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nkjv@Numbers:11:25 @ Then the LORD came down in the cloud, and spoke to him, and took of the Spirit that was upon him, and placed the same upon the seventy elders; and it happened, when the Spirit rested upon them, that they prophesied, although they never did so again.

nkjv@Numbers:11:26 @ But two men had remained in the camp: the name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad. And the Spirit rested upon them. Now they were among those listed, but who had not gone out to the tabernacle; yet they prophesied in the camp.

nkjv@1Samuel:10:10 @ When they came there to the hill, there was a group of prophets to meet him; then the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied among them.

nkjv@1Samuel:10:11 @ And it happened, when all who knew him formerly saw that he indeed prophesied among the prophets, that the people said to one another, "What is this that has come upon the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?"

nkjv@1Samuel:18:10 @ And it happened on the next day that the distressing spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied inside the house. So David played music with his hand, as at other times; but there was a spear in Saul's hand.

nkjv@1Samuel:19:20 @ Then Saul sent messengers to take David. And when they saw the group of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as leader over them, the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied.

nkjv@1Samuel:19:21 @ And when Saul was told, he sent other messengers, and they prophesied likewise. Then Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they prophesied also.

nkjv@1Samuel:19:23 @ So he went there to Naioth in Ramah. Then the Spirit of God was upon him also, and he went on and prophesied until he came to Naioth in Ramah.

nkjv@1Samuel:19:24 @ And he also stripped off his clothes and prophesied before Samuel in like manner, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. Therefore they say, "Is Saul also among the prophets?"

nkjv@1Kings:18:29 @ And when midday was past, they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice. But there was no voice; no one answered, no one paid attention.

nkjv@1Kings:22:10 @ The king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, having put on their robes, sat each on his throne, at a threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets prophesied before them.

nkjv@1Kings:22:12 @ And all the prophets prophesied so, saying, "Go up to Ramoth Gilead and prosper, for the LORD will deliver it into the king's hand."

nkjv@1Chronicles:25:2 @ Of the sons of Asaph: Zaccur, Joseph, Nethaniah, and Asharelah; the sons of Asaph were under the direction of Asaph, who prophesied according to the order of the king.

nkjv@1Chronicles:25:3 @ Of Jeduthun, the sons of Jeduthun: Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, Shimei, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, six, under the direction of their father Jeduthun, who prophesied with a harp to give thanks and to praise the LORD.

nkjv@2Chronicles:18:9 @ The king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah, clothed in their robes, sat each on his throne; and they sat at a threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets prophesied before them.

nkjv@2Chronicles:18:11 @ And all the prophets prophesied so, saying, "Go up to Ramoth Gilead and prosper, for the LORD will deliver it into the king's hand."

nkjv@2Chronicles:20:37 @ But Eliezer the son of Dodavah of Mareshah prophesied against Jehoshaphat, saying, "Because you have allied yourself with Ahaziah, the LORD has destroyed your works." Then the ships were wrecked, so that they were not able to go to Tarshish.

nkjv@Ezra:5:1 @ Then the prophet Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophets, prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and Jerusalem, in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them.

nkjv@Jeremiah:2:8 @ The priests did not say, "Where is the LORD?' And those who handle the law did not know Me; The rulers also transgressed against Me; The prophets prophesied by Baal, And walked after things that do not profit.

nkjv@Jeremiah:20:1 @ Now Pashhur the son of Immer, the priest who was also chief governor in the house of the LORD, heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things.

nkjv@Jeremiah:20:6 @ And you, Pashhur, and all who dwell in your house, shall go into captivity. You shall go to Babylon, and there you shall die, and be buried there, you and all your friends, to whom you have prophesied lies."'

nkjv@Jeremiah:23:13 @ "And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria: They prophesied by Baal And caused My people Israel to err.

nkjv@Jeremiah:23:21 @ "I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

nkjv@Jeremiah:25:13 @ So I will bring on that land all My words which I have pronounced against it, all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah has prophesied concerning all the nations.

nkjv@Jeremiah:26:9 @ Why have you prophesied in the name of the LORD, saying, "This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be desolate, without an inhabitant'?" And all the people were gathered against Jeremiah in the house of the LORD.

nkjv@Jeremiah:26:11 @ And the priests and the prophets spoke to the princes and all the people, saying, "This man deserves to die! For he has prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your ears."

nkjv@Jeremiah:26:18 @ "Micah of Moresheth prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spoke to all the people of Judah, saying, "Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Zion shall be plowed like a field, Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins, And the mountain of the temple Like the bare hills of the forest."'

nkjv@Jeremiah:26:20 @ Now there was also a man who prophesied in the name of the LORD, Urijah the son of Shemaiah of Kirjath Jearim, who prophesied against this city and against this land according to all the words of Jeremiah.

nkjv@Jeremiah:28:6 @ and the prophet Jeremiah said, "Amen! The LORD do so; the LORD perform your words which you have prophesied, to bring back the vessels of the LORD's house and all who were carried away captive, from Babylon to this place.

nkjv@Jeremiah:28:8 @ The prophets who have been before me and before you of old prophesied against many countries and great kingdoms--of war and disaster and pestilence.

nkjv@Jeremiah:29:31 @ Send to all those in captivity, saying, Thus says the LORD concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite: Because Shemaiah has prophesied to you, and I have not sent him, and he has caused you to trust in a lie--

nkjv@Jeremiah:37:19 @ Where now are your prophets who prophesied to you, saying, "The king of Babylon will not come against you or against this land'?

nkjv@Ezekiel:37:7 @ So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone.

nkjv@Ezekiel:37:10 @ So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.

nkjv@Ezekiel:38:17 @ Thus says the Lord GOD: "Are you he of whom I have spoken in former days by My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied for years in those days that I would bring you against them?

nkjv@Matthew:7:22 @ Many will say to Me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'

nkjv@Matthew:11:13 @ For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.

nkjv@Luke:1:67 @ Now his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying:

nkjv@John:11:51 @ Now this he did not say on his own authority; but being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation,

nkjv@Acts:19:6 @ And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.

nkjv@Acts:21:9 @ Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied.

nkjv@1Corinthians:14:5 @ I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets, that the church may receive edification.

nkjv@1Peter:1:10 @ Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you,

nkjv@Jude:1:14 @ Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, "Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints,

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