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bwe@Romans:6:3 @ All of us have been baptised in water. This means we are joined to Christ Jesus. We were baptised into his death. Do you know that?

bwe@Romans:6:4 @ We were buried when he was buried because we were baptised into his death. Christ was raised from death by the wonderful power of the Father. So we also must live a new life.

bwe@Romans:10:6 @ But the holy writings also speak about those who are put right by believing: Do not say in your heart, "Who will go up into heaven?" (That means, Who will go up to heaven to bring Christ down?)

bwe@Romans:10:7 @ Do not say, "Who will go down into the hole that has no bottom?" (That means, Who will go down to bring Christ up from the dead people?)

bwe@Romans:13:14 @ But you must take the Lord Jesus Christ into your hearts. And do not plan to do the wrong things your bodies want to do.

bwe@Romans:14:1 @ Be ready to take a person into the church even if he does not know and believe all you believe. Do not judge what he thinks about things.

bwe@1Corinthians:1:10 @ My Christian brothers, I beg you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, agree in what you say. Do not divide into groups. You should all think in the same way and decide to do the same things.

bwe@1Corinthians:4:5 @ So do not judge me before it is time. Wait until the Lord comes. The things which have been kept hidden in the dark he will bring out into the light. He will show what is in peoples hearts. At that time God will tell each man how good his work is.

bwe@1Corinthians:10:2 @ It was as if they were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.

bwe@1Corinthians:11:18 @ First, I hear that in the church meeting you divide yourselves into groups. I think this may be true.

bwe@1Corinthians:11:28 @ Each one must look into his own heart carefully. When he has done that, he may eat the bread and drink from the cup.

bwe@1Corinthians:11:31 @ But if we took time to look into our hearts first, then we would not be punished.

bwe@1Corinthians:12:24 @ He did this so that the body would not be divided into groups, but all the parts would help each other. 26)If one part has trouble, then all the other parts are troubled too. If one part is praised, then all the other parts are glad with it.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:3 @ When we have moved into it, then we are sure that we will never be left without a house.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:4 @ While we are in this house, we cry and are troubled. It is not that we want to move out of this house, but we want to move into the other one. Then this body which will die will be changed into one which will live.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:15 @ The holy writings say, The person who had plenty did not have too much. And the person who did not have much, had enough. care for you into the heart of Titus that I have.

bwe@2Corinthians:12:2 @ I know a Christian man. Fourteen years ago he was taken up into the place where God lives. I do not know if he was in his body when he went or not. God knows if he was.

bwe@2Corinthians:12:3 @ I do know this. He was taken up into the place where God lives. And again I say, I do not know if he was in his body or not. God knows if he was.

bwe@Galatians:1:17 @ I did not go to Jerusalem to the men who were apostles before I was. But I went away into the country of Arabia. Then afterwards, I came back to the city of Damascus.

bwe@Galatians:3:27 @ All of you who have been baptised into Christ have taken Christ as your own.

bwe@Galatians:4:6 @ Because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts. The Spirit calls out, Father!

bwe@Ephesians:2:14 @ Christ has made peace between us. He has brought both Jews and non-Jews together into one people. He has broken down the wall that divided us.

bwe@Colossians:1:13 @ He has set us free from the kingdom where it is dark. And he has put us into the kingdom where his dear Son rules.

bwe@1Timothy:1:15 @ These are true words and everyone should believe them. Christ Jesus came into the world to save bad people. And I am the worst of all.

bwe@1Timothy:3:7 @ People who are not church people must also speak well of a church leader, so that he will not fall into the devils trap.

bwe@1Timothy:3:16 @ Gods plan is very great as we all know. Here it is: we saw God as a man; Gods Spirit proved he was right; angels saw him; the nations were told about him; people of the world believed in him; God took him up into heaven.

bwe@1Timothy:6:7 @ When we were born, we brought nothing into this world, and when we die, we can take nothing out of the world.

bwe@2Timothy:3:6 @ They are the kind who go quietly into peoples houses. There they get foolish women to believe them. These women know that they have done many wrong things. And they want to do many kinds of wrong things.

bwe@2Timothy:4:18 @ The Lord will save me from every wrong thing. He will bring me safely into the kingdom of heaven. Praise him for ever and ever. Yes, he will!

bwe@Titus:2:14 @ Christ gave himself for us so that he might make us free from all that is wrong. He gave himself to make us into clean people who belong to him and want to do good.

bwe@Hebrews:1:6 @ When God brings his first-born Son into the world, he says, All of Gods angels must worship him.

bwe@Hebrews:3:11 @ I said when I was angry, "They will never go into my resting place."

bwe@Hebrews:3:18 @ Who were the people God said would never go into his resting place? They were the people who would not listen to him.

bwe@Hebrews:4:1 @ We still have Gods promise that people will go into his resting place. So let us take care that not one of you will be kept out.

bwe@Hebrews:4:3 @ But we who believe, will go into that resting place of God. It is as God said, When I was angry, I said, "They will never go into my resting place." He said this even though his work had been finished ever since he had made the world.

bwe@Hebrews:4:5 @ And now here he says again, They will never go into my resting place.

bwe@Hebrews:4:10 @ The person who goes into Gods resting place will rest after doing his work, just as God rested after doing his work.

bwe@Hebrews:4:11 @ So let us do our best to go into that resting place. Those people died in the wilderness because they did not believe. So let us take care that the same thing does not happen to one of us.

bwe@Hebrews:4:14 @ We have a great high priest who has gone into heaven. He is Jesus, the Son of God. Because we have such a great high priest, let us hold on to the things we believe.

bwe@Hebrews:6:19 @ This promise gives our hearts something to hold on to. It keeps our hearts strong and steady. It will take us into the Holy Place right inside Gods house.

bwe@Hebrews:7:2 @ Abraham divided all that he took away from the kings into ten parts. He gave Melchizedek one part. First, the name Melchizedek means the king who is true and right with God. Then he was king of Salem. That means king of peace.

bwe@Hebrews:9:6 @ These things were made ready. The priests always went into the first part of the house to do their work for God.

bwe@Hebrews:9:7 @ But only the high priest went into the second part. And he went in only once a year. He never went in without taking blood with him. He gave the blood to God for the wrong things he had done and for the wrong things people had done.

bwe@Hebrews:9:8 @ This is how the Holy Spirit showed that the way into the Most Holy Place was not yet open to everybody. It was not open as long as the first house was still standing.

bwe@Hebrews:9:12 @ He did not take the blood of goats and young cows. He took his own blood. And he went into the Most Holy Place just once. He paid for our sins and made us free for ever.

bwe@Hebrews:9:24 @ Christ did not go into a holy place made by mens hands. The holy places on earth only show in a little way what the true holy place in heaven is like. He went into heaven itself. Now he stands before God for our sake.

bwe@Hebrews:9:25 @ Christ did not have to offer himself as a sacrifice many times. He is not like the high priest who went into the Holy Place every year and took blood that was not his own blood.

bwe@Hebrews:10:5 @ That is why Christ said when he came into the world, You did not want sacrifices and gifts. But you made a body for me.

bwe@Hebrews:10:19 @ So, my brothers, we can go into the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus.

bwe@Hebrews:11:5 @ Because Enoch believed God, he was taken up into heaven without dying. The people could not find him because God had taken him. Before he was taken up, the holy writings say that he pleased God.

bwe@Hebrews:11:31 @ Rahab was a woman who used her body wrongly for sex to get money. But she believed in God, so she did not die with the people who did not believe in God. This was when the men came to spy out her country. She took them into her house in peace.

bwe@Hebrews:11:36 @ Others were laughed at and beaten very hard. They were even tied with chains and put into prison.

bwe@Hebrews:12:6 @ The Lord punishes the person he loves. And he beats every son he takes into his family.

bwe@Hebrews:13:11 @ The high priest takes into the Most Holy Place the blood of animals that are sacrificed. He gives it to God to pay for the wrong things people have done. The bodies of these animals are burned outside the town.

bwe@James:1:25 @ But there is a law that is all right. It sets people free from their old ways. Anyone who looks into that law and remembers it, is happy because he obeys the law. He does not just listen to the law and forget it, but he obeys what the law says.

bwe@James:2:25 @ Rahab was a bad woman. But in the same way God called her a good woman because of something she did. She took the men into her house and then let them go out another way.

bwe@James:4:9 @ Be sad about this, and cry. Turn your laughing into crying. Stop being happy. Be sad.

bwe@1Peter:2:5 @ You also are like living stones. You are being built into a temple, a holy place for God. You are to be holy priests there. You are to give sacrifices to God from your heart. God will accept them because of Jesus Christ.

bwe@1Peter:2:8 @ And to them he is also, a stone on which people will hit their feet, and a rock that will make them fall down. They hit their feet on it, because they do not obey the word. It was planned that this would happen to them! But you are a chosen people. You are priests to your king. You are a holy nation. You are Gods very own people. All this is so that you will tell how good he is. He called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

bwe@1Peter:3:22 @ He has gone up into heaven. He is now at the right side of God. Angels, rulers, and governments obey him.

bwe@1Peter:4:3 @ In the time past you did the same things as people who do not believe God. Let that be enough. You did things you should be ashamed of. You did what you wanted to do. You got drunk. You got into fights. You took part in noisy feasting with dancing. You did wrong by worshipping idols.

bwe@1Peter:4:9 @ Be glad to take other Christians into your house and care for them. And do not grumble about it.

bwe@1Peter:5:6 @ You are under Gods power. Do not be proud, so that at the right time he may put you into a higher place.

bwe@2Peter:1:11 @ That will make it easy for you to go into the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. His kingdom will be for ever.

bwe@2Peter:2:4 @ God punished the angels who did wrong. He put them into the darkest part of hell. They must be kept there until the time when they will be judged.

bwe@1John:4:1 @ My dear brothers, do not trust every spirit. But test the spirits to see if they belong to God. There are many prophets who are not true who have gone out into the world.

bwe@1John:4:9 @ This is how God showed his love for us. He sent his only Son into the world to give us life.

bwe@2John:1:7 @ Many men who fool people have gone out into the world. They believe that Jesus Christ did not come to live as a man with a body. These men belong to the one who fools people. He is against Christ.

bwe@2John:1:10 @ If anyone comes to you who does not teach what Christ taught, do not take him into your house. Do not even greet him.

bwe@3John:1:8 @ So if I come, I will show what he is doing. He is saying wrong things about us. And that is not all. He does not take our brothers into his own home. And he stops other people who want to take them in. He will not let them be church members any longer.

bwe@Jude:1:19 @ These are the men who make people go into different groups in the church meetings. They have only a mans heart. They do not have the Holy Spirit.