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rsv@Exodus:22:2 @ but if the sun has risen upon him, there shall be "When a man causes a field or vineyard to be grazed over, or lets his beast loose and it feeds in another man's field, he shall make restitution from the best in his own field and in his own vineyard.

rsv@Leviticus:24:19 @ When a man causes a disfigurement in his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him,

rsv@Job:37:13 @ Whether for correction, or for his land, or for love, he causes it to happen.

rsv@Job:37:15 @ Do you know how God lays his command upon them, and causes the lightning of his cloud to shine?

rsv@Proverbs:10:4 @ A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.

rsv@Proverbs:10:10 @ He who winks the eye causes trouble, but he who boldly reproves makes peace.

rsv@Proverbs:19:26 @ He who does violence to his father and chases away his mother is a son who causes shame and brings reproach.

rsv@Proverbs:29:22 @ A man of wrath stirs up strife, and a man given to anger causes much transgression.

rsv@Isaiah:61:11 @ For as the earth brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

rsv@Isaiah:64:2 @ as when fire kindles brushwood and the fire causes water to boil-- to make thy name known to thy adversaries, and that the nations might tremble at thy presence!

rsv@Ezekiel:44:18 @ They shall have linen turbans upon their heads, and linen breeches upon their loins; they shall not gird themselves with anything that causes sweat.

rsv@Matthew:5:29 @ If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.

rsv@Matthew:5:30 @ And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.

rsv@Matthew:13:41 @ The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all evildoers,

rsv@Matthew:18:6 @ but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.

rsv@Matthew:18:8 @ And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire.

rsv@Matthew:18:9 @ And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.

rsv@Mark:9:42 @ "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung round his neck and he were thrown into the sea.

rsv@Mark:9:43 @ And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire.

rsv@Mark:9:44 @ And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell.

rsv@Mark:9:45 @ And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell,

rsv@James:4:1 @ What causes wars, and what causes fightings among you? Is it not your passions that are at war in your members?

rsv@Revelation:13:16 @ Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,

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