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dourh@Romans:1:12 @ That is to say, that I may be comforted together in you, by that which is common to us both, your faith and mine.

dourh@Romans:3:12 @ All have turned out of the way; they are become unprofitable together: there is none that doth good, there is not so much as one.

dourh@Romans:6:4 @ For we are buried together with him by baptism into death; that as Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life.

dourh@Romans:6:5 @ For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.

dourh@Romans:6:8 @ Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall live also together with Christ:

dourh@Romans:8:28 @ And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

dourh@Romans:14:5 @ For one judgeth between day and day: and another judgeth every day: let every man abound in his own sense.

dourh@1Corinthians:2:15 @ But the spiritual man judgeth all things; and he himself is judged of no man.

dourh@1Corinthians:4:4 @ For I am not conscious to myself of any thing, yet am I not hereby justified; but he that judgeth me, is the Lord.

dourh@1Corinthians:5:4 @ In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, you being gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus;

dourh@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Defraud not one another, except, perhaps, by consent, for a time, that you may give yourselves to prayer; and return together again, lest Satan tempt you for your incontinency.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:17 @ Now this I ordain: not praising you, that you come together not for the better, but for the worse.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:18 @ For first of all I hear that when you come together in the church, there are schisms among you; and in part I believe it.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:20 @ When you come therefore together into one place, it is not now to eat the Lord's supper.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:33 @ Wherefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another.

dourh@1Corinthians:11:34 @ If any man be hungry, let him eat at home; that you come not together unto judgment. And the rest I will set in order, when I come.

dourh@1Corinthians:12:24 @ But our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, giving to that which wanted the more abundant honour,

dourh@1Corinthians:14:23 @ If therefore the whole church come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in unlearned persons or infidels, will they not say that you are mad?

dourh@1Corinthians:14:26 @ How is it then, brethren? When you come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a revelation, hath a tongue, hath an interpretation: let all things be done to edification.

dourh@2Corinthians:7:3 @ I speak not this to your condemnation. For we have said before, that you are in our hearts, to die together, and to live together.

dourh@Galatians:3:13 @ Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written: Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:

dourh@Ephesians:2:5 @ Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together in Christ, (by whose grace you are saved,)

dourh@Ephesians:2:6 @ And hath raised us up together, and hath made us sit together in the heavenly places, through Christ Jesus.

dourh@Ephesians:2:21 @ In whom all the building, being framed together, groweth up into an holy temple in the Lord.

dourh@Ephesians:2:22 @ In whom you also are built together into an habitation of God in the Spirit.

dourh@Ephesians:4:16 @ From whom the whole body, being compacted and fitly joined together, by what every joint supplieth, according to the operation in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in charity.

dourh@Philippians:1:27 @ Only let your conversation be worthy of the gospel of Christ: that, whether I come and see you, or, being absent, may hear of you, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind labouring together for the faith of the gospel.

dourh@Philippians:3:13 @ Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended. But one thing I do: forgetting the things that are behind, and stretching forth myself to those that are before,

dourh@Colossians:1:6 @ Which is come unto you, as also it is in the whole world, and bringeth forth fruit and groweth, even as it doth in you, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth.

dourh@Colossians:2:13 @ And you, when you were dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh; he hath quickened together with him, forgiving you all offences:

dourh@1Thessalonians:4:16 @ Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always with the Lord.

dourh@1Thessalonians:5:10 @ Who died for us; that, whether we watch or sleep, we may live together with him.

dourh@2Thessalonians:2:1 @ And we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of our gathering together unto him:

dourh@2Timothy:2:23 @ And avoid foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they beget strifes.

dourh@Hebrews:1:6 @ And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith: And let all the angels of God adore him.

dourh@Hebrews:6:7 @ For the earth that drinketh in the rain which cometh often upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is tilled, receiveth blessing from God.

dourh@Hebrews:6:8 @ But that which bringeth forth thorns and briers, is reprobate, and very near unto a curse, whose end is to be burnt.

dourh@Hebrews:6:10 @ For God is not unjust, that he should forget your work, and the love which you have shewn in his name, you who have ministered, and do minister to the saints.

dourh@Hebrews:10:30 @ For we know him that hath said: Vengeance belongeth to me, and I will repay. And again: The Lord shall judge his people.

dourh@Hebrews:12:6 @ For whom the Lord loveth, he chastiseth; and he scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

dourh@Hebrews:13:2 @ And hospitality do not forget; for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels.

dourh@Hebrews:13:16 @ And do not forget to do good, and to impart; for by such sacrifices God's favour is obtained.

dourh@James:1:15 @ Then when concupiscence hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin. But sin, when it is completed, begetteth death.

dourh@James:1:25 @ But he that hath looked into the perfect law of liberty, and hath continued therein, not becoming a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work; this man shall be blessed in his deed.

dourh@James:4:11 @ Detract not one another, my brethren. He that detracteth his brother, or he that judgeth his brother, detracteth the law, and judgeth the law. But if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

dourh@1Peter:1:17 @ And if you invoke as Father him who, without respect of persons, judgeth according to every one's work: converse in fear during the time of your sojourning here.

dourh@1Peter:5:13 @ The church that is in Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you: and so doth my son Mark.

dourh@Jude:1:12 @ These are spots in their banquets, feasting together without fear, feeding themselves, clouds without water, which are carried about by winds, trees of the autumn, unfruitful, twice dead, plucked up by the roots,

dourh@2Macc:9:7 @ And Judas saw that his army slipped away, and the battle pressed upon him, and his heart was cast down: because he had not time to gather them together, and he was discouraged.

dourh@2Macc:9:14 @ And Judas perceived that the stronger part of the army of Bacchides was on the right side, and all the stout of heart came together with him:

dourh@2Macc:9:28 @ And all the friends of Judas came together, and said to Jonathan:

dourh@2Macc:9:63 @ And when Bacchides knew it, he gathered together all his multitude: and sent word to them that were of Judea.

dourh@2Macc:10:2 @ And king Demetrius heard of it, and gathered together an exceeding great army, and went forth against him to fight.

dourh@2Macc:10:6 @ And he gave him authority to gather together an army, and to make arms, and that he should be his confederate: and the hostages that were in the castle, he commanded to be delivered to him.

dourh@2Macc:10:8 @ And they were struck with great fear, because they heard that the king had given him authority to gather together an army.

dourh@2Macc:10:21 @ Then Jonathan put on the holy vestment in the seventh month, in the year one hundred and threescore, at the feast day of the tabernacles: and he gathered together an army, and made a great number of arms.

dourh@2Macc:10:48 @ And king Alexander gathered together a great army, and moved his camp near to Demetrius.

dourh@2Macc:10:69 @ And king Demetrius made Apollonius his general, who was governor of Celesyria: and he gathered together a great army, and came to Jamnia: and he sent to Jonathan the high priest,

dourh@2Macc:11:1 @ And the king of Egypt gathered together an army, like the sand that lieth upon the sea shore, and many ships: and he sought to get the kingdom of Alexander by deceit, and join it to his own kingdom.

dourh@2Macc:11:20 @ In those days Jonathan gathered together them that were in Judea, to take the castle that was in Jerusalem: and they made many engines of war against it.

dourh@2Macc:11:38 @ And king Demetrius seeing that the land was quiet before him, and nothing resisted him, sent away all his forces, every man to his own place, except the foreign army, which he had drawn together from the islands of the nations: so all the troops of his fathers hated him.

dourh@2Macc:11:45 @ And they that were of the city assembled themselves together, to the number of a hundred and twenty thousand men, and would have killed the king.

dourh@2Macc:12:10 @ Chose rather to send to you to renew the brotherhood and friendship, lest we should become strangers to you altogether: for there is a long time passed since you sent to us.

dourh@2Macc:12:35 @ And Jonathan came back, and called together the ancients of the people, and he took a resolution with them to build fortresses in Judea,

dourh@2Macc:12:37 @ And they came together to build up the city: for the wall that was upon the brook towards the east was broken down, and he repaired that which is called Caphetetha:

dourh@2Macc:13:1 @ Now Simon heard that Tryphon was gathering together a very great army, to invade the land of Juda, and to destroy it.

dourh@2Macc:13:6 @ I will avenge then my nation and the sanctuary, and our children, and wives: for all the heathens are gathered together to destroy us out of mere malice.

dourh@2Macc:13:10 @ So gathering together all the men of war, he made haste to finish all the walls of Jerusalem, and he fortified it round about.

dourh@2Macc:14:1 @ In the year one hundred and seventy-two, king Demetrius assembled has army, and went into Media to get him succours to fight against Tryphon.

dourh@2Macc:14:7 @ And he gathered together a great number of captives, and had the dominion of Gazara, and of Bethsura, and of the castle: and took away all uncleanness out of it and there was none that resisted him.

dourh@2Macc:14:9 @ The ancient men sat all in the streets, and treated together of the good things of the land, and the young men put on them glory, and the robes of war.

dourh@2Macc:14:30 @ And Jonathan gathered together his nation, and was made their high priest, and he was laid to his people.

dourh@2Macc:14:44 @ And that it should not be lawful for any of the people, or of the priests, to disannul any of these things, or to gainsay his words, or to call together an assembly in the country without him: or to be clothed with purple, or to wear a buckle of gold:

dourh@2Macc:15:12 @ For he perceived that evils were gathered together upon him, and his troops had forsaken him.

dourh@AddDaniel:1:27 @ Gather together our scattered people, deliver them that are slaves to the Gentiles, and look upon them that are despised and abhorred: that the Gentiles may know that thou art our God.

dourh@AddDaniel:2:2 @ And how he gave them the law that they should not forget the commandments of the Lord, and that they should not err in their minds, seeing the idols of gold, and silver, and the ornaments of them.

dourh@AddDaniel:2:7 @ And when Jeremias perceived it, he blamed them, saying: The place shall be unknown, till God gather together the congregation of the people, and receive them to mercy.

dourh@AddDaniel:2:13 @ And these same things were set down in the memoirs and commentaries of Nehemias: and how he made a library, and gathered together out of the countries, the books both of the prophets, and of David, and the epistles of the kings. and concerning the holy gifts.

dourh@AddDaniel:2:14 @ And in like manner Judas also gathered together all such things as were lost by the war we had, and they are in our possession.

dourh@AddDaniel:2:18 @ As he promised in the law, will shortly have mercy upon us, and will gather us together from every land under heaven into the holy place.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:18 @ Others also came hocking together out of their houses, praying and making public supplication, because the place was like to come into contempt.

dourh@AddDaniel:3:19 @ And the women, girded with haircloth about their breasts, came together in the streets. And the virgins also that were shut up, came forth, some to Onias, and some to the walls, and others looked out of the windows.

dourh@AddDaniel:4:39 @ Now when many sacrileges had been committed by Lysimachus in the temple by the counsel of Menelaus, and the rumour of it was spread abroad, the multitude gathered themselves together against Lysimachus, a great quantity of gold being already carried away.

dourh@AddDaniel:5:5 @ Now when there was gone forth a false rumour, as though Antiochus had been dead, Jason taking with him no fewer than a thousand men, suddenly assaulted the city: and though the citizens ran together to the wall, the city at length was taken, and Menelaus fled into the castle.

dourh@AddDaniel:6:11 @ And others that had met together in caves that were near, and were keeping the sabbath day privately, being discovered by Philip, were burnt with fire, because they made a conscience to help themselves with their hands, by reason of the religious observance of the day.

dourh@AddDaniel:7:1 @ To came to pass also, that seven brethren, together with their mother, were apprehended, and compelled by the king to eat swine's flesh against the law, for which end they were tormented with whips and scourges.

dourh@AddDaniel:8:5 @ And when he was now maimed in all parts, he commanded him, being yet alive, to be brought to the Are, and to be fried in the fryingpan: and while he was suffering therein long torments, the rest, together with the mother, exhorted one another to die manfully,

dourh@AddDaniel:9:1 @ But Judas Machabeus, and they that were with him, went privately into the towns: and calling together their kinsmen and friends, and taking unto them such as continued in the Jews' religion, they assembled six thousand men.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:11 @ Wherefore he sent immediately to the cities upon the sea coast, to invite men together to buy up the Jewish slaves, promising that they should have ninety slaves for one talent, not reflecting on the vengeance, which was to follow him from the Almighty.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:16 @ But Machabeus calling together seven thousand that were with him, exhorted them not to be reconciled to the enemies, nor to fear the multitude of the enemies who came wrongfully against them, but to fight manfully:

dourh@AddDaniel:9:27 @ But when they had gathered together their arms and their spoils, they kept the sabbath: blessing the Lord who had delivered them that day, distilling the beginning of mercy upon them.

dourh@AddDaniel:9:31 @ And when they had carefully gathered together their arms, they laid them all up in convenient places, and the residue of their spoils they carried to Jerusalem:

dourh@AddDaniel:10:2 @ For he had entered into the city called Persepolis, and attempted to rob the temple, and to oppress the city: but the multitude running together to arms, put them to flight: and so it fell out that Antiochus being put to flight returned with disgrace.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:17 @ And assaulting them with great force, won the holds, killed them that came in the way, and slew altogether no fewer than twenty thousand.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:24 @ But Timotheus who before had been overcome by the Jews, having called together a multitude of foreign troops, and assembled horsemen out of Asia, came as though he would take Judea by force of arms.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:36 @ Moreover others also getting up after them, went to set Are to the towers and the gates, and to burn the blasphemers alive.

dourh@AddDaniel:11:37 @ And having for two days together pillaged and sacked the fortress, they killed Timotheus, who was found hid in a certain place: they slew also his brother Chereas, and Apollophanes.

dourh@AddDaniel:12:2 @ Gathered together fourscore thousand men, and all the horsemen, and came against the Jews, thinking to take the city, and make it a habitation of the Gentiles:

dourh@AddDaniel:12:7 @ Then Machabeus himself, first taking his arms, exhorted the rest to expose themselves together with him, to the danger, and to succour their brethren.

dourh@AddDaniel:12:8 @ And when they were going forth together with a willing mind, there appeared at Jerusatem a horseman going before them in white clothing, with golden armour, shaking a spear.

dourh@AddDaniel:12:9 @ Then they all together blessed merciful Lord, and took great courage, being ready to break through not only men, but also the fiercest beasts, walls of iron.

dourh@AddDaniel:13:38 @ So Judas having gathered together his army, came into the city Odollam: and when the seventh day came, they purified themselves according to the custom, and kept the sabbath in the place.

dourh@AddDaniel:14:14 @ So when they had all done this together, and had craved mercy of the Lord with weeping and fasting, lying prostrate on the ground for three days continually, Judas exhorted them to make themselves ready.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:21 @ So they appointed a day upon which they might commune together by them- selves: and seats were brought out, and set for each one.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:23 @ And Nicanor abode in Jerusalem, and did no wrong, but sent away the flocks of the multitudes that had been gathered together.

dourh@AddDaniel:15:30 @ But when Machabeus perceived that Nicanor was more stern to him, and that when they met together as usual he behaved himself in a rough manner: and was sensible that this rough behaviour came not of good, he gathered together a few of his men, and hid himself from Nicanor.

dourh@AddDaniel:16:30 @ And Judas, who was altogether ready, in body and mind, to die for his countrymen, commanded that Nicanor's head, and his hand with the shoulder should be cut off, and carried to Jerusalem.

dourh@AddDaniel:16:31 @ And when he was come thither, having called together his countrymen, and the priests to the altar, he sent also for them that were in the castle,

dourh@EpJeremiah:1:3 @ But every day gave all he could get to his brethren his fellow captives, that were of his kindred.

dourh@EpJeremiah:2:19 @ Now Anna his wife went daily to weaving work, and she brought home what she could get for their living by the labour of her hands.

dourh@EpJeremiah:5:2 @ But how I shall get this money, I cannot tell; he knoweth me not, and I know not him: what token shall I give him? nor did I ever know the way which leadeth thither.

dourh@EpJeremiah:5:22 @ Then all things being ready, that were to be carried in their journey, Tobias bade his father and his mother farewell, and they set out both together.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:15 @ And taking the right hand of his daughter, he gave it into the right hand of Tobias, saying: The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob be with you, and may he join you together, and fulfil his blessing in you.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:5 @ For we are the children of saints, and we must not be joined together like heathens that know not God.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:6 @ So they both arose, and prayed earnestly both together that health might be given them,

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:10 @ Sara also said: Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, and let us grow old both together in health.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:11 @ And it came to pass about the cockcrowing, Raguel ordered his servants to be called for, and they went with him together to dig a grave.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:15 @ So she sent one of her maidservants, who went into the chamber, and found them safe and sound, sleeping both together.

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:3 @ And he began to be exceeding sad, both he and Anna his wife with him: and they began both to weep together: because their son did not return to them on the day appointed.

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:5 @ We having all things together in thee alone, ought not to have let thee go from us.

dourh@EpJeremiah:11:3 @ If it please thee therefore, let us go before, and let the family follow softly after us, together with thy wife, and with the beasts.

dourh@EpJeremiah:11:12 @ And when they had adored God, and given him thanks, they sat down together.

dourh@EpJeremiah:12:9 @ For alms delivereth from death, and the same is that which purgeth away sins, and maketh to find mercy and life everlasting.

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:17 @ But thou shalt rejoice in thy children, because they shall all be blessed, and shall be gathered together to the Lord.

dourh@1Esd:2:12 @ Let us therefore lie in wait for the just, because he is not for our turn, and he is contrary to our doings, and upbraideth us with transgressions of the law, and divulgeth against us the sins of our way of life.

dourh@1Esd:5:12 @ Or as when an arrow is shot at a mark, the divided air presently cometh together again, so that the passage thereof is not known:

dourh@1Esd:5:23 @ And thick hail shall be cast upon them from the stone casting wrath: the water of the sea shall rage against them, and the rivers shall run together in a terrible manner.

dourh@1Esd:6:20 @ And incorruption bringeth near to God.

dourh@1Esd:6:21 @ Therefore the desire of wisdom bringeth to the everlasting kingdom.

dourh@1Esd:7:11 @ Now all good things came to me together with her, and innumerable riches through her hands,

dourh@1Esd:8:8 @ And if a man desire much knowledge: she knoweth things past, and judgeth of things to come: she knoweth the subtilties of speeches, and the solutions of arguments: she knoweth signs and wonders before they be done, and the events of times and ages.

dourh@1Esd:10:5 @ Moreover when the nations had conspired together to consent to wickedness, she knew the just, and preserved him without blame to God, and kept him strong against the compassion for his son.

dourh@1Esd:13:19 @ And for a good journey he petitioneth him that cannot walk: and for getting, and for working, and for the event of all things he asketh him that is unable to do any thing.

dourh@1Esd:14:10 @ For that which is made, together with him that made it, shall suffer torments.

dourh@1Esd:14:25 @ And all things are mingled together, blood, murder, theft and dissimulation, corruption and unfaithfulness, tumults and perjury, disquieting of the good,

dourh@1Esd:14:26 @ Forgetfulness of God, defiling of souls, changing of nature, disorder in marriage, and the irregularity of adultery and uncleaness.

dourh@1Esd:15:12 @ Yea and they have counted our life a pastime, and the business of life to be gain, and that we must be getting every way, even out of evil.

dourh@1Esd:16:11 @ For they were examined for the remembrance of thy words, and were quickly healed, lest falling into deep forgetfulness, they might not be able to use thy help.

dourh@1Esd:16:23 @ But this same again, that the just might be nourished, did even forget its own strength.

dourh@1Esd:17:3 @ And while they thought to lie hid in their obscure sins, they were scattered under a dark veil of forgetfulness, being horribly afraid and troubled with exceeding great astonishment.

dourh@1Esd:17:12 @ And while there is less expectation from within, the greater doth it count the ignorance of that cause which bringeth the torment.

dourh@1Esd:17:17 @ For they were all bound together with one chain of darkness. Whether it were a whistling wind, or the melodious voice of birds, among the spreading branches of trees, or a fall of water running down with violence,

dourh@1Esd:17:18 @ Or the mighty noise of stones tumbling down, or the running that could not be seen of beasts playing together, or the roaring voice of wild beasts, or a rebounding echo from the highest mountains: these things made them to swoon for fear.

dourh@1Esd:18:5 @ And whereas they thought to kill the babes of the just, one child being cast forth, and saved, to reprove them, thou tookest away a multitude of their children, and destroyedst them all together in a mighty water.