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geneva@Genesis:25:26 @ And afterward came his brother out, and his hande helde Esau by the heele: therefore his name was called Iaakob. Nowe Izhak was threescore yeere olde when Rebekah bare them.

geneva@Genesis:27:20 @ Then Izhak said vnto his sonne, Howe hast thou founde it so quickly my sonne? Who sayde, Because the Lorde thy God brought it to mine hande.

geneva@Genesis:32:16 @ So he deliuered them into the hande of his seruants, euery droue by themselues, and saide vnto his seruants, Passe before me, & put a space betweene droue and droue.

geneva@Genesis:33:13 @ Then he answered him, My lord knoweth, that the children are tender, & the ewes & kine with yong vnder mine hande: and if they should ouerdriue them one day, all the flocke would die.

geneva@Genesis:33:19 @ And there he bought a parcell of ground, where hee pitched his tent, at the hande of the sonnes of Hamor Shechems father, for an hundreth pieces of money.

geneva@Genesis:37:21 @ But when Reuben heard that, he deliuered him out of their handes, and saide, Let vs not kill him.

geneva@Genesis:37:22 @ Also Reuben saide vnto them, Shed not blood, but cast him into this pitte that is in the wildernesse, and lay no hande vpon him. Thus he said, that he might deliuer him out of their hand, and restore him to his father againe.

geneva@Genesis:37:27 @ Come and let vs sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our handes be vpon him: for he is our brother and our flesh: and his brethren obeyed.

geneva@Genesis:38:18 @ Then he saide, What is the pledge that I shall giue thee? And she answered, Thy signet, and thy cloke, and thy staffe that is in thine hande. So he gaue it her, and lay by her, and she was with childe by him.

geneva@Genesis:38:30 @ And afterward came out his brother that had the red threde about his hande, and his name was called Zarah.

geneva@Genesis:39:3 @ And his master sawe that the Lorde was with him, and that the Lorde made all that hee did to prosper in his hande.

geneva@Genesis:39:8 @ But he refused and said to his masters wife, Beholde, my master knoweth not what he hath in the house with me, but hath committed all that he hath to mine hande.

geneva@Genesis:39:23 @ And the keeper of the prison looked vnto nothing that was vnder his hande, seeing that the Lord was with him: for whatsoeuer he did, the Lorde made it to prosper.

geneva@Genesis:40:11 @ And I had Pharaohs cup in mine hande, and I tooke the grapes, & wrung the into Pharaohs cup, and I gaue the cup into Pharaohs hand.

geneva@Genesis:40:21 @ And he restored the chiefe butler vnto his butlershippe, who gaue the cup into Pharaohs hande,

geneva@Genesis:43:15 @ Thus the men tooke this present, & tooke twise so much money in their hande with Beniamin, and rose vp, and went downe to Egypt and stoode before Ioseph.

geneva@Genesis:43:21 @ And as wee came to an ynne and opened our sackes, behold, euery mans money was in his sackes mouth, euen our money in full weight, but we haue brought it againe in our handes.

geneva@Genesis:43:22 @ Also other money haue we brought in our handes to bye foode, but we cannot tell, who put our money in our sackes.

geneva@Genesis:43:26 @ When Ioseph came home, they brought the present into the house to him, which was in their handes, and bowed downe to the grounde before him.

geneva@Genesis:48:7 @ Nowe when I came from Padan, Rahel died vpon mine hande in the lande of Canaan, by the way when there was but halfe a dayes iourney of grounde to come to Ephrath: and I buryed her there in the way to Ephrath: the same is Beth-lehem.

geneva@Exodus:3:19 @ But I know, that the King of Egypt wil not let you goe, but by strong hande.

geneva@Exodus:3:20 @ Therefore will I stretch out mine hande and smite Egypt with all my wonders, which I will doe in the middes thereof: and after that shall he let you goe.

geneva@Exodus:4:2 @ And the Lord said vnto him, What is that in thine hande? And he answered, A rod.

geneva@Exodus:4:4 @ Againe the Lorde saide vnto Moses, Put foorth thine hand, and take it by the tayle. Then he put foorth his hande and caught it, and it was turned into a rod in his hand.

geneva@Exodus:4:7 @ Moreouer he said, Put thine hand into thy bosome againe. So he put his hande into his bosome againe, & pluckt it out of his bosome, and behold, it was turned againe as his other flesh.

geneva@Exodus:8:5 @ Also the Lord said vnto Moses, Say thou vnto Aaron, Stretch out thine hande with thy rod vpon the streames, vpon the riuers, and vpon the ponds, and cause frogs to come vp vpon the land of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:9:3 @ Beholde, the hande of the Lorde is vpon thy flocke which is in the fielde: for vpon the horses, vpon the asses, vpon the camels, vpon the cattell, and vpon the sheepe shalbe a mightie great moraine.

geneva@Exodus:9:15 @ For nowe I will stretch out mine hande, that I may smite thee and thy people with the pestilence: and thou shalt perish from the earth.

geneva@Exodus:9:22 @ And the Lorde saide to Moses, Stretche foorth thine hande towarde heauen, that there may be haile in all the land of Egypt, vpon man, and vpon beast, and vpon all the herbes of the fielde in the lande of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:10:12 @ After, the Lord said vnto Moses, Stretch out thine hande vpon the lande of Egypt for the grashoppers, that they may come vpon the lande of Egypt, and eate all the herbes of the land, euen all that the haile hath left.

geneva@Exodus:10:22 @ Then Moses stretched forth his hande towarde heauen, and there was a blacke darkenesse in all the land of Egypt three daies.

geneva@Exodus:13:14 @ And when thy sonne shall aske thee to morowe, saying, What is this? thou shalt then say vnto him, With a mightie hande the Lorde brought vs out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

geneva@Exodus:13:16 @ And it shalbe as a token vpon thine hand, and as frontlets betweene thine eyes, that the Lorde brought vs out of Egypt by a mightie hande.

geneva@Exodus:14:21 @ And Moses stretched forth his hande vpon the Sea, & the Lord caused the sea to runne backe by a strong East winde all the night, & made the Sea dry land: for the waters were deuided.

geneva@Exodus:14:29 @ But the children of Israel walked vpon dry land thorowe the middes of the Sea, and the waters were a wall vnto them on their right hande, and on their left.

geneva@Exodus:15:6 @ Thy right hande, O Lorde, is glorious in power: thy right hand, O Lorde, hath brused the enemie.

geneva@Exodus:15:12 @ Thou stretchedst out thy right hande, the earth swallowed them.

geneva@Exodus:17:12 @ Nowe Moses handes were heauy: therefore they tooke a stone and put it vnder him, and hee sate vpon it: and Aaron and Hur stayed vp his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side: so his hands were steady vntill the going downe of the sunne.

geneva@Exodus:18:9 @ And Iethro reioyced at all the goodnesse, which the Lord had shewed to Israel, and because he had deliuered them out of the hande of the Egyptians.

geneva@Exodus:21:20 @ And if a man smite his seruant, or his maide with a rod, and he die vnder his hande, he shalbe surely punished.

geneva@Exodus:23:1 @ Thou shalt not receiue a false tale, neyther shalt thou put thine hande with the wicked, to be a false witnes.

geneva@Exodus:29:19 @ And thou shalt take the other ramme, & Aaron and his sonnes shall put their handes vpon the head of the ramme.

geneva@Exodus:29:24 @ And thou shalt put al this in the handes of Aaron, and in the handes of his sonnes, and shalt shake them to and fro before the Lorde.

geneva@Exodus:29:25 @ Againe, thou shalt receyue them of their handes, & burne them vpon the altar besides the burnt offring for a sweete sauour before ye Lord: for this is an offering made by fire vnto the Lord.

geneva@Exodus:32:15 @ So Moses returned and went downe from the mountaine with the two Tables of the Testimonie in his hande: the Tables were written on both their sides, euen on the one side and on the other were they written.

geneva@Exodus:32:19 @ Nowe, as soone as he came neere vnto the hoste, he sawe the calfe and the dancing: so Moses wrath waxed hote, and he cast the Tables out of his handes, and brake them in pieces beneath the mountaine.

geneva@Exodus:34:4 @ Then Moses hewed two Tables of stone like vnto the first, and rose vp earely in the morning, and went vp vnto the mount of Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him, & tooke in his hande two Tables of stone.

geneva@Exodus:34:29 @ So when Moses came downe fro mount Sinai, the two Tables of the Testimonie were in Moses hande, as hee descended from the mount: (nowe Moses wist not that the skinne of his face shone bright, after that God had talked with him.

geneva@Exodus:40:31 @ So Moses and Aaron, and his sonnes washed their handes and their feete thereat.

geneva@Leviticus:1:4 @ And he shall put his hande vpon the head of the burnt offering, and it shalbe accepted to the Lorde, to be his atonement.

geneva@Leviticus:3:2 @ And shall put his hande vpon the head of his offering, and kill it at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation: and Aarons sonnes the Priestes shall sprinkle the blood vpon the altar rounde about.

geneva@Leviticus:8:14 @ Then he brought the bullocke for the sinne offring, and Aaron and his sonnes put their handes vpon the head of the bullocke for the sinne offring.

geneva@Leviticus:8:22 @ After, he brought the other ram, the ram of consecrations, and Aaron and his sonnes layed their handes vpon the head of the ram,

geneva@Leviticus:8:24 @ Then Moses brought Aarons sonnes, and put of the blood on the lap of their right eares, and vpon the thumbes of their right handes, and vpon the great toes of their right feete, and Moses sprinckled the rest of the blood vpon the Altar round about.

geneva@Leviticus:8:27 @ So hee put all in Aarons handes, and in his sonnes handes, and shooke it to and fro before the Lord.

geneva@Leviticus:14:25 @ And he shall kil the lambe of the trespasse offering, and the Priest shall take of the blood of the trespasse offring, and put it vpon the lap of his right eare that is to be clensed, & vpon ye thumbe of his right hande, and vpon the great toe of his right foote.

geneva@Leviticus:14:28 @ Then the Priest shall put of the oyle that is in his hande, vpon the lap of the right eare of him that is to bee clensed, and vpon the thumbe of his right hande, and vpon the great toe of his right foote: vpon the place of the blood of the trespasse offring.

geneva@Leviticus:15:11 @ Likewise whomesoeuer hee toucheth that hath the issue (and hath not washed his handes in water) shal wash his clothes and wash himselfe in water, and shalbe vncleane vntill the euen.

geneva@Leviticus:21:19 @ Or a man that hath a broken foote, or a broken hande,

geneva@Leviticus:24:14 @ Bring the blasphemer without the hoste, and let all that heard him, put their handes vpon his head, and let all the Congregation stone him.

geneva@Numbers:8:12 @ And the Leuites shall put their handes vpon the heades of the bullockes, and make thou the one a sinne offring, and the other a burnt offring vnto the Lorde, that thou mayest make an atonement for the Leuites.

geneva@Numbers:14:30 @ Ye shall not doubtles come into the land, for the which I lifted vp mine hande, to make you dwell therein, saue Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh, and Ioshua the sonne of Nun.

geneva@Numbers:20:11 @ Then Moses lift vp his hande, and with his rod he smote the rocke twise, and the water came out aboundantly: so the Congregation, and their beastes dranke.

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:15 @ So I returned, and came downe from the Mount (and the Mount burnt with fire, and ye two Tables of the couenant were in my two handes)

geneva@Deuteronomy:9:17 @ Therefore I tooke the two Tables, and cast them out of my two handes, and brake them before your eyes.

geneva@Deuteronomy:20:13 @ And the Lord thy God shall deliuer it into thine handes, and thou shalt smite all the males thereof with the edge of the sworde.

geneva@Deuteronomy:21:7 @ And shal testifie, and say, Our handes haue not shed this blood, neither haue our eies seene it.

geneva@Deuteronomy:25:12 @ Then thou shalt cut off her hande: thine eye shall not spare her.

geneva@Deuteronomy:26:8 @ And the Lord brought vs out of Egypt in a mightie hande, and a stretched out arme, with great terriblenesse, both in signes and wonders.

geneva@Joshua:2:24 @ Also they saide vnto Ioshua, Surely the Lorde hath deliuered into our handes all the lande: for euen all the inhabitants of the countrey faint because of vs.

geneva@Joshua:8:26 @ For Ioshua drewe not his hande backe againe which he had stretched out with the speare, vntill hee had vtterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.

geneva@Joshua:14:2 @ By the lot of their inheritance, as the Lord had commaunded by the hande of Moses, to giue to the nine tribes, and the halfe tribe.

geneva@Judges:1:2 @ And the Lord said, Iudah shall goe vp: behold, I haue giuen the land into his hande.

geneva@Judges:2:14 @ And the wrath of the Lorde was hote against Israel, & he deliuered them into the hands of spoylers, that spoyled them, and he sold them into the handes of their enemies rounde about them, so that they could no longer stande before their enemies.

geneva@Judges:3:15 @ But when the children of Israel cried vnto the Lorde, the Lorde stirred them vp a sauiour, Ehud the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini, a man lame of his right hande: and the children of Israel sent a present by him vnto Eglon King of Moab.

geneva@Judges:4:24 @ And the hande of the children of Israel prospered, and preuailed against Iabin the King of Canaan, vntill they had destroyed Iabin King of Canaan.

geneva@Judges:6:1 @ Afterwarde the children of Israel committed wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde, and the Lorde gaue them into the handes of Midian seuen yeres.

geneva@Judges:7:6 @ And the nomber of them that lapped by putting their handes to their mouthes, were three hundreth men: but all the remnant of the people kneeled downe vpo their knees to drinke water.

geneva@Judges:7:11 @ And thou shalt hearken what they say, and so shal thine handes be strong to go downe vnto the hoste. Then went he downe and Phurah his seruant vnto the outside of the souldiers that were in the hoste.

geneva@Judges:7:14 @ And his fellow answered, and sayde, This is nothing els saue the sworde of Gideon the sonne of Ioash a man of Israel: for into his hande hath God deliuered Midian and all the hoste.

geneva@Judges:7:19 @ So Gideon and the hundreth men that were with him, came vnto the outside of the hoste, in the beginning of the middle watche, and they raised vp the watchmen, and they blew with their trumpets, and brake the pitchers that were in their handes.

geneva@Judges:8:3 @ God hath deliuered into your handes the princes of Midian, Oreb & Zeeb: and what was I able to do in comparison of you? & when he had thus spoken, then their spirits abated toward him.

geneva@Judges:9:16 @ Now therefore, if ye doe truely and vncorruptly to make Abimelech King, and if ye haue delt well with Ierubbaal and with his house, and haue done vnto him according to the deseruing of his handes,

geneva@Judges:9:17 @ (For my father fought for you, and aduentured his life, and deliuered you out of the handes of Midian.

geneva@Judges:10:7 @ Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he solde them into the hands of the Philistims, and into the handes of the children of Ammon:

geneva@Judges:11:21 @ And the Lorde God of Israel gaue Sihon and all his folke into the handes of Israel, & they smote them: so Israel possessed all the lande of the Amorites, the inhabitants of that countrey:

geneva@Judges:11:32 @ And so Iphtah went vnto the children of Ammon to fight against them, and the Lord deliuered them into his handes.

geneva@Judges:12:2 @ And Iphtah said vnto them, I and my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon, and when I called you, ye deliuered me not out of their handes.

geneva@Judges:13:1 @ Bvt the children of Israel continued to commit wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde, and the Lorde deliuerd them into the handes of the Philistims fourtie yeere.

geneva@Judges:14:9 @ And he tooke therof in his handes, and went eating, and came to his father and to his mother, and gaue vnto them, and they did eate: but hee told not them, that he had taken the hony out of the body of the lyon.

geneva@Judges:15:12 @ Againe they sayd vnto him, Wee are come to binde thee, and to deliuer thee into the hande of the Philistims; Samson sayde vnto them, Sweare vnto me, that yee will not fall vpon me your selues.

geneva@Judges:15:14 @ When hee came to Lehi, the Philistims shouted against him, and the Spirite of the Lord came vpon him, and the cordes that were vpon his armes, became as flaxe that was burnt with fire: for the bandes loosed from his handes.

geneva@Judges:15:17 @ And when he had left speaking, hee cast away the iawebone out of his hande, and called that place, Ramath-Lehi.

geneva@Judges:16:18 @ And when Delilah sawe that he had tolde her all his heart, she sent, and called for the Princes of ye Philistims, saying, Come vp once againe: for he hath shewed mee all his heart. Then the Princes of the Philistims came vp vnto her, and brought the money in their handes.

geneva@Judges:16:23 @ Then the Princes of the Philistims gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, and to reioyce: for they said, Our god hath deliuered Samson our enemie into our handes.

geneva@Judges:16:26 @ Then Samson saide vnto the seruant that led him by the hande, Lead me, that I may touch the pillars that the house standeth vpon, and that I may leane to them.

geneva@Judges:18:10 @ (If ye will goe, ye shall come vnto a carelesse people, and the countrey is large) for God hath giuen it into your hande. It is a place which doeth lacke nothing that is in the worlde.

geneva@Judges:18:19 @ And they answered him, Holde thy peace: lay thine hande vpon thy mouth, and come with vs to be our father and Priest. Whether is it better that thou shouldest be a Priest vnto ye house of one man, or that thou shouldest be a Priest vnto a tribe and to a familie in Israel?

geneva@Judges:19:27 @ And her lorde arose in the morning, and opened the doores of the house, and went out to goe his way, and beholde, the woman his concubine was dead at the doore of the house and her handes lay vpon the thresholde.

geneva@Judges:20:16 @ Of all this people were seuen hundreth chosen men, being left handed: all these could sling stones at an heare breadth, and not faile.

geneva@1Samuel:10:4 @ And they will aske thee if all be well, and will giue thee the two loaues of bread, which thou shalt receiue of their handes.

geneva@1Samuel:10:18 @ And he saide vnto the children of Israel, Thus saith ye Lord God of Israel, I haue brought Israel out of Egypt, and deliuered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the handes of all kingdomes that troubled you.

geneva@1Samuel:12:10 @ And they cried vnto the Lorde, and saide, We haue sinned, because we haue forsaken the Lorde, and haue serued Baalim and Ashtaroth. Nowe therefore deliuer vs out of the handes of our enemies, and we will serue thee.

geneva@1Samuel:14:10 @ But if they say, Come vp vnto vs, then we will goe vp: for the Lorde hath deliuered them into our hande: and this shall be a signe vnto vs.

geneva@1Samuel:17:22 @ And Dauid left the things, which hee bare, vnder the handes of the keeper of the cariage, and ranne into the hoste, and came, and asked his brethren howe they did.

geneva@1Samuel:17:47 @ And that all this assembly may know, that the Lord saueth not with sworde nor with speare (for the battel is the Lords) and he will giue you into our handes.

geneva@1Samuel:17:49 @ And Dauid put his hande in his bagge, and tooke out a stone, and slang it, & smote the Philistim in his forehead, that the stone sticked in his forehead, and he fell groueling to the earth.

geneva@1Samuel:18:25 @ And Saul sayd, This wise shal ye say to Dauid, The King desireth no dowrie, but an hundred foreskinnes of the Philistims, to bee auenged of the Kings enemies: for Saul thought to make Dauid fall into the handes of the Philistims.

geneva@1Samuel:21:3 @ Nowe therefore if thou hast ought vnder thine hande, giue me fiue cakes of bread, or what commeth to hand.

geneva@1Samuel:23:20 @ Nowe therefore, O King, come downe according to all that thine heart can desire, and our part shall be to deliuer him into the Kinges handes.

geneva@1Samuel:23:24 @ Then they arose and went to Ziph before Saul, but Dauid and his men were in the wildernesse of Maon, in the playne on the right hande of Ieshimon.

geneva@1Samuel:24:10 @ {\cf2 (24:11)} Behold, this day thine eyes haue seene, that the Lorde had deliuered thee this day into mine hand in the caue, and some bade me kill thee, but I had compassion on thee, and said, I will not lay mine hande on my master: for he is the Lordes Anoynted.

geneva@1Samuel:25:35 @ Then Dauid receiued of her hande that which she had brought him, and said to her, Goe vp in peace to thine house: beholde, I haue heard thy voyce, and haue graunted thy petition.

geneva@1Samuel:30:23 @ Then saide Dauid, Yee shall not doe so, my brethren, with that which the Lorde hath giuen vs, who hath preserued vs, and deliuered the companie that came against vs, into our handes.

geneva@2Samuel:2:21 @ Then Abner said, Turne thee either to the right hande, or to the left, and take one of the yong men, and take thee his weapons: and Asahel would not depart from him.

geneva@2Samuel:3:12 @ Then Abner sent messengers to Dauid on his behalfe, saying, Whose is the lande? who should also say, Make couenant with me, and beholde, mine hande shalbe with thee, to bring all Israel vnto thee.

geneva@2Samuel:3:18 @ Nowe then doe it: for the Lord hath spoken of Dauid, saying, By the hand of my seruant Dauid I will saue my people Israel out of the handes of the Philistims, and out of the handes of all their enemies.

geneva@2Samuel:3:34 @ Thine handes were not bounde, nor thy feete tyed in fetters of brasse: but as a man falleth before wicked men, so diddest thou fall; all the people wept againe for him.

geneva@2Samuel:6:6 @ And when they came to Nachons threshing floore, Vzzah put his hande to the Arke of God, and helde it: for the oxen did shake it.

geneva@2Samuel:10:10 @ And the rest of the people hee deliuered into the hande of Abishai his brother, that hee might put them in aray against the children of Ammon.

geneva@2Samuel:14:16 @ For the King wil heare, to deliuer his handmayde out of the hande of the man that woulde destroy mee, and also my sonne from the inheritance of God.

geneva@2Samuel:17:2 @ And I will come vpon him: for he is wearie, and weake handed: so I will feare him, and all the people that are with him, shall flee, and I will smite the King onely,

geneva@2Samuel:18:12 @ Then the man saide vnto Ioab, Though I should receiue a thousande shekels of siluer in mine hande, yet woulde I not lay mine hande vpon the Kings sonne: for in our hearing the King charged thee, and Abishai, and Ittai, saying, Beware, least any touche the yong man Absalom.

geneva@2Samuel:18:14 @ Then saide Ioab, I will not thus tary with thee; he tooke three dartes in his hande, and thrust them through Absalom, while he was yet aliue in the middes of the oke.

geneva@2Samuel:18:19 @ Then said Ahimaaz the sonne of Zadok, I pray thee, let me runne, and beare the King tidings that the Lorde hath deliuered him out of the hande of his enemies.

geneva@2Samuel:18:28 @ And Ahimaaz called, and sayde vnto the King, Peace be with thee: and he fell downe to the earth vpon his face before the King, and saide, Blessed be the Lorde thy God, who hath shut vp the men that lift vp their handes against my lorde the King.

geneva@2Samuel:18:31 @ And beholde, Cushi came, and Cushi saide, Tidings, my lorde the King: for the Lord hath deliuered thee this day out of the hande of all that rose against thee.

geneva@2Samuel:20:10 @ But Amasa tooke no heede to the sworde that was in Ioabs hande: for therewith he smote him in the fift rib, and shed out his bowels to the ground, and smote him not the second time: so he dyed. then Ioab and Abishai his brother followed after Sheba the sonne of Bichri.

geneva@2Samuel:21:22 @ These foure were borne to Haraphah in Gath, and died by the hande of Dauid and by the hands of his seruants.

geneva@2Samuel:22:35 @ He teacheth mine handes to fight, so that a bowe of brasse is broken with mine armes.

geneva@2Samuel:23:6 @ But the wicked shalbe euery one as thornes thrust away, because they can not be taken with handes.

geneva@1Kings:8:22 @ Then Salomon stoode before the altar of the Lorde in the sight of all the Congregation of Israel, and stretched out his handes towarde heauen,

geneva@1Kings:8:24 @ Thou that hast kept with thy seruant Dauid my father, that thou hast promised him: for thou spakest with thy mouth and hast fulfilled it with thine hande, as appeareth this day.

geneva@1Kings:8:42 @ (When they shal heare of thy great name, and of thy mightie hande, and of thy stretched out arme) and shall come and pray in this house,

geneva@1Kings:11:27 @ And this was the cause that he lift vp his hande against the King, When Salomon built Millo, he repared the broken places of the citie of Dauid his father.

geneva@1Kings:11:34 @ But I will not take the whole kingdome out of his hande: for I will make him prince all his life long for Dauid my seruants sake, whome I haue chosen, and who kept my commandements and my statutes.

geneva@1Kings:15:18 @ Then Asa tooke all the siluer and the gold that was left in the treasures of the house of the Lord, & the treasures of the kings house, and deliuered them into the handes of his seruantes, and King Asa sent them to Ben-hadad the sonne of Tabrimon, the sonne of Hezion king of Aram that dwelt at Damascus, saying,

geneva@1Kings:18:9 @ And he said, What haue I sinned, that thou wouldest deliuer thy seruant into the hande of Ahab, to slay me?

geneva@1Kings:20:42 @ And he said vnto him, Thus saith the Lord, Because thou hast let goe out of thine handes a man whom I appoynted to dye, thy life shall goe for his life, and thy people for his people.

geneva@2Kings:8:8 @ And the king sayd vnto Hazael, Take a present in thine hande, and goe meete the man of God, that thou mayest inquire of ye Lord by him, saying, Shall I recouer of this disease?

geneva@2Kings:9:24 @ But Iehu tooke a bowe in his hande, and smote Iehoram betweene the shoulders, that the arowe went through his heart: and he fell downe in his charet.

geneva@2Kings:9:35 @ And they went to burie her, but they foud no more of her, then the skull and the feete, and the palmes of her handes.

geneva@2Kings:11:8 @ And ye shal compasse the King rounde about, euery man with his weapon in his hande, and whosoeuer commeth within the ranges, let him be slayne: be you with the King, as he goeth out and in.

geneva@2Kings:11:11 @ And the garde stoode, euery man with his weapon in his hande, from the right side of the house to the left side, about the altar and about the house, round about the King.

geneva@2Kings:12:15 @ Moreouer, they reckoned not with the men, into whose handes they deliuered that money to be bestowed on workemen: for they dealt faithfully.

geneva@2Kings:17:39 @ But feare the Lord your God, and he will deliuer you out of the handes of all your enemies.

geneva@2Kings:18:7 @ So the Lord was with him, and he prospered in all thinges, which he tooke in hande: also he rebelled against the King of Asshur, and serued him not.

geneva@1Chronicles:12:17 @ And Dauid went out to meete them, and answered and sayde vnto them, If yee be come peaceably vnto me to helpe me, mine heart shall be knit vnto you, but if you come to betray me to mine aduersaries, seeing there is no wickednes in mine handes, the God of our fathers beholde it, and rebuke it.

geneva@1Chronicles:14:10 @ Then Dauid asked counsel at God, saying, Shall I goe vp against the Philistims, and wilt thou deliuer them into mine hande? And the Lorde saide vnto him, Goe vp: for I will deliuer them into thine hande.

geneva@1Chronicles:19:11 @ And the rest of the people he deliuered vnto the hande of Abishai his brother, and they put them selues in aray against the children of Ammon.

geneva@1Chronicles:21:13 @ And Dauid said vnto Gad, I am in a wonderfull strait. Let me nowe fall into the hande of the Lorde: for his mercies are exceeding great, and let me not fall into the hande of man.

geneva@1Chronicles:25:6 @ All these were vnder the hande of their father, singing in the house of the Lorde with cymbales, violes and harpes, for the seruice of the house of God, and Asaph, and Ieduthun, and Heman were at the Kings commandement.

geneva@1Chronicles:29:12 @ Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest ouer all, and in thine hand is power and strength, and in thine hande it is to make great, and to giue strength vnto all.

geneva@2Chronicles:3:17 @ And he set vp the pillars before the Temple, one on the right hande and the other on the left, and called that on the right hand Iachin, & that on the left hand Boaz.

geneva@2Chronicles:12:10 @ In stead whereof King Rehoboam made shieldes of brasse, and committed them to the handes of the chiefe of the garde, that wayted at the doore of the Kings house.

geneva@2Chronicles:13:8 @ Now therefore ye thinke that yee be able to resist against the kingdome of the Lorde, which is in the handes of the sonnes of Dauid, and ye bee a great multitude, and the golden calues are with you which Ieroboam made you for gods.

geneva@2Chronicles:13:16 @ And the children of Israel fledde before Iudah, & God deliuered them into their hande.

geneva@2Chronicles:16:7 @ And at that same time Hanani the Seer came to Asa King of Iudah, and saide vnto him, Because thou hast rested vpon the king of Aram, and not rested in the Lorde thy God, therefore is the hoste of the King of Aram escaped out of thine hande.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:5 @ Therefore the Lorde stablished the kingdome in his hande, and all Iudah brought presents to Iehoshaphat, so that he had of riches and honour in abundance.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:15 @ And at his hande Iehohanan a captaine, and with him two hundreth and fourescore thousande.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:6 @ And saide, O Lorde God of our fathers, art not thou God in heauen? And reignest not thou on all the kingdomes of the heathen? And in thine hande is power and might, and none is able to withstand thee.

geneva@2Chronicles:23:18 @ And Iehoiada appointed officers for the house of the Lorde, vnder the handes of the Priestes and Leuites, whome Dauid had distributed for the house of the Lorde, to offer burnt offrings vnto the Lord, as it is written in the Law of Moses, with reioycing and singing by the appoyntment of Dauid.

geneva@2Chronicles:26:11 @ Vzziah had also an hoste of fighting men that went out to warre by bandes, according to the count of their nomber vnder the hande of Ieiel the Scribe, and Maaseiah the ruler, and vnder the hand of Hananiah, one of the Kings captaines.

geneva@2Chronicles:26:13 @ And vnder their hande was the armie for warre, three hundreth and seuen thousand, & fiue hundreth that fought valiantly to helpe the King against the enemie.

geneva@2Chronicles:28:5 @ Wherefore the Lorde his God deliuered him into the hand of the King of the Aramites, & they smote him, & tooke of his, many prisoners, and brought them to Damascus: and he was also deliuered into the hande of the King of Israel, which smote him with a great slaughter.

geneva@2Chronicles:31:15 @ And at his hande were Eden, and Miniamin, and Ieshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, & Shechaniah, in the cities of the Priestes, to distribute with fidelitie to their brethren by courses, both to the great and small,

geneva@2Chronicles:32:11 @ Doeth not Hezekiah entice you to giue ouer your selues vnto death by famine and by thirst, saying, The Lorde our God shall deliuer vs out of the hande of the King of Asshur?

geneva@2Chronicles:32:13 @ Knowe ye not what I and my fathers haue done vnto all the people of other countreyes? Were the gods of the nations of other landes able to deliuer their land out of mine hande?

geneva@2Chronicles:32:17 @ He wrote also letters, blaspheming the Lorde God of Israel and speaking against him, saying, As the gods of the nations of other countreies could not deliuer their people out of mine hand, so shall not the God of Hezekiah deliuer his people out of mine hande.

geneva@2Chronicles:32:22 @ So the Lorde saued Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem from the hande of Saneherib King of Asshur, and from the hande of all other, and maintained them on euery side.

geneva@2Chronicles:34:17 @ For they haue gathered the money that was found in the house of the Lord, and haue deliuered it into the handes of the ouerseers, and to the handes of the workemen.

geneva@Ezra:7:9 @ For vpon the first day of the first moneth began he to goe vp from Babel, and on the first day of the fift moneth came he to Ierusalem, according to the good hande of his God that was vpon him.

geneva@Ezra:8:18 @ So by the good hande of our God which was vpon vs, they brought vs a man of vnderstanding of the sonnes of Mahali the sonne of Leui the sonne of Israel, and Sherebiah with his sonnes and his brethren, euen eighteene.

geneva@Nehemiah:6:9 @ For all they afrayed vs, saying, Their handes shalbe weakened from the worke, and it shall not be done: nowe therefore incourage thou me.

geneva@Nehemiah:8:4 @ And Ezra the Scribe stoode vpon a pulpit of wood which he had made for the preaching, and beside him stood Mattithiah, and Shema, & Ananiah, and Vriiah, and Hilkiah, and Maaseiah on his right hande, and on his left hand Pedaiah, and Mishael, and Malchiah, & Hashum, & Hashbadana, Zechariah, and Meshullam.

geneva@Nehemiah:8:6 @ And Ezra praysed the Lorde the great God, and all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting vp their handes: & they bowed themselues, and worshipped the Lord with their faces toward the grounde.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:14 @ And declaredst vnto them thine holy Sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, and ordinances, and lawes, by the hande of Moses thy seruant:

geneva@Nehemiah:9:24 @ So the children went in, and possessed the lande, and thou subduedst before them the inhabitants of the lande, euen the Canaanites, and gauest them into their handes, with their Kings and the people of the lande, that they might do with them what they would.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:27 @ Therefore thou deliueredst them into the hande of their enemies that vexed them: yet in the time of their affliction, when they cryed vnto thee, thou heardest them from the heauen, & through thy great mercies thou gauest them sauiours, who saued them out of the hande of their aduersaries.

geneva@Nehemiah:9:30 @ Yet thou diddest forbeare them many yeeres, and protestedst among them by thy Spirite, euen by the hande of thy Prophets, but they woulde not heare: therefore gauest thou them into the hande of the people of the lands.

geneva@Nehemiah:13:13 @ And I made treasurers ouer the treasures, Shelemiah the Priest, and Zadok the scribe, and of the Leuites, Pedaiah, and vnder their hande Hanan the sonne of Zaccur the sonne of Mattaniah: for they were counted faithfull, and their office was to distribute vnto their brethren.

geneva@Esther:2:8 @ And when the Kings commandement, and his decree was published, and many maydes were brought together to the palace of Shushan, vnder the hand of Hege, Ester was brought also vnto the Kings house vnder the hande of Hege the keeper of the women.

geneva@Esther:3:9 @ If it please the King, let it be written that they may he destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of siluer by the handes of them that haue the charge of this businesse to bring it into the Kings treasurie.

geneva@Esther:9:2 @ The Iewes gathered themselues together into their cities throughout all the prouinces of the King Ahashuerosh, to lay hande on such as sought their hurt, and no man coulde withstande them: for the feare of them fel vpon al people.

geneva@Job:5:12 @ He scattereth the deuices of the craftie: so that their handes can not accomplish that which they doe enterprise.

geneva@Job:5:18 @ For he maketh the wound, and bindeth it vp: he smiteth, and his handes make whole.

geneva@Job:6:23 @ And deliuer me from the enemies hande, or ransome me out of the hand of tyrants?

geneva@Job:12:9 @ Who is ignorant of all these, but that the hande of the Lord hath made these?

geneva@Job:12:10 @ In whose hande is the soule of euery liuing thing, and the breath of all mankinde.

geneva@Job:34:19 @ How much lesse to him that accepteth not the persons of princes, & regardeth not the rich, more then the poore? for they be all the worke of his handes.

geneva@Psalms:18:1 @ To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid the seruant of the Lorde, which spake vnto the Lord the wordes of this song (in the day that the Lorde deliuered him from the hande of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul) and sayd, I will loue thee dearely, O Lord my strength.

geneva@Psalms:24:4 @ Euen he that hath innocent handes, and a pure heart: which hath not lift vp his minde vnto vanitie, nor sworne deceitfully.

geneva@Psalms:89:21 @ Therefore mine hande shall be established with him, and mine arme shall strengthen him.

geneva@Psalms:89:48 @ What man liueth, and shall not see death? shall hee deliuer his soule from the hande of the graue? Selah.

geneva@Psalms:91:12 @ They shall beare thee in their handes, that thou hurt not thy foote against a stone.

geneva@Psalms:95:5 @ To whome the Sea belongeth: for hee made it, and his handes formed the dry land.

geneva@Psalms:106:41 @ And hee gaue them into the hande of the heathen: and they that hated them, were lordes ouer them.

geneva@Psalms:119:48 @ Mine handes also will I lift vp vnto thy commaundements, which I haue loued, and I will meditate in thy statutes.

geneva@Proverbs:4:27 @ Turne not to the right hande, nor to the left, but remooue thy foote from euill.

geneva@Proverbs:6:3 @ Doe this nowe, my sonne, and deliuer thy selfe: seeing thou art come into the hande of thy neighbour, goe, and humble thy selfe, and sollicite thy friends.

geneva@Proverbs:6:5 @ Deliuer thy selfe as a doe from the hande of the hunter, and as a birde from the hande of the fouler.

geneva@Proverbs:31:13 @ She seeketh wooll and flaxe, and laboureth cheerefully with her handes.

geneva@Proverbs:31:19 @ She putteth her handes to the wherue, and her handes handle the spindle.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @ {\cf2 (7:28)} And I finde more bitter then death the woman whose heart is as nettes and snares, and her handes, as bands: he that is good before God, shalbe deliuered from her, but the sinner shall be taken by her.

geneva@Ecclesiastes:10:18 @ By slouthfulnes the roofe of the house goeth to decaie, and by the ydlenesse of the handes the house droppeth through.

geneva@Songs:2:6 @ His left hande is vnder mine head, and his right hand doeth imbrace me.

geneva@Isaiah:3:11 @ Woe be to the wicked, it shalbe euill with him: for the reward of his handes shalbe giuen him.

geneva@Isaiah:14:26 @ This is the counsell that is consulted vpon the whole worlde, and this is the hande stretched out ouer all the nations,

geneva@Isaiah:14:27 @ Because the Lorde of hostes hath determined it, and who shall disanull it? and his hande is stretched out, and who shall turne it away?

geneva@Isaiah:22:21 @ And with thy garments will I clothe him, and with thy girdle will I strengthen him: thy power also will I commit into his hande, and hee shalbe a father of the inhabitats of Ierusalem, and of the house of Iudah.

geneva@Isaiah:25:11 @ And he shall stretche out his hande in the middes of them (as he that swimmeth, stretcheth them out to swimme) and with the strength of his handes shall he bring downe their pride.

geneva@Isaiah:33:15 @ Hee that walketh in iustice, and speaketh righteous things, refusing gaine of oppression, shaking his handes from taking of gifts, stopping his eares from hearing of blood, and shutting his eyes from seeing euill.

geneva@Isaiah:51:22 @ Thus saith thy Lorde God, euen God that pleadeth the cause of his people, Beholde, I haue taken out of thine hande the cuppe of trembling, euen the dregges of the cuppe of my wrath: thou shalt drinke it no more.

geneva@Isaiah:51:23 @ But I will put it into their hande that spoile thee: which haue said to thy soule, Bowe downe, that wee may goe ouer, and thou hast layde thy bodie as the grounde, and as the streete to them that went ouer.

geneva@Isaiah:54:3 @ For thou shalt increase on the right hande and on the left, and thy seede shall possesse the Gentiles, and dwell in the desolate cities.

geneva@Isaiah:59:1 @ Beholde, the Lordes hande is not shortened, that it can not saue: neither is his eare heauie, that it cannot heare.

geneva@Isaiah:59:6 @ Their webbes shall be no garment, neither shall they couer themselues with their labours: for their workes are workes of iniquitie, & the worke of crueltie is in their handes.

geneva@Isaiah:65:22 @ They shall not build, and another inhabite: they shall not plant, and another eate: for as the dayes of the tree are the dayes of my people, and mine elect shall inioye in olde age the worke of their handes.

geneva@Jeremiah:6:12 @ And their houses with their landes, & wiues also shalbe turned vnto strangers: for I will stretch out mine hande vpon the inhabitants of the land, sayeth the Lord.

geneva@Jeremiah:18:6 @ O house of Israel, cannot I doe with you as this potter, sayth the Lord? beholde, as the clay is in the potters hande, so are you in mine hande, O house of Israel.

geneva@Jeremiah:20:4 @ For thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will make thee to be a terrour to thy self, & to al thy friends, and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes shall beholde it, and I will giue all Iudah into the hande of the King of Babel, and he shall cary them captiue into Babel, and shall slay them with the sworde.

geneva@Jeremiah:20:5 @ Moreouer, I will deliuer all the substance of this citie, and all the labours thereof, and al the precious things thereof, and all the treasures of the Kings of Iudah will I giue into the hande of their enemies, which shall spoyle them, and take them away and cary them to Babel.

geneva@Jeremiah:20:13 @ Sing vnto the Lorde, praise ye the Lorde: for he hath deliuered the soule of the poore fro the hande of the wicked.

geneva@Jeremiah:21:7 @ And after this, sayeth the Lorde, I will deliuer Zedekiah the King of Iudah, and his seruants, and the people, and such as are left in this citie, from the pestilence, from the sworde and from the famine into the hande of Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, and into the hande of their enemies, and into the hande of those that seeke their liues, and he shall smite them with the edge of the sworde: he shall not spare them, neither haue pitie nor compassion.

geneva@Jeremiah:21:10 @ For I haue set my face against this citie, for euill and not for good, saith the Lorde: it shalbe giuen into the hande of the King of Babel, and he shall burne it with fire.

geneva@Jeremiah:22:25 @ And I will giue thee into the hande of them that seeke thy life, and into the hande of them, whose face thou fearest, euen into the hand of Nebuchad-nezzar king of Babel, and into the hande of the Caldeans.

geneva@Jeremiah:25:28 @ But if they refuse to take the cuppe at thine hande to drinke, then tell them, Thus saith the Lorde of hostes, Ye shall certainely drinke.

geneva@Jeremiah:27:3 @ And send them to the King of Edom, and to the King of Moab, & to the King of the Ammonites, and to the King of Tyrus, & to the king of Zidon, by the hande of the messengers which come to Ierusale vnto Zedekiah ye king of Iudah,

geneva@Jeremiah:29:21 @ Thus saith the Lorde of hostes, the God of Israel, of Ahab the sonne of Kolaiah, and of Zedekiah the sonne of Maaseiah, which prophecie lyes vnto you in my Name, Beholde, I will deliuer them into the hande of Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, and he shall slay them before your eyes.

geneva@Jeremiah:32:3 @ For Zedekiah King of Iudah had shut him vp, saying, Wherefore doest thou prophesie, and say, Thus saith the Lord, Beholde, I will giue this citie into the handes of the King of Babel, and he shall take it?

geneva@Jeremiah:32:4 @ And Zedekiah the King of Iudah shall not escape out of the hande of the Caldeans, but shall surely be deliuered into the handes of the King of Babel, and shal speake with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall beholde his face,

geneva@Jeremiah:34:20 @ I wil euen giue them into the hand of their enemies, and into the handes of them that seeke their life: and their dead bodies shalbe for meate vnto the foules of the heauen, and to the beastes of the earth.

geneva@Jeremiah:36:14 @ Therefore all the princes sent Iehudi the sonne of Nethaniah, the sonne of Shelemiah, the sonne of Chushi, vnto Baruch, saying, Take in thine hande the roule, wherein thou hast read in the audience of the people, and come. So Baruch the sonne of Neriah, tooke the roule in his hand, and came vnto them.

geneva@Jeremiah:40:4 @ And nowe beholde, I loose thee this day from the chaines which were on thine handes, if it please thee to come with me into Babel, come, and I will looke well vnto thee: but if it please thee not to come with mee into Babel, tarie still: beholde, all the lande is before thee: whither it seemeth good, and conuenient for thee to goe, thither goe.

geneva@Jeremiah:46:24 @ The daughter of Egypt shall be confounded: she shall be deliuered into the handes of the people of the North.

geneva@Jeremiah:48:37 @ For euery head shalbe balde, and euery beard plucked: vpon all the handes shall be cuttings, and vpon the loynes sackecloth.

geneva@Lamentations:2:19 @ Arise, cry in the night: in the beginning of the watches powre out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift vp thine handes towarde him for the life of thy yong children, that faint for hunger in the corners of all the streetes.

geneva@Lamentations:3:64 @ Giue them a recompence, O Lord, according to the worke of their handes.

geneva@Ezekiel:1:8 @ And the handes of a man came out from vnder their wings in the foure parts of them, & they foure had their faces, and their wings.

geneva@Ezekiel:2:9 @ And when I looked vp, beholde, an hande was sent vnto me, and loe, a roule of a booke was therein.

geneva@Ezekiel:3:18 @ When I shall say vnto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die, and thou giuest not him warning, nor speakest to admonish the wicked of his wicked way, that he may liue, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquitie: but his blood will I require at thine hande.

geneva@Ezekiel:7:17 @ All handes shalbe weake, and all knees shall fall away as water.

geneva@Ezekiel:7:27 @ The King shall mourne, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the handes of the people in the land shall be troubled: I wil doe vnto them according to their waies, and according to their iudgements will I iudge them, and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:10:8 @ And there appeared in the Cherubims, the likenesse of a mans hande vnder their wings.

geneva@Ezekiel:13:21 @ Your vailes also will I teare, and deliuer my people out of your hande, and they shalbe no more in your hands to be hunted, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde.

geneva@Ezekiel:16:11 @ I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets vpon thine handes, and a chaine on thy necke.

geneva@Ezekiel:16:39 @ I will also giue thee into their handes, and they shal destroy thine hie place, and shall breake downe thine hie places. They shall strippe thee also out of thy clothes, and shall take thy faire iewels, and leaue thee naked and bare.

geneva@Ezekiel:20:15 @ Yet neuerthelesse, I lift vp mine hande vnto them in the wildernes that I would not bring them into the lande, which I had giuen them, flowing with milke and hony, which was pleasant aboue all landes,

geneva@Ezekiel:20:23 @ Yet I lift vp mine hande vnto them in the wildernes, that I would scatter them among the heathen, & disperse them through the countreys,

geneva@Ezekiel:20:42 @ And ye shall knowe, that I am the Lorde, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the land, for the which I lifted vp mine hande to giue it to your fathers.

geneva@Ezekiel:38:12 @ Thinking to spoyle the pray, and to take a bootie, to turne thine hande vpon the desolate places that are nowe inhabited, and vpon the people, that are gathered out of the nations which haue gotten cattell and goods, and dwell in the middes of the land.

geneva@Daniel:3:23 @ And these three men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego fell downe bound into the middes of the hote fierie fornace. \par {\cf2 (3:24) And they walked in the middes of the flame, praising God, & magnified the Lord. (3:25) Then Azarias stoode vp, & praied on this maner, and opening his mouth in ye mids of the fire, saide, (3:26) Blessed be thou, O Lord God of our fathers: thy Name is worthie to bee praised and honoured for euermore. (3:27) For thou art righteous in all the things, that thou hast done vnto vs, and all thy works are true, and thy waies are right, and all thy iudgementes certeine. (3:28) In all the things that thou hast brought vpon vs, and vpon Ierusalem, the holy citie of our fathers, thou hast executed true iudgementes: for by right and equitie hast thou brought all these things vpon vs, because of our sinnes. (3:29) For we haue sinned and done wickedly, departing from thee: in all things haue we trespassed, (3:30) And not obeied thy commaundements, nor kept them, neither done as thou haddest commanded vs, that we might prosper. (3:31) Wherefore in all that thou hast broughtvpon vs, and in euery thing that thou hast done to vs, thou hast done them in true iudgement: (3:32) As in deliuering vs into the handes of our wicked enemies, and most hatefull traitours, and to an vnrighteous King, and the most wicked in all the worlde. (3:33) And nowe we may not open our mouthes: we are become a shame and reproofe vnto thy seruants, and to them that worship thee. (3:34) Yet for thy names sake, we beseech thee, giue vs not vp for euer, neither breake thy couenant, (3:35) Neither take away thy mercie from vs, for thy beloued Abrahams sake, and for thy seruant Isaacs sake, and for thine holy Israels sake, (3:36) To whome thou hast spoken and promised, that thou wouldest multiplie their seed as ye starres of heauen, & as the sand, that is vpon the sea shore. (3:37) For we, O Lorde, are become lesse then any nation, and be kept vnder this day in all the world, because of our sinnes: (3:38) So that now we haue neither prince, nor prophet, nor gouernour, nor burnt offering, nor sacrifice, nor oblation, nor incense, nor place to offer ye first fruits before thee, that we might finde mercie. (3:39) Neuerthelesse in a contrite heart, & an humble spirit, let vs be receiued. (3:40) As in the burnt offring of rams & bullocks, and as in ten thousand of fat lambes, so let our offring be in thy sight this daye, that it may please thee: for there is no confusion vnto them that put their trust in thee. (3:41) And now we follow thee with all our heart, and feare thee, and seeke thy face. (3:42) Put vs not to shame, but deale with vs after thy louing kindenesse, and according to the multitude of thy mercies. (3:43) Deliuer vs also by thy miracles, and giue thy Name the glory, O Lord, (3:44) That all they which doe thy seruantes euill, may be confounded: euen let them bee confounded by thy great force and power, and let their strength be broken, (3:45) That they may know, that thou only art the Lord God, and glorious ouer the whole worlde. (3:46) Now the kings seruants that had cast them in, ceased not to make the ouen hote with naphtha, and with pitch, and with towe, & with fagots, (3:47) So that the flame went out of the fornace fourtie and nine cubites. (3:48) And it brake forth, and burnt those Chaldeans, that it found by the fornace. (3:49) But the Angel of the Lord went downe into the fornace with them that were with Azarias, and smote the flame of the fire out of the fornace, (3:50) And made in the middes of the fornace like a moyst hissing winde, so that the fire touched the not at all, neither grieued, nor troubled them. (3:51) Then these three (as out of one mouth) praised, and glorified, and blessed God in the fornace, saying, (3:52) Blessed be thou, O Lord God of our fathers, and praysed, & exalted aboue all things for euer, & blessed be thy glorious & holy Name, and praysed aboue all things, and magnified for euer. (3:53) Blessed be thou in the Temple of thine holy glory, and praysed aboue all thinges, and exalted for euer. (3:54) Blessed be thou that beholdest the depthes, and sittest vpon the Cherubins, and praysed aboue all things, and exalted for euer. (3:55) Blessed be thou in the glorious Throne of thy kingdome, and praysed aboue all things, and exalted for euer. (3:56) Blessed be thou in the firmament of heauen, & praysed aboue all things, & glorified for euer. (3:57) All ye works of the Lord, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:58) O heauens, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:59) O Angels of the Lorde, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:60) Al ye waters that be aboue the heauen, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:61) All ye powers of the Lord, blesse ye ye Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:62) O sunne & moone, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:63) O starres of heauen, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:64) Euery showre and dewe, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:65) All ye windes, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:66) O fire & heate, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:67) O winter & sommer, blesse ye ye Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:68) O dewes and stormes of snowe, blesse yee the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:69) O frost and colde, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:70) O yee & snow, blesse ye the Lord: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:71) O nights & dayes, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:72) O light and darkenesse, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:73) O lightnings & cloudes, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:74) Let the earth blesse the Lorde: let it prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:75) O mountaines, & hilles, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:76) All things that growe on the earth, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue al things for euer. (3:77) O fountaines, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:78) O sea, and floods, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:79) O whales, and all that moue in the waters, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:80) All ye foules of heauen, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:81) All ye beastes and cattel, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:82) O children of men, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:83) Let Israel blesse the Lord, praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:84) O Priestes of the Lorde, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:85) O seruants of the Lord, blesse ye the Lorde: praise him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer. (3:86) O spirites and soules of the righteous, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all things for euer\par (3:87) O Saintes and humble of heart, blesse ye the Lorde: prayse him, and exalt him aboue all thinges for euer. (3:88) O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, blesse ye the Lord: prayse him, & exalt him aboue all things for euer: for he hath deliuered vs from the hel, & saued vs from the hand of death, and deliuered vs out of the middes of the fornace, and burning flame: euen out of the middes of the fire hath he deliuered vs. (3:89) Confesse vnto the Lord, that he is gracious: for his mercy endureth for euer. (3:90) All ye that worship the Lord, blesse the God of gods: prayse him, and acknowledge him: for his mercy endureth worlde without ende.}

geneva@Amos:1:8 @ And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdeth the scepter from Ashkelon, and turne mine hande to Ekron, and the remnant of the Philistims shall perish, sayth the Lord God.

geneva@Amos:9:2 @ Though they digge into the hel, thence shal mine hande take them: though they clime vp to heauen, thence will I bring them downe.

geneva@Micah:5:12 @ And I will cut off thine enchanters out of thine hande: and thou shalt haue no more southsayers.

geneva@Zephaniah:3:16 @ In that day it shalbe said to Ierusalem, Feare thou not, O Zion: let not thine handes be faint.

geneva@Matthew:8:15 @ And he touched her hande, and the feuer left her: so she arose, and ministred vnto them.

geneva@Matthew:9:25 @ And when the multitude were put foorth, hee went in and tooke her by the hande, and the maide arose.

geneva@Matthew:14:31 @ So immediatly Iesus stretched foorth his hande, and caught him, and saide to him, O thou of litle faith, wherefore diddest thou doubt?

geneva@Matthew:15:2 @ Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they (note:)Which they received handed down from their ancestors, or their elders allowed, who were the governors of the Church.(:note) wash not their hands when they eat bread.

geneva@Matthew:26:18 @ And he said, Goe yee into the citie to such a man, and say to him, The master saieth, My time is at hande: I will keepe the Passeouer at thine house with my disciples.

geneva@Mark:8:23 @ Then he tooke the blinde by the hand, and ledde him out of the towne, and spat in his eyes, and put his handes vpon him, and asked him, if he sawe ought.

geneva@Mark:9:27 @ But Iesus tooke his hande, and lift him vp, and he arose.

geneva@Mark:14:46 @ Then they laide their handes on him, and tooke him.

geneva@Mark:14:62 @ And Iesus said, I am he, and yee shall see the Sonne of man sitte at the right hande of the power of God, and come in the clouds of heauen.

geneva@Mark:16:18 @ And shall take away serpents, and if they shall drinke any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their handes on the sicke, and they shall recouer.

geneva@Luke:1:74 @ Which was, that he would graunt vnto vs, that we being deliuered out of the handes of our enemies, should serue him without feare,

geneva@Luke:4:11 @ And with their handes they shall lift thee vp, least at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone.

geneva@Luke:13:13 @ And he laide his handes on her, and immediately she was made straight againe, and glorified God.

geneva@Luke:24:39 @ Beholde mine handes and my feete: for it is I my selfe: handle me, and see: for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me haue.

geneva@John:7:44 @ And some of them would haue taken him, but no man layde handes on him.

geneva@John:11:44 @ Then he that was dead, came forth, bound hande and foote with bandes, and his face was bound with a napkin. Iesus said vnto them, Loose him, and let him goe.

geneva@John:11:55 @ And the Iewes Passeouer was at hande, and many went out of the countrey vp to Hierusalem before the Passeouer, to purifie themselues.

geneva@John:20:20 @ And when he had so saide, he shewed vnto them his handes, and his side. Then were the disciples glad when they had seene the Lord.

geneva@John:20:25 @ The other disciples therefore saide vnto him, We haue seene the Lord: but he said vnto them, Except I see in his handes the print of the nailes, and put my finger into the print of the nailes, and put mine hand into his side, I will not beleeue it.

geneva@Acts:2:34 @ For Dauid is not ascended into heauen, but he sayth, The Lord sayd to my Lorde, Sit at my right hande,

geneva@Acts:4:3 @ And they layde handes on them, and put them in holde, vntill the next day: for it was now euentide.

geneva@Acts:7:25 @ For hee supposed his brethren would haue vnderstand, that God by his hande should giue them deliuerance: but they vnderstoode it not.

geneva@Acts:7:48 @ Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with handes, as saith the Prophet,

geneva@Acts:8:17 @ Then layd they their handes on them, and they receiued the holy Ghost.

geneva@Acts:8:19 @ Saying, Giue mee also this power, that on whomsoeuer I lay the handes, he may receiue the holy Ghost.

geneva@Acts:17:25 @ Neither is worshipped with mens handes, as though he needed any thing, seeing hee giueth to all life and breath and all things,

geneva@Acts:18:10 @ For I am with thee, and no man shall lay handes on thee to hurt thee: for I haue much people in this citie.

geneva@Acts:19:6 @ So Paul layde his handes vpon them, and the holy Ghost came on them, and they spake the tongues, and prophecied.

geneva@Acts:19:11 @ And God wrought no small miracles by the handes of Paul,

geneva@Acts:19:26 @ Moreouer ye see and heare, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia this Paul hath perswaded, and turned away much people, saying, That they be not gods which are made with handes.

geneva@Acts:19:33 @ And some of the company drew foorth Alexander, the Iewes thrusting him forwards. Alexander then beckened with the hande, and woulde haue excused the matter to the people.

geneva@Acts:20:34 @ Yea, ye knowe, that these handes haue ministred vnto my necessities, and to them that were with me.

geneva@Acts:23:19 @ Then the chiefe captaine tooke him by the hande, and went apart with him alone, and asked him, What hast thou to shewe me?

geneva@Acts:24:7 @ But the chiefe captaine Lysias came vpon vs, and with great violence tooke him out of our handes,

geneva@1Corinthians:4:12 @ And labour, working with our owne handes: we are reuiled, and yet we blesse: we are persecuted, and suffer it.

geneva@2Corinthians:11:33 @ But at a windowe was I let downe in a basket through the wall, and escaped his handes.

geneva@Philemon:1:19 @ I Paul haue written this with mine owne hande: I will recompense it, albeit I doe not say to thee, that thou owest moreouer vnto me euen thine owne selfe.

geneva@James:4:8 @ Drawe neere to God, and he will drawe nere to you. Clense your handes, ye sinners, and purge your hearts, ye double minded.

geneva@1Peter:3:22 @ Which is at the right hande of God, gone into heauen, to whome the Angels, and Powers, and might are subiect.

geneva@Jdt:1:2 @ {\cf2 Who in the time of Enemessar King of the Assyrians was led away captiue out of Thisbe, which is at the right hande of that citie, which is called properly Nephthalim, in Galilee aboue Aser.}

geneva@Jdt:7:13 @ {\cf2 Then hee called his daughter Sarra, and shee came to her father, and he tooke her by the hande, and gaue her for wife to Tobias, saying, Beholde, take her after the lawe of Moyses, and leade her away to thy father: and he blessed them,}

geneva@Jdt:9:5 @ {\cf2 So Raphael went out & came to Gabael, and gaue him the hande writing, who brought forth bagges which were sealed vp, and gaue the to him.}

geneva@Jdt:13:11 @ {\cf2 Many nations shall come from farre to the Name of the Lord God, with gifts in their handes, euen giftes to the King of heauen: all generations shal praise thee, and giue signes of ioy.}

geneva@Wis:2:12 @ {\cf2 For as I liue, & the power of my kingdome, whatsoeuer I haue spoken, that will I doe by mine hande.}

geneva@Wis:6:10 @ {\cf2 Then commanded Olofernes them concerning Achior, that they shoulde bring him to Bethulia, and deliuer him into the handes of the children of Israel.}

geneva@Wis:11:13 @ {\cf2 Yea, they haue purposed to consume the first fruits of the wheat, and the tithes of the wine, & of the oyle which they had reserued and sanctified for the Priestes that serue in Ierusalem before the face of our God: the which things it is not lawfull for any of the people to touch with their handes.}

geneva@Wis:11:22 @ {\cf2 Likewise Olofernes said vnto her, God hath done this, to sende thee before the people, that strength might be in our handes, and destruction vpon them that despise my lorde.}

geneva@Wis:12:10 @ {\cf2 And in the fourth day, Olofernes made a feast to his owne seruants only, and called none of them to the banket, that had the affaires in hande.}

geneva@Wis:13:4 @ {\cf2 So all went foorth of her presence, and none was left in the chamber, neither litle nor great: then Iudeth standing by his bed, said in her heart, O Lorde God of all power, beholde at this present the workes of mine handes for the exaltation of Ierusalem.}

geneva@Wis:13:15 @ {\cf2 So she tooke the head out of the scrippe and shewed it, and said vnto them, Beholde the head of Olofernes, the chiefe captaine of the armie of Assur, and beholde the canopie, wherein he did lye in his drunkennes, and the Lord hath smitteth him by the hande of a woman.}

geneva@Wis:15:10 @ {\cf2 Thou hast done all these thinges by thine hande: thou hast done much good to Israel, and God is pleased therewith: blessed bee thou of the almightie Lorde for euermore: and all the people said, So be it.}

geneva@Wis:16:3 @ {\cf2 For God breaketh the battels, and pitched his campe in the middes of the people, and deliuered me out of the hande of the persecuters.}

geneva@Tob:5:16 @ {\cf2 Therefore shall they receiue a glorious kingdome, and a beautifull crowne of the Lordes hande: for with his right hande shall hee couer them, and with his arme shall he defende them.}

geneva@Tob:11:14 @ {\cf2 For vnto thine almightie hande, that made the world of naught, it was not vnpossible to send among them a multitude of beares, or fierce lyons,}

geneva@Tob:15:15 @ {\cf2 For they iudge all the idoles of the nations to be gods, which neither haue eye sight to see, nor noses to smell, nor eares to heare, nor fingers of handes to grope, and their feete are slowe to goe.}

geneva@Sir:4:9 @ {\cf2 Deliuer him that suffreth wrong, from the hande of the oppressor, and bee not faint hearted when thou iudgest.}

geneva@Sir:4:31 @ {\cf2 Let not thine hande be stretched out to receiue, and shut when thou shouldest geue.}

geneva@Sir:5:13 @ {\cf2 If thou hast vnderstanding, answer thy neighbour: if not, laie thine hande vpon thy mouth, least thou be trapped in an vndiscrete woorde, and so be blamed.}

geneva@Sir:6:31 @ {\cf2 For there is a golden ornament in her, and her handes are the laces of purple colour.}

geneva@Sir:7:32 @ {\cf2 Stretch thine hande vnto the poore, that thy blessing, & reconciliation may be accomplished.}

geneva@Sir:8:1 @ {\cf2 Striue not with a mightie man, least thou fal into his handes.}

geneva@Sir:9:19 @ {\cf2 In the handes of the crafcesmen shall the workes be commended, and the wise prince of the people by his worde, and the worde by the wisedome of the Elders.}

geneva@Sir:12:13 @ {\cf2 Neither set him at thy right hande, least hee seeke thy rowme, and thou at the last remember my words, and be pricked with my sayings.}

geneva@Sir:25:25 @ {\cf2 A wicked wife maketh a sorie heart, an heauie countenance, and a wounded minde, weake handes and feeble knees, and can not comfort her husband in heauinesse.}

geneva@Sir:27:19 @ {\cf2 As one that letteth a birde goe out of his hande, so if thou giue ouer thy friende, thou canst not get him againe.}

geneva@Sir:29:5 @ {\cf2 Till they receiue, they kisse his handes, and for their neighbours good they huble their voyce: but when they should pay againe, they prolong the terme, and giue a careles answere, and make excuses by reason of the time.}

geneva@Sir:33:20 @ {\cf2 For better it is that thy children should pray vnto thee, then that thou shouldest looke vp to the handes of thy children.}

geneva@Sir:35:8 @ {\cf2 Giue the Lorde his honour with a good and liberal eye, and diminish not the first fruites of thine handes.}

geneva@Sir:35:10 @ {\cf2 Giue vnto the most High according as hee hath enriched thee, and looke what thine hande is able, giue with a chearefull eye.}

geneva@Sir:36:3 @ {\cf2 Lift vp thine hande vpon the strange nations, that they may see thy power.}

geneva@Sir:42:6 @ {\cf2 To set a good locke where an euil wife is, and to locke where many handes are:}

geneva@Sir:48:19 @ {\cf2 Then trembled their heartes and handes, so that they sorowed like a woman in trauell.}

geneva@Sir:50:12 @ {\cf2 When he tooke the portions out of ye Priests handes, he himselfe stoode by the herth of the altar, compassed with his brethren round about, as ye branches doe the cedar tree in Libanus, and they compassed him as the branches of the palme trees.}

geneva@Bar:4:18 @ {\cf2 Surely he that hath brought these plagues vpon you, can deliuer you from the handes of your enemies.}

geneva@Bar:6:14 @ {\cf2 Another hath a dagger or an axe in his right hande: yet is he not able to defende him selfe from battell, nor from theeues: so then it is euident, that they be no gods.}

geneva@Bar:6:50 @ {\cf2 For seeing they be but of wood, and of siluer, and of golde, men shall knowe hereafter that they are but lies, and it shall be manifest to all nations & Kings, that they be no gods, but the workes of mens handes, and that there is no woorke of God in them.}

geneva@1Macc:2:7 @ {\cf2 And he sayde, Woe is me: wherefore was I borne, to see this destruction of my people, and the destruction of the holy citie, & thus to sit still? it is deliuered into the handes of the enemies,}

geneva@1Macc:2:48 @ {\cf2 So they recouered the Lawe out of the hand of the Gentiles, and out of the hande of Kings, and gaue not place to the wicked.}

geneva@1Macc:3:28 @ {\cf2 And opened his treasurie, and gaue his host a yeeres wages in hande, commanding them to be ready for a yeere for all occasions.}

geneva@1Macc:3:30 @ {\cf2 He feared least he shoulde not haue nowe at the seconde time, as the first, for the charges and gifts that he had giuen with a liberall hande afore: for in liberalitie he farre passed the other kings that were before him.}

geneva@1Macc:5:12 @ {\cf2 Come now therefore, and deliuer vs out of their handes: for many of vs are slaine:}

geneva@1Macc:5:46 @ {\cf2 So they came vnto Ephron, which was a great citie by the way, and strongly defensed: they coulde not passe, neither at the right hande nor at the left, but must goe thorow it.}

geneva@1Macc:5:50 @ {\cf2 So the valiant men set vpon it, and assaulted the citie all that day, and all that night, and the citie was giuen ouer into his handes:}

geneva@1Macc:5:62 @ {\cf2 Also they came not of ye stocke of these men, by whose handes deliuerance was giuen to Israel.}

geneva@1Macc:6:25 @ {\cf2 And they haue not onely laide hande vpon vs, but vpon all about their borders.}

geneva@1Macc:7:25 @ {\cf2 But when Alcimus sawe that Iudas and his people had gotten the vpper hande, and knew that he was not able to abide them, he went againe to the King, and accused them of wicked things.}

geneva@1Macc:7:35 @ {\cf2 And swore in his wrath, saying, If Iudas and his hoste be not deliuered nowe into mine handes, if euer I come againe in safetie, I will burne vp this house. With that, went he out in a great anger.}

geneva@1Macc:7:47 @ {\cf2 Then they tooke the spoyles, and the pray, and smote off Nicanors head, and his right hande, which he helde vp so proudly, and brought it with them, and hanged them vp afore Ierusalem.}

geneva@1Macc:9:47 @ {\cf2 Then Ionathan stretched out his hande to smite Bacchides: but hee turned aside from him & reculed.}

geneva@1Macc:12:42 @ {\cf2 But when Tryphon saw that Ionathan came with so great an hoste, hee durst not laye hande vpon him,}

geneva@2Macc:5:16 @ {\cf2 And with his wicked handes tooke the holy vessels, which other kings had giuen for the garnishing, glorie and honour of that place, and handled them with his wicked hands.}

geneva@2Macc:6:26 @ {\cf2 For though I were now deliuered from the torments of men, yet could I not escape the hande of the Almightie, neither aliue nor dead.}

geneva@2Macc:7:10 @ {\cf2 After him was the thirde had in derision, and when they demaunded his tongue, hee put it out incontinently, and stretched forth his handes boldely,}

geneva@2Macc:7:31 @ {\cf2 And thou that imaginest all mischiefe against the Hebrewes, shalt not escape the hande of God.}

geneva@2Macc:10:15 @ {\cf2 Moreouer the Idumeans that helde the strong holdes, which were meete for their purpose, troubled the Iewes, and by receiuing them that were driuen from Ierusalem, tooke in hande to continue warre.}

geneva@2Macc:10:23 @ {\cf2 And hauing good successe, as in al the warres that he tooke in hande, hee slewe in the two castels moe then twentie thousand.}

geneva@2Macc:12:24 @ {\cf2 Timotheus also himselfe fell into the handes of Dositheus, and Sosipater, whome hee besought with much craft to let him go with his life, because he had many of the Iewes parents and the brethren of some of them, which, if they put him to death, should be despised.}

geneva@2Macc:14:26 @ {\cf2 But Alcimus perceiuing the loue that was betweene them, and vnderstanding the couenants that were made, came to Demetrius, and told him that Nicanor had taken strange matters in hande, and ordeined Iudas a traytour to the Realme, to be his successour.}

geneva@2Macc:14:34 @ {\cf2 After these wordes he departed: then the Priestes lift vp their handes towarde heauen, and besought him that was euer the defender of their nation, saying in this maner,}

geneva@2Macc:14:42 @ {\cf2 Willing rather to dye manfully, then to giue him selfe into the handes of wicked men, and to suffer reproch vnworthy for his noble stocke.}

geneva@2Macc:14:46 @ {\cf2 And gate him to the toppe of an high rock: so when his blood was vtterly gone, he tooke out his owne bowels with both his handes, and threwe them vpon the people, calling vpon the Lorde of life and spirit, that he woulde restore them againe vnto him, and thus he dyed.}

geneva@2Macc:15:12 @ {\cf2 And this was his vision, He thought that he sawe Onias (which had bene the high Priest, a vertuous and a good man, reuerent in behauiour, and of sober conuersation, well spoken, and one that had bene exercised in all pointes of godlinesse from a childe) holding vp his handes towardes heauen, and praying for the whole people of the Iewes.}

geneva@2Macc:15:15 @ {\cf2 He thought also that Ieremias helde out his right hande, and gaue vnto Iudas a sworde of gold: and as he gaue it, he spake thus,}

geneva@2Macc:15:21 @ {\cf2 Maccabeus considering the coming of the multitude, and the diuers preparations of weapons, and the fiercenesse of the beastes, helde vp his handes toward heauen, calling vpon the Lord that doeth wonders, and that looked vpon them, knowing that the victorie commeth not by ye weapons, but that he giueth the victorie to them that are worthy, as seemeth good vnto him.}

geneva@2Macc:15:27 @ {\cf2 So that with their handes they fought, but with their hearts they prayed vnto God, and slewe no lesse then fiue and thirtie thousande men: for through the presence of God they were wonderously comforted.}