD, and also workers in iron and bronze to repair the house of the LORD.

rsv@2Chronicles:24:13 @ So those who were engaged in the work labored, and the repairing went forward in their hands, and they restored the house of God to its proper condition and strengthened it.

rsv@2Chronicles:24:26 @ Those who conspired against him were Zabad the son of Shim'e-ath the Ammonitess, and Jeho'zabad the son of Shimrith the Moabitess.

rsv@2Chronicles:25:5 @ Then Amazi'ah assembled the men of Judah, and set them by fathers' houses under commanders of thousands and of hundreds for all Judah and Benjamin. He mustered those twenty years old and upward, and found that they were three hundred thousand picked men, fit for war, able to handle spear and shield.

rsv@2Chronicles:28:9 @ But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name was Oded; and he went out to meet the army that came to Sama'ria, and said to them, "Behold, because the LORD, the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah, he gave them into your hand, but you have slain them in a rage which has reached up to heaven.

rsv@2Chronicles:28:12 @ Certain chiefs also of the men of E'phraim, Azari'ah the son of Joha'nan, Berechi'ah the son of Meshil'lemoth, Jehizki'ah the son of Shallum, and Ama'sa the son of Hadlai, stood up against those who were coming from the war,

rsv@2Chronicles:29:11 @ My sons, do not now be negligent, for the LORD has chosen you to stand in his presence, to minister to him, and to be his ministers and burn incense to him."

rsv@2Chronicles:31:16 @ except those enrolled by genealogy, males from three years old and upwards, all who entered the house of the LORD as the duty of each day required, for their service according to their offices, by their divisions.

rsv@2Chronicles:32:13 @ Do you not know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of other lands? Were the gods of the nations of those lands at all able to deliver their lands out of my hand?

rsv@2Chronicles:32:14 @ Who among all the gods of those nations which my fathers utterly destroyed was able to deliver his people from my hand, that your God should be able to deliver you from my hand?

rsv@2Chronicles:32:24 @ In those days Hezeki'ah became sick and was at the point of death, and he prayed to the LORD; and he answered him and gave him a sign.

rsv@2Chronicles:33:7 @ And the image of the idol which he had made he set in the house of God, of which God said to David and to Solomon his son, "In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my name for ever;

rsv@2Chronicles:33:25 @ But the people of the land slew all those who had conspired against King Amon; and the people of the land made Josi'ah his son king in his stead.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:4 @ And they broke down the altars of the Ba'als in his presence; and he hewed down the incense altars which stood above them; and he broke in pieces the Ashe'rim and the graven and the molten images, and he made dust of them and strewed it over the graves of those who had sacrificed to them.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:21 @ "Go, inquire of the LORD for me and for those who are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that has been found; for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out on us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do according to all that is written in this book."

rsv@2Chronicles:34:22 @ So Hilki'ah and those whom the king had sent went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tokhath, son of Hasrah, keeper of the wardrobe (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second Quarter) and spoke to her to that effect.

rsv@2Chronicles:36:20 @ He took into exile in Babylon those who had escaped from the sword, and they became servants to him and to his sons until the establishment of the kingdom of Persia,

rsv@Ezra:1:5 @ Then rose up the heads of the fathers' houses of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and the Levites, every one whose spirit God had stirred to go up to rebuild the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem;

rsv@Ezra:2:1 @ Now these were the people of the province who came up out of the captivity of those exiles whom Nebuchadnez'zar the king of Babylon had carried captive to Babylonia; they returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his own town.

rsv@Ezra:2:59 @ The following were those who came up from Tel-me'lah, Tel-har'sha, Cherub, Addan, and Immer, though they could not prove their fathers' houses or their descent, whether they belonged to Israel:

rsv@Ezra:2:62 @ These sought their registration among those enrolled in the genealogies, but they were not found there, and so they were excluded from the priesthood as unclean;

rsv@Ezra:5:9 @ Then we asked those elders and spoke to them thus, `Who gave you a decree to build this house and to finish this structure?'

rsv@Ezra:5:14 @ And the gold and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnez'zar had taken out of the temple that was in Jerusalem and brought into the temple of Babylon, these Cyrus the king took out of the temple of Babylon, and they were delivered to one whose name was Shesh-baz'zar, whom he had made governor;

rsv@Ezra:7:15 @ and also to convey the silver and gold which the king and his counselors have freely offered to the God of Israel, whose dwelling is in Jerusalem,

rsv@Ezra:7:25 @ "And you, Ezra, according to the wisdom of your God which is in your hand, appoint magistrates and judges who may judge all the people in the province Beyond the River, all such as know the laws of your God; and those who do not know them, you shall teach.

rsv@Ezra:8:1 @ These are the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of those who went up with me from Babylonia, in the reign of Ar-ta-xerx'es the king:

rsv@Ezra:8:13 @ Of the sons of Adoni'kam, those who came later, their names being Eliph'elet, Jeu'el, and Shemai'ah, and with them sixty men.

rsv@Ezra:8:35 @ At that time those who had come from captivity, the returned exiles, offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel, twelve bulls for all Israel, ninety-six rams, seventy-seven lambs, and as a sin offering twelve he-goats; all this was a burnt offering to the LORD.

rsv@Ezra:10:3 @ Therefore let us make a covenant with our God to put away all these wives and their children, according to the counsel of my lord and of those who tremble at the commandment of our God; and let it be done according to the law.

rsv@Nehemiah:1:5 @ And I said, "O LORD God of heaven, the great and terrible God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments;

rsv@Nehemiah:1:9 @ but if you return to me and keep my commandments and do them, though your dispersed be under the farthest skies, I will gather them thence and bring them to the place which I have chosen, to make my name dwell there.'

rsv@Nehemiah:4:17 @ who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were laden in such a way that each with one hand labored on the work and with the other held his weapon.

rsv@Nehemiah:5:2 @ For there were those who said, "With our sons and our daughters, we are many; let us get grain, that we may eat and keep alive."

rsv@Nehemiah:5:3 @ There were also those who said, "We are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards, and our houses to get grain because of the famine."

rsv@Nehemiah:5:4 @ And there were those who said, "We have borrowed money for the king's tax upon our fields and our vineyards.

rsv@Nehemiah:5:17 @ Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty men, Jews and officials, besides those who came to us from the nations which were about us.

rsv@Nehemiah:6:17 @ Moreover in those days the nobles of Judah sent many letters to Tobi'ah, and Tobi'ah's letters came to them.

rsv@Nehemiah:7:5 @ Then God put it into my mind to assemble the nobles and the officials and the people to be enrolled by genealogy. And I found the book of the genealogy of those who came up at the first, and I found written in it:

rsv@Nehemiah:7:6 @ These were the people of the province who came up out of the captivity of those exiles whom Nebuchadnez'zar the king of Babylon had carried into exile; they returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his town.

rsv@Nehemiah:7:61 @ The following were those who came up from Tel-me'lah, Tel-har'sha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer, but they could not prove their fathers' houses nor their descent, whether they belonged to Israel:

rsv@Nehemiah:7:64 @ These sought their registration among those enrolled in the genealogies, but it was not found there, so they were excluded from the priesthood as unclean;

rsv@Nehemiah:8:3 @ And he read from it facing the square before the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women and those who could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:17 @ And all the assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and dwelt in the booths; for from the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day the people of Israel had not done so. And there was very great rejoicing.

rsv@Nehemiah:10:1 @ Those who set their seal are Nehemi'ah the governor, the son of Hacali'ah, Zedeki'ah,

rsv@Nehemiah:12:38 @ The other company of those who gave thanks went to the left, and I followed them with half of the people, upon the wall, above the Tower of the Ovens, to the Broad Wall,

rsv@Nehemiah:12:40 @ So both companies of those who gave thanks stood in the house of God, and I and half of the officials with me;

rsv@Nehemiah:13:3 @ When the people heard the law, they separated from Israel all those of foreign descent.

rsv@Nehemiah:13:15 @ In those days I saw in Judah men treading wine presses on the sabbath, and bringing in heaps of grain and loading them on asses; and also wine, grapes, figs, and all kinds of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the sabbath day; and I warned them on the day when they sold food.

rsv@Nehemiah:13:23 @ In those days also I saw the Jews who had married women of Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab;

rsv@Esther:1:2 @ in those days when King Ahasu-e'rus sat on his royal throne in Susa the capital,

rsv@Esther:2:5 @ Now there was a Jew in Susa the capital whose name was Mor'decai, the son of Ja'ir, son of Shim'e-i, son of Kish, a Benjaminite,

rsv@Esther:2:9 @ And the maiden pleased him and won his favor; and he quickly provided her with her ointments and her portion of food, and with seven chosen maids from the king's palace, and advanced her and her maids to the best place in the harem.

rsv@Esther:2:21 @ And in those days, as Mor'decai was sitting at the king's gate, Bigthan and Teresh, two of the king's eunuchs, who guarded the threshold, became angry and sought to lay hands on King Ahasu-e'rus.

rsv@Esther:3:8 @ Then Haman said to King Ahasu-e'rus, "There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from those of every other people, and they do not keep the king's laws, so that it is not for the king's profit to tolerate them.

rsv@Esther:3:9 @ If it please the king, let it be decreed that they be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who have charge of the king's business, that they may put it into the king's treasuries."

rsv@Esther:6:8 @ let royal robes be brought, which the king has worn, and the horse which the king has ridden, and on whose head a royal crown is set;

rsv@Esther:7:9 @ Then said Harbo'na, one of the eunuchs in attendance on the king, "Moreover, the gallows which Haman has prepared for Mor'decai, whose word saved the king, is standing in Haman's house, fifty cubits high."

rsv@Esther:9:5 @ So the Jews smote all their enemies with the sword, slaughtering, and destroying them, and did as they pleased to those who hated them.

rsv@Esther:9:11 @ That very day the number of those slain in Susa the capital was reported to the king.

rsv@Esther:9:16 @ Now the other Jews who were in the king's provinces also gathered to defend their lives, and got relief from their enemies, and slew seventy-five thousand of those who hated them; but they laid no hands on the plunder.

rsv@Job:1:1 @ There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God, and turned away from evil.

rsv@Job:3:8 @ Let those curse it who curse the day, who are skilled to rouse up Levi'athan.

rsv@Job:3:23 @ Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, whom God has hedged in?

rsv@Job:4:8 @ As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.

rsv@Job:4:19 @ how much more those who dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, who are crushed before the moth.

rsv@Job:5:11 @ he sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.

rsv@Job:8:22 @ Those who hate you will be clothed with shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more."

rsv@Job:12:5 @ In the thought of one who is at ease there is contempt for misfortune; it is ready for those whose feet slip.

rsv@Job:12:6 @ The tents of robbers are at peace, and those who provoke God are secure, who bring their god in their hand.

rsv@Job:12:20 @ He deprives of speech those who are trusted, and takes away the discernment of the elders.

rsv@Job:19:19 @ All my intimate friends abhor me, and those whom I loved have turned against me.

rsv@Job:20:7 @ he will perish for ever like his own dung; those who have seen him will say, `ose who have seen him will say, "Where is he?'

rsv@Job:21:22 @ Will any teach God knowledge, seeing that he judges those that are on high?

rsv@Job:21:29 @ Have you not asked those who travel the roads, and do you not accept their testimony

rsv@Job:21:33 @ The clods of the valley are sweet to him; all men follow after him, and those who go before him are innumerable.

rsv@Job:24:1 @ "Why are not times of judgment kept by the Almighty, and why do those who know him never see his days?

rsv@Job:24:9 @ (There are those who snatch the fatherless child from the breast, and take in pledge the infant of the poor.)

rsv@Job:24:13 @ "There are those who rebel against the light, who are not acquainted with its ways, and do not stay in its paths.

rsv@Job:24:19 @ Drought and heat snatch away the snow waters; so does Sheol those who have sinned.

rsv@Job:26:4 @ With whose help have you uttered words, and whose spirit has come forth from you?

rsv@Job:27:15 @ Those who survive him the pestilence buries, and their widows make no lamentation.

rsv@Job:29:25 @ I chose their way, and sat as chief, and I dwelt like a king among his troops, like one who comforts mourners.

rsv@Job:30:1 @ "But now they make sport of me, men who are younger than I, whose fathers I would have disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.

rsv@Job:30:2 @ What could I gain from the strength of their hands, men whose vigor is gone?

rsv@Job:30:25 @ Did not I weep for him whose day was hard? Was not my soul grieved for the poor?

rsv@Job:30:31 @ My lyre is turned to mourning, and my pipe to the voice of those who weep.

rsv@Job:33:22 @ His soul draws near the Pit, and his life to those who bring death.

rsv@Job:36:21 @ Take heed, do not turn to iniquity, for this you have chosen rather than affliction.

rsv@Job:37:17 @ you whose garments are hot when the earth is still because of the south wind?

rsv@Job:38:29 @ From whose womb did the ice come forth, and who has given birth to the hoarfrost of heaven?

rsv@Psalms:5:7 @ Thou destroyest those who speak lies; the LORD abhors bloodthirsty and deceitful men.

rsv@Psalms:5:12 @ But let all who take refuge in thee rejoice, let them ever sing for joy; and do thou defend them, that those who love thy name may exult in thee. [ (Psalms strkjv@5:13) For thou dost bless the righteous, O LORD; thou dost cover him with favor as with a shield. ]

rsv@Psalms:8:2 @ O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the earth! Thou whose glory above the heavens is chanted

rsv@Psalms:9:11 @ And those who know thy name put their trust in thee, for thou, O LORD, hast not forsaken those who seek thee.

rsv@Psalms:9:14 @ Be gracious to me, O LORD! Behold what I suffer from those who hate me, O thou who liftest me up from the gates of death,

rsv@Psalms:12:5 @ those who say, "With our tongue we will prevail, our lips are with us; who is our master?"

rsv@Psalms:15:5 @ in whose eyes a reprobate is despised, but who honors those who fear the LORD; who swears to his own hurt and does not change; [ (Psalms strkjv@15:6) who does not put out his money at interest, and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved. ]

rsv@Psalms:16:5 @ Those who choose another god multiply their sorrows; their libations of blood I will not pour out or take their names upon my lips.

rsv@Psalms:16:6 @ The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; thou holdest my lot.

rsv@Psalms:17:8 @ Wondrously show thy steadfast love, O savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at thy right hand.

rsv@Psalms:17:15 @ from men by thy hand, O LORD, from men whose portion in life is of the world. May their belly be filled with what thou hast stored up for them; may their children have more than enough; may they leave something over to their babes. [ (Psalms strkjv@17:16) As for me, I shall behold thy face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with beholding thy form. ]

rsv@Psalms:18:18 @ He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from those who hated me; for they were too mighty for me.

rsv@Psalms:18:31 @ This God--his way is perfect; the promise of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

rsv@Psalms:18:41 @ Thou didst make my enemies turn their backs to me, and those who hated me I destroyed.

rsv@Psalms:21:9 @ Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you.

rsv@Psalms:22:26 @ From thee comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will pay before those who fear him.

rsv@Psalms:22:27 @ The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the LORD! May your hearts live for ever!

rsv@Psalms:24:2 @ The earth is the LORD's and the fulness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein;

rsv@Psalms:24:7 @ Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:25:11 @ All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:25:15 @ The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.

rsv@Psalms:26:11 @ men in whose hands are evil devices, and whose right hands are full of bribes.

rsv@Psalms:28:2 @ To thee, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the Pit.

rsv@Psalms:28:4 @ Take me not off with the wicked, with those who are workers of evil, who speak peace with their neighbors, while mischief is in their hearts.

rsv@Psalms:30:4 @ O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from Sheol, restored me to life from among those gone down to the Pit.

rsv@Psalms:31:7 @ Thou hatest those who pay regard to vain idols; but I trust in the LORD.

rsv@Psalms:31:12 @ I am the scorn of all my adversaries, a horror to my neighbors, an object of dread to my acquaintances; those who see me in the street flee from me.

rsv@Psalms:31:20 @ O how abundant is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for those who fear thee, and wrought for those who take refuge in thee, in the sight of the sons of men!

rsv@Psalms:32:2 @ Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

rsv@Psalms:32:3 @ Blessed is the man to whom the LORD imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

rsv@Psalms:33:12 @ Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!

rsv@Psalms:33:18 @ Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love,

rsv@Psalms:34:8 @ The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.

rsv@Psalms:34:10 @ O fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no want!

rsv@Psalms:34:11 @ The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

rsv@Psalms:34:22 @ Evil shall slay the wicked; and those who hate the righteous will be condemned. [ (Psalms strkjv@34:23) The LORD redeems the life of his servants; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned. ]

rsv@Psalms:35:2 @ Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me!

rsv@Psalms:35:20 @ Let not those rejoice over me who are wrongfully my foes, and let not those wink the eye who hate me without cause.

rsv@Psalms:35:21 @ For they do not speak peace, but against those who are quiet in the land they conceive words of deceit.

rsv@Psalms:35:28 @ Let those who desire my vindication shout for joy and be glad, and say evermore, "Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!" [ (Psalms strkjv@35:29) Then my tongue shall tell of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long. ]

rsv@Psalms:36:11 @ O continue thy steadfast love to those who know thee, and thy salvation to the upright of heart!

rsv@Psalms:37:10 @ For the wicked shall be cut off; but those who wait for the LORD shall possess the land.

rsv@Psalms:37:15 @ The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows, to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those who walk uprightly;

rsv@Psalms:37:23 @ for those blessed by the LORD shall possess the land, but those cursed by him shall be cut off.

rsv@Psalms:37:24 @ The steps of a man are from the LORD, and he establishes him in whose way he delights;

rsv@Psalms:38:13 @ Those who seek my life lay their snares, those who seek my hurt speak of ruin, and meditate treachery all the day long.

rsv@Psalms:38:15 @ Yea, I am like a man who does not hear, and in whose mouth are no rebukes.

rsv@Psalms:38:20 @ Those who are my foes without cause are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully.

rsv@Psalms:38:21 @ Those who render me evil for good are my adversaries because I follow after good.

rsv@Psalms:40:5 @ Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after false gods!

rsv@Psalms:40:17 @ But may all who seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee; may those who love thy salvation say continually, "Great is the LORD!" [ (Psalms strkjv@40:18) As for me, I am poor and needy; but the Lord takes thought for me. Thou art my help and my deliverer; do not tarry, O my God! ]

rsv@Psalms:44:8 @ But thou hast saved us from our foes, and hast put to confusion those who hate us.

rsv@Psalms:44:14 @ Thou hast made us the taunt of our neighbors, the derision and scorn of those about us.

rsv@Psalms:46:5 @ There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High.

rsv@Psalms:47:5 @ He chose our heritage for us, the pride of Jacob whom he loves. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:49:14 @ This is the fate of those who have foolish confidence, the end of those who are pleased with their portion. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:53:5 @ Have those who work evil no understanding, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call upon God?

rsv@Psalms:56:5 @ In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust without a fear. What can flesh do to me?

rsv@Psalms:56:11 @ In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise,

rsv@Psalms:57:4 @ He will send from heaven and save me, he will put to shame those who trample upon me. [Selah] God will send forth his steadfast love and his faithfulness!

rsv@Psalms:59:2 @ Deliver me from my enemies, O my God, protect me from those who rise up against me,

rsv@Psalms:59:3 @ deliver me from those who work evil, and save me from bloodthirsty men.

rsv@Psalms:59:6 @ Thou, LORD God of hosts, art God of Israel. Awake to punish all the nations; spare none of those who treacherously plot evil. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:60:5 @ Thou hast set up a banner for those who fear thee, to rally to it from the bow. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:61:6 @ For thou, O God, hast heard my vows, thou hast given me the heritage of those who fear thy name.

rsv@Psalms:63:10 @ But those who seek to destroy my life shall go down into the depths of the earth;

rsv@Psalms:65:9 @ so that those who dwell at earth's farthest bounds are afraid at thy signs; thou makest the outgoings of the morning and the evening to shout for joy.

rsv@Psalms:66:8 @ who rules by his might for ever, whose eyes keep watch on the nations-- let not the rebellious exalt themselves. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:68:2 @ Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him!

rsv@Psalms:68:12 @ The Lord gives the command; great is the host of those who bore the tidings:

rsv@Psalms:68:31 @ Rebuke the beasts that dwell among the reeds, the herd of bulls with the calves of the peoples. Trample under foot those who lust after tribute; scatter the peoples who delight in war.

rsv@Psalms:68:35 @ Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is over Israel, and his power is in the skies. [ (Psalms strkjv@68:36) Terrible is God in his sanctuary, the God of Israel, he gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God! ]

rsv@Psalms:69:5 @ More in number than the hairs of my head are those who hate me without cause; mighty are those who would destroy me, those who attack me with lies. What I did not steal must I now restore?

rsv@Psalms:69:7 @ Let not those who hope in thee be put to shame through me, O Lord GOD of hosts; let not those who seek thee be brought to dishonor through me, O God of Israel.

rsv@Psalms:69:10 @ For zeal for thy house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult thee have fallen on me.

rsv@Psalms:69:13 @ I am the talk of those who sit in the gate, and the drunkards make songs about me.

rsv@Psalms:69:36 @ For God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah; and his servants shall dwell there and possess it; [ (Psalms strkjv@69:37) the children of his servants shall inherit it, and those who love his name shall dwell in it. ]

rsv@Psalms:70:5 @ May all who seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee! May those who love thy salvation say evermore, "God is great!" [ (Psalms strkjv@70:6) But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God! Thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not tarry! ]

rsv@Psalms:71:10 @ For my enemies speak concerning me, those who watch for my life consult together,

rsv@Psalms:73:2 @ Truly God is good to the upright, to those who are pure in heart.

rsv@Psalms:73:28 @ For lo, those who are far from thee shall perish; thou dost put an end to those who are false to thee. [ (Psalms strkjv@73:29) But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all thy works. ]

rsv@Psalms:78:9 @ and that they should not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation whose heart was not steadfast, whose spirit was not faithful to God.

rsv@Psalms:78:69 @ but he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loves.

rsv@Psalms:78:71 @ He chose David his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds;

rsv@Psalms:79:5 @ We have become a taunt to our neighbors, mocked and derided by those round about us.

rsv@Psalms:79:12 @ Let the groans of the prisoners come before thee; according to thy great power preserve those doomed to die!

rsv@Psalms:81:16 @ Those who hate the LORD would cringe toward him, and their fate would last for ever. [ (Psalms strkjv@81:17) I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." ]

rsv@Psalms:83:3 @ For lo, thy enemies are in tumult; those who hate thee have raised their heads.

rsv@Psalms:83:18 @ Let them be put to shame and dismayed for ever; let them perish in disgrace. [ (Psalms strkjv@83:19) Let them know that thou alone, whose name is the LORD, art the Most High over all the earth. ]

rsv@Psalms:84:5 @ Blessed are those who dwell in thy house, ever singing thy praise! [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:84:6 @ Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.

rsv@Psalms:84:12 @ For the LORD God is a sun and shield; he bestows favor and honor. No good thing does the LORD withhold from those who walk uprightly. [ (Psalms strkjv@84:13) O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in thee! ]

rsv@Psalms:85:9 @ Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints, to those who turn to him in their hearts.

rsv@Psalms:85:10 @ Surely his salvation is at hand for those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.

rsv@Psalms:86:17 @ Turn to me and take pity on me; give thy strength to thy servant, and save the son of thy handmaid. [ (Psalms strkjv@86:18) Show me a sign of thy favor, that those who hate me may see and be put to shame because thou, LORD, hast helped me and comforted me. ]

rsv@Psalms:87:5 @ Among those who know me I mention Rahab and Babylon; behold, Philistia and Tyre, with Ethiopia-- "This one was born there," they say.

rsv@Psalms:88:5 @ I am reckoned among those who go down to the Pit; I am a man who has no strength,

rsv@Psalms:88:6 @ like one forsaken among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, like those whom thou dost remember no more, for they are cut off from thy hand.

rsv@Psalms:89:4 @ Thou hast said, "I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant:

rsv@Psalms:89:20 @ Of old thou didst speak in a vision to thy faithful one, and say: "I have set the crown upon one who is mighty, I have exalted one chosen from the people.

rsv@Psalms:89:24 @ I will crush his foes before him and strike down those who hate him.

rsv@Psalms:97:10 @ The LORD loves those who hate evil; he preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

rsv@Psalms:98:8 @ Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; the world and those who dwell in it!

rsv@Psalms:99:6 @ Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel also was among those who called on his name. They cried to the LORD, and he answered them.

rsv@Psalms:101:4 @ I will not set before my eyes anything that is base. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cleave to me.

rsv@Psalms:102:9 @ All the day my enemies taunt me, those who deride me use my name for a curse.

rsv@Psalms:102:21 @ to hear the groans of the prisoners, to set free those who were doomed to die;

rsv@Psalms:102:25 @ "O my God," I say, "take me not hence in the midst of my days, thou whose years endure throughout all generations!"

rsv@Psalms:103:12 @ For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;

rsv@Psalms:103:14 @ As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear him.

rsv@Psalms:103:18 @ But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children,

rsv@Psalms:103:19 @ to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.

rsv@Psalms:105:3 @ Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!

rsv@Psalms:105:6 @ O offspring of Abraham his servant, sons of Jacob, his chosen ones!

rsv@Psalms:105:26 @ He sent Moses his servant, and Aaron whom he had chosen.

rsv@Psalms:105:43 @ So he led forth his people with joy, his chosen ones with singing.

rsv@Psalms:106:5 @ that I may see the prosperity of thy chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thy heritage.

rsv@Psalms:106:23 @ Therefore he said he would destroy them-- had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him, to turn away his wrath from destroying them.

rsv@Psalms:106:41 @ he gave them into the hand of the nations, so that those who hated them ruled over them.

rsv@Psalms:106:46 @ He caused them to be pitied by all those who held them captive.

rsv@Psalms:109:21 @ May this be the reward of my accusers from the LORD, of those who speak evil against my life!

rsv@Psalms:109:31 @ With my mouth I will give great thanks to the LORD; I will praise him in the midst of the throng. [ (Psalms strkjv@109:32) For he stands at the right hand of the needy, to save him from those who condemn him to death. ]

rsv@Psalms:111:5 @ He provides food for those who fear him; he is ever mindful of his covenant.

rsv@Psalms:111:10 @ The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who practice it. His praise endures for ever!

rsv@Psalms:115:8 @ Those who make them are like them; so are all who trust in them.

rsv@Psalms:115:13 @ he will bless those who fear the LORD, both small and great.

rsv@Psalms:118:4 @ Let those who fear the LORD say, "His steadfast love endures for ever."

rsv@Psalms:118:7 @ The LORD is on my side to help me; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.

rsv@Psalms:119:1 @ Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD!

rsv@Psalms:119:2 @ Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart,

rsv@Psalms:119:30 @ I have chosen the way of faithfulness, I set thy ordinances before me.

rsv@Psalms:119:38 @ Confirm to thy servant thy promise, which is for those who fear thee.

rsv@Psalms:119:42 @ then shall I have an answer for those who taunt me, for I trust in thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:63 @ I am a companion of all who fear thee, of those who keep thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:74 @ Those who fear thee shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:79 @ Let those who fear thee turn to me, that they may know thy testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:119:84 @ How long must thy servant endure? When wilt thou judge those who persecute me?

rsv@Psalms:119:132 @ Turn to me and be gracious to me, as is thy wont toward those who love thy name.

rsv@Psalms:119:165 @ Great peace have those who love thy law; nothing can make them stumble.

rsv@Psalms:119:173 @ Let thy hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:120:7 @ Too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace. [ (Psalms strkjv@120:8) I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war! ]

rsv@Psalms:123:4 @ Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt. [ (Psalms strkjv@123:5) Too long our soul has been sated with the scorn of those who are at ease, the contempt of the proud. ]

rsv@Psalms:125:2 @ Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides for ever.

rsv@Psalms:125:5 @ Do good, O LORD, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts! [ (Psalms strkjv@125:6) But those who turn aside upon their crooked ways the LORD will lead away with evildoers! Peace be in Israel! ]

rsv@Psalms:126:2 @ When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.

rsv@Psalms:126:6 @ May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy! [ (Psalms strkjv@126:7) He that goes forth weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. ]

rsv@Psalms:127:2 @ Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

rsv@Psalms:129:8 @ with which the reaper does not fill his hand or the binder of sheaves his bosom, [ (Psalms strkjv@129:9) while those who pass by do not say, "The blessing of the LORD be upon you! We bless you in the name of the LORD!" ]

rsv@Psalms:132:14 @ For the LORD has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his habitation:

rsv@Psalms:135:4 @ For the LORD has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel as his own possession.

rsv@Psalms:135:18 @ Like them be those who make them!-- yea, every one who trusts in them!

rsv@Psalms:140:10 @ Those who surround me lift up their head, let the mischief of their lips overwhelm them!

rsv@Psalms:141:7 @ When they are given over to those who shall condemn them, then they shall learn that the word of the LORD is true.

rsv@Psalms:143:4 @ For the enemy has pursued me; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made me sit in darkness like those long dead.

rsv@Psalms:143:8 @ Make haste to answer me, O LORD! My spirit fails! Hide not thy face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the Pit.

rsv@Psalms:144:9 @ whose mouths speak lies, and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

rsv@Psalms:144:12 @ Rescue me from the cruel sword, and deliver me from the hand of aliens, whose mouths speak lies, and whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

rsv@Psalms:144:15 @ may our cattle be heavy with young, suffering no mischance or failure in bearing; may there be no cry of distress in our streets! [ (Psalms strkjv@144:16) Happy the people to whom such blessings fall! Happy the people whose God is the LORD! ]

rsv@Psalms:146:5 @ Happy is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,

rsv@Psalms:146:8 @ the LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous.

rsv@Psalms:147:11 @ but the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.

rsv@Proverbs:1:12 @ like Sheol let us swallow them alive and whole, like those who go down to the Pit;

rsv@Proverbs:2:7 @ he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity,

rsv@Proverbs:2:15 @ men whose paths are crooked, and who are devious in their ways.

rsv@Proverbs:3:18 @ She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called happy.

rsv@Proverbs:3:27 @ Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.

rsv@Proverbs:8:9 @ They are all straight to him who understands and right to those who find knowledge.

rsv@Proverbs:8:17 @ I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.

rsv@Proverbs:8:21 @ endowing with wealth those who love me, and filling their treasuries.

rsv@Proverbs:8:32 @ And now, my sons, listen to me: happy are those who keep my ways.

rsv@Proverbs:9:15 @ calling to those who pass by, who are going straight on their way,

rsv@Proverbs:10:26 @ Like vinegar to the teeth, and smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to those who send him.

rsv@Proverbs:10:29 @ The LORD is a stronghold to him whose way is upright, but destruction to evildoers.

rsv@Proverbs:11:20 @ Men of perverse mind are an abomination to the LORD, but those of blameless ways are his delight.

rsv@Proverbs:11:21 @ Be assured, an evil man will not go unpunished, but those who are righteous will be delivered.

rsv@Proverbs:12:18 @ There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

rsv@Proverbs:12:20 @ Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but those who plan good have joy.

rsv@Proverbs:12:22 @ Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, but those who act faithfully are his delight.

rsv@Proverbs:13:6 @ Righteousness guards him whose way is upright, but sin overthrows the wicked.

rsv@Proverbs:13:10 @ By insolence the heedless make strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom.

rsv@Proverbs:14:22 @ Do they not err that devise evil? Those who devise good meet loyalty and faithfulness.

rsv@Proverbs:15:31 @ He whose ear heeds wholesome admonition will abide among the wise.

rsv@Proverbs:16:16 @ To get wisdom is better than gold; to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.

rsv@Proverbs:18:21 @ Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

rsv@Proverbs:22:1 @ A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.

rsv@Proverbs:22:11 @ He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend.

rsv@Proverbs:22:21 @ to show you what is right and true, that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?

rsv@Proverbs:22:23 @ for the LORD will plead their cause and despoil of life those who despoil them.

rsv@Proverbs:22:26 @ Be not one of those who give pledges, who become surety for debts.

rsv@Proverbs:23:30 @ Those who tarry long over wine, those who go to try mixed wine.

rsv@Proverbs:24:11 @ Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.

rsv@Proverbs:24:25 @ but those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will be upon them.

rsv@Proverbs:25:13 @ Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him, he refreshes the spirit of his masters.

rsv@Proverbs:28:4 @ Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive against them.

rsv@Proverbs:28:5 @ Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it completely.

rsv@Proverbs:29:27 @ An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous, but he whose way is straight is an abomination to the wicked.

rsv@Proverbs:30:5 @ Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

rsv@Proverbs:30:11 @ There are those who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers.

rsv@Proverbs:30:12 @ There are those who are pure in their own eyes but are not cleansed of their filth.

rsv@Proverbs:30:13 @ There are those--how lofty are their eyes, how high their eyelids lift!

rsv@Proverbs:30:14 @ There are those whose teeth are swords, whose teeth are knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, the needy from among men.

rsv@Proverbs:31:3 @ Give not your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.

rsv@Proverbs:31:6 @ Give strong drink to him who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress;

rsv@Ecclesiastes:1:11 @ There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to happen among those who come after.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:4:16 @ there was no end of all the people; he was over all of them. Yet those who come later will not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and a striving after wind.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:5:14 @ and those riches were lost in a bad venture; and he is father of a son, but he has nothing in his hand.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:11 @ Wisdom is good with an inheritance, an advantage to those who see the sun.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @ And I found more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, and whose hands are fetters; he who pleases God escapes her, but the sinner is taken by her.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:8 @ No man has power to retain the spirit, or authority over the day of death; there is no discharge from war, nor will wickedness deliver those who are given to it.

rsv@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @ Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and prolongs his life, yet I know that it will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him;

rsv@Ecclesiastes:12:3 @ in the day when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men are bent, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look through the windows are dimmed,

rsv@Songs:5:7 @ The watchmen found me, as they went about in the city; they beat me, they wounded me, they took away my mantle, those watchmen of the walls.

rsv@Isaiah:1:27 @ Zion shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her who repent, by righteousness.

rsv@Isaiah:1:28 @ But rebels and sinners shall be destroyed together, and those who forsake the LORD shall be consumed.

rsv@Isaiah:1:29 @ For you shall be ashamed of the oaks in which you delighted; and you shall blush for the gardens which you have chosen.

rsv@Isaiah:1:30 @ For you shall be like an oak whose leaf withers, and like a garden without water.

rsv@Isaiah:2:22 @ Turn away from man in whose nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?

rsv@Isaiah:5:8 @ Woe to those who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is no more room, and you are made to dwell alone in the midst of the land.

rsv@Isaiah:5:11 @ Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who tarry late into the evening till wine inflames them!

rsv@Isaiah:5:18 @ Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of falsehood, who draw sin as with cart ropes,

rsv@Isaiah:5:20 @ Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

rsv@Isaiah:5:21 @ Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!

rsv@Isaiah:5:22 @ Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and valiant men in mixing strong drink,

rsv@Isaiah:6:13 @ And though a tenth remain in it, it will be burned again, like a terebinth or an oak, whose stump remains standing when it is felled." The holy seed is its stump.

rsv@Isaiah:7:16 @ For before the child knows how to refuse the evil and choose the good, the land before whose two kings you are in dread will be deserted.

rsv@Isaiah:9:2 @ The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.

rsv@Isaiah:9:16 @ for those who lead this people lead them astray, and those who are led by them are swallowed up.

rsv@Isaiah:10:1 @ Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression,

rsv@Isaiah:10:10 @ As my hand has reached to the kingdoms of the idols whose graven images were greater than those of Jerusalem and Sama'ria,

rsv@Isaiah:10:13 @ For he says: "By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I have understanding; I have removed the boundaries of peoples, and have plundered their treasures; like a bull I have brought down those who sat on thrones.

rsv@Isaiah:11:13 @ The jealousy of E'phraim shall depart, and those who harass Judah shall be cut off; E'phraim shall not be jealous of Judah, and Judah shall not harass E'phraim.

rsv@Isaiah:14:2 @ And the peoples will take them and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will possess them in the LORD's land as male and female slaves; they will take captive those who were their captors, and rule over those who oppressed them.

rsv@Isaiah:14:16 @ Those who see you will stare at you, and ponder over you: `Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms,

rsv@Isaiah:14:19 @ but you are cast out, away from your sepulchre, like a loathed untimely birth, clothed with the slain, those pierced by the sword, who go down to the stones of the Pit, like a dead body trodden under foot.

rsv@Isaiah:15:9 @ For the waters of Dibon are full of blood; yet I will bring upon Dibon even more, a lion for those of Moab who escape, for the remnant of the land.

rsv@Isaiah:16:14 @ But now the LORD says, "In three years, like the years of a hireling, the glory of Moab will be brought into contempt, in spite of all his great multitude, and those who survive will be very few and feeble."

rsv@Isaiah:17:14 @ At evening time, behold, terror! Before morning, they are no more! This is the portion of those who despoil us, and the lot of those who plunder us.

rsv@Isaiah:18:2 @ which sends ambassadors by the Nile, in vessels of papyrus upon the waters! Go, you swift messengers, to a nation, tall and smooth, to a people feared near and far, a nation mighty and conquering, whose land the rivers divide.

rsv@Isaiah:18:7 @ At that time gifts will be brought to the LORD of hosts from a people tall and smooth, from a people feared near and far, a nation mighty and conquering, whose land the rivers divide, to Mount Zion, the place of the name of the LORD of hosts.

rsv@Isaiah:19:10 @ Those who are the pillars of the land will be crushed, and all who work for hire will be grieved.

rsv@Isaiah:19:13 @ The princes of Zo'an have become fools, and the princes of Memphis are deluded; those who are the cornerstones of her tribes have led Egypt astray.

rsv@Isaiah:20:6 @ And the inhabitants of this coastland will say in that day, `Behold, this is what has happened to those in whom we hoped and to whom we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria! And we, how shall we escape?'"

rsv@Isaiah:23:7 @ Is this your exultant city whose origin is from days of old, whose feet carried her to settle afar?

rsv@Isaiah:23:8 @ Who has purposed this against Tyre, the bestower of crowns, whose merchants were princes, whose traders were the honored of the earth?

rsv@Isaiah:23:18 @ Her merchandise and her hire will be dedicated to the LORD; it will not be stored or hoarded, but her merchandise will supply abundant food and fine clothing for those who dwell before the LORD.

rsv@Isaiah:24:9 @ No more do they drink wine with singing; strong drink is bitter to those who drink it.

rsv@Isaiah:26:3 @ Thou dost keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee.

rsv@Isaiah:27:7 @ Has he smitten them as he smote those who smote them? Or have they been slain as their slayers were slain?

rsv@Isaiah:27:13 @ And in that day a great trumpet will be blown, and those who were lost in the land of Assyria and those who were driven out to the land of Egypt will come and worship the LORD on the holy mountain at Jerusalem.

rsv@Isaiah:28:1 @ Woe to the proud crown of the drunkards of E'phraim, and to the fading flower of its glorious beauty, which is on the head of the rich valley of those overcome with wine!

rsv@Isaiah:28:6 @ and a spirit of justice to him who sits in judgment, and strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.

rsv@Isaiah:28:9 @ "Whom will he teach knowledge, and to whom will he explain the message? Those who are weaned from the milk, those taken from the breast?

rsv@Isaiah:29:15 @ Woe to those who hide deep from the LORD their counsel, whose deeds are in the dark, and who say, "Who sees us? Who knows us?"

rsv@Isaiah:29:24 @ And those who err in spirit will come to understanding, and those who murmur will accept instruction."

rsv@Isaiah:30:13 @ therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a break in a high wall, bulging out, and about to collapse, whose crash comes suddenly, in an instant;

rsv@Isaiah:30:18 @ Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you; therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.

rsv@Isaiah:31:1 @ Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses, who trust in chariots because they are many and in horsemen because they are very strong, but do not look to the Holy One of Israel or consult the LORD!

rsv@Isaiah:31:2 @ And yet he is wise and brings disaster, he does not call back his words, but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the helpers of those who work iniquity.

rsv@Isaiah:31:9 @ His rock shall pass away in terror, and his officers desert the standard in panic," says the LORD, whose fire is in Zion, and whose furnace is in Jerusalem.

rsv@Isaiah:32:3 @ Then the eyes of those who see will not be closed, and the ears of those who hear will hearken.

rsv@Isaiah:33:20 @ Look upon Zion, the city of our appointed feasts! Your eyes will see Jerusalem, a quiet habitation, an immovable tent, whose stakes will never be plucked up, nor will any of its cords be broken.

rsv@Isaiah:35:4 @ Say to those who are of a fearful heart, "Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you."

rsv@Isaiah:36:7 @ But if you say to me, "We rely on the LORD our God," is it not he whose high places and altars Hezeki'ah has removed, saying to Judah and to Jerusalem, "You shall worship before this altar"?

rsv@Isaiah:38:1 @ In those days Hezeki'ah became sick and was at the point of death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came to him, and said to him, "Thus says the LORD: Set your house in order; for you shall die, you shall not recover."

rsv@Isaiah:38:18 @ For Sheol cannot thank thee, death cannot praise thee; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for thy faithfulness.

rsv@Isaiah:40:11 @ He will feed his flock like a shepherd, he will gather the lambs in his arms, he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.

rsv@Isaiah:41:8 @ But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend;

rsv@Isaiah:41:9 @ you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, "You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off";

rsv@Isaiah:41:11 @ Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish.

rsv@Isaiah:41:12 @ You shall seek those who contend with you, but you shall not find them; those who war against you shall be as nothing at all.

rsv@Isaiah:42:1 @ Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him, he will bring forth justice to the nations.

rsv@Isaiah:42:5 @ Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it:

rsv@Isaiah:42:7 @ to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.

rsv@Isaiah:42:24 @ Who gave up Jacob to the spoiler, and Israel to the robbers? Was it not the LORD, against whom we have sinned, in whose ways they would not walk, and whose law they would not obey?

rsv@Isaiah:43:10 @ "You are my witnesses," says the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.

rsv@Isaiah:43:20 @ The wild beasts will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people,

rsv@Isaiah:44:1 @ "But now hear, O Jacob my servant, Israel whom I have chosen!

rsv@Isaiah:44:2 @ Thus says the LORD who made you, who formed you from the womb and will help you: Fear not, O Jacob my servant, Jeshu'run whom I have chosen.

rsv@Isaiah:45:1 @ Thus says the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped, to subdue nations before him and ungird the loins of kings, to open doors before him that gates may not be closed:

rsv@Isaiah:45:4 @ For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel my chosen, I call you by your name, I surname you, though you do not know me.

rsv@Isaiah:46:6 @ Those who lavish gold from the purse, and weigh out silver in the scales, hire a goldsmith, and he makes it into a god; then they fall down and worship!

rsv@Isaiah:47:13 @ You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons predict what shall befall you.

rsv@Isaiah:47:15 @ Such to you are those with whom you have labored, who have trafficked with you from your youth; they wander about each in his own direction; there is no one to save you.

rsv@Isaiah:49:7 @ Thus says the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One, to one deeply despised, abhorred by the nations, the servant of rulers: "Kings shall see and arise; princes, and they shall prostrate themselves; because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you."

rsv@Isaiah:49:9 @ saying to the prisoners, `Come forth,' to those who are in darkness, `Appear.' They shall feed along the ways, on all bare heights shall be their pasture;

rsv@Isaiah:49:17 @ Your builders outstrip your destroyers, and those who laid you waste go forth from you.

rsv@Isaiah:49:19 @ "Surely your waste and your desolate places and your devastated land-- surely now you will be too narrow for your inhabitants, and those who swallowed you up will be far away.

rsv@Isaiah:49:23 @ Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. With their faces to the ground they shall bow down to you, and lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame."

rsv@Isaiah:49:25 @ Surely, thus says the LORD: "Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued, for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.

rsv@Isaiah:50:4 @ The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him that is weary. Morning by morning he wakens, he wakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.

rsv@Isaiah:50:6 @ I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard; I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

rsv@Isaiah:51:7 @ "Hearken to me, you who know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear not the reproach of men, and be not dismayed at their revilings.

rsv@Isaiah:56:8 @ Thus says the Lord GOD, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, I will gather yet others to him besides those already gathered."

rsv@Isaiah:57:15 @ For thus says the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: "I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite.

rsv@Isaiah:58:11 @ And the LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your desire with good things, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

rsv@Isaiah:59:10 @ We grope for the wall like the blind, we grope like those who have no eyes; we stumble at noon as in the twilight, among those in full vigor we are like dead men.

rsv@Isaiah:59:20 @ "And he will come to Zion as Redeemer, to those in Jacob who turn from transgression, says the LORD.

rsv@Isaiah:60:6 @ A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Mid'ian and Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of the LORD.

rsv@Isaiah:60:12 @ For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; those nations shall be utterly laid waste.

rsv@Isaiah:60:14 @ The sons of those who oppressed you shall come bending low to you; and all who despised you shall bow down at your feet; they shall call you the City of the LORD, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

rsv@Isaiah:61:1 @ The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

rsv@Isaiah:61:3 @ to grant to those who mourn in Zion-- to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified.

rsv@Isaiah:62:9 @ but those who garner it shall eat it and praise the LORD, and those who gather it shall drink it in the courts of my sanctuary."

rsv@Isaiah:63:19 @ We have become like those over whom thou hast never ruled, like those who are not called by thy name.

rsv@Isaiah:64:4 @ From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides thee, who works for those who wait for him.

rsv@Isaiah:64:5 @ Thou meetest him that joyfully works righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways. Behold, thou wast angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved?

rsv@Isaiah:65:1 @ I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me. I said, "Here am I, here am I," to a nation that did not call on my name.

rsv@Isaiah:65:9 @ I will bring forth descendants from Jacob, and from Judah inheritors of my mountains; my chosen shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.

rsv@Isaiah:65:12 @ I will destine you to the sword, and all of you shall bow down to the slaughter; because, when I called, you did not answer, when I spoke, you did not listen, but you did what was evil in my eyes, and chose what I did not delight in."

rsv@Isaiah:65:15 @ You shall leave your name to my chosen for a curse, and the Lord GOD will slay you; but his servants he will call by a different name.

rsv@Isaiah:65:22 @ They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

rsv@Isaiah:66:3 @ "He who slaughters an ox is like him who kills a man; he who sacrifices a lamb, like him who breaks a dog's neck; he who presents a cereal offering, like him who offers swine's blood; he who makes a memorial offering of frankincense, like him who blesses an idol. These have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations;

rsv@Isaiah:66:4 @ I also will choose affliction for them, and bring their fears upon them; because, when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not listen; but they did what was evil in my eyes, and chose that in which I did not delight."

rsv@Isaiah:66:16 @ For by fire will the LORD execute judgment, and by his sword, upon all flesh; and those slain by the LORD shall be many.

rsv@Isaiah:66:17 @ "Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating swine's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:2:8 @ The priests did not say, `Where is the LORD?' Those who handle the law did not know me; the rulers transgressed against me; the prophets prophesied by Ba'al, and went after things that do not profit.

rsv@Jeremiah:2:37 @ From it too you will come away with your hands upon your head, for the LORD has rejected those in whom you trust, and you will not prosper by them.

rsv@Jeremiah:3:16 @ And when you have multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, says the LORD, they shall no more say, "The ark of the covenant of the LORD." It shall not come to mind, or be remembered, or missed; it shall not be made again.

rsv@Jeremiah:3:18 @ In those days the house of Judah shall join the house of Israel, and together they shall come from the land of the north to the land that I gave your fathers for a heritage.

rsv@Jeremiah:5:7 @ "How can I pardon you? Your children have forsaken me, and have sworn by those who are no gods. When I fed them to the full, they committed adultery and trooped to the houses of harlots.

rsv@Jeremiah:5:15 @ Behold, I am bringing upon you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, says the LORD. It is an enduring nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language you do not know, nor can you understand what they say.

rsv@Jeremiah:5:18 @ "But even in those days, says the LORD, I will not make a full end of you.

rsv@Jeremiah:6:15 @ Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown," says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:8:16 @ "The snorting of their horses is heard from Dan; at the sound of the neighing of their stallions the whole land quakes. They come and devour the land and all that fills it, the city and those who dwell in it.

rsv@Jeremiah:9:25 @ "Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will punish all those who are circumcised but yet uncircumcised--

rsv@Jeremiah:12:4 @ How long will the land mourn, and the grass of every field wither? For the wickedness of those who dwell in it the beasts and the birds are swept away, because men said, "He will not see our latter end."

rsv@Jeremiah:13:20 @ "Lift up your eyes and see those who come from the north. Where is the flock that was given you, your beautiful flock?

rsv@Jeremiah:13:21 @ What will you say when they set as head over you those whom you yourself have taught to be friends to you? Will not pangs take hold of you, like those of a woman in travail?

rsv@Jeremiah:14:15 @ Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the prophets who prophesy in my name although I did not send them, and who say, `Sword and famine shall not come on this land': By sword and famine those prophets shall be consumed.

rsv@Jeremiah:14:18 @ If I go out into the field, behold, those slain by the sword! And if I enter the city, behold, the diseases of famine! For both prophet and priest ply their trade through the land, and have no knowledge.'"

rsv@Jeremiah:15:2 @ And when they ask you, `Where shall we go?' you shall say to them, `Thus says the LORD: "Those who are for pestilence, to pestilence, and those who are for the sword, to the sword; those who are for famine, to famine, and those who are for captivity, to captivity."'

rsv@Jeremiah:17:5 @ Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:17:7 @ "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:17:13 @ O LORD, the hope of Israel, all who forsake thee shall be put to shame; those who turn away from thee shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living water.

rsv@Jeremiah:17:18 @ Let those be put to shame who persecute me, but let me not be put to shame; let them be dismayed, but let me not be dismayed; bring upon them the day of evil; destroy them with double destruction!

rsv@Jeremiah:19:7 @ And in this place I will make void the plans of Judah and Jerusalem, and will cause their people to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hand of those who seek their life. I will give their dead bodies for food to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the earth.

rsv@Jeremiah:19:9 @ And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters, and every one shall eat the flesh of his neighbor in the siege and in the distress, with which their enemies and those who seek their life afflict them.'

rsv@Jeremiah:19:13 @ The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah--all the houses upon whose roofs incense has been burned to all the host of heaven, and drink offerings have been poured out to other gods--shall be defiled like the place of Topheth.'"

rsv@Jeremiah:21:7 @ Afterward, says the LORD, I will give Zedeki'ah king of Judah, and his servants, and the people in this city who survive the pestilence, sword, and famine, into the hand of Nebuchadrez'zar king of Babylon and into the hand of their enemies, into the hand of those who seek their lives. He shall smite them with the edge of the sword; he shall not pity them, or spare them, or have compassion.'

rsv@Jeremiah:22:25 @ and give you into the hand of those who seek your life, into the hand of those of whom you are afraid, even into the hand of Nebuchadrez'zar king of Babylon and into the hand of the Chalde'ans.

rsv@Jeremiah:23:17 @ They say continually to those who despise the word of the LORD, `It shall be well with you'; and to every one who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, `No evil shall come upon you.'"

rsv@Jeremiah:23:32 @ Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, says the LORD, and who tell them and lead my people astray by their lies and their recklessness, when I did not send them or charge them; so they do not profit this people at all, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:24:8 @ "But thus says the LORD: Like the bad figs which are so bad they cannot be eaten, so will I treat Zedeki'ah the king of Judah, his princes, the remnant of Jerusalem who remain in this land, and those who dwell in the land of Egypt.

rsv@Jeremiah:25:30 @ "You, therefore, shall prophesy against them all these words, and say to them: `The LORD will roar from on high, and from his holy habitation utter his voice; he will roar mightily against his fold, and shout, like those who tread grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.

rsv@Jeremiah:25:33 @ "And those slain by the LORD on that day shall extend from one end of the earth to the other. They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried; they shall be dung on the surface of the ground.

rsv@Jeremiah:26:20 @ There was another man who prophesied in the name of the LORD, Uri'ah the son of Shemai'ah from Kir'iath-je'arim. He prophesied against this city and against this land in words like those of Jeremiah.

rsv@Jeremiah:30:16 @ Therefore all who devour you shall be devoured, and all your foes, every one of them, shall go into captivity; those who despoil you shall become a spoil, and all who prey on you I will make a prey.

rsv@Jeremiah:30:19 @ Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving, and the voices of those who make merry. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them honored, and they shall not be small.

rsv@Jeremiah:31:24 @ And Judah and all its cities shall dwell there together, and the farmers and those who wander with their flocks.

rsv@Jeremiah:31:29 @ In those days they shall no longer say: `The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.'

rsv@Jeremiah:31:33 @ But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

rsv@Jeremiah:32:18 @ who showest steadfast love to thousands, but dost requite the guilt of fathers to their children after them, O great and mighty God whose name is the LORD of hosts,

rsv@Jeremiah:32:19 @ great in counsel and mighty in deed; whose eyes are open to all the ways of men, rewarding every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings;

rsv@Jeremiah:32:29 @ The Chalde'ans who are fighting against this city shall come and set this city on fire, and burn it, with the houses on whose roofs incense has been offered to Ba'al and drink offerings have been poured out to other gods, to provoke me to anger.

rsv@Jeremiah:33:11 @ the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing, as they bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD: `Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever!' For I will restore the fortunes of the land as at first, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:33:15 @ In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring forth for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.

rsv@Jeremiah:33:16 @ In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called: `The LORD is our righteousness.'

rsv@Jeremiah:33:24 @ "Have you not observed what these people are saying, `The LORD has rejected the two families which he chose'? Thus they have despised my people so that they are no longer a nation in their sight.

rsv@Jeremiah:34:20 @ and I will give them into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their lives. Their dead bodies shall be food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth.

rsv@Jeremiah:34:21 @ And Zedeki'ah king of Judah, and his princes I will give into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their lives, into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon which has withdrawn from you.

rsv@Jeremiah:39:9 @ Then Nebu'zarad'an, the captain of the guard, carried into exile to Babylon the rest of the people who were left in the city, those who had deserted to him, and the people who remained.

rsv@Jeremiah:40:7 @ When all the captains of the forces in the open country and their men heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedali'ah the son of Ahi'kam governor in the land, and had committed to him men, women, and children, those of the poorest of the land who had not been taken into exile to Babylon,

rsv@Jeremiah:43:11 @ He shall come and smite the land of Egypt, giving to the pestilence those who are doomed to the pestilence, to captivity those who are doomed to captivity, and to the sword those who are doomed to the sword.

rsv@Jeremiah:44:13 @ I will punish those who dwell in the land of Egypt, as I have punished Jerusalem, with the sword, with famine, and with pestilence,

rsv@Jeremiah:44:28 @ And those who escape the sword shall return from the land of Egypt to the land of Judah, few in number; and all the remnant of Judah, who came to the land of Egypt to live, shall know whose word will stand, mine or theirs.

rsv@Jeremiah:44:30 @ Thus says the LORD, Behold, I will give Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies and into the hand of those who seek his life, as I gave Zedeki'ah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrez'zar king of Babylon, who was his enemy and sought his life."

rsv@Jeremiah:46:7 @ "Who is this, rising like the Nile, like rivers whose waters surge?

rsv@Jeremiah:46:8 @ Egypt rises like the Nile, like rivers whose waters surge. He said, I will rise, I will cover the earth, I will destroy cities and their inhabitants.

rsv@Jeremiah:46:18 @ "As I live, says the King, whose name is the LORD of hosts, like Tabor among the mountains, and like Carmel by the sea, shall one come.

rsv@Jeremiah:46:22 @ "She makes a sound like a serpent gliding away; for her enemies march in force, and come against her with axes, like those who fell trees.

rsv@Jeremiah:46:25 @ The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, said: "Behold, I am bringing punishment upon Amon of Thebes, and Pharaoh, and Egypt and her gods and her kings, upon Pharaoh and those who trust in him.

rsv@Jeremiah:46:26 @ I will deliver them into the hand of those who seek their life, into the hand of Nebuchadrez'zar king of Babylon and his officers. Afterward Egypt shall be inhabited as in the days of old, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:47:2 @ "Thus says the LORD: Behold, waters are rising out of the north, and shall become an overflowing torrent; they shall overflow the land and all that fills it, the city and those who dwell in it. Men shall cry out, and every inhabitant of the land shall wail.

rsv@Jeremiah:48:15 @ The destroyer of Moab and his cities has come up, and the choicest of his young men have gone down to slaughter, says the King, whose name is the LORD of hosts.

rsv@Jeremiah:49:2 @ Therefore, behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will cause the battle cry to be heard against Rabbah of the Ammonites; it shall become a desolate mound, and its villages shall be burned with fire; then Israel shall dispossess those who dispossessed him, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:49:12 @ For thus says the LORD: "If those who did not deserve to drink the cup must drink it, will you go unpunished? You shall not go unpunished, but you must drink.

rsv@Jeremiah:49:32 @ Their camels shall become booty, their herds of cattle a spoil. I will scatter to every wind those who cut the corners of their hair, and I will bring their calamity from every side of them, says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:49:36 @ and I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven; and I will scatter them to all those winds, and there shall be no nation to which those driven out of Elam shall not come.

rsv@Jeremiah:49:37 @ I will terrify Elam before their enemies, and before those who seek their life; I will bring evil upon them, my fierce anger, says the LORD. I will send the sword after them, until I have consumed them;

rsv@Jeremiah:50:4 @ "In those days and in that time, says the LORD, the people of Israel and the people of Judah shall come together, weeping as they come; and they shall seek the LORD their God.

rsv@Jeremiah:50:20 @ In those days and in that time, says the LORD, iniquity shall be sought in Israel, and there shall be none; and sin in Judah, and none shall be found; for I will pardon those whom I leave as a remnant.

rsv@Jeremiah:50:29 @ "Summon archers against Babylon, all those who bend the bow. Encamp round about her; let no one escape. Requite her according to her deeds, do to her according to all that she has done; for she has proudly defied the LORD, the Holy One of Israel.

rsv@Jeremiah:51:57 @ I will make drunk her princes and her wise men, her governors, her commanders, and her warriors; they shall sleep a perpetual sleep and not wake, says the King, whose name is the LORD of hosts.

rsv@Lamentations:1:10 @ The enemy has stretched out his hands over all her precious things; yea, she has seen the nations invade her sanctuary, those whom thou didst forbid to enter thy congregation.

rsv@Lamentations:1:14 @ "My transgressions were bound into a yoke; by his hand they were fastened together; they were set upon my neck; he caused my strength to fail; the Lord gave me into the hands of those whom I cannot withstand.

rsv@Lamentations:2:22 @ Thou didst invite as to the day of an appointed feast my terrors on every side; and on the day of the anger of the LORD none escaped or survived; those whom I dandled and reared my enemy destroyed.

rsv@Lamentations:3:25 @ The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him.

rsv@Lamentations:3:52 @ "I have been hunted like a bird by those who were my enemies without cause;

rsv@Lamentations:4:5 @ Those who feasted on dainties perish in the streets; those who were brought up in purple lie on ash heaps.

rsv@Ezekiel:1:21 @ When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those rose from the earth, the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

rsv@Ezekiel:3:6 @ not to many peoples of foreign speech and a hard language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely, if I sent you to such, they would listen to you.

rsv@Ezekiel:6:9 @ then those of you who escape will remember me among the nations where they are carried captive, when I have broken their wanton heart which has departed from me, and blinded their eyes which turn wantonly after their idols; and they will be loathsome in their own sight for the evils which they have committed, for all their abominations.

rsv@Ezekiel:10:22 @ And as for the likeness of their faces, they were the very faces whose appearance I had seen by the river Chebar. They went every one straight forward.

rsv@Ezekiel:11:15 @ "Son of man, your brethren, even your brethren, your fellow exiles, the whole house of Israel, all of them, are those of whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, `They have gone far from the LORD; to us this land is given for a possession.'

rsv@Ezekiel:11:21 @ But as for those whose heart goes after their detestable things and their abominations, I will requite their deeds upon their own heads, says the Lord GOD."

rsv@Ezekiel:12:19 @ and say of the people of the land, Thus says the Lord GOD concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the land of Israel: They shall eat their bread with fearfulness, and drink water in dismay, because their land will be stripped of all it contains, on account of the violence of all those who dwell in it.

rsv@Ezekiel:13:2 @ "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, prophesy and say to those who prophesy out of their own minds: `Hear the word of the LORD!'

rsv@Ezekiel:13:11 @ say to those who daub it with whitewash that it shall fall! There will be a deluge of rain, great hailstones will fall, and a stormy wind break out;

rsv@Ezekiel:13:15 @ Thus will I spend my wrath upon the wall, and upon those who have daubed it with whitewash; and I will say to you, The wall is no more, nor those who daubed it,

rsv@Ezekiel:16:37 @ therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers, with whom you took pleasure, all those you loved and all those you loathed; I will gather them against you from every side, and will uncover your nakedness to them, that they may see all your nakedness.

rsv@Ezekiel:16:57 @ before your wickedness was uncovered? Now you have become like her an object of reproach for the daughters of Edom and all her neighbors, and for the daughters of the Philistines, those round about who despise you.

rsv@Ezekiel:17:16 @ As I live, says the Lord GOD, surely in the place where the king dwells who made him king, whose oath he despised, and whose covenant with him he broke, in Babylon he shall die.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:5 @ and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: On the day when I chose Israel, I swore to the seed of the house of Jacob, making myself known to them in the land of Egypt, I swore to them, saying, I am the LORD your God.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:9 @ But I acted for the sake of my name, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they dwelt, in whose sight I made myself known to them in bringing them out of the land of Egypt.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:11 @ I gave them my statutes and showed them my ordinances, by whose observance man shall live.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:13 @ But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness; they did not walk in my statutes but rejected my ordinances, by whose observance man shall live; and my sabbaths they greatly profaned. "Then I thought I would pour out my wrath upon them in the wilderness, to make a full end of them.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:14 @ But I acted for the sake of my name, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations, in whose sight I had brought them out.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:21 @ But the children rebelled against me; they did not walk in my statutes, and were not careful to observe my ordinances, by whose observance man shall live; they profaned my sabbaths. "Then I thought I would pour out my wrath upon them and spend my anger against them in the wilderness.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:22 @ But I withheld my hand, and acted for the sake of my name, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations, in whose sight I had brought them out.

rsv@Ezekiel:20:38 @ I will purge out the rebels from among you, and those who transgress against me; I will bring them out of the land where they sojourn, but they shall not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the LORD.

rsv@Ezekiel:21:14 @ "Prophesy therefore, son of man; clap your hands and let the sword come down twice, yea thrice, the sword for those to be slain; it is the sword for the great slaughter, which encompasses them,

rsv@Ezekiel:21:25 @ And you, O unhallowed wicked one, prince of Israel, whose day has come, the time of your final punishment,

rsv@Ezekiel:21:27 @ A ruin, ruin, ruin I will make it; there shall not be even a trace of it until he comes whose right it is; and to him I will give it.

rsv@Ezekiel:21:29 @ while they see for you false visions, while they divine lies for you--to be laid on the necks of the unhallowed wicked, whose day has come, the time of their final punishment.

rsv@Ezekiel:22:5 @ Those who are near and those who are far from you will mock you, you infamous one, full of tumult.

rsv@Ezekiel:23:15 @ girded with belts on their loins, with flowing turbans on their heads, all of them looking like officers, a picture of Babylonians whose native land was Chalde'a.

rsv@Ezekiel:23:20 @ and doted upon her paramours there, whose members were like those of asses, and whose issue was like that of horses.

rsv@Ezekiel:23:28 @ For thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will deliver you into the hands of those whom you hate, into the hands of those from whom you turned in disgust;

rsv@Ezekiel:24:6 @ "Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose rust is in it, and whose rust has not gone out of it! Take out of it piece after piece, without making any choice.

rsv@Ezekiel:26:20 @ then I will thrust you down with those who descend into the Pit, to the people of old, and I will make you to dwell in the nether world, among primeval ruins, with those who go down to the Pit, so that you will not be inhabited or have a place in the land of the living.

rsv@Ezekiel:28:9 @ Will you still say, `I am a god,' in the presence of those who slay you, though you are but a man, and no god, in the hands of those who wound you?

rsv@Ezekiel:30:6 @ "Thus says the LORD: Those who support Egypt shall fall, and her proud might shall come down; from Migdol to Syene they shall fall within her by the sword, says the Lord GOD.

rsv@Ezekiel:31:14 @ All this is in order that no trees by the waters may grow to lofty height or set their tops among the clouds, and that no trees that drink water may reach up to them in height; for they are all given over to death, to the nether world among mortal men, with those who go down to the Pit.

rsv@Ezekiel:31:16 @ I will make the nations quake at the sound of its fall, when I cast it down to Sheol with those who go down to the Pit; and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, will be comforted in the nether world.

rsv@Ezekiel:31:17 @ They also shall go down to Sheol with it, to those who are slain by the sword; yea, those who dwelt under its shadow among the nations shall perish.

rsv@Ezekiel:31:18 @ Whom are you thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? You shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the nether world; you shall lie among the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword. "This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, says the Lord GOD."

rsv@Ezekiel:32:18 @ "Son of man, wail over the multitude of Egypt, and send them down, her and the daughters of majestic nations, to the nether world, to those who have gone down to the Pit:

rsv@Ezekiel:32:20 @ They shall fall amid those who are slain by the sword, and with her shall lie all her multitudes.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:23 @ whose graves are set in the uttermost parts of the Pit, and her company is round about her grave; all of them slain, fallen by the sword, who spread terror in the land of the living.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:24 @ "Elam is there, and all her multitude about her grave; all of them slain, fallen by the sword, who went down uncircumcised into the nether world, who spread terror in the land of the living, and they bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:25 @ They have made her a bed among the slain with all her multitude, their graves round about her, all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword; for terror of them was spread in the land of the living, and they bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit; they are placed among the slain.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:27 @ And they do not lie with the fallen mighty men of old who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid under their heads, and whose shields are upon their bones; for the terror of the mighty men was in the land of the living.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:28 @ So you shall be broken and lie among the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:29 @ "Edom is there, her kings and all her princes, who for all their might are laid with those who are slain by the sword; they lie with the uncircumcised, with those who go down to the Pit.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:30 @ "The princes of the north are there, all of them, and all the Sido'nians, who have gone down in shame with the slain, for all the terror which they caused by their might; they lie uncircumcised with those who are slain by the sword, and bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:32 @ For he spread terror in the land of the living; therefore he shall be laid among the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword, Pharaoh and all his multitude, says the Lord GOD."

rsv@Ezekiel:33:27 @ Say this to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: As I live, surely those who are in the waste places shall fall by the sword; and him that is in the open field I will give to the beasts to be devoured; and those who are in strongholds and in caves shall die by pestilence.

rsv@Ezekiel:34:27 @ And the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase, and they shall be secure in their land; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I break the bars of their yoke, and deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them.

rsv@Ezekiel:35:8 @ And I will fill your mountains with the slain; on your hills and in your valleys and in all your ravines those slain with the sword shall fall.

rsv@Ezekiel:38:17 @ "Thus says the Lord GOD: Are you he of whom I spoke in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel, who in those days prophesied for years that I would bring you against them?

rsv@Ezekiel:39:6 @ I will send fire on Magog and on those who dwell securely in the coastlands; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

rsv@Ezekiel:39:9 @ "Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go forth and make fires of the weapons and burn them, shields and bucklers, bows and arrows, handpikes and spears, and they will make fires of them for seven years;

rsv@Ezekiel:39:10 @ so that they will not need to take wood out of the field or cut down any out of the forests, for they will make their fires of the weapons; they will despoil those who despoiled them, and plunder those who plundered them, says the Lord GOD.

rsv@Ezekiel:39:14 @ They will set apart men to pass through the land continually and bury those remaining upon the face of the land, so as to cleanse it; at the end of seven months they will make their search.

rsv@Ezekiel:40:3 @ When he brought me there, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like bronze, with a line of flax and a measuring reed in his hand; and he was standing in the gateway.

rsv@Ezekiel:40:21 @ Its side rooms, three on either side, and its jambs and its vestibule were of the same size as those of the first gate; its length was fifty cubits, and its breadth twenty-five cubits.

rsv@Ezekiel:40:22 @ And its windows, its vestibule, and its palm trees were of the same size as those of the gate which faced toward the east; and seven steps led up to it; and its vestibule was on the inside.

rsv@Ezekiel:42:8 @ For the chambers on the outer court were fifty cubits long, while those opposite the temple were a hundred cubits long.

rsv@Ezekiel:44:5 @ And the LORD said to me, "Son of man, mark well, see with your eyes, and hear with your ears all that I shall tell you concerning all the ordinances of the temple of the LORD and all its laws; and mark well those who may be admitted to the temple and all those who are to be excluded from the sanctuary.

rsv@Ezekiel:46:24 @ Then he said to me, "These are the kitchens where those who minister at the temple shall boil the sacrifices of the people."

rsv@Daniel:2:11 @ The thing that the king asks is difficult, and none can show it to the king except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh."

rsv@Daniel:2:21 @ He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;

rsv@Daniel:2:26 @ The king said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshaz'zar, "Are you able to make known to me the dream that I have seen and its interpretation?"

rsv@Daniel:2:38 @ and into whose hand he has given, wherever they dwell, the sons of men, the beasts of the field, and the birds of the air, making you rule over them all--you are the head of gold.

rsv@Daniel:2:44 @ And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand for ever;

rsv@Daniel:3:1 @ King Nebuchadnez'zar made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits and its breadth six cubits. He set it up on the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.

rsv@Daniel:3:22 @ Because the king's order was strict and the furnace very hot, the flame of the fire slew those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed'nego.

rsv@Daniel:3:27 @ And the satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king's counselors gathered together and saw that the fire had not had any power over the bodies of those men; the hair of their heads was not singed, their mantles were not harmed, and no smell of fire had come upon them.

rsv@Daniel:4:19 @ Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshaz'zar, was dismayed for a moment, and his thoughts alarmed him. The king said, "Belteshaz'zar, let not the dream or the interpretation alarm you." Belteshaz'zar answered, "My lord, may the dream be for those who hate you and its interpretation for your enemies!

rsv@Daniel:4:21 @ whose leaves were fair and its fruit abundant, and in which was food for all; under which beasts of the field found shade, and in whose branches the birds of the air dwelt--

rsv@Daniel:4:37 @ Now I, Nebuchadnez'zar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven; for all his works are right and his ways are just; and those who walk in pride he is able to abase.

rsv@Daniel:5:23 @ but you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven; and the vessels of his house have been brought in before you, and you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them; and you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which do not see or hear or know, but the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored.

rsv@Daniel:6:24 @ And the king commanded, and those men who had accused Daniel were brought and cast into the den of lions--they, their children, and their wives; and before they reached the bottom of the den the lions overpowered them and broke all their bones in pieces.

rsv@Daniel:7:16 @ I approached one of those who stood there and asked him the truth concerning all this. So he told me, and made known to me the interpretation of the things.

rsv@Daniel:9:4 @ I prayed to the LORD my God and made confession, saying, "O Lord, the great and terrible God, who keepest covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments,

rsv@Daniel:9:7 @ To thee, O Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us confusion of face, as at this day, to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, those that are near and those that are far away, in all the lands to which thou hast driven them, because of the treachery which they have committed against thee.

rsv@Daniel:10:2 @ In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks.

rsv@Daniel:10:5 @ I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with gold of Uphaz.

rsv@Daniel:11:7 @ "In those times a branch from her roots shall arise in his place; he shall come against the army and enter the fortress of the king of the north, and he shall deal with them and shall prevail.

rsv@Daniel:11:14 @ "In those times many shall rise against the king of the south; and the men of violence among your own people shall lift themselves up in order to fulfil the vision; but they shall fail.

rsv@Daniel:11:26 @ Even those who eat his rich food shall be his undoing; his army shall be swept away, and many shall fall down slain.

rsv@Daniel:11:30 @ For ships of Kittim shall come against him, and he shall be afraid and withdraw, and shall turn back and be enraged and take action against the holy covenant. He shall turn back and give heed to those who forsake the holy covenant.

rsv@Daniel:11:32 @ He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant; but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.

rsv@Daniel:11:33 @ And those among the people who are wise shall make many understand, though they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plunder, for some days.

rsv@Daniel:11:35 @ and some of those who are wise shall fall, to refine and to cleanse them and to make them white, until the time of the end, for it is yet for the time appointed.

rsv@Daniel:11:39 @ He shall deal with the strongest fortresses by the help of a foreign god; those who acknowledge him he shall magnify with honor. He shall make them rulers over many and shall divide the land for a price.

rsv@Daniel:12:1 @ "At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time; but at that time your people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found written in the book.

rsv@Daniel:12:2 @ And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

rsv@Daniel:12:3 @ And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

rsv@Daniel:12:10 @ Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.

rsv@Hosea:1:1 @ The word of the LORD that came to Hose'a the son of Be-e'ri, in the days of Uzzi'ah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezeki'ah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jerobo'am the son of Jo'ash, king of Israel.

rsv@Hosea:1:2 @ When the LORD first spoke through Hose'a, the LORD said to Hose'a, "Go, take to yourself a wife of harlotry and have children of harlotry, for the land commits great harlotry by forsaking the LORD."

rsv@Hosea:1:3 @ So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Dibla'im, and she conceived and bore him a son.

rsv@Hosea:1:4 @ And the LORD said to him, "Call his name Jezreel; for yet a little while, and I will punish the house of Jehu for the blood of Jezreel, and I will put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel.

rsv@Hosea:1:5 @ And on that day, I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel."

rsv@Hosea:1:6 @ She conceived again and bore a daughter. And the LORD said to him, "Call her name Not pitied, for I will no more have pity on the house of Israel, to forgive them at all.

rsv@Hosea:1:7 @ But I will have pity on the house of Judah, and I will deliver them by the LORD their God; I will not deliver them by bow, nor by sword, nor by war, nor by horses, nor by horsemen."

rsv@Hosea:1:8 @ When she had weaned Not pitied, she conceived and bore a son.

rsv@Hosea:1:9 @ And the LORD said, "Call his name Not my people, for you are not my people and I am not your God."

rsv@Hosea:1:10 @ Yet the number of the people of Israel shall be like the sand of the sea, which can be neither measured nor numbered; and in the place where it was said to them, "You are not my people," it shall be said to them, "Sons of the living God."

rsv@Hosea:1:11 @ And the people of Judah and the people of Israel shall be gathered together, and they shall appoint for themselves one head; and they shall go up from the land, for great shall be the day of Jezreel.

rsv@Hosea:2:1 @ Say to your brother, "My people," and to your sister, "She has obtained pity."

rsv@Hosea:2:2 @ "Plead with your mother, plead-- for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband--that she put away her harlotry from her face, and her adultery from between her breasts;

rsv@Hosea:2:3 @ lest I strip her naked and make her as in the day she was born, and make her like a wilderness, and set her like a parched land, and slay her with thirst.

rsv@Hosea:2:4 @ Upon her children also I will have no pity, because they are children of harlotry.

rsv@Hosea:2:5 @ For their mother has played the harlot; she that conceived them has acted shamefully. For she said, `I will go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.'

rsv@Hosea:2:6 @ Therefore I will hedge up her way with thorns; and I will build a wall against her, so that she cannot find her paths.

rsv@Hosea:2:7 @ She shall pursue her lovers, but not overtake them; and she shall seek them, but shall not find them. Then she shall say, `I will go and return to my first husband, for it was better with me then than now.'

rsv@Hosea:2:8 @ And she did not know that it was I who gave her the grain, the wine, and the oil, and who lavished upon her silver and gold which they used for Ba'al.

rsv@Hosea:2:9 @ Therefore I will take back my grain in its time, and my wine in its season; and I will take away my wool and my flax, which were to cover her nakedness.

rsv@Hosea:2:10 @ Now I will uncover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers, and no one shall rescue her out of my hand.

rsv@Hosea:2:11 @ And I will put an end to all her mirth, her feasts, her new moons, her sabbaths, and all her appointed feasts.

rsv@Hosea:2:12 @ And I will lay waste her vines and her fig trees, of which she said, `These are my hire, which my lovers have given me.' I will make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall devour them.

rsv@Hosea:2:13 @ And I will punish her for the feast days of the Ba'als when she burned incense to them and decked herself with her ring and jewelry, and went after her lovers, and forgot me, says the LORD.

rsv@Hosea:2:14 @ "Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.

rsv@Hosea:2:15 @ And there I will give her her vineyards, and make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. And there she shall answer as in the days of her youth, as at the time when she came out of the land of Egypt.

rsv@Hosea:2:16 @ "And in that day, says the LORD, you will call me, `My husband,' and no longer will you call me, `My Ba'al.'

rsv@Hosea:2:17 @ For I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her mouth, and they shall be mentioned by name no more.

rsv@Hosea:2:18 @ And I will make for you a covenant on that day with the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the creeping things of the ground; and I will abolish the bow, the sword, and war from the land; and I will make you lie down in safety.

rsv@Hosea:2:19 @ And I will betroth you to me for ever; I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy.

rsv@Hosea:2:20 @ I will betroth you to me in faithfulness; and you shall know the LORD.

rsv@Hosea:2:21 @ "And in that day, says the LORD, I will answer the heavens and they shall answer the earth;

rsv@Hosea:2:22 @ and the earth shall answer the grain, the wine, and the oil, and they shall answer Jezreel;

rsv@Hosea:2:23 @ and I will sow him for myself in the land. And I will have pity on Not pitied, and I will say to Not my people, `You are my people'; and he shall say `Thou art my God.'"

rsv@Hosea:3:1 @ And the LORD said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is beloved of a paramour and is an adulteress; even as the LORD loves the people of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins."

rsv@Hosea:3:2 @ So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley.

rsv@Hosea:3:3 @ And I said to her, "You must dwell as mine for many days; you shall not play the harlot, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you."

rsv@Hosea:3:4 @ For the children of Israel shall dwell many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod or teraphim.

rsv@Hosea:3:5 @ Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and they shall come in fear to the LORD and to his goodness in the latter days.

rsv@Hosea:4:1 @ Hear the word of the LORD, O people of Israel; for the LORD has a controversy with the inhabitants of the land. There is no faithfulness or kindness, and no knowledge of God in the land;

rsv@Hosea:4:2 @ there is swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and committing adultery; they break all bounds and murder follows murder.

rsv@Hosea:4:3 @ Therefore the land mourns, and all who dwell in it languish, and also the beasts of the field, and the birds of the air; and even the fish of the sea are taken away.

rsv@Hosea:4:4 @ Yet let no one contend, and let none accuse, for with you is my contention, O priest.

rsv@Hosea:4:5 @ You shall stumble by day, the prophet also shall stumble with you by night; and I will destroy your mother.

rsv@Hosea:4:6 @ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

rsv@Hosea:4:7 @ The more they increased, the more they sinned against me; I will change their glory into shame.

rsv@Hosea:4:8 @ They feed on the sin of my people; they are greedy for their iniquity.

rsv@Hosea:4:9 @ And it shall be like people, like priest; I will punish them for their ways, and requite them for their deeds.

rsv@Hosea:4:10 @ They shall eat, but not be satisfied; they shall play the harlot, but not multiply; because they have forsaken the LORD to cherish harlotry.

rsv@Hosea:4:11 @ Wine and new wine take away the understanding.

rsv@Hosea:4:12 @ My people inquire of a thing of wood, and their staff gives them oracles. For a spirit of harlotry has led them astray, and they have left their God to play the harlot.

rsv@Hosea:4:13 @ They sacrifice on the tops of the mountains, and make offerings upon the hills, under oak, poplar, and terebinth, because their shade is good. Therefore your daughters play the harlot, and your brides commit adultery.

rsv@Hosea:4:14 @ I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot, nor your brides when they commit adultery; for the men themselves go aside with harlots, and sacrifice with cult prostitutes, and a people without understanding shall come to ruin.

rsv@Hosea:4:15 @ Though you play the harlot, O Israel, let not Judah become guilty. Enter not into Gilgal, nor go up to Beth-a'ven, and swear not, "As the LORD lives."

rsv@Hosea:4:16 @ Like a stubborn heifer, Israel is stubborn; can the LORD now feed them like a lamb in a broad pasture?

rsv@Hosea:4:17 @ E'phraim is joined to idols, let him alone.

rsv@Hosea:4:18 @ A band of drunkards, they give themselves to harlotry; they love shame more than their glory.

rsv@Hosea:4:19 @ A wind has wrapped them in its wings, and they shall be ashamed because of their altars.

rsv@Hosea:5:1 @ Hear this, O priests! Give heed, O house of Israel! Hearken, O house of the king! For the judgment pertains to you; for you have been a snare at Mizpah, and a net spread upon Tabor.

rsv@Hosea:5:2 @ And they have made deep the pit of Shittim; but I will chastise all of them.

rsv@Hosea:5:3 @ I know E'phraim, and Israel is not hid from me; for now, O E'phraim, you have played the harlot, Israel is defiled.

rsv@Hosea:5:4 @ Their deeds do not permit them to return to their God. For the spirit of harlotry is within them, and they know not the LORD.

rsv@Hosea:5:5 @ The pride of Israel testifies to his face; E'phraim shall stumble in his guilt; Judah also shall stumble with them.

rsv@Hosea:5:6 @ With their flocks and herds they shall go to seek the LORD, but they will not find him; he has withdrawn from them.

rsv@Hosea:5:7 @ They have dealt faithlessly with the LORD; for they have borne alien children. Now the new moon shall devour them with their fields.

rsv@Hosea:5:8 @ Blow the horn in Gib'e-ah, the trumpet in Ramah. Sound the alarm at Beth-a'ven; tremble, O Benjamin!

rsv@Hosea:5:9 @ E'phraim shall become a desolation in the day of punishment; among the tribes of Israel I declare what is sure.

rsv@Hosea:5:10 @ The princes of Judah have become like those who remove the landmark; upon them I will pour out my wrath like water.

rsv@Hosea:5:11 @ E'phraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment, because he was determined to go after vanity.

rsv@Hosea:5:12 @ Therefore I am like a moth to E'phraim, and like dry rot to the house of Judah.

rsv@Hosea:5:13 @ When E'phraim saw his sickness, and Judah his wound, then E'phraim went to Assyria, and sent to the great king. But he is not able to cure you or heal your wound.

rsv@Hosea:5:14 @ For I will be like a lion to E'phraim, and like a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will rend and go away, I will carry off, and none shall rescue.

rsv@Hosea:5:15 @ I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress they seek me, saying,

rsv@Hosea:6:1 @ "Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn, that he may heal us; he has stricken, and he will bind us up.

rsv@Hosea:6:2 @ After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him.

rsv@Hosea:6:3 @ Let us know, let us press on to know the LORD; his going forth is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth."

rsv@Hosea:6:4 @ What shall I do with you, O E'phraim? What shall I do with you, O Judah? Your love is like a morning cloud, like the dew that goes early away.

rsv@Hosea:6:5 @ Therefore I have hewn them by the prophets, I have slain them by the words of my mouth, and my judgment goes forth as the light.

rsv@Hosea:6:6 @ For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God, rather than burnt offerings.

rsv@Hosea:6:7 @ But at Adam they transgressed the covenant; there they dealt faithlessly with me.

rsv@Hosea:6:8 @ Gilead is a city of evildoers, tracked with blood.

rsv@Hosea:6:9 @ As robbers lie in wait for a man, so the priests are banded together; they murder on the way to Shechem, yea, they commit villainy.

rsv@Hosea:6:10 @ In the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing; E'phraim's harlotry is there, Israel is defiled.

rsv@Hosea:6:11 @ For you also, O Judah, a harvest is appointed. When I would restore the fortunes of my people,

rsv@Hosea:7:1 @ when I would heal Israel, the corruption of E'phraim is revealed, and the wicked deeds of Sama'ria; for they deal falsely, the thief breaks in, and the bandits raid without.

rsv@Hosea:7:2 @ But they do not consider that I remember all their evil works. Now their deeds encompass them, they are before my face.

rsv@Hosea:7:3 @ By their wickedness they make the king glad, and the princes by their treachery.

rsv@Hosea:7:4 @ They are all adulterers; they are like a heated oven, whose baker ceases to stir the fire, from the kneading of the dough until it is leavened.

rsv@Hosea:7:5 @ On the day of our king the princes became sick with the heat of wine; he stretched out his hand with mockers.

rsv@Hosea:7:6 @ For like an oven their hearts burn with intrigue; all night their anger smolders; in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire.

rsv@Hosea:7:7 @ All of them are hot as an oven, and they devour their rulers. All their kings have fallen; and none of them calls upon me.

rsv@Hosea:7:8 @ E'phraim mixes himself with the peoples; E'phraim is a cake not turned.

rsv@Hosea:7:9 @ Aliens devour his strength, and he knows it not; gray hairs are sprinkled upon him, and he knows it not.

rsv@Hosea:7:10 @ The pride of Israel witnesses against him; yet they do not return to the LORD their God, nor seek him, for all this.

rsv@Hosea:7:11 @ E'phraim is like a dove, silly and without sense, calling to Egypt, going to Assyria.

rsv@Hosea:7:12 @ As they go, I will spread over them my net; I will bring them down like birds of the air; I will chastise them for their wicked deeds.

rsv@Hosea:7:13 @ Woe to them, for they have strayed from me! Destruction to them, for they have rebelled against me! I would redeem them, but they speak lies against me.

rsv@Hosea:7:14 @ They do not cry to me from the heart, but they wail upon their beds; for grain and wine they gash themselves, they rebel against me.

rsv@Hosea:7:15 @ Although I trained and strengthened their arms, yet they devise evil against me.

rsv@Hosea:7:16 @ They turn to Ba'al; they are like a treacherous bow, their princes shall fall by the sword because of the insolence of their tongue. This shall be their derision in the land of Egypt.

rsv@Hosea:8:1 @ Set the trumpet to your lips, for a vulture is over the house of the LORD, because they have broken my covenant, and transgressed my law.

rsv@Hosea:8:2 @ To me they cry, My God, we Israel know thee.

rsv@Hosea:8:3 @ Israel has spurned the good; the enemy shall pursue him.

rsv@Hosea:8:4 @ They made kings, but not through me. They set up princes, but without my knowledge. With their silver and gold they made idols for their own destruction.

rsv@Hosea:8:5 @ I have spurned your calf, O Sama'ria. My anger burns against them. How long will it be till they are pure

rsv@Hosea:8:6 @ in Israel? A workman made it; it is not God. The calf of Sama'ria shall be broken to pieces.

rsv@Hosea:8:7 @ For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. The standing grain has no heads, it shall yield no meal; if it were to yield, aliens would devour it.

rsv@Hosea:8:8 @ Israel is swallowed up; already they are among the nations as a useless vessel.

rsv@Hosea:8:9 @ For they have gone up to Assyria, a wild ass wandering alone; E'phraim has hired lovers.

rsv@Hosea:8:10 @ Though they hire allies among the nations, I will soon gather them up. And they shall cease for a little while from anointing king and princes.

rsv@Hosea:8:11 @ Because E'phraim has multiplied altars for sinning, they have become to him altars for sinning.

rsv@Hosea:8:12 @ Were I to write for him my laws by ten thousands, they would be regarded as a strange thing.

rsv@Hosea:8:13 @ They love sacrifice; they sacrifice flesh and eat it; but the LORD has no delight in them. Now he will remember their iniquity, and punish their sins; they shall return to Egypt.

rsv@Hosea:8:14 @ For Israel has forgotten his Maker, and built palaces; and Judah has multiplied fortified cities; but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour his strongholds.

rsv@Hosea:9:1 @ Rejoice not, O Israel! Exult not like the peoples; for you have played the harlot, forsaking your God. You have loved a harlot's hire upon all threshing floors.

rsv@Hosea:9:2 @ Threshing floor and winevat shall not feed them, and the new wine shall fail them.

rsv@Hosea:9:3 @ They shall not remain in the land of the LORD; but E'phraim shall return to Egypt, and they shall eat unclean food in Assyria.

rsv@Hosea:9:4 @ They shall not pour libations of wine to the LORD; and they shall not please him with their sacrifices. Their bread shall be like mourners' bread; all who eat of it shall be defiled; for their bread shall be for their hunger only; it shall not come to the house of the LORD.

rsv@Hosea:9:5 @ What will you do on the day of appointed festival, and on the day of the feast of the LORD?

rsv@Hosea:9:6 @ For behold, they are going to Assyria; Egypt shall gather them, Memphis shall bury them. Nettles shall possess their precious things of silver; thorns shall be in their tents.

rsv@Hosea:9:7 @ The days of punishment have come, the days of recompense have come; Israel shall know it. The prophet is a fool, the man of the spirit is mad, because of your great iniquity and great hatred.

rsv@Hosea:9:8 @ The prophet is the watchman of E'phraim, the people of my God, yet a fowler's snare is on all his ways, and hatred in the house of his God.

rsv@Hosea:9:9 @ They have deeply corrupted themselves as in the days of Gib'e-ah: he will remember their iniquity, he will punish their sins.

rsv@Hosea:9:10 @ Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the fig tree, in its first season, I saw your fathers. But they came to Ba'al-pe'or, and consecrated themselves to Ba'al, and became detestable like the thing they loved.

rsv@Hosea:9:11 @ E'phraim's glory shall fly away like a bird--no birth, no pregnancy, no conception!

rsv@Hosea:9:12 @ Even if they bring up children, I will bereave them till none is left. Woe to them when I depart from them!

rsv@Hosea:9:13 @ E'phraim's sons, as I have seen, are destined for a prey; E'phraim must lead forth his sons to slaughter.

rsv@Hosea:9:14 @ Give them, O LORD--what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

rsv@Hosea:9:15 @ Every evil of theirs is in Gilgal; there I began to hate them. Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of my house. I will love them no more; all their princes are rebels.

rsv@Hosea:9:16 @ E'phraim is stricken, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit. Even though they bring forth, I will slay their beloved children.

rsv@Hosea:9:17 @ My God will cast them off, because they have not hearkened to him; they shall be wanderers among the nations.

rsv@Hosea:10:1 @ Israel is a luxuriant vine that yields its fruit. The more his fruit increased the more altars he built; as his country improved he improved his pillars.

rsv@Hosea:10:2 @ Their heart is false; now they must bear their guilt. The LORD will break down their altars, and destroy their pillars.

rsv@Hosea:10:3 @ For now they will say: "We have no king, for we fear not the LORD, and a king, what could he do for us?"

rsv@Hosea:10:4 @ They utter mere words; with empty oaths they make covenants; so judgment springs up like poisonous weeds in the furrows of the field.

rsv@Hosea:10:5 @ The inhabitants of Sama'ria tremble for the calf of Beth-a'ven. Its people shall mourn for it, and its idolatrous priests shall wail over it, over its glory which has departed from it.

rsv@Hosea:10:6 @ Yea, the thing itself shall be carried to Assyria, as tribute to the great king. E'phraim shall be put to shame, and Israel shall be ashamed of his idol.

rsv@Hosea:10:7 @ Sama'ria's king shall perish, like a chip on the face of the waters.

rsv@Hosea:10:8 @ The high places of Aven, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed. Thorn and thistle shall grow up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us, and to the hills, Fall upon us.

rsv@Hosea:10:9 @ From the days of Gib'e-ah, you have sinned, O Israel; there they have continued. Shall not war overtake them in Gib'e-ah?

rsv@Hosea:10:10 @ I will come against the wayward people to chastise them; and nations shall be gathered against them when they are chastised for their double iniquity.

rsv@Hosea:10:11 @ E'phraim was a trained heifer that loved to thresh, and I spared her fair neck; but I will put E'phraim to the yoke, Judah must plow, Jacob must harrow for himself.

rsv@Hosea:10:12 @ Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and rain salvation upon you.

rsv@Hosea:10:13 @ You have plowed iniquity, you have reaped injustice, you have eaten the fruit of lies. Because you have trusted in your chariots and in the multitude of your warriors,

rsv@Hosea:10:14 @ therefore the tumult of war shall arise among your people, and all your fortresses shall be destroyed, as Shalman destroyed Beth-ar'bel on the day of battle; mothers were dashed in pieces with their children.

rsv@Hosea:10:15 @ Thus it shall be done to you, O house of Israel, because of your great wickedness. In the storm the king of Israel shall be utterly cut off.

rsv@Hosea:11:1 @ When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.

rsv@Hosea:11:2 @ The more I called them, the more they went from me; they kept sacrificing to the Ba'als, and burning incense to idols.

rsv@Hosea:11:3 @ Yet it was I who taught E'phraim to walk, I took them up in my arms; but they did not know that I healed them.

rsv@Hosea:11:4 @ I led them with cords of compassion, with the bands of love, and I became to them as one, who eases the yoke on their jaws, and I bent down to them and fed them.

rsv@Hosea:11:5 @ They shall return to the land of Egypt, and Assyria shall be their king, because they have refused to return to me.

rsv@Hosea:11:6 @ The sword shall rage against their cities, consume the bars of their gates, and devour them in their fortresses.

rsv@Hosea:11:7 @ My people are bent on turning away from me; so they are appointed to the yoke, and none shall remove it.

rsv@Hosea:11:8 @ How can I give you up, O E'phraim! How can I hand you over, O Israel! How can I make you like Admah! How can I treat you like Zeboi'im! My heart recoils within me, my compassion grows warm and tender.

rsv@Hosea:11:9 @ I will not execute my fierce anger, I will not again destroy E'phraim; for I am God and not man, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come to destroy.

rsv@Hosea:11:10 @ They shall go after the LORD, he will roar like a lion; yea, he will roar, and his sons shall come trembling from the west;

rsv@Hosea:11:11 @ they shall come trembling like birds from Egypt, and like doves from the land of Assyria; and I will return them to their homes, says the LORD.

rsv@Hosea:11:12 @ E'phraim has encompassed me with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit; but Judah is still known by God, and is faithful to the Holy One.

rsv@Hosea:12:1 @ E'phraim herds the wind, and pursues the east wind all day long; they multiply falsehood and violence; they make a bargain with Assyria, and oil is carried to Egypt.

rsv@Hosea:12:2 @ The LORD has an indictment against Judah, and will punish Jacob according to his ways, and requite him according to his deeds.

rsv@Hosea:12:3 @ In the womb he took his brother by the heel, and in his manhood he strove with God.

rsv@Hosea:12:4 @ He strove with the angel and prevailed, he wept and sought his favor. He met God at Bethel, and there God spoke with him--

rsv@Hosea:12:5 @ the LORD the God of hosts, the LORD is his name:

rsv@Hosea:12:6 @ "So you, by the help of your God, return, hold fast to love and justice, and wait continually for your God."

rsv@Hosea:12:7 @ A trader, in whose hands are false balances, he loves to oppress.

rsv@Hosea:12:8 @ E'phraim has said, "Ah, but I am rich, I have gained wealth for myself": but all his riches can never offset the guilt he has incurred.

rsv@Hosea:12:9 @ I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; I will again make you dwell in tents, as in the days of the appointed feast.

rsv@Hosea:12:10 @ I spoke to the prophets; it was I who multiplied visions, and through the prophets gave parables.

rsv@Hosea:12:11 @ If there is iniquity in Gilead they shall surely come to nought; if in Gilgal they sacrifice bulls, their altars also shall be like stone heaps on the furrows of the field.

rsv@Hosea:12:12 @ (Jacob fled to the land of Aram, there Israel did service for a wife, and for a wife he herded sheep.)

rsv@Hosea:12:13 @ By a prophet the LORD brought Israel up from Egypt, and by a prophet he was preserved.

rsv@Hosea:12:14 @ E'phraim has given bitter provocation; so his LORD will leave his bloodguilt upon him, and will turn back upon him his reproaches.

rsv@Hosea:13:1 @ When E'phraim spoke, men trembled; he was exalted in Israel; but he incurred guilt through Ba'al and died.

rsv@Hosea:13:2 @ And now they sin more and more, and make for themselves molten images, idols skilfully made of their silver, all of them the work of craftsmen. Sacrifice to these, they say. Men kiss calves!

rsv@Hosea:13:3 @ Therefore they shall be like the morning mist or like the dew that goes early away, like the chaff that swirls from the threshing floor or like smoke from a window.

rsv@Hosea:13:4 @ I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior.

rsv@Hosea:13:5 @ It was I who knew you in the wilderness, in the land of drought;

rsv@Hosea:13:6 @ but when they had fed to the full, they were filled, and their heart was lifted up; therefore they forgot me.

rsv@Hosea:13:7 @ So I will be to them like a lion, like a leopard I will lurk beside the way.

rsv@Hosea:13:8 @ I will fall upon them like a bear robbed of her cubs, I will tear open their breast, and there I will devour them like a lion, as a wild beast would rend them.

rsv@Hosea:13:9 @ I will destroy you, O Israel; who can help you?

rsv@Hosea:13:10 @ Where now is your king, to save you; where are all your princes, to defend you--those of whom you said, "Give me a king and princes"?

rsv@Hosea:13:11 @ I have given you kings in my anger, and I have taken them away in my wrath.

rsv@Hosea:13:12 @ The iniquity of E'phraim is bound up, his sin is kept in store.

rsv@Hosea:13:13 @ The pangs of childbirth come for him, but he is an unwise son; for now he does not present himself at the mouth of the womb.

rsv@Hosea:13:14 @ Shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol? Shall I redeem them from Death? O Death, where are your plagues? O Sheol, where is your destruction? Compassion is hid from my eyes.

rsv@Hosea:13:15 @ Though he may flourish as the reed plant, the east wind, the wind of the LORD, shall come, rising from the wilderness; and his fountain shall dry up, his spring shall be parched; it shall strip his treasury of every precious thing.

rsv@Hosea:13:16 @ Sama'ria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword, their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open.

rsv@Hosea:14:1 @ Return, O Israel, to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.

rsv@Hosea:14:2 @ Take with you words and return to the LORD; say to him, "Take away all iniquity; accept that which is good and we will render the fruit of our lips.

rsv@Hosea:14:3 @ Assyria shall not save us, we will not ride upon horses; and we will say no more, `Our God,' to the work of our hands. In thee the orphan finds mercy."

rsv@Hosea:14:4 @ I will heal their faithlessness; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them.

rsv@Hosea:14:5 @ I will be as the dew to Israel; he shall blossom as the lily, he shall strike root as the poplar;

rsv@Hosea:14:6 @ his shoots shall spread out; his beauty shall be like the olive, and his fragrance like Lebanon.

rsv@Hosea:14:7 @ They shall return and dwell beneath my shadow, they shall flourish as a garden; they shall blossom as the vine, their fragrance shall be like the wine of Lebanon.

rsv@Hosea:14:8 @ O E'phraim, what have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you. I am like an evergreen cypress, from me comes your fruit.

rsv@Hosea:14:9 @ Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the LORD are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them.

rsv@Joel:2:29 @ Even upon the menservants and maidservants in those days, I will pour out my spirit.

rsv@Joel:2:32 @ And it shall come to pass that all who call upon the name of the LORD shall be delivered; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the LORD has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the LORD calls.

rsv@Joel:3:1 @ "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,

rsv@Amos:2:8 @ they lay themselves down beside every altar upon garments taken in pledge; and in the house of their God they drink the wine of those who have been fined.

rsv@Amos:2:9 @ "Yet I destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and who was as strong as the oaks; I destroyed his fruit above, and his roots beneath.

rsv@Amos:3:10 @ "They do not know how to do right," says the LORD, "those who store up violence and robbery in their strongholds."

rsv@Amos:5:16 @ Therefore thus says the LORD, the God of hosts, the Lord: "In all the squares there shall be wailing; and in all the streets they shall say, 'Alas! alas!' They shall call the farmers to mourning and to wailing those who are skilled in lamentation,

rsv@Amos:5:27 @ therefore I will take you into exile beyond Damascus," says the LORD, whose name is the God of hosts.

rsv@Amos:6:1 @ "Woe to those who are at ease in Zion, and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Sama'ria, the notable men of the first of the nations, to whom the house of Israel come!

rsv@Amos:6:4 @ "Woe to those who lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat lambs from the flock, and calves from the midst of the stall;

rsv@Amos:6:7 @ Therefore they shall now be the first of those to go into exile, and the revelry of those who stretch themselves shall pass away."

rsv@Amos:8:14 @ Those who swear by Ash'imah of Sama'ria, and say, `As thy god lives, O Dan,' and, `As the way of Beer-sheba lives,' they shall fall, and never rise again."

rsv@Obadiah:1:3 @ The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rock, whose dwelling is high, who say in your heart, "Who will bring me down to the ground?"

rsv@Obadiah:1:17 @ But in Mount Zion there shall be those that escape, and it shall be holy; and the house of Jacob shall possess their own possessions.

rsv@Obadiah:1:19 @ Those of the Negeb shall possess Mount Esau, and those of the Shephe'lah the land of the Philistines; they shall possess the land of E'phraim and the land of Sama'ria and Benjamin shall possess Gilead.

rsv@Jonah:1:7 @ And they said to one another, "Come, let us cast lots, that we may know on whose account this evil has come upon us." So they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Jonah.

rsv@Jonah:1:8 @ Then they said to him, "Tell us, on whose account this evil has come upon us? What is your occupation? And whence do you come? What is your country? And of what people are you?"

rsv@Jonah:2:6 @ at the roots of the mountains. I went down to the land whose bars closed upon me for ever; yet thou didst bring up my life from the Pit, O LORD my God.

rsv@Jonah:2:8 @ Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their true loyalty.

rsv@Micah:2:1 @ Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil upon their beds! When the morning dawns, they perform it, because it is in the power of their hand.

rsv@Micah:2:8 @ But you rise against my people as an enemy; you strip the robe from the peaceful, from those who pass by trustingly with no thought of war.

rsv@Micah:4:6 @ In that day, says the LORD, I will assemble the lame and gather those who have been driven away, and those whom I have afflicted;

rsv@Micah:4:7 @ and the lame I will make the remnant; and those who were cast off, a strong nation; and the LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion from this time forth and for evermore.

rsv@Micah:5:2 @ But you, O Bethlehem Eph'rathah, who are little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days.

rsv@Nahum:1:7 @ The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.

rsv@Nahum:2:8 @ Nin'eveh is like a pool whose waters run away. "Halt! Halt!" they cry; but none turns back.

rsv@Habakkuk:1:11 @ Then they sweep by like the wind and go on, guilty men, whose own might is their god!

rsv@Habakkuk:2:4 @ Behold, he whose soul is not upright in him shall fail, but the righteous shall live by his faith.

rsv@Habakkuk:2:7 @ Will not your debtors suddenly arise, and those awake who will make you tremble? Then you will be booty for them.

rsv@Zephaniah:1:5 @ those who bow down on the roofs to the host of the heavens; those who bow down and swear to the LORD and yet swear by Milcom;

rsv@Zephaniah:1:6 @ those who have turned back from following the LORD, who do not seek the LORD or inquire of him."

rsv@Zephaniah:1:9 @ On that day I will punish every one who leaps over the threshold, and those who fill their master's house with violence and fraud."

rsv@Zephaniah:1:12 @ At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are thickening upon their lees, those who say in their hearts, `The LORD will not do good, nor will he do ill.'

rsv@Zephaniah:3:13 @ those who are left in Israel; they shall do no wrong and utter no lies, nor shall there be found in their mouth a deceitful tongue. For they shall pasture and lie down, and none shall make them afraid."

rsv@Haggai:2:23 @ On that day, says the LORD of hosts, I will take you, O Zerub'babel my servant, the son of She-al'ti-el, says the LORD, and make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you, says the LORD of hosts."

rsv@Zechariah:2:9 @ "Behold, I will shake my hand over them, and they shall become plunder for those who served them. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me.

rsv@Zechariah:3:2 @ And the LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, O Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?"

rsv@Zechariah:3:4 @ And the angel said to those who were standing before him, "Remove the filthy garments from him." And to him he said, "Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with rich apparel."

rsv@Zechariah:3:7 @ "Thus says the LORD of hosts: If you will walk in my ways and keep my charge, then you shall rule my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you the right of access among those who are standing here.

rsv@Zechariah:6:8 @ Then he cried to me, "Behold, those who go toward the north country have set my Spirit at rest in the north country."

rsv@Zechariah:6:12 @ and say to him, `Thus says the LORD of hosts, "Behold, the man whose name is the Branch: for he shall grow up in his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD.

rsv@Zechariah:6:15 @ "And those who are far off shall come and help to build the temple of the LORD; and you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. And this shall come to pass, if you will diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God."

rsv@Zechariah:8:10 @ For before those days there was no wage for man or any wage for beast, neither was there any safety from the foe for him who went out or came in; for I set every man against his fellow.

rsv@Zechariah:8:23 @ Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, `Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'"

rsv@Zechariah:11:5 @ Those who buy them slay them and go unpunished; and those who sell them say, `Blessed be the LORD, I have become rich'; and their own shepherds have no pity on them.

rsv@Zechariah:11:7 @ So I became the shepherd of the flock doomed to be slain for those who trafficked in the sheep. And I took two staffs; one I named Grace, the other I named Union. And I tended the sheep.

rsv@Zechariah:11:9 @ So I said, "I will not be your shepherd. What is to die, let it die; what is to be destroyed, let it be destroyed; and let those that are left devour the flesh of one another."

rsv@Zechariah:14:3 @ Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations as when he fights on a day of battle.

rsv@Zechariah:14:15 @ And a plague like this plague shall fall on the horses, the mules, the camels, the asses, and whatever beasts may be in those camps.

rsv@Malachi:1:8 @ When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that no evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that no evil? Present that to your governor; will he be pleased with you or show you favor? says the LORD of hosts.

rsv@Malachi:3:5 @ "Then I will draw near to you for judgment; I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, against the adulterers, against those who swear falsely, against those who oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow and the orphan, against those who thrust aside the sojourner, and do not fear me, says the LORD of hosts.

rsv@Malachi:3:16 @ Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another; the LORD heeded and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the LORD and thought on his name.

rsv@Matthew:2:20 @ "Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child's life are dead."

rsv@Matthew:3:1 @ In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea,

rsv@Matthew:3:11 @ "I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

rsv@Matthew:4:16 @ the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned."

rsv@Matthew:4:24 @ So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, and paralytics, and he healed them.

rsv@Matthew:5:4 @ "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

rsv@Matthew:5:6 @ "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

rsv@Matthew:5:10 @ "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

rsv@Matthew:5:44 @ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

rsv@Matthew:5:46 @ For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?

rsv@Matthew:7:11 @ If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

rsv@Matthew:7:13 @ "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

rsv@Matthew:7:14 @ For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

rsv@Matthew:8:10 @ When Jesus heard him, he marveled, and said to those who followed him, "Truly, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.

rsv@Matthew:9:12 @ But when he heard it, he said, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.

rsv@Matthew:10:25 @ it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Be-el'zebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.

rsv@Matthew:10:28 @ And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

rsv@Matthew:10:36 @ and a man's foes will be those of his own household.

rsv@Matthew:11:8 @ Why then did you go out? To see a man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, those who wear soft raiment are in kings' houses.

rsv@Matthew:11:11 @ Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

rsv@Matthew:12:3 @ He said to them, "Have you not read what David did, when he was hungry, and those who were with him:

rsv@Matthew:12:4 @ how he entered the house of God and ate the bread of the Presence, which it was not lawful for him to eat nor for those who were with him, but only for the priests?

rsv@Matthew:12:18 @ "Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased. I will put my Spirit upon him, and he shall proclaim justice to the Gentiles.

rsv@Matthew:14:21 @ And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children.

rsv@Matthew:14:33 @ And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

rsv@Matthew:15:38 @ Those who ate were four thousand men, besides women and children.

rsv@Matthew:19:11 @ But he said to them, "Not all men can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given.

rsv@Matthew:20:9 @ And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius.

rsv@Matthew:20:23 @ He said to them, "You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father."

rsv@Matthew:21:12 @ And Jesus entered the temple of God and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.

rsv@Matthew:21:40 @ When therefore the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?"

rsv@Matthew:21:41 @ They said to him, "He will put those wretches to a miserable death, and let out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons."

rsv@Matthew:22:3 @ and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come.

rsv@Matthew:22:4 @ Again he sent other servants, saying, `Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.'

rsv@Matthew:22:7 @ The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.

rsv@Matthew:22:8 @ Then he said to his servants, `The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy.

rsv@Matthew:22:10 @ And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests.

rsv@Matthew:22:14 @ For many are called, but few are chosen."

rsv@Matthew:22:20 @ And Jesus said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?"

rsv@Matthew:22:42 @ saying, "What do you think of the Christ? Whose son is he?" They said to him, "The son of David."

rsv@Matthew:23:13 @ "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither enter yourselves, nor allow those who would enter to go in.

rsv@Matthew:23:30 @ Thus you witness against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets.

rsv@Matthew:23:36 @ "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!

rsv@Matthew:24:16 @ then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains;

rsv@Matthew:24:19 @ And alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck in those days!

rsv@Matthew:24:22 @ And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

rsv@Matthew:24:29 @ "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken;

rsv@Matthew:24:38 @ For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark,

rsv@Matthew:25:7 @ Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps.

rsv@Matthew:25:10 @ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut.

rsv@Matthew:25:19 @ Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.

rsv@Matthew:25:34 @ Then the King will say to those at his right hand, `Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world;

rsv@Matthew:25:41 @ Then he will say to those at his left hand, `Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels;

rsv@Matthew:26:51 @ And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest, and cut off his ear.

rsv@Matthew:26:57 @ Then those who had seized Jesus led him to Ca'iaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders had gathered.

rsv@Matthew:27:39 @ And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads

rsv@Matthew:27:54 @ When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe, and said, "Truly this was the Son of God!"

rsv@Mark:1:7 @ And he preached, saying, "After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.

rsv@Mark:1:9 @ In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

rsv@Mark:1:36 @ And Simon and those who were with him pursued him,

rsv@Mark:2:17 @ And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

rsv@Mark:2:25 @ And he said to them, "Have you never read what David did, when he was in need and was hungry, he and those who were with him:

rsv@Mark:2:26 @ how he entered the house of God, when Abi'athar was high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave it to those who were with him?"

rsv@Mark:3:13 @ And he went up on the mountain, and called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him.

rsv@Mark:3:34 @ And looking around on those who sat about him, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!

rsv@Mark:4:10 @ And when he was alone, those who were about him with the twelve asked him concerning the parables.

rsv@Mark:4:11 @ And he said to them, "To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables;

rsv@Mark:4:18 @ And others are the ones sown among thorns; they are those who hear the word,

rsv@Mark:4:20 @ But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold."

rsv@Mark:5:16 @ And those who had seen it told what had happened to the demoniac and to the swine.

rsv@Mark:5:40 @ And they laughed at him. But he put them all outside, and took the child's father and mother and those who were with him, and went in where the child was.

rsv@Mark:6:44 @ And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men.

rsv@Mark:7:24 @ But immediately a woman, whose little daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell down at his feet.

rsv@Mark:8:1 @ In those days, when again a great crowd had gathered, and they had nothing to eat, he called his disciples to him, and said to them,

rsv@Mark:10:23 @ And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it will be for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!"

rsv@Mark:10:32 @ And they were on the road, going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them; and they were amazed, and those who followed were afraid. And taking the twelve again, he began to tell them what was to happen to him,

rsv@Mark:10:40 @ but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared."

rsv@Mark:10:42 @ And Jesus called them to him and said to them, "You know that those who are supposed to rule over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them.

rsv@Mark:11:5 @ And those who stood there said to them, "What are you doing, untying the colt?"

rsv@Mark:11:9 @ And those who went before and those who followed cried out, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

rsv@Mark:11:15 @ And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons;

rsv@Mark:12:7 @ But those tenants said to one another, `This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.'

rsv@Mark:12:16 @ And they brought one. And he said to them, "Whose likeness and inscription is this?" They said to him, "Caesar's."

rsv@Mark:12:23 @ In the resurrection whose wife will she be? For the seven had her as wife."

rsv@Mark:12:43 @ And he called his disciples to him, and said to them, "Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury.

rsv@Mark:13:14 @ "But when you see the desolating sacrilege set up where it ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains;

rsv@Mark:13:17 @ And alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck in those days!

rsv@Mark:13:19 @ For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.

rsv@Mark:13:20 @ And if the Lord had not shortened the days, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days.

rsv@Mark:13:24 @ "But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,

rsv@Mark:14:47 @ But one of those who stood by drew his sword, and struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear.

rsv@Mark:15:28 @ And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads, and saying, "Aha! You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days,

rsv@Mark:15:31 @ Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe." Those who were crucified with him also reviled him.

rsv@Mark:16:10 @ She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.

rsv@Mark:16:14 @ Afterward he appeared to the eleven themselves as they sat at table; and he upbraided them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who saw him after he had risen.

rsv@Mark:16:17 @ And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

rsv@Luke:1:2 @ just as they were delivered to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word,

rsv@Luke:1:27 @ to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

rsv@Luke:1:39 @ In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a city of Judah,

rsv@Luke:1:50 @ And his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation.

rsv@Luke:1:52 @ he has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree;

rsv@Luke:1:79 @ to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."

rsv@Luke:2:1 @ In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled.

rsv@Luke:2:25 @ Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.

rsv@Luke:3:16 @ John answered them all, "I baptize you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

rsv@Luke:4:2 @ for forty days in the wilderness, tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing in those days; and when they were ended, he was hungry.

rsv@Luke:4:18 @ "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,

rsv@Luke:4:40 @ Now when the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to him; and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.

rsv@Luke:5:17 @ On one of those days, as he was teaching, there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was with him to heal.

rsv@Luke:5:31 @ And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick;

rsv@Luke:5:35 @ The days will come, when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days."

rsv@Luke:6:3 @ And Jesus answered, "Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, he and those who were with him:

rsv@Luke:6:4 @ how he entered the house of God, and took and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and also gave it to those with him?"

rsv@Luke:6:6 @ On another sabbath, when he entered the synagogue and taught, a man was there whose right hand was withered.

rsv@Luke:6:13 @ And when it was day, he called his disciples, and chose from them twelve, whom he named apostles;

rsv@Luke:6:18 @ and those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured.

rsv@Luke:6:27 @ "But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

rsv@Luke:6:28 @ bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

rsv@Luke:6:32 @ "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.

rsv@Luke:6:33 @ And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.

rsv@Luke:6:34 @ And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

rsv@Luke:7:10 @ And when those who had been sent returned to the house, they found the slave well.

rsv@Luke:7:25 @ What then did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft clothing? Behold, those who are gorgeously appareled and live in luxury are in kings' courts.

rsv@Luke:7:28 @ I tell you, among those born of women none is greater than John; yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he."

rsv@Luke:7:49 @ Then those who were at table with him began to say among themselves, "Who is this, who even forgives sins?"

rsv@Luke:8:12 @ The ones along the path are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, that they may not believe and be saved.

rsv@Luke:8:13 @ And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy; but these have no root, they believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away.

rsv@Luke:8:14 @ And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature.

rsv@Luke:8:15 @ And as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience.

rsv@Luke:8:16 @ "No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.

rsv@Luke:8:21 @ But he said to them, "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it."

rsv@Luke:8:36 @ And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with demons was healed.

rsv@Luke:9:11 @ When the crowds learned it, they followed him; and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God, and cured those who had need of healing.

rsv@Luke:9:32 @ Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, and when they wakened they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him.

rsv@Luke:9:35 @ And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!"

rsv@Luke:9:36 @ And when the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. And they kept silence and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen.

rsv@Luke:9:61 @ Another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home."

rsv@Luke:10:42 @ one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her."

rsv@Luke:11:13 @ If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

rsv@Luke:11:28 @ But he said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"

rsv@Luke:11:33 @ "No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a bushel, but on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.

rsv@Luke:11:41 @ But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, everything is clean for you.

rsv@Luke:11:52 @ Woe to you lawyers! for you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering."

rsv@Luke:12:4 @ "I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

rsv@Luke:12:20 @ But God said to him, `Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?'

rsv@Luke:12:37 @ Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes; truly, I say to you, he will gird himself and have them sit at table, and he will come and serve them.

rsv@Luke:12:38 @ If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them so, blessed are those servants!

rsv@Luke:13:1 @ There were some present at that very time who told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

rsv@Luke:13:4 @ Or those eighteen upon whom the tower in Silo'am fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who dwelt in Jerusalem?

rsv@Luke:13:14 @ But the ruler of the synagogue, indignant because Jesus had healed on the sabbath, said to the people, "There are six days on which work ought to be done; come on those days and be healed, and not on the sabbath day."

rsv@Luke:13:23 @ And some one said to him, "Lord, will those who are saved be few?" And he said to them,

rsv@Luke:13:34 @ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!

rsv@Luke:14:7 @ Now he told a parable to those who were invited, when he marked how they chose the places of honor, saying to them,

rsv@Luke:14:15 @ When one of those who sat at table with him heard this, he said to him, "Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God!"

rsv@Luke:14:17 @ and at the time for the banquet he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited, `Come; for all is now ready.'

rsv@Luke:14:24 @ For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet.'"

rsv@Luke:16:15 @ But he said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts; for what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

rsv@Luke:16:26 @ And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.'

rsv@Luke:18:24 @ Jesus looking at him said, "How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!

rsv@Luke:18:26 @ Those who heard it said, "Then who can be saved?"

rsv@Luke:18:39 @ And those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent; but he cried out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"

rsv@Luke:19:24 @ And he said to those who stood by, `Take the pound from him, and give it to him who has the ten pounds.'

rsv@Luke:19:32 @ So those who were sent went away and found it as he had told them.

rsv@Luke:19:45 @ And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold,

rsv@Luke:20:16 @ He will come and destroy those tenants, and give the vineyard to others." When they heard this, they said, "God forbid!"

rsv@Luke:20:24 @ "Show me a coin. Whose likeness and inscription has it?" They said, "Caesar's."

rsv@Luke:20:27 @ There came to him some Sadducees, those who say that there is no resurrection,

rsv@Luke:20:33 @ In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife will the woman be? For the seven had her as wife."

rsv@Luke:20:35 @ but those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage,

rsv@Luke:21:21 @ Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are inside the city depart, and let not those who are out in the country enter it;

rsv@Luke:21:23 @ Alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck in those days! For great distress shall be upon the earth and wrath upon this people;

rsv@Luke:22:25 @ And he said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and those in authority over them are called benefactors.

rsv@Luke:22:28 @ "You are those who have continued with me in my trials;

rsv@Luke:22:47 @ And when those who were about him saw what would follow, they said, "Lord, shall we strike with the sword?"

rsv@Luke:23:34 @ And the people stood by, watching; but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, "He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!"

rsv@Luke:24:23 @ Some of those who were with us went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said; but him they did not see."

rsv@Luke:24:32 @ And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven gathered together and those who were with them,

rsv@John:1:6 @ There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

rsv@John:1:22 @ They said to him then, "Who are you? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?"

rsv@John:1:27 @ even he who comes after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie."

rsv@John:2:14 @ In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers at their business.

rsv@John:2:16 @ And he told those who sold the pigeons, "Take these things away; you shall not make my Father's house a house of trade."

rsv@John:4:24 @ God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."

rsv@John:4:46 @ So he came again to Cana in Galilee, where he had made the water wine. And at Caper'na-um there was an official whose son was ill.

rsv@John:5:24 @ "Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live.

rsv@John:5:28 @ and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment.

rsv@John:6:2 @ And a multitude followed him, because they saw the signs which he did on those who were diseased.

rsv@John:6:11 @ Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted.

rsv@John:6:13 @ So they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves, left by those who had eaten.

rsv@John:6:42 @ They said, "Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does he now say, `I have come down from heaven'?"

rsv@John:6:64 @ But there are some of you that do not believe." For Jesus knew from the first who those were that did not believe, and who it was that would betray him.

rsv@John:7:39 @ Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

rsv@John:9:8 @ The neighbors and those who had seen him before as a beggar, said, "Is not this the man who used to sit and beg?"

rsv@John:9:39 @ Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind."

rsv@John:10:12 @ He who is a hireling and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.

rsv@John:11:2 @ It was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Laz'arus was ill.

rsv@John:12:2 @ There they made him a supper; Martha served, and Laz'arus was one of those at table with him.

rsv@John:12:20 @ Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks.

rsv@John:13:18 @ I am not speaking of you all; I know whom I have chosen; it is that the scripture may be fulfilled, `He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.'

rsv@John:15:16 @ You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.

rsv@John:15:19 @ If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

rsv@John:17:9 @ I am praying for them; I am not praying for the world but for those whom thou hast given me, for they are thine;

rsv@John:17:20 @ "I do not pray for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word,

rsv@John:18:9 @ This was to fulfil the word which he had spoken, "Of those whom thou gavest me I lost not one."

rsv@John:18:21 @ Why do you ask me? Ask those who have heard me, what I said to them; they know what I said."

rsv@John:18:26 @ One of the servants of the high priest, a kinsman of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, asked, "Did I not see you in the garden with him?"

rsv@John:19:24 @ so they said to one another, "Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it to see whose it shall be." This was to fulfil the scripture, "They parted my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots."

rsv@John:20:29 @ Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."

rsv@Acts:1:2 @ until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.

rsv@Acts:1:15 @ In those days Peter stood up among the brethren (the company of persons was in all about a hundred and twenty), and said,

rsv@Acts:1:16 @ "Brethren, the scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of David, concerning Judas who was guide to those who arrested Jesus.

rsv@Acts:1:24 @ And they prayed and said, "Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, show which one of these two thou hast chosen

rsv@Acts:2:18 @ yea, and on my menservants and my maidservants in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.

rsv@Acts:2:41 @ So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls.

rsv@Acts:2:47 @ praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

rsv@Acts:3:2 @ And a man lame from birth was being carried, whom they laid daily at that gate of the temple which is called Beautiful to ask alms of those who entered the temple.

rsv@Acts:3:24 @ And all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came afterwards, also proclaimed these days.

rsv@Acts:4:4 @ But many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to about five thousand.

rsv@Acts:4:32 @ Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had everything in common.

rsv@Acts:5:9 @ But Peter said to her, "How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Hark, the feet of those that have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out."

rsv@Acts:5:16 @ The people also gathered from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all healed.

rsv@Acts:5:21 @ And when they heard this, they entered the temple at daybreak and taught. Now the high priest came and those who were with him and called together the council and all the senate of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought.

rsv@Acts:5:32 @ And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him."

rsv@Acts:6:5 @ And what they said pleased the whole multitude, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Proch'orus, and Nica'nor, and Ti'mon, and Par'menas, and Nicola'us, a proselyte of Antioch.

rsv@Acts:6:9 @ Then some of those who belonged to the synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called), and of the Cyre'nians, and of the Alexandrians, and of those from Cili'cia and Asia, arose and disputed with Stephen.

rsv@Acts:7:41 @ And they made a calf in those days, and offered a sacrifice to the idol and rejoiced in the works of their hands.

rsv@Acts:7:52 @ Which of the prophets did not your fathers persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered,

rsv@Acts:8:4 @ Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.

rsv@Acts:9:15 @ But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel;

rsv@Acts:9:21 @ And all who heard him were amazed, and said, "Is not this the man who made havoc in Jerusalem of those who called on this name? And he has come here for this purpose, to bring them bound before the chief priests."

rsv@Acts:9:37 @ In those days she fell sick and died; and when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room.

rsv@Acts:10:6 @ he is lodging with Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the seaside."

rsv@Acts:10:7 @ When the angel who spoke to him had departed, he called two of his servants and a devout soldier from among those that waited on him,

rsv@Acts:10:41 @ not to all the people but to us who were chosen by God as witnesses, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.

rsv@Acts:11:19 @ Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoeni'cia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to none except Jews.

rsv@Acts:12:12 @ When he realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose other name was Mark, where many were gathered together and were praying.

rsv@Acts:12:25 @ And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their mission, bringing with them John whose other name was Mark.

rsv@Acts:13:17 @ The God of this people Israel chose our fathers and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt, and with uplifted arm he led them out of it.

rsv@Acts:13:25 @ And as John was finishing his course, he said, `What do you suppose that I am? I am not he. No, but after me one is coming, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.'

rsv@Acts:13:26 @ "Brethren, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you that fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.

rsv@Acts:13:27 @ For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not recognize him nor understand the utterances of the prophets which are read every sabbath, fulfilled these by condemning him.

rsv@Acts:13:31 @ and for many days he appeared to those who came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people.

rsv@Acts:14:13 @ And the priest of Zeus, whose temple was in front of the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates and wanted to offer sacrifice with the people.

rsv@Acts:15:19 @ Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God,

rsv@Acts:15:21 @ For from early generations Moses has had in every city those who preach him, for he is read every sabbath in the synagogues."

rsv@Acts:15:33 @ And after they had spent some time, they were sent off in peace by the brethren to those who had sent them.

rsv@Acts:15:39 @ but Paul chose Silas and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of the Lord.

rsv@Acts:16:3 @ Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him; and he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews that were in those places, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

rsv@Acts:16:35 @ But when it was day, the magistrates sent the police, saying, "Let those men go."

rsv@Acts:17:11 @ Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessaloni'ca, for they received the word with all eagerness, examining the scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

rsv@Acts:17:15 @ Those who conducted Paul brought him as far as Athens; and receiving a command for Silas and Timothy to come to him as soon as possible, they departed.

rsv@Acts:17:17 @ So he argued in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the market place every day with those who chanced to be there.

rsv@Acts:18:27 @ And when he wished to cross to Acha'ia, the brethren encouraged him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed,

rsv@Acts:19:13 @ Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to pronounce the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, "I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches."

rsv@Acts:19:18 @ Many also of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices.

rsv@Acts:19:19 @ And a number of those who practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all; and they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver.

rsv@Acts:20:32 @ And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

rsv@Acts:20:34 @ You yourselves know that these hands ministered to my necessities, and to those who were with me.

rsv@Acts:21:20 @ And when they heard it, they glorified God. And they said to him, "You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed; they are all zealous for the law,

rsv@Acts:22:5 @ as the high priest and the whole council of elders bear me witness. From them I received letters to the brethren, and I journeyed to Damascus to take those also who were there and bring them in bonds to Jerusalem to be punished.

rsv@Acts:22:9 @ Now those who were with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to me.

rsv@Acts:22:11 @ And when I could not see because of the brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by those who were with me, and came into Damascus.

rsv@Acts:22:19 @ And I said, `Lord, they themselves know that in every synagogue I imprisoned and beat those who believed in thee.

rsv@Acts:22:20 @ And when the blood of Stephen thy witness was shed, I also was standing by and approving, and keeping the garments of those who killed him.'

rsv@Acts:22:29 @ So those who were about to examine him withdrew from him instantly; and the tribune also was afraid, for he realized that Paul was a Roman citizen and that he had bound him.

rsv@Acts:23:2 @ And the high priest Anani'as commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth.

rsv@Acts:23:4 @ Those who stood by said, "Would you revile God's high priest?"

rsv@Acts:26:13 @ At midday, O king, I saw on the way a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining round me and those who journeyed with me.

rsv@Acts:26:16 @ But rise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you to serve and bear witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you,

rsv@Acts:26:18 @ to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'

rsv@Acts:26:20 @ but declared first to those at Damascus, then at Jerusalem and throughout all the country of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God and perform deeds worthy of their repentance.

rsv@Acts:26:30 @ Then the king rose, and the governor and Berni'ce and those who were sitting with them;

rsv@Acts:27:24 @ and he said, `Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar; and lo, God has granted you all those who sail with you.'

rsv@Acts:27:43 @ but the centurion, wishing to save Paul, kept them from carrying out their purpose. He ordered those who could swim to throw themselves overboard first and make for the land,

rsv@Romans:1:32 @ Though they know God's decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them.

rsv@Romans:2:2 @ We know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who do such things.

rsv@Romans:2:3 @ Do you suppose, O man, that when you judge those who do such things and yet do them yourself, you will escape the judgment of God?

rsv@Romans:2:7 @ to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life;

rsv@Romans:2:8 @ but for those who are factious and do not obey the truth, but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury.

rsv@Romans:2:19 @ and if you are sure that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness,

rsv@Romans:2:27 @ Then those who are physically uncircumcised but keep the law will condemn you who have the written code and circumcision but break the law.

rsv@Romans:3:19 @ Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God.

rsv@Romans:4:7 @ "Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered;

rsv@Romans:4:16 @ That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his descendants-- not only to the adherents of the law but also to those who share the faith of Abraham, for he is the father of us all,

rsv@Romans:5:14 @ Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.

rsv@Romans:5:17 @ If, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.

rsv@Romans:6:21 @ But then what return did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? The end of those things is death.

rsv@Romans:7:1 @ Do you not know, brethren--for I am speaking to those who know the law--that the law is binding on a person only during his life?

rsv@Romans:8:1 @ There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

rsv@Romans:8:5 @ For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

rsv@Romans:8:8 @ and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

rsv@Romans:8:28 @ We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

rsv@Romans:8:29 @ For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brethren.

rsv@Romans:8:30 @ And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.

rsv@Romans:9:25 @ As indeed he says in Hose'a, "Those who were not my people I will call `my people,' and her who was not beloved I will call `my beloved.'"

rsv@Romans:10:15 @ And how can men preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!"

rsv@Romans:10:19 @ Again I ask, did Israel not understand? First Moses says, "I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation; with a foolish nation I will make you angry."

rsv@Romans:10:20 @ Then Isaiah is so bold as to say, "I have been found by those who did not seek me; I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me."

rsv@Romans:11:5 @ So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.

rsv@Romans:11:22 @ Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you too will be cut off.

rsv@Romans:12:14 @ Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.

rsv@Romans:12:15 @ Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

rsv@Romans:13:1 @ Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

rsv@Romans:13:2 @ Therefore he who resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.

rsv@Romans:15:3 @ For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached thee fell on me."

rsv@Romans:16:10 @ Greet Apel'les, who is approved in Christ. Greet those who belong to the family of Aristobu'lus.

rsv@Romans:16:11 @ Greet my kinsman Hero'dion. Greet those in the Lord who belong to the family of Narcis'sus.

rsv@Romans:16:12 @ Greet those workers in the Lord, Tryphae'na and Trypho'sa. Greet the beloved Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord.

rsv@Romans:16:17 @ I appeal to you, brethren, to take note of those who create dissensions and difficulties, in opposition to the doctrine which you have been taught; avoid them.

rsv@1Corinthians:1:2 @ To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours:

rsv@1Corinthians:1:18 @ For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

rsv@1Corinthians:1:21 @ For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.

rsv@1Corinthians:1:24 @ but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

rsv@1Corinthians:1:27 @ but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong,

rsv@1Corinthians:1:28 @ God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are,

rsv@1Corinthians:2:9 @ But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him,"

rsv@1Corinthians:2:13 @ And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.

rsv@1Corinthians:5:12 @ For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?

rsv@1Corinthians:5:13 @ God judges those outside. "Drive out the wicked person from among you."

rsv@1Corinthians:6:4 @ If then you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who are least esteemed by the church?

rsv@1Corinthians:7:28 @ But if you marry, you do not sin, and if a girl marries she does not sin. Yet those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that.

rsv@1Corinthians:7:29 @ I mean, brethren, the appointed time has grown very short; from now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none,

rsv@1Corinthians:7:30 @ and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods,

rsv@1Corinthians:7:31 @ and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the form of this world is passing away.

rsv@1Corinthians:9:3 @ This is my defense to those who would examine me.

rsv@1Corinthians:9:13 @ Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings?

rsv@1Corinthians:9:14 @ In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.

rsv@1Corinthians:9:20 @ To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews; to those under the law I became as one under the law--though not being myself under the law--that I might win those under the law.

rsv@1Corinthians:9:21 @ To those outside the law I became as one outside the law--not being without law toward God but under the law of Christ--that I might win those outside the law.

rsv@1Corinthians:10:18 @ Consider the people of Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices partners in the altar?

rsv@1Corinthians:11:19 @ for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized.

rsv@1Corinthians:11:22 @ What! Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God and humiliate those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I commend you in this? No, I will not.

rsv@1Corinthians:12:18 @ But as it is, God arranged the organs in the body, each one of them, as he chose.

rsv@1Corinthians:12:23 @ and those parts of the body which we think less honorable we invest with the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty,

rsv@1Corinthians:15:18 @ Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

rsv@1Corinthians:15:20 @ But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

rsv@1Corinthians:15:23 @ But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.

rsv@1Corinthians:15:38 @ But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body.

rsv@1Corinthians:15:48 @ As was the man of dust, so are those who are of the dust; and as is the man of heaven, so are those who are of heaven.

rsv@1Corinthians:16:3 @ And when I arrive, I will send those whom you accredit by letter to carry your gift to Jerusalem.

rsv@2Corinthians:1:4 @ who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

rsv@2Corinthians:2:3 @ And I wrote as I did, so that when I came I might not suffer pain from those who should have made me rejoice, for I felt sure of all of you, that my joy would be the joy of you all.

rsv@2Corinthians:2:15 @ For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing,

rsv@2Corinthians:4:3 @ And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing.

rsv@2Corinthians:5:12 @ We are not commending ourselves to you again but giving you cause to be proud of us, so that you may be able to answer those who pride themselves on a man's position and not on his heart.

rsv@2Corinthians:5:15 @ And he died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.

rsv@2Corinthians:10:12 @ Not that we venture to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another, and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.

rsv@2Corinthians:11:12 @ And what I do I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do.

rsv@2Corinthians:12:17 @ Did I take advantage of you through any of those whom I sent to you?

rsv@2Corinthians:12:21 @ I fear that when I come again my God may humble me before you, and I may have to mourn over many of those who sinned before and have not repented of the impurity, immorality, and licentiousness which they have practiced.

rsv@2Corinthians:13:2 @ I warned those who sinned before and all the others, and I warn them now while absent, as I did when present on my second visit, that if I come again I will not spare them--

rsv@Galatians:1:17 @ nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned to Damascus.

rsv@Galatians:2:2 @ I went up by revelation; and I laid before them (but privately before those who were of repute) the gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, lest somehow I should be running or had run in vain.

rsv@Galatians:2:6 @ And from those who were reputed to be something (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality)--those, I say, who were of repute added nothing to me;

rsv@Galatians:2:18 @ But if I build up again those things which I tore down, then I prove myself a transgressor.

rsv@Galatians:3:1 @ O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?

rsv@Galatians:3:9 @ So then, those who are men of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith.

rsv@Galatians:3:22 @ But the scripture consigned all things to sin, that what was promised to faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

rsv@Galatians:4:5 @ to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.

rsv@Galatians:4:9 @ but now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits, whose slaves you want to be once more?

rsv@Galatians:5:12 @ I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves!

rsv@Galatians:5:21 @ envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

rsv@Galatians:5:24 @ And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

rsv@Galatians:6:10 @ So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

rsv@Galatians:6:12 @ It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.

rsv@Galatians:6:13 @ For even those who receive circumcision do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh.

rsv@Ephesians:1:4 @ even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.

rsv@Ephesians:2:17 @ And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near;

rsv@Ephesians:4:28 @ Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his hands, so that he may be able to give to those in need.

rsv@Ephesians:4:29 @ Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear.

rsv@Ephesians:6:5 @ Slaves, be obedient to those who are your earthly masters, with fear and trembling, in singleness of heart, as to Christ;

rsv@Philippians:2:21 @ They all look after their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.

rsv@Philippians:3:2 @ Look out for the dogs, look out for the evil-workers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh.

rsv@Philippians:3:15 @ Let those of us who are mature be thus minded; and if in anything you are otherwise minded, God will reveal that also to you.

rsv@Philippians:3:17 @ Brethren, join in imitating me, and mark those who so live as you have an example in us.

rsv@Philippians:4:3 @ And I ask you also, true yokefellow, help these women, for they have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

rsv@Philippians:4:22 @ All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household.

rsv@Colossians:1:27 @ To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

rsv@Colossians:2:1 @ For I want you to know how greatly I strive for you, and for those at La-odice'a, and for all who have not seen my face,

rsv@Colossians:3:12 @ Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience,

rsv@Colossians:3:22 @ Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord.

rsv@Colossians:4:13 @ For I bear him witness that he has worked hard for you and for those in La-odice'a and in Hi-erap'olis.

rsv@1Thessalonians:1:4 @ For we know, brethren beloved by God, that he has chosen you;

rsv@1Thessalonians:4:13 @ But we would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.

rsv@1Thessalonians:4:14 @ For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.

rsv@1Thessalonians:4:15 @ For this we declare to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep.

rsv@1Thessalonians:5:7 @ For those who sleep sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night.

rsv@1Thessalonians:5:12 @ But we beseech you, brethren, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you,

rsv@2Thessalonians:1:6 @ since indeed God deems it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you,

rsv@2Thessalonians:1:8 @ inflicting vengeance upon those who do not know God and upon those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

rsv@2Thessalonians:2:10 @ and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

rsv@2Thessalonians:2:13 @ But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.

rsv@1Timothy:1:16 @ but I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience for an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life.

rsv@1Timothy:3:13 @ for those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

rsv@1Timothy:4:2 @ through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared,

rsv@1Timothy:4:3 @ who forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

rsv@1Timothy:4:10 @ For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.

rsv@1Timothy:5:16 @ If any believing woman has relatives who are widows, let her assist them; let the church not be burdened, so that it may assist those who are real widows.

rsv@1Timothy:5:17 @ Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching;

rsv@1Timothy:5:20 @ As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.

rsv@1Timothy:6:2 @ Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brethren; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these duties.

rsv@1Timothy:6:9 @ But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

rsv@2Timothy:2:19 @ But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity."

rsv@2Timothy:2:22 @ So shun youthful passions and aim at righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart.

rsv@2Timothy:3:6 @ For among them are those who make their way into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and swayed by various impulses,

rsv@2Timothy:3:9 @ but they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.

rsv@Titus:1:9 @ he must hold firm to the sure word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to confute those who contradict it.

rsv@Titus:3:8 @ The saying is sure. I desire you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to apply themselves to good deeds; these are excellent and profitable to men.

rsv@Titus:3:15 @ All who are with me send greetings to you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all.

rsv@Philemon:1:10 @ I appeal to you for my child, Ones'imus, whose father I have become in my imprisonment.

rsv@Hebrews:1:14 @ Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are to obtain salvation?

rsv@Hebrews:2:3 @ how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard him,

rsv@Hebrews:2:11 @ For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all one origin. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

rsv@Hebrews:2:15 @ and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage.

rsv@Hebrews:2:18 @ For because he himself has suffered and been tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.

rsv@Hebrews:3:16 @ Who were they that heard and yet were rebellious? Was it not all those who left Egypt under the leadership of Moses?

rsv@Hebrews:3:17 @ And with whom was he provoked forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness?

rsv@Hebrews:3:18 @ And to whom did he swear that they should never enter his rest, but to those who were disobedient?

rsv@Hebrews:4:6 @ Since therefore it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly received the good news failed to enter because of disobedience,

rsv@Hebrews:5:1 @ For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins.

rsv@Hebrews:5:3 @ Because of this he is bound to offer sacrifice for his own sins as well as for those of the people.

rsv@Hebrews:5:14 @ But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their faculties trained by practice to distinguish good from evil.

rsv@Hebrews:6:4 @ For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit,

rsv@Hebrews:6:7 @ For land which has drunk the rain that often falls upon it, and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God.

rsv@Hebrews:6:12 @ so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

rsv@Hebrews:7:5 @ And those descendants of Levi who receive the priestly office have a commandment in the law to take tithes from the people, that is, from their brethren, though these also are descended from Abraham.

rsv@Hebrews:7:21 @ Those who formerly became priests took their office without an oath, but this one was addressed with an oath, "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, `Thou art a priest for ever.'"

rsv@Hebrews:7:25 @ Consequently he is able for all time to save those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.

rsv@Hebrews:7:27 @ He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people; he did this once for all when he offered up himself.

rsv@Hebrews:8:10 @ This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

rsv@Hebrews:9:15 @ Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred which redeems them from the transgressions under the first covenant.

rsv@Hebrews:9:28 @ so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.

rsv@Hebrews:10:1 @ For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices which are continually offered year after year, make perfect those who draw near.

rsv@Hebrews:10:14 @ For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.

rsv@Hebrews:10:16 @ "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,"

rsv@Hebrews:10:33 @ sometimes being publicly exposed to abuse and affliction, and sometimes being partners with those so treated.

rsv@Hebrews:10:39 @ But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and keep their souls.

rsv@Hebrews:11:6 @ And without faith it is impossible to please him. For whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

rsv@Hebrews:11:10 @ For he looked forward to the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

rsv@Hebrews:11:31 @ By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given friendly welcome to the spies.

rsv@Hebrews:12:11 @ For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

rsv@Hebrews:12:19 @ and the sound of a trumpet, and a voice whose words made the hearers entreat that no further messages be spoken to them.

rsv@Hebrews:13:3 @ Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them; and those who are ill-treated, since you also are in the body.

rsv@Hebrews:13:7 @ Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God; consider the outcome of their life, and imitate their faith.

rsv@Hebrews:13:10 @ We have an altar from which those who serve the tent have no right to eat.

rsv@Hebrews:13:11 @ For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp.

rsv@Hebrews:13:24 @ Greet all your leaders and all the saints. Those who come from Italy send you greetings.

rsv@James:1:12 @ Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him.

rsv@James:2:5 @ Listen, my beloved brethren. Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised to those who love him?

rsv@James:2:12 @ So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty.

rsv@James:3:18 @ And the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

rsv@James:5:11 @ Behold, we call those happy who were steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.

rsv@1Peter:1:2 @ chosen and destined by God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you.

rsv@1Peter:1:12 @ It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things which have now been announced to you by those who preached the good news to you through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.

rsv@1Peter:2:4 @ Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious;

rsv@1Peter:2:6 @ For it stands in scripture: "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and he who believes in him will not be put to shame."

rsv@1Peter:2:7 @ To you therefore who believe, he is precious, but for those who do not believe, "The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner,"

rsv@1Peter:2:9 @ But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

rsv@1Peter:2:14 @ or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right.

rsv@1Peter:3:12 @ For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those that do evil."

rsv@1Peter:3:16 @ and keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

rsv@1Peter:4:17 @ For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

rsv@1Peter:4:19 @ Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will do right and entrust their souls to a faithful Creator.

rsv@1Peter:5:3 @ not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock.

rsv@1Peter:5:13 @ She who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings; and so does my son Mark.

rsv@2Peter:1:1 @ Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours in the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:

rsv@2Peter:2:6 @ if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomor'rah to ashes he condemned them to extinction and made them an example to those who were to be ungodly;

rsv@2Peter:2:10 @ and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority. Bold and wilful, they are not afraid to revile the glorious ones,

rsv@2Peter:2:18 @ For, uttering loud boasts of folly, they entice with licentious passions of the flesh men who have barely escaped from those who live in error.

rsv@1John:2:26 @ I write this to you about those who would deceive you;

rsv@1John:5:16 @ If any one sees his brother committing what is not a mortal sin, he will ask, and God will give him life for those whose sin is not mortal. There is sin which is mortal; I do not say that one is to pray for that.

rsv@3John:1:10 @ So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, prating against me with evil words. And not content with that, he refuses himself to welcome the brethren, and also stops those who want to welcome them and puts them out of the church.

rsv@Jude:1:1 @ Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ:

rsv@Jude:1:5 @ Now I desire to remind you, though you were once for all fully informed, that he who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.

rsv@Jude:1:10 @ But these men revile whatever they do not understand, and by those things that they know by instinct as irrational animals do, they are destroyed.

rsv@Revelation:1:3 @ Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written therein; for the time is near.

rsv@Revelation:2:2 @ "`I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear evil men but have tested those who call themselves apostles but are not, and found them to be false;

rsv@Revelation:2:9 @ "`I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

rsv@Revelation:2:18 @ "And to the angel of the church in Thyati'ra write: `The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze.

rsv@Revelation:2:22 @ Behold, I will throw her on a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her doings;

rsv@Revelation:3:9 @ Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie--behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and learn that I have loved you.

rsv@Revelation:3:10 @ Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial which is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell upon the earth.

rsv@Revelation:3:19 @ Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent.

rsv@Revelation:6:9 @ When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne;

rsv@Revelation:6:10 @ they cried out with a loud voice, "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?"

rsv@Revelation:8:13 @ Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice, as it flew in midheaven, "Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets which the three angels are about to blow!"

rsv@Revelation:9:4 @ they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green growth or any tree, but only those of mankind who have not the seal of God upon their foreheads;

rsv@Revelation:9:6 @ And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death will fly from them.

rsv@Revelation:11:1 @ Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told: "Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there,

rsv@Revelation:11:10 @ and those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and make merry and exchange presents, because these two prophets had been a torment to those who dwell on the earth.

rsv@Revelation:11:11 @ But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.

rsv@Revelation:11:18 @ The nations raged, but thy wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, for rewarding thy servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear thy name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth."

rsv@Revelation:12:17 @ Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea.

rsv@Revelation:13:6 @ it opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven.

rsv@Revelation:13:8 @ and all who dwell on earth will worship it, every one whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain.

rsv@Revelation:13:12 @ It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.

rsv@Revelation:13:14 @ and by the signs which it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast, it deceives those who dwell on earth, bidding them make an image for the beast which was wounded by the sword and yet lived;

rsv@Revelation:13:15 @ and it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast should even speak, and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.

rsv@Revelation:14:6 @ Then I saw another angel flying in midheaven, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;

rsv@Revelation:14:12 @ Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

rsv@Revelation:15:2 @ And I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name, standing beside the sea of glass with harps of God in their hands.

rsv@Revelation:17:2 @ with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and with the wine of whose fornication the dwellers on earth have become drunk."

rsv@Revelation:17:8 @ The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is to ascend from the bottomless pit and go to perdition; and the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will marvel to behold the beast, because it was and is not and is to come.

rsv@Revelation:17:14 @ they will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful."

rsv@Revelation:18:17 @ In one hour all this wealth has been laid waste." And all shipmasters and seafaring men, sailors and all whose trade is on the sea, stood far off

rsv@Revelation:19:9 @ And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." And he said to me, "These are true words of God."

rsv@Revelation:19:20 @ And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had worked the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulphur.

rsv@Revelation:20:4 @ Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom judgment was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony to Jesus and for the word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life, and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

rsv@Revelation:21:27 @ But nothing unclean shall enter it, nor any one who practices abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the Lamb's book of life.

rsv@Revelation:22:9 @ but he said to me, "You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brethren the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God."

rsv@Revelation:22:14 @ Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates.